The real sport of the day yesterday was played by the media. It was an endurance contest, a triathlon of sorts. The first component was to shit in one’s pants. They measured the weight of the shit by milligrams (since standard is a racist, sexist system in some obscure way I’m not about to look up). The second phase was running around with one’s hair on fire, with total distance (in a direct line using decimeters) reached to the left of one’s starting point measured, with bonus points given for each minute one cried in fear yesterday. The third metric was to count how many retweets and likes the journalist received from their most virtue-signaling tweet of the day. The total of the three were added together to get the final score

And the winner, ladies and gentlemen, was Jake Tapper.  Jake Tapper wins!  Congratulations, Jake. You’ve done your side proud.

I’d also like to thank The Hill and WaPo for doing so well in the rear race division. You guys did a hell of a lot more yesterday to reinforce the level of credibility you have in America than you’ll ever realize.  Kudos.

In other sports action, here’s what went down: The Yankees won, the Nationals won, the Red Sox won, The BIG RED MACHINE beat the Cubs, The Indians beat the Twins, The Dodgers won, The Mariners beat the Orioles, The Rockies lost, and the Astros won (and actually put some runs on the board!)  Liverpool won the away leg of their UCL play-in tie. And Zeke Elliott officially appealed his inexplicable six-game suspension.  They’re playing tennis, but the real action starts in a couple weeks. Dog days indeed, my friends.

Well that’s about all for the fun and games. Now let’s get down to business with…the links!

Man tells it like it is. Virtue signaling spirals out of control. I swear, the inability or refusal by the media and establishment politicians to acknowledge that there was violence from two groups is alarming.  As is the refusal by either to touch on the myriad acts of violence, intimidation and destruction of property by antifa groups over the past several years.

Walter Block: good guy for many reasons

Its not just Palin anymore. Walter Block’s lawsuit against the New York Times for defamation may continue.  Good!

Hey man, nice shot.

The Texas bathroom bill died once again as the legislative session abruptly ended.

A hotel in Switzerland has got some ‘splainin to do.

Alleged Pervert

But how does he…where would…what kind of…who the hell could even…aw fuck it. Just read the story.

If only people took this advice more often, they’d be a lot happier.

That’s the end of the links. Go out there and seize the day!