
Not an actual depiction of a Cajun Navy Ship
Sloopy is still a bit wiped out from usurping rightful government function and insisting on helping people instead of laying back and bleating for the government to do something!!1!1! as all good sheep citizens should! So, you get my version of the Morning Links. So here you go:
- “They’re America’s white-trash blue bloods.”
- First world problems, or idiot airlines?
- If only someone in charge of the Executive Branch wanted something to happen in this matter…
- Private companies? Who woulda thunk it?!
UPDATE: Bonus links – thanks to Brett for drawing my attention to the amazing Duffleblog:
No, this comment was not first.
I mean, who do you think you are? Fibonacci?
I Gilmore’d my celebratory firsting.
I think that deserves a prize of some sort.
These euphemisms are just getting weird.
celebatory fisting is more of any oxymoron than a euphemism.
I bet Milo Y. is down for a good celebratory fisting
Hey internet, it’s 2017. Why are we still doing this?
says the man who wasn’t first
*looks at picture*
Of course the red cross would send an oversized sail yacht with too deep a draft to enter floodwaters.
*crowns UCS with 2 laurel wreaths*
Ooo, Bay Leaves!
Yeah man, those are expensive. Fresh too!
And after you’re done wearing them, you can use them to make a delicious stew!
A stew from UnCivil’s head? Yikes!
Too much flavor?
Not enough protein?
That wouldn’t have happened if Houston had sensible zoning laws!
Nope. Only NASA can do anything with space. I’ve been told so many times.
Now THAT’S first, Scruffy. You cheater.
Or not. Damn your nimble fingers, UnCivil.
*crowns JB with laurel wreath*
You get a laurel wreath! You get a laurel wreath! Everyone gets a laurel wreath!
Because you’re only half the winner that UCS is, JB.
50% of a first, right?
“CST-100 Starliner”
The Starliner is a cool name.
I think we had a boat with that product name when I was young. It had a bad inclination to swamp itself when backing or even slowing down too fast.
My Dad managed to sink it on the ramp once, before it was even off the trailer.
59) I think I lack whatever part of the brain it is that allows people to be offended. Just in the past year or so, I recall a Scoutmaster telling a scout not to tell “Yo Mama” jokes because “they’re really offensive,” and a discussion of Jesus in the media at our church where a man said the film The Last Temptation of Christ was “really offensive in its portrayal of Jesus.” Whatever it is these two people saw as offensive in those things I completely missed.
Several years ago I was out for an early Sunday morning jog and I said “good morning” to a couple black dudes walking along. One of them responded, “I hate white people!” I just laughed. I mean, I got it. These two dudes are trying to straggle home with their hangovers on Sunday morning and here comes this overly chipper white boy. But I wonder, was he trying to offend me?
I think of all the things I maybe should be offended by—various types of porn, Sugarfree stories, certain jokes or points of view or the Confederate flag or racism or sexism or white power groups or Jewish-only dating sites or Japanese coprophilia videos. I don’t know. I might not agree with them, or think they’re a good idea, or whatever, but I’m not outraged. I could potentially be friends with anybody who was into those things. I just find it hard to conceive that there is anything inherently so terrible or disgusting you can’t think about it.
You truly are blessed.
But I must point out there is a difference between offence and disgust.
Offense is a learned response. Disgust is a built-in biological aversion to things that can lead to negative consequences (disease, getting sickly offspring, etc).
I have a disgust response, mostly to smells, especially disgusting things like watermelons and cantaloupes. I also have an aversion to scenes of needles. I always have to look away in movies when people shoot up. I don’t think I’d call it being offended, though.
The phrasing of your closing sentence led me to believe there was some conflation going on.
Ah, I see. Maybe it’s due to my not really being sure what “offensive” is supposed to be, so I sort of associate it with disgust, since I do understand that.
The scene in the new Evil Dead where dude gets needle-stabbed in the eye. *cringe*
new Evil Dead
Never happened.
There’s a lot of movies that never happened these days.
I just find it hard to conceive that there is anything inherently so terrible or disgusting you can’t think about it.
Writing for Everyday Feminism?
Ghost writing for Alyssa Milano?
Did she lose her looks or something?
Not closing tags…
*Edit fairy perks up*
Thanks edit fairy!
Ghost writing for Alyssa Milano?
If the money is good enough …
Or if she was willing yo pay you in other ways
Go on…
I’m the same. I struggle to conceive of things that would offend me.
I just find it hard to conceive…
Something, something gender normative shitlord.
Prince George:
Ah, hurrah! Welcome, lads! Oh, this is the stuff, eh? Christmas sherry and charades with honest manly fellows. I mean, for Heaven’s sake, what can I do with a girl that I can’t do with you, eh?
I cannot conceive, Sir…
My dad is an Aspie and I’ve inherited all the bad parts about it while my older brother got all the good shit. Damn you Y chromosome variability! Damn you to hell!
I certainly don’t get offended by anything, but a maladaption that I have is that I can’t get angry. Even in situation when I should, I just never feel it. I don’t have that emotion inside of me. That’s usually a very good thing but very occasionally it really sucks. Even when I’m being threatened and Anger Adrenaline would be useful I don’t get it.
The only times I can remember being actually angry were some of the fights my ex and I had. There was shouting and everything! And she once threw a chef’s knife at me, so that was fun.
I imagine that if “normal” people occupied my brain for a day they would be really freaked out.
I am with you JATNAS, I just can’t be bothered to feel offended except by idiots that get offended by everything.
Way late to the links this morning, but research on libertarian psychology indicates that a lack of disgust sensitivity is a typical feature:
So libertarians ARE just conservatives that love ass sex and weed. I fucking love science!
“lack of disgust sensitivity” aka not giving a fuck anymore
It’s only Wednesday? Damn.
If it makes you feel any better, I’m two days away from a four day weekend.
If it doesn’t make you feel any better, screw you Tulpa!
I’m covering other people’s vacations. I have to work friday.
wait…I’m working Friday too. Nevermind.
HA HA…hey, wait a minute…me too. 🙁
I’m not.
Atta boy!
I’m working as well, but at least I have Monday off, SUCKERS. GEICO ftw
The state is closed Monday. I get paid to stay home…
I still don’t get the concept of PTO, it seems backwards.
Friday is Hawaiian shirt day, ok? So, you can…go ahead and wear a Hawaiian shirt, ok?
I’m gonna be at work on Friday, but what I’m doing there will probably not look at all like work.
Same here. We’ve got Monday off because gubmint, and I figure since I’ll probably be the only person in the office on Friday I may as well show up, get some stuff done without having to deal with anyone else, nip off after a respectable amount of accomplishment, and save the vacation time.
Wait a minute… How is that different from any other day?
About 45 minutes of effort.
I’m not Tulpa! *shifty eyes*
That is exactly what Tulpa would say, Tulpa.
The guy tied to the front of your wasteland vehicle says you are.
As George Carlin said, HSIOW – holy shit, it’s only Wednesday!
SJWednesday: Fatties Got No Privilege
Person seeking to excuse poor decision making claims a lack of agency. Sounds like they might be a modern feminist.
*checks link*
Ah, my instincts are correct.
So many words to justify being a lard-ass.
No, EDF, your body may have its own will, but your are smarter. If you can’t resist temptation, then change your life so you don’t face temptation in the first place. Work out first thing in the morning so you don’t run out of time later. Don’t buy ice cream or Oreos at the grocery store, thinking you’ll be able to resist it later. Only go shopping just after you’ve eaten. If your office has a party with lots of sweets, arrange to be working on a big project that day. Don’t walk by the person with the candy dish on their desk. Etc.
Oreos, they call to me…
Favorite time to eat Oreos, long bike rides. love ’em.
Oreos are meh…
*sees Golden Oreos, shoves 5 into gob and runs from room*
Hydrox or GTFO
*Gets the F out*
*Walks in 8 hours later… gets the F out following Swiss’ tracks*
Keebler’s “Simply Made” brand of sandwich cookies are quite good.
What are you, some kind of man?
It does sound kind of mansplainy… from someone who laments xer ability to conceive.
If you can’t resist temptation, then change your life so you don’t face temptation in the first place.
Mike Pence is literally Hitler for avoiding temptations outside his marriage and you are literally Hitler for suggesting this woman avoid temptations outside her diet.
I thought one of the inherent advantages humans had over animals was their ability to override instinct. Guess we are regressing in our enlightened age.
She is literally saying she is dumber than a pile of adipose tissue.
Well, she *is* writing at Everyday Feminism, so…. maybe she’s right?
I guess this is the latest cognitive dissonance. On the one hand everyone should not only be accepting of, but feel equally attracted to, obese people, because otherwise is weightism. On the other hand, the UK is doing what it has to do, in denying critical medical services to obese people, to address shortfalls in their budget, because single payer is the bestest.
I’ve thought a lot about this. I think there are serious mixed messages out there about weight. It’s like, “We have an obesity epidemic and we have to do something about it now! But if you are obese, that’s ok, we accept you just the way you are.”
Double standards… If it was not for that they wouldn’t have any.
The writer’s a right twat. But, sigh, I….would.
Not enough visual information — she might have hairy feet!
There seems to be a lot of self-hate in that article, which is not the same as self-esteem issues.
I think the hot/crazy matrix would tell you not to go there.
Those eyebrows: It looks like two caterpillars decided they had enough of life, gave up, and died.
God, I hate these people.
Diverse populations. Guh. STFU.
Why is this not super freaky to people? I mean, I teach middle school kids. I’ve been one. I know hormones are going on. By what weirdo would actively *want* to talk to these kids about sex?
Oh, and her closing Cutesy Line confirms her as a Cat Lady. Because of course she is.
Fuck me sideways. And wood with prejudice.
“Diverse populations.”
Orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, and gnolls? All the fugly types?
Bullshit. I have all these Premier Member cards from Las Vegas buffets. Checkmate, hippo
That’s just being weak-willed. I’ll bet people who believe this shit also have a very low pain threshold, because the fear of discomfort overwhelms their self-control. Sorry, that’s not an excuse. Toughen the fuck up, fatass.
Also, I rate Mia Khalifa a 6.5 because of those whack ass eyebrows; the author of the article doesn’t even show up on the scale. Eyebrows, man. Don’t nobody want to be steamin’ up the rear windows with Leo Brezhnev.
This is why you can’t teach men not to rape.
Without unions, our middle class is vanishing. Without a middle class, we don’t have democracy
I thought California didn’t want the Bourgeois around?
The misogyny that has been at the national level, when you have a man who was a harasser who becomes the president.
Because that’s like NEVER happened before.
Obviously. The proper label for Bubba was ‘Rapist’.
Seems these hags were cool with that because the rapist has an awesome used car salesman or snake oil peddler personality.
There’s something that those two things have in common. I wonder what it is?
Poor decision-making?
I was thinking of federal subsidies, but yeah…
was coming into post that observation as well. Government subsidies the housing and college markets and people don’t have to make good decisions about whether to buy. Viola! price explosion.
Makes sense, but what does that have to do with bowed string instruments?
That is a family expression. replace Viola with your preferred word for something happening in magical way.
I preferred Isis, for obvious reasons
*waits for it…*

I was thinking of California taxes and regulations. People can afford to buy houses in most places around the country.
You quantified it with most, which is good. In the People’s Republic of Connecticut they are panicking because the job situation and the enormously high cost of living have made it unpalatable for young people to come too this state, and most people with decent income are leaving. Billion dollar budget gaps now threaten the nice monopolists that have held power for decades and pissed away all that tax payer money they collected in the golden years. It’s gonna get fugly here..
Forget the federal subsidies in the case of housing. Focus on idiotic policies that demand lenders not only ignore risk in favor of diversity, but uses a carrot and stick approach to make the lenders go along with this sort of idiocy. If they do what the government idiots that peddle this shit want, they get to play all sorts of high risk games while leaving the US tax payer responsible for the bill when things fail, and if not, they basically will get their FDIC pulled and be put out of business. I am sure that when the next bust happens, the same people that penned the idiocy that led to it (or their ideological progeny) will demand the right to fix this horrible problem. Again..
In the case of school loans it is an ever bigger scam. They told these mushy headed idiots to more often than not borrow tons of cash to go learn nothing of value to potential employers, filled their heads with even more derp than they already had when they showed up, then set them loose to be the highly indebted baristas of the world. When the snowflakes find out that those “Studies” and way too many of the BA degrees are worthless and conducive to low paying employment, and realize they can’t get rid of the debt they got, they get pissed and demand someone else pay for their stupidity. Instead of making the US tax payer do this, they should write the law to make schools responsible for a good chunk of that change. I bet you that would end the problem overnight.
“People can’t afford to buy houses any more.”
I just checked. The median house price in Los Angeles in April 2017 was $550,000. In Orange County it was $675,000.
This is not a problem caused by a lack of unions, or that more unions could help with.
30 an hour means 5k for a full time 40 hour a week job. Considering at least some taxes this would mean no wage under 75000 a year in America. Yeah that would totally work. Or is my Romanian math bad somehow?
The assumption that everyone would get 40 hours – or even be employed.
The assumption that the minimum wage should be sufficient for an adult to fully support themselves, a family, and buy a home is asinine from the start. The minimum wage is what you get when you have no skills or experience, and as you develop skills and experience over time you can earn more money.
It’s been a consistent plank, though.
The original impetus for the minimum wage was to keep people who weren’t white protestant males from dragging down the earning power of the creme de la creme.
Well, looking at unemployment statistics for the last 100 years…mission accomplished.
Democrats: promoting racist policies for two centuries!
It’s like one of those science-fiction novels aboard a generation ship where the society on board has suffered a civilizational collapse. They no longer understand why they’re doing what they’re doing, but keep doing it anyway.
They support policies invented by horrible people for the purpose of hurting the disadvantaged and no matter how effectively you demonstrate that these policies actually do hurt the disadvantaged, they are utterly convinced that their economic and legal equivalents of kicking people in the groin are actually helping their victims.
If you think I’m getting off unemployment for twelve bucks an hour, you’re crazy. I’m worth thirty!
Well let’s see: private and public labour unions in the US had free reign to demonstrate that the way they were operating is a net long term benefit to the workers and host firms alike. This extended to the point where labour unions were handed labour guild protection rackets via government sanction in many states. In summary, the unions had monopoly power over most prosperous industrial and trade regions for a full half century.
What has the long term benefit been? Contributing to the collapse of Detroit as one of the US’s premier industrial cities, way overcommited pension and benefits packaged and subsequent ballooning of the public debt, the election of Scott Walker in fucking Wisconsin, widespread Right to Work and opt-out legislation, and a school choice movement that is picking up momentum like crazy. I guess in places like Chicago and Detroit, the “long game” included a pennies on the dollar reduction in late stage life retirement awards.
At first I read that as “without onions,” and I was damn near ready to go off to war.
The onion is the Devil’s Weed.
Patently false.
*bites into vidalia like an apple*
Walla Walla or GTFO.
When a preacher gives a sermon threatening Hell it is often called a Fire and ______ sermon. [Brimstone]
Brimstone is sulfur.
Sulfur is what gives the onion its distinctive bad smell and taste.
QED, the Devil’s Weed.
*munches on sulfer apple*
What are eggs then? Everyone knows rotten eggs smell of H2S, stinky sulfur, so what do we call them? The Devil’s scrote content?.
People can’t afford houses or college? That’s odd; I paid for both on a factory worker wage.
I think what they mean is that the average person can’t afford to live in a suburban mansion and go to Harvard for eight years.
But, obviously you are talking about after you got the discounts for being a white male cis-het shitlord, yes?
They mean the
averagelow-motivation person can’t afford to buy a home and go to college working minimum wage forever.I’ve been to LA. They drive a lot of Hondas and Toyotas there, and they pushed fuel standards that hurt the Big 3 back in the day. I guess they care so much about middle class union jobs that they didn’t want to buy American cars 30 years ago. Now the cars are built all over, with foreign cars built in non union plants in the US and US cars built in Mexico. If they’d supported the US auto (and steel) industries, paid more for an inferior product, many of those union jobs they bemoan may still exist. But that comes out of each person’s pocket. Funny how they go from pinko to Adam Smith Rational Man when it’s their own cash on the line.
It’s always interesting to observe that. I’ve talked to “progressives” who bemoan the evils of capitalism, but the very next minute, they’re boasting about their latest investment or business venture and how much money they’re going to make.
And this is purely anecdotal, but I’ve observed that “progressives” are more likely to try to get money in ways that are not necessarily illegal but immoral and deceptive. I think it’s partially due to moral licensing and partially due to their belief that businesses are evil, oppressive enterprises and it’s OK to grift or scam them.
Micheal Moore has been laughing his way to the bank peddling the evil collectivist shit to morons for big bugs..
Having grown up in Massachusetts, I’ve always thought of the Kennedys as white-trash thugs. Members of the clan confirm my opinion regularly.
Taylor Swift isn’t the first snake woman. She’s fighting misogyny’s favourite myth
“Yet it was seized upon with an unconcealed glee by the online horde”
I know an easy way to avoid this online horde.
Spill thy wisdom….
Not really wisdom. I’m pretty sure avoiding Twitter will do it.
“Taylor Swift’s Instagram Keeps Getting Spammed With Snake Emoji”
“from Eve to Medusa”
so, like, a few books total?
Not going to bother reading pop culture trash, but I’ll hazard the guess that the author doesn’t bother to acknowledge that the vast majority of criticism Swift receives is either at the hands of fans of other artists, or from other women.
Men don’t care about this shit. Women are vicious.
The only male opinions of her I’ve ever heard or had were:
1) Hawt. Definitely wood.
2) Bit skinny for my tastes, still wood.
3) Overrated. I could walk to my local mall and find half a dozen women that were better looking in 10 minutes. Still wood.
4) Wouldn’t – don’t want to end up as a subject of her next big hit. Ok, lied, still wood.
I’m between #2 and #3. Some of her songs are catchy, and she’s rich as Croesus so she’s obviously figured something out. But in general I don’t think about Taylor Swift very often, if at all.
Yeah, whatever. Her new song is atrocious. Couch that in feminist feels all you want.
I am burning out fast this week, HVAC/R work is a night mare right now, We had a blackout that blew up my Refrigerator so I had to grab a spare for my Wife’s insulin,
My van’s Tranny is slipping and now my first call in about 20 minutes.
Expected high in Upland, 109
Found on Duffelblog, shared too late to make the links. Navy Destroyer Collides with Houston Building.
Not a reply, sorry. Gilmore’d
Waiting for the autotune song to come out…
“Navy officials say they are planning a number of PowerPoint trainings related to urban maritime navigation.”
LOL of course they are
How will they fit that into the busy schedule dealing with diversity, gender equality, and other PC nonsense these sailors are mandated to take that prevented them from actually being thought how to actually and properly man a Man O War?
I love me some Sweet Brown. That woman is a national treasure.
I am adding that as a bonus link – too funny.
This was an entertaining DB link as well.
That one killed me.
“It’s hard to keep the clitorals under your thumb,” Fallow added. “But we’re going to lick this problem, I can guarantee you that.”
Little man in a boat, baby!
You have a transexual driving your van? Don’t insult it with slurs.
No, it’s merely a transvestite.
Well he has to be making some good money if he can afford a transvestite chauffeur.
Is it Transylvanian?
Maybe a Transylvanian Transvestite?
They don’t like to tell you this*, but the vast majority of types of insulin are fine unless they get over 80 degrees. Check the documentation, obviously, but don’t stress out too hard if they stay at room temperature for a while.
*Because some people are dumb and leave it in a hot car or store it in a cabinet over the stove.
I agree, but my house has no Central air so it gets well over 100 inside, so I need to at least be aware, Que no?
/I have some window units
OK, no, yeah, you need a fridge, man. My room temp is like 74-75 max.
Still, a cooler might be easier than moving a spare fridge.
something something Geneva Convention
Triple reissue offers a chance to review Yoko Ono’s output from the 1970s
“The trajectory that takes Ono from avant-garde through to merely oddball rock also forces her to channel her feminism through the structures of rock music. Unable to express herself any more through the free-form primal screams and intimate musique concrete of her early albums, she increasingly has to articulate the politics of her music narratively.”
Good Lord, when I think about the Blue Note albums that have never been re-issued on CD, and this kind of crap gets the royal treatment….
Here’s a hint that her music wasn’t any good – almost no one can tell you a single thing she did beyond break up the beatles.
Kiss kiss me Love
No thanks, I don’t swing that way.
*slow clap*
Ono sucked then, she sucks now.
+1 shrieking harpy
Song Number 8
+ 1 Plum floating in perfume in a man’s hat
Where are all the sports ball updates? I need to stay informed.
The Twins won. That’s all you need to know
Dylan Bundy pitched an absolute gem (1 hit shutout complete game, and the one hit was a bunt), while Manny Machado hit two homers. 6 in a row for the Orioles.
Giancarlo Stanton hit another HR and is on pace to become the true single season HR record holder.
If Giancarlo Stanton hits a home run, and his team still loses to the Nationals by five runs, does a bear shit in the woods?
No, it breaks into someone’s car and shits there.
Pope Franky, however…
Still a commie
does a bear shit in the woods?
No, it does it all over Soldier Field.
And no music links either. You got the discount links this morning.
The Diamondbacks managed to get their fans free tacos at Taco Bell (score 5 runs) in the first inning against the Dodgers. They won 7-6.
That’s the extent of what I know from yesterday.
First world problems, or idiot airlines?
People with too many and too large carry ons have always been my peeve when trying to get overhead space. Airlines have just made it worse by charging for checked bags.
I hate everybody. Including the kid with the hyphenated name.
Our operations VP uses airlines charging for bags as a great example of an industry innovating. I use it as an example of why I hate that industry and don’t fly for vacations any more.
I’m with you on that. TSA was the other big reason. If it’s something I can drive to in a day, I don’t fly any more.
I was a perennial United 1K flyer (over 100k miles per year) a few years back, and finally got pissed at them for shitty service. I stopped flying them and surprisingly, no-one from United ever contacted me to ask why I went from a major customer to zero all of the sudden.
That says a lot, for me anyway, about the state of a business when they don’t inquire.
“We’re United, and we don’t give a shit!”
United Airlines — We’re not happy until you’re not happy.
Mercenary Audio?
United Airlines – We don’t care, and it shows!
Your and Drake’s reasons are why I don’t fly anymore, either, but it’s the TSA that infuriates me the most. I refuse to be treated like a criminal just for the privilege of paying a fuck ton of money to rush down a hallway, sit in a cramped seat, eat some peanuts, and wake up in Shreveport. Besides, I have a rule: I don’t go inside buildings or confined spaces where the anticipation of violence is so great that they have metal detectors and armed guards at the door. I’ve been to that club, and it always sucks. The drinks are overpriced and shitty, and it’s full of idiots.
Seriously, though, it’s security theater, everyone knows its security theater, and it just keeps getting more intrusive, and yet nobody in the government has the balls or honesty to shut it down. I’m not willing to suffer the indignities just to play along and pretend it isn’t just the state seeing how far it can fuck with people. There’s nowhere I need to be or that I really am that pressed to visit that I can’t drive to in three days or less, and the shittiest road trip is less stressful and more enjoyable than a four-hour flight.
I 100% agree. That has been a peeve of mine forever, and especially when I was a frequent traveler. Carry on size limits are easy to obtain info these days, and people with full size suitcases in the overhead can eat a bag of dicks. It fucks over everybody else. It always seemed to me US carriers are far too lax in enforcing carry on size limits. It seemed to be enforced more overseas.
I would change the regs on my airline to care more about the traveler’s ability to put/remove the bag from the overhead bin, than the size of the bags.
The thing that annoys me the most is when some small 5′ 100# lady comes onboard with a huge bag and needs help putting it into the bin and then more help when we are all trying to get off.
Instead of measuring the bag, I would make any traveler who makes me suspicious press the bag over their heads 3 times.
+1 Italian grandmother
That’s your chance to chat up a spinner and impressive her with your upper body strength.
I would love for someone to measure how much longer it takes to board a plane (or unboard) now compared to when everyone would check their bags. I think that the extra costs of boarding those planes eats up a lot of the supposed “profits” from bag checks.
The other factor that comes into play is that most people have figured out that most airlines will check that bag for no fee if you try to bring it as carry on and the bins fill up. Of course that adds a bunch of time and hassle to the gate crew too.
The big problem is that it is easy to add pu hte baggage fees and report it as profit. It is hard to quantify how much your operating costs went up because of your baggage policy.
If savings can’t be tracked and logged on the spreadsheet, they will not be implemented. I have found that to be the case at my employer.
If savings can’t be tracked and logged on the spreadsheet, they will not be implemented. I have found that to be the case at
myalmost every employer.Fixed.
There’s also hidden costs, such as convenience. If one of the airlines figured out a secret to “rapid boarding”, people might actually pay a bit more knowing that the load in and load out times would be expedited.
I can give them a suggestion. Start seating the people at the back of the fscking plane first.
Although I don’t believe they currently actually load back to front.
How do they wipe?
I’ve had this discussion with several folks I fly with a lot for business. If Southwest could figure out a jetway that would allow them to load from the rear when taking off and then deplane from the front, it would make them billions.
All the fucks who are antsy to get off would get on and then proceed all the way down the aisle and not block everyone else trying to get on. The time savings would be enormous.
Or if you were Delta or another airline that assigned seats, maybe you could steal SW’s method of lining people up and have the rear of the plane get on first. That would really speed things up.
OHH get LED flooring at the gate to show the layout of the plane. Stand in your spot and head in the plane in that order.
First class can be somewhere else while the cattle are lining up.
There was a report a few years ago that connected air line on time departures to the time it takes to load and unload everyone now because of all the carryons. Basically airlines now fudge some 15 – 20 min into each flight because of this.
My airline would allow no carry ons (save for 1 personal item that stows under seat) but charge nothing to check bags. The expediency in loading would add additional flight times and thus more volume and more tickets sold.
Ultra low cost carriers and the super economy tickets on major airlines have started to heavily disincentivize carry-on bags. They still charge for checked bags because FYTW but they charge even more for carry-ons and more still for a gate check. ULCC’s also have carry-on limits at least an inch smaller in any given dimension and are more likely to force you to check a bag (while also charging gate check fees) if it doesn’t fit completely beneath the seat “for safety reasons”. I’m pretty cheap but the fees cancel out any savings from these super budget tickets compared to a standard fare. The exception being Southwest which bakes the bag check into the ticket price and having the check-in agents pushing that option as a “by the way, you can do this free” instead of “you’re going to pay, the only question is how much.”
I might be biased after seeing Frontier go from friendly, cheap but decent quality airline to Spirit 2.0 and having friendly Southwest agents help me out with lots of booze vouchers the couple of times I’ve had flights cancelled through other airlines.
I have never paid for a gate checked bag. Is this a new thing?
It’s more a thing on the lower end of the spectrum. Some smaller carriers simply charge their standard price. It’s mostly the bottom of the barrel (Frontier, Spirit etc) that charge extra “for the convenience”/penalize people trying to game their way around regular baggage check fees. It’s stupid and turns off customers but it’s something they do and from checking a few frequent flyer forums it seems like something that compulsive rule followers love.
I’d be happy to supply some music!
Not a new song, but I just ran across it. IMHO it’s the best anti-war song in…decades? It certainly beats the hell out of that tripe Green Day put out during Bush II
Hero Of War
It really is but I suspect that the average Murrican would not recognize it as an anti war song any more than they recognized Born in the USA as one.
The truth is out there….
That is some bold derp diving…
“Kackies,white Polo,and light brown shoes”
nice spelling job
At least they used the Oxford comma
I know, she forget two ‘k’s: KKKakies.
I never considered the KKK preppy, or associated them with the country club set.
White privilege.
The KKK is more hangin’ out at the Wal-Mart, watching NASCAR at a Golden Corral set.
So, now dressing the way I have for the last thirty years (when not suited up) qualifies me as a white nationalist. At this point, are they just trying to sound like morons?
I’d like to point out that Melania was a real model so having a “fake model pose” is an achievement for her.
I always knew Jake from State Farm was suspicious
*rises to applaud*
Booking Photos Of Protesters Arrested In Berkeley
2 White Crew
*opera applause*
I like the BLACK TRANS MATTER t-shirt.
Does Tat man there have a demon with a giant penis on his chest?
Hard to tell. I wonder it if it supposed to be https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priapus
Who came up with that? Jackie Treehorn?
I would think it could be a collective race memory of Steve Smith, but the ironic impotence kind of rules that out. Steve Smith has never had an intimate equipment failure.
The bottom is cropped out. It’s actually a Smokey and the Bandit fan club t-shirt.
Take my money.
Winners all.
Champions of justice.
Leaders we can all emulate.
Dammit, I almost relied as if serious.
*recalibrates sarcasm detector*
Does anyone know where I can buy 7/16″ ID injector line by the foot? I found a place that sells 35 PSI fuel line, but only sell 25′ spools for $120. $5 – 6 a foot is reasonable. But I don’t need that much. I only need a piece about 7′ long. Any ideas?
Open an online kiosk selling shorter lengths with the remaining 18 feet?
I’d check with the local NAPA
The National Association of Print Archivists?
Non-Aggression Principle Agonists….. Duh.
The National Association of Pallbearers and Architects?
They said they don’t carry it. But they have often been wrong.
O’Reilly will probably have it.
Thanks for the suggestion, but it doesn’t look like it.
If OMWC were here, he’d yell https://www.mcmaster.com/
They are good for a business to use as you can get a lot of parts from a single source but as an individual you can usually get something cheaper by shopping around.
They are great for fasteners. But they don’t have it.
Hmmm. Summit Racing?
What car and what application?
Volvo, between the two pumps. Apparently, the original hose was forged by Swedish bikini models in the halls of Valhalla. Unfortunately, I had to replace it a couple years ago. Closest thing I found was 1/2″ but I had to keep re-tightening the clamp. Now it cracked where it bends.
They sell the same Dayco hose I’ve seen on a few other sites, but it reads “Not intended for fuel injected vehicles. Not suitable for gasoline/oil mixed fuels, alcohol blended fuels, or bio-diesel fuel.” Not sure why it shouldn’t be used with fuel injected vehicles or can’t handle up to 10% ethanol (like most gasoline hose).
Would 12mm work?
I’m thinking it should. “Inside NBR, textile braiding” sounds like what I want.
Clearly it’s made of alcohol soluble materials and will dissolve…
Does this help?
A bit pricey, but looks like it would work.
See, the Reptile gets it.
Amazon has a really wide selection of various lines, I’ve bought a bunch of different diameters of line from them (usually vac/boost lines)
If you can’t find any, We have it by the foot at work. I can ship it to you if needed.
Probably get it off Rock Auto as well.
Mountain games Sept. 23
Given the emigration patterns of the Scots, I guess it’s not surprising that this seems to basically be an Americanized Highland Games.
With the last to someone was watching Robin Hood Men in Tights while designing events.
“AP Fact Check: What Trump said about Virginia protesters”
So Trump and the AP each got 2 out of 3 correct.
I hope to be rich enough to leave my executor fun little tasks like this.
+1 Cat Foundation
*waits for UCS comment*
What? Dead dude didn’t want people mucking about with half-formed ideas of his.
Made a bit of a spectacle out of it, but it’s not like it was outside of his perogative.
I thought you would have a comment about how the data could possibly be retrieved after such an ostentatious show. When all that really needs to be done is, X Y and Z.
Well, yeah it’s only crushing damage. You wouldn’t even need to break out the electron microscope. But that much was obvious.
“Like it or leave it, “They are Cape Cod royalty,’’ a salon worker said of the Kennedys.”
They should leave it.
Sounds like the Kennedys should have guest starred on Trailer Park Boys.
I hear Ted Kennedy was auditioning for a role as a U-Boat commander…
The Norks are coming, no time to talk
So, I’m sure everyone is aware of the collossal scandal that Joel Osteen’s church wasn’t fully operational as a shelter immediately after the Hurricane Harvey. Yeah, it turns out they didn’t have supplies and had sustained water damage themselves. I’m not a fan of Mr. Osteen. Or Benny Hihn. Or Creflo Dollar. Or any of the other guys hustling God on the television. But, what the hell is wrong with people?! When I hear about a natural disaster, my immediate reaction isn’t to conduct a census to see which preachers are making the most public display of their participation in the relief effort. And from the sound of it, Osteen turning the church into a shelter with water damage in August and no supplies sounds like it would have been the exact wrong thing to do. There’s plenty of sleaziness to damn Osteen for. Do people really need to pull things out of their rears?
More to the point, this story reminds me of one of the things I really don’t like about social media. The transmission of news and information in real-time on a round-the-clock news cycle may be a great thing. But, social media convinces too many people that they have to react to news and information in real-time on a round-the-clock basis. You don’t have all the facts. Yet, somehow, you’re arrogating yourself the role of moral arbiter.
Creflo Dollar
How is this not a rapper?
Somehow, I get the impression that rapper and televangelist are reasonable substitutes as career choices.
Televangelists seem to be shot less often, but the caught-with-a-transhooker rate runs close to 50/50.
Any relation to a certain other Hihn we’re all familiar with?
I first read it as Benny Hill.
My bad. It’s spelled Hinn.
+91% of libertarians
AGGRESSION! *wipes cat poop off fingers and opens Glib file*/Hihny
Its just a way for people to beat up on their enemies: In this case, Southern Christians. Nobody who was pushing that meme gives a shit about the content of Osteen’s version of Christianity. They hate him because he’s successful, and want to pretend that they care about “real” Christianity.
“Kathy Griffin RETRACTS her apology over Trump’s severed head because the outrage was ‘ridiculous'”
You can’t behead a dude twice.
Well, actually you can…
Can we do this one first?
Wow. Just when you thought a person couldn’t sink any lower.
Shut up already you dolt.
Because everyone’s demanding things for everything, BLM has a list of demands about Ottawa Pride. Why BLM gets to demand things about Pride, I have no idea.
Including: Banning companies that “own or sell land” from participating.
So only small businesses that have to lease their storefronts?
How about a kick in the teeth instead?
Does Ottawa BLM have any black members?
But lets worry about the KKK/neo-Nazis and their demands. If we can find them.
They demand the Canadian Human Rights Tirbunal stop persecuting online shitposting.
Looks like some dude just printed out a word document with some bullet points on it. I wouldn’t put it past some BLM group to make such demands, but my initial reaction is that this is fake.
I see Trump is wearing a new hat. How does the MAGA hat feel about this?
and the FLOTUS had that Melania is wearing – tacky!
She has an excuse. She’s European.
That is hilarious. A FLOTUS hat.
She’s great. Hot and a solid troll.
C’mon, dude, we need the full story. We need it!
“Tess, who more than 1.5 million Instagram followers, shares plenty of racy photos of herself on social media, and she stressed that you can ‘take super hot photo’ when you are a size 20 or larger.”
In other news, John has 1,499,999 fake Instagram accounts.
*kicks Count Potato in the nuts*
NAP aside, I probably had that coming.
I think she is cute. However her I am beautiful don’t judge me by my looks but if you don’t think I’m beautiful because of my looks your an asshole shtick is BS. Her husband is also full of it, if you date a girl who is 200< on day one you like fat girls, he talks like a guy who has been married for 25 years and his wife got fat. Same thing with old people if your both 70 your both old, if your 19 and she is 70 it isn't just love your into that shit.
I am not looking at that link. And my fake instagram accounts only go up to a size 15. I do have some standards.
‘take super hot photo’
Retina burning, even.
Its a variation on one of the things that drives me nuts, something that immature people (almost said kids, but there’s really not an age limit) say:
“Don’t judge me.”
Which leads to this conversation.
“OK, I won’t.”
“Why won’t you give me a compliment/say something nice about me etc.”
“Because that would be judging you, and I’m not doing that, remember?”
“Students at a Maryland private school have been told to leave their Washington Redskins apparel at home when football season kicks off.
Neal Brown, head of school at the Green Acres School in North Bethesda, asked parents not to send their children to school with the NFL team’s logo or name.
In the letter, Brown wrote that “the term “Redskin” is a racial slur. Its use, whether intentional or not, can be deeply insulting and offensive. It is a term that demeans a group of people.”
You know who else demeaned a group of people…
Social Justice Advocates?
Hillary Clinton?
Andrew Jackson?
Joe Biden?
The Cleveland Browns?
A bunch of rich white liberals is deciding for Indians what should offend them. The Washington Post ran a poll of actual Indians and found that over 90% of them did not have a problem with the name. But, what do those dumb Indians know? One of the burdens of being an enlightened white person is not allowing the lesser races to fall into a false consciousness and accept white supremacy. This is what clowns like this actually believe, though they are not self-aware enough to even realize it much less admit it.
You don’t name your sports team after a slur or insult. You name your sports team after something that carries a cachet of fierceness and superiority: Bears, Lions, Giants, etc. They named the team “Redskins” because it carried the cachet of the Native Americans’ reputation as fearsome warriors.
Redskin was never a slur. And the Washington Post poll showed that.
… and then there are the Banana Slugs
Are you saying Banana Slugs are not fierce?!
Did anyone ask this chucklehead how many native americans are attending his school?
Here’s hoping that the parents pull kids from the private school and it goes under.
I live near that school. The only Indians within a hundred miles of that place are Central American maids and construction workers. And rest assured the hired help is most certainly not sending their kids to Green Acres.
I worry that the cultural attitude towards censorship is going to shift the standards of Free Speech and Association. In this instance, its a private school, not a government entity, so they can do whatever they want. But, the more this happens, the more censoring speech, expression and ideas becomes “okay.” Does SCOTUS lead or lag?
That poor autistic kid who was abused by that bus aide. Jesus sometimes people can be so void of decency.
Traces of 6,000-year-old wine discovered in Sicilian cave
Residue in terracotta jars suggests drink was being made and consumed on the island in the fourth millennium BC
Sadly it was a poor vintage
“All the grapes done rotted and all we got is this puddle in the bottom of the jar.”
“I dare you to drink that.”
Lees are the bongwater of wine.
Drink life to the lees = Rip life to the bong water?
Brah. You on, brah.
“Hold my terracotta jar, broheim.”
And watch this?
Just a thought… it says in this article that Awan had “two wives under Islamic law” and that he was paying the rent for his other wife down in Morningside.
Now… think about this for a second…. someone that actually had two wives even after moving to the states is probably someone who believes, to a certain extent, a more fundamentalist view of Islam…. and the DNC thought it was just fantastic to hire this guy?
He’s West Asian. He knows this computer stuff. Probably worked at the Dell helpdesk for 10 years.
When Jim Acosta showed just how progtarded he really was by suggesting only Brits and Australians spoke English, I thought to myself “That figures. I bet that privileged little fuck has never had to call Microsoft tech support”.
Tech support speaks Inglish, not English.
My favorite Hinglish joke was told to me by a dot coworker. “When I first came to America I had to supervise these two guys. They fired the guy I liked and kept the guy I hated. When I went to my boss he said, ‘I fired the guy you said was hardly working and kept the guy you said was outstanding!’ I said, ‘you kept the guy who is always out standing around smoking, and fired the guy who was always at his desk hardly working!'”
Please do the needful..
Ya, the two wives things is kind of weird and one would think that might come up in a back ground check. Maybe?
So he was using his secret house email to run his businesses/rentals and try to extort people and stiff rent payments to some apartment complex where wife #2 lived? That guy is one shady character.
The other thing about the two wives thing is that it is bigamy and a crime in all 50 states. If a Mormon did that, they would be in jail. But, a Muslim does it and gets a security clearance. Good thing that Sharia law coming to America is just a right wing meme.
I’ve been trying to come up with a reason why this guy would have gotten hired to begin with.
1. Awan is the kind of guy that will take care of a “problem”.
2. Awan is related to someone who called in a favor to get Awan to the US.
3. The democrats are just really that dumb to hire a Pakistani national for an IT position involving security clearance.
I’m going with 1 or 2…. As much as progs love to virtue signal, we all know that when it comes down to it, they don’t like “those kind of people” handling important things like their email for them.
3. And apparently dumb enough to not DO the security clearance screenings.
They were too busy focusing on sicking the DOJ and IRS on those right wing terrorists of the Tea Party variety..
Or the conspiracy-ish option that it was willingly looking the other way to allow foreign intel services access that they wanted (paid for?), knowing that they could pull out explanations 2 or 3 when the heat came on.
It’s at least as plausible to me as the other 3.
A swiftly moving wildfire near Black Eagle, Montana, consumed about 40 acres of grass before members of the Black Eagle Volunteer Fire Department managed to extinguish the flames. No one was hurt, but one of the firefighters did happen upon the cause of the blaze: a hawk carrying a large snake, lying under a set of power lines.
The hawk had apparently scooped up the snake for its next meal, then landed on one of the power lines above the grass. When the long snake touched another of the power lines, a circuit was completed and the snake and the bird were electrocuted.
“Fuck you, Hawk, I’m taking you with me!”
A bird carrying a snake, consumed with the power of storms? It’s a wonder a new religion wasn’t started right then and there.
Squirrels do that all the time. They run up, put their cute, little noses on the phase and get fried crispy.
We got it all wrong dudes. People voluntarily helping each other is a sign that socialism is necessary.
Well everyone knows if you don’t want socialism you don’t want people to help each other. Something that is not done by government will not be done at all.
Has there been a time the government has done a great job?
This guy gets it though.
See. Libertarian Socialism. I don’t get that one.
citation needed
The citation proves him wrong.
Socialism is the state owning the means of production.
This is what I don’t get with these jokers. Over the weekend in a youtube binge I saw one of the antifa maggots being interviewed and he said he was Libertarian Socialist. They have to change the meaning of socialism to rationalize this gibberish. To them Socialism means the world is one giant commune and everybody happily works together equally. Ok fantasy boy, how does this work out in the real world? Ask Bernie Sanders about the time he was thrown out of a commune for sitting around and talking about the joys of socialism all day and not helping in the garden. The residents told him to pack his shit and go back to where he came from.
Chomsky gives them intellectual cover for the libertarian socialist bullshit.
That Bernie commune doesn’t sound as much fun as band camp.
I can see lib socialism as an ideal, but not achievable in practice. If everyone was voluntarily on board with the idea, it might work. But as the Bernie example shows, it falls apart if they are not. If you try to force it to work, you need a controlling entity to do so, and it devolves into totalitarianism.
Um, that is not libertarian socialism, there is an already existing word for what he describes. I think it was coined by some old timey comedian, Chaplin possibly, no wait I think it may have been that Groucho dude
I’m having difficulty following his position. So he’s saying that as horrible as the government is and as much as he hates the gov, it’s still better than freedom for the unwashed masses?
And how do they expect to get to this socialist paradise without the state forcibly redistributing everything? I’ve noticed that once you get to Step 2 of the Socialist plan, no one can ever seem to get to Step 3.
I think “socialism” means “be nice and share” to these people. That is, they define as the opposite of what they think capitalism is, which, to them, is “be greedy and don’t share”
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I think I would have about three days of helping people out of the goodness of my heart before I start tossing them back in the water.
OT: I knew it!
TWs: Catholics, pineapple, ABOMINATION!
The Kennedy’s, a bunch of potato eating middle class merchant papists, not fitting in with WASP society? Who woulda guessed?
Too rapey, too drinky.
Israeli Firm Loses Kamikaze-drone Export License After Complaint It Carried Out Live Demo on Armenian Army
Defense Minister freezes license for Azerbaijan amid investigation over reports that Aeronautics demonstrated use of aircraft by attacking Armenian army position
Hmm. What are the chances that two countries formed the survivors of attempted genocide attack each other.
What are the chances they were at the stage of the demo where the potential customer test-drives?
“Justin Bieber’s testicles spark lawsuit”
Is it a custody suit over the jar they’re kept in?
Goodness gracious
RFK Jr’s Instagram is linked from the article.
Kennedys and water – what can possibly go wrong?
I’m not letting him drive me over any bridges.
Dan Lebatard the other day was taking issue with the fact people were communicating to him and in general that ESPN is ”liberal’.
His position arguing that ESPN isn’t was two-fold. The first argument he used was that he was never told to be a specific way on air and that it was factually incorrect to think ESPN is liberal. The other argument he asserted was that if people were taking issue with minority voices don’t understand it was about time ESPN hired more minorities and women for their views and that, surprise, people who disagreed were being intolerant.
Well, from where I sit, it’s one thing he wasn’t told but it doesn’t mean the overall arc of ESPN is SJW. For the love of God, the public editor of ESPN (who as I understand it isn’t an actual employee of ESPN) admitted this was a path ESPN was going to take. Does Dan realize people can read and observe things accurately.
I don’t like – heck I can’t stand – when personalities completely disregard the opinions of its VIEWERS. If they’re saying you’re progging too hard, maybe you should pay closer attention to that instead of, as he did in the second part, accusing people of bull shit like being racist or intolerant.
I don’t listen to ESPN because I detected an over weight in mixing politics with sports. I don’t give a shit if Dan thinks Pablo and Bomani are gonna be a ‘powerhouse’ of minority genius to school us all. That’s not the point.
The point is ‘stick to sports’ and not play social-politico punditry at every effen turn. It’s déclassé and people don’t turn to ESPN for its views on that. They turn to it for ENTERTAINMENT.
/fin comment.
You don’t need instructions when A: you bake the bias into the hiring and selection of presenters and B: you don’t penalize progging on-air.
FS1 is well on their way to overtaking ESPN. As of earlier this month, ESPN was down to 87ish million subscribers and FS1 was up to 84ish million. And while ESPN has been consistently losing subscribers, both FS1 and NBCSN have been adding subscribers, in spite of cord-cutting.
I have pretty much tuned out ESPN, except for select games, over the past year.
The other argument he asserted was that if people were taking issue with minority voices don’t understand it was about time ESPN hired more minorities and women for their views
This undermines his argument.
Unless he’s arguing that ESPN ISN’T about sports
I think he was saying ‘there are not enough blacks, women and Asians’ talking about sports from minority perspectives.
about time ESPN hired more minorities and women for their views
I continue to be puzzled by the notion that you have to hire people from certain demographic groups in order to hear certain opinions.
Ok, I am sorry he is a fucking moron.
It is bad enough that he clearly knows nothing about actual sports outside of Miami but he is just wrong.
I used to listed to ESPN radio exclusively. For the better part of the last decade Mike and Mike in the morning was probably the most consistant thing in my life but I listened to the rest of the shows along the way as well and they all stayed the hell away from social issues except when absolutely necessary. Then over the last 2 years, basically since Ray Rice things began to change. It became less and less about sports and more and more about social issues viewed through the lens of sports. Now, since Kapernick it is all race relations and feminism all the time. Actual sports discussion takes place to non stop droning about what the fact that Kapernick, the bested quaterback in history to hear ESPN tell it, not having a job says about us.
Hell it pisses me off to no end that they even use the phrase blackballed with him. The reality is Kapernick is at his best a barely viable starter, ranking him he’d fall somewhere between the 20th and 40th best QB in the league and the problem with those guys is there is about a gnats hair gap between #20 and #40 in terms of how much they improve your chances to win. Those are the guys you start because you can’t find anyone better and your instructions to them every week are “You ain’t a real starter so don’t get no delusions of grandeur and try to win the game, just make sure you don’t lose it for us. The Defense and Gameplan are what is gonna get us the win”. He wasn’t blackballed, there were *maybe* 6 teams in the league that would have considered signing him even if he had never held his protest, at least 4 of those 6 had fanbases which would have made signing Kapernick, especially to be the starter a losing move. The other 2 went somewhere else.
He wasn’t blackballed, he had very limited options to sign on with another team to begin with and his actions made those options even more limited
I remember a few years ago I had the misfortune of tuning into Lebatard’s radio show. The few minutes I heard was him ranting at his side kick about Celtics center Kelly O’lynyk. Being a Celtics fan, I knew a fair amount about O’lynyk’s game. Lebatard’s rant consisted of how O’lynyk looked like Jay the drug dealer from Clerks and how since the Celtics were a bad team O’Lynyk must stink because bad teams only have bad players.
You really can’t overstate how stupid and lazy that is. First, even the worse NBA team has good players. They just don’t have any very good or great ones. Second, O’lynyk was at the time in the process of having a fairly decent rookie year and it was pretty clear that while he was never going to be a star, he did have a future in the NBA as a second tier starter or solid bench player. Lebatard was so stupid he apparently didn’t understand that and thought saying O’lynyk looks stupid and plays on a bad team could pass for knowledge and analysis anyone would want to hear.
Yeah, I really miss Colin Cowherd in that time slot.
I didn’t agree with him on everything but the dude knew his sports and when he went off sports he was at the very least interesting and original and not someone you could fit neatly into a box regurgitating canned takes in social issues.
CafeHayek has a great series the last few days defending price gouging.
I hate price gouging laws with a passion. If the market won’t support the price, then the seller must lower prices to move inventory. In an emergency situation, the cost of getting inventory to the customer can skyrocket. By artificially limiting prices, you also artificially limit availability.
Evidently, people believe they don’t waste shit if it’s cheap.
As pointed out in one of the pieces, the water price gougers are having to compete with the free water Budweiser is shipping in, so they have a huge risk to their model, in that the price might fall out from under them as soon as the Bud trucks arrive.
I’ve been accused of price gouging for selling with a 30% margin during an emergency. I took the risk of bringing in a quarter million dollars worth of inventory in advance of an emergency, but apparently I’m supposed to give it away at cost or for free.
Well DUH! Everyone should get shit for free!
Julie Borowski had a picture of someone selling a 24 pack of water for $48. She was defending it but some of the comments were losing their shit.
I think the perception would have been different if the shop owner had just sold them individually for $2/each with no limit. Same amount in his pocket at the end. Which is interesting to think about since individual waters sell for substantially more at movie theaters and stadiums and none of these people lose their shit over that.
I cannot understand how it is that people are incapable of understanding that prices like that will do nothing but motivate people to sell more water and thus cannot last. it is not a difficult concept.
I had a long talk with my wife about this.
My wife grew up in a very poor working-class family in Florida. And every time the storms damaged roofs, the unscrupulous builders would show up, charging high prices for repairs that were shitty.
To her, price gouging is victimizing the people who desperately need the service. And pointing out that people were better off with a shitty repair than no repair almost got me a night on the couch. I think what upset her was not the high prices. It was the poor quality of work. The poor quality made the transaction an exploitative one rather than one of mutual benefit.
What she sees is a poor family, not much in the way of savings having to blow it all on a makeshift repair, which leaves them too broke to do the job properly later on. And these are flesh and blood people; kids she played with who had to give up on music lessons because their parents no longer can afford it; neighbors who depended on her mother’s generous after school buffett to make up for skimpy meals caused by their sudden poverty.
And I can make all the rational arguments I want showing that in the long run and in the aggregate most people are better off, and it won’t make a dent; all she sees are her neighbors and playmates who were left worse off.
Pricing and fraud are separate issues.
There are innumerable contractors that show up during emergencies and disappear immediately thereafter, specifically because they don’t want to be held responsible for their quality of work.
Gypsy dealers sell unmitigated shit equipment at “low” prices during emergencies, but when it fails 5 hours later, you can’t find them.
Price gouging laws address neither of these issues and only serve as a disincentive for the honest players in the market.
Was it Best Buy that you saw.
Local progs are outraged that one of our own favorite corporations would gouge people. You are also right that they were simply selling an entire case at the per bottle price.
$2 a bottle would be cheap if you bought it at a ballpark or concert venue.
They charge $5 for a 375ml bottle at the movie theaters here, and people never bat an eye at that shit..
Shouldn’t the Bud disaster relief cans say Budwasser?
I missed the “Origin of Religion” conversation in Jewsday Tuesday.
I’m fairly convinced that the first religions started by people taking mushrooms or ergot or something like that. Not terribly controversial to anybody who’s tripped. What interests me about it though is how human society and evolutionary pressures to be successful made a spiritual moment into an institution, even back in our pre-agricultural ways.
Now, I think some people genuinely believed in their spirit gods, just as they do today. But I think it’s interesting that universally, then as now, religion is used to provide/maintain social status. That one shaman who tripped his balls Agile Cyborg style was given special standing in his tribe/clan, and he realized that he could pass on this familial power by “training” his son and keep The Knowledge (and the prestige and standing that comes with it) within the family.
And then BOOM. A dynasty is created based on the monopoly of knowledge with The Spirit Gods. If didn’t inherit money and power, and you’re not strong enough to take it by force, this is an intelligent way to attain power and control.
I had a response prepared in my head comparing Paul to Ray Kroc.
Hey Evan, tell your upstairs neighbor to stop chucking his garbage into our swimming pool.
Hey! I’m busting my ass over here trying to sexually convince him to leave y’all alone. Why do you think his wife hadn’t been seen in four months?!
Ain’t easy civilizin’ this ma’fucka.
The problem with that theory is that psychedelic tryptamines are native to the New World, and religion is way older than trans-Atlantic travel. The same applies to drug-induced synesthesia as an explanation for the development of speech.
All psychedelic mushrooms are New World? If that’s true that’s very interesting.
But ergot is bacteria…I’m fairly certain they had that in Europe pre-Columbus. Could be wrong. Surely there exist other psychotropic substances outside of mushrooms native in Africa.
Shit. The bacteria that leads to psychedelic growths on bread existed in Europe.
Bacteria of course existed in the Old World. Didn’t mean to sound like a pandering ass.
As bacon-magic notes below, Amanita muscaria is a mushroom native to Europe that was used in Siberian shamanism. Not to get to far into the weeds here, but archeological evidence (cave paintings, talismans, etc.) strongly suggests there was spiritual thought before people were living in frigid pine forests. (Although it’s an explanation for Santa Claus — the shaman dressed in red and white to associate himself with the mushroom, which was a “present” found under the tree.)
Claviceps purpurea is a fungus. The issues here are that the convulsive effects of ergotism are more psychotomimetic than hallucinogenic, its vasoconstrictive effects are quite discouraging, and its generally the result of long-term consumption. Most importantly, agriculture — including the cultivation of rye — is a comparatively recent human development.
Ibogaine is found in Old World plants, but I don’t know of any evidence that it was used in prehistoric Africa. (Bwiti is newer than Christianity.)
So it’s more plausible, that speech and spiritual thought were originally inspired by schizophrenics, than shrooms.
The Norse had a red mushroom with white spots on it that the shaman had to ingest and then everyone would drink his urine.
I understand it was actually a big part of the berserker thing as well.
I mean, no wonder those guys totally lost their shit. I can’t imagine tripping on shrooms while fighting a battle.
+1 Shield biters
People developed religion because without some first principles, you can’t reason and the world is chaos. Also, it is easy living in the modern world to forget just how hard it is to understand the natural world. You look up at the sky and see stars because someone told you that is what they are. Now imagine living ten thousand years ago and looking up at the sky. Exactly how are you supposed to figure out that those points of light are just other suns but billions of times further away? People invented super natural explanations for things because natural ones were not available. And we are no different today. The world is full of magical thinking and super natural explanations for complex events. We just call it socialism or Keynesian Economics instead of religion.
(slow clap)
I think religion is really a way of dealing with anxiety. We are anxious about things that are dangerous, unpredictable, or chaotic. Most religions explain that which would otherwise be inexplicable.
The latin root is religere, the verb meaning “to re-connect” or “re-bind-together”. I see religion as ordering the community by connecting its members to that which orders the universe. Even atheism is, in this sense, a religion in that it provides this function.
And the common features of religions worldwide are shaped by the common psychological needs inherent to humanity that religions serve.
Everyone has some form of religion. You can’t reason your way to self-proving first principles. And you can’t reason if you don’t start with a set of assumptions. Ultimately, you hit conceptual bedrock where you must make a leap of faith to start reasoning. Before even that, you have to make the assumption that there is some truth that your reasoning in some way can discover. When people talk about “rights” and “justice” and such, they are talking about their first principles that they take on faith. It is their “God”, it is just God shorn of the attributes they don’t like and reintroduced to the world.
Like Bob Dylan says, “you gotta serve somebody”.
Everyone? Even Nihilists?
Even Nihilists. No one is really a Nihilist. They just pretend they are.
Everything bottoms out on faith and/or unprovable assumptions at some point. Atheists, for example, essentially have faith in an unprovable negative – that there is no God.
There are no Nihilists in fox holes either…
Or Climate Change.
Ergo why calling AGW a cult is appropriate..
I’ve had an idea about religion for a long time, something that makes all of them alike: It’s simply away to push the fear of dying out of your head.
You get shot in the chest and start to bleed out; that moment is *terrifying.* All religions provide a reason for you to not think about it *right now.* You’ll go to heaven, you’ll be reincarnated, your carbon will be reabsorbed, you’ll get your own planet; all different ideas for the same thing.
I think everyone has some system in their brain that’s like this. For me, yeah, I believe that my carbon will be recycled and reused. That’s my reincarnation belief. That makes me happy now, and gives me a unifying idea of how life begins and ends on Earth.
But I know that if I’m bleeding out…we can’t know how scary that must be. We need to create a story to distract ourselves from that very universal and fundamentally unknowable terror. I think it can all be chocked up to a diversionary adaptation that lets us cope and survive until the moment that we can no longer do so.
Some of it is existential anxiety but it is not all that. Many religions do not claim there is life after death. We have religion because without some base principles the world is chaos and utterly meaningless. There is an old saying that there are no atheists in foxholes. That is not true. There are lots of atheists in foxholes. It is not hard to find meaning in a short glorious life. Where there are no atheists or very few, is prisons. Finding meaning in a long, miserable pointless life is a whole lot harder than in a short glorious life. Religion is not about death, it is about larger meaning.
I recommend the Jordan Peterson Bible lectures on youtube
CafeHayek has a great series the last few days defending price gouging.
Disaster related price gouging, or price gouging in general?
Does it matter?
I don’t know what irritates me most about this story.
Is it the fucking constant gushing about anything a Somali does here? Or the fact that Nike is a giant enough whore to try putting their logo on anything?
Our local Somali beauty queen – who is so woke she wore a birkini in the Miss Minnesoda competition – just did a photo shoot for Nike.
It’s as if Somalis are to be applauded for doing two things: 1) showing up for work, 2) not raping people.
Soft bigotry of low expectations.
The Nike is a whore angle gets me;
I think it will fail spectacularly. Most Muslim families that have assimilated enough to allow their daughters to play sports won’t require them to wear a hijab. Of course, Nike will gladly take the loss in order to virtue signal.
Only thing I can think of for them is women that do work outside of the home, and think that their traditional material hijabs are too warm?
In Minnesoda? I’m sure that the Somalis who came here have no trouble with the heat.
I wasn’t claiming it was a good idea, just the kind of off the cuff B.S. a Nike Marketing Manager might think up.
When are they going to feature Mennonites with Nikes?
She should do boot commercials. *Boot on her neck as husband screams “Just do it!”
I can see a tiny sliver of uncovered flesh between her leggings and her shoes. Whore.
Then this burkini shot is just for you.
I think Islam is ebil…
Because I couldn’t see what was under there I had all these horrible fantasies about it…
“When Transgender Trumps Treachery
When Ms. Manning transmitted 750,000 secret military records and State Department cables to WikiLeaks in 2010, she not only jeopardized continuing missions and disrupted American diplomacy. She also put an untold number of innocent people’s lives in danger.
Celebrating Chelsea Manning just a few years after gay and transgender people were permitted to serve openly in the military discredits the L.G.B.T. cause. Throughout most of the 20th century, homosexuality was associated with treason and used as a basis for purging gay people from government jobs, denying them security clearances and restricting their service in the armed forces. The decision by Ms. Manning’s defense team to argue that untreated gender dysphoria was a factor in her decision to leak classified information unwittingly aids those who say that L.G.B.T. people cannot be trusted in sensitive government jobs. And it dishonors the L.G.B.T. people who have served in the military throughout history without betraying their country.
It would be hard to find a less convincing advocate for transgender military service than someone convicted of violating the Espionage Act. The cognitive dissonance required of L.G.B.T. activists in celebrating Ms. Manning while denouncing Donald Trump’s transgender military ban is considerable, not least in the case of Ms. Manning herself, who simultaneously condemns the ban while also tweeting that “we need to dismantle the military/police state,” without appearing to recognize the contradiction. (Ms. Manning is a prolific Tweeter whose blithe, emoji-laden missives read like the doodles of a freshman peace studies major and belie her portrayal as the moral conscience of our time.)”
When Ms. Manning transmitted 750,000 secret military records and State Department cables to WikiLeaks in 2010
Who? That wasn’t Chelsea Manning, that was someone named Bradley Manning. How can you punish someone for the acts of another?
Manning is a loon. The abuse that the military heaped on him was criminal, but it does not excuse the fact that what he did was unjustified and fully deserving of a conviction.
Meanwhile, Snowden, who fully contemplated his actions and had specific, justifiable, reasons for them, continues to be a pariah. Most likely because he actually revealed state misconduct as opposed to Manning who just dumped data.
So much this.
Snowden is a pariah because he removed any doubt that the Obama shadow government spoke with a forked tongue when it claimed to want to be the most transparent administration, caring of the rights of the American people, while on the other hand doing shit like this that gave even hard core dictators like Castro or Chavez boners.
Sincere question – what sort of abuse was he subject to? All I heard was that he was held in solitary which seems SOP for this type of situation.
That’s a common procedure for prisons/jails to strip the inmate if he or she is suicidal. It prevents the inmate from hiding a cutting tool in their clothes as well as fashioning a rope from the material.
Standing naked at parade rest on the other hand…
Okay, I read the whole article and am unable to muster anything close to the level of outrage that I heard expressed previously. The standing naked at parade rest part seems wildly inappropriate and illegal, but the level of screeching about his treatment made it seem as if they were clipping electrodes to his balls.
Part of being in the military is the fact that you will follow military protocol. I don’t believe that requirement to follow protocol goes away in a military prison. And trust me there are plenty of people that are made to stand at parade rest or attention for a long time in boot camp. Shit, i once made an insubordinate asshole salute a trash can 1000 times to fix his problem.
Completely agree.
Democracy dies in darkness
The Newseum has been on a death watch before, but Monday’s announcement that its parent foundation is considering selling the sprawling Washington museum devoted to journalism is a stunning acknowledgment of its long-standing struggles.
“It has become obvious that the current model — where the Freedom Forum is the primary funder of the Newseum — cannot continue indefinitely at this level,” Freedom Forum chief executive Jan Neuharth said in a statement. “Left unchecked, this deficit spending rate would eventually drain the Freedom Forum’s entire endowment, and the annual cash drain prevents us from allocating any new capital to First Amendment programs that are at the heart of our educational mission.”
It looks like somebody is going to get an “architectural showpiece” for pennies on the dollar. Maybe Trump will buy it and turn it into a bed and breakfast.
The beauty of private museums is that some ideas fail. My only fear is that due to its location in DC and the MSM’s love of the deep state and bureaucracy, that a Federal department will buy the museum with our taxpayer dollars.
I hope they turn it into a Bass Pro Shop. It could become the District’s first big box firearms dealer.
Iowahawk on the Newseum:
“Hey kids, want to see the Moon capsule and the Wright Brothers plane?”
“Lame, we want to see Edward R. Murrow’s ashtray!”
Listening to what Kelli Ward is all about, the more that I hope that Trump doesn’t get cold feet b/c of the GOPe and sticks with her. She sounds like she could be a great senator.
SF would be a great senator to.
I hope you mean SugarFree. I want to see him filibuster something by reading stories about the Hat and the Hair.
Alas, listening to SF filibuster with some of his prose would be fantastic, I was referring to Zenome messing the link up.
Never forget: the establishment Repubs would rather a Democrat win than a Tea Party (or otherwise non-GOPe) Republican. They’ve proven it over and over again, and I have heard them say as much in private conversations. And if you have any doubt at all, look at the way the GOPe sides with the Dems against Trump.
Jeff Masters Moderator OviedoWatcher • 18 minutes ago Now is a fair time to discuss climate change, since it contributed to this disaster, and we must plan intelligently for our future.
I remember when WU was good for weather info.
WU is still good for weather info, but they have always been climate change flag wavers. I never read their blog, just their radar. I was trying to find info on historical rainfall rates during tropical storms yesterday. Not totals, but inch/Hr sort of info. (and not the one in 1000 years scare info so prevalent right now) I didn’t have much luck finding that info. I doubt Harvey was dropping any more water than other storms per hour, it is just rare for a storm to sit in one spot for three days plus. If it had moved as most storms do, it would have been a non event. I saw Politico blames this on the jet stream moving/changing due to polar melting, and stalled storms will be the new normal but I am not sure I buy that one. There is valid points to be made that we have paved more of the ground than there was paved 50 or 100 years ago which effects drainage, but I guess that is the price of progress. Maybe blame the city planners? Who knows? I don’t think so. I doubt anyone could plan that much water away.
Re: paving- even unpaved ground has limits on the rate of water infiltration, I doubt that it’s above the current amount of water getting dumped from the sky. Also consider stormwater drainage & other planning such as using freeways & roadways to channel water that wasn’t in place prior to paving.
since it contributed to this disaster
You know, if climate change did contribute to Hurricane Harvey, it should be real easy to pull the August 2017 average water temperature in the Caribbean. If fact, it should be central to the argument. I know the long-run August average is just shy of 85 degrees. Somehow, though, I never see this data offered up by the proponents of this theory.
Because that doesn’t fit the fucking narrative you blasphemer! Bow to our god king Man-Bear-Pig!
The polling on Antifa-related violence must be REALLY bad if the Dems managed to bring even this asshole to heel:
I think that’s the correct way to read it. Arreguin would never say that if he weren’t being forced to.
I don’t know how he’ll bring himself to face Che the Cat again. “Here’s your catnip, comrade – please forgive me for what I’ve done!”
Rename him Chairman Meow?
Hey, who is in charge of narrowed gazes when people say questionable shit on this site again?
Antifa violence particularly hurts Pelosi and Arreguin’s political reputation because they both represent districts and cities that are in the middle of the Antifa plague in San Francisco. I’m guessing any pollsters there are particularly gunshy about the danger that Antifa poses to the leftist movement.
This is part of the reason why I think approval polls don’t accurately depict what people actually think about Trump or how they thought about Obama. Obama was personally popular but him and his party did horribly unpopular and destructive stuff when they were in power. Trump is personally unpopular but has a very good pulse on what the silent majority wants and likes. I think that some smarter Dem pollsters are figuring this out, hence the turn by some politicians.
“Obama was personally popular but him and his party did horribly unpopular and destructive stuff when they were in power.”
How much of that do you attribute to the dnc operatives with bylines killing negative stories and actively lying to help him and his people, leaving many in the dark of how fucking horrible and downright criminal of an administration he ran?
“Trump is personally unpopular but has a very good pulse on what the silent majority wants and likes.”
How much of that do you think is because of the 24/7 campaign by the dnc operatives with bylines spinning everything into a negative, or downright lying about shit, while hiding anything positive?
I personally voted against Hillary, but considering how the deep state has gone batshit that someone challenged them, I am starting to like the guy even if I think he is a boor.
Wow, I didn’t see that coming.
Not that Berkeley will vote a RethugliKKKun in anytime soon, but even the possibility of a slightly more law-obeying prog taking his place likely terrifies him.
Did he also withdraw his demand that Berkeley not host a scheduled free speech rally?
If not, his place in the woodchipper line is still secure.
I think he is actually doubling down on shutting down anything he disapproves of
He failed to read the article in Mother Jones which helpfully explains why the Antifa’s actions in Berkeley were nothing to worry about.
Hey lads! Good news! We can “cure xenophobia and promote altruism” by pumping people full of oxytocin.
I’m still not sure if that’s real or just an elaborate troll by academics.
I’d prefer to get it the natural way.
Robert De Niro concurs.
Perhaps most galling was her swift and ghoulish call for McCain’s resignation after he revealed in July he was suffering from brain cancer
What’s ghoulish about pointing out the obvious fact that a guy who is unfit to do his job should step down?
Accusing the plebes’ candidate of not acting in the royal etiquette and manners of the Senate is how the establishment defends their worst members.
The same people who think saying a guy dying of brain cancer should step down from the Senate think that removing a lawfully elected President under the 25th Amendment because a bunch of armchair psychiatrists who have never met him think he is “Crazy” because they don’t like his tweets is totally okay.
Of course…
hich states have the worst drivers?
Of course DUI rates are low – Florida Man doesn’t drive because his license has already been suspended.
That wouldn’t stop Florida Man from driving.
It’s on cinder blocks.
New Jersey is better than most? I question this study.
I would guess fatalities are weighted heavily, and it can be difficult to get going fast enough in NJ for a fatality in a modern car. Most NJ fatalities are confined to odd hours (2 AM) or just a few highways like Route 80.
In Florida and other states nationwide, there proved to be no connection between DUI arrests and car accident fatalities.
Wow, that’s a kind of important fact hiding in the back of a paragraph.
They were probably dead before the accident.
I’ve driven in Del Boca Vista. I do not recommend the experience.
It always creeps me out to see tiny oldsters driving with Ray Charles glasses.
Did you see the senior Costanza?
I dunno about states, but the toxic stew of (a) old people, (b) people who learned to drive, shall we say, not in the US, and (c) college students in Tucson makes for a driving experience that is so bad Mrs. Dean refused to take her good car out into it, and traded it in for an up-armored FJ Cruiser.
Arizona is different. Somehow we attract all the bad drivers from other states. This realization creeps up on you and hits you when they cut you off by trying to turn right from the left turn lane.
AAAAAARGHH! They do that here too! I hate those entitled shit heads.
The silly harrumphing over Melania’s shoes jogged my memory of when Michelle Obama wore $540 sneakers to a photo op volunteering session at a food bank, and the press (as usual) gushed over how stylish she was.
I couldn’t care less about what any wife of a president wears. I just find the hypocrisy reliably amusing.
It is an amazing thing how little self awareness the “press” has.
My PSU has been running its fan full-tilt for a few minutes on startup and every now and again, but last night it wouldn’t stop, even after blowing out the case. I took a closer look at the unit and it still had a decent amount of dust. Going to hit it again when I get home tonight. Does that seem like it might be the issue? I’d hate to think it’s crapping out after eighteen months 😛
Could be corrupted power management data, or a bad sensor.
Sounds typical for a Penn State University.
Penn State still has fans?
And I hope for everyone’s sake, Commodius, that you are not using a child size can of air when blowing.
Penn State still has fans?
NAMBLA sits in their booster section at every game.
Are you saying that a lot of the NAMBLA/PSU fans need booster seats to see the game?
Which direction do you have the fan on the unit facing?
Facing up into the case.
Might not matter, but the air it’s blowing isn’t hot. And it doesn’t sound whiney or smell electrical. It seems perfectly normal aside from constantly running at max.
Is there a vent in the bottom of the case? If so it is recommended you face the PSU so the fan is facing the bottom.
If you do that make sure the tower is on a flat surface with no instructions to ensure airflow.
I’ll try that out. Thanks!
*throws away airflow instructions*
Real men don’t need instructions!
I like 2 and 8 today.
Nice work, Q.
39 and 41 win today.
#16 is rocking that “Naughty Librarian” look. mmmmmm…..
Well, after further review, it’s just the glasses. If librarians dressed like that, I’d go to the library a lot. Or maybe not depending on the librarians…
#20 looks like Poppy’s sister
4 is perfect but is DQ’d for lack of face.
23 needs to eat a bunch of cheeseburgers.
Agree. 2 39 and 41 win the day.
15’s eyes are mesmerizing
Never enough
Why does this matter? Why does it matter that a black woman with lighter skin is portraying a black character with dark skin? Why does it matter that some of the most popular black actresses are light-skinned? Because it indicates that Hollywood still overwhelmingly believes that a black woman must possess non-black ancestry or features to be considered beautiful or valuable. Likewise, many black actors with dark skin and “blacker” features are being denied access to film roles.
What Hollywood needs is more women who look like Pepe the Frog.
What Hollywood needs is more women who look like Pepe the Frog
Kathy Bates?
They told me if Trump were elected, bigots would feel emboldened to spew racism in public and they were right!
Has Teen Vogue overtaken Slate, Vox, HuffPost, and the NYT as the dumbest magazine currently in operation?
The latter at least nominally caters to adults. Teen Vogue is essentially trying to polish up the indoctrination of teenage girls if the public schools haven’t already done so. Kind of sick if you think about it.
The sad thing is, as retarded as Teen Vogue sounds, there’s probably a good majority of them that would fall for it.
Let’s find the blackest Sudanese actors and teach them a passable American accent and cast them in rolls intended for American actors and see whether it’s a matter of skin tone or something new for these shit-stirring fuckwits.
Something like Mr. Kim but in reverse?
Possibly NSFW:
Thousands flock to one of the world’s largest adult fairs in Hong Kong showcasing hundreds of vibrators, couple’s harnesses and VERY realistic robotic sex dolls
Wow. Some of those dolls are getting pretty hawt.
Here’s a shocker
Evergreen State College faces $2.1 million budget shortfall, layoffs
Progs are getting their wish for purity since most of the students not coming are probably right-leaning and/or apolitical. They had to destroy the village in order to save it!
now Brett just needs to win that case.
The good news about the Mizzou Effect is that it doesn’t seem to wear off. Mizzou augured in a couple years ago, and I don’t think their enrollment has recovered since.
That’s excellent, it should help persuade other schools not to go down the same path.
Here’s a bit of good news: Erdogan’s goons who beat up protestors in DC back in the spring have finally been indicted.
Didn’t most / all of the goons get a quick flight out of the US immediately after the roughing up?
According to the carcass formerly known as Deadspin, looting is good and you’re a bad person if you report it. https://theconcourse.deadspin.com/dont-ever-be-this-guy-1798543621
It’s just people taking the initiative in progressives’ redistributive fantasies.
..let’s try this response in the right place…
well, that’s just cruel.
How is the morgue going to pick up the bodies if you don’t report them?
I agree that you shouldn’t report it. Just dump the bodies out in the desert.
I was gobsmacked when I read the comments earlier. Though, given it was deadspin, I shouldn’t have been surprised.
“Its not stealing if you’re hungry”
“Go to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person”
The author of this wonderful article, responding to the first comment.
You mean explicit political messaging isn’t popular with sizeable swaths of the population? Unpossible!
Geeky points of order: Miles Morales as Spiderman debuted in 2011 and is from another dimension and is just displaced in “prime” earth because comic books. Sam Wilson/Falcon became Captain America in 2014 I think. So it predates some of that.
You could talk the storyline where a conservative radio host led a charge against Sam Wilson as Captan America because anti-American… yeah, that one was messaging. http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Harry_Hauser_(Earth-616)
I still don’t get how a female Thor works. Thor isn’t a secret identity or codename, it’s the dude’s actual name. If the story isn’t about him, it isn’t a Thor comic.
It does strike me that, given that minority characters have been around, and been successful, in comics forever, the issue is not so much “diversity” as it is “rainbow washing”
In other words, ordinary non-woke white people are getting annoyed with the attempts by the left to erase white people from history and culture, especially from a culture in large part created by those same white people. But, of course, SJW is a hate movement, not a liberal one, so erasing white people is the point. It isn’t enough to add a new black or gay or Muslim character, it’s as important, if not more important, to eliminate a white one.
It’s basically taking the zero-sum (or negative-sum!) attitudes about material wealth that make socialism so shitty, and translating it onto history and culture.
“It’s basically taking the zero-sum (or negative-sum!) attitudes about material wealth that make socialism so shitty, and translating it onto history and culture.”
This is a key insight; modern Marxism has transformed from a purely economic philosophy to a mutant identity politics movement. Basically it’s applying the ideals of permanent revolution between economic classes to those of identity classes. Since everything Marxism touches turns to shit, it’s no wonder race relations are worse in the US than they were 10-20 years ago.
well said
Of course, if you take traditional socialism, de-emphasize the class elements, and instead make it all about race, you get…
That’s not how the game is played. Its played like this:
“You know who else took traditional socialism, de-emphasized the class elements, and instead made it all about race?”
Sorry, forgot the link.
They are playing it like “Thor” is a badge of office and you are called Thor by wielding Mjolnir.
/comic books
And progressive darling Linda Sarsour seems to have set up a fraudulent Harvey aid charity. https://twitter.com/RobProvince/status/902892093374377985
This made my stomach churn. What a shameless, grifting piece of shit this woman is.
Black and Latino students refuse to share space at University of Florida
Black and Latino student groups at the University of Florida recently protested a plan to house their organizations in one building, saying it would erase and marginalize their black and brown bodies and their cultures at the predominantly white institution.
The two groups would each get their own wing of the building and simply share a walkway and elevator. The blueprint included an assembly room in which they could host joint activities, and in which other students groups could use it as well.
“… Second, here’s what I have to say to everyone that says this matter was over-the-top: F*** YOU,” Clayton added in his email to The College Fix. “Was it over the top when Martin Luther King and many others led the Civil Rights Movement? Was it over the top when suffragettes protested in order to get women the right to vote? Was it over the top when hundreds of students withdrew from the University of Florida in the 70’s in order to work to break the stronghold of racism on campus?”
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Once again, they told me racism would run rampant if Trump were elected and they were right!
Something I always wonder about – why do Latino (fuck your “Latinx” bullshit) leftist identity politics types scream constantly about colonialism and cultural appropriation…….yet they so fervently embrace the Spanish language of their colonizers? Shouldn’t they be trying to resurrect the Aztec, Mayan, and Incan languages?
That’s different because shut up Nazi.
I never understood their bullshit at all. The sane ones know they are half Spanish or Portuguese.
Was it over the top when Martin Luther King and many others led the Civil Rights Movement?
Didn’t this guy get the message that MLKJ is being unpersoned for insufficient radicalism, and because he’s too beloved by whites? Those old activists are sine qua non for the progressive left, just like liberal yuppies are being horned out by a new generation of whinier tantrum-throwers.
Also, I’m calling this guy Bluto Clayton.
The irony is that MLKJ protested against segregation, which sort of undermines his argument for segregation.
So mixing brown and black gets white? Or do they just fade away like Marty in Back to the Future?
The whole “bodies” schtick is fucking retarded. I know that they’re using this term to amplify The Feelz, but what they’re really doing is implying that brown people are simply empty vessels being guided by the collective hive mind and with no agency of their own.
Black and Latino student groups at the University of Florida recently protested a plan to house their organizations
OK, have it your way.
*gives space set aside for racialist groups to chess club*
Has Teen Vogue overtaken Slate, Vox, HuffPost, and the NYT as the dumbest magazine currently in operation?
They have a calling, and they take it seriously.
According to the carcass formerly known as Deadspin, looting is good and you’re a bad person if you report it
My extremely progressive uncle claimed, in a discussion about Katrina, that looting was perfectly justifiable. Because those babies need diapers and water and baby milk.
He declined to respond when asked if they needed teevees, too.
well, that’s just cruel.
How is the morgue going to pick up the bodies if you don’t report them?
oops, this was meant for the earlier thread topic. I’m a little slow today
The mentality of your typical gawker asshole commenter is summed up in the following comment/response.
Got a strong whiff of Willie Sutton from that one. “They’re not robbing houses ASSHOLE they’re robbing SUPERMARKETS because that’s where all the good shit is!”
Well, one is stealing “personal property” and evil, and the other is stealing “private property” and encouraged. Do you even Marxism bro?
Not very well, admittedly
It was a supermarket, not someone’s house.
Sounds like somebody is making a distinction between “personal” and “private” property.
Great minds think alike, so do ours.
I read that first as “supremacist”, not “supermarket”.
Which got me to thinking… that will be next, right? If punching a Nazi is ok, then surely antifa mobs raiding their homes will be next, right?
Now that will undoubtedly result in many dead antifa.
oh. he used to be a youtuber. or maybe still is. former marine recon, tried to hold down job in firearms companies, failed, now trying to be online personality like James Yeager.
congratulating for marrying into money, billy. beats working.
“congratulations”. @(#*()@ spellcheck.
@(#*()@ you too!
*applauds wildly*
Black and Latino student groups at the University of Florida recently protested a plan to house their organizations in one building, saying it would erase and marginalize their black and brown bodies and their cultures at the predominantly white institution.
I suspect they have a similar problem in most Florida correctional facilities.
(Applauds heartily)
I’d be perfectly content for the media to continue ignoring/cheerleading antifa since they are electoral poison.
Apparently uber-statist and perennial rubber-stamper Feinstein counts as a voice of “reason” in California:
Who’s going to be the pinko nutcase (who’s yet to run to Canada) that will try to primary her? (Looking up the list of celebs who praised Hugo Chavez)
+1 Sean Penn
East Bay Rep. Ellen Tauscher.
So… whatever happened to that whole Syrian civil war? For a while you couldn’t go an hour without seeing a new story about it, but I can’t remember the last time I saw one. The only thing I can imagine is that the current state of affairs there looks good for Trump somehow?
That’s exactly it. The ceasefire is holding, which makes Trump look good, so they would prefer to ignore it.
Maybe not good, but there probably isn’t anything bad that can be tied to Trump.
I’m sure that the average Syrian is still having just as shitty a time as they were a few months ago. The problem is that one dead white gal in C-ville is more newsworthy than thousands of Syrians.
white gal
You mis-spelled “commie provocateur”.
Yeah…wait a minute…and weren’t there Russian agents provocateur meddling in the last election? I thought that was the darkness in which the WaPo fears democracy will die…
Update to Sarsour’s epic self-own: she’s whining about the “alt-right email blast” that’s brought all the haters into her mentions.
It’s not because of, you know, the whole fake relief fund tweet. It’s because the “alt-right” is talking among themselves about the fake relief fund tweet.
Trump made her do it!
Must be that vast right wing conspiracy at work again.
That conspiracy is only 50% as large as reported.