I can’t figure the Astros out.  Apparently the D-backs could yesterday since they blanked them.  The Yankees beat the MLB’s proverbial “retarded kid in a  wheelchair” for the fourth time in a row. They should be so proud.  The Indians and the Twins split a double-bill. The Nationals won. The Rockies lost. The Cards won. Team Canada won. And the Cubs lost to THE BIG RED MACHINE by a field goal.

In da preseason foosball, Philly, Tampa Bay and the Baltimore Ravens all won.  Nobody was impressed. And in the Little League World Series…nobody cared what happened because they’re little kids and one kid with a big bat or a really sweet fastball makes the game boring anyway. And college football is a mere 8 days away.  Let’s hope no more Gators players decide to do something stupid between now and then or else TTUN will win by forfeit.  ::shrug:: Maybe they can call App State up and get a game. I see their schedule is open next week.

Well it looks like we all made it through another week.  Congratulations. Unfortunately, next week will be more of the same autistic screeching and impotent rage from our media, our political parties (and not just the two major ones, but apparently the LP chief too) and the two sides in this imbecilic fight of of one-upmanship (I’m looking at you, white nationalists and anti-fa).  But until then, let’s enjoy…the links!

News you can use! Well, only if you’re an Apple user. Which, let’s face it, you ought to be. ::slaps Android across the face with white glove::

Maria Chappelle-Nadal

If you don’t have anything nice to say…then don’t call for the President to be assassinated. That’s what my mom always said.  No, wait. She never needed to. You know why? Because I’m not totally fucking insane enough to get elected to office and then start calling for the president to be assassinated.  But its cool. She spent the day doubling down on twitter. You know, because she’s insane.

We finally have foreign officials calling for the US to look into potential collusion from the 2016 presidential election. Although I don’t think its what the left expected. And I doubt it’ll pierce the impenetrable wall of endless Trumpnazihitler coverage the media are engaging in anyway.  Because if they couldn’t even get around to dedicating more than 1/10 the coverage of the Barcelona terrorist attack that killed 14 and left over 100 people injured, this isn’t even gonna register on the rated.

The Trump Department of Justice completely shits the bed. There is no clever headline or quip. This is pathetic. And we need a new system where goons of the state can be put on trial and not have people on their side prosecuting them. Independent prosecutors made of  up of public defenders or perhaps voluntary prosecutors made up of people in the broader legal profession are more suitable alternatives than what happened in this case (or in the myriad police brutality cases that go under-prosecuted or untouched by what are in essence coworkers of the offending officers). These torture victims deserve better. America deserves better.

Gaia prepares to strike back. Looks like even though you shitlords didn’t watch the Al Gore sequel, our weeping Mother Earth did. And she’s gonna take her vengeance on…the middle of the ocean if recent history is any indicator.

If you’re in Boston this weekend and want to exercise your First Amendment right, then you must give up your Second Amendment right. Also, you can’t ride a bike. Or drink a soda. Or even take your dog for a walk.  I shit you not.

1-2-3-4-5-Six Flags. The horror!!!!!

Remember how people laughed when they said tearing down monuments was about the leaders and it wasn’t like they were gonna start going into cemeteries and tearing things down?  Yeah, they were full of shit then too. Slippery slope, people. Slippery slope. And we’re about to go on a wild ride down this one, because I fear we’re reached the tipping point.

Although maybe its not too late. Somebody is saying “we’re not gonna participate in this retarded whitewash”.

I feel good that I maintained the theme for a whole week.

Have a great weekend, friends.