Before proceeding with links, I have to mark an event that has not occurred to me since I was a teenager- SP and I were at a party last night that got the cops called on us. I think I’m too old for that shit. This was at the house of one of the top session musicians in Chicago and he and a bunch of his friends were taking turns playing in impromptu combinations, nothing rehearsed, just great musicians jamming and playing old favorites. It was absolutely delightful. At 8:30, the cops knocked at the door and ordered the music to stop. “Someone complained.”
“We can’t tell you that.”
“But it’s only 8:30 and we’re really not that loud.”
“Doesn’t matter, someone complained, so you have to stop.”
“What does the law say?”
“Doesn’t matter, you have to stop.”
“But what about our White Privilege?”
“Doesn’t matter, you have to stop.”
“Doesn’t matter, I told you to stop, you need to stop. Don’t make me arrest you.”
“Is this racism?”
“Sir, you’re all white.”
Perhaps the lessons of libertarianism might sink in. Naaaah. Well, anyway, all the musicians unplugged and we resumed an all-acoustic set until the wee hours. So fuck the cops, we still had fun. Sleep, not so much.
OK, personal reminiscences over, let’s move on to links.
The remains of the Indianapolis were found. Unfortunately, the wreckage didn’t contain the mutilated bodies of everyone named Irsay.
Dick Gregory, who was once funny, can now be said to have been once alive.
I’m guessing that neo-Nazis were behind this. Or Trump was. Or both. Well, at least there’s one person in this world who would make a worse babysitter than I would.
The screaming has begun that typos are grounds for impeachment. Covfefe 2!
In sports, modern umpires are total pussies. I can’t imagine how they could have dealt with the greatest manager of all time.
And for our musical interlude, here is a sweet ballad of love, OMWC-style.
Dick Gregory died? Black entertainers weren’t dying off left and right before Trump!
“What mistake? Heel! Now sit and play dead. You’re fake news.”
“What a heel…” @astroehlein quipped.
They’re a witty bunch. Also, how the hell is this a news story?
Superiority humor. We do it, too. At least we actually have other tools in our bag. That’s all they got.
President Trump punted his first two attempts at a tweet Saturday, and the internet began kicking up jokes about the snafus
I think it’s amusing that in a report about a typo the reporter IMO misuses ‘snafu’. A word I think is too strong to describe a Twitterstorm about a typo
But everything about Trump is supercereal. for realz serious. Like the most serious.
I’m surprised at home little attention is got on my derpbook wall. But everyone is still freakin out over the ‘brown’ scare and concerned that nazis are hiding behind every blade of grass.
Don’t you have a 6A right to know who ratted you out to the cops?
Nah. You do have the right to spend the night in jail with and released the next morning with no charges filed though.
Sir, calm down. CALM DOWN!
*you say nothing*
OK, that’s it. Turn around & put your hands behind your back. You have the right to remain silent…
Not until you get into discovery.
Umpiring is hard, underappreciated work, and compared to players, the officials don’t make much money—somewhere between $120,000 and $350,000 depending on seniority (nothing to sneeze at, but the average major leaguer makes over $4 million)
They all stand on the same diamond, yet that is even worse than 77 cents on the dollar.
You bring up a good point; where are all the womyn umpires??
Bitching about the diamonds
Robot umpires. These guys might as well carry buggy whips as a protest.
The technology is there…especially given how often its disputed they should’ve switched to a balls/strikes machine already.
“Vaginas absolutely need sex or they’ll waste away: study”
Common symptoms include discharge, burning, itching, difficulty peeing and pain during sex.
I do all that during sex. *Runs to doc*
Vaginal atrophy is a common but treatable condition that causes the vaginal wall to thin.
I hear megadosing on vitamin D can fix that, baby.
I thought you said megadose?! {sad trombone}
STEVE SMITH give involuntary megadose, solve problems for all!
Everyone in this story is despicable:
Except for the girl…
Of those 11, one officer was recommended for termination, one for demotion, two for suspensions of 80 hours and 120 hours, and five to receive letters of reprimand, according to the complaint
Ten short, assholes.
I would’ve called her cute, but then I saw that damn Betty Boop tat on her leg. I’m sorry, but that killed it for me.
A bad tattoo on a woman can ruin everything. I was out jogging and saw this absolutely gorgeous woman in short shorts standing in her yard, then she turned around and I saw the tattoo on her leg: it was a vine or something that went all the way from her ankle up to her shorts. It looked fucking awful. There was a bold, black outline and the leaves were colored a hokey shade of green.
You have the right to do s you’re told.
Tim Cook: Apple to donate money to the ADL (not quite so bad) and the SPLC (just terrible). They’ll also match employee contributions four to one. Looks like I’m going to have to go back to Android. Shit, that’s Google. The options are running out.
He should go back and change it to “heil”.
They’d all swallow their tongues in outrage, and we’d be rid of them, once and for all,
“Donald Trump’s controversial aide Steve Bannon was ‘pushed out’ by his daughter Ivanka and her husband because his far-Right views clashed with their Jewish faith, according to Washington sources.
Chief strategist Bannon, 63, helped orchestrate the US President’s stunning election victory but was vilified for his extreme opinions.
Many blamed him for Trump’s failure last week to condemn neo-Nazis after a violent rally in Virginia at which a woman was killed and dozens were injured.”
My thoughts are that Bannon was pushed out for publicly opposing Trump, Mattis, and Tillerson on Korth Korea. When the strategy centers on persuading China that we’re prepared to destroy NK, and Bannon followed that up with “don’t listen China these guys are just kidding”, he got the boot.
My thoughts are that Bannon fell on his sword like a good little solider.
Item number 358855 of WH gossip writing dreck that losers might find interesting.
Many blamed him for Trump’s failure last week to condemn neo-Nazis
Except he did condemn them.
Yeah, but not with a Hot Take. Which is all that matters.
New Yorker upcoming cover.
If you don’t have a histrionic, one-sided overreaction to what happened you’re a Klansman.
The Economist agrees.
I hope the next Economist cover is making fun of the New Yorker for ripping them off.
This week’s Economist was awful.
Dog whistles about Dog Whistles
Now that’s timing.
I used to read the economist back in college. Holy hell they took a deep dive in quality.
They carried water for Dubya and Blair like dutiful little propaganda puppets. Missed the financial shock completely. Why anyone takes them seriously it the real scandal.
Agree. Now they write “what if this happened” articles to project all sorts of imagined evil if unlikely to occur hypothetical situations they dreamed up actually came to pass. What happened to simply reporting on actual events?
They should run this story:
Someone needs to draw up Trump with two vanilla ice cream cones. The cones being little upside down Klan hoods.
That would be entirely too clever and require them to reach to far back in the ‘memory banks of outrage’ TM that have replaced the prefrontal cortex.
So how horrible a human being does it make me if I’ve come to believe that the anti-fa/communist left is more dangerous than the alt-right/Nazi right?
You’re literally Hitler?
No, I was already literally Hitler when I said both sides were to blame in Charlottesville.
Now I’m worse than Hitler. Somehow.
I’ve had the same convo exactly twice. Both instances I stopped and exited out of concern for my health and safety. One face to face and my interlocutor turned red. Once online when I got called a nazi apologist, told to fuck and off and told that I actually was worse than hitler, because I would have stood by and done nothing while jews and such were shoveled into ovens.
I’ve had someone online trying to get personal information about me in one of these conversations. Yeah, I’m going to voluntarily submit to doxxing.
That’s pretty stupid, and also scary. All we need is a bunch of little gestapo rats scuttling around not realizes that by snitching they are gaining the attention of the wrong people.
Do you like yogurt and fur hats?
The Washington Post isn’t even trying anymore
I mean, I know they’re gonna be biased and all, but… wow.
That is all you need to know about that article.
“But despite what Trump has claimed, repeatedly, in his public statements since the tragic events there, the willingness to employ organized violence to achieve political goals remains a signature quality of only one side. And it’s not the left.”
As far as bullshit goes, that’s not even good bullshit. Burying the truth is one thing. But if someone can’t even get past the first paragraph without a glaringly false statement of fact, that’s just bad writing.
It’s a post-facts world, it’s all about emoting and signaling now.
How did your empire fall? Vandals. How about you? Charles Martel. And you? Virtue signalling.
There’s someone in the comments saying Columbine was a right-wing attack
The attackers were really into KMFDM and playing Doom. Both very right wing activities.
Doom is right wing?
Wait, isn’t that running around killing Nazis?
That’s Wolfenstein.
Playing Wolfenstein and losing makes you a Nazi sympathizer.
Cripes, you’re right. i’m going to go skulk in the corner for a bit.
It’s like last year’s police shooting and this year’s elected officials shooting, not to mention massive amounts of lower level violence, didn’t happen. I refuse to believe people are really stupid enough to swallow this nonsense but I’m beginning to wonder.
Judging by the size of the march in Boston, I believe we are witnessing an epidemic of people experiencing mass delusions.
I wonder why they picked that date?
Totally arbitrary, why’d you ask shitlord?
Do the define “attack”?
Because if it’s anything like “gun violence” I call bullshit
I didn’t read the whole thing, cuz fuck that. I am sure they include single shootings made by some racist fuck who is affiliated with some group on SPLC’s list and there you have it. I violent right wing extremist attack. It would not matter if he shot his neighbor for banging his wife it was an extremist act.
The whole thing being the study that is linked.
Someone cited it for me recently so I went through it a little bit. And personally, I can’t believe that you would imply that an alleged Aryan Brotherhood member who killed his cellmate in prison wasn’t part of a right wing terrorist attack. 😉
I’ll bet they call race motivated crimes against blacks right wing despite that being historically left wing and con temporarily neither wing. Race motivated crimes against whites are probably lone gunman.
I can’t think of any right wing crimes. BLM was supported by the democrats and Obamacare and had a follower kill several people. Neo-NAZIs have zero political support from any elected official in congress or any state politician.
Another report churned out where the conclusion was made, then evidence adjusted to fit.
Dylan Roof was definitely right-wing, according to the contemporary definition. So he’d count by any metric.
I use the definition that violence to oppose a party’s views or to silence the opposition.
I also wouldn’t say every Muslim that kills is an Islamic terrorists. Muslims also kill for all sorts of mundane reasons or reasons that are unrelated to Islam.
And the 8210 murders in Chicago since that date?
Omar Marteen doesn’t count?
Guess this guy didn’t get the memo
““I was more in shock because I was just getting a milkshake.””
A VANILLA MILKSHAKE. Let that sink in for a second.
Was he Sikh?
I like when they claim that the report they link to says that the right wing extremists are a “greater threat” and quote one le (about how there was a greater volume of right wing attacks) … without quoting the very next line, which says :
At 8:30, the cops knocked at the door and ordered the music to stop.
Always, always invite the neighbors to a party.
Maybe I’m crazy, but I look at stuff like the most recent version of the NYT editorial board’s hysterical screeching about Trump, and all I see is people quivering and sputtering with outrage because they lost the great moral debate about whether sammiches should be cut vertically or on the diagonal.
I see minimal real change in the rate of decay.
If they actually feared Trump and thought he was like Hitler they would be afraid to say it.
That’s one of the keys to this whole thing. If the chattering class actually thought that Trump was a real fascists about to seize the reins of power they would kowtow to him, instead they are using the fear to whip up support for the #resistance
I think I’m going to start using this as my standard retort.
Damn, that story out of maryland makes my skin crawl. I can’t say that mob justice is ever a good idea, but I could understand it’s application in this case.
Classy gonna classy…
Also this:
“Robert Mugabe yesterday declared that all locals accused of killing white former commercial farmers since the launch of the fast track-land reform programme in 2000 were immune to prosecution.”
Yeah, that’s just depressing and criminally under reported.
Last I paid attention, Mugabe’s daughter was being educated in Homg Kong.
Now I’m worse than Hitler. Somehow.
You’re worse than Hitler’s mother. You could have aborted him, but you didn’t.
Oh and more out of Spain, things were going to get much worse.
He added: “We are not in a position to say what caused the radicalisation of these people.”
That doesn’t stop US media from printing their theories.
Workplace violence, duh.
Not enough voluntary buy-in to Sharia Law; too few burqas.
“Voluntary ”
Heh, maximum lel
And burquinis.
You sexist
Marxist derp for you sabbath sunday..
This may have already been posted in a previous thread but I found it hilarious none-the-less.
In spite of the fact her entire bit was pandering to the left.
“It takes a stunning lack of self-awareness to recommend carbo-loading and sitting this one out, as if white women’s collective apathy didn’t put us in this position in the first place. Now, if 53 percent of white women hadn’t voted for Donald Trump, we probably wouldn’t have to be chasing a wide-reaching network of white nationalist rallies out of our major cities.”
There is no wide-reaching network of white nationalist anything. And even if there were, electing Hilary wouldn’t have prevented it.
Hey westernsloper, you mentioned unhinged comments in an article about what happened in Boston yesterday. If you want a comment sewer, I up your ante. Go check ’em out. With the internet at their fingertips, ALL of the contra Free Speech Rally commenters are 100% convinced they shut down a white nationalist/KKK mini rally.
I put in a full day at one of my side bizzes, anf last night as I drove home I heard about a new set of counter protests in Boston on NPR (but of course). I’m trying to figure out whay actually happened, so out of the Google News hopper, I got the above article as a top result. Enter someone who is starting to piss me off almost as much as former Mayor Menino, Mayor
QuimbyMarty Walsh:So I had to dig up an actual even-handed account that summarised everything, to find out that this prick’s own bureaucrats issued a permit for a small gathering of 100, sees 40k counterprotestors (I’m getting tired of the lazy use of this term by “journalists” in conjunction with this event in particular and what it’s meant to suggest to the reader) who create a massive expense for the city, then proceed to tickle their collective balls about how heroic their interloping and ultimate shutting down of the original event was.
Here’s the useful article describing most of the important events, such as piss and projectiles being hurled at Mayor Walsh’s police officers.
I like this one, play the Benny Hill chase music in the background while you read:
The Boston Free Speech Coalition needs to publish the transcripts of the speeches given and show what the counter protestors were protesting. I read somewhere that cameras and media was not allowed into the fenced corral they penned the free speechers in. The media won’t be honest about it.
I couldn’t get the comments to load. User error with my script blocker I am sure. It messes with comment sections sometimes. I think half the country has lost it’s collective mind. The mayor, and even Trump now are not helping. Ya, there was absolutely zero nazis or racists at that event yesterday but even Gov officials are congratulating a 40,000 person mob. I found one article yesterday that shed a bit of light on what was actually happening. And it was Vox. Imagine that.
Vox talks to 9 of the several dozen of attendees of the rally
“And while the First Amendment-focused event was not meant to celebrate racism or bigotry, some participants — primarily rally speaker Kyle Chapman — promote those views.”
Then it goes to a link about Chapman that doesn’t back up that statement.
Not even Vox could find one “nazi” there, yet the media kept spinning it otherwise all day yesterday.
Then it goes to a link about Chapman that doesn’t back up that statement.
Ya, I noticed that yesterday. I had never heard of him until yesterday. He sounds like a prick, but I have seen nothing linking him to Nazis other than it is just ok to call people Nazis these days.
Lefty writers do that all the time – just link to something and hope that people will just believe what you wrote because you provided a link.
Tom Woods and Bob Murphy have caught Paul Krugman doing this numerous times on their Contra Krugman podcast, which is excellent by the way.
I have only recently become aware of how endemic this is.
As a result, I’ve started to believe that any article with either too few links or TOO MANY LINKS is totally full of shit. Unless it’s written by slatestarcodex guy, he actually cites TOO MANY LINKS posts properly.
Has anybody mentioned here before that there is another Kyle Chapman in New Zealand who *is* a white nationalist. Maybe that’s why some people call Based Stickman a Nazi, although I assume others know the distinction and are just lying.
In my brief searches yesterday I saw there was a kiwi with the same name but I did not look at any of the info on him because I assumed the Kyle Chapman in discussion was an American. If journalists are making that mistake and thinking he is the kiwi, or not making the connection, well, that is fucking pathetic. I am going with 95% of it is blatant dishonesty and relying on the new normal that it is ok to make baseless claims that someone is a Nazi.
“(even though evidence shows the Nazis and white supremacists instigated the conflict).”
With a another link going to an article with no such evidence.
The majority of Americans may oppose removing Confederate monuments at present, but that isn’t a problem for those wanting to get rid of them, because the Prog Left has learned that it only needs to keep up the pressure until Americans agree with them. It wasn’t too long ago that “most Americans” opposed same-sex marriage. Now, it’s acceptable, and those few opponents who remain are seen as sad, impotent reactionaries.
Most people aren’t for the removal but that’s way down on their list of priorities. Ultimately they don’t want to see the statues go but they don’t really give much of a damn.
Also, it seems to be a thing at the moment to talk about removing the Democrat party as a relic of racism (“It’s the party of the KKK and Jim Crow, y’all!”). That won’t work, because the Dems have demonstrably shed those elements from their party, and most Dem voters are so ignorant of actual history that they’ll just think you’re lying to them. The Democratic Party, therefore, will remain the vehicle for the Prog Left.
Got back yesterday from two weeks of being absent. Glad to see y’all didn’t burn the place down while I was gone. I’d hate to come back and see that there was some sort of fight.
For the past week, I have seen hate thriving in plain sight. I am disgusted. I am angry. I am worried. And I keep thinking about how different things would be if Hillary Clinton had been elected president. I was, like so many of us, wildly overconfident about her chances. Her presidency was a certainty in my mind and in my heart. And then, it wasn’t.
Of all the men and women running for president, I found her to be the most qualified, comprehensive in her understanding of domestic and foreign policy, progressive and charismatic. I wanted to write about her and engage rigorously with her ideas far more than I did. But I didn’t. In part, I did not have the energy to deal with the inevitable backlash, from corners right and left. In part, I was trying to understand the popularity of Bernie Sanders because so many people I respect supported him and his ideas. And of course, there was that overconfidence, which, in hindsight, I am ashamed of. Nothing should be taken for granted in a democracy.
Forgive us, Hillary! We know not what we do.
Well she’s no Virgin Mary but I suppose the left needs saints too.
Does anyone here know the church of Satan analogue to Mary per chance?
Some dog, I’d imagine, because Satan is a son of a bitch.
Satan was a fallen angel, so there would be no Mary analogue. He was created by God and is not of the earth.
Sloop, what does the inca stand for? I’m still wondering
“In California”.
^^what my good friend here said^^
Although I’m actually in Texas. But I decided to go back to my old handle when we started the site here.
Yeah, this is the church of Satan so consistency is not a strong suit
Ayn Rand, obviously.
“For the past week, I have seen hate thriving in plain sight”
Interesting… I’ve seen it for at least the last 9 months. Which corresponds with the failed campaign of your one and only HRC.
The whole Charlottesville thing makes me mad because it makes it clear that the left isn’t serious about disavowing hate, but only one sides hate. If you oppose all violence, that just makes you a Nazi apologist.
Charismatic? Really?
It was endearing, the way she kept collapsing in a dead faint.
If you read on, you eventually come to a real side-splitter:
When I think of a politician who is accountable to the peons, Hillary Clinton is EXACTLY who leaps to mind!
And no coffer enriching!
“…our country is being led by a man who believes he is accountable only to himself and enriching his coffers…”
Of all the presidents this nation has ever elected I’d say needing the presidency as a platform to further enrich himself beyond his current means is pretty far down there on the ‘to do’ list.
On my way to Vegas this morning. As a cat, I have the very best poker face. As a cat with a top hat, I have the money and orphans to back up my bluffs.
Its been fun paying attention to the weekend links these past couple weeks, since I have nothing better to do but read comments from you degenerates.
Don’t act as though cats are all high and mighty the only thing stopping you from global conquest is a lack of opposable thumbs
Our human slaves are working on that. Meanwhile, I’m going to give myself a bath.
That seems like a very selective bath.
You and Mr. Lizards people can fight over the irradiated remains of our planet after TrumPutin and Kim nuke us all to hell.
Which casino(s) do you plan to go to.
Ah, the Important question
I read that as “catsino”
Europe does free speech better than USA says some Dutch dude.
::studio laugh track::
He’s only saying that because it’s illegal to speak it against the free speach laws in Europe
Like the idea that free speech is dangerous?
Yet one of the moves of totalitarians is to crack down on speech. You would think a bit of logic would dictate “let’s make it impossible for totalitarians to punish speech.” Instead of just putting totalitarianism under new management with all the same power.
You talk like a nazi, let’s see you socjus papers, comrade.
“B-b-but if you get the right totalitarian in charge, it would work great!!”
the only thing stopping you from global conquest is a lack of opposable thumbs
Cats don’t need opposable thumbs. They have a vast slave army of humans.
*purrrs* Good human.
I don’t know. They need to work in their numbers, and quality if slaves. 45 cats to one senile old woman doesn’t a mighty army make
Those are only our rejects. Many of us own entire human families. Some of us manage entire streets of suburbs where all we do is show up and you humans are forced to give us your food and massages.
I can’t imagine how they could have dealt with the greatest manager of all time.
Weaver: yeah, you wait five or ten years and see who’s in the hall of fame.
Ump: oh, you’re gonna be in the hall of fame?
W: yeah
U: for what, fucking up World Series?
Lol, classic.
If this is good baseball banter then I have been missing out and want to rectify it ASAP.
The best baseball rant ever was Lee Elia’s postgame presser:
That’s totally beautiful. I’m now laughing in my office. Goddamn it, now I’m going to have to start watch Baseball.
Here’s a good one from my favorite Vikings coach ever!
That better be “Crown their asses”.
You disappoint me.
4 outta 5, sloop. McCann supposed to be back this week, as well.
I’m happy as a clam to see all the attention (see: pressure/expectations) remain on the Dodgers while we quietly awaken from our slumber & hit stride at the right time. WITH our farm system in tact, mind you.
Yeah, I’m getting a bit more optimistic again. But those bars need to wake up in a big way. Rin production wasn’t gonna stay that high forever, but it’s fallen like a stone.
Still, just play decent and go into the postseason with some confidence and a healthy pitching staff. They do that and they’ve got a good chance of winning the AL pennant.
Really should have been addressed to Gene Mauch.
“Activists Seek Peace Through Violence”
“Editor’s Note: This story has been updated to clarify that counterprotesters say they are not to blame for violence at the Charlottesville protest. The story’s headline has also been updated.”
Oh well if they say so, who can we trust more than the anti-fa.
Antifa leaders admit they’re willing to physically attack anyone who employs violence against them or who condones racism — as long as force is used in the name of eradicating hatred.
“Condones” racism.
So, people who haven’t engaged in actual violence.
This is going to end well.
Use hate too eradicated hate. Where have I heard this. People need to fucking grow up, and stop loving in this two dimensional fantastic ideal land. People hate. Get over it. If you don’t like it don’t deal with them. Hate != violence.
But some of them equate words to violence, so they are willing to employ violence against people who are merely speaking?
I don’t know what kind of ethical philosophy they subscribe to where racism is the supreme evil and every freedom must give way if there’s racism afoot.
Oh, right, they don’t actually have any principles; they just emote and riot.
That’s a great catchall. It’s hard enough to prove one isn’t a racist, but to prove you aren’t a dirty despicable condoner? Good luck.
What started out 16 months ago as a scandal involving the alleged theft of computer equipment from Congress has turned into a national-security investigation involving FBI surveillance of the suspects.
It’s not clear that DWS was intent on sending foreign governments Intel when she postmarked the letters to them…/FBI wrap up.
She used the more formal closing, “sincerely, DWS” instead of the more intimate, “love, DWS”. Therefore, she was not in league with terrorists.
“Man stabbed after haircut gets him mistaken for a neo-Nazi”
“violence is a Hallmark of only one side”/ wapo
Plausible but this might be a right wing equivalent of the fake hate crime swastikas that keep showing up on peoples’ doors.
Seeing as how I have only previously seen this story around the derpbook, I’m skeptical as well, though I wouldn’t be surprised.
Poop Swastika reborn?!
It does smack of implausibility
I have this haircut. This kind of shit freaks me out.
You are as good as stabbed bro. Buy a vest.
Lol It freaks me out but the rational part of my brain kicks in and reminds me its pretty rare to run into a fanatic of this caliber.
That being said, concealed carry is probably a better option than a vest.
Cats have fur, game over Kittah
Didn’t SJWs go after cancer patient a few months back? Insisting he was a Nazi because of his hair?
At the 1 minute mark, there’s a guy who has brain cancer.
Samantha Bee
Dirty condoner.
I pegged you more as a kitler type.
I hope they went after the fucking barber next. Bad haircuts=fascism
Quick, everyone put on your fake man buns!
It’s the perfect camouflage.
I ordered two and they are going right above my ears.
*splutters and reloads page to make sure I just saw that correctly*
My daughters call those “douche knobs.”
I guess I did raise them right.
It’s as if no one had ever seen Peaky Blinders
That show is amazing. I drink Johnny Walker while I watch it.
It’s one of my favorites. Though my drink of choice is usually bourbon I’m willing to switch to a good scotch or irish whiskey while watching.
+1 highly recommend it
I liked the premise, but I couldn’t get past the music. It just spoiled the suspension of disbelief for me.
Exactly what a Nazi would say.
I bet he used white milk only, instead of diversified milk, for that milkshake.
The milk was probably pasteurized (read purified) too.
And when we say “pasteurized”, we mean “hitlerized”, amirite?
/cancels decade-old plan to get an H.L. Mencken haircut.
I used to wear my hair like that sometimes – buzzed on the sides with the top left long and split down the center. The annoying thing is that I have the fucking cowlick from hell on the right side of my head that results in a little clump of hair that wants to fall down over my forehead and curve in a weird “S” shape.
Use pomade.
Fop or Dapper Dan?
What car was he driving… a Dodge Charger?
as long as force is used in the name of eradicating hatred.
The Minor’s au jus concentrate that Playa recommended keeps paying dividends. I used a tiny amount in conjunction with a few tablespoons of water, marinated some roast beef slices in the solution. Proceeded to caramelise a small finely-chopped shallot. Dropped the roast beef onto the caramelised shallot, dropped a slice of Cabot brand murkin cheese on that. Made a sandwich of it with 1 egg over-easy on a toasted, halved croissant.
That sounds really good. I am glad you mentioned that stuff again. I couldn’t remember the name. I am on a brisket binge and I’m thinking that stuff would be a good injection. I have been using “Better Than Bullion” but always looking for improvements. I will be making up a brisket, sausage, egg and cheddar breakfast burrito here in a bit. I have a fresh batch of pico, tomitillo sauce, and hot sauce for finishers.
One might say it’s a beef injection you’re going for, hmm?
Well yes of course. I like a good beef injection before I rub my brisket until it comes………………time to put it in the smoker.
So, as many of you know I’m a resident of teh bluegrass state. My hometown just voted to relocate our CSA statues, a bunch of NN and White Nationalist were on derpbook threatening to protest and now antifa is in town threatening to fuck up the haters (irony). I’m debating showing up to the protest (counter-protest) with popcorn or sitting it out at home with a loaded gun in case things go sideways.
Thoughts mein Glib associates?
Dress up as Abraham Lincoln wearing a Confederate general uniform, and wave a rainbow flag.
How many heads do you want to explode at once? Also A+ idea, but probably for someone braver (or more foolhardy) than I.
I forgot to add that the rainbow flag needs to have an image of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. punching Hitler in the face with one hand while shaking hands with Trump with the other hand.
You should be a political marketing person.
Wouldn’t Abe need to be wearing makeup and have some fake tits? Otherwise you’re ignoring the trannies.
Go in blackface. Abe Joleson on for the win.
Rainbow Confederate flag that says civil rights is bae.
Only work if he wears a star spangled thong as well.
Don’t go there. Watch from home, keep firearms and popcorn handy.
Absolutely. Stay as far away from the loons as possible.
True that. No way no how. Buy ammo and make sure the car is full of gas.
Y’all are following my thoughts pretty close. The temptation to mock both sides is being overridden by my self preservation instinct
There’s no point, Rick. Unless you are gonna go Ned Braden on the bit.
I admit to having never seen that movie (I am shamed before the glibs, I know) but that was damn hilarious. If I didn’t think that both sides would stop quarreling to whale on me I would be tempted, but seeing my flabbby, pasty libertarian body might would be the one thing that could unite both sides into a sort of commie-nazi ribbentrop-molotov pact
Best sports movies of all time:
1) Slapshot
2) Brian’s Song
3) Everything else
I suppose it falls under #3 but what’s your opinion of the Miracle on Ice movie
Actually, that’s my absolute favorite – I was just making a joke.
I’m highly disappointed that Mighty Ducks 3: Saving Free Willy from Hitler didn’t make the list.
Back when antiwar protests were all the rage, I wanted to show up with a “Hands Off the Butcher of Baghdad” sign.
Cooler heads prevailed.
Have to agree with some of the other commenters. Don’t invite confrontation with imbeciles. What’s the upside to risk that you can’t get at home?
An accurate picture of events, but not really worth the risk. If it goes down like the other things have so far then I know it’s going t get bad, it’s just a degree of when and of there will be a body count. The one thing I can say is that the lex police are pretty level headed or have been so far and even the supporters of statue removal have urged Antifa off, whether or not they will listen is another thing.
If anyone looks at the Twitter, I recommend following Patty Politics
“A Vermont man says he was stabbed outside his home by a group of five masked men armed with box cutters on Tuesday, after being labeled a “Nazi sympathizer” for denouncing attempts to ruin the life of a Unite the Right rally attendee — even though he himself strongly disavows white supremacy.
The victim, Sam Wormer, who identifies as neither right or left, is so concerned about the divide in the country that even after being attacked he wasn’t sure that his story should be told. Leftist friends of his confirmed to Big League Politics that he frequently sticks up for “marginalized members of the community.”
Ryan Roy, 28, appeared in the Vice News episode on the events over the weekend in Charlottesville. He was promptly doxed on Twitter and a social media campaign made sure that he was fired from his job at Pizzeria Uno. Additionally, the internet mob called child protective services in an effort to have his young baby removed from his care.”
If you really want people to fight back, this is the proper course to pursue.
I would be a bit skeptical of this report… for one thing the picture referred to in the report is of someone who has sustained a slash wound.
A slash wound is not a stab wound. An article on “big league politics” (what?) that repeatedly refers to him being “stabbed” is probably not being very well reported.
There is also no other citation that the event occured :
Sean Spicier, on Twitter: I fail to see how removing all these statues will get your lazy ass off the couch and get a job
How much do Statue Removal Crews pay?
Boston Antifa
Boston Antifa @AntifaBoston
Let’s get one thing clear. Antifa is an Anarcho-Communist cause. Those on the left who call us “patriots”, step the FUCK away. #BostonResist
That is clarifying – what say you, WaPo?
::studio audience laugh track::
What the fuck is an “Anarcho-Communist”?
It’s an anarchist that prefers something else to capital exchange of value.
A contradiction in terms.
OT: not sure you saw this last night since you were, umm, dealing with, umm, shit.
All Black great, Sir Colin “Pine Tree” Meads passes away:
I did, thanks. I was…unhappy, last night.
Yeah, not sure why some feel the need to beat the dead horse.
Alcohol I assume.
Wait….you can beat alcohol out of a dead horse?!
*readies club*
He meant Anadarko Communist because he is in favor of state control of all oil companies. Maxine Waters and Bernie Sanders are that too.
Goddamn that’s funny.
They’ve discovered that the government isn’t interested in implementing REAL communism.
About the same as a Libertarian-Fascist, which is something I’ve heard people call themselves.
Yeah seen that more and more on youtube. WTF? I think That guy T is starting to identify with that.
Kids today.
Some people just want to watch the world burn. Or is it Bern?
Relevant Antifa graffiti from the Berkeley riots.
You know what I love about the hammer and sickle? How quaintly archaic the symbolic nature of it compares to industrial combines and pile drivers.
The problem with that is we don’t necessarily know who painted that (or is there some proof in this case?)– as we know, leftists have raised a lot of false Nazi flags, and I assume the alt-right is not above that, too. Although I would lay money that it was real.
The large WWP banners among the counter-protesters in Cville were pretty conclusive, however.
There’s no direct proof and, yes, it could be faked. It was photographed on the night of the Berkeley idiocy and I doubt too many righties were risking their asses to spraypaint false flag stuff but it’s certainly a possibility.
Scott Adams: Why does antifa throw urine instead of feces?
They learned this week that their shit doesn’t stink.
“9 white supremacist symbols you don’t know yet, but should”
They can fuck right off with the sun wheel. Also anyone who cites the splc is questionable
The Sun Wheel doesn’t mean Nazi stuff? I took it as a rotating swastika or something.
The Kekistan flag is number 1? I think that was pretty much made up to troll. I am not a big Keker but that is my impression. The others seem to be pretty self explanatory.
Yeah it was made up to poke fun at identity politics.
Hence “I am an ethnic Kekistani”
So when are they going to post the symbols of the far left?
A tweet from an old friend (was it ever conclusively proven that he is Shriek?)
Dave Weigel
Dave Weigel @daveweigel
Extremely smart pundits: Ha ha, Trump is finished!
RNC: We are getting so many donations we don’t know what to do with them.
Shriek wasn’t Weigel. Just a fellow
idiottraveler.That motherfucker blocked me because I savaged him on twitter about six months ago.
It was never seriously entertained. Shriek existed when weegs was writing for Reason. and he’s admitted to being a cokehead in Georgia who loses money daytrading. (more or less)
I doubt weigel lives 2 lives just to play on H+R.
Did he ever pay his bet?
“Donald Trump, there’s no such thing as the ‘alt-left’ – and even white supremacists know it”
That’s right, they already have a name — communists.
Note: we have put some comments into moderation that served no purpose other than to disrupt. We don’t do these things lightly, but chose to do so in order to make sure you have the experience you have come to expect here.
We are as firm in our commitment to the free expression and exchange of ideas as we’ve ever been. But when comments are meant to detract, we occasionally have to resort to extreme measures.
Sorry for all of the chaos the last few days.
Curious, were these comments from regulars or new people?
It doesn’t matter at this point. We don’t want to point fingers at anyone. We just wanted y’all to know that if you saw something earlier that’s not there, we took them down.
We did it a couple times in the past and we let everyone know then. Just doing the same now.
You keep saying you want dick pics.
Geez, man.
Missed or scrolled past the slapfight.
I vote for keeping the squabbling and butthurt off the site when it reaches annoying levels.
Got back yesterday from two weeks of being absent. Glad to see y’all didn’t burn the place down while I was gone. I’d hate to come back and see that there was some sort of fight.
I guess I spoke too soon…
Oh yeah, well your anogenital distance is subpar Sloop! (Am I doing this flamewar thing right?)
I’m debating showing up to the protest (counter-protest) with popcorn or sitting it out at home with a loaded gun in case things go sideways.
Fuck it. Throw some beer in the cooler and go to the lake.
There are plentiful rivers and creeks in CentralKY but if I don’t go (probably won’t) I’d rather sit home and guard my property
(was it ever conclusively proven that he is Shriek?)
I could never figure out why anybody would think that made any kind of sense.
Hey, RC Dean, would you be willing to connect via LinkedIn (or Facebook)? Assuming you’ll see this…
I’ll do email. Give me an address, and I’ll reply.
I thought it was going to be this:
Are you connected with Sloop or Playa? My email is a little revealing, so I don’t want to make it public.
Just email me and I’ll send it to him.
Appreciate it.
Thanks, sloop.
You people and your food talk are making me hungry. I might have to go to town for some huevos rancheros.
a funny pic
So I’m normally a pretty cynical guy, however the mass retardation that has gripped many corners of our society with regard to “NATZEES UNDUR MUH BED!” and how it’s translating to anti-BOR posturing is really depressing me. If anything the media continues over and over to prove Trump right about just how venal, biased and dishonest they are. It’s not surprising how mendacious they are, what’s surprising is how many useful idiots and bystanders continue to fall for it. 40,000 fucking people show up to shut down a tiny free speech rally just because someone, somewhere told them that it was about Neo-Nazis and they accept it uncritically. It has become truth that the KKK started a riot against peaceful flower children in C’ville; and people believe it. Maybe we really are lost.
We’re not lost. This is a hail mary from some overmatched pussies who are just finding out just how meaningless they are.
Get outside among the real people and see that things are just fine.
I kind of get the same impression. The thing that bothers me is that it really is striking me that there is a widening gap between the bulk of the public and the culture.
Media culture, maybe Shut them down for a week and use your own eyes.
The world looks very different.
Agreed, tundra.
Well, maybe we are moving backwards through history. First it was Russia. Then is it Nazis. So I’m thinking next month, CNN will declare war against Spain. Then after a brief civil war that gets settled by Thanksgiving. We’ll be fighting the British by Christmas.
If my calculations are correct, we gotta take out the Kaiser and the Turks next.
Also, the efforts of the left to resegregate fit the reverse timeline theory.
Lefties have been calling everyone else Nazis for 50 years. And in the bad old days of the late 60s through the 70s, they bombing buildings. Be thankful today’s leftists will settle for pushing over trash cans.
They’re stuck in 1968.
I really enjoyed that movie, it was practically a blacklist of hollywood repubs. Man I need to go back and watch it again.
Norse mythology meets R Crumb
Good band.
If someone else is cooking it, might as well get huevos motulenos.
All of a sudden We get Low clouds in the morning, and tomorrow is the Eclipse.
I may have to drive up to the Mts. to see it, I’d rather be on my porch drinking coffee, but ehh
tomorrow is the Eclipse.
I’ll laugh my ass off if it rains and spoils the show.
To cheer myself (and everyone else) up.
3, 35 and 37, though this seems like a particularly good batch for my tastes.
20 also, wow.
23 is awesome, as well.
Lots of smiles, I like it!
Number 28 wins today!
I thinking that site might be sponsored by a bunch of plastic surgeons.
You know, someone should be posting beefcake photos of men for the women (or is it woman?) who read(s) this site.
What’s Manly Monday, chopped liver?
Sorry, I’m somewhat new and must have missed it!
Of course the female photos can be for females or male photos for men (I’m not getting into non-binary possibilities).
Senator Special Ed is looking more and more like our next president.
Campaign slogan: “Obama with a vulva”
I hope she names Tony Villar as her running mate, should she get the Dem nod. Trump will absolutely destroy that name-changing fruitcake.
John Delaney has already been here (Iowa).
Ronnie James Dio Explains Heavy Metal To An Old Lady
That was pretty cool.
That was excellent. From the sidebar:
Ask Lemmy : Advice for a Black Kid Who Likes Metal
RIP Lemmy. A good man.
There is something to be said for professional musicians jamming at a party. My wife and I were invited to a wedding in Ireland by a friend of ours that played at the local Irish pub in Germany. His whole family were musicians, including a cousin who was in a fairly popular band in Europe. Wedding was quite interesting (we drank the reception hall dry). The next night the family had a party at their house, and the entire town showed up to celebrate. They had a stage set up, and the family members just took turns on all the instruments. Music was absolutely incredible.
We had the Garda show up at this party too, but it was for a much more pleasant reason. Fairly early into the evening we drank the party dry. Not much later we drank the town pretty much dry. Garda showed up with a big batch of poitin they had confiscated from the moonshiners (who were also in attendance), and the party carried on into the wee hours.
One of the best weddings I’ve ever been to…
Yeah, that’s seriously the best time I can have outside of bed. I love love love live music, close up, without the pre-packaging and slick staging. My favorite album of all time was done in a living room, with a single mike hung up, and four people who were all in different bands but had been long-time friends just playing spontaneously, a mix of covers, each others’ music, and music of other friends of theirs.
The only downside is having to stay closeted when politics come up. Thankfully, it was barely mentioned last night at the party.
“How To Know You’re In a Mass Hysteria Bubble”
“The most visible Mass Hysteria of the moment involves the idea that the United States intentionally elected a racist President.”
The man has been in the public eye for 50 years and there is not one single scrap of evidence that he has a racist bone in his body. Also, first presidential candidate to wave the rainbow flag at a rally. How many magazines are running covers now portraying him with Klan hoods?
It’s a fucking disgrace. What happened to Russia? We never hear about that now. It is just one big lie after another.
“The most visible Mass Hysteria of the moment involves the idea that the United States intentionally elected a racist President.”
Americans did elect Barack Obama, didn’t they?
I’ve been going pretty hard on this to people who I was arguing with about MUH RUSSIANS.
In theory we could be waiting for the independent counsel, but AFAICT the supposed steady drumbeat of whatever that bullshit was about has been completely replaced with MUH NAZIS. I probably agree with you that we will not go backwards to MUH RUSSIANS.
And true to form, this story is ignored.
I didn’t think they put DWS’s picture in the story. I nearly lost my lunch
What the world needs: another moralizing chinscratcher from the NYT about CEOs’ obligations to society
Technology companies severed ties with white supremacist groups. Google and GoDaddy dropped domain registrations for far right publications. Facebook deleted articles that celebrated hate crimes. Spotify took down music by white power rock bands.
And in Seattle, Mr. Schultz held a town-hall meeting for more than 1,000 employees where he condemned bigotry and called for unity. “I could sense the anxiety,” he said. “I felt a need to create a safe and loving environment.”
All week, the business world’s actions went beyond the donations to charity and pledges to plant trees that once defined corporate social responsibility.
“For a long time, corporate social responsibility was a buzzword marketing tool, walled off within an organization,” said Alan Fleischmann, president of Laurel Strategies, an executive advisory firm. “Now it has to be central for the C.E.O., part of their everyday responsibility and leadership.”
Who gives a shit about the people who own the company? They’re all a bunch of asshole plutocrats. Strike a blow for justice and inclusion, Comrade!
I don’t get it. I thought corporate CEOs were personae non gratae, according to the left.
No that’s evil rich 1 percenter banksters who sit on their ass all day while “earning” (profits) you’re thinking of.
I wouldn’t have called the cops, but you’re being a dick if you have bands with amps playing in your house/apt if neighbors are close by.
And that’s regardless of whether you’re a “top session musician”. Go play in a studio or a bar or rent a place where your delightful jam session won’t bother your neighbors.
And get off my lawn!
Fuck yeah!
I’m kinda with AVN on this one.
How about during the daytime? Very occasionally? Yeah, respectfully disagree.
If the police or my neighbor or anyone, really, asks me to turn it down before 10pm or so, I’m going to tell them to fuck off.
This is why I live on an acre. The days of people blasting music through paper thin walls into my personal space are happily in the past. My neighbor’s kids have a garage band, and the only time I can hear them is when I’m on the back porch, and even then it’s not loud or intrusive in the least.
They can be as loud as they want and their noise doesn’t infiltrate my house. Likewise, my crying baby and enormous home theater system don’t keep them up at night.
Mrs. Dean goes to bed early, CZ. Sorry, bro.