Much news today, so I’ll keep my own non-news-related commentary to a minimum.
Texans are all singing that old song as Hurricane Harvey bears down on them. The news media is doin’ the regular- DISASTER!!!! but the storm itself doesn’t seem to be cooperating with the narrative. Of course, as usual, Women and Minorities Hardest Hit. And the Universal Cause will certainly be invoked to explain why there hasn’t been a major hurricane landfall in the US for over 12 years, why we now got one, and why it’s less devastating than originally predicted. That’s the power of the AGW theory, no matter what happens, it’s proved correct once again. Science FTW!
The current piece of shit we have occupying the White House has pardoned someone who is even a bigger piece of shit, though admittedly the Arizona piece of shit has a more limited range of stink. Too bad, I really wanted to see how the sheriff would take to work camps, tents, pink underwear, moldy food, and anal rape.
Speaking of storms and pieces of shit, here’s another example of government functionaries who, if the worst happened, I would not shed a single tear over.
I’m thinking that the Chicago school system should put Israel in charge.
Finally, with all the (yawwwwwn) news about yet more departures from the White House, I thought that this week’s musical selection should be from someone I think is a better Gorka.
Texans are all singing that old song as Hurricane Harvey bears down on them.
They’re not singing this one?
Of course, as usual, Women and Minorities Hardest Hit.
Then perhaps they need this song.
Best of luck to all Texas based Glibertarians. But since the NFL season is almost here.
I’m not going to defend Arpaio’s illegal racial profiling, but I really didn’t have a problem with tent city, the pink underwear or the striped uniforms prisoners had to wear.
Yeah, those non-violent druggies had it coming….
Sound like we agree that the law should be changed so that non-violent druggies aren’t subject to arrest.
But that’s an entirely different argument than not having a problem with those who are arrested living in the same conditions as soldiers in Iraq and wearing unfashionable clothing.
The key to my objection is arrested. Not convicted, simply arrested. Many of the people that suffered under Arpaio were awaiting trial, and had not been found guilty of anything. That aside, the conditions at the jail were not just tents and funny underwear. There was a large amount of physical abuse, ranging from beatings to denial of medical care.
According to AZ’s Attorney General, everyone in Tent City chose to be there instead of in an inside facility. Physical abuse and denial of medical care happens in more places than just Maricopa County, and I am as opposed to that as anyone. But living in tents in the desert and wearing a striped jumpsuit doesn’t tickle my Give-A-Fuck-O-meter one iota.
I dont know that it is that different of an argument when u consider they aren’t a small percentage of of the prisoners. To support tent city you have to do so knowing 30 percent of its population never harmed a soul (or atleast arent locked up for harming anyone)
You can make that argument for any prison with non-violent inmates.
Sure. Its also frequently made for anti death penalty. Nobody cares about killing child rapist/murderers but nobody wants innocents to suffer.that said i didnt know it was voluntary so i will dig intothat some more but i have a hard time believing more than a handful would volunteer to live in tent city.
You can’t imagine that a prisoner would prefer to be outside in the fresh air as opposed to being inside a tiny, dank indoor cell?
Could someone explain to me what exactly was terrible about Arpaio? I never really followed him. Just know that over the years the regressives would rag on him as a huge massive racist, and the conservatives would praise him as dealing with the illegals.
There have been some bad stories come out about him over the years.tried to find some of it but its buried behind a million stories written in the last month. Seems like there were some stories about him screwing political rivals and some crooked $ stuff but i cant remember specifics. Other than ive despised him for 10 years
There was also video that surfaced a while back of one of his deputies in a courtroom rifling through a defense attorney’s paperwork and removing some documents while the attorney wasn’t looking.
He was sentenced to a public apology.
It’s a Twitter post, but the Phoenix times runs through some highlights of his tenure.
He is a grade ‘A’ asshole that abused his authority.
Alright, on a brief skim a lot of that definitely looks pretty bad. Though a decent chunk of it seems to be “ZOMG, RACIAL PROFILING!”
Having had to work with county sheriffs numerous times in my career, they all seemed to be autocratic, slimy assholes. Arpaio was just much more prominent than the rest. I’d guess a deep dive into just about any of the major county sheriffs in the US would reveal a laundry list of offenses and outrages.
He was born and raised in Massachusetts.
That is serious. Has anything good ever come from that state?
He’s an asshole. the nature of his assholery is diverse and ranges from the silly (dressing prisoners up in humiliating garb), to serious (basically refusing to follow the law / destroying evidence / threatening people / acting like a petty tyrant)
And it sucks that that’s what they tried to get him on, not going through defendants’ papers or financial shenanigans.
Is this Strawman Saturday or something?
No straw man here.
It was the defendant’s papers during his trial.
Arpaio’s deputies took a paper away from a defense lawyer and copied it. Joe threatened to shut down the courts if they dared to hold his deputies in contempt.
He is an authoritarian asshole who thought he was above the law. He should never have been pardoned.
“I’m thinking that the Chicago school system should put Israel in charge.”
of course (((you))) do.
+1, lots of pieces of shit. Speaking of pieces of shit, Nicole Chavez, Steve Almasy and Doug Criss from the CNN link.
Finally get to prove to their parents that their parents didn’t waste their money on all that college tuition. Just kidding!
This is a really great way to win people over.
But to learn that these brave men and women over there return with a new-found hatred for those different from them, especially after their mission is one of liberation from those who kill and persecute anyone of different faiths/beliefs, is quite disturbing to say the least.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA!
Iraq wasnt a war of liberation, was it? I mean, “Bush lied, people died”, right? We went there to “liberate” Iraq’s oil, right into our gas-guzzling SUBs, but liberating actual people?
Did Trump just cause leftist-progressives to endorse President Bush???
My favorite part is where they wrote an article calling an entire group of people racist, only to call Iraq and Afghanistan shitholes despite probably never having been there.
The media has a track record of endorsing the former Rep Presidents. They always call the current one crazy though.
I want one.
Having one would be cool, but I wouldn’t lose my head over it.
Oh don’t worry, the anti-war Left will be back soon enough in light of Trump’s Afghanistan decision. Who knows – maybe they’ll bring ol’ Cindy Sheehan out of exile! (remember her??)
Great author subtex – powerful, eloquent, and signally: Writer, musician, Trump Resister, food snob
I cannot adequately express how much I hate those fucking “bios.”
I can’t wrap my head around what the purpose of those things is supposed to be. Is it an attempt to make the writer seem relevant to the reader’s own experience? Because I really can’t see that happening.
“Wow, this author writes editorials at the intersection of indigenous otherkin peoples rights and HO-scale model railroading? I’d better find out what xe has to say!”
“The utter failure by our so-called Commander-in-Chief to condemn these hate groups …”
Despite him outright condemning them.
Insult people, deny reality, slander. Nice. What is astounding is that the R’s will drop the ball yet again next year when they should be wiping the floor with the D’s asses.
It wasn’t fast enough, and that’s an offense that one can never make amends for.
Dave said ‘utter failure’ which means to me that Trump never condemned them at all. It is a complete denial of reality.
These stupid fuckers force me into the uncomfortable position of having to defend an elected official, which is very strange.
I think it’s getting to the point where the GOP will win even though they obviously don’t want to. People will choose stupid and cowardly over insane and evil.
I am not clicking on a huffpo link. Is this about college kids being scared of veterans and wanting them banned from some colleges?
BLUF: Iraq and Afghanistan veterans all have violent PTSD and are raging racists and hate brown people after serving and are defending Nazis, so be careful out there.
“Becoming A Racist: The Unfortunate Side Effect Of Serving Your Country?”
The author is actually arguing that white people’s contact with non-white peoples turns the white people into racists.
What about the large numbers of non-whites in our military…?
White people hate them, too.
Before I go in deeper, I gotta point this out:
“After all, the entire white power and neo-Nazi movement is based on blaming someone else for your problems.”
….I know that being a prog by necessity entails you being a short-sighted hypocrite, but are they actually thinking when they write a sentence like this and then crow about how everything bad that happens to a minority is the white man’s fault.
If someone from HuffPo or Salon wanted to hire me, I could at least write articles that wouldn’t be so easily mocked one paragraph in.
My uncle was a lieutenant in the NYPD for over 40 years. He was a kind and loving man. Unfortunately, patrolling the streets of The Bronx and Queens during the sixties and seventies, and seeing what human beings are capable of doing to each other, left him with a prejudice towards minorities. Not that he would say or do anything in public that would offend anyone. He was always a gentleman on the surface and treated everyone with respect.
So, though his behavior toward others was exemplary, he was guilty of wrongthink, which is, you know, wrong and stuff.
I love how that paragraph essentially boils down to “minorities tend to act like unscrupulous assholes and will lead even the nicest people to resentment”.
When they were soft peddling this stuff over the last 30 years and trying to pass it off as good manners people were pretty receptive to it. When you earnestly try to argue that a bare minimum of 1/3 of the total US population are hardcore KKK white supremacists and any idiot can look out their window and go “Hey, you know what… that’s really not happening” you’ve got a tougher sell. And “The only reason you can’t see it is because you’re stupid as well as racist” isn’t a winning pitch.
I honestly thought, as they did, that they had enough retarded young people bought in on the idea to force it anyway, but it seems there’s still enough “are you fucking kidding me?” people out there for now.
Hammer to the nail *thwack* flush to the board. That was lovely, Pat!
So basically, the author is saying people who have different experiences than him, don’t act in ways he approves and that makes them evil?
I’d really like to track down these progressives and see them talk about their moral philosophy. A lot would claim to be relativists, but they aren’t at all.
In my experience, most of them are utterly unfamiliar with the idea that you actually have to have moral principles that you deduced from facts of the universe. They seem to think that their immediate emotional reaction to some policy is a reliable moral barometer. That’s why if you really press them on why their programs are morally justified, they’ll just say “because it’s more fair that way”, and if you keep asking for justification, they’ll just go in a logical loop: “because it’s an ethical policy”, “because it’s not fair to oppose this policy”, “because this policy creates more fairness in the economy,” etc.
Well, at least they admit they’re nobody.
Haha beat me to it
Headline – Local busybody calls for state interference in people’s lives.
“Marshall says without a local police department, people are often breaking the law in already dangerous conditions.”
“People are speeding, texting,” she said.
The Horror!
“People are speeding, texting…”
And what’s worse, they’re getting pretty good at it.
Now we have racist hurricanes
Wouldn’t that have been nice if it were actually IN THE LINKS?
Imitation, sincere flattery, and all that jazz
What are THE LINKS?
I think it’s an ancient German form of soothsaying. Like reading entrails.
First response:
DeplorableMeTex @FormerUSN
Replying to @dailykos
Texas will take care of Texans regardless of their skin color or beliefs. You go ahead and live in your miserable little mind and fester.
*standing ovation*
Why did he say “Texans” instead of “Americans”?
Must be a Neo-Confederate.
“Why did he say “Texans” instead of “Americans”?”
Having known many, many Texans (and dated a few), this is how they see the world.
Appropriate for a Republic, no?
I did not say they were wrong, but as a South Carolinian I am a little jealous. I mean, it is cool for Texans to go around talking about how great Texas is but as soon as I start talking about South Carolina like that people start getting nervous.
I get it. When me and His Holiness brag on Minne, people wet themselves laughing.
Slavery is Freedom.
War is Peace
Minnesoda is Utopia.
Am Texan, can confirm.
Same here.
Oh, and NTTAWWT.
I always like to let the Texans know that the 1 in Mexico’s victory column was them. Lot’s of spluttering, but facts is facts. You lost to a bunch of Mexicans.
What, the one battle? Cause Texas won its revolution you know.
Another good response was an image of the hurricane on the Texas coast with a giant swastika in the center,of it.
I’m thinking that the Chicago school system should put Israel in charge.
The Austrian School was actually started by Jews, you know. Send your kids there, instead.
“Every child has the right to safe access to education and states have an obligation to protect, respect and fulfill this right, by ensuring that schools are inviolable safe spaces for children,” the EU said on Thursday in a statement put out by its offices in Jerusalem and Ramallah.
That’s some real statist shit there. Positive rights enforced by the state. part for the course for the EU.
It’s even nicer that it’s about Israel and coming from the EU. The irony, it burns.
The Daily Kos tweet….they truly are miserable, race baiting pieces of shits.
I love when they say ‘no one is talking about it’. Who? You can’t go seconds without race coming up.
I remember last week it was the eclipse that was racist
At least this time it was dailykos (hurricane) and not the Atlantic (eclipse
Dailykos is more expected imo
In The Atlantic of all places.
There is no peak derp.
The Atlantic ceased being a serious journalistic outfit during the 2012 election.
The left is built on identity politics. Nothing says anti-bigotry like judging people by the color of their skin or granting special privilege to people based on their religion, language, etc.
They truly are pieces of shit.
Mother Nature is racist. Gaia is guilty amd must be condemned.
*heads outside to burn 55 gallon drum of used motor oil*
The news media is doin’ the regular- DISASTER!!!! but the storm itself doesn’t seem to be cooperating with the narrative.
I told you Harvey was a gay ass name for a hurricane.
Seriously. If this was Hurricane Butch, the Texas coast would be flattened by now.
I suppose we should be thanking the hurricane namers this AM.
New hurricane naming system
A new hobgoblin
This brings us full circle. Is it possible that what appear to be ADHD symptoms are really normal narcissistic personality traits that, in high doses, can become problematic for kids? I would say this is certainly true in many, but not all, cases. Hard-to-manage narcissistic traits oftentimes overshadow and better explain what on the surface looks like can certainly lead to a diagnosis of ADHD, when it is the narcissistic traits with which educators and mental health professionals should concern themselves.
What if your child isn’t suffering from ADHD? Maybe (s)he is really a narcissistic sociopath. Don’t you feel better, now?
Also, people who substitute “caregiver” for “mother” or “father” should be strangled with piano wire.
How matripatrist of you.
Huh. I don’t think I’m a narcissistic sociopath. I’m probably not the one to ask, though.
San Anselmo’s San Domenico School creates stir by removing Catholic statues
Marin County SMDH
Once you start looking at history in binary (good vs bad) there is no end in erasing it. I have a theory that people crave good vs evil narratives, and with modern fiction getting more into grey area anti hero everyone is at fault themes (Breaking Bad, etc), people seek the real world for their good guys and bad guys and start projecting it on everything (the South, crypto-racists).
So, are they changing the name of San Anselmo as well?
Not to be outdone, San Jose, CA has been talking about removing the statue of the dude they named the city after, St. Joesph. No word about changing their name.
“Marshall says without a local police department, people are often breaking the law in already dangerous conditions.”
“People are speeding, texting,” she said.
I did not RTFA. What was the death toll from all this speeding-while-texting? Must have been in the hundreds.
279% of all teenagers are involved in a texting-related traffic fatality.
While shooting heroin
After returning from a rainbow party.
A bucket of alcohol soaked tampons was recovered from the wreck.
Well the psychological death toll was high. I mean this statist just about lost all of the remaining brain cells she had.
It’s a rural stretch of county highway that is lightly trafficked by people who mostly live in the area. Local busybody wants cops to crack down on drivers because she likes seeing people get arrested or something.
Trump Impeachment Is Most Popular Solution Among Americans, Poll Says
So they put out a poll that was a loaded question?
What actions are impeachable here?
He’s icky.
“Most people in a new survey said the best response to Donald Trump’s actions while president would be to impeach him or otherwise remove him from office.”
Granted that’s my default solution to any elected official.
I wonder what they mean by “otherwise remove him from office?”
Defeat in reelection?
Or Assassinate. They’re down with that too
They are. When I was working at the prison, one of the administrators (a woman from Finland) said, “vell, maybe I shouldn’t say zis, but… Maybe ve vill get lucky and someone vill get a gun and take a shot at him!” This was said in front of both staff and inmates.
They started with this impeach bullshit the morning after Hillary lost the election.
Can’t Trump just pardon the whole Confederacy?
Threading fail
That would be the greatest thing ever. We need some advanced notice so I can stock up on popcorn.
I think that was done already.
Yep, was done by Lincoln and Johnson
The progs don’t know that so he should troll away
Horse shit. There isnt going to be any impeachment.
No, unless impeachment means landslide re-election.
Those lack-wits actually believe that Hillary Bolingbroke is gonna land on the East coast and regain her thwarted Crown.
Wouldn’t “most” mean a majority? And last I checked, 43% is not a majority.
Also, 43-42 are within the poll’s margin of error.
The real questions in the poll that matter:
Trump approval on
Immigration-47% (and I bet it would be higher if they’d start building more of the wall)
If those top 3 stay above 50%, he’ll win going away.
Even more telling is that it was 37% dem, 31% GOP, 29% independent and 3% other. Basically the same adjustment the pollsters all made going into last fall’s election. And we know how that turned out.
It gets better. Even the independent/other skews dem by a +4. And the dem’s polled are “stronger” Dems than the GOP respondents by 5 pts.
IOW, the poll is fucking garbage.
All polls are garbage these days. Literally. Don’t trust a single one.
the wall.
I don’t think he even needs to build a wall. I bet that 47% approval on immigration also has a portion of people on top of that that also approve but won’t admit it to a pollster because immigrations restrictions = racist.
Social desirability bias is a major contributor to how bad polls are now. Don’t trust any data produced by survey research
We have to put the mask back on.
Yeah. He talks about how it’s not about race, but then claims that African Americans are losing their voting rights.
Yeah, the proof v prog conversation was predictable. The author better not try talking on any child campuses though. Hmm. Auto correct changed college to child. Works better.
Chotiner: The one thing I maybe disagree with your book about the most was that bigger question of why all these former Democratic states are now Republican states. It seems to me that the overwhelming answer to that question is race, which is not something you talk particularly about in the book. Do you not see what’s happened racially post the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act in this country as being the primary driver of the fact that a majority of states now are Republican states, which was not the case 50, 60 years ago?
Lol. It’s incomprehensible to this retard that once Americans passed federal legislation obliterating free association in the name of combating racism, then spent another 50 years passing more laws aimed at elevating race to a central place in employment and college admissions, that maybe racism isn’t actually the reason for… well, much of anything. This is what i was getting at above when discussing how the identity politics people really overplayed their hand trying to sell America on the Grand Unified Theory of crypto-white supremacy when it is self-evidently not true. When the weatherman calls for Biblical hail and plagues of locusts every day, and then you go outside and it’s clear skies and sunny, eventually you stop giving the weatherman any credibility.
Dartmouth didn’t get the message.
If you want to know what experiencing erasure feels like, here:
Didn’t they change their identity to African American, like 25 years ago?
“a termly dinner that centers the Black Queer experience.”
What the fuck is a termly dinner?
Big ole bucket of fried termites.
My favorite excerpt from the Slate interview in the article (bold is Slate)
*You don’t think race is the central reason?*
The central reason? Not at all, not at all. Just go out there. It’s not the central reason.
*Wait, go out there?*
Yeah go out there.
Yeah, why go out there when you already have the conclusion you want? Confirmation bias is a way of life.
Oh, I guess no markdown. Well, you get the idea.
It doesn’t matter if they go out there or not, they won’t change their preconceived conclusion.
+1 “reality has a liberal bias”
For some strange reason people don’t like getting told they are the cause of all that is wrong in the world.
Gee, where have i heard that before…
Most people in a new survey said the best response to Donald Trump’s actions while president would be to impeach him or otherwise remove him from office.
Startling. Revelatory.
In other news, people who like cake say more cake is the answer.
They all want cake
Let them eat cake!
Now it’s just random. Zero class.
He fought the Indians, do he was totes a bad dude/ignorant prog.
Think about all of the racist history in every state house in the country. Let’s burn them all down.
I mean Utah hardly has any black people so the whole state should be destroyed.
(It’s funny, because while true, Utah has a big population of Latinos and refugees)
It’s almost as if they want to destroy the entire history of the country… no, couldn’t be.
Trump was right lol
The funny thing is the original gladly prove him right.
*progs not original
Uh huh.
What a coinkydink
If they start going after monuments to the The Revolution then SC is going to have a big problem.
Maybe we can take all of the other constitutional rights away from people in DC as well.
I think the term is “special”
+ short bus
Apparently, Trump has redecorated the Oval Office, or something, which has caused people who need another thing to be outraged about to be outraged. I was looking at a photo of Trump at his desk, busily plotting the destruction of civilization, and it occurred to me that what he really should have on that desk is a Colt Single Action Army pistol, on a little velvet pillow. I’m sure there’s a really nice one around there somewhere, in the warehouse filled with Presidential swag. Maybe one which was a gift from Buffalo Bill. Or maybe he could borrow John Wilkes Booth’s Derringer from the Smithsonian.
I like the new office
Reminds me of how it looked from 1992-2000.
I will gladly lend him one of mine or purchase one for him. Hmmmm, it’s Trump though so I guess I have to purchase one and have it gold plated and Ivory handles.
The people outraged at any distasteful (to them) treatment of the White House are seeing it as a Palace and not what it is, just another government building. Or the President as a King and not what it is, another civil service job. Didn’t we kick out the Tories?
It also a fucking house.
And of course, every incoming president redecorates. Some more than others. There’s no accounting for taste.
Built by slaves, so he needs to give it back or something.
The connected person’s guide to surviving an alt-right protest
Step 1. Stay the fuck away.
I guess just letting them have their rally in relative peace is out of the question?
I thought it was cancelled?
They knew police weren’t going to offer protection
“House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi – who represents San Francisco – said before the cancellation that it would be a “white supremacist rally in the middle of a park for families and children”.”
Funnel cakes, rides and more! Complete with lynchings, burning crosses and coronation of a new Grand Wizard Cyclops! Bring the kids, it’ll be a smashing (as in smashing some Mexicans) great time!
“Free speech”
Never change, BBC
So I guess progs can just drop the mask about hating 1A as much as they hate 2A?
I caught this on the radio yesterday:
The teacher’s (leading) question to the students about nonviolent protest, the kid’s sensible answer, and the teachers passive aggressive response is just amazing.
I’m guessing they omitted the majority opinion of “I don’t give a fuck.” Either that or we’re really doomed.
First paragraph:
Because there is no distinction at all between ‘right’ and ‘racist’.
The reality of these ‘alt-right’ types is that they are actually just racist democrats/liberals who are fleeing to the right, not because they have any interest in conservative political ideas, but because they can’t stand the left’s culture-war posturing any more.
You talk to these ‘alt-right’ types about economic issues and the only thing they seem interested in is protectionism; they have literally zero interest in the wonders of free enterprise, and they have no confidence in markets. the only reason they are leery of the welfare state is because the wrong people are getting it.
But the (taxpayer funded, no less) media will conflate ‘right’ with ‘racist’ all day long.
They’re left wing all the way down to their love of screeching and race-baiting at any opportunity. Put both sides in a building and let them duke it out.
The Mayor’s last name is Lee
These people are delusional. Nazis under my bed ibdeed.
A hate group? Aren’t they just anti-establishment 1A people? And didn’t the founder tell the white supremacists that they’re not welcome?
Anyone not working toward the Utopian Workers’ Paradise is a Nazi hater and, therefore, a member of a hate group. QED moddafogga!
These guys don’t even have the SPLC calling them a hate group yet. And those dickheads call everybody to the right of the Dem party hate groups.
I logged on to say this. If even splc can’t find an excuse to call you a gate group you’re the worst hate group ever. Also the founder is biracial.
Man gets three months in prison for liking a photo on Facebook
(thumbs down)
That rabbit is terrifying
So is this one.
It’s the eyes
These, not so much.
This is the real terrifyng rabbit.
Oops, *terrifying*.
Wake up you lazy reprobates!
8 and 9 FTW, also 22 is an exception to my tats rule.
The winner is 18. Not even a contest today.
You’re both wrong. 32.
You’re doing the Lord’s work, Q!
I”m curious about your tats rule. Because 8 has at least one.
Yeah, I noticed that after the fact; I think my eyes on number 8 were directed elsewhere. Fuck the tats rule anyway.
I kind of figured you were … distracted.
Meh, all that makes me want to do is buy stock in Dow Corning.
Better living through chesticle chemistry!
#12 has the worst plastic surgery. Why do slightly older women keep slicing the edge of their mouths open until they look like fish. I see it a ton on actresses on Netflix. I can’t even watch some shows. Unless I am in the mood for horror.
1) #3
2) #3
3) #3
In that order..
Nope. Numbah nine, numbah nine, numbah nine.
I like them all.
Well, as they’ve been teaching you since age 5, it’s just a damn worthless piece of paper anyway. It just stands in the way of Utopia? Why would you want to do that? Do you hate children and puppies?
Constitution? Meh. But, by all means, keep the Federal research grants ($425 million 2016/17) coming.
What kind of world do we live in when a porn star has to live in fear like this?
Yeah, porn is evil.
Headline made me excited, but she’s still out of the biz.
Free speech is just code for neo-Nazi racist hatemongering.
Everybody knows that.
I saw an interesting tv show about the yeti. The conclusion was that the creature is a hybrid of a brown bear and a polar bear and that the unusual footprints are the result of the rear paw stepping into the print of the front paw.
The so-called pizzlies do look weird:
Social justice warriors want universities to ‘ban veterans’
A flyer recently appeared at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (UCCS) declaring that “in order to protect our academic institutions we must ban veterans from four-year universities.”
The flyer is part of a new “Social Justice Collective Weekly” newsletter, which is not affiliated with the school, and is aimed at “promoting justice in our society.” The first issue of the newsletter includes an article titled “Should Veterans Be Banned From UCCS and Other Universities?”
“Extremist right-wing groups must be suppressed on campus. This would include their followers: veterans.”
“A four-year, traditional university is supposed to be a place of learning, of understanding, of safety, and security. However, there is an element among us who may be frustrating those goals: Veterans,” the article asserts, defending the claim with sweeping assumptions about those who have served in the military.
“Many veterans openly mock the ideas of diversity and safe spaces for vulnerable members of society,” the author contends, saying that “this is directly in contradiction to the mission of UCCS.”
The newsletter also states that many veterans say they “do not see color,” but dismisses the claim as untrue because of their “socialization into the military culture that is that of a white supremacist organization.”
The article then complains that veterans typically have an “overwhelming” presence in the classroom, which “distracts” other students, particularly “vulnerable individual [sic] such as LGBTQQI2SAA, who have been known to be the butt of insensitive jokes made by veterans.”
Claiming that veterans “usually are associated with extremist right-wing groups such as the [T]ea [P]arty and the NRA,” the author contends that “in order to be a safe space for all students, extremist right-wing groups must be suppressed on campus. This would include their followers: veterans.”
Still, the article graciously allows that veterans should not be excluded from obtaining an education entirely, positing that they “should be allowed to attend trade schools, or maybe even community college.”
I wonder how much of their revenue is from GI bill disbursements.
“extremist right-wing groups such as the [T]ea [P]arty and the NRA”
Funny… The NRA I’d rather milquetoast in my opinion.
And all the NRA does is political advocacy/lobbying. Which is their First Amendment right.
I’m not even going to ask.
That alone makes me think this must be a hoax
If so, well done.
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning*, intersex, two spirit, asexual, agender
*if you think you might be gay, then you’re gay
I thought one of the A’s was for ally.
Or, straight people.
The QQ part nicely encapsulates the whole thing, I think.
After the usual suspects I think that’s “Questioning, Intersex, 2-Spirit, Asexual” not sure about the last A; I’ll just go with straight guys who like Anal.
Peter Griffin voice “Shut up, Peg!”
Nothing says ‘justice’ like collectivization and discrimination.
You know what they should do? Burn down the ROTC building. That would never lead to something bad.
Yeah that’s gonna go over really well in one of most conservative cities in America with 3 military bases.
I mentioned this above, I’m glad someone linked to the actual article.
So they would ban John Kerry, right? Because if not, they’re just being unprincipled dick wizards.
After poking around online, there are a number of Social Justice Collective groups, but I could find none at UCCS. A Rocky Mountain SJC in Boulder claimed it wasn’t their flyer. I’m thinking it was fake (and well done, as Rhywun said).
“Extremist right-wing groups must be suppressed on campus. This would include their followers: veterans.”
Nice. Back to the ’70s, we go. Are they picketing at the gates of the Air Force Academy and Fort Carson, too?
“vulnerable individual [sic] such as LGBTQQI2SAA, who have been known to be the butt of insensitive jokes made by veterans.”
I think it is well established that robots have no sense of humor.
Uffda. A big part of basic training camp is in-sensitizing the boots.
Calling anybody on crutches a Jerry’s Kid. If someone was left behind in training and their mail shows up, everyone has to scream “KIA”.
Pretty soon, these snowflakes will realize that doctors/nurses, cops and ambulance drivers all laugh at sick shit so they don’t go crazy.
I’ll just go out on a limb and say that people who have spent a lot of time with real problems like getting shot at in Iraq or Afghanistan might not be so impressed with the travails that LGBTQQI2SAA has survived.
Still, the article graciously allows that veterans should not be excluded from obtaining an education entirely, positing that they “should be allowed to attend trade schools, or maybe even community college.”
Waitaminnit! I thought UCCS *was* a community college.
This sounds more and more like a false flag.
Let’s be realistic here;
There’s approximately a 0.00001% chance that veterans memo isn’t a hoax.
The mere fact that it’s plausible shows how insane SJWs have become.
Ok, but there will always be batshit crazy people in the world. That’s why I don’t understand this whole internet subculture of freaking out over the ravings of crazy people. SJWs and CJWs are just two paranoid schizophrenics having an argument with each other’s delusions while shitting all over themselves and masturbating in public. The whole thing is tedious beyond belief.
Some fresh news from Afghanistan: the Taliban are using laser pointers to blind helicopter pilots.
So, like an NFL game in Mexico.
+1 Ziploc bag of urine
how far until we start lasering back?
They were doing that in Iraq years ago – always a possible threat – although most goggles/helmet visors should be protected already. Every year they arrest folks around the naval air stations (at least in WA) for purposeful lasing – or at least shining a laser pointer at random aircraft like a jackass.
More dangerous for commercial jets since none of those guys have any protective eyewear.
Maybe fashion isn’t so lame after all…
Vitamin B6 and B12 Supplements Appear to Cause Cancer in Men
I suppose i should stop recommending them as hangover-cures.
*technically b-complex is the recommend, but…
I’ll wait ten years when they retract this and say that B-vitamin deficiency has skyrocketed and is causing human extinction.
“I’ll get cancer from worrying.”
Lung-cancer risk among men who took 20 milligrams of B6 daily for years was twice that of men who didn’t. Among people who smoke, the effect appeared to be synergistic, with B6 usage increasing risk threefold. The risk was even worse among smokers taking B12. Using more than 55 micrograms daily appeared to almost quadruple lung-cancer risk.
It would be nice if the article included the base risk.
The mere fact that it’s plausible shows how insane SJWs have become.
Is that Rule 34?
*or is Rule 34 the one about how somebody, somewhere, is getting off on your worst nightmare, right now?
Uffda. This story about an IP dispute between Etsy, ThinkGeek and Fox makes my head hurt.
It revolves around the hat Jayne Cobb wore in one episode of Firefly. Fans started knitting them by hand and selling on Etsy. At some point ThinkGeek realized that there is a big enough market to justify mass production. As a big company they get a license from Fox to sell. Then Fox sends Etsy a cease & desist order to stop selling the small time hand knitted versions.
Sadly, the story is all about fans yelling at ThinkGeek about wrecking the livelihoods of the Etsy knitters. Not about the absurdity that anyone owes Fox a fucking penny over this.
This one is a good lesson in standing by principles (intellectual property laws are onerous and you’re guilty until proven innocent via fair use, most times) though you dislike the people getting hurt (Firefly/Wheadon fandom is godawful)
True. Try going to DragonCon if you don’t know why this is. Almost got in a fight with someone in a Marta station because I was speaking critically of The Walking Dead.
“Roger Wilco”: “Space Quest” inspired?
People tend to not look at the giant law that allows for the situation they are upset over.
I’d be willing to bet someone here has that hat.
I found that story because Jayne was the beefcake photo of a dude and guns in Powerline’s weekly picture post. They said that the honor was because it was Jayne Cobb week.
I know that Double-K likes her some Jayne.
Trump misspells a lot of words. Should you care?
Analysis by Gregory Krieg, CNN
Totally not fake news. Like, ultra-super real news.
Egyptian authorities close 1300-member church because it was “upsetting to Muslims”
Brett Stephens to the rescue
2) The ideal reader of an op-ed is the ordinary subscriber — a person of normal intelligence who will be happy to learn something from you, provided he can readily understand what you’re saying. It is for a broad community of people that you must write, not the handful of fellow experts you seek to impress with high-flown jargon, the intellectual rival you want to put down with a devastating aside or the V.I.P. you aim to flatter with an oleaginous adjective.
“Handful of fellow experts.”
Har dee fucking har. And I stopped right there.
UK: Man who attacked cops with 4-foot sword at Buckingham Palace was screaming “Allahu akbar”
Mental illness? Workplace violence? Motive unclear?
Probably a Trump supporter.
Then Fox sends Etsy a cease & desist order to stop selling the small time hand knitted versions.
If I remember that hat correctly, the Peruvians should be suing FOX.
Also, one of the greatest lines in the history of “drama”-
“I see a man walking down the street in that hat, I say to myself, ‘There goes a man who ain’t scared of nothing.'”
*more or less
Peruvians love to swoop in at the last minute and shoot laser beams from their eyes, so I’m sure they’re okay with it.
Maybe they can do what the Halloween costume manufacturers do and just call it something else, like “Space Western Peruvian Hero Hat”
Brussels: Man who attacked soldiers with machete was shouting “Allahu akbar”
What his motives were, we may never know…
/mainstream media
He was just trying to deliver a gift to QEII.
American Bulldog vs the dangerous Chihuahua
That takes a lot of balls.
That reminds me so much of my youngest son. He can’t leave well enough alone and will constantly pick fights with me and older siblings.
Is that some sort of metaphor for US foreign relations with some Latin American shithole dictatorship or something?
About the Arpaio pardon: I get that he’s the typical statist POS who could care less about the Constitution, but so are the vast majority of his progressive detractors. The only progs that I have seen that condemn his past 4th Amendment violations are on YouTube (like TYT or Secular Talk). The rest of them (both on the street and in the MSM) are only outraged because he cracked down on illegals and broke a prog moral code on racial profiling. They honestly don’t worry so much about the 4th Amendment when their Team Blue sheriff is in power. Most of Trump’s base probably has never read the 4th Amendment before, and they love folks who are tough on illegals, so they probably love what he did.
Yes, they are dirt bags for their inconsistencies. Arpaio is still a dirt bag that abused prisoners. It’s kind of fun not to have to pick sides and defend BS.
Indeed. The reason I point this out, however, is that little actual libertarian progress occurs whether he pardoned Arpaio or not. Violating the 4th Amendment, much like civil asset forfeiture, is a bipartisan problem.
It’s sophistry all around. If you know how to cut threw it, let me know. I’m just a drunk idiot that is trying to call it the way I see it.
*through. I gotta get to bed.
Equality before the law is a “prog moral code”?
“Equality before the law” except for white, cis-gendered males is a prog moral code. Arpaio was a white male who they accuse of racial profiling, with the added bonus that he is a Republican.
“Equality before the law” is that the laws are applied to everyone in the same way… once they’re applied. I don’t see how it affects criminal investigation, before any charges have even been applied, and the force of law is used.
Basically, I don’t see what racial-profiling has to do with “equality before the law”.
iow, If you’re looking for border-hopping illegal immigrants in Arizona, “equality under the law” doesn’t require police to neutrally assume that EVERYONE is a potential illegal non-citizen…. and necessitate that they question equal numbers of black, white, male, female, tall, short, gay/straight, etc. people in their quest to identify those undocumented persons.
Basically, racial profiling, as far as i can tell, occurs before any application of law.
Contrarily…If a cop found a bunch of illegal immigrants in a truck… but SOME of them were black-hispanics, and others were lighter-skinned hispanics, and he said, “All y’all less-darkies can just scram” and decided to only charge the black ones, that would seem to be where a gross violation of “equality before the law” took place. It wouldn’t be the thing that provoked that cop to investigate those people in the first place: it would the choice to arbitrarily treat violators differently.
I don’t have any personal feelings supporting/opposing racial profiling, necessarily. I personally think arbitrary stops and demands for identification are unwarranted mostly for other reasons; “stop and frisk”, for instance, i think is a 4th amendment violation. But i’m not sure profiling is a de-facto violation of any legal principle i can think of.
**i can also envision some examples of profiling which WOULD violate the idea of ‘equality before the law’, particularly with crimes that aren’t necessarily clustered in any particular community to begin with. meaning, if 99% of jaywalking-fines were only being handed out to blacks, it would clearly be a case of ‘selective enforcement’. One can also rightfully argue that the way weed-arrests are distributed in places like NYC are a similar example of profiling-leading-to an inequal application of law.
things like ‘terrorism’ or ‘illegal immigration’, by contrast, seem a far harder sell on this point. If the only international border to your state is Mexico… if you’re looking for illegal immigrants, you’re looking for “Mexicans” (or central americans, etc). The law doesn’t force police to pretend that France and Taiwan are an equally likely sources of undocumented people. The question of ‘equality before the law’ would seem to me to only kick in if the police were only choosing to charge one narrow group of people, while refusing to do so with people who failed to fit the same demographic criteria.
Arpaio- I try not to think about him, but…
A question. What is the substantive distinction between “pardon” and “commutation of sentence”? Does the pardon remove the conviction?
To be honest, sending Crazy Grandpa to prison makes me squeamish, and commuting the sentence would not outrage me; but I absolutely do not want to see his conviction wiped out.
He’s out, never to return to any position of power, was pardoned for his crime(s), Who Fucking Cares?
Maybe Fox news, but that’s about it.
Isn’t it important that people who abuse their position of power be punished? Preferably severely? It seems like a basic tenet of having a working society that with power comes responsibility.
As I understand it, a pardon wipes the slate clean – It’s as if the conviction never happened, whereas, with a commutation, you’re still guilty in the eyes of the law but the original sentence is replaced with a lesser penalty.
The only conviction was contempt of court. They never convicted him on any other charges.
Because they deliberately avoided a jury trial.
Well, I feel old. My youngest is 3 years old today. Now, to figure out what to do to celebrate.
strippers and blow!
Or do you mean for the kid’s party…..?
That IS for the kids’ party.
Get to work on another one. Then, in 2037 we can watch 18 Glibs and counting on TLC.
*thinks to self “meh. wait til his youngest is 14″*
*looks outside & screams at kids on lawn*
“Do Democrats Remember That They Nominated a Hawkish Candidate?
The person whom Democrats chose to represent their party in 2016 is about as well-documented of a hawk as they come, and now we’re seeing some on the left posturing as if their party champions diplomacy and peace. Senator Jeff Merkley (D., Ore.) was critical of President Trump’s “intention to bolster military action in Afghanistan,” slamming his decision to “put additional U.S. troops on the ground” because “it is long past time that we work toward strategies to wind down our operations.” Representative Ro Khan (D., Calif.) tweeted: “Democrats should be clear and bold: We are for withdrawal.” Khan’s sentiment seemed to extend to party leadership; House minority leader Nancy Pelosi actually had the nerve to release a statement saying, “We have wasted an enormous amount of blood and treasure in Afghanistan” and “let’s get out!”
To be fair, as an article in Vox points out, not every Democrat went so far as to criticize the plan because of their opposition to increased or continued involvement. Some, like Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.), stuck to simply criticizing the plan’s lack of details, while others have stayed completely silent. But seeing Democratic politicians such as Pelosi suddenly pretending to be concerned about a politician choosing military intervention — just because it’s politically convenient — is nothing short of maddening. A President Hillary Clinton absolutely would not have decided to end the Afghan War. Nothing in her record even remotely suggests that she would have, and Pelosi and others damn well know that’s true.”
Uh. Those legislators, especially Pelosi, could have easily ended the war 8 years ago. fuck them right in the mouth. Hypocrites.
Two of the people mentioned in the article, Merkley and Khanna, are legit progressives who were early Bernie supporters (I actually believe that Merkley was the only senator to officially endorse Bernie in the primaries) and only reluctantly endorsed Hillary. There’s plenty of Dems to choose from who were hawks with Obama and peace-diplomats with Trump, but I think those two are a stretch.
To explain it in another way, to the Young Turks community, Merkley is like their Ted Cruz (in the sense that he likes proggie bills with some quibbles) and Khanna is like their Justin Amash (true believer, officially certified Justice Democrat).
Merkley is a blithering idiot whose only
purpose is to make Wyden look like an intellectual genius by comparison.
To be fair, Wyden has a reasonably average IQ relative to the rest of his party. Cognitive dissonance all over the place, but at least he kind of likes the 4th Amendment.
(I’m just pointing out who are on the “true-believer” team, not a comment on IQ)
Right-o. Every time I get one his look at me & my idiocy emails, I just want to throw my computer across the room and then to have him idolized by his supporters as some kind of heroic statesman and visionary… *barf*
I’m seeing a whole bunch of bullshit on my Facebook page about reauthorizing the national flood insurance program.
Guess who’s behind it? That’s right, realtors.
How about you buy some private insurance, slavers?
Why wouldn’t you want to incentivize living in dangerous places?
its about fairness.
The scourge of money in politics
Challenging the Republican ascendance in states where labor once carried enormous sway, a prominent union plans to spend tens of millions of dollars during the 2018 campaign cycle to reverse the trend.
The Service Employees International Union, one of the largest and wealthiest unions in the United States with roughly 2 million members, will fund an extensive campaign over the next 14 months to elect politicians with labor-friendly stands on the minimum wage, unions and health care.
Totally not hypocritical.
Since there are all these books like Democracy in Chains and Dark Money that claim to show the sinister connections between non-Democrats and evil “big money” organizations, someone needs to write a book showing how the Democrat Party gets colossal sums of cash from public sector unions – many of whom get money through coercion with “closed shop” laws – and then oppose any and all privatization, cutbacks to bloated government bureaucracies, and even efficiency-boosting measures. In short, the Democrats are against anything and everything that reduces the number of government employees because that means fewer cash cows for the public sector unions to milk.
…and then it fails spectacularly, e.g. Hillary 2016 and Ossoff.
Heh. I’m a dues paying member of a union, the UFCW or as I like to call it The Undocumented Foreign Coloured Womens Union. It’s a union for service-type jobs and membership is heavily skewed East Indian/Phillipino. They sent me a new card last week and it was even laminated this time! I have never met with or had a conversation with any rep but they take a percentage of my pay every two weeks without fail so at least I have that going for me, which is nice.
A mother and son were inside of a dressing room in the Adidas store at Lenox Square Wednesday when the 8-year-old found what he thought was a toy gun under a bench.
That’s when police said the mom pulled the trigger to “determine if the gun was real,” according to an Atlanta Police Report. It happened about 5:42pm Wednesday, police say.
A single shot was fired from the .22 caliber gun but no one was injured. Police say “there was minimal damage to the wall” from the gunshot.
At least she wasn’t peering into the muzzle at the time.
Hmm. This little bottle has a skull & crossbones label & the word “Arsenic” on it.
I better take a swig to make sure it’s as advertised.