Superdeathstormfrom Hell = 2 deaths being blamed on it. People helping (including our own sloopy) out.
Just another weekend in Chicago = 6 dead (amongst 27 shot). Hard to find anyone who cares, and the cops are busy trying to keep Uncle Fed off their butts.
Not to mention that weeks later, people are still thinking there’s white supremacists around every corner, who are killing innocent flower children protesters who are today’s version of the brave soldiers that stormed the beaches of Normandy.
It is hard to believe that seemingly intelligent people could be buying that bullshit, but the media has been especially duplicitous about this.
Now do Berkeley.
There was no starker reminder that Texas is infinitely better than California than this weekend. While socialist thugs were beating up people for speaking and the socialist government had the police withdraw, Texas neighbors were helping each other through a natural disaster
In Houston, guys with Confederate flags on their air boats were going around rescuing black people from the flood. In Berkley, masked thugs were beating people up for the crime of wrong think. But remember, Progressives are the tolerant ones who keep all of the racist, dumb rednecks in places like Houston from taking over.
And apparently pics of the guy with the rebel flag on his boat – a photo in which he is rescuing a black family, no less – apparently set off the rote screeching of the Twitter mob.
In a way, nothing encapsulates the idiocy of our times more than random jackasses on Twitter, doing nothing to help anyone, caterwauling about a guy busting his ass to save lives over a fucking piece of cloth.
Two uses of apparently in one sentence. I go to the box and feel shame.
Apparent shame?
*apparently narrows gaze*
That really says it all doesn’t it? Those assholes won’t so much as write a check to help the victims down there but are happy to condemn someone who is doing real good because of his politics. That is what allowing politics dominate your life will do to you. It makes you into a horrible person.
The awesome thing is that the flag says nothing about his politics. For all anyone knows, he could have been an avid Jill Stein supporter. But that won’t stop the left from demonizing him.
You mean this goddamned waste of carbon? Hopefully, if she’s ever in that situation, rescuers will do the world a favor and let her drown.
What a cunt
Oh man, that story has everything!
Finally, somebody tied confederate flags and the hurricane together!
Secret Nazi Confederate Hurricane!
I think I heard this parable before. Let me guess, a grievance studies professor passed the family by, then a BLM activist passed the family by, and then the confederate flag guy helped them out?
Lol. That’s a great modern update on the parable.
Trump is going to do what every other president does after a hurricane. He’s going to authorize federal funds, visit the site (from a safe distance), and make a speech. I’m interested to see how that’s going to be spun into something a racist Nazi would do. And we all know that’s coming.
I had a coworker bitching that he was still Tweeting during all this. I asked if he was supposed to go and part the waters, Moses style.
Speaking as someone who was involved in more than one disaster (as National Guard) – I wanted all politicians to stay away. All they did was tie up security, transport and the like.
I asked if he was supposed to go and part the waters, Moses style.
At which point they’d bitch that he was interfering was interfering with Mother Nature’s water flows and engaged in bad juju.
ewwww /teenage girl
I remember the reaction to W not visiting the Katrina site by people who didn’t realize what a logistical nightmare Air Force One brings to a non-disaster area. Let alone one under 20′ of water.
I almost swore a blue streak at the Governor of Illinois (I didn’t know who this idiot, surrounded by an entourage, was that suddenly jammed up the area where I was working) in 1992. That probably wouldn’t have done the ol’ career any good.
OTOH, he went to prison, right?
Believe it or not, it was the one clean Governor we have had for…decades.
Clean clean, or “not yet indicted” clean?
Clean, clean. Which is why he quit politics in disgust and refused multiple attempts to get him to run for the Senate.
I wish I could say that the “everyone who disagrees with the me is a racist” comment, was just a broad generalization of the left. But this weekend proved a large portion of the left including the media legitimately believes that mantra.
Now, now- let’s not generalize. Progs don’t just call people racist; they also call them stupid.
Saying their enemies are racist or stupid covers about 95% of their arguments.
I get called ignerint sometimes.
“That word you keep calling me?!”
“Yeah! It says here it means I’m stupid!”
“There’s a difference between ignorance and stupidity.”
“Not to me there isn’t!”
Don’t forget “paid off by the Koch Brothers / Big Oil / Big Pharma / Monsanto”.
I got another city comparison for you.
San Francisco, population: 871k; budget $9 billion
Charlotte, population: 842k; budget $2 billion
Guess which one is run by progs.
San Francisco’s budget is bigger than 10 states, including Nevada which has 3x as many people.
Holy crap that is scary. Enjoy Monterey now and get your butt out of there ASAP Derp. No airborne, no Ft Bragg, but there are other options.
I leave in a few weeks and my next assignment looks sweet. It’s all good.
It’s Ft. Irwin isn’t it?
No, but that place could be fun.
Sometimes I forget this site is populated by people that might prefer to be alone in the middle of the desert.
+29 Palms?
It’s probably best if I don’t say where it is. They made that very clear when they put that microchip in my brain.
It stung a little when they put it in, but I got a lollipop afterward.
You’re real name is Mordecai Constant and you joined the Army of Mars?
Opfor at JRTC and he’s already lining up home visits to Suthenboy’s kitchen.
JRTC…Gah?! Thanks for that. I had blanked that whole experience out.
There’s a Space Command station where the AF will force Airmen to stay on station for a 6 month “remote” assignments. They like to call it Tampastan.
The wilds of MacDill AFB.
*1000 yard stare*
Don’t joke about that. I spent a week in the forest outside Hurlburt and the day I got out of there I bought a round of pitchers for a group of 45yr old divorcees at a local bar.
After 6 months, I can only imagine the toll it take on you.
…go on.
Why do you think he has that thousand-yard stare?
Tell me about it. I work for the IG, and my purview is USSOCOM.
On the plus side, I’ll never be out of work…
If you’re leaving Monterey soon, we need to hold a Bay Area meetup pronto, before you go. Perhaps we could do somewhere in the Sam Jose area to make it much easier for you to travel. Papaya, are you reading?
And if has an enormous homeless problem. San Fransisco also has basically evicted its black population over the last 20 years. Imagine if a southern city did that.
Hey, they do important work with that money! I got my street paved this year. It was only 25 years since the last paving too!
SF spends a mind-numbing amount, in the hundreds of millions, on homeless “services” each year, and it doesn’t reduce the amount of beggars and sidewalk-sprawlers one bit. We figured out the other day that with that money, they could provide each homeless person a $2500/month apartment.
But of course, it’s all a massive employment program for SEIU social workers and case managers. Tourists who see the SF streets and moan “why don’t they do something for these people, perhaps provide some services” don’t realize that there are dozens of overlapping “services” already in place. In fact, just about every homeless person on the street in SF has multiple ‘outreach’ personnel with whom they are on a first-name basis.
Problem is, you can’t force services on people who prefer the street lifestyle, where there are no rules, no obligations, you can keep your dog, and shoot up or drink all you like. It’s not as if you can point a gun at someone and say “you must accept housing!” (yet, that is).
It’s not quite an apples to apples comparison because SF is both a city and a county, so you should include Charlotte’s county per capita spending in the comparison. That said, I have no doubt that SF still spends a lot more money that Charlotte.
You can add another 1.6 billion for Mecklenburg county, still well below the spending of SF. As another comparison, take Philadelphia. Similar to SF, Philly is also a unified city/county. The budget for Philly is 4.4 billion, and a population of 1.5 million. So twice the population of SF, with half the budget.
One positive improvement in this society is now people automatically treat their pets as family when there’s a disaster, and rescuers just accept pets without thinking about it.
Yep. Better to be a hound in Houston than a Calico in Caracas.
What calico?
/hungry Venezuelan
*narrows strays*
Swiss just cat butted himself.
The butt is the best part.
Is that the shoulder like with pig?
I agree.
I think the contrast between the media reaction to this and its reaction to Katrina shows you how racist the media really is. This is a huge disaster. It may end up being a bigger disaster than Katrina. It is also a very good bet that FEMA is screwing this up. FEMA was screwing everything up long before Katrina. The media just happened to notice because New Orleans had good hotels and the media figured out that they could use it against George Bush. And the media will try and use this against Trump. But, what you won’t see is the full throated panic and slander of the population that you saw in Katrina. In Katrina, the media said people were shooting at rescue helicopters and that children were being raped and murdered in the Super Dome. All of that was completely untrue. More than even the partisan bullshit that went on, the media in Katrina was one giant cry of “Oh my God the Negros are without supervision and are destroying the city”. The media slandered the residents of New Orleans in ways so racist it would have made Bull Connor blush.
Since most of the victims here are white, the tenor of the coverage is completely different.
Also, the media acted like there was no more effort and planning involved in organizing a mass refief effort than there is in what they had to do which was catch the first flight and stand on the nearest street corner and ask where is everyone?
Random Nola observation: I was driving back from the Chalmette battlefield site to the CBD and noticed that one of the many flood damaged unrepaired houses still had search markings from either my battalion or our sister battalion. This was about a year and a half ago.
The real spectacular Katrina screw-ups were at the local level, the media just decided to blame it all on Bush instead of Ray Nagin because, you know…
I bet there are a lot fewer egregious screw-ups at the state and local levels this time.
Ironically, Ray Nagin is probably looking out his cell window in the Texarkana Federal Correctional Institution and watching the rain.
451 murders so far this year according to this site.
WTF, Chicago?
Too bad they don’t have oil.
I suspect they have missed a few too.
+1 little sister that doesn’t miss when she aims her gun
Looks like they’re missing almost a week of data this month.
Bradbury coincidence?
Jesus Christ, that’s the per capita equivalent of over 1,400 murders so far in NYC. That’s as bad or worse than NYC during the high-crime 1970’s and early 1980’s.
That’s only because Obama left the town. They’re a little upset.
It was close to 1000/year when I lived there in the ’90s. Just a coincidence, I swear. They are on track for about 700 this year, so they’ve got some catching up to do.
smdh all this racist talk. Gillespie was right!
The libertarian moment happens when everyone embraces racism?
Perusing the comments at the link, it’s good to see that Hank Phillips is still dementedly banging out posts filled with complete gibberish.
That article was pretty retarded. Not as retarded as the comments, but pretty close.
But if you ignore all of Ron Paul’s respect for individual rights, he’s totally a Nazi!
I really appreciate that Hihn is so fucking mentally deranged that he has to post under “David Nolan” too. If I didn’t know better, I’d think it was Mary/WI.
And some people’s absolute hatred of the Pauls is breathaking in its insipidness.
I hope Reason found what they were looking for in those new commenters. I’m glad I only knew a few names.
I haven’t clicked in a while now.
It’s not very effective.
Wow, that straight line downward at the beginning of February is pretty telling.
The trend is our friend?
The US is finally beating the Canukastanis
Saw another “two cities” comparison of Houston and Berkeley. That’s a different one, but its the same flavor.
From what I can tell in Berkeley this week, BTW, it looks like the cops once again set up and enabled an assault by antifa. Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence . . . .
For your amusement:
Fat shaming is always OK when it’s pointed at a white, male, 2A supporter!
comments are the best.
You know what was funny? 3 people were also at the sheriff for their CCW as well when I went. I wonder how the boulderites would react if they knew?
Which reminds me, I gotta look for a really good paddle holster for my Px4 knockoff…
The difference is that one of those disasters is caused by nature and the other one is cause by Democrats.