‘…it is not always important that individuals reason well, it is sufficient that they reason; from their individual thought, freedom is born.’’ Montesquieu
Once again, the irrational jackals looking for their pound of blood and flesh have pounced and pummelled into oblivion any remaining shred of rational thought they possessed.
This time they’re outraged! Really, really, outraged! 25%, no, 33.33% more outrage. So salty they are with Trump – ooo, that son of a bitch – Campbell’s is jealous with all the salt they use.
I’m not going to rehash what we already know and what led to this. The transcripts of what he said are available on the Internet.
Suffice to say, for me, there are no winners here as all sides have some culpability (white supremacists, Antifa, the media and the town); though, unpopular as it is it say, I do think the police stand down order, Antifa’s provocation and the media’s deliberate distortion of the facts on the ground hold the bigger slice of blame here. I worry less about a bunch of idiots congregating to spew venomous rhetoric (hey, sounds like SJW) and more about the principles of freedom of speech and expression and the right to assemble.
This is a cornerstone of our Western values that can’t be compromised and must be protected.
And like these events sometimes show, the issue becomes what possible negative outcomes are there for free speech, expression and assembly.
Here, there’s no question it is the progressive left who are a bigger threat and danger.
There have been logical fallacies a plenty. From it’s ‘okay to punch a Nazi’ to ‘if you defend their right to free speech that makes you a Nazi’ to ‘Antifa is justified in provoking’ and so on. It’s been said, I am told, Antifa are the new liberators.
If so, we’re doomed.
I think noted pillar of reading comprehension Kevin Durant spoke on behalf of all illiterates everywhere when he said, ‘…I don’t agree with what he (Trump) agrees with.’
Do we really know what Trump ‘agrees with’? Based on the full transcript of what I read I’m still not sure.
Though one must wonder if people like Durant get flustered at the abnormal amount of times prominent Democrats and progressives call for the assassination of Trump. It kinda unnerves me because murder, you know? I mean, we all know the left embrace violence, but come on, dudes! I musta missed all those times Republicans suggested Obama be killed. Alas, until Trump invites the KKK to the White House in the same manner Obama invited BLM soon after the murder of five officers, I’m gonna keep this one on ice for now.
Nonetheless, no need to keep perspective.
Let the virtue signalling commence!
Off the charts!
It’s like watching teenagers with lobotomies interpret Thomas Paine’s argument with Edmund Burke.
I just read the CFL in Canada began a ‘Diversity is strength’ campaign in response to Trump’s alleged hate for diversity. What is it with these vapid slogans? Are they some sort of Linus security blanket for people? All that was missing was Justin Trudeau as a spokesperson (heaven forbid you call Justin a spokesman) dressed in drag for an exclamation point.
Yes, because the left love diversity of ideas. And I think the word he was gunning for was pluralism.
‘Diversity by other means’ is the very definition of discrimination. Google? What they do in the name of diversity? Discrimination. The Liberal party of Canada and their degenerate style of identity governance? Discrimination.
If one group is negatively impacted through punitive measures (however subtle), in order to prop another you have…discrimination.
Even a muppet understands this. Play Safe, CFL! You’re libel to lose an eye if you keep this up.
/TSN personality nods agreeing then realizes it’s not part of the script and the nods become contorted grimaces of disagreement.
We must diverse like we never diversed before!
To cite Orwell’s 1984, the overall point was this: A world depicted in his novel is possible if man is unaware of his assaults on personal freedoms; that if he loses his right to his own thoughts we’re doomed as a free people.
This is the lesson from Charlottesville.
Well, that and the message that it’s okay to go provoke people who are allowed to congregate regardless of what you think of them.
Lemme ask, does it look like we’re winning?
Just when ‘business leaders’ weren’t already an insufferable breed of twats, they decide to resign from some useless council because of Trump’s reaction. I hope those bum taps and smug winks were worth making them look like clowns to the rest of us.
It’s interesting limousine liberal, bourgeois CEO’s blindly play into Antifa’s hands given how much the left hates corporations, no? Once ensnared, no amount of faux-right think posturing would save them from the left’s reign of terror. It’s like they don’t know the story of Murat. For those of you not in the loop, he was done in by a Girodin who were a branch of…the Jacobins.
I hope they have bigger bath tubs.
Which brings me to my first digression. Years ago I went to a notary. In the back ground, as I prepared pay the $1500 fee, I noticed pictures of Cuba and Che. I wondered if he found it odd to have pictures of left-wing sociopaths who purged and killed peasants and intellectuals who would probably shoot him too for being a ‘capitalist pig’. I wondered further if it would bother him if, say, Che Tremblay (it’s Quebec) came to power and capped what he could charge customers?
This made me think of an (depressing but revealing) end note in Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago:
31. One of our school friends was nearly arrested because of me at this time. It was an enormous relief to me to learn later that he was still free! But then, twenty-two years later, he wrote to me: “On the basis of your published works I conclude that you take a one-sided view of life…Objectively speaking, you have become the standard-bearer of Fascist reactionaries in the West, in West Germany and the United States, for example….Lenin, whom, I’m convinced, you love and honour just as much as you uses to, yes, and old Marx and Engels, too, would have condemned you in the severest fashion. Think about that!” Indeed, I do think about that: How sorry I am that you didn’t get arrested then! How much you lost!
Glibertarians hardest hit.
Moving along.
Of course, to those of us not robbed of our senses and rational bearings, Charlottesville is just another example of the collective intellectual and moral shallowness that grips hyper-partisans stalking Americans; and the West in general including my home country of Canada.
I think, as a starting point and ultimately a moot one, everyone can agree the KKK are douchebags. And that white supremacy, whatever the source of its recent little spike, is not exactly an endearing quality in a free and pluralist society.
But therein lies what’s so infuriating to the left: In a free and pluralist civilization there will be people and ideas you disagree with. I disagree with just about everything the progressive left argues. Heck, I think they’re essentially blue capped anti-humanists but this is the cross we must bear in a free world, eh?
Soon, they’ll be branding wrong think with tattoo serial numbers. What’s another tattoo for millennials? But for some of us old farts who can’t bear to ruin our skin, this is a frightening thought. I just made the jump from Irish Spring (soap for Leprechauns) to Old Spice, considering it ‘edgy’ because of the commercials.
Behind the smellful humour is a dreadful message. Modern progressive activists project their mean-spirited know-nothing drool-babblings revealing a a hideous intellectual and moral decadence very much in line with communism, socialism and fascism. There’s a rather large trail of unbecoming evidence pointing to their dark souls.
Until they admit they’re Marxist and therefore illiberal, we can never have an ‘honest conversation’ with progressives.
From holding college deans hostage to smashing people’s skulls with bike locks (so hipster-douchey, no?), to bullying random strangers in the streets, to a Berniebro shooting Republicans at a baseball game to a BLM sympathizer killing five cops (Time and again, when given the chance to truly tower above the racial divide, Obama chose to swim in with the swine), I think we can discern a pattern of behaviour here as a matter of established fact.
As if that’s not enough, they have the nerve to compare themselves to World War II veterans who fought the Axis powers and gave their lives to it in the most destructive war in world history. The horror of humanity they saw, Antifa can’t imagine from their safe spaces.
Antifa are nothing like war heroes. They’re thugs; not liberators. They just haven’t gotten around to choosing their color is all.
We’re told to fear white supremacists, but we should worry about the left more.
No one is talking about taking Mr. Jefferson’s deluxe apartment in the sky away, but progressive reprobates are trying to remove your right to free speech and expression.
Back to Charlottesville.
I think it’s pretty obvious what happened. A group got a permit to exercise their right to assemble. Another group not liking the message went to protest them. Both came prepared to fight. And found it with a tragic result. There are no winners and there is plenty of blame to go around. But we’re led to believe there’s only one party to blame?
I don’t think so.
Now the spill over of doxxing people begins and has already claimed an innocent victim.
The last part is probably the most disturbing trend. They search out people’s backgrounds and without a shred of evidence or context will publicly shame them with the aim of destroying their lives. It’s reminiscent of The Ox-Bow Incident about how a mob driven by revenge kill innocent people without evidence.
It’s Salem 2.0 is what it is.
And they’re supposed to be the good guys? What happens when they mistakenly dox another person and this time a life is lost? What then?
Let’s take a look at this from another angle. Had white supremacists crashed the ‘March for Women’ and violence ensued, how would people react and the media respond?
I can’t believe we have to keep repeating this: People and groups are allowed freedom to associate and assembly regardless of message or of what others think of their beliefs.
I thought the ‘March for science’ was the usual vacuous showcase in numbskullery. The speeches I heard there and at the ‘March for Women’ were offensive and useful only to the loose lint on your couch where actual advancement of philosophical discourse is concerned.
But I would never ever demand their voices be silenced. They had every right to march and be heard, however idiotic. What possible purpose could be served in shutting down speech even if I think it’s dangerous to science? I can but offer a counter argument and keep them engaged.
When speech is seen as violence by the government, we may as well abandon The Constitution (and The Charter here in Canada – however, feeble in its commitment to liberty) and wipe the crumbs from our mouths with it.
Even if you feel morally upset by such persons or groups it doesn’t accord you the right to violently suppress their rights.
Repeat after me and Grover: You don’t have the right to violently suppress people’s right to free speech, expression and assembly on any grounds because you feel offended.
That goes for anyone and any group. There is no middle ground where our right to express ourselves is concerned.
If you do not accept this, then you’re exactly what you claim to be fighting and are driven by a tribal, emotional, misguided and distorted righteousness thus making you as dangerous to liberty as the persons or groups you abhor. You’ve conceded you won’t (or can’t) sell or promote your ideas in the realm of civil discourse.
In other words, you’re mob rule. What you advocate, lazily, is to legitimize government force against your opponents.
I’m horrified by how easily people are prepared to allow the jack boot of the government on the necks of people who happen to hold a different opinion.
To repeat. You can’t keep attacking innocent people physically and verbally, shutting down streets, shouting down people debating differing points of views, changing the language of discourse to suit your narratives, accosting people through guilt by association and so on and not expect retaliation.
Either you have freedom of speech and expression or you don’t. There’s no such thing as ‘balanced’ speech. If you believe there is, then you’re half-way to censorship.
At this point, I’d like to theorize that both these groups have little to do with anything our common liberal heritage bestowed upon our wretched, undeserving souls.
As collectivist identity groups, it’s less a left versus right battle and more of a left versus left engagement I theorize. Just like we saw in the early 20th century when communists fought socialists and both fought fascists.
Each of these ideologies were under the socialist umbrella with fascism lying to the right of communism and socialism.
In other words, it was a fight among illiberals and this event in Virginia was no different. If you’re identity hinges on collectivism or notions of the ‘greater good’ via government coercion, you’re illiberal.
Or, if you prefer pop culture analogies, it’s like a SJW version of The Riddler fighting The Penguin over who is more of a victim of the patriarchy.
Other than that, they’re also a bunch of illiterates deliberately mangling the facts of history through circular logic to fit their half-assed narratives and theories rooted in false premises and unhinged logical fallacies. No, that you defend the KKK’s right to free speech doesn’t mean you ‘tacitly’ condone them. If this passes as an argument, all I can say is go buy yourself a helmet because you’re in danger of getting a concussion.
Moreover, if they want to be taken seriously they should probably stop depicting Trump as both a Nazi and a fascist. Pick one and stick to it.
No, indeed, it’s not about the principle or the morality.
Standing for principles are the ones where you accept under all circumstances the right to free speech, expression and assembly when it’s in distress and under assault while not advocating for violence yourself.
Now, at this point, some may wonder why should a Canadian care? Oh, care we must. The United States is not alone in dealing with this and their bad ideas tend to find its way up here. They’re just the biggest black head on the face of Western civilization that everyone sees. America serves as the perfect distraction for the rest of the world.
Lucky them. Or us. Whatever.
There’s an uncomfortable adherence to a left-wing ideology which is a beautiful martini on the surface, but it’s a poisonous virus deep below and transcends national borders. So where principals over principles prevail, a loss of perspective easily pulls people in.
We all lose if liberty is lost. What’s the point of existing if you have no freedom to express your opinion? Note, I am not suggesting if you’re opinion is bad there can’t be consequences but that’s best for a free society to determine and not through the coercive action of the state. If the state regulates speech, you’re not free.
One of the valuable lessons in Solzhenitsyn’s writings is to describe in detail how destructively slow this process really is. It’s almost impossible to criticize it without being told you have a ‘one-sided view of life’. The left always claim to have a nuanced view on life but when you examine and explore their views and arguments further, you realize it’s anything but. It’s just cold, naked, anti-humanism and always somehow ends up in death.
It’s communism by other means. Antifa and its ilk doesn’t care for principles of liberty. Their movement is not predicated on the philosophy of advancing liberty in the context of classical Western value. Far from it in fact. Indeed, they are hostile to it.
Antifa is where one finds notions of ‘white privilege’ and the West being a racist and murderous civilization.
Nothing more dangerous than a group of people thinking they can right the wrongs of the past and present in an effort to control the future.
Their entire outlook sits on a bedrock of illiberalism. If they were to ever achieve power they’d behave exactly like the Taliban, Jacobins or Bolsheviks slowly purging wrong think.
I’d be lined up against the wall. So would all of you here. And those useful idiots in the CEO ranks.
This is true.
Who will take to the streets in defence of freedom of speech, expression and assembly? Who will speak for it? This is the question.
I do see a boatload of petty opportunistic buffoons willing to squish and squash speech in a misguided attempt to stupidly ‘civilize’ discourse though. Nothing could be more barbaric I say!
Don’t let Trump or any other politician allow us to forget this cherished principle.
Boy, did it really take me this long to say the left are not nice people who project their rage and anger and live a miserable, empty existence void of any principles?
Moving forward, expect no ‘peak derp’ while the creepy and cowardly molluscum cult (led by intellectually deficient celebrities and fake journalists toeing a splendidly regressive narrative wallowing in their cheap, unreasonable, unhelpful, smug didactics) will continue to get their cues from a vapid Obamabot tweet.
The left are living in a post-retard bizarro world and we get to watch them burn down any shred of moral decency and intellectual currency they had left; a world where they get to be Super-Man while acting like Lex Luthor. Where they simultaneously get to co-opt bravery with veterans while denigrating Western civilization and its values.
If you ask this uncucked Canuck, it seems to me this petty band of illiberal, dilapidated delusional clowns are a direct danger to liberal values because they hold more influence over policy at the moment.
I don’t know what will come of this and if there will be a tipping point. I do know one thing though. Glibertarians will never be able to solve the deep-dish divide and we’re definitely on someone’s blackball list somewhere in Leftopia.
Update: Currently, as I began this post (forcing me to revise it a couple of times), there’s a right-wing rally along with a counter-protest in Boston. By all accounts it’s peaceful so far.
This is an inspired rant. I imagine you were pounding the keyboard as you typed
I got a little Unabomber feel. That’s a compliment, BTW.
Hoi zäme!
Not to detract from this, Rufus, as I really enjoyed the piece, but the ‘deep dish divide’ is settled. It has been scientifically proven that Chicago style deep dish pizza is superior to all other pizzas.
It is not even a pizza. You must have asked Michael Mann for the statistics.
Pizza Denier
Oh, pizza exists, it just doesn’t come in a deep dish.
Deep dish is actually some kind of casserole. It’s not a coincidence it is named similar to “hot dish”.
**Hopefully clutches recipe for pizza casserole**
I was following until these cropped up.
What’s wrong with real pepperoni? And can we trade the olives for something less contentious?
Turkey bacon and turkey pepperoni is just mournful.
Eh. I just follow the process and use whatever toppings I please. I’m assuming she’s going for lower fat than what you’d get if you used real pepperoni. Notice she also uses poultry sausage and low fat mozzarella.
Fat is good, carbs are bad. So if you are eating pizza, you have already failed, so why go low fat?
Hey, I’m right there with you. … Sort of. I don’t low carb, but I definitely don’t low fat, either. (I average ~80 grams of fat/day or more.)
Pepperoni and black olive is the perfect pizza. But real pepperoni. Like from goat.
Olives should only exist in martinis. Or to be smashed for olive oil.
YAS. Olives suck.
Are you trying to be worse than Nicole?
I dont know what the hell kind of abomination turkey pepperoni is but the olives are easy to deal with. Pepperoni is a 2:1 pork/beef sausage. Turkeys dont enter into it.
Don’t use sliced olive, use chopped. Sprinkle a mild layer of your cheese over the entire pizza, then sprinkle with the chopped black olives, then another slightly heavier layer of cheese. That is the last topping you put on. In my experience even people that aren’t big olive fans find that quite delicious.
Okay, clicked on that, that looks gross.
Proof that deep dish pizza isnt a casserole…I dislike casseroles.
It doesn’t matter what it looks like; what matters is the taste.
Are we still doing phrasing, or nah?
It can be tasty. Isn’t pizza, though. If you can’t pick it up and eat it with your hands, it isn’t pizza.
Science denier
Have some of Riven’s casserole. You’ll feel better.
It might not look pretty or civilized, but I can surely eat it with my hands.
Who gives a fuck?
*slices pineapple*
Literally worse than Hitler
Deep dish pizza and tater tot casserole. Is there anything the midwest can’t fuck up?
Give them a break, clearly they lack flat pans.
I challenge you to a knife fight for besmirching the honor of the Midwest. Eating fattening food is a Midwestern tradition and I won’t have you tarnishing this great custom
I decline.
*sets glove aside smugly*
You ever see what Midwesterners do to their strange version of a thin crust pizza? They cut it into a bunch of little squares. A while back my BIL was traveling in the Midwest for his job, and he ordered a pizza to take out, and told the guy “don’t cut it, just hand me the cutter” and then cut it like a pizza should be cut. The guy asked him why he cut it like that and my BIL goes “so you can do this” and picked up a slice, folded it, and ate it the way God intended.
I hate “tavern-cut” pizza. It’s an abomination. And so is their stupid wafer crust. F*** Donatos!
*balls up fist*
God I love tater tot hot dish… Mr. Riven makes it for me sometimes and the leftovers usually only last a day, tops.
*fries chicken cornbread, makes collard greens, adds 1lb of sugar to black tea*
What’s that you guys are saying about baked tater tots?
Your definition of pizza is incorrect. I wouldn’t be surprised if you considered this a pizza.
Not that the tomato casserole served in Chicago is bad, but it’s not pizza.
YOU tell that to these places.
That list sucks. Pete’s Pizza on Western Avenue isn’t on the list. What a disgrace.
From your own link: Why Deep Dish Can’t Be Considered Pizza in a Court of Law
For Chicago cuisine, I’ll take the Italian Beef sandwich over Deep Dish every day. Although I have managed to eat at one of the locations on that list on one of my brief visits to Chicago.
*sigh* at the EU
First off, Neapolitan Tomato Pie isn’t Pizza, the EU trying to claim it is is just pathetic.
Here’s a brief history of Pizza.
Before it was born, The Colombian Exchange brought non-deadly nightshades to Europe. After a while, desperate souls decided to try to eat them and found they could be consumed. After this, some Guinea threw it on a crust and made early tomato pie. This protoform migrated with Italians into New York, where they realized through the power of cultural appropriation that if other things were added to their tomato pie, they could make the glory that is Pizza.
Out west, hearing rumors of this great creation, but lacking in flat pans, the mid-country souls invented the bastard child of the casserole and the tomato pie. While flavorful, this ‘deep dish’ was not pizza, and could have been it’s own glory, had it not tried to claim the title from the true owner.
Then Mussilini happened and the soldiers from the States wandered back through Italy. This brought knowledge of the true pizza back through the land of the tomato pie. Lacking in recent accomplishments, the defeated Italians tried to claim to have been the source, introducing the sickly mutant that is the Neapolitan pie which, in addition to not being pizza, is unsatisfying and weak.
The EU, being a regulatory juggarnaut, mislabeled it and put requirements on irrelevent attributes of its manufacture as an industrial protectionism measure. This failed to aid the Italians, who are still grossly unemployed.
See! This right here. This is why you don’t read the articles, just read the titles and run with them. Reading the articles can expose you to painful levels of ignorant reporters, who state easily falsified information as true facts.
Reading the article – Not even once.
Important Stuff they don’t teach you in high school.
You might as well deny the existence of the sun, plebian
All that was missing was Justin Trudeau as a spokesperson (heaven forbid you call Justin a spokesman) dressed in drag for an exclamation point.
Not drag. First Nations buckskin-and-fringe regalia, complete with eagle feather war bonnet.
Can’t it be both?
Nope. I pay people to edit for me.
And I was just saying something about leftists claiming to be “nuanced”… man, I’ve really grown to hate that word.
The Google Memo was closer to nuanced than any of the screeds that claim to be.
Yeah, too bad more people didn’t actually read the Google memo instead of what the lamestream media claimed it said.
You mean that misogynist screed that advocated chaining women to the kitchen stove and binding their feet so they can’t walk away from their household duties?
No, no, he means the misogynist screed that purported women to be intellectual inferiors to men, with little to no hope of ever obtaining achievements worthy of much merit in the tech industry.
*Thunderous applause, Tear wipe.
You nailed it. If I still social media’d I’d definitely repost. IRTT…..does abstaining from social media make you immune to doxxing?
No, but it does reduce your risk factors.
Ah, thanks. You’d never see me anywhere near a protest/counter protest but I wondered anyway.
I do think the police stand down order, Antifa’s provocation and the media’s deliberate distortion of the facts on the ground hold the bigger slice of blame here.
If by “bigger slice”, you mean 98% of the pie, I agree.
I think it’s pretty obvious what happened. A group got a permit to exercise their right to assemble. Another group not liking the message went to protest them. Both came prepared to fight.
My impression is that the alt-right leaders were pretty clear that they did not want to start a fight (at least overtly). Naturally, not being complete idiots, they prepared to be assaulted (again) by antifa, and I’m sure they saw being attacked again by antifa as a good outcome for The Movement. That said, antifa came with the intention to commit violence. I believe that if antifa hadn’t started it (and video now mysteriously missing from YouTube shows they did), there wouldn’t have been any. Maybe that’s naive.
The police steered the two groups into each other, and then stood back while violence ensued. I’m willing to believe the cops were so stupid that they steered the groups into each other more or less by accident, but the ensuing stand-down in the face of a riot cannot be attributed to anything but malice.
In my book, the alt-righters pretty clearly held the high moral ground in Charlottesville. Think about that – the government and antifa managed to surrender the high moral ground to white supremacists. That’s the state of the US today.
Speaking of which, I hope everyone here has signed the petition to declare the alt-right a terror group.
Stupid computer. That should be the petition to declare antifa a terror group. I blame global warming.
Why not both?
At this point, I’m not aware of the alt-right engaging in an extended campaign of violence for political ends. But I also am vigorously ignoring most of the media, and have been for months, so its possible I’ve missed something.
When they do, they can share cells with antifa.
Aren’t you forgetting the 241 years of bigotry and violence against women/blacks/POC/LGBTQIALMNOP?
I’d embolden the derp Hihn style, but screw tags.
I’m willing to believe the cops were so stupid that they steered the groups into each other more or less by accident
I hope you’re right, but I wouldn’t put it past them to have done that on purpose. Psychos.
Oh with McCauliffe involved, this was on purpose. In fact, they have been trying to get something like this to happen for a very long time now. The left has been dying for something to backup their narrative of how violent the right was and groups like Antifa and union goons have spent over a year trying to get said violence to happen. Remember that just a month or so before this shit some douchebag shot at republicans and the dnc operatives with bylines after excusing him, buried the story. With the whole Russia-gate bullshit narrative coming to an ugly end – especially with the real investigations pivoting to the criminal activities of various Obama admin people or Hillary herself – and their other attempts to undermine the Trump admin and the weaponized government Obama was hooping to turn over to Hillary not working, they needed another distraction to keep going with their resistance campaign.
We may never get the truth from these people, but I will be absolutely surprised if this turns out not to have been a manufactured situation which ended up finally producing the results the left had been pining for so they could demand all discussion on topics they want to bury because they can’t defend them with either facts or logic, be stopped.
While linking to petition about antifa… I expected better from you, RC.
Hey, I corrected it two freakin’ minutes later, and three minutes before your post.
Chalk it up to the large overlap in their fundamental belief systems?
I got distracted by the petition itself.
Do you think they’ll actually do it, or just issue a statement acknowledging the petition?
What binds the WH to respond to an online petition? Is the site government run or was this just a promise Obama made?
It’s just a promise. When they re-booted the petition site, they reiterated the promise, but there’s no redress not legislative force to make them do jack.
It’s bread and circuses all the way through. There are lots of petitions that Obama never answered and to my knowledge Trump has not answered a single one yet.
Anyone who thinks the cops and the city of Charlottesville don’t deserve a massive heaping of blame can FUCK. OFF.
They had one job – to prevent violence. They comprehensively, utterly failed. And their excuse (“Ve vere chust followink orders!”) doesn’t get the cops off the hook, although it does give them some company.
So I listened to what the RACIST NAZI SCUM actually said what happened. Yes, disclaimer: they represent everything I hate, but they themselves say they were funneled through an antifa gauntlet to evacuate on the rally was cancelled. Maybe they’re lying. I’m trying to piece this together from the other side of the world and everybody is full of shit in their reporting. Frustrating to say the least.
There is plenty of video of it happening on youtube that seems to support that claim.
The one time no one wants to blame the cops. Bizarre
They were ordered to stand down…
Well, when a piece of shit like Wes Bellamy is the vice mayor, color me completely unsurprised that the whole thing was a fiasco.
Bill Whittle annihilating SJWs and their antifa wing.
Something else for Rufus to rant about: Noted piece of shit, Nick Gillespie, smears Ron Paul as the impetus in creating the alt-right
Decades of fighting for smaller government and less intrusion into people’s lives is dismissed because some asshole talked to him at a convention. Goddamned do I hate “libertarians” sometimes.
I’m tempted. Instead I direct my hate towards worthless self-aggrandizing scum like Gillespie himself.
Correction: ‘cosmotarians’. They are not like us- for them the height of liberty is free trade (but, they’re ok with managed trade) and open immigration. The rest (like all that stuff about individual liberty) is secondary.
Move toward more liberty for the individual. Either they understand the inherent danger of government or they don’t. I don’t care. Most people don’t understand or they do understand and think they can wield the power in a way that will only hurt their enemies. It’s crazy. The liberals of the 60’s and 70’s spent their lives fighting against government over reach. Gillespie is a goddamned traitor to liberty.
I miss the liberals of even the 1990’s. Remember when liberals were in an uproar because Wal-Mart wouldn’t stock CDs with parental advisory warning labels? Sure, it’s a private company, they argued, but the spirit of free speech should be preserved. Now, their children want to ban everything
I grew up in the 70’s and and by the time I was in high school I began to see why they would be against censorship and morality legislation. It was eye opening and I began to question the dogma that I had been spoon fed at public school. IOW, the people who questioned government power were from the side that my parents weren’t on. Now their ancestors are biggest censors and prudes on the planet.
I was constantly told that the conservatives on the right would not just make the world into a giant Amish commune, but that they would demand to monitor and make sure I only had missionary position sex with my wife and that it was done for procreation and not fun. Fast forward, and I am now getting told all sex on campus is rape and government should control the rapist male population. Only thing is that it is not those religious fanatics pushing this crazy shit, but the people that worship the state and Gaia doing it.
Go fucking figure..
At least in the 90s they had good music
and good fashion.The labels that were required because of Al Friggin Gore? Yes.
I’ll be damned, he finally did it.
Ugh, I clicked on Gillespie’s Twitter. There’s even more high-grade retardation there beyond that.
How many libertarians will noted asshole Nick Gillespie and his ilk throw under the bus before they have sufficiently virtue-signaled? Will it just end with everyone at the Mises Institute, thereby appeasing the Kochs or will it keep going to include Massie and Senator Paul, who are both associated with the ideas of the Mises Institute?
“How many libertarians will noted asshole Nick Gillespie and his ilk throw under the bus before they have sufficiently virtue-signaled? ”
All of them.
At this point, if Gillespie gave a shit about liberty the best thing he could do is retire. The man’s an embarrassment.
Bet Crusty Juggler and company might be regretting staying with Reason, right about now. I miss some of those guys.
I felt Crusty started out cool, then turned into a dick.
Ditto. I’m not missing most of the remainders.
I wonder if it’s brain damage from some of the leather tanning chemicals…
Didn’t he become a vegan a while back?
Must be some fantastic cocktail parties.
Between Nick and Sarwark we seem to be approaching the singularity of libertarian stupidity.
Ron Paul didn’t create the damn alt-right. Nick is sliding deeper and deeper into dipshit pit.
Ron Paul is the “right” version of Bernie. He attracted people who liked someone speaking outside of the normal confines of political discourse in America. That meant that lots of Ron Paul “supporters” didn’t even necessarily agree with everything he said. They liked what he represented.
That said, I respect what Paul did for getting the libertarian message air time, but his “just asking questions” shtick and tip toeing around the fringes of libertarianism always turned me off.
In all seriousness, please expand on that last point. I’m genuinely curious. If we are talking about the newsletters, I don’t think you’ll find anyone to defend them, but it is strange to me that Paul still gets attacked for them while Jeffrey Tucker is left unscathed (it is rumored that Tucker and Rockwell wrote them). And I like Jeffrey Tucker, but everyone has ugly skeletons in their closet (Reason had a whole issue dedicated to the work of a Holocaust denier in the 1970’s).
Paul has always been friendly with the paleolibertarian and conspiracy theory portions of libertarianism.
I’m not saying there’s necessarily anything wrong with that, just that it’s not my cup of tea. Like, I don’t think he’s a secret racist nationalist or anything. I just think he finds himself more at home around people like Lew Rockwell ad Justin Raimondo than I do
That’s a fair point. Paul, Rothbard, Raimondo, and Rockwell all jumped on the Pat Buchanan campaign in the 90’s. I can see why this turns people off. To be fair, though, these guys associated with the Mises Institute have always been about opposing war first and foremost (which can certainly not be said about CATO, Reason, or other Koch affiliated groups) and whatever people may say about Buchanan (his recent articles have been unsettling in my opinion) he has been stridently opposed to war since the 1980’s (that’s why MSNBC kept him around during the Bush years).
But, Paul from 2008 forward has really distanced himself from that stuff. I’ll grant you that the anti-Fed rhetoric sometimes borders on the conspiratorial, but not really from Paul himself- more so people who latch on to what he is saying. I can see this being a big turn-off, though. I tend to like Paul, because of his strident opposition to war, which is also what makes me sympathetic to a lot of Mises Institute people (with the exception of Rockwell, who I don’t care for, and Hoppe, who is off the deep end).
Some of it probably depends on what you prioritize. I am generally against military adventurism and intervention, but I am far from a pacifist, thus the Mises Institute is not my favorite collection of libertarians.
Gillespie’s insinuation that Paul is responsible for the supposed “alt-right” is asinine, though.
I would probably be inclined to overlook a lot of the Mises people’s issues if they didn’t let their anti-war stance turn into full Chomskyism. The Sheldon Richman position (that conjured a horrible image) that starts from the supposition that America and its foreign affairs are the first thing to blame for any problem.
I am not a pacifist and I don’t think that is what the Mises Institute is arguing. I also think that they are right that a lot of foreign policy problems are the fault of American actions. I’m not suggesting that the US is the root of all evil (and I don’t think they’d argue that either). I’m saying that America has betrayed its purpose and has devolved into an empire and all empires face collapse.
I actually disdain the fact that Brink Lindsey is allowed to work at CATO. There is no difference between Lindsey’s foreign policy and that of Dick Cheney
Nick was already going off in interviews about how libertarianism is apparently a hotbed of anti-Semitism. He’s been in the dipshit pit for awhile.
Not that this really matters, but didn’t he say somewhere he’s always been registered with the Dems or the Repubs?
So, how much longer before Reason starts explicitly advocating for “liberaltarianism”?
They already pimp guaranteed income. That ship sailed awhile back.
I support a guaranteed income equal to the minimum wage – $0
I actually can see an argument for UBI….provided that it replaces every current form of welfare. Get rid of massive swaths of bureaucracy and just send people a check on January 1. What they do with that money is entirely up to them.
Of course, that would never happen, and the basic income would simply be an addition to the myriad already existing welfare programs.
If you actually did that you would have tuckloads of people who took their checks and went to vegas or bought a car and are now screaming that they don’t gots no food to feed dey chillunz and deys gonna DIE! I will bet you the crispiest 10 dollar bill in the drawer on that.
Katrina writ large…
I have often proposed an experiment when discussing wealth redistribution with the usual morons where I posed the question of what they think the world would look like a week after someone magically reset the world and everyone woke up with equal shares of the pie. After the dumb looks and me pointing out that by the end of the week the poor decisions makers would again be broke and poor while most of the people that create wealth would be wealthy yet again (have too allow for people like Paris Hilton), I would usually get grumbles. Ask them how things would look a year down the line. Then ask them how often we would need to reset to finally get everyone to realize what the real problem was.
These people never talked wealth redistribution shit with me after that..
I know a guy that was hit by a car when he was 7 and got an $80k trust fund settlement out of it that he inherited at age 18. He is now 36 and has spent all of it years ago with absolutely nothing to show for it. No house, no car, no degree, nothing. He has to work 60 hours a week just to stay above water.
I hate to be a dick about it, but it rare in my experience that people in financial difficulties tend to permanently remain there when they are making the right life choices and working hard to turn that ship around. The ones that go for instant gratification and have suffer from the standard control issues on the other hand could be given a million dollars, and they would find a way to piss it all away in short order…
So split it up for a quarterly payment. This also has the added benefit of keeping people from collecting their UBI check in January and getting a job in February.
I should assume in our thought experiment we would necessarily leave a contingency to pay back the UBI check should one get a job.
I thought Universal Income was unlinked to any other factors, so employment would not be an issue.
Darn me and wanting to follow every subthread (limiting the number of refreshes so I can see new comments)
Yeah… that’s kind of the point. Universal Basic Income. Everyone gets it, that way you don’t need the bureaucracy to check eligibility and so forth. Any work you do just adds more income on top of it.
Ignoring what it would do with inflation on items, I can understand the argument for it in general. I think it has a lower chance of being enacted as people push it then the Fair Tax.
I can understand the argument for it in general.
In theory, its better than the current system.
In practice, it would be somewhere on the spectrum from “no worse” to “a hell of a lot worse”. None of the dynamics that make our current welfare system such a shitshow would go away. Its like Reagan’s tax reform – it was good while it lasted, and now the system is worse than it was then.
My dad always said that the solution to hungry people in the US would be to have a bulk bins of red beans and long grain rice available for anyone to take a pound of each for free. You won’t go hungry, but you won’t be getting variety either.
So, something like the Roman grain dole?
I would rather call it “subsistence”. Plenty of sci-fi writings refer to “subbies”
For theory’s sake set the amount to boarding room + food @ 2/3 the national average for that. To cover the “but I spent it all” argument you would take the current EBT card system, and make the week’s $$$ active on the account say about 4am monday morning. A bit too late to pay for the weekend partying, but just early enough for breakfast, + bus fare if the person is a working subbie. If you spend all of your money, you + children won’t starve before the card re-loads the next week. You want better than your subsistence?.. work for it…
That doesn’t seem to incentivize people on welfare in subsidized housing to get off their ass and work though.
I actually can see an argument for UBI
Free Shit?
Give me sum ov ur munny!?
You said it well Swissy!
You would have truckloads of voters that stay home, collect the UBI check, beat off, and play WOW all day. This is not a good thing for the country, as we have seen when welfare programs go too generous (1990’s) or disability and SNAP (today).
But the dole seems to work so well in the UK.
“Do we really know what Trump ‘agrees with’? Based on the full transcript of what I read I’m still not sure.”
I’ve long maintained that Trump didn’t win the election despite being accused of brown-shirt tactics at his rallies, being accused of misogyny for the sexual assaults suits against him, braggadocio about “pussy grabbing”, etc.
Trump didn’t win in spite of being accused of those things in the media. Trump because he was accused of those things in the media.
The reason that’s so compelling to so many voters in middle America is because they’ve all been painted with the same racist, homophobic, xenophobic, brush, too. They’re racist because they’re white, homophobic because they’re vaguely Christian, xenophobic because they think our immigration laws should be enforced, stupid because they won’t sacrifice their standard of living for climate change, and now they’re neo-Nazis if they have what we used to call “Southern pride”?
Average people see Trump smeared as these things in the media–just like they are by the same elitists–and, sure, they look at Trump and think, “Gabba Gabba, one of us!”
Do you know who had a lower approval rating when Trump was elected than either Trump or Hillary?
The correct answer is “The news media”.
—-Gallup, two weeks before Trump was elected.
That 32% includes self-identified Democrats.
It says that 14% of Republicans express trust in the media–down from 32% of Republicans the year before.
Average Americans have the distinct impression that the elitists on the left despise them , and I suspect the reason they feel that way is because the elitists on the left truly despise them. Ask a progressive why Trump voters feel like the Democrats despise them, and I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts they tell about why Trump voters should be despised.
So long Trump remains the left’s whipping boy, stand-in for the hated middle America, his supporters in middle America will continue to stand behind him. Never mind Trump’s position on any issue, so long as the media continues to flog him as a stand-in for the average Americans that the left hates, average Americans will continue to believe that he’s their stand-in.
I have to admit to feeling that way myself sometimes. Intellectually, I support Trump insofar as he tried to cut entitlement spending (especially Medicaid), continues to deregulate, continues to pursue cutting corporate taxes, etc. I oppose insofar as he opposes capitalism and the government’s duty to protect our rights. Emotionally, if the SJW’s hate Trump so much, it makes me feelz like he can’t be all bad. For people who tend to be more emotionally driven than I am on such things, they presumably feelz even more like that than I do.
Given that dynamic, it doesn’t really matter where Trump stands on the issues. His biggest danger is no longer being seen as the epitome of all that’s evil by the left, but at this point, I don’t think that’s likely to happen. If winning the next election mean the left has to stop hating on middle America and everything they stand for, then they’d rather lose.
Here’s the link to that Gallup poll:
What has the media to improve their image since the election?
P.S. It’s a rhetorical question, dumb ass!
Given that dynamic, it doesn’t really matter where Trump stands on the issues. His biggest danger is no longer being seen as the epitome of all that’s evil by the left, but at this point, I don’t think that’s likely to happen. If winning the next election mean the left has to stop hating on middle America and everything they stand for, then they’d rather lose.
Well said. They would rather hate, lose, and throw tantrums than learn to forgive their ideological opponents and use that compassion to better understand their loss. I thought the post-election outrage would last a couple months at the most, but it’s only gotten worse. As puzzled as I was to see all the vitriol flung at Trump from the media, after what I thought was a pretty measured and reasonable response to the violence in VA, it made sense to me when I realized, “They’re still mad about losing!”
If the left and the media (but I repeat myself) haven’t learned by now, they won’t, ever. They’re the new Bourbons – they learn nothing and forget nothing. Shame it had to happen this way.
Why you think people that constantly make excuses for the evils of communism would ever feel compelled to have compassion for their enemies simply leaves me baffled..
Maybe this rates a stand-alone post but damn, it has got be exhausting to be so outraged all the time. Forgiveness allows people to let the baggage go and start anew.
Just look at these pathetic screaming heads in the media and academia and the political establishment. They can barely hide how miserable they are. Even when they win it’s not enough. Always pushing onto the next struggle, endlessly.
Can’t help but feel that if they just learned to let it go, they’d feel the quiet peace that makes life tolerable. Maybe one’ enemies don’t deserve forgiveness, but that doesn’t mean one should withhold it either. To the contrary, I think that makes it all the more necessary.
“Just look at these pathetic screaming heads in the media and academia and the political establishment. They can barely hide how miserable they are. Even when they win it’s not enough. Always pushing onto the next struggle, endlessly.”
That’s because these people revel in the pain & misery of those they consider their enemies. And have no doubt you are considered as an enemy if you will not only walk the line they tell you to, but revere them for that.
At the risk of making some of the worlds most evil and vile people sound cool, I believe they live by the philosophy of Crom Conan spouted when asked about the meaning of life:
To crush your enemies. To see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women
Granted these days they want lamentations from males, especially the white males, and they occasionally still pretend they don’t play for keeps, but you have to be pretty daft not to see that for them the end justifies the means, and they will enjoy walking over your dying body to go grab their trophy.
Because when Bush won in 2004, they bitched for a couple months, then got their shit together and took the House in 2006 and the Senate and WH in 2008, flipping the script from “Indestructible Republican Hegemony” to “Indestructible Democrat Hegemony”.
So long Trump remains the left’s whipping boy, stand-in for the hated middle America, his supporters in middle America will continue to stand behind him.
I tend to doubt it. Intimidation works.
I don’t know how it is in other areas, but in my blue state the union thugs hanging out on the sidewalk near polling areas trying to “get a minute of your time” on the way to early voting is enough to keep some seniors from going to the polls. And those union workers – at least in my state – ain’t stumping for Republicans. They used to confine this to the big cities, but over time they have begun to fan out to suburban voting places.
I think the Democrats were shocked that Trump won. Since political parties are one-trick ponies, they must have felt their intimidation tactics weakened and they are stepping them up big time.
I’ve been visiting civil war sites and memorials to CSA generals all week. It fills me with deep sadness to think that my children will probably not get to see them as they will most likely be quietly removed by cowardly civil servants or torn down by shit heel leftist mobs. IDK when the masses decided that history must be viewed through a revisionist lens of righteousness vs pure evil but if feels like we are losing (or maybe already lost) something intangible that we won’t get back.
When I was in boarding school, the cafeteria director’s name was Robert Robert Roberts the VII.
His grandson was enrolled in the school. His name was Robert Robert Roberts the IX.
In the eternal struggle between reverence for tradition and being accused of a lack of imagination, tradition won, at least, nine times in a row.
If I’d been Robert Robert Roberts the IV, I’d have named my first son “Quentin Roberts” and just left it at that.
Rather than Kendall Kendall Kendalls, I’d rather name my kid Evel Knievel Shultz–or something like that.
Stiv Bators Shultz?
What about Bob?
Oh…I scratched my head for a minute trying to figure out WTF you were talking about. My handle is a play on the “Chad Chaderson” that yelled for Bill Weld to fuck off late in the LP campaign. Have together back to workout I’d link the TOS article.
*back to work
…. as though it was very narrowly-focused prior to that.
Seriously, was the first bit about Charlottesville? Because i felt like donny.
Whoever wrote that screed is an idiot.
I wasn’t saying that. Just that its a style somewhere between “stream of consciousness” and “waterslide of impulsive thoughts”
You misunderstand. Who ever wrote that screed is an idiot.
/takes bi-polar pill.
I think you mean Marat not Murat and liable not libel.
Not too bad for a poutine & maple syrup eater. It’s pretty long so I’m wondering when you had the time… don’t you work??
Snark aside, very nice Rufus!
Marat. Error. I deserve to be scolded and ridiculed for that.
Hah no! It’s been years since I read anything in detail about the French Revolution so not only looked up Marat but first Murat, Napoleon’s in-law.
I ALWAYS make that mistake. It’s one of those brain cramps I can’t overcome.
Molot, Marat, Monet, what’s the diff?
Molon? Moran? Mogen-David?
Are they making that froggy gay?
I figured you just got him confused with Hajji Murat.
Antifa are the new
liberatorsNazis.It’s like Kristallnacht all up in here.
That’s exactly what we got going on with this bullshit right now.
With the possible exception of the farthest left cities, I don’t believe an actual pogrom could take place in modern America. It’s really hard to burn someone’s house down when you’re being shot at.
You don’t think that the dnc operatives with bylines would spin the story to make the guy that defended his house from the antifa bombers the bad guy? And then would accuse anyone daring too point out that the scumbag deserved to be shoot from being motivated by whatever ism or privileged they are trying to peddle as the root of all evil?
I remind you that we have had lots of real fucking violence that they not only defended but the buried the stories on, but somehow have gone to a 24/7 news cycle about the one incident where the antifa crowd, with a lot of help of the democrat controlled authorities, managed to create a situation helpful to the narrative.
Any pogrom will have to be enforced by local LEO. The feds simply will never have enough resources to be able to do that across the country. That story’s spin might be accepted in LA or NYC where an individual cop will have some amount of anonymity due to the size of the local population. But in Bumfuck, GA that cop kicking in the door goes to the same church, sends his kids to the same school, shops at the same Piggly Wiggly for groceries as everyone else
“This makes the mistake of assuming that both sides are equally valid. They’re not! so sometimes you have to eliminate certain options because they just force people to re-enact labor that has already been done showing that those things are false and incorrect views.”
/actual arguments currently being made by otherwise sane, rational people
That actual argument, however, does describe the pernicious appeal of socialism.
I one had a thought about certain political ideologies mapped to the classical “seven deadly sins”. The one obvious one was Capitalism mapping to greed, because that is the fuel that, in opposition to each other’s greed, results in the best outcome.
At first I though socialism might be envy. But after a while I realized it was not. It used envy, but the real heart of socialism is Sloth. They want to reap the benefits without “enacting the labor”. It’s not so much that they want what the other guy has, it’s that they don’t want to put in the effort to earn it.
Can’t it be both sloth and envy?
I toyed with the idea, but rejected it. If I were going to write it all up, Id go over my thought processes again. They never really seem to have more envy than say, capitalists, but they really don’t want to work for anything themselves. So I was going by “what is the stand-out attribute”. And it really is designed to reward Sloth.
I really think envy is a big part of it. I know that when I read the Communist Manifesto, even at a young age it was clear to me that it was mostly nonsense, and showed a lack of understanding of human nature, except for one thing – envy. They absolutely nailed the destructive power of envy and how it could be harnessed. I’ll never forget that realization, because it gave me chills reading it.
I confess I did not actually read the manifesto. I do know that for much of his life, Marx was a mooch and a layabout and it seemed natural that he was trying to justify existing on the fruits of other people’s labor without ever having contributed.
Kid of rich parents that felt entitled to far more than society ever would trust em to. In short, your typical collectivist.
“Can’t it be both sloth and envy?”
So much that…
With a healthy dose of covetousness and anger…
No, really, there are multiple studies that prove that you can’t be racist against white people and that having to hear bad opinions can give people PTSD, which can be passed on to people’s children creating a state where understand and fear violence that happened in the past. Haven’t you researched power structures?
/I don’t think you understand what a study is
As we know, because the communists defeated the Nazis in WW2, they successfully defined themselves as being anti-fascist, and the left has been dining on this lie ever since. Communism was (and still is) the original Antifa movement.
I have always been baffled why Nazism was labeled as right wing. I mean, who the fuck can miss the fact that it is a socialist movement – read up on what the words making the acronym NSDAP stand for – and actually the other side of the collectivist coin? Whether you go for the idiotic idea that the state somehow in a just manner magically owning everything or a cabal of statesmen and their buddies in industry being the ones that own everything, and the plebes being nothing but fodder, you are talking about the evils of collectivism, which past the immediate family unit, devolves into basically theft backed up by the force of government.
I believe the communists desperately needed something that would allow them to hide the horrors of communism, and they quickly peddled this bullshit of Nazism being right wing. There is no fucking distinction of the evil perpetrated by international or national socialists to me: they are both evil fucking collectivists.
Yes, that’s most of it. The NAZIs and commies were vying for the same crowd of supporters, so they smeared the other as right wing. The Italian Fascists said something to the effect of You can call us right wing if you want, but really we are more of a third way. Less ideologically driven historians will admit that they did have aspects that would be historically considered both of the right and left wings, i.e. nationalism and conservative values from the right, socialist economics, non-support for existing military (when they were gaining power), and party militias from the left.
Social conservatism, certainly not economic.
Right, I knew I should have more narrowly defined that as soon as I hit submit.
Shit, i don’t think the Nazi’s were that much into social conservatism at all. Hitler’s racial purity programs were not just about killing of the undesirables, but also called for the right kind of German women to create as many kids as possible with the right kind of German man. There was all sorts of kinky shit in action, and the Nazis were also hard core into all sorts of occult and crazy shit that directly contravened traditional social conservatism (unless we are willing to twist into a pretzel to find the equivalences).
I have found very little of that the people in general ascribe as right wing ideals – because they are considered to be socially conservative ideals – as being different anywhere else in that time. The fucking communists, monarchists, and every other group out there in that time period had socially conservative beliefs, because the pseudo-intellectual marxist shit the left lives by today had not yet been baked out and put into action. Show me how many people in the 30s and 40s were pro abortion, pro gay rights, against the traditional family unit, and actually were open to much of the ideas we today associate with being not socially conservative. I can only think of two major groups, and that was Hitler’s Nazi clique and the crazy fucks in the USSR. And yet, somehow the Nazis ended up as right wing. Why? Because since marixsts are for international socialism and not national socialism, they get to define the Nazis as right wing?
Fuck that shit.
“Less ideologically driven historians will admit that they did have aspects that would be historically considered both of the right and left wings,”
I’ve yet to see one of those on reddit.
I think they all died out.
Wow, Rufus, that was excellent! I could almost see the steam coming off you!
And this made me laugh out loud:
It’s like watching teenagers with lobotomies interpret Thomas Paine’s argument with Edmund Burke.
Great stuff, brother!
Nicely done, Rufus!
Never go post-retard.
Clearly we need to denounce The Mises Institute, Tom Woods, Walter Block, Dave Smith, Ron and Rand Paul, Amash, Massie and any other person from our party that doesn’t fit into the new party we are trying to build. Who’s left? Well, I’m glad you asked. Gillespie and Cato. All Aboard!
Apologies on the rant. But at this point I’m thinking Razorfist and Styxhexenhammer would be the best choice for LP 2020.
+1 teaspoon clink
It’s the Reform Party now. There’s nothing libertarian about it
Is that the best you can come up with? Reform?!
Weepin’ Jesus on the cross.
I actually listened to a better part of Trump’s speech in Phoenix yesterday. (Trapped in rush hour traffic.) I was impressed because that man is a world class artiste at trolling his opposition and he is enjoying himself while doing it. He was calling out the media by name and example and was throwing plenty of meat to the crowd.. If the economy improves, he gets tax reform and immigration passed and follows through on letting O’care collapse. He will easily win in 2020.
I don’t agree with his neo-mercantilism, or his reversal on Afghanistan or a host of other issues, but he did stop HRC and got a conservative (I hope) onto the Supremes. The left and SJW’s have lost all touch with reality and if they keep this up will continue to get their asses handed to them in elections. Scott Adams has published a series of cautionary articles about this but the left ain’t listening. http://blog.dilbert.com/
Sounds like they are going to revive the Occupy thing this Fall. This should ensure a second Trump administration.
Well, they wanted Trump to win the 2016 Republican primary, so maybe they’re still rooting for him.
The Democrats are starting to remind me of the old Line Basic language. It’s like this:
10. Make mistake.
11. Go to 20.
20. Repeat mistake, learn nothing.
21. Go to 10.
I got an execution error on line 20, “too many operations” So I revised it:
10 Push Agenda
20 On Error Go to 40
30 go to 10
40 learn nothing
50 go to 10
The pharaohs said they were gods, the kings claimed a divine right, and modern day dictators claim the will of the people. It’s all the same thing. There will always be people who believe they should be in charge and it is impossible to convince them otherwise. Fortunately, since most of these people are stupid, it is not hard to protect yourself from them.
Now for something fun: great moments in beer
For Winning The Nobel Prize, Niels Bohr Got A House With Free Beer
Apparently, after he won the Nobel Prize in 1922, the Carlsberg brewery gave him a gift – a house located next to the brewery. And the best perk of the house? It had a direct pipeline to the brewery so that Bohr had free beer on tap whenever he wanted.
They keep going down in quality.
We used to have Gods.
Then we had God’s appointees.
Now we just have the Mob.
/completely missing the point.
it is impossible to convince them otherwise.
Not impossible.
I remember reading an Arthur C Clarke book years ago about a group of people who chose their mayor on the basis of who wanted the job the least. That way, they only served one term and basically left everyone alone because they didn’t want to deal with anything.
That would be nice, unfortunately, the jobs usually go to the people who show up for them.
My brother claims he became department chair because he missed a meeting.
The rest (like all that stuff about individual liberty) is secondary.
You might do something icky if you had truly unfettered freedom. Better to let the Mommy State keep you safe in her warm embrace.
I think in using the word “antifa”, we’re all in some part collaborating with the enemy. In the Orwellian sense, the word is a lie. The vast majority of the country is opposed to Fascism. “anti-fascist” isn’t a name intended to explain or identify, but to obfuscate what they actually are. Just call them “communist street thugs” and be done with it.
“The Fascists of the future will call themselves anti-Fascists”
— Winston Churchill
That was actually Huey Long that said it. Ironically Huey was a commie.
Okay, okay, do you have to fact check everything the guy says? Lay off him already.
“I didn’t say half the things I said”
— Yogi Bera
I thought that was Confucius that said that?
No, you’re thinking of Mark Twain.
Mr. Clemens was a genius…
It’s interesting that Mencken lumped Russia in with the fascists in Germany and Italy. If only that was the prevailing use of the term today.
The Churchill Society says there is no known source for Churchill actually saying that. The closest I could find was:
In Italy, fascists divide themselves into two categories: fascists and antifascists.
— Ennio Flaiano, Italian writer
Same goes for “alt-right” if we’re talking about people for whom the word Nazi is clearer and more precise. But people on all sides have recently come around to just calling the Nazi part of the alt-right “Nazis” or “white nationalists”.
Today’s leftists use “Nazi” like the Nazis used “Juden”.
I would have loved to play counterpoint to the John Brown Gun Club yesterday at the rally. Too bad I HAVE A FUCKING JOB!
I was 99% sure you were going to end with “now get off my lawn.”
Wood read again. Subscribing to your newsletter.
I have a suspicion a lot of people who vote Democrat, who are kind of reasonable, are watching this whole shitshow with horror. They just don’t know what to to about it, maybe? Or they’ll speak with a vote? They cant all be this divorced from liberty, can they?
Meanwhile the Stupid Party wants to double down on social issues they have already lost, driving away these Democrats who may be open to jumping ship.
I don’t think either party represents a large swath of the electorate. They are both centrally run marketing organizations that try to stir up support. But neither of them actually answers to the peasantry or tried very hard to please them with legislative results.
Agree but they fail horribly as that too. If they push too far, they will lose their apple cart. Cantor got voted out and the party kept pushing. Then came Trump. There has to be at least some sort of pretend representation with the electorate instead of the middle finger the establishment gave. We’ll see what happens in the primaries. I really enjoyed Trump’s backing of the challenger in AZ.
I know a few of those type. The unfortunate thing is that the one thing most of them will not do, is leave the herd. They’re not going to join the crazies and put on a pussy hat to go running through the streets hurling bottles of urine at inanimate likenesses of dead white guys. What they’re going to do, is ignore that. Why? Because there is one thing that is important to them and that is social signaling to demonstrate that they are a member of the herd. And then they’ll go to the polls and pull the lever for whatever Democrat is on the ballot. They probably won’t know one thing about that person or their stand on issues. What they will know is that they aren’t a racist, sexist, bigot monster and they have signaled to the right people and voted for the right people to prove that. People don’t like to think about this stuff. It is hard and confusing. Social signaling is easy.
I don’t know what they will do, but yeah, there’s a lot of head shaking going on right now.
Independents can definitely and will be swayed by this dumbfuckery from the left. Democrat voters will not be phased by it, they’re herd animals just like Republicans. You can easily convince a Democrat voter that Stalin would be the best choice for president if only we could bring him back. Just like you can convince a Republican that people should be thrown into a cage or shot dead for smoking a fucking herb.
You don’t think that some blue collar Dems in fly over states aren’t going to jump ship as the Dem platform increasingly paints them as public enemy number one? I think we can see this already happening in a few states.
Totally different example but, my sister’s guy comes from a family of rabid prog dems. So prog that he wasn’t allowed to play with squirt guns as a kid. His father voted republican for the first time in his life last election. Just couldn’t stomach Hilary. An anecdote of one person doesn’t mean anything but I enjoy sharing how horrible Hilary was as a candidate.
I don’t know any of them. Everyone I know in flyover is a Republican voter. Why would anyone there vote Dem when the Dems are so openly hateful towards them? So my only way to judge is by the team blue bots living in their echo chamber. But they are so irritating in going out of the way to signal. I mean you can literally walk by someone on the street here and say hi and they’ll run up to you and say ‘I voted for Hillary! I’m a liberal! I’m so liberal, no one is more liberal than me, I hate Trump!’. Seriously it’s almost that bad. After Obama beat Romney, I just went in the local deli on a Sunday to get 6 beers and I had to stand there for 10 minutes while some old fart signaled to the young black guy behind the counter why he voted for Obama and why he’ll never vote for a Republican! It was literally one of the saddest displays of signaling I’ve ever seen.
It’s true that people don’t easily switch parties. But these things do have an effect on enthusiasm and turnout.
Exactly. All this stuff isn’t going to make every working class white vote Republican, but it will certainly encourage many of them to stay home rather than voting for a Donk.
I’m definitely expecting to see Democrats get trounced in Southern states. They have out of state commies coming to attack their culture and tear down statues and the Dems bend over backwards to appease them. Yep, they’re going to get their asses handed to them in upcoming elections.
“Democrat voters will not be phased by it”
Sad, but mostly true.
BTW, are they solid, liquid or gas? /lexicography fascist
I have a suspicion a lot of people who vote Democrat, who are kind of reasonable, are watching this whole shitshow with horror.
Some, sure. But I think a lot of them are tucked up inside the DemOP/MSM bubble, sucking down lies and misinformation, and firmly believe Trump is a white nationalist Nazi Putin stooge, there are white supremacists behind every bush since he was elected, and antifa are just upstanding citizens, maybe a little misguided, trying to protect themselves (and us!) from the Republican scourge.
I say this, because I work with capable people who are partisan Dems and get every scrap of information from the DemOp propaganda machine.
I think it’s time for an update of Footloose, but instead of the villains being fun-hating socons, the villains can be fun-hating SJWs.
Never mind. They made that movie already: Demolition Man
I would appreciate a reboot.
wiki sez:
Plagiarism controversy
Hungarian science fiction writer István Nemere says that most of Demolition Man is based on his novel Holtak harca (Fight of the Dead), published in 1986. In the novel, a terrorist and his enemy, a counter-terrorism soldier, are cryogenically frozen and awakened in the 22nd century to find violence has been purged from society. Nemere claimed that a committee proved that 75% of the film is identical to the book. He chose not to initiate a lawsuit, as it would have been too expensive for him to hire a lawyer and fight against major Hollywood forces in the United States. He also claimed that Hollywood has plagiarized works of many Eastern European writers after the fall of the Iron Curtain, and that he knows the person he claims to be responsible for illegally selling his idea to the filmmakers.
I would never admit I was the actual writer of demolition man. That movie was retarded.
How dare you, good sir. Demolition Man is a cinematic masterpiece.
*enjoys a tasty rat burger*
I was only 13 when I first saw it, but I thought the movie was hilarious. Then again I distinctly remember being the only person in the theater laughing at times.
I guess if you look at it from the ‘intentionally campy/lowbrow’ angle then it was alright, but taking that movie at face value it was a turd.
Dennis Leary’s character gives a decent intro to libertarian thinking:
Edgar Friendly: You got that right. See, according to Cocteau’s plan, I’m the enemy. Cause I like to think, I like to read. I’m into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I’m the kind if guy who wants to sit in a greasy spoon and think, “Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?” I want high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in a non-smoking section. I wanna run through the streets naked with green Jello all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to. Okay, pal? I’ve seen the future, you know what it is? It’s a 47-year-old virgin sittin’ around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake singing “I’m an Oscar-Meyer Wiener”. You wanna live on top, you gotta live Cocteau’s way. What he wants, when he wants, how he wants. Your other choice: come down here, maybe starve to death.
Millennials aren’t 47 yet though.
That’s why he called it “The Future”, duh.
Demolition Man takes place in 2032. Millennials were born between the early 1980s and the late 1990s. So the early millennials will indeed be 47 by then
aha….I thought it was supposed to be further into the future, like 2060 or something. I haven’t watched that movie since the ’90s, most likely.
NERDS! /Ogre
LH, what is that even from? I only seem to know it by memetic reference.
Revenge of the Nerds, of course.
Ah, Revenge of the Nerds. Of all the movies around that would cause trouble if they came out today, that one would cause the most. Even more than Blazing Saddles.
Yeah the whole “pretending to be someone else” sex scene wouldn’t go down to well. But it’s all silly 80s fun, including the “This party is boring, let’s smoke some weed” scene.
Cocteau? Wait is that code for cocktail as in cocktail party?
Catered by Taco Bell.
Giving everyone the runs?
You didn’t watch Demolition Man, did you, Alex?
-1 Taco Bell
I need to stop right there. Now I’m going to finish reading your rant because quite frankly I come here for the rants, and this is indeed a fine rant. I just need to know if I’m the only one that think $1500 for a notary sounds steep?
Unless it was in zimbabwe I think it’s exceptionally steep.
$5 for a notary sounds steep.
Maybe notaries do different things over by Rufus? Maybe they have (ahem) “premium services”?
Joe: Man, I could really go for a Starbucks, you know?
Frito: Yeah, well, I really don’t think we have time for a hand job, Joe.
What the fuck do you think I am? The pants goblin?
It was in Canadian Tire Dollars.
Interesting, I thought they traded Maple Leafs as currency. Learned something new!
I vaguely recall that notaries in some legal systems have much more important/expensive roles than authenticating signatures. So I’m hoping this was outside the US.
If this ( http://www.notarypublicstamps.com/articles/what-is-a-notario-publico/ ) is correct, in Mexico a “notario publico” is basically a lawyer, with 5 years of legal experience to boot. My guess is that the difference between a notario and an abogado is similar to the difference between a barrister and solicitor in the UK.
In any event, different than a guy you pay to witness your signature on a document.
He meant 1500 bolivars.
You do realize it’s $1500 Canadian?
Great stuff, Rufus. I hope you didn’t miss too much work writing it.
So apparently Syria’s Republican guard got their logo from a pirate flag:
By way of a sportsball team.
Al Davis is rolling over in his grave.
The autumn wind’s a Syrian?
I read somewhere that Libyans can be (were) pirates, so…
Omar, are we the baddies?
this won’t fit onto my cardboard sign.
It doesn’t even rhyme.
as noted above, antifa just calls them what they want.
A Clemson University professor is labeling all Donald Trump supporters and Republicans as “racist scum,” demanding that they “denounce your affiliation, or admit you’re a racist.”
Professor Bart Knijnenburg even directly advocated violence in one Facebook post, saying, “I admire anyone who stands up against white supremacy. Violent or non-violent,” and adding the hashtag “#PunchNazis.”
Some individuals questioned the broad accusation, one of whom chided Knijnenburg that “We must be careful not to generalize as this is arguably the root cause of the extreme right’s existence,” adding, “I’ve always looked up to you, as my 1st yr mentor but also for passing on the idea to study abroad. But it saddens me a bit to see this coming from you.”
“You should come live in the south for a while. It’s exhausting,” Knijnenburg replied. “The republican ideology of ‘everyone is equal and nobody deserves a handout’ is naive at best, covertly racist at worst. I truly believe that turning a blind eye makes you complicit in what is happening now.”
The president of the San Diego State College Republicans is facing threats and demands for his resignation over a letter from the political club calling on the school’s Muslim Student Association to condemn the recent terror attack in Barcelona.
The letter, signed by SDSU College Republicans Chairman Bandon Jones, stated in part that “until radical Islamic terrorism is disavowed by the Muslim Student Organization at SDSU, we cannot move forward in creating an inclusive environment for all students on campus.” It added the Muslim Student Association’s leadership should resign if they do not disavow Islamic terrorism.
The letter caused an uproar.
The national Muslim Student Association expressed support for the San Diego State chapter for “their solidarity, strength and perseverance in the face of ignorance and hate.”
Transfronterizo’s statement calls for Jones’ removal as head of the College Republicans, calling his leadership “extremist.”
Jones, for his part, stands behind his group’s statement. He said accusations it was just trolling the Muslim Student Association are offbase.
“We weren’t trolling anyone. We were looking for them to condemn the radical Islamic terrorist attacks much like my organization condemned the acts of white supremacy and neo-nazism in Charlottesville,” Jones said in a message Tuesday to The College Fix.
In the meantime, can the Muslim Student Association hold a free open course on baking gay wedding cakes?
Straight outta Rules for Radicals. Good on ya, doomed soon-to-be-ex-student.
Logical conclusion of the narrative we have been hearing for a while…
I’ve lived in rural North Carolina and in Tallahassee, Florida, both “the south”. Back when Tallahassee still said proudly that they were the only capital city in the Confederacy that didn’t fall in the Civil War. I’ve seen some racism.
The south isn’t half as racist as New England is.
Visit the usual proggies in New York if you want to endure some real racism.
The south isn’t half as racist as New England is.
No kidding. I moved from Richmond to Boston and back again, and the difference was striking.
That’s because all the racists moved to Colonial Heights after desegregation…haha
So it’s less racist to just say “Some people are inferior and just can’t cut it, so we’ll have to give them a lot of free shit to make up for these deficiencies”?
In their minds, it’s not racist to believe that black people are all helpless victims of the legacy of racism. It is also not racist to believe that anyone who disagrees with this is a racist.
These progs divide in the world into three categories, just like the KKK types: everyone is either a hero, an enemy, or a victim.
For progs, they are the heroes, anyone vaguely Republican is the enemy, and non-white males are the victims.
For the KKK, they are the heroes, non-whites are the enemy, and whites are the victims.
Both equally collectivist and both equally stupid.
That’s it. Tear down the MLK statues.
Oh, come on, at least finish it first
Even better. Get rid of one racist Neo Nazi and once again break the government’s civil rights promises in a single act!
Just look at that tough guy
Before I clicked, my thought was “How much you want to bet it will be someone even I could upend into a toilet?”
Someone hit the handle while his head’s still in the bowl.
Jeebus. He’s even wearing women’s glasses.
“I don’t know what to tell ya, Elton. They’re ladies’ glasses.”
“I’ve always looked up to you, as my 1st yr mentor but also for passing on the idea to study abroad. But it saddens me a bit to see this coming from you.”
Sounds like the students have more sense than the professors. That’s encouraging.
Amanduh Marcotte on Twitter:
Rage. building.
What? You expected these fucking people to be informed or not peddle bullshit?
Fuck Marcotte and the people she is peddling this shit for.. And not in a good way.
*hands Alex a rusty chainsaw*
Have fun.
Needz maor emphasis on final syllable of first name.
Dumbass propagandist spews dumbass propaganda, news at 11.
If you’re going delve into derp, you need an acclimation program. Too much derp too fast is dangerous.
Here, try this:
week 1: Each day, skim the headlines of Campus Reform, College Fix, Alternet, and Salon. Do not read the articles.
week 2: Each day, skim the headlines of the above plus Slate, The Atlantic, Jihad Watch, and HuffPo.
week 3: You should now have enough tolerance to read an article without head-desking. Each day, pick the least idiotic article from the above and read it.
week 4: rest- avoid derp
Repeat the cycle 2 or 3 times before attempting to read an article from Current Affairs.
Be sure to sigh, groan, and face-palm regularly while reading derp. It protects the brain from damage.
5. Drink plenty of fluids at least a couple times a week, preferably 80 proof or higher.
“It’s always been racist”
They say that about every American anything ever. Because America was founded on slavery yo.
What in the name of almighty fuck is she talking about?
She’s clearly riffing off that shitty book about James Buchanan that Nancy McLean wrote which has been raked over the coals many, many times.
Even my feminist progressive wife thinks Marcotte (and Schumer and Dunham) is an idiot. Just saying.
You know, when Marcotte said that Reason had put the last nail in its credibility column for not believing the fantastic tale of the ridiculous Rolling Stone broken glass rape hoax or Mattress Girl (I forget which), she was right, just not for the right reason.
So, the Democrats seemed to have completely dropped any ‘better deal’ bullshit or any other totally non-serious rhetoric on the economy, in favor of labeling everyone a racist as their sole plan. I mean is it just my imagination, or is that what is actually happening? Maybe they’ll just combine it into a new slogan:
Given how they apparently sent out a fundraising e-mail mentioning how Trump isn’t fulfilling his promise to “build that wall”, that may actually be their slogan.
See also, attacking him over the TPP. That even had a lot of lefties going “Wait, I thought we hated the TPP?” but, you know, Trump, and if he cures cancer, he’s hurting the business of people in the medical industry.
Yeah, “A Better Deal” didn’t move the needle in polling, so they said “fuck it” and did what they really wanted to do all along.
“Imagine America without jobs, but no racist white guy statues either! A better deal!”
1. Let Antifa destroy private property
2. ???
3. JOBS!
So, it appears that Lauren Southern, Gavin McInness and gang of merry Nazis have been completely unfazed by the mainstream media’s severe case of butthurt and attack.
Rebel Media
I vow to read these guys a LOT more.
Lauren Southern quit Rebel months ago, and McInnes is apparently leaving for another job soon.
Doesn’t change my opinion of the site and content.
And Faith Goldy lost her mind.
What a mess at RM. What started off as a good thing by Levant could end up setting the conservative agenda back.
That means more of that twit Trudeau.
Much like the far left want to completely dissolve the middle class, they apparently also want to dissolve any middle ground in the media. And not just mainstream media but all media. We have seen anyone to the right of Rachel Maddow get their social media accounts completely shut down on a whim. When your only options are far left or far right, you’re going to see a lot more of the more principled conservatives just hit fuck it and close ranks with the real alt right. It’s turning into prison gangs in 2017.
They whined about Limbaugh and Drudge too, and they lost. Sorry progs, you no longer control the media. Too bad, so sad.
The thing about Drudge is fucking hilarious and truly shows their level of intelligence. A site that aggregates links from around the web, including links from almost every left wing media site out there. And they want to shut it down.
Enjoy Rebel Media while it lasts. Ezra’s claiming they are losing their web hosting so he’s shutting it down.
Everyone worth watching at Rebel Media is already fired or “quit”.
As Pan also pointed out, I stopped following Rebel Media because they wouldn’t stop endlessly whining about Prime Minister Zoolander. Think about that for a second. You whine about Zoolander so much that extremely anti-Zoolander people get fed up and leave.
Rebel is basically if Winston was a right-wing media company.
What’s up? He couldn’t afford a $100/month DigitalOcean droplet?
Below are some of the general defining characteristics of a cult. Understanding their behavior in this context will make a lot more sense.
Sometimes it resembles a cult and sometimes it resembles a mental illness.
This, for example, falls in the latter category:
It Is Time to Examine the Words and the Origins of Our National Anthem, Another Neo-Confederate Symbol
I’m not posting any excerpts out of an abundance of caution.
From another place, here is the part being called racist. As you may have guessed, it is also something almost no one notices.
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
In other words, Key was saying that the blood of all the former slaves and “hirelings” on the battlefield will wash away the pollution of the British invaders. With Key still bitter that some black soldiers got the best of him a few weeks earlier, “The Star-Spangled Banner” is as much a patriotic song as it is a diss track to black people who had the audacity to fight for their freedom.
Go home, Root. You’re drunk.
Wow, Francis Scott Key must have been one clairvoyant sumbitch, writing a song that is a neo-Confederate symbol decades before the CSA ever existed.
Yeah, it triggered my derp dosimeter badge. Off to decontamination.
Are you saying The Jacket is running a cult?
tales of woe
One of George Washington’s slaves, also name Washington, defected to the British during the war and fought with them. Later, he and other ex-slaves were resettled in Canada. Washington got tired of the discrimination there, so he went to Sierra Leone, thus making him one of the very few slaves to return to Africa. Unfortunately, Sierra Leone had become a British colony and he faced discrimination once more.
Washington was one of those involved in a rebellion, against the colonial authorities, in Sierra Leone Colony, in 1800 and was exiled to the Bullom Shore, where he subsequently died.[7] His descendants and those of other African Americans make up a portion of the Sierra Leone Creole people.
The first SJW?
Probably not. It looks like he couldn’t get a bike lock or a ski mask.
Really, all we’re seeing here is a now thinly veiled attempt to destroy Western civilization. And then what? Back to savagery is my guess, but not much else existed before that in most of the world. I think some people, well a whole bunch of them collectively, have now decided that they cannot win in a modern society, so they’d just rather burn it all to the ground. But hunting and gathering and constant tribal feudalism was so great, it will be great again! Make savagery great again!
Despite all of the gibberish about slavery/racism these fuckers want historic revisionism for reasons that have nothing to do with that. Look upthread at the commie apologia. That is what it is about. They are constantly trying to rewrite history to disassociate themselves from their past record. You can bet that ultimately that is their aim, to rewrite history so that Stalin, Mao, Chavez and company are either right wing state capitalist extremists or that they were slandered and really did nothing wrong.
That is always the point of it. Its like these fuckers are all born of a cookie cutter.
Now I am off to take the wife to ladies night.
Here’s another quote from Solzhenitsyn:
“…The imagination and the spiritual strength if Shakespeare’s evildoers stopped short of a dozen corpses. Because they had no ideology.
Ideology – that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evil doer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others’ eyes, so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors. That was how the agents of the Inquisition fortified their wills: By invoking Christianity; the conquerers of foreign lands, by extolling the grandeur of their Motherland; the colonizers, by civilization; the Nazis; by race; and the Jacobins (early and late), by equality, brotherhood, and the happiness of future generations.
Thanks to ideology, the twentieth century was fated to experience evildoing on a scale calculated in the millions. This cannot be denied, not passed over, nor suppressed. How then, so we dare insist that evildoers do not exist? And what was that destroyed these millions? Without evildoers there would have been no Archipelago.”
Noam Chomsky manages to do both, depending on how he feels that time of the day, and is still taken seriously.
“Defect” is the wrong word. That implies he had some reason or duty to be loyal to Washington.
Interesting side note: before the Civil War, the stereotype was that slaves were happy, loyal, and hard-working. After, the stereotype was that blacks were lazy, violent, and lustful.
Beliefs change to suit interests, much like how the US went from being the USSR’s BFF to enemy in the span of a few years.
Absolutely terrific piece.
Spectacular rant!
Until this…
” I just made the jump from Irish Spring (soap for Leprechauns) to Old Spice”
Barbarian cosmotarian hipster, you are!
Bravo Zulu Rufus!