It’s good to be back here in… wherever we are. Still no time to find good pics. You have the internets.
You know who else has a history of Fascism and cars running over pedestrians? And now Wolf Blitzer, former foreign correspondent asks if this is a Charlottesville copycat. Uh, Wolf, they have a robust set of… cultural disgreements… in Spain, too. Stop jerking off to people getting run over.
I think I’ll just go on FB one more time to drop this truly excellent rant. I would but the scum on FB would make my wife’s life hard and I love her for putting up with my unreconstructed apathy towards socializing and the niceties of society.
Add Woody Guthrie to the list of people who need to be sanitized. However, I don’t support the part at the end where a song about a racist act, written by a racist, has any bearing on the truth or falsity of the accusation.
“Roadmap to Renewable Energy Full of Potholes of Magical Thinking” — Why not just use nuclear to transition?
And a little something for the way I feel today.
Placing bets on when Woko Haram gets banned by Twitter again. I say he lasts another week.
The fact that he constantly gets banned and has to make new accounts is the most obvious indicator that Twitter wants a prog echo chamber, because all he really does is make fun of idiots on both sides.
Ha, first, suck it Rufus.
You’re so rude.
You’ll always be first in my book, Rufus
The Big Book of People Who Aren’t First is the working title, though
That’s the thing. He even seems to lean liberal in his own politics, or at least centrist. But he doesn’t toe the party line, so…
And sometimes he’s more libertarian than the LP.
These days, that’s not difficult.
You say that like it’s some kind of achievement.
I oppose war with Iran. Hey, I’m more ‘libertarian’ than half the CATO Institute
CATO’s recent trend really makes their use of the name Cato to be a complete embarrassment.
When the President of our supposed “libertarian think tank” writes an opinion piece that says gun rights really are not that important and are just something that can be traded off in return for smaller government, your think tank might not be what it claims to be.
As if that bargain would be honored indefinitely too. Ok, we’ll take your guns now. And come for your money later.
This is something that has really begun to grate on me… these “fake libertarians” getting very well paid to be useful idiots to the left.
They should end every article with a demand to wipe Tunis off the map instead?
No, if they were as serene about how much they don’t like Trump as they claim I’d expect a lot more pulled out guts.
*Sincere goddammit. They’re policy hacks, not Buddhists or Doge of Venice.
I think all of the major social media platforms want prog echo chambers.
If Zuckerberg runs for office, you don’t think FB won’t try to silence opposition?
That dude has made 12 comments in the last 15 minutes. What kind of sociopath has that much time to dedicate to a platform like twitter?
The first tweet on the that account is about the Trump March and the Juggalo March both occurring the same weekend in Washington next month. Jesus H. Christ I need to get out of this place.
I have a bet on the Juggalos outnumbering either of the other groups.
Juggalos are not what they used to be. And I have a feeling the Trump march is going to be YUUUGGGE. Also, how many people will attend both? There might be a symbiotic relationship between the two marches.
Making Faygo Great Again! Whoop! Whoop!
Reach out and invite him to swing by.
Hrmm… Is GW trying to raise Nurgle’s profile relative to the other Chaos gods?
The Mark of Nurgle is a fidget spinner.
You don’t really want to be touching that…
These euphemisms.
No, that’s Slaanesh
No, You Are Not a Good Person
Nailed me in the first sentence.
It’s funny. I like this:
I might share that with a few of my proggies…
Who in his/her right mind wants to nail Florida Man?
Speaking of nailing a man. This is one hard-hearted sumbitch.
Just cut it off with the sawzall and continue.
Florida woman.
oh wait, you said right mind. dunno then.
Women uh… women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I, uh… I do not avoid women, Ted.
Chips got it.
Why not just use nuclear to transition?
Because it makes my feelz uncomfortable.
If we nuked half the population, it might just work!
I’ve played that game.
I tend to say something vaguely similar whenever hipster-types go full retard about Monsanto and GMO foods in general. I are ask them are they willing to volunteer to be one of the three billion people who are going to starve to death without modern food technology? If not, they are true evil, and they can STFU.
I think ‘civil rights LARP’ needs to be updated to ‘Weimar LARP’ now.
This is Pirate Truther worthy
They have gone by many names
They were called The Aryan Nation in Idaho in the mid-70s. and had been entrenched with the Posse Comantaes (sp?) for many years, probably decades. The John Birchers were the same people, again, under a different title. But by the time of the big Chicago/Skokie march, they had more or less reclaimed their name. Prison recruitment is very high, as you might imagine
blockquote fail
These people are delusional.
I think they really, really, really want there to be Nazis, as much as White Nationalists really, really, really want to blame their lousy lives on minorities/immigrants/whomever.
As Eric Hoffer wrote (and thanks to the multiple people who recommended “The True Believer”):
“Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil.”
Hoffer (and specifically The True Believer) is the best read for the current times.
The Passionate State of Mind is also well worth reading.
I read it only a year ago, but I think its time to read it again.
They saved the world from Nazism.
Well, they helped. Germany’s own-goals played a small part, too.
The commies, too. Probably the first time I’ve seen a commie not give commies credit for something.
It was only 80% of Wehrmacht losses. Hardly anything. Italian, Finnish, Hungarian etc. losses are often omitted altogether.
Wikipedia has a pretty neat graph.
God damn, that’s a telling chart in more than one way. The Soviets really just threw troops into that maelstrom, didn’t they?
Dads and uncles? This person must be pretty damn old. I’m fairly young i guess but still, even my grandfather was too young to fight in WW2
There are very few WWII vets under the age of 90. Maybe a handful who served as 17 year olds in 1945, that’s it.
If they were 17 in 1945, they were born in 1928.
If they were born in 1928, they’d be 90-91 today.
Unless they were born in 1927 after August. IN YOUR FACE!
My Granpa, 17 yrs old at Pearl Harbor, I’m 54, you do the math, still alive and kicking
Both of my Grandfathers served in WW2. Of course I’m 50…
Right, that’s my point. Your grandfathers, not your dad or uncles.
Duh. Reading fail.
My grandfathers did, my uncle-in-law on the other hand fought in WWI. (My mother in law and her brother had a large gap in age)
Depends who wrote the article. I mean, if it had been John McCain….
That’s a fair point. It just sounds more like it was written by a millennial, but who knows
Fuck you for making me feel ancient. My grandfather was too OLD to fight in WW2. He was in the Jewish Legion, fighting for the British against the Ottomans in 1917.
He’s not making you feel old. It’s your age that’s making you feel old.
Well, fuck.
My Dad is a WW2 vet. He’s 93. His brother and my mother’s brothers were all WW2 vets.
I’m 55. 55 ain’t young, but I wouldn’t say it’s “pretty damn old.”
You whippersnappers! My father served in Army during WW II. He was full of piss and vinegar to avenge the death of his best friend who fell on D-Day, but was lucky enough to get selected for a free college education to make atom bombs. I was born a few miles from the plutonium plant where he worked. Seriously.
Ha, my dad worked on plutonium, but is younger than yours by a bit. I bet our dads know (of) each other. luckily I’m an only child, so I know we’re not related, because that would be weird.
Well, most of the death marches continued, given that the USSR was still around. But they were the right kind of Death Marches.
The Reich was over, but totalitarianism was alive and well. But it was the right kind of Totalitarianism.
YOUR dads and uncles came home, knowing victory was forever. In the same way their sons and nephews know their victory is inevitable.
OUR dads and uncles came home, with homes destroyed, economies in hock, families torn asunder and communities destroyed. Knowing within years that the final chapters of the story were many generations away, and that no, we were not at the end of history.
In parting, as a European, I have to ask why some Amercians are so righteous that they congratulate themselves for turning up to a war 3 years after it broke out.
My grandfather, after years of occupation, gets drafted and sent off to shoot Indonesians for a couple years.
For the question, because it’s both the last war the U.S. fought that had an ‘obvious bad guy’, and is also the conflict that basically threw their society into world superpower status.
“In parting, as a European, I have to ask why some Amercians are so righteous that they congratulate themselves for turning up to a war 3 years after it broke out.”
Which was true of both World Wars, by the way.
Well, for three years the US largely considered Hitler to be a European problem. Our focus was on the Pacific more than the European theater.
I think there are a few reasons Americans are proud of our involvement (well, you know, our ancestors’ involvement) in WWII. First, it involved the civilian populace to a much higher degree than WWI, so everyone in that generation was directly impacted in some fashion.
Second, Normandy. There was a large American commitment of troops and equipment, it was a dramatic series of engagements, and it was the beginning of the end of the war in Europe. It broke the Fortress Europe strategy.
Third, it proved that the American military could go toe-to-toe with a major European power and win in a way that WWI didn’t.
And then everything JT says below.
CNN has officially lost their shit on this one. Trump is gonna use it as Exhibit A to show their biases and discredit them to about half of the pupulation that still thought they had even a semblance of objectivity.
What’s next? They gonna call the 9/11 hijackers McVeigh copycats that got antsy and decided to just hijack planes on their way to a UHaul rental store?
Finding Dory was a warning, not an instruction manual!
I almost regret dropping Facebook now, because I want to frame that and send it to everyone.
Abortions are about racist white women’s rights
Please let this be the next installment of “The left eating its own.”
Can you imagine the wokepocalypse that would ensue if black feminists demanded overturning Roe v Wade?
As Tom “I’d have half the Pentagon staff shot” Kratman pointed out, widespread availability of abortion for blacks over decades has basically cost the Democrats millions of new voters.
At some point, leftist minorities are going to catch on to the fact that white female leftists are the most privileged class of people on earth. When that happens, the resulting trainwreck is going to be epic.
oh, it’s started in feminism. It’ll spread out from there. Which has always amused me about intersectionality, especially as it comes to white feminists– because any reasonably intelligent outside observer can tell white girls are end up near the bottom of the progressive stack and yet they all still merrily rush headlong into oblivion. I think it explains a lot of the explosion in gender-confusion and mental illness in various forms as a disability, to give certain white girls some oppression cred, when otherwise they’d be forced to the bottom. But regardless, with the ever-increasing emphasis on race/ethnicity among the left, it’s inevitable that they’ll resort to more and more ‘allyship’ just to pretend they’re relevant and important.
I hope they talk about gun control the same way.
Considering Margaret Sanger was very clear in the racial goals of PP, it would be somewhat consistent…
Busing ended in Louisville because black families kept suing over it. And winning.
Why I hate the media part 234209483: “A van drove into a crowd in Barcelona”
Oh, so it was one of those new-fangled self-driving vans??
Maybe it was a bad break up?
Yeah, is that the beginning of the end for that fucking putz? When the gold-diggers bail…
Eh. That’s just one. There will be many more lining up behind her, as it were.
*rises to begin thunderous ovation*
Rumor is that the van was driven by a statue of Robert E. Lee.
Maybe a cop was behind the wheel?
Barcelona: I’m gonna guess the driver was not from Charlottesville and really didn’t know Robert E. Lee.
The van driver was a Confederate statue
Obviously it was possessed by JEB Stuart.
(I thought I was the only person who remembered that existed)
Awesome reference. Loved that comic. And Sgt. Rock
Sgt. Rock
I used to love that comic
My grandfather fought in a couple of Stuarts with the 1AD’s light armor regiment through North Africa and Italy.
I wish I had asked more about it, but he died when I was 10. I’m not sure if he was at Kasserine. I think he was at Anzio.
As for the van attack, not even Zinede Zidane’s crew plowed through Barca that easily.
/stern narrows gaze.
He gave head-butts, not cat-butts.
Hala Madrid.
(not a fan of Madrid, just hate Barca, for reasons I’m sure sloopy knows why)
Fuck Cristiano Ronaldo and his offside ass.
What, too soon?
Nah – too soccer
My observation: the InfoWars “Performance Art” Presidency is upon us. I love it.
From the previous conversation, this is what the LP chairman said to Julie Borowski. Not really insulting, just dumb conversation about Taylor Swift. I really think this guy is forcing more people to leave the party than join, though.
Too cute by half. Would have gotten a narrowed gaze at most here.
Yeah. It’s a good thing, too. Nobody puts Julie in a corner
Okay, he’s not really calling her out over libertarianism. He still seems to be picking fights over stupid ass shit as the chair of the LP. should some of the more right-libertarians be called out? maybe. not by the LP chair, and not over non racist things.
Oh, he’s a piece of garbage. No disagreement there. And he started an unprovoked fight with Tom Woods for no reason. I’m just saying in this instance he didn’t really say anything that bad. He’s still a disgrace, though.
*secret Just Say’n handshake*
Oh yeah? Well, I never claimed to be a good person. Just better than you.
I’m looking forward to the president jumping the gun condemning Islamic terrorism before all the facts are in (in contrast to what occurred after VA) and then the icing on the cake will be when journalists start commenting on how this is an isolated incident and how we shouldn’t jump the gun about the threat of Islamic terrorism, after they just spent the past six days hyping up the threat posed by two hundred wannabe Nazis.
These assholes deserve each other
Didn’t ISIS already claim responsibility?
Yes. And now I’m looking forward to phase two: journalists start commenting on how this is an isolated incident and how we shouldn’t jump the gun about the threat of Islamic terrorism, after they just spent the past six days hyping up the threat posed by two hundred wannabe Nazis.
Then half of your equation can’t happen. No need to jump on Trump.*
We’ll all get out chance to when he pardons Arpaio.
I think its fair to point out that the president claimed this to be Islamic terrorism before it was announced, in contrast to his initial thoughts on VA. I am not a person who suffers from TDS and I’m willing to accept his flub as due to his defensiveness, but it was a flub nonetheless.
Given that there’s been a pattern of vehicular attacks by Islamic terrorists in Europe, whereas there has fortunately not been a rash of Nazis doing the same here in the U.S., I don’t find this comparison very telling.
jump on Trump
I remember when Dr. Seuss wrote that book.
Yes, that’s what Sky and Fox have reported.
Didn’t ISIS already claim responsibility?
I’d laugh my ass off if they accidentally claimed responsibility for Charlottesville.
Especially since their ideological DNA probably includes a few actual Nazis – the Jew-hatred shared by both Islamists and the Nazis led to some . . . interesting crossover back in the day.
“Motive may never be known”
“Why not just use nuclear to transition?”
1) Requires government subsides the way things are currently organized.
2) Gender reassignment using radiation only works on frogs.
Apropos of nothing (except to show how awesome my Ma was): my Ma used to call my pug “Fronk-lin-steen” because he looks like Marty Feldman. And his name is Franklin.
Did she say “Damn your eyes” to you him as well?
What hump?
Life finds a way.
Who is this referring to?
Harper Lee?
Vice writer calls for blowing up Mount Rushmore.
The Team America base? Good luck!
Oh come on, it only take one exploding Michael Moore…
Just give him one tiny thin mint….
“Eees Waffer thin!” (jumps behind table).
“Far-right sites like the Daily Caller have been running with the theme”
My Overton window is broken。
In the future, everyone will be a Nazi for 15 minutes.
Think positive. It’ll stimulate the economy!
The economy has a weird fetish.
That was not unseen, what you did there.
“The economy was not unresponsive.”
“How can we social signal to millennials?”
(reads Trump’s tweet)
“Let’s blow up Mount Rushmore!”
I propose an alternative: We change the name back to the Indian one, just because it’s cooler (The Six Grandfathers) and add two more heads.
I say Coolidge and Trump for the lols.
You could probably get nearly half the country to fund putting Trump on Rushmore just to piss off the other side.
I used to think they dull, grey soul-sucking ugliness of commie countries was the result of their economic system. Now I see it is by design.
Of course – absolutely by design – but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t also economic.
That piece is actually not stupid
*mostly. It has plenty of stupid moments. Its vice.
It does contain a piece of pure evil which taints the entire thing, IMO:
Let’s take with us the righteous ideas and beliefs and leave everything else on the pyre.
Year Zero in a nutshell. And of course, it begs the question of who decides what’s righteous and what gets consigned to the flames.
One of my uncles died of brain cancer back in 2004. It wasn’t news.
So why is this story news?
Was your uncle a hero?
He was drafted and served against his will in Korea.
Needz moar crashed airplanes.
Your uncle obviously wasn’t a HERO ™.
dammit, knew I shouldn’t have taken the time to add that trademark
Sue Tundra for infringement!!!!
First use, dude.
Not if he is registered…
*mulls over what kind of contingency fee would be at stake*
You, uh, got many assets there, Tundra?
WOuldn’t it get challenged on the commonness of the term? I believe we could cite many instances going back many years and on many sites where the term ‘hero’ was used to denigrate the King’s Men.
Give it up ambulance chaser. This is a non-starter.
Generic trademark, no protection.
Ah but that’s where you are wrong. Swiss will sue you in an Illinois court…look up the litigation history of our court system.
You are a bad person in the UK if you honestly point out a problem:
British lawmaker forced to resign after denouncing ‘British Pakistani men raping white girls’
…and no lessons were learned from Rotherham, apparently.
Or Macho Grande.
Surely, you’re joking?
Don’t call me Shirley, Froe-drick
You have to get pretty low to land.
See the reaction to Trump pointing out leftists are violent to understand we are just marginally better.
She’s obviously a racist, picking on Pakistani culture like that. It’s all about multiculturalism you know. STEVE SMITH MOVE TO BRITAIN LIKE RAPE WHITE GIRLS TOO LIKE RAPE EVERYONE NO DISCRIMINATE.
How does STEVE SMITH get around a burqa?
I thought his thought process was extremely box-oriented.
I don’t understand resigning. If anything why not just become the #1 asshole.
That would be terribly unsporting, old boy. That’s why.
Embarrassing to The Crown.
Fox Does Journalism is why.
She resigned from a post in Shadow Cabinet. This is where opposition pretends to be a government and appoints an MP to target each government minister, to more effectively poke holes in their areas of responsibility. It demonstrates who is in favor and who isn’t, and extra party resources are given to Shadow Cabinet members. Note that being in SC does not guarantee a ministership if your party wins the election, but, having exposure and knowledge of portfolio does help.
If she decided to dig in, Corbyn would just have fired her, and signal would be that she is Not A Team Player, which would have Consequences. This way, she goes quietly to back bench and everyone agrees to end it there.
Note that she’s MP for Rotherham, in fact. But she was talking about a different rape gang.
Holy shit – the MP for the borough that was packed by Labor with Pakistanis specifically to make it a lock for Labor in the elections, and where the local police knew to keep hands-off the Pakistani community? And she criticized them?
Probably not gonna be in Parliament for long.
What, they’ll vote Tory? Or Libdem (barely could keep a straight face typing that)?
“Have you ever wondered, perhaps, why opinions which the majority of people quite naturally hold are, if anyone dares express them publicly, denounced as “controversial”, “extremist”, “explosive”, “disgraceful”, and overwhelmed with a violence and venom quite unknown to debate on mere political issues? It is because the whole power of the aggressor depends upon preventing people from seeing what is happening and from saying what they see.”
~Enoch Powell, 1970
A can-do attitude is why I use Verizon
That’s twice in two weeks!
Yay armed self-defense!
At this rate the Po-po will never be able to catch up to us regular folk in stopping criminals. Especially since they keep going negative and shooting good people.
Well thank goodness this man had the government’s permission to defend his own life.
–{And now Wolf Blitzer, former foreign correspondent asks if this is a Charlottesville copycat}–
So they might be a copycat of Charlottesville but no mention of the half dozen or so explicit attacks of just that type in England and France over the last year?
Hell at this point it is not even clear that you can properly call Charlottesville an attack
Hey CNN, it might’ve been Malaysian Airlines flight 370. You never know.
I’m going with black hole.
Don Lemon, putting the yellow back in journalism.
Lost for words, you being in Japan an’ all …
The journalists here also have a slant.
Oh no he didn’t!
Jesus Christ
Oh YES he DID.
No, it’s not clear there was an attack. All we have is a video of the guy driving his car into a crowd. That video says nothing about the driver’s state of mind, his intent or the circumstances that lead to him doing it. I am not saying he is innocent. I am saying we don’t know and the people saying that he is guilty of first-degree murder are just as stupid and irresponsible as the 4chan trolls who are saying he was acting in self-defense.
John, your tophat is missing.
/the tophat police
I think we can chalk the whole thing up to another global warming death.
The guy is absolutely guilty of at the very least negligent homicide that doesn’t mean that he comitted a terror attack or his actions were premeditated or planned. Given the fact that he had several hundred feet of road to pick up speed and DIDN’T is pretty clear and convincing evidence that he did not set out to use his car as a weapon and kill people. Doesn’t make him innocent of manslaughter but it almost certainly was not a terrorist attack.
I am thinking about writing an article on here looking at the ins and outs of his case. Not speculate about the facts, but look at what the facts will have to be to prove various charges. Absent some very extenuating circumstances, I think you are right that he is at least guilty of manslaughter. Murder 2 much less Murder 1 could be a lot dicier. It depends. He may have confessed to everything and told the cops he was glad he killed all those dirty hippies. He wouldn’t be the first guy who did something like this who bragged about it when the cops caught him. If he didn’t, and I have seen no indication he did, the state may have a hell of a time proving murder, depending on how things play out.
As a side note, any criminal law attorney will tell you that cases involving riots and big melees are often impossible to prove. A few years ago they had that big biker shootout in Waco where like 8 people died. The media, of course, was all over the story and convinced all these people were going down for murder. My best friend was a defense attorney in Texas at the time. He laughed at that prospect even before it was clear what happened. He said, “they will never get any convictions out of that mess”. And sure enough, he was right. No one ever went to trial for murder much less was convicted. And it turned out most of the people who got shot were shot by trigger happy cops who panicked upon hearing gun fire.
If I had to guess, they might get him for murder 2, but absent a confession, they are going to play hell getting him for murder 1.
Don’t know state of mind(s), nope.
But I think the key game-changer was that he didn’t know there was another car in the crowd. That changed everything.
He at least was attempting to charge/scare the crowd. And maybe was actually intending to hit/hurt/kill people. But to me the charge/scare looked more likely (his own car instead of a rental, history of odd behavior, loser trying to impress/offend with all the Hitler crap, etc.). And then he got surrounded and/or batmanned, and freaked out and hit the gas – forward. And then in probably less than a second, he rams a car that he didn’t know was there, and his freak-out went through the roof. He slams it in reverse and the rest of the carnage happens.
And then he’s in full-tilt panic retreat, not trying any follow-up attack or anything.
His car was being battered by people with clubs right after he hit the crowd but before he backed up. I agree, at that point panic sets in.
They have already pissed away their credibility. Apparently they decided if they are going to go then they are going big.
I guess.
Personally I just think Blitzer is a moron who reads whatever is handed to him on a card.
I’m Wolf Blitzer?
“Go fuck yourself, San Diego”
Highlights of Wolf Blitzer on Jeopardy–failure on a mythological scale,
It was obviously one of them Moracan Nazis who take their orders from the VA faction. ISIS cheers every time those Nazis win!
– The UK Tabloid, The Sun
The events in Europe are totally normal!
/other UK news outlets.
But its the Cville incident that the Spanish dude was copycatting. Gimme a physical break.
Well….nuts….my review for “Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead” got taken down as quickly as it posted I guess – and now I get a free copyright strike on the channel too. I honestly have no idea what makes my movie reviews different than the random clips and whatnot (and full films) I see other folks post. Granted, this review included a < 2min clip at the beginning in addition to the trailer – but I don't know if the trailer set it off as well or not? My first two reviews didn't have any issues, but I don't know if that was because they're more obscure movies without major studios behind them or what.
Reading the community guidelines doesn't help because lots of other folks use clips/trailers in their reviews. Is there a specific time limit that I'm missing – I was wholly positive in my review.
Both clips were ripped straight from my DVD – although I did take some frames off the front and end of the trailer.
I guess maybe I can try removing the front clip and just leaving the trailer in – someone said something about adjusting the aspect ratio too…very frustrating and this'll be a big waste of my time right when I was getting ready to start prepping the next review.
Talk over the soundtrack, or even better, eliminate the soundtrack
The whole point of this specific clip (vs the one in my last review where I still got a copyright hit but not a strike) was Philip Seymour Hoffman’s monologue/soliloquy.
Maybe just the audio on a still frame from the scene…..?
I’m no expert but I’ve heard putting your own artistic impression on the clip is what makes it fair use. So if your just presenting a clip the way it was in the movie without modification then a complaint can get made.
Like he said above changing the audio may be enough modification. Or presenting the audio over different video.
Maybe it’s the full trailer. I don’t know if it’s for copyright reasons, but I’ve noticed RLM shows the trailer in chunks, discussing it in between. And I believe I said before, making the trailer not take up the full screen might help to. Example.
Yeah, tomorrow I’ll try dropping the front clip totally – and then making some edits on the other trailer. Maybe putting 1/2 the trailer before the intro and 1/2 afterwards. Need to see about shrinking the video – I used dvdshrink for the rip vs a screen pull this time. But yeah – I guess maybe other people have experimented as they get started too, but a lot of it seems really arbitrary. I was really hoping to get decent length clips. I mean, RLM, Decker Shado, Razorfist, etc all have clips – with/without commentary/effects/etc at different points – (‘best of the worst’ probably isn’t going to get too many copyright hits but what about that ghostbusters video or the star wars reviews – fair use commentary?).
My strike goes away in 3 months, but if something like this happens to two more of my reviews in the next 3 months, I could be totally screwed.
It’s so fucking retarded, anyway. I would have never even heard of the movie without your review. Do these dumbfucks not understand anything about promotion?
way back in the early days of youtube I uploaded a clip from ‘The Chronicles of Riddick’, just the line “I bow to no man.” Got hit immediately with a copyright takedown. Since then I’ve seen the full scene posted hundreds of times. Sometimes it just seems random.
you should be able to fight that over fair use.
That’s silly that you’re already noticed enough for takedowns.
I’ve been enjoying the reviews.
It’s automated – probably because the first 2 min clip did match pretty closely to other stuff. Just seems arbitrary in some contexts – and fair use is not cut and dried – nothing about # seconds this or that, etc.
It is the audio, They have a database of all movie soundtracks and their code attempts to match the segment to the database. and there are subsonic markers in the audio tracks. Modern DVD/Bluray discs have markers in the video as well.
processing the sound track can help disguise the markers. I suggest you have a staging account that you can throw away to test the detection system. If the staging account doesn’t get flagged then you are good to post it into your main one.
These aren’t human’s making fair use decisions. They are automatic deny algorithms.
The 2012 Worldcon Hugo awards was knocked offline due to automated detection:
There is often a “pro” level of account that by default is not scanned and it is understood that the content will be vetted for fair use.
Very grateful for all the tips/suggestions. Using a dummy account for upload testing is probably a “standard” go-to thing – just not the kind of thing that folks would discuss as openly in some forums – for obvious reasons. I should be able to get an edited version up tomorrow but it’ll take a little longer before I go for a more complicated review format – still learning the programs, etc – and I have two more french flicks to catch in theaters next week. Still, I technically got just about the entire review done in just a few hours last night, so it’s coming along – and it feels incredibly productive – right up until the email from youtube.
I’d be curious to see a poll on how many of you avoid at all costs debating with correct thinking friends/family members and those of you who are always happy to debate with the hope, however small it might be, that you might sway them to your pov. Ive always figured changing hearts and minds is the only shot we have at getting even semi-mainstream but I wonder if I am kinda naive in my thinking or maybe just not burned out on it yet like some of you seem to be.
Immediate family, I’m preaching pretty much to the choir, and them to me.
In-laws and more-remote? Waste of time. I just sit and grin. And threaten to throw them out first time the accusation of ‘racist’ is thrown. (True story)
Only a true racist would deny his divinity.
Apparently there is a racist scale that we are all on there somewhere. Except me. I dont have any power as a poor white person so i cant be racist. Or something like that.
Racist scale.
What? Does it add ten pounds if you’re black?
I’ve given up ‘debating’ with them. Most of my friends are cool, it’s my family that’s crazy. So, at family things, we don’t get into politics at all.
I really just try to set a consistent example and live to my principles. Some people truly want to talk about why I believe what I do. I have no problem talking with them.
What if you have given up too soon. Maybe its that next conversation that makes it click for them. This is my hang up, besides having a tough time biting my tongue
Nope. My brother is a perfect example. Proggie married to a German proggie. Drove a Prius, talked about the ‘greater good’, etc. Fast forward ten years, he divorced the boat anchor, drives a sweet Wrangler, packs a SIG 225 and can hold his own on libertarianism. A success story. It only came about, though, through slow exposure to different views. I never could have pushed him into it.
But did you have a hand in converting him or did it happen on its own? I would never expect anyone to do a Perry Mason breakdown “my worldviews are all wrong, i admit it” in one conversation but i think the little by little can work which is why it sadens me to see so many people seem to avoid discussion at all costs.
I absolutely had a hand in it. But not by lecturing and hectoring or a bunch of philosophical dorm-room nonsense. He and I spend a lot of time together and he could see how I lived vs how he did. I am happy. He wasn’t. It finally clicked with him that the constant misery of being a proggie was a huge part of the problem. His ex was a bad person and a general pain in the ass. His kids are younger he has watched me raise mine. That was a big part of it, too, I think.
All in all, I’m not not really sure how exactly it happened. I’m just glad it did. Frankly, I don’t have the energy to evangelize much. Little victories with people who are open to it, keep trying to live the life honestly and be happy.
Nope, I can’t stand the stupidity of it. If I’m gonna talk politics and culture with somebody, they need to be able to keep up and need to have an ounce of rationality in their body so that they feel shame when trapped in a contradiction. Most of my family either avoids the topic or talks on an emotional level. Their eyes glaze over when I start talking about facts and logic.
I get a boner (notreally) when i get a person stuck on a contradiction, even if they dont admit it i feel like they have to know in their heart. Maybe im just a masochist.
The best is that look in their eyes when they know I’m about to spring the trap and there’s nothing they can do. They start talking really fast, hoping that they can distract me from pulling the handle. Then I slam the cage shut and they usually end the conversation in a huff.
Anymore, I can’t get anybody to engage long enough to have any real discussion. They just want to tell me what they feel and don’t really care to go any deeper.
You know what Im talkin about. ? I can usually get there without ever making a statement, just a couple of questions.
They gotta know at that point they are wrong, i just hope they will admit it at some point. Playing the long game, probably pointless but hopefully its not.
I always prefer to go the Fenwick route.
Bill, thanks for what you wrote. I have GOT to read me some Leo Rosten!
I can talk politics with my wife, my siblings, and three other individuals, but nobody else. I never mention politics at all on Facebook, not even liking anything that might be construed as political. Politics is an emotional issue and I just can’t see anybody changing their mind based on something I’d say.
I try to avoid it but my mother like to watch CNN all day when she’s over and thinks all the hot takes are the gospel truth. It may be an age thing since before boomers ruined the news they grew up with a somewhat more reliable version of news. I don’t think old people caught on that it’s all bullshit now.
I mostly just avoid it when possible or simply say I disagree.
Thankfully, my mom only watched HGTV and those fucking court shows.
I’m fortunate in having a die hard libertarian wife and like-minded close friends/family. Half of my extended family are crazy progs who I avoid political conversation with like the plague because no positive outcome can come from it.
My sisters’ guys though, they are moderate liberal and conservative, but both open minded and willing to argue in good faith. I enjoy talking with them and slowly pushing them towards the dark side. I’ve already made some good gains with the lib towards 2nd A rights…. he went from no one should own one to now being eager to buy his first.
Immediate family: broad agreements on many things; they have a huge blind spot about police.
Co-workers: Most of my co-workers at my main job are apolitical. At my other job, there are these two guys I’ve mentioned before. TL,DR: DRUMPF is an asshole. The younger of the two fancies himself a “smart” person because he believes all the Right Things. He doesn’t say it, but anyone here would draw the same conclusion as me. This guy just rationalizes for his team (blue) no matter what. Big-A atheist.
I’m too embarrassed to even call myself an atheist anymore; I just say “I’m not religious”.
Atheism has become more of a political movement than philosophical, and there’s a heavy overlap with the “I fucking love science” crowd, whose members I would “fucking love” to smack in the shriveled testicles with an Erlenmeyer flask.
I tried last night. Big mistake.
But, I’m stuck with these particular friends for a few more days, so I’m really going to have to bite my tongue.
So will u ever try again?
Not this week.
Nope, i leave family members and friends alone because i love them. They say stupid shit and i joke about it with them, and maybe gently point out alternatives, but otherwise leave them to their druthers.
I only harangue and lecture people that try and tell ME what’s up. Esp when in bars and some dude launches into some dumb shit about how Monsanto is killing the bees or how we need to get ‘money out of politics’ or something.
At family gatherings, I only speak up if they insinuate that people who believe [insert libertarian belief here] are bad people. I’m probably not going to change their minds, but I won’t sit there and put up with indirect insults.
This is literally the only place on the internet where I’ll discuss politics. IRL, only with my best friend when there’s no one around who knows me.
I’m too old for this shit.
I often talk politics with my co-workers who are liberal Democrats — granted not progs. Our office is in Cambridge. Only yesterday I told them Trump’s condemnation of antifa after Cville was one of the reasons that would justify my vote for him in 2020. It was a lively discussion.
The guys in back stole my turnip(yes that is a snack food for the beetus) and painted it orange with a messed up wig. They apparently think I’m his biggest supporter when I was the one calling him PT Barnum before the election. I stopped talking politics at work, or the media, or anything that is not good think.
Signal your distance harder, you Trump sympathizer!
Demand restitution like any good libertarian would do.
I don’t really have this problem. My Dad was very conservative and my Mom is pretty conservative as well. My brother and brother-in-law are both Trump voters. Then the oldest brother balances being a teacher and being very Catholic.
And what I’ve found is that conservatives and Trump people (at least the older ones) will argue with you, but they won’t lose their shit over the fact that you’re not in the tribe.
And what I’ve found is that conservatives and Trump people (at least the older ones) will argue with you, but they won’t lose their shit over the fact that you’re not in the tribe.
This. My uncle is a hard-core conservative and by far the most open to discussing libertarianism of anyone outside of this group. He will actually concede points! It makes discussions way more fun.
Ive found that to be true too. You cant push as hard with leftys.
The few people i know for certain that i changed their opinions on something were all more right leaning.
I’ll also add that, with acquaintances, I’ve found the best alternative, especially living in NYC, is to be aggressive with pushback. You won’t necessarily make the best cocktail parties. But, you also won’t get bullied.
I think leftists share this belief that all politics is life and all life is politics. They have no sphere of their life that is not affected by their political views in some way or another. They’ll boycott any business that doesn’t throw their full, outspoken support behind the latest “progressive” cause. They’ll exile people from their lives for voting R.
A good example is these navel-gazing articles about “confronting your racism” that we’ve all seen. I recall one that ruminated on whether or not it was racist to enjoy the great outdoors. It allegedly was racist because urban minorities have a harder time finding scenic areas in which to camp and canoe. Another rambling article started off with the author’s recollection of seeing a black girl in a ballet, and she proceeded to write five nonsensical pages about how ballet must be racist because you don’t often see black people participating.
I don’t think libertarians do this shit. Hell, most of us probably go to public parks, use government-funded bike trails, and of course, drive on ROADZ. And generally, a business has to do some pretty severe social signalling bullshit before we will take our business away.
If I couldn’t even go to camping or watch a ballet without thinking about politics, I would lose my sanity.
I never say anything to anybody I know, except my 91 year old mom who is another incorrect thinker.
Not bothering; it’s religion with the vast majority of them. “You can’t logic someone out of a position they didn’t logic themselves into.” We have exactly one friend who is amenable to considering libertarian arguments, and after spending an evening with SP, webdominatrix, Swiss, JW, Sugarfree, and me, decided that we were certifiable.
(actually, she loved the conversation)
I avoid debates with my wife, mostly because she loves to fight. But she also usually comes around to a reasonable position on her own, so it’s not that big a deal.
Family? I’ll engage in discussion without sugar coating my position if they start the topic, but i avoid bringing up politics out of the whole “never discuss politics or religion” thing.
Most of my actual friends either agree with me or are mature enough to disagree civilly, so I’ll float a topic if it seems like it might be a good discussion but I make sure to keep things light.
I don’t talk politics at all, except in a very indirect way.
I’ve quit debating with progressives … it’s useless to reason with them and frustrating to me.
One time I was talking to a statist leaning friend and he was liking what I was saying, but he came back with the statement that most people are too stupid to be left alone.
So I say if most people are stupid why would you be in favor of government people telling you what to do. I almost literally saw a light bulb go off inside his head.
“Pro-Trump rally set for showdown with Juggalo march in D.C. next month”
How many Juggalos also would like to attend the Trump rally? Force multiplier!!
Free Faygo for all!
It will be the least hip weekend in the history of the universe. God bless America!!
Aren’t Juggalos the musical equivalent of Deplorables? I’m guessing the center of Venn Diagram is pretty large, if not completely overlapping.
That is kind of what I am thinking too.
Someones never been to an Alabama concert..
Why not just quit rallying and protesting. Shit is pointless and at best accomplishes nothing, but mostly just something counterproductive.
I can guarantee Soros has a box of NAZI flags and a bunch of paid protesters on standby waiting to jump in the crowd long enough for CNN to get a video and run it on a loop so they can ask every Republican alive to denounce the whole thing.
The stupid party just hands the marker to their enemy for the kick-me sign.
Antifa – so bad that even Chomsky is hesitant to praise them.
If only Antifa was murdering people in Cambodia, then he’d be able to defend them.
Be fair, American bombing of PAVN made Pol Pot do it.
I’m thinking it’s possible drugs may have been involved.
It’s official. I passed all the tests. I am now a certified Army linguist.
some victory music is in order:
Hearty congrats. Next up, I guess you get assigned.
That must have taken some cunning.
What you did there is seen by me.
… just a stunt.
A master of many tongues.
Good work, Derp!
Som peeta lay! Vere tan te nacht va ke chee ta?
the only ASL I really know goes like this.
“No, you’re mistaken. Your party is tomorrow.”
Whoop! Whoop! Congrats!
Certified Cunning Linguist
Allow me to give you a glimpse into the difficulty of the language I’ve been studying. It’s all good. No need to keep it under wraps any more.
As you can see, this means there are many words which sound similar and have related meanings.
For example,
kataba- he wrote
kaatib- writer
kitaab- book
kutub- books
yuktib- he writes
mekteb- office, desk
mekaatib- offices, desks
mektebah- library
mektebaat- libraries
maktoob- written
Everything about it is very different from English, though it has its own logic.
Hard grammar, hard writing system, hard pronunciation
In addition to learning the standard form, I also had to study a dialect. It was like trying to learn Spanish and Latin at the same time.
tricky stuff. I have to get back into Latin.
No wonder they’re always blowing shit up.
No joke- one of the first words I learned is infijar- explosion. It is derived from the word for dawn- al fajr.
Congrats! I kept guessing what language you were studying based on the hints you shared. I thought it was something else, not Arabic.
They maxxed out on Amish and Akkadian specialists. Arabic was the first slot free.
Am i too assume you are joking about the Amish or is the federal gov really spending money on amish liguists? Its sad i even have to ask
We need Amish lingusts JUST as much as we need Akkadian ones.
But seriously. Amish linguists in the military dont really exist do they???
What is the word for “head – desk”?
waqqa’et rasi ‘almekteb- I dropped my head on the desk.
For a typical native English speaker, It takes about 600 hours of study to get to a minimal level of proficiency in French or Spanish.
German or Indonesian take about 800 hours. Russian and Hindi take about 1000 hours. Chinese and Arabic take about 2000 hours.
You could learn French, Spanish, and Portuguese in the time it would take to learn Arabic.
Is the longer length partially due to the different writing system or is all of the above strictly verbal comparisons?
I thought the similar words from common root letters were a pretty cool part of Arabic. The patterns modifying the root were cool too.
Then the textbook dropped all the vowels.
Congratulations, fine sir (yes, I know, you work for a living). Do you know your permanent party yet? It might be a rough transition leaving the Presidio; I was stationed at Ft. Ord (yeah, I’m old) for many years and it was a wonderful place to be and rather difficult to leave.
I have a report date for my first unit but no orders for that or my next training station. I talked to my platoon sgt about it, but haven’t heard anything yet. My guess is I will be hanging out here for another month or 2 while I wait for paperwork to clear.
Any advice?
Spend as much time in Carmel and Big Sur as you can; they are just downright lovely places to be. Bud’s Pub in Carmel is a great place if it’s still there. Bud’s son Tommy was the coach of the local Lacrosse team, the Monterey Sharks, of which I was the only non-Squid member; the rest of the guys were all from the Naval Post-Graduate Institute. Try to get up to Santa Cruz to romance the ideologically-addled college girls. More importantly, document every single illness, ouchie,
and boo-boo you get. It will be very important when dealing with the VA after you ETS.
Learn to write sworn statements. NOTHING ELSE FOLLOWS———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
Jesus. I tried to learn French and Russian as an adult, and failed miserably (though I can still – sort of – read Cyrillic). Congrats.
I am bound by the Marine Corps ethos to say, fuck you Army.
But hey, other than that, congratulations!
Gate guard!!
Sorry I am bound by Army ethos to insult the Marine Corps.
USMC – Duplicating the effort of real branches since the 18th Century.
Look, UCS, some day boarding enemy ships will return, and then you’ll feel foolish!
… or storming corsairs’ dens …
LibertaliaSomalia, they are gonna get rekt just so USMC can prove its utility…It’s not duplication if you do it better.
And like I said, the USMC does nought but duplicate effort.
At the time they were established, it was a set of skills that traditional armies were less equipped to perform. Just because we haven’t made a true amphibious assault in 50 years doesn’t mean that we should let those skills or units deteriorate – for the same reason that we haven’t had a true airborne assault (does N. Iraq count?).
This article hits Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children pretty hard:
I favor combining the them while keeping the best practices of each. It’s never going to happen, but that would be the sensible thing.
It’s hilarious it was easier to end segregation in the military than it is to combine redundant units.
What does the Army call the Marines that landed on a beach first?
Tip your waiters folks.
My sister refers to Marines as bullet sponges. I’m not sure if she has told her jarhead bf that one yet.
I have known three Marines personally. One was a stoner archetype (possibly without the weed, funnily enough). the other two were insufferable. One of those two was such an asshole he assumed he was in charge of the project (he was not) and refused to listen to other team members’ input. Eventually we simply cut him out of the loop and did the project without him, because he was an impediment to getting shit done.
I admit three is not a representative sample. But in contrast, the army guys I knew were normal.
As a former Navy Corpsman, nothing but love for the Marines.
Congrats. Use your tongue wisely.
Congratulations Derp. You have come a long way. Shows guts.
Good going. Congratulations.
Awesome! Congrats! And all in the time of one website diaspora migration!
Congratulations and Well Done!
Congratulations! The Army needs all the Klingon linguists they can get their hands on.
Can you translate this?
I hear some Russian and Yiddish.
The “ya razbanich tebye..” means “I said that you…”
“versiegt ingesommen” (?) means “forgot about [?]”
My Russian is weak and I forgot most of the German I knew.
Or it’s Gibberish. Are you certified in that?
Is this that language originally spoken by the Gibbers, since (culturally) appropriated by the Prog tribe?
He also hunts vampires.
Woods’ Twitter feed is epic. It is one of the few positive things about that cesspit.
He blocked me from Twitter a long time ago. I can’t remember why. He’s a dick. (yeah, I know, HuffPo)
That’s like a whorehouse pushing for antisodomy laws.
From your link. I liked this one. You are not a good person.
More accidental libertarianism! Can we seriously have a fake scandal every week?
Werent they supposed to have spent a fortune on infrastructure during the bailouts? What happened to all that money?
It was passed out to Obama’s favored groups.
If I were the leader of Nazi group right now, I’d throw all my support behind a $15/hr minimum wage law. It is only fair to the working man after all.
Mostly, I’d do that just to watch the progs back track on their support. It would be funny to watch them demand Bernie Sanders repudiate his stance on minimum wage laws in order not to be labeled a Nazi.
At this point the left has worked so fucking hard to completely demonize the Nazis and alt-right that there is no way they could ever agree on any issue.
Before he ran for President, Bernie Sanders had been consistently against immigration. Sanders really was or is a national socialist. If the white nationalists were not retarded, they wouldn’t be white nationalists. But, if they could ever have a moment of sentience, they would do exactly what you say and start showing up at Occupy Wall Street Rallies and pro workers’ rights stuff. It would drive the Left nuts.
He might have been a “national socialist”. But I don’t think he was racist.
Then he wasn’t a “nazi”, regardless of etymology.
He doesn’t strike me as a racist either, but it’s worth pointing this out because the Left insinuates that you’re automatically a white nationalist if you support anything less than 100 percent open borders and unlimited welfare for immigrants, legal or not.
Bernie Sanders doesn’t have to be a racist. Being from Vermont means interacting with minorities never comes up.
Richard Spencer’s probably already on that bandwagon, at least as far as the white race is concerned. He basically is a cheerleader for a socialist white state, eugenics and single-payer included.
If Spencer were black or Hispanic or really anything but white, he would be a rock star in the Democratic Party. I am not kidding.
From reading their “platforms”, most of that group is just as economically left as the lefties “protesting” them (so long as it’s run by white people for white people).
I couldn’t find any information on whether or not the Nazis instituted a minimum wage, but the NSDAP platform demands free healthcare, free college, an old-age pension system, and extensive regulation of the entire economy, especially (((banking))).
You’d think that “progressives” would be pretty embarrassed about that, but they have no problem hand-waving it away as just a coincidence. Meanwhile, they’ll accuse all libertarians of wanting to re-enslave black people because some Calhoun guy in the 1800s was pro-slavery and also said some things about limiting federal government authority.
“Sizzling Jennifer Connelly, 46, displays her sensational age-defying figure in a bright yellow skimpy bikini”
She is still pretty hot. She was unbelievably hot back in the 90s.
Higher Learning is a stupid, by the numbers movie……but absolutely worth watching for the scene when Kristy Swanson and Jennifer Connolly get it on.
Yeah. That scene is quite a highlight of filmmaking.
BTW, John, are you a Kluge as in THE Kluges? And if you are, can I have some money?
If I was, I would be living in a secret lair plotting world domination with my army of female Czech and Austrian agents and too busy to be posting on here. So sadly, no.
I am not falling for that one.
Shit. I would make an awesome henchman.
Meh. Grade on these curves, instead.
Wood. My free pass.
51 and still amazing. Must have a deal with the devil.
I’d march on that.
Molten fucking lava. I’m glad she ended up with a real career. The first thing I saw her in was a stupid little comedy with Frank Whaley called Career Oppotunities. Her role was basically eye candy and I assumed that was the extent of her talent; thankfully I was wrong.
You know what they say about assumptions: they make lots of asses.
And she has a terrific one.
Yeah, that’s the problem. Her husband Paul Bettany is a totally unrepentant state-fellator, and hence an ass of epic proportions.
The first thing I saw her in was Requiem for a Dream, so I’ve always associated her – and always will associate her – with that anal dildo scene near the end. It sounds sexy to those who haven’t seen it, but if you watch the entire movie, it’s the ugliest fucking thing in the world, and jerking it is the last thing on your mind even as she shoves this lube-slathered rubber schlong up her colon.
She looks hawt
Their faces look… unhealthy.
I’ll take the 46 yo
Me too. She looks like she is stoned.
as an aside, don’t they have laws in California? I thought you had to be 21 to enter a bar.
I don’t think the left cares what the polling says.
“You cannot be against General Lee and be for General Washington, there literally is no difference between the two men,”
We’ve reached past parody, satire and derp and have landed inside the rectum of ridiculousness.
The main difference is that Lee’s side lost in their rebellion and Washington’s won in theirs. They’re a couple of good military leaders who owned slaves.
The question is…… that rectum bleached?
Reason to encourage the left to continue on their confederate-history-cleansing crusade.
Dude, they are trying to win elections!
Actually I wonder if they dont smell their end. They have been steadily losing for quite some time despite holding the White House for two terms. If they know they cant win elections have they decided to try and seize power by force? They are doubling down on the insanity and efforts to destabilize society, to destroy ‘America’. Just the dozen things I have read today are indistinguishable from the gibberish I heard working in a mental hospital. Is this their feeble attempt at revolution?
“Now millennials are trying to ruin boobs
Celebs may be doing their darnedest to bring boobs back, but millennial men aren’t feeling it. Newly released PornHub stats reveal that millennials’ interest in breasts, especially large breasts, is “sagging,” as the Daily Mail puts it. According to the porn site, young men between the ages of 18 and 24 are nearly 20 percent less likely to search for breast-related content than older men are.”
I’ll happily take all of the boobs
Happy to help, as well.
To be fair, massive implants are ugly as fuck. I’m all for boobs being proportional to the frame they’re attached to.
Perky matters a lot more than size.
I’m on board. Fake tits on Pornhub suck. I don’t mind ’em big, but theys got to be reaL
I’m gonna nip this controversy in the bud: tits are good.
I’m glad Count Potato has kept us abreast of the polling.
Seriously… no one is going to hit this? NO ONE? Jesus, you disappoint me.
The woman who destroyed the Durham statue is a pro-North Korean Marxist. I don’t think the word slavery means quite what she thinks it does.
Isn’t vandalism illegal in North Carolina?
Certainly is in North Korea.
Someone please start a go fund me account for a one way ticket to send her there.
of course.
Every time I look into Antifa, I find the IWW/WWP. They’re Marxist groups and Antifa is a front for these guys straight down the line. When I’ve been calling the leftists in these fights commies for the last couple of days, I wasn’t just engaging in a bit of hyperbole. The entire movement is a wholly owned subsidiary of the communists. They rope in a few naïve college coeds every now and then as window dressing. But the core and the leadership is by-the-book Marxist.
Are there leftist historical statues? I was wondering about the right pulling the same trick but I can’t think of any. Other than the Lenin statue I don’t think many historical greats were leftists, which is sort of telling. FDR may be the only one I can think of.
That odious Woodrow Wilson, as well.
The man who re-segregated the federal bureaucracy. Yeah, to the ramparts, citizens!
Let’s visit Minneapolis City Hall!
Wolf Blitzer?
I’m guessing you could find quotes from most historical lefties that would be considered racist, sexist, or homophobic, or gender insensitive by today’s standards.
Something like
Yeah, think some presidential libraries need burned down
Theres prob an obama statue.
I think we ought to take advantage of this. Get politicians names off all the buildings all over the country. In my city every damn park is named after a former politician. Mitch McConnel even got his own road.
Libertarians ruin the fun for everybody, hmmmph! (Throws out the toys and runs away)
There is that statue of Vladimir Lenin in Seattle, but it sounds like that’s privately owned on private property, so that would be a no-go.
Seattle mayor requests removal of Lenin, Confederate statues
What’s the definition of “private property rights” to a city that has Kshama Sawant in their City Council?
There are confederate statues in Seattle? Or is it just Joseph Lane?
Wouldn’t John Adams be historically leftist?
Also, JFK has that eternal flame but I’m sure there’s a statue of him somewhere.
Lauren Southern has a hot sister.
Da-yum. Like the video description, too
Is that considered thicc?
Let’s ask HM!
Nom nom nom.
Looks like jailbait, tho
Turns out it’s Lauren’s older sister, so no.
I’ll be back in a few
That’s quite a caboose.
Notice the calves. It looks like she lifts.
You would think at some point the enormous difference in the relative hotness of right wing/ libertarian women and left-wing women would start to show. One side has that and the other has Lena Dunham. That has got to make a difference at some point.
Lauren’s sister is a weirdo hippie. In this insistence the left has the superior female.
How weirdo? I’m not going to have to be disappointed when I see her waving a red and black or yellow flag in the near future, am I?
Don’t know, that’s Lauren’s description of her.
She lives in BC. Assume “middle-of-the-pack socialist” and lefter.
Should have said *is from BC*, for all I know she moved to Ontario or Alberta.
Maybe something to do with being pissed off all the time or being happy? I dunno know the reason why. But I do notice the difference
Plus, it’s really distracting watching leftist porn with all that affirmative consent.
Did you just assume her gender, you shitlord?
She does look a lot like her brother.
I’ll be in my bunk, eh?
My reaction
So does her sister.
Wasserman Schultz’ ex-IT aide indicted on 4 counts
Developing, no info
I await the wall-to-wall coverage on this one. A lot of the media are busy pretending the “alt-left” don’t exist while Nazis are under every bed, pretending that that DWS brouhaha doesn’t exist, and that the apparent latest Islamic terror attack in Europe is a Charlottesville copycat… I mean, how much pretending can they do at once?
Please just STFU and entertain me.
Also, this is apparently what passes for objective journalism today.
Remember when they did sports?
Yeah. I also remember when I was happy to see Keith Olbermann once a day.
Even when I’m stuck watching their live sports I hate them. Too many graphics on the screen. They make everything look like video games
I think the world of Kevin Durant’s basketball ability. But I can’t respect a gutless SOB who bandwagonned his way to a ring. OKC was good enough – they were up 3-1 on the Warriors, but he failed to put them over the top.
Steph Curry should be the guy on that team saying it, not KD.
5 Ways to Reduce Racial Bias in Your Children
give them to a group of pakistanis to be serially raped?
of course!
I’d lol if I didn’t despise that special pleading.
I’ve been waiting to use that clip for a while.
Get ’em away from parents like that?
I see that two items on that list – “cultivate cross-racial friendships yourself” and “confront your own racial biases” – make the assumption that the reader is some kind of bigot who doesn’t have any non-white friends.
I think most “progressives” hate religion so much because they see it as competition. Instead of repenting for original sin, they want us all to repent for our inborn sins of racism and cisheteronormative othering of black trans bodies (or whatever the fuck).
“Repent, repent, ye racists!”
Repent, and beg the state for forgiveness.
I don’t really have any non-white friends. On the other hand, I don’t really have any white friends either. I mostly interact with dogs.
You’re probably better off.
I’d say 60-70 percent of my friends are non white. Yet I still get called a white supremacist whenever I defend freedom of speech. Funny that.
I’m only half-white, and while the “progressives” I talk to have stopped short of calling me a white supremacist, I can tell they are struggling not to blurt it out. But they heavily insinuate that I’m insensitive or even hostile towards minorities. The crown jewel was when someone once told me, “the only thing stopping you from being a Nazi is the fact that you’re not 100 percent white“.
It’s great being biracial around progs, ain’t it? You’re colored when they want you to join their virtue signalling exercise of the month, and white when you tell them to go piss up a rope.
Didn’t this teacher know schools are fun-free zones?–law/veteran-lithia-springs-high-teacher-shoots-self-school-classes-canceled/ySkZFldVAcQEqaXTYrihbK/
guns == fun ?
[hearty agreement]
Aw shit. Now I gotta change it back to a typo.
Or ‘disappear’ my post. And this one.
Leave it – it still works.
Give a griefer an inch…
I think I just got buzzed by an F16. I didn’t get outside in time to see it, but it was flying low and fast, making that air-tearing sound.
You didn’t have your SAMs and AAA on autoengage?
never discount superman
Chicago Air and Water show?
They’ve been buzzing the office buildings all day today in practice.
The Blue Angels were buzzing my neck of the woods earlier.
I used to live by NAS Pensacola. They buzzed our neighborhood every time they practiced.
Were you a Devil Dog aviator?
Do you live in a mtn valley? I think the fuckers look for them to rip through for fun. I don’t live in one, but I have been in them when they scream through. It is really cool after you figure out you just didn’t have a heart attack.
OT: A random thought on the Daily Stormer website being yanked offline:
I see that the Left is positively giddy over this development. I thought they were the ones who didn’t want private companies deciding what kind of content is allowed on the Internet…?
That was different?
The left thinks that private companies don’t Top. Men. the right way, it’s not the Top. Menning that they have a problem with.
You didn’t have your SAMs and AAA on autoengage?
That would defeat the purpose of the cloaking device.
Mall ninjas attempt to topple Atlanta peace monument. They thought it glorified the Confederacy.
The Atlanta monument damaged by protesters Sunday night was erected in 1911 to urge reconciliation after the Civil War, not to venerate the Confederacy.
The Atlanta march traveled from Woodruff Park to Piedmont Park Sunday, where some damaged the Peace Monument, a sculpture that features an angel standing above a Confederate soldier, guiding him to lay down his weapon.
Barcelona jihad murderer posted Jew-hating video on Facebook
The video is still on YouTube. Apparently the social media giants are interested only in taking down material that opposes jihad terror.
Barcelona: 13 dead in vehicular jihad, “Spanish identity card with Arabic name” found inside attack van
“Local police say they still do not know the motivation for the attack, but are treating it as terrorism.”
December 7, 1941: “Local police in Honolulu say they still do not know the motivation for the attack, but are treating it as a possible provocation from the Japanese Empire.”
Who wants Neil Macdonald? No one? Tough shit, I endured and so will you
Donald Trump is giving Americans exactly what they voted for
Deeply conservative writers like Charles Krauthammer call him a disgrace to the office.
Meanwhile, civilized people call Krauthammer a disgrace to the human race.
Whoa, sloop, ease up! You think Krauthammer’s just gonna sit there and take it??
I like it.
Someone’s confusing neo-con with deeply conservative again, I see.
First off, fuck you for making me read that. Ya, you made me because I now can’t not read that ass when he is posted.
So he is equating the actions of a sicko, possibly schizophrenic white supremacist to be the same as blowing up discos and pizzerias by Palestinians that went on for decades and decades? Finally we get a false equivalency from the press and it comes out of Canada like overpriced maple syrup.
It cannot be said enough the whole Cville tragedy should not have happened. The more I think about it, the more I think it was allowed if not encouraged to happen.
I now can’t not read that ass when he is posted.
YES! My goal is to make him as much of a household name as Robby Soave is!
It reminded me of the oily pronouncements Yasser Arafat and his satraps used to issue whenever a nail-packed bomb would erupt in a Tel Aviv discotheque or a Jerusalem pizzeria, leaving the corpses and body parts of children and teens strewn knee-deep on the street.
We denounce all violence of all kinds by all sides, they would say.
Or: We do not condone it, but we understand it.
Spoiler alert: that was also tenor of his reporting when he was a Jerusalem correspondent. Not, of course, when it came to reporting Israeli atrocities like murder of hundreds in Jenin.
Oh yes, he was called out on it once – his response was that his false report was fault of Israelis, who didn’t let him into the camp while the operation was in progress, so he had to rely on Palestinian reports.
Any Deer Tick fans out there? A couple new albums coming next month, but they did release this.
I like it.
Hmm, I always thought they … sucked
*antagonizes jeering audience*
I can listen to that. Never heard of them.
We’ve got to get Trump and tee rest of the intolerant people out of office and replace them with the tolerant, loving left.
Careful what you wish for. Secret Santa pay you a visit.
It is telling is it not? The few whack jobs calling for Obama to be assassinated where probably among the 200 weirdos at the tiki march last weekend, but the people calling for Trump to be assassinated actually hold public office. That scares the shit out of me.
Here are some people who are more deserving of statues than any politician or general:
Who Saved the Most Lives in History?!
Over 1 Billion Lives Saved
1 Fritz Haber
(Synthetic Fertilizer) 2,720,000,000
2 Carl Bosch
(Synthetic Fertilizer) 2,720,000,000
3 Karl Landsteiner
(Blood Groups) 1,094,000,000
4 Richard Lewisohn
(Blood Transfusions) 1,094,000,000
Over 100 Million Lives Saved
5 Edward Jenner
(Vaccination – Smallpox) 530,000,000
6 Norman Borlaug
(Green Revolution – Wheat) 259,000,000
7 Linn Enslow
(Chlorination of Water) 177,000,000
8 Abel Wolman
(Chlorination of Water) 177,000,000
9 William Foege
(Vaccination Method – Smallpox Eradication) 131,000,000
10 Leslie Collier
(Freeze-dried Vaccine – Smallpox Eradication) 131,000,000
Yeah, but FDR saved the Union by defeating the Confederacy at the Battle of the Bulge in 1918. We should build more statues to FDR, but those uneducated Republicans want more Klansmen memorialized instead!
/Progressive malcontent.
Whatever you believe about history is true- even if you pieced it together from sugar packets.
Wasn’t FDR the one who put German-Americans in concentration camps after they bombed 9/11?
Yeah, Fritz Haber is going to withstand the metric test. Try reading/researching before posting.
I know he pioneered poison gas in warfare, but even if you pin the blame for everyone whose died from poison gas on him, he still comes out way ahead.
He also invented gas masks, so there’s that.
wiki sez:
“Haber defended gas warfare against accusations that it was inhumane, saying that death was death, by whatever means it was inflicted.”
Is Einstein a mass murderer for suggesting research into the atomic bomb? I think not.
First, let me apologize for the extra snark in my comment – it wasn’t necessary and that’s what I get for posting AFTER Happy Hour!
I don’t equate development of technology with ultimate use – so believe we are aligned on that issue. IMHO Haber is somewhat of a unique case given his active military service, but agree to disagree.
Have you seen the play “Einstein’s Gift” (excellent overview of the Einstein/Haber relationship)?
These 5 Common Phrases You Might Use At Work Are Actually Highly Offensive
1. Low-Skilled Labor
[head desk]
North and South Koreans speak quite differently. How long before the US goes through the same process? Who is going to have a discussion with assholes like that?
+1 your shit’s all retarded and you talk like a fag
Well, in an academic or journalistic setting, it is true. There are professors and journos who I wouldn’t trust to do the janitor’s job, but we probably wouldn’t see a loss of efficacy if we gave the janitors their jobs. So the “intelligencia” gets offended when we point out the lack of skill noew required to do what they do.
Nick Gillespie has succumbed to outright insanity.
Nick Gillespie: Trump Denounces Racism in Charlottesville. Too Little, Too Late.
NG: “There are three basic explanations for Trump’s shameful response, one more troubling than the other. Maybe he’s unaware that Nazis were responsible for murdering 11 million people. Or maybe he is so politically tone-deaf that he thought his original comments were adequate. Or maybe he just doesn’t want to alienate those he considers an important part of his political constituency. Any way you look at it, it’s not good.
President Trump surely isn’t responsible for the car that killed Heather Heyer, but his rhetoric has helped to fill its gas tank. He wasn’t slow to call out Black Lives Matter by name for supposedly “igniting” attacks on police even as he explicitly encouraged violence at his own campaign rallies, telling his supporters that he would cover their legal expenses if they got in trouble.”
Nick’s not insane, he just wants his feelgood support from the journalism class. Gillespie’s a shameless self promoter and seeks validation.
I honestly never anticipated in the past that he and his cohort would lower themselves to such reprobate behavior. It’s beyond retarded.
“Gillespie’s a shameless self promoter and seeks validation.”
So Kid Rock without the money, success, or, apparently, the brains.
I glanced through his Twitter when l’affaire Dalmia hit and have glanced through it again a few times subsequently. He’s race-obsessed beyond reason and seems to have fallen into earnestly believing things alone the “racism is evil, this is evil, therefore this is racist” mode of thought.
The communists won’t care about his hysterically overwrought TDS virtue signaling. While Nick is bawling about Trump being “unaware that Nazis were responsible for murdering 11 million people” I’m seeing a fucking full-court press online to deny that the “alt-left/antifa” even exist at all. Go to Reddit right now and read highly-upvoted comments about how the Soviet Union and the rest of the Comintern didn’t actually enslave a third of the globe, but are apparently a figment of people’s imagination. Massive amounts of people claiming that the “extreme left” simply doesn’t exist.
PBS ran a piece about how one particular photo of antifa violence was doctored and you’ve got the popular opinion there being that it’s a fake, just like the violence at Berkeley was a result of right-wing false flagging. Look at MSNBC the other night, where they have people discussing antifa who claim they don’t know what antifa are, and apparently a cursory Google search to understand what the fuck you’re talking about isn’t taught at journalism school. This could only have been done intentionally to create the totally false impression that Trump just made this shit up–which is the narrative they seem to be going absolutely bonkers overboard on right now.
Communism is Satan’s own brainchild. Imagine a generation of American children raised in the noxious cluelessness and intellectual retardation of today’s progressive narrative. Every single piece of the ideology these degenerates espouse is categorically antithetical to the principles of American republicanism, individual liberty, justice, and human wellbeing measured by any standard. They’re evil in the purest, most literal sense.
True, but irrelevant. The reason people become socialists is not because it makes sense or has a track record of success. They become socialists because the idea of socialism fills them with good feels, like the song Imagine.
“Anyone who thinks that the Communist regimes of Central Europe are exclusively the work of criminals is overlooking a basic truth: The criminal regimes were made not by criminals but by enthusiasts convinced they had discovered the only road to paradise. They defended that road so valiantly that they were forced to execute many people. Later it became clear that there was no paradise, that the enthusiasts were therefore murderers. ”
― Milan Kundera,
In the past I have been accused of being a grouchy old paranoid stuck in the cold war because a couple of years ago I gave up trying to believe the modern left wasn’t just old fashioned commies. I dont see the point of calling them any different anymore.
The antifa flag is the same as the communist party of germany. They are just old fashioned pinkos. Scum of the earth.
Nope, they’re reddos.
I wonder if I can get back all of the money I donated to Reason over the years.
The chance of you recovering that is about as great as the chance of them getting back some of their principles.
I wouldn’t count on it.
If Nick Gillespie’s latest work is any indication, brazen duplicity is acceptable at Reason nowadays. I’m glad I never donated to them.
::googles how to change a minor’s legal name::
Jk. But I am pretty pissed about it.
Glibby is cute…
Shit, can’t even do that. Not with a Libby already around.
It would sound like a Newhart routine.
“Hi, I’m Justice. This is my sister Libby. And this is my other sister Glibby.”
Sugarfreena has a certain ring to it…
Saorsa is Scottish Gaelic for freedom.
How about Boudica?
Hey, I’m just glad we didn’t meet on Pornhub.
*deletes comment*
Freedomtoons with another installment of The Strawman Debates.
Those aren’t even strawmen, they’re just the most insane from their perspective sides.
There is no way that commie would be in a suit.
The Ben Shapiro toon is amazing.
great moments in libertarian art:
Look it those beautiful mutton chops.
When I was younger I had a foolish hope the the trend towards more facial hair would also send the US more towards the politics of the 1920’s (i.e. no New Deal BS, preferably without the KKK though). How wrong I was.
1920s doesn’t seem right… ~1869-1913.
I used to have a beard similar to the one in my avatar and shoulder length hair. My resemblance to the man from Galilee was frequently noted.
watch these potato pickers sing like goddamn angels:
potato *diggers*. No one picks potatoes.
Spoken like a man who’s never picked a sun-ripened potato from a potato tree in the lush jungles of Ireland.
Is that anything like the Swiss spaghetti trees?
Moonbattery abounds
After reading the first linked article I think it has to be trolling but as the poster stated, how can you tell anymore.
Is there a link to where Guthrie actually does that or did I miss something in the link where the author implies it will be.
Disregard. If you follow enough links you see a Guardian article that says Guthrie was a racist but saw the light. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t, who knows and I find it irrelevant. Fuck him either way. He was still a communist.
The Rev wants to abandon the Jefferson Memorial.
Don’t worry, he’ll be calling for its destruction (and Monticello’s) soon enough.
Didn’t they try to give Trump a ton of shit because he predicted this less than 48 hours ago?
I’m sure the media is issuing relevant and heartfelt retractions even as we speak.
Yeah, but constant amnesia is one of the main symptoms of TDS.
Wait til they find out that Mt Rushmore was sculpted by a KKK member and features 2 slave owners, a guy who ordered the execution of 38 Indians, and a guy who hated Indians and said black people were stupid.
Uh oh. Same guy also did Stone Mountain sculpture.
If the mall ninjas try to do anything to either place, things could get interesting.
Smartass comment, meet sad reality. Also, it originally said “Blow Up” but they got flack and toned it down.
With the president of the United States basically justifying neo-Nazism, it seems unthinkable that we will ever see a day when there is a serious push to blow up Rushmore and other monuments like it. But if that moment ever arrives, I suspect I’d be onboard. Demystifying the historical figures of the past, pulling them off the great mountain top back down to Earth where they shat, farted, spit, pissed, fucked, raped, murdered, died, and rotted seems like important business for this country. As long as we allow those men to be cults of personality who exist beyond reproach, we’re never going to be able to see them for all of their good and all of their evil.
Editor’s note: The headline and URL of this story have been updated. We do not condone violence in any shape or form, and the use of “blow up” in the original headline as a rhetorical device was misguided and insensitive. We apologize for the error.
[head desk]
Pretty good security at Rushmore. I predict an unhappy ending for anyone silly enough to go after it.
I predict a few people trying to do something stupid followed by a 2000 foot fall.
I know some of you are studying foreign languages, so here’s a resource you might like:
It has free language lessons in about 60 languages. I found it useful. The best practice is to listen to a clip while following along with the transcript. It really helps for matching up symbols with sounds. When you know enough to read the writing, listen to the clip, then read the transcript out loud. This is a good substitute for speaking practice with a native.
I’ve so far found just about all of the language sites and software almost completely worthless, except for Pimsleur, which is actually pretty good. Will check this out though, thanks for link.
Thanks Derp!
Thanks, Derpy. Appreciate the tip. Also, congrats on finishing the course!
Thanks also Linguist Derpy!
this guys’ record is pretty interesting. 1/3 of it is ‘neo-soul’ like this (which is one of the two tracks i like the best), but the other tracks are more rock/pop-leaning. I guess i’d lump it as sorta “lenny-kravitsish”, which isn’t necessary a terrible thing. But the overall flavor is unique is what impresses me, because almost everything you hear sounds the same, like everyone’s making their records in the same studio with the same equipment and the same presets, etc.
I’ve found a song for us to sing when Saint Patrick’s Day rolls around again (preferably in public, while armed):
“The Irish green shall again be seen
as our Irish fathers bore it,
A burning wind from the South behind,
and the Yankee rout before it!
O’Neil’s red hand shall purge the land-
Rain a fire on men and cattle,
Till the Lincoln snakes in their own cold lakes
Plunge from the blaze of battle.
Whoe’er shall march by triumphal arch,
Whoe’er may swell the slaughter,
Our drums shall roll from the Capitol
O’er Potomac’s fateful water!
Rise, bleeding ghosts, to the Lord of Hosts
For judgement final and solemn;
Your fanatic horde to the edge of the sword
Is doomed line, square, and column!”
It has been said numerous times here and can’t be repeated enough……NO IRISH
So, yes to the African-Americans and the East Asians of Chinese descent?
Of course.
I’m Armenian – a Turk with lighter skin, basically. Can I stay?
*Prepares race card.*
Only if you cough up your falafel recipe.
That tasteless racist comment reminded me I had to copy paste OMWC falafel recipe. I am not fully educated on the falafel. I have only had them in store fronts in Iraq wraped in bread cooked on a barrel that would never pass a health dept inspection. It is amazing I am not dead. (not) What are you falafel eating peoples opinion on how long a falafel will remain edible after frying? Is this something that has some staying power? Or does it turn to garbanzo mush if not eaten immediately? I am doing market research here.
It’s remarkably stable for a street food.
i’m not sure I understand why you’d ever need to know how to deal with leftovers, though.
Yeah, we don’t listen so…
Speaking of, “nooooo! irish!”
Scorsese Determined to Finally Make Shitty Mob-Movie; Calls it, “The Irishman”
De Niro, Pesci, Pacino, Keitel. Its about a hitman with teamster/mob connections.
My instincts are telling me its going to poop the bed. too-much A-list talent that’s over the hill, too-familiar material, and no contemporary thematic hook. Organized crime is old fashioned; movies like Traffic or Syriana or The Constant Gardner or Sicario i think were far more ‘modern’ versions of those stories because they’re about the nexus between actual criminal organizations, cops, politicians, and corporations, and show how everyone gets their fingers dirty in different ways. You try talking to people about the fucking Teamsters and their eyes are going to glaze over. Just my $0.02. I could be wrong. All of these guys can make great movies in their sleep, but still…
That is a big hit lineup of names. It is hard to believe any movie that group was involved in would not be a blockbuster. Pesci jumped out at me though. My favorite Pesci movie is, hate to say it, <My Cousin Vinny Pesci is awesome and Marisa Tomei…..I am in love with her 1990’s self.
yes, but ALL of them are in their 70s. If it was a mix, like The Departed, which had a spectrum of devastating old and new talent… i’d be more enthused. but being super-top-heavy towards the old crusties… i’m concerned they’re all going to be on autopilot.
Its hard for me to ever say that any scorsese idea that has this much buy-in from his actors is badly-timed/conceived, but this one feels that way.
Fuck that shit.
I’ll be singing this:
Well, I am a modern hero
me name is Paddy Kearny,
Not long ago, I landed from
the bogs of sweet Killarney
I used to cry out “Soap fat,”
because that was my trade sir,
’till I ‘listed for a soldier boy
with Corcoran’s brigade, sir
For to fight for Uncle Sam,
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
To save the stripes and stars
Ora, once in regimentals,
me mind it did bewilder,
I bid goodbye to Biddy dear,
and all the darling childher,
Oh, says I, the Irish volunteers,
the devil a-one afraid is,
Because we’ve got the soldier bold
McClellan for to lead us
For to fight for Uncle Sam,
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
To save the stripes and stars
We soon got into battle,
we made a charge of bay’nets,
The rebel blaggards soon gave way,
they fell as thick as paynuts,
Och, hone, the slaughter that we made,
be dad, it was delighting,
For the Irish lads in action
are the devil’s boys for fighting
They’ll fight for Uncle Sam,
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
To save the stripes and stars
For to fight for Uncle Sam,
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
To save the stripes and stars
Och, sure, we never will give in,
in any sort of manner,
Until the South comes back again,
beneath the starry banner,
And if John Bull should interfere,
he’d suffer for it truly,
For soon the Irish Volunteers
would give him ballyhooly
We’ll fight for Uncle Sam,
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
To save the stripes and stars
And now, before I end my song,
this free advice, I’ll tender,
We soon will use the rebels up,
and make them all surrender,
And once again, the stars and stripes,
will to the breeze be swellin’,
If Uncle Abe will give us back
our darlin’ boy McClellan
We’ll follow little Mac
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
To save the stripes and stars
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
He’ll lead us on to glory, O!
To save the stripes and stars
I don’t really know why this popped into my consciousness. Today has been one fucked up day, I’m sort of flu like today, congestion and all the aches and pains feeling with a mild fever. Anyway, I had to take a little nap, which I rarely do and then I woke up and eventually made my way back to puter. None of which has anything to do with this.
But I have to ask, is Jack Ma a space alien or what? Seriously, that is one weird looking dude.
White supremacist Chris Cantwell kicked off dating site OkCupid
“We were alerted that white supremacist Chris Cantwell was on OkCupid,” OkCupid wrote in a tweet. “Within 10 minutes we banned him for life.”
It then followed that tweet up with another one, writing: “There is no room for hate in a place where you’re looking for love.”
Interesting that they found this guy so quickly, but never bothered to look for Professor Bikelock McHeadbash. A random army of keyboard sleuths found him.
That’s why the KKK (and antifa) wear masks.
“Within 10 minutes we banned him for life.”
We’re noble and good and we really, really want you to know it. Man, that’s pathetic.
Who is Chris Cantwell? Don’t care.
I have no problem with private companies chucking people. Should assholes ruin the dudes life? Well, assholes will be assholes. I am half conflicted on this one. Half of me could care less what happens to him. The other half still doesn’t care but wonders about defamation. The latter half, as well as the first half know fuckall about defamation laws.
Truth is a defense to most defamation causes of action. The only thing that would possibly fit would be publication of private facts, but attending a white supremacist rally would probably kill the whole “private fact” part.
Single white supremist looking for not very bright chick with no soul.
From the pics I have seen of the white supremacist chics in that pool, that is indeed the shallow end.
Renaissance period paintings
Nietzsche with all the disdain for anti-Semites taken out
Mein Kampf
Black Entertainment Television
Apparently he was unaware that there’s already a website geared towards white supremacists called eHarmony.
Holy pickle avatars now. (I am so going to search out a vegetable avatar) I met my last girlfriend on eHarmony and she is a rabid progressive vegetarian. She was fun while it lasted. (Not one of the traits I mentioned added to our breakup)
It’s Pickle Rick!
“There is no room for hate in a place where you’re looking for love.”
Uh huh. Also, you cant hug children with nuclear arms.
Has Katie Perry come out and said Nazis just need hugs yet?
Nazis Have Feelings Too
Furrie orgy huh. Ahead of their time.
why won’t he stop?
Oh, good, he’s throwing in with Scalzi now. This shit is just mindboggling from people who should know better.
If we were only the Nazis the left claims, we could have a Night of the Long Stems to purge all the cosmotarians.
At this point I believe he’s trying to get himself fired for some reason.
MSNBC and CNN are not covering Barcelona. Not when Trump’s comment needs more examination. God what a bunch of fucken assholes.
Fox to their credit are.
Can’t believe I missed the annual running of the passenger vans in Spain. Always a good time.
Dammit, I was looking for a running of the bulls joke and couldn’t synthesize a good one.
The latest WaPo story headline omits the terrorism angle although their article actually got around to it. I got a news notification on my phone and quirked my eyebrow when said headline and the synopsis didn’t have it.
Well, they did give a brief moment to speculate on whether the terrorists may have gotten the idea from the incident in C’ville. Because you know, this has never happened before in Europe.
I had a feeling I imagined something happening in Nice.
Good to know that was fake news
Just got this email:
Dear blank,
We were horrified by the neo-Nazi demonstration that took place in Charlottesville, which resulted in the loss of life of a young woman as well as two Virginia State Troopers responding to the protest. There is simply no place for this type of bigotry, discrimination, and hate.
As the country braces for more white supremacist demonstrations, we wanted to let you know what we are doing for the Uber community:
Jesus Christ, I just want a fucking ride.
This. Shut the fuck up and provide me a service otherwise I’m going elsewhere.
The rest just says they have a “reporting” feature in the App
So what, they’re going to report people for impure thoughts and dump them in the side of the road?
Yeah, we had that with the Somali cab drivers who wouldn’t drive you if you had booze, dogs, or cute chicks.
I thought the troopers had nothing to do with C’ville?
Everything has to do with C’ville, Rufus. Do you even prog?
He ain’t woke.
Well that asshole ruined this countries squeaky clean record of no murders. We’re so used to living in this utopian land of nothing bad ever happening, and all of the sudden someone is killed. You can’t blame everyone for mentally breaking down.
ACLU doesn’t believe that the 2nd amendment has anything to do with the 1st.
I remember someone linking an anecdote that a group of armed pro-statue protesters were unhassled as they left the park in cville. Something about antifa going out of their way to make sure there was no confrontation there. Probably just an unsubstantiated rumor and even if true merely a coincidence.
According to antifa, they were carrying as well.
That was probably me. It was a video I watched of an unaffiliated militia group that was just there for the statues. The video showed an antifa leader talking to them and then the group leaving.
The accompanying commentary, which I can’t vouch for other than it fit what was shown in the video, was essentially that things were getting violent, the militia dudes just wanted to get the hell out of there and away from the nazis and commies, antifa didn’t want to get mowed down, so one of the antifa leaders negotiated safe passage with the other antifas and the cops for the militias guys to peacefully leave.
It’s a shame that we can’t get accurate reporting about what happened from the actual media. The above commentary came from a pro-antifa group so I placed a little more credit on it since they had no benefit in labeling the group as neutral militia guys and not nazis.
Comment i just saw on Utube which i think summarizes the conventional “economic thinking” of the general public
Does he want inflation? Because that’s how you get inflation.
FOOL! Germany keeps prices low!
I like shopping at ALDI too!
/drops live fish from mouth.
Also. What rope did they use to tie it?
Lies! You said you dislike seafood!
I do dislike fish and especially shell fish. Scavengers of the sea.
Full disclosure: I enjoy bivalves, cephalopods, urchins, and crustaceans.
Urchins? You eat your orphans too? Interesting.
This “pay higher wages, create higher demand” is like the economic version of a perpetual motion machine. If it works that way, why not just make the minimum wage $100 per hour? Then in 10 years when every single person is rich, we can raise it to $1000.. Rinse and repeat!
I recall having a conversation with someone who believed that the government could just print as much money as they wanted and hand it out and we would all be rich. The fact that people equate money with wealth leads to the biggest misunderstandings about economics I think.
People out of their teens who think that are hopeless.
And right over here I have this perpetual motion machine that you can use to disconnect from the electrical grid.
You’re welcome.
That was worse than a rickroll
Fuck that shit. I see your Michael Bolton, and I raise you Michael McDonald
in the blue-eyed soul game, mcdonald is Yeezus
Seriously? In the blue-eyed soul game There can be only one.
He is part of the holy trinity. Daryl is the Holy ghost. Mac-D is Yeezus. And of course, this is God.
Oh, fuck yeah.
I hate you. Give me some r&b, jazz, or dancehall please.
Ty. A delightful romp with motorcycles
My child, Michael McDonald’s blessings come in many forms
So … conflicted
Open your heart to smooth music, and endless blessings shall be yours.
Michael McDonald and Thundercat
600 comments hurts my thumb. On vacation tomorrow so on the porch drinking gin.
Nice choice!
I’ve decided on a month of four day weeks instead of one weeks vacation.
I wanted to see what it’s like to be French for a month. I still answer email and take conference calls because I’m not.
Here is another tune for you all.
Another solid effort. You deserve a wonderful day of porch drinking.
Make us proud!
I’m spending the day off finishing my deck. Then drinking heavily all night tomorrow.
I’m thoroughly disgusted with regulation and certification this week. Had an audit today and watched as the auditor expanded the interpretation of the spec so he could gig us with something. I should violate all codes with my deck tomorrow, but this is a public forum, so I will ensure my deck can withstand 500lbs of shear on each bannister.
A friend of mine has done this for the past consecutive 3 summers and it has done well for him
First redacted FITZGERALD report has been released. (h/t Navy Times)
Solid damage control effort, but still no answer on how it happened.
What a pathetic excuse for a “report.” I don’t see a solid damage control response – who was on-duty at the time of collision and what were their responses? Based-on this report, I am not surprised the FITZGERLAND was determined to at-fault.
It’s the first response. I wish it laid out more details, but I think that’ll come out with the USCG rules of the road investigation. That said, the crew responded to the incident (after it happened) very well – good reaction times, etc considered it was after midnight, etc.
I don’t like that STARK got hit with a cruise missile because all the countermeasures were turned off either – and those folks deserved to get relieved too – but again, at least our crews are up to the task of saving the ship.
Have none of the statue wreckers ever read an angry ghost story?
If desecrating confederate graves is how the zombie apocalypse starts, I’m going to be pissed.
It just doesn’t end. I’m guessing the average basketball player, to the extent we can pro-rate statistics, is no fan of gays, gay marriage and Jews.
Oh yea, everyone was just holding hands and singing kumbaya throughout all of the Obama years. He never did or said anything divisive… Nope. Not at all.
You know who else destroyed old statues that they found offensive?
The Gods of Olympus?
Actually this is a point that should be hammered* (no pun) repeatedly: any people who feel the need to destroy evidence of their own history are insane, retarded, emotionally-damaged ideologues.
Twitter gold: The great irony is that in order to be a National Socialist today, you have to be so retarded that Hitler would have euthanized you for it.
CNN is breathlessly reporting that Trump’s thirty year ago ghostwriter is predicting that Trump will resign by the end of the year, as if that’s some sort of factual real news. If CNN had any sort of self-awareness or desire to not be labeled “fake news”, maybe they should stop running fake news like this.
I predicted in January he’ll resign by the end of the year. Now I’m predicting he’ll resign in early 2019, just long enough to give Pence the possibility of two elected terms.
“Trump running for president? What a joke! He’ll never even make it to the primaries!”
“There’s no way Trump is going to get that nomination. It’s been a hilarious spectacle, but it’s time to get serious here.”
“Trump will never take all of the swing states! Hillary is inevitable!’
“Trump will resign by the end of this year… I just know it!”
Reviewing the day at Glibs: that sex/gender comment thread went badly sideways.
Please do not publish any more of my articles.
I could have put up with a rebuke, but a pre-emptive refusal of an apology is unacceptable. If you’re too good to accept my apology, you’re too good to publish my articles.
Eddie, take it easy. Please don’t go down the Free Society path.
Here’s what they said: “an apology ain’t gonna cut it.”
OK, then having this site host my articles ain’t gonna cut it, either.
Now I gotta read the whole goddamn thread to find it? F3 cunt better work.
Sorry to see you go sir
On further review, it was his use of the phrase “fuck you scum” which was more of a problem. His use of “cunt” only came later in the heat of argument.
Now I gotta F3 that mess again?
Don’t go. The bad old site is now arguing that threats, vandalism and literal desecration are good “social pressure” that lead to good private sector outcomes. I never would have guessed that “desecration of memorials to our war dead” would eclipse Pot, Ass-sex and Mexicans as the supreme libertarian sacrament.
Just for the record: I’m not an administrator. I was just making a comment.
So am I, but I’m not writing any further articles.
…and I ask that the article I already have in the pipeline be cancelled.
I think I have a bit more to lose by being associated with this site than this site had being associated with me, so it might be a good idea to purge my articles and posts.
But… but… I really enjoy reading your articles. Please don’t go.
Hard to tell sarcasm over the Internet.
Not being the least bit sarcastic, Eddie; I genuinely enjoy your writing. I disagree with many of (what I assume are, based upon your comments here and back at TOS) your positions but I do like to read them and I really, really, really enjoyed your articles so far.
I agree with L0b0t on that, while I may not agree with some views of your’s, I did enjoy your articles. Still if this is goodbye, I wish you the best.
I’m sorry to hear it, since this site no longer appears to be an appropriate venue for my articles.
Moderators who think it’s OK to fantasize about sacriligiously assaulting the person of the VIcar of Christ, without even the mildest rebuke, pre-emptively inform me that they will not accept my apology for the “crime” of responding to someone who calls me a cunt.
And by postponing an article of min which they had planned on running tomorrow, they think they’re punishing me.
I’ve already worried about the implications of being associated with this site, now I have an excellent excuse to cut the strings.
Well, if this is the end, thank you very much for the knowledge you have shared and may you always have fair winds and following seas. I will certainly feel your absence.
That’s very flattering, whether I deserve it or not, thank you very much.
Look, Eddie don’t be a bitch.
Please stay
I think the problem was my *not* being a bitch.
From the urban dictionary’s definition #3:
BITCH: “3 A man considered to be weak or being a pussy.”
It was because I wasn’t a bitch in that particular discussion that I’m denounced now.
I’m still deciding whether I went too far and whether an apology is warranted, but I’ll only give my answer when I know for sure any apology will be accepted.
look, if you leave, winston might end up taking your place. that’s not acceptable.
I like your articles a lot and enjoy your sense humor. I hope you continue to contribute.
This place would get boring fast if we agreed on everything. The messy clash of ideas is what makes it fun.
This is more than a messy clash, this is me getting called a quote cunt unquote and then replying with *almost* the same level of incivility, then being told that my articles are postponed for a week and “an apology from me for the offense of replying to someone who called me a cunt.
And they posted the rebuke.
They thought they would “punish” me by postponing, for eight days, an article of mine which was scheduled for tomorrow. I’m not being punished, I’m being thrown in the briar patch, and I hope the article *never* runs.
They said “an apology ain’t gonna cut it.” And by keeping my work off their site they thought they were inflicting punishment *on me.*
I hope they “punish” me by removing all my articles from the site.
The guy in your avatar put up with all kinds of abuse and hardship, but he kept on truckin’.
As the good book says:
Mark 13:13
“You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”
It’s not my thing, but it is your thing, right?
I would be interested in an article on how you square your religion and politics. There’s was one about Christianity and libertarians a few months ago, but none since. This site could use more perspective from religious people.
I’m not really in a bad enough mood to cite Matt. 7:6, but there’s Matthew 10:23 – if they persecute you in one city, flee to another.
Eddie, cunt is like three levels lower on the swearing scale in Commonwealth countries. I personally don’t have any problem with your response. Shit talk at the bar basically, if anything you said was actually substantial I’d have demanded a duel by now.
I will openly say that I won’t apologize for calling you a disingenuous cunt. Because you are one. But I don’t agree with management’s decision, particularly in regards to your written content. I do believe that they should accept your apology and move on. Your content is genuinely good. I have written on behalf of you in that case.
Well, at least they won’t think you’re biased in my favor.
On review, it was your phrase “fuck you scum” which was more of a problem, since by the time you got down to cunt we were already in the heat of argument.
I certainly did think you told, shall I say, terminological inexactitudes about my position, even after I thought I’d gone out of my way to acknowledge certain anti-gay crimes in the past.
And I didn’t offer an apology, I’m still deciding whether one is warranted or not. I’m simply saying that *if* I offered an apology they’d be bound to accept it and drop the matter, not act as they have acted.
The last shall be first.
so close!
This is Maria Chapelle Nadal, a Democrat state senator of Missouri. Among the absolute insanity, note her retweet of a post showing that Eric Greitens, Republican governor of Missouri, and the first Jewish governor of the Missouri, should to to Auschwitz.
So far, crickets from the media. For some reason.
What an imbecile.
Crickets ’cause they silently share her deleted opinion
I don’t know what it is about Twitter that makes it a magnet for loudmouth morons. Probably just the easiest way to get the most attention. It’s hilarious that news broadcasts have increasingly become a summary of who tweeted what.
A limit of 140 characters is not exactly conducive to deep, reasonable discussion. It’s really the perfect breeding ground for simplistic, bumper sticker logic “debates”.
Every battle in history on one map.
Damn, wypipo. Y’all muthafuckas need Jesus.
Wow. I think there are a few missing there.
They could easily be mostly filled in my simply putting a spot on every square inch of earth.
“As Ta-Nehisi Coates lays out in the latest issue of the Atlantic,…”
And that’s where I stopped taking the article seriously.
Yep. Hey media idiots, want to combat racist white nationalists? Not publishing racist black nationalists is a start.
Well yea, libertarianism is a political philosophy; it doesn’t have anything to say about problems that are outside of the political sphere.
“…markets have failed to correct …”
It always outs, doesnt it?
perhaps for once they should permit the market to work, rather than interfering.
“that those neighborhoods are racially segregated is no accident. Jim Crow’s death is worth celebrating but hardly sufficient for establishing equal opportunity in any meaningful sense, especially when our society still effectively traps people in these conditions by both law and custom, based in no small part on their race.”
The fallacy that poverty creates a trap rather than poor judgement and poor impulse control creates poverty.
You know, for a long time, I’d wondered how “liberalism” went from being a term used to describe belief in free markets, the rule of law, limited government , and individual rights to, well, what we have today. For a long time, I’d just assumed it was some natural degradation of the language. Now I’m not so sure it wasn’t some intentional bastardization to destroy the concept. I mean, isn’t that what we’re seeing the Cato/Reason/Bleeding Heart/Cosmo axis do to “libertarianism” right now?
reducing libertarianism to a rearguard for the left?
this was actually a reply to SIV’s “SO WOKE”.
jesus, we’re going to need a new word now for “gilmore thinking he gilmored but actually didn’t”