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WOKE: “Nazis- everywhere- under your bed!”
BROKE: “Terrorism is overblown and poses an insignificant threat in this country”
If anyone is interested, the pics of the Boston Free Speech speakers is real. And yes, these are the people the media called Nazis, and who violent lefty thugs came out to protest – or “protest”. They’re taken from screengrabs of this Hard Bastard video.
If they didn’t want to be labeled as Nazis then they shouldn’t have used Nazi code words like ‘free speech’. Why cares about ‘freeze peach’?
Or refer to Nazi writings, like the Constitution. Obvious dog whistle.
That’s what happens when you give pizza chants or visualize whirled peas.
‘are real’
Somebody said after Cville that antifa and BLM would turn on each other. I didn’t expect it to happen quite so fast, though.
Bravo! The wolves devour each other!
(love that quote)
One of my favorites. Darkness at Noon is a terrific book.
Should be mandatory reading for each and every one of these aspiring socialists.
Not that they’d understand it.
Would you people stop adding books to my reading list?!?!
The fuck you mean ‘you people’?!?
(It’s a quick read, though, so just go buy it)
It should be on it’s way to me now.
Amazon, I hate you, but I love you
The lovely thing about antifa is that they hate *everybody*!!!!!!
Thanks! I had a feeling the folks calling the Boston Free Speech rally participants a bunch of Nazis was horseshit.
OT: So….just had my threatened on the road. I was driving to Sherwin Williams to pick up some paint and supplies when I came to a red light. As I did so, a young black guy and his girlfriend pull up next to me and he begins to yell ‘cracka this, honkey that, white trash yada yada’, so I replied something like ‘hey, go fuck yourself’. To which he replied that he was going to blow my fucking head off. I responded by saying ‘do me the favor'(as many of you are aware, I’m not the sharpest peanut in the turd), then he just took a left into a strip mall and I kept driving.
This is about the fourth or fifth time in my life that I’ve had my life threatened for having the wrong skin pigmentation. If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost begin to believe you don’t necessarily need to be white in order to be a racist puddle of shit.
* life
Libertarian dilemma:
Get his plates and sic the popo on his ass, or chalk it up to free speech?
I don’t think threats are free speech. Call me a honky, whatever. Threaten to kill me, I’m pulling my pistol.
Maybe he wanted to suck your dick
Wait… what did he look like?
In which case, it would have been delightful if TH could have a bullhorn on his car to announce, “I’m sorry, sir. But, I’m not particularly interested in your fallating me. “
“Your GF on the other hand…”
I work in the hood, dude. Around here, I’m the minority and it’s his word versus mine. If I filed a police report the only thing that would happen is I might afford him the opportunity to know my name. No thanks. I just chalked it up to machismo to impress the girl next to him. Still kinda irritating though.
I might afford him the opportunity to know my name.
Good point.
Because I have my own pet security department, I can run license plates to get name, address, etc. Not that I ever would do such a thing, of course, if some dumbass went all road-ragey on me. Why would I? Its not like I’m going to go to his house and set his car on fire or anything.
I read that statement as ‘don’t fuck with Dean’.
The Glibs very own Kaiser Soze.
Well, the plate check could still be traced back to me, so . . . .
Err, maybe. Its not like I’ve checked or anything.
*tugs collar*
Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?
Be careful with that. Always have someone else run it for you.
No shit….
Where do you live?
I haven’t been called a cracker since junior high…
That’s only for me and the people who run this joint to know. 😉
(Riven and Swis-er-STEVE SMITH know my real name)
*glances around nervously*
*unblinking stare*
Too late for that bro…
Ah, shit. I think the ‘get out of rape free’ card I received for adding the STEVE SYSTEM comic strip to last Friday’s afternoon links has been officially revoked.
*cancels camping excursion*
If it’s any consolation, I smoke enough, I’ve likely forgotten it. Not sure, though. Lolwut.
The proper way to handle it.
But carry a gun just in case. Maybe it’s cause I drive around with black people in my car all the time but I have never had that happen to me. I was called a nigger lover by a rural southern white man in a pickup truck once, but that’s it.
Frankly if someone called me a cracker or a honky I would laugh hysterically and say “That’s the best insult you can come up with?! HAHAHAHAH!”
i’ve had “honky” yelled at me by a car full of teens. it earned a chuckle.
Ignore it. With your white privilege you find the mutterings of such people beneath you.
Tactically they are attempting to get you to say something so they can build their sense of rage up and attempt to blame you for “disrespecting” them. Also it is to make it look like a mutual fight if/when police are involved.
This is good advice.
In VA, you have no duty to retreat when threatened in public, as long as you have not contributed to the situation. The instant you respond with provocation, you have lost the protection the law provides you for self-defense.
Once a person responds with provocation (“hey, go fuck yourself”), they are now required to retreat before using deadly force to protect themselves or their family.
Protecting myself and my family is my top priority so I never respond to provocations, including even so much as a horn honk in traffic. This has proven wise as I have had a couple occasions where I did have to give warnings to immediately cease movement towards me. This would not be possible if I had contributed to escalating the situation and put me in a very difficult position.
Had a guy wave a pistol at me one time because I honked as he was about to pull out in front of me and get t-boned. For a split second, it crossed my mind that I should swerve and t-bone him anyway before he could get a shot off, but he didn’t point it directly at me so…..
If you T bone him then he has a really good reason to shoot at you and you’re now stuck to his car. You chose wisely.
If I had t-boned him, it would have been over. I was driving a heavy truck going about 50 and he was in a compact. Guy was a macho idiot.
Still the right choice.
Sorry that happened to you, dude. That sucks.
I do carry a gun in my car (and everywhere else), but I’m loathe to use it. Driving off, “and nothing else happened,” is always the best policy. If you can get yourself out of a situation, 10/10 times, that’s the best option.
I don’t deal well with threats, but not engaging the people making them usually sends them slinking back off to their caves.
Good one, Beep. But a comic with only 8 panels seems a little shprt.
Needz moar Latina newsreaders.
I don’t know, I’d give Becky a ‘Hurt’n.
Get it?
I’m here all day, folks
Becky wants your pecky?
Now that’s some bacon sizzlin’!
Awkward, shameful sex in the missionary position?
Ass sex or it isn’t hurtful enough.
I don’t know if that’s approved by the Pope.
The resident anti-Catholic Canadian speaks. You canucks are worse than the French. There, I said what everyone was thinking
Hey, we just made fun of the Papists and murder radical Irish fuckwits the Americans send over, I’m not in an Orange Lodge or anything. The French are the ones who dropped centuries of Catholic tradition so they could all become Marxists. Now saying you’re a Catholic in Montreal at a party is like admitting you’re a communist in 1950s America. You should be way more pissed at them.
Isn’t Montreal part of Canada?
Hey, you can’t lay the actions of French Canadians on English Canadians, that’s like if I blame Americans for every stupid thing Californians do.
Awkward and shameful for whom?
egould: Yeah, I tried to work on it to lengthen it last night, but was too tired.
RC: You can never have too many Latina newsreaders. I was going to add one discussing Boston with random drunken Antifa, but see above note to egould.
That’s not even a euphemism.
Latina?! Don’t you mean “Latinx”, shitlord?
Latinx is usually referring to trans-Latins.
So, … no.
Holy shit, there are rules to this, and…you actually know them?
Interesting. I was curious if my woke coworkers had been using it wrong — they use it as a gender-neutral 1:1 replacement for Latino/Latina. Look like Wiki agrees with them.
But since we’re all just making words up as we go along now, who knows?
ok apparently its some cross between that, and what i thought, which was that it was simply “de-gendering” the term
TW: huffpo gibberish
Jesus. I wonder if their constantly changing meanings of words is some Orwellian plan to consistently shame people into following along with their dumber narratives, or they simply can’t make up their minds.
Actually, no, I don’t.
Every intersectional permutation must have its own label. It’s axiomatic that if all marginalized groups must support each other, that all the permutations can have a ‘name of their own’, because nothing says solidarity better than a movement constructed of a large number of groups, all with a membership in the single digits.
We’re not quite there yet, but give it a few weeks.
Latinx is quickly gaining popularity among the general public.
Well, that’s a lie.
And I just love the irony of people who usually jabber on about cultural appropriation having the sheer balls to declare an entire foreign language, hell, dozens of them, unacceptably bigoted because they have male and female grammar and word construction.
Because that’s what “Latinx” usage means – Spanish and every other language that use gendered grammar and words must be changed to purge them of badfeel wrongthink.
So it’s Smurf for everybody now?
random drunken Antifa? “Lets see dem fisties” “Xenu’s gonna get punched when he comes”?
“Guy tried to give me a fish, murderin’ meat eatin’ bastard.”
It seems like we’ve got to the point where the media and a subset of the population just move from one hysterical mob mentality to another. When Trump got elected it was freakouts about him being a dictator for while, then it converted into the Russian puppet narrative, and now we’ve rolled into “Everyone I don’t like is a Nazi”. I expected the hysterics to burn out by six months in, when people became aware that they weren’t living under Rapist Hitler 2.0, but the media is actively extending the lifespan of this idiocy.
This is not going to go away. Case in point, George W Bush.
I was a teenager for most of the Bush years, but I don’t remember it being this hysterical. Sure, there were plenty of protests, comparisons to Hitler and Bush icons being burned once and awhile, but there wasn’t this constant hop between different narratives that broadly demonized any person who questioned it. Bush was Hitler because of Iraq and the Patriot Act and what-not, not because the media was screaming really hard about made up things that didn’t exist like how Bush had whores piss on Clinton’s bed or something.
It was like this. Small groups of fuckheads making an outsized noised, normal people going about their business.
Although there were a lot of papier-mâché puppets…
It wasn’t as bad under Bush, but then again, Bush wasn’t as vulgar as Trump. It still got pretty bad under Bush. I remember all the “Anyone, but Bush” bumper stickers; the movie that fantasized about Bush being assassinated, and, of course, Michael Moore.
Don’t forget the congressional Dem’s holding a mock impeachment trial. That was funny.
There wasn’t a constantly shuffling series of freakouts because they got all the mileage they needed out of “selected not elected” and calling him dumb.
It wasn’t as bad under Bush but people also didn’t have smartphones and Facebooks to keep the screeching and signaling ever present. Even without those things, it WAS pretty bad under Bush. Also, I’m old enough to remember posters of his dad, George H.W. Bush, being compared to Hitler. Whoever the next Republican President is will be even more of an outrage to those folks and Trump will suddenly be reasonable in comparison, Rinse, repeat.
Funny how once Obama won, all the people that wanted Bush prosecuted and hung, suddenly lost interest in whatever pet peeve they was driving them retarded mad, only to get it right back after that woman wearing Kim Jong Un’s suits lost the election…
Yeah, the shifting freak outs (how many have we had now – EMOLUMENTS KLAUZ! SPY PORTFOLIOHZ!! RUSHANZ! NAZIZZZ!) are going to end up as background noise.
F’ing cry of wolf…when he really does stick his dick into it, any attempt to hold him accountable will sound just like the others. Sigh.
9/11 put a pause on all the really crazy anti-Bush stuff for a while, but if memory serves before that point it still wasn’t as fever pitched as it is now in the media.
I have strong memories of Bush Derangement Syndrome. It was pretty bad, but it’s got absolutely nothing on TDS. Fever pitched is right.
We didn’t have Twitter and Facebook in 2001.
We had LiveJournal and then Myspace. (Also, RIP USENET.) But, yeah, the increased presence of social media over time, smart phones allowing easy 24/7 global access, leftist entryism gradually corrupting more organizations, the specific bumper-sticker shouting format of Twitter which demonstrably causes brain damage…
But by god, they tried.
Note the publication date.
The “general” anti-war protests – chronicled well at zombietime.com were pretty ubiquitous for a long time, and larger on average than these antifa rumbles – also mostly unopposed.
And in case anyone thinks the outrage would die down if anyone more “reasonable” were in office, look to your progressive friends’ responses to the idea of Trump getting impeached. You’ve probably seen a few of them say something along the lines of, “But Pence is even worse than Trump. Trump is just an idiot, Pence is evil.” They’re already getting the talking points ready. The only people who would chill out a little with Trump gone are other Republicans.
The Media, “Our business model is failing, our institutions are rapidly eroding, and our legacy is vanishing; HITLER! HITLERHITLERHITLER!! HITLER! HITLERHITLERHITLER!! HITLER! HITLERHITLERHITLER!!”
Good strategy.
Putting the Nazis aside, its insane people are showing up to protest Free Speech rallys.
They cant possibly believe these free speech advocates are white nationalists, klan members, or fascists. If they actually dont believe his and are showing up anyway, then they are beyond full of shit.
They cant possibly believe these free speech advocates are white nationalists, klan members, or fascists.
Seneca has a great bit where he talks about how mob mentality works. As a single person, he found gladiatorial combat disgusting and barbaric. But in a cheering crowd he couldn’t help but get caught up with their enthusiasm. That’s what’s happening here, free speech advocates are being painted as, at best, collaborators to fascists, and the mob is collectively reinforcing that internal delusion. The mob believes it, the higher-ups possibly not.
Eric Hoffer is the most relevant philosopher of our era. Although, he would be denounced as a cisgender slack jawed bigot, because he did not have a college degree and worked menial jobs while he wrote his polemics.
I have one of his books and I was reading this essay on the train. I stopped when I saw the gratuitous use of this word. Leftists are so ignorant that they wouldn’t even recognize who Eric Hoffer was, let alone the fact that this was written in the 1960’s when the use of the word was not seen as offensive
I bought 2 of his books on kindle last Saturday
I dont get it, the mob mentality I mean. What the fuck?
When I was 14 I got shipped off to a bible camp. It was mostly pretty fun. Lots of baseball, swimming, canoeing, plus cute girls etc. but every morning we had to listen to a preacher flap his gums. There was one retarded kid in the camp and you know how kids that age are, he was tormented. One morning the preacher shamed the entire camp for teasing the retarded kid. By the time he finished every one of the kids, including the ones that didn’t tease him, was apologizing and bawling like babies. I just sat there and watched the spectacle in awe.
Afterwards the preacher approached me and inquired “Everyone here was crying and apologizing but you just sat there. Why?”
“Because I’ve been nice to the guy. Why should I be sorry?”
The preacher was very puzzled by this. Stupid herd animals.
On my list of regrets is participating with the mob in teasing kids who didn’t fit in.
Of course, I became one of those kids (to a lesser degree) in junior high for being skinny, smart, and bookish. I stopped then, but still, it was shameful and I knew better even as a kid.
I recall the first time I was mobbed (for a wedgie, as I recall). I hadn’t been beaten into submission, so I fought back. The mob was surprised, and backed off – apparently, being a mean bastard when pushed is hereditary. That was the last time they tried to get physical, too. Life lesson, I suppose.
As my older brother once told me: If you let people push you around, they will keep on pushing.
Flashback: pushing a bully hard into the lockers. He never messed with me again.
If we’re sharing school war stories, (((I))) was once called a kike at school and immediately decked the asshole hard in the face. Never heard another word out of his mouth. It was before an AP exam and the hall was packed with people and teachers… I still don’t know I wasn’t immediately suspended but no one said a word.
Despite the AP exam, I actually did go to a rough school. About 30% middle class and the rest very ghetto. I mean, my freshman class started with 1,000 kids and graduated with 300 something. For a mob story, there was fight after school that a couple hundred of us went out to watch. A unrelated fight broke from between the one of the ghetto kids and preppy kids. The remaining 4 ghetto kids joined in, making it 5 on 1. It quickly became 40 on 5. Each of those five were down with about 5 guys on each stomping their faces in. My buddies and I just grouped together and stayed back on guard watching each others’ backs. Mob mathematics can be a tough lesson.
Because all the teachers said to themselves, “Yes, that POS had it coming.”
I have something like 15 suspensions for fighting the bullies in school when they picked on the weaker kids. I am an easy going person, but I detest people that use picking on the weak as a means to increase their own social status and hide their insecurities. If you want too show off how badass and though you are go pick on the huge guy that will pound your ass into the ground.
I was friends with many kids from the nerdy crowd. It was great fun sticking up for them and issuing threats to the bullies. Those little My Bodyguard moments.
I dont get it, the mob mentality I mean. What the fuck?
A mob absolves one of moral responsibility. For some people nothing could be more precious. No need to think about right or wrong, no need to restrain oneself with things like reason or justice, no need to worry about your moral status relative to your fellows. For some people, even collective guilt assigned to them as part of the mob is acceptable, just so long as its shared by everyone else. Such people inevitably worry the loudest about what individuals would do if they were left to be free.
I guess thats it. I was raised to be responsible for my own behavior and no one else’s and to never dodge responsibility.
“You are only as good as your word.” Was gospel in my family.
“Well, they did it too!” was a good as begging for an asswhipping.
Apparently you’ve also never attended a sporting event at a large stadium.
Aside from a couple of HS football games, no, and no interest in going to one.
Is Becky Hurt preggo? She’s lookin a little fat
Its the windowpane suit. It makes most people look like an idiot
Why are you body shaming Becky?
‘Cause she fat?
New Anno announced, set in 1800s.
Please don’t suck like 2205, please don’t suck like 2205…
-Accuse people of being nerds.
-G.K. Chesterton profile pic.
Pick one.
Don’t label him according to your cishet white shitlord beliefs, nazi!
Cool. My wife loves those games.
Hey, pal, just because YOU have a time machine and have already been through 2205, don’t *SPOILER* it for us!
I can’t wait for Mr. Lizard’s people to enslave you all, that’ll show you.
NOTICE: This article infringes on copyrighted statements made by the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, Reuters, and the Associated Press. Also, questioning accusations of racism is racist, and your ISP has been notified of your hateful hate.
Did someone say Hateful?
Trump’s coming to Phoenix tonight! AND THE PROTESTERS ARE BRINGING THE CHICKEN!!
SQUEEEEE!!! I have to go!
So, is the big chicken a pro-Trump or anti-Trump meme now? I can’t keep up.
It is intended as anti-trump, but everyone with a brain thinks it should be adopted as a symbol of support because its hilarious
I hope the MAGAites line up for pix with it.
tl:dr I suppose it’s the big blown up DC chicken, but my first thought was the San Diego chicken.
+1 Ted Giannoulos
TIL what the alt-left are LARPing these days.
Reason’s afternoon links: “Alt-Right website, Spiked.com, downplays actual threat of Nazis. To be sure, they are wrong.”
Still, it was only 22,000 in 1939. I’ll bet the number dropped to a couple hundred post-war.
Welcome to Insane World, where a Marxist publication is more consistently rational than one called Reason.
File this under “no shit, Sherlock: GOP REP: Virginia Governor May Have Fanned Flames in Charlottesville to Use It as an Election Issue in 2018 or 2020.
Trump causes orgasms in German teenagers.
How’s that for a clickbait title? I’m expecting a job offer from buzzfeed any second now.
Too late now, but I wonder if I could have sold some Make Antifa Great Again hats and t-shirts at this thing. I’m thinking a hammer and sickle for the logo?
Is this still supposed to be satire, or just a tl;dr of the previous week’s MSM news coverage?
Either way, good, if a bit short. I’m just confused.
“Is this still supposed to be satire, or just a tl;dr of the previous week’s MSM news coverage?”
Yes, next question.
It’s meant to be both. The media is making it hard to parody them.
A lot of neoconservatives are attacking Ron Paul for telling the truth about American foreign policy. Good to see all the assholes have joined together to rejoice at perpetual war
So, you’re saying that you would rather fight them here, huh JS?
Why do you hate America?
*raises hand*
Uh, I’d rather fight them here. Homefield advantage and all. Plus it saves me travel expenses.
All I’m saying is let’s fight the real enemy up north. Blame Canada!
Fucking foul mouthed floppy headed molson suckers.
For the last time guys, Canada is not going to fuck you, the tsundere act is not working on anyone.
Canada’s mere existence is a provocation
Yeah, especially after they build that wall… Thank the lord Mr. Garrison showed them!
Borrowing Reagan’s “Make America Great Again” worked the first time, but with Zoolander at the helm Trump will realize that it’s time to change gears for his re-election, and will adopt Polk’s “Fifty-four forty or fight!” campaign slogan.
JT is right. Canada mostly fucks Canadians.
His al aqaeda tweet didn’t make sense. However this guy is being a dbag
I think he meant Al-Qaeda in Iraq (later known as ISIS). He wasn’t clear, but it’s Twitter for Christ’s sake.
They’re really pimping the anti-Semitic horseshit.
Maybe, just maybe, Israel is a functional state that can take care of itself, and doesn’t need massive American payoffs for foreign policy goals like shitholes like Egypt do.
Which automatically makes you an anti-semite. There is a fine line between people who say “hey, maybe we shouldn’t have to give all these different countries all these weapons” (the Pauls) and “hey, maybe Israel is a genocidal regime that shouldn’t exist” (Linda Sarsour).
The difference is that one gets labeled as ‘anti-semites’, while the others are excused. Guess which one?
I really think we should start calling the payoff ‘Israeli welfare’ in response.
Weapons Welfare.
*pulls out big list of guns to buy*
You IDF?
*puts on yarmulke , whistles innocently*
They’ll check your dick before they send you the cheque, so you may have to get creative.
I thought it was another glib that wanted to look at dick pics but ok…
*drops trou*
Now where’s my gun?
I am not in charge of the weaponry welfare office, if you wish to get your welfare please mail you dick pics to:
Everyday Feminism Main Office
123 Margaret Sanger St.
San Francisco, CA
muahaha! You fool! I’M ALREADY SNIPPED!
Americans are weird.
this is not “The truth”
You fucked the link.
Ahem….”SF’d” the link”
As I explained, SF no longers screws up his links, so we can’t use that name anymore, and gilmoreing is reserved for threading fails.
Have you turned your back on our heritage and history already?! Why don’t you go knock over Heroic Mulatto’s statue Memorial to Thicc while you are at it!!!!111!1!!!11
You don’t even need to knock it over, it’s so structurally unbalanced the damn thing’s going to tip over eventually.
but the main load is lower to the ground.
Doesn’t matter. It’s essentially Guam.
We don’t know that… SF now has edit powers and is able to gaslight us.
I’ve grown comfortable with the fame of my failure.
I think he meant Al-Qaeda in Iraq (later known as ISIS). He wasn’t clear, but it’s Twitter for Christ’s sake.
His kid is clearer.
That’s how it’s done.
Rand Paul is the more polished version, yet some ‘libertarians’ will go out of their way to try to nail him for any apostasy, no matter how far-fetched their argument is.
And yet, oddly enough, those same stalwart libertarians do things like putting William Weld on the LP ticket and approvingly link John Scalzi’s white guilt horseshit.
YES. Bill Weld’s mere presence on any libertarian ticket forever discredits cosmotarians. They tacitly supported him and they own his disgraceful existence
I still haven’t regretted caucusing for Rand in 2016.
And even if he was saying something foolish like that Podhoretz’ petulant “and he’s old and stupid and ugly and smells bad” temper tantrum is not a coherent criticism, it’s just pathetic.
Its solid-stupid however you slice it. we didn’t invade Iraq to fight “Al-quaeda” and the thing that named itself AQI when we arrived has little bearing on the rightness or wrongness of deciding to remove Saddams regime.
Its perpetuating a popular misconception of history just as stupid as “Blood for Oil”. Its a libertarian shibboleth
Nonsense. The fact remains that there was no AQ affiliate in Iraq until after the invasion.
did you actually just read what i said…. or are you really just repeating the thing i pointed out as being incredibly stupid?
Apparently, I have poor reading comprehension
iow – my comment was “So what”? to the claim that AQI emerged as a reaction to the invasion.
We didn’t invade Iraq because of “lies” based on some fictitious AQI existence. There were claims of a terror nexus w/ saddam, but the various flimsy rhetorical attempts to pin everything from Nukes to Terror to Saddam has little real bearing on why we invaded. Complaining about them is, as i already said, as stupid as the liberal notion that the entire invasion was Dick Cheney’s scheme for ‘halliburton to steal iraqs oil’.
Making that argument makes Ron Paul sound like a moron. Supporting that argument makes others sound like morons. People have had 15 years to learn everything that happened before during and after Iraq, and yet they’re still pumping dumbshit rhetorical claims that are entirely besides the point.
Literally speaking, we did not invade Iraq for that purpose, but it sure as hell was part of the sales job leading up to the invasion.
I am outraged that salespeople misrepresent their product
Poll: 70% believe Saddam, 9-11 link
I think the main reason we went to war in Iraq is that people are stupid.
Ron Paul’s statement is like saying, “Cancer didn’t exist before Philip Morris invented Marlboros”
Yes. I was on the fence concerning Iraq and I regret it.
sure, that’s a ready explanation for anything
but the stupidity of the general public is meaningless in this case.
The “No Blood For Oil” types could possibly have rallied far greater opposition to the war if only people were *stupider*.
The intelligence or stupidity of the average poll-taker isn’t all that significant for why we actually invaded, or what the consequences were.
The stupidity of the war-planners is what mattered, and understanding the mindset of the people who thought it was a swell idea, and how that swell idea should be executed (fast, small-footprint, and zero planning for the aftermath) is far more important than re-circulating the dumbest, most-popular arguments of 2004
The strange thing is that Bush Sr did not invade precisely because of the sectarian conflict that would erupt.
(here’s Cheney declaring Iraq ungovernable back in 1994)
Somehow Cheney did a full 180 from that position and was promoting the invasion in 2003. I’ve never seen any article or interview where he reconciled the two opposing positions he held.
i think Cobra II (above link) touches upon it on pp38-41 and elsewhere
the short of it is that Cheney thought leaving quickly in 1991 would result in the immediate deposing of Saddams regime by angry citizens. In 2003 he argued that the mass of people would forget the decade of suffering US sanctions, and embrace the US if it did the job they couldn’t do themselves.
it wasn’t that he thought no sectarian conflict would result, but that the US would quickly leave in the aftermath of their grateful thanks, and that we would not be responsible for babysitting the mess. Better a ‘wrecked country’ than one run by a very hostile and well-armed adversary.
So vote dem to get a border wall?
I really don’t understand where lefties consider themselves truth and reality based
A headline in nyt with article
“Should You Trust Climate Science? Maybe the Eclipse Is a Clue”
Oribital mechanics is not the same as climate models
Please link that article. I really want to know what kind of knots they tie themselves into trying to conflate those two ideas.
I’ve seen a lot of this crap recently. I was watching a live feed from somewhere (CNN?) and they had Gabby Giffords’ husband, or maybe his twin brother, on to talk about the eclipse. The host lady asked him how we know when eclipses happen and he said something like, “Oh, well scientists study these things and we should trust scientists about these things and also climate change.” Because you have to through climate change into any discussion of science.
My first thought was, “You know, Mr. Astronaut Man, I sure would appreciate you telling me what the cloud cover in Dallas will be like on April 8th, 2024.”
Mr. Giffords lost on Jeopardy to a jock.
They are counting on the ignorance and lack of understanding of the laws of physics, nature, or even the scientific process, that permeates the morons that make up their constituency, to peddle that AGW crypto-cultish pseudo science/alchemy. I am surprised they didn’t also make an appeal to astrology to peddle the AGW nonsense..
One did try to say it was a sign of doom that eclipse occurred during trump admin
Another said it never went dark during obama (ignore spring 2012)
If I were a classless SOB I would make the joke that it went dark for all of Obama’s term. Good thing I’m not.
Goddammit Vhyrus, now we’re gonna get dropped by our webhost for wrongthink.
(as opposed to all the other wrongthink that goes on here on a daily basis)
The mention of Darness at Noon reminded me of how Dalton Trumbo bragged about blocking it from being made into a movie. Of course, most Americans have heard of the infamous Hollywood Blacklist, but few know that the communists in Hollywood spent decades blocking anti-communist movies from being made. In fact, their attitude towards free speech mirrored the same garbage we are hearing from progressives today:
“It is difficult to support your belief in the inalienable right of man’s mind to be exposed to any thought whatever, however intolerable that thought might be to anyone else. Frequently such a right encroaches upon the right of others to live their lives. It was this inalienable right in Fascist countries which directly resulted in the slaughter of five million Jews.” – Dalton Trumbo, rejecting an article opposing left wing censorship
…who’s blocking them now? the marketing department?
*i look forward to the Death of Stalin thing. But i think the main reason there haven’t been more/better anti-commie films is that the subject is super-depressing. The Killing Fields is good, sort of, but it does sort of end up being a fluff job about journalists and a criticism of careless US govt policy instead of a genuine examination of why it is that some Cambodians thought Communism was a hot idea in the first place.
Eh, it’s not like Holocaust is a bag of laughs (proof: all those comedians bringing in the clowns) but you get movies on the topic.
I’ve not seen One, Two, Three in decades, but I remember it being
a) anti-communist
b) hilarious
says you!
But seriously, “one, two, three” is awesome and i have a copy in my DVD library.
I agree with your point that the somberness/political aspect isn’t really a good explanation of “why not more anti-commie films”. There were lots of Spy movies where commies were the bad guys, but there are very few films (none?) about actual life under communism in different places which really examined the nature of why it grew + how the movement sustained itself via repression.
Nobody could find any laughs in the holocaust.
I was expecting, “
when the clowns diedThe Day the Clown Cried” or whatever that jerry lewis concentration-camp movie wasThe Lives of Others is a fantastic anti-Communist movie, but it’s a)in German, limiting its impact in this country b)as you said, rather depressing.
*Unbearable Lightness of Being?
I’ve read this book in three different languages. Never watched the movie.
“You really haven’t experienced his prose until you’ve read it aloud in Hindi”
“You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read it in the original Klingon.”
Good Bye Lenin! is a good anti-communist movie. As the son keeps lying to his mother about the East taking in all the West Germans, the contrast grows. I think it works very well.
Budd Schulberg (screenwriter of On the Waterfront) named names, pointing out that the Communists seemed to be all for free speech as long it was speech they agreed with.
I think Iraq was bush using confirmation bias and wanted to continue dad’s work that he got criticized for not completing
Wait, only 20k protesters showed up to protest free speech? I thought it was 40k. Was that figure revised downward? Or is this FAKE NEWS?
(Seriously, though, I like how when I casually web searched to try and find an answer, I either get articles from places that I know are more than eager to print baldfaced lies and/or they’re too old if this was actually revised.)
If you support free speech and you are a nazi…everyone knows free speech was a token of naziism
Should have no and in there
I’d heard both figures, too. I just picked one at random.
Gotcha. So when did you graduate from Columbia?
I got my BA in Interpretive dance in ’92, my MFA in journalism in ’94.
OT: the Demons are relatively safe for a finals berth:
“If the Demons win: Will finish seventh, can’t make up the 16-point percentage gap on Port and Sydney.
If they lose: Will still make the finals as long as one of Essendon and West Coast loses. Could drop to ninth if the Bombers win and Eagles beat the Crows and make up the 2.3 percentage gap.
Quick take: A few nervy moments for the Demons on Sunday when the Lions came at them late, but they’re almost locked and loaded for the finals now. Beat Collingwood on Saturday and they’re in.”
In the small victories category: Carlton will not finish last.
The Eagles are playing the Crows, who have to win if they want to be sure of remaining at the top of the ladder. They are playing in Perth, though.
Essendon playing Fremantle looks less attractive, but as above, if the Dees win, they’re in.
And yeah, with Brisbane and NM fighting it out for last place, your Blues are safe.
I should have worded the first sentence differently – it didn’t need the first 4 words.
Trump uses dog whistles that only racists can hear. So how are liberal journos able to point them out?
Now here’s some quality foreign-policy snark:
I notice that despite Burge having 164k Twitter followers his reply doesn’t seem to appear on Stelter’s tweet at all, even after scrolling through a shitload of replies. Doesn’t that mean Stelter has blocked Burge, or am I not hip on Twitter mechanics? I know that Twitter has a black box formula they use when ordering replies (that is politically slanted) but not seeing it at all made me wonder.
Oh, derp, nevermind. I saw B for Ben and B for Brian and didn’t look at the actual link itself hard enough.
Good lord, Stelter’s followers are idiots. None of them seem to be worried that Trump broke a promise, just worried that he’s keeping troops in Afghanistan. Didn’t the lightbringer keep troops there?
he also added troops/rotated non-combat forces out, added fighting SF units in the last few years. There were 2 or 3 different times shit went from “just advising” to “actually fighting” after 2014 (the ostensible end of combat operations) and the news media never said boo.
mid 2016
everyone remember the howls of outrage from the public, the editorials pointing out that a president was doubling down on a failure?
me neither.
I always look forward to the foreign policy wisdom of failed novelists.
The fact that Rhodes has the nerve to comment on any foreign policy issue and that he doesn’t get roundly mocked for doing so truly shows the insanity of our day
David Burge @iowahawkblog 3 minutes ago
That’s the whole fucking point of it, you pathetic tenured moron
Dave talking bout this:
which deserves more scorn than i can summon alone. and i can summon some scorn.
I can’t help but think that even William F. Buckley would have agreed with this.
It was one thing to defend the American Nazi Party’s right to march in Skokie, Ill. in 1977, when the liberal establishment and mainstream media were still intact and American Nazi Party was a marginal fringe group. The group was offensive, but neither its actions nor its ideas posed a threat to the political or social order, which was stable. The situation is different today, with an erratic President Trump in the White House, elites in disarray and white nationalism on the rise. In this situation, and against this foe, it may be worth remembering that our constitutional rights are not unchanging abstract principles, but, as Hook and Schlesinger argued, always evaluated in terms of their consequences for society at any given historical moment.
you first, bitch. you have lost your 1A rights. bow to censorship.
That is a really wordy was to say “It’s okay when we do it”.
Nothing like a little utilitarian slide into authoritarianism.
This utterly scummy argument of “but it’s different this time!” is such a patiently horseshit excuse to clamp down on speech they don’t like. As Spiked pointed out, if America can have a Nazi rally with over twenty thousand people at a major cultural venue in a major city and not end up a fascist state any prattle about ‘OMG WHITE NATIONALISM ON THE RISE, THEREFORE OPPRESSION’ needs to be mocked for the idiocy it is.
It cannot be said enough that the people whining about authoritarians are preaching authoritarian ideals.
Also, how fucking stupid do you have to be to declare “we should restrict speech because the people I don’t like are in power and I constantly smear them with insults, therefore let them police speech”.
“elites in disarray”
Your tears are so yummy and sweet.
The situation is different today, with an erratic President Trump in the White House, elites in disarray and white nationalism on the rise.
Erratic President and elites in disarray are utterly irrelevant. No evidence that white nationalism is “on the rise”, as increased coverage of them for partisan political purposes doesn’t count. Naturally, being a highly educated elite, he is apparently unaware that, when Nazism was a rising political power in Europe and actually relevant, this country had large political rallies in support of it, but somehow not only did not become a Nazi state, but actually went to war with them within a few years.
In this situation, and against this foe, it may be worth remembering that our constitutional rights are not unchanging abstract principles, but, as Hook and Schlesinger argued, always evaluated in terms of their consequences for society at any given historical moment.
Thank God there’s a way to amend the Constitution when our constitutional rights might not be what we want.
Charles Cooke did a good one the other day
Finally, decent satire.
Ouch. Well, criticism heard.
i like that guy. still haven’t listened to his podcast..
I like that.
So finally admitting the violent strategies used by these ‘counterprotesters’, but missing the obvious. Baby steps?
Odd, that he didn’t come to the obvious solution:
Uphold free speech on campus by squashing violent protests.
Like, you know, any sane and normal person would.
-McCarthyism was good
-Nazis marching in Skokie ’77 was acceptable
-alt-right marches today are unacceptable
-alt-right speech is so divisive it should be purged from our country
-reforming 1A and curbing speech protections will allow Top Men to purge alt-right in New Wave McCarthyism
It was one thing to defend the American Nazi Party’s right to march in Skokie, Ill. in 1977, when the liberal establishment and mainstream media were still intact and American Nazi Party was a marginal fringe group.
Wait, whut?
I think she’s using liberal in its more general sense in that column as elsewhere she specifies left-liberalism.
She’s not wrong though. The liberal mainstream media seems to have been replaced with a great deal of authoritarian fuckwits calling for the government to have censorious powers.
I’ve been perusing her essays. The “liberal establishment” refers to the general political consensus of 1945 to 1980 that government was a force for good and individualism was an outdated mythos.
In other words, Reagan ruined everything.
“refers to the general political consensus of 1945 to 1980 that government was a force for good and individualism was an outdated mythos.”
As I’ve said before, fuck Richard Hofstadter for giving us the consensus thesis.
If that’s the case, going by her logic, why should the speech of Nazis be restricted because of the end of that mindset? Nazis certainly believe government is a force for good, a good she probably doesn’t approve of, but they share that same belief. Therefore, being in a period where that consensus doesn’t exist effectively means that it’s actually even less likely for Nazis to have sufficient political power, because the cultural individualism acts as an inoculation against it.
I mean, if we’re going by the logic she presents, rather than just recognize she’s an authoritarian exploiting the current political issues (You know who else was an authoritarian who exploited political issues etc., etc.).
I think she feels that since the David Brooksian belief system in big daddy government doesn’t really exist anymore among the majority, it’s too risky to continue entertaining those nutty negative rights anymore.
It’s the elevation of the collective over the individual in its most basic form, a fear of chaos.
So they want to return to a time when racism and sexism were genuine problems at a societal scale. How telling.