Its Thursday afternoon. My sick son saved my from seeing the ‘Stros get an 8-1 beatdown at the Trop.
You’d think $328M in assets could lift a lot of poor people out of poverty. But then how would you raise the next $328M, right SPLC? Look for a lot more trial lawyers to take an interest in their list of “hate groups”.
Oh, look. Senate Judiciary Committee confirms the fix was in on the Clinton FBI investigation long before all the witnesses were interviewed. This is how you get Trump (re-)elected, you morons. Everything the so-called yokels believe about the government being an insiders club who take care of their buddies and fuck outsiders is pretty much confirmed.
Skynet won’t have to send Terminators, it can just kill 465,000 of us with a pacemaker hack.
When people who don’t eat Chik-Fil-A ask me how much better their customer service is than any other fast food restaurant, I’ll just show them this.
Fuck Canadian Geese. I don’t care if they are fed to the homeless or bulldozed under by the hundreds until they learn to fear large motorized vehicles.
She’s no Rebecca Black, but her mama wants to be rich and child prostitution is illegal. The (An?) annoying teen from Dr. Phil is launching her rap career. Never say that isn’t on the bleeding edge of pop culture!
First but it doesnt count!
DAMMIT. I had that Canada geese link all ready to go and you stole it!
I’ve been busy today, so apologies if this FUCKIN’ AWESOME SHIT was posted already:
No need to apologize for that!
Trumpsters to the rescue!
I am eagerly awaiting the blue state analog of this in which a bunch of hipsters clad in “I’M WITH HER” t-shirts use their fixies and mopeds to rescue a sunken food truck from a retention pond.
I wonder if John Kerry and the Kennedys would put down their champagne glasses and bother to use their boats and yachts to pull what I saw from Chick-fil-A and those rednecks.
I don’t wonder about that at all.
They’d probably run people over and laugh.
That’s like a giant metaphor for all of life: the useless government is being rescued by the productive.
I wonder if Matt Wuerker has seen that.
Aren’t the properly called Canada Geese? Regardless, fuck the nasty motherfuckers.
They are properly called Fuck You Hatebirds, The Birds that Hate.
They are flying hate bags. I bought a bag of bread and fed a large flock of them once and I have never found an animal more predisposed to murder than Canada geese. I was fucking feeding them and they were aggressive toward me.
When I was very young, there was a park down the street from our house that had a large flock in residence. My mom took me down there to feed them once and the bastards attacked me. It’s one of my earliest childhood memories, getting bumrushed and bitten by a bunch of damned geese.
At my college there were two that hung out at the duck pond and one was fucking Jurassic Park level savage. I actually got into a fight with it cause it was charging me. They ended up catching and carting both of them off cause the mean one started biting children.
both got carted off because nobody could determine which was The Mean One? badumtshhh
We have similar formative memories! *high five*
My friend was eating a sandwich on his lunch break at a quarry, and two Fuck You Hatebirds, The Birds that Hate, decided to try and get his sandwich. He grabbed one by the neck, and simultaneously strangled it while using it to bludgeon the other to death. I’ve never seen of a better way of dealing with them.
I’d like to image all the while he continued to eat his sandwich with his free hand.
He stuffed what was left of it in his mouth, and damned near choked on it.
Oh my god you needed to film that.
There’s probably footage from the security cameras at the quarry, but this was about 10 years ago, so they probably didn’t keep it and he never thought to ask for it. There’s still a few Mexicans that worked with him that call him “Ganzo” to this day, a mix of ganso, the Spanish for goose, and gonzo, because they think he’s crazy.
All because they wanted his Oscar Mayer?
This is why I love blue collar workers. Coming up with innovative solutions to not having the right tool for the job every day.
Amazingly, Geese, not ducks, are the waterfowl equivalent of duct tape.
I take it you never visit any public park with a lake during the winter in Maricopa County?
Bear witness, all ye Glibs. TRUER WORDS HAVE NE’ER BEEN SPAKE!
They’re properly called Branta canadensis.
No one here speaks asshole other than you, Ted.
I thought asshole was the lingua franca around here.
Nah, it is more of a….disposition? an idiom?
How else would we keep our family-friendly certification?
Hear Hear!
Flying Shit Cannons
LOL. There’s always at least one little old lady or ponytailed Boomer that gets upset when the little creatures are threatened by humanity.
Maybe we should feed her to the homeless too.
Or to the Fuck You Hatebirds, The Birds that Hate.
The cop who used to live in our neighborhood hassled one of our neighbors for letting her lab run the geese off the local playground. He told her he could write her up for not having the dog on a leash and for harassing the geese.
She told me all about it because I used to let my old mutt chase them around too. She said that she nicely told him to fuck off, and that if he had a kid who would come back from the park covered in goose shit, he’d understand why everyone was ok with running them off.
Rochester, MN has millions of them and they stay year-round.
Posted this in the Morning Lynx but it was essentially dead.
Trump tells Dreamers to wake up and fuck off.
And the reaction.
That name always annoyed the fuck out of me. What a bunch of annoying bullshit. This is just reason 1,567,231 and counting why I hate progs.
When you utter the phrase “Dream Act” you are perforce to gaze skyward and think upon Lord Obama (PBOH) and all of His Good Works, you shitlord.
Well shit, I thought I had a scoop with the SPLC slush fund story.
Oh well, back to dredging Everyday Feminism….
Mike Rowe should interview you, because if that’s not a dirty job I don’t know what is.
back to dredging Everyday Feminism
It doesn’t leave any visible marks (other than the bruise from head desking).
But the damage to the psyche is incalculable.
*Prepares paperwork for 5150 hold*
This is for your own good.
They get internet in the psych ward, right?
Only links to SF fiction…
Self licking ice cream cone there.
SHOCK treatment?
You beat me to the punch today, Brett – I was going to post that Comey story in the last thread but figured more people would see it in the afternoon links, and here you already have it.
Now that we have confirmation that Comey was never going to actual pursue the case against Hillary, what was behind his press conference that she was still being investigated? Was it a sop to people within the FBI who were upset over the sham investigation?
Was it a sop to people within the FBI who were upset over the sham investigation?
That was my contention at the time.
Same here. Comey had to walk a fine line between answering to his masters who wanted Clinton to walk and preventing a mutiny at by FBI agents who knew she was guilty of crimes.
Canadian geese?
Did you check their passports?
/Ted S.
OK, what did I do to deserve this?
I’m just front running your pedantry.
I thought I was helping, man. Everyone needs a break once in a while.
Playa is a big meanie…there, I said it.
Playa is a scholar and a gentleman. He just has really shitty taste in beer.
I found a double IPA at Trader Joes today. 4.99 for a 6 pack.
Review forthcoming. You’re not invited.
Shitty taste confirmed and with the baby beard he might be oldest hipster seen to date.
All stocked up on the limited release Zima?
Who’s going to lend any credence to the reviews of some guy who likes Watermelon Dorado?
The only good taste in beer is not liking it.
This is what you did to deserve this, Ted.
Ok I’m a whiskey drinker but that offends me too.
C’mon Ted. Just drink the damn beer.
Beer is what sufferers of “the sugah” call the perfect cheat drink.
*narrows gaze, over nonic of wee heavy*
Can I help it if I’m the only one around here with good taste?
I’ll take things that Hitler would say for $200 Alex. /smart guy
He confessed to being a milk drinker yesterday.
White Russian? Or just…milk?
Just milk. Animal type undisclosed.
You know who else just drank milk?
Great Lakes fish are the happiest.
I thought they’d be more stressed out about the Asian Carp invasion.
The (An?) annoying teen from Dr. Phil is launching her rap career.
Why would anybody want to go on Mr. Phil’s show?
It was either this or fist fighting at Walmart during her 3rd trimester, so she seems to be doing pretty well.
To get a rap career?
Fifteen minutes of fame in the trailer park? Or am I thinking of Jerry Springer.
Why not both?
That’s Doctor Phil, thank you. I didn’t go to eight years of celebrity medical school to be called ‘mister’.
The doctor part is a little iffy. In CA, you can’t represent yourself as being a psychologist unless you hold a valid license. He doesn’t. He does have a PhD.
So it all depends on why he’s asking to be called “Doctor” on a show that offers psychological advice.
Wait? How did Dr Science get away with it all these years?
You don’t need a professional license to practice science, as Bill Nye will tell you.
Or any intelligence, as Bill Nye demonstrates.
Ohhh. Like Dr Demento.
I think that’s a bit arrogant depending on where you work. For instance there are several PhDs at this hospital that insist on being called “Doctor.”
In a medical setting, it’s highly inappropriate, but also funny.
I used to work for an organ transplant bank right out of college. Our night dispatcher, who made probably 9 bucks an hour, had a mail order PhD from some online place that was actually accredited at the time.
He wore a white lab coat that said “Doctor (his last name)”.
Any time an annoying sales rep would show up, we’d sent him out to talk. The reps would waste about an hour of their time before they figured it out and they would get SO PISSED.
I think that was my favorite part of the job, peeking through the window and waiting for the reveal.
Okay, that’s funny as hell.
I wish we had an analog to that in my current job.
I just texted one of my friends from that office because I couldn’t remember the “area of study”.
The reply: “Extraterrestrial research”.
Do you have any of that kind of expertise in your office?
So…he wasn’t saying it’s aliens, but it was aliens?!
I think it depends on what discipline it’s in. I wouldn’t begrudge someone with a PhD in Microbiology from using the prenominal “Doctor” at a research hospital. The Doctor of Business Administration is just being an asshole. And not that I’ve ever seen such an animal, but the Juris Doctor insisting on the title should be beaten within an inch of his life.
There’s a former professor and research scientist on one of our vendor’s sales teams that has the nickname of Dr. Firstname. For the life of me, I can’t remember his last name. Everyone calls him Dr Firstname even though if you ask him, he’ll quickly disavow he’s an MD or should be called Doctor anything. Very smart nice guy and actually pretty humble and self deprecating. Never the less, that’s what he’s know as.
I’ll give the Microbiology PhD a break, although where I am this person will almost never come in contact with patients.
Juris Doctors prefer the snobby “Esq” after their name.
JD’s can also hood other doctors during graduation ceremonies. lot of piled higher and JDs in that lot
oh and also Doctors of Education which i want to push right the fuck over
He should have gone the Bill Nye route and called himself the Doctor Guy
I think I made clear my belief that this is her mom’s shot at fame by proxy. In Texas, she’d just shoot the cheerleader(s) who were in front of her on the roster.
something debbie, something dallas
I think Brett was talking about shooting the cheerleaders with a firearm.
I think the Debbie/Dallas involved a different type of shooting.
I’m so glad my adolescence didn’t coincide with the Age of Pubes.
So you were a child of the insanely siliconed era?
Eh… Kind of. That’s the other part of LA, though. You see some of that here at the beach, but not a lot.
For the record, not a fan of that either.
+1 Burning Bush
I guess you don’t remember this.
*watches some of the video*
Jesus, that’s worse than 99% of the bad rap out there.
So by conjecture you are saying that there is such a thing as good rap. Huh.
I for one will not stand quietly by while fucking desk jockeys fuck with our heroes!
Sure he may have stolen some money and lied about it. Those pencil necked geeks from Internal Affairs who caught him in their sting don’t know how it is out there on the streets.
The only reason this story doesn’t make me start drinking RIGHT NOW is because I’m hoping that these statements were made in the make believe land of union arbitration where actual rules of society and physics don’t apply (and I have to stay sober for a sprint planning session this afternoon).
“If the department is allowed to fire petitioner for making the false statements for which he was found guilty . . . then no New York City police officer’s job is safe,”
Now he chooses to be honest.
Senate Judiciary Committee confirms the fix was in on the Clinton FBI investigation
Here it is! The silver bullet that is going to take Hillary down! That or business as usual.
I don’t see how it’s Hillary’s fault that Comey played politics and refused to do his job.
I’m mostly making fun of someone from TOS that swore Clinton would be in jail before the election. I can’t remember who, but I want to say Ken.
It still makes her look bad. The fix was already in, but they had to go and fix it even more on the tarmac.
Classic Clinton.
It’s not the crime, it’s the coverup
Meh, with HRC, it’s also the crime. Selling the office of SOS to the highest bidder is pretty serious.
And every time I think about it I feel the top of my head getting hot and the hair on the back of my neck standing up.
If only there were laws governing supply and demand that could have warned about something like this!
Try this:
Why should I care about Cadirracs?
eye surgery?
I don’t think the decline was quite like that of corn and soybean growers. I think cannabis could drop another 90% in value and it would still be insanely profitable. I realize some of the growers have large expenses right now, but there’s no reason it couldn’t be profitable at $5-10/lb, assuming onerous gov regulations don’t add on to that.
Canada geese are the devil (praise be to Captain Sullenberger).
Can you believe the scam that they’re running in Hawaii???
They’re the antifa of birds.
Those geese (or rather, their ancestors) had the right idea: fly west for the winter, not south.
Huh. All this time I thought a “NeNe” was a dance that the coloreds liked to do of a Saturday evenin’. Learn sumpin’ new everyday.
But they are tasty, tasty devils.
I disagree. This is about the SPLC being a clearinghouse for virtue-signaling credits. Major corporations donate to them so they can get the SJW’s off their backs.
Donations to the SPLC are modern day indulgences.
I dont get that. Why not just tell them to fuck off?
Your sick son saved your what?
Comey has been a Clinton hack for decades. He actually handed the Sandy Burglar investigation and made sure it never went beyond Berger himself.
He and Mueller also botched one of the most important investigations in FBI history. Well, mostly Mueller.
Comey was a deputy special counsel on the Senate Whitewater Committee. Every time a Clinton has been caught, he’s been there to botch the investigation.
OT: Stay classy Root, you wear it well
He’s so light-skinned I think he’s made The Root unsafe.
Ha! Hahaha!
Let Them Fight .gif
I found an image you can use for your next Hillary installment, whenever that may be.
Not gonna click on that.
You should.
Disturbing yet not as bad as I thought.
Less disturbing than the EF article.
Try this instead.
That is fucking horrifying. I’m not a squeamer but centipedes get no quarter.
The message at the top of Everday Feminism made my day.
“Dear Beloved Reader, we’re going to be real with you. We’re asking you to join our membership program so we can become fully financially sustainable (and you get some cool perks too!) With dropping ad rates across the media industry, we’re at continuous risk of shutting down. And we don’t want you to face Trump and his kind without the unique resources we provide. If everyone reading this only gave $10, we could raise enough money for the entire year in just one day. That’s right, with the price of a single lunch out, you can save us. We’re an independent feminist media site, led entirely by people of color, and that pays everyone who writes for us. If Everyday Feminism has been useful to you, please take one minute to keep us publishing the articles you’ve come to rely on us for. Thank you!”
Such salty tears
They’ve been fundraising for months at this point. I bet some people are taking some nice trips with that cash.
Lesbos IS pricey, even during the off season and with a favorable currency rate. What’s a girl to do?
They’re all white bitches and they know it
We all should donate; we need them to laugh/cry at.
These people are morons.
What crazy?
These are normal and well adjusted people…
Someone actually drew and wrote that fucking cartoon. Like, I waste *a lot* of my life doing absolute jack shit. But that might as well be curing cancer compared to what that fuckwit does with xher life.
“My impression based on prior interactions is that they have a small, modestly paid staff, and were regarded by most in the industry as frugal and reliable. I am stunned to learn of transfers of millions to offshore bank accounts. It is a huge red flag and would have been completely unacceptable to any wealthy, responsible, experienced board member who was committed to a charitable mission who I ever worked with.”
SPLC: We have the ethics of the Clinton Foundation but with 100% more crazy.
were regarded by most in the industry as frugal
You don’t get millions to put away in Cayman accounts by being a big spender!
Or by paying taxes.
But they’re already a nonprofit. They just want to cheat moar harder.
Even more Clintonesque.
The SPLC had a full-page add on the back of a section of the Des Moines Register a few days ago.
Govs. Special Needs and RINO team up in this mutant political supergroup!
That Chick-fil-A story is awesome.
Uffda. Those old coots were lucky they weren’t being flooded on a Sunday.
In that case they probably would have called a Waffle House.
Waffle, fried egg and grits comes with the boat rescue. NO SUBSTITUTIONS.
From the Clinton story:
WTF is the FBI doing redacting anything from documents requested by Congress?
FYTW is what they’re doing.
Cash me outside howbow dat?
“Brent can’t watch, or he has to pay 100”
It’s pay to play here sailor. I charge $1000 an inch so looks like you owe $375.
Putin’s latest Schit show.
Looks like fun, but why do I suspect that the gears would get mucked up after you had run over just a few dozen Alt-Right/Antifa protesters?
The dreads/white polo shirts get caught in the differential.
They should send one to Berkeley for free. It would be excellent field data.
Are those chains hanging from the bottom? Think I found the design flaw.
I always see big rigs or armored trucks and wonder, “is there a lock or anything stopping me from unscrewing the gas cap and blowing that rig sky high?”
You can throw a lit match into a bucket of diesel and the flame will go out. You need a plan B.
put a rope in it and light rope maybe…
Road Flare?
That’ll do it.
If the rope burns in excess of 470 C, then yes.
It’d look cool going down the road.
Right. The heightened flash point. Maybe a flare would work. Now I know.
Yeah, but the trucker is more worried about you stealing his gas.
When people who don’t eat Chik-Fil-A ask me how much better their customer service is than any other fast food restaurant, I’ll just show them this.
We’ve talked about it before when an unbeliever blasphemed *looking at you pie*, but Chick-fil-A is just an all around class act organization. The food is consistently good, and the employees are always smiling and helpful. At 4 and 2.5, my kids are at the age where they don’t always do their best inside restaurants. Those kids sit like angels inside Chic-Fil-A every single time while devouring their weight in nuggets.
In N Out is the same way. They pay almost double the starting wage of other fast food places, and they expect you to eat, drink, and piss excellence.
I know 4 people who had their first job at In N Out, including my cousin. They all make comfortable 6 figures now, and it’s not a coincidence.
That’s cool. I’ve never eaten there but will look for it next time I’m on the west coast.
That reminds of a couple years ago when that asshole started raging on the teenage girl running the drive-through about why the Chic-fil-A owners hated gay people. He uploaded his rant to youtube. The girl, even though she was probably 16 or 17, kept her cool the entire time and still was consistently polite.
These kind of places do a good job with choosing their employees and continuing to build on their character/skillset/whatever trait it is.
Yep. And it made the guy look like an even bigger asshole. There was an argument, and he was the only one participating.
Waffle fries make baby Jesus cry.
Baby Jesus needs to grow a pair. Waffle fries or GTFO.
Steak fries > waffle fries.
It is known.
Curly fries > steak fries > waffle fries
I do wish Jack in the Box would trade fries with them.
I concur with Q.
*starts Fry Wars™*
I you want waffle fries, I can put on my boots and stomp some real fries.
Ew it’ll taste like gator turd and meth crumbs.
If you don’t like WF, then the fruit cup is most excellent.
Meh. I feel like I always taste the preservative air they package the fruit with as it outgases.
The secret is not to eat the plastic covering.
You make fun, but someone brought us a big breakfast platter of CFA with fruit at least once a week for a year and a half at the construction trailer. It tastes like nitrogen. An odorless, tasteless gas.
It tastes like
nitrogen. An odorless,a tasteless gas.Umm. . . .
Now I want to know what kind of air you’re accustomed to tasting, Brett.
I do like my fruit fresh.
*yells for orphans to go find some ripe ones this time*
Gross! It tastes like air!
RC, odor affects sense of taste, it is known.
Do odorless gases affect the sense of taste?
….some…. might claim that?
100% Helium inhaled for 5 minutes will.
CO2 does.
Thanks. I rarely eat at CF, but the next time I do I’ll try the fruit cup.
Nobody goes to CF for fruit cups.
It’s cafeteria food.
Whenever I go down to the States it’s always a pleasure to go there.
Up. The United States is above you.
Oh… you mean like on a map. Withdrawn.
Just checked. The closest one to me is in Lynnwood, WA, 185 km south. Not that far away from where some rellies live.
They screwed up their breakfast burrito though. Now it’s some hash brown abortion.
Since my holiday weekend is just about set to begin, a little mood music is called for.
Jesus Christo! That fucker must be about two hundred tears old by now! Still has great chops, though. If he and Liz Hurley had a baby they could name it Methusalah.
Wow California really is a wasteland in the south, innit?
Cool song, tho
My favorite class in college was called “A History of Organized Crime in America.” The guy who taught it really knew his stuff. Anyway, one of the things he taught us is that where there’s money, there’s crime. In other words, criminals are drawn to money like a magnet. In class we were talking about Las Vegas and unions, but the rule still applies today.
If you ever read any of the real books about the American Mafia written by people who were in it, they all say that the whole thing was about making money. All of the violence and murder was just how the rules were enforced by organizations who couldn’t go to the cops or to the courts.
Correct. It was a business, and intimidation and killing were just part of it.
Since money and power find each other then where there is power there is crime.
One more, then I gotta run.
A key issue in dismembering SPLC in the courts will probably be whether they have defamed anyone by calling them a hate group. That in turn will depend on whether classifying an organization as a hate group is a question of opinion, or of fact.
If I call Exxon an oil company, that’s a statement of fact. If I say Exxon has committed a crime, that’s usually defamation per se, definitely a statement of fact that is defamatory and triggers extra damages. Is calling Exxon a criminal organization, rather than an organization that has committed a crime, a statement of opinion? Is there really a line to be drawn between “Exxon committed a crime” as a statement of fact and “Exxon is a criminal organization” as a statement of opinion?
Well, since the court dismissed the defamation suit against NYT by Palin I guess anything goes. That was about as close as you’re gonna get to “actual malice” and the retard lefty judge still didn’t even bother to get dresses before throwing it out.
No. Saying Exon is a criminal organization is a statement of fact. You can’t be a criminal organization unless you have committed a crime. So the statement necessarily implies that Exon is guilty of crimes and is therefore factual.
They did go after some PUA guys. Those guys may have a case.
Calling them a criminal organization is a rebuttable statement of fact.
Either Exxon’s business is primarily conducted in violation of criminal law ,or it isn’t.
If I were a juror, I’d demand to see a giant pile of dead bodies, otherwise Exxon gets damages.
If calling Exxon a criminal organization is a statement of fact and defamation, if its false, I guess calling anyone a hate group is a statement of fact and defamation, if it is false.
Maybe the distinction is that the courts can make a final determination as to whether you have committed a crime, but can’t really make a final determination that you are hateful.
That’s the whole point of using vague language.
Hate = something I don’t agree with.
Common sense = what I want.
America stands for freedom
But if you think you’re free
Try walking into a
deliKohl’sAnd urinating on the
cheeseHalloween candyWho hasn’t wanted to do this?
Say “fuck” in front of your mom, then……go to school naked!
Go on…
Write your congressman, tell him he sucks.
That is a rather specific fantasy… but I’m trying hard not to judge.
You’d need to take that up with Stevo because he wrote the song, and that will be hard to pull off because he’s dead.
And since you can never have too much Vandals….Patrick Edward Brown tried to RUN THE MOTHERFUCKIN’ COPS INTO THE GROUND!
I’m no zero, I’m a fuckin’ hero.
Yeah some asshole managed to stick his quagga infested boat in my favorite lake here in Mesa and now it’s full of them.
They multiply so fast they’ve been known to physically clog dam outlets.
Are these the ones that they have to clear out of Hoover Dam periodically, otherwise the power plant will shut down?
Don’t know for sure but probably. Either quaggas or zebras.
quaggas and zebras are the same thing. Quagga is the official name but they’re called zebra mussels cause they’re striped.
Any natural predators we can introduce and then have that problem instead?
Apparently crayfish eat the shit out of them. Throw some crayfish in these lakes.
Crawdads are tasty too.
It’s because of the zebra mussels that Lake Erie will no longer give you tetanus just from looking at it.
Danial Drezner provides high comedy
In his defense of think tanks, get this
They’ve played a vital role in making public policy over the years—in the Reagan revolution, the expansion of NATO and the Affordable Care Act—and I’m sure they will again.
Wow. The Reagan Revolution? You know if it hadn’t been for smart people like Drezner, people would have had no idea that cutting taxes and government was a good idea. And it took real genius to give us a new cold war and do grave damage to everyone’s health insurance. Every day I have more and more contempt for intellectuals. I just loath these people.
Like universities, think tanks are welfare programs for the well credentialed.
Landing spots for the idiot sons and daughters of America’s elite. Send junior to Heritage or Brookings so he is not home running the family business into the ground.
I believe that’s called the Ben Rhodes plan.
Real intellectuals are fine. People who call themselves that strictly on the basis that they’re left wing apologists are insufferable.
Some guy walked by with a shirt by Nine Line Apparel. Despite the name, it wasn’t cut open or covered in blood.
How Classified T-Shirts Secretly Became the U.S.’s Fastest Growing Online Apparel Retailer
The United State Department of Justice has issued subpoenas to force a Christian pastor in Virginia to disclose under oath his views on Islam.
Pastor Steve Harrelson of the Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church in Boston, Virginia, has been served with a wide-ranging subpoena by lawyers for the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division. The subpoena demands his presence to testify under oath in response to questions from Justice Department lawyers about his views on Islam as well as several other issues:
All of that even though Harrelson is not the subject of any kind of legal action.
The question I have is whether Sessions supports this shit or is just too fucking lazy and incompetent to put a stop to it? Yes, I know it can be both. But it likely is one or the other.
We’re all Canadians now…..
I’m willing to entertain exceptions but the only ones who should be compelled to testify by the government should be government employees.
What the hell? This is an egregious violation of religious liberty
It will be an inconvience to have to show up, but when he does, I hope he says this:
“I will plead the Fifth to any question asked of me. Even what my name is. Now, how much time are you planning to waste with this?”
It would probably work better than the “I am the Natural Man” defense.
Sessions ain’t got time for that bullshit, he’s out to slay him some maree-wanner monsters. “please, please Mr. President, you promised I could go after some children using medical maree-wanner, you promised!”. SF should put the lawn gnome in an episode of hat and hair.
We can raise the minimum wage arbitrarily and it has no effect on anything ever.
Why do liberals hate poor people?
Every day ask this out loud in public. We cannot drive this point home hard enough.
They’ve already gotten to admit that they don’t like white people without college degrees, so it shouldn’t be too hard to convince them to hate every other race of people without college degrees, right?
Wife and I were approaching the entrance of a pretty well known restaurant close to here when I noticed a small gang of people all dressed in red standing around the entrance and handing out flyers to people. I started walking around to avoid them when one of the women stepped right out in front of us, blocking our way. She shoves this flyer at me and said some bullshit about supporting the local seafood workers and $15 an hour. I said ‘Why would you ask me to help you lose your job and make seafood so expensive that I can’t go out to enjoy it?’. She seemed at a loss for words and so I said ‘You do know there was an effort here to do just that and your mayor vetoed it, excuse me please’. Not a word out of her. My wife says I’m mean.
That’s terrible. They were way better than Phantom Canyon.
Fun fact: the head of the Stupid Pretentious Lie Center has a rickshaw
This shiny thing-a-mabob with the #20 on it is described as “A poolside rickshaw at the home of Morris Dees and Susan Starr in Montgomery, Ala,” because nothing screams Equality! like a fancy rickshaw.
sadly, the pics are no more
A look at the recent numbers reported by SPLC is highly informative. With net assets of $238 million as of the close of its last fiscal year, the SPLC is among the wealthiest of civil rights and advocacy organizations. Despite this endowment, the SPLC often implies that it is on the verge of cutting back operations vital to the quest for equality and civil rights due to lack of funds. Yet it spends almost 19% of its annual budget on fundraising each year despite the fact its net assets are already an extremely healthy seven times annual expenses. Note that this 19% figure is under cost allocation rules that allow some solicitations to pass as program expenses because educational material is included with the solicitation.
Last year, the SPLC generated a surplus of $4.1 million on revenues of $38.7 million. CEO J. Richard Cohen makes $299K/year, and editor in chief of the SPLC Intelligence Report and Hatewatch blog Mark Potok makes $150K/year. Chief Trial Counsel Morris Dees, age 74, makes $305K/year. I wonder how many hours Dees spent on trial preparation compared to fundraising. The title Dees carries is Chief Trial Counsel, yet his chief bailiwick has always been direct mail marketing.
Please slap anyone you know who gives money to these asshats.
Oooh, oooh, I call slapping Clooney and his wife!!
Awww, cut the Clooneys some slack. They’re neither Southern nor know anything about Poverty or Law, hence they’re perfect candidates to donate cash to the SPLC.
My employer sent an e-mail a week or so ago telling us that blah blah blah, togetherness, Charlottesville, and that they were making a donation to the SPLC and that they encouraged us all to do the same.
I then made a donation to the SPLC. The good SPLC.
I have no clue why this happened, but apparently that link is bad but works fine (without the www in front).
The first like was https (the “s” is for secure) but the site doesn’t have a valid SSL cert. The second link works because it uses http instead.
I know what the s is for. I’m used to typing it for everything, so I did it without thinking.
GOP Establishment screeching in terror once again by the Secret Nazi rube:
Meet some of the least sympathetic people on earth; pot growers butt hurt over post legalization low pot prices.
After decades of dodging law enforcement and fighting for legalization, U.S. marijuana growers face a new challenge: depressed prices. From Washington state to Colorado, wholesale cannabis prices have tumbled as dozens of states legalized the drug for recreational and medicinal uses, seeding a boom in marijuana production. The market is still tiny compared with the U.S. tobacco industry’s $119 billion in annual retail sales, but the nascent cannabis business has grown to more than $6 billion a year at retail. For marijuana smokers, the price drop is sweet news. But for growers —- ranging from high-tech warehouse operations to backcountry pot farmers gone legit -— the price drop has been painful.
Sorry dude. If growing the shit no longer entails risking life in prison, you no longer get to charge a premium for doing that. Dumb ass.
What? No premium for growing herbs?
Practicing advanced gardening doesn’t pay very well. Who knew?
Wait till there’s factory mj farms and Monsanto dope. The gnashing and rending will be delightful.
GMO frankenweed. Killing potheads by the ton.
We need a department of… oh wait, we already have one. We need marijuana subsidies to pay people not to grow it so we can keep prices up! And only illegal Mexicans making $15 an hour to harvest and cure it!
No way this would work for other drugs though. They’re different, you see, so the War on Drugs must go on, even if it does enrich organized criminals, make gangs more dangerous for police and public, result in the deaths of countless innocents, etc.
Great moments in organized crime
One of the mafia’s scams was running gas stations and not paying the taxes. They’d run the place for a year and then when tax time came around, they’d just close up open up somewhere else.
Shortly before Phillip Moskowitz was murdered, Federal agents secretly recorded the Brooklyn gasoline wholesaler as he explained to another dealer how the Mafia shared in the theft of perhaps as much as $1 billion a year in Federal gasoline taxes in the New York metropolitan region.
”They got it all locked up,” said Mr. Moskowitz, whose death was linked to suspicions that he was a Government informant. ”You can’t do any squawking. You can’t do any hollering. That’s their dope, and they split it between three families.”
The dealers, he said, collected the 9 cents in Federal taxes as part of the price of each gallon of gasoline they sold to retailers. Instead of turning the revenues over to the Government as required by law, the dealers kept 8 cents from each gallon and passed along at least 1 cent to the Mafia, Mr. Moskowitz explained. Dummy Companies
The tax evaders, called bootleggers, cheat by creating dummy companies and false documents indicating that one of those companies has collected the taxes. When the Government seeks out the companies and the taxes, both have evaporated.
And, or course, they would never think of solving the problem by eliminating the gas tax.
Or if they insist on collecting, collect monthly or quarterly.
whose death was linked to suspicions that he was a Government informant
Wait a minute, so we’re not using the Seth Rich standard today?
Phil Moskowitz, lovable rogue?
Looks like the Washington Post’s Sally Quinn might be pretty freaky for an upper-class white woman. She sounds like kind of a good time. Who knew?
We are long, long past the day when Sally Quinn and her late husband Ben Bradlee, the legendary Washington Post editor, were arbiters of Washington social life. But Quinn, now in her mid-70s, has found a way to keep her name in public. In this delicious Washingtonian profile by Michelle Cottle, Quinn outs herself as an occultist. No, really. And there’s more:
* * * * * * *
Ouija boards, astrological charts, palm reading, talismans—Quinn embraces it all. And yes, she has been in contact with her husband since his passing. Through a medium. Repeatedly.
Some friends have voiced reservations that Quinn is now showing all her cards, so to speak. “Don’t play up the voodoo too much,” one implored. But Sally does nothing by halves. She reveals that, in her less mellow days, she put hexes on three people who promptly wound up having their lives ruined, or ended.
The first, cast in 1969, was spurred by old-fashioned jealousy. Some exotic beauty at a Halloween party inspired lust in Quinn’s beau at the time—and then killed herself just days after Sally cast her spell.
Her second victim was Clay Felker, the longtime editor of New York magazine who oversaw a brutal profile of Quinn in 1973, just before her catastrophic debut on the CBS Morning News. Quinn hexed Felker not long after flaming out at CBS and returning to Washington. “Some time afterward, Rupert Murdoch bought New York magazine in a hostile takeover, and Felker was out,” she writes. “Clay never recovered professionally. Worse, he got cancer, which ultimately caused his death.”
Target number three: a shady psychic who, the autumn after Quinn Bradlee was born, ran afoul of Sally’s maternal instincts. The woman dropped dead before year’s end.
So either everyone in this article drinks lemon scented bleach as a hobby or the woman is guilty of murder. Pick one.
I am going with the former.
Lemon scented or flavored?
Great comment on this piece at instapundit.
TheEIusiveRobertDenby • a few seconds ago
Rodney Stark in his book (blurbed previously at Instapundit) The Triumph of Faith gets into all of this. Atheists in Iceland believe in invisible wilderness elves. Communist atheists in China will have rites to their ancestors. American atheists will believe in UFOs, etc.
Christianity has been oft remarked (even by Secularists) as a “memetic vaccination” against this mischegoss. A Christian’s mystical beliefs are focused on one God, one Spirit, one (actually rather flexible) theory of cosmology, and one destination for the afterlife. So-called secularist don’t get that structure, and will seek mysticism, to paraphrase the Tanach, on every high place and every tree and crossroad. The only thing worse than organized religion is disorganized religion.
John is prepping to tell us he sees dead people.
Great because it’s hilariously backwards? I agree.
Christians don’t believe in weird shit like elves or UFOs. They believe in perfectly reasonable stuff like talking bushes and the devil.
I hear flat-earth belief is making a comeback, and young earth creationism never went away.
And of course all the atheists/agnostics I know (self included), believe in other spiritual mumbo jumbo. Just as long as it’s not religious, apparently we’ll believe it.
You gotta become a christian to get rid of all that shit, Riven. No christian believes in any of that superstitions claptrap like astrology or knocking on wood or walking under a ladder or bad luck from breaking mirrors.
That’s a very weirdly structured set of Christian chauvinism. You can’t but trip over saints, candles and shrines in the Christian world. The patron saint of England slew a dragon if I recall properly. Angels, demonology, eschatology, glossolalia, snake handling…Have you been in a church book store? Did you sleep through the Satanic ritual abuse nonsense?
Look at these loonies that believe in curses and ghosts! Now excuse me, I have to go to the invisible sky daddy’s building and give money to his Vizier.
Don’t forget to abide by a very specific (and sometimes bizarre) set of rules or you’ll go to some mystical plane of existence for punishment for eternity. Good times.
Look it’s super weird that those yellah folks have ancestral rites. Excuse me while I go leave flowers on the grave of my husband for his birthday, his rotting corpse will really love them.
Where did the Bad Christian touch you?
Uh…No. I dont beleive in magic of any kind. The word ‘supernatural’ has a specific meaning.
Somehow she only remembers the three that “worked”. She probably “hexed” someone once a month for 30 years.
Remember all of the Pizzagate crazies claimed that a bunch of the Washington social elite were Satanists. Well, maybe that was such a crazy notion after all.
She turned me into a newt.
A newt?
Ummmmmm, ok.
University of Mississippi Ends Fraternity Retreat Early After Participant Threw Banana Peel Into a Tree
Some students perceived it as a racist act
I’m going to go with the students who perceived that as racism are probably the racists themselves. I can’t imagine going through life and tying every banana I see to black people.
You and I see a banana peel in a tree and think “what jackass didn’t throw that in the trash?”. The Progressive enlightened see it and think “banana means gorilla and that means black people”. But you and I are the racist ones.
I hope these people never encounter a banana tree.
Previously posted, but what the hell.
Only racists can hear “dog whistles” from the President.
The left tells us that they can hear the President’s “dog whistles”.
I saw that stoy this morning and said that exact thing to my wife, word for word. I see a banana and I think ‘fruit’. Who the hell sees a banana and thinks racism?
My kids leave banana peels all over the place. Apparently they are racists.
Sounds like your kids live in a Tom and Jerry cartoon
Hopefully you haven’t eaten yet.
Dude. All your other links made me click on that. *Goes back to Kate Upton pic #41 again.*
Next time I’ll include a TW.
I was thinking your warning meant hottie crotch shots.
Titty warning.
GAO Report to the Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, House of Representatives Actions Needed to More Effectively Manage Outgoing Mail
What the fuck are these people mailing?
“typographical errors”
Yep…straight to their local PostNet to mail, owned by a cousin…
Everyone knows the only way to get the mail from the hospital to the post office is by Ferrari. It’s just part of the expense of mailing things.
It costs a little more, but its worth it.
They’re doing the work of the government. In a Ferrari, they can just do it faster.
Chances that absolutely nothing happened and it wasn’t even investigated?
If I accidentally try to expense $4 instead of $3 for the hotel housekeeper tip, I get immediately flagged and reamed by our accounting department. The VA doesn’t even live in the same universe as the private sector.
Actually, I’ve really just given up expensing things like that since I usually pay more out of pocket anyway. My point still stands though.
Pretty good, but the IG has a bit of queue at the moment.
At one of my engineering jobs, the maintenance dept had regular meetings that mainly consisted of arguing about discrepancy between what was reported vs. what was promised vs what was done. At my last engineering job, the management insisted on tracking everything with this horrible German program called SAP even though they ignored 99% of what was entered and most of that was bullshit anyway. Then on top of that, they had key process indicators which were just amalgams of the bullshit numbers.
I don’t understand the fetish for tracking and complicated procedures. It’s a waste of time when people just end up pencil whipping everything.
Pick the most important quantities, optimize them, ignore the rest. It’s impossible to optimize a system for every variable.
I had a conversation with an old engineer once about how dumb it was for each step of a process to try to optimize itself. It’s entirely possible that optimizing process A will cause problems at process B for an overall loss. The correct method would be to change only one process at a time and then look at the overall change. He agreed, but said that in practice your boss judges you by the processes you run and not the big picture.
You should check out The Goal by Goldratt. He summarizes this problem nicely.
It’s idiot MBA’s trying to implement process improvements that work on a factory floor in an office setting.
Except on a factory floor, you are trying to optimize getting consistent results with highly repetitive tasks.
Which of course is exactly like working with professionals in an office where the tasks and challenges vary day to day and even – gasp – within a given day.
I heard a story about a manager trying to apply cpk stuff to attendance. Of course, cpk is only valid for stable processes and attendance does not fit that. An engineer tried to talk him out of it.
No matter. He had his 6 Sigma training, and he was gonna use it come hell or high water.
I have come to admire that governor of Hong Kong who banned the collection of statistics. His reasoning is that they were always used to justify some stupid program so it was best not to collect them at all.
It’s even worse when your job is ONLY Process A and you get graded on how well that process is optimized. There is no incentive to consider the people stuck in the subsequent processes. And in most organizations the processes have their own managers/directors and the personal pecking order determines who gets an efficient process and who has to pay for it.
“Hey, I just saved $75,000 K a year by firing the travel agent. Everybody books their own stuff and we just reimburse.”
“NO, dumbass. You just cost the company 100K annually by making every employee spend 2 hours shopping for fares OR buying whatever they felt like at a higher price than an experienced travel agent would get, forcing them to keep more receipts and taking more time creating each expense report, and costing the accountants to spend more time on each expense report.”
“Not my budget, I don’t care. And I out-rank you.”
I once calculated my company was spending about $500/hr on meetings on whether to buy a $3,000 machine. Pretty sure they spent more on the meetings than on the machine.
[head desk]
Plenty of dumb things go on in small businesses and big corporations, although the need to turn a profit puts a limit on stupidity.
My agency sent a SES, three GS-15s, and two GS-14s to a series of four, hour long meetings. While this only totals a couple thousand dollars, I still question the costs – the end result of those meetings was to add a comma to the title of a division of my agency. It went from Readiness and Operations Support to Readiness, Operations, and Support.
Great use of time and money there…
I get VA mail for the last tenants all the time – including prescriptions – and I moved in 10 months ago – and I know they moved just a couple blocks away – just don’t know exactly where. I normally just write in sharpie on the front “Doesn’t live here anymore” or “Wrong Address – AGAIN” before I stick it back in the mailbox.
That agency is a friggin’ cancer – hopefully I never have to deal directly with them.
Kristen Stewart manages to look almost fully human.
Was that supposed to arouse me?
If you are into chicks who look like they have been on a heroin bender for the last week, sure.
We know what arouses you.
*pours Lablatt Blue on ice rink and Chelios scrapes up some on skate to offer Rufus*
I don’t drink Labatt or Molson.
Unibrouwe’s Fin du Monde?
She has a vacant face. Like she has no soul or is animated by a puppet master.
She just a very advanced sex robot. Clearly they still have some kinks to work out.
They are beta testing a more life like model in LA.
Eyes still vacant but hawt.
Model? She looks good but she seems a like chubby for the usual model.
Square hips, lose
She always looks like she’s needs a suicide watch over something incredibly minor. You don’t have to kill yourself just yet, Kristen! It turns out they have more fires they can put in the fryer!
Waffle fries?
Are you trying to get her to kill herself?!?
She’s a very handsome boy.
Handsome Boy Modeling School grad!
I was always more Team Alice than Team Bella.
Nice selection of links. ?
Yes, it’s a clear strategy to become a moderator. The real long game.
Throws apple stolen from teacher’s desk at Pomp.
And POOF! the judge has already dismissed it!
Not that these petitions mean anything, but this one is pretty funny.
Stossel’s last show, featuring his greatest hits
heh- he actually says “time for another costume!”
The New Yorker looks down from their ivory tower and sneers at the yokels in flyover.
Not an ivory tower so much as a tree house. And not sneering so much mad that no one is climbing up to join them.
How exactly, were these efforts were going to keep the chemical storage from exploding?
Because of all the top men, silly.
The tanks that exploded contained organic peroxides that require cooling from electricity. They had back-up power from generators, but the floods took them out.
I suppose the regulators could have forced the companies to spend oodles of money in order to create system of flood-proof generators. That is unlikely as the companies would just have lobbied against them.
So to answer your rhetorical question, more regs would not have helped.
What it boils down to is do you spend money now to protect against a flood that might happen or do you take your chances and pay for the damage? In many places, the second option wins out.
If only there was a market solution for taking on risks, maybe we could call it insurance.
No silly insurance is where you force people to pay for others who are already sick.
Obama would have just issued an order preventing the explosion. DUH!!!
No, under Obama, the tides began to recede. There would be no flooding.
My Lord that guy was a blowhard. How did the Reason editorial staff fall for his bullshit?
The article seems to be ” Those libertsrians are right about everything”
The only thing this guy should be charge of is wiping the snot from his nose and even then should have an adult to supervise him.
It isn’t politics, sugartits. You’re observing some of the inherent limitations to the concept of an all-protective Daddy.
That’s a weird paragraph. He’s highlighting how effective private, voluntary rescue efforts are, yet he seems to want to go back to government “solutions”.
The government is like a football team to these people. They’ve chosen their side, and they will stick by them no matter how poorly they perform.
This kind of shit really pisses me off. I watched government’s utter failure to deal with real crisis with Katrina. It was stunning. Not only was government completely useless they actively made the situation worse. I found it impossible to believe the things I was seeing were not deliberate and malicious.
When the shit hits the fan the last thing you want is some government slug showing up to ‘help’.
Commie rag should go fuck themselves.
*looks at name*
*skulks away*
Saw this mentioned in Morning Links, but was too late to add, yes, Charlie Hebdo did have a satirical cover devoted to Nazis and floods. Spiked had it as a part of an article about the Barcelona cover they also did.
My interpretation: they are provocateurs and deliberately put up a cover in bad taste to say “Hey, lefties, admit that the flood gives you a boner. It’s like your antifa on mass scale!” I mean, ffs, who Sieg Heils while drowning?!
The Barcelona cover is even more obvious: “How many times will you repeat the same platitudes? Oh, every time? OK then.”
I didn’t see it that way but it is open to interpretation I suppose. I wonder what the gist of the article related to the cover was.
who Sieg Heils while drowning?!
If they are close to the surface, everybody. In hopes someone grabs their arm. If we are going on the assumption every hand raised is a sieg heil of course. Which then makes many students with a question Nazis.
Hence why I never asked questions.
I propose we take away their free speech rights, as they are completely mean.
TL;DR ACLU were actually Commies only pretending to support free speech in principle and for Nazi’s in particular to provide a fig leaf for the true cause of empowering unions. But it didn’t work so we should start rolling back all that nonsense. There are zero lefties right now who would be mass arrested and suppressed if we made it easier to go after people who organize in public for political purposes.
Epic Gilmoring
Do you want a meme war? Cause that’s how you get a meme war.
Mere war? We want a meme JIHAD!
She’s innocent!
Is it just me or does her lawyer look like a homeless bag lady?
The woman’s a saint I tell’s ya.
Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?
Also. Love the defense: it’s the cops fault for not stepping in to keep the peace sooner. Aka it’s the cops fault for not stopping me sooner. That’s practically an admission of guilt, and a seems like a crappy defense. I get she doesn’t have a lot to go on, but don’t about there was wrong doing, cause the prosector will treat you alive.
Eat not treat.
So you say….
An interesting article on what looks like a new frontier for Google censorship and revenue throttling for those who have been following this creeping problem. They are apparently threatening ad revenue on nonGoogle websites over individual articles now.
Not good.
Don’tbe evil!You know we constantly push the private corporation over government narrative but I think we’re gonna get hoisted by our own petard on this one. The progressives own the big tech corps and have no problem using them as weapons against the wrongthinkers.
Google isn’t the only game in town, and doing shit like this directly undercuts their bottom line by chasing away customers. Their board can either put an end to it or watch the ship spring even more leaks.
The day I see google post a loss I might agree.
I know what you’re saying, but there was a time when a sears-Kmart merger was blocked because they were so dominant. I can’t even find a Kmart anymore.
I can’t even find a Kmart anymore.
But why would you want to?
I need a new double barrel shotgun.
Isn’t that what Walmart is for? You live in Florida, I assumed everyone in FL existed in some variation of the plot to Where the Heart Is.
Why would a film about Oklahoma make you think about Floridians? Also, why was Natalie Portman a decent child actor, but horrible adult actor?
Why would a film about Oklahoma make you think about Floridians?
I’ve only been in a few Walmarts and one of them was in FL. Y’all are inextricably linked now.
Fun fact: the Walmart by my house is a tour destination for Brazilians looking for cheap souvenirs. Literally bus loads of Brazilians. I almost never go to Walmart now.
Not even to stare at the hot Brazilian bunda?
I’d have my own bus out there and hope some hot brazilian women aren’t paying attention.
Ask her nipples, which seem to be perpetually erect.
Fuck off Elitist
I was gonna say the same thing. I think back to Blockbuster; back in the late ’90s they were so dominant they were gouging the living shit out of everyone. Now, dead. Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition. The internet is all about the free flow of information and if there’s anything that could kill a company like Google it’s gaining a reputation as a repressive force.
Exactly. They are playing with fire.
Go watch You’ve Got Mail. It features Tom Hanks as president of Borders and he woos Meg Ryan with AOL.
Borders and AOL. Ponder this on the Tree of Woe.
The problem with this is Google can afford to buy out emerging competitors or lobby lawmakers to crush them with burdensome regulations. Here’s a pretty good article from WaPo of all places. I don’t agree with all the remedies prescribed in the article but this is definitely becoming more of a problem.
They can only buy out competitors willing to sell.
Tell that to the people that invented engines that run on water!
/conspiracy nut
Conservatives should stop using google and start a new search engine or use Bing or whatever. Tell their story far and wide.
Duck Duck Go
Already switched to it.
Damn straight! The only way to go.
Thumbs up – been using it for ages.
How is their business model supposed to work?
Ads at the top of search results.
How are they supposed to serve me properly if they don’t get my sweet sweet metadata?
Maybe someone else has made this point, but there’s another aspect to that Comey-Clinton story that shows what a duplicitous piece of crap he is. He said he decided to make his public announcement on the matter because the DOJ had compromised itself after the Bill-Lynch meeting on the tarmac. That did not happen until June, yet he was already putting together his statement in fucking May.
Nothing is going to happen to Hillary, but I’d really like to see this assholes reputation end up where it belongs. It says a lot that he was able to craft such a sterling reputation for integrity in the Washington bubble despite a long trail of evidence that he’s never been anything but your typical scumbag lawyer type willing to do anything to accumulate power for himself.
Pretty much everyone thought this guy should be fired until Trump actually did it, then he became a martyr to the anti-Trump cause, and a goddamn national hero.
SPLC Warns of ‘Turmoil and Bloodshed’ With New Map Identifying Confederate Monuments, Cities, MIDDLE SCHOOLS
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a far-left outfit that labels mainstream conservative organizations “hate groups” and whose “hate map” inspired a terrorist attack in 2012, has released a map of every Confederate monument in America. But the map does not just include statues: it also lists towns, cities, counties, and even middle schools that bear the names of Confederate generals.
“More than 1,500 Confederate monuments stand in communities like Charlottesville with the potential to unleash more turmoil and bloodshed,” the SPLC posted with the map (emphasis added). “It’s time to take them down” (emphasis original).
The post urges visitors to send a letter to the editor of their local newspaper. “White supremacists incited deadly violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, last week in defense of a Confederate monument. We must show the country that [your city’s or county’s name] gives no safe harbor to such hatred. We must remove the monument at [location],” the sample letter read.
“If our government continues to pay homage to the Confederacy, people of color can never be sure they will be treated fairly,” the letter continued. “And we will never solve our community’s problems if an entire group of citizens is alienated or feels targeted for discrimination.”
As is often the case when the SPLC takes up a cause, this issue is far from clear cut. An NPR/PBS News/Marist poll found that 62 percent of Americans supported leaving “statues honoring leaders of the Confederacy” standing. At the same time, 86 percent of those in the poll said they disagreed with white supremacy and 73 percent said they disagreed with white nationalists.
Even African Americans favored keeping the statues (44 percent to 40 percent). Indeed, a group in Dallas organized to protect Confederate statues — and the members are mostly African-American.
“I’m not intimidated by Robert E. Lee’s statue. I’m not intimidated by it. It doesn’t scare me,” former city council member Sandra Crenshaw, a black woman, told CBS Dallas-Fort Worth. “We don’t want America to think that all African Americans are supportive of” removing the statues. She denounced as “misguided” the idea that “by taking a statue down, that’s going to erase racism.”
Can we get the SPLC designated a hate group? I think that would be orgasmically awesome.
They’ve encouraged more violence than the vast majority of groups they designate as spreading hate. But, unfortunately, we can’t get them designated as what they are because we don’t matter. Only important people in the beltway can properly police wrongthink like that.
OMG please let their dodgy finances sink them. please. I want to see FBI carting their records away and slapping all those inciting hatemongers into handcuffs.
Also, fuck them for putting any schools on that list.
Sessions won’t even go after antifa who are beating the shit out of Trump supporters so I wouldn’t hold my breath.
There are medical pot growers out there that must be stopped! Keep your priorities straight!
As long as we’re RICOing OFA, Antifa and Open Societies Foundation, might as well add SPLC to the list.
The SPLC is not all bad.
Remember that time they cured Southern poverty?
amusing musical interlude
Everyone’s gone serfdom, Serfdom USA
Whos is the redhead? Asking for my penis.
I need further proof that she’s a redhead.
+1 matching carpet
Naomi Brockwell. Well-known libertarian babe.
Who’s the redhead asking for my penis?
She’s cute – is that an Aussie accent?
As easy as it is to make fun of Slate and their seriously unprofessional coverage a la Trump, it still remains my go to liberal news source.
“In these stories we see influential Democrats…abetting the truth-suppressing impulses of an omnicorporation and a Russia affiliated gangster government.” (Former Ukrainian regime)
They are not incapable of criticizing their own.
Only when it’s convenient for them. Clinton is out and done. Podesta is disgraced and will never have so much power again. They are fair game. They knew all of these same things the entire time they were crying collusion after Hillary lost. And they will forget this piece exists the moment after they post it and the majority of what they write will blatantly contradict it. Often explicitly so.
I was long-time commentor and after November 9 I’ve weaned myself from that poisonous teat. The TDS took many of my internet friends. It used to be a lefty-centrist gathering place with lotsa joking and gibes but is now a wasteland. The remainders spew out a hackneyed Trump joke every third comment in order to stay relevant in the steaming crab-pot. It all went down hill when one of their most respected writers (that would actually join the commentariat) decided that she feels more like a boy than a girl. Cool, more power to ya but did your editorial stance have to transition along with the rest of your body? It has become Salon Jr. I’ve never been banned but that is due to fact that now I’m just a lurker on Game of Thrones threads and the like. Sad.
not even past the first paragraph.
i’m supposed to take this person seriously? If this is the kind of throat-clearing necessary to appeal to the Slate audience, its fucking retarded. basically, no one over there would even listen unless you speak the ritual-Trump-Hate workds … like some sort of latin-incantation of loyalty to your in-group secret society.
and the main criticism they’re making of Podesta et al is that they’re *not partisan enough*…. because as lobbyists they worked for interests that were suspiciously right-wing.
And the complaint they have against New America, and these industry funded think tanks, is that they’re too submissive to the industries that fund them. iow, they seem to think that left-wing academics are somehow owed corporate-funding for their cushy jobs, which they use as platforms to advocate against the interests of those donors.
Basically, the essence of their ‘self-criticism’ is that dem political hacks aren’t purer-leftists
not really impressed.
That is a hilarious sentence.
Poker player: Money talks bullshit walks.
*Adds westernsloper to the hate list*
Oh, look. Senate Judiciary Committee confirms the fix was in on the Clinton FBI investigation
This is why the FBI should be disbanded and the whole lot of them given walking papers. Re-hire the good ones under the new department of Constitutional Enforcement Bureau. Go after inalienable rights and enumerated powers violations only. That is the only purpose that is justified for a federal law enforcement agency.
Did BuSab Agent make it over to Glibs from the other site?
Kind of. She showed up early on but hasn’t been around since ~March, which bums me out, She’s one of my favorites.
*throws monkey wrench into cogs of government* for BuSab.
I am not familiar with BuSab Agent. I have not the extended history over there at whats its place as some of you.
Sorry, was more wondering out loud. Your comment reminded me of her namesake.
“CONFIRMED: Comey Decided He Wasn’t Going to Refer Hillary For Prosecution Long Before FBI Investigation Was Over”
Here’s my take on it. Hillary lost. Something beyond her wildest belief. She literally had not even one tiniest bit of doubt that she’d already won. The media said so. All the cool wonks were betting on it. It was a done deal. And then she lost. So there went her complete avoidance of ever being prosecuted for anything, ever again, forever. So she conjured up all of her best and closest allies and decided to stir up a wild mass hysteria about Russians. Hey, when people are desperate, the conjure up some crazy shit. Ever watch those true crime shows? But surely that would do it, her worries would be over. All of the attention would be on Trump and the Russians who ‘hacked our democracy’, until the Donald was done and she was inevitably crowned the rightful queen. And it wouldn’t take long. He’d probably be done before he ever took the oath of office. Only it didn’t happen. And now the hens have come home to roost.
She’s intergalactic Rick Sanchez Teflon. She’ll never be held to account for anything.
She wouldn’t the first person in history who thought they were untouchable and met a sudden demise.
We can only hope…
A bus don’t care what color you are.
I was thinking the same thing. People are untouchable until they aren’t. Bigger pieces of shit than the Clintons have gone down the drain.
I took the time to read the article and its a bunch of “ooh this is bad, data is important, these companies have too much power” and the last paragraph makes a weak attempt at pointing at “natural monopolies” (ugh) of power and railway and saying “this is what we need to do because PROFIT IS BAD”
the headline is the true goal of Network Neutrality, but the article is a good example of feelz-first policy positions
Sheep to the slaughter. The biggest collection of power and monopoly the world has ever seen is the US government. Ok, in modern times, there has of course been powerful organizations before, like the Roman Empire. The fact that these people want to give even more power to the entity that already has more power than anyone else and the means to back it up with deadly force, is a testament to their stupidity.
Those companies only have power over people who choose to use their services.
The only Google products I use are Gmail and Hangouts, and I don’t think those are big moneymakers.
Everything on Amazon can be found in brick-and-mortar stores or on one of the countless other online retailers.
Facebook is retarded and I have never used it at all.
I agree, but I often like to play the devil’s advocate and think “well, i’m sure this attitude is the same of people who didn’t have electricity when everyone was being hooked up” but then i quickly realize things that electricity brings like light and heat are more in Mazlow territory than anything facebook or google brings.
either people don’t realize this in which case they’re delusional or they do in which case they’re actually pushing for less freedom
Whenever I heard about the impending doom of automation making us all unemployed I try to point out how disruptive electricity and the industrial revolution was. There’s almost no jobs from the past that remain or weren’t significantly altered.
Peoples wants are endless, no matter how much they have, they always want more- and getting the more is the job market.
Just look at a third world country compared to a first. The third world has plenty of needs, but not more jobs.
OT: I saw some boxes of matzo ball mix on clearance at the supermarket, so I dumped all 11 boxes into my cart. I’m simmering some matzo balls with chicken right now.
But what else can you do with these things?
coat them in panko and fry them? if you have a steamer basket you could put stuff inside of them maybe and have mazto-bao, if you can figure out how to keep them together
par boil them and let dry before fry/steam
matzo ball soup is the shit
I don’t eat it because it reminds me of the time this total dickhead made me smear lamb’s blood on my door just so he wouldn’t hurt my kid.
Yeah, Yahweh made a lot of dick moves in his youth, but having a kid seemed to mellow him out a little.