Happy Friday.
Looks like Steve Bannon is out on his ass. I’m looking forward to seeing how this gets spun as a wink and nod to the Stormfronters.
Fuck Cancer!
Conspiracy theories about why Taylor Swift took down a bunch of social media profiles. I await accusations that this also is a wink and nod to Stormfronters.
AIs are racist. When Skynet takes over, women and minorities may be hardest hit.
Throwback Friday. Heavy metal version.
Must have a quote. Not first.
I am humbled by you all.
/sews orphan’s mouth shut.
*offers Yoohoo*
Why would you sew its mouth shut?
That limits things quite a bit**Family Friendly Internet Web Site
On the road again.
One down. A couple million to go.
Soon to be replaced by a retired marine general
I read that as marine biologist.
We’re going to need a bigger quote.
wdalasio had a really good comment on the Morning Links about why the libertarian establishment is bugging out that got somewhat buried:
A big part of the Libertarian Party’s problem is that the market has moved on them. Ten, twenty years ago they could say with a straight face that they were sort of like liberals, only more so, in that they supported sexual freedom, free speech, refraining from military adventurism, and not forcing your morals on other people. They could say they were sort of like conservatives in that they believed in free markets, low taxes and small government.
Since then, a lot of grassroots conservatives (especially younger ones) have generally gotten less hostile to libertarians on a lot of those “liberal” things that libertarians differed from them before. Such that, at this point, there really isn’t a huge chasm between grassroots conservatives and libertarians. At the same time, all of those things libertarians shared with the left, the left has abandoned. On sexual freedom, they’re ready to call all heterosexual sex borderline (if not outright) rape. On free speech, they applaud people beating others up for expressing wrongthink. On military adventurism, they’re fine as long as they hold the trigger finger. On not forcing morals, who are bigger moral scolds than the social justice warriors.
All of this puts the Libertarian Establishment in a bit of a pickle. They owe their careers and influence to being something different from conservatives and liberals. And that’s not really possible if the gap between conservatives and libertarians is shrinking while that between the left and libertarians is widening. So they’re trying to reposition the libertarian brand. But, the truth is libertarianism hasn’t really changed, the right has just moved closer to it while the left has moved from it. Repositioning it to benefit the Libertarian Establishment simply winds up meaning becoming not libertarian.
I don’t give a damn what the group is called so long as they’re willing to leave me, and you, and everyone else, alone.
Indeed, the LP is pretty much obsolete.
All the GOP needs to do is return to its roots as the party of property rights.
The ‘Libertarian’ Party
Neomarxism is incompatible with libertarianism. What a disgrace.
Hey, mad Twitter trolling got Trump into White House!
Quote Scalzi as a libertarian? It’s so crazy it might work!
Hey, mad Twitter trolling got Trump into White House!
Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t seem to realize that Trump found success by trolling his opponents, not potential friends, allies, and voters. He is overly effusive with both his criticism of his opponents and his praise of his friends.
Don’t get too worked up about this Sarwak (whatever) guy killing the LP because it’s a Goddamn mercy killing.
Sure he’s an idiot and a Judas but the LP has become a sad joke.
I knew Sarwak was an idiot when he proclaimed the two parties are dying when they still have almost all the votes and seats.
You’ve got to be kidding me. Clearly, we have reached the apex of the Libertarian Moment.
Who the fuck put this jackass in charge?
Didn’t Reason try to turn Scalzi into a libertarian back in 2008? He was one of those profiled who supported Obama.
Collective generalizations from the LP about privilege. That’s just great.
Well, and be good at its job. And not a pack of shithead cowards.
Oh, they’ll always be the Stupid Party. It’s impossible for them not to be. They have multiple factions that the Democratic Party doesn’t have. The Democratic Party is essentially divided between ‘old liberals’ (a dying breed) and ‘progressives’. They can both agree on growing government. The Republicans have neoconservatives (grow government for the military and just tinker with the welfare state); social conservatives (grow government to impose good morals); Burekeans (this far and no farther with government); libertarians (no government), and paleoconservatives (close the borders, end the wars, and preserve culture).
So, we infiltrate the GOP and pull a coup?
Yes. The Ron Paul strategy. *IT’S HAPPENING*
Because the SoCons and to a lesser extent Neo Cons still outnumber us and the new populist right might as well.
Neocons probably outnumber, I’m not so sure about socons. And the Pauls were able to successfully unite socons with libertarians and parts of the populist right. But, we must admit, there is an ugly history of when libertarians and populists joined forces. It may be best to keep our distances.
And the Pauls were able to successfully unite socons with libertarians
*Autistic Hihn-screeching*
I’m not so sure the neocons still have that much clout. If you look, their poster boy (Bill Kristol) has been reduced to playing Court Conservative on PMSNBC. Even with a Republican in the White House, they really haven’t been able to get anyone in any key positions. Many of the socons, at this point, seem to be content to not have to buy abortions and bake cakes. The populist right is a wild card that I don’t think anyone has really figured out yet.
The real challenge for libertarians in the GOP comes from the GOP Establishment (this might be who you’re calling the neocons). More than anybody else on the right, these guys hate libertarians with the burning fire of a thousand suns. They still control the party and all of its apparatus to get out the votes and get the voters on their side. Partially offsetting that is the fact that the populist right detests these guys as much, maybe more, than libertarians do.
Ive been saying this since before I was on this site. Manchurian candidates across the board.
You some kind of Teabagger?
They’ve embraced identity politics and are indistinguishable from SJWs. It also doesn’t help when some libertarians attack a traditional Catholic for posing a counter factual and it turns into a pissing match (wink wink).
*runs away*
Did something happen here that I missed in the last week?
Reason has become a Nazi website, which is weird
Fusionist and John Titor fought – dragged moderatiors in. Turned ugly.
Wait, again? Didn’t that happen last month?
Last night
Fusionist flounced off this morning in the lynx.
Odds on this being like Alec Baldwin moving to France?
I don’t think flounce really captures the way he left. What is a word for flounce x one billion?
Let’s not pile on. Anyone who wants to judge for themselves can find the comments with the information here. There was a disagreement. We’ve been in contact with both parties. No one is banned.
“We’ve been in contact with both parties.”
You mean contact via public announcements on this Web site?
Because the only private contacts are the ones I tried to initiate myself.
I like Eddie, but good lord what a cry baby drama queen.
“That’s it, I’m leaving”, then 20 more post about leaving.
The internet is brutal, so grow up
Come on, dude. Let it go
That catbutt looks like CHTULHU
It got dumber and more emotional this time. Mods were right to go after us for it.
You two kiss and make-up now.
Nope. Just going to refrain from talking to him if he hangs around.
MOD NOTE: I’ve pulled the rest of the comments by Fusionist into moderation as he is obviously not interested in doing anything but griefing. I will continue to do so while he continues to grief.
You’re doing god’s work, son.
I thought he was gone? What a cunt.
Whatever. I’m still the only one who’s been Zardoz’d.
I am saddened that it has come to this.
Reminds me of the scene in Seems Like Old Times when Chevy Chase is hiding under the bed. Charles Grodin storms out, Chevy Chase starts to get out, has to quickly get back under as Grodin storms back in to yell at Goldie Hawn some more and storms out again. This happens like 5 times.
This is a very disappointing turn of events. What someone perceives as the ‘just course of action’ is not always the ‘right course of action’. And it is really dumb to take offense over what is said here.
For God’s sake, pictures of catt butts litter all these threads. It is not a matter of life or death.
He’s just mad and taking things a little too far. He’ll get over it.
Dammit, this blows.
The occasional outbreak of bad tempered squabbling is inevitable (and surprisingly rare here), but when it happens, I don’t like people getting all Drama Queen on me. I’m a libertarian, dammit! That means I’m borderline Aspy/sociopath – drama ain’t my thang at all.
I like Fusionist’s articles, and even his commentary (I agree some, disagree some, but he’s got a perspective here that few if any others do).
I’d like him back, but no Drama Queening, pls.
I 2nd what RC Dean says. I didn’t read the crap thread all the way through, but there’s plenty of blame to go around in the parts that I did read. Let’s not play this whole “shun the guy I don’t like” game. It’s one of the shittier aspects of the old site that I hoped we had left behind.
I’m confused here. So the argument that everyone is talking about has been memory-holed? Like the old place? I went looking for it and can’t find it.
Whoa…totally necro-posted.
By the last week, do you mean yesterday? Hopefully Eddie if off drinking today like some of us recommended.
Is. But I guess not. I agree with kiss and make up. However, please go behind the bushes, I don’t want to see that.
Shit, I was just curious what had happened, I didn’t want to reignite anything. Forget I asked.
Member Concord, no menaces.
*narrows gaze, throws wedge of Emmenthaler*
*Catches wedge of Emmenthaler- throws it back. Swiss slinks away in defeat*
You are supposed to eat it!
*takes bite of wedge*
I have been bested
I apologize in advance for opening that can of worms. Please don’t cat butt me
Concord told you so.
How about a cheese wedging?
Where’s the hat man? Just Say’n I recommend the intermediary cat hat for you, for one day.
The wedge missed me because I went right through one of the holes.
I actually kind of wonder what was happening in his life. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this happened right after he started swearing at Trump.
Oh God, no not TDS. I thought everyone here was sprinkled with anti-TDS dust by the edit fairy?
I think some of the repositioning is defensive in nature. Ron Paul Newsletters were embarrassing eight years ago, they are political poison today. That Democracy in Chains book seems to have shaken them badly, especially the part where it wasn’t universally panned (outside conservative/right-libertarian sphere, at least), and I wonder if there’s a genuine concern that this is a perfect opportunity to delegitimize all libertarians by tying them in with racists. So, get ahead while you can and signal furiously: “I am not one of them. I am a harmless, reasonable person. We agree on so much, we don’t need to fight.”
Sure, it’s ‘defensive’, but its also cowardly. Why should I trust any of these people when they claim to hold libertarian values if they’re willing to drop them just as soon as the cool kids eye them suspiciously?
Why should they pander to you, though, when you don’t own a website nor a newspaper (as far as I know), so you can’t make up for any lost livelihood, let alone provide career advancement? And as for principles, some (pot, open borders) are as good as others, so they can still advance some liberty.
I’ve posted this several times, but it’s always relevant – why does a greengrocer put up a poster? (scroll to part III for relevant paragraph)
I’m not expecting pandering, I’m expecting basic principles, i.e. if you claim to be libertarian don’t start saying things like ‘social justice has noble goals’ that are a complete rejection of what you claim to value. Either you’re an ideological coward or a liar. Rolling over and showing your belly is reflective of deep character flaw. Have some shame man, by god.
The neediness of it is really off-putting. “Please, please like us! We’re just like you for the most part, honest, I swear!”
I think over-signaling might account for Kat Timpf going off the other day.
Still ‘would’
Well, yes. This is her take on her take:
At libertarianism.org you had Brink Lindsey saying he hoped that Trump could cause a realignment with the Never Trumpes turning tje Dems becoming more libertarians.
Also some guy from Niskansen was saying that we have to oppose Trump or else be seen as Vichyites.
So I can some strategy here…
Anyway it won’t work since libertarians don’t have the numbers, the organization, clout and goodwill among the left, or courage to stand up to antifas or twitter mobs to do any good.
ah yes, Mr. Liberaltarian himself. They’re still going to hate you anyway, Brink. They’re just not that into you.
As far as the Niskanen Center goes, all you need to do there is follow the money. They dance to the piper’s tune like any other hired hand.
Who funds Niskanen?
Lindsey did admit his liberaltarianism failed and the progs aren’t the ones he wants to ally with so this strategy won’t work either.
Brink Lindsey is a solid asshole if for no other reason than his love of war
I confess, this phrase made me lol
the very nature of libertarianism means that there is no real establishment. its not a political party; Its a political philosophy with a myriad of variants/offshoots.
Which means the people pretending to be ‘the party’, instead of simply keeping all the various constituents glued together with vague platitudes and ‘bit tent’ rhetoric is often doing the opposite: lecturing people on what the “correct” form of libertarianism is supposed to be. Which naturally erodes any glue that might be holding self-labeled libertarians together.
what is more concerning to me than the deep retardation of Nick Sarwark is this libertarianism.org thing, which seems to be actively trying to redefine the entire body of ideas.
This is lost on so many…
Good comment but I still don’t see it as an existential crisis.
And for God’s sake don’t run after liberals for approval just because they give swell cocktail parties.
Fuck them. They left you.
The liberals have been infiltrated and surplanted with totalitarian Marxist whackaloons, and they did it with the liberals’ consent in most cases. They same thing will happen to the libertarian party if it ever becomes large enough to be an appealing target.
All I know is I’m going to spruce up the ol’ mohawk, weld spikes to a muscle car, and Lord Humongous can name us whatever he likes.
Libertarians. They should be called cosmotarians. And we should distinguish why they are not the same. We put the individual at the center of the philosophy- they put systems at the center of their thinking
Orphans with apples in their mouths on a spit?
Not catch enough? Too long?
They think theyll be holding the clipboards instead of climbing into the cattle cars
Their whole strategy is based on some idealized view of the 1960s/70s past where the idea was that libertarianism is just a combination of Republican fiscal policies and Democratic social policies.
Which makes it weird that they now attack Rothbard. He was the one who first made inroads with the New Left in the 1960’s and 70’s, because of their opposition to war.
Rothbard had his iwn thing with him as the libertarian Lenin who will convince various anti-status quo groups to take over and put libertarians or at least fellow travelers in charge.
He was a divisive character. People either loved him or despised him. Read Buckley’s article about Rothbard’s passing. It was brutal.
There is also a lot of Fabianism at Cato. Convince the elites to become libertarian with cocktails, virtue signalling and policy papers.
Why do think Reason was all about the libertarian moment and teh yutes?
The big problem with this strategy is that the elites don’t benefit from libertarianism
Yeah, it wasn’t the elites who got convinced by the cocktails and virtue signaling in that arrangement, that’s for sure.
Also the big flaw with reformist pragmatism is what will stop you from selling out on everything?
Your mom sold out her vajayjay a long time ago.
Look up Salami strategy. This is what the left are doing.
Anyway this LP strategy will fail. 2020 will be a referendum on Trump and an “anyone but Trump” attitude will not benefit the LP
Your mom plays a mean game of hide the salami every night.
Thanks, John Titor, for the positive feedback. I think a little context might be in order. There was an observation that if a third party is essentially in policy tune with a major party they should just join the major party. I thought it was a pretty interesting insight that prompted a “market analysis” on how the libertarian brand would position itself. Yes, I agree with some of you that libertarianism isn’t a party, but a political philosophy. But, I also think its important not to ignore the fact that there is an Establishment of Professional Libertarians. It’s Reason. It’s Cato. It’s the Libertarian Party. Whether they believe in libertarianism or not (and I think they believe they do), they’re the folks who show up on CNN or MSNBC or even Fox to give The Libertarian Perspective. Sure, some of the latest bout might be defensive posturing, but the trend of the Professional Libertarian class, even beyond recent months, has been toward a less libertarian libertarianism. Think liberaltarianism or The Libertarian Moment. This trend started way before Trump and way before Democracy in Chains.
They don’t call it the dismal science for naught.
A pathbreaking new study of online conversations among economists describes and quantifies a workplace culture that appears to amount to outright hostility toward women in parts of the economics profession.
Alice H. Wu, who will start her doctoral studies at Harvard next year, completed the research in an award-winning senior thesis at the University of California, Berkeley. Her paper has been making the rounds among leading economists this summer, and prompting urgent conversations.
David Card, an eminent economist at Berkeley who was Ms. Wu’s thesis adviser, told me that she had produced “a very disturbing report.”
Toxic misogyny? We haz that.
Doctor Wu enters the Retardis
Just when I spent the last piaster I could borrow.
We’re not fooled! Trump fired the alt-right Nazi facist simply to cover up the fact that he is himself an alt-right Nazi fascist!
And he would’ve gotten away with it if not for us meddling kids!
Goddamn, Western Montana is hot in August. I moved up here for the overcast cloudy weather. Which Bureau do I take my complaint to?
I grew up in Havre. Cooked in the Summer and froze in the winter
AP: Trump is mean and racist and ugly and no one likes him and he should just shut up because everything is his fault
i confess, i didn’t read it, i just gave it a scan trying to figure out what the ‘news’ here was. It seemed to be “grieving parents don’t want trump to give them a hug. Obama was great at giving hugs. Remember that? it was great.” or something to that effect.
Uh didn’t the mom thank trump for his words I saw on NBC news twitter
Golden retriever digs up heroin in Oregon backyard
my reaction
They are lucky the sheriff didn’t shoot the dog, or arrest them on drug charges.
They’re really pushing “mom doesn’t want to talk to Trump” like it’s a thing at all.
To be sure, the online forum Ms. Wu studied is unlikely to be representative of the entire economics profession, although even a vocal minority can be sufficient to create a hostile workplace for female economists.
Some economists say they find the discourse on econjobrumors.com to be a breath of fresh air. George Borjas, an economics professor at Harvard, wrote on his blog last summer that he found the forum “refreshing.”
Professor Borjas said: “There’s still hope for mankind when many of the posts written by a bunch of over-educated young social scientists illustrate a throwing off of the shackles of political correctness and reflect mundane concerns that more normal human beings share: prestige, sex, money, landing a job, sex, professional misconduct, gossip, sex. …” In an email sent on Wednesday, after he received a copy of Ms. Wu’s paper, Professor Borjas said his views had not changed.
Burn the witch!
This will do wonders to help with that out of control prescription drug prices, thing.
South Carolina sues OxyContin maker, alleges deceptive marketing contributed to opioid epidemic
Last time I went to Mexico I seriously considered how much I could make by simply reselling tramadol and other niceties I can pick up down there without question, given my proximity. Yes, I am fully aware this is illegal (Nice try, Preet).
In the late 90’s you could make enough to keep yourself in beer and ski trips if a friend’s experiences are anything to go off of. This was back in the days when you could legally bring a 90 day perscription across the border.
Sadly, they check to see if the piñatas are empty nowadays. Which means I can pull a switcheroo and hide them in the tamales.
Your trunk lining can be pulled back and hides quite a bit. Don’t ask me how I know this.
I have an entire air compressor hidden under mine.
Okay, a portable air compressor that can run off 12v DC, but still.
We don’t need to ask. We all know you were trying to hide hookers back there.
I’m going to guess this is where you hide your NOS in case you need to outrun the cops?
I don’t know how you know about my car fetish, but I will find you….
It’s just an energy drink I swear!
For over a decade and a half now literally every time I hear/read somebody say that word I immediately have Paul Walker in my head going on about how he needs NOS.
Theyre gonna distribute the fine to Nazis
Tramadol is some fine stuff. Makes you feel good without putting you to sleep. Actually a bit stimulating. Made me more productive at work, especially if I felt like shit that day.
Haven’t had any in years though.
My fiancee’s dog is on it. It really seems to put the arthritis in the background.
So, we infiltrate the GOP and pull a coup?
These euphemisms. We had better hope Miz Wu never stumbles across this place.
You made Summer sad!
Why so Glau?
Keep. Summer. Safe.
My function is to keep Summer safe. Not keep Summer being like, totally stoked about like the general vibe and stuff. That’s you. That’s how you talk.
Well, don’t fall over yourself white knighting for her.
I’m sure she’ll spring back just fine on her own.
“Looks like Steve Bannon is out on his ass. I’m looking forward to seeing how this gets spun as a wink and nod to the Stormfronters.”
This will be the latest chapter in “that guy we totally hate and can’t stop braying about, in hindsight, got railroaded for being on the side of the righteous by that asshole Trump”. See also, Comey, James.
Well, what did they expect was going to happen? If you give a bunch of kids a new toy, they’re going to try to break it.
And they’re pretty much experts at breaking stuff, so . . .
Richmond Virginia city councilwoman unhappy about mayor’s abrupt change in plans on monument removal. FWIW, I believe Ms Gray is black.
Yes, she is. Good for her. Stoney using Charlottesville as a pretext to suddenly scrap the entire concept of compromise that the Monument Avenue Commission represented is just pathetic.
Well, if they do remove them, I hope they just dynamite the statues. Let’s just be perfectly clear what we’re doing here.
Alternative, with extra creamy irony – bring some work gangs from the jails and prisons and give them sledgehammers to take them down.
Hopefully to a lovely musical accompaniment.
Import some Taliban guys for the ceremony. Let them press the plunger thingy, ala Wile E Coyote.
“I await accusations that this also is a wink and nod to Stormfronters.”
No need to wait.
The daily beast said she must disavow lol
Well, you get the idea.
So Nazis have terrible taste in women, among other things? Seems about right
So not your thing?
not thicc no care
I would pop my alt right icon into her.
I’ll storm her front any day.
I have to give it to her, she looks all reich to me.
They can’t help themselves lol
“It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people. Presumably, this is not explained by the implicit bias of the solar system.”
Way to to go out on a limb.
Kansas City, St. Louis and Columbia, SC might have something to say about that.
Of course, along most of its path, there live almost NO people. The western US is funny that way.
She covered it in the article. You see, the path of the eclipse misses the black parts of those cities and only gives totality to the whites!
Also, Ferguson is eight miles to the north of the totality.
I want say I read the whole thing, but skimming was quite entertaining enough. And hey, you can never bag on Oregon’s racist past sufficiently!
I can’t read twitter from work, but that’s hilarious. Is it at least trying to be funny?
Also, the 2024 eclipse will cover all of Cleveland, Little Rock, AR and Dallas so… reparations?
It’s from the article.
TW: Atlantic, extremely long.
Hopkinsville, the best place to see the eclipse in the whole world, is almost 40% black.
Also, the parts that are all white are racist because they are all white and the parts with black people are racist because of slavery, per the article
Presumably, this is not explained by the implicit bias of the solar system.
If anything, the bias is in favor of non-whites: everyone likes the sun, and if it is only hiding from the white folk then I don’t see how it’s doing them any favors.
Yes, this whole line of reasoning is stupid, but sometimes I can’t help but engage with stupid ideas.
False, that blasted daystar blights my eyes and burns my skin.
Well, naturally. The (except UCS) was implied after the “everyone”. If I start writing “everyone (except, of course, UCS)” all the time, my writing will start looking like a Muslim talking about “Muhammad (PBUH)”.
Unciv – saw your posts earlier on getting into shape. Good on ya, bro. I need to do the same, but I haven’t mustered up the energy to even do as much as you have.
I got sick of being fat. There were few options on corrective measures.
Lets see if I can stick with it.
Oh come on, like you didn’t laugh at that headline! Comedy is all about the unexpected.
Top comment on the article:
How many paint chips do you have to ingest at an early age for this to be what you ponder when thinking about a solar eclipse?
Blame Trump?
I guess she’s never been to South Carolina…
Look at the priests trying to tell us that naturally occurring celestial events are some deep seated divine message trying to tell us something. Christ, might as well go back to the caves.
I can’t, I have to work on the 21st, and Howe Caverns is an hour (or so) away.
Looks like Steve Bannon is out on his ass.
It will be interesting to see if this high turnover of staff will stop at some point and things will settle down. I seem to remember Trump going through a similar phase while running for president, hiring and firing many people until he finally found the right fit. This might just be his standard operating procedure for team building.
I think he is with Kelly there now. Priebus was never meant to be the one.
During his campaign, his staff could be measured against a clear goal: Get elected. What’s his staff being measured against now?
Get reelected?
That’s a good question, actually, as I don’t think he has many concrete goals, just a general sense of direction. The staff turnover may never stop.
Cloudflare giving Ghostgunner and Hatreon (both owned/started by Cody Wilson) the Stormfront treatment?
seems too coincidental with everything else going down.
That looks…odd.
We must dissociate ourselves from anything that might send progressives into a tizzy.
Libertarians are always lumped in with the ultra rights by the left–unless they think they might get our help against a President like Bush Jr.
Progressives are all about using the coercive power of the state for the common “good”, and anybody who doesn’t have faith in big government will ultimately become the enemy. Yeah, right now they’re projecting themselves as the alternative to neo-Nazis, but that’ll be over by Monday.
It doesn’t seem to occur to the left anymore that being racist wasn’t the only bad thing about the Nazis–but that seems to be their primary complaint. In their minds, the Nazis were far, far worse than Stalin because the Nazis were overtly racist–and that’s the unforgivable sin. It’s just the racism they really abhor specifically–not the general totalitarianism. Totalitarianism in the name of anti-racism, gender equality, etc., etc. is actually quite fashionable to them.
The only bright side I see with that trend is that as average lefties become more collectivist and totalitarian, the right tends to become more individualistic.
But that’s bending over backwards looking for the bright side.
As if Stalin was some kind of friend to the Jewish people. I mean, yeah, he wasn’t a friend to anyone, but he loved a good pogrom as much as any Nazi. He just chose to murder them by working them to death in the gulag rather than using poison gas.
I hope the point is getting across that racism isn’t the only thing wrong with totalitarianism.
If Kim Jong-un isn’t a racist, that’s hardly an exoneration of totalitarianism, and whether Stalin was also racist isn’t really the issue either.
If Jeffrey Dahmer wasn’t a racist, what difference does that make?
Juche is a rather racist philosophy though, isn’t it?
That notwithstanding, I agree with you. Racism has become the Evil That Eclipses All Other Evils in the prog religion. To them, it trumps everything else. Yes, it’s evil, but murderous Commie dictators aren’t somehow less objectionable than Hitler just because of a lack of swastikas.
I’ve been having this argument with some otherwise sensible people lately and it makes me want to slam my head with a car door. Say the words Nazi or racism and it triggers something that switches most people’s brains firmly into the OFF position, rendering them incapable of sober, rational thought. Saying that Communists are just as evil in their own way and thus not actually preferable to Nazis translates to “I am a Klan sympathizer” to a lot of people, apparently.
Curious, how does the argument over this start?
If they bring it up, My suggestion would be to rattle off the comparative death toll of the Soviet Union and see what their response is, rather then immediately making the (truthful) statement that communism is just as evil as Nazism/Fascism.
Not to mention that there are different degrees of racism. Not every racist is a Hitler, or even a klansman, or even a young Mark Wahlberg. Your racist grandmother is a much better person than a non-racist Stalin.
Hitler used a lot of slaves for the War machine, a Shit Ton
“get her to say some really awful, racist things. Like one now-deleted tweet, which read, ‘bush did 9/11 and Hitler would have done a better job than the monkey we have now.'”
Is that racist?
Of course. We don’t have a monkey, we have an ape.
This happened a year ago. Obama was the president then.
Ah… See, I normally check the dates on articles posted to Facebook. I thought I could trust the glib links to be current. 🙂 More fool me.
Obama. Article from early 2016.
Well that’s different – Hitler would not have done a better job at damaging America than Obama did.
And he tried!
Somewhat OT but in line with the lynxs theme. Why is there no terminator movie set after the fall of Skynet? Surely the struggles of a post apocalyptic society are ripe for development. Especially an apocalypse caused by machines. There would obviously be some good Luddite stuff to work with, some butlerian jihad type things from Dune, an exploration of the low tech third world countries the Skynet didn’t skullfuck. Looking at john connor as a postwar leader as opposed to a wartime leader. It’s just weird that the series never explored that aspect and insisted on retelling and retconning the story every movie after the second.
You know if they did that it would end up being dreck like The Postman.
Okay, fair point. The f they had done it early on. But now with HBO and showtime and AMC all about different and high quality stuff why not do it today and with new writers?
The Postman is one of the great unintentional comedies of all time.
Because that’s basically Terminator without Terminators, or standard post-apocalypse minus ripping off Mad Max. And every time they expand or discuss Judgement Day, the war or its aftermath they always manage to make it more boring and/or stupid.
There’s a reason why this is still the best ‘future scene’ of the Terminator movies. Because it’s spooky, desperate, confusing and weird. A literal hell on earth that we can’t really comprehend.
Also technically John Connor dies at some point just before the war fully ends according to T3, but they can probably use time travel to recon that (which is one of the bigger problems with the Terminator series now).
My favorite is the person watching a fire in a busted TV.
I really enjoyed Terminator: Salvation overall. Would watch again.
I figured the machines would keep sending their drones to the past to change the future to their liking.
*until it changed the future to their liking.
Um . . . am I alone in thinking that the push back against Trump for his speech (blaming violent protestors on all sides) has gone way overboard?
That speech shouldn’t even make the top ten list for most important things going on right now, but everywhere I look everybody, including Trump himself, seems to think it matters.
White Nationalists are a fringe issue.
I went toe to toe with some pretty nasty folks back in the day myself, but they were a big presence in my world at the time. Nowadays, White Nationalism just isn’t and shouldn’t be a significant factor in anybody’s decisions.
I see CEOs dropping out of the president’s various advisory commissions, and I don’t think, “Gee, this must be a bigger deal than I thought”. I think to myself, “Have these people all lost their minds?” You don’t care about infrastructure or deregulation anymore–because of Trump’s speech?
Steve Bannon got Trump into the White House–with very little money–when nobody thought that was even possible. Your starring quarterback takes you to the Superbowl and wins it against all odds and you bench him? Not because of his play–but because he has controversial past associations in people’s minds?
And these aren’t the voters’ minds we’re talking about.
I don’t know anybody who isn’t already a progressive and thinks Donald Trump is a Nazi or that his supporters are all Nazis. Having the media and the establishment call all Trump’s supporters a bunch of Nazis actually plays in Trump’s favor for reelection. White, blue collar, middle class people sick of being called homophobic, intolerant, racist, and stupid for being vaguely Christian, thinking that immigration laws should be enforced, white, and blue collar is what probably won the swing vote for Trump in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
If Trump is starting to believe the hype and changes into a politically correct version of himself, he’s gonna lose to a Democrat.
Trump could have read aloud from the works of Khalil Gibran or Shel Silverstein and they’d still have accused him of fanning the flames of violence.
“Where the Sidewalk Ends” is flat-earther propaganda!
Where the Sidewalk ENDS?? Donald Trump is clearly plotting to eliminate public pedestrian infrastructure!! He wants a world where only rich white people with cars can go anywhere!
I’m wondering what he could have said that wouldn’t have had a massive push back.
I resign?
I suggested to a prog acquaintance that Trump could make Hillary VP before riding a nuke like Slim Pickens into a horde of Nazis and the progs would still be out for blood.
He could have quoted Jesus, MLK, St. Francis of Assisi, Mother Teresa, and Harvey Birdman rolled into one and they’d still manage to shit their pants and use the overflow to smear each other’s face in an orgy of virtue signalling.
‘I have a dream that you got that thing I sent you…something..something.. Latin something… something nunish’
Lazy Jane
Lazy, and believe me, I know lazy. Jane’s lazy.
When she wants a drink of water she
and waits
and waits
and waits
and waits
and waits
and waits, how long will she wait? Long time, let me tell you.
for it to rain.
He didn’t give in. He has the media defending antifa violence now and has been egging them on to go after Washington and Jefferson
They are livid he brought up antifa
There were so many puff pieces on them this week
Gee, and I thought I was bending over backwards looking for the bright side.
I appreciate people like that.
Some people see a huge pile of horseshit that they need to clean up, and they get all excited ’cause it means they might get to ride a pony.
You know what I think this is about?
When Trump lost the Repeal and Replace votes, that led to a whole different world, politically.
If he could have delivered, that world looks totally different from this one. If there’s a parallel universe where Trump got that through, these defections and house cleaning, and distractions aren’t happening like this.
There is no good reason why that speech should have made any difference to anybody that matters. I think they’ve lost faith that he can deliver, and they don’t want to stick their necks out anymore. I think those CEOs were probably just looking for an excuse.
If Trump was going to do tax reform, infrastructure, and deregulation, they’d want to be there to influence it and get some of the goodies–no matter what he said in a speech about Charlottesville.
If they don’t think he can deliver on any of that, then they don’t want to be standing there with egg on their faces while Trump blames them for what the media will call his failures.
I’m guessing Bannon is getting fired for starting shit internally and being an idiot that blabs to the press in a way that undermines the president.
To mangle LBJ, Bannon was inside the tent, pissing on the floor.
Yeah, if Bannon refused to keep his mouth shut–after being told to–then you may not be able to do much with him shooting you in the foot.
Only the people who are authorized to speak should do so.
Still, Bannon is the one that got him there. Maybe what it takes to get you into the White House and what it takes to stay there are two different things, but the day will come when he wishes he had Bannon on his team again.
Somehow I went from Megadeath to Kids React to Iron Maiden. Pretty funny.
Oh my god, that was so adorable!
The one little girl who snaps her fingers: “The ending? Than was spot on!”
That’s awesome!
Elders react to Rammstein was pretty funny
Saw that one, old hipster looking dude was digging it.
Germany: Common Sense Nazi Regulations
Really AP?
In my high school German class, for some reason, we had to listen to a German boy band one day. The song was Kuessen Verboten (forbidden kissing).
The only other thing I know about contemporary German music aside from Rammstein is there was this guy named Herbert Gronemeyer who was famous for a while.
And the Hoff, of course.
I think Kreator, Sodom, and Accept.
Accept has got to be the first Nazi metal band. If “Balls to the Wall” isn’t a Nazi song, then what the fuck is it?
I think Celtic Frost is from Switzerland.
You think correctly.
I used to listen to this German comedy-metal band called Knorkator. I only got some of the jokes due to my limited understanding of German, but they were pretty funny and also highly skilled musicians.
The other day we were discussing why actual liberals are embracing the antifa movement. Two thoughts: Liberal parents more likely to have antifa children than far right children. The liberals foolishly believe they can use antifa to get rid of actual fascists and that the liberals will then control antifa.
Liberal parents more likely to have antifa children than far right children.
Where have you gone Alex P. Keaton?
Posting Pepe memes on 4chan.
*chokes on beer, flails about trying to clear airway and laugh*
You laugh now but I see nothing extraordinary in any of my seven Grandchildren. The boys will go into the trades and the girls will be civil servants, just like their Mommies and Daddies.
It’s also because the Washington Post is handwaving everything away and saying antifa is good and pure.
You’d think by now the only people who’d believe anything in the WaPo are lefty cultists.
The liberals are going to control antifa like college professors and administrators are now controlling their out of control students. Only with the added bonus of being covered in urine and beaten with bicycle locks.
No fair, Bycycle lock guy was a professor.
A professor of Ethics, of all things.
“Hey, don’t hate the player. Hate the game.
Their useful idiots to deal with Trump and the GOP. They will be crushed when their usefulness runs out.
Speaking of the Terminator. The Governator made a “funny” video.
Just when all my older relatives got tired of posting this Dumbass Vincente Fox video all over my Facebook feed, they go and find something new. As if I give two shits what these guys think.
“In fact, as president of this great country, you have a moral responsibility to send an unequivocal message that you don’t stand for hate and racism.”
But that’s exactly what Trump did do.
Wasn’t Schwartzenegger’s father a Nazi?
I noticed the cover of the local rag today.
Was there any place in the US where Obama supporters were treated like this?
The responses are surprisingly mixed. I’m thinking Martin Vanderhof would fit right in around here.
Ha, I didn’t check the comments before but now noticed that AntiSemitism was indeed missing from the cover.
I was just hanging out here waiting for comments to get to 100, so that I could start posting about spice and Hitler.
In other news, there’s been some polling done about removing the statues (no links, but they’re easily found) and it doesn’t look like good news for Democrats. But they’ve decided to die on yet another hill anyway. I’m not surprised by this at all. Most conservatives I know, are pissed about it. Libertarians either don’t seem to care or don’t like it one bit. A couple of days ago, though, I was talking with some maybe not prog left, but Democrat voters for sure. and they seemed concerned about why this fight is being started in the first place. They seemed to be of the opinion that the statues should just be left alone to avoid any more trouble. That is more telling for me than anything else. How this is going to affect the Democrats in the midterms? I’m guessing not positively. And I’m quite sure they aren’t done stepping in shit yet. They have more than a year to go. Yet, I’m hearing that Trump is the dumb one.
You know who else died on a hill?
Jeremy? Oh… right, he was on the hill. Never mind.
Huma’s libido?
*gags, turns green*
That Soviet soldier in the last Indiana Jones movie?
Last Crusade didn’t have Soviets in it.
Kingdom of Crystal Skulls was the last Indiana Jones movie. The Nazis were replaced with Soviets.
There’s no such thing as an Indiana Jones movie called Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It doesn’t exist! *jams fingers into ears, hums loudly*
Eh, whatever. It was dumb as all get out for sure, but I’ve seen worse.
Lies, there was No. Such. Film.
You hear me. There were only three Indiana Jones movies.
Repeat after me: There are 3 indiana jones movies! THREE!
Interesting. I wonder what will happened if I choose an alternative stimulus. I know, I’ll try this one:
Greedo shot first.
Maybe but it was in the chronologically first movie(*) called simply “Star Wars”
(*)may make an exception for Rogue One.
As someone like me who saw the movie in the theater. You are incorrect. Han shot first. No worries just nitpicking.
Nobody lost their shit? I am disappointed, in ALL of you.
If you want to see some shit get lost you’ll have to state something that’s controversial instead of obvious poppycock.
The DNC?
They technically died for a Hill, but you know.
Sonny Bono?
Dismas and Gestas?
Michael Kennedy?
Hitler Spice was the one between Posh and Baby, right?
Lucky bastard.
How this is going to affect the Democrats in the midterms?
It will be memoryholed by then. That’s why the Repubs need to jump on it now, put some bills up to cut off all federal funding to any state that has anything named after a Confederate, slave owner, or KKK member, force some votes, c’mon. For once they have a chance to get on the right side of an issue, so of course they do nothing with it.
My position on the statues is still this:
Whichever government entity (city, county) owns the land on which the statue sits should hold a public referendum to decide if they will stay or go. If they vote to keep them, leave them there, and charge people with vandalism and make them pay damages if they destroy them. If they vote to get rid of them, sell them off to the Sons of Confederate Veterans or similar groups.
Now this thread is gonna go to shit
Was it ever going anywhere else?
did eddie come back?
Look above. Theres a cat butt
yes, this is a real article
How To Write About Nazis
Don’t: write a press release for Nazis. Consider what kind of exposure you’ll be giving them. Be extremely careful about what quotes you’re going to use, and use their own words sparingly; you don’t want to inadvertently write a celebrity profile for white supremacy, so avoid ogling. The Mother Jones profile of Spencer begins: “Richard Spencer uses chopsticks to deftly pluck slivers of togarashi-crusted ahi from a rectangular plate.” Do not write this. Yes, there’s an ironic contrast between Spencer’s cosmopolitan dietary habits and his backward racial beliefs. But nobody should give a fuck what Richard Spencer deftly does with his chopsticks. Go and write about somebody else who eats fancy tuna from rectangular plates.
What about his economic beliefs, or would they really rather not talk about those?
If you look back you will see that fascists and communists both hated classical liberalism.
And the old aristocratic European conservative attitudes toward economics, lower classes and free speech are quite close to the pros.
Hmm. Tuna sounds pretty good, perhaps its because I’m a white supremacist or something.
“Black people who were never slaves are fighting white people who were never Nazis over a confederate statue erected by Democrats because Democrats can’t stand their own history anymore.. yet somehow it’s Trump’s fault.”
— Jeff Laffite Jones
“Because the communists defeated the Nazis in WW2, they successfully defined themselves as being anti-fascist, and the left has been dining on this lie ever since.”
– One Cʘsmos
The democrats shift to economic issues hasn’t worked out too well and they are back on identity politics
A better deal lol
The better deal is spending more money on killing dead confederates and giving money to antifa. WIN!
Good news! Elle Macpherson, 53, has spent her entire summer in a swimsuit
That’s impressive, considering it’s her 53rd Summer.
Thinking about breaking my political silence on Facebook to declare that I hate Nazis, anyone who supports Nazis, people who condemn Nazis but not in a timely fashion or in a manner that is not strongly worded enough, and anyone who has been near a Nazi and failed to assault them physically. Also that I support anyone who also hates Nazis and support any violence that they may justifiably commit against a Nazi, Nazi supporter, or anyone in close proximity to a Nazi.
I’m not sure how to word it so that people don’t get the impression I am a Nazi.
Don’t bother. Mix a drink, go outside and watch the clouds for awhile.
Some mood music.
For those who dig that song, here’s another fantastic version with Daryl Hall.
I had one hell of a week and I’m getting ready to do just that. We’re going to an outdoor concert that’s BYOB. I will definitely BMOB’s. I’ll look to the clouds and drink to your health.
Cheers, Kevin!
*Raises a Two Brother’s Domaine DuPage to The Other Kevin*
I’ve tried that. I just keep seeing clouds that resemble Nazis.
Thank God only 17 people visit this site, and most of them are from Canada, otherwise I’d be getting hate mail right now.
That there sounds like Nazi talk to me.
“I’m Ready for Hilary…Again!”
Methinks he doth protest too much.
Look if you can’t post a picture of at least 100 nazi scalps then you are obviously a quisling and collaborator.
I’m not sure how to word
Just don’t go the Suthenboy route-
Suthenboy|9.13.15 @ 10:11AM|#
I dont understand all the Hitler hate.
I can’t decide whats funnier: That being fake, or that being real.
I’m not clever enough to make that up.
I guess I should add that the full comment has been edited for brevity and to remove all exculpatory context.
An excellent illustration of:
Meaning comes from context.
Put this in every post you make
‘My Work Here Is Done,’ Smiles Contented Bannon Before Bursting Into Millions Of Spores
“Just know that, if ever you need me, call my name into the wind and I will appear. Goodbye, my friends! Goodbye!” At press time, any White House staffers that had inhaled the Bannon spores were dying in agony as the spores began sprouting in their brains.
Seems legit.
The onion is now the sane voice in the room, and has better coverage than cnn.
Doesn’t sound too different from what the MSM actually says, LOL.
Subpar SugarFree ripoff. For shame, The Onion!
Why is it that Welsh sounds so nice, but looks like dyslexics playing Scrabble?
Blackadder: Have you ever been to Wales, Baldrick?
Baldrick: No, but I’ve often thought I’d like to.
Blackadder: Well don’t. It’s a ghastly place. Huge gangs of tough, sinewy men roam the Valleys, terrorizing people with their close-harmony singing. You need half a pint of phlegm in your throat just to pronounce the place names. Never ask for directions in Wales, Baldrick. You’ll be washing spit out of your hair for a fortnight.
I’m fairly certain that all Celtic spellings are a sort of resistance against their occupiers
How YA Twitter is Trying to Dismantle White Supremacy, One Book at a Time
Which is why #OwnVoices and #WeNeedDiverseBooks have been such explosively popular hashtags, and why The Hate U Give was a #1 NYT bestseller and got optioned almost instantly for a movie, and why, when you look into writing grants or awards, you find almost all of them are looking for POC or otherwise marginalized creators. Because the publishing industry is sooooo white supremacist.
Look. Diversity was an issue in YA back in 2012 or so, with some publishers trying to whitewash books. (There was a book called Liar that had a black main character and the publisher put a blonde girl on the cover.) They got heavy backlash, and they have stepped up their game. It is not 2012 anymore. Look at the difference in the catalogs. Look at which books get the hugest amounts of publicity and marketing and money and awards thrown at them. Which ones get the hype from YA Twitter. You had your movement, and your movement was successful, and just like with feminism, you’re not content to pat yourself on the back and say, “Great job, guys! Mission accomplished!” You want to keep up the oppression narrative when no one is oppressing you.
The thing that is disturbing me the most is the way the YA community completely bait-and-switched white authors. Back three to five years ago when most of us started writing, we were being urged to write more inclusively and more diversely, and most of us, not being assholes, said, “Oh, absolutely, I want to write to reflect the world we live in.” But in the 2-3 years it takes most books to make it to print, the tone of the community changed to WHITE PEOPLE STAY IN YOUR LANE, YOU DON’T HAVE ANY BUSINESS WRITING CHARACTERS OF COLOR, with mob enforcement. Which means books that were written to the tone of a few years ago are coming out now and getting absolutely decimated and their authors terrorized. Now most white authors I’ve spoken to are terrified to write books with non-white characters, which is just absolute bullshit. You want to see YA go back to being lily white? That’s how you do it.
But in the 2-3 years it takes most books to make it to print, the tone of the community changed to WHITE PEOPLE STAY IN YOUR LANE, YOU DON’T HAVE ANY BUSINESS WRITING CHARACTERS OF COLOR
Not to mention this is a legitimately racist viewpoint, by either inferring that white people and minorities are fundamentally incapable of sympathizing or empathizing with each other, meaning that they are fundamentally different because of the colour of their skin, or you’re just being a racist asshole to white people telling them there’s things you can or can’t do because skin colour. I’m not sure what the percentages of both groups are.
says Justina Ireland, one of MLW’s least favorite people on the planet.
Do I detect a hint of editorializing? 😉
“Why are you upset I called you a racist?”
I’ll shamefully admit that I agree with this – casting ScarJo as Major Kusanagi is as wrong as casting Maggie Q (from racist perspective, not acting).
And it goes on – no wonder you’re getting the hell out of it! That’s some scary shit.
Trying to make anime into live action is your first mistake.
I hadn’t realized the extend of YA issues until you brought it up a few weeks ago – Starship Troopers was considered YA for my children, so I haven’t thought/read about this issue since my Judy Blume days.
Some suggestions for you:
1. Animal characters
2. Use a pseudonym
3. Multnomah Whiskey Library, followed by a sit-in at Powell’s
Use a pseudonym.
I do that. I’m hoping I’ve been guarded enough with my real name that they wouldn’t be able to do real life damage. I worry because I did fall into the trap of writing diversely. I grew up in a town that was only 25% white. I came from a teaching background where most of my students were Latino and there was a problem with getting them interested in reading, with a couple of them mentioning to me that they wished they could find more characters like them having adventures. So I wrote a sci-fi series with a Latino main character. The first book was well-received but it’s been a few years now and I still have to get the last couple out. I’ve had Latino kids reach out to me and tell me the book changed their lives. That’s what’s important to me. But the thing is, writing is such an isolated job, you don’t spend a lot of time around readers. When there’s a witch hunt going on, sometimes that stress and fear is so strong that you forget about the positives. Particularly since these people in power can do way more damage to you than the Mexican teen who emailed you can help.
Another line that bothered me:
But they are. Sensitivity readings are required by most publishers now. The problem is that oftentimes book bloggers disagree with what the sensitivity readers said, and the rage brigade rolls in anyway.
The hell’s a sensitivity reading? Do they request changes to the book in order to get it published? Are there really people who are effectively employed as diversity editors?
Yes. They have people of whatever background read it and tell you how you were problematic and then you make edits accordingly. And they are paid, although I don’t know how much—probably not a lot.
Well at least I probably make more than diversity editor, that’s something I guess.
What if you write a book about, I don’t know, a ten year old growing up in Rwanda during the genocide? Do you have to have it reviewed by an actual Rwandan who experienced it, or can you just have a random Rwandan or even just a random black person do it?
They would probably try to find an actual Rwandan who experienced it or who had immediate family who did. I don’t know how successful they’d be, though. Regardless, if it was a white person writing this you could absolutely expect a huge protest, people demanding the publisher cancel the book, and screeches of “STAY IN YOUR LANE”
No, “diversity editors” are Milkshake Ladies of Marvel.
There’s a lot of vanilla, very little chocolate and no strawberry in their milkshakes.
But do they bring all the boys to the yard?
+1 neptunes beat
Judging by Marvel’s sales figures, noooooooooope.
If by “yard” you mean “Twitter drama”, oh fuck yeah!
Your mistake is assuming that these people are rational. They are religious.
The oppression narrative is the Neomarxist article of faith. It is the great filter through which all information is processed in their minds. If it reinforces the narrative, it is accepted. If it contradicts the narrative, it must be suppressed and prevented from being heard. The logic goes, even letting people hear about those hatefacts that undermine the oppression narrative contributes to oppression because it makes people doubt the faith.
So, you can keep telling them you’re doing your due diligence. No amount of evidence will ever convince them because it falls on the wrong side of the confirmation bias filter.
These people are generally beyond salvation, so it’s best to just disassociate with them and try to prevent others from falling prey to the cult.
I used to run across old people who used the word “colored” to describe black people–because they thought it was the considerate term. One came to me with an example to show that it was still polite–but the reference was to “people of color”. I couldn’t explain to them exactly why “people of color” is alright (in certain contexts) and why “colored” isn’t, but the rules do change on people–and it’s just a function of the age of the people with which you communicate.
I think of the original inhabitants of Australia as “aboriginal”. I understand that’s okay for First Nations people in Canada, too. In America, “Indian” is becoming more questionable, but it isn’t necessarily a not okay term. We call them “Native Americans” a lot, but if you’re in Canada and call them “Indians”, you’ve made a faux pas. “Native American” apparently isn’t a preferred term in Canada either.
The rules will change. Someday “African-American” will become passe and then offensive. “Madame” was once a term of respect. Now it’s a female pimp. “Vulgar” originally meant “common” as in the average person. The Vulgate is the Bible written in what was the common version of Latin used at the time. Now vulgar means something a priest would never say about the Bible.
Anytime people try to be something they’re not, they get themselves in trouble. Innocently refer to “colored” people with not a shred of racism in your heart, and people will generally see past that. It when you’re trying to be something you’re not. It’s like when the NFL decides to use the Super Bowl halftime show to appeal to young women–the only American audience they don’t dominate–by bringing Janet Jackson to do the halftime show and do the same things they do on MTV. The NFL was trying to be something they’re not. All the people who usually watch don’t ever see that shit on MTV. Suddenly this is what the NFL is about? Now I’m offended!!!
Yeah, I wouldn’t make a diverse character just for appeals sake. And it’s worse than just tokenism.
Anyone else watching “The Mist” on TV?
There’s a character that’s about as diverse as you want to get, but he turns out to be the bad guy. If I were an LGBT rights organization, I’d be going after that show like it was a Baptist preacher. Not only did they make him the unexpected bad guy. They made him the unexpected bad guy–because he’s diverse. This wasn’t in the original “The Mist” story or movie, etc. They just wrote this diverse character in–and forgot that this probably makes him the most bigoted characterization of LGBT in recent memory. It’s kind of crazy to watch. It’s like seeing a show marketed as being incredibly diverse and sensitive to LGBT–only to find that it’s unintentionally offensive or horrifically tone deaf.
And I suspect they were just trying to include a diverse character.
Writer One: “Let’s have an openly bisexual character”.
Writer Two: “Okay, and what if he was all messed up psychologically–because he’s bisexual?”
Writer One: “Yeah!”
Re: the mist
I was amazed they went that direction with him. I couldn’t decide if it was intentional or a huge blind spot in their writing.
Right? I swear every review I read starts out with basically a checklist – does the story have a non-white main character? a queer character? disability? And there’s always some parenthetical (“this book has a shameful lack of trans representation”) because of course every sixty thousand word novel can’t be a novel unless there are no white characters and everyone else checks a box. Then, maybe they get to what the story’s actually about, or whether it’s done well, or the whole review gets hung up on ‘representation’, but there’s always the checklist paragraph first.
It’s so tiresome. It’s like those reviews/posts about Dunkirk, written by people who went into the movie apparently only to count how many non-white people there are in it. Are they moved by the film? think it’s technically well-done or anything like that? who the fuck knows, because they’re only looking to see if there are “black bodies” in it. It’s just so frustratingly shallow, to me, to orient my experience /entertainment solely toward the numbers of characteristics an actor/character possesses, not the story itself.
They’re called zealots for a reason. It’s a pathological obsession.
Dating is Dead
I admit, being married for 25 years has put a serious crimp in my dating, but there is actually some good advice in this.
Youngsters, is this guy right, or are you still making us proud?
He’s right that there’s a lot less formality to the dating scene, but really it depends on the people. Christian mingle dates are probably more in line with what he talks about still, while some people just want a fuck.
Do you happen to have any numbers for the latter? Asking for a friend.
I’m not letting your filthy American genes anywhere near our glorious Canadian master race.
Also, check Grindr.
I did… they have penises. Pass.
Are you saying you hate transpeople?
Depends… are they inside or outside my asshole?
Maybe, but an awful lot of my mid-30s hockey buddies whine about not being able to find ‘the one’.
Go on…
You don’t want a hockey player. Trust me on this.
I’m dying.
“I’m glad they walked, it would have been awkward to ask to take a piss before a fight.”
I read the name in the URL as ‘the angry rapist’ and I thought… wait, what counts as a date to you?
short version: not even middle age man yells at cloud
I’ll make a bet there was similar hand wringing when people start using phones to set up dates.
In the first decade of the twentieth century, men “called upon” young women whom they fancied by (with the permission of her parents) visiting her home. The two would spend time together, usually with the supervision of her parents so that they may get to know each other on an intellectual and emotional level. The couple was rarely left alone, making sexual intimacy (and physical contact in general) nearly impossible.
Sounds like a blast.
the history of dating
1695: The First Personal Ads
According to history professor H.G. Cocks (seriously —The Best Name Ever for an academic) personal ads began as a way to help British bachelors find eligible wives. One of the earliest personals ever placed was by a 30-year-old man, with “a very good estate’, announcing he was in search of ‘some good young gentlewoman that has a fortune of £3,000 or thereabouts.” (£3,000 is equivalent to roughly £300,000 today.
1727: Women Get Smacked Down for Expressing Personal Desire
In 1727, Englishwoman Helen Morrison became the first woman to place an ad in a Lonely Hearts column. She convinced the editor of the Manchester Weekly Journal to place a small ad stating she was “seeking someone nice to spend her life with.” (It’s radical, I know…..)
A man responded to Helen, but it was not the man she was hoping for. It was the mayor, who had her committed to an insane asylum for four weeks.
I collect old music – mostly in MP3 files downloaded from the Internet, but also on 78 records when I can locate and afford them.
I get a kick out of how a ton of popular music from that period is chock full of euphemisms for pre-marital fucking. There seem to be a lot of guy-girl duets where the guy is a player and the girl is a slut, but they’re both trying to put on an act for each other of being demure and “virtuous”.
My wife has an entire collection of old 78s and 45s, and also old cassette tapes. I bought her one of those old Victrola look units that plays all of those and allows recording between various media. OMG, what the hell did I do? Noise silencing headphones are so good.
Haha, I have one of those too. I love it. I don’t blame you – music made before electrical recording is definitely an acquired taste because of both the sound quality and the style of music.
I’d like to get into wax cylinders too, but judging from the eBay listings, a functional machine costs about $600.
I met my wife on OkCupid 6 years ago, but she was a deviation from the other women I met online who all obvious duds (and who also probably felt the same way about me). I did the whole bar scene, got numbers and stuff but it never seemed to work out, so on a friend’s suggestion, I signed up for online dating which was a new territory for me.
While online dating is pretty efficient, it is also a terrifying thing. I met women who had drug issues and it’s for some reason a magnet for crazy feminists. I almost quit the site after this date I had said that she thought I was immoral because I worked in finance and had religious beliefs. It didn’t stop her though from eating dinner and drinks at my expense. I almost deleted my page and saw this really nice librarian who had a cool profile and read a lot of the same books I read.
Now we’re fucking married.
I met the Squeeze on OKC. I messaged him first, because one of his pics was him crouching under a stairwell with a tinfoil hat on.
(The motorcycle pic didn’t hurt, either)
Online dating is the only thing that’s worked for me. I’ve only had one date come from someone I met randomly.
As the years have gone by, OKCupid has steadily filled up with more multigender blue-haired feminists who are impatiently waiting for a 6 ft tall millionaire to proposition them.
At this point, as long as they don’t storm off in a huff, I consider the date a success.
It was a bit depressing reading about that New Zealand guy with the face tattoo. Evidently I am less attractive than a violent, rock-stupid felon with a face tattoo.
Holy crap, that hypocritical little turd absolutely deserves the sort of guy who’s going to contact her.
Online dating is the best. And you can also be ensured of meeting some really weird and even creepy people, which is… sort of interesting. Anyway, how else can you get such a pool of milfs (or young ladies if you’re not an old fart like me) and just eliminate many of them without even having to talk to them? I met my wife online, 10 years we’re together now.
I had one woman contact me on a site and the girl in that link is gorgeous compared to her. She was very aggressive and looked like triggly poof, seriously. She told me that her pictures are old and that she lost a lot of weight and that I’d be sorry if I didn’t agree to meet her. I told her to upload some new pictures then and stop being so aggressive because guys don’t like that. Didn’t work too much and I had to block her.
I could tell stories about that all day long though, I ran into some real crazies.
I met Mrs. Dean at work. The first time I asked her out, she laughed at me. On our first date, I crushed a finger, and still have the scars.
I’m engaged thanks to OKC, but yes, I made it an unwritten rule not to talk to the overt feminists, because I knew it would just be a waste of my time. It’s a mixed bag.
I remember getting taken to task for not going to the Chicago Gay Pride Parade by a feminist. I have nothing against gay people at all and love that they can celebrate their lifestyle without fear of persecution, but I have no desire to be a round a large group of drunk people on a Sunday afternoon.
She tried to explain (lecture) that was homophobic. Usually if I didn’t to continue seeing someone, I would do them the courtesy and tell them myself, but with her, I stopped talking to her completely without any sort of warning.
Yeah, people like that haven’t earned the courtesy. I’m sure those lectures work fine at bullying weaker men into submission, especially if they’re desperate for poon. But once you’ve crossed that threshold she’ll lose all respect for you.
Are you gay? If not, why should you be going to a gay pride parade? Shouldn’t you be going to the straight guy parade instead? I have gay friends, have had for about 40 years on and off, but I’m not going to a gay pride parade and I’m sure they wouldn’t ask me too. I mean, and you know, there wouldn’t be a gay guy there who wasn’t hitting on me (;
I’m not listening to anything this young pup has to say!
Yeah, I caught that, too, but detailing the car made me give him a pass.
My wife once asked who would I sleep with if I had a Pass. I tried to be smart and say that I wouldn’t do such a thing even if I got the opportunity but she saw through that bullshit. After a while I told her Summer Glau. I was so in love with her when I watched the Firefly series/movie and the Terminator series.
*This was prompted by the Summer Glau Terminator picture.
Excellent choice, she’s a former ballerina. Very flexible.
She’s cute, but I’ll stay with Salma.
Adam Baldwin is very high on my free Pass list. Firefly had the best-looking cast ever, and they weren’t all pretty cookie-cutters, like some shit like Dawson’s Creek.
Just watched FMJ again a couple of nights ago. Good ole Animal Mother.
Never saw that (not my kind of flick). But I found out a while back that he was the bodyguard in My Bodyguard! Too much hair in that movie, tho.
Back when I was losing weight to get into the Army, I would spend several hours a day walking uphill on a treadmill. I watched TV and movies to pass the time. One day I watched Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, and Born on the Fourth of July all in the same day. That was depressing.
I had to lose 50 pounds and it took about 6 months. I walked about 1,000 miles on that treadmill.
The following day you should have watched Major Payne, Sgt Bilko, and In the Army Now to balance it out.
Hah hah! Trick question!
Was the couch comfortable that night?
She admitted that she would probably bang Jon Hamm. I don’t fucking blame her, I’m straight and even I think he’s good looking.
No love for Ann Coulter? I always found Creepella Gruesome alluring. Something about a woman who eats porcelain….
Jessica Alba or GTFO
My wife gave me a pass for Liz Hurley without me asking for it. That was in the late 90s.
Still applicable today.
Watched Passenger 57 last night. She was a cutie back then.
+1 Snipe
Great lines in that movie. Too bad about his career and personal life.
NAGR is doing another gun giveaway
I have heard some unflattering things about NAGR, but a free gun is a free gun.
They live up to the pronunciation of their acronym. But, as you said re: free gunz.
Scary with a black thing that goes up.
I hope your spam filter is robust. Entered the contest anyway.
Apparently the Mayor of Charlottesville has completely ripped the mask off and wants to unilaterally suspend the first and second amendments on a whim
They aren’t even hiding their goal anymore. No one was shot in Cville, no one was even threatened with a gun from my understanding, and yet GUNZ! is right below NAZIS! on their freakout list.
What little piece of commie hell that place is. They have excellent wine around there, though. Barboursville Cab Reserve, 1998.
Don’t let a manufactured crisis go to waste.
Would this be the same guy who is accused of telling police to stand down and let antifa in without the permit the other guys had to get? And instead of making attempts to separate the groups, instead herding them into direct conflict?
This guy:
Michael Signer is the mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia and an author, advocate, political theorist, and attorney. He is a Virginia Democratic activist and former candidate for lieutenant governor.
I hope he gets his ass sued off by people hurt in the fighting.
And I click to note that once again WaPo has some selected or cropped shot showing only the cross of treason and no hammer and sickles or the like.
Australian man attempts to walk to the store
That was awesome.
I once saw a guy get hit by one of those and it almost took the roof off a little general store. On a completely sunny calm day. We were fishing and we stopped at this little store, I mean it was little more than a shack, but it had some coke machines outside and we stopped to get something to drink. I was in my truck and the guy walked up to the coke machines. I heard this roar and I looked in the mirror and I see this dust devil coming across the field across the road. I just sat there and watched while the damn thing crossed a fence, the road, and went straight for my friend getting a coke. At about the point where he turned around the damn thing was almost parallel with my truck and was throwing twigs, gravels, dirts, and leaves all over my truck. But I got a look at the guy and he looked terrified. I thought the thing was going to take the roof off the building and he hunkered down against the wall by the coke machine. It was fucking hilarious. He comes over and says ‘what the fuck, did you see that!? It was a fucking tornado!’. His hair was all full of dirt and twigs and stuff and he’s all covered with dust and I just busted out laughing. I seriously just fell out of the truck laughing on the ground and he was yelling ‘fuck you asshole! You saw it and didn’t warn me!’. It was not much compared to the one in that video. Well maybe partly because there wasn’t enough dirt for it to pick up like that, but it was pretty strong for a dust devil, probably the biggest one I’ve ever seen up close.
In the comments there’s a guy named Nomad Scavenger with the coolest Anarcho-Capitalist avatar I’ve seen – the Faravahar on gold and black
The last Tweet & reply are gold, Jerry! Gold!
Well, when people are completely ignorant of history, and I’m not even talking world history, just US history, I guess it’s hard for them to envision that it’s not exactly relevant to judge people who were alive in a completely different time period and with completely different cultural perspectives. Ignorance is still alive and well though.
Cuomo is of Italian descent, so maybe we should also dig into Italian history and see if his ancestors were up to any kind of no good. Mussolini? A fascist? It’s all Cuomo’s fault!
That’s the hilarious thing – someone posted an article about how Woody Guthrie was a big ol racist pig, and, of course the filthy old hippy commenters in the article were all like “it was a different time, man!”
That is rich
I have a vague memory of when the country wasn’t completely retarded.
So does anyone know the deal with Mike Hihn? As far as I can tell he thinks libertarians don’t have policies but what those policies should be I have no clue. Only Goober Bullies would ask that.
Was he ever sane? Was he ever prominent? Why did he go from defending Johnson/Weld to hating them?
Never heard of him
I’ve never know him to be sane.
If he ever starts making total sense to you, seek professional help immediately.
You’re tying to rationalize something that can’t be rationalized. You’re looking for clues to a crime that was never committed.
Stop yourself before you go too far.
Needs more caps
He’s a nut and an asshole and I feel sorry for those who know him in their nonvirtual life.
I think he writes for Reason now.
Bitter ahole. Don’t know what his deal is, nor do I care much.
Here’s a piece I wrote years before I’d heard the name Nick Gillespie. Oh, the missed opportunity.
I’m watching some large, 4 engine aircraft do touch and goes at the nearby airport.
Bet that is one expensive training bill.
I usually see nothing bigger than a MD 80, so this is unusual. Plus it has no visible livery.
Grey? C-17, maybe?
White, definitely commercial. Not a 747.
Beyond that I could not tell.
I’ll occasionally see flights of Blackhawks or the trainer versions of F-5s.
Probably an A340
Air Force One does touch and goes at our local airport on a regular basis. It’s like watching tax dollars being blown out the engines.
This made me larf.
That kid is going to need a receptionist to schedule all the poon he’s going to get.
Clever. I like it!
I want to hear him say, “You rang.”
Dude! Lift some weights.
Nice card dude… look out!, that bird is going to crash into your head!
All right; I am too late to participate in the ruckus from yesterday, but I had a comment:
“Fight! Fight! The Papist and the Bright! If the Bright don’t win, we ALL jump in!”
So… you missed the part about how anyone who comments on that today is going to get cat-butted? Oops.
I missed that, so thank you.
I wasn’t planning to comment on it anyway. Don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit.
I must be really good, you actually believed it, lol (;
Wait, does John Titor actually call himself a ‘Bright’, If so this godless heathen’s gonna side with the Papist.
God no, mainstream atheism is dumb horseshit.
Not specifically directed purely at you cavalier, but Jesus Christ people, can we not make this dumber than it already was? Everything was pretty much already discussed through private channels, and constantly bringing it up just shits all over threads for no reason again. And currently one of the people involved can’t even respond, so what’s the point? If you want to have a specific question about it you can contact management.
Keeping with the racist motif, local mouthbreather gets outed by Vice documentary for attending the Charlottesville fiasco, small city people finally get hot gossip to talk about.
Whoops! ::sad trombone::
Heheheheheheh. P.S. Dottie looks like they woke up Patrice O’Neill from his grave.
Weird, seems like it could be a complicated situation. It’s probably just easier to assume everyone’s a closet white supremacist tho.
::Studio laugh track::
Burn. It. To. The. Ground.
And Trump is a New Yorker. Ergo, Trump supports slavery. QED.
Natalie Holloway remains found?
So…. she wasn’t sold to a Saudi Sheikh?
When did she stop being found?
Interesting. Will Trump try to become Arnold? Prog hatred makes that unlikely. Or end up like Ventura.
I fail to see any resemblances between Trump and Arnold. I don’t get it.
I’ve been feeling a low-simmering level of rage over the political and social events of the last week and am about to lose my lid since yesterday. Time to take a deeeeeep breath and head out for some mountain trout fishing. The roads are shitty but my trusty Tacoma has never let me down and once we’re in the boat , casting flies, there is no one else on the planet except my loving Wife and our faithful dog. Suck it, World, I’m Angling!
Good for you. I was contemplating starting offline for the weekend. Not starting off too well:) Lol
I woke up kinda pissy (Friday is my Saturday) but it just seems like one thing after another. I think some fresh air and rainbows on the fly is just what the doctor ordered. Here’s hoping we don’t get mauled by “endangered” bears.
Good luck, Festus! What kind of trout will you be pursuing?
The ones that bite?
Rainbows! The lake does support a healthy population of char (lake trout), burbot and mountain white fish. I’m kinda rubbing my hands in glee even if I don’t bend the Fenwick overmuch. It will be nice to get away for a few hours, anyhoo.
Awesome! Flies?
I’m a completist. I only fish with a fly except for creek rambles where the willows etc. are too much of a hindrance for back-casts. Barb-less and free the fuckers every time. It is zen-like when you get your fly fishing groove on. I torture the fish for a few seconds but that’s the sort of monster that I am. NOT STEVE SMITH.
Sorry if I misinterpreted – Mostly woolly buggers and leech patterns to start with and then if they are sipping you try to match the hatch. People said I was crazy to troll with a fly but 50% of people are certifiably stupid.
I’m shooting all weekend.
Maybe a fj40 drive sunday.
Party with some cool people tonight. Spitfire drive tomorrow. Outdoor concert tomorrow night.
We’re taking the new GTI up to the range.
Fun. Some twisties on the way, I hope!
This is probably the best leg.
Yeah, that’ll work. Lucky little bastard!
That’s a fun road, but it’s frequently slogged up with slow pokes on their way to Black Hawk.
Yeah, it can be slow, it all depends on when you get on it.
Sounds like something a witch would do. Burn him!
You’re in the wrong centuries bud. ‘Round these parts we call them witches Nazis.
Yep, taking off the government issued pant-suit and striking off on our own is a burning offense and one not taken lightly, Comrade. We might even pick some Government berries whilst on our stay-cation. Northern B.C. is much different than lotus land Vancouver. Up here the prevailing rationale is “stay outta my way because I don’t give a fuck.” I lived in Victoria for a time and had people approach and harangue me from their boat because I was smoking a cigarette in mine. Unfuckingbelievable.
“Time to take a deeeeeep breath and head out for some mountain trout fishing.”
Sounds like a good plan to me.
Festus gets it.
How long until anything civil war related is stopped?
I used to work with a lady who her and her husband did the historical reenactment thing all of the time. It was their thing, they’d been doing it for years, especially the civil war stuff. I’m pretty sure they weren’t slave owners or racists. I actually thought about her this weekend because of that. Haven’t seen her in years, but we were fairly good friends, very nice lady, pretty too.
Damn, that sounds like it would’ve been really cool to go to.
Someone should troll Ryan Murphy about how Feud had Better Davis wining an Oscar for playing a slave owner a key part of his series? And Olivia de Haviland who was in gone with the wind was also a character.
Said Bette Davis movie was called Jezebel
And Joan Crawford in blackface in “Torch Song”.
California has got to go!
Well, they said they want to. Like 3 times now. I wonder if the eclipse will make them float off into the sea? One can always hope.
+1 propping up the corpse of El Cid in the saddle!
August is named after a slave owner. So is July. And leap day (in black history month) was created by one and is so short thanks to one.
Augustus was a slave owner? I thought he just threw all of them to the lions? You can’t own any slaves if the lions ate them all, so it’s ok.
He passed laws to make manumission harder.
“Juneteenth” is like biting tin foil to me. Fuck I hate these appropriations. Here in Canada they’ve stolen the Summer Solstice and re-named it “Aboriginal Day”. Fuck that shit! I’m either 1/4 or 1/8 Cree Indian (depending upon who’s story you want to believe) and they can all go piss up a rope.
I’ve never really heard that term used except for describing Australian aboriginals. Was reading an interesting article a couple of days ago suggesting that Australia may have been settled as earl as 65,000 instead of the previously thought 47,000 years ago.
Anyway, yeah I typically never hear that term used for to describe North Americans, although it does apply to the earliest human inhabitants. We typically hear ‘Native’ American down here in the sub-tundra regions.
It’s just another scheme to piss off the “normies” cooked up by some SJW whatever-studies Major at one of our storied institutions. Way to politicize the longest day of the year, asshole. Next we’ll be calling xmas “blanket-day”. Fooking cunts! I really need that fishing trip, now.
We’re already calling Christmas ‘Winter Holiday’ around here. Well, I mean I’m not, I’m not religious and I’ll call it Christmas just to spite the brain dead assholes.
Okay, the Unintentional Most Hilarious Post of the Day Award goes to . . .
*drum roll*
Ars Technica!
“Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer loses its Russian domain, too”
I probably don’t have to explain to a libertarian audience why this is unintentionally hilarious, but just for my own sanity . . .
You’re praising the Russians for censoring the internet?
Because the Russians are censoring speech is not an excellent justification for Americans making sure someone can say controversial things online. It just isn’t.
If and when the SJWs send all the libertarians to FEMA camps, I bet Ars Technica puts up a sanctimonious post about how (Thank God!) the Russians are sending libertarians to the gulags, too.
That being said, wouldn’t it be embarrassing if expressing controversial views in Russia were easier than it is in the United States?
OMG, you read through the comments?
I don’t have the stomach for it.
Yeah, but you have to admit I found a jewel there.
Damn, this guy sounds like a prime catch for Libertarian Party!
I think the 2020 nomination is all sewed up, it’s going to be David Weigel and Shikha Dalmia. Man, that guy has a punchable face, I really want to punch it.
They should run Kmele (because he’s sane)/ Dalmia (to serve as a Palin figure) ticket and challenge the other two parties as racists.
That would actually be funny, but I couldn’t vote for a ticket with Dalmia on it, sorry Kmele.
Yeah, plus it would reduce Kmele to The Onion article and the man deserves better.
“Reevaluting” sounds “Double-plus Good”. It sounds like the “conversations” that certain ideaologues want to have with the rest of us wherein we sit passively and let the Mob harangue us until they finally lead us to the wall. Do these morans even have a filter? “Mom, Jimmy hit me!” “That’s fine dear, just wait til he’s sleeping and pour gasoline over his prone body and burn him alive”. This is the direction we are headed in and I don’t like it much.
Wonder when Duke will change its name since it was named for a Confederate veteran who owned at least one slave.
I understand Mohamed was a slave owner.
He had an entire harem of little slave boys and he cheated on them with camels who were his cousins mother.
Is that in the hadith?
Ask one of our religious scholars. I was just winging it. Ok, I just wanted to insult Islam and you gave the opportunity. I am not a nice person.
*runs from room and dons sackcloth of hair and pours ashes on head, begs forgiveness of Allah. Ok, not really, goes to fridge and gets another beer*
He’s also on the Supreme Court building.
So the Army has several bases named after Confederates. Why do they name them after enemies? Well they name things after Indians too. The term commando is the brits honoring a former enemy.
Those were the warriors from the land where they wore pants and no underwear, right?
“Forget it Jake, It’s Proggy-town…”
Bannon is back at the helm at Breitbart.
He oversaw this afternoon’s editorial meeting.
Looks like it took him about ten minutes to get back on the horse.
I don’t know whether Trump should be happy or scared.
I keep hearing this, but I don’t really see any reason why Breitbart would start attacking Trump. That’s probably just wishful progthink. When you’re lying in the gutter drowning like the left are right now, you start seeing a hero in everyone. Like Comey, McCain, etc, etc.
When Bannon ran BB pre-Trump he wasn’t shy about attacking any Republican, Conservative, or whoever that didn’t sufficiently toe the Nationalist line – No immigration, Tariffs out the ol’wazoo, and pray for a war in the South China Sea so you can MAGA. If Don ain’t cool with that anymore I assume Bannon will have no qualms with calling for his head.
I’m sure the Donald squared all of that away before the hobo made his way out. I just don’t see Breitbart suddenly going all anti-Trump. But I’ll check up on them occasionally just to see if it’s happening.
Give them someone else to get behind and they’ll throw him under the bus and then back up. Anti-Trump ≠ Pro (insert favorite socialist here).
Like who? Mittens or Jerbz?
I’d wager it’ll be another outsider although the callers seems fairly evenly split between Trump and Cruz right up til the end, Lyin Ted might get his shot.
This Conservative in-fighting discombobulates me, gives me the vapors.
Discombobulation is a serious condition. If it lasts more than 4 hours, drink copious amounts of alcohol and do not contact your physician.
My physician was a limp-noodled cunt that believed in acupuncture. When I was a young feller going through a serious break-down he prescribed “shame theory”. I didn’t see him much after that except for the time I had a broken leg wherein he said, looking at the cast, “Yep, that’s a broken leg”. He was curt but professional. His assistant was a raging cunt, though. I never visited them for about twelve years and they dropped me from their patient list. Now I have no personal Doctor. Sucks to be me, I suppose.
Do you live in Portland?
That would be a step up in heirarchy of Canadian health care. I’ve an abdominal hernia that precludes me from certain jobs but our lovely single payer system will do nothing about it. Three years. Three fucking years to see a specialist.
You guys are too fast. I can’t keep up. I’m like the guitar player from Deliverance.
So far as the Fusionist/John Titor mish-mash is concerned “pride doth come before a fall”, Eddie and John, you were a cunt. I hope to never see another slap fight on these boards again.
No, YOU shut up!!
*launches flurry of limp-wristed overhand slaps*
OT: I was just reading about the van-ramming attack in Spain. Terrible.
I’m kind of surprised that Obama hasn’t gotten up at the podium and made some statement about the Charlottesville incident and said, “we’re the only industrialized nation on Earth where citizens have to live in constant fear of vehicular assault!”
Oh just wait. He’ll stroke his own cock and Michelle will shake the bars of her cage. Hillary 2020!