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I became a county elector in the 2012 primaries in an attempt to get him on the ballot. I did not get selected to go to the state convention, though.
The subsequent national convention milled whatever remaining loyalty I had to the Republican Party.
They made rule changes at the 2012 convention specifically to screw the Ron Paul delegates. Shame on the GOP.
Wishing a happy birthday to Ron Paul? You better watch out, HM. Reason and Cato might decide it’s because you hate black people.
Internalized racism?
Ron Paul!
I still remember the SNL skit of the GOP debate where Ron Paul was positioned in a parking garage. During the debate, a white van pulls up beside Paul, and men grab him and pull him into the van. Two gunshots go off, and the audience gasps, then Paul climbs back out of thee van, and brushes himself off. The audience cheers.
Here ya go…
Paging Lt Fish… another how to get around the Youtube copyright shit.
Perhaps conceptually, but it really takes away from the attempted discussion of video quality, etc.
That video….wow. I would have expected some Asian girl team cat outfit techno dance happy birthday music for Ron. Surely HM has that in his lineup.
I credit Paul’s 2008 run as my introduction to Libertarianism.
My wife, who I’d describe as more of a independent Democrat but mostly apolitical, asked out of the blue in 2012 about this Ron Paul guy and if we could put one of his campaign signs up in front of the house. She never puts up yard signs.
Yeah, it’s like finally someone who makes sense.
“When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads.” – Ron Paul
“Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.” – Ron Paul
Now it would be just be fed into a woodchipper by people like Preet.
I bought Paul’s books before I went to college, read them , loved them. He was not an intro to libertarian thought for me, but did offer a nice segue for me to introduce it to others.
“Truth is treason in empire of lies” – Ron Paul
That’s poignant af.
So is this HM’s new fetish?
Ron Paul is normal porn for normal people.
*Normal People
looks at Paul supporters
*Citation needed
TBF he was a lot of people’s introduction to liberty and as even Jon Stewart said, if the 2008 election had been held with just college kids RP would have been president of the galaxy. I wonder what happened to all those kids (my age actually) who would have voted for him in general.
Jon Stewart on Ron Paul
They became Bernie Bros. Seriously. The support for Ron Paul was not always…principled. Or informed.
This. He looked like a harmless grandfather.
After watching that clip, I can’t understand why libertarians don’t get more votes.
Notice how quickly the woman left.
lol. It didn’t click until you mentioned it.
Other than that, who hasn’t been a part of one of those meltdowns? We once recorded ourselves yelling and screaming just to see how long we could do it and to laugh listening to it on playback. And then reflect on the pointlessness of it all. It seems men love to laugh at being idiots.
And just so you know. Some of those who partook are now in places of repute; like foreign affairs, head of pension fund management for a government agency, mechanical and civil engineers, owner of a multi-millionaire dollar company and me.
So whenever you see a ‘leader’ remember they were once an idiot like us.
The fact that there were women there at all undermines their libertarian credibility
Anyway, happy birthday, Dr. Congressman Ron Paul!
Ron Paul also taught me a lot, in terms of politics, that you can be actually qualified, ideologically consistent, popular with the youth and well spoken and passionate and still get fucked every which way. His continual fucking at the hands of the GOPe and the media stirred a cynicism in me that had hitherto been reserved for my interpersonal relationships
If what you want is chaos, then Donald J. Trump — a retired game-show host who apparently believes there were “a lot of good people” at a neo-Nazi rally that ended with a political murder — is your man. You could hardly do better.
It was a “Neo-Nazi” rally? I thought they were protesting a statue removal…
Potato poh ta toh
Was it necessary to pile on that trope given the rest of the piece was decent enough? It’s pretty much how I’ve come to view the Trump administration.
It’s a bizarre mix of ‘he’s crazy but the DNC are crazier’ and ‘get this ball rolling of draining the swamp’.
In 2008, I told a “progressive” relative (and die-hard Obama supporter) that I was going to vote for Ron Paul. He said to me in a very nervous tone, “the problem with Ron Paul is that he basically wants to dismantle the federal government!”
I said, “yep.”
Paulista goobers reveal themselves with their love of the Christian Facist Paul! Why do you never comment about Paul’s statements on homosexuality!? He’s why 90% of libertarians reject the label! *snickers*
90%? pshaw
Nichalos Sarwark is hard at work to get that number as close to 100% as possible.
Nichalos? What is he, Greek?
You keep this up Hihn’s gonna sure you for impersonation.
Couldn’t help myself. Ron Paul is his biggest obsession, and Paul’s not even on his list!
Is he still hanging out on TOS?
Don’t know. Haven’t been to TOS for months.
I very occasionally go back there, and regret it.
Either the editors are going hard on “MUH NAZIS” or the comments are… full of trolls.
Pretty much entirely worthless. Very occasional good articles about libertarian stuff mixed in.
I’m still there. Hihn shows up. A few days ago I gave him a good STEVESMITH-ing.
Yeah, he was shitting all over a thread just a few days ago. Had some snarky reply to one of my post. 99% of the time I ignore the trolls but this time I shot him down and then he said he was just half kidding. Not sure how anyone would know that since he goes out of his way to be an ahole.
You just made the list.
Pfft.. I’m sure I’m on lots of lists.
Kind of sad people say that while not really joking. Like a verbal shrug.
It is sad. I feel like if we had someone like Paul as president that he would order those list destroyed. Not that the “intelligence” community aka deep state would follow orders.
I thought his son was gay? How else do you explain that hair?
Happy Birthday Ron!
Admittedly, he wasn’t my introduction into libertarianism (I have Milton Friedman to thank for that,) but I still enjoy reading his writings.
You come at a Newfie, you better come correct
“Two Newfies walk into a pet shop. They go directly over to bird section.
Gerry says to Paddy,’Dat’s dem.’ The clerk comes over and asks if he can help them. Yeah, we’ll take four of dem dere budgies in dat cage op dere,’ says Gerry, ‘Put dem in a peeper bag.’
The clerk puts the budgies in a bag, and the two guys pay for the birds and leave the shop.
They get into Gerry’s van and drive to ‘Come-By-Chance’ until they are high up on a hill, and stop at the top of a cliff with a 500-foot drop.
Dis looks like a grand place, eh?’ says Gerry.
He then takes two birds out of the bag, places them on his shoulders and jumps off the cliff.
Paddy watches as his mate drops off the edge and goes straight down for a few seconds, before he hits the rocks below with a ‘SPLAT!’
As Paddy looks down he shakes his head and says,
‘Fock dat, dis budgie jumpin’ is too fockin’ dangerous fer me.”
Peeper bags, eh?
I liked this one
Ron Paul is awesome.
I’d give you another cake, but the last time you slammed Gulliani’s face in it.
Happy birthday, Ron!
The birthday party — it’s happening!
Ron Paul’s prediction speech from 2002:
Wow! Never seen that. Incredible. A
And wasn’t there another speech where he basically predicted the housing crisis?
Indeed there was (also in 2002):
Why is he not president
He wants to put heroin in vending machines for little kids. Duh!
Prolly better for them than all the drugs they’re on now. Lol
Shit, now I’m bugged because I can’t remember which movie that music is from.
Yeah, I recognize it but can’t place it either. Now that’s going to bug me too.
Found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxabLA7UQ9k
Nice. Probably last month I had just watched that again.
According to the details it’s Time by Hans Zimmer and google says it is from Inception
Sure would like a transcript, not about to watch it on a Sunday.. 🙁
Couple of OTs:
– Just skimmed Gillespie’s tribute to Dick Gregory. It wasn’t bad, but he shoehorned the phrase “Donald Trump’s America” into it. *headdesk*
I despise now, and I despised Barack Obama during his two terms in office. In spite of that, I went on my way, living my life, really never noticing him much outside of his innumerable fuck-ups or his Special Guest Apperances on TV shows. Why are Gillespie and his ilk so willing to allow political bullshit to affect them so much? Isn’t there more to life?
(Having said that, here now: a political observation)
– Most Democrats and Republicans are two different types of high school underachiever. The Democrat is the Cool Kid. He hangs out with the athletes and cheerleaders, goes to all the parties, and skates his way through despite any skills or work ethic. His instincts for befriending the right people and smooth-talking his teachers get him through.
The Republican is a C student who maybe could have been an A student if not for a lack of discipline rooted in insecurity. He wants to be liked, and he’s fully aware that being a bookworm won’t get you there. He looks enviously at the cool kid, wishing he could be that guy. But whenever a chance to act heroically comes up – say, a lower-rung student is getting hassled by a popular person – the bookworm manque freezes. In so doing, he forgoes an opportunity to earn admiration from other students. But they’re not the cool kids, so it doesn’t count.
Didn’t Gillespie vote Obama because he wanted a post-racial America? Or was that Bailey? Everytime I think about that excuse I feel my face getting hot.
Bailey voted for Obama “to punish the Republicans”. I don’t know whether he ever voted to punish the Democrats.
I heard a million excuses. All lies.
My father printed up a bumper sticker that said “Vote for Hillary because she is a woman just like you voted for Obama because he is a …..”
I cant believe his car was never vandalized, not that I would be able to tell if it was.
Your father sounds like an asshole. Does he have a newsletter and where can I buy his bumper stickers?
Oh, he is. He provokes people like crazy. I dont understand it. He gets pleasure out of pissing people off. Of course they go crazy calling him racist…until they meet his wife. She is black.
Wow, I never thought of the cool kids as the Team Blue folks. Neither then or now. I always thought of liberal/progressives then and now as the hall monitor who rats someone out to the principal because he saw them making out with their girlfriend under the bleachers or the dickheads on the school paper that wrote retarded-ass op-eds about how the basketball team shouldn’t get more funding than the Latin club.
Well, the athletes/cheerleaders grow up to be the professional athletes/entertainment celebrities, and who do those people almost always support? The politicians who always campaign on MOAR FREE SHIT.
90% of the athletes/cheerleaders grow up to be fat underachievers. See Springsteen’s ‘Glory Days’.
I always figured they were the Tracy Flicks in high school.
Yeah, I had commented on that
Yes, I really miss Obama’s America when Blacks had full employment, top notch schools, and never had to worry about police brutality. I sure do miss those post racism days. I’m not really seeing that much change outside of the imaginations of TDS sufferers.
Back when black professors and alleged racist cops could just sit down like regular guys in the white house garden and share a beer…
Canada facing immigration crisis
I don’t get why the Canadians are such meanies. Isn’t ‘Trump is mean and there’s no healthcare in the USA… and Nazis’ enough of a reason to welcome the entire 3rd world?
Worry not, PM Zoolander is on the case
The more I think about it the dumber this whole ‘open borders’ mentality is. Sorry open borders people, but it is. Geography doesnt make a shithole, people do.
I keep going back and forth on this issue. I think in an environment where immigrants don’t automatically get govt services, and where property rights are actually protected (as in, a gas station owner can legally refuse to sell his gas to someone because of his personal prejudices), then immigration would not be so bad.
It is the immigrants’ ability to force others to give them some portion of their time or resources that creates some of the problems.
Immigration is good but not an unalloyed good. Trump’s notion of immigration is pretty good. Bring in people in small enough numbers that they are motivated to assimilate instead of forming insular communities. Bring in people that have something to offer and can speak the language.
Shipping in a million uncivilized people with no skills and that cant speak the language the way Hillary was going to do is pure insanity.
The left doesn’t want assimilation. They want to live in a country where everyone keeps the clothing, food, language, etc of their home country so they can feel like they’re on the Disney ride Its a small world. They can’t stop assimilation though nor “appropriation” for that matter no matter how much they try to bully everyone into their own little identity groups.
If you believe in the concept of a sovereign nation that has some responsibility to its polis then open borders is a terrible policy except for those who want lots of cheap unskilled labor.
I am convinced that the D party has been co-opted by the far left, a political movement whose stated goal is to destroy western civilization. Of course they dont come right out and say that anymore. Now they just say they are punching nazis and smashing the patriarchy, but if you translate their code that is exactly what they are saying.
Bringing in immigrants that cannot or will not assimilate lets them get more votes, disrupt the culture, grow the welfare state, cheap labor for their big donors etc.
What they certainly dont have in mind is the best interests of the United States.
“Bringing in immigrants that cannot or will not assimilate lets them get more votes, disrupt the culture, grow the welfare state, cheap labor for their big donors etc. ”
I will feel so patriotic when I’m paying 10 bucks for a head of romaine lettuce.
You are Mexican?
Only on Drinko de Mayo.
Drinko de Mayo? I bet you even wear a poncho and a little fake mustache.
You really are the devil incarnate, aren’t you? You dont fall into a clear cut identity group at all so everything you do is some kind of cultural appropriation. On top of that you engage in all kinds of Bad-think like believing in personal liberty.
*Puts HM at top of favorites list*
My alma mater.
You don’t already grow your own in a PETA/Sierra Club approved home garden fed by your own nightsoil and watered by rain barrels and waste water?
OH noes, the price of vegetables and fruits we don’t already import by the metric ton might go up two bucks because we won’t have hordes of illegals to work for wages so low only desperate people from horrible shitholes would consider taking it.
The cultural appropriation displayed in that video should be illegal.
It’s easy to be cavalier* about 2 bucks when one pretends it’s “culture” that keeps your ass warm in the winter.
*Avatar pun intended
“when one pretends it’s “culture” that keeps your ass warm in the winter.”
Oooookayyyyy…. and by that you mean?
That in a free market, one purchases goods and services (like heating oil) through currency, not culture, and a rational individual seeks to purchase a good at the lowest price possible. As such, it is disingenuous to hand-wave away the question as to why your aesthetic preferences trump concerns about the negative externalities they would induce on others who may not share them.
Seriously? Are you trying to mix race (sorry “culture”) into an economic issue?
How does “illegals” and “immigrants” = “not Western Culture” in your mind? I used the words “illegals,” “immigrants,” and “sovereign nation.”
Honestly what does arguing against unbridled immigration because it would be a economic disaster for the current citizens of a sovereign nation come across as a culture issue to you?
If you are hearing dog whistles that’s your own social tinnitus buzzing in your ears because from an economic standpoint open borders is, frankly, stupid.
No, and I haven’t the foggiest as to how you read that from my response.
Again, that is nowhere close to what I wrote. Besides, “Western Culture” is not a monolith, no? Upthread, the argumentation advocated assimilation into American culture. A Canadian coming here would have to assimilate from Canadian culture to an American one. Or are you denying that national cultures exist?
At 3:27, when you wrote “agreed” to Suthenboy’s comment that “Bringing in immigrants that cannot or will not assimilate lets them get more votes, disrupt the culture, grow the welfare state, cheap labor for their big donors etc.” It’s mendacious to claim that’s me hearing “dog whistles”.
Regardless of your non-sequitur, the fact remains that at some point you have to convince others that they have to pay more for various goods and services as a consequence of your preferred policy. I’m more interested in about how you will do that.
The people who worry about paying an extra $2 for a head of lettuce are the same people whose wages are directly threatened by the influx of cheap labor, and whose childrens’ education suffers because of limited funding being directed to educate children who can’t speak English.
The problem is if they receive government financial help,which they likely would in a current political climate version of open borders you would just pay much of that 2 dollars a head of lettuce instead as taxes.
and whose childrens’ education suffers because of limited funding being directed to educate children who can’t speak English.
Don’t we as libertarians like to point out that education outcomes have been stagnant for decades despite ever increasing funding? Now some assumed decrease in funding is going to harm students, way to have and eat that cake.
And if you take into account the cost of government benefits/welfare/education that low income people who do the lettuce picking receive, we are already paying an extra $2 for lettuce we just don’t see that on our grocery store receipt. I would not care what the price of lettuce is as long as it is the free market price for a head of lettuce. We don’t have a free market there though.
Dude, you are the one trying to shoehorn culture into the primarily economic issue of open borders as evidenced by your strange quips about patriotic lettuce and cultural winter fuel. Now because I agreed with Suthen’s statement, I’m guilty of dog whistles now? Is he dog whistling too?
You’re barking up the wrong tree here.
Let’s set aside “culture” for now, since that isn’t my main issue with open borders regardless of what you think you may have inferred. My main issue with open borders is that when you flood a 1st world country like the USA, with unskilled, uneducated labor you’ve created a labor supply overage which will result in people competing against each other for lower wages.
The immigrants benefit because the wages are much higher compared to their country of origin. The consumers MIGHT benefit if the profits from this cheaper labor results in lower prices to the consumer of said products and services (which doesn’t always happen). But the existing labor pool, ie – the citizens of the US who already live here, gets shafted because their wages will go down, significantly, because of competition from the new immigrant workers are willing to work for far less than the US current standard of living.
Open borders result in a race to the bottom for wages will never really end because there will always be billions more people in the world willing to work for less than the people currently living in the US.
“Don’t we as libertarians like to point out that education outcomes have been stagnant for decades despite ever increasing funding?”
Doesn’t change the argument at all. Schools need funding, teachers need to be paid, and whatever the level of funding is it’s a fixed amount. If you divert x amount of money and teachers and other resources to teach children who cost more to educate in the first place, those resources are taken away from native children.
Nor is this an academic debate; talk to anyone with children in the Denver public school system.
@western sloper
Exactly. I didn’t even bring the govt benefits/costs into the argument because it’s even more of a slam dunk against the open borders argument.
As things stand now, there are other, quantifiable, costs to consumers for that cheaper lettuce.
@ Custrel
I am actually an open borders proponent. Under the right circumstances. Circumstances that do not exist, and most likely never will. Some of my best years where spent working outside of the US. The hoops I had to jump through to do that were huge. End the welfare state and get other countries to open their borders, and I am all game. That would be awesome. It will never happen though.
I lean toward your way of thinking. On paper there are some merits to open borders, some really smart people advocate for them, but while the world is comprised of sovereign nations with YUGE discrepancies in standards of living and population – which I honestly don’t ever see going away, then throw in the trend toward a cradle-to-grave nanny state benefits and regulations and I don’t see anything but unmitigated disaster.
If you divert x amount of money and teachers and other resources to teach children who cost more to educate in the first place, those resources are taken away from native children.
Yes resources that have been shown time and again to make no difference in the quality of services rendered, you can’t simultaneously argue that “More money ≠ better results” and “less money = worse results”, Well I guess you can argue that, but you would either be wrong,or intellectually dishonest.
Hyp, I’m not arguing that, you are. Of course more money would yield better results if that money were spent on the students instead of on admin.
The fact is, a certain part of the budget is spent on actually teaching. If that portion is further reduced by diverting resources to children who shouldn’t even be here, then it follows that there are less resources for native children.
DJ, fair enough, I was assuming you held beliefs not in evidence, my bad. I still argue that the increases in spending over time while scores have remained flat are so large that one can’t put all the blame on Admins. Perhaps things are more close to the bone in certain areas, I’ve seen mostly nation-wide data. Another reason to keep things as local as possible and let each community handle these issues, I suppose.
So… while a refugee… you chose… to have… three… children?
And you expected America (or Canada, I guess) to pay to raise them for you?
I just CAN’T IMAGINE why people think the welfare state is incompatible with unlimited welcoming of “refugees.” Probably NAZI RACISM is the reason.
How dare you repress her unborn children!
PSA: Don’t take pictures of the Eclipse without a real Filter! This video is Awesome, and potentially scary knowing people are Dumb enough to try a takes pictures with their phones,
Jerry Lewis is dead.
At least we still have Lou Reed
Amen, brother.
Fucking 2016!
Good grief, I thought he was already tossing one back with Dean Martin.
How….ah. 91.
Wow. I remember as a yute some scene where he was on an ambulance stretcher rolling downhill on some street and I was basically in years laughing.
I thought the Variety obituary had a bit of a dickish tone to it. Made sure to drop that he was a racist homophobic right-winger near the beginning, then for the rest of the article it felt like, “Well, no one really liked Jerry Lewis, he was kind of an asshole (probably because he was a secret Nazi).”
No one liked that asshole because he spent decades raising millions upon millions for sick children and adopted two children himself.
Worse. Than. Hitler.
The only mention his philanthropic work gets is “He (sic) legacy also includes more than $2.5 billion raised for the Muscular Dystrophy Association through the annual Labor Day telethon that he made an end-of-summer ritual for decades until he was relieved of the hosting job in 2011” followed a few paragraphs later with “[T]he telethons were awash in claims that there was a disparity between the money pledged and the money collected.” So he’s a secret Nazi AND an embezzler. I’m pretty pissed.
So this wouldn’t be the best time to mention that I never really found him funny or entertaining, would it?
I’m actually not a fan of him (his voice annoys me, lol), but I think it’s really tacky to write an obituary like that. It’s making me have second thoughts about his annoying voice.
I agree. “De mortuis …” and all that jazz.
I never found him funny or entertaining either HM, but I respected the man. At one time he was considered the best pistolero in hollywood and his fundraising and his politics. I wish hollywood had more like him. I wouldn’t watch their movies, but I would respect them more.
“[T]he telethons were awash in claims that there was a disparity between the money pledged and the money collected.”
That is true of every fundraiser. People pledge but dont always follow through. That is one hell of a mendacious claim. Wow.
His early stuff is actually pretty good, IMO.
I’ve been involved with a lot of organizations that raise donations over the last 20 years, and there is always a gap between pledged and collected. The larger the organization, the larger the gap in general. Don’t believe me, go read ASC 958.
I suppose he did a lot of good if any of that money actually went to research (honestly I don’t know), but he did have a reputation for being a massive arrogant asshole to people.
“a massive arrogant asshole to people”
If I had to be around hollywood types I would be too. Oh, wait, I already am. Ok, I would be worse.
Wait, is that bad?
Elon’s mask is starting to slip.
When you have mainstream reporters questioning the validity of your products, it’s only a matter of time.
The weekend editor of a tech site that 9.5 out of 10 people probably never heard of is ‘mainstream’? Also pointing out potential flaws ≠ questioning validity.
I didn’t think the validity of electric cars was in question.
Not defending Musk or his cars, Vhyrus’s link boiled down to “we should have window cranks because the toggle switch for electric windows might break” an argument which could be made regardless of engine type be it IC or electric.
“we should have window cranks because the toggle switch for electric windows might break”
I was just cussing about that the other day when my electric window wouldn’t roll down. I turned off the car and restarted it and it worked. I hate fancy, gadgety shit on a car. The wife loves them. We bought a Honda Odyssey. I tried to talk her into the manual rear doors, she insisted on the electric ones. “They are going to break.” I assured her. “No they wont!” was her answer. Guess what? They broke after 3 years.
I drive cars until the last bolt falls off and I want something that lasts or can be fixed easily and cheaply.
Now, get the hell off of my lawn.
I can’t wait to hear how much you cuss in ten years when the govt will require all of us to make upgrade our vehicles so they are compatible to interface with the mandatory Govt Traffic Falderal Operating system (by Google) so all cars can be seen, monitored, and given course and speed corrections remotely for the SAFTEY OF THE CHILDREN!
I want something that lasts or can be fixed easily and cheaply.
Where are you finding cars like that anymore? Seems like every car since the eighties has had gizmos and computers up the wazoo.
Stanley Steamer?
Jeep Wrangler. Everything on it is made to be taken off, put on or replaced with aftermarket stuff. Plus it gets me around in the woods on logging roads.
I have the four door model.
Suthenboy beat me too it. An honorable mention in this category might go to the Nissan Frontier and low end trim Toyota Tacoma.
Or, if you’re looking for a sedan/coupe, the early Honda civics are basically tinker toys as well.
Real Glibs are of course driven in a vintage Rolls Royce Phantom or equivalent.
Huh, I guess I got learned tonight, thanks. I’ve heard the “one EMP will disable any car built after 1975” so often I just assumed all vehicles were now computerized and what not. Going to look at some Jeeps when my current POS dies.
I haven’t read the link, but i think its a concept which actually does expose some of the conceptual problems with electric cars. Electronic things don’t have progressive stages of failure. they tend to break 100% all at once. and because of their complexity, they tend to be problems you fix with ‘replacement’ rather than repair, which makes minor ‘repairs’ into major expenses.
as an example of some recent thing in my own experience… i have a digital mixer from the 1990s. It cost 2x what the ‘analog’ version did at the time. Today, you literally can’t give the things away, because the cost of fixing the display-screen (a proprietary LCD which tends to wear out) is 2X what the thing is worth. Meanwhile, the analogue version from the 1990s is still going strong and commands decent aftermarket value. they don’t “break” because they can be fixed with some wire and a soldering iron, or at worst, a new power supply.
A digital mixer with a display screen? That is some serious Margarita equipment.
Right. An LCD on a device perfected in the 70s? Sometimes low-tech is the way to go.
Not to mention, a margarita should never be mixed but rather shaken.
I confess, i don’t know what margarita means.
I got mine used for a few grand in the early 2000s. now you can buy them on ebay for $200. hardly worth the shipping cost.
when they were new, they cost like $5k
**correction, i think the retail MSRP was like $10K, the street retail was like 7-8, and you could get them for $3-5 on the aftermarket within a few years as 96K recording became the new sexy thing
oh, i get it. mixer
I was making a joke. Obviously a poor one. I knew what you meant, A Margarita = Tequila, Triple Sec, Grand Marnier, sweet and sour mix and lime juice. Some people blend them in a mixer/blender for a slushy type drink.
I stand behind my “device perfected in the 70’s” comment.
That’s nota margarita. This is a margarita:
I may be the kind of person who deliberately avoids technology in a lot of cases… But seriously, what is the fucking point of replacing door handles with buttons? What’s the huge problem with an interior car door handle that makes it worthwhile to introduce a much larger risk of failure with some electronic button?
I am not even on your lawn.
I’m sure there’s a form/function argument to be made on it but I’d rather have mechanical handles, especially in an emergency.
Yep, car goes in the water and all you have is an electric button to get out you are gonna be fucked six ways from sunday.
If your car is in water, you’re already fucked.
Not really. If you’ve watched the relevant Mythbusters, you know that if you stay calm and remember to unbuckle your seatbelt and get out the second your car hits the water and you will probably survive.
Pop the seatbelt
Open the door (which will be possible if you do it before the car starts to sink)
I’m going to guess that the reason electrical is favored over mechanical solutions is that the mechanical ones have a higher labor cost for assembly.
components are cheap. labor is expensive.
Maybe, but in most cases it just adds an extra component. A latch at its core must have a mechanical component unless it has some sort of energized magnet. Something physical latches.
So the mechanical parts remain, just with a motor or servo to move them instead of your hand.
An electric latch would’t need the armatures from a handle, so it would be harder to break into. However, I have no desire to be trapped inside my car due to a blown fuse or a dead battery.
So this morning I get woken up to the usual pleas by my starving children, only to find they eat half a waffle and bother me for more food. I find out theres rain in the forecast so the afternoon I spent cleaning my pool yesterday was a waste. The Dbacks have no answer for a 40-something year old fack fuck and the rest of the Twins. I can’t explain why the picked TJ McFarland to start today, or how he is on a major league team short of his ability to work a dick. So I check the news and find out Jerry Lewis is dead. Theres a few things I could be irritated about today but what really ticked me off was this: Tim Kaine says, ‘Hey, why not honor Pocohantas instead of Robert E. Lee?’
I’ll wait until Disney makes a full length feature film/musical about the life of Robert E. Lee before I entertain the notion that we snubbed Pocohantas. Only thing left now is to hit that 6-pack of Kiltlifter…
Creepy Tim is still around? I figured he would be out taking the church youth on a camping trip.
Did he mean actual Pocahontas, or was he thinking of Elizabeth Warren?
Surely she’s selling some She Persisted (TM) lawn jockeys or cigar store aboriginals on her merch site with all the mugs and t-shirts?
I should clarify…I fed my kids. They ate half a waffle and asked me for more food 30 mins later.
Were they made in China?
Waffles not the kids.
[Trump tag] China? [/Trump tag]
Screw that. If I know how to do something, I’d rather do it myself.
1/2 cup of peanut butter. 2 cups flour. 2 eggs. 1 banana. 1tsp brown sugar. Cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, vanilla. Pinch of salt. Splash of heavy cream. Add cold water slowly until its slighly thicker than pancake batter. If I’m feeling good about it I’ll add chocolate chips.
Serve with (mother.fucking) bacon. My kids will soon find out if you half ass breakfast your going to half ass the rest of the day. It’ll happen when I stop making it.
That sounds like a great waffle there. I am copy pasting that. Thanks.
Dude, if your kids aren’t gobbling down that bacon, you’re not raising them right.
Sooo, just saw this in my feed:
Weird…apparently that was from 12 Aug. I guess I’m a day late and a dollar short. Still weeks ahead of the MSM. Zing!
A pretty good articulation of why American Iconoclasm is simply an attempt to impose de-facto leftist cultural hegemony
its not about ‘slavery’, its about translating autistic-screeching into a cultural-veto. And you get more of what you reward.
…and of course, he’ll be banned from youtube when someone cherry picks the quote , “Slavery, at one time, was a moral-innovation…”
Sorry… Sargon blows so much of his own smoke up his ass it’s hard to listen to him for more than 20 seconds. Plus I always get flashbacks to the nonsense he’s bloviated in his past anti-libertarianism and pro-statist lectures.
I also get annoyed by Brits like him (and Thunderfoot and Piers Morgan) who are obsessed with all things US when they have perfectly good decaying corpses of nations of their own they could be railing against. But then they wouldn’t get nearly so many youtube clicks for that sweet adsense revenue.
its a lot easier to say that than actually quote what’s wrong with what he said in the 20 seconds following my link
Fair point. Just because he has terrible, horribly naive positions on libertarians and individual liberties, and is a statist who believes CEO salaries should be legally capped at 25 times (or whatever it was) the amount that the lowest paid employee in a company is paid doesn’t mean he might not be right about something else.
Maybe you could just quote the relevant portion you found compelling and I’ll just address that. Because his lispy, cleft-palatial British intonations is really hard to listen to.
Read the closing screen at the end of the video and see if you disagree.
Having issues with someones accent is kind of, whatever.
I never claimed I wasn’t petty… but he’s essentially a broadcaster with a speech impediment. I couldn’t listen to Tom “Something’s Stuck in My Throat” Brokaw or Bawbwa Wawa either.
You are a damned speech ablist, that’s what you are. Bigot.
“if they cannot achieve their goals by peaceful means in a representative democracy, they do not deserve to achieve them” sounds well and good until you remember he’d also be fine with them achieving their same bullshit goals through representative democracy.
Sargon is the classic not-statist statist who believes that the top men running the government elected by correct electorate can and should legislate things like how much someone should be paid, how the second amendment should be defined, and essentially blames government-sponsored evil on Libertarians because they are given the privilege to exist.
He thinks armies that fight for nothing but pay “would be the worst armies imaginable” (which is what we have now). He thinks the NAP is “too difficult a concept for society to be educated on abide by.” He espouses lots of govt regulation and thinks “most people aren’t really affected by all the regulations” because they would mostly be industry specific.
Guns should be regulated but not drugs because “one thing doesn’t have the potential to kill me, and the other one does.” Builders should be regulated by govt because you would “have all these cowboy builders who would cut corners” and end up killing people.
I could go on and on with his constant espousals of statism but many people have already done so and better than I
Sargon is also the same guy who had this exchange about libertarianism:
Q: “Is an individual morally obligated to do what they consider wrong simply to obey the law?”
Sargon: “Unfortunately, yes. Just because it is your own self-interest not to break a law, even if you find that law immoral.”
So I don’t put much stock into what that guy has to say about anything because even if I agree with the premise, I really doubt I’d agree with his reasons for getting there based on what he’s said over and over regarding the state and individual liberty.
I can usually last until the first fake laugh. So less than 20 seconds.
He did the smug laughing thing as he lectured to the poor, deluded libertarians that “guys, heh heh, it [libertarianism] is never going to happen! It’s just a pipe dream. It’s never going to happen.”
Considering that the socialists always were and still are in favor of slavery their protestations do come off as a little disingenuous.
That is a good take. I liked the take apart of the CNN video interview of the antifa group.
Okay just saw “We are the World” posted un-ironically. Fuck me. We’re gonna get another every-musician-sings-the-same-song song again aren’t we. I don’t listen to radio very often but I’m gonna rip the antenna of any old radio I might have just in case.
I wouldn’t be able to handle all this virtue signalling shit that is probably going on right now.
I live in a comfortable bubble where I’m pretty much cut off from popular culture. It’s pretty sweet. I have no idea who is on the Top 40, the only current TV show I’m aware of is Game of Thrones, and I haven’t been in a movie theater in 14 years. The only radio station I listen to is the local classical station, and they don’t play or discuss anything but classical.
“You listen to *radio*-radio?” (sniffs) “I don’t even *have* a radio”
Nice! I’ve found audiobooks to be a great alternative to radio. Even the 5 minute “news of the day” segments on the “country classics” station was driving me bonkers before I turned the radio off.
No, we won’t – because half of today’s musicians are rappers and can’t sing.
Unlike Bob Dylan Tom Petty, and Bruce Springsteen? I’d include Mark Knopfler but I don’t think he was involved in WATW and more importantly, his singing aside, he’s boss.
The Mengistu regime used the food aid raised by songs such as “We Are the World” as a weapon in the civil war with the Eritreans: move out of where you’re fighting us and supporting the rebels, or starve.
So what? No one cares what happens once they’ve been given a chance to show how much they care.
How’d all that money we donated to Haiti after the earthquake work out? Haiti must be doing fine now, right?
Stamp out private ownership, before it’s too late.
Bozeman city commissioners are commended for taking the first step to regulating short-term vacation rentals in the city. These rentals, offered on websites like Airbnb, have proliferated to where there now an estimated 500 to 550 within the city limits.
Last week commissioners gave preliminary approval to an ordinance that establishes licensing fees and safety inspections and prohibits new rentals that are not occupied by their owners in residential neighborhoods. This is a good first step that will let city officials get a handle on this business. It will prevent companies from coming in and buying up whole blocks of houses and turning them into rentals and establish some permitting and licensing fees that will finance the program.
Vacation rentals have the potential to change the character of neighborhood. On top of that, non-owner-occupied rentals take housing out of an already tight market and displace conventional homeowners that take pride and can bring diversity to a neighborhood.
It’s a totally realistic scenario. I’m so worried about it, I can barely sleep at night. Between that and the space lizards, I’m an emotional wreck.
I hate this attitude that it’s the government’s job to protect whatever “character” you think the neighborhood should have.
So why isn’t the home owner’s association fixing this problem?
There was an article about Palm Springs dealing with this last year I think. Imagine that. People trying to make money off of property. Hideous behavior.
I hope all the whiny bitches who fret about short term vacation partiers end up with an owner occupant next door who is an unrepentant noisy messy obnoxious asshole 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Are you suggesting a Glibertarian timeshare? I’m down so long everyone picks up their brass.
I’m down so long everyone picks up their brass.
*points to orphan 21973 and orphan 10938 with a commanding look*
If Trump were to decide not to run again in 2020, I’d think the nomination would probably go to Pence. He’s like a Gerald Ford figure, you know–somebody who would represent both a continuity with the previous administration and a clean break. After Trump, I’d think the Republicans would do better to run someone like Nikki Haley, but I don’t think she can beat the Vice President for the nomination in Republican primaries outside of the South, where she’s more well known.
She’d make an excellent VP pick, of course. She screams diversity just by being on camera. She has experience as both a governor and, now, in the federal government, and she’s hard to Palin as a bimbo.
The other plus for Nikki Haley is that she didn’t stab me in the back over replacing the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion. I maintain that was the beginning of Trump’s worst troubles. Once it became clear that Trump couldn’t get a cornerstone of his agenda through a Republican senate, the herd of cats all went their own separate ways. Of course, that wasn’t the best reason to support replacing the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion. The best reason is because Medicaid is a socialist piece of shit that hurts our healthcare system in so many ways, it’s hard to find an aspect of the system that isn’t directly harmed by it in some way.
I’m just sayin’. What’s the point in sticking your neck out for a controversial president who can’t get legislation through?
And what’s the point in nominating a “libertarian” who won’t vote to to replace the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.
So why isn’t the home owner’s association fixing this problem?
There is no H A in the “historic district”- just a lot of busybody NIMBY assholes who want to use city government as a cudgel to keep the unmutual in line. They fear and despise change. The perfect example of the type of liberals who fetishize stasis. There’s a pitchfork-wielding mob fighting against an apartment building proposed for the same area, at the edge of downtown. I doubt any of the activists would give a shit if it was going up on the other side of Main street (two blocks away).
“…liberals who fetishize stasis.” There’s no s at the end of Stasi.
But there is on stashes. Which are often fetishized. (Looking at you Rufus and Suthen)
I lucked out with my house; it’s in the “historic district”, but a house’s historic status is decided individually, and my house isn’t considered historical. I can therefore do whatever I want with it.
You certainly did luck out.
Why Generation X Might Be Our Last, Best Hope
The members of the in-between generation have moved through life squeezed fore and aft, with these tremendous populations pressing on either side, demanding we grow up and move away, or grow old and die—get out, delete your account, kill yourself. But it’s become clear to me that if this nation has any chance of survival, of carrying its traditions deep into the 21st century, it will in no small part depend on members of my generation, Generation X, the last Americans schooled in the old manner, the last Americans that know how to fold a newspaper, take a joke, and listen to a dirty story without losing their minds.
It was a rejection of bourgeois life, the man in his gray flannel suit, his suburbs and corporate hierarchy and commute, the simple pleasures of his seemingly unadventurous life. But the old man did not settle beneath the elms because he was boring or empty or plastic. He did it because, 10 years before you were born, he killed a German soldier with his bare hands in the woods. Many of the boomers I know believe their parents hid themselves from the action. In truth, those World War II fathers were neither hiding nor settling. They were seeking. Peace. Tranquility. They wanted to give their children a fantasy of stability not because they knew too little but because they’d seen too much.
I haven’t even finished it, yet, because it’s written in a style I judge to be an annoying, jangly form of hipster jargon. But it shows promise.
I skipped to the bottom so I don’t share your optimism for promise. And her leaders she looks up to? Ya, not my heroes.
In this evening’s performance, the role of Chicken Little will be performed by Jeffrey Sachs
Between Trump’s narcissism and the Koch brothers’ money, the US government has become a shambles. Washington is still filled with many smart and talented people of both parties, but America’s political institutions and formal processes are diminished. The federal government is hemorrhaging scientific expertise, as researchers leave or are purged, and as agency budgets are targeted for deep cuts. Seasoned diplomats are flooding out of the State Department. Lobbyists, meanwhile, are installing cronies and hacks throughout the government.
ps- Trump’s CRAAAZY!
*crosses eyes, sticks out tongue, makes circular finger motion near temples*
Neither smart and talented people nor scientists belong in the FedGov. They belong in the private sector. Also, Trump is replacing Obama cronies and hacks in the state department (whom I assume Jeff is talking about) with actual seasoned diplomats.
It is easy to make sense of Trump’s ardent critics. Just turn everything they say on its head and you got it.
And her leaders she looks up to? Ya, not my heroes.
Yeah, that pretty much knocked the bottom right out of it.
You know who else had a bottom?
A Midsummer Night’s Dream?
a top?
“Fighting Nazis is a good thing, but fighting Nazis doesn’t necessarily make you or your cause good. By my lights this is simply an obvious fact.
The greatest Nazi-killer of the 20th century was Josef Stalin. He also killed millions of his own people and terrorized, oppressed, enslaved or brutalized tens of millions more.
Nazism was evil. Soviet Communism was evil. It’s fine to believe that Nazism was more evil than Communism. That doesn’t make Communism good.”
Do you know who else liked dogs?
“They’re not. And that’s why this debate is so toxically stupid. Fine, antifa isn’t as bad as the KKK. Who cares? Since when is being less bad than the Klan a major moral accomplishment?”
Honestly surprised to see this in print at the NYP.
I’m not. San Francisco Chronicle ran the same piece.
I’m even more surprised the piece ran in SF Chronicle.
Well, he’s good at syndicating Sunday pieces. And who is going to call someone named Jonah Goldberg an nazi?
The same morons who call Ben Shapiro and Ezra Levant Nazis.
““Standing up against fascism and the rise of Nazism and fascism in this country is not a crime,” she said. “We have the right to defend ourselves.”
Felarca previously justified her actions to Al Jazeera. She stated that neo-Nazis were “organizing to attack and kill us. So we have a right to self-defense. […] That is why we have to shut them down by any means necessary.”
The activist made similar statements during her appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” where she described conservative firebrand Milo Yiannopoulos as a “fascist” and urged others across the United States to organize mass violence against people like Yiannopoulos to shut them down.”
It’s “Allison Felarca” now.
If you throw the first punch lady, it is a crime. Try redefining ‘violence’ as disagreement or photography or just speaking to the judge then write me a letter from jail and let me know how that turned out.
“the far-right Traditional Worker’s Party,”
Should I write to Ian Miles Cheong and….no, never mind.