What a carnival ride.
I have to say I did not see that one coming.
Does anyone have the score to the Cal game? My internet is down.
Cal 35, North Carolina 30
Now that Uber has a new CEO, employees say its board needs to “grow up”
*sigh* I guess we have to deal with another company that’s more concerned with virtue signaling than…you know… actually being a business.
Well, it’s not rape then. Are you slipping?
“For England, people do toe wrestling”
You just want to depress me on a Saturday night, don’t you? The pidgin BBC is unintentionally profound tonight.
I read that they used to kill Nazis for England (real Nazis, not idiots in funny hats).
On a positive note 49 minutes until the start of TCU’s football season
(maybe we won’t suck this year)
“For England, people do toe wrestling”
For Limey Islan, that’s about as wild as it gets, except for having tea while toe wrestling. Anything wilder than that is only for soccer hooligans having pints.
Boarding school buggery and a nice cuppa!
Texas isn’t the only place dealing with flooding right now.
Sounds like India has just as bad a problem of people voting for science denying Republicans as what we have here.
Gaia hates everyone equally, just like Mom!
About five minutes ago, Poppy announced her retirement from making YouTube videos:
Also, over the last couple of days, it’s been suggested that Poppy and Charlotte may be the same person. See “Your Neighbor” and “Your Neighbor OFFICIAL” and give me another plausible explanation.
Well, okay, it doesn’t necessarily need to be plausible.
It’s just that Poppy and Charlotte being different aspects of the same person is better in some ways even if it’s more disturbing in others. Yeah, that means somebody else wasn’t really grabbing Poppy by the throat and choking her, but it suggests she might have been choking herself.
. . . which isn’t a euphemism for anything, okay? Until or unless there’s a video of her actually spanking a monkey, it’s all as innocent as anything, okay? Jesus Christ, I can’t take you guys anywhere.
You’re Poppy?
He can’t be, I’m Poppy and I deny these untrue rumors of my early retirement.
I think everybody’s supposed to want to be Poppy.
No, I’m not Poppy.
Also, I think Poppy is supposed to be the personification of Popularity.
Sort of like Athena being the goddess of wisdom.
Everybody wants to be Popular.
. . . supposedly. Personally, I’d rather be rich than famous, but that’s me.
It’s disturbing you give a shit
Get over yourself.
Real men care about almost decade old scifi shows that get cancelled after one season.
more than a decade JT
Sorry, busy cleaning up my SG-1 reruns from the DVR. El Rey is starting up Atlantis on Tuesday with a kung-fu marathon over the weekend.
Honestly, I can’t complain about SG-1. The series may have shit itself once Richard Dean Anderson left but they overwhelmingly produced something of cheesy scifi goodness. Atlantis was not bad either, but they really sunk the franchise with Stargate ‘We’re desperately trying to be BSG’ Universe.
Hey, Seasons 9 and 10 weren’t bad. There was a potential for a fresh new direction for the series with the new enemy. It just got canceled while they were still establishing the new baddies, so they had to make that poor rushed ending that was Ark of Truth. Although, if it had gone on long enough I’m sure some SJW types would’ve claimed “Islamophobia!” on the Ori.
Never saw a single episode. It looked so cheeseball.
SG-1 was a bit rough the first couple of seasons. Had some really cheesy, really bad episodes. But I’d say it started to get solidly good during the third year. Atlantis suffered a little bit from that the first year, but it had the benefit of an already established formula from SG-1, so only the first season was a little cheesy. Can’t really say about Universe. Watched the pilot and that was it. Like JT said, I got a total BSG feel from that pilot. Not what I’m looking for from Stargate, so didn’t even try any other episodes.
I LOLed at the end
Me too.
It’s an art installation that kinda, sorta works. Think Warhol but with a smidge of originality and creativity. I bow down before my Poppy Overlord!
I didn’t want to step on the Servant who is not Civil, but this came across my feed earlier. I made it to the point the referenced hundreds of right wing attacks:
Gods damn it…
That’s why I replied to myself… in shame.
That doesn’t count unless it was done from the box where you go to feel shame.
The left are well trained in the psychological warfare of projection and gaslighting.
did they bother to mention any specifics?
Specifics? You mean as in facts? Hah!
What attacks?
Yup, i remember all those times tea partiers went out and beat their opponents on the streets.
Well, according to the left, Words are Violence, especially disagreeing with progs, so there were hundreds of thousands of acts of violence!
Well now it all makes sense. No wonder they hate Western Civilization, it’s constantly violently attacking their ideas.
They hate reality most of all.
Words that I don’t like are violence. Wrong think is violence. Capitalism is violence. Profits are violence. And all of this is an excuse to use real violence against the offenders. No one who is not a brainless sheep is in the least bit fooled by this drivel.
What really concerns me is that I see some people on leftist sites, like DU, etc, pleading with their comrades to not start violence because they will be slaughtered by the opposition who have lots of weapons and will not be afraid to use them. These people are quickly shouted down. What I’m scared of is these idiots getting martial law declared after a bunch of them get dead and deservedly so, courtesy of the 2nd amendment.
That’s funny, I just ordered the bits for an AR-15. I’m toying with the idea of buying another polymer lower while the Labor Day sale is on for an AR pistol in .300 AAC later on when the ol’ budget recovers.
1) the right wing violence is a figment of their imaginations as far as I know. Please tell me of the hundreds (thousands) of right wing attacks over the past 8 years.
2) for that quote to be true, then those on the the left claiming that they don’t think people should have guns, including Hillary Clinton, must be liars. I am also pretty sure the bag of dicks known as President Obama gave what was it? 150 billion to the leading state sponsor of terrorism on the planet. I am sure that will just go to building schools though right?
Didn’t someone from the Democrat establishment just write an editorial about repealing the second amendment, like yesterday?
ok, he was just some law-professor. if that. but still. I think its hilarious how they always roll their eyes and go, “NO ONE IS TRYING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS”, and then 2 seconds later they’ll turn to each other and go, “So, how do we take their guns, you think?”
Exactly. That is what I mean. I know I have mentioned it before, but prior to my bernie bro friends unfriending me, we were in a discussion about guns after the community college shooting in Oregon(?). One of them said no one should be allowed to have access to any firearms until the mental health situation in the US is fixed. Then the topic of the no fly list/no gun list came up. I said that any 2nd amendment proponent would eventually end up on that list and I was told that I was a paranoid nut. This from people who had just said that nobody should have access to guns. That is when they rolled out the meme with Sam Elliot that said something like, ‘Thinking gun control means people want to take your guns is like thinking birth control means they want to cut off your penis’.
They only think that shit is convincing because the average urban liberal has no idea what the gun laws in many states actually ARE. Whereas every gun owner is intimately familiar with the orwellian schemes already in place.
The ‘activists’ think their rhetoric is clever and convincing… to each other. To the people that they actually direct it at – those concerned about left-wing attempts to criminalize possession of firearms – it sounds hollow, ignorant and in denial of reality.
You you’d the link!
Do they really believe that the MSM is some right-wing cabal? That’s just… wow.
It is, however, of paramount importance to highlight the race and/or religion of any killer that is not a white conservative Christian.
This is parody, isn’t it.
Thanks for the Ernie Kovaks. He was a don’t-miss family TV event when I was a lad. I remember that Nairobi Trio sketch. Got a YouTube appointment tonight.
The Loch Ness Monster is fake news.
Big Foot is real, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he was behind the Loch Ness hoax–to throw people off the track of Big Foot.
Also, the Yeti is real. Tere’s one on the cover of that Basement Jaxx CD.×585/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-7194-1180264557.jpeg.jpg
Also, maybe one of the bestest music videos of all time came from that CD.
You can keep the song, but the video is so disturbingly, awesomely . . . transhuman.
Top five videos ever? Absolutely!
That is indeed a great video.
Bad link.
Also, space aliens and Russians.
Copy and paste it or something.
Or google it.
“Rooty Basement Jaxx”
Look for the Yeti.
I see a picture of bigfoot as a whitey. I’m offended by his bigfoot privilege.
Honkey/Cracker-Ass Bigfoot–that’s basically a Yeti, right?
Disturbing night music and shameless promotion,
Cats swim very well,
I’m pretty sure i saw that vid 2-3 years ago and its being recycled
not that it isn’t cute as all hell, just saying.
In other words, Canadian money is as valuable as Chucky Cheese tokens.
Beer on Monitor 🙂
I have a Canuckistani 20 still from my last trip to Ontario. I need to get out to CO so I can buy some weed and roll a joint with it. I don’t even really want to smoke some weed, I just want to burn a Canuck 20, and what more Murikan way to do it?
I heard that they did an analysis of Canadian bills, and 99% percent of had traces of snow on them
A chicky boom boom down.
Nice, enhanced buzz for muh money.
So… one percent fewer than American bills?
Snow? Canada?
Isn’t Canadian money plastic?
After looking it up on Wikipedia, it looks like they’re a polymer, which I suppose is close enough.
I wouldn’t do that. According to that is worth 16 bucks right now. That is like a 12 pack of beer.
[contemplates chuck-e-cheese-to-loony-to-beer arbitrage scheme]
Does chucky cheese take tokens for beer? I haven’t been to one since my kid was 5 and that was a lot of years ago.
[contemplates cutting the loony dealers out of the scheme]
No. Tokens are only for the games. I’m also somewhat happy the location near me shut down.
A 12 pack? Where do you live that you can buy beer for that price? I’m smoking a doob with it.
Depends on if you are a snooty beer drinker, but ya, a 12 pack of the big brewers is about $15 here in liquor stores. The micros will run you about $20 and up. And if you want to go low budget, a 30 pack of keystone light is $16. I have been trying to cut down on my spending lately so I have been getting Mich Ultra at walmart for about 10 fiddy for a 12’r.
Not a snooty beer drinker. I mostly drink Stella Artois and Heineken, which my friends say is worse than being Hitler.
Today, I think I paid about $20 for a 12, but out of the city I can get it as low as $15 for 12. When I first moved here, I was buying Yuengling for about $15 a case. There just comes a point where you cannot drink any more of that.
I pretty much hate craft beers as I don’t like 1000 different crappy bitter IPAs with different crazy names, but that all taste exactly the same.
Stella or Heineken will run you 18-20 here. Imports are more. I usually only buy Mexican imports which are on average cheaper. I like stella. That is usually my beer of choice in airport bars.
Stella on tap is fucking awesome. Have you had those 12 pk cans, which taste almost as good as draft? I almost always buy those when my local store has them. Last time I remember having some truly fresh excellent Stella on tap was in Manhattan when I closed out the bar drinking it.
If prices are the same you can probably get an ounce and a half for that twenty.
What? Where? I couldn’t even buy an oz of ditch weed for $20 in the 80s.
Fucking stupid imperial, I meant grams and forgot how to convert.
Hah, you Euro rejects and your inferior units of measurements! I bet you still have a queen! Or are jealous because you don’t!
You know who wanted a proper, decimal based metric system before it even existed Hyperion?
Thomas Jefferson.
I am not down with weights and grams and ounces make me google shit, but as far as distance, Metric is far superior to imperial. It took me about a week to get use to a metric tape measure for cabinetry 20 or so years ago, and holy moly it makes things easier. Whole numbers ftw. Fractions be dumb and a pain in the ass.
Imperial is far superior in weight and temperature because of how much more precise it is. Besides, anyone who thinks 30 is hot is a fag.
Anybody who thinks 30 is hot isn’t using Kelvin, the one true temperature measuring system. Negative temps can GTFO.
“A gram and a half? I don’t even know what a gram and a half looks like“
It’s about 1/8 the amount that will get you a felony with intent to distribute in Maryland. Anything less, you just get a fine and the cops get to smoke your weed.
New GFS run has Irma hitting as a Cat 3 hurricane right at the NC/VA border.
It’s punishment from up high for all the Nazis in Charlottesville, isn’t it.
A white nationalist is driving that storm
Someone awoken Uzumaki.
supposedly, from what I was seeing yesterday, there’s a broad high pressure system off the US east coast, which would force the storm closer to the coast. Deplorables to blame, but what about all the good Democrat voter right thinking peoples? Must we punish them too?
It’s rounding a high pressure system right now, will reach the other side and start heading WNW and NW in a few days. Best guess at this point is that it’s going to hit somewhere around NC, give or take a state or two. Monday morning we’ll have a pretty good idea. All about where the high positions. Little bit east of where the models say, it hits nothing. European model follows that scenario and shows it missing the US coast altogether (though takes it at 928 MB and hits the eastern Bahamas, which would be bad).
Just lazy meteorologists. They know they can always get away with pointing it right at Ocracoke.
I will be buying bottled water and batteries tomorrow. Just in case.
Well when a natural disaster strikes CA or NY, that’s just how nature works.
When a natural disaster hits those deplorables in SC or VA, that is God’s judgement on them for voting for the wrong people.
Whatever. Open your wallet.
Oh how times have changed.
Did that dude, (I am assuming gender) get shit thrown at him when he wrote against Sandy relief there? I would imagine that would get you killed in NY.
He’s a libertarian-ish lawyer who lives in Manhattan. Nobody reads him.
But I’m a fan because I think he writes really well.
[contemplates Chuck E. Cheese-to-Loony arbitrage scheme]
When I lived in upstate NY I got Canadian coins in change all the time.
But of course when I tried to use them back, I got denied.
Damn sneaky Canadians.
Blaming us for the actions of New Yorkers is a new low.
Buffaloians are definitely your fault.
The Brits and us burned that city to the ground, it’s not our fault you didn’t smarten up and decided to rebuild it.
Ok, I admit it, I take that one back.
When I worked grocery checkout jobs in Buffalo we basically took Canadian moola 1-1.
Taking a break from watching The Tick and enjoying some of the treasure of upstate NY: Ommegang and Cheddar.
OOOOOOH, I’m on my way over!
Ommegang makes good beer. Which one of theirs are you drinking? Three Philosophers is my favorite.
The Abbey Ale. Three Philosophers it really good too. The best so far was their GoT novelty tie in Valar Morghulis.
The Abbey Ale is good. I’ve had some of their GoT beers, but can’t remember which ones. Some were good.
There is an Italian steakhouse in Albany that has the Abbey Ale on tape. it is miraculous.
I’ve never eaten at the brewery because the wait for a table is way to gorram long.
Tap. Not tape.
*drinks more*
Three Philosophers is really good. My favorite is Triple Perfection.
Just realized that Walsh plays Danger Boat.
Ok, this is some really crazy fucking shit. I don’t have a link yet. But my wife asked me to watch Globo with her yesterday afternoon and she was all upset about something. Come to find out, there’s a guy in Sao Paulo who likes to masterbate on the bus and ejaculate on women he sits next to. So just forgive me if I don’t have this perfect because my Portuguese is not perfect. But anyway, this guy went to court and the judge decided to let him go because he just needed some treatment. Or according to his lawyer, he just ejaculates really easy, so not his fault, he has a rare condition. So at that point I asked my wife ‘Does this rare condition include pulling his dick out before he has one of these accidental ejaculations?’.
Ok, so maybe I’m being harsh. Except… this was not the 1st or even the 2nd or even 3rd complaint against this guy, but the 16th! And it gets worse. Today, one day after the judge let this guy go free, he was arrested again, for the 17th time for the same thing! LOL. The world has went insane.
I told my wife, first time, ok. Let the guy walk with a warning that if it happens again, he’s gets 5 years in prison. If that doesn’t work, the next time we get out the knife. There’s a difference between being libertarian and being lawless.
My number one favorite internet photo is the guy who exposed himself to the Brazilian feminist march. Greatest photo evar
Am I a bad person for laughing uncontrollably at this story?
I think that’s actually the appropriate response.
When I saw the photo on the homepage I couldn’t decide if those are bad Kiss costumes, something from Planet of the Apes gone wrong, or second cousins of a rapesquatch. What the hell are they?
We’ve started a STEVE SMITH FAN CLUB. That’s Playa Manhattan and me.
Playa’s obsession with little league football is mysterious to me.
Your hatred of undergrad is between you and Freud.
18-year olds, Dude. [shakes head]
Ten years too old, sadly.
He was completely unobjectionable.
Warty’s physical description of him as resembling a “shaved sasquatch” was spot on, but he behaved like sedated golden retriever.
He’s welcome to sleep in my garage whenever he wants.
Warning: STEVE SMITH’s cock may or may not have mind control powers.
Makes as much sense as my ideas. But seriously, what is in that photo?
via Funny Libertarian, a memo from Matt Stone to the MPAA regarding their requests for changes to the latest South Park movie
described as “the best memo ever”
He is in fact using dildos both times.
That is awesome
A genius in every way. Particularly when it comes to casting decisions.
Latest? You had me thinking there was a new movie, you bastard.
I so wish I had a job where I can write memos that would require me to use words to describe something about a persons mom and a horse as per our conversation.
When does this come out?
Approximately -18 years from now
Just cam back from a lovely dinner with the girls.
Help me digest by making these links interesting.
Which girls? Pics?
You mean the snappy repartee up thread isn’t?
What girls? Does your wife/gf know about this?
Which wife and girlfriend?
I too have dined wiht cam girls. The internet is awesome.
yes, wiht. fuck it.
Dear Glibertarians, I never thought this could happen to me…
… and in fact, it didn’t.
Trump’s America.
Here it is folks.
Minds in the gutter.
/frowns. Quietly unzips pants.
I’m not a monkey trained to dance for you! But this is.
Red Letter Media is always great.
I see Mr. Plinkett reviewed the new Ghostbusters movie. I’m watching now and I stand by my decision to skip the new Ghostbusters movie.
already watched both.
*that’s like saying poo is pee*
That cost me an hour I wasn’t planning to spend in front of the computer. But it was worth every minute of it.
I just want the announcement for a stand-alone Jar Jar Binks film.
In case you haven’t been following along here on the site the past few days; Jar-Jar is way too busy for movies, he writes for the BBC now. Now if I had more time and motivation, this is where I would launch my photoshop the news articles on this site; BBC stories written by Jar Jar Binks.
Who the fuck are they catering to? Dumb-assed Africans that can’t be bothered to learn a language or a sorry bunch of malcontents to make sport of the situation (us)? It’s gold Jerry! Gold!
Looks like Nigerian pidgin. It’s probably also the only pidgin they’d actually give a fuck to translate to, because most of the others are just obscure Pacific islands.
Pidgins are an actual thing wherever there’s contact between 2 languages and 1 of them isn’t completely wiped out. They’re common in the West Indies too.
Related to “creoles” BTW
Yeah, I saw another BBC Pidgon story yesterday and was like wtf. Is that a new section for them?
what, what. I’m gonna pass the torch to my boy festus. ain’t nobody around gonna best us. *just felt like we had an old school breakdown there*
Suicide watch begins as stressed children return to school
“Whatever their age, there are usually warnings signs from suicidal people, especially in the age of social media.
“They do searches with keywords like ‘I want to die’ or ‘a gentle death,’ before they attempt suicide,” Horun said.”
Another warning sign is googling “Hillary Nudes”
I mean, if you’ve ingested some kind of poison, can you think of a quicker way than that to make yourself vomit?
Teenage suicide – don’t do it.
But nobody understands me. And I’m tired of masturbating.
If you’re tired of masturbation, you’re tired of life.
Good night, sweet prince.
Mutton chops agrees.
My son’s a homosexual, and I love him. I love my dead gay son.
Tater Tots!
For sale: Dead gay son’s stilettos. Never used.
Mineral water.
We realized we could never reveal our forbidden love to an uncaring and un-understanding world.
Umm…. I need to know what all of these quotes are.
I’m culturally illiterate, apparently.
Me and JB are doing “Heathers”. I dunno what straff and HM are doing.
I thought JB was doing a Papa..
Baby breaks land speed record. Wil. E. Coyote arrested for murder.
Is it possible to rape Steve Smith? Could God make a rock so heavy he couldn’t lift it?
These are the questions that keep me up at night,
Right now Eddie is scrambling to come up with a new alias to answer your question as a “longtime lurker”.
Man, I hope he uses an Iron Maiden Eddie avatar
As I asked on an earlier thread, “What is the sound of one hand fapping?”
Joe Rogan had on both Jordan Peterson and Brett Weinstein.
Watched it yesterday. Weinstein is an interesting cat. He treats Jordan likes he’s one of his students in that interview.
I like Jordan because he hates SJW’s more than I do but he comes off as being kinda culty.
He’s a Christian mystic, comes with the territory.
A lot of what he says makes sense and then you come to the realization that you’re listening to a carnival barker aka “social scientist”. I AM DISAPPOINT!
You could just read Jung and his archetypes and get most of what he’s talking about.
Jung doesn’t get to tear freshman Humanities students a new one. Where’s the fun in that? He’s a cunt but his cant is toward our cunt.
Prof ripped him a new Jung hole.
OT – neighbour comes knocking. There’s a bird trapped in the feeder, must have burrowed in there after a tasty seed, I’d reckon. Got it out by tilting the feeder and letting the little bugger latch onto my fuck-finger to pull him to safety. How many of you have been bitten by a chickadee? None? I am the only Man here! (stands astride two neutered elderly cats and a 12 pound Pom)
You ever have a squirrel throw an acorn on your head while you were pissing on a tree?
Does a pine-cone count? Yes, yes I have lived that experience.
That was my life the last two months remodeling the bathroom.
“Those aren’t acorns!”
Do you call it your “fuck-finger” because it spends so much time in your Pom’s ass?
Indubitably! Why the fuck else would I have a Pomeranian except for the third digit anal probing? Are you retarded or sumpin?
Atta boy! Just making sure.
*puts white glove with brick back in pocket, doffs top hat and makes slight bow*
Ya know, in some parts of the world, “Pom” means… something else. I’m glad you clarified that it was a dog before our Antipodean friends came by and wondered why you owned and were anally-fingering a 12-pound Englishman. (Of course, Antipodeans might well figure that’s a perfectly sensible thing to do with a 12-pound Englishman.)
Nah, they’d get the whole thing ass-backwards, cut off their fingy and assume the position. It’s the coriolis effect, see?
So I’m watching the US Open, and I like tennis, but I’m not a rabid fan or anything. But what really annoys the fuck out of me are the cultures of personality built around certain individuals. To the point where the umpire had to tell the audience to shut the fuck up with the cheering for one of them while the obviously disfavored player was trying to serve earlier.
I call that the “Tiger” syndrome. The sports media drives it and sure enough, some asshole is yelling “Get in the hole!” every time a favored player tees off on a par 5. It’s excruciating. I want to burn those people with fire.
It’s even more annoying with team sports, though it gets comical when they struggle to plug a “hero” when there really isn’t one.
Cough*Kaepernick* cough.
not your thing, but it might help other glibs appreciate tennis.
Link fail. Is it Serena? She’s yucky.
She thicc though?
The hell did you say? Serena is a damn fine looking woman! Did you see the picture from this story on her? Nothing more attractive than big black tits. (Well, a big black butt is a very close second)
Do not research her fiance if you don’t want to put your fist through a monitor.
I wouldn’t even research her beyond looking at pics of her. Why would I look into her fiancé?
Curiosity killed the homo-cat.
Oh dear God
you brought it on your self.
Rule 34 strikes again.
She is objectively unattractive. The only people that think Serena Williams is beautiful are her Dad, her agent, the sports industry in general and ESPN. She’s ugly.
*adds Festus to the list*
All Caps, if you please. If I’m gonna go down, I’ll be wearing a smile.
Earlier this summer Roger Federer was playing Robin Haase, and as Haase was about to serve, some idiot in the crowd yells out, “Come on Roger!” Haase stops for a few seconds before responding, “Uh, my name is Robin.” The crowd erupted.
Trump announces a large number of appointments. TW: Couldn’t find a story on this in Pidgin, sadly.
“Why Trump He Make De Many Many White House Appointments Na”
The guy in the front looks like a shoe-in for “Vice Secretary of Music Teachers and Diversity Development” but the dudes trailing behind look like they are ready to shiv him in the shower.
IMO, the most interesting hire of them all: someone from the Freedom Caucus that actually wants NASA to stay a space agency, not another climate change arm of the government. Needless to say, the GOPe probably isn’t liking it very much.
BOO, HISS! No long readings in PM links unless it is drunken or religious ramblings!
… without any trace of irony.
Yup, it was really free from politics when Obama had it become the Muslim outreach group.
Source? That’s too good to be true, right?
Surprised you hadn’t heard this one before. I did a search of Obama NASA Muslim outreach and several different stories popped up. Here’s one at random.
I’ve never heard of this before, hilarious. I’d rather NASA be eliminated entirely, but since eliminating gov’t agencies is generally a pipe dream, getting a guy that’ll focus it on being an space-exclusive agency rather than one for useful idiots to the intersectional cause is the next best thing.
an exclusively space agency*
“Bridenstine also trashed Rubio during last year’s GOP presidential primary, although Rubio said he doesn’t hold that against the congressman.”
Of course he doesn’t. Because like all Republicans, Rubio is a spineless jellyfish that bends over and spreads his cheeks for the Democrats.
It’s hard to believe that Rubio ever got Tea Party support, until you realized exactly who he primaried. That guy, Charlie Crist, was such a RINO Deluxe that he eventually confessed in a rare moment of honesty and joined the correct party shortly after. He’s now a Democratic congresscritter.
This is beautiful, but I can’t tell which team is which. Maybe, to some harangues, a little bit more uniform might help.
Goddamn. I don’t like sports, but I’d block off an entire Sunday, make some nachos, and invite the guys over to watch that.
sadly, when Green Bay had an LFL team, I never made it to a game. Gilbert Brown, The Grave Digger, was their coach.
Roller Derby is empowering but Lingerie Football is a crass salute to the male gaze. Have you never “woked”, you shitlord?
I actually know a derby girl out in CA that would prolly tell me the same thing…strange, haven’t talked to her in a while.
I personally know some Derby chicks. It’s the same deal as softball, Mucho lesbiano. I played on a mixed team and took a liking to one of the girls. She seemed intrigued, curious even but it was never to be… I think she just dug on the flattery.
The dirby girl I know is straight. She lives out in hollywood. A boyfriend of a friend of hers worked on a Clint Eastwood movie some years back. The guy was sitting on the side of a mountain, Clint walked up. Guy froze up, didn’t say a word. Clint walked away and muttered ‘pussy’.
Ultimate burn. That is bar none the ultimate burn. My fingers are singed just from typing the response. I cooked a cheeseburger for Peter Fonda. He was a gracious feller and left my waitress a heavy tip (more than the price of his meal). Classy fucker. I think he and Clint are probably cut from the same cloth. Cook me some food, make it tasty and ye shall be rewarded for thine efforts.
closest I got to a Celebrity, Hillary and Chelsea were about 3 feet away from me while I was reading on campus and tried hard as hell to avoid contact. I talked to the guy who created CSI, one of my college Profs directed ‘Puppet Master’ and one of my college roommates played in the NFL for a pre-season game.
Massachusetts library asks residents to refrain from paying late fees with Chuck E. Cheese tokens
I larfed.
Saudi Arabia: Crowd was “cheering like it was a beach party” as man was publicly flogged for “insulting Islam”
Ain’t No Party like a Whuppin Party… (Goats and pre-pubescent boys are excluded). Fuck them with barbed instruments. I can’t believe we call them “allies” and yet have a very strong minority that calls for DDD.
On the Kenyan election- one the one hand, the winner probably cheated. On the other hand, the loser is a socialist. The judiciary is calling for a new election. Hopefully there won’t be any violence.
Socialism will never go away because it appeals to the ignorant, the frustrated, and the envious, and there will always be plenty of them.
give us late nighters a spot the not Derp
Spot the Not: torture & execution
1. nicknamed The Devil’s Dancing Bear; he had a private torture chamber in his house
2. invented a death machine and became its first victim
3. invented the iron maiden after he got tired of other torture methods
4. His ancestry was 8 generations of executioners. He beheaded over 3000 people.
5. invented a torture machine that was shaped like his wife
6. invented a death machine to discredit a business rival
3 is the not.
3, Iron Maiden was a fraud. It feels good winning.
Well done. Not many people know that.
Have another:
Spot the Not: parliament & congress fights around the world
1. In this country, a congressman decided to finish a heated discussion with another congressman with a punch in the jaw. He was suspended 120 days from the legislature for the violent act.
2. In this country, an MP ripped ripped a proposal out of another MP’s hand and ate it to prevent a vote on the proposal.
3. In this country, politicians fought each other with smoke bombs and eggs.
4. In this country, the opposing sides are separated by a red line in the carpet. The red lines in front of the two sets of benches are two sword-lengths apart. An MP is traditionally not allowed to cross the line during debates, supposedly because the an MP might then be able to attack an individual on the opposite side. These procedures were made because the MPs were allowed to carry weapons in the past.
5. In this country, an MP was seized and held down while another MP farted on his head.
6. In this country, an MP was enraged by a group who began singing a leftist song. He seized a ceremonial mace and brandished it over his head.
Damn it, these all sound ridiculous enough to be true.
I’m going to tentatively go with 5 as the Not.
I’m getting confused. Spotting the not I’d say 3 (because c (3) or the shortest answer are usually correct) but are you asking me to provide answers to which country for the rest? The presentation is kind of confusing.
It’s the same as the others. Pick the number of the incident that is not real. The reals are from The Peru, Taiwan, Ukraine, and the UK.
then I hold on 3
5 is the Not. Hammercops is 2 for 2.
But can he pull off the rare hat trick? We shall see below.
Hammercorps, that is.
Hammercops bug you when you’re building a deck and hammercrops are what Germans use on horses.
Corpse Hammer is probably the name of a metal band.
I deserve a 1/2 point
6 is the electric chair, Edison v. Westinghouse if memory serves.
Edison treated Tesla like shit.
I am shocked.
(There was an election in Kenya?)
Yes. The last one in 2008 led to riots that left about 1,000 dead.
Well it is hard to count that many chicken bones when there are armed men standing over one’s shoulder…
Presently have the movie City of God playing in the background. What a great film that shows a realistic picture of the drug trade and its effects and general impression of 70’s Rio. I’ve seen it a half dozen times over the years, the first was in Brazil when it first came out in the theatre. At that point I probably understood about a third of the Portuguese. I’m sure many have seen it, but if not I would highly recommend it.
Spot the Not: Drug Warrior quotes
1. It may seem contradictory, but the unfortunate level of violence is a
sign of success in the fight against drugs.
2. America’s public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse.
3. No one knows, when he places a marijuana cigarette to his lips,
whether he will become a joyous reveller in a musical heaven, a mad
insensate, a calm philosopher, or a murderer.
4. Give one of these Mexican beet field workers a couple of puffs on a
marijuana cigarette and he thinks he is in the bullring at Barcelona.
5. These vile narcotics are poisoning our children and stoking chaos
among the Negroes.
6. I wish I could show you what a small marihuana cigarette can do to
one of our degenerate Spanish-speaking residents.
I’m torn between 5 and 6
4. Mexicans don’t work beet fields.
4. Mexicans don’t work beet fields.
Somebody’s never been to Guadalupe or Spreckels, CA.
I’ll vote for 3. Sounds more like a blurb against absinthe than mary J.
Alright, I’m going to go with 6 as the Not. But it’s a total guess.
5 is the Not.
As a consolation prize, have a gander at this:
I could eat alphabet soup and shit something more coherent.
Someday, you’re going to have to teach me the secret to your ability to thrive off of derp.
Maybe you’ve achieved Nirvana.
It must be like those undersea creatures that live around thermal vents. No sunlight, no oxygen just sulphurous fumes and decaying matter. Derp finds a way.
I became a happier man the day I decided to be entertained by stupidity rather than annoyed by it.
People are unhappy, not because of the world, but because of what they believe about it.
Wise words, Derp-Man. You should trademark that shit and start selling it by the pound (or the t-shirt, up to you, really).
A lie in the very first sentence, bold.
None of these are not. they are all true.
I made up #5, although it’s possible a real person said something similar.
“The War on Drugs employs millions – politicians, bureaucrats, policemen, and now the military – that probably couldn’t find a place for their dubious talents in a free market, unless they were to sell pencils from a tin cup on street corners.”
-L. Neil Smith
North Korea now has a hydrogen bomb.
Per Arms Control Wonk Jeffrey Lewis, we’re looking at about 100 kt yield. Keep in mind the error bars on those estimates have error bars. 6.3 magnitude quake, 0 m elevation.
My own guess was about 30 times their 5.1 test, which was thought to be about 5-7 kt. So 150-210 kt, or what a good old Minuteman 2 used to pack.
More than enough to kill a city or actually cause a minor E1 EMP burst.
So we arch an eyebrow and continue on with our mundanity? Take to the streets and beat up random people? Set our heads ablaze and howl at the moon? Fuck that shit. I’m gonna stay drunk.
I honestly don’t think much will change, Festus. The stakes just got a lot higher for us, is all, and we are now much more invested in ensuring that the Un regime (or whoever is backing him) stays intact.
If he thinks he’s going to end up Ceaucescu’d, he’s going to push the button. He may do it anyway, on a “test trajectory” over the, e.g., Kwanto Plain that would also be similar to a trajectory you’d use if you wanted to deliver an EMP device to the most effective altitude. How much would that economically cost if 1/3 of Japan’s consumer electronics took a massive shit?
And how would we respond? Like Paul Atreides, Un could argue that he didn’t use nukes against people, just their computer chips. And he’d still have the ability to shell the living shit out of Seoul. Or lob some more nukes against us.
Some really tough questions ahead very shortly for Trump, Mattis, and the rest.
I will suggest the same proposal I made for dealing with Iran:
Give North Korea a working ICBM and tell them they have 30 days to use it, or they must give it back. This message will be delivered by a special envoy:
Spot the Not: Howard Metzenbaum
1. I don’t care about crime, I just want to get the guns.
2. My thinking is if you have a gun, you should have to turn it in or go to prison.
3. No, we’re not looking at how to control criminals… we’re talking about banning the AK-47 and semi-automatic guns.
4. What good does it do to ban some guns. All guns should be banned.
5. Until we can ban all of them [firearms], then we might as well ban none.
6. Do not let the forces of evil take over to make this a Christian America.
I know it’s late and most of you have gone to the Land of Nod like a bunch of autistics whispering “Midnight! Wapner!Midnight! Wapner!” but I think it would be cool if we all shared our personal stories of “Brush With Greatness”. CPRM shared an awesome Clint Eastwood story above and I told one about cooking a cheeseburger for Peter Fonda but didn’t give many details. I dunno, I think it would be interesting.
I used to work at a famous golf resort and hotel, so I’ve met a few. Got a golf lesson from Payne Stewart. Great guy. I was sad to hear that he died. Clint tipped well, the one time I dealt with him. Billy Bob Thornton is supposed to be a psychopath, but he was a perfect gentleman and polite when he was staying at my property during the Friday Night Lights promotional tour.
The vast majority of celebrities were fine, IME. It was their hangers-on who could be gigantic pains in the ass. Worse were minor royalty, from places like Nigeria or Central Europe.
I shook Robert Byrd’s hand. Does that count?
In my defense, I was 12 at the time.
I emailed James Howard Kunstler, a lefty trash-humper and doom-sayer. I said that there are large amounts of methane on Saturn and Jupiter, and since it is very unlikely it came from living things, perhaps the natural gas on Earth did not come from living things either. It and the other so-called fossil fuels might have come from another process so maybe we will never run out of them. He mocked me saying that we should build a pipeline to Jupiter.
Herp derp, me Kunstler. Me smart. Me very very smart.
That’s a drag! He should have taken the high road and told you the story of ManBearPig.
The wisdom of James Howard Kunstler:
“The poor agricultural peasants of the southern United States, however, resorted to religion because they led very hard lives, had low literacy rates, and and knew few other ways of understanding their predicament besides the structured superstition of primitive Protestantism, transmitted orally.”
Wow! He actually calls them superstitious, illiterate peasants.
“City people of the early 20th century, who had grown up on a high tide of scientific advancement and accepted its victories over superstition and ignorance as self-evident, were suddenly confronted by an aggressive new wave of anti-intellectualism…”
“Regular assaults on the authority of reason from a large, well-organized faction of inflamed simpletons became a chronic annoyance to the democratic polity founded on the idea that the participants could think rationally.”
I’ll take “Bitter-Clingers” for five hundred, Alex… Fuck me, do these people have any clue of the zeitgeist? Any?
I met Gallagher before a show one time. That’s it.
I shook hands with James Woods while he was playing quarter slots at the Hard Rock in Vegas at about 4am.
That sounds as hard boiled and sad as some of the characters Woods used to play, Parnell. Never met him. Supposed to be very smart, not suffering of fools at all, and a waspish sense of humor.
Fun from a distance, I guess.
I’d down shots with James Woods just to say that I had done so. I’d also ask him about Sean Young and ready myself to bolt. Sean Young… my 80’s are revving like a finely tuned Fiero.
I’ll share a few of mine, since I’m still up. I live in LA so I’ve had various encounters, most of them not very interesting. My husband had to interview Marlon Brando for work, which is his highlight story, but mine aren’t nearly so notable.
I worked in menswear retail in Beverly Hills back in the day, but more for business wear than fashion, so not a lot of flashy celebs were in our place. But there was this young guy who came in, South African. Very nice guy who was excited to be able to plunk down two grand for a suit. As I recall, he didn’t tell us he was an actor and his name, Arnold Vosloo, meant nothing to us. We figured out later he was probably spending his first check for getting the role of the Mummy.
My other “Hollywood” story is attending the premiere and afterparty for the movie Blade, and meeting Guillermo Del Toro (could’ve met Wesley Snipes, but he was a d-bag with a huge entourage, so we didn’t try). We didn’t have a chance to talk to him long, but the main thing I remember is Del Toro being so energetic, you knew that for all he’d achieved (and directing a fairly major film in english was a big deal at the time), but he wasn’t done yet.
My small city was a semi-hot bed of filming back in the 90’s. Charlize Theron complained that nobody hit her up while she had her rum and coke at the hotel bar. Gee I wonder if her two bodyguards that weighed in at six hundred pounds or the fact that she was in a bar full of middle class salesmen just trying to watch the game and praying for a decent bowel movement had any bearing on the situation? I would have hit her up (she was unknown at the time) but probably would have been not so gently escorted away by her hired goons. She was the chick that wears a crop top and mini-dress expecting all of the adulation and none of the leers.
Best I can do is I passed Louie Anderson’s carry-on up to him when he seemed to forget it while deplaning. Oh, saw the back bumper of Sam Elliot’s car in the local home improvement store’s parking lot. Wife told me after I got into the truck that Sam Elliot was behind the wheel.
I saw Vince Vaughn smoking a cigarette behind a dumpster at my favorite fish taco place a few weeks ago.
You are winning this thread but we should handicap you because you live in the belly of the Beast.
I wouldn’t call it interesting, but I shook Danny Thomas’ hand at a raffle drawing for St Jude. He reeked of alcohol and was slurring. This was the early 80s, at which point, he was already a has-been. I don’t think he had done anything on tv since the 60s. Didn’t seem like he wanted to be there. I wouldn’t have been there either, except that it was across the street from my house, so not too much trouble to find out if I won the Buick. I didn’t, as expected.
Marlo’s Dad? That’s fucking pathetic. My parent’s generation lurved them some Danny.
Love your handle, by the way. It is Glib Prime!
Thanks. Yeah, Marlo was his best production, IMHO. She could have done a lot better than Donahue.
I had Mink Stole autograph my hand. She was totally amused.
Sokath, his eyes uncovered!
Time to give up on identity politics: It’s dragging the progressive agenda down
Identity politics has only served to disempower the left and fuel the rise of white nationalism. Can we move on?
No, no they can’t. Because without stirring up racial hatred, the only thing the Left would have is gun control and economic creationist retardation.
Plutocrats from the Dwarf Planet, Pluto. Fits right in there what with the tiny hand meme and all.
Few know the truth about Pluto:
Actually his answer is even more bleak — no, because the current generation of Lefties doesn’t even have the tools to discuss such things anymore. In sum, identity politics has swallowed political discourse, and barring catastrophe, there’s nothing that will pull them back from it.
And thank god, people are finally pointing out the inescapable truth that demonizing whites JUST MIGHT have something to do with white identity politics (which is still overblown, but an obvious consequence of identity politics). Speaking of, I do appreciate that he mentions Milo Y not as a neo-nazi or some crap like that, but as someone calling out identity politics as the liberals should have done from the start. But nobody did, so now the right’s taken it over, and as you say, now the left has basically nothing left to offer – not to the working class, not to whites, not to anyone who thinks feminism should include the women of Saudi Arabia, etc.
I was an actual card-carrying Socialist as young man. My Mother worked as an executive assistant for our area’s MLA (think State Senator). My ex-wife went back to Uni just as the great political correctness hullabaloo started. I paid for her ticket to ride that great social work gravy train and yes, yes I was asked to leave after she had finished her studies, wrung me out like a dishrag and started plotting her future. A future without my brand of toxic masculinity (whatever the fuck that means). Five years of my most productive period wasted on a tantrum-throwing harridan. Her son is still in jail.
“no, because the current generation of Lefties doesn’t even have the tools to discuss such things anymore.”
It’s true. Just read the comments to his article. They can’t even…..
Also by Ms Shay (a redhead according to her Amazon page):
Someone has been cribbing notes… ALERT THE SUGARFREE!
Tail-end Charlie, yet again. Well fuck all y’all and cashme onna outside!
Mina Shay. Would.
Definitely trying to cover all bases