So a bunch of the Founders were sitting around the campfire in Sloopy ‘n’ Banjo’s waterlogged garage drinking, swapping stories, singing campfire hurricane party songs late last night, and the drunken conversation eventually turned philosophical, as it will, and we began to ponder the larger questions…
Does OMWC have any of the cool retro confections like Candy Cigarettes, Bit-O-Honey, Wax Lips or Atomic Fire Balls, and, if so, what are the odds he’s been hoarding it since his own misspent childhood?
Is SugarFree’s Pit of Depravity truly bottomless?
Will ever post another Manly Monday or are there no Real Men left out there?
You get the idea.
But I’m a bit more practical, myself. I want to know Things That Are Useful. And given that I am a realist, I believe that you, Dear Glibertariat, have been cheating on us. And I want answers.
Yeah, yeah, you love us best, those other sites and social media accounts mean nothing to you, you’ll always come back to us in the end, yada yada. Come on. I know the guilt is eating you alive.
This is your chance to come clean, to clear the air, to finally just put it all out there for everyone to see. (Not you, OMWC. Just put that thing away already.)
We invite you to share your other website loves, the social media accounts and news sites you always check out, the YouTube channels –um, maybe not your faves Heroic Mulatto– where you spend entirely too much time mesmerized. Fun stuff, serious and reflective commentary, your own blog, social media accounts or photo sharing sites. It’s all fair game in this judgment-free thread.
Come on, open up. Let us in and you’ll never have to tell a new website that we just don’t understand you.
I for one really enjoy the bible reloaded
Snarky atheist commentary on movies and pop culture
I really liked that channel for awhile, and appreciate that they have the balls to go after Islam just as hard. It started to feel like they were trying to hard to be entertaining, and I grew a bit weary of it. I’ve been meaning to check in again, so thanks for the reminder.
I spend a lot of time searching google image.
“Did you mean vagina?”
I have an extensive list of search terms for Google image. I usually tack on gif to the end. iykwimaityd.
I’m Poppy
I have linked to him before and others have as well, but if anyone’s missed it, Internet Historian is great. My personal favorites are “Kurt Eichenwald: Seize the Day” and the HWNDU series.
I want entire videos of Internet Historian narrating creepy hentai shit.
*spurts jizz with drop leaking shooting through onto Titor’s thigh*
Historian is hilarious.
Jordan Peterson’s YouTube channel.
Listening to his maps of meaning series now, very enjoyable.
The speech where he talks about the Buckowski poem read by Tom Waits was a riot. Jordan can be funny when he wants.
I loved his analysis of Pepe and how it is rooted in the trickster god archetype. He’s like a more dynamic Joseph Campbell.
My guilty pleasure is Lionel Nation. I also check out doctorrandomercam. His take on Colbert last week was a work of art.
Lionel’s voice is so hilarious
Lionel Nation? I didn’t know you were into model trains.
My snap impression too. Disappointed to find out it wasn’t trains.
Mr. Riven and I enjoy watching Master Ken on Youtube. Some pretty good stuff
Glibertarians, wcmh4 local Columbus news, Hot Air, Hit n Run, BBC News US and Canada, I’ll also check out fake news on foxnews and cnn to see if I’m missing anything major going on. I go to facebook and Instagram only to see what’s up with my daughters and granddaughter. I’m always looking stuff up on Imdb as well as IMFDB (movie firearms) or Shazam for music. YouTube of course, I like Lauren Southern (so hot). I usually will check out Gavin but he’s been annoying me lately, have a couple of firearm reviewers I follow as well. This time of year I’ll also be in espn to check football schedules, scores, and maybe stats, no articles though. I spend way too much time on the internet.
I hate that I have to use ESPN as a reference all the time. But the numbers stuff is invaluable.
I spend as much time surfing the Curios & Relics portion on Gunbroker as I do on the rest of the intarwebs combined.
Also enjoy BAoTW
Metal Archives is the ultimate reference for info on metal bands and musicians.
Trigger warning: the sites founder is an insane SJW. Stay the fuck away from the non-metal discussion board. Sometimes the metal forum has some interesting discussions, but the sites real value is the reference end.
For a laugh theres a gigantic multipage thread about Trump since the election where the insane pants shitting and dramaderp is never ending
I like The Antiplanner for good anti-urban-planning ammo for arguments that I never have with the street car and train lovers in this fucking city i live in. I do try to find multiple view points on issues but on urban transit its almost like a religion.
I stopped Antiplanner when RSS went tits up, but he’s very interesting. Very much an old school environmentalist who walks (or rather rides) the talk and destroys the modern phony environmentalism which is little more than statist control as the means and end goal.
You can’t argue with a trainiac, especially when they get going about how a high-speed rail line between LA and SF is just the thing California’s economy needs.
I really like The Rubin Report and The Rageaholic.
My podcast staples are Tom Woods and Jason Stapleton
I’ll sometimes listen to the Rubin report (nothing has jumped out at me lately), Contra Krugman, and if I have room on my phone (who knew having a kid would result in so many pictures and videos) Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History
I enjoy Honest Trailers on YouTube
We dont judge folks here for having too much memory aloted for pornography. No need to make excusses to cover it up.
Damn you saw right through my cover story
the greatest podcast is The Church of Whats Happening Now. Fills many of my days
“Maybe I’ll be there to share the land. That’ll be given away, when we all live. Together. Together together “
Outside of news sites covering the area I currently live in and areas I used to live in, porn sites, Beer Advocate, and wikipedia, I like Eric Peters Autos and Liberty Unbound. Before my shooting hiatus started, Parallax Bill’s site was my favorite military surplus board. I still sometimes stop by Lew Rockwell’s site. Occasionally there is a diamond in the rough over there.
I forgot about EP Autos. Good stuff. I don’t know much about cars, but he’s given some insight into the industry like the unsustainable path of EPA regs and the safety nannies
I favor humor sites. So, Everyday Feminism, Salon, Media Matters, Taki’s. I read NRO for the 50% of the time that KDW has something interesting to say and the 90% of time Charles Cooke does. Best science site is, where climatology is discussed logically and knowledgeably.
My subscription list on YouTube is headed by the great Chef John’s “Food Wishes.” Seriously excellent teaching and recipes.
second on Chef John.
I also like You Suck At Cooking
Pineapple on pizza makes Chef John cry.
You have ruined Instagram for me forever.
*hipster dance*
holy shit this is amazing
You should read his blog, the write ups before the video recipes often have good tips not found on the video itself. Also for a prog he keeps most political stuff to himself, I’ve seen a few leftist tweets but nothing in the food stuff.
There are a couple of blogs I check every now and then: The Adventure Gamer, CRPG addict, and Chaos and Pain.
I watch Garth Marenghi.
I love that series. My wife is from the part of Essex that the hospital is located in , Romford.
That’s cool! I just think it’s hilarious.
hey,how’s that jeep?
The Jeep is running well. I haven’t gotten much of a chance to work on it yet (3 boys 6 and under will do that). The fuel float is stuck and it could use a valve adjustment so hope I can get an afternoon in the next month or two to address those. I will post some pics.
Thanks again for that link!
City Journal and Manhattan Contrarian are on my regular rotation.
I read CJ and MH on a regular basis as well. My first website of the day for what seems like forever is “Astronomy Picture of the Day” which features a astronomy/planetary science related picture with explanation each day. XKCD three days a week, “Day by Day” even though he is a bit too Trump happy at times. My guilty pleasure is “TextsfromlastNight” which reminds me to always be careful what I text.
If only Heather MacDonald could get that cop dick out of her mouth….
I have a 45 minute each way commute to work. Lately I have been downloading free books from and listening to them on my commute. There are a lot of good podcast commentaries on there that I really enjoy. A lot of it is old, but it’s new to me.
Also, any recommendations for good podcasts is always appreciated. I spend quite a bit of time driving every week and I like to use that time to learn stuff.
I started listening to Pearl Harbor: The Seeds and Fruits of Infamy by Percy Greaves, Jr. yesterday. It’s started with a bunch of stuff I already knew, but I think it will get into stuff I don’t know pretty soon.
USAHEC podcast.
Military lectures from the US Army Heritage and Education Center
Brett Kollmann and Samuel Gold are both good youtube channels for football player and team breakdowns.
I’ve learned a lot from them.
Real football, or gridiron? :-p
Second those two. The NFL YouTube channel was late to the party, but they upload a lot of cool videos as well.
I also like Pro Football Focus and Football Outsiders.
I look at EE times (semiconductor news), The Register ( Cheeky Brit tech site), Spiked online, Reason very rarely these days, ocassionaly Facebook, and Google news. I listen to pod casts by Bill Burr, and Joe Rogan. I used to listen to Mark Marin WTF for his music and comedy interviews, but he became hard to listen to, so now I only pick and choose his podcasts and listen occasionally.
I look at EE times
Yahweh help me, I’ve actually written for them.
I’m pretty sure most people here know about Sargon of Akkad and Bearing, so I’ll just mention the Hard Bastard who does decent breakdowns of news stories, Aydin Paladin who looks at topics from a social science perspective (emphasize the science), and The Pholospher, a pretty (I think so) Asian-American ancap girl who likes shooting guns.
Also, Undoomed, Karen Straughan, Dave Rubin, Crowder, and Computing Forever.
Raven Nation: If you’re reading – shit end to a shit season. Rhywun’s having a laugh, I’m sure.
Ah, they weren’t going to win in any event, hopefully they can draft well and come back as world beaters. I hope your Blues get better, too. (Unless they play the Dees, of course).
I lke The Pholosopher as well. Also would.
+1 I’d eat at that restaurant
I unsubbed Aydin Paladin when I heard her make the following claims on a couple of chats with other youtubers:
1. Secession from the US wasn’t about slavery at all, it was about states rights… (sorry, I am bringing this up yet again… I promise I’ll stop)
2. “A person with a 60 IQ could still become an amazing mechanic…. just not likely the CEO of a big company.” Actually a 60 IQ means you are most likely retarded. Clinically retarded and you have severe learning disabilities. A 60 IQ is the equivalent of a 3rd grader scholastically. You might be able to become the most amazing janitor or table wiper at Wendy’s, but you aren’t going to ever become an amazing mechanic.
Besides the fact she was so wrong it was embarrassing, the way she said it definitely gave me the white collar elitist vibe that young 20-something college graduates who don’t know shit about shit have when speaking about non-office jobs. Like everyone who works with their hands, doesn’t need to be intelligent to be good at what they do because those are Morlock jobs.
She also over articulates her speech, which I find annoying after a while.
Hadn’t heard that. A good friend is a mechanic, and I agree, it’s not a job for someone with profound retardation.
It was in a hangout chat Aydin had with Micah Curtis a week or so ago. Might have been his channel. I was already finding her a bit stale and similar to other tubers, but after a couple of those comments in that stream, I’d had enough.
I used to listen to a tuber called Based Mama, same vein, but when she claimed IQ was meaningless since she had a 178 IQ. When people asked her if she really thought she was as smart as Stephen Hawkings or Einstein, her rejoinder was “obviously you don’t believe in IQ either or you wouldn’t be getting so butt hurt that I have a 178 IQ.”
Watch her with the sound off. Something something top shelf.
Yeah, I thought of you when I saw that score yesterday.
I’ve been listening to Election College podcast, I’m up to the 1896 election. I have also been going through Ken Burns docs on Prime. I listen to Tom Woods off and on. Other than that most of my YouTube, podcast consumption is my wife’s choice. Things like Skeptics Guide to the Universe, Good Mythical Morning, Dear Hank and John etc. Don’t do much online anymore other than here, checking emails and sharing pics of my kids with relatives on Facebook.
I listen to various international broadcasters’ radio programs: Radio France International in English, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Prague, and the like. (Unfortunately, Radio Bulgaria recently stopped their external service and now it’s just a news web-site.) I also try to listen to at least one German-language newscast a day, usually from either ORF (Austria) or SRF (Switzerland), although BRF (Belgium) and a weekly news recap from Bayerischer Rundfunk are also on the list.
Right now I’m listening to an RTE documentary on the electrification of rural Ireland.
What would say about the political bias of each one?
Go’vt open source center generally rates all media sources that they translate too – but I’ve gotten a bit warier of the definitions lately. ie. when they say center-right….more likely to be center-right locally at the source than anything we would consider center-right.
RFI is sort of generic center-left but not obnoxious; I’ve always found the BBC and CBC worse in that regard. NHK is Asia-centric, but also strongly anti-nuclear. Australia and NZ’s broadcasters both think the Australian people are evil for not wanting to be overrun by refugees.
CRI from China, you always knew you were getting the party line on issues, but they weren’t unhinged the way Radio Havana is, or what Radio Sputnik ultimately became.
Oh, and every European broadcaster can’t comprehend that people might not want Brussels to have ever more power, and how could you possibly oppose immigrants. Radio Exterior de España’s English-language broadcast is about the closest to unhinged I heard from a European broadcaster outside of Russia.
I always enjoy Julie Burowski on YouTube. It’s unfortunate about the age difference and the fact that I’m already married — had she and I met in an alternate universe with the timing right, I just know she would have become Mrs. C. Anacreon. (But then I might have also had an affair with Kat Timpf, as long as I’m being delusional).
To keep up with Emergency Medicine, it’s ACEP Now.
To keep up with Emergency Psychiatry, it’s Psychiatry Advisor
And I also play Go, usually on the serve. There are much bigger servers in Japan, Korea, and China, some of them with English-language clients or apps, but CJK love them some Windows.
I listen to these guys as a more comedy oriented group. Coincidentally because of these guys I believe that we will not see any form of severe revolution any time soon, simply because they are more like the average person and they aren’t up in arms at this time.
If you’re a gun person in any capacity you’ve probably heard of Demolition Ranch. What you may not know is that Matt, the guy that runs the channel, is also a vet with his own practice, and one of the major players at Vet Ranch, where they find stray, homeless, and abused animals and fix them up before adopting them out. He also has a vlog called Off The Ranch, where he shows his daily life and his family. His Off The Ranch channel is probably my favorite cause it shows all the stuff he does in his real life not just for the camera.
OT but it is official: The left is beyond parody. Hopefully no one posted this yet.
Tina Fey’s ‘Sheet Caking’ is the epitome of white privilege.
Okay, I have to go shoot some things. BBL.
Fixed that for ya
What the fuck is it with this weird use of “bodies” to describe human beings?
What the fuck is it with this weird use of “bodies” to describe human beings?
If you like this, you’ll love the world of Managed Care Medicine. There human beings are referred to as “lives” (hard letter i, as in ‘alive’).
In the hospital biz, those are “meat-based billing units” or MBBUs.
It’s just one of those awkward phrases that are specifically used to social signal. Put “violence against black bodies” in a search and sigh.
Atomic Rockets, where your scifi dreams go to die.
Great site John. I might support just for the patches
A person could get lost in there – for a long time
To shore, Jeeves!
A few months ago I got hooked playing an online airline management simulation game. This post describes the basics. Currently I manage an airline with 320 planes.
It’s hurricane season.
Expect a hostile takeover.
Hey, where is Jesse? I haven’t seen him post anything in a while.
Winnipeg for some godforsaken reason.
He drove across the county and is almost back. Somewhere on US 395 now.
He spent a few days with us. SP has him dressed, wrapped, and in the freezer.
Even the true-believer lefties know how intellectually bankrupt the DNC is. It’s unfortunate that 90% of their policy solutions are…well…
Medicare for All! (free shit)
Free College! (free shit)
End the Drug War (good)
End the “War Wars” (good)
New “New Deal” (freest shit)
Green Renewablez Revolutionz (free shit)
More Taxes for “Rich”, Less for Us (free shit)
Living Wage (free shit)
The idea that the DNC will come out against the drug war or the ‘war wars’ is utterly and completely laughable. What planet is this guy on, because it isn’t the one where the only time Trump got massive bipartisan support was when he blew up an airport.
Eh, the only reason he got massive support for that is that he blew up Russians, and the Left was in their full on “TEH RUSSIANS ARE DEH DEBIL” phase of post election grief.
No, there’s also plenty of Democrats running on the “Syria is a humanitarian disaster and we need to overthrow Assad and make a democracy because Wilsonian interventionism.” There are however plenty in their base, like the Republicans, who hate it.
I always want to ask people how the fuck democracy would be an improvement in a region where most people believe that girls should rather burn to death than go outside without the “proper” head coverings; that the death penalty is an appropriate response to homosexuality; that suicide bomber is a good career goal for your kids.
Countries are the way they are because of the culture of the people who live there. Just holding elections will not magically transform a third-world shithole into Peoria, Illinois.
We’ve never failed yet to turn a Middle East country into a Western style democracy, so why should be stop trying now? /sarcasm
I thought they’d dropped all of that for ‘you’re a racist’.
Those are the cynical lefties, Hyp. Kulinski is a “true believer” lefty: he’s so pure that he actually believes, deep in his brain and heart, that the world would be perfect if more free shit was available.
I think it’s actually very close to becoming the mainstream Democratic party.
I mean, really, what are they going to do now? They’ve already made it clear that they are against capitalism and for more socialism. And now they’re going to claim to be the party of jobs and economic growth? That’s laughable, even for the left.
mostly used after the fact when i buy/find something i think is interesting. i’ll hit on some wacky/interesting piece of music and then check to see if anyone’s already used it in something.
it can also be used as a way of studying production techniques. e.g. take 1 very well-known break (say, “Nautilus” by Bob James) and examine how 200+ different tracks flipped it.
back in the “old days” (the 1990s/early 2000s), the Sample FAQ served a similar purpose, sans actual links to the youtube-audio. it was a mailing list/message board (the Crates List) that grew into a poorly managed online DB
i like that site.
Matthew Colville’s channel> for D&D related info and entertainment.
My family has also gotten me interested in “Kid Snippet” videos.
Bionic Mosquito, Men of the West, Instapundit,,,
Texas vs. America
Also, Lew Rockwell, economicpolicyjournal,, café hayek,
this made me laugh.
What about the NYT’s Trump is wore than Caligula and his budget is like the Sack of Rome.
You can just have my browser history.
Oh, and I was just hate reading this:
Fat Matt Farah sells you ball-drying powder and then drives other people’s cars. more entertaining than it sounds.
The ‘one-take’ format is sort of something that takes some patience to get into. its like the polar opposite of ‘Regular Car Reviews’ where Mr Regular does something similar, but narrates the experience with a poetic stream of consciousness. Matt just drives and gives his honest opinion, albeit probably ‘overly generous’ esp when he’s alongside the actual owner. Every now and then he gets something really really nuts and/or has something humorous happen on the drive. Like this.
I think that’s the stretch of Mulholland Drive famous for wrecks. Yeah, it’s so bad that cameramen camp out there:
Should I feel bad for laughing?
There are no good guys in that video.
That’s what I thought too. I’m really going to burn for this, but I’d like to see a full strike in that video.
I think this guy’s yoga instructor deserves some credit
Holy crap. He must have stretched out before his ride.
or severely hyperextended a number of muscle groups + broke his pelvis.
the dude got folded in half by concrete and gravity. definite “ow! my balls!” moment.
OMG! I thought that was staged at first.
My favorite comment: “Plot Twist: The 2 bicycles are more expensive than his bike.”
“let’s get the fuck outta here.”
On youtube: Black Tea Podcast, Sargon, BlackPantsLegion, Forgotten Firearms, Turin, SteveMRE1989, Roadkill..
Websites are Craigslist autos for sale (auto>Other Makes, nextbigfuture,,
Podcasts are Tom woods, contra Krugman, and the Eastern Border
I second Forgotten Firearms, I have been binge watching that channel lately.
Also on YT: Steve1989MREInfo, Chris Ray Gun, AvE
Am I a lesbian?
If I were a chick, I would totally be a lesbian.
Go for it anyway! These days you don’t have to be a chick to ID as a lesbian!
If you like the true crime genre, I recommend the podcasts “Unsolved Murders” and “Up and Vanished”. You can find them on Sound Cloud.
Seems to me like they have a hard enough time already finding people to wipe old people’s asses for minimum wage.
Started out on the internet around the dawn of DVD with – haven’t read the forums regularly for a few years. Good reviewers in general – esp. DVD Savant.
Plenty of webcomics I could recommend but one of my good friends does “Among The Chosen. Epic undertaking – esp since he goes back to earlier portions to remaster/retweak periodically – but great world-building, focus on “realism” for space vessels, etc. Not as many posts recently as he’s been moving around a bit more.
Also – for the anime/manga fans – – formerly The Gline – covers a lot of good material. Great recommendations too.
Just wanna say thanks to everyone for playing. Some great new-to-me stuff in the recommendations!
When I first started growing my board gaming collection was a must. Dice tower and rhado are great reaources. I’m happy with my collection now and only intend to add to it in a few years when my son can start gaming.
I use the real clear portals for most of my daily news reading. I particularly like Real Clear Politics and Real Clear World. Real Clear Markets is also good.
Vice sucks but Jack Slack who writes for Vice fightland is easily the best MMA writer out there, and I keep up with him. Overall I like fightland.
If you want to improve your german try Slow German with Annik Rubens. Although now I have moved on to RBB inforadio.
Jack Slack is awesome. He won me a couple of mortgage payments with his ‘Killing the King’ episode on Holly Holm vs. Ronda Rousey.
Low carb recipes:
PA gun forums:
“This is your chance to come clean, to clear the air, to finally just put it all out there for everyone to see. (Not you, OMWC. Just put that thing away already.)”
Ok, I admit I go to Drudgereport every day, Real Clear Politics, and Steam discussions. Haven’t been to TOS in a while, they’ve pretty much stopped posting anything of interest. I still have never seen pr0n, let alone VR pr0n. Well, there was once accidentally, something popped up you know.
“once accidentally, something popped up”
lol. I meant a javacript window!
Now that I’m awake… I stayed up too late and slept all day… I’ll add some more of my most visited sites.
Real Clean Science (I’ve almost stopped going there because too much prog bullshit lately)
Occasionally, Takimag, yeah I know, racist, but they have some good articles occasionally.
That’s most of my daily visits. Might be more, I’ll write if I remember them.
I typically visit Drudge every morning, unless I’m with clients. Then Rpgwatch, then Realclearpolitics. Used to go to TOS right after that, but have given up on that. Then after a quick perusal of those sites to see if there’s anything interesting, I typically spend the rest of my daily serfing time, here at shtilords.c… I mean Glibertarians.
I can’t even believe no one caught that ginormous type-o. Real Clear Science, lol.
Fantastic topic.
I also do several podcasts during drive time…. Adam Carolla would fit right in here, and he’s still doing his radio shtick. I used to work in medical research, and I miss journal club, so I enjoy Mark Crislip’s work on his various podcasts. And of course, the Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe.
For website fun I have, and my college alma-mater’s sports websites. was awesome for a moment, but it died a year ago, moments after I found it. Speaking of the dead, I still visit from time to time… but it is a walking corpse.
Science based medicine is a good website, and I still jump over to from time to time, just to see what is going on.
All of my youtube time is consumed checking out the drek my kids are watching. Stuff like Guava Juice and Dude Perfect. I can’t believe how much these guys are pulling down just shooting videos of themselves doing stupid stuff. But part of being a parent is monitoring that crap so you know what your kids are up to. And wow, does it suck. Not as bad as the kids TV of my youth though. Superfriends? Anybody here watch that when you were a kid? I thought it was the best…. then I watched it as an adult, many years later. Wow. Just wow. I don’t know how we got through it. Everything our kids watch is better than that stuff. Even Poppy. Well, maybe that’s going too far. And none of my kids are watching Poppy. I showed it to a bunch of them when I took them out for parkour one night… the kids were absolutely creeped out. So maybe there’s hope for the next generation.
Fun with cover songs! ps lots of cute ladies in these videos
“Counting Stars” – OneRepublic (Alex Goot, Kurt Schneider, and Chrissy Costanza Cover)
San Cisco cover Daft Punk ‘Get Lucky’ on triple j’s Like A Version
HAIM cover Shania Twain ‘That Don’t Impress Me Much’ for Like A Version
Green Light – LORDE | Alex Goot & SAINTE Cover
Kingswood cover Destiny’s Child ‘Say My Name’ for Like A Version
Closer – The Chainsmokers ft. Halsey (Boyce Avenue ft. Sarah Hyland cover)
DJ Fresh & Ellie Goulding cover Kodaline’s All I Want
Elizabeth Rose covers Corona ‘Rhythm Of The Night’ for Like A Version
Alt-J cover Dr Dre/Kylie Minogue ‘Slow Dre’ for Like A Version
Chvrches cover Arctic Monkeys’ ‘Do I Wanna Know?’ for Like A Version
Electric Guest – Ritual Union
Please share any covers you like!
Covers? Anything by Puddles or Leningrad Cowboys.
I do enjoy me some Puddles. (guilty pleasure) (random surfing) (sports blog & news) (electrical engineering news and opinion)
On facebook, I belong to the closed groups “Minnesotans for Global Warming”, “Fans of Best of the Web Today” (James Taranto’s WSJ opinion “links”), and “Minnesota DNR Eaglecam” (only from Jan-July when the eggs are laid and the eagles fledge).
Closet Republican! Worse than Hitler!
I think it’s and that really push me over the edge to public enemy number 2 (behind Trump)
This week’s Steyn is on “King of Comedy”, which is one of my favorite films of all time. Steyn nails it.
I will have to retry it with an open mind. I have never been a J lewis fan, but tastes change as one ages, and I might be able to appreciate it more now.
I liked Mark’s exchange with someone in the comments section:
I have mentioned it here a few times but I will again, I am in love with somafm and I have it constantly streaming from my phone to a Bluetooth speaker at home and work. It is 24/7 musical awesomeness. I particularly love their Secret Agent Radio and Seven Inch Soul stations, and I dig the Mission Control that mixes classic NASA recordings with ambient electronica. Good stuff.
If you like DJ music, this is a great resource.
I only subscribe to like 2-3 people (long ago i was debating whether to use this or soundcloud and i still can’t make up my mind) but its more than enough. i get a handful of mixes pushed at me a week, and i hardly have time to listen to more than 1 or 2 and they are always great.
Nice! That site is definitely going in the mix.
Pointing fingers…playing the blame game.
And the …less than stellar response.
I check Drudge almost every morning as well as reddit’s /r/news, /r/inthenews, and /r/worldnews to see what people are talking about. I occasionally comment when I can fight off the urge. I often get sucked into youtube black holes usually of protestors being made fun of. 95% of my internet searches are for recipes, and I seem to use foodnetwork more than others. I also watch quite a bit of their online content.
Wapo: Three men charged in Charlottesville attacks on counterprotesters
Good. And how about the arrests of the guy using an aerosol as an improvised flamethrower? Sounds like a deadly weapon to me. Or showing up with the intent to cause violence and incite a riot?
I’d wager the ‘flamethrower’ was more of a danger to the wielder than anyone else.
It’s just one more item in Antifa’s bag of tricks along with throwing urine/feces and blasting airhorns in peoples’ ears. In other words, they are doing things that pose a danger to people but which probably would not be a legal justification for the defensive use of a firearm.
Sure, all dickish moves and deserving of a beat down, however elevating flaming hair spray into ‘deadly weapon’ territory is a bit much.
Of course – I’m not saying that those things justify retaliation with a firearm; I’m just pointing out that Antifa is deliberately instigating and inviting violence so that they can play the victim role on TV.
Trying to intentionally light someone on fire is 100% a deadly weapon. I am not sure it that was the intention in that video, but it does not take burns over a very large portion of ones body for it to become fatal.
It didn’t look like the guy with the gun was actually aiming at mr flamethrower but rather the bushes to the left. Stupid as fuck but he was not trying to kill the guy. Scare him maybe. Kind of like flame thrower man.
You’re not gonna light someone on fire that way unless they came to the fight soaked in kerosene, you might singe some hair, ruin some clothing, I guess if you could hold them down and if you had few minutes you could cause some serious damage.
You are obviously not a welder. It is incredibly easy to catch certain fabrics on fire.
I once saw a guy burn his shirt and most of his hair off, and he wasn’t soaked in anything. We were camping and the guy had one of those cardboard tubes like gift paper comes rolled on. Except for bigger and thicker. He was lighting one end of it in the campfire and holding it in the wind so that flames would come out the other end like a flame thrower. I told him, hey watch what you’re doing before you set something on fire. He was like ‘shut the fuck up man!’. I never did like that guy. The next thing I know he was running through the field and then rolling around with his clothes and hair on fire. He didn’t get any serious burns but he ruined our camping trip. I told my other friends, that’s the last time that dick goes camping with me.
What is the temperature at the end of your welding torch? what is the temperature at the end of that ‘improvised flamethrower’? The guy is an asshole, he should be given an ass whooping or charged with assault, turning this into attempted murder is proggie level exaggeration.
Hyp, so like I said ‘you might singe some hair, ruin some clothing ‘
It is not the torch, it is sparks and slag that catch things on fire. I have caught sweatshirts on fire with sparks from grinders and cutting disks. And those were cotton blends. It still burnt my skin underneath. The thing with some fabrics, which are essentially petroleum products, is they ignite easily and melt into your skin. You get enough of that over your body and you are toast. Something something skin largest organ on the body. This is why welders and firefighters wear heavy cotton or treated fabrics that won’t burn very easily and don’t melt.
turning this into attempted murder is proggie level exaggeration.
I never called it that. If you read above, I say I am not sure it that was the intention. But to say attacking someone with a flaming aerosol can is not a deadly act is wrong imho. I don’t think he was attacking them. He was scaring them. Kind of like the idiot who shot into the bushes. I think the world would be a better place if they all caught on fire or shot each other.
Is there going to be a fight? What did you guys do with Eddie?
WS I never called it that. Fair enough, my initial gripe was with Gustave calling it that and I assumed those who came in later shared his opinion, mea culpa,
Hyp Is there going to be a fight? Only if I get a gun and the other guy gets a can of Aquanet and a Bic.
Wait, I’m not taking back my mea culpa but how do you square – attacking someone with a flaming aerosol can is a deadly act but you’re not calling that attempted murder? is there some legalese distinction that i’m missing, seems to me that attacking someone with with a deadly act would be attempted murder.
Are we sure he was actually trying kill him and not just brown him a little?
Well, to be fair, wouldn’t browning him a little make him less of a Nazi?
erosblog – fun look at sexuality, vintage pr0n, new pr0n, and musings on the prudishness of the powers-that-be on the internet (NSFW – duh) SugarFree would love this site.
diyaudio – make your own stereo gear – I visit the solid-state and tube forums the most
steve hoffman – lots of audiophile garbage, but also some interesting music discussions
truth about cars – car reviews, junkyard finds, news
and I bomb around a lot on Ebay looking for Mid Century Modern art, furniture, rugs, etc, along with records and audio parts, including tubes.
Podcasts: Casefile True Crime, True Crime Garage, Embedded, Hardcore History, Breakdown
Youtube: Fail Army, and finding new music to listen to
Old Man with Candy won’t help me design an in-wall subwoofer array. What a jerk!
It’s a loser’s game unless you have perfectly rigid walls.
Youtube: The Great War, C&Rsenal, Historia Civilis, and the Extra History episodes of Extra Credits
Ugh. Extra History drives me nuts.
Wow so many good channels.
Here a couple smaller ones I like:
Dave Stewart (a down to earth, reasoned libertarian who reminds me a bit of Scott Adams):
Swamp Troll (a Swedish guy who criticizes Swedish socialism and reports on things that the Swedish media ignore or hide):
1000Frolly (Brit(?) who collects clips about evil science denier scientists – like Freeman Dyson – denying science by suggesting global warming might not be armageddon):
Interesting stuff here from McInnes.
Gavin McIness, what’s next?
Rumors are infowars.
God I hope not. I was wondering if maybe Breitbart. I am sure the hobo has some new things rolling out soon.
I think he is/was part of the Anthony Cumia Media network too.
I can’t see McInnes doing that. He made it sound like it’s something new.
Here? I’m not sure if there is room for Sloopy facial hair and Gavin facial hair in the same tribe of shitlords.
Hmm, my top two (apart from work): Glibs & BBC Sports. Also Fox Sports Australia; random Wikipedia searches; writing blogs, etc.
Podcasts: I’ve got a whole slew of them including news & sports channels. But also, Dan Carlin, Tom Woods, Mises Weekends. Also Big Picture Science, AstronomyCast, So to Speak (FIRE’s podcast). Then a few pro- and anti-conspiracy ones: Conspiracy Skeptic, Monster Talk, Exposing Pseudoastronomy, (all antis); Inception Radio Network, Truth Frequency (pro). Finally, a few other History ones: Ben Franklin’s World, On Top of the World, New Books in History and a few others.
Scott H. Greenfield is a grumpy criminal defense lawyer with vaguely libertarian tendencies. More regular content than popehat and while he hates Trump, doesn’t have a case of TDS in the content or the comments.
I’ve been watching/listening to a handful of youtube channels for motorcycle/car content but it’s too infrequent for my taste.
Motorcyclist Magazine (MC Garage and On Two Wheels are good)
Car Throttle (British based buzzfeed style channel about cars with some occasional humor)
Engineering Explained (Pasty nerd explaining car engineering in an accessible manner)
Scott Greenfield is good, and he’s consistent on Twitter as well. I miss Faultlines. Popehat can get obnoxious, especially on twitter (keeps picking fights with idiots and signals to everyone when he does), and that obnoxiousness is starting to infect his usually informative posts.
Ugh twitter brings out and rewards the worst behaviors
Just checked out Greenfield. He’s got some good stuff.
“The twitters are filled with foolishness, not the least of which resides with the kids who need to form a club on twitter for self-protection and validation.”
Password, here is a libertarian auto / bike review site I found.
That’s some good stuff.
Roy Orbison & Friends sing “Dream Baby”
Christ, what an asshole.
Fuck the fisherman. He can be retrained to work on windfarms. Isn’t that how we do it?
Or he can sign up for a homeless shelter in NYC and enjoy the rolling blackouts with the rest of us. Progress!
Sacrifices must be made in the name of Gaia, at least the right sort, not the Gov or his friends.
Whoa whoa whoa, I thought wind energy was totally in harmony with Mother Gaia. Now it requires destroying this entire underwater ecosystem? That doesn’t sound very “green” to me.
Science denier!
People in San Francisco are against Nazis, and they marched today to let everyone know.
According to that article at the WSJ, there were no Nazis in sight–but I guess that doesn’t matter. The important thing is that these people are marching against Nazis.
And the Nazi threat is real. At the demonstration in Charlottesville, what, almost 300 white supremacists showed up? Of course, San Francisco is 3,000 miles away from Charlottesville, but if thousands of people didn’t clog up the streets with an anti-Nazi protest, how would anyone know to be anti-Nazi?
Relax, it’s rhetorical question dripping with sarcasm!
You know how Tip O’Neill supposedly said, “All politics is local”? He wasn’t from California.
In California, all politics is national. What drives voting in California is people saying and doing ridiculous things elsewhere in the country. Once some Republican says something about “legitimate rape”, California is over for the next election cycle. Racists show up in Charlottesville, VA? They’ll be protesting in San Francisco for weeks.
People in the South laugh at but don’t really give a shit about what’s going on in California. People in California think their whole purpose in life is to be a shining example for how people in the South and elsewhere are supposed to behave. When Arizona passes an anti-illegal immigration law, San Francisco Giants’ fans boycott Diamondbacks’ games. That “Think globally and act locally” thing isn’t just a bumper sticker. It’s a Californian’s prime directive.
It’s understood
that Hollywood
Sells Californication
Can’t believe how many people buy it.
The point is, is that if you were not there marching with them, then that proves you’re with the Nazis, Ken. Why do you love Nazis?
The “progressives” I know were incensed when Bush said “you’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists”. Now they’re the ones presenting that same old false dillema with “Nazis” in place of “terrorists”.
I was born in California but my family moved to Ohio when I was 3. I used to think it would be awesome to move back there, but that changed after I got a job and thought about state taxes, gun rights, and the million other ways that the government of California wants to control your life.
Just about everything that’s in California is also available in other states.
Interesting. I was born in Ohio and my family moved to CA when I was 4.
Have you heard about Cali’s plan to tax drinking water? Why not, they already tax air, what took them so long?
It’s a nice place to visit, but fuck living there.
It’s a great place to live.
If I had a zilion dollars, I’d build thousands of miles of twisty roads through the mountains. They’d be going to nowhere from nowhere, and these nowhere roads would be maintained perfectly–so that when I ride them on my motorcycle, for day after day after day, I wouldn’t need to worry about gravel or road conditions . . . not too much. I’d want it so I can ride twisty backroads through the mountains for five days every summer for years and avoid using the same roads twice.
Well, that’s basically what I’ve got in California, courtesy of the California taxpayer. CalTrans maintains those roads like they were being used by MotoGP for official races. I’ve seen perfectly maintained roads that have so little traffic, they don’t even bother snowplowing them in the winter. 90% of the people I see out there are on motorcycles like me, too. California’s taxpayers are so freaking . . . distracted.
The beaches are great. San Diego is great. The South Bay of LA is great. The Sierras are fantastic. The skiing is even good. It’s not Colorado or Utah, but it’s not Vermont, either. The desert is amazing. Ever heard of been to Glamis? I don’t think there’s anything else quite like it. Offroad capital of the universe, and it extends through a huge part of the state.
California is expensive as hell. They shit all over your gun rights, yeah.
Utah is great on gun rights. You don’t have to wear a helmet. They won’t let you buy cold beer.
There are a few great places to live in SoCal, and I’ve been lucky enough to live in them.
Most places in SoCal aren’t so great, and the government is terrible. I’d say especially terrible, but I know people who live in New York state. How’d you like to have especially awful government, rotten weather, and not as much of the nature aspect, too?
I enjoyed the Hell out of my time at Ft. Ord. I was down in Carmel, Pebble Beach, or Big Sur as often as i could manage. Also, chasing ideologically-addled coeds up at UC Santa Cruz was fine sport for this Florida boy.
Yeah, people don’t think of the outdoorsy aspect, but that’s what’s great about California.
And if you can’t find something fun to do anywhere between Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara on a weekend . . .
I like Ojai. Most people don’t even know about Ojai. The 33 is an awesome motorcycle road, which is why I’ve been up there. California is a great place to live.
The politics are awful, and I maintain that it’s mostly because voters are so far to the left on culture war issues that they can’t even see past that stuff to things like spending and taxes. Every election is a referendum on the dumbest thing a Republican anywhere in the country said that election cycle.
Good thing they didn’t protest an actual threat… like assaults and burglaries on BART.
There are no boogie men so real as the ones that only live in people’s imagination. This is a purely Alenskyite move by the left.
For the baseball enthusiast, two great sites for baseball stats are and The searches you can do in the Play Index are amazing (membership required).
Guilty pleasure: Russian car crash videos on Youtube.
FWIW my go-to soccer site is this one. Probably not as stat-heavy as baseball (what is?) but it has all the stats you might want.
I used to hang at but havent had the time last few years.
– Glibertarians
– The Liberty Fund; they have a lot of free e-books from Herbert Spencer and other proto-libertarian thinkers
– Mises Institute speeches on YouTube
– Tom Woods Show and Contra Krugman
– Khan Academy
Other than that, I try to avoid just “surfing” the Internet. I’ll end up watching TV show clips on YouTube and waste the whole damn day. I’m thinking about getting one of those browser add-ons that blocks certain websites for a specific timeframe.
I used to do little else other than read (philosophy, history, and classic fiction), do quick writing gigs, and attempt to write fiction. I made a lot of progress during this time. I need to get back into that groove because I’ve been wasting way too much time lately.
“Other than that, I try to avoid just “surfing” the Internet.”
I can’t do it, Akira. Something just randomly pops into my head and I might be off on a wild adventure for hours. Sometimes it results in a great new find. Most often, it results in lost of wasted time.
“Lots of wasted time” /another scotch on the rocks
Yes, sometimes my wife and I are discussing something at dinner and wonder about some factoid; we look at each other and say “Google it!” (although I recently changed to Duck-Duck-Go).
Yea, I’ve gone on educational tangents before. I end up doing something I call “Wikipedia surfing”, where I go to look up something, then I see a link in that article that looks interesting so I click on that, rinse and repeat until I’ve read a dozen or so Wikipedia articles and learned a great deal about whatever subject this is.
But yea, more often than not, I just experience a memory about some movie I saw when I was little, read the plot summary on Wikipedia, click on a few actor bios, do a DuckDuckGo image search for some of the hot actresses to see what they look like now, etc. Poof – a gorgeous Sunday afternoon, gone.
Thank you all for sharing these links; they will keep me busy for ages. I would like to add Russ Roberts’ EconTalk. It is, for me, a regular Monday treat.
Late again. Thanks for all the links. Here’s one I regularly check: It’s Tom Naughton’s site where he talks about health/diet topics. Tom is clearly a libertarian. The site started as support for his movie “Fat Head”, which countered the “Supersize Me” movie and points out flaws in the Supersize logic.
Learn to butcher your own meat…not a euphemism.