![Damn squirrels! Every time!](https://glibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/3522798277_69a3f28f12_o-300x218.jpg)
If only it was this easy
One of the questions I often ask myself (other ‘can I afford a new gun?’ and ‘Is she over 18?’) is: Why do statists hate poor people? Time and again we see how their policies disproportionately affect poor people in increasingly negative ways. Case in point: I have an internet buddy from Australia. Being Australian, he is predictably progressive, but he is the rare breed of progressive that agrees to disagree on certain political issues, so even though he hates guns and knows that I love them, we can still get along without him calling me a baby killer. I was talking to him once about various aspects of shooting, and I mentioned offhand how expensive guns and ammo have become. He responded that he would hope that guns and ammo are expensive. I asked him point blank: Should poor people not be allowed have guns? His response was a rather terse and unapologetic ‘no they should not’. And just like that, we get to one of the hidden pillars of gun control: Elitism.
While the racist roots of modern gun control stemming from post reconstruction Jim Crow laws are fairly well documented, the class warfare elements are usually glossed over or hand waved away. This is true for the ‘may issue’ concealed carry permits in places like New York and Maryland which are only accessible to the rich and powerful, but it is even more stark when you look at the case of ‘Saturday night special’ laws. For those unaware, ‘Saturday night special’ is a slang term for inexpensive mass produced and usually low caliber handguns. Such guns were very popular among the poor, especially among working class black families in high crime neighborhoods. Obviously, we can’t have affordable firearms for black poor people, lest they wander off the plantation and find a sense of agency along the way. Thus, the anti-gun politicians went after these guns under the dubious claim that criminals were using them as burner guns at a disproportionately high rate. In point of fact there is no actual basis to this claim, but why let facts stand in the way of good old fashioned civil rights infringement. The gun control act of 1968 (back when people named their bills honestly) specifically banned these cheap imports by implementing a points system requirement for imported handguns based on size, caliber, and a host of other useless and outdated features. Fun fact: imported Glocks cannot pass the import system in their factory configuration. The ones built in Austria for import to the US (which I assume is all of them) are equipped from the factory with expensive target sights, which are removed and replaced with the standard combat sights after they make it stateside. This is also why many smaller imported pistols have ridges on their triggers. Apparently the ridges make them ‘target triggers’ which give them enough points to pass importation. Same goes for those beloved finger grooves on the smaller Glocks. They are ‘target grips’ required for importation. No, I am not making a word of this up, in case you somehow think that gun control laws could not actually be this arbitrary. Oh, and government agencies are exempt from these restrictions, of course, because no real gun control law is complete without a hefty side order of cop carve outs.
![Well now I've heard everything!](https://glibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/34964830764_2539fe0933_o-300x168.jpg)
What? Criminals don’t obey the law? Not even gun control laws?
The effects of these laws on the underprivileged cannot be understated. A criminal does not care about the price of a gun. He can barter for one using drugs or other contraband. He can obtain them from criminal associates. He can simply steal one from an empty house or unattended vehicle. A poor law abiding person cannot, or more precisely will not, engage in these sorts of activities, and therefore is simply artificially priced out of the market. There was even a study done that shows that mid and high priced guns are more common as crime guns than cheap burners. Apparently criminals shop for quality and caliber over price. The purpose of these laws are simple: keep the proles disarmed and unable to fight back against their betters. The ruling class would rather have the poor defenseless in the street against criminals and their own corrupt police than allow them to defend themselves and risk a riot or power struggle.
Good thing such a blatant and obvious infringement would surely attract the attention of the various professional victims minority empowerment organizations who would immediately oppose and dismantle such a racist, elitist law, wouldn’t it? You bet it would! In 2003, the NAACP filed a federal lawsuit over the availability of handguns to minority communities. Oh wait, silly me! They filed suit against a number of firearms manufacturers for making and selling so called ‘Saturday night specials’ to minority communities. Huh… kinda went the other way with that one. Surely the NAACP values the self defense rights of minorities over oppressive disarmament schemes? I mean, it’s not like the NAACP is completely morally bankrupt or anything, right?
I keep bookmarking these articles for my argumentative ammunition. Great stuff Vhyrus. Keep it coming.
Fight racism: buy a black rifle.
I like guns almost as much as I like your mom.”
When you pry her from my cold, dead fingers.
Didn’t realize you were from Wisconsin Slammer.
I was thinking Ed Gein 😉
He also like horse faced Dutch girls, which we learned yesterday in the links
Explain to me why I shouldn’t go unwisely blow some cash on some kind of 6.5 Creedmor rifle. I don’t have a place to shoot at long ranges, I have plenty of fine deer killing machines, and I have no need whatsoever for it. So I clearly need one, right?
What do you consider long range? If you have at least 100 yards you could always buy match ammo and practice getting .25 inch groups.
Long range is like 600+. I’m limited to 100 yards on the range, though I’ve been known to shoot at long ranges illegally some woods that I don’t own. #propertyistheft
Er, long*er* ranges.
I once asked a gunsmith if he could re-chamber a winchester in 25-35 for me.
“What the hell ya’ gonna do with that? You cant do anything with that you cant do with your 25-06. Less in fact. It’s useless.”
“The same thing you do with your single shot 22 Hornet. Have it.”
I have a remington 700 in 25-06. I love that rifle. I don’t know if they make anything that shoots any flatter.
We all clearly need
oneas many as we want.Other than you can’t currently get cheap ‘plinking’ ammo for it like with .308?
Are you thinking bolt action or an AR platform?
Well, my interest in it comes from contemplating how cool it would be to have a Garand in its original .276 Pedersen, so I’m thinking an AR. But now it’s also kind of merged with my vague desire to get one of those fun-looking Ruger Scout rifles, and it turns out that Ruger is now offering them in 6.5.
I’ve also found myself lamenting not getting a 1917 Enfield when I blew $2000 on Garands and 1903s and ammo at the CMP store years ago. So I need to save up to fix that error as well.
If you were buying garands and 1903s you were not blowing money.
I have a M1917 from the CMP. It’s in pretty good shape cosmetically but groups like shit.
If it’s available cash that shouldn’t be spent on bills or proper savings, buy whatever trips your trigger.
That’s my Motto, I call it Free Money
Explain to me why I shouldn’t go unwisely blow some cash on some kind of 6.5 Creedmor rifle.
Because you like having money for niceties like hookers and blow?
Pssht. 6.5 Creedmoor is so 2014. All the cool kids are shooting 6 Dasher. Don’t you want to be cool?
Was not aware of the actual point system requirement was that formal (and utter bull-shit)
Sold my 300 AAC to buy the Winchester model 94.
Next two gun purchases: 1) home defense pistol that my horribly terrified of guns fiancee can learn to shoot 2) cheap ass AR that I can beat around on
Any recommendations for either or both of those categories? I was thinking Walther PPQ or CZ 75. I really like the CZ because all the weight should absorb some of the recoil. The only problem is she has trouble racking the slide on any of the pistols we tried at the gun shop :/. She’s not even that weak, she just couldn’t do it. I really don’t know if there’s a revolved that could work for her either, though. Maybe a giant .357 mag that I load up with .38 specials?
As for the AR, any terrible negative thoughts on Palmetto State Armory? That’s where I’m leaning
Psa makes decent stuff. I just bought a 308 ar from them for 600 shipped. Also look at radical firearms. I got an ar from primary arms for 440. Runs great so far
Thanks. Almost bought my 300 stuff from them, but chickened out due to a few negative reviews. But in hindsight I feel like that was a bad move. Could have saved about $100. Will probably go with on my next build
I know recently you could get a DPMS Oracle with a rebate for just over 350 here locally (the big gun store in Bardstown).
As for the pistol, get her acclimated with a .22 revolver, and then go to .357/.38. Unless she really gets the bug… .454 Casull.
Those aliens are tough.
A 22 revolver takes the most inexpensive ammo. And most burglars will run from the sight of any gun. But what if they don’t?
The slide will get easier over time, but a revolver is probably a better bet. Nothing wrong with a .38 – I had a Model 10 that was incredibly easy to shoot.
If the chiappa rhino would come down about $200 I would probably get the 4″ version and load it with some .38s for her. The straight back recoil impulse should help her be less terrified of it flipping out of her hands
I don’t know, man. I’ve seen some pretty tiny women shoot the SP101 just fine. The weight makes it pretty manageable.
Mrs. Animal is pretty tiny and handles her Ruger Security-Six easily, even with .357 loads. If your fiancee has tiny hands like Mrs. Animal does, you could do worse than to watch Gunbroker for a good old Security-Six. They have the smallest grip frames of any .357 I’m aware of.
I’m probably buying a CZ as I tried to reply. Beretta’s PX-4 is supposed to be soft-shooting due to the rotating bolt. Heard nice things about the FN pistols but never tried one.
FNs are fat and have a long double action trigger pull. At least that’s what I thought of the FNX45 the nice man at the range let me shoot once because I let him collect my brass.
It was otherwise soft shooting and I got hits where I wanted it to hit. I’d go cocked and locked with it.
I prefer double-action. Maybe it’s my misspent youth working for Uncle Sam.
I can relate to such a sentiment. What I never understood, was why have the DA/SA trigger but require everyone to put it on safe and DA?
You just have to REALLY want to light off that first shot. After that, you’re in business.
The PX4 Storm is my lust-handgun. Stupidly expensive here in Canuckistan, and only available in a very limited range of calibers and barrel lengths.
Still want one, though . . .
The cheapest ARs for sale around here are Del Tons. Start with that, and then swap out as you go.
Academy had oracle ARs for 420 in the last sale paper I saw.
I think many pistols are over-complicated even for experienced shooters. So you want to get her a big double-action revolver. Size isn’t an issue for home defense. Weight reduces recoil. Internal ballistics are, because flash and report could impair her shooting indoors without hearing protection. That generally means long barrels and short cartridges. So nothing that was lengthened for safety (eg. 357, 44 magnum, 22 WMR). Then the question becomes one of terminal ballistics. And what fits her hand. So a .38 loaded with .38 sounds good. Maybe set up a Model 29 with .44 light special like Dirty Harry. Or a Redhawk or whatever. You basically want the biggest, simplest thing she can shoot comfortably.
Agreed, but the 29 may be a bit large for women. A S&W 10 or 19 is ideal. Use light 38’s on the range but when it is on the nightstand keep some +P 158gr. flat nose bullets in it. Forget hollow points, always go with the largest front surface area you can, preferably hard cast lead bullets. If you reload you can jack up some wadcutters to around 1000 fps. Getting hit with one of those would be like being struck by lightening. *shudders*
*advice to all: Never buy special bullets for self defense. Go with the cheapest, most run of the mill stuff you can get. If you ever do have to shoot someone in self defense the prosecution will claim your magic kewpie doll bullets are evidence that you really just wanted to shoot someone. I have seen this done before.
Really? I was told to always use SD ammo!
If you ever do have to shoot someone in self defense the prosecution will claim your magic kewpie doll bullets are evidence that you really just wanted to shoot someone.
Won’t the fact that I always have a gun do the same thing?
You can always point to the bailiff, the cops, the judge, and the prosecutor and ask them if they always keep a gun.
Ha! Good point.
So what do you carry?
I agree. Wide metplat is the way to go at handgun velocities. Hollow points can get get caught up on jackets and clothing and fail to expand properly.
A bit large for women? Clearly you don’t work for Google.
This is incredibly stupid advice.
Which part, Sheldon?
Jefe, take her to a range (preferably one with a one price lets you shoot multiple pistols) and let her pick it out. My GF has a weaker grip too. Things that have worked for her: Glock 19 and 17, Walther CCP (she did like the PPQ, but the spring force is MUCH lower on the CCP. The slide’s the same unimax pot metal shit as their .22, so there you go.) , H&K P30. Then she went with a Kahr. Go figure. CZ 75 et al is going to have a pretty low profile slide, which was difficult for her to get a good grip on. Which bollixed my plan to have her get a Witness (what ever the one they market to women is called, I forget) The spring weight was OK, the grip was great, she just couldn’t get enough of a hold on the slide.
If you can find a: H&K P7, Boberg, Steyr GB. All of those have very low slide spring forces, due to esoteric engineering. The first two ain’t cheap. The third one is really hard to find.
As for HD: all handguns suck. Get her one she’s willing to shoot. Ammo? Use what the cops use. I like HST; Gold Dots and Ranger-T are tits too.
The part about using cheap bullets for self defense. I much prefer your suggestion; I carry Federal HSTs, but Speer Gold Dots and Winchester Ranger-T are fine too.
I have an PSA 18″ AR in .223 wylde. It’s actually their full rifle parts kit on a Spike’s lower. The kit came with their EPT (enhanced polished trigger) and the pull is pretty nice.
I really, really like it and I definitely recommend.
Did she try the berreta 92 or the PX4? They have rather large slides that are easy for her to get her claws around. And the 92 has a decent recoil spring pressure (I can’t remember on the px4). That and the px4 can be had for pretty cheap.
I have negative opinions of cheap ARs. Cheapest I’d recommend is S&W.
Get her one of those pistols that shoots 410 shotgun shells. Or just get her a 20 guage shotgun. Imo, there is nothing better for home defense + shaky wife.
I bought a PSA 300 blk and really like it.
A personal appeal to you gun nuts:
I emailed Vhyrus and asked him to do an article about reloading equipment because I assumed if he likes shooting he’s probably also a cheapskate. It turns out he’s nearly as rich as he is handsome, and he tells me he knows way more about my mom than reloading. But I figure at least one of you glibs is a cheapskate, reloading, uggo with no time to get to know my mom. If so, please consider writing us an article about what kind of reloading gear is right for the future when Lord H rules the wasteland.
I’m buying a CZ P-07 if and when New Jersey gives me a permission slip.
Alright. Second time today that a reply has shown up in the wrong place.
I’ll be interested in your thoughts. I like the looks of that one.
Just waiting for permission from the state…
They look like a screaming deal, too.
I have a CZ 75 and love it. The only negative I would say about it is that it doesn’t much like UMC ammo. I have shot even cheaper stuff and it was fine, but for some reason that is the only stuff I’ve had a problem with.
i re load ur mom lol wooooow
Don’t you need to empty her, before you can reload?
Just pull the drain plug and she’s good to go
I know another Kevin wrote this on handloading. Are you looking for something like that or a little different or…? Details, man!
Man, you guys deliver FAST! Thanks, Riven!
Late to the party I know. I’ll have part 2 done soon; had some unexpected family crap come up this week. It goes more into the equipment and process dude of things.
There was a reloading article last Friday yo
I believe Suthen can help you out
Hey Mad. I have been reloading for 40 years. I cast my own bullets, the whole thing. I have reloaded at least a million rounds in every caliber you can imagine.
If you want advice feel free to email me ccbphot1@gmail.com.
I think Suthenboy has lead poisoning.
I drink lots of milk. Calcium displaces lead.
*goes back to licking window*
I’ll email you. Thanks!
Your Mom is just like reloading, her casing gets used over and over… and over again.
A little Flash Hole Deburring and she’s good as new.
If so, please consider writing us an article about what kind of reloading gear is right for the future when Lord H rules the wasteland.
What do you want to reload? Handgun, a few rifle cartridges, shotgun? I’d recommend something like a Lee starter kit. Simple, one stage press with good mechanical advantage. Get a resizing die and a seating die. I liked RCBS in the past, there are others. Digital scale to the 0.1 grain. Powder thrower is nice. Simple case trimmer with deburring attachment makes life easier. Simple dial calipers and I like a separate primer seater.
You will pull your hair out with this set up trying to load a few hundred of anything, but it suffices for 50-75 cartridges for a light trip to the range. It’s also a lot harder to fuck this up (and your gun and face!) than it will if you have an automatic progressive press setup.
For shotguns, I used a (IIRC, Lee too) multiple station, but non-progressive press. None of this should be all that expensive.
Be careful, and write everything down. Doublecheck everything. Reloading cartridges is a hobby where you want to encourage your OCD tendencies.
To the best of my recollection, the original argument against Saturday Night Specials was that they were so cheap everyone could get one. Assuming alcohol plus testosterone equals Saturday night fist fights. Then alcohol plus testosterone plus cheap, easy-to-conceal handguns equals Saturday night murders.
Racism was definitely a big part of the initial push against cheap handguns. So the real threat was black people with access to cheap, easy-to-conceal handguns means that muggings turn into murders.
They just looked at the statistics, and in their silly way thought, “Get rid of the guns that those people are killing each other with”.. and there will be no more killing… So instead of cheap firearms, they all upgraded to Glock 9’s etc.. The problem wasn’t the type of firearms, but the people. They will always be violent.
It has always been “ban what they seem to be using today”. Saturday night specials, Tec 9’s? Junk Guns? Assault weapons?..
Back in the day, everyone was fearful of handguns because they could be concealed. So you could never know if you life was in danger. Rifles were OK, cause no one can hide a rifle in their jeans.
No everybody shits their pants over assault rifles because they’re so deadly.
The real problem has always been and always will be people willing to harm other people.
And that was a cultural shift. Back in the old days, only scallawags and ne’er do wells would hide their firearms.. so we ban that. The few types of long guns that were miss-used were modified to be concealed.. so in goes the NFA and 16″ barrels, and all of that crap. Again, ban things that criminals are doing… and they shift to other things, or ignore the law.
The recurring theme of these laws wasn’t to ban the item for everyone, upstanding citizens could get the permit, pay the tax etc.. They were all so that the police could hassle criminals/lower class/minorites. With prohibition, and the emphasis on vice you might not be able to catch them in a criminal act, but you knew that they couldn’t get a permit for their gun “not a good citizen” So you could arrest them for gun crimes.
Over time the floor of who was a good citizen kept being raised until in cities only the top elite have that ability, there eventually came a tipping point in urban areas where it was assumed that guns weren’t available to the average person. Perhaps the gentrification of minorities caused this.. you had to raise the requirement to keep them out.
Why cant we get the statue haters on board against racist gun laws. If they are consistent about anything its that racism is bad
We should just start announcing that one who favors gun control is racist.
They don’t care, remember it isn’t racist when they do it. Minimum wage, voter ID, zoning, etc. Their ideals are pure, that the world doesn’t seem to work out just says they need to prog harder.
Their visions are all about utopias. In a utopia there is no want, no violence, no need for guns. So they have the causation arrow messed up. A utopia would have no need of guns, so getting rid of guns is one thing on the list.
The top men will give you choice and freedom to do the things they approve of. You are free to do what we like, and not free to do things we don’t like. Isn’t that reasonable?
Look at what the pink pistol’s have gotten, if you are not lock-step prog, you are a pariah, one of the un-good.
Blacks in the NRA are uncle tom’s. We know they don’t like Jewish people with guns (((Zionists)))
Maybe we need to collectively do a betterjob calling them racistswhen they start spouting gun laws. I hate identity politics but i think i could get on board in this area. The worst thing in the world for a prog is to be labelled a racist. Maybe we should oblige them
It would only work if a heavyweight did it and then we just piled on. If the NAACP decried the laws as racist, it would get somewhere.
We’ve tried logic…
ID for voting? == Racist
ID for firearms == reasonable gun control.
Because the don’t give a shit about racism. Their thought process is “I hate those stupid red state fucks so I’m going to tear down statues to piss them off.”
Fighting Gun laws won’t piss the right people off.
People thing it’s inconsistent to import Muslims and claim you care about gays so much you force people to bake cakes. It’s completely consistent with trying to piss people off you hate.
Evil commies also talking about their weapons today.
What idiots. If someone smokes that guy they are going to get a pass. He has already established for the record that he is dangerous and willing to use deadly force offensively.
The left never changes. Their sales pitch is shit so they always revert to violence. I think the tide may be turning harder against these morons. They aren’t going to get their glorious revolution. Even if they did they would lose, lose , lose.
Give it up you commie pieces of shit.
Does anyone ever call these assholes on their bullshit? Does anyone ever ask for proof that the recipient of the head bashing he is proposing is actually a Nazi?
Do you want more Trump? Because this is how you get more Trump.
California’s restrictions on carrying firearms stems from the aftermath of the watts riots when the Black Panthers started open carrying. Gov Regan signed into law the permit restrictions, where only people of good reputation would enjoy that privilege.
The NY Sullivan acts were anti immigrant, specifically anti Italian and anti fascist/Anarchist, that they also blocked other minorities was just a bonus.
Operationally the left likes them because it keeps their violent operatives alive. The mob can’t terrorize armed defenders. Their tactics have been divide and conquer. the GCA’68 was an attempt to make “sporting purposes” the only legitimate connection to firearms ownership. Once this was in place, banning all firearms is reasonable if they are only acceptable for “sport”. Luckily with Heller we have understood that the fight must center around self defense.. and yes over time remove the restrictions as blocking firearms that are specifically good for self defense.
In other weapons of mass destruction news, Glock finally made it official. BEHOLD! The 5th Generation Glock
How does it differ from the 4th Generation? Well it is now built with……It has an improved…..Wait, there it is! They made an ambidextrous slide release.
Okay, its pretty much the same damn gun.
It also says “GEN 5”.
But, she’s got a new hat.
Good enough for a price increase and a ton of internet shit-talking!
Tell that to lefties! 😉
I normally just tell them to slingshot.
We deal with the greatest discrimination on the planet.
Check your right-handed privilege, Nazis.
You should re-form the Sinister Six.
I mean, I’m sure there’s at least six of you on the board…
Lefties in shooting is left eye dominant, which is different from writing and other tasks.. Left hand dominant.
If the person is a causal shooter I would just cover the left eye in their shooting glasses. Some would get left handed equipment, others learned to manipulate the bolt over the top, or switch hands to cycle.
I would but I don’t talk to left handed people. Freaks.
I suppose they are competing against other brands… I see no need to replace any of my Gen2 & 3 Glocks.
All of this “This is the best carry gun in the world” “Makes the others obsolete” is silly.
Follow rules for a gun fight:
#1 Bring a gun.
#2 shoot first
There are a shitload of internal differences. Enough so that almost no aftermarket parts for the Gen3/Gen4 will work in the Gen5. Doesn’t exactly fill my heart with joy.
Back in the 70’s when Carter and the Dims were frothing at the mouth over saturday night specials my father decided to buy a bunch of smith and wesson J-frame revolvers in 38 spl. He was afraid they would become unavailable so he bought 20 of them in various configurations thinking that they would be grandfathered in and worth a ton of money. Turns out you can buy them today for about the same cost.
Maybe he just didn’t want to get killed for lack of shootin’ back.
Waaaaay back in 2016 a bunch of people I know over payed for Ar-15s in anticipation of AWB 2.0, brought to you by herself truly. They all now regret that decision.
I’ve never regretted a gun purchase. They aren’t like electronics – outdated a worthless in under a decade. I bought my first gun (HK91A2 from the last batch imported from West Germany) in 1990 and it’s worth more now than I paid, not that it really matters, my son will inherit it.
I think I’ve regretted not buying a lot more than buying– the WWII 1911 for ~$500 is probably the biggy.
On the buying side, I’ve regretted a couple after purchase but not after reselling. Made money, at least in nominal dollars, selling the sporterized M1903 and jam-o-matic Kimber.
I kick myself for not picking up WWI and II rifles when they were dirt cheap.
When I got back to Drum from Iraq in 2006, one of the NCOs in my unit said he had a crate of M1s he was waiting to bring (into NY) from out of state – a bunch of us were supposed to be able to get a good deal on one – but he wasn’t able to swing the NY rules before I left for Korea.
That’s still legal in NJ?
Hell no – although I could buy a PRT-91 tomorrow. Old Fritz is stored at an undisclosed location.
There is/was a group that supplied home protection guns to low income people…can’t remember their name but bravo.
One think that backfired on the banners was the 10rd magazine limit.
That exploded the market for small concealed handguns.
And bigger calibers like .40 and .45.
Yeah Vhyrus. You hit the nail on the head. The Ellie think they or their bodyguards should have guns. Gun control is all about them trying to protect themselves from the “wrong kind” of people. Fuck them. Guns for everybody!
And if you don’t agree, we’ll argue some more.
Got a naa 22lr revolver…it’s freaking awesome and so tiny. I’m taking it shooting this weekend but have a feeling 15′ is max.
Aaaaaahhh! Is it as adorable in person as it is in the pictures online?
I talked to Mr. Riven about it a bit the other day, and he’s of the opinion that it’s an “ENT” gun. That is, a very close-quarters gun best used against soft tissue.
Agreed with Mr. Riven. But I have heard that a .22 lr bullet bounces around in the skull with great effect. It is cooler in person, I’ve never had a quality gun this small before. Closest I ever got to this small was a jennings .25 jam-o-matic.
**takes to google**
Well, that jennings is adorable, too. But, yeah, ideally your pocket gun is reliable, even if it isn’t terribly accurate outside of 15′.
Admit it, it had pearl grips, didn’t it?
No…wood. Lol.
Current one also though might have copper ones put on it.
Come on, bacon, go all out.
White Rhino horn!
“I want the holster to be the pelt of the most endangered species currently.” – *Takes sip of absinthe filtered through virgin tears*
I didn’t even know they made copper grips for that! Dang, I bet that’ll be real good looking, as if it isn’t already.
They don’t…but there is a thriving custom edc(everyday carry) community on facebook and instagram to fix that. My current fave fixed blade knife has custom copper scales from Copper shed knife works. Look them up. Matter of fact if you are on instagram my handle is moogly74 if you are into knives and puppies.
I don’t have an instagram. I have considered it, but, like you said, it would just be puppies and other sundry random crap. Heh.
I’ll have to look you up, though, anyway; been thinking about carrying a fixed blade because it would be easier to conceal than a pocket gun. It would be nice to do both, though…
Good facebook groups:
EDC addicts
the other ones I’m in are mostly high end knife “waffle” (raffle) groups.
This is the only reason I still have facebook.
On fixed blades is you want decent price quality blades look up ESEE or morakniv(these look cheap but really good imo). High end fixed blades (hard to get but wait til you see pictures) look up Lucky13, Driver Defense, Nomad customs, & a slew of others.
I don’t have a facebook, either.
Will definitely check out those knives, though!
Heard good things about miller bros.
I am apparently not mature enough to really pick out a knife. Lol. Looked over their available stuff, and I just want the pretty ones.*
*all of them
look up ESEE
I can vouch for ESEE (sometimes called RAT). I’m breaking federal law by wearing an Izula right now, just above my junk.
I still haven’t decided on which one yet.
“Is it as adorable in person as it is in the pictures online?”
Yes. I have two. they are some of the highest quality guns on the market. The machining of the parts is exquisite. Thye are works of art really.
Don’t forget my warning about them. They are worth having but not something you go out plinking with. They are no fun to shoot and remember that they are thumb smashers.
Oh, I believe it. I don’t think I’ve seen one pocket gun that makes me think, “Gosh, I’d love to spend all afternoon at the range with this one!”
I want one rather badly, but I’m not sure if it’s just because *I want it* or if I really think it’s a good pocket option for me.
Bacon, you didn’t see my comments on that gun before?
Since I love bacon so much I will repeat: The size of that gun forces you to hold it in your fingers rather than your palm. You will naturally use your thumb to grip it on the left side. If you hold the gun like that notice that the exposed rear of the cylinder is right in front of the tip of your thumb. When you shoot it the sharp edge of the cylinder jumps back substantially and will split your thumbnail about 1/4 inch in. One shot like that aaaaaaaaand all the fun at the range comes to a bloody end.
Make certain that you peel the tip of your thumb out just enough so that the cylinder goes past it instead of into it.
You have been warned.
Thanks! I shot the black widow version before but it had a better grip.
See what you’re saying but my thumb is down turned onto the lip of the scale/grip. I have large hands so it is really small.
So you are gonna grip with two fingers and thumb. Watch that thumb!
Indian guru’s rape conviction triggers riots; 28 dead.
HAHAHAHA. The East Indians that have infested Canada brought with them their tribalism, arrogance and bad food. It’s not enough to under-cut every contracting job whether it be trucking, construction, silviculture, janitorial services, cab drivers or entry-level positions that any typical 15 year-old would be hired for. Nope. They crashed the market and now bitch about the low pay and want the Government to bail them out. I worked for a company for ten years that was low-balled by Sikh entrepeneurs and folded. The Sikhs never did get their contracts completed and were brought up on charges for using Somalians as basically slave labor. The issuer of the contracts wanted us back but by then we had moved on to different forms of indentured servitude.
No dude, I am over cumin!
Anywhos Monday is my birthday. I think this will be my present to myself.
Whoa… those are rifle prices
My brother just bought one of these. Really nice, but damn are they expensive!
Very nice! With the wood hardware and all?
Yes, it’s really pretty.
Yeah, I love the wood. And the night sights.
No – those are Sig prices. Nice guns, but damn they cost.
Yep, don’t drop them either. (I keeeed, sorta)
Had a 226 and 228…wish I’d never got rid of them.
This is what I am leaning towards.
The general plan is my wife and I will both get concealed carry permits in Iowa the next couple of months. Then we’ll purchase a couple of high-quality, concealable pistols when the company pays out annual bonuses late this fall.
The P938 is at the top of my list right now.
Shoot one first, but they’re fantastic. You have to like the 1911 manual of arms. I’ve found the safety harder to engage/disengage than a 1911, plus the safety’s edges are a bit grabby.
Hard to beat the form factor, and it’s not hard to control at all, even in 9mm vs .380.
My birthday is today and bought myself a 15$ sustain pedal for one of my keyboards, yea
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!
Can you play smooth jazz and/or lounge? Please play some lounge and record it for everyone to hear.
Excellent choice Almighty. I have one. I love love love it. It operates just like a 1911 so it is natural to me. Plus it has the punch of the 9. You can shoot it very accurately with some practice. I have a paddle holster that clips to my pants inside my shirt. It is light and comfortable and sometimes I forget I even have it on. Very well finished high quality gun.
Cool. Good to hear! I’m looking forward to a new toy:)
Speaking of Saturday Night Specials- I have a no-name .22 snub nose revolver ( we’ll say a 2″ barrel). I call it the Sirhan Sirhan Signature Model.
It’s kind of accurate, if you’re within arm’s reach.
Common sense baseball bat control is needed in the land of Oz.
They even play baseball?
Huh. they didn’t name the attacker. I wonder what that is all about?
After this beer, and the next beer, I’ll only have a few beers left!
Which one?
Watermelon Dorado. I went to Bristol Farms to get Pliny and steaks yesterday, and they didn’t get their shipment this week. No Pliny.
Is that a double? I think I saw it my local – I’ll have to try it. Still really dig the grapefruit sculpin.
Yeah, double. 10%, so watch out.
If you’re going to go through a sixer in one night, there better be some water and food mixed in there somewhere.
They have regular Dorado, but I haven’t seen it around here lately.
Dorados are Dangerous, at least for me
Tundra, do yourself a favor and DO NOT pay good money for Watermelon Dorado. Plain Dorado? Absolutely. The watermelon kind tastes like carbonated Jolly Rancher syrup. It’s disgusting. Really disgusting. If someone offers you one for free, try a few sips and then pour the rest into a nearby shrub. The shrub will hate you for it, but what’s it gonna do about it? Playa only drinks the stuff ironically.
OK, but Playa hasn’t steered me terribly wrong before.
On another note – Dogfish Head has finally made it to Minnesota!
He’s playing the long game. First he recommends a few good beers to gain your trust. Then he springs Watermelon Dorado on you and laughs all weekend at the thought of your perfectly good money being exchanged for a beverage that tastes worse than a bottle of White Out.
Note to self:
Buy white out
White out?
*digs in desk drawer*
Dogfish Head has finally made it to Minnesota!
Excellent news! Dogfish Head makes great beer.
Watermelon Dorado
Just how watermelony is this? I’ve seen it at the Albie’s here and debated grabbing it a few times, but watermelon flavored things are really hit and miss with me. :O
It’s pretty light, IMO.
So noted! I might pick some up this weekend. We’re going to a barbecue on Saturday evening. Looks a little expensive to share, but they’re good folks.
Riven, it’s above 10%, you can share
Hnnnngh! If it’s above 10%, sounds like I better share.
Did you bring enough for the whole class?
Headed to the store shortly.
Started at 12:30 With Sidecar and Tropical Torpedo by Sierra Nevada,
It’s warm in Upland Today
Yeah. It’s freezer beer territory.
I was considering Palm Desert this weekend. 116 on Sunday.
Too expensive, though.
Trappiste 10 – 9.2%…..think I’ll go with a Founder’s Rubaeus next.
home defense pistol that my horribly terrified of guns fiancee can learn to shoot
I also have a S&W (I’m too lazy to fish it out and check, but I think it’s something like a model 5900). They were starting to make them for the cops, until Glock came along and blew them out of the water. It’s a 9mm and it’s heavy (it ain’t no pocket gun), but that weight smooths out the recoil, and it’s pretty easy to shoot.
Same with my Beretta. Nice and heavy so it puts rounds on target with ease the way my Shield can’t. Full sized frames paired with 9mm are a solid combo for easy to shoot pistols.
So thanks you American motherfuckers, because you people had to go all insane iconoclast over graven images of slaveholders or whatever, Canada desperately wants to catch up on its virtue signalling:
Teachers’ union pushing to strip Sir John A. Macdonald’s name from Ontario schools.
Don’t blame us for proggies, they came from Europe along with all the other riff raff that has ruined this pristine land.
they came from Europe
Fuck that they didn’t. You can blame Europe for the commies, but your progs are at their core a product of American Protestantism.
Boooooooo. Proggies are just a fancy term for a socialist.
Except progressivism in the United States didn’t start from Marxism, it started from religious philosophy that ended up leaning heavily towards solutions similar to socialism. And eugenics I guess.
Your culture was the influence that started the rot. And then you had the decency to export it to us.
Blaming problems on others…how American of you.
Feel free to blame us for every jackass Canadian leftist who goes down to work in the States and whines about everything.
Especially David Frum. We don’t even feel bad about that one.
More like a convenient marriage of American Protestantism with Marxism imported directly from Germany.
Follow our lead:
The McSchoolfaces are a proud and noble linage, but unfortunately Schoolie McSchoolface III shot a bunch of Indians, so that’s out.
Damn Funny JT
The entire list is gold. Seems like they were fishing for a particular angle in the storm given the themes seem to be more “renaming is stupid” than casual internet memes.
The ultimate troll: offer to take down memorials and rename buildings and streets on the condition that every statue taken down must be replaced by a statue of Donald Trump and everything renamed must be renamed for him. Really test the iconoclasts’ commitment to scrubbing history. The Trump statues should also probably depict him giving the middle finger.
So, his fault is that he was in favor of educating the Indians, right?
I suppose for non-Canadians I should contextualize that, while some of the residential schools were providing actual skillsets, their overwhelming goal was more culturally eradicating natives and turning them into good little white people Protestants.
Also there was a ton of mismanagement and sexual abuse.
So no different than any other public school system, eh?
Close, but add in usually being in the middle of nowhere and the parents basically not being allowed to make any decisions and in some cases not being allowed to pull them out of school. So a prog dream.
We’re the forcing engines to go there? Or is this the sort of cultural eradication that basically means “they taught things that are useful. Things that are useful are white things- therefore they’re trying to erase our noble heritage with whiteness.”
Combination of persuasion and force was used to get the kids into the schools.
It basically was an assimilation machine with high (but not as high as claimed) mortality rate, with kids having no rights, even by the standards of the period.
What Pan says. It’s the sort of cultural eradication that means “if you speak your own language to each other we beat you and then stick you in a dark place as punishment”.
Eh, Ontario. Whacha gonna do?
Now, how does BC out-stupid this (cause you know we have to)? I mean, John MacDonald is the closest we have to a Founding Figure. How do you top that?
Maybe a proposal to rename the province? British? Columbia? That’s just too triggering for words!
Also, for education of American readership, John A MacDonald creates Canada – with booze.
I would assume you’d go about renaming Vancouver into something suitably Amerindian. Maybe Haida, ignoring their slave trade of course.
No, too much Prog brand recognition. Can’t lose the cachet of living in Proggiest City In Canada!
Now, Victoria? Colonialism, racism, wars of conquest – that might be up for rename!
Also, man do modern Heritage Minutes suck. The old ones had a weird grit to them, these are always so clean and polished.
I mean this one and Halifax Explosion are metal as hell.
I actually visited the house where Macdonald lived in Kingston, ON. It was about a decade ago; he wasn’t treated as a disgraced politician back then. Or even particularly controversial.
If you want something that your fiancee is cool with, just get a boom stick.
My wife can’t really handle a .45, so that’s what I had to do.
Just get a Mossberg 500/Maverick 88, and put a folding pistol stock on it so she can handle the kick.
I LOVE my boom stick.
A folding pistol-grip stock on a pump-action shotgun will make the kick worse. Please don’t do this.
My apologies in advance if you’re joking, but seriously: Bad move. Don’t do it.
The guy works for GoDaddy, eh?
I wondered what happened to that guy.
So he is Super Idiot. Awesome.
I have an unhealthy, likely never to be realized passion to someday own a Colt Python.
Shit. I’d have to sell a car to finance it. But yes, that’s the one to have.
I know. I can’t even afford a cheap pistol right now. I definitely can’t afford a $4000 revolver.
Nooooooo! Pythons are defective.
I can’t imagine owning a gun I would never want to shoot.
No way. If I bought it, I would shoot it. I hate owning anything that doesn’t get used for its intended purpose. Like the dudes who buy a great car and just hide it away.
Fuck that.
I would shoot it once to prove it’s function as a collector’s item. That’s it.
I’ve never shot my HK USC.
My third kid was born around the time I got it, and I haven’t been out to the desert with my “militia” since then.
I think that’s different. You still want to shoot it but have not yet got around to it.
I have a python. I do not recommend one. they made the forcing cones too hard and they are prone to cracking and then the gun blowing up in your hand. It is so common that the forcing cone on mine is cracked and you can find youtube videos of the same.
Huh. So $4-$5K and you can’t shoot if you want to.
Dammit, I hate it when reality stomps on a dream.
So what’s your favorite shootable .357?
Smith and Wesson model 29. Next, SW model 19. The 586/686 with the full lug barrel is damned nice too. All of those are real tack drivers.
I once killed a jackrabbit at 200 yards with my 6″ model 686.
Thanks, Suthen! I really appreciate the education.
I think he meant to type “model 27”
Ooops. Yeah. 27
The L frame .357
The large frame really tames the recoil.
Pythons are pretty, but they are running 1920s-vintage lockwork. If you want a serious working revolver with updated lockwork but still old enough to have a decent trigger and not a lot of pettifogging passive safety crap, find a good Model 19 Smith made in the mid-late 70s.
On my way to commie hellhole with fantastic (lack of) gun laws in 2 hours!
I hope you have a great vacation!
Nice. Drink a switchback for me!
I miss The Shed. One of those burgers on an ENglish muffin with an amber ale was heaven. HEAVEN!
Shed has a new beer! Well, it was new since the last time i was home.
Wait – they’re back? They lost their lease years ago and were closing.
(The Shed in Stowe is what I’m talking about. Is the one in Middlebury the reincarnation?)
I remember that beer coming from Stowe…
Yeah, looks like the same. I think the owners of the original sold their recipes. I see they have bottles at A&B in Grand Isle, so I’ll be drinking one tomorrow evening!!
So good. And the follow up:
It’s the same reason we don’t let children drive semi trucks
Can’t reach the clutch?
They always throw their cigarette butts out the window.
One of the responses absolutely nailed the thinking behind the “listen to the children” garbage:
I doubt they would want to “listen to the children” if the children had been allowed to form their own opinions. Untamed children tend to behave in an unenlightened manner. There’s a reason kids are drilled with such idioms as “sharing is caring”: they naturally don’t want to share and are quite egocentric.
Remember that Harris lives in a city (SF) that has tried on more than one occasion to lower the voting age. Shit, they awarded illegal immigrants the vote last November so I can’t imagine it won’t happen sooner or later here.
yeah, that’s the purpose underneath all the “children are the future, they deserve a voice” crap. It’s so Dems get the 15-18 year olds, during high school indoctrination.
I do hope people hold firm on no. It’s really absurd to say teenagers aren’t mature enough to drink until 21, but they’re mature enough to vote at 15! yeah, sure. Pick one.
The only people who think children have any wisdom are people who never raised one.
Reduce the age of suffrage to 10 NOW! #$15MinimumWage!
New holster came yesterday. Still can’t take it outside, but I think I made a good choice.
“Millennials have a new attitude about cleavage that’s forcing ‘breastaurant’ Hooters to close locations and change its strategy”
I think I have a more likely reason Millenials aren’t going to Hooters. It’s not because they don’t like boobs. It’s because they don’t like sports. And for every cute woman slinging really bad chicken wings there are about 3 TVs inundating you with stick and ball games.
Yes, it just might be their food sucks.
Wait, wait – they have *food* there?
You also need money to go to Hooters.
It has been my experience you need money for Hooters to come to you as well.
The food sucks, the beer sucks, and the waitresses are so insincere. On the other hand, uptight pseudo-intellectual leftist millennial assholes like ENB don’t go there so I never decline when the gang feels like going there.
Meh. Tilted Kilt and Twin Peaks are better.
“Now I’m not saying that Michelle Obama is a tran and I don’t hate trannies. I’m a libertarian but we have famous photos of her where it appears she has a large bulge in her pants. Michelle appears in photos and videos to have a very large penis in her pants, her shoulders are wide, her face is very, very masculine. She looks like a tranny. And so you ask yourself are the children a beard for Obama and of course Michelle Obama or Michael Obama as he has called her.”
Who wears the mom jeans in the family?
I love ya Alex but you’re freaking nuts.
Ok. The Antietam grounding mishap report just came out – from the January incident. Ordinarily I’d be scared that it’d take this long for the FTZ/McCain reports to come out, but I don’t think that’ll be the case given the circumstances.
Big takeaways….not following their own manning requirements (unqualified Navigator, etc), lack of communication, being in a hurry (like the Port Royal grounding a few years back).
Honestly….a lot of this may wind up being on 7th Fleet – training/inspection folks as well as the actual ships. When I was in 3rd/4th Fleet, we had to practice anchoring to get certified – including mooring to a buoy – if the weather was bad – not surprising in Puget Sound – we would pull back out before doing it again to make sure the crew knew what we were doing – followed the plan, etc.
Several times during our deployments we were exceptionally delayed – by lack of pilots, etc – from pulling in or out – so we would have another safety/prep brief in order to make sure we covered any additional changes to the plan from weather/watch bills/etc.
Biggest for me – CO has control over this stuff too – during our deployment, one of our officers was supposed to turn over and leave the ship to go to their next tour. The officer supposed to relieve them was deemed unqualified by the CO – she never qualified them in a single watchstation (trust me – they were not reliable or solid to deal with at all) – and the “departing” officer remained on board until well after deployment (and we got another replacement) in order to ensure that the ship was able to meet it’s responsibilities and operate safely and professionally.
But….most of those things also should have been caught by folks outside the ship too – unless some of the inspections are just check the box because the optempo is too high. Of course…now that we’re down 2+ ships in 7th fleet, it’s not going to get any easier for the folks still there – probably gonna surge some ships from Pearl or SD as well.
That gave a rise to my blood pressure while reading. Never fun going aground. The no qualified navigator is huge, but it sounds like the deck apes made their fair share of fuckups also. They should have been notifying the bridge they could not loose the anchor when given the order so they could come ahead if needed. Boats don’t stay in the same spot when stopped. They were also supposed to let loose six shots of chain and stopped at 2? big fuck up. Combine that with 5 minute fixes after the hook is in the water and they would never notice they were dragging until it was too late.
If they’d had a proper anchoring evolution pre-brief with deck leads, etc up front – they could have jumped the gun on any comms issues from the pilot house. Why the junior (probably unqualified?) phone talker is passing non-commands to the foc’sle is also a big question.
I only vaguely understand what you guys are talking about, but I think the solution to the problem is more diversity and sexual harassment training.
OT: I got my hands on a USDA Prime brisket that is going in the smoker tomorrow. I was wondering what y’all pay per pound for prime brisket. I paid $4.75 a lb. I have never even seen one around these parts but I don’t go to the hoity toity meat markets because they are over the top as far as price goes. I got this one off the guy I bought some hickory logs from for my pizza oven. Hardwood logs are hard to come by here as well outside of Home Depot which I found to be really crusty with some nastiness. Filthy things. One shouldn’t have to wash their wood prior to cooking. (no euphemism)
But it was funny
It used to be 2.29 lb for USDA Prime packer at Costco. The game is up, though. It’s $3.50 now.
No shit? I feel robbed. There is a Costco up on I-70 this side of Glenwood but I rarely get that way. We have a Sams and they only sell Choice grade meats. I have never seen anything Prime there. Dude told me the hoity toity markets around here have been selling whatever Prime they could get their hands on for $6 lb all summer.
I’ve NEVER seen brisket that high. But again, this is for a whole packer. You can make beef bacon out of the point, and the flat is meh.
Go to Costco and look for blue trays.
They started selling ribeye caps last year. Incredible. The best part of the ribeye, and nothing else.
Ya, this was a whole packer. That is what I mostly buy. Occasionally I will buy a flat just for a quick smoke. The Costco is a good 2+ hour drive for me. I will think about that.
Ya that is it I think. Not really my neck of the woods, I have just seen it over on the hill.
It’s a pretty good size. Of course, a disadvantage of being in CO is that Costco can’t sell liquor. They have a liquor store next door but it’s not the same.
Do they have super Prime cut beef deals like Playa is speaking of? For some of that I would make a day of it.
Sorry, I can’t recall. Been a few months since we were there.
I’m doing this for a birthday party in 2 weeks. Hopefully.
Oh ya. Please give a review. That looks interesting. I am not sure I want to scrap my smoker though. Maybe finish it in the smoker. I have not got on the sous vide bandwagon yet.
For some reason, every YouTube video today is preceded by an ad for Bushwick, so, because I suffered, have a trailer and just think, there at least 3.5 years of Trump.
Apparently the script and some of the filming is pre-Trump nomination, but I’m sure there was some influence on it.
That baseball guy on the motorcycle knocking out the generic black clad soldier is such a hilariously masturbatory scene though.
“Dur Hur, I will not pay attention to the sound of a motorized vehicle with an armed person approaching me, because I am a Bond henchmen and they are the plucky underdogs.”
Uh, is the plot of this movie “Texas breaks away from the US and decides to send redneck commandos dressed in all black into New York City to make surgical strikes against the critical ‘unarmed attractive blonde woman’ assets of the federales?”
That makes a lot of sense.
(Also, ugh, I see that the music was composed by Aesop Rock. Please, god, I don’t want him to become a TDS sufferer. That wouldn’t be swell at all.)
Pojama Boys just fapped themselves into delirium! ” A Must Watch!” gushed erstwhile Ow, my balls guy! “Five out of five!” reports Robert Soave of Reason! Amanda Marcotte raves “I told you so!” and Elizabeth Nolan Brown remains opposed to sandwiches.
:standing ovation:
Harvey is Cat 4 now
What are your other three cats’ names?
Thus confirming Climate Change.
/Neal Degrasse Tyson
OT: any of you Canadians (or anyone else with Poutine knowledge) have any tips on the best gravy I can make at home for it? does it matter? I bought cheese curds at the store to try it myself but I don’t know if it’s supposed to be beef or it’s just whatever you’ve got at hand? We had an excellent one in Maine that used duck, but that’s a bit much to try myself.
Go to LAX. Order “animal fries”.
You’re welcome.
Is there one inside the terminals now, or do you still have to go out to car lot?
Sepulveda and 92nd St. Commonly referred to as “LAX In n Out”.
They would NEVER sell out and go inside the terminals. EVER.
Yeah. That’s the one. Take the shuttle to The Parking Spot and walk over.
You’re welcome.
I got tsk-tsked at by somebody from Montreal for making it with mushroom gravy once. It was still pretty good.
Any dark, rich gravy will work just fine. I recently used a chicken gravy glacé that my wife (who never uses swear words in normal conversation) said was ‘fucking awesome!” I try to pull back on the salt just because I consider gravy and salt separate ingredients, and just let my fellow diners salt to taste.
I imagine a thickened au jus would also be quite good. Don’t turn it into mid-west American turkey glop gravy (thickened with cornstarch) though. That’s just wrong.
WRONG, I tell you!
Just order this online.
Also, poutine is fucking gross. What the hell is wrong with you?
St-Hubert is of the Devil.
The delicious, delicious Devil.
Also, poutine is fucking gross. What the hell is wrong with you?
I thought you had taste? Poutine is the Food of the Gods.
Ask Rufus. He’s a Kebeker and he loves pwatsien.
I have never made poutine in a kitchen at any time in my life. It’s always been a fast food thing.
Canned “better than buoilion”. It’s what us fancy-like people use. Doesn’t matter which because it is fast food. The gravy is supposed to taste like high sodium trash. Oxo cubes. The secret to poutine gravy is to use corn starch rather than flour as a thickener because it lets that wonderful salty goodness fuck with your kidneys the next day. I am being serious for once, people!
Hey Sugarfree! – can you top this? Gimme some hat and hair!
Best Friends Twerking (White Girl Edition)
I don’t know why i thought it was something else.
For once I wish I was rickrolled.
Okay, now I feel aroused, dirty and racist in that order. Any advice, Prudie?
God-awful editorial in the Times detailing how an awful idea had really nice intentions- but meh, it was full of corruption, lies and completely ineffective, but we’re really glad they did it. But… the approach they used might give local politicians to tax things we like… but that’s probably not going to happen because everyone here agrees on everything.
In an 8-1 decision, the majority of justices decided Seattle’s tax wasn’t regulatory. In doing so, it chose to discount comments by several City Council members who suggested regulatory intent.
While the outcome of the case is good, since more needs to be done to address violence, it is concerning that the ruling may embolden Seattle to impose more targeted taxes.
Gun advocates couldn’t sway the court. But it was reasonable for them to assume regulatory intent by a City Council that talked about limiting gun sales, and that imposed a soda tax to discourage soda consumption.
Seattle didn’t help its credibility by concealing how much the gun tax raised. The city repeatedly refused to disclose those public records, prompting another lawsuit by gun advocates forcing it to release them.
Seattle’s excuse was that releasing aggregate tax collections would harm the privacy of gun sellers — because there are so few of them, individual tax payments could be deduced. But that didn’t hold water.
Perhaps Seattle withheld the records because it whiffed its gun-tax revenue forecast. It expected $300,000 to $500,000 annually. In March, the city said “less than $200,000” was generated in the first year, but the actual amount may be much less.
But the city’s lack of transparency around the effectiveness of its tax legislation is disappointing.
What the Times can’t seem to admit here, is the whole thing was predicated on deception and lies.
And yes, the tax revenue received by the city will be less, way less. Way, way less because the last gun seller just left down.
From the linked study in that editorial. There was not one person out of 100,000 people in the UK murdered by a firearm? I call bullshit. And their data is from 2010. There is not more recent studies? All that aside, what part of “shall not be infringed” do they not understand?
Nice piece Vhy – triple entendre.
On topic for once: Bought a brand new Ruger American pistol in 9mm to replace the Sig P220 .45ACP that was burglarized from my home almost exactly one year ago. It was really growing on me even before I shot it.
Took it out and put 100 rounds through it this morning. Pretty good little gun for the price – it was a no-brainer because I had $200 in Bass Pro Shops gift cards to use up anyway. I still think the P220 is still a better gun overall – mostly because I prefer the Sig’s passive trigger safety and still am not 100% sold on the trigger safety that Ruger employs with the American, but I am very pleased with the quality of the purchase. The Ruger American style trigger safety is still superior to a thumb toggle safety.
Going to acquire the P220 again once the new fiscal year starts and my friend who works at Sigarms can help me apply the 50% discount.
I can’t figure out if there’s even a shred of truth to this. its only being covered by the batshit-crazy Infowars-esque right-media
A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his anger at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protestors. He also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to further the agenda of the elites.
Okayyyyy…Imma ad-hom and say no, no there’s no truth.
The URL was enough to give me a confusion headache, but then the fucking COMMENTS.
Saw this on twitter – hard to tell if it’s the same guy or a name issue. Go ahead and stick this in the night links thread.
I had heard rumblings he was “Occupy” but the former CNN angle is new to me. If it is true, do you think the mainstream outlets would ever report on it? The older I get the more prone to tinfoil I seem to be leaning toward, but with the outright dishonesty by lack of pointing out some of the groups being protested now have nothing to do with white supremacy or Nazis has me wondering if all of this is not just a little too convenient.
I don’t “get” kids these days. I used to go plinking with my buddies when I was 13. We’d walk through our suburban neighborhood fully armed and never once received a side-eye. I wouldn’t trust my Grandkids with a fish hook, let alone a jack-knife. Are they really this soft? WHAT THE FUCK?
BTW everyone I (his Halfrican female partner) came up with the topic he never mentioned me once! WTF?! @vhyrus where’s my thank you??? via GIPHY