Much news today, so I’ll keep my own non-news-related commentary to a minimum.

Texans are all singing that old song as Hurricane Harvey bears down on them. The news media is doin’ the regular- DISASTER!!!! but the storm itself doesn’t seem to be cooperating with the narrative. Of course, as usual, Women and Minorities Hardest Hit. And the Universal Cause will certainly be invoked to explain why there hasn’t been a major hurricane landfall in the US for over 12 years, why we now got one, and why it’s less devastating than originally predicted. That’s the power of the AGW theory, no matter what happens, it’s proved correct once again. Science FTW!

The current piece of shit we have occupying the White House has pardoned someone who is even a bigger piece of shit, though admittedly the Arizona piece of shit has a more limited range of stink. Too bad, I really wanted to see how the sheriff would take to work camps, tents, pink underwear, moldy food, and anal rape.

Speaking of storms and pieces of shit, here’s another example of government functionaries who, if the worst happened, I would not shed a single tear over.

I’m thinking that the Chicago school system should put Israel in charge.

Finally, with all the (yawwwwwn) news about yet more departures from the White House, I thought that this week’s musical selection should be from someone I think is a better Gorka.