Since I was responsible for the Eclipse Day Afternoon Links lateness, I am going to do the Afternoon Links today to make up for it. I will try to give a little something for everyone:
- I am not sure how to snark this story. Something, something Nigerian email scam? Um…fit for a tabloid indeed?
- Feel free to make hot/fire jokes and “I’d like to have her be my first responder!” snarks.
- I thought this only happened in cartoons and bad sitcoms?
- Monument and renaming fever hits Chicago. Mayor gets crabby and Italians get steamed?
I’d burn for her.
I thought this only happened in cartoons and bad sitcoms?
I’ve toyed with the idea of leaving all my money to a Galapagos tortoise, just for the lols of having people take care of a millionaire turtle for 250 years.
Crap, not meant as a reply.
Well I’m taking it as a reply so there.
first you need the millions to leave the tortoise.
I play the scratch off every week. It’s gonna payoff.
So you’re thedick i get behind in line buying lotto..
“I’ll take 1 #20, annnnd ill take 2 of the #7s annnnnnnnnd how many are left in the roll of #17? Oh, well ahhhh, what about #16? A full roll, okay just give me 3 #11s . oh, and can you get me a quick pick for the powerball with all prime numbers”…
“Oh, can I pay for this with a check?”
:punches guy in face yet does not violate non-agression principle:
Irl: I don’t normally play the lottery, but a work group was doing it so I played because I would have shot myself if they’d won and I passed.
Why not leave it to a Redwood tree?
Hmm. I guess I could make some odd demands, like hand knitted sweaters for the tree. I really like the idea of throwing parties every holiday for the tortoise and dressing him for the occasion.
Heat lamps in the winter, air conditioning in the summer.
Oh, and only bottled water.
Now I want to fake my death just to watch the poor slub I name caretaker.
Except you wind up taking the job yourself. Starring Adam Sandler, with Rob Schnieder as Tumtyteedlytoo The Tortise, in theaters this fall.
Coming to Netflix.
Why is she making the vagina symbol with her hands in one of those pictures?
Feminist hand signals. Or…she’s communicating the size hole for the right fit.
Never burn bacon! Unless you mean like this.
Yes. I’m not even a cultist and I like that song.
Surprised, that was more real than I imagined. They actually met, married and have pictures of each other together.
I’d find her hot and leave her wet anyday.
Nah- ‘butter face’
We’re we looking at the same pictures?
I guess you like horse face.
Seriously, 6 at Best.
Not a fan of those abestos eye brows.
Hey, she’s doing asbestos she can.
Agreed. She has a fake face.
Face and…..
I’ll be honest. After seeing her face, I didn’t look too closely at the rest.
She has fake fun bags too. Pass.
Fake career? That face would melt faster than the Nazis at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark if she got close to anything burning. Also, dumbshit tatts.
Dat ass doe.
Her body is fine, her face needs werk.
You people are the pickiest motherfuckers on the planet.
Finally, JT and I agree on something…. other than helicopter rides.
Ha- you agree with a Canadian!
Fuck you, #WoodchipperNation.
You people are the pickiest motherfuckers on the planet.
Seriously. I’d kill to get her in my studio. Hell, my wife would kill to get her in my studio.
Yeah like ya’ll are buncha 10’s. Sheesh. I’d lay some hose to her.
“You people are the pickiest motherfuckers on the planet.”
Thirded. That is a highly attractive woman.
NEW Comment: She’d probably catch a virus from you
Get it…your name
I’ll be here all afternoon folks
That’s what I was afraid of.
Your fears have been answered
something fortune something in paper bags
Or – doggystyle only
“President Jackson did the proclamation against nullification by South Carolina on the tariffs. It was actually cited by Abraham Lincoln in his first inaugural. President Jackson was also the first president to expand the Voting Rights Act to non-property holders. There’s a lot of blemishes to their record. That’s true of any president. But I’m not changing the names of that.”
WTF? A Democrat who knows anything about history?
And he missed on Jackson’s greatest accomplishment, killing the 2nd bank of the US.
I thought it was giving the finger to the Supreme Court while deporting Cherokees was his greatest achievement. Roughly 10 times the number of people died on the Trail of Tears, both by percentage and absolute numbers, than did Americans during the Bataan Death March. Fuck you AJ with a rusty chainsaw.
I am “great” in the “actually something positive” category.
Female firestarter.
She urges her fans to put down their phones and spend time doing what they love
So… what’s she doing right now, because I think found what I love.
Female firestarter
Screw it, if you’re going to give her that name, she’ll have to fight this guy who already claims to be the Firestarter.
I was thinking about writing a SJW parody of Breathe. “I’m the victim, I’m the victim”
What if using their phones IS doing what they love?
Thats the best NORWAY can do???
Jesus, tough crowd today.
I know….what gives?
You like girls that look like plastic fuck dolls. There is nothing wrong with that.
And FM likes his women with meth-mouth.
Aka Florida Woman
To be fair, that’s just the way they come in Florida. He doesn’t know any better.
This is how you post girly pics:
Model…..or- never mind, the model wins
Now that’s more like it.
Slammer and JS are hot for the Nigerian Gramma.
She’s a natural women
Shes so old she has a separate entrance for black dudes
Norway has way more to offer.
She’s a Norway 5.
That’s generous.
I’ve seen a half dozen Scandis today better looking than her.
The video embedded in the LA Times article doesn’t even show the footage of the punch, just a grainy screen grab of it with the dude on the receiving end out of the frame. Mighty fine journalism there, guys.
You gave LH his present after he left to celebrate.
Hmmm. I’ll let him get away with one future day of filling the comments with links, and say naught.
Happy Birthday, LH
You rat bastard!! No guzzoline for you.
Happy birthday
Hope it is filled with much merriment!
And no Love for Yusef? /shame
Aw, is it your birthday, too? **hands out cupcakes; totally brought enough for the whole class**
Are they still sealed in the commercial bakery package with all the allergen warnings? And I sincerely hope you didn’t bring candles for them.
But you are here and can partake in your free linkage!
Happy birthday, and may you rule the wasteland for many more.
It looks like she is still sticking to her to hot take. Even though it’s obvious that Trump was referring to Saturday, when a number of different groups (eg. militia groups, non-communist counter-protesters, etc.) were there. I could see her not wanting to give in to threats. But that’s still no excuse to ignore the facts.
Interesting article otherwise.
I follow her for all the hot takes.
Since when did Kat Timpf become a libertarian? She’s cute, but dumb. William F. Buckley must be spinning in his grave knowing that she’s writing for National Review. I’m ‘Just Say’n’ what everyone was thinking
‘Cute, but dumb’ is the standard model for mainstream right-wing female commentators.
Wait, what about SE Cupp, or Dana Loesch, or…
It beats the ‘mildly attractive at best, and badshit crazy’ of the left though.
Wood & wood.
Agreed, to both of you
Beats ugly but dumb… Maddow, Mika Brzrzrzssski, The View, etc etc
She isn’t dumb. She’s smart, funny, and I generally agree with her. That’s why I’m so disappointed in her obstinance here.
She’s not as smart as she thinks she is but I do like her a lot. I’ll be in my bunk.
Meh. I’d say 105, maybe 110 if I’m generous. She definitely has an inflated sense of her own intelligence though.
She is probably smarter than ENB or Soave though, I’ll give her that.
You’re not giving her much. I’d give her at least a few more inches.
Ok- she’s probably smarter than Gillespie too. Again, that’s not saying much
I got what Bacon was saying, and concur.
JS likes his women aulde and naturlich.
I don’t put much stock in IQ numbers. I’ve known plenty of very smart people whose thoughts often contradicted each other. I think having a foundation of trivium, metaphysics, or some other way of thinking clearly and consistently is more important than intelligence.
I think having a natural sense of curiosity (interested in learning new things) is more important than a naturally high intelligence.
I see ‘no libertarian women’ still holds true.
I’ve really been flummoxed by the “conservative” response to Charlottesville. I hate Nazis, you hate Nazis, we all hate Nazis. Nazis are bad. But it grinds my teeth that all these people talk about “Nazis” on one side and “activists” on the other. It isn’t condoning Nazis to point out that the other side was comprised of communist thugs. It isn’t condoning Nazis to point out that the Nazis had a permit to march. It isn’t condoning Nazis to point out that state and local authorities set up a confrontation and communist thugs true to their nature were happy to oblige. Referring to the other side as “activists” implies that they were just a bunch of peace loving people with good hearts and good intentions. I can feel myself getting worked up again so I’ll stop.
The ‘big issue’ of Charlottesville should be the terrible police response and the unnecessary escalation that resulted from their tactics. There should be several resignations being filed right now within the police department, and there should be a discussion about police procedure and their failure to keep two groups who went there expecting and/or planning violence.
But it’s much easier to just virtue signal about Nazis instead of actually addressing the major problem of the situation.
I agree. I thought the police were supposed to be like the military in that if given an “unlawful” order they were duty bound to ignore it. The sight of the police just standing around while people got the crap beat out of them turns my stomach. To me the police are accomplices to the felonies that were committed.
Apparently Section 1983 relief doesn’t apply to Virginia Nazis.
I keep trying to tell my fellow Canucks that the police are not there to help us, but my protestations continue to fall on (mostly) deaf ears.
Rueters actually referred to the ones who were rioting in Arizona as ‘peace activists’
War is peace.
My “favorite” description of the parties in Charlotesville comes from TV5MONDE. They called them “pacifist protesters” and “neo-Nazist groups.” Go here and then fast forward to 8:28. It’s in French but the word “pacifist” is easy to catch.
The mainstream right still lives and talks under the thumb of the royal standards of etiquette that the left expects of them but doesn’t follow themselves. Condemning Nazis is no different from the Soavian “to be sure”. Trump and the Nu-Right are both smart enough to unshackle themselves from the stupidity, but they’re still isolated from the majority of the “conservative” blob in DC.
Well played, sir. Well played.
*hearty chortle*
*prolonged ovation*
I’m going to have to check this out later. Apparently the VA firewall won’t let me see the Sun, but the DailyFail for some reason …is okay.
Just remember who gave you the link. *stares unblinking ahead while eating Swiss cheese*
Fucking Cabrera, starts a fight 15 minutes after the pitch gets thrown behind him. Didnt even hit him. Sanchez hit 4 HRs in the Series, gets drilled and their pitcher stays in.
Meh, earlier this season we hit Mahook twice, and they hit Ellsbury.
That shit really pisses me off. They don’t throw Fulmer out for a clear message plunking of Sanchez, but the ump tosses Betances for hitting a scrub piece of shit like James McCann in a tied game….with the Yankees fighting for the playoffs? No fucking way was that intentional, it was just Betances being wild as he is prone to be. Garbage.
Theres gonna be a lot of fines and maybe suspensions. This doesnt hurt the Tigers at all, they dont have shit to play for.
Verlander and Martinez in the dugout was interesting. You saw that?
No, I’m at work so I’ve only seen the clips people have linked on Twitter.
Martinez was out talking to Betances and Sanchez, probably trying to calm everything down.
In the Tiger dugout he was getting talked to by someone and Verlander about it. Verlander basically told hin to STFU and walked away, and Martinez tried to follow Verlander
Fuck the Yankees. That is all.
Jim Bouton said in Ball Four that when a pitcher throws a ball behind a batter’s head, he’s really serious, since the batter’s instinct is to duck into the ball. IDK if the ball was head high in this case, because I didn’t see it. If it was ass-level, he’s being a bitch.
Ass level.
he’s being a bitch.
They blur out middle fingers in England?
Wonder what they think of the blowjob photo?
Which one?
Celebrity Jihad
That’s photoshopped from her Instagram “blowing corn” picture.
Now Im sad?
She is dumb, unattractive, and I feel like if I touched her she’d be sticky
Are there any intelligent women on your planet?
Yes. I like Julie Borowski, Kimberley Strassel, Mollie Hemingway (though, I don’t often agree with her, but she’s spunky), etc
One of my favorite recent Supreme Court Justice is also Sandra Day O’Conner. And, though I disagree with her often, I acknowledge that Elena Kagan is sharp
-1 Raisin taking case. That was so dumb, even the other lefties on the Court were saying “WTF – are you high?”
She can be reasonably attractive, she just chooses looks that make her unattractive. That is “edgy”, I guess?
She could be attractive, if she stopped acting like the worst stereotype of a trashy trailer park girl.
To be fair, her genetics push her in that direction pretty hard.
It’s better than blurring porn like the Japanese do.
I always thought that Japanese people just had naturally blurry genitalia.
(this is why there’s so much tentacle hentai; they can’t show a penis, but they can show a tentacle)
Those WW2 comfort women can tell you some stories.
What goes after I wonder…
A period or a question mark?
I wonder if you used contraceptives, would you be worried about whether or not a period came next?
Someone mentioned this in the morning links, but anyone else think this season of Rick and Morty kind of sucks? I mean, it’s not terrible, but it’s nowhere near as good as it was. The Vindicators episode felt completely off in tone, and after looking at their credits, it turns out they have a ton of new writers now that never worked on it before.
Is this show really that good? I keep hearing people raving about it
The first two seasons have really fantastic dark and existentialist humour. And they’re really good at playing with and deconstructing scifi tropes, it reminds me of a more random, less internally consistent version of the Venture Bros. First episode’s a little rough but once they get into their groove it’s great.
I’ll have to check it out
I saw the first episode, and didn’t think much of it. If it improves, I might have to give it another.
Didn’t like The Vindicators episode, but I liked the one this past Sunday.
It’s not as good as Season 2 was, but it’s still good.
I agree, but that’s because last Sunday’s episode was written by Ryan Ridley, who’s been a staple of the show from day one. He’s the guy who voices all the nasally characters. The new writers just don’t seem to mesh with the show well.
I loved the premiere, thought it was fantastic, but the rest has been pretty hit-and-miss. It feels like half the episodes are too preachy, but some of them are still good.
There has not been an episode this season that did not make me laugh out loud at least once.
And I thought the early release episode was awesome.
And Susan Sarandon’s deconstruction of Rick in ‘Pickle Rick’ was spot on.
I like it so far. I think once something becomes established, people start to take it too seriously. Also, there was a ton of hype leading up to this season.
In one of my increasingly frequent get off my lawn moments…..I have no idea what that is.
Dan Harmon, series co-creator, has been having a Twitter meltdown screaming that 29% of the country are Nazis and it’s kill or be killed.
He was butting heads with Ethan Klein of h3h3productions (who is possibly salty about other retards on the Internet screaming at him calling him a Jewish Nazi as of late) about it as well, and blocked him in a tiff, and Ethan is friends with Justin Roiland, the other co-creator of R&M. So I don’t know if that’s going to cause drama.
And before all this I’d heard vague rumors of personality clashes between Harmon (who seems to have serious emotional issues) and Roiland being the reason why season 3 took so long to get out in the first place.
Not even getting into the bragging about their new diversity quota in the writing room with 50% female writers.
I think the show is still alright, but, well, nothing good lasts forever and some of these things don’t bode well.
Because acting like an unhinged crazy person worked out so well for Dan the last time he was running a show. And his marriage.
As you can see from my avatar, no I don’t think that. I think it has been strong to very strong.
But dark.
So, if we say someone is “robbing the cradle” when they go for someone super young, do we say someone is a “grave robber” for going after someone super old? If that dude’s not in it for a visa or money but actually loves her, I just can’t quite wrap my head around that.
The professor agrees
It takes all kinds.
Serious for a moment: Stay safe, any glibs along the Texas coast. Harvey’s looking like it’s going to be a monster.
Can anyone see it, other than Jimmy Stewart?
Really? Am I the only Glib who finds your comment hilarious?
I LOLed, but didn’t post kudos. My bad.
I just saw it. Way too much real life BS interrupting my Glib experience lately,
I did read it to OMWC, who is cooking dinner, and we both LOLed.
(Trivia, my ex-husband has Jimmy Stewart in his family tree.)
Can anyone see it, other than Jimmy Stewart?
Bill Shatner?
Commas–how do they work?
Donnie Darko
“The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, arguably the most liberal and misguided federal court in the country, has issued a ruling that justifies the punishment of coaches for praying on public school football fields. The big reason? Because parents and teachers can see them doing so and therefore it’s a violation not protected under the U.S. Constitution.”
Spin up the woodchippers.
What? Who even cares enough to go cry to the government? Its a stupid HS football game prayer
We need a high school coach to switch to islam and test this ruling out. Come on fuckers. Double down on your bullshit.
I don’t expect some ‘libertarians’ to care about this. They’re warped philosophy of being ‘socially liberal’ only extends to socially approved segments of the population
Notre Dame hardest hit.
But only Christian coaches, right? I guarantee nobody goes to court when Coach Mohammed Al’rotterdam gets out his prayer rug.
no prayer in football? now they’re just trolling the shit out of the black vote.
It’s your Ninth Circus, folks. Exists strictly for the entertainment value.
No more Hail Marys?
Remember Marge’s crusade against Itchy & Scratchy and then the dumbass townsfolk turned their ire on some guinea’s David?
Yeh, this is where the removal of symbols is going.
I believe that Rufus the Muppet sets a bad example for our children, what with his anti-government views and the fact that he keeps asking people to stick their hands up his butt. BAN RUFUS.
Muppets are people too!
Taking things in the butt is a libertarian right!
Only if you’re Mexican!
You need to remove that rubber ducky from your buttocks, ever since they let you post you flappy head has inflated.
You made me misspell that. You and your Canucki Voodoo.
Canucki Voodoo was my nickname back in Uni.
“We are so disappointed in Ed Burke’s so-called leadership when Ed Burke, as a historian, should know that Italo Balbo was in no way wed to the Nazi cause or to the international cause of facism.”
That’s a curious statement. Balbo was a blackshirt.
Why ya gotta be racist about it?
Clearly, he was wed to the
international cause of facism.It’s the art of a phrase: apparently Balbo was not too keen on other fascists, just the Italian variety (his own). So that spokesman is really threading the needle there.
Fascism is so weird with its fixation on shirts. Were pants not significant enough to symbolize the ideology?
Balbo was a Blackshirt, Bobby Rush was a Black Panther.
Should rename Rush street just to be on the safe side.
It’s funny, I don’t remember the Italian Fascists having racialist views*. Prior to 1943, Italy was probably one of the safer countries to be Jewish.
*After the coup against Mussolini, and the German invasion, the Germans demanded they participate in rounding up Jews.
Well, it looks like I was wrong. In 1938, Italy installed (((Racial))) Laws which did restrict the rights of Jews.
If Wikipedia is right, this is priceless “Italo Balbo strongly opposed the laws.”
I don’t know why Balbo would be honoured, meanwhile champions and men of character like Gino Bartali (who risked his life to save Jews) are forgotten.
I think the statue was a gift to Chicago from Mussolini in about 1935, to celebrate Balbo’s trans continental flight from Italy to Chicago in 1933, as a prelude to the 1933 World’s Fair.
You guys, the hurricane isn’t even here yet and it’s been pouring buckets. Fuck this shit, I’m evacuating.
Houston, here I come!
Why stop there? Get to Arizona and never worry about rain again.
The fucking monsoons don’t bother you?
ooh noo! It rained for TEN MINUTES STRAIGHT! Quick! Get me a couch to faint on!
They bother me a little bit. I have a backyard to clean this afternoon.
When’s the next dust storm?
“Please come to hell on earth and suffer with us.”
I’m sorry JT, I can’t hear you over the stampeding herd of canadians invading my city right now.
All eight of them? Canadians also go to Florida, which isn’t saying much.
I’ll take a picture of the local farmers market in a month. You would think I lived in British Columbia.
You aren’t selling in any better by comparing it to B.C.
btw I love OCing here when the snowbirds come. You people are hilarious about guns.
Clearly not rurals then, who seem to regularly forget some of the safety parts of the firearms courses.
Fucking Canadians. In about 8 weeks half the license plates I see on the road are going to be from Quebec, and they’re all going to be the shittiest drivers on the road.
You are not allowed to blame all Canadians for Quebecois driving. That’s a thing up here too. And the savages won’t let you turn right on a red in their province.
Eh, Quebecers are barely Canucks in the first place. The ROC thinks of ’em as “also-rans.” 😉
He is right, JT. There are a shitload of misplaced Canadians here. I went to school with 4 or 5 of them.
Traitors to the cause, the lot of them. As far as I’m concerned if you don’t have to shovel snow you’re not a proper Canadian.
Forget that. Even if I loved snow it’d be all plows and blowers.
Yuma became Lower Manitoba in the winter months.
Arizona is a wonderful, wonderful place to live 4-5 months and a cruel joke of God’s in the rest of them. I absolutely loved January there….by July I wanted someone to put me out of my misery.
I LOVED my time living in Arizona. It’s a magical place where no know one even knows what a show shovel is.
I have one in my garage. I should hang it out front off my roof like a trophy.
Brass it like a pair of infant’s first shoes.
Damn it. Apparently I can’t type and talk to my wife at the same time.
Apparently I can’t type and talk to my wife at the same time.
I bet your wife could have told you that before you made the attempt…
She says LOTS of things. Who has time for that?
Yeah, I have the same problem.
With his wife?!?
She’s pernicious!
It’s snows in Flagstaff.
Anything north of the Mogollon Rim is essentially Utah.
Godemm Mogorrians!
It snows elsewhere in the state, just not where the Canadians migrate to every September.
Be safe, dude
Seriously, I’m getting the hell out ASAP. The city of Victoria hasn’t issued a mandatory though, and our store is planning to be open tomorrow.
The nanosecond that changes, I’m on the highway.
Victoria, TX? F. Stupid, you need to go. Like now. Not so much from wind, but if your shit is likely to flood, it’ll flood from this storm.
May be too late now.
You’re going to let a hurricane push you around? If you evacuate, the hurricane wins. Stand your ground and drown like a man!
I thought hurricanes were the only time Florida Man practiced self-preservation. After all, you can’t die rasslin’ gators/ in a shoot-out with police / in a meth lab explosion / while airboat racing if the hurricane gets you first.
It’s how you can tell the natives from the transplants. The natives won’t evac. That’s when the looting is best.
This professor want to take down statues of Washington and Jefferson.
I wonder if he owns a bike lock?
TW: usual Campus Reform cancer
I’ve been advocating that for 2 weeks. The only way to stop the madness is to take it to its logical conclusion, quickly, and start going after “the wrong sorts of people”.
I like renaming of New York City.
Holy shit that Isaak Berg fellow commenting is a degenerate asshole. GRADE A MORON.
TW: Vice
George Lucas’ best movie is THX1138.
How is that controversial and/or petty?
You clearly don’t know any Star Wars nerds.
Weeeeee are 138, we are 138, we arrrrrrrre 138
*we are 1thirrrrrrrrrrrrty8
The original cut or the special edition. I haven’t seen the special edition but I remember hearing about it awhile back.
I’m kind of on the fence about Director’s Cut. Some of the CGI is actually an improvement, namely stuff like the expanded cityscapes and minor details like the masturbation pump. The crowd scene is also significantly improved. But there’s a ton of garbage mixed in with it that’s just stupid, like the animals, the CGI part of the chase scene, and the bloody monkeys (although the monkeys were already bad in the original, you could have just cut them out and it would have improved it).
The 1911 is obsolete and stupid.
“Hot dogs should be considered sandwiches.” – Mike, 38
Aren’t they already?
First Edition or go the fuck home.
That is seven words.
People who can’t count are terrible.
Cassette tapes are the best format.
condoms in pron ruin the scene.
Not as bad as a pieceofcorn.
I don’t like kids. Your kids.
Neither do I. My kids.
Lol. Touche.
Admit it, the Beatles were overrated.
Yeah, but they were. Still are.
(In that vein) George was the best Beatle.
Hendrix was the Most Over Rated
Men pretend they don’t like fatties.
Deep dish is not pizza, people.
(too easy)
Someone should put on their menu a deep dish Hawaiian pizza called Aloha Haters.
“A proposal to remove a statue of the explorer Christopher Columbus on the Upper West Side will receive “immediate attention” by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office in the wake of violence stemming from a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.”
Is there anyone from over 100 years ago who wouldn’t be considered racist today?
Is there anyone from today who isn’t considered racist today?
They are reviewing eliminating Grant’s tomb too. Which is peak stupid
Never put a tag on peak stupid, you’ll be moving it frequently.
You won’t even be able to keep up.
This grave robbery crap is the logically absurd extension of all of this nonsense. They already had lunatics trying to dig up Nathan Bedford Forrest’s grave. He’s fucking dead – how can his bones in the ground oppress anyone?
He’s fucking dead – how can his bones in the ground oppress anyone?
/Oliver Cromwell’s ghost
Is there anyone from over 100 years ago who wouldn’t be considered racist today?
Is there anyone today who won’t be considered morally deficient in some way 100 years from now?
These iconoclasts who want to destroy historical landmarks because they commemorate people who have done bad things don’t seem to recognize that that’s all of history, and will continue to be all of history for the foreseeable future. History is the record of people’s actions, and people are terrible. Even the best people have done bad things, and we should be able to memorialize achievement without being seen to endorse everything the achiever has ever done.
All of that and more Gadfly. You are exactly right
Good point. Someday the statue removers may be looked at as jerks themselves
Someday == right now.
They are now teaching 5 year old children about transgenderism. Isn’t Progressiveism grand?
The good news is that the gibberish sounds exactly like this.
And then someone farts and the world moves on.
Non sei qui benvenuto!
My brain keeps wanting to read about a pizza operation and I’m like “Whats-a-wrong with a little pizza?!”
I wouldn’t want rocks on a pizza.
It’s not big enough?
Dawn Piazza translates to breakfast pizza right?
Commie Pope oughta house them in his Palace
For Mad Scientist. And others.
That is pure madness.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Someday I gotta build a 3-rotor just for the giggles. I have a 13b RX-8 motor on my bench right now. It should be awesome fun when I’m done with it, but it’ll never scream like a 3-rotor. Droooool!
It looks to be slightly non-trivial.
But you would have the coolest car!
That looks delightful. But why not go completely nuts and build a 4-rotor?
I thought this only happened in cartoons and bad sitcoms?
Her lawyer!?
Finding Freedom in an Unfree World
Good stuff that unfortunately dropped during the technical difficulties. Dig it when you have a chance.
Since everyone’s bitching about how the Norwegian firefighter isn’t sufficiently appealing for copulatory behavior I have arrived to save the day once again.
9 is solid, but the composition of 37 is exquisite.
I dunno, 42’s got a certain je ne sais quoi that I find appealing . . .
Just depends on taste. I am looking at Firefighter girl’s bone structure, thinking that she lives in a prog’s proggie heaven and wondering if she was born a she.
If I was sniffing around for pussy in Scandanavia I would only looking at the ones with very obvious female bone structure in the face.
I agree. There may or may not be a hose involved
34, 2, 1 in that order
Gotta go with 22 and 32, though I wish you could see 9’s face.
National Review defends libertarians against being a ‘pipeline to the alt-right’. That sad moment when you realize that a bunch of conservatives will defend libertarians, but not cosmotarian publications like Reason
Well, Nick’s answer to the question of “Are libertarians a pipeline to the alt-right”, was
“No, but….[libertarians] should be in the forefront of attacking racism, anti-Semitism, and parochialism.”
my thought was, 1) “everything before the ‘but’ is bullshit” and 2) by saying “should”, he’s saying libertarians are not ‘on the forefront’, and should be more-active in their SJW crusading.
My response was that freedom means freedom to have stupid/bad idea (as so judged by the general public), and unless those stupid/bad ideas shit in my cornflakes/interfere with my own day-to-day life, agress against me, etc….. then who the fuck cares if 0.05% of the people in america are racists? Its not my job to cure people of stupid, and i don’t want to live in a world where we’re constantly being hectored to ‘improve others’ by the sanctimonious finger-waggers.
many people come to libertarianism because they realize that most people want to be left alone. not because they want to cure the injustices of the world.
The Jacket has left(far far left) the building.
I think what he said about the Ron Paul movement was unfair. And maybe I’m overreacting, but this interview did not occur in a bubble. There is a big recent push by cosmos to label all ‘right-libertarians’ (whatever the hell that means) as alt-right and fascist. It started with Sarwark attacking Tom Woods and insinuating that he is racist and a white supremacist and attacking Rothbard. Then Cathy Reisenwotz called Julie Borowski alt-right (JULIE BOROWSKI of all people). This has all recently flared up like a coordinated campaign to purge anyone even remotely associated with the Mises Institute. It’s like a Koch approved culture kampf
Didn’t ENB also question someone’s libertarian bonafides? Also: is it just me, or do cosmos play that particular No True Scotsmen card much more often than the yokels?
There is a big recent push by cosmos to label all ‘right-libertarians’ (whatever the hell that means) as alt-right and fascist.
What is it they say about the Left?
They infiltrate an institution, they agitate against the stated goals of the institution, they kill the institution, and they don the institution’s carcass as a skin suit, demanding the respect the institution once garnered.
They’re well into the killing stage when it comes to libertarianism.
That was an Iowahawk thing:
1. Identify a respected institution
2. Kill it
3. Gut
4. Wear the carcass as a skin suit while demanding respect
Its not my job to cure people of stupid, and i don’t want to live in a world where we’re constantly being hectored to ‘improve others’ by the sanctimonious finger-waggers.
many people come to libertarianism because they realize that most people want to be left alone. not because they want to cure the injustices of the world.
Sad reality is that racism/sexism/otherisms are approximately zero. At least on the panic they are describing.
The only place you find racism is essentially blacks who hate whites because the whites think getting free shit for being black is wrong. Another words, the only source of racism derives from the hysterical overreaction to remove it and punish people for it without discerning any guilt.
Same is true for sexism. That’s why every “conversation” makes race relations worse. The conversation is the source of racism not the cure.
That seemed like a lot of apologetics and hand waving and ‘oh they’re just harmless’. I appreciate the defense but to me it read like a ‘they know not what they do’ type article.
Notice what you said there. The reason that cosmos dont defend libertarians with much gusto is because the majority of people who self-identify as Libertarians actually become progressives. They are pinkos at heart. They always stunk the place up at Reason. I only liked the place because of y’all, the commenters. Early on though I could smell the stink of pink. My first memory of that was Gillespie’s “I am pro second amendment but…” and all the voting for Obama excuses.
Pipeline to the alt-right, my ass. It is a mask for proggies who are ashamed to admit their leanings or proggies pretending to be liberty advocates to try and gain some kind of credibility.
Proggies who like capitalism.
Proggies who like coke and hookers.
To elaborate, I liked the commentariat because it was full of people who were full throated champions of liberty. No ‘but’s , no conditions, no exceptions, no ‘to be sure’s, just solid defenses of liberty and the concept of inalienable rights.
Some of the writers were, most, not so much.
True libertarianism, which believes that equality is best served through increased liberty, is in direct conflict with left-libertarianism, which believes that equality needs to be counterbalanced with liberty. True libertarians see right through the SJW hand-waving to their lust for control. Left-libertarians think that the SJW goals are good (because equality needs to counterbalance liberty), but don’t like the specific methods (because they expose SJWs’ lust for control).
You know, I have to say. After much pondering, any person who claimed to be libertarian and voted for Obama wasn’t one to begin with.
I’m sorry.
And ditto for conservatives who voted for Hillary.
I don’t know what they are but conservative they ain’t.
I don’t think having voted for Obama in 2008 is nearly as bad as still believing it was the right decision nine years later.
Given the choice was between Obama and McCain, I don’t think there was a “right decision”.
That was my point Rufus. There are a lot of pretenders out there.
Stink of pink, eh? *waggles eyebrows*
In fairness, it’s because libertarianism is often confused with just being anti-government. There’s an entire class of mindsets where people fixate on some nebulous force to shift blame for the failures in their own lives, whether it be the government, the corporations, secret nazis, the pigs, SJWs, the jews, the reptilians, etc. Obviously, such fixations are more common when the force in question is clearly associated with some particular negatives for some groups of people.
There’s a fire in pants
My pants
Anchorman had some of the best one liners.
The second one was dumb, but I still laughed.
There’s a fire
This is almost certainly fiction. That doesn’t make it any less awesome.
That’s beautiful.
By your powers combined, he is SNP!
Italy in the news again.
Mayor of Venice says ANYONE who shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’ in his city will be shot by snipers
I guess that’s one way to handle it.
I’d sign up to his newsletter.
A rogue ventriloquist could cause a lot of trouble in that city.
Or a couple of discreetly placed bluetooth speakers and a smartphone.
Anyone else want to go make the viral video of the century?
Ever been there? The Carabinieri are too busy hitting on hotties to be bothered with such things.
The best way to get rid of roaches is to not have them in the first place. Clean up your shit so there is nothing to draw them in. Put out boric acid/flour tablets to take care of any that happen to get in anyway.
See? No roaches.
The Doge has spoken.
Signs of the Apocalypse, Canada edition.
Elementary teachers, eh?
That’s just wrong.
Need more otherkin!
Unless that’s two-spirit?
What, there isn’t a different French version of that a acronym too? Some Quebecois should sue.
The best part is that Gavin is replying to all tweets by Robert Lee on Twitter, shaming him for Civil War atrocities.
Sounds pretty microaggressive. He better be careful that one of the wolves guarding sheep that make up Twitter’s “Trust and Safety Council” don’t decide to suspend him for “harassment”.
Everything old is new again, except this time we’re combining the Cold and Civil Wars.
I would say it is the skull and crossed bones it always was.
6.2 Liters, No Lube: Dodge Hellcats Recalled Over Catastrophic Oil Dump Risk
Or, as we like to call it: ‘a really shitty day’.
That would be fun to have happen on the highway at 80 MPH.
I wonder if that applies to the Trail Cat too?
I really like the fact that there are still a few crazy fuckers employed by car companies.
It lasted to 14,000 miles instead of falling apart at 13,001?
Yeah, that made me laugh as well.
Dodge couldn’t make a cheese sandwich without a recall.
Speaking of which, got to take my work Dodge into the dealer next week for another recall.
6.2 Liters, No Lube:
And here I expected a porn-themed link.
I summon Vhyrus from whatever Hell-hole, er, I mean Arizona, to as k him a question:
D00d. I’m toying with the idea of acquiring a long gun such as the Savage Arms’ A17 .17HMR Semiauto Rifle, because the ammo intrigues me as a possible tack-driver solution and because I have family members who live in semi-rural locations where a decent varmint gun would be helpful to bring along from time-to-time. Any thoughts, either on the round or the specific long gun I mentioned?
There is a reason that there are almost no semi-auto 22 mags. I only know of one that was manufactured and it proved to be mostly a failure. The brass is thin and long. It has a lot of surface area and the thin brass expands hard onto the chamber walls. There is too much friction to reliably extract the spent brass in a semi-auto.
I imagine the same applies to the .17HMR as it is the same cartridge necked down to .17 caliber. I would go with a bolt.
That is my two cents.
Interesting, thanks.
Any reason not to use .223?
Noise level if they have neighbors. Recoil sensitive. Ammo cost.
They mos’ def have neighbours, and I’m always sensitive to costs. 🙂
Recoil in an AR is light, and it’s not as expensive as less common varmint rounds.
22 WMR is inexpensive, but it doesn’t work well in a semi-automatic, and is very loud.
If it’s not for sport purposes, 22LR is enough to kill rodents.
ARs aren’t available in Canada, ’cause they’re “too scary” and have the black thing that goes up.
(I keed, I keed. But they’re not common here . . . )
You do have Tavors though, which are like ARs but better.
. . . which are like ARs but better.
And are also “Fuck me!” expensive. 8p
I have no experience with the 17. I know there are a small number of companies that do semi auto 17s, but simply for the sake of ammo availability I would look into 22 mag. I know Suthen talks about 22 mag not being reliable in semi auto but things are a bit better now and there are reliable affordable 22 magnum long guns available. Just my 2 cents.
SG ammo has 17 HMR in stock for what I consider a fair price. I agree with Suthen on getting a bolt over semi.
I went to cook a nice steak outside. I turn on the grill and nothing happens. So I look to see what’s wrong. There are shreds of rubber everywhere. Some animal chewed through hoses.
I had to cook it inside.
Cripes, I never even considered the possibility that that might happen. Any idea what critter did it?
Me neither. I was quite surprised. I don’t think a groundhog or rat could have climbed up on my deck. So I’m thinking squirrel.
Juicy grill dripping on the lines?
Rats can go nearly anywhere.
The lines looked pretty clean. Also, whatever did it left the drip can alone.
Does it still count as steak if you cook it inside?
Hell, yes. Particularly sous vide.
I’m not a biochemist. I used the broiler. I was still good. Just not as good.
Next time use a cast iron skillet. Works great.
But open all your windows…
I could have done that outside, if it didn’t eat through the hose for the side burner.
Arent mice lovely?
I am only laughing because the wife and I just won a war against mice…by the skin of our teeth. Jesus, those little tiny cute bastards can do incredible damage.
We’ve been poisoning quite a few this summer, along with rats. I hate rats. There aren’t any in Alberta (where I spent the last 40-odd years of my life), but I grew up with ’em just outside of Toronto.
Little fuckers.
Cats, That is All, Farm cats, even better, just cant handle them safely
Cats and mice get along together better than cats and dogs.
Only if you feed the cats.
I don’t think it was mice. The holes are too big and ragged.
I’m sitting comfortably, so we can rule out sasquatch.
A couple weeks ago I returned home from work to find that Dad had disposed of a mouse he found in the three-season room. A few hours later, I found three baby mice huddled by the door from that room to the outside. Sorry, baby mice.
I just cast iron griddled a 2 foot long skirt steak. Smoke detectors went off, but it was worth it.
Come to the dark side (charcoal)
Soooo, with the H3h3 fair use win – appears to be a pretty solid legal ruling. No idea if that had any impact on my vid (new corporate policy?) – my original “Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead” is now out of limbo….But you can see the trailer version on my channel now. I’ll probably hide the alt version. Next video should be uploaded in a little while since I didn’t get flagged on my alt channel.
Yep, I’m at 0 copyright strikes – where I was at 2 and the first was a 30 day warning and the second a 90 day warning…
Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead Modern ‘Hill’ Country.
Went ahead and set up a account too – still planning to start a account this weekend – and gab.
I am not sure how to snark this story.
Easy. Did you see dudes suit? Red white and blue. Obviously alt right Nigerian Prince.
I’m going to give up vacations. If I could, I would cancel my upcoming week in Vermont. The stress is not worth it.
Stress pre-vacation, post-vacation or during?
You’re doing it wrong. Plan your vacation as far away as possible. Studies have shown looking forward to vacation is better for stress relief and happiness than the actual vacation.
PLanned my vacation in January. THe problem is a) my co-workers, despite knowing my vacation was coming up, did not plan; and b) the condo maintenance came into my unit today to investigate a supposed leak, but didn’t leave a note or call ahead or put my fridge back in place and they left all kinds of doors open to rooms where the dog is not allowed. I’m scared of how many tampons he may have eaten because the bathroom was left open.
Not. Worth. It.
IM not following. Is your coworker going with you? Won’t the dog be at the kennel?
Dog is going with me. God forbid he has some kind of tampon-induced problem while we’re on the road. Co-workers are piling on work because they realized on Tuesday that they only had 4 more days for me to get their shit done, despite my reminding them for weeks about my vacation. Now we’re at the point where everything isn’t going to be done in time and they’ll have to use another contractor to complete it, who is working on another project for us, so adding additional work for him will put the schedule behind on his project.
Your co-workers sound like my wife’s co-workers. The reason we take so many European vacations is ’cause the 8-hour time difference makes contacting her during the work day with their panic attacks difficult, and I always make sure she “accidentally” leaves her work-phone and other devices behind.
Works great. Doesn’t stop her co-workers from just dropping everything on the ground in a great big shitpile while she’s gone, though.
My plan from now on is to only take one big vacation a year (will not give up skiing until I’m dead), and when I need it, take a 3- or 4-day weekend here & there and maybe rent a house in West Virginia or western Maryland.
If I go to Oshkosh, I’ll fly into Milwaukee and rent some kind of camper van and only go for a couple days (I could not handle that crowd for a whole week!)
I do a lot of weekends.
Palm Desert and Vegas are close by.
I used to go on long drives when my parents lived in SAn Diego, and I remember one time I decided to drive to Palm Desert on backroads (via Ramona, Warner Springs and Anza) and by the time I got to Warner Springs I was all “fuck it”, and turned around and went over to Palomar State Park instead.
The Jade Warrior – Finnish/Chinese Wuxia. Fun and very different, not spectacular.
If the Japanese ever get uppity again, we now have a way to defeat them.
Eagles fan dying wish: 8 Eagles to act as pallbearers so the team can let him down one last time.
Did you hear about they guy in Oregon?
The one where the dying man’s family told him Lou Reed was going on tour again?
Has James Cameron always been this woke, or is it just since Titanic?
Progressive cripple fight.