Before proceeding with links, I have to mark an event that has not occurred to me since I was a teenager- SP and I were at a party last night that got the cops called on us. I think I’m too old for that shit. This was at the house of one of the top session musicians in Chicago and he and a bunch of his friends were taking turns playing in impromptu combinations, nothing rehearsed, just great musicians jamming and playing old favorites. It was absolutely delightful. At 8:30, the cops knocked at the door and ordered the music to stop. “Someone complained.”


“We can’t tell you that.”

“But it’s only 8:30 and we’re really not that loud.”

“Doesn’t matter, someone complained, so you have to stop.”

“What does the law say?”

“Doesn’t matter, you have to stop.”

“But what about our White Privilege?”

“Doesn’t matter, you have to stop.”


“Doesn’t matter, I told you to stop, you need to stop. Don’t make me arrest you.”

“Is this racism?”

“Sir, you’re all white.”

Perhaps the lessons of libertarianism might sink in. Naaaah. Well, anyway, all the musicians unplugged and we resumed an all-acoustic set until the wee hours. So fuck the cops, we still had fun. Sleep, not so much.

OK, personal reminiscences over, let’s move on to links.

The remains of the Indianapolis were found. Unfortunately, the wreckage didn’t contain the mutilated bodies of everyone named Irsay.

Dick Gregory, who was once funny, can now be said to have been once alive.

I’m guessing that neo-Nazis were behind this. Or Trump was. Or both. Well, at least there’s one person in this world who would make a worse babysitter than I would.

The screaming has begun that typos are grounds for impeachment. Covfefe 2!

In sports, modern umpires are total pussies. I can’t imagine how they could have dealt with the greatest manager of all time.

And for our musical interlude, here is a sweet ballad of love, OMWC-style.