Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park
A Houston man has been charged with trying to plant explosives at the statue of Confederate officer Richard Dowling in Hermann Park, federal officials said Monday.
Andrew Schneck, 25, who was released from probation early last year after being convicted in 2015 of storing explosives, was charged in a criminal complaint filed in federal court, Acting U.S. Attorney Abe Martinez said in a statement Monday.
Schneck was arrested Saturday night after a Houston park ranger spotted him kneeling in bushes in front of the Dowling monument in the park, Martinez said.
When confronted Saturday night in the park, he tried to drink some of the liquid explosives but spit it out, officials said.
The ranger then asked if he planned to harm the statute, and he said he did because he did not “like that guy,” according to a sworn statement submitted in federal court by an FBI agent investigating the case.
Teen pleads guilty to lesser charge in Slender Man attack (Warning: Fucking auto-play)
One of two teenagers charged with repeatedly stabbing a classmate to impress a fictitious horror character called Slender Man has decided to plead guilty to a lesser charge.
Fifteen-year-old Anissa Weier pleaded guilty Monday to attempted second-degree homicide as a party to a crime, with use of a deadly weapon.
Slender Man could not be reached for comment.
Bannon Was Set for a Graceful Exit. Then Came Charlottesville.
With little process to speak of, tensions over policy swelled. Ideological differences devolved into caustic personality clashes. Perhaps nowhere was the mutual disgust thicker than between Mr. Bannon and Mr. Trump’s daughter and son-in-law.
Mr. Bannon openly complained to White House colleagues that he resented how Ms. Trump would try to undo some of the major policy initiatives that he and Mr. Trump agreed were important to the president’s economic nationalist agenda, like withdrawing from the Paris climate accords. In this sense, he was relieved when Mr. Kelly took over and put in place a structure that kept other aides from freelancing.
“Those days are over when Ivanka can run in and lay her head on the desk and cry,” he told multiple people.
That’s it. That’s all you animals get. Be happy. (Personally, I blame the eclipse.)
UPDATE: Swiss Servator here – I was supposed to fill in on Links duty. I failed. No fondue ration for me for a week.
But which links are the true links?
There is only one set of links. There has only ever been one set of links. We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.
Two links enter… ONE LINK LEAVES!
Or . . . not, if the links have been SFed.
And so he says to me, he says, “You want to be a baaaaad guy?!” and I say, “Yeah, baby! I want to be bad!” I says, “Surf’s up, Space Ponies! I’m making gravy without the lumps!” Ah ha ha ha ha haaaaa! And he says to me, he says to me, “You got style, baby! But if you’re gonna to be a real villain, you gotta get a gimmick!” And so I go, I says, “Yeah, baby! A gimmick, that’s it! High explosives!” Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
+1 CHA
I got your hayeksplosives right here.
So Hayek, how sensitive and explosive is HMTD (what this dipshit is accused of making, per the Chronicle article SugarFree linked)) compared to something like TATP?
I love that genius tried to drink some of it when he got caught by the park ranger.
Here’s some jackass lighting 300g of it. How much did that statue dude have? Seemed like you’d need a lot more to damage the concrete base of a statue.
Or tamping, or any attempt to shape the charge.
From those videos, it looks like he’d scratch the finish, maybe separate the statute from the plinth?
How much can shaping the charge increase the explosion? 5x? 10x? 100x? I have no idea.
From wikipedia:
Basically with a shaped charge you are actually putting a point on the blast wave so it acts like an arrowhead. It’s wild shit.
My recruiter was an old school Vietnam bomb disposal guy. Sometimes I think it would have been interesting to have that MOS.
Shaped charges are some hardcore shit for penetration (though they often have limited effect otherwise, thus the proliferation of dual-purpose and HE heads for nominal AT weapons) – but I really doubt that anyone who would try to hide evidence by *drinking* it could build one.
+1 Mad Bomber what bombs at midnight
Dueling links? The Glibs staff should cat butt themselves
I am to blame. Damn.
Yes…bacon is right. *deep breath*

*hands Swiss a cat*
You know what to do soldier.
*closes door and listens for sign of use*
Meow? Me-wow!
Oh, sweet mystery of life . . .
Some people claim
that there’s a (((banker))) to blame
but I know
it was Swiss’s fault
*slow, sad clap*
Argentinian communist douchebag living in a state with walls and the toughest immigration policies on this planet, tells other countries they must let everyone in.
Fuck off slaver.
Is that the right link?
Looks like it says exactly what he describes…
Oh, I thought he was complaining about a mal-linkage event and I just saw a Pope article.
Is that the right link?
The irony of SugarFree asking this question is so sweet I think my pancreas just shut down.
Since a lot of people see a lot of overlap between “personal security” and “national security”, this probably won’t be as effective of a plea as the Pope thinks it will.
And that’s where he loses the plot. Saying that you have to take people, regardless of concerns over your own security, and then you have to support them, that’s not going to be popular.
The Commie Pope can lecture me on open borders when the borders of Vatican City are opened. He can also lecture me on the moral requirement to take in “Syrian” “refugees” when Vatican City has taken in as many as will fit.
Even then, he can fuck right off.
Was that a glitch in the matrix?
Brett L and I had a links competition. Who won? WHO RUNS LINKYTOWN?!?
Whoever climbs up onto Warty’s shoulders first obviously.
Don’t forget your oxygen bottles!
Masturbate Blaster?
*Frantically files trademark registration*
Brett L can’t run anything while he’s dead to us. DEAD!
I thought you might have mistaken Eclipse Day with Groundhog Day.
I thought you might have mistaken Eclipse Day with Groundhog Day.
He who is sickest will rule the pervertdome.
Have you read SugarFree’s material?!
Easy fight.
I posted this on TOS’ “Yay for deplatforming Nazis like Milo!” article:
In a just world, any and all Reason employees will have their social media accounts, not to mention their website, permanently suspended and removed for wrong-think. Because that is the political and cultural environment the morons at Reason promote and actively cheer to score a few more desperate points in their social circles. Enjoy it before they come for you.
When the revolution comes I sincerely hope you traitorous cowards are up against the wall first.
Too harsh?
Not nearly harsh enough. When reason starts cheering the ‘no free speech for you’ crowd they have officially closed ranks with the enemy.
Hey, ENB finally gets to for a website that’s at least on par with her level of skill/talent.
Reason appears to have lost their mask on the way to Charlottesville.
Jeez. Harsh.
… but true.
Although maybe the raspberry margaritas are awesome and the repartee sparkling.
But was it…way harsh?
As for how severe it sounds, well…
Goddamn. Buzzfeed? Does Fruit Sushi have her on suicide watch?
Hey, Buzzfeed is a legitimate and professional publication Sugarfree. Remember when they published stuff about Trump whores pissing on Obama’s bed?
They got to report, and we got to decide. And I’d say we’re better off for that experience.
The fact that they were not irrevocably sued into insolvency over that is proof that legitimate media is dead.
To be fair, they probably unwittingly did Trump (and the world) a favor with that little antic. Other news outlets were merely reporting about “explosive allegations about Russian collaboration”. By citing them, they revealed how ridiculous they were and discredited them.
Yes but my point is more how it reflects on the publication rather than the atmosphere around it. Buzzfeed’s journalistic credentials are a joke, and people should be embarrassed to be published by them, like they’re being published by lefty, less honest The Enquirer.
Heck, has Buzzfeed ever even managed a scoop as big as the Edwards affair that The National Enquirer managed? It’s a sad state of affairs when a supposed journalistic outlet is outclassed by a tabloid.
The Edwards affair wasn’t really a scoop, though. WaPo and NYT knew about it, but refused to report on it.
Nope, no favoring the Democrats here.
Eh, I count it as a scoop. They were first to press with it. The fact that their competition didn’t even show up and forfeited the game doesn’t take it out of the win column.
You snooze you lose SF. Point to TE. I doubt they did it out of ‘integrity’. More to protect the ‘D’.
Is there a major difference between Buzzfeed and Reason at this point? Honestly
One successfully catered to the millennials, and the other failed miserably while driving off its core constituency?
One has the sweet sweet multi appendage caress of the Kochtapuss and one doesn’t?
The worst part of that was smearing Milo with being a pedo. Reason has always rightly objected to age of consent laws being too high and stood up against the sort of insanity that surrounds those laws. That was until it became convenient to slander Milo and keep their SJW street creed. That is disgraceful.
And how long until they go back to the old script? It’s funny, Reason’s major argument was always from intellectual consistency. Sad that they’ve abandoned that.
Nonsense. Reason is rigorously intellectually consistent.
With the day’s DemOp marching orders from Journolist Jr.
Link? All I saw was Sullum’s article and he’s a pretty reliable defender of speech.
I don’t know who they’re speaking to.
Well I do, but still…
The question is why would these people listen to them. And the answer is they won’t. All that virtue signaling for nothing
You know, Reason strikes me in all of this as being that dumb kid who committed suicide because his girlfriend told him to. The progressives are obviously the bitch girlfriend. What do they think is going to come out of this? They’ve lost a pretty damned wide swath of their readership . They’ve lost their ability to make any kind of legitimate argument to anyone on the right, or even to just plain old libertarians. If last year’s fundraiser was a disappointment, what do they think this year’s is going to be?
Fundraising is not a concern, they’ve got those sweet Koch dollars, Reason is less concerned about having a solid libertarian base and more appealing to some kind of middle of the road ‘fiscally responsible liberal’ type. They can remain a mouthpiece for Koch-style cosmotarianism in their current form, but that’s about it.
They can remain a mouthpiece for Koch-style cosmotarianism in their current form, but that’s about it.
Don’t know if I buy this entirely. At a certain point, the Kochs are businessmen. Very successful businessmen. Page views and donations are two pretty useful metrics of how well their arguments are penetrating the public consciousness. If you see both of them collapsing simultaneously, you have a pretty good indication that keeping the funding spigot running is just throwing good money after bad.
You’re assuming they look closely at how Reason is doing. Reason is just a tax writeoff for the Kochs.
He who pays the piper, calls the tune.
You’re assuming they look closely at how Reason is doing.
I don’t think they expect a profit. I do think they expect evidence that it’s advancing their views. Even if the Kochs are more in agreement with the recent turn of the Professional Libertarians, giving up the audience for the Professional Libertarians to do that is a pretty godawful strategy for getting there. I can’t imagine your appeal becoming more selective is a winning media strategy.
My favourite part about the alexa data is what they list the overlap audience sites as:
1. nationalreview.com
2. thefederalist.com
3. townhall.com
4. washingtonexaminer.com
5. dailywire.com
There’s some kind of pattern here, if only we could figure out what it was.
I get a kick out of the fact that the #2 search term that gets people to TSTSNBN is “mcdouble calories”
That’s just my point. All of the evidence I’ve seen says that, if your goal is trying to promote libertarianism, a dollar spent trying to convert conservatives will get you vastly better results than a dollar trying to convert progressives. But, the Professional Libertarians have gone into overdrive doing exactly the opposite of this. To the point of not only utterly abandoning the more receptive market, but abandoning libertarianism itself.
There’s some kind of pattern here, if only we could figure out what it was.
Only Conservatives are dumb enough to install Alexa
spywareplugin?@wdalasio abandoning the market is a great way to phrase it. Seems expected from former leftys though. Other lefties are simply mistaken about how to solve their pet issues and need to see how liberty brings about the best result. Righties on the hand, even if they have significant overlap on positions are hateful people who must be denounced lest they be mistaken for actual good thinking libertarians.
@thepasswordispassword, if it were just that they liked people on the left more, it might be understandable. Even on TOS, I defended a couple of the authors once or twice acknowledging that they came to libertarianism from the left and that having lefty blind spots might be understandable. But the article in question suggests that they’re really starting to abandon libertarian principle. It’s hard for me to say that an article noting mob justice to destroy the lives of those engaged in wrongthink, citing it as a warning, rather than horrified by it is consistent with libertarian principle.
Just call them ‘useful idiots’. That sums it up in a more sane way
you talking bout that fucking writeup by Riggs on the recent blacklisting? Cloudflare dumped Cody Wilson’s Ghostgunner and Hatreon too. but he won’t write that up in his piece because it demonstrates the blacklisting of wrongthink extends far beyond nazis.
Yeah, I was reading Wilson’s Twitter and laughed at him calling Prince “a fucking liar” with Wilson posting a screenshot of the email about his service being terminated. Was expecting to see an article somewhere but journalism is dead.
No link? I don’t even know what article you mean.
See reply to Scruffy.
Relax. I credit myself with the harshest harshness every to besmirch the internet. Everything else is weak tea.
No, I am not going to repeat it. I have considered feeling bad about it but I am still on the fence.
JFC that place has taken a hit. When all the glibs left, the comment threads got a lot shorter. Now it’s just 3 or 4 people left from the before-times, a bunch of randoms, and Tony and mtrueman stumbling around and blindly insulting everyone. And then there’s this…
I’d love to see underzog show up and watch the bum fight that would happen between him and this David Sims fellow.
100 quatloos on Underzog
300 quatloos on the newcomer!
Stormy Dragon has really upped his cunt game, though.
I think he’s one of those people who just personally gets off on being contrarian, which is why he’s spent so much time at Reason and doesn’t seem to have absorbed one iota of actual libertarian thinking… hmm, really activates the almonds, as the kids are saying nowadays.
You’re right, though; he really has stepped it up. Nazis under every bed, in every cupboard, in every closet.
I activated my almonds before it was cool.
So the evacuation of the Glibertariat from beaches of H&R actually opened the field, not to suave and erudite cosmopolites, but to actual, no-kidding white nationalist/supremacists?
Well played, Reason. Well played, indeed.
PapayaSF and Free Society were at Reason before any of us left.
Was Papaya ever really white nationalist, or more just “Only good Muslim is a dead Muslim”?
He indulged in a little scientific racism from time to time. And was always ready to excuse a cop for killing a black guy.
Payapa annoyed me more than anyone else in threads about police shootings. On his day he could make Tulpa and Dunphy look like cop haters.
Fair enough. Tended to scroll by his stuff.
Least we didn’t really have any anti-Semites. Cept a couple trolls. And Hihn, but he doesn’t count.
One extremely fucking annoying aspect of scientific racism is this: even if this shit is statistically likely, so what? What’s the fucking end game? Scientific racism enthusiasts variously fall on the spectrum between goatee-stroking douchebags that pretend that they are intellectualising just to give a little ego boost to their non-elective birth characteristics – all the way to scum that desire a caste system and tiered societal direction.
I hope he’s not Irish. They tend to score lower as a group on IQ than other groups of white skinned people… and far, far lower than the Jews. Like around 2 SDs.
I understand that the Founders here dislike Free Society; this is the first post I have seen re: Papaya SF. I respectfully disagree with your assessments of both and would welcome their perspective on this site.
Papaya was fine. SF is a dick about this. Nothing more to it.
And Irish, of course.
Deleting my article?? Fuck all y’all. I ask for one day if someone else can cover them, and then you take MY links down when we double post?!! Fuck all of you shitbags right in the ass. I’m out.
Too soon, man.
I told Eddie to stop being overly dramatic, to shut up and stick around.
I don’t think he saw my message.
We have enough drama swirling around us courtesy of….well you know.
Nick Sarwark?
The great Moe vs. Manly divide?
Gee, I wonder why we never became a super power.
You guys are the solid neighbor that makes U.S. safe.
Canada: The Wilson of North America.
I didn’t see every episode, but I’m pretty sure Wilson didn’t have any immigrants working in his yard either. Canada really is the Wilson of NA.
Oh yes. Eddie would be welcomed back with open fucking arms.
Yes, but he’d insist on those arms fucking in a Catholic-approved way.
Edward Albee?
Whuh? What happened? I was off the grid this weekend moaning about turning 39.
Minor internet tiff between Titor and Fusion. It wouldn’t rate a 2 on the Reason comment drama exchanges.
Nooooooooooo Brett. I identify as the RoadRunner and would be incomplete without you.
I identify as the RoadRunner
Blech. I don’t want roadrunner “bacon” or any other substitute crap. Pork bacon or GTFO!
I’m still bacon, you may think you can change who you are but you really can’t. *heady scent of fried bacon wafts around Gadfly*
*breathes deeply*
Mmmm…all is right with the world.
Bacon truly is the most magical food.
I’m only coming back because SF promised to write me a personal Hillary/Huma slashfic.
Will the powers that be award this man an official “The Worst” badge? I think he’s earned it, with a request like that.
My apologies, I missed the “personal” part in the comment. I thought you wanted to inflict that on the world, but what sordid affairs you have in your private life are your own business.
It could be worse: Hillary & Debbie WS.
*projectile vomits*
Yeah, that’s gonna be tough to explain to IT.
*For the suggestion. I have to try to sleep tonight*
Sorry, especially if SugarFree makes it into a story. To help (the guys, and any lesbians if we have some here) I give you this eye / mind bleach.
Crap! NSFW.
It’s post eclipse madness, isn’t it?
He was deleted because he is weak.
I’m not changing my shirt again this soon.
My lame eclipse joke has been snuffed by the linkmasters.
Day ruined.
There’s nothing we can do, a total eclipse of the heart?
I’ll see myself out.
*narrows gaze*
That’s no way to speak to Master Blaster!
Jesus, do they have to always post close-us of Wasserman?
Clearly she’s the inspiration for Japanese lizards in horror b-flicks.
The horror
Alright, which one of was this?
Im voting SugarFree
Really has more of Warty vibe.
Nitrous? Please. That’s clearly Frank Booth. I only consume spring water, grain alcohol, and whey protein isolate.
And the souls of your victims.
That can’t be any of the slacker around here. Look at how much pressure that guy is putting on himself.
The nitrous to finish was a nice touch.
“We will make love together, with me and my penis directed towards the sun.”
Billy Thorpe is feelin this guy:
I always liked that song
Used to rock that bitch in my ford escort with kicker ss12 box in the hatchback through the ‘hood.
“We will make love together, with me and my penis directed towards the sun.”
ummmm…. I got this… ummm… What did Jim Morrison say at the New Haven Arena?
RIP, Viper.
It was never my thing, but still sad to see a little bit of insanity disappear.
I used to love the Viper when I was a kid, but now I just see them as sad corvette clones with more hp than brains.
A neighbor has one. It is the dumbest, most glorious, silliest death machine ever. The damn thing shakes the ground when it goes by.
more hp than brains
a little bit of insanity
America’s greatest car
kind of silly from an engineering perspective
lost control and sideswiped several parked cars
I’ll go with . . . all of the above.
On the last one, please tell me when he hit the cars, his bride’s head was in his lap.
She’s a bride, not a bride-to-be.
Good point.
So, Bride’s Head re-visited?
. . .
I’ll see myself out.
You mean after being separated from the rest of the body?
Phew. I thought it was Richie. We used to call him Viper.
Trigger Warning! I watched Top Gun with my son this weekend – literally, read this as “Tom Skerritt died.”
I can only assume its being phased out so some new, next-gen batshit flagship vehicle can now be marketed. Do not lose faith.
They were always beautiful cars but also kind of silly from an engineering perspective.
If I had the money, I would buy something else but the Viper is definitely sharp.
A friend of mine’s kid rented one for his wedding day. After the ceremony, he and his new bride hopped in to i and he floored it. He immediately lost control and sideswiped several parked cars.
“He immediately lost control and sideswiped several parked cars.”
Admittedly, it is very easy to do. I didn’t have any parked cars near me, and the little bit I blipped the throttle when parking it was evidently too much.
It will 65 MPH in a parking lot however. And, as Brooks was saying elsewhere in the thread, without having to shift.
My impression was that it was an amazing motor and drive train, surrounded by a plastic pile of shit. The ACRs are supposed to go around a track faster than just about anything though.
It’s just a cover for it’s new mission in law enforcement.
That reminded me of the old Speed Racer cartoons when I was a kid. I used to like to draw pictures of that car.
Fuck all of you shitbags right in the ass. I’m out.
Biology teacher caught banging 16-year-old student. She is pretty cute. Too bad the kid couldn’t keep his mouth shut and realize how lucky he was.
Like you wouldn’t brag.
At 14 for sure. At 16? I would have been so happy to get laid and so fearful of screwing it up, I don’t think I would have.
You brag years later, not while it’s going on.
Yeah, and look where that got Milo.
And where it didnt’ get Lena Dunham
If they didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all!
You forgot about the exception for things that aren’t “rape-rape” for leftist celebrities that would absolutely torpedo anyone else’s life.
+1 She wasn’t ‘unresponsive’.
Need more either
That’s why you keep it in the family
The Dodge Viper, America’s greatest car, is officially dead.
The Cosworth Vega has a better claim to being America’s Greatest Car. Or maybe the Muntz Jet.
Tucker, Auburn, Dusenberg, Corvette, even the fucking Mustang!
The Dodge Viper, America’s greatest car,
A Chrysler product is America’s greatest car? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Good one.
It’s not even the best Chrysler. The Jeep (yes not originally Chrysler) is better. And if you want crazy ass HP, the Hellcat is more useful as a daily driver and you don’t burn your leg on the exhaust pipe.
My friend got a Hellcat, but I moved away before I got a chance to drive it. q.q
Based on sales alone, the Ford F-150 has a pretty good claim at that.
And Avatar is America’s Greatest Film!
Cosworth Vega was too compromised, and the Muntz Jet was an overweight Kurtis.
My money goes on the Cobra Daytona Coupe.
That or Cord 812
I think it was America’s Greatest Car because it was the most American car imaginable. Loud, grossly overpowered, iffy handling, etc. Were other cars better? Of course. But not more American. Its like picking the bald eagle over the wild turkey for America’s official bird.
If we’re talking about the car that’s “most American,” I’m going to have to go with any Tesla. It’s only economical when it’s subsidized. People buy them for the zero-emissions smug, even though it’s more polluting than a Hummer. It goes in for repairs constantly, but the owners swear up an down it’s the best car they’ve ever had. It’s the perfect metaphor for modern America.
And yet for some reason vipers seem to be more popular in the Drift world than the good old fashioned American Drag Strip.
Wrong! I’m sorry, the correct answer was the Dodge Dart reboot.
Didn’t some news org (CNN? WaPo?) say something about the Alt-right being ‘domestic terrorists’ in the last few days? pretty sure someone linked to some rhetorical excess along those lines.
I bet there’s half a dozen examples, but here’s the first one that popped up
My suggestion for America’s theme song:
That was me. Mark Warner was the culprit.
Well, the eclipse was not all that cool outside the zone of totality. I remember the 1994 eclipse vividly because it got dark and red outside.
However, as a “fuck you” to all the “don’t point your camera at the sun” slavers, I snapped one picture just to spite them. The results weren’t half bad.
That looks like the moment of my conception.
Oregon, nitrous and an Eastern European?
I meant it looks like a glorious, brilliant sperm breaking into the luminous ova.
But yeah, what you said too.
I assume the dark spot is your soul?
Gotta cast those things off before they become a burden.
I got one from my porch.
Did you have to use a filter?
Yeah. Fog. It was overcast.
I tried but as a double fuck you to the hand wringing slavers I did it while driving. I got nothing. It was a bad angle and I couldn’t see the screen.
Last Friday I was toying with the idea of posting a sarcastic “I am not a Nazi” screed on Facebook. Thanks those of you who suggested I just look at the clouds and enjoy a beer. I did just that, and it was everything I thought it would be. On a related note, I’m happily posting stupid eclipse jokes on Facebook and still avoiding politics.
Good man!
just live vicariously through KEK nation on /pol. It’s good for a few laughs and purges your system
So what exactly was Clinton doing with Huma right in the path of the eclipse with her behelit?
That freaking picture looked like it was moving.
That’s because it did, bacon.
I wanted to reply to that with a clip of Speed Racer shocked gasp, but couldn’t find one.
Ivanka can come lay her head on my desk and cry.
*prepares Bill Cosby’s patented knockout-kerchief*
Did the JELLO people never figure out that “pudding pop” was a code phrase?
Ohio Judge Returns Fire After He Is Ambushed on Way to Court
Always be carrying, yo.
Rand Paul lost a lot of libertarian street cred when he wasn’t carrying during that Scalise shooting. How amazing would it have been if Rand took out the shooter?
I laughed
If Rand had taken out the shooter he’d be the front runner for President in 2020.
I’m just as glad he didn’t. Throwing myself at him would be pretty embarrassing for everyone.
I don’t think he could carry there legally.
If Rand had been rollin’ dirty, I’d vote for him twice.
Was he carrying a Taurus Judge?
Probably not since he’s still alive.
They were always beautiful cars but also kind of silly from an engineering perspective.
Seriously. Why does a v10 tank motor that makes about 700 lbs-ft of torque need a six speed gearbox? You could probably drive one for twenty years and never need to get it out of second gear.
It is how they meet the CAFE standards. They put those big gear boxes in so that they can show the EPA how great mileage it gets in town and on the highway driving it like an old lady and shifting at 2000 rpms.
The Viper is a tad over 500 lb. ft.
Oh, come on! Getting that vehicle out of second gear has nothing to do with need at all. It’s all about want!
A statistics prof just got kicked off of Google.
On Friday afternoon East Coast Time by surprise, I was completely shut down in all my Google accounts (all of my gmail accounts, blog, all of my university pages that were on google sites, etc.) for no reason and no warning. A number of us were stunned and unsure, but clearly we know at this point it wasn’t an accident. Here are some examples commented from best-selling author Nassim Taleb, and they have been retweeted by government officials, and the NYT and WSJ journalists.
My ads-free blog itself is a probability theory site, with 27 million reads and has somewhere near 150k overall followers. It’s been read by Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, Nobel Laureates, multiple governments, celebrity athletes around the world, deans of many universities (on the syllabi of same), and a number of TV news anchors. So it’s been a great boon for Google to be noticed so kindly by essentially a charitable site promoting math education. What great people from all corners of the world and at all levels who can enjoy Google, until it suddenly died Friday afternoon.
My background is clean, and without a political or social agenda. I am not promoting any specific viewpoint. I teach probability math and that’s it. Have worked with both the Obama administration and advised on polling statistics for the Trump campaign, am an adjunct professor at three top universities, an editor of the peer-reviewed journal of the American Statistical Association, and wrote a best-selling statistics book (all the proceeds of which I gave to charity!) https://www.amazon.com/Statistics-Topics-Salil-Mehta/dp/1499273533
The NYT has a popular print article this weekend and they cited my Google blog, but alas it not links to an embarrassing malfunction, for many to see: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/19/business/the-stock-market-has-been-magical-it-cant-last.html
This doesn’t look good. Now instead of mathematics, reporters have turned to this latest circus nightmare from Google as an example of how they are compounding bad decisions on good people anywhere and at any time.
I can’t figure out what the SJWs at Google thought the guy did. It is just fucking bizarre.
I am not promoting any specific viewpoint. I teach probability math and that’s it.
Math is racist, innit?
Very weird. But I don’t see any signs of ideological purging except that he was a statistician and Google’s HR/execs apparently *do not like those*.
If it was ideological and Google keeps doing this, it’s going to freak their engineers and scientists out (quietly, in private). There would have to be a boycott way more massive than is actually feasible to put a dent in Google’s ad revenue, BUT if all of their “smart guys” start leaving because knowledge of populations and distributions is suddenly forbidden, there’s going to be a drop in the quality of service. Then people will look for alternatives. Then there goes the ad revenue.
I don’t think Google has any other direct source of revenue, right? I know they work on a lot of other advanced tech, but the search engine is their only source of income AFAIK. They have all their eggs in that basket and should be careful not to spook the people who build and maintain that basket (including YT).
Giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
So google has changed their mission from making information available to people to deciding what information people should be able to have. Once you go down that road it’s a downhill run. Look what is happening to Reason. From free speech champions to championing censorship. It is a fucking disgrace. I have never seen the country so divided.
Goodbye google. I wont use them anymore.
Look at his twitter. Mystery solved. His web sites might not be political, but his twitter is.
He twats how he loved Brexit, how the MSM fudged data for love of Obama, how the MSM lies about O’Bannon, and all sorts of red pill stuff that triggers snowflakes. Someone in the tweats accuses him of mysogyny.
Some snowflake, probably a student or twatter warrior, got pissed and false flagged his googol shit.
I don’t think google is going to like this brave new world they’re helping to create, because it ends up with them on one side of a rifle.
Looks like the misogyny accusations are fallout for not enthusiastically endorsing Mary Beard’s claim that Roman Britain was really diverse.
He’s pretty anti-Obama too. He twitted a few days back how the “British IYI” was after him and quoted a twit telling people to screenshot his stuff and send it to NYU.
“British IYI class is after me. Monsanto shills (@kevinFolta) join the smear campaign (since 2015, 2300 emails to NYU). Impotent”
I think this guy knows exactly why googol unpersoned him.
I think I’ve earned this.
The 2017 in the circle isn’t aligned properly, nor is the “ECLIPSE” text.
What do you expect, I’m fucking half blind from looking at an eclipse! You bastard!
Anyone notice how the Russia fever dream stories have all stopped at the same time? Especially now that it’s looking more and more like it was all a partisan fever dream to begin with?
It’ll be back right after the “Nazi!” routine fades.
Yup. The Nazis came along just in time.
Did anybody notice Just Say’n trying to divert attention away from Trump’s blatant support for neo-Nazis?!?!?
You know who else changed the subject when Nazism came up?
Every German alive since 1945?
Basil Fawlty?
South American real estate agents?
George Soros?
The Duke of Windsor?
Kurt Waldheim?
They decided to change the subject with the inconvenient developments of Debbie’s dirty IT people and Assange’s promise to prove it was a leak and not a hack.
What pisses me off is that the media will just consider this water under the bridge. They will never take the Democrats to task for their baseless scaremongering. They’ll dismiss it as a “fake scandal” even though the accusations of Russian collusion were a scandal to begin with, e.g. “those damn right-wingers are whipping up a fake scandal over that fake scandal that we whipped up!“
It’s almost exactly like Scott Adams predicted.
Before long, the right is going to need a green book for the internet. And bonus troll points if they call it that.
Ohio judge returns fire after being ambushed. Good for him.
Jokes that are apparently funny for some reason:
How droll.
Respond that it also didn’t go out while Bush was president.
Not only did the sun not go out, the sea levels receded and the planet began to heal.
“I face this challenge with profound humility”
– The most egotistic president in American history
Greatest orator of the modern age.
I’m sure having a wife with a hyena-sized clitoris helps hone your oral skills.
I still crack up over Thetruthdamit’s video on Michelle’s penis showing on Ellen.
“look at that winkie Michelle! There’s that winkie Michelle!”
News to me.
Stupidly joking about it is at least slightly better than the moronic “Sun God is telling us something because the eclipse is occurring over white Trumpland” articles. I mean, at that point you might as well just move back into the caves and start performing human sacrifices again.
move back into the caves and start performing human sacrifices again.
*Thinks about the ANTIFA griefers living in mommy’s basement and tearing down statues*
I think they’re already there.
If Hillary had won it wouldn’t have happened duh. Because carbon tax or something
It didn’t go out while Trump was president either. The sun does not go out Olly. More importantly your ass isnt the center of the universe. Just because something looks a certain way from your minuscule and myopic perspective doesnt mean that is the way it is.
You want a beautiful fast car?
$22.5 million at Sotheby’s auction in Monterrey (for those of you who may have missed it).
You can have all the Dodge Vipers ever made.
That is a beautiful fast car. You also better learn how to drive it. It won’t be like driving a viper or anything made this century.
+0 stability control
And maybe +0 disk brakes and certainly +4 very thin tires without a lot of grip. But I bet it weighs nothing and makes a ton of horsepower.
Even my little Triumph surprises people who have never driven a car without power assist anything. Armstrong steering FTW!
I grew up driving a 1984 Vanagon without p/s…and I drove a 1957 Ford F100 for many years without it. I am continually flabbergasted by what normies consider to be “heavy steering”.
Part of the mystique of sports cars used to be the challenge and terror of driving them. Lose it an old 911, Ferrari, or muscle car and you were going to fly into the woods.
The f-40 was a mix of sheer terror and raw excitement. Saw a new 911 yesterday in a parking lot. Looked nice, and about as tame as grandpa’s Oldsmobile.
Which is why the Porsche Carrera GT is the last true sports car.
Isn’t that the one that got Paul Walker?
Neighbor has a 2 year old 911. Way too big, way too quiet and way too easy to drive.
Last 911 I drove had unassisted steering and an air-cooled engine. Very fast and a very bad attitude when it wasn’t being driven fast.
Great article. This turned me on a little:
That was nutty car – and one of the last supercars before everything got computerized.
+1 Pelle Lindbergh.
Right. It will be better.
It will be better right up until you run it into a wall or into a hedge.
You think you’re less likely to hit obstacles with a modern car?
Someone posted this the other day:
Modern cars hitting things.
There’s something about Mustangs that makes people who own them believe they know how to drive.
I’ve developed a large negative reaction formation to Mustangs, because 90% of them I see around here are brand-new gifts from mommy and daddy to some drunk and high 20-year-old ASU student who doesn’t even know how to drive stone-cold sober.
Hey now! My Pa has been driving for 60 years and never had an accident! He drove that ‘Stang through the back streets of Park City in the middle of winter in a snow squall.
There’s nothing about driving a Mustang that precludes someone from being a good driver. There’s just something about them that makes shitty drivers think they’re all that.
They’re called white trash ferraris for a reason.
I saw a Maclaren trying to get up to speed on the Beltway at rush hour the other day. Now that’s idiotic shit right there. Punch it for 25 yards, slam on brakes. Try to change lanes to find another 25 yards of open road. Repeat.
There’s something about Mustangs that makes people who own them believe they know how to drive.
Also Corvettes and especially Ferraris.
Somewhere I saw that a ridiculous percentage of new Ferraris are back in the shop for repair very quickly.
There’s a guy in Houston who lives near me that has an old orange McLaren F1. I think it’s one of the GTR homologated prototypes, but I’m not sure. It was zingy when he got on it getting away from the stoplight.
When R&T did a test drive of one, ten years or so after the introduction, they used a guy in Phoenix’s car, who claimed he used it as a daily driver. Supposedly a very tractable exotic—I’ve never driven one—in ways that e.g., a Ferrari 348 or Lamborghini Diablo weren’t.
RE: McLarens
Fuck. Let’s try again.
Regarding the McLarens – I was surprised to see two of them while I was in Edinburgh. They must be fairly user-friendly to survive that city.
Tundra, what breweries did you end up visiting when you were over there? Or did you just confine it to the Scotch Malt Whisky Society’s tasting room? Which I have to admit, would’ve been the tempting thing for me to do.
I didn’t make it to any breweries, but Brewdog had a place that I hit a couple times. The Society was really fun. Hopefully, when I go back I can do some distillery tours.
I got to see one of the new Corvettes up close on Friday. Spectacular.
You mean the mid-engined one?
i think this was a prototype/mock up=
Looks like a Gallardo and Murcielago had a kid.
Yeah, pretty derivative.
I really like the current generation, myself.
Actually very close in profile to the McLaren 570
Yeah, I talked to a guy who got his a couple months ago. It’s cool, but almost over the top, styling wise.
Sounded great, though.
“$22.5 million at Sotheby’s auction in Monterey…”
A truly fun place to visit during Concours weekend if you love vintage automobiles. They used to drive some of them up on the reviewing stand behind the 18th green at Pebble at the end of the Sunday show. Absolutely impressive, hearing things like a Ferrari V-12, Bugatti straight 8, Bentley Blown 8 etc…
And there are a gazillion of lesser, still ancient cars being driven around the Del Monte Forest that entire week. Just a kick in the ass to watch.
I know it’s hard for rational people to make sense of the moral consensus these days. Yeah, morality isn’t supposed a popularity contest, but let’s face it–the world isn’t the way it’s supposed to be.
Let me try to help.
Whether someone plants a bomb isn’t important. The important question is whether he’s a racist.
List of good guys:
Ulysses S. Grant – Owned slaves and specifically targeted civilians with the military — but on the non-racist side
Che Guevara – Ordered and oversaw the execution of political prisoners (unrepentant capitalists) — but not racist.
Jeffrey Dahmer – Murderer, cannibal, rapist, necrophiliac –but not racist.
List of Bad Guys:
Robert E. Lee – opposed slavery on moral grounds, didn’t target civilians, ordered men to surrender and encouraged them to become loyal Americans — on racist side
Michael Richards (Kramer on “Seinfeld”) – used the n-word.
John Rocker – Relief Pitcher, 88 career saves – said racist shit.
I think the pattern here is pretty obvious.
Why say somebody planted an explosive device when the question you should be asking is whether he’s a racist?
The correct answer is, “Because you’re a racist”.
When your grandpa gets drunk at Thanksgiving and starts talking about why they had to move out of the old neighborhood back in the ’60s, does that make him worse than Jefferey Dahmer?
Of course it does!
Wait, Che wasn’t a racist?
You’re not suggesting that being a racist is objectively worse than ordering and overseeing the execution of political prisoners, are you?
No, but he was racist, too. Just makes the hypocrisy that much tastier.
Pretty sure that Che was a racist on top of everything else.
“The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese. And the two ancient races have now begun a hard life together, fraught with bickering and squabbles. Discrimination and poverty unite them in the daily fight for survival but their different ways of approaching life separate them completely: The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”
And? Point?
/White supremacists.
I wonder, seriously, how the left can spin this. As far as I can tell he made a racist proclamation (unless it’s accurate to the extent maybe there’s a patten of behaviour among Africans to do what he claims) against blacks AND he basically praised Europeans. Both a BIG no-nos in the prog ranks.
He didn’t think much of gay people either.
You’re missing the point. Che was Of Color, therefore it was physically impossible for him to be racist.
If i picked a bad example, that’s on me.
One more time, though?
The point is supposed to be that racism isn’t the only bad thing in this world. There are other bad people who have done other bad things that were not racist.
If Che Guevara were NOT a racist, that wouldn’t make him one of the good guys–because he ordered and oversaw the execution of political prisoners.
Not only is it possible for non-racists to be bad people, it’s possible to do morally indefensible things for anti-racist reasons.
What Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan did during the war in using the military to target civilians, specifically, is morally bankrupt. War crimes in the name of fighting the Nazis, Al Qaeda in Iraq, or the Confederacy are still war crimes. If Hitler had done everything he did–except not the holocaust–because he was anti-racist, he would still be among the most evil men in history.
So, please. If Che was actually a racist, and I didn’t know about it (would have been the least of his sins after supervising the prison from political prisoners), then forget it. But let’s not fall into the trap of making everything about racism.
Those who would use the government to discriminate against people because of their race are awful people.
Those who would use the government to try to control what people think are totalitarians–and are also awful people, even if they aren’t racists.
Those who fall for the left’s bait every time they try to make everything about race are foolish people. Let’s not be foolish people.
If Che Guevara was a racist, that is by far the least awful thing about him. It’s practically insignificant compared to ordering and supervising the government execution of political prisoners.
We have completely lost the argument to the SJWs if we make everything about race. That’s what they want. We don’t have to argue in their terms. We certainly don’t need to think in their terms.
If they’ve got us responding to all of their arguments in terms of race, then we’re their jailhouse bitch. Free your minds. Don’t be the SJW’s bitch.
I was just nitpicking the facts. Che was in fact a racist by any modern standard applicable to non-communists, in addition to being a piece of murderous POS.
It reminds me of the Romeny/Obama campaigns.
At one point, the Obama campaign dug up that Romney had once driven halfway across the country with his dog strapped to the roof of his car.
The Romney people fired back. They dug up the fact that when he was in Indonesia, Obama had actually eaten dog.
-Forget ObamaCare. Forget Tarp. Forget foreign policy, taxes, or spending. We’ll choose our president based on an issue that really isn’t the crux of everything?
I support Trump to the extent that he wants to cut Medicaid, pull out of the Paris accord, withdraw from Syria, cut corporate and income taxes, deregulate, etc.
I’ll oppose him and the Democrat nominee to the extent that they resist cutting entitlement spending, resist cutting taxes, resist deregulation, etc.
There aren’t any racist nominees, and there won’t be any racist nominees. Racism just doesn’t draw a meaningful distinction between Republicans and Democrats.
And being anti-racist certainly doesn’t make one right on other issues. Some of the most evil things that have ever been done in the history of the world were done by British and other European powers in an attempt to stamp out slavery at its source in Africa. Whether Romney rides around with his dog strapped to the roof or whether Obama ate dog really isn’t the issue.
Che Guevara was a racist, too?
What about Stalin? Did he cheat on his wife?
Yeah, I know, he staved 3 million+ Ukrainians to death on purpose, and he send millions more to die in the gulags. He had untold numbers of political prisoners shot in the back of the head , blah, blah, blah . . .
But the important question is: “Did he cheat on his wife”?
Well, that, and whether he was a racist, amirite. Because if he was a racist, that would be unforgivable?
This libertarian doesn’t think in those terms. The difference between good and evil has something to do with respecting agency. If there’s more to it than that, it’s in addition to that.
According to the totally unbiased journalists at Politifact The long and short of it is that Che may have written things that are racist. They also managed to find some academic hacks that say calling him racist was a bit of a stretch. Che may have been obnoxious. He may even have been a communist, but he was not a porn star. Mostly False.
So exaggerating about the degree to which Comrade “I wish we had nuked NYC” Guevara wrote about how inferior blacks were makes the general claim that he was a racist false? Par for the course but still unbelievable.
Ah remember when Reason liberally quoted these “fact-checkered” as if they unbiased?
“Mostly false” hahahaha.
Yet Trump not condemning both sides in C’ville (the vast majority on both sides white) makes him a racist white supremacist super extra grand wizard of the KKK.
Sorry, condemning both sides
“John Rocker – Relief Pitcher, 88 career saves”
One more proof for God having a sense of humor.
John Rocker – Relief Pitcher, 88 career saves – said racist shit
He said racist shit about New Yorkers….of various colors, races and creeds.
+1 “taking the 7 train next to some kid with purple hair next to some queer with AIDS…”
It was no different from the way New York City folk treat the rest of the country.
To be fair I’m not sure if murdering and eating an Asian guy counts as a check in the “racist” column or the “not racist” column. I mean gay cannibal white guy killing gay brown guy is still a hate crime in this country, right?
The real question is if eating an Asian guy or not eating an Asian guy is more racist. It’s a real dilly of a pickle.
I mean, if Dahmer said “I won’t eat an Asian guy,” that’s pretty racist. On par with saying “I’d never date an Asian guy.” But then killing an Asian guy and eating him would be considered a hate crime under current law. But if he refuse to kill/eat anything but white people, then he’s saying that other races aren’t worthy to be killed and eaten. Or is it that only other white people are “animalistic” enough to be slaughtered for food. But Dahmer is white, therefore the eating of only white people is form of autoagnegation, an annihilation of self. But Dahmer did eat an Asian, and, like his other victims, Dahmer was sexually attracted to the man he killed and ate. So it must be understood that Jeffery Dahmer, lover of captive men and eaters of their flesh, was not a racist at all.
Why would you eat an Asian guy? You’d just be hungry again in an hour.
Damnit! I guess I can finish reading his post now….
I concur. And continuing with that logic I also conclude he was a transphobe.
None of that stuff is relevant. The standard is “Are they a pinko or not”.
Makes things pretty simple.
What confuses me is the MLK thing. The guy was not a racist as far as I can tell and he was a socialist sympathizer at least yet his choice of words has put him tentatively on the bad list. Of course trying to make too much sense of these pinko shitbags is an exercise in futility. Maybe MLK’s refutation of violent methods is his downfall?
Whether someone plants a bomb isn’t important. The important question is whether he’s a racist.
I haven’t seen them going after the “sexists” or “homophobes” with the same vigor as they do the “racists”. Wonder why? As for the “racists” that get a pass because of political expediency, the excuse I’ve seen being made is that they would have “evolved” on the issue if they hadn’t died. Amazing.
Best eclipse pic (for airplane geeks)
Very cool! Thanks for that!
I don’t see that as an eclipse pic so much as a chem trails pic.
People should start putting dresses on all the Confederate statues.
Blackface. Take back the narrative.
Damn, meetings + having to do tech support meant I missed the links, so I’ll just praise SugarFree for text excerpts, and be worried that all of the links work.
“One of two teenagers charged with repeatedly stabbing a classmate to impress a fictitious horror character called Slender Man has decided to plead guilty to a lesser charge.”
I think those girls were both delusional–and they were, what, 12 years old at the time? Anybody else ever see “Heavenly Creatures”?
I suspect this is a smart move on her part. If she went with an insanity plea, she’d need to find a psychiatrist who would sign off on releasing herd–and the psychiatrist could potentially open himself to liability for anything she did after she was released.
This way, she does her time–and she gets out when the sentence is over.
They can keep in psychiatric care for as long as some government psychiatrist is willing to say you’re a danger to yourself or others.
Nowadays, with the internet, it’s hard to dodge a criminal conviction–but she can change her name after she’s released.
Heavenly Creatures was really good. Didn’t one of the girls become a somewhat popular mystery writer?
I’d say from the couple programs I’ve watched on the Slenderman attempted murder, one of the girls (Can’t remember which) is an utter sociopath, who shouldn’t be out of an institution maybe ever. The other girl was the follower, so if it’s this one, that makes sense to offer her a plea. She can turn it around. But the leader? I’m dubious, I have to admit. She got a taste of violence and fear in a victim, and she’s not going to forget it.
The progs are going to try to implement hate speech laws. So what will Reason and the LP do? Either cave on a key issue or be labeled a Nazi.
Reason will go along with it.
The LP probably will virtue signal but won’t go along with it.
I’m still the old site is trying to get back their cocktail invites. Team Proggie never forgives
I hope they like lots of ice in their cocktails because if those invites aren’t forthcoming for Mr Lizard, there’s going to be rocks coming down on the party.
Either cave on a key issue or be labeled a Nazi.
Don’t assume it’s an either or. Both is more likely. They’ve surrendered their integrity and their constituency. And lumping libertarians in with racists serves progressive interests to a t. Reason and the LP will sing their tune to be spared, but not to any avail.
After racism is made illegal, the obvious questions of “Who defines racism?” and “What is the next hate speech category to ban?
” will come up. The fact that they don’t see this is alarming.
Or maybe they do see it, which is worse.
“This time it’s different”
“Quit concern trolling with your slippery slope fallacy”
They’ve made clear what the next step is, though, haven’t they? They’re already saying that belief in the superiority of Western civilization, or even belief in its legitimacy, is white supremacy. They’re already saying that those who refuse to accept collective guilt are as much white supremacist as the KKK member who insists that he’s somehow or another racially superior.
I dunno. Hasn’t Reason been pretty critical of the Canuckian gender pronoun laws? Or did I imagine that?
I’m twenty minutes into a History Channel special called the new age of terrorism. Plenty of coverage of the Embassy bombings, 9-11, Boston, etc. But they keep talking about the unconventional enemy that has no apparent common thread or motive for violence against America and the West. Not one mention of the words Islam/Muslim at all. Nope. No idea what all these guys have in common.
After 20 minutes, Mr Hayeksplosives said “That’s it, I’m out” and grabbed the remote control.
The threat of radical Islam is something that the Left needs to face.
If I ever hear someone say that the government should crack down on white nationalists because of what happened in Charlottesville, I’m going to say, “You know, I can think of another belief system whose adherents have committed murders… Do you really want to go down that road?”
A belief system that feels, due to the inherent supremacy of its group over all groups of the same type, that it is both destined and entitled to rule the entire world by any means necessary, and to subjugate or eliminate all other social groups? And which really doesn’t like Jews or moral degenerates? Nothing even remotely Nazi-ish about that. That said, I suppose they view useless eaters as still being worthy of carrying a suicide bomb, so there’s that.
I’m surprised they didn’t say that they were influenced by pyramid-building aliens.
I caught that last night, but mostly because a Forged in Fire mini marathon preceeded it. I lasted about the same length.
Love FiF.
Saw the ad for the terrorism show. They were telegraphing “Nope, no idea sho these people are/blowback”, gave it a pass.
That’s playing on the TV at work right now. I saw an image of trump followed by NEW AGE OF TERRORISM. Classy, guys. Stay classy.
They also played video&audio of Trump reading a reporters account that “Trump has declared a ban on Muslims entering the United States,” then cut to another clip. The actual context was that Trump was complaining of inaccurate reporting of his proposed ban on people from a select few nations, but they wanted to “prove” that those were Trumps own words!
Come to think of it, that was the only time the term Muslim was used in the whole special.
The History Channel, Where the Truth is History
They just need hugs
Really long hugs until their tongues turn blue.
But seriously, I hear your words. What the Euro left and American left proposes is just appeasement all over again.
And the two people next to me are talking about Dienetics…
“You read that book I gave you? You better read it! That shit will change your life.”
Its cool. I’m at my son’s Martial Arts class. Plenty of swords lying around….
Tell them Leah Remini is on tomorrow night.
Damn, I fucking love that movie.
I found it in the back of a Maeserati in Beverly Hills….know what I mean?
That fiasco was detailed nicely in Jefferson Hawkins’s excellent book, COunterfeit Dreams
It’s funny cause it’s true
Eclipse time lapse from the GOES-R satellite
Cool! That might be what breaks my 78 day not posting things on Facebook streak.
That was great! I was wondering if there would be a sweet satellite sweep of that.
Thanks for sharing.
The Commander incorrectly challenges Offred’s word in Scrabble, but doesn’t lose his turn. This adaption is bullshit.
Thank you for preventing us from seeing such atrocity!
PM Zoolander’s government is sometimes hilarious.
Human smuggling being investigated as possible cause of spike in asylum seekers
Seriously? You don’t think it was a combination of Trump telling Haitians they have six months to clear out, and Zoolander’s “Canada will take you in” tweet?
“Why aren’t you oppressing brown people and keeping them away from our multicultural paradise, Americans? That is literally your only job!”
Hey man, you can’t expect the multicultural paradise to keep those filthy brown people out of the country…that we totally want, b-baka!
So, I don’t remember: did Google sell off its killbot business, or is that still a thing? On an unrelated note, does anyone know how to make a homemade EMP weapon?
Yeah, sure thing Mr. NSA mole. First thing you need for an EMP device is…..
*logs off*
I have something in my eye
And then he invited me to sit down and asked, “Do you like bourbon? Here have some. You look limber. I have a hunch your can get your ankles behind your ears.” And then he winked at me. We are currently not speaking except through our lawyers. Paternity suits have that side effect. I think he banged Grandma too.
I was crying, now I’m crying for a different reason.
My typo? That pisses me off too. We need an edit button.
I too have a tear boner.
Joss Whedon fan site shuts down following ex-wife’s hypocrisy claims
“Long-running fan site Whedonesque announced its plans to close down. This comes in the wake of Joss Whedon’s ex-wife calling him a ‘hypocrite preaching feminist ideals.'”
I wonder if he’ll keep railing against Trump like an unhinged psychotic now that he’s his own gaping social wound on his public image?
If Joss Whedon wasn’t such an insufferable little shit his having espoused feminism as a way for his nerd ass to pick up chicks and getting called to account for it before all of his fans wouldn’t be so delicious. I don’t care if someone is or isn’t a feminist or anything else, but being an obnoxious, sanctimonious prick is a sign of a shitty person.
I haven’t seen much about what happened in Hong Kong in Western media. Does anybody know more about it? Is there any truth to the claim that the trio engaged in violence? It looks to me like the PRC lackeys have already gotten a soft coup, being able to not only issue prison sentences for peaceful assembly but overriding double jeopardy protections to do it.
They blocked traffic. causing a public disturbance is equivalent to violence against the general public in a totalitarian system. find the man, they’ll find the crime.
I don’t think Hong Kong is totalitarian yet but if there is no pushback for this, then the PRC is going to take over completely. This is just a test. The next step is to start disappearing people.
Actually, the next step would be to silence media outlets. Disappearing people is still a few steps removed.
Did I post this already?
“We’re going to get the debt ceiling passed. I think that everybody understands this is not a Republican issue, this is not a Democrat issue,” Mnuchin said. “We need to be able to pay our debts. … This is about having a clean debt ceiling so that we can maintain the best credit, the reserve currency and be focused on what we should be focusing on … so many other really important issues for the economy.”
Fuck limiting our spending. After this whole fucking white nationalist/Confederate memorial/ Trump is a racist: Part Three bullshit and now this, I feel like what’s the point of preaching the virtues of a limited government when most people accept that we should spend ourselves into oblivion and use the monopolistic power of the government to crush those they don’t like?
Given that debt service is a small fraction of expenditures, and can still be paid while also covering essentials like the military and the courts, the notion that if we don’t raise the debt ceiling, then we can’t pay our debts is absurd. Also, if it were true, then it would mean that we are fiscally fucked.
Mitch better watch out. The Dems are going to sue him for Trade Marked phrase theft. Fuck them all.
Of course, that statement’s true whether they raise the debt ceiling or not. It’s a red herring. Raising the debt ceiling is about paying for the welfare state, not the debt service.
It is true every time there is a budget fight and a few principled people stand up and threaten a “government shutdown” but it does not stop the big gov believers from yelling DEFAULT ON OBLIGATIONS. It is dishonest, but I guess we should be used to that now.
Ugh. I can hardly move. We were fresh out of squirrel brains so I fried chicken livers tonight. Lots of tabasco and catsup (ketchup). It is a salty food, I sat and gorged myself. Then I got thirsty so I guzzled down a glass of ice water. Now they have swelled up. If I try to bend over it is going to come out of my nose.
I recently asked an elderly man if we have ever had this many outright commies in the country and he assured me that yes, we have. And Nazis too.
Here is a more complete answer: http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/this-is-what-american-nazism-looks-like/20225#.WZuAmRQ4n5Y
“Any attempt to connect Charlottesville with a return to the 1930s should surely remind us instead of Karl Marx’s observation that, if history repeats itself, it is ‘the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce’.”
Reminds me of this.
It’s all bullshit. Quit focusing on the fuckheads and they fade away.
Sometimes when it’s just quiet, nothing is going on, I can just sit and ponder things. And right now, the world outside is just so surreal, so astoundingly absurd. People are having nervous breakdowns. There’s mass hysteria. People writhing in agony about how we just cannot possibly survive even one more day of this if Trump does not resign or is not impeached. Seriously, survive one more day of what? Trump has been president for 8 months now and for the life of me, I cannot detect even the teeniest tiniest of differences in my life from before he was president. And people are suicidal? Maybe it’s my privilege, is it my privilege?, or is not much of anything going on except that half the civilized world has lost it’s fucking mind?
People are just pissed their bachelor wasn’t chosen. These self-same people probably couldn’t name their mayor, house reps, or local legislators.
“…half the civilized world has lost it’s fucking mind?”
You give them too much credit. They aren’t civilized and ‘lost’ implies they once had possession of it. The truth is that we are just seeing them throw their masks off. They have always thought what they are saying now and have fantasized about doing the things they are doing now.
I wish my world would be still and quiet. I know what you mean. I can think and will sit and do that for hours sometimes but I rarely get a chance these days. The wife retired and the damned tv is going all of the time, screaming some mindless dreck demanding attention. I tried putting on my hearing protection to shut it out but a half hour of that and my ears hurt. Poor, pitiful me.
Don’t you have like 5 hundred acres of forest or something, surely you can find some respite amongst your trees.
Have you ever been to Louisiana in August? I spend most of my woods time in the fall and winter. You are correct though, the trees and I get along famously, but I cant bring my computer out there.
I like quiet time with a keyboard under my paws. I can think and write. I get up, walk around and talk it out to myself. When it sounds good I run back to the keyboard and get it down in pixels.
Maybe you need an office separate from the house. One room, power, internet, AC should do it.
Two rooms available for that. Hmmmm.
Relax and watch this guy re-enacting American history through making food, clothes, etc: https://www.youtube.com/user/jastownsendandson
or this guy making primitive stuff: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAL3JXZSzSm8AlZyD3nQdBA
or these guys cooking stuff: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSVellbrvlxvpi6b5-YQzVQ
I had a great one of these Norwegians building a cabin from the trees on their land using only hand tools, but I can’t find it. 🙁
This one?
I love that.
Yeah that one and this one that this (Canadian?) family built based on Finnish cabins.
Honestly, I find one of the best things for me to do is to tune out the news every once in a while and just look around my actual town. Then I realize that everyone is going about their daily lives, not really giving two fucks what Trump did or didn’t do (which can be a bad thing in it’s own way, but that’s another story)
Then again, I live in rural Americana, not the DPRM.
Canadian Conservative Site ‘The Rebel’ Gets Shut Down
Another casualty of deplatforming the right? Or is Ezra using it as an opportune excuse to shut down his site on the heels of some real shady sounding shit coming out about their “fund raisers” and what they do with that money?
Now this is getting serious. This is nothing more than attempted censorship against opposing political views. They can’t win in a public discussion, so they go for censorship.
The part of this story that gives me pause is that Ezra won’t name which IP provider is booting him, which I find odd. That, with the timing of allegations about redirecting funds raised for various causes, seems pretty convenient.
To be fair to Ezra, his response video claims that he was being blackmailed. Great drama!
As for deplatforming, why not? I wish he’d name the domain registrar and post the communication, to make things clear. Hilariously, their domain hadn’t worked for me when I first tried it a week ago, so I had to use Google cache.
The good thing about these shutdowns is it’s forcing progressives to rethink the whole gay wedding cake thing (not all progressives, but I’ve seen more than one commenting on it).
So trump just went full neocon on Afghanistan and Pakistan. Open ended occupation of Afghanistan with no time table or clear exit plan. Objectives for exit are less clear than in the past. Sounds like escalation.
He claims we are stopping nation building, but we won’t leave until clear objectives are met. More killing less building.
Now clamoring for more money and troops.
Hello, new boss!
I didn’t hear that, but open to hearing your strategy.
He seems to be trying to use the Mexican wall strategy to pay for fighting terror in Afghanistan. Also our allies need to spend more as well?
I saw the Tucker Carlson interview with Erik Prince who both basically said it’s insane and question what our achievable goals there are.
Did anyone expect different when he surrounded himself with military people? This stuff is big money for those people.
Sadly, this is why I knew it would happen. I didn’t have high hopes for abandoning Afghanistan altogether, but based on Trumps record of keeping his campaign promises so far, I thought there was a legitimate shot.
I think Mattis was the right pick for SecDef but every other military person he’s chosen has made me suspicious. These are people who are (or can be, at least) fiercely loyal. Trump’s mistake is thinking they’re loyal to him.
e.g. see National Security Advisor McMaster, declaring Charlottesville a “domestic terrorist attack” not long after it had occurred. There’s a man that’s loyal to the system and knows how to expand and protect it.
McMaster is an army officer. They aren’t known for their intelligence.
If only someone had written a book about the failures of top military leadership “Derpification of Duty” or something like that.
How much money do the generals get based on Afghanistan strategy? Such bullshit.
Between $8500 and $15,500 a month depending on rank and grade.
Pay is beside the point. You don’t get to O-7 and above without bring a careerist. The DoD is a bureaucracy and the top brass are there to make names for themselves, the same as civilian GS-15s and owners of contracting companies.
Maybe this strategy will be more effective and less expensive overall than the previous one (or absence of one). I think the first is more likely than the second, personally.
Someone else mentioned public choice theory, which has far more explanatory power than looking closely at paychecks or kickbacks or other direct monetary compensation. People in positions of power and authority, no matter how small, want to get more. They look upon an expanded bureaucratic remit, with the concomitant organizational growth, as an accomplishment.
Trump may have finally met his match. The military and intelligence bureaucracies are full of conniving and clever men (and women) who aren’t triggered into raving stupidity by a man like Trump, unlike the rest of the government. They are long-game types, who see the President as a transient figurehead who rubber-stamps their plans. It wouldn’t take much to work over a President who fancies himself a patriot, and even one who doesn’t (e.g. Obama) still wouldn’t want to have a terrorist attack “on his hands”. The ouster of Trump’s original national security and military team and their replacement with establishment figureheads was disappointing but predictable. I don’t know what kind of bullshit they stuff into the daily/weekly briefings, but it must be pretty potent bullshit, because it works every time.
I don’t think they’re all that, they’re just a bunch of guys running a very profitable business, war. I think their thing is already setup perfectly and there’s nothing much to do, just tell Trump that we can’t leave or ISIS will take over Iraq, cause another refugee crisis worse than the one the last doofuses caused in Libya and Syria, and ISIS will get some newklar bombs from Iran, and send terror around the world. It’s probably just about that simple.
Hmm, it’s possible that they’re not very clever, but they’ve honed ass-kissing to a fine art. The net effect is the same, though.
Agreed. I think they are juking those stats like crazy to show why we’d actually lose MORE if we leave now.
That sweet, sweet government teat.
The only positive take away here is the nation building part suggests no more sending troops abroad for Syria or what have you. They are only sending about 4k troops. Glass half full: it could mean they are going to make one last push for a “win” then Trump can declare victory, and pull out.
The number of generals on his staff make me lean toward the glass half empty side: we waste more blood and treasure on snipe hunting in the Afghan mountains.
No arbitrary time table? Where’s my fainting couch.
No time table, no clear military objectives? So, what, we just have a military presence in Afghanistan and get shot at by Taliban until the place turns into Vermont?
It looked like the objective was to kill terrorists at least until the Afghanis do so themselves.
I know this doesn’t square with the utopian ideal that we will leave and then a miracle happens but I don’t see any reason to believe that Jihadi circles will cease to exist. It sounds like saying we need a plan for murder to stop existing so we can shut down all law enforcement. I don’t think they mull over unrealistic options. Yes I understand that plenty of people think 9/11 was caused by the Afghanistan war, and disengaging from it will prevent attacks.
If there was going to be a miracle, then it probably would have happened by now. Similarly, if killing jihadis was an effective strategy, then it probably would have worked by now. The hamstringing rules of engagement didn’t apply to drone strikes or raiding OBL’s compound. Yet the jihadi threat has not abated, although that may be partly due to Western Europe’s stupidity.
This could be the prelude to a Nixonian withdrawal, but if it’s not, the idea of indefinite commitment should give anyone pause. It’s not America’s job to solve the world’s problems, even when those problems have a chance to bite us, too. France, Germany, Spain, and Belgium have more cause to be shedding blood over there than we do.
He’s W without the country charm.
Hey, at least W had a major terrorist attack before he shit the bed.
for the love of christ, please stop abusing that word
Anyone else just watch Trump shank Wilsonian Idealism in the shower on live tv?
I have no problem with that. Turn off the hot water, leave the cold on and let the motherfucker bleed out. What I have a problem with is him not using the pull-out method on that bitch.
What exactly does he hope to accomplish over there?
Make-work for defense contractors.
That is what I am afraid of. I had been hearing reports of his desire to pull out of afghanistan altogether but that he was getting lots of resistance from nearly everyone. I assumed it was because they want to keep that river of taxpayer subsidies flowing to the defense contractors.
I know these sort of comments gets pompom shakes around here but do you have any evidence Mattis or the Afghanistan strategy is influenced by a desire to fund contractors? If so post it below please.
Are you maintaining that the DoD is the only government agency that is immune to incentives? That somehow the military is immune to public choice theory?
I’m maintaining that this is the equivalent of claiming the kkkorporashinzzzz want to poison us for profitzzzz and it’s equally retarded.
The critique of government and its leaders isn’t that they are uniquely corrupt, it’s that they are not unique at all and prone to the same flaws as everyone else so expectations of superiority are just as wrongheaded as expectations of criminal cabals.
Narcisism and a desire to make the world better are far more obvious expectations for military strategy than secret government bribes (this already sounds like the oil funding global warming denial conspiracy) to the staff causing them to push for strategies to get rich so they can swim in gold coins.
Also, nobody has provided evidence thus strategy was influenced by profits yet.
15 years worth Bob. Maybe it will be different now but past performance…
Revealed preferences.
Mattis has openly stated that he’s waiting for his own higher-ups (i.e. the President) to establish just exactly they want in terms of their Afghanistan strategy. So Mattis isn’t really a factor, but the overwhelming influence the defense industry has is certainly a concern when it comes to military planning.
I await to see what the actual plan is besides some arbitrary civvie notion of ‘kill the Taliban and ISIS’ before I comment on it.
He laid out the strategic goals in the speech. I’m sure Mattis was very much a factor laying out possible strategies and the tactical consequences.
“A core pillar of our new strategy is a shift from a time-based approach to one based on conditions.
Another fundamental pillar of our new strategy is the integration of all instruments of American power—diplomatic, economic, and military—toward a successful outcome.
The next pillar of our new strategy is to change the approach in how to deal with Pakistan.”
Those goals are different than “make them an ally”, “transition to Afghani military led counterterrorism” or”build a democracy.” The days of waiting for Afghanistan approval to pursue a terrorist, or only going if Afghani forces are on board are theoretically dead under this strategy. The idea is we will pursue our goals and Afghanis theirs and even work together so long as those goals coincide. But if they do not coincide we still pursue our own goals. That’s why he made a point about removing restrictions.
So I would summarize the strategy as “only kill the terrorists” don’t focus on anything else that doesn’t achieve that goal including ditching winning hearts and minds or trying to make Afghanistan anything resembling a westernized democracy.
I don’t give a fuck about what civvie say, I give a damn about what the actual outcome by the military is. I’ll be impressed when the motherfuckers actually stablize and civilize the graveyard of civilizations.
I also heard the “until you sit in the big chain you don’t know how bad the war on terror is”. “Now I see clearly”.
He stopped short from saying that “someday a real rain will come and wash all the the terroists from the streets”.
And this
“From now on, victory will have a clear definition: attacking our enemies, obliterating ISIS, crushing al-Qaeda, preventing the Taliban from taking over the country, and stopping mass terror attacks against Americans before they emerge.”
I’ll be generous and give him 2 out of 5 having ‘clear definition’s, very generous.
The whats are all clear, it’s the hows that are a bit fuzzy.
The objective open ended even if they are clear statements.
Hark! now the Drums beat up again,
For all true Soldiers Gentlemen,
Then let us list, and march I say,
Over the Hills and far away!
Over the Hills and o’er the Main,
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain,
Queen Ann commands, and we’ll obey,
Over the Hills and far away!
Hell yeah!
I’ve watched that exact clip before… you really are, like, *my people*. [allows single manly tear to drip down cheek]
It feels like sacrilege to mention that a box full of little plastic Frenchmen arrived today – after years of prevaricating, I’m getting into Napoleonics. (But don’t worry, the little plastic Frenchmen will become little plastic Badeners or something.)
Then ISIS moves in and everyone bitches about that.
Theodore Roosevelt already did that. Well not on TV.
“If the League of Nations is built on a document as high-sounding and as meaningless as the speech in which Mr. Wilson laid down his fourteen points, it will simply add one more scrap to the diplomatic waste paper basket. Most of these fourteen points … would be interpreted … to mean anything or nothing.”[13]
“Wilson and his 14 points bore me. Even God Almighty only has 10 commandments.”
Georges Clemenceau
If he’d only stopped at four, he’d probably be more well regarded today.
I. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view.
II. Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants.
III. The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance.
IV. Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety.
So 65 divisions?
Best case scenario=
this is a pretext for saying, “we made our last-gasp, now we’re walking away”
Worst case scenario=
“surge until we’re actually trying to exterminate AQP in the the FATA and risking war with the Pakis”
The latter is implausible. the former is … well, overly optimistic. i hope he’s not throwing thousands of people into a deadend. What’s disgusting about the reaction is that Obama did *exactly the same thing* and threw 30,000 troops at this same fucking ‘problem’ and the media literally just applauded and said “great” and never wrote another word-one about them for 8 years, and never bothered mentioning that a few thousand americans died for the sake of a “just war” PR moment.
Judge, Jury, and Executioner
I’m surprised that kind of stuff doesn’t happen more often. Cold blooded murder attempt. Damn.
On the news, they said he was an estranged father to rape boy. they made it sound like the guy had been in front of that judge multiple times over the years but no details. Steubenville is not that big so I’m guessing not all that many criminal judges for the town. Rape boy is on Youngstown State football team they mentioned. Sounds like he’s currently not going to play. Probably the students found out what he did. That was a big deal in Ohio when he did it because there were a lot of accusations of cover up because the rapists were on the football team.
There’s a section on charges against adults related to the cover-up but I believed most of them were dropped. Wonder if that could come back to bite DeWine win he runs for governor. Doubt the Ohio media will bring it up though.
Drokk it!
Missed the speech. Has the left brought Cindy Sheehan back yet? She went from hero to zero once Dear Leader was in power. We have no objectives over there, and we haven’t had any since we first bombed the shit out of them and drove AQ to the caves. GTFO. STFO.
Cindy stood still while the political landscape shifted around her. I know her feeling.
Britain to treat internet hate crime as seriously as offline offences
The rules – which included guidelines on helping disabled and bisexual victims – were meant to encourage more people to come forward and press courts to impose longer sentences, the Crown Prosecution Service said.
War on internet “abuse”. Great. Another tool for govt to selectively pound wrong think and ignore right think that sounds the same, but was made with good intent.
The Crown Prosecution Service can suck my dick
Bend over, I’ll show you hate crime.
I think the only way the Left is ever going to learn is to be on the receiving end of some of their own policies. I’m sure they’d support such laws in the US, and it would probably require some Republican president banning pro-communist speech before they’d learn their lesson.
An accurate depiction of what Trump’s America is in some people’s heads.
The cup of water was a nice touch. This is a meme that is making the twitter rounds. I’ve seen it with DDay, too.
The constant attempts to frame the left-right spectrum as the god-given central factor in any analysis of political action or violence is one of the reasons why I think this species is still a series of mostly half-retarded apes.
where do you even find a camera that shoots 4×3 anymore?
Shoe vid!
That Everyday Feminism article she’s parodying is absurd not just for the content, but because all it really is, is putting a fancypants name (Kyriarchy!) on the Progressive Stack/ Oppression Olympics we all know about already.
The patriarchy itself has always been a hilarious concept to me. Sure, personify hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and social development into some nebulous, arbitrary conspiracy theory. Create your own boogeyman to attack, rather than analyze society based on a rational breakdown of individual events. God is dead, but his shadow will be worshiped on the walls of caves for centuries to come.
Nietzsche’s probably rolling in his grave over how close the Last Men are to forming.
A great Nietzsche quote regarding SJW’s and feminists: “Pity makes suffering contagious.”
Regarding their cult of victimhood, etc.
Nietzsche hoped and begged that his work wouldn’t be remembered, because it would mean that he was right.
The poor bastard.
Ha. I just watched that before coming back here.
I made a few jokes the last couple days that the Game of Thrones team doesn’t know how ice works, but it appears they really don’t.
The stuff they spread their money on is so completely and utterly retarded.
Well, it makes for great entertainment, as long as you don’t think too hard.
It makes for a cheap thrill for a couple of minutes, while they piss away any decent scenes from the novels.
That’s one of my primary gripes with the series, is their love of cutting or ignoring some of the best scenes in the series for more retarded garbage for the plebs to clap at.
Yes, but the show has totally shit the bed plotwise since they overtook the novels and had to write their own stuff. I already know it’s not going to get any better, so I figure I might as well enjoy the spectacle, since that’s about all it’s got going for it now.
And keep drumming my fingers waiting for TWOW….
But even when they kept with the material, they avoided or ignored anything that would develop the characters. I admit that I’m a Stannis fanboy in regards to the books, but where is the peach scene? Or Stannis fucking the red priestess on the table? That is such a blatant mischaracterization that I can’t take the bloody tv series seriously.
*spoiler* If by ‘don’t think too hard’ you mean wonder why if it’s so damn important to have a captive white walker, then why send it on it’s way in a boat instead of continuing to carry it on a dragon where it will get to it’s destination faster and safer, then I think your level for ‘hard thinking’ is a bit low.
By “don’t think too hard,” I mean, “try to ignore the nagging feelings I’ve been having all season at the stupid moronic desicions made.” Like I said, I know it’s not going to get any smarter, so I might as well enjoy what it has got going for it, which is spectacle, instead of just be irritated by the stupid writing.
I’ve known since the beginning the outcome I wanted wasn’t going to happen (from episode 1 I wanted Tyrian to realize this king shit was stupid and form a republic, and the show has actually set up that as a plausible outcome, even if they don’t realize it, but sadly it will be some one being the new king/queen because ma phantuzee)
From day 1, my view of the show (having read the books first,) has been “this is a really high-budget fanfiction that should be entertaining to watch.” Going into it on those terms, instead of as a really smart and faithful adaptation of the books, makes it a lot easier to overlook the dumb stuff and enjoy the good. I’m pretty good with that, so I can enjoy a lot of stuff that other people hate.
But the stuff in this season even has me rolling my eyes and scratching my head.
I only watched season 1 because Sean Bean was in it. You can imagine how I felt.
I know many of you guys here are old school punkers, but I came up a bit later as a metal guy, the period marked by the label Nu Metal that has been derided. But damn I still love me some Spineshank.
Well I was a bit overdramatic with my “coup” talk last night but what I was trying to say was that the deep state and the military industrial complex really do not want a pullout and one would drive them apoleptic.
So I guess Russiagate has served its purpose. I guess the left will go back to being rabidly antiwar supposed to accusing him of being a putin puppet.
Since I’m an overnight poster, and I wanted to say something in regards to the Fusionist’s leaving, I’m doing so here*
I go away for a week’s vacation, just to come back and see that it looks like his leaving was cemented on my birthday.
I have no idea how much of a clean break he’s making, but I want to go on record, that I, too, do not want to see him go. Without knowing him at all beyond his postings, he’s always felt kindred spirit-ish to me. I am really glad to see so many others reach out to him about sticking around. I hope he changes his mind, and comes back. It’s frustrating that I can’t read the exchange, to better understand what happened (just a statement, not a harangue). But, whatever was said, I would sincerely hope for continued fellowship here.
Hell, I’m saddened about Free Society not being around, too, for that matter. I hope something good comes of the brouhaha(s), if it results in losing commentators here. Even though I don’t post much/anything worthwhile around here, I know I could stand to improve my tolerance/even-handedness online.
So, with that, I’m gonna reflect on what I observed, and take some lessons to heart.
*Not my intention to beat the dead horse-simply to put in my $.02
Really annoying thing: libertarians complaining about nationalism defending the nationalists in the civil war.