Ten years ago, there were numerous articles written about the poor financial state of California during the governorship of Gray Davis and, later, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The State’s financial position deteriorated to the point that bond rating agency Moody’s downgraded the state to the ‘BBB’ range, or just above ‘junk bond status’. This was the first time in the post-Great Depression era that a US state was assigned such a low rating. Since that time, the State has raised taxes to stabilize its finances, and Illinois’ poor financial position has become the topic of conversation. However, California still faces some obstacles going forward, which are primarily driven by its massive Medicaid system (estimates suggest that one in three Californians are enrolled in the Medicaid system) and the State’s reliance on capital gains taxes.
California’s Current Financial Position
I’m sure this is so battered because it’s been used a lot…
As of the end of the 2016 fiscal year, the State boasted a positive General Fund balance. This is the first time that the State has recorded a positive fund balance in more than ten years and represents a marked improvement from the State’s weakest financial position in fiscal year 2012, when it held a General Fund balance representing negative 26% of total revenue.
The State’s largest source of revenue is its personal income tax which represents 46% of total revenues. Intergovernmental revenue, which is primarily revenue provided by the federal government (mainly Medicaid funding), represents 42% of total revenue and sales taxes represents 12% of total revenue. For the current fiscal year, the State forecasts a slight increase in sales tax receipts and no growth for income tax and intergovernmental revenues. Those projections are 2% lower than previous estimates.
The State’s largest expenditure is Health and Human Services (Medicaid) which represents 52% of total expenditures. Education represents 32% of total expenditures and is the State’s second largest expenditure. For the current fiscal year the State now forecasts total expenditures to grow by 2.5% over previous projections, including 4% growth for Medicaid and 2% growth for education.
The State’s largest pension system, the State Teacher’s Retirement System, is 63% funded. Total pension, other post-employment benefits, and debt service costs account for 10% of total State expenditures, which is an average fixed cost. Due to recently passed legislation, the State, local communities, and school districts will face increased pension contributions going forward. At 3.2%, the State’s debt levels, in comparison to other states, are above average.
Current and Projected Deficits
Deficit projections for the current fiscal year come in between $400 million to $1.6 billion (representing roughly 1% of total revenues). Additionally, budget estimates for the upcoming fiscal year are forecasting another deficit. The projected imbalances are being driven by the above-referenced flat to possibly declining income tax revenues coupled with growth in the State’s Medicaid system.
Declining income tax revenues are driven primarily by declines in the State’s capital gains tax (which accounts for 10% of the State’s revenue). Over the past two years capital gains revenue has dropped more than 7%. California’s reliance on capital gains taxes has long made the state susceptible to the variability of market conditions and any economic downturn is expected to negatively impact the State’s overall revenues.
Spending reduction is for chumps
Growth in State expenditures is largely being driven by tremendous growth in the State’s Medicaid system. After the passage of federal healthcare reform in 2010 California’s Medicaid system has seen substantial enrollment growth, including a 14% increase in enrollment between 2013 and 2016. Current estimates suggest that one in three Californians are enrolled in the State Medicaid system. Any federal funding reductions to Medicaid would have a substantial negative impact on the State’s financial position.
To address these budget imbalances Governor Brown has proposed reductions in State revenues for local school districts and state universities. In the past, the State has pursued a similar strategy to address budget deficits. The reductions in State revenue are expected to have a disproportionate impact on school districts that rely heavily on state funding and are already financially weak. These school districts likely will face state funding reductions combined with state mandated increases in pension payments.
The State’s financial position remains adequate, though some financial deterioration may occur in the near term. Local California governments that would be most impacted by reduced state funding would be local school districts that are already reliant on state support and have already been experiencing financial strain. Proposed federal funding reductions for the State Medicaid system would pose a significant challenge for California and would further exacerbate expected deficits.
If no federal reductions in Medicaid occurs, the State’s financial position is expected to remain adequate, but deficits are likely in the near term. Local school districts (which are heavily reliant on state funding) are most likely to be effected by any State deficits going forward.
How can we isolate the rest of the country from California?
some sort of wall?
Wall’s not good enough, I think we need a moat. With alligators.
Silly Q.
Dig the moat, use the earth to build a rampart, put the wall atop the rampart. Then release the alligators.
I’ve heard Lefties mumbling about secession since Trump is president.
I say go right ahead. Pro-liberty people – particularly gun owners – have been saying for years that it would be better to just let California become its own country (although ideally, the major metro areas would be their own countries so that they’re no longer lording over the rural areas of the state).
Nope. California’s basically not responsible enough to allow secession. Ignoring as you note the Jefferson question, and the illegal immigration problems that you’ll immediately have thanks to a lax California in comparison to the U.S., there’s foreign policy concerns. Namely, California is going to need a bailout and China will be probably too happy to oblige. In exchange for stationing troops and building bases there.
That’s why we kick the cities out and fortify the smaller border – make it more difficult to enter from New California than it is across existing borders.
As for the Chinese boogieman – make them choose between water and the Chinese.
Except that will already have happened.
The Civil War sealed the deal of secession. California secedes, their bases flip immediately back to USNORTHCOM or are militarily eliminated, the tanks roll in, New California fails in a week. The possibility of foreign nations with force projection sites in North America are too much of a risk to be allowed to exist for any period of time.
You misunderstand me.
I’m not talking about California leaving voluntarily – I’m talking about kicking pieces of them out.
Then that’s just retarded.
That just shows how much you lack vision.
We can give the progs their urban progtopia – and wall it off from the rest of the country.
That is about as likely to happen as giving it to the friendly Martians to have as their Earth colony.
We know California isn’t going anywhere. That’s not the point of the exercise.
Yeah, as several EUIV games have taught me maintaining dominance of North America is a real bitch if you don’t control both coasts, especially considering how long it takes to sail around South America.
That’s why you spend the tens of thousands of gold it takes to build the Panama Canal…to cut off two months travel time.
I suggest we just sell California to Canada. That country is already out of its mind, so let them take the crazy state. Problem solved
You assume we want to buy them. We don’t. We didn’t even take the Turks and Caicos, and they didn’t have a massive debt.
If you re-elect Trudy, we’ll start drafting the bill of sale.
We’ll take Alberta as trade.
Yeah, but we’d have to spend billions to educate Alberta on how to properly speak English.
Why? It’s not like we forced Lawn Guyland to speak English.
Zoolander’s too busy marching in gay parade parades to do this ‘governing’ thing (not complaining), so enjoy his answering machine.
The country with Louisiana and Texas are not allowed to complain about how one speaks the Queen’s English.
I’m sure there’s someone whose job it is to sign his name for him. It’s not like he knows how to operate a pen.
He won’t even notice.
You guys allow a bunch of bitchy regionalists to declare French an official language of a province, and you dare talk about mere accents?
Don’t ever speak ill of Texas. That state alone could invade Canada, route your army and force your prime minister to sing the Texas anthem, while draped in the lone star flag. Seriously, Texas is the most bad ass state in the union.
And people from Texas make fun of Texan accents.
Also, General Winter would eat Texans alive. Congratulations, you can hold southern British Columbia, an achievement of a toddler.
General Winter would eat Texans alive.
Yeah, because Americans from the souith have never successfully fought in the cold before.
Historically you’ve been overwhelmingly unsuccessful in severe winter conditions.
But hey, it snowed in Western Europe a couple times, same thing.
We didn’t even take the Turks and Caicos
Didn’t even know that was a thing, but now that I do I think less of Canada (apologies to Canadians present). A cold country refusing the offer of annexing a Caribbean island strikes me as the height of folly.
Okay, okay folks. Let’s not fight here. How about this. First we let California secede. Then we invade them. That lets us break up the constituent parts into separate territories and we can grant admission into the Union to the sane territories while administering the coastal areas as protectorates. We keep our bases and, since California will have no say, we can revise IP laws to loosen up some of their undue influence.
This is basically what I’ve always suggested would happen. Immediate invasion, turn the pro-America parts into new states a la West Virginia, run the coast as a territory. Also known as ‘the Kratman Plan’.
Are you guys looking for volunteers? Do you have a newsletter?
Eventually the next Cascadia earthquake will do it if you play your cards correctly.
Cali has the San Andreas fault, And Texans do Winter, so You guys would have your asses handed to you
Lex Luthor had a plan, but Superman is a pure dick!
Eh, the guy who wrote this is boring and not too bright.
Read the only article from the Weekly Standard that should ever be read: http://www.weeklystandard.com/a-beating-in-berkeley/article/2009498
it is a great article.
Ah, Three across “Dull”.
Now I need a five letter word for “Communist street thugs”
my favorite part:
He’s a 6′6″, 345-lb. Samoan. His favorite food, he says, “is food.” Grabbing a bear-paw’s worth of his own flesh, he says, “I ain’t fat, I’m stab-resistant.”
He’s fat.
So’s Butterbean.
California Dreaming
updated for the youths.
Is it ‘affected’? I always get those two confused
They have very similar definitions.
Short version of link below:
Effect is the noun.
Affect and effect are both verbs, but affect is usually the right one to use.
but we’re not actually talking about affect and effect with regards to the article.
Affected and effected end up in yet another quagmire of nits to pick.
Affect is a useless word that just needs to be done away with. It is nothing more than a cudgel for grammar pedants to wield upon decent folk.
I don’t like this more-grammar-pedant than thou pose you’re affecting.
I think with affect and effect the language is moving towards a who/whom issue of usage and they’ll basically blur into the same word with pedants and English teachers yelling at people for not following the deprecated ruleset.
I know you don’t listen to podcasts, but the EconTalk from two weeks back on language changing was very good.
Keep trying, robc. UnCiv seems to enjoy his affected attitude.
Sometimes it’s just an affectation.
You’re the Jordan of commenters. Always putting on airs.
I suppose you think I should adopt a more mean mein.
That would make you UnCivilSavant.
when used as a verb, its almost always “affect”
when used as a noun, its almost always “effect”.
there are exceptions. there’s the noun of “affect” (as in pretension or mannerism… e.g. a speech-affect, etc) …
….and then there’s a few types of expressions which use effect as a verb (like effecting a rule, effecting change, effecting a conclusion, effecting someone’s arrest) … but its always closely paired with the word describing exactly what that ‘effect’ is. “The district effected the transition to unisex bathrooms”. When its more general and less-specific, ‘affect’ is used: “political fads are going to affect bathroom policy”
there might be a more narrow and specific way of articulating the rule, but i internalized it so long ago that i’ve completely forgotten it. Its just one of those english things that ‘you know when you see it’.
Glad you liked the article
I liked it, but what can we say other than, “Wait for next market correction to knock California back to its 2012 position”?
I’m just joking.
I did. i was just busting your balls, yo. nitpicking over one word was really just meant in jest.
I know and I was playing along. It’s a joke. I don’t get offended, otherwise I’d be a Leftist or ENB
Correction: I would get offended if you talk shit about Chicago style pizza, which is scientifically proven to be superior to all other variants, despite what deniers might say
You poor, delusional fool.
Look what the cat dragged in. Another science denier
Look, no matter what Nye calls himself, he’s not a scientist.
It may be good, but IT’S NOT PIZZA.
You guys are dumber than the cast of Girls
An ad hom attack is a sure sign of an indefensible position.
My position is that the fattest region in America (the Midwest) knows a little something about food (along with beer, diabetes, and hypertension). My second position is that regional food from Chicago far surpasses their New York counterpart (hot dogs, for example). My third position is that the Chicago style pizza remains a favorite among hearty locals and not the yuppie transplants that so love thin-sheet cardboard with sauce and cheese on top. I trust burly construction workers over a mustachioed boy in tight jeans talking about some artisan cheese that he ordered on his pizza.
You start from one logical fallacy – asserting that people with such poor diets that they produce a disproportionate number of landwhales are somehow better judges of food – then draw conclusions based upon stereotypes of the riff-raff and chaff driven out of other areas.
What university do you teach Fatness Studies at?
It is a type of pizza, sold by pizza makers/restaurants/grocery stores.
It might not be the style you like, but it IS pizza.
Do you say a hamburger isn’t a hamburger if the patty is too big for you? The bun too large for your liking?
Fatness Studies is a required course in all of Iowa, Indiana, and Wisconsin public universities. Illinois had to cut the course, due to funding.
Switzy, my local Pizzaria also sells salads, wings and sandwiches. does that make these items ‘Pizza’ too?
No. No more than a block of beef served between ritz crackers is a hamburger.
Deep dish is not Pizza. It is a different branch of the tomato pie family tree, but it is not Pizza.
Do they call their wings, salads etc “pizza”?
Funnily enough, they’re marked as veggie burgers.
piz·za ˈpētsə/
a dish of Italian origin consisting of a flat, round base of dough baked with a topping of tomato sauce and cheese, typically with added meat or vegetables.
I missed the part about “unless the dough is 1/8″ too much for UCS liking”
Cat butt this man, Swiss
Deep dish doesn’t have toppings, it has fillings.
A pizza just removed from an oven, with a close-up view of the cornicione (the outer edge)
The bottom of the pizza, called the “crust”, may vary widely according to style—thin as in a typical hand-tossed Neapolitan pizza, or thick as in a deep-dish Chicago-style.
see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago-style_pizza
for your possible confusion with stuffed pizza.
Someone needs to correct that article. Factual errors take so long to get fixed in Wikipedia.
How about a “deep dishing” instead?
flat, round base of dough
Is “deep dish” flat?
Why no, no it isn’t. So, not pizza.
Damn…now I am making myself hungry…
Excellent. Now I’m hungry
Well, deep dish does taste good, no disputing that.
OK, fun is fun…but I gotta go find a Malnati’s delivery menu.
Everyone knows french bread pizza is the only real pizza *runs from room*
Either way, local school districts are most likely to be effected/affected by any state deficits going forward. Additionally, the state has also mandated an increase in the pension payments of local school districts, which will further constrain their financial position
Meh. I find worrying about people using the word effected is usually a silly affectation.
If you’re going to be pedantic about this, you need to get “whom” down. You hypercorrect it into everything.
Also, when did “pedant” become a word for “person who isn’t ignorant”?
I fully support the California secession movement.
I support partial secession – that is we keep the rural regions and throw the decayed cities out.
I’m cool with a county by county vote, followed by a few years to easily let people move.
Fuck that, LA and San Fran might not vote to leave.
I just want to make sure the northeast part of the state isn’t fucked.
Time for the State of Jefferson as our new 50th state!
Can’t we just induce a massive earthquake/landslide. The San Andreas faultline is the clearest proof of a just and loving god I have ever seen.
And Tsunami southern Alaska?
+1 Otisville
Otisville? OTISVILLE?!
Depends, did Lex Luthor start a gofundme page?
+1 John Hartford’s California Earthquake
This pic should be on a t-shirt or a billboard:
I would wear that.
While wearing a mask of course. What is hipster irony not a thing anymore?
It would have to be a Guy Fawkes mask.
I hope I’m not the only person that owns a Fawkes mask. Also I’m pretty sure buying one of those online puts you on a list immediately. I wouldn’t be surprised if they denied my clearance cause of that.
It wasn’t because of that…
Look where you’re at.
That won’t hurt his chances. Nobody on this site is actively advocating or working towards overthrowing the US Government.
“Nobody on this site is actively advocating or working towards overthrowing the US Government.”
And how do YOU know?
I think this might be a little more succinct. Needs some art touch up though.
I’ve known a few chicks that seemed proud to have their faces covered.
Paging HM for a link.
How old am I? 14? *SMDH at myself*
What does that even mean?
Just embarrassed at my facial joke. Looked fined until I pressed, “Post Comment”.
Facials are one of the great inventions of the porn industry. America is always on the leading edge of innovation.
Sweden: Man convicted of eating bacon in front of three Muslims, must pay each $625, plus $1125 fine
The man was charged with disproportionate hatred against the public, but was not convicted of that charge. The headscarf-wearing women alerted police to the fact that on a train in April 2015, he held bacon up to their faces and ate it in front of them, and then said “I hate Muslims, I hate Negroes.”
How have the swedes not rebelled against their government?
Heavily segregated society mostly. Middle class and rich get their ethnic Swedish neighbourhoods, poor told to fuck off to the ghettos with the foreigners.
Sad but true. If all new refugees in this country were settled in Washington DC and Martha’s Vineyard, you’d see a hell of a lot of Democrats demanding an end to the refugee program
Specific areas of DC. I’ve lived in the DC area, and different neighborhoods are night and day. Some neighborhoods are elite liberal enclaves, while other neighborhoods are like foreign countries. They have lots of immigrants in DC, but they live separate lives from the elites, so I’d imagine if DC took refugees they’d just dump them in the immigrant neighborhoods and ignore them.
So, translated article only states he wasn’t convicted of the one charge. How did they order him to pay anything?
Loosely on topic:
I don’t relish these condiment puns.
Jeff Flake better watch out… I hear there’s a cereal killer in AZ.
But seriously I have never been prouder of voting for someone than him.
something something Frosted Flakes something
Best I got.
Colorado Judge goes off the reservation. Rules sex offender registries unconstitutional as cruel and unusual forms of punishment while also being useless. Old Man With Candy hardest beneficiary.
From his Wikipedia page:
So not so much left the reservation, but never moved there to begin with.
Holy shit, that’s a pair of brass ones right there. The ruling’s absolutely right in my opinion, but many a lesser mortal would’ve blanched at charging the parents of the girl for the legal fees of the defendant, justifiable though it may be.
it is entirely the fault of Everytown USA for that lawsuit. they convinced the family to sue.
Well, never let a good tragedy go to waste, right?
I wondered over at TOS at the time whether their attorneys could be held partly accountable for the fees assessed against the parents. It seems appropriate to me: the parents chose to sue, but went on the advice of professions who, it turns out, were disastrously wrong about filing. That sort of principal/client error seems like it would hang, say, an investment adviser.
But I don’t know the legal principles at stake here.
As a layman, it looked to me like a clear case of legal malpractice, but I suppose that, as usual, the profession protects its own.
In my preferred system, I’d like to see the losing party pay damages and the losing lawyer pay legal fees.
everytown should just give that money to the parents, even if they aren’t forced to by law.
Everytown would have to actually have a set of moral principles for that.
So we’re just done with phrasing, right?
/breathes sigh of relief
Trump wants to kick trans troops out. “Deployability” might keep them in.
This wonky military metric may keep some transgender troops in the armed forces.
Yes, Vox. Having troops who can actually go and fight is just a wonky metric.
from Defense News:
In the Regular Army, almost 60,000 soldiers, or 13 percent, are non-deployable. The Guard has about 51,000 non-deployable soldiers, or 15 percent; the Army Reserve has more than 37,000 non-deployable soldiers, or 19 percent.
I thought non-deployable soldiers were called “civilians”…
they have different baskets of deployables
How long can a transgender soldier operate in the field without access to a FOB? If the answer is ‘less than a regular person’ their deployability is in question.
Me, I don’t care what you do as long as you can do your job, but wouldn’t it be a little distracting if a chick grows a fuckin’ beard if she doesn’t have regular access to a certain drug?
It’s not even the beard growing, it’s the fact that if you drop your hormone treatment as a post-op it puts you a very bad mental state. Imagine ripping out your pituitary gland and thinking how well you’d function.
The entire conversation around transgenders in the military is retarded because no one is treating it as what it is: a medical condition (in the sense that you require constant medication in order to function post-op) that should disqualify you in the same way dozens of other far less major conditions do. I guess the asthmatics need to form an identity group before we let them in.
If only there was a somewhat common, incurable medical condition that required at least daily if not more frequent hormone treatment that could be used as a comparison.
As someone whose job was, at one time, to report those very numbers, most of those ‘non-deployables’ are in that status for temporary reasons (like not being trained, or not having an up-to-date physical). Another good chunk of them are being processed out, but the Obama administration rules that integrated the VA into the process has made it a very lengthy and expensive process to get people out of the military.
A small number of those people are permanently non-deployable, but not being out-processed because they have accrued enough skills and capabilities to still be useful to the military effort while no longer being deployable.
A good example of this are dentists, PME instructors and Ironically, SERE instructors.
Were the SERE instructors tied up?
On MSLSD they were interviewing some EPA slug about how that chemical company in Texas got what they deserved for daring to oppose regulations. She looked like the secretary from Monsters Inc.
The sound was off, so I didn’t get to find out if she sounded the same.
Just Say’n, again thanks for a really nice analysis.
I’m so glad to have gotten my ass out of there.
Thanks. I hope you’ve also managed to avoid Illinois and New Jersey, otherwise, I got some bad news
Of course I ended up in IL. Swiss and I commiserate daily.
Actually, I have a dim memory that you’re also a Chi-town area guy?
Yes. I’m double screwed
Yes, I invited Just Say’n to our upcoming party. But that was before I knew his position on tomato pie.
What’s this about tomato pie?
Et tu, SP?
*Weeps into toga*
Yeah, but … I mean…. I live in Illinois.
*begins sobbing*
I hear Chesterton, IN (no pun intended) is a good option. I’ve thought about it.
There, there you’ll be o.k. You’ll find an exit.
At least I have an excuse. My Ex is a CPS teacher so she’s not leaving; meaning my kids aren’t leaving Illinois; meaning I’m not leaving.
Although, CPS has been teetering on insolvency for the past eight years. All those state bailouts have been keeping it afloat.
You would figure the math teachers would explain things to the union leaders. I know a fantasy.
That’s what I’ve said. With all these educated people, you’d think that they would sit down with other teachers and teach them basic addition and subtraction.
They are too busy attending LGBTTTQQQRZYYYY2BB diversity seminars.
CalPERS is incredibly fucked.
And the people who run it are evil.
Evil as shit. When Stocton and Vallejo declared bankruptcy, CalPERS came in and insisted that pension payments receive priority over creditor payments. I should write something on that.
Yes, please. I lived right next door to Vallejo and saw that one coming from miles away.
Don’t forget the part where CalPERS was making investment decisions based upon political viewpoints rather than RoI.
Yeah and because they are such a large fund they have a lot of sway in the stock market (and to a lesser extent the bond market). But, they’re not completely stupid as they have not completely divested from fossil fuel stocks, because they know it would impact their returns. I think they are fully divested from gun makers, though
They’re leaning towards divesting from all oil companies in the near future.
Why care about investment returns when you can just force the taxpayers to foot the bill?
Winner, Winner!
True. It’s not like they listen to their actuaries anyways
The whole “sustainable investing” thing is bullshit, and, IMO, highly illegal. They have a fiduciary duty. It’s not THEIR money to play around with.
Don’t like smoking? Tough shit. Put the tobacco stocks back in the portfolio.
And don’t even get me started on the fucking ridiculous real estate deals they’ve gotten involved in.
Real estate never loses in California.
Here’s a crazy idea:
How about a 25% exit tax on everyone in CalPERS who retires out of state?
The concept of a pension was intended to keep senior citizens from having to eat cat food to stay alive.
Now, we have a ridiculous amount of public employees retiring with 6 figure lifetime pensions, and then they promptly move to a state with a lower cost of living to live like a king for another 40 years.
I don’t want you to give New York any ideas…
/completely selfish motivations
Where are you planning on retiring in fifteen years?
Fifteen? I’ve still got more than twenty to go before I’m eligable.
I was looking at places like North Texas or southern Wyoming. Someplace with low taxes where I might be able to get enough land to shoot and not bother anyone.
get enough land to shoot and not bother anyone
I’m sorry, but anyone you shoot is most likely to be bothered, no matter how much land you have.
*narrows gaze*
anyone you shoot is most likely to be bothered
If his aim is good, they won’t be bothered long.
On the subject of CalPERS. The assumed rate of return for the system is 7.5%. They expect to lower their rate of return to 7% by 2020. So, just like most pension systems (though not all) their funding level (noted in the piece as roughly 63%) is artificially high.
However, it should be noted, pensions are rarely the cause of financial imbalance. They are usually a symptom and not the cause
Can you expound upon what this statement actually means?
When their actuaries calculate their liabilities, they are assuming a 7.5% return on their investments, thus reducing their annual contributions to meet their obligations. So, the funding of 63% is probably 46% (or something, I don’t want to do the math) if their rate of return was assumed to be 5% (more realistic, if smoothed over time) or something similar.
63% funding right now just means that they have 63% of all funds needed to meet their total obligation overtime.
You’re in New York. Their pensions are pretty good (in comparison to other locales). Though, last time I looked their rate of return was something along the lines of 7% annually, as well. Nonetheless, New York pension systems are somewhere around 90% funded. The only problem you have is dealing with shit pizza
The shittiest thing to try to claim to be Pizza is found in Naples, Italy.
That stuff is just sad.
CalPERS assumes a rate of return on their assets of 7.5% per year.
Their actual rate of return last year was 0.6%.
In other words, they’re liars.
.6% Last year? A 60/40 index fund to bond fund would have done better.
The government fiscal year is July-June, not Jan-Dec.
So last last year.
Still, without looking at the returns I think my original point stands. How do you get a .6 return in this market?
Obama was still president, and the people who manage CalPERS are complete idiots.
Right. And this cheating saves them money in their annual payments. That’s why the State is now forcing local governments to increase their contributions. California always pushes its state costs down to its local governments when it faces financial shortfalls. I’ve never seen any other state do this. Not even Illinois, which is notoriously bad at math (to be fair, though, Illinois doesn’t really fund its local schools to the same degree as California does).
On the subject of CalPERS. Their assumed rate of return is 7.5% annually. They are reducing this rate of return to 7% in 2020. Which means that its current funding level (which is noted to be 63% from the piece) is artificially high. Amazingly, most governments assume a rate of return between 6.5% to 7.5%, so CalPERS is not out of the ordinary, though its assumptions are just as unrealistic.
However, it should be noted, pensions are rarely the source of financial imbalance. They are usually a symptom and not the cause.
OT: This is what happens when you give even an inch.
Nice work, Britain.
there are products which squirt a relatively safe, highly coloured dye
yes, just spray the rapist with blue paint. that’ll stop them.
But be sure not to hurt them or you will be arrested.
/head desk
It might just piss them off to the point that they kill you but at least they’re more likely to get arrested later. Man, that’s pathetic-probably better to just lie back and think of England.
That’s not technically legal. Not even joking.
It looks like if you bought a dye spray from a british company, and managed to not hit the rapists eyes or mouth with it, it might be legally allowable.
The law is based on intent, not use. If they think you intended to harm your rapist (my blood pressure goes up just typing that) then you’re going up on charges.
my god.
At least they don’t have to fear a Bolshevik revolution!!!! (yes, that’s why they originally started restricting private gun ownership)
Meh, Britain culturally always had an aversion to firearms and their use, especially in crime.
Gives a whole new meaning to “Lie back and think of England”.
That came from giving way more than an inch.
And just FYI, that’s not a self-defense product, it’s a security product.
My Brother and I decided to stay and watch the Collapse, and hopefully be around to clean up my once Wonderful State.
It used to be a very nice place to live, now it’s a complete mess.
Nice read Just Say’n
Thanks. My wife has also decided that we will remain in Illinois to turn the lights off after everyone has left
By that time, there’ll be a wall keeping you in.
Spot the Not: Berkeley mayor Jesse Arreguin
1. Unfortunately, extremists from both sides have come to Berkeley in recent weeks to engage in provocation.
2. I want to reiterate that we will not allow our community to be terrorized by a small band of white supremacists whose ideology of hate is a losing one.
3. I think we should classify them as a gang. They come dressed in uniforms. They have weapons, almost like a militia and I think we need to think about that in terms of our law enforcement approach.
4. I think we are going to have to think ‘big picture’ about what is the strategy for how we are going to deal with these violent elements on the left as well.
5. Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable. Hate speech isn’t welcome in our community.
6. Berkeley is the home of the free speech movement and we are proud of it, but hate speech isn’t free speech.
4 is my bet, 1 being the backup.
Gotta be 1.
i’ll take 1.
tho 6 sounded the most boilerplate/copy-pasted, so i remain suspicious
1 is the not; Both sides? That’s Trump speak
I’m guessing #1, #3 was about the Berkley PD, right?
going wtih 1
3 is deceptive as it could look to apply to anitfa but he would say such a thing about another group without any irony.
6 is the not. I made it up. No one got it right.
Now choose the form of the Destructor:
choice 1: http://ll-media.tmz.com/2015/07/16/0714-epic-meal-time-114.jpg
choice 2: http://i.imgur.com/aXFg5mb.jpg
I did
/slinks away wrong again
NPRavda: California’s Assembly Votes To Allow Communists To Hold State Jobs
While Bonta called the measure “an appropriate step forward” for the state, three of his Republican colleagues in the California Assembly rose to speak against the bill, AB 22.
“This bill is blatantly offensive to all Californians,” said Assemblyman Travis Allen, R-Huntington Beach, who said his constituents include people who fled Vietnam’s Communist regime. “Communism stands for everything that the United States stands against.”
Allen concluded, “To allow subversives and avowed Communists to now work for the state of California is a direct insult to the people of California who pay for that government.”
Assemblyman Randy Voepel, R-Santee, also opposed the bill, noting America’s history of going to war to combat communism.
“There are 1.9 million veterans in California,” Voepel said. “Many of us fought the communists. They are still a threat. We have North Korea, that wants to do us in. We have China, who is a great, great threat to the United States.”
But wait, there’s more!
Under pressure from California’s large Vietnamese community, Assemblyman Rob Bonta has pulled a bill to repeal a Red Scare-era law allowing California governments to fire public employees for being communists.
The Alameda Democrat said he introduced Assembly Bill 22 this session to “clean up” unconstitutional statutory language that made membership in the Communist Party a fireable offense for California public employees. But it generated intense controversy when it came up for a vote on the Assembly floor last week, where several members rose to speak about the pain still carried by constituents who fled the communist regime in Vietnam.
Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article151143712.html#storylink=cpy
this whole WWII re-enactment thing is getting silly
Well, LARPing the ’60s was getting boring.
Communists allow communists to hold state jobs. No real surprise.
is your name from Young Frankenstein?
Yes. It was a joke handle at the same time registration happened at TTSTSNBN. I’ve just kept it.
I like it.
I should watch that movie again soon.
“This bill is blatantly offensive to all Californians,” said Assemblyman Travis Allen, R-Huntington Beach, who said his constituents include people who fled Vietnam’s Communist regime. “Communism stands for everything that the United States stands against.”
Perhaps he should take a look at California.
I’m OK with allowing communists as long as you also allow white nationalists, KKK, etc.
Dinosaur suit wearing protesters march on DC.
I don’t think they actually want to be taken seriously.
They could have donated that money they spend on inflatable dino outfits to the programs they want to save.
So you are saying they should’ve protested topless?
Best gif response ever.
What are they up in tiny arms about this time?
Careful out there. The protesters are outfitted with small arms.
They’re making it hard to join arms in solidarity.
Does having long arms make me a shitlord? Its so hard to keep up.
Dinosaur Neil?
Try that in flyover country.
Fake. There are no black people in flyover country.
Protesting cuts to national service organizations…*smh*. If these service organizations are worthy, they can more than make up for the shortfall through donations. And if they can’t get voluntary donations, they don’t deserve involuntary ones.
I love, love, love California’s weather, beaches, various natural environments, weirdos, skaters, surfers, sexy people, creatives, libertines, conservatives…
but I hate their government.
Gun policy: no.
Taxes: no.
Police: no.
Regulations: no.
My brother keeps saying “so many jobs in , they pay well above nat’l avg. I can hook you up!