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Huff enough paint, and you don’t even need an eclipse.
*orders spray paint*
Huff enough Post and you don’t need no paint.
But far more brain damage.
Hello Conchita
^This importante
I know that last frame is coming and it still cracks me up every time.
And just when you think the media cannot get any more disgusting, along comes none other than the NYT defending antifa. And even their own readers are not buying it.
NYT defends violent thugs
I doubt their readers are more upset about this than the Times hiring Bret Stephens. He’s a denier, don’t you know.
The NYT loves its commie thugs.
Antifa isn’t anti-free speech, because they’ve never attacked any Democratic Party event.
So like the Old Testament where the moral code only applies within the tribe.
Oh, well, so long as they are only attacking speech they disagree with, then that’s not anti-free speech at all!
Shocking to realize that there are people who actually think that makes sense.
The first comment with the photo is epic.
Seems to me they just explicitly confined political violence in that statement.
From the comments, which seem to be running three to one in favor of Antifa violence, they are buying it.
That was a quick change then, because when I was reading the comments, it was just the opposite.
Maybe I didn’t dive in deep enough-read the first 20 or so.
You have to click the ‘readers pick’ tab at the top or you just get every retard’s comment. The reader picks are the upvoted ones.
Huh, that was actually kind of encouraging.
I think some of the more sane on the left are starting to get very worried about being associated with antifa.
They might be worried about how many yutes they worked so hard to brainwash throughout their education are getting red pilled by this shit
PS: Antifa is what you get when Pajama Boy puts on a black mask and a backpack full of urine bottles.
I’m stealing this.
Akira: Check out next week’s edition. If I forget to credit you, make sure you call me out.
But what about Pecky? Needz moar Pecky.
If they keep up with the Russia narrative…
I think they’re almost back to it.
Funny then how most of the people from the antifa mob just arrested for assault and battery in Berkeley, were in fact, women.
From my experience women are typically more masculine than men on the Left
Wasn’t it the women that stormed the Bastille?
You’re talking about the Frogs, so they would have thrown up a white flag even if it was only one woman doing some storming.
It was the March on Vesialles 3 months later I was thinking of.
Yeah and the Swiss Guard (not the Frenchies) were the ones that were defeated by a bunch of women.
What pansies the Swiss are.
*listens for incoming catbutt*
Swiss Guard belongs to the Pope….those mercenaries were under French command.
I thought the Swiss Guard was just a regiment of mercenaries provided by the Swiss that many nobles employed. The Pope being the last noble to employ them
I must say, I skirted dangerously close to a cat butt on that one. Swiss must be in a good mood
You’re a funny guy Just Say’n, I like you. That’s why I’m going to catbutt you last.
Not from what I have seen.
It’s only prized in the women, who are the ones out front doing the fighting.
OMG did they just assume the gender of a large majority of the antifa camp? I’m so triggered right now I can’t even.
Well, it is hard to tell the women from the men, so I’ll cut them some slack there.
Great avatar. Repo Man was an incredible movie.
Put it on a plate, son, you’ll enjoy it more.”
You know, for the longest time I thought the generic products (particularly the can of “food” Otto eats in that scene) in Repo Man was a hilarious bit of satire. Then I found out the sad truth: Alex Cox was holding out for better product placement money, no one was interested, so their safety net was using Ralph’s supermarket generic products.
It definitely adds to the surreal atmosphere of the movie. I think they may have recognized this and re-labeled some products, because I’m old enough to remember generics, and I don’t remember any cans with just “Food” or “Drink” on them. I could be wrong.
Probably – I’m pretty sure you’re right that there was never a generic can labeled “food”.
My favorite little tidbit – if you look closely, when the repo men go to the supermarket manager’s house and beat him up (after Otto lies and says he’s the one who beat up Otto), Otto’s dorky former co-worker Kevin in is the house.
Otto Parts?
Hey now, what the NYT considers ‘hypermasculine’ is very different from the layman.
“Oh my god, you keep the chicken in your chicken salad?”
The times uses the bullshit stats from the ADL to claim 74 percent of violence/murders over the past decade are right-wing. However, the ADL admits that “ADL’s death count includes non-ideological murders committed by extremists, i.e. gang violence or other criminal activity that does not have a political or racial motive.” So, basically anything without a clear ideological or racial motive gets labeled as right wing.
I saw that. The overlap between “criminal gang” and “white supremacist” makes that study completely useless. To even the scales, they would need to count all the murders committed by other criminal gangs with overtly racialist branding, which includes a fair number of the black gangs from what I understand. Gangs need an internal ideology to help bind their members together, and a racialist one is easy and effective.
peoplegangs can’t be racist.The left’s implicit approval of the commie thugs will be everyone’s undoing. The “white supremacists” are practically nonexistent and have been blown into an oversized threat so that the violence on the left can be excused.
This can only lead to more violence in response and civil unrest
They’re fools if they think they can control it and benefit from this.
RDA may be moonlighting as a writer. This person puts the Huff in HuffPo.
If they are so secret, how do you know they exist?
So, if two groups stand for the opposite positions on an issue, how can neither of them represent the people?
On the whole, the only thing I hope that’s true is that Progressives split off from Dems and go 3rd party.
Isn’t Dark Money inherently a racist term?
I think you are thinking of “Black Friday“
“On the whole, the only thing I hope that’s true is that Progressives split off from Dems and go 3rd party.”
That would be great, but I doubt it. What I see is the progs pulling the Democrats even further left. Perez is a far left loon. 3 of what appear to be their biggest leaders now, are far leftists, Warren, Bernie, and Kamala Harris. Who among the ancient ones in the party like Pelosi, Biden, or Waters is going to pull them back to the center? They have basically no rational voices with the power to pull them back from the cliff. They’re a very small step away from being the socialist party of the USA. I mean really, for all intents and purposes, they already are, they just need one final push.
I don’t see Pelosi or Waters as being centrist in any sense. Biden maybe.
Pelosi and Waters are just plain old corrupt. They’ll say exactly what they think they need to in any given situation.
You can easily fit Biden into that same pile of shit.
Biden’s desperately trying to be accepted by the outraged Left. Yesterday he published an op-ed saying that Trump had said that neo-nazis and peaceful protesters are ‘moral equivalents’. Of course Trump never did any such thing, but it must be the truth now that Uncle Joe has stated it.
Mas Conchita, por favor. Gracias.
Sure. Some pics are NSFW
Ai, dios mio!
This is what the last, fatal stage of TDS looks like.
What made Gorka and Bannon Nazis? I still don’t get this one. I asked a couple of people, including a friend of mine in the Libertarian Party (which, at this point, should just be called the ‘Virtue Signaling Party’ as it really doesn’t have anything to do with individual liberty anymore), and he just said that it’s true if you read the news reports. What does that mean?
“Bannon and Gorka are Nazis”
“Ok, why do you say that?”
“Because they are”
“Ok, whay have the said or done for you to think that?”
“You know, Nazi stuff”
“Ok, like what?”
“Stuff that Nazis do”
That’s pretty much the only response that I’ve gotten. Which has made me think that any non-interventionists in this administration have been smeared as being ‘Nazis’ to preserve perpetual war.
*puts on tin foil hat*
By news reports is he talking about CNN? Then we’re all Nazis I guess. Unless we are goose stepping around in a Che t-shirt, proudly carrying a copy of the communist manifesto, and virtue signaling about statues of dead white guys.
Defending confirmed Nazis JS? Shameful.
I am a Nazi apologist, obviously.
Seriously, with all the tripping over each other to reject and condemn Nazism, there doesn’t seem to be a good definition of what is being rejected and condemned. Is it the 1930s political party? Is it anti-semitism? Is it racism? Is it white supremacy? All these are fine things to spill ink and generate hot air to repudiate, but when you just use “Nazis” it makes me think you just don’t like the villains in the Indiana Jones films. This is the problem with labels: with no strict definition it will gradually grow to encompass everything and mean nothing
You know, it would probably be surprising that they chose to go with Nazis as the great boogeyman, when there are actually how many self proclaimed Nazis in the country? Maybe a few hundred? But then again, they chose Russians as the great boogeyman who caused Hillary to lose, so their desperation really doesn’t surprise anymore. And now they’ve adopted a rag tag band of commies and anarchists as their heroes. The Democrats are digging a really deep hole for themselves.
Bannon said Breitbart was a platform for the Alt-Right, and the Alt-Right are Nazis or something. Of course Bannon’s statement came at a time when there really was no definition of Alt-Right (as far as I know). The media and the Dems have done a good job for their purposes as defining Alt-Right as Nazis. We all laughed at the anti-Pepe post on Hillary’s website last year, but it seems to have gone a long way to define the Alt-Right as Nazis for the press, so mission accomplished.
”Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” is my go to response. The burden of proof is on them.
Guy is borderline threat to himself and others.
I don’t want any of the loons on the left to hurt themselves, they’re doing a job that needs done and all we have to do is watch.
fatal stage of TDS
There is always another stage.
Some sort of zombie thing?
Only fire or dragon glass . . . .
Dear Glibby,
I have an interview with an HR toad this afternoon. They’re going to ask me why I want to work there. Is there a polite, HR friendly way to put, I am sick and fucking tired of working for the federal government, yo?
Signed — Its always Drug dealers calling me back
I’ve sat in on 2 interviews over the past year or so when the person being interviewed said exactly that. Just without the swearing.
Leave off the “yo” and put “the “fucking” before “sick.” They’ll love it.
Something, something, personal growth, something something opportunity, etc., etc., etc.
Scribbles notes.
Just promise to buy a pitcher of beer for all the 45-year old divorcees in HR. That *is* your MO, yes?
Well, they are desperate and they do have a tendency to be attracted to assholes…
Just beware – once you pay the Divorcee-geld, you’re never free of the Divorcee!
Talk about how much you love diversity and how that’s why you want to work there, because you want more opportunity to work in a diverse and multicultural environment. It works every fucking time. The HR ‘toad’ will be half asleep until you say that, then they’ll perk right up. And after they’ll be convinced you are the right person for the job. Can you go dressed as a woman, or did you forget to check ‘fluid’ under the gender box on the application?
Is it too late to get a Ron Swanson Tattoo on your chest?
I’m afraid that raises awkward questions if its on a Mexican.
Might help to cover up the ‘thug life’ you already have… oh wait, mexican! I meant to say ‘naked large breasted woman’.
‘being stood over by a hyper-muscular aztec’
‘In front of a human skull’
*covers up Aztec Calendar on neck*
I want to see work done well in an efficient and timely manner.
If they’re obviously lefty, just say you don’t want to work for a Nazi.
Wear black and a rag over your face and say that you’re fighting Nazis. Who are everywhere.
Is there a polite, HR friendly way to put, I am sick and fucking tired of working for the federal government, yo?
Ah, the diplomatic euphemism. You have come to the right place, my friend. Do not be negative on your current/former employer – it signals that you will be negative on your new employer.
Assuming the new company is still in the healthcare field, I would say “I like being part of healthcare, the mission of helping people who come to us for help is important to me. I’d like to find a company that empowers its staff, that has a culture of safety for patients and for employees and a real team-based approach to taking care of people.”
This list of HR buzzwords comes to you courtesy of this morning’s leadership meeting on why our employees suck so had.
You need to start a round of Bullshit Bingo at the next meeting.
That’s just what I was awake for. My suggestion that no diagnosis would be complete without the words “lazy” and “stupid” was not well received.
The buzzwords kill me. Now my clients have all these people running around talking about ‘big data’. None of them have any idea what that even means. Before it was ‘the cloud’. *barf*
argh – “the Cloud”. Everyone in management who don’t know jack about computing wonder when the company is going to be “on the cloud”.
us: when we have a huge/expensive internet connection that can handle the shitload of data that gets moved everyday.
them: “but it’s on the Cloud!”
Ask them what their going to do when it rains?
Big data is next. I think after Big data, it has to be something about fighting Nazis.
Nazi proofing the internets.
Already underway.
There’s no rain in the cloud, JB, it’s a magical place where angels play harps.
“Nazi proofing the internets.
Already underway.”
They should just start going around the room and having everyone proclaim they’re not a Nazi. You know, in case there might be some secret Nazi’s around. They’re everywhere you know.
It’s funny how storing all your stuff on someone else’s servers has become this abstract thing.
*writes new HTTP RFC for new status code ‘212 – Not a Nazi’*
Those conversations always remind me of this.
“Doesn’t say”
“It’s funny how storing all your stuff on someone else’s servers has become this abstract thing.”
In a meeting during the height of the cloud craze, I said ‘you know the cloud is just a bunch of servers on the internet’. People looked at me like I had 3 eyes or something. They really believe that the cloud is some mystical high tech thing that only a few people really understand.
“Fog computing” is the next buzzword to know.
Cisco is pushing it. Basically it is an IoT buzzword that means you are pushing some of the smarts out of the cloud into the edge devices.
So instead of reporting all of Winston’s actions, you create a solution that has a smart camera that will only upload to the cloud Winston’s failures during the 2 minutes of hate. Far more efficient to distribute processing to the edge in most cases.
But what about Winston’s mom? What does ‘The Fog’ have to say about that?
Especially considering CAT-M will have narrower bandwidth.
The correct term is “datums of size”.
So, your staff is not empowered and culturally driven to be unsafe for patients?
If that means they are lazy and stupid, then yes.
“I’m just here to take yer jerbz!”
I am looking for a change.
“why do you want to work here?”
I hate that fucking question. I DON’T want to work here, you dick wizard, but I have these things called bills…
I want take a moment and thank all of you for your input this morning. No, seriously.
Signed — Its always Drug dealers calling me back
Straying into SugarFree territory there.
I’ll take that as a compliment.
It was meant as one. I was assuming you did that on purpose.
Yeah, I thought it coupled well with the next line.
I knew trump was responsible for it.
And yet you did nothing to fight against the Nazis!
Not sure why anyone feels compelled to fight against two groups that already lost. I guess it kind of makes sense given the left is always fighting battles from the 50’s and 60’s that they would go forth back in time to the 40’s and 1850’s. I’m guessing the Romans are on their the list, but not the Mongols (despite Khan being a prolific rapist). Not sure about the Greeks? I suppose they are free game as part of western civilization.
Obviously, JB is not against the Nazis.
What’s ironic is that they’re no worse than Marxist.
OT: What’s the point, people? We’ve only got 30 years of sustainable life left on earth. Scientists say so!
You people are going to feel so stupid when Mr. Lizard ends up taking you over and using you to build pyramids.
You just altered the future. Also, I’m starting to doubt that you are a time traveler. Why would anyone go back in time and choose to live in America Jr.? That just doesn’t make any sense.
Oh yeah, telling libertarian nerds on the internet about the Reptilians sure is going to stop an armada of fifteen thousand ships.
Lower population, middle power status and small military makes it unlikely to be targeted by orbital laser cannons.
You know, I have met some dumb blondes in my life, but you take the taco, pal! Only a *Carpathian* would come back to life now and choose Canada! Tasty pick, bonehead! If you had brain one in that huge melon on top of your neck, you would be living the sweet life out in Southern California’s beautiful San Fernando Valley!
Thems fighting words
He caused Trump. Let that one stew for a bit.
Hey now, Ted Cruz was our Manchurian Candidate. We would have had you working in the maple syrup mines by the end of the year if it weren’t for your orange messiah.
I thought it was Rubio. He seems Canadian. So polite.
I thought they both were Cuban. I wonder why the super secret sonic weapons didn’t work on Trump.
Both start with C and end with N. Think about it.
There’s a T in there somewhere, isn’t there?
I f’n love made up science when it conforms with my pre-conceived political beliefs!
She does get one thing right. Hopefully I linked this tweet correctly.
Well, if true we’d be a hell of a lot better off spending that time on a crash program of developing self sustaining habitats off planet than we would on a fools errand of somehow trying to stop global warming.
Somehow a planet that sustained a lush and thriving collection of plants and animals in much more tropical times (think 20 million years ago) is doomed in 30 years?!
Hurricanes are proof positive of global climate change!
Yes, hurricanes certainly change things.
Hey, that tree isn’t where I left it!
I have a banana for you, Chiquita.
*grunts, slaps belly*
They’re going to ask me why I want to work there. Is there a polite, HR friendly way to put, I am sick and fucking tired of working for the federal government, yo?
Tell them you want to work in an environment where promotions and raises are based on competence, not seniority.
It could work.
What Went Wrong
From the fall of communism only thirty years ago, the acceptability of Marxism has made a remarkable resurgence. The news media, prominent politicians and academia all give Marxist thugs carte blanche to attack, not just “Nazis”, but libertarians, free speech activists and mainstream conservatives. How did this happen? How did adherents of an ideology with a death toll of 100 million people, 5X that of the Nazis, thugs who will beat people in the streets for expressing the worn opinion or virtual mobs to destroy people’s careers, become acceptable company in polite society?
The fault, I’d suggest, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves. The fall of communism was a giddy time. Western liberalism had been proved superior. The monstrosity of communism had been revealed, but revealed in defeat. It was, many believed, the End of History. Surely, men and women of goodwill believed with the facts so utterly obvious, the fight was over. No one would ever champion that garbage again. And so, graciousness in victory became the order of the day. The thousands of academics, media figures and cultural figures who had championed this monstrosity for decades were given a pass. They were excused with platitudes about “But, socialism” or “I didn’t know” or “good intentions”. Or worse, they were allowed to pretend the whole thing never happened. And, so, truth was cheated in the name of goodwill.
And years passed. People forgot history. Or never actually learned it. No need to spike the ball toward that professor down the hall, after all. The Marxists who never had to answer for their positions, who never had to acknowledge their support of evil, were allowed to see their careers continue to advance. They were permitted to remain in polite company. And the folks who still wanted to fight old wars with them began to seem a boor. Who wanted, after all, to be the new Joseph McCarthy? And why were those vets worrying about an over-the-hill actress who put out an exercise video twenty years ago. And as people forgot, it became okay to push the old agenda. You didn’t want to be one of those kooks fighting twenty-year old battles, after all? And these folks all clearly have such good intentions? And so we get to where we are today.
The truth is that so many of these people should have been forced to confront the evil which they supported. They should have been forced to come to terms with it. The lobby of the Times building should have a giant statue of Walter Duranty with an explanation of how the Times helped cover up mass murder. The Academy Awards should have had a memorial to the role Hollywood communists actually played in ruining other people’s lives. Noam Chomsky should be identified as “noted linguist and Khmer Rouge cheerleader”. If our culture had gone through this, maybe today communists would be held in as much disgust and contempt as Nazis rightfully are.
The Leads/Submissions button is on the top of the page.
Are you in a bad mood today?
That was said jokingly, but I refuse to use emoticons.
*polite applause*
Point taken. My apologies.
You don’t have to apologize, it was more “haha, wall of text” than anything serious. It comes off way more cunty than it should have been.
Probably could make a full article on it though.
I figured you just thought Eddie showed up again or something.
Too late. You’re on the list, pal, and it’s written in sharpie.
Noam Chomsky should be identified as “noted linguist and Khmer Rouge cheerleader”
I didn’t realize he was an apologist for the Khmer Rouge. That’s really out there.
This is kind of how Nick Gillespie should be only referred to as ‘noted piece of shit Nick Gillespie’.
“Alyssa Milano Ghost Writer Nick Gillespie”.
I like it. It’s a more refined way of calling him a piece of shit
He was up until the Killing Fields became public knowledge.
Then it was America’s fault they were so awful.
It’s always America’s fault, or the West’s fault, or whitey’s fault, or capitalism’s fault. And now that the entire world knows that half of Americans are Nazis, oh boy is it really all of that.
The country that literally went to world war against fascism is now full of fascists. Totally legit.
People who don’t understand what fascism is are convinced that their society is now full of fascists. Seems legit.
We went to war with the fascists at a time when there were a lot more fascists here.
They didn’t pass the fascist purity test, so we had to kill them.
Nazi’s were white, America mostly white, you aren’t getting the connection? You know… it just occurred to me… Canadians are Nazis too! Eww, I don’t want to be a Nazi anymore, I’m out!
Well, they already convinced people that the party that was founded to preserve the Union and abolish slavery is actually in favor of secession and putting people back in chains, so… reality is not their strong suit.
It should probably be named after Chomsky, but I still prefer to refer to that…unique interpretation of foreign affairs as the ‘Sheldon Richman school of thought’.
Oh come on. There is quite a difference between Sheldon Richman saying “hey, maybe all of this indiscriminate bombing is creating more terrorist than it kills” versus Chomsky’s “you see the Paris Commune failed, because it didn’t purge its ranks, which I blame on America for weird reasons”.
Also, why do socialists always blame their failures on not enough people being killed?
Well, obviously, if they would have killed enough people, no one would have the wrong think.
That shit is contagious. Can’t be too careful.
Sheldon Richman blames the annexation of Crimea on the United States and takes everything Iran says at face value while portraying America as the aggressor. He’s never seen a tinpot foreign autocracy that he won’t qualify, excuse or lick the boots of in order to complain about his own government. This is the piece of shit who whines about nationalism in general and but believes Palestinian nationalism is good.
That’s not an entirely fair description. The US and its western allies did foment the ouster of the Ukranian president. There are many non-interventionists that may not like the Iran deal, but think it is better than the alternative.
I’d meet you half way on the topics related to Israel. He does have a bit of a flawed analysis of that conflict
Richman will take any comment by a foreign power that supports his ‘blame America’ narrative entirely seriously and handwave or ignore any evidence to the contrary. A ‘libertarian’ is blindly accepting the propaganda of autocracies is disgusting.
Oh, I always got a reliable chuckle out of Sheldon’s supremely gullible belief in the forthright statements issued by the Islamic Republic. Iran was the one nation whose innocence and nobility he believed wholeheartedly in.
He’s just a weaselly, dishonest piece of shit. Refuses to acknowledge, and denies any facts, that makes socialism look bad.
Chomsky was guilty of ignoring all the warning signs and going a massive benefit of the doubt to the Khmer Rouge. He ultimately had to backtrack on his defense of them (almost twenty years later).
He then proceeded to do the exact same thing with Venezuela. He’s truly a useful idiot when it comes to those who give lip service to his pet political philosophies.
Going => giving
Remember when Maduro pulled a play straight out of the Pol Pot handbook and tried to tell the people in Caracas to grow their own food or maybe move into the countryside where they could?
Did he? That’s apropos.
“And years passed. People forgot history. Or never actually learned it.”
Academia intentionally scrubbed that history and indoctrinated children to accept socialism as a good thing and capitalism as bad. Academia is 100% controlled by the left, as is the mainstream media. And yet they still cannot sell their bullshit to everyone, so now they resort to sending thugs into the streets to attack people.
I remember in my high school history class I was the only one out of 25 kids who knew of Lenin, Stalin and Mao. The teacher asked about it before a brief overview of their murder-a-thon. All things considered I think my school did a better than average at not propagandizing the curriculum. I even had a world literature teacher recommended Ayn Rand to me based on some of what I wrote.
A remember in my AP European History class (1989/90) mentioning the Ukrainian famine that Stalin ordered and everybody (well, except the teacher) looking at me like I was nuts. Imagine when we got to that portion of history….
good teacher.
On the plus side, looks like we might get that chance now. We just have to not be defeated, enslaved, and murdered by said commies.
Repo Man was an incredible movie.
“It happens, sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes.”
“C’mon Duke, let’s go do those crimes.”
“Yeah, let’s get sushi – and not pay!”
OT: Turns out CNN’s in-house Republican gives a lot of money to Democrats
Say what you want about Fox, at least their token democrat was an actual democrat.
Yeah, but he was an ugly beta male. It really wasn’t fair.
That’s no way to speak about Shikha.
I would never say anything that nice about Shikha.
But… all Republicans do that, right? I mean the one’s that aren’t Nazis.
The Never Trumps who threw their weight behind Hillary should be incessantly mocked and chased out of the party. It’s one thing to refuse to back Trump, it’s entirely another to support a kleptocrat in response.
Hey! Penn Gillette resembles that remark!
Bread, meet Butter. You seem so happy together.
She donated to DWS, among others. Navarro is a fuckign clown and a social climber. She figured out a long time ago that virtue signaling GOPe would need a female hispanic to show off every now and again, and that’s how she landed her first gig and every single gig since then, even though she holds not a single conservative view.
That picture bothers me.
Why does DWS always look like she just came back from 12 hours in the sauna?
She hasn’t washed her hair in 2 decades.
No need to spike the ball toward that professor down the hall, after all. The Marxists who never had to answer for their positions, who never had to acknowledge their support of evil, were allowed to see their careers continue to advance.
This is an excellent point, which cannot be overstated.
If a physics professor at a prestigious university aligned himself with the promoters of a Perpetual Motion Machine which was proven to run on concealed batteries, he’d be lynched by his colleagues. He’d be lucky to get hired by a public library. But a “historian” who waves away the vast murderous abomination which is Communism by saying, “Oh, they just needed to iron out a few wrinkles and everything would have been fine,” gets tenure.
Marxists have the advantage of communism being antithetical to both human nature and basic economic reality. Therefore, because it always fails, they can always qualify it by saying it wasn’t ‘real communism’. They can chase that utopia and stack as many bodies as they like and they never have to be held accountable, because they’ll never achieve anything close to what they think they can.
It drives me nuts when I hear the “wasn’t real communism” excuse. Sorry, pal, you’ve got countries that describe themselves as Communist run solely by Communist political parties, and even then you can’t get it right? If the Reds think they’ve got it rough, they should try being libertarians.
I loved the decade long period where they all just collectively screeched ‘You don’t even know what socialism is!’. WTF?
Sorry, pal, you’ve got countries that describe themselves as Communist run solely by Communist political parties, and even then you can’t get it right?
Add to that the fact that the same bastards telling you now how “that wasn’t real communism” were screeching the obvious superiority of communism practiced in just that country right up until the moment it crashed.
Where’d all those guys go who just a couple of years ago were praising the great success of socialism in Venezuela? Where are the ones claiming that Cuba has the best healthcare system in the world and that they cured cancer? It’s funny how the cockroaches scurry when someone turns the light on.
This exactly. But, it isn’t too hard to find the guys who were saying these things. Most of them are still in the public eye. Nobody seems to really want to. It isn’t so much the cockroaches scurrying when the light is turned on, as it is people refusing to actually turn the light on.
Y u no Ottawa? So many suckups in one place! Otherwise, I give this the “headline that makes most sense” award for today:
Hillary Clinton book tour stopping in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver
Now, I can see an Obama memoir getting a lot of pull in Canadian proggy cities, but Hillary? Really? I’d be surprised if she pulls more people than an average Larry Correia book signing.
There are a lot of white, college-educated women in all those cities. I think she’ll fill the venues nicely. Obama would fill stadiums.
Crowds were scarce; nevertheless, she persisted.
Oh joy, I cannot wait to read that. “I lost because mostly sexism”? Is there anything else in there? That’s what I thought.
Yeah, I’d be surprised if there was anything funny that came from Hillary Clinton. Annoying, abrasive, screechy, yeah, funny? No.
Oh joy, I cannot wait to read that. “I lost because mostly sexism”? Is there anything else in there? That’s what I thought.
Racism and alt-right? She’s always current with the contemporary trends, dawg.
“Her publisher Simon and Schuster….”
They dump Milo, giving him a reason to sue them for millions, and pay that old harpy to have her name on a shitty, ghostwritten apologia for her corruption and incompetence?
That’s some real sharp business practice you gots there, S & S
An introspection into the biggest failure in modern electoral history is “detailed and surprisingly funny”. Uh huh.
Well, they didn’t say “intentionally” funny.
And I would not be surprised if Hillary goes into great detail about the faults and shortcomings of the people who failed her, including not only her own staff but the American people.
I’m proud to have failed her.
I shall have a Sculpin in my honor tonight.
Shattered seems to clearly indicate that is the case. Clinton’s an arrogant, generally unlikable person incapable of self-reflection, who knew?
(A great deal of the electorate)
the book is Clinton’s “most personal memoir yet” with revelations including her thoughts and feelings during last year’s failed U.S. presidential bid.
All I hear is clicks and whirrs and the sound of punchcards being shuffled rapidly.
And the clink of empty chardonnay bottles…
Your spellchecker biffed it on “everclear”.
New French president continues proud French tradition of wasting money:
Maintaining his boyish good looks does not come cheap for President Emmanuel Macron. Since he became France’s youngest modern president in May, his office has spent 26,000 euros, or $31,000, for a makeup artist to be at the ready for his public appearances.
The last president, a balding socialist, spent $10,000 a month on haircuts.
The Aristocrats!
$31K in makeup for four months of public appearances?
$8,000/month for makeup is a frickin’ bargain, considering the last guy paid $10,000/month for haircuts.
I’ll cut a bald guys hair for the low low price of 8k a month.
and her plans for the future.
On a grand scale. No point in learning a trade at that age.
Since he became France’s youngest modern president in May, his office has spent 26,000 euros, or $31,000, for a makeup artist to be at the ready for his public appearances.
I dread to contemplate what his wife must spend.
An introspection into the biggest failure in modern electoral history is “detailed and surprisingly funny”. Uh huh.
“Who knew you could miss an olympic sized swimming pool from the one meter diving board?
Somebody greased her cankles.
I saw some graffiti in Monterey yesterday. Someone wrote KILL NAZIS on one building and FUCK RACIST [sic] on another.
I don’t think it was anyone from the Naval Post Graduate School. They are too busy with their How To Avoid Huge Ships class.
How to Avoid Huge Ships is a 1982 book by Captain John W. Trimmer, a Master Mariner and Seattle harbor pilot. The first edition was self-published from Trimmer’s home in Seattle, and carried the subtitle Or: I Never Met a Ship I Liked. It is a maritime operations guidance book, but also attracted some attention due to its title, which some found to be unusual, incongruous, and humorous.
Intended for a specialized audience (the captains or operators of small private boats, such as yachts and trawlers), the book gives advice on appropriate avoidance actions when confronted by the near presence of a large ship such as a freighter, along with anecdotes and background information such as the capabilities and operating procedures of the large ships.
Sounds like the Navy needs to read that one a little more diligently.
We had some graffiti on Mt. Lemmon this weekend, too.
The bulk of the graffiti is inside the men’s and women’s restrooms, covering the stalls, doors, and walls. Inside each bathroom, it says, “kill all whites, kill cops, BLM,” among other explicit statements.
On the exterior of the building, there are multiple Swastikas with lines crossing through them, also, the word, “white,” with lines crossing it out.
On the ground a message saying, “Islam is Boom,” and a profane statement involving President Trump.
Is Trump responsible for violent rallies? Law says probably not
By Stephen Gottlieb, opinion contributor
It’s dumb, particularly the part where he misuses the term “double entendre”.
Speaking of which, some 10th century monk decided to make a collection of such things:
Some of the earliest double entendres are found in the Exeter Book, or Codex exoniensis, at Exeter Cathedral in England. The book was copied around 975 AD. In addition to the various poems and stories found in the book, there are also numerous riddles. The Anglo-Saxons did not reveal the answers to the riddles, but they have been answered by scholars over the years. Some riddles were double-entendres, such as Riddle 25 (“I am a wondrous creature: to women a thing of joyful expectation, to close-lying companions serviceable. I harm no city-dweller excepting my slayer alone. My stem is erect and tall––I stand up in bed––and whiskery somewhere down below. Sometimes a countryman’s quite comely daughter will venture, bumptious girl, to get a grip on me. She assaults my red self and seizes my head and clenches me in a cramped place. She will soon feel the effect of her encounter with me, this curl-locked woman who squeezes me. Her eye will be wet.”) which suggests the answer “a penis” but has the correct answer “an onion”.
From the TDS article:
More recently, he equated the violence of white supremacists with counter-demonstrators, whose efforts are to keep neo-Nazis in check.
At that point in the first paragraph, I quit reading.
“probably” not? lol