OK, I had a really great theme for this week. The best theme, really. But it got away from me because it led me down some unexpected paths which need to be researched carefully. And then I got high.
Jewsday will be back next week with my really great theme all finished. Sadly, no sex or Bible stories, but still, a really great theme, believe me.
Anyway, here’s a video to hold you for the next week.
No Matisyahu ?
How about this leaflet?
I covered that in my tribute to Moe Drabowsky.
Dude! What happened? Did you get the 24 hour flu???
Have you all forgot that the Jewish Jordan hails from Minnesoda?
Maybe you have because his Final Four appearance was erased by stupid NCAA regulations.
I once hired an electrician to install a 220V drop in my business. Electrician is a no shit Israeli with the accent and everything. His apprentice was a meathead American Jew wearing a Matisyahu t-shirt. The apprentice looked at me like I had just stabbed his puppy to death in front of him when I joked that Matisyahu had renounced his faith.
I learned to not joke with strangers. It’s more dangerous than taking candy from them.
I assume everyone has the same wicked sense of humour as me and my wife, and daughter….but they don’t.
God they don’t.
Fuck them.
Also. Fuck that inconsiderate lady in front of me in the grocery line who didn’t bother to move up to pay to allow me to start placing my items on the counter.
/waves bag of fennel.
Make that…
/shakes bag of fennel.
These euphemisms…
/wags bag of fennel
I slap my bag of fennel on your bedpost so your wife knows I’m there.
I have a very dry sarcasm and I forget that a lot of people don’t get that. So I often get some looks of befuddlement because people take me seriously. I’m rarely serious.
I’m worse. My tone of voice rarely changes, but I’m only serious half the time.
These euphemisms are getting perverted and out of hand
I’ve got the same problem. I’ve got a wickedly dark sense of humour and I usually have to keep it to myself, because people take the humourous sarcastic comments I’ll make too seriously.
I am satisfied.
Even though you really had me looking forward to this one.
That’s what you said the first time you saw my (((penis))).
After she stopped laughing?
“It looks like a penis, only larger!”
“what happened to it’s shell?”
Hey Brett L, you stocked up on beer and ammo yet?
deer and camo
Lame excuses? Here you go.
“my dealer raised his prices again. You know how it goes.”-explanation for late rent.
That one was special.
Narcos Season 3 was pretty good. Enjoyable.
OT Welp, I’ve committed to my woodworking project.
A href=”http://fav.me/dbmioa9″>Got a nice piece of maple to make the main board. I plan to put a border on in a darker wood.
Has anyone ever worked with Sapele before? I saw it in the rack for less than the walnut.
🙁 HTML fail.
Link working this time?
Someone should have removed the receptical cover before painting. That’s just lazy.
Yes, I am. It took me a year to paint that room…
We’re you high?
No, just lazy.
I was too lazy to remove the apostrophe above even though I saw it so…
so it is 1.75 thick? Nice piece of wood. You have a table saw, planer, clamps and all that? Is one side of the board true? You listed several different widths.
The deviation isn’t visible, but I’m going to have to verify all the angles. I suspect it will end up ripped down to 7 or 7.5 inches wide with the long parallels being used to find the perpendicular cuts to square it all off.
I have absolutely no tools whatsoever. I did order a table saw, and clamps will be in line.
I don’t believe a planer represents a good investment. I’m still going through the process in my head and working out the details.
I don’t believe a planer represents a good investment.
Bro, there is not a tool/machine on the planet that is not a good investment. Just some are better or more practical than others. All tools are good. Even the cheapest shit one could ever buy might some day be welded onto a piece of pipe that might be needed in some situation you can’t even imagine right now. But then again, you would have to buy a welder to do that and that again just reinforces the fact that all tools and machines are a good investment.
Like most people, I have limited funds and limited space. I’m going to allocate both to what I know I’ll need, and which I will be putting to use in the immediate future.
In woodshop class in HS I would find the thickest board and plane it down to a 1/4 inch and make veneers. We would also try to get the drill press to start a fire. Tools are fun.
We didn’t have shop class.
I actually have more experience machining metal than I do woodworking, and that was because of a class I took in college.
Shop class at my HS was the ultimate do nothing class, especially Shop II, and the made up for just one student Shop III. The Shop teacher was also the Agriculture teacher and the schools sports director. So when the local HS soccer division changed the width of the fields, a friend I got to leave Shop II to paint the grass green where the old boundary line was. We took corn and randomly planted it around campus, not that we were told to, we just did.
My dad had a table saw, I only remember him using it once. He used the circular saw all the time. I only have a circular saw. Table saws are easier to make straight cuts, but less versatile.
Hrmm… Should I document the process and poke fun at myself in another Glib article?
No action shots though, spinning blades are dangerous.
What is your game plan? are you ripping that board into inch and a half/two inch sticks and then and gluing them up for an edge grain thing or are you simply gonna cut it to size join them and add a edge band? also what equipment do you have? By the by that photo is one of the saddest things I have seen, brings to mind Hemingway’s six word novel.
I was planning on breaking that down into three 16″ long slabs, making them rectangular and gluing them side to side. If it made sense I’d have bought the other half of the board too. It was one giant piece of clear maple, no defects save for a small split on the end I didn’t take home with me. I want to preserve the grain I have here.
I’m not saying it wont work that way but three wide boards glued up like that are gonna to have a tendency to cup/split/joint fail and the face you are going to be abusing with your chopping, dicing, and slicing is the face least capable of withstanding that kind of abuse. There is a reason butcher blocks are usually edge or end grained.
Should we see a failure, at 1.75 inches thick, we can re-engineer the remains of the board. Unless I’m a complete failure at gluing, this will happen after I’ve gotten more projects done.
Ah I missed the 1 3/4 thicc part, I’d still recommend ripping each plank in half. six 3 1/2 inch planks vs 3 7 inch ones will make a large difference in avoiding cupping, movement and will help keep it flat (if you alternate the grain),with very little extra work.
Could you elaborate on what you mean when you suggest alternating the grain?
If you look at the end grain of your board you should see the growth rings, depending on how the wood was milled sometimes you’ll see arches and sometimes diagonal lines, if your board has arches make sure when gluing them put one with the arch up and the next with the arch down and so on, if diagonal just alternate left to right with right to left. The way the growth rings go usually* indicates the way the board will tend to cup/warp so alternating and using more skinnier planks vs fewer wider ones helps mitigate the issue.
*but not always, if the board is already cupping contrary to the growth rings just alternate the direction of the cupping
Since you are making a cutting board that you plan on using, doing end-grains will also have some other benefits. namely that the end grains will show less damage from use, and that the oil you will use to finish it (food safe mineral oil or refractionated vegetable oil) will seep more deeply into the wood and maintain a more lasting finish.
Depends on the project. What are you making?
A cutting board.
I’m not terribly experienced in woodworking. Making it square and flat is not too ambitious.
Also, it’s something I’m liable to use.
I see the text below the photo now. That makes more sense.
If you’re not using a planer, are you going to sand it to get it flat?
I would echo the concerns of Hyperbole above about your connection, if you’re only gluing it. Maybe consider connecting them with pegs or something to increase the bond strength? Then again, it is 1.75″ thick. I’m imagining a similar project I did, but for a table leaf, but those were only 0.5″ thick. It didn’t come out that great but it works… plus I have bigger fish to fry in my house. >.>; /tangent
I’m still trying to figure out the best way to keep at least one face as flush as possible while the glue dires to minimize the loss of material when that has to be evened out. I don’t know how I’m going to even it out, I was debating the pros and cons of the various options.
Just glue it on a flat surface covered with plastic wrap.
I was completly lost until you said you got high. That’s all you had to say dude. What’s Jew for dude? Not man, but dude.
Did you mean this?
No, this, Afroman’s Greatest Hit.
She had it coming…
Nice comments
I love that song
Akhaver would be close.
Cool. Thanks Akhaver.
I came here to say this.
Racism is arbitrary at best, evil personified in the flesh with power at worst.
Anti-racism is a cult.
That is all.
Well the left live in Bizarro world so their anti-racist are super racist and their anti-fascist are super fascist. It’s hard to fathom that there are people who don’t see right through that. Propaganda is powerful.
It’s Orwells 1984 thought crime came to life. We’re going to ‘get’ you, wrong thinker, even if you go through your entire life never doing one thing that is even remotely racist. We’ll just define your racism for you. You white? RACIST! You Christian? RACIST! You heterosexual? RACIST!
See how this works? We’re going to find some racism, we are.
Well if we’re going to play the game of myopic generalizations then I’ll counter with there’s only two types of people living in a semi-functional society: those who wish to control others’ thoughts, speech and peaceful actions by way of state sponsored violence and those who do not.
What you’re pretending is that given the opportunity the Antfi crowd wouldn’t employ the same brutal tactics of the very historically real fascists and nazis they rally against. Absolutely nothing in their behavior to date would suggest otherwise. The more public support they gained, the more violent they became. Yes, the sympathetic establishment that has given a wink, wink were wise enough to pull back publicly, but the objective hasn’t changed in the long haul. The systematic destruction of the Constitution. The statues are just a starting point. Once you gain popular sentiment that all the founders are irredeemably flawed, you can begin to invalidate everything they espoused. And that’s the long game here. Not suppressing fringe elements of right-wing knuckleheads from engaging in racial genocide, but restructuring society itself. And a new class of undesirables are caste and purged. History repeats itself ad nauseam.
What started that train of thought was I was sitting next to a guy who started spouting off some really racist stuff. I said, “Dude that is fucked up.” He shut up.
End of story.
I have heard plenty of people go into anti racist rants. There is no way that retort could have possibly stopped them.
I think the only thing that shuts up an anti-racist is unconsciousness.
Oh, and you can divide the whole world into two categories; things you can put in a breakfast taco and things you cannot.
So antifa is in the first group right?
If you chop ’em fine.
Extra pepper spray for flavor
I was just following the simplistic line of reasoning you set forth as the premise of an argument. Don’t get all pissy if it gets thrown back into your face.
Now, do you have anything of substance to add to the conversation, or have you satisfied your need to morally preen and hurl nonsensical equivalences for the evening?
this is fun,
And Damn! Blech! I love a big ass but that thing ain’t Human i tells ya
Y’all can have those big asses.
Thicc only works when it’s pleasingly shaped. You can’t just glob a big old glob of ass on any body and make it work.
Looks like two clear trash bags filled with Campbell’s cream of chicken soup.
Lol, I think it might be cream of mushroom.
Just say no to plastic surgery.
“Imagine if there were men who only trained one body part, like pecs or biceps, or men that never trained their legs and had disproportionately large upper bodies…okay, bad example.”
Tig ole’ bitties FTW.
And we pay you to do what exactly?
Wait wait wait, I pay my car wash service, I’m held at gunpoint to pay his Sorry ass
-5 Ace
Right now, he’s being paid to fall over dead at any minute now. I’m not trying to be a dick or anything, I’m just being honest. Him being alive in 18 months is less than 50% and in 5 years, 0%. It’s funny how some people continue to make being as asshole first priority even when they know their time is almost up. Maybe he’s planning on that long run in the Hades Senate?
He’s planning to keel over while filibustering a repeal bill.
At this point, I’m not going to be able to feel any empathy at all when he falls over dead on the Senate floor. He’s one of the most reprehensible human beings of my life time. And that shit is not easy.
He’ll vote Democrat after He dies
Or, as it’s known now – how he votes in the Senate
Multiple times per election
I just find it hilarious that everyone in Congress is blaming Trump for them not doing their jobs. They act like theres nothing they can even do. If we’re going to have a King, then pay us back your salaries and gtf out of DC.
They’re afraid of losing some personal power over the serfs. Trump has exposed them for what they are, and they don’t like it one bit. They are little whores for the political class.
We have our money stolen and given to them so that they will have a job keeping a chair warm for life.
That is some interesting four string play. Not my thing really, but ok, I am down with that.
Man, I wish I wasn’t the only VR Glib around. I know there are some other gamers here, but I feel a little bit lonely in VR land.
I tried it and it makes me nauseated. Sorry man.
seriously? Did your hardware meet the min requirements? You have to be able to maintain about 90 FPS. I don’t get much of any motion sickness at all, and I’m prone to it. I guess some of the early games were more problematic, but now they’ve made a lot of progress in resolving that.
Whats the pr0n like?
I need to go on a rant about the fucking U.S. Postal Service. God, they SUCK! I regularly get other people’s mail delivered to my home, so I wonder if my mail is sometimes delivered elsewhere. And now Amazon uses the goddamned USPS for delivery. I’ve been an Amazon Prime member since almost when they started offering it. I ordered a small item on Sat and it was scheduled for delivery on Mon, Labor Day. I was a bit surprised, but thought “cool.” About 1pm on Labor Day I get a text from Amazon that my package is “undeliverable” – there’s a problem with the address. There’s a problem with the address?! The same address I’ve had Amazon deliveries since at least 2004? The same address that had a Prime order delivered (by those assholes in the USPS no less) the day before, Sunday? NO, there’s not a problem with my address. The problem is that the slacker idiot the USPS hired to deliver my package (item weight: 1.3 oz.) decided not to bother and the fall-back code he can get away with is “address undeliverable.” There are multiple threads on the Amazon forums about this. And those pigfuckers in the USPS didn’t deliver the package today, Tuesday. So I had to call Amazon, who had to patch me in to a USPS rep (who had a bitchy attitude) to get the package free from fucking USPS purgatory. Fucking Post Office! Goddammit!
Huh. I have never had that sort of problem with the post office. I’ve had neighbors steal packages when I lived in my apartment, but that stopped when they moved out. (And my dislike of trying to find brick and mortar storefronts for most products means I get a lot of deliveries)
I’ve had a different experience. I like the USPS a lot better than UPS. UPS sucks ballz for as long as I can remember. My last experience went like this.
UPS guy comes to door. I’m expecting them and I’m sitting not far from our front door.
I get up and hurry to the door, because I know my package is there.
I arrive at door and see no one, so I run outside and see the delivery guy fucking running across the lawn and disappearing around the corner. Are you fucking kidding me?
I immediately call UPS. They tell me that the package will be delivered to a UPS access point and I can pick it up on Monday. WTF? It’s Friday! So I ask them if they can change that and deliver it to my home again on Monday. They say yes, will be done.
Monday comes. No delivery and it’s getting later. I call them. They tell me that the package is at the UPS access point. I ask them about my request. Which I have a confirmation email for. They play dumb and I wind up driving the one mile to get my package.
I fucking hate UPS and this is something that has built up for the last 30 years.
Have had a few problems with USPS, but nothing in comparison.
Never had a problem with either. #Marylandproblems?
I had a similar experience many years ago with a package delivery company (not UPS or FedEx – can’t remember the name). The delivery guy would come to the door to just post a pre-completed post-it note form on my door, then walk off. Didn’t ring the bell or knock on the door. I don’t know if he even bothered to carry the package with him or just the note. And I was home. And I had the interior door open, so just the glass storm door was closed – what I thought was clearly indicating someone was home (otherwise I guess it was a clear indicator of “come in and rob my house”). Two days in a row. I had to go pick the package up somewhere.
Yeah, 9/10 times I get something delivered (doesn’t matter by who) they don’t wait 1 second to see if someone is gonna answer the door.
But USPS often will deliver my neighbor’s mail to me. I always put it in his mailbox, but I wonder if he does the same for me…
All of my amazon packages are on my doorstep. No problemo
The only thing I HAVE to sign for is confidential documents via FedEx.
If I’m expecting something valuable from Amazon, I leave a post-it on the door with instructions:
“Leave the package behind the gate and eat this note”
If Amazon starts solely using USPS it will be the end of them.
+1, as I delivered mail to my neighbors today, and have “discovered” checks I mailed in the Spring thaw on several occasions (after re-mailing).
Yeah, I was really pissed when Amazon started using USPS. They suck ass.
They’ve gone back and forth between carriers for years. I remember something like 15 years ago long before Prime and pretty much everything sent by standard delivery was through USPS.
I ordered a book for my aunt, had it sent to her PO Box. I got an e-mail from Amazon Friday, “We tried to deliver your package, but there was no one there to receive it” Really? No one at the Post Office? The package was at the Post Office today, the end ripped open and scotch taped back together. At least the book was still in there.
On another note UPS vs USPS. Every Monday, for the last 2 years, I have mailed out from the local Post Office (small town, local people working) the same exact thing for work, a flash drive. I get a different price almost every time, for the same damn thing. Meanwhile, the flash drives get delivered back to me via UPS. One time I was leaving home, the local UPS driver recognized me in my car, turned around, and delivered it to me when I got out of my car.
My UPS guy is awesome. There was some quirk where I had to sign for something important and I wasn’t home.
He left a note: (My first name), Come find me! My last stop is Ralph’s (the grocery store) at 4pm.
And I did.
I feel your pain. My home carrier is great. I should say was. The new relief guy shoved everything to the back of the box. We’re in a semi rural area. Most people pick up their mail from their car. Thanks to that joker, it’s almost impossible to reach in far enough to get it.
The real kicker is the lazy carrier for the office. That fucker outright lies: no one there (never came to the door because there were two people inside the whole time), delivered (wasn’t in the box until the next day after it said delivered and there was a handwritten note that couldn’t find the address, right on a main street too). Last two times the guy rolled the flat package (both times had a softcover textbook size book) and crammed it into the mail box all so the lazy worthless piece of shit didn’t have to spend more than 20 seconds at our location.
Another idiotic Amazon thing- I marked this address as no weekend delivery. Amazon sent out the package on Saturday through their Sunday delivery option at USPS and sure enough it went out Sunday. The big failing in my eyes is that there’s no way to inhibit USPS deliveries on Amazon.
Make friends with your carrier. I did.
That is the secret. We’ve done the same and she’s given us awesome service. And, bucking stereotypes, she loves our dog and vice versa.
Charlottesville has a lot of mail issues – much worse than anywhere else I’ve lived (even Hawaii – which had surprisingly excellent netflix/amazon delivery times). Even the local “indie” rag has regular letters from business owners, etc complaining about how bad the local service is.
I ordered some stuff from best buy back in March – shipped in multiple packages – first one I changed to my new address – missed that everything else was shipped to my old address (which still had forwarding on). Called my old post office and they looked stuff up ASAP to square me away. First and 2nd package arrived with no issues – 3rd package – shipped UPS with USPS “delivery” didn’t show up for a *month*! I called after 2 weeks and Best Buy reshipped the $300 order for free – which showed up in 2 days.
I also had a piece of “registered” mail not show up – they left a “pick up” notice in my box on a Saturday. Got it. Monday – I go in to the main post office to pick it up and they can’t find it. They never even call me back. I get home and look up the number again – it was “re-sent” back to the Navy office in Richmond on Monday morning! WTF! And of course, it was never re-delivered back to the NOSC either (who knows where it is now) – because now that they have a security gate, the USPS delivery driver doesn’t like to spend a few more minutes handling *actual official government mail*! I keep telling them to lodge formal complaints – and they may have already – that’s not how you handle peoples paperwork that involves official orders, pay, etc.
I would not have put this on the news. Cops should be able to trace the phone but now whoever took her knows she has a phone.
The mothers post The last thing she go out was she was in a dark room she thinks is a basement and she is scared implies that the kidnappers already got the phone.
“If it was your child you would be posting til your fingers bleed,” Barbara Brickey wrote at one point.
No. No I wouldn’t. Posting on Facebook doesn’t do anything.
I’d round up my friends, we’d put on some polo shirts, and go looking for her at night with tiki torches.
And ANTIFA would be right to assault you, you fascist!
Just looked at the mom’s Facebook and it says she’s been found and is safe. So that’s good at least?
That is good.
For all my current and erstwhile Arizona Glibs.
According to sociologists Abigail Saguy and Anna Ward, “coming out as fat involves a person who is easily recognized as fat affirming to herself and others her fatness as a non-negotiable aspect of self, rather than as a temporary state to be remedied through weight loss.”
A fat person admitting to themselves and others that their fatness is a part of their identity rather than something they have to change about themselves can be a radical act of self-love and acceptance.
Living in a fat body frequently complicates how a person experiences their sexuality and gender expression.
“Because of the hateful and pervasive social messaging around fatness — that it is ugly, unhealthy, disgusting, unclean, and unattractive — many fat people often find it challenging to fully embrace sex and their sexuality,” Dr. Pfeffer said.
Author’s twitter indicates she works for MSNBC. How shocking.
Coming out as fat…. hmmm…. ok, I’ll bite, what exactly does “closeted fat” look like?
Also, isn’t language like that cultural appropriation from gays?
It’s more like coming out of the pantry.
Coming out = not holding it in
many fat people often find it challenging to fully embrace sex and their sexuality,” Dr. Pfeffer said.
If only she understood how difficult it was for the tubbos’ partners to embrace them.
They’ve never heard of chubby chasers?
Rick and Morty drunk method acting.
Drinking while film making can create a really loose set and keep things casual. BUT, if you’ve been drinking on set, scheduling the scene where the monster emerges out of the water as the last shoot ISN’T a good idea. A guy in a monster costume that weighs a lot more once it’s wet, being submerged while the rest of the crew is drunk not a smart idea in retrospect. But we got the shot! The world of indy films, edgy AF.
The Kitava study serves as a disconfirming example to discredit the claims made for low-carb diets. Kitavans eat a very high-carb diet, with lots of saturated fat and little protein, and they appear to thrive on it without becoming obese or developing a high incidence of metabolic syndrome as the low-carb theorists would predict.
It is evidence against the hypothesis that low-fat diet recommendations caused the obesity “epidemic” simply because people replaced fat with carbohydrates. It shows that a diet high in carbohydrates does not necessarily lead to obesity, especially if they are complex carbohydrates and the total calorie intake is not excessive.
The thing never accounted for in studies like this is activity level. Obesity is a simple calculation of calories in vs. calories out; more of the latter than the former and you won’t gain weight. I have been keto for over a year now and I will say that I feel about 100x better than before, my cholesterol is better and my blood pressure hasn’t changed. I may incorporate slight amounts of carbs back in, but I see no reason to revert to my old dietary habits. It’s possible to stay in shape with almost any diet as long as you observe moderation and keep a good activity level. However, I still think a diet high in simple carbs is pretty bad for you unless you’re an elite athlete.
I left out the part about activity. The study said they exercise a little more than a typical westerner and most of them smoke.
Diets that lead to weight loss, whether paleo, low carb, low fat, vegan, or vegetarian, all have one thing in common- not eating certain types of food. And I think the “not eating” part is the main thing.
Boko Haram- fun facts
In a 2009 BBC interview, Yusuf stated his belief that the concept of a spherical Earth is contrary to Islamic teaching and should be rejected. He also rejected Darwinian evolution, and the concept of the condensation cycle that produces rain.[6] In the interview he said:
“There are prominent Islamic preachers who have seen and understood that the present Western-style education is mixed with issues that run contrary to our beliefs in Islam,” he said.
“Like rain. We believe it is a creation of God rather than an evaporation caused by the sun that condenses and becomes rain.
“Like saying the world is a sphere. If it runs contrary to the teachings of Allah, we reject it. We also reject the theory of Darwinism.”
They take their 7th Century vision really seriously.
Nuke ’em ’til they glow, and then shoot ’em in the dark.
Things I find on youtube: BEST WORKOUT NASHEEDS | Halal Testosterone & Adrenaline Boost
Al Baghdadi wants to pump *you* up!
hmm, what are you searching for on youtube that this is what the algorithms say you might enjoy it? The cop out answer would be the language, but I’m guessing ‘beefcake’ is actually somewhere in there.
I’m wondering what the next iteration of the alt right is going to be. There’s no way they can keep the strains of white nationalism that some in the alt right embrace. But I’m not on the ground. Any predictions?