I’ve always considered Labor Day to be a tough day to tolerate for libertarians. Sure, a lot of us take the day off and cook out while drinking beer, but we ignore the foundation of Labor Day and the ultimate goal of those who are so supportive of it.

Big fans of Labor Day.
Labor Day is a sham. It celebrates collectivization and the diminishing rights of the individual. It degrades free will and celebrates subjugation. It is a profoundly evil holiday because it takes the worst human instincts and elevates them. If it was Union Day, I could celebrate it, as unions in America, entered into and exited from voluntarily, are able to function in a libertarian society. But celebrating the working man, and pretending in the process that those who own and manage companies aren’t positively contributing, as a faceless laborer reduces him to a tool. A tool that serves, in the case of Labor Day, the concept of a worker-controlled society. And we all know how those have traditionally worked out.

More fans of the Worker’s State
So I’m gonna cook my ribs today. They’ve already been going slow and low for a couple hours now and will be ready soon. I’ll bake some potatoes and steam some corn on the cob. And I’ll most definitely crack a beer or two. But I’m not going to celebrate a holiday whose strongest adherents wish to create the latest version of the failed states of the USSR, China, Venezuela, Cuba, the Khmer Rouge or any other “workers paradise” shithole where the rights of the individual were/are demolished in the name of the greater good.
I’m working in a grocery store right now, and loving getting paid time and a half and a paid holiday.
And taking home the best cuts of meat?
Budget is tight now, so I’m bringing home the most okayest peanut butter.
I putting this up here for educational purposes… honest.
No really, educational purposes only.
At first I thought she was retarded. Then I realized she was just Canadian. Then I didn’t care and just watched her do her thing.
I don’t think English was her first language but she got her point across anyway.
She actually got 2 points across, in very impressive fashion.
I clicked ahead to 3:30 and while her bewbs were talking to me, I didn’t hear the Canadian accent.
Same thing imo
*French Canadian.
The distinction is important.
Those titties ain’t retarded. /Dave Attell
Sweet Jesus that’s…um…educational.
I can feel my IQ rising.
I’m 100% going with the t-shirt and no bra.
Her backyard could be nice if she spent some time and effort with it. The weeds sticking up, and the brownish yellow patch could use some attention.
A woman who doesnt pay attention to her gardening is a hard pass for me.
Damn. I’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed that. Tits are awesome, but ffs, take care of your stuff.
These euphemisms…
I’m not quite sure that they are.
*investigates further*
I think it is a public park, which I assume Canadians have no staff to maintain because it will be buried under snow and ice next week.
She needs to do a Snow Blower wearing a thong video
Her yard looks better here.
Oh muh gawds, she’s fat! I saw some flesh on those bones! Fat lover!
That yard and pool belong to her Sugar Daddy
I’d like to fill that position as soon as there’s an opening.
And just in case you were concerned with what her house looked like, here she is working through an issue with a crochet bikini.
OMG what a disaster!
So, if she takes that necklace thing off, does her head fall off?
Also, I may or may not have searched Piper Blush xHamster…
She’s not quite there yet. Is she????
She’s there, looks to be pre-implants.
Did anyone see movement in the T-shirt? I saw no movement. She defies gravity.
I was too mesmerized to notice. Not really, there’s plenty of movement. She has a seriously impressive set of breasts there. I bet Trump would give her a get out of Canuckistan free card.
Mmmmm Mmmmm. Ugh, did you say something?
Jesus she’s hot.
A day in the life up here.
Though I could do without the implants.
Agreed, she’s hot but just say no to implants.
What’s with the steel collar and harness ring, eh?
I know the significance of her ‘necklace’ and it’s really not helping my boner.
Musica apropriada para o dia?
Appropriate music for the day?
An Oz take on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erSJGrpfnOI
My orphans were singing this until i whipped them to make them stop
Styx, nice. I have that album — in vinyl, no less.
I spent all day (and yesterday) at the waterpark with RBSV and some friends. Finally, after working on it all Summer he rode the last slide of the season by himself.
Where’s the video of you going down the slide in an extremely dangerous manner?
We left Mrs. RBS with my in-laws and went off on our own, so no video.
Was it the Thunder Gun Express?
Sloopyinca, supremacist one percenter and privileged patriarch, baking potatoes and cracking beers on the backs of the working man. Is there no end to this oppression?
Leave the corn in its husks and cook it on the grill.
“as unions in America, entered into and exited from voluntarily”
If only.
Yeah, there are entire industries controlled by unions in some places. I suppose you can always choose to do something else.
Really? Which industry in the US requires people to join a union and doesn’t allow them to opt out?
I don’t have the answer, but there must be something behind this ‘right to work’ stuff.
Those are passed to disincentivize union shops (“which allows for hiring non-union employees, provided that the employees then join the union within a certain period.”) by forcing free-riders into them. Closed shops have been illegal since the 1940s I believe.
I can only speak with some authority regarding construction unions, but union shops are voluntary. The owner voluntarily chooses to enter into a contract with a trade union; the benefits for which are essentially access to the union work force (which in experience is usually better trained on average but YMMV by state and trade), an existing training program, an existing third party who manages employee benefits, and it gives you a slightly better opportunity as a union subcontractor to be hired by a union general contractor.
I never thought I’d see union propaganda here.
1. “Free-riders” So someone who feels differently than than you about unions is a free-rider just because they don’t want to to join? That kind of eats away at your obviously laughable position that people “don’t have to join a union.” Yes, the law may say they don’t, but the realities of having to work with people like you if they don’t join make not joining a very unpleasant choice.
2. “The owner voluntarily chooses to enter into a contract with a trade union” Again, you make it sound like the unions will just have a live and let live attitude and there will be no repercussions for not doing so. Please stop insulting our intelligence by pretending this is true.
3. “an existing third party who manages employee benefits” You make it sound like this is a benefit instead of the added cost it really is. The employer likely already has an HR/Finance employee(s). Forcing him to pay some union lackey to do it is not a “benefit.”
4. “slightly better opportunity as a union subcontractor to be hired by a union general contractor” Again, stop being so disingenuous. “Slightly better opportunity” = “not a chance in hell for a non-union shop” and we all know it. Well, in a non-right-to-work state that is. In a right-to-work state the unions don’t get to operate like legal mafia
You’ve never heard of a closed shop?
Those are illegal.
“he Taft–Hartley Act outlawed the closed shop in the United States in 1947.”
“An employer may not lawfully agree with a union to hire only union members, but it may agree to require employees to join the union or pay the equivalent of union dues to it, within a set period after starting employment.”
So, same fucking thing.
I have no idea what is supposed to be the distinction here. I can only judge by the jobs I’ve had and the fact is, you cannot enter some of them without joining the union.
It was like that at the prison. You can’t be an officer without joining the AFSCME, and non-officer staff (nurses, teachers, unit managers, mental health people, etc.) are forced to join the SEIU.
I only got out of it because I worked through an outside healthcare staffing agency. I wouldn’t take a job if I had to join one of those two scumbag organizations.
Try writing a script for TV or any movie studio if you don’t have a card. Or, for that matter, taking almost any job in those industries without a union card.
Major league sports.
“Major league sports”
And the broadcasts and journalists that cover them
I challenge that. I doubt broadcasters are required to join a union, and I know journalists are not since so many journalists are free-lance.
Are you required to join the union? I’m not sure you are. I think you can still opt out, like the teacher’s union or air traffic controllers, but you are still covered under the collective bargaining.
That would be an open shop, not a closed shop.
It’s mudder than that. As I’m sure you know, the MLB, for example, is exempt from Federal anti-trust law. As such, it is a legal cartel. As a cartel, it can choose who can be an owner, who can play, and who can be an agent. The baseball players’ union, the MLBPA, basically also exists as a sub-cartel within the MLB. So, yes, a player can technically play without being a member of the MLBPA, if they don’t join, they won’t have any licensing rights as player on an MLB team. While it doesn’t have the anti-trust protections the MLB has, a similar situation exists with the NFLPA, etc.. So yes, it’s not legally a closed shop, but I wouldn’t call it an open shop either.
This is true. MLB players are not required to join the union. I recall a local radio personality having to explain why on posters and tshirts that listed the Diamondbacks World Series Team in 2001 did not list the starting catcher, Damian Miller. Damian Miller did not join the players union therefore could not be listed on merchandise as being part of the team.
For example, you cannot get a non-managerial hotel job in SF without joining a union. Same with most retail other than mom-n-pop.
I was in the Local 2 (hotel and restaurant union) for a while, when I worked at a ladies social club. It was mandatory. Also was in a union of some kind when I worked at UCSF – though in that case, I didn’t have to pay dues, just fees. And this UC employee got a bunch of us together and we sued to get the a portion of our fees refunded every month so we wouldn’t have to support the union’s political causes. I got a check for about 2.30 a month for years because of that.
The NFL? NBA? MLB? NHL? Or being f an official in any of those professional leagues for starters.
The NFL is an industry now? I’d argue it is a brand of football that while overwhelmingly more successful than it’s competitors, is not the entire industry.
American professional football is very much an industry. And the Clarett suit pretty much once and for all showed that one could not play in the league outside of the parameters set up by the union. And union dues will be collected regardless of ones desire to be a member.
If you’re 19, you can’t even enter the league because the union and league contractually exclude you from eligibility.
Not true. If you graduate HS at 16, you can play at 19. This happened a few years back.
Every aerospace job I’ve ever had.
My first one, I had a grievance filed against me during my first two weeks. Clearly I didn’t know how the game was played.
That may be true for the jobs you’ve held, but if you are you saying you cannot be employed in the Aerospace Industry anywhere in the US unless you join a union I think you are mistaken.
Does Elon Musk run a union shop at Space X?
You can move the goalposts all you want as far as the definition of “industry” is concerned. Can we at least agree that certain positions within certain industries are effectively closed?
Companies voluntarily agree to abide by union guidelines or not as far as I know.
Which industry requires all the employees of the companies in that industry (in the US) to be members of a union?
So, basically, your thing is that you’re a union guy and you came here specifically to fight with libertarians?
He has over 400 comments here without being a dick.
I’m going to chalk it up to a bad day.
What the hell would I know, all I did was live it.
BTW, I had to quit that job because the union, in its wisdom, made certain that performance couldn’t be rewarded. My boss explained things to me. “You want a 20% raise and a promotion? Here’s how you do it. You quit, take a job with Northrup for a year at 10% higher, then come back into the higher position at 10% above what you made at Northrup. That’s how we all do it.”
And yes, whether you worked at Boeing, Northrup, Lockheed, wherever, you had to be in the union and suffer under their rules.
I got out of aerospace because I had a choice of regular job-hopping and accomplishing little, or accomplishing a lot and getting the same raise as the fuckoff in the next lab who spent his days doing crossword puzzles. Fuck the unions and their cartel.
He has over 400 comments here without being a dick.
I’m going to chalk it up to a bad day.
Yeah, that is odd. Can’t imagine a troll having the patience to do that.
I can. Botard.
In California if you want to teach at a public school you have to pay the union dues, whether or not you even want to join it.
Again, they aren’t required to join the union. They are benefiting from the collective bargaining, so they get roped in to paying the dues whether they join or not.
If they don’t like that, there are PLENTY of teaching jobs where you can stay out of the union and not pay dues (all private schools, colleges, universities, community colleges, etc etc etc)
They are benefiting from the collective bargaining
They are subject to the collective bargaining agreement. Since they have no choice in the matter, benefit or harm is entirely incidental.
I have done work in “a union building”. I had no idea such a thing existed. We got hassled going to work a few times with the union twats asking us for our union cards. And that was in OKC. Not exactly a union stronghold. Fuck unions. Trade unions are one thing and those guys were dicks, but federal employee unions who lobby themselves more of other peoples money from people who have no choice but to give it can kiss my ass.
Some people are dicks to people who aren’t in their cliques. In other news, water is wet.
Ya, they were dicks, but go ahead and skip over the part about the biggest dicks which are federal employee unions who have a lock on who pays them regardless of performance and then dictates ridiculous requirements to fire one of the fucks.
Aren’t most federal employees on the same pay scale though? Whether or not they belong to a union? I know a few guys who work for the feds and I’m almost certain they aren’t in a union.
My point being their pay raises and salary tiers are already set regardless.
Not required to join. Most non-public teaching positions are not unionized so if you want to be a non-union teacher, you can.
Sorry. Public school teachers.
your argument really doesn’t seem to add up to much.
The argument that closed shops are illegal? I’m the one who is right.
Name one industry where you are REQUIRED to join a union.
Where the definition of “industry” is subject to your selective inclusion/exclusion in order to make your point seemingly valid? Yeah, no thanks.
As far as I’m concerned, if you’re required to pay a union to work in an industry, even if just locally or in a particular state, you’re being de facto forced to join them.
Custrel, you saying that there’s no forced membership just forced paying of dues hardly makes it better.
It’s like paying protection money to the mob instead of joining them. You’re still being forced to pay someone merely to enter a field. That is fucked up. And as far as I’m concerned, it’s de facto membership.
Saying that it’s not a closed shop simply because you don’t have to actually join the union despite having to pay dues and being subject to whatever collective bargaining agreement you didn’t sign, or because you don’t have to join the union to get the job but then have to join after you’re hired in order to keep it is a little silly.
Also, “industry” is overbroad. You can’t seriously make the argument that, say, professional football isn’t effectively a “closed shop” because there’s arena football. In an industry where there’s a single, overwhelmingly dominant company that controls access to the highest professional levels of that industry, you can consider that company to effectively be the industry. The NFL has a hegemony over professional football in the US. Your argument would make more sense in the context of IT, say, or the restaurant industry. But you seem to be saying that since police departments are all unionized but most mall security jobs aren’t, law enforcement isn’t a “closed shop”. And, again, that seems like you’re just trying to win an argument rather than contribute to a discussion.
Y’all motherfuckers just got Tulpa’d.
Hey Playa, what did you think of the Farmer’s bacon?
I did it 3 ways.
Pan: Too Salty
Oven broiled on a rack: Perfect
Sous Vide: Still in progress
It’s the perfect BLT sandwich bacon.
Ha! Right on. I will sooner or later have to get a sous vide machine.
And yes, aside from that method, I think the oven on a rack is the best bacon cooking method.
Doing it sous vide renders out a lot of the salt, so the end product often ends up not salty enough. I suspect that won’t be a problem with Farmer’s.
Yeah, I’m done with it.
Yeah, there are entire industries CONTROLLED by unions in SOME PLACES.
Moving the goalposts with union labor.
Name the “entire industry controlled by unions’ anywhere.
I would, but I’m not interested in this game anymore. I haven’t even had a Labor Day beer yet.
You obviously have a very strong opinion on the matter, so I’m going to let it be.
Professional American Football.
If by Professional American Football you are referring only to the NFL, then I think you are incorrect.
Firstly, teams in the “right to work states” would not be allowed to require players to join. The NFLPA freaked out over this stuff two years ago. I think half the teams play in right to work states.
Secondly, coaches are not required to join a union – Bill Bellichek is not a member and supposedly never has been.
I’d argue that the NFL is not an “industry” but rather one company that has voluntarily chosen to be a union shop. The difference matters. The NFL could decide to refuse to resign its contract with the NFLPA, and would, if it thinks it would be the better financial move.
Maryland state public school teachers.
Depends on the state.
I’m with you. It’s a totally fucked up holiday. Thing is, it’s also the last day of the State Fair, the last day before the kids go back to school and a nice demarcation between the seasons.
I’m just gonna crack another beer.
*cracks beer* Are there any Labor Day statues we can attack? I mean, if it was Memorial Day, we’d at least know what we have to break.
Is it more fucked up than celebrating the the magical birth of a culturally appropriated 3000-year-old sky god’s one and only son?
Tony? Shreek? They all run together.
Dumber than tulpa
That’s mighty big talk there, mister.
Reminds me of Bo
That would require greater claims of authority on a subject they know absolutely nothing about.
Nope, Bo’s MO was agreeing about things he knew nothing about and constantly virtue signalling, not Reddit atheism.
Where’d the 3000 year thing come from? Religion appears to be much older than that.
Judaism is older than 3000 years?
Is that where the son thing started?
But since you’re an expert, you can tell us when Judaism started. I always wanted to know that.
“But since you’re an expert”
That’s disingenuous Hyperion. Don’t put words in my mouth.
I don’t know when Judaism started, I posted an off the cuff remark based on my understanding that the earliest ancient Hebrew is from the Bronze Age. Jaweh could be a 12k-year-old sky god for all it matters.
Well, you apparently know this:
“Judaism is older than 3000 years?”
Effectively what you’re doing there is claiming that Judaism is not more than 3000 years old.
But going back to your original attack, you’re saying that ‘God’ is a 3000 year old deity who had a son, one and only, and celebrating that birth is worse than something.
So, I, who am not religious, take that as an attack on religion, but specifically an attack on a certain religion. Religion is very old, so where do we start? Religion certainly did not start with Judaism or Christianity, yet I sense that you have a particular problem with those.
speaking of which, i see/hear this word being used about 10times a day.
much the same way “literally” and “neocon” is used.
its not really a synonym for “dishonest”. its much more specific than that. Its really “feigned innocence” and doesn’t really have application to every possible situation. But kiddies seem to love it. Its their $5 word for “why you always lyin“.
Yeah, that’s one word I make sure to use correctly. It’s a tricky one.
“But going back to your original attack, you’re saying that ‘God’ is a 3000 year old deity who had a son, one and only, and celebrating that birth is worse than something. ”
No, I implied celebrating the magical birth of a mythical entity is a worse idea for a holiday than the idea that people who work hard should get a day off.
If you want to infer that as an attack on all religion when I only referenced the judeo-christian mythos that’s fine.
“its not really a synonym for “dishonest”. its much more specific than that. Its really “feigned innocence” and doesn’t really have application to every possible situation. But kiddies seem to love it. Its their $5 word”
Really Gilmore? You’re going to stoop to grammar nazi on a message board?
That would be a great idea and I’d support it.
Unfortunately Labor Day isn’t for people who work hard, its for every asshole. and in particular, union assholes who don’t work hard at all.
I would totally support changing labor day to be provided as a reward for people who demonstrably improved the productivity levels in their area of operation. every year, the top 1/5th of the workforce would be given a holiday, and the rest of the lazy bastards would have to work 20% harder just to see what its like to actually put effort into things.
“Stoop”? I would be proud to be accepted in the Grammar Nazi Party.
“If you want to infer that as an attack on all religion when I only referenced the judeo-christian mythos that’s fine.”
Oh no, I don’t know where you got that, but I specifically interpreted it as attacking Judeo-Christian religion in particular.
“I would totally support changing labor day to be provided as a reward for people who demonstrably improved the productivity levels in their area of operation. every year, the top 1/5th of the workforce would be given a holiday, and the rest of the lazy bastards would have to work 20% harder just to see what its like to actually put effort into things.”
Dude, it’s a holiday where I don’t have to work. I don’t really care what it’s called. And much like every other holiday where I don’t have to work (with the exception of the 4th of July), I don’t agree with, nor do I believe the tenets or reasons why the day is a holiday.
I think it’s pronounced “shtup” in the original Yiddish.
Yeah, i think “Bo” is a possibility. You don’t get that sort of thing in such close proximity with normally-stupid people.
” You don’t get that sort of thing in such close proximity with normally-stupid people.”
So not believing in the divinity of Jesus Christ is only for abnormally stupid people now?
its the assertion of an opinion, then the negation of any basis for an opinion, in such close proximity, that is very-Bo-esque.
baby jesus aint got nothing to do w/ it.
don’t worry, no one actually cares.
Gilmore, you could be a Grammar Neo-Nazi. You could be like the Richard Spencer of Grammar Nationalism!
at least its an ethos
“its the assertion of an opinion, then the negation of any basis for an opinion, in such close proximity, that is very-Bo-esque.”
I don’t know who Bo is so your insult is wasted on me.
I think your problem is that you are inferring things that are not there. The statements are not contradictory in context. Maintaining that one thing is better than another thing, even if both things are ultimately things I don’t like, is not irrational.
If someone had instead asked “Is there a worse way to make an argument than using False Equivalencies?” And I replied “Ad Hominems are worse,” it doesn’t require me to think one of these is not a fallacy. It simply means that I think using Ad Hominems is an even weaker form of argumentation than using False Equivalencies.
I don’t remember Jesus killing 100 million people in the last century like those who celebrate the endgame of the labor movement have in their workers paradises.
They do both have the distinction of killing a lot of Germans.
False equivalency.
You sound like an SJW carping about how Thanksgiving is day of genocide.
What bug crawled up your bunghole today?
Jesus H Christ, you’re tiresome as shit.
Whatever bug it is, it belongs to a union. It’s a union bug.
@)#($*()@* hell i can’t even believe that. i mean jesus. how did that even….
It’s really quite impressive.
I should put it on my resume under “Skills”
Or I’m just not terrified by the collective bargaining bogeyman having seen it and experienced it up close. If some of you want to other me because I’m not in lockstep with the apparent “everything about unions is evil” sentiment several of the users here hold it really doesn’t bother me… I’ve been reading Reason comments for the last few years.
Nobody’s against voluntary collective bargaining. I think that’s been made pretty clear, actually.
And did you really just use the noun “other” as a verb? Ironically, I hope.
“Nobody’s against voluntary collective bargaining. I think that’s been made pretty clear, actually.”
I think the opposite is closer to the truth actually. At the very least it seems several folks here are under the impression that union membership is universally required, or at least implied as much, when that is actually not the case.
“And did you really just use the noun “other” as a verb? Ironically, I hope.”
I am guilty of using it, but you can only read so much progspeak before it contaminates your lexicon. I suppose I could have used ‘insult’ instead, but I didn’t feel particularly insulted despite the attempts.
“Nobody’s against voluntary collective bargaining”
I’m against government employees doing it.
Actually, I am too. I’m not quite sure why it gives me the jeebies, but I think it has to do with the fact that they’re being paid with money taken from people who don’t have a say in the matter.
I’m against government employees doing it.
I’m of two minds here. Is it really fair to restrict that right from people? And is it the employees’ fault the state/city/fed is willing to give them stupid concessions? One of the basic tenets of capitalism is to negotiate the best price someone is willing to pay for so I can’t fault them for that.
OTOH damn do govts make shitty deals. Politicians rarely seem to suffer the consequences of their bad economic decisions and as a result whenever the teachers threaten to strike, they cave in because god forbid angry parents who have to watch their kids for a few more weeks start calling town hall.
I think the discussion took a turn away from productive exchange of ideas and went barreling towards poo, but it seems to me that the main issue seems to be that you’re arguing that because union membership isn’t legally mandated nationally across entire industries, industries understood in the broadest sense, unions are primarily benign organizations and that a person can either engage with them or not on an entirely voluntary basis without negative impact.
The other side of the argument is that there’s a difference between the technical truth of that and the effective truth of that, and that seems to be what other people are arguing. A lot of the counterexamples you’ve given to prove your point amount to Morton’s Fork or Hobson’s Choice: if you don’t join, you’re a “free rider” and owe dues regardless, or in the latter case when you’re an aspiring professional football player with the choice of joining the NFLPA in order to play at the highest level of your sport or languishing in a lesser league making part-time job money because, let’s be honest, the NFL is really the only game in town when it comes to professional football.
I think the issue comes down to the fact that when you refer to collective bargaining you’re only talking about unions that operate by obtaining a monopoly on labor, something they can only do by forcing non-union workers to either leave or join. If a union can exist without impacting non-union co-workers on an entirely voluntary basis, that’s what I think the rest of us are referring to in the context of collective bargaining as a positive thing. The AFL-CIO is not such an animal. If a union’s strategy requires the compulsion of non-union workers and intimidation of business owners, it’s illegitimate.
There’s also the fact that pubsec unions – which are entirely illegitimate IMHO – deal only with their “brothers” in the private world. So I say screw them all – they are a huge drag on the economy. And all of the positive things some unions bring can be accomplished with alternatives that aren’t so business-unfriendly like workers councils.
It is if you don’t consider collective bargaining a ‘right’ in the same way that free speech is a right. Nothing in the Constitution mentions any right to collective bargaining, so there’s nothing to prohibit the government from forbidding the use of collective bargaining by its employees. Collective bargaining, at best, may be a variation of freedom of association, but it is immoral to compel any company through threats of force to associate with groups it does not wish to.
I’m of two minds here. Is it really fair to restrict that right from people?
Yes, it very much is. They are free to enter the private sector where they can operate by different rules, but it is unconscionable that a public sector union can finance the campaign of an elected official and then sit across the bargaining table from them to negotiate a contract when the elected official is using money from taxpayers they did not earn.
There is a huge difference in private sector unions and public sector ones insomuch as only one “management” group (public entities) has a vested personal interest in appeasing the union at the expense of a third party. The other (private business) excessively rewards their union at the expense of their shareholders, who can exclusively remove them.
The only way I would even consider public unions having a right to exist is that if their members were explicitly forbidden from contributing to any political campaign as a condition of the union forming.
or in the latter case when you’re an aspiring professional football player with the choice of joining the NFLPA in order to play at the highest level of your sport or languishing in a lesser league making part-time job money because, let’s be honest, the NFL is really the only game in town when it comes to professional football.
Ok, lets set aside the fact that what, about half of the NFL teams are in right to work states so their players don’t HAVE to join (I don’t know if they still pay the dues, wouldn’t be surprised if they do).
With an average NFL career of less than 3 years, is it in the best interest of the overwhelming majority new players to join a union and bargain collectively? Or to try to negotiate as individuals with the NFL?
Were players doing better salary and benefits-wise before the NFLPA (1968ish) or afterward? But I digress. Apologies.
I think the issue comes down to the fact that when you refer to collective bargaining you’re only talking about unions that operate by obtaining a monopoly on labor, something they can only do by forcing non-union workers to either leave or join.
Again, speaking only from my own experiences, the trade unions in the NW seem to acquire and keep members primarily due to the superior wages, benefits, and training. I don’t remember the last time we had a strike of any impact, and the picketing bullshit almost never works. Especially now when construction is booming and there are not enough people to fill the jobs available.
When a new prospective carpenter goes looking for a job it’s a no brainer for him to sign up and get $15/hr plus benefits and a $1.50/hr increase every six months (if you are working) vs taking $9/hr and work for a non-union contractor.
It is if you don’t consider collective bargaining a ‘right’ in the same way that free speech is a right.
I’d consider it as much a right as it is to negotiate the price of anything in a capitalist society. So to me it would be a natural right I suppose.
That said, there could be some arguments made that people collaborating to agree on a labor price isn’t a lot different from people collaborating on the price of a manufactured good.
I suspect they would not be very good arguments, since ‘agreeing’ on a labor price tends to involve the government setting an artificial price floor to begin with.
I don’t want anyone else to leave but labortarians.com and labourtarians.com are both available. Sounds better than dankertarians of TOS.
Or not of. I need to start reading things before I hit post.
I thought the preferred nomenclature was sky daddy?
That sky god is going to make the days longer if we give each other gifts. So as a Minnesodan, I say FUCK OFF! I want those days to get longer.
This stupid holiday doesn’t give me longer days, so the Labor sky god can go fuck xerself.
Considering that you get a day off, presents and nice meal out of it instead of just a day off and union cunts on the radio talking about how great they are, nope.
You’ve obviously never been to any of the Labor Day BBQs held by trade unions. Around these parts they usually rent a local amusement park and have free rides and games for the kids all day.
‘Around these parts they usually rent a local amusement park and have free rides and games for the kids all day.’
Free? Hardly.
I’ve belonged to a union (TWU) and we’ve discussed union membership in the past. And I must say, I personally disapproved of the frivolous allocation of my dues being spent on ‘appreciation’ days. And per chance said days were funded by the company itself and not the union, I still disapprove. Don’t blow smoke up my ass, pay me my worth and I’ll decide how to reward myself for a job well done.
He meant free for the people who use it, not the people who pay for it.
You know, “free”.
I work for a university, and while I haven’t gotten a raise in three years I have been encouraged to use any or all of my $5000 annual travel budget for conferences and crap. Which I can’t do, because I’ve got a toddler, a bunch of pets, and a wife who works full-time. Frankly, I’d rather have half of my vacation days, never go to a conference, and make an extra $7000.
You and Bill are correct. It isn’t really “free.” It’s paid for by members for members and their families.
Don’t even get me started on the bullshit my local chapter supports with our dues. Political shit. Religious shit. Dig a well in Africa shit. They did some good things (helped pay for volunteers to go to help repair houses after Katrina), but like any group, they did some stupid wasteful things as well.
When you were with TWU, were you able to negotiate a higher rate than scale for yourself? Or were you only paid scale?
Scale. This was in the late summer/early fall of 2002, to around the end of 2003, Logan Airport, Boston, Massachusetts. American Airlines was hemorrhaging money and our union had absolutely no power whatsoever. Yet, it still spent our dues on feel good nonsense like the example above.
I was only in my early twenties at the time and far less politically astute to the inner mechanisms of how day to day graft and appeasement operates. I can’t even begin to guess how much of my money was wasted on feelz or spent on kickbacks to TOP MEN under the guise of union solidarity.
My overall take on union membership was that it protected lazy, unmotivated, or downright incompetent workers from facing just repercussions for their ineptitude and reduced any incentives to pull extra weight in order to get the damn job done in an orderly and timely manner.
To be fair, this was nearly fifteen years ago and purely anecdotal.
*Reads thread. Cracks another beer.*
The website’s rating system can suck the high hard one. This is one of my favourites in the world and it just came back into town.
*squeals with excitement*
Ah, too bitter for my tastes. I’m more of a malt over hops kind of guy, generally speaking. As I’ve aged, too much hops/acidity has begun to induce in me severe cases of heartburn. IPA’s in particular are a non-starter.
Malt over hops here as well. If you like dark stuff, try a Köstritzer Schwarz sometime. As with any import, check the Drink-By date.
I’ve heard the German stuff doesn’t travel well due to the purity requirements – one reason why I see so few of them in the stores locally – or so I’ve been told.
Beat me to it.
I’m sure there’s some truth to what you and Mss are saying. I’d be lying if I said I’ve done extensive research on the Reinheitsgebot. Is that why it’s bottled in green tinged glass even though brown glass preserves the beer far more effectively? It always been my theory as to why Heineken always states skunky to me. If true, a visit to Germany and a taste of a fresh Haufbraue Oktoberfest just might make me spray my draws.
I don’t think green bottles are a requirement. Fransikaner for example, bottles their dunkels in brown bottles.
I don’t think there is any requirement for green bottles in Germany.
I found this thread on green bottles on Beeradvocate. There is a post that makes some amount of sense that post-war a lot of brewers used green bottles because they were easier to get a hold of, and when they switches to brown bottles their American sales dropped.
I thought the Reinheitsgebot had been left in the dust. But I checked it out before posting. Interesting:
So they don’t give any leeway for fruit adjuncts? What about witbiers?
You add a lemon wedge…after you pour it into a glass.
I think the “out” is you just can’t call it Bier
You add a lemon wedge
Good god no! whoever started this disturbing trend of fruitifying beer needs to have statues erected in his honor just so I can personally tear them down.
The orange peel in the Hefeweizen is pretty German.
Shit they mix beer with coca-cola.
I remember enjoying a few Radlers. Refreshing!
Freshness is a matter of: time since bottling and storage conditions during warehousing and shipping.
Pilsner Urquell, a really good beer in Czech and Germany, is so often skunky on the shelves here that I don’t risk buying it anymore.
Freshness is a matter of: time since bottling and storage conditions during warehousing and shipping.
I’ve known this, but had a great reminder last year when I was in Prague. Czech lagers usually don’t travel well.
This is the main thing. I (thankfully) have a good local beer store that either sells imports quickly, or culls old stuff off the shelves before skunking. (and I guess the distributors get a lot of the credit) I’ve had quite a few different imports and never had any skunky ones. My once every month or two purchase of Hoegaarden always tastes great, so I’m a happy guy.
The rating might have something to do with the time between bottling, travel, import and distribution. People forget that beer like anything else degrades over time, especially when packaged in bottles.
Beer-wise, fall is my favorite time of the year. It all begins with Oktoberfest on every shelf.
Should have read before posting, but I agree.
Weirdly enough, Belgians seem to travel and store fine – even Trappists….can’t get enough of them. Park Lane Tavern in Fredericksburg, VA has Gulden Draak Brewmasters Series on tap, but I can’t find bottles of that one locally.
Even though I was only 16 when I visited with “family” (exchange student), Oktoberfest was a blast. I love Munich in general.
I like Munich, though I have to say I like Vienna better.
On the other hand, Vienna doesn’t have Oktoberfest.
I went to Oktoberfest last year, and I should have spent a few more days there. It was great fun.
The cities I’ve visited in Europe, in order of preference: Vienna, tie between Munich and Amsterdam, Prague, Cologne.
I did a lot of traveling in just one year. All over Germany, plus Paris, Austria, Spain… I loved Berlin and Munich. Hated Paris. Did not see Vienna unfortunately.
There is a lot more I’d like to see in Europe. I’m not sure where I will go next.
While I’d like to see Paris, it is very far down on my list. I flew through Charles de Gaulle once, and I hope to never set foot in that airport again.
Seems I posted my labor day union link too early. Op-Ed written by a Bernie bro who wrote the book on how to be a Bernie bro.
All Hail The Union
I personally think a workplace is not a democracy, and if you don’t like something at your workplace you can leave. Yes, you have a right to organize a union, and the company also has a right to shut their company down and move if your union is going to kill their business. I am sure the author would disagree. Companies exist to provide a middle class living to all people is what I get from his op-ed.
“I personally think a workplace is not a democracy”
And you would be 100% correct. If businesses were democracies, they would soon cease to exist. Example.
Workers: We want $15 an hour!
Owner: I’m sorry guys, we can’t afford it, we’d go out of business.
Democratic Vote: Workers: 10 Owner: 1
Business: *ceases to exist*
I grew up in NW Minnesoda and one of the only non-tourtist businesses in town was a turkey processing plant. At one point the competitor to our turkey plant managed to buy them out (because they were far more profitable and non-union).
The new management came in and said, “we can’t keep on paying you guys so much with all the union bennies. We will pay you X which is what we pay all our other plants.” Well the old union freaked out and said no way Jose.
The new management said, “well, this is one of those take it or leave it deals. Take X/hr or we will just shift work to our original plant 15 miles away.”
The union called their bluff and now my hometown doesn’t have a turkey processing plant anymore.
My father was in a govt union and he was flabbergasted. “How could they not see this coming a mile away?”
For a second I thought we grew up in the same town. Then I realized I grew up by “the original plant”.
Detroit Lakes, MN was my home town. They were the ones who lost their processing plant to Pelican Rapids.
Detroit Lakes: a bit more than halfway from Motley to Fargo on old Highway 10.
That sounds about right.
The union at Hormel in Austin, MN busted itself that way maybe 30 years ago. Plant just shut down until the union gave up, then started again.
More like:
Workers: We want $25 an hour!
Owner: I’m sorry guys, we can’t afford it, we’d go out of business.
Democratic Vote: Workers: 10 Owner: 1
Owner: OK you’re all fired. Good luck finding work
Business: Converts to non-union shop.
at work, where most of us spend half of our waking lives.
You’re only awake 80 or so hours a week? I think we’ve struck on the problem of why you can’t get ahead on merit, you lazy fuck.
::edit faerie was here anyway…::
168 hours in a week. At 8 hours a day, you would get 56 hours of sleep. That leaves 112 hours of awake time. So just almost exactly 2x as much time awake.
Oh, and 40 hour week. So almost 4x as much time not at work and about 3x as much awake time vs work.
I’ve concluded that we truly are slaves.
Maybe we should start a union?
Which will be completely voluntary, like taxes, amirite?
You only work 40 hours a week?
Somewhere between 30 and 100, depending.
I work in software development and one of the things that makes me like it so much is how merit based it is.
You know why so many developers get to wear whatever the fuck they want? It is because they produce. If you can walk-the-walk as a developer you can call your own shots.
I also think that the culture is one of the reasons that unions have never made any inroads into IT. Why would I want to work for the average? I’m a superstar! Pay Me!
Damn right. Unions are expressly set up to reward mediocrity.
Maybe some of the highly protected govt unions, but not in construction. Only the employees who consistently make money for the business stay employed.
I used to believe all these anti-union myths too until I actually experienced one. Like most things, it has its pros and cons.
I’d rather negotiate my own wage, thank you very much.
You should. Anyone who has a special skill, or is better at something than other people should negotiate their own wage because they will generally get paid more.
Collective bargaining doesn’t generally benefit the exceptional individual, it generally benefits the average individual. People who are easily replaced have little or no leverage to bargain with their employers unless they do so in a group.
So lets recap:
Rhywun: Unions are expressly set up to reward mediocrity.
Custrel: Maybe some of the highly protected govt unions, but not in construction
Custrel one comment later: Collective bargaining doesn’t generally benefit the exceptional individual, it generally benefits the average individual.
Yeah, you’re right Mike. I’m not expressing myself well there as I was addressing two different things (pay and job protection), and I probably should have said “majority of the labor pool” instead of average individual, but I’m not sure that would be any clearer.
For jobs with a large labor pool where the vast majority of of the labor pool is essentially interchangeable, collective bargaining benefits the majority of the labor pool because it gives those employees leverage to negotiate that they wouldn’t normally have.
Think of the Friends actors a few years back. They were a large ensemble cast and it would be simple for NBC to replace any actor who wanted more money than NBC was initially willing to pay. The actors presented a united front during their last negotiation demanding (IIRC) $1million/episode per actor or they would all walk. Individually one or two of them might have negotiated more for themselves, but the other actors would probably have been let go or paid less. By uniting they gave the majority of the group more negotiating leverage.
Yeah, a great example of voluntary collective bargaining. But as I said in my other comment to you, can we stop pretending that, in many cases, unions don’t create a very inhospitable work environment if you don’t join? And being forced to pay dues regardless of membership is abhorrent. It’s flat out theft.
“Can we stop pretending that, in many cases, unions don’t create a very inhospitable work environment if you don’t join?”
Mike, I honestly have not experienced this and I don’t know anyone who has. I have an open shop and no-one does that shit since so many people have worked on both sides. Also in the part of the country where I work nobody really makes a big a deal about whether someone is union or not, and union/non-union contractors work side-by-side on nearly every project without animosity (though sometimes I am appalled by their cavalier attitude toward safety).
Even when my relatives opted out of the teacher’s union on principle, they didn’t seem to take any shit from it. It probably does happen, but I can’t speak to it and in my experience it is not the norm.
And being forced to pay dues regardless of membership is abhorrent. It’s flat out theft.”
I agree that this is utter bullshit and a good example of the bad aspects of unions.
If only unions were these innocuous trade organizations out to help their members for a reasonable and voluntary fee. Such professional organizations do exist, but they wield very little power because they don’t have 125 years worth of legislative carve outs and benefits working in their favor.
I interviewed for an engineering position at US Steel out of undergrad. During a plant tour, the absolute disdain shown to me because I was a “suit”applying for a non-union position was palpable. US steel has to settle for the dredges of engineering school because of their union work environment (that and they didn’t pay very well). I declined their offer before they even finished telling me about it. The idea impressed on me that day was that US steel was a hostage of the various unions. Their recruiting effort for skilled labor was severely hampered by the same union that supposedly improves the quality of the admittedly interchangeable unskilled labor. There’s no question in my mind that US Steel would be a non-union shop if the full weight of the federal government and leftist agitation organizations wasn’t going to fall on them.
If only unions were these innocuous trade organizations out to help their members for a reasonable and voluntary fee.
Honestly, outside of my few peripheral interactions with the teacher’s union, this has basically been my experience. I think paying $1.50/hr in dues to make $10-15/hr more than I would if I were non-union is a worthwhile trade.
I think paying $1.50/hr in dues to make $10-15/hr more than I would if I were non-union is a worthwhile trade.
This is exactly what I was talking about in the second paragraph. Do you really think that union labor is worth $10-15/hr more than non-union labor? That seems preposterous on its face. What self respecting company would voluntarily overpay their employees by 40% and subject themselves to the productivity hits that come with union involvement? This fairy tale that the wonderful voluntary union steps in and valiantly improves the situation of both the company and the unskilled labor doesn’t pass the smell test.
More likely, the NLRB and department of labor hold a cudgel over companies’ heads and force them to choose between carrying a union-shaped boat anchor or drawing the ire of the federal government.
Well, I think unions work well for people involved in jobs where there isn’t a lot of room to demonstrate your value. So, unskilled labor, some manufacturing, stuff like that. Jobs where the most important quality a worker has is punctuality. If you can be replaced by automation because your job isn’t really that complicated, or because it doesn’t really require much in the way of talent, education, skill, or effort, membership in a union will probably help you more than hurt you. Especially if you work in a field where there’s a lot of competition from foreign firms or contractors, like contract IT support, stuff like that.
And I’m not saying that to shit all over people who work those jobs. Plenty of smart, interesting, good, talented people take jobs at the local widget factory because it pays the bills, or because it gives them a change of pace from more intellectually challenging or creative work. And shit, some people just aren’t cut out for much more than pushing buttons or putting stuff in boxes, and that’s fine, too.
Like His Holiness said up thread, though, as a web developer I dress like I’m going to a bar, curse like a longshoreman, and listen to music too loud, and I can do it because I perform. I’m damned good at what I do, and I do it better than anyone else there. So, yeah, I’m not interested in collective bargaining because I’m not going to try to argue that everyone ought to get a raise when, frankly, I wouldn’t pay half the people here a quarter of what they make. I’m arguing that I, personally, am worth paying more to keep in the building. It’s a very individualistic line of work, so it doesn’t really fit the collective bargaining paradigm.
You’re explaining better than I am.
I’ve never been a big rah-rah union guy, in the past I was quite the opposite in fact. Now that I’ve experienced collective bargaining as both an employee and an employer I have a better idea of the realities of dealing with (some) unions and the actual positives and negatives rather than just hearsay and regurgitating ideological derp.
Like I say, I’m all in favor of collective bargaining, and I have absolutely no problem with unions in principle. I do have a problem the more egregious misbehavior that some of the larger unions seem to engage in, and I have an absolutely massive problem with requiring non-member workers to pay dues. Mind you, I’m not arguing that legislation should be involved in any of that. Totally the opposite, although to the extent that intimidation and so forth is employed to coerce union membership or union employment is already illegal (or should be, per the CA reference upthread) it should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. It’s just that in my admittedly limited experience unions go well beyond just a bunch of people getting together to bargain for better wages. Right off the bat, as I said above, if your collective bargaining strategy requires everyone to be on board whether they want to or not, something’s amiss. People can bargain collectively without paying dues to an umbrella organization that has its own administrative staff.
curse like a longshoreman
At my first salaried programmer position, I made the mistake of cursing out loud. Three people came over to my cube to admonish me for cursing. I didn’t stay there.
My cube neighbor passive-aggressively complained about being able to hear what I was listening to through my headphones, but that’s about it. He stopped, probably after the first day of my unleashing such favorites as, “This muthafuckin’ bitch I swear to muthafuckin’ Christ you piece of shit!” I think now he’d just rather hear music than my conjuring a black cloud of profanity over our building.
Someone once told me that I could probably wear scuba flippers and my underwear to work and nothing would happen to me. I never actually believed that. But good devs can get away with a lot of shit that most people cannot, I’ve personally witnessed it. Same with good engineers. You can either do the work or you cannot, and there’s no way to replace it with bullshit.
Heh, not in the corporate world 🙁
Really? I have not had that experience. I’ve seen devs and engineers who are the biggest prima donnas I’ve ever seen and are still like that and working in corporate world, mostly making more money than ever.
Well, being a prima donna is one thing. Being required to adhere to the business casual dress code is another.
I have a great developer working for me now and he gets all sorts of perks that the others don’t. And our HQ is in Germany and we are about as straightlaced as you could ever hope to be.
However, everyone realizes how lucky we are to have this kid working for us and he could wear flippers, a snorkel and nothing else and we’d keep him.
The tech market in Mpls and Chicago is red hot. If you don’t want a smart developer there are only about a million of your competitors who do.
I remember reading some biography of one of the Minnesoda Purple People Eaters and they had a great story about Jim Marshall.
The story said that if you had to miss practice for any reason, you had to write your name and reason on the trainer’s door. Marshall would constantly write “Jim Marshall – tired” and skip practice.
One of the underlings missed a practice for a good reason but got chewed out by Bud Grant because he hadn’t written anything on the trainer’s door. He cried about how unfair it was that star players got star treatment.
Bud looked at him and said, “if you want star treatment, play as good as Marshall does every Sunday and I’ll be happy to give it to you.”
My favorite Lawrence Taylor story – LT was famous for sleeping through meetings when he bothered to show up to them at all. Bill Belichick was perpetually annoyed by this, but he and Bill Parcells knew better than to make a big deal out of it.
One day, though, Belichick wants to needle LT, who was of course snoozing, so he calls him up to the board. Asks him what defensive calls they should make this week. LT proceeds to diagram the formations their next opponent uses, the plays they run out of those formations, and the calls the Giants will make to stop them. Drops the marker on the table, goes back to his seat, and goes right back to sleep.
When you’re that good, you earn the right to do whatever the hell you want. Well, other than coke.
My favorite LT story:
When I was in college at UNC, LT was there. Woolen Gym had like 16 basketball courts and there was a hierarchy. Courts 1 and 2 were basically for scholarship athletes and pros. So I was a skinny little white kid, but I had a bunch of friends on the football team. They let me play with them sometimes because I passed them the ball and didn’t shoot much when I played with them.
So I was hanging around on court 3 shooting one afternoon and Carlton Bailey (later a pro for the Bills, among others) and a couple of the guys needed 1 more and asked me to play. Carlton and “Hulk” (one of the fullbacks) played together a lot and we kept running a back pick for Hulk, who could jump right out of the gym. I’d make eye contact with him and Bailey would set a pick on LT. Then all I had to do was toss the ball in the general vicinity of the rim and Hulk would go get it.
So after about 3 of those, everyone is really hooting at talking smack. LT runs over and gets in Bailey’s face and says “just set one more mother fucking pick. I dare you. Just one more mother fucking pick.”
So the next time we go to take the ball out, Bailey runs over and jumps in front of me and says “that’s OK, I got this.” He spends the rest of the game playing point and hanging around mostly near half court. (I also didn’t set any picks on LT the rest of the game, as if you had to ask. I ain’t stupid.)
“I personally think a workplace is not a democracy, and if you don’t like something at your workplace you can leave. Yes, you have a right to organize a union, and the company also has a right to shut their company down and move if your union is going to kill their business.”
I 100% agree.
Given your up thread comments, I now feel shame for my simplistic comment and leaving out all the specifics that would have covered the horseshit you spewed up there.
What horseshit? Which specific thought did I express that was so incorrect you consider it to be “horseshit”?
I gave the orphans an extra hour of sunlight today, it’s a once a year thing
You’re too soft. Soon, orphans everywhere will be demanding sunlight.
See the reverse is rrue for me. I reward my orphans with shade.
Apparently you mammals are having an impact. I just heard from a nurse mammal and she is quite perturbed by nurse Alex Wubbels’ conflict with a duly appointed, must-get-home-alive enforcer. Obviously your adherence to avoiding overly-local stories is slipping.
In case you were certain that our replacement for Sam Power was less-retarded…. sorry, just a different flavor
Well, at least she’s slightly better looking.
I liked her better in Law and Order.
You can almost taste the desperation in the news media for another hurricane. The weathermen can’t hide their stormboner
And I’m sure this one will be the most expesivest ever.
It will be the most Trump’s fault ever, that’s for sure.
I bet the guy they send out into the field to talk about how much it’s raining probably isn’t looking forward to it.
How will mankind prevent its inevitable obsolescence in the face of the growing Robot Menace?
simple = Tax the Robots
I am shocked and surprised that San Franciso came up with this idea.
derp. not meant as… well, you know.
::shakes head in pity::
You’re kryptonite to the edit fairies.
It’s one think that can’t be fixed.
If only there were some way to harness this power
I guess they want to drive out the few remaining not-rich people.
Stormboner inducing weather broadcast.
Way better than the crazy Canadian jump roping girl.
She defied gravity. She was special.
I have some bad news for you. Are you sitting down?
She has a penis?
If she does, she’s very good at tucking.
+1 Buffalo Bill
Implants. Though I will admit I’m tempted to overlook them.
I like Ozzy Man’s review of her work.
Pretty sure there is a weatherman out there naming himself “Storm Boner” as we speak.
*the above guy was my local weatherman growing up (along w/ al roker)
Huh, I didn’t know he was retired but then again I haven’t watched a network newscast in over a decade.
Storm Boner is his day job. His night job is…. Boner Storm
I laughed more than i should have at that. I’m still hung over.
That would be Wolf Blitzer’s alter ego.
Teaser from an Australian news podcast, “does the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey suggest President Trump should re-think taking the US out of the Paris Climate Accord.”
Of course, in the story they allowed that single weather events aren’t caused by climate change, but they got the idea in there.
People with the day off whining about having the day off? /facepalm. So y’all volunteered to work today, right? Threw a fit demanding to work lest you be collectivized with all those other lazy losers who took the day off, right? Volunteered to replace some poor scrub who wanted to spend the day with his kids, right? I mean this is a evil holiday. Out of all the crazy evil shit going on . What what fuck is the whining all about? If your an employer, it is most likely not going to cost you extra. At least not in Idaho. Everything is open so there is no inconvenience ofonot planning ahead for your beer.
I am at home with my family drinking beer. This is so, so, so very hard to tolerate.
I actually did work today, a couple of hours. While spending day at home with family and drinking beer. Not an atypical day.
Being home with your family? Yeah…. Me too.
Nothing that says “Fuck this holiday!” like “I’m going to bbq some ribs.”
I don’t think people are whinging about having a day off. It’s that there are socialists claiming that it’s in honor of Eugene Debs and company.
The Funny Libertarian twitter account is actually worth signing up to twitter for. And that’s high-praise. The only other people worth it are Burge and Trump. they actually manage to deliver on the premise of their handle.
If she is talking Pay Less or Walmart for the shoes I would consider it.
This is why i show up on dates with Thom McCan boxes.
I might fire up the online dating again with the intro line. “I will bring you shoes”
I hadn’t thought of it that way. You’re right. I had to travel today. I own my own business (a small law firm.) I could be home with my family but I’m not so I can learn new skills to improve my business and benefit my family. Now that I think about the holiday, I must be a shitlord.
No wonder you’re Chafed. You’re a scab!
Try running a hog farm. You don’t get Labor day off, either, but instead of sitting on your ass in an air conditioned car or plane feeling superior to the proles, you shovel pig shit. You do, however, get to spend it with your family who are helping you shovel pig shit.
New Doomcock™ model?
It’s a good Thoroughbred Horse name
so i’m going to new orleans this weekend with a buddy to get drunk for a few days. haven’t been there in about 10 years. any recommendations? only places on my list are the usual suspects (oysters @ Acme cafe, hungover beignets @ du monde, alligator cheezecake @ Jaque-imos, sazeracs @ the la petite grocery, or some hotels – i think one of the hotels has some hotshit bartender on youtube, and i want to go say hello)….
…but again, haven’t been there in ages, and last time it was jazzfest post-katrina so i hardly roamed the city much and it was sorta dead. What’s the word? Hopefully suthern sees this.
It’s been two years since I’ve last been–
Never had the alligator cheesecake at Jacque Imo’s, but the food is good if a little long on the wait. We’ve been to Brigtsen’s a couple times and enjoyed our meals there as well, near Jacque Imo’s. Crepes at DeVille Coffee House on Magazine. Take my suggestions with a grain of salt, I like the Popeye’s on St Charles.
I’ve barely been in years, and that was with small children, but if you’ve never been the WWII Museum is worth your time.
do they have drink specials?
jk, that might actually be something good to kill time while sober. also, if we’re hit by hurricane, we can steal amphibious vehicles
The wife and I spend a week there last summer. We found a great dive bar the first night we were there that caters to the locals after thier shifts on Boubon were over. They have good music on the juke, cold beer, and a crawfish or shimp boil every sat. at midnight. It’s called the Three Legged Dog. Go there after midnight and socialize with the locals a bit. We got free drinks and no covers at some of the Bourbon street joints. Also some and good tips on other places.
Also the afternoon drinking at the Absenth house, smoked oysters at Felix oyster bar and good shrimp Poboys.
There is also a growing Hipster music and food scene in the areas about a mile walk from Boubon st.
thanks the 3 legged dog is a good tip and the type of place i’d probably prefer.
Here is a video of them doing crawfish. They have a nice setup in an outside patio area.
Wow I didn’t preview that vid first. It’s quite annoying. Sorry about that.
I once lived across the street from the Dog. My upstairs balcony offered an unobstructed view of their gigantic projection TV system and, for a generous tip, they were always willing to sell me drinks via a bucket on a string; it’s a damn fine place for sure.
Gilmore, definitely check out the WWII Museum. After Jaque-imos, head up the street to the Maple Leaf, one of the city’s finer bars; Rebirth Brass Band played there every Tuesday but I’m unsure if they still do so. The bartender Jamie is also now playing the role of Caveman on the TV show Preacher. In the Quarter, The Dungeon on Toulouse St. is cheesy but worth a visit; it’s a horror/rock & roll bar that opens at midnight. Next door is Molly’s On Toulouse, a very low-key local’s hangout with a good jukebox and a pool table. Unrelated, down on Lower Decatur across from the French Market, is Molly’s On The Market; a nice gritty place that is likely the most presentable and enjoyable (SLD) Lower Decatur joint (seriously, there are a couple of sex on the pool table/all the bathrooms are occupied by people doing coke or heroin or having sex type bars), James Carville has guest-bartended there. Johnny White’s Hole In The Wall on St Peter St. is a place I cannot recommend highly enough (and not just because I worked there for many years), mostly locals, can get quite crowded particularly on Wednesday’s biker night but the customers are almost always gregarious and welcoming to new visitors. If you are driving, get over to Seither’s Seafood; it’s worth the trip. Get a Snowball! There are dozen or more decent places to do so but it shouldn’t be missed. It’s one of those regional treats that is unavailable anywhere else. Go see the statue of Ignatius Reilly, perpetually waitin’ for his momma with no patience for truculent policemen, at the location of the former D.H. Holmes Department Store on the 800 block of Canal St. – If you have not read A Confederacy Of Dunces, go do right now, ya heard! Have a GREAT TIME, stay safe.
You had me at bucket on a string.
Rebirth still plays Tuesdays at the Maple Leaf. Saw them when we were last there. Very crowded! Best part was someone set up a table outside the bar and was selling homemade gumbo, etouffee, and a half dozen other dishes.
“”If you have not read A Confederacy Of Dunces, go do right now, ya heard””
One of my favorite books already
Thanks for your thoughts, appreciated.
In honor of labor day, I spent all day on the tractor. I cut 35 acres of hay on thursday
It was dry enough to bale today. I raked it all up this morning and started bailing this afternoon. About 5 oclock I broke a chain on my bailer. As it is labor day, there is nowhere to buy a new chain. I called my neighbor up and he came by and rolled up the last 10 bales. I tried to pay him, but he wouldn’t accept anything.
We help each other out around here and that’s a good thing. I’ll do him a favor sometime in the future and everything will be square. That’s how society should work.
What do you do with the hay?
It’s feed, city boy.
It becomes steaks eventually.
What does HE do with it?
(wink wink “hay“) I speak hipster.
Sells it for Straw Man construction
Feed it to livestock. I have a dozen cows on my place. I sell the majority of it to my dad. His cattle operation is much more extensive than mine.
A lot of people in Cow Country use Hay to subsidize their land habit. Which is often a deer hunting habit. My father in law had about 120 acres, specifically for deer hunting. He kept about 40 of it cleared for hay. He had a guy who paid him for the hay and would come and cut it and drag it off. It paid the taxes on all of his property, so he was happy. Then he’d go out and clear firing lanes for his stands and plant clearings of clover and such. Because deer hunters are kinda obsessed.
It’s healing, HM.
I love the era when music videos were still trying to figure out what they were all about. Basically, you had Marvin Gaye performing in a club interspliced with some chick in a limo watching what is obviously the intro scene to an 80’s porno starring Marvin and herself. Then when Marvin is finished his song, he walks out of the club and into the limo. Are we to assume Marvin was a porn star on the side? Why did the limo have a red police siren on top?
I just want some of that Midnight Love Potion. Sisters seem to dig it.
“I can’t hold it much longer” She came to his aid. It is i medical thing.
sexual favors come with entirely too many strings attached to make them worth taking. That’s been my experience at least
To avoid strings with sexual favors for farm work you have to avoid doing them on the bailer.
well put. My bailer is so old it uses wire though.
Japanese car rentals include stickers that read: ‘A foreigner is driving’
I’m fine with that if the Japanese have to use them in the rest of the world.
Some Kiwis have been pushing for foreign drivers to be required to obtain N licenses.
Hmmm… Which foreigners?
Hot blooded ones?
That’s enough out of you, dirty white boy!
My advice: Never drive if you have double vision.
Seems to be blanket but the perceived problem is Chinese drivers.
Also, Chinese are buying up all the land and inflating real estate prices.
The kiwi dudes I worked with were ranting about that three years ago. Seems they have not taken the BC angle on property ownership yet.
I generally detest collectivism, but, (It doesn’t matter what comes next because I said “but”, yet here it is)
I went to buy some pork belly about 3 weeks ago. I saw 3 accidents in the parking lot. One parking lot in 10 minutes.
Do they say, “I guess you ain’t from around here boy?”
Actually, seems like a pretty decent idea.
Maybe since they drive on the wrong side of the road.
Do you have to turn it back in with the rental? Because I see one for my wife’s car in the future. Strictly for the kawaii value.
They made all of the rental car companies in Miami deidentify their vehicles as rentals because carjackers were following them around town and robbing people.
I blame the Second Amendment.
Yellow sportsball… I feel bad for Thiem playing in front of that crowd. It was like a home match for the Argentine national team out there.
And now for the same thing to play out for the unfortunate person playing Federer.
Kohlschreiber is already 0-11 against Federer, so even being in front of a friendly crowd isn’t going to help him.
True dat. It helps that most of the serious challengers have been knocked out already. Same with Nadal.
I’ve got to admit, I’m fucking terrified right now
Yeah. And that’s in knots, not mph.
it looks like america is about to stick its dick in a gobstopper
It’s Florida. Deep fryer.
about to?
ok, “Balls-deep fucking a gobstopper”
Louisiana’s micro penis is even getting some action.
Are you on the SE coast, or over by Naples JB?
SE coast.
Sounds like you have an eye on that thing. No worries. If it looks like it is headed there, pack it up and head out for a few days. Have you checked flights? Easy to reserve and cancel if needed.
I think you’re going to have a bad time, JB. Depending on how wide the storm is, you could have some issues: Tropical storm winds, tons of rain, etc… Although the GFS model is not that highly thought of for hurricane prediction. The HWRF model is, though, and here are the latest runs from weatherunderground: https://www.wunderground.com/hurricane/atlantic/2017/hurricane-irma?map=model
Note the purple line scooting between Cuba and Key West, into the Gulf. That’s the HWRF.
I really hope this thing turns north soon. Any time now would be great, thanks.
The European weather models are very well thought of. Here’s the 6-day forecast. http://weather.unisys.com/ecmwf/ecmwf.php?inv=0&plot=6d®ion=a
That’s…not good for you.
Book tickets to LA for the whole family. I have room for you guys for as long as you need. And a beach without herpes.
I worked today. So, meh. Labor day is only a holiday for people/businesses that can afford it.
Having a blast editing this vid (Danish crime comedy) – probably won’t go up till next week – already finished the one for this week. Probably too much footage and will get me canned, but since the DVD is OOP and it’s not licensed by Lions Gate, I may just get away with it.
I’m trying to think of a single union industry that isn’t either government itself, supported by government contracts, recipient of government support/subsidy, always ripe for bail-out by the government, or where the union monopoly is enforced by law.
I could argue that most industries fall under at least one of those categories, but I think I get what you mean. No doubt many union and open shops would convert to non-union shops if Davis-Bacon and prevailing wage went away.
I still think you’d see some collective bargaining, but probably nowhere on the level it is now.
Sports and entertainment unions would probably be largely unaffected I would think.
You can stalk and harass people in CA. As long as you’re doing it as part of a union.
Supermarkets? All unionized in blue states.
OR and WA are both blue states and not all their supermarkets are unionized. Trader Joes, Target, and Walmart for example. I don’t think Whole Foods are either.
Walmarts aren’t allowed in most parts of Los Angeles because they aren’t unionized.
Same in NYC. And if you’re not on board yet, unless you want a giant inflatable rat hanging out in front of your store and a bunch of goons harassing your customers, you know what to do.
We had that, plus the local “clergy”.
Even worse was what they did to Fresh and Easy.
Fresh and Easy was all self-checkout, so no unionized cashiers. So the union tried to go after them for alcohol sales to minors. They held a press conference about a half mile from my house and I happened to be walking by.
They had “clergy” and “activists” and union leaders talking about “our children” and the scourge of underage drinking in front of the camera.
The CEO of Fresh and Easy steps up to the podium and says “My company (120 stores) has been cited 3 times in the last year for selling alcohol to minors. That single store up the street (Ralphs/Kroger) has been cited 14 times in the last year.”
Guess which clips got showed on the news?
Guess what the legislature did?
It is now illegal to sell alcohol through self checkout in California.
The sponsor of the bill? United Food and Commercial Workers.
Ah, yes. They ran the supermarket unions in Buffalo back in the day. In exchange for a marginal bump above minimum wage I had the pleasure of contributing all of that to the huge salary and perks for the bosses running it.
United Food and Commercial Workers.
I worked at a non-union grocery store when I was in high school. A guy in my class worked at a unionized grocery store. I talked with him a bit about work there. He got paid more per hour than me, but after union dues his pay was the same as mine. He had guaranteed pay raises every year, but even though there was no guarantee of pay raises where I worked, once a year everyone got a raise that was about the same as he got. I asked, what’s the point of the union? He told me, “If you are lazy or incompetent, the union will protect you from management. Otherwise, no point at all.” I never applied for work at the store he worked at.
I remember all the effort put into encouraging us to be better cashiers – yes, they’re not interchangeable cogs like some say – but if there’s no monetary reward for doing so, why bother?
See Penn & Teller’s Bullshit episode on Walmart to see how Chicago politicians are happy to destroy people’s chances for work to preserve union monopolies.
I can only think of one local chain around me in MD that might not be, and that’s Graul’s. I think everything else is.
Food Lion, Walmart, and Wegmans aren’t unionzed. Depending on where you live, at least one of those is probably close by.
You know what the greatest feeling in the world is? Some people might say shitting with the bathroom door open, but I’ll go a step farther. Shitting with the bathroom door open and looking directly at the kitchen (ideally from a powder room connected to the kitchen). It’s the brute, primal feeling of saying “this is a sacred place where I store and prepare the sustenance I need to survive, and I’m going to defile it by shitting while staring at the pristine holiness of it, just because I can.” Masturbating in the kitchen is the same feeling, the feeling of being so in control of your life and all you survey that you would willingly commit a vile act on hallowed ground just to prove just how on top of the food chain you are.
*declines HM’s dinner invitation*
Shitting while looking at the kitchen kinda sounds like a Cyclical feel going on
Food in, food out, Daniel-san.
This is how HM makes sure he never has to host dinner parties.
I used to live in a dumpy apartment where the bathroom was shoehorned into a space adjacent to the living room.
My porcelain throne lacks a kitchen view. I feel so inadequate now.
On the plus side, for dinner I enjoyed the Official Food of Glibertalia – deep dish pizza.
I have a window to the backyard and almost a straight shot out the front door. If I’m feeling especially cheeky, I can get a straight shot from the backyard, through the bathroom window, out the open bathroom door, and straight to the sidewalk through the open front door. Nothing like reading the paper and waving to the new neighbors.
You are living the life we all dream of. [wipes away single manly tear]
My downstairs bathroom is an add-on, and the previous owner apparently felt the need to have an outside door put in there (probably because he had a really dirty job and wanted to get straight into the shower after coming home).
If I were to put a screen door in that bathroom, pedestrians on the sidewalk could see me shitting. My neighbor would also have a perfect view from his kitchen window.
I’m wondering why you haven’t already had this work done if you’ve been blessed with such an optimal facility.
The thing about Labor Day, too, is that it’s really about a bunch of signaling–all the way back to the 19th Century, the socialists/progressives were signaling. An extra holiday didn’t change working conditions for anybody. No children were saved from doing dangerous coal mining work because of Labor Day. No one got a pension because of Labor Day, and no one’s standard of living was raised because of Labor Day. It was just signaling. The unions marched on Labor Day. So what?
In response to the Charleston Church shooting, they could have done a number of things for poor African-Americans. They could have called off the drug war, introduced more school choice, brought police unions to heel, etc. Instead, they took down the Confederate flag from over the statehouse. Same thing in Charlottesville, basically. Why take the steps necessary to bring freedom, justice, and prosperity to black America, when you can just take down statue of Robert E. Lee instead?
There were legitimate problems with the way immigrants, labor (generally), minorities, et. al. were treated by their employers in the 19th century, but none of those issues were addressed, much less solved, by instituting Labor Day. If government exists for any legitimate purpose at all, its to protect our rights–and the courts, among others, did a terrible job of protecting the rights of individual workers from their employers back in the 19th century. The solution to that problem had nothing to do with Labor Day or any other kind of signaling.
I’m trying to think of a time when signaling has ever solved a problem in the real world. I can only think of two: 1) Gay pride parades and 2) anti-litter campaigns.
Gay pride parades are effective signaling because the political support for that group depends on people not being afraid to come out of the closet. Other minorities are obviously apparent by their mere presence–pretty much only gays need to self-identify. If and when Christians become a minority in this country, that may change. Maybe they’ll have Christian pride parades! The other thing might be litter. When I was a kid, there was litter all over the place. The side of the road was covered with litter.
To the extent that people don’t do that, I suspect it’s because littering became socially unacceptable through awareness campaigns.
Can’t think of any other examples of a problem disappearing in the real world because of signaling, and yet that seems to be the left’s solution to everything. Might as well form a drum circle.
Apparently my city didn’t get the message. You would not believe how many subway delays are caused by garbage thrown onto the tracks that catches fire.
And they’ve removed a lot of the garbage cans on the platforms, I think they said, “If you bring your garbage in, bring it out”.
So people just throw it on the tracks or the subway car floor.
Ive seen less garbage cans than ever
I thought I read they’ve given up on that stupid idea*. In any event I haven’t noticed any reduction on the R. But yeah, people are so fucking disgusting. People who don’t give a shit about the appearance of where they live is one of my pet peeves.
*I might be confusing this with an also failed and discarded idea to remove trash cans from street corners in Bay Ridge.
You live in Bay Ridge? I used to live there about five years ago. Nice area, if you can stand the commute.
Garbage catching on fire? That’s a valid method of disposal.
I suspect it’s because littering became socially unacceptable through awareness campaigns.
I don’t know Ken. What do you think the odds of that working in India? Bangladesh? Most third world countries for that matter. I am not sure it is the government funded advertisements that change culture, I think it is culture changing and government reflecting it.
There were legitimate problems with the way immigrants, labor (generally), minorities, et. al. were treated by their employers in the 19th century.
Nobody was forced to work for their employer. They worked in the mills and textiles because it was better than what they were doing before.
There were people who were forced to work for their employers. Are you unfamiliar with “Black Codes” and vagrancy laws?
In plenty of places, being unemployed was against the law, and if you were found guilty of vagrancy, they’d sentence you to forced labor in a work camp. If you tried to run away from the work camp, they’d stick a ball and chain on you–and then they didn’t have to pay you for your work. Blacks were not always free to leave where they lived in the South–because the local farmers needed their cheap labor.
Saying that no one was forced to work for their employer is just factually incorrect.
And that doesn’t even address mistreatment. “Because you agreed to work for your employer” before the fact doesn’t even speak to what happens after your employer mistreats you. Or are you suggesting that it’s okay to mistreat employees so long as they keep coming back to work–even after you rip them off?
The explosion in union activity in the 19th and early 20th centuries was a reaction to awful treatment of employees by their employers. Major companies don’t treat their employees that way anymore–because it’s stupid. Because treating employees badly generally costs more in productivity than you gain by ripping them off, companies have learned not to act that way–but that wasn’t always so.
Generally speaking, violating your employee’s rights tends to be pound foolish even if and when it’s penny smart–but that doesn’t mean companies don’t or didn’t violate their employees’ rights. Robbing gas stations at gunpoint is a dumb way to make a living, too, but that doesn’t mean people don’t do it. And just because treating your employees like shit was always stupid, that doesn’t mean employers didn’t do it.
They did.
The government did a terrible job of protecting an employee’s rights back then. If they’d done a good job, we probably wouldn’t have ended up with so much labor regulation today.
For you union apologists, defend this, motherfuckers:
PART 1. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25 – 680] ( Part 1 enacted 1872. )
TITLE 8. OF CRIMES AGAINST THE PERSON [187 – 248] ( Title 8 enacted 1872. )
CHAPTER 9. Assault and Battery [240 – 248] ( Chapter 9 enacted 1872. )
(a) (1) Except as otherwise provided in Section 243.6, when a battery is committed on school property, park property, or the grounds of a public or private hospital, against any person, the battery is punishable by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000), or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or by both the fine and imprisonment.
(c) This section shall not apply to conduct arising during the course of an otherwise lawful labor dispute.
I don’t know the details, but the gloss i’ve seen on the forthcoming Scorsese film, “The Irishman”, is that the main character is a hitman for the Teamsters.
I wish i could bargain for a raise with a violent mob. (wipes tear) I blame capitalism.
Poor, poor Padma Lakshmi.
I will offer her comfort and solace in her hour of need.
I like mentioning the CA law on point to people. Rule of law my aching foot.
Julian Assange sometimes seems like Antifa and the Alt-Right had a baby
and more. its sorta goofy. example of the “Horseshoe”: go far left enough, you’re indistinguishable from far-right
Lower birthrate = automation or reduction in consumption. FTFH.
Somebody wore white today.
The KKK again?
H E N T A I W A V E needs to be a thing.
If you build it, they will come.
I don’t care if its weird, I made tacos tonight. I also made chile verde because my wife is on one of those insufferable diets her crossfit
cultgym “challenged” her to. The recipe I dug up fit the parameters. What was funny about it is she handles spicy food like many white girls–not well. So when I tried it this afternoon I advised her to put a little sour cream and extra broth in it.So she scoops out a bowl and adds nothing. It was fun watching her turn pink in the dinning room. Now time for some beer.
Is she full on Paleo like some of the cross culters? I made tacos last night, and again tonight. I am working out a carnitas recipe. Not my first choice for tacos but this is good shit.
No, its one of those 30 day cleanse diets. I try to be supportive but pointed out very early on that all diets work aS a form of controlled starvation. Her diet, and to a good extent mine since I typically cook, has been cleansed of sugar, starch, fruit, legumes, dairy and mountain dew. She has lost some weight, something I couldn’t help but notice this morning.
You should thank her by showing your sexual appreciation.
Closed shops have been illegal since the 1940s I believe.
Cool story, bro. Why was I told in the ’70s I had to join the union or I “can’t woik here no more”?
Ssshhh. We don’t talk about that.
Well, there’s illegal, and there’s “illegal”.
And then there’s arguing with Tulpa downthread.
Depends on the state.
To clarify….some industries like Longshoremen, dockworkers, etc – you’re not walking on the pier unless you’re union. Those groups should have been broken decades ago, and I bet if they try pulling something at Seattle or Long Beach like they did a few years ago while Trump is pres – we’ll see a repeat of Reagan and the Air Traffic Controllers. He won’t put up with multi-billion dollar daily delays.
a week and a half ago at work we had to replace a very large bearing on one of our mill stands. In order to install the new bearing, you have to heat it up to about 300 degrees. You also have to cool the shafts it goes on down to about -50 degrees to get it to fit. This is called an interference fit bearing. For every inch of shaft diameter the bearing is one half of one thousandth an inch smaller.
Any way. Getting an appointment with a doctor is a real pain in the ass in my area. (thanks Obamacare) It’s usually a 2 week wait unless you go to the ER. I have a very hectic schedule and normally can’t plan shit 2 weeks in advance.
We used liquid nitrogen to cool down the shaft to install the bearing. I have a very unsightly mole just below my belly button. I froze it off with the liquid nitrogen we had left over from the job. It fell off a few days ago and is healing very nicely. I’d like to pat myself on the back for a job well done.
We have LN2 for our laser and I thought about doing the same thing (skin tag). Did it hurt much?
Skin tags are fine, and you won’t feel it much initially.. It instantly kills the nerves too. It’ll hurt a few hours later.
Make sure you use a q-tip, because you definitely don’t have the right nozzle to be spraying it.
Thanks for the pro-tip Playa. Yes, you are certainly correct, the lines we use are roughly 1/2″. Little more volume than I need! I’ll try the Q-tip
1/2″ nozzles are perfect for an appendage removal.
Hmm…maybe I’ve found an entrepreneurship opportunity. Niche market, to be sure, but with the right marketing campaign…
….you go to jail and don’t have to pay taxes anymore?
You can use a home wart removal kit to freeze off skin tags. I’ve done that a couple of times. It comes with little q tip like applicators. You just saturate it with the liquid nitrogen and hold it to the tag. It can take more than one application, and it kind of sucks in the meantime -blows it up to about twice the size and turns it black – but after a few days it scabs over and falls off.
It’s not LN2. Something cold, but cold enough. Usually dimethyl ether and propane.
You actually want it cold enough to damage the underlying tissue for the immunomodulatory effects.
The pain is tolerable. I dipped a q tip in the liquid nitrogen and held it on my mole. I did this several times until my mole (which was raised) turned white. I have kept a gauze and triple antibiotic on it since then.
There is going to a small scar but nothing else. I had no infection.
I was expecting you to tell me how much you had to cool down Obamacare’s shaft to take it.
Seriously, though. Be very careful. Home cryogenic surgery is fine if you’re doing warts. Moles, not so much. You’re not going to get clean margins, and it could end up killing you.
0 Kelvin wouldn’t cool down Obamacare’s shaft enough for me to take it.
“For every inch of shaft diameter the bearing is one half of one thousandth an inch smaller.”
Shut your mouth!
Hey man, if you want a bearing to stay on a shaft amd you don’t want to thread the shaft so that a lock nut can be screwed on, that’s what you do.
Whoa, it’s getting hot in here.
Can you dig it?
Not related, but another of my favorite groovy 70s themes.
I challenge anyone to find a sentence in that article that doesn’t work as a ‘these euphemisms’ joke.
“These fits, though applicable to shaft and hole assembly,” if you know what I mean.
“The value of the allowance depends on which material is being used, how big the parts are, and what degree of tightness is desired”… ma’am.
“There are two basic methods for assembling an oversize shaft into an undersized hole, sometimes used in combination: force and thermal expansion or contraction”… sir.
He’s just talkin’ bout Shaft.
Then we can dig it.
Daaamn right.
Speaking of union apologists, some fucking “hyphenated-libertarian” pal of Doherty’s showed up at the Before Place to lecture us about how unions are the Most Libertarian Thing Evar. Who was that blathering asshole? With any luck, he was the idiot who self-immolated at Burning Man.
Was it that Terry whateverhisname who wrote the libertarian case for Obama way back when?
The Before Place, Wonderful! Cheers!
Stealing that and throwing it into the rotation.
” Climate change – not increased use of cell phones – might be to blame for an unusual spike in road deaths that hit the United States two years ago, said a study published on Thursday.
The study said people might have used their vehicles more frequently to avoid increasingly bad weather – rising temperatures and heavier rainfall – resulting in an increased number of deaths on the road.”
I’m hearing a lot of sadness that summer is “over”.
My reaction.
It ain;t over Here, come on by and Roast, honestly it was only 90 today 🙂
No thanks. Seventies here and beautiful.
Way late, But Thanks Sloop, great article. That has been on my mind all weekend , a Socialist invention, I would have taken service calls today, but the supply houses were closed,
Money< extra day off
You know, come to think of it, there is something very, very Soviet about everyone getting the same day off of work because the government says so…
Comrade does not enjoy his extra day off from glorious job duties? Perhaps he would prefer a position in a slightly colder clime?
Well, I celebrated today by working 10 hours, like I do every Monday. Except I got paid overtime and double time and holiday pay. So I hope you all enjoyed your day of not earning money, lazy bums!
Greedy capitalist bastard!
I worked for about 4hrs today, but my stingy ass boss didn’t pay me double time or holiday pay! If he weren’t me, I’d punch him right in the face!
You didn’t build that.
What’s your job?
My labor is exploited by Jeff Bezos in one of his Amazon warehouses.
Fuck you, Bruce Arena. I’m sure all those Costa Rican millionaires were totally thinking “those Yanqui bastards better not gut the Dream Act” while they were putting the boot up your ass, you insufferable twat.
I take it you saw my links this morning.
Arena is an fucking moron. The international game passed him by decades ago. If we keep him around for the World Cup, should we manage to qualify, we will suffer an embarrassment of epic proportions.
This particular mini-rant was in response to his “our immigration policy is inspiring our opponents to play harder” line of crap.
So he blamed his inability to formulate an effective game plan on Trump?
Jesus Christ. Now I hope Honduras beats the piss out of us.
What the frack? I didn’t read that; I’ll continue to support my boys but why does *everything* have to be about fucking politics? Christ almighty Arena, focus on winning the games, not opinionizing about Trump.
NB: Did it ever occur to him that Costa Rica is relatively wealthy and stable for Latin America and we have very little illegal immigration from there? No, it didn’t. Because he has a cartoonish, facile understanding of the world. Stick to soccer and win some fucking games.
Yeah. If he thinks the Ticos got up for that AWAY game because of Trump’s position on illegal immigrants, I hate to see what he thinks about the relatively poor Hondurans motivation. Jesus, he may as well not even field a squad, the scroungy fuck.
“I think so. You need me to tell you that? Our immigration policies are impacting people in Central America, right? There’s probably a bit of anger over that. And then your national sport gets a chance to play the U.S.? I’m sure it becomes very meaningful.”
As explanations for defeat go, I’ve heard better. Like, “they outplayed us and outcoached us, and beat us like a rented mule in a game we really needed to win.” Because I’m sure that the Mexican fans, say, didn’t care quite so much during previous administrations… throwing bottles full of piss at opposing players taking corners is just, like, how they say hello in Mexico City. It’s not as soccer were *meaningful* to Central Americans before the Era of Trump.
Trump is the embodiment of omnipotent evil. He is so powerful he is the cause of every misfortune that happens to anything American anywhere. Hell, he’s the cause of everything bad that’s ever happened, is happening or will happen. Satan cowers at his power.
Also, that’s some exceptionally weak sauce explaining the loss like that. You got beaten like a drum at home and put yourself in a very difficult position. Take some responsibility. The performance was uninspired and if you can’t put together something better than that you don’t deserve to go to the big show.
I made ribs today with Sweet Baby Ray’s Golden Mustard sauce. I wanted to give it a try since we have a family sauce that is similar. It was ok, not as good, but then again I didn’t have to spend the time making the sauce.
I have a whole cabinet of Sweet Baby Ray’s.
There was a Labor Day Sale this week. $1 each. I got the golden mustard, the brown sugar, the “secret sauce”, and the Hawaiian BBQ.
For reference, at my store, that’s 80% off. So, if I don’t like some of them, I won’t be mad.
I’ve got a couple of them. The Golden Mustard is supposedly like Carolina BBQ sauce.
It’s not.
I put a nice dry rub on mine for a few hours then they went into the oven for 4 hours at 250. Slathered in hickory smoke BBQ sauce then went under the broiler for about 10 minutes. Shit was so cash.
Never had real Carolina sauce. But that is what my family recipe is based on. My dad was a long haul driver, had it out there, tried to recreate it at home. Then when it was my turn to start making it I modified it some more. From what I’ve heard about the real thing, ours is a lot sweeter but dagum is it delicious once it is carmelized on the grill.
Here’s a good North Carolina vinegar-based recipe:
It’s pretty simple and does a fine job. Make it a time or two and then tweak it as desired.
And here’s my South Carolina go-to sauce:
I’ll make it more often with yellow mustard but with Dijon, it’s a different experience and worthwhile.
Our sauce is made with yellow mustard and spicy brown mustard. About 4 yrs ago, there weren’t any mustard sauces up here, so I thought about selling ours. But the thing is, there isn’t a recipe. We have a bowl we use to make it, and everything is based on that and when I tried to measure everything out it didn’t turn out the same.
I like their Honey Chipotle. I think they were on a $1 each sale when I got them too, but I don’t think it was that big of a mark down, their regular price here is decent.
I did four racks of ribs yesterday on my newly acquired 21″ Webber Smokey Mountain smoker. We got it for free from a cow orker of my wife’s who kicked out her deadbeat boyfriend. He left the smoker behind, so his dumbassery became my gain. We used the ‘bend test’ to reserve the best of the four racks, and my wife will deliver it to said cow orker tomorrow. Now that I’ve looked up the cost of this thing, I think I owe her a few more racks.
I’ve smoked ribs several time on my standard kettle Weber, and had decent results, but holy shit it’s so much easier with a purpose-designed smoker.
All that said, just say no to barbecue sauce. Dry rub, no sauce.
What did you use for smoke? For me, if it’s pork it has to be apple wood. Unfortunately, today’s ribs weren’t smoked but done in the oven. The ol trick knee is giving me trouble.
I used mesquite chips (soaked in water) on charcoal briquettes, which was my SOP from using the kettle grill. I’m still new to real BBQ, so I’ve been experimenting with the rub, more than the smoke. I haven’t tried apple wood yet. Is it a subtle difference? It seems to me finding a favorite rub is the biggest key. Of course, I suppose a different wood will give different results when you change the rub, too.
Apple wood brings out the sweetness in pork, and is just an amazing pairing. If done right, you really can’t even tell it was smoked, because they meld so well together. (apples and pork have been paired a long time)
The Brady Bunch! Alright!
Ok, so I’ll switch up my SOP to apple wood. And you know, that probably would have benefitted me yesterday, as the rub we used for the first time was a little overly salty. Accentuating the sweetness would have been a very good thing.
I guess the reason I have been using mesquite is because it’s the only variety that you can find anywhere around here. Some have X and others have Y, but everyone has mesquite.
Thanks for the advice!
And hey, man, I feel yeah on the trick knee. I like to tell people about my ‘sleeping injury’. Way back when I was in high school, I woke up one morning and rolled out of bed. As soon as I put weight on my left leg my knee just completely gave out. I fell in a heap on the floor. My knee was gone, cracked cartilage. The doc said something probably happened at basketball practice the day before, but why it didn’t give out then…?
Twenty years later I still have days, or sometimes even a week or two, where it feels week. Ten I can go for months or sometimes years with no problems. I’m sure at some point it will devolve into a true “trick knee.” I just hope that thirty years from now I don’t have a repeat of the very first time resulting in a broken hip, or worse.
This is why I don’t put out my flag on Labor Day where I put it out on essentially every other federal holiday (among other days). I’ll gladly take the day off, but fuck the sentiment behind it. Of course our “betters” never question Labor Day but are ready to toss Columbus Day in the incinerator.
In any case, let’s anesthetize ourselves with bonus boobs.
Two-fer for the “holiday”.
6, 13 and 22 are ridiculous.
I don’t run the American flag on my pole, because I know I wouldn’t follow all the rules and I respect it too much to not; so instead I fly the Autobot flag.
Robots in disguise!
Posted previously, but it can’t be posted enough:
Watch some dumbass mistake it for a Decepticon flag and tp your house.
We used to run a different flag up every week when we lived in Ft Worth. The neighbors were always anxious to see what we’d fly. Gadsden Flag, Gonzales Flag, US flag, Whiskey Rebellion Flag, Ohio flag, Texas flag, Arizona flag, The Stars and Bars, and of course I always flew my Ohio State Buckeyes flag on saturdays in the fall.
I have never flown a “labor” flag. I guess I just had an aversion to ordering that hammer and sickle. You know, what with all the millions murdered in its name and all.
No Nazi flag? What kind of Libertarian are you?
My Canadian friend had the obligatory Maple Leaf flag prominently displayed on his backpack as we farted around Europe one summer. “I don’t want to be mistaken for American.”
We get to France and some dude almost kicked his for “flying his colors” and at other times the locals would openly mock his Quebec accent as the pointed at the flag.
Good Night.