People in my state are freaking out. I give the people on the east coast south of Orlando a pass. They need to be prepped or out by Friday afternoon. On the other hand, Tallahassee appears to be all out of water. The storm won’t be there for a week if at all. Me, I’ve got a swimming pool with a chlorinator and a Britta pitcher. I’m good on drinking water. There were also plywood runs up here in St. Pete this weekend, which, I guess if you have to work until Friday night might be okay. I miss the days where we Floridians treated hurricanes like city pigeons treat a bus. We’ll move, but not one second earlier or one inch further than necessary. Oh, and by the way, since our governor went and declared a state of emergency for the whole state, companies can’t materially raise prices for supplies. So when that dickbag in front of you buys the last 80 bags of ice, thank the idiot price gouging laws. Rant complete. And now… the links!
Wow. Talk about the best investment ever. Tillman Fertitta will buy the Houston Rockets for $2.2 BILLION. His losing bid in 1993 was $4 MILLION short of Les Alexander’s $85M. Granted, Tillman is also buying the Toyota Center and not the broke down old Summit. But damn.
I have been drinking cough syrup all weekend and I didn’t try to kill my wife once.
Lego is laying off a bunch of people, seriously Danish unemployment went up by like a whole percent.
Politicians should be excluded from this trial of medicines that clear senescent cells from the body, lest they lose the entirety of their forebrains.
This song may just be NSFW. Sorry, I needed something to clear my palette of that cotton candy this morning.
I always know when PM links will post.
Is it PM or not? It’s PM here.
It’s always PMS around here.
Wait until she hits menopause.
4PM in the time zone that matters.
+1 sprite.
Purple Drank!
“Lego is laying off a bunch of people”
It’s the voxel scourge.
Good thing for them, the Danish have Europe’s most overgenerous welfare state. Those guys can just sit around and play with their LEGOs all day.
And it’s free, for only 46.5% of everyone else’s stuff!
I’m just happy to not have those damn things around the house anymore.
One little 2 peg Lego can bring a barefoot grown man to the floor
No shit. Cops should carry some just in case they are attacked by crazy naked guy.
So, mostly Florida cops, then?
I used to sleepwalk as a kid through a floor of lego bits.
I buy the generics by the thousand off of Amazon. We have a whole closet full.
But if I see one fucking lego on the floor downstairs, I’m going to burn them all in a giant bonfire.
I played with them when I was a kid, and sometimes I’m tempted to start buying them again. Now that I have the brain of an adult (well, maybe) and access to online stores that sell whatever pieces I want, I’m confident that I could build some next-level awesome stuff.
The only thing holding me back is my injunction against taking up any more expensive habits until I’m earning more money. Guns and ammo already drain enough of my budget.
They make some very, very cool kits that are adult-level. Their architecture series is a favorite of mine. But I’ve fought off the urge to buy any because like you say, I don’t need any more expensive habits.
Just build guns or ammo out of Legos.
Dunno if Sharpshooter is still around or not, but I’ll carry this over from the SNP post:
Question for Sharpshooter:
Trump keeps going on and on about “fixing” the VA. What has he done? What needs to be done? If you were king, what would you do? I’ve actually been wondering about you writing a guest article since you have the inside story.
I did write up a couple articles going over eligibility and how the primary care, scheduling and consult management process works. They were more information pieces, food for thought, name your cliché.
The biggest thing since Trump became president is this: VA Choice & Accountability Act
This funded the Choice program for another year or until the funds run out. It also made it easier to fire people. This was brought to light by an employee at the VA in Houston watching porn at work–in front of patients . SecVA Shulkin explained to congress they did indeed attempt to fire the employee for but the AFGE rules allowed the employee to remain on the payroll for an additional 30 days so that he may file an appeal. He (I’m assuming) no longer works here but should’ve been shown the door immediately. Finally, the hiring freeze forced the VA to prioritize it’s hiring, even if it did impact me directly, was a good thing because it left a lot of services asking how badly they needed people to do certain tasks. Many of these positions were eliminated.
King for a day…is money an object? Does this have to be a truly libertarian solution or can I go with baby steps?
– Buy out the remaining years to retirement for any employee with greater than 20 year’s service; I would do it in tiers unless the employee can prove they have been attempting to advance. One thing that I cannot stand are the midlevel employees who have been in the same position since the Clinton administration. Every time you try to improve something its, “But we’ve always done it this way” or “so you are telling me I’ve been doing this wrong for the last 13 years?” Quite frankly, its not always people at the top that suck; typically they get to that position on some amount of merit. People in the middle on the other hand, don’t go anywhere and if they suck, their nonperformance affects everyone else.
– Reduce AFGE’s influence over personnel actions–ideally eliminate it all together. Supervisors should not have to worry about an employee running to AFGE if they write up an honest performance review. Bad employees should be removed instead of promoting to their level of incompetence.
– Eliminate the VISNs. In this day of near instant communication, there is no need for a regionalized layer of bureaucracy. Facilities can communicate with central office directly, and often do. This also eliminates no fewer than 22 SES positions, and the staff of around 40 or more to support them.
– Update the EHR. I understand why it still runs on DOS, but it hasn’t stopped anyone else in nearly every industry from updating their computer systems.
– Consult Management and scheduling should be the same everywhere. I should be able to take an employee out of one VA, plug them into another with little change in overall productivity.
– Either shift Vets eligible for Medicare or make the Medicare eligible Vets go to the VA. Ideally, they pick one and they stay there. The mix and matching can get confusing because the VA was designed to be the primary provider and has it’s doctors make their decisions based on that principle. Which means in many circumstances they execute their plan of care on incomplete information.
– Most Vets just go here for free medications. Make any physicians prescription fillable by VA pharmacies if it complies with the VA formulary.
Sorry you caught me working–imagine that. My answer from the other thread:
This is more fodder for discussion, and I haven’t fully thought this one out yet: Instead of funding based on the VERA allocations (explained in my previous articles) make VA services payable by Medicare since the private sector is paid by an overwhelming percentage by Medicare/Medicaid. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but its around 60% of all healthcare expenditures. Instead, Vets eligible for VHA services receive a Medicare card and go where they want. Does the VA suck in your area? Go somewhere else that accepts Medicare. Enough Vets making that choice means the local VA would receive less funding. This could then be used as rationale to close that VA and send personnel/resources to VAs that are competing with the private sector in their area. I would also add, Non Service Connected treatment be subject to Medicare’s copay as well, to avoid moral hazard.
I’d also add in reforming Medicare’s fee schedule to be fluid with the local market, but that probably has less of a chance to pass than anything I posted here.
Just dropped a reply to you in the other thread too – is there a direct suggestion line for Sec VA? Helps to give him ammo to push up the chain for anything that may need congressional approval/buy-off, etc.
It’s posted in the other thread. Sorry for the delay, I was writing it up between phone calls.
You’re good man, no worries.
I peed in your pool
The shocking revelations that people post here…
Do you think Florida Man cares about a little pee?
Didn’t you also pee in Sloopy’s pool before his hurricane?
You don’t wanna know what I did in *your* pool…
Just a baby ruth…
My prepper plan is to survive on my own urine anyway. And whatever urine I can beg borrow or steal from others.
I ejaculated in it.
That Ted S. is straight shooter, he’s got upper management written all over him.
Well, I am a top and not a bottom….
*makes shocked face*
I’m all out of shocked faces.
I think that FL legislators should pass a law requiring pool manufacturers to install automatic pee removal filters in all pools.
After all if the EU pols can pass a law demanding that information about someone be completely removed from the internet, how hard is it to remove piss from a pool?
What if a large reptile claims pool as xis safe space?
or whatever
Misgendering a reptile? CAPITAL OFFENSE.
I’ve got a .357 lever action with darn good iron sights and a convenient 2nd story window to shoot xit out of?
Nice long gun there Cracker. (Florida term of cracker)
That’s #1 on my wish list. What brand/model is it?
It’s a Marlin 1894. They don’t appear to be making the .357 cowboy gun anymore.
you can find them on gunbroker!
I’m quite sure I didn’t pay $500 for mine. Yikes.
Then Brett has water AND food.
Mmmmm gator stew.
And, a pair of new boots.
Same here. 25,000 gallon pool, a Katadyn water filter rated for 13,000 gallons on the filter, small solar panels for charging up cell phones, and a couple weeks worth of food. And several thousand rounds of various calibers just in case.
Wife has already said that she would take the dogs and head to a friend’s house on the east coast if it comes up the west coast. She said that I’m to stay in the house to monitor it (our roof just developed a leak last week). I really think that her real idea is that I’m to stay in the house in the hopes she can collect on my life insurance. Our house is on high land (FL high land, so about 10 feet), and we aren’t in a flood plain, so we should be just fine. Wife intentionally bought an older house here with the thought that if the house had been standing through the last 60 years worth of storms, it can manage more.
So the Virgin Islands Governor issued this order. Seems to violate the 2nd and 4th Amendments as well as the Homeland Security Act Bush signed. Not an order I would have obeyed when in the National Guard. It also makes it sound like they don’t buy them guns or equipment.
It’s a sad time in history when a banana republic guy cannot be a banana republic dictator. White people ruining everything as usual.
Just how big do you suppose the VING is?
Imma bet, not very.
This indicates maybe 1.5k in structure, but I’d bet that their at 60-70% strength and about 150 – 200 soldiers.
Yeah. A National Guard without guns is a …. Rotary Club?
The few times I got pulled in for duty during storms, we weren’t issued guns anyhow. We were actually focused on getting heavy equipment prepped in case we had to actually help people (not rob them).
What’s this about a club for rotaries?
Actually it’s a club for traffic circles and roundabouts.
I was hoping it was a club for obsolete phone enthusiasts.
Check yourself Vhyrus*
No reason that you can’t combine modern cell technology with a decent pulse dialer.
*Your name is worse on my spelling/dyslexia than the word “yacht” (both of which made me give up and just copy/paste)
Don’t feel bad, I misspell my own name sometimes.
One of the more academically challenged classmates of mine once misspelled his name Brian on a test and wrote “Brain” – in Jr. High. Of course being the cruel sub-humans that we were, his nickname for the rest of his time in school was Brain.
I was one of the only ones who didn’t laugh and mock him mercilessly when that happened because I didn’t catch the transposition of the letters.
I’m hoping that if there is an afterlife that this incident plays out in my favor. There has to be an upside where you have troubles that are bad enough to make you a slow reader and mispronounce all sorts of words, but not so bad that you “officially” qualify for the sweet life of being tagged with a learning disability.
I think there’s a club for roustabouts that meets at this bar some weeknights.
It can’t be a club for RX-7 drivers?
This club is slightly more charitable.
The Virgin Islands to my knowledge is not subject to the protections of the constitution, just like puerto rico.
To put it in politician terms: Get fucked prole, gimme gimme gimme.
Pretty much, yeah. They’ve tried a bunch of times to pass a territorial constitution but it never passes, usually because they try to set up some kind of citizenship classification based on whether you’re a native of the islands or not with rights being more restricted for those who emigrate from the US proper.
The Virgin Islands to my knowledge is not subject to the protections of the constitution,
Ladies and Gentlemen, your Second Amendment:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Assuming that the residents of the Virgin Islands are, in fact, people, I think the BoR applies to them.*
If the US Government isn’t governing the Virgin Islands under the Constitution, just where does it get the authority to do so?
*Unless you are a functional illiterate who thinks this protects the right of a State to keep and bear arms.
Awwwwww, that’s going to dampen my fantasy of moving to the USVI someday when I’ve had enough of this fucking place.
“I miss the days where we Floridians treated hurricanes like city pigeons treat a bus”
True Florida Men and Womyn still do, transplants from Westchester county on the other hand…
The only thing you can do is sit on your porch drinking beer and being defiant. You could lasso a water spouts if you see one. Without spilling your beer of course.
If God wanted us to fear hurricanes, he wouldn’t have made our skin waterproof.
I have three bottles of whiskey to ride out the hurricane. No refrigerator required.
Only three? I think we have 5 bottles of scotch, plus one each of light rum, dark rum, spiced rum, vodka, tequila, gin, bourbon, and various mixers.
Sad thing – I don’t even drink much…
The first typhoon I went through in Okinawa was the best. Basically a sergeant showed up at my room (yes, I had a room. I was swinging with the wing in the USMC, not some infantry dork) and told me to grab some cash and come with him.
We then managed to get off base just before they closed it down and the sergeant took us to some bar where he knew the owner and the bar girls. Once we were stranded there due to the storm, he negotiated all we could drink (and bar snacks) for a lump sum. The bar girls sat and drank/giggled with us but no hanky panky was included.
Still it was way better than the other typhoons where I was on duty until after the base was secured and I was stuck in the barracks eating MRE’s and drinking the booze I had stashed away.
“You’ll ride a black tornado ‘cross the western sky
Rope an ol blue norter and milk it till it’s dry
Bulldog the Mississippi, pin it’s ears down flat
Long before you take this cowboys hat
My son loves that song! Chris Ledoux FTW.
Ah, Mr Ledoux. One of the few country singers who was fully qualified to sing about the rodeo and to cover the old trail songs. He died awfully young.
Indeed he did. About the only redeeming factor for the existence of Garth Brooks was his reference to Ledoux that helped reignite Chris’ career. I actually had the pleasure of attending a Ledoux concert in the early ’90s. Made some girl mad when I wouldn’t keep flirting with her after Ledoux came on stage.
“Oh, and by the way, since our governor went and declared a state of emergency for the whole state, companies can’t materially raise prices for supplies.”
Membership fee.
What is with your first link. Was it written in creole and google translated to English?
Do you even Pidgin brah?
NO! Why is this a thing?!?
It seems to have become a real popular thing lately. I don’t really know, I missed it.
I didn’t check the links for a few day then bam, every other link is in fucking Pidgin.
That’s the joke.
Floridians once again having their noses rubbed in their ignorance by the more educated.
The BBC thinks Nigerians are too stupid to understand pronouns and prepositions.
Who is the real racist? Probably still me, but it can be both of us.
You have to read it in your Uncle Remus voice.
NOAA 49 huntin’ ‘canes
Where are the controls so I can turn the plane?
-1 20th hijacker
Hunting hurricanes in the satellite era is kind of like spotlighting deer.
It’s not really hunting. More of an anal probe.
Go on…
They’re doing that in a Gulfstream?
I though they did it in a 4 engine prop plane.
the last one Kristen linked to was one, I think.
Yeah, Here it is.
So, I know I make rockets and shit but I am actually rather ignorant about flight dynamics. Why do they use turboprop planes to punch hurricanes?
Hail (according to USAToday)
You can treat a C-130 like shit and it won’t get revenge on you.
If that’s the case we should be using A-10s to do the job. Hell drop a few jdams in the eyewall and blow the thing apart while you’re in there.
C-130s also have enough payload to carry the equipment. Not to mention the mass to not get tossed around like trash blowing in the wind.
Kristen, if you want to see an interesting flight, check N119NA.
The Feds are moving prisoners out of the way.
I see a stop in Houston. Makes sense.
You’ll probably like this, Kristen:
Purports to be live data take from NOAA Hunter flights. Of interest now, 914.1 mB extrapolated surface pressure. That’s a bad, bad storm, and it may be getting worse.
Not as bad as some of the laughable GFS runs predicting 880-ish, but 914 is nothing you want to be near.
Vhyrus, I want to say the South Dakota Mines folks that used to run a T-28 into supercell thunderstorms, were looking into using an old A-10 for the same thing.
Crazy flights. Limited by the amount of deicing fluid they could carry, IIRC.
/quietly puts down NyQuil.
Chug. Chug. Chug.
Just for DoomCo-
I saw one of these this morning. Not exactly ubiquitous.
Also, but unrelated, there seemed to be some sort of sportscar tour/rally running around. The truly cool thing I saw was a Sunbeam Tiger. It was definitely a Tiger, with that snappy 289 exhaust note plainly audible.
That’s a nice 45 pickup! sunbeams make me smile for some reason.
Since you can’t buy a real cobra for under a half a million dollars now, Tigers have exploded in value.
I’ve never had the privilege of driving one, but the Sunbeam always struck me as the kind of car that deserves a spot on a list titled “Most Fun Cars to Make Go Sideways from a Stoplight”.
TVRs have that rep as well.
I would love to try!
That Vixen agreed…
Dad still have it?
Yeah. It’ll live with them until I buy my own house and have room for it. He has that and his austin healy. The MG went to my uncle.
From personal experience, the Cobra replicas will go sideways at slow speed if you are injudicious with the throttle. Then again, so will a Viper.
Not my cup of tea. The scary thing is I was really just trying to park it, not hot dog in it, and the damn thing still did it.
Let me know if you see a Toyota HiAce.
I can drive this to whoever wants it.
Or if someone wants to get me an Iron Pig…
My friend from Longmont had one that looked similar, but the roof came off. He had the roof off all summer.
Too cool. The pigs are beautiful.
Good old Sunbeam….
LT Fish!
Could you review Mystery Team? I like that movie and want more people to see it. I’ve been enjoying the other reviews so far.
This one? – it does have Aubrey Plaza….added to top of netflix queue, but will probably be a few weeks minimum. This week’s review is interesting and weird, but next week – tweaked it already – a lot longer, but a lot of short video clips spliced in – so hopefully will work out well.
That’s the one. It’s one of my favorites.
I’m worried about this hurricane. I have soccer tickets and movie tickets for Saturday. Don’t you fuck with my weekend Irma!
Where are you? I don’t think its getting to the mainland until Sunday.
Orlando. But they may cancel stuff in advance.
So much ugh. They understand that Florida is not Houston and Irma is not Harvey, right?
I know it. I have two empty sink holes in my neighborhood. If those fill up, it’s the second biblical flood.
If they fill up, wouldn’t they be called “lakes”?
They call them “lakes” now, but lakes don’t have a 45 degree slope to the water.
Or move it forward.
If the current trajectory is correct, it’s right over southern FL on Sunday AM.
Like I said…
The Euro models’ trajectories for this are really scary. A v. large storm, moving up the west coast of Florida, will pile a God-awful amount of water in Tampa. Like Katrina, Camille levels of surge.
IIRC, it’s one of the “things that keep FEMA emergency folks up at night”, along with shit like Cascadia letting go, NOLA taking a hurricane to the face, another New Madrid or Fort Tejon quake, Rainier remembering it’s a volcano. Stuff like that.
Anyone who needs to evacuate is welcome to fly out to LA and stay with me. If I like you.
I plan to drown in place if necessary, but thanks. Did you go to Volcano Bay?
I went to…. Las Vegas.
I’m going to New York in a couple of weeks, and we were thinking of a few days in Orlando on the way home. Were.
When were you in Las Vegas? I stayed in Caesar’s Palace the week of the 21st last month.
9th-15th at the Delano. It was nice but I probably won’t do it again. The pool was just too damn crowded.
Yeah, we stopped there for a couple days last year. Kids loved the pool. I hated the crowds.
We walked and trammed all the way from the Mandalay Bay to the Mirage and back. At night. In 105 degree heat. Shoulder to shoulder crowds the whole way.
Man, that sucked carrying a 2 year old.
Hah! Mine are teenagers, but both said we can skip Vegas for the foreseeable future.
I think that would be preferable honestly. My mom is in LA and was trying to fly to Florida to help with the material evacuation. That’s how bad LA is.
Your mom wasn’t supposed to tell you that she was here.
If you knew my mom you wouldn’t make that joke.
I have my own toilet thank you very much.
Good point. The GOP Congress is likely going to do nothing about Obamacare but it will make sure every illegal alien in the country gets to stay and become a reliable Democratic voter. They are smart like that.
You assume that the GOPe actually has priorities substantively different than the Dems. They don’t.
I am not assuming that at all.
We’re talking about Lindsey Graham here. South Carolina residents deserve lashes for that little neocon shithead.
All it would take is one galvanizing voice to get the base to desert the GOP. They’ve ruled on the fear of Dems getting into power, but when the GOP is seen as just as much of an obstruction as the Dems, conservatives will go hunting for another option.
They did in Trump. Trump won nearly all of the “conservative vote”. The only conservatives who didn’t support Trump were the ones in the Beltway who didn’t want to lose their cushy jobs being the neutered opposition. And they would go for someone else in a heartbeat. These idiots think their problems are over if they can just get rid of Trump. They are that stupid and arrogant.
“any Democrat who wants to be taken seriously must support a single-payer health-care system, a $15 minimum wage, free college tuition, affirmative support for sanctuary cities along with minimal immigration controls and, finally, a contender must completely embrace Black Lives Matter and engage in a probing courtship with the radical pseudo-group the “antifa.””
TW: WashPo. Ummm, is this guy a Trump plant?
What are you talking about? The guy is absolutely right! Go Democrats!
That’s the way the Dems are now and I encourage more of it.
Harris/Warren 2020
That’s a nice 45 pickup!
*Not actual vehicle seen. The one I saw was green and appeared to be in unrestored original (but not a piece of shit, by any definition) condition.
The pic is from Hemmings. Make the guy an offer (I never even bothered to check the price- I assumed it to be astronomical).
45’s are super expensive. I don’t think 1000 were sold in the US.
The 2020 Democratic Agenda is emerging. And it is going to be full retard.
As I see it, the ante to be in the game as a serious contender for the Democratic nomination will include uniform positions on at least five issues. Specifically, any Democrat who wants to be taken seriously must support a single-payer health-care system, a $15 minimum wage, free college tuition, affirmative support for sanctuary cities along with minimal immigration controls and, finally, a contender must completely embrace Black Lives Matter and engage in a probing courtship with the radical pseudo-group the “antifa.”
The race to be the Democratic nominee for president in 2020 will be a race to the left. The Bernie Sanders agenda has taken root. By the time the Democrats’ nominating process was complete in 2016, Hillary Clinton had become Bernie Sanders-lite. I see the next Democratic nominee as likely to be Sanders on steroids.
“And it is going to be full retard.”
Of course it is. Moving left and doubling down on identity politics. More of how they got where they are now.
It is why they want to impeach Trump so badly. They know only a divided GOP and an old school “I am just here to lose with honor” GOP nominee is the only way they can win.
Linked above. We can only hope the Dem agenda is this retarded, they will further consolidate their power base in hard left coastal enclaves while alienating the majority of the electoral college.
Eliminate the Electoral College is agenda item 1.
They may as well forget about that.
I really don’t think that this will be winning formula for them.
Let them try it though. If they start pushing it it now, it’s how Kid Rock will end up a Senator. Oh the
humanityhilarity.Unlike the Republicans, if the Democrats were to come to control Congress and the Presidency again, they really would pass legislation for all this shit. Then they would fight it out in the courts and eventually lose their majorities everywhere. When the Republicans returned to power, they would then be expected to dutifully fix the Dems’ shoddy plans and figure out how to pay for it all.
Yeah pretty much. I don’t think they would actually do single payer. Single payer is so stupid it even died in Vermont and California. But they would do everything else. And the Republicans are so worthless they would never repeal any of it.
Their job is to fix Progressive legislation.
Mechanics for the welfare state.
Great party slogan if they were honest.
I guess it makes sense they go further left. Now we’ll find out just how popular progressive/SJW ideas are.
Their new slogan should just be “Private property is theft”.
“Stronger Together” didn’t really do enough to distinguish them from Fascism.
EAT THE RICH works too.
Use the Motorhead version and I’ll vote FOR. Even though I don’t have US citizenship.
yeah, about that….
plus, the ‘free college’ shit? aint gon fly neither. its welfare for the upper-middle-class, and poor folks know it.
I’m not sure why that is shocking. The criminals are making the rest of them look bad. Cops should take a lesson from this and start to voicferously support stripping qualified immunity….hahahahahaha sorry, I couldn’t finish that though.
Vhyrus, if you’re here, I just thought of something.
In the likely event that you can’t find a storage unit, find a place with a tall parking structure.
An airport, a stadium, a mall, wherever.
The airport is obviously going to be expensive, but also the safest. They aren’t going to let your vehicles out until you pay.
The top floor of a highrise parking garage would be golden. It won’t flood and if you put your car on the interior the winds shouldn’t hurt it.
Which is exactly why it’s going to be home-base for post-apocalyptic hordes wearing mickey-mouse ears and carrying baseball bats wrapped in barbed wire.
*checks insurance policy*
Yep. Roof of the structure, and crack the windows a few inches for ventilation.
Good call, although I think our fallback plan is ‘drive west til it stops raining’.
One thing that people tend to do is, they tend to overestimate things in the short run but then underestimate things in the long run
So my BIL scheduled his vow renewal at Disney World for Friday. My wife and I have been planning this trip since we found out we were pregnant with our oldest and we leave tomorrow morning (that’s the plan anyways). What say our erstwhile Florida Men (and Women)? Should we cut our losses, try to reschedule, or just try to cut our trip short and get out of dodge on Saturday?
I mean, personally I’ve always wanted to see a sharkgatornado, but not too keen on getting stuck there.
Seriously if Disneyworld is even open past Friday I’ll be shocked.
You risk getting stuck in Orlando when everyone freaks the fuck out. Personally, I think Kissimee will be fine, but be able to spend 3 days there if they close the airport.
When were you originally scheduled to leave Orlando?
Mm, probably reschedule then.
Any excuse to avoid Disney World is a bullet well-dodged.
I love Disney World.
Yeah, I’m one of “those” people.
If you want any recommendations feel free to ask. My wife and I go pretty regularly and have eaten at most of the restaurants.
Badolph, I posted this on my comic thread, but in case you didn’t see it: Not what you specifically mentioned, but the best I could do on a short time-frame
I’m not authorized to give out any official tokens of recognition, but well done. I’m glad you’re abusing your natural talents in this fashion.
If sharknado really happens, you will be stuck for at least a day or two. Hurricanes are fun as long as:
1. Your property is not getting destroyed
2. You have a sufficient supply of alcohol
3. You’re in a safe enough place that you won’t die
The aftermath is BORING. Also hot since the power will be out and you won’t have A/C.
Source: Sat through Ivan, Katrina and Wilma in SoFLA.
It’s possible that you won’t be able to leave when you want to, if at all.
I’ll probably be too busy to kidnap anyone during the hurricane…probably.
It’s a crime of opportunity, so don’t commit either way right now.
That’s what we’re worried about.
If I were going to own another land crusher, an FJ55 is what I’d get. That one’s about 4800 bucks over my budget, though.
6k is about the cheapest I’ve found in the US in a drivable quality, unfortunately. I think they live on fj45 frames, but aqualu doesn’t make an aluminum fj55 body.
I really like the 55’s and 60 series.
Funny story from the grocery store, where people are freaking the fuck out. I just needed bread to make sandwiches for my kids tomorrow. The honeywheat bread was fully stocked while everything around it was sold out. And that’s what we eat. How lucky can you be? I guess people are leaving already. My wife says she talked to people who are heading for Alabama and South Carolina. You know, places where this thing could conceivably hit.
I remember in 2005 a bunch of yachts getting moved from the keys to South Carolina and then the hurricane crushing SC. The projections are garbage.
If people also remember, until Houston, the storm forecasts have been abysmal at best for years. Always overly hyped. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, I guess. But the rule has been they’ve been wrong a lot more than right. Still best to take it very seriously, plan, and hope it’s not as bad as they say it will be.
Buy all of it.
If it swings wide Tampa is going to get it’s bell rung. Be careful mang.
We’ll leave town the second we know its more likely to come where we are than where we would go instead.
Sounds like central Virginia when snow is forecast and people think that 3-5 inches of snow will have them stranded in their homes for two weeks. God how I hated that nonsense as a kid when I worked at grocery stores.
When I lived in the midwest, every fucking time a big show was predicted, which was often, people would wipe out the grocery stores of bread and milk like there was a nuclear war. But at least there was always a chance you could get snowed in for days or even a week or more. What’s much more annoying is that they do the same thing here in Maryland every time it’s going to snow. Even a forecast of an inch or less will wipe out grocery stores. People are retarded and it just proves how insane things would get in a real crisis.
‘snow’ not show…
Oldie but goodie.
“John Grassl of Marathon County jumped up on the kerb in his snowmobile
What the fuck is a kerb? Is this part of that Pidgin joke?
“twice the legal drink-drive limit.”
And he was arrested for ‘drink driving’.
Does everyone in Wisconsin talk like that?
Apparently some of the grocery stores here in SC are already running out of bread.
Update from my parents who are driving back from New England. They stopped in GEORGIA to buy water and the shelves were low. But they bought us some, so they must really want their grandkids to survive.
Yeah, My MIL bought us like 5 gallons and a bunch of charcoal since I’m supposed to cook for everyone apprentice. Jokes on her though, if it look to be more than a Cat 1 if it heads our way we are leaving. It’s been raining daily for about three weeks, which really helps the trees fall down.
I can’t find it now, but last week I saw somebody’s tweet of a Houston grocery store cooler aisle that was completely stripped bare except for a small vegan section which remained fully stocked.
Both the Lowes and Home Depot in Carrollwood were out of water and propane as of about 10:30 this morning. I got the 3rd to last tank of propane. Just laughed at the people looking for flats of water…
Ohio news photographer shot by a deputy who he says he knows while filming a traffic stop.
That retarded asshole deserves it.
“I was just doing my job,” he said. “I know Jake. I like Jake. I don’t want him to lose his job over this.”
Fuck him and the cop.
*Calls Irma a Big’un, fat shaming!*
An idle observation:
In one of the many hysterical stories I read about Houston, and how the total lack of zoning, or building codes, or PLANZ has created this biblical nightmare of a flood, in which all humanity is doomed to perish…
The illustration accompanying the story was of what appeared to be a rowhouse/townhouse type of arrangement, where the living space was elevated a good ten feet above ground level (and well clear of the visible water level), with covered parking below. I guess that just happened by accident.
Good counter article to the hysteria. It might have made about 0.02 to 0.1 percent difference.
Once again, smoke from forest fires (mostly from the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. this time) has engulfed the Lower Rainland™ of British Columbia. The light, which appears to be coming from everywhere at once, is a uniform dull yellow (not unlike the 88% totality light we had here during the last solar eclipse).
It’s . . . spooky. All my dog wants to do is curl up and go to sleep. Or freak out (she can smell the smoke, and it seems to be upsetting her). She hasn’t quite decided what to do yet.
Me neither.
Shoot any shambling walkers?
Well, yes, that goes without saying.
I meant “I haven’t quite decided what to do about everything else yet.”
Jeez. Some people.
It’s been like that all weekend here. Sometimes it looks like dense fog from the accumulated smoke. Worst air quality in thirty years.
Yep. Breathing’s a bit strained. And I’m not a smoker. (My older brother is — this is probably got him scurrying to the doc for an inhaler…)
Hope your brother enjoys the wait.
The wait’ll be cake. Availability of the inhaler, on the other hand . . .
My BiL is in the south end of the state, a couple of miles from one of the biggies. The fire manager/sheriff’s office issued a Level 1 (get ready to go) evacuation notice yesterday & a Level 3 (leave now, do not pack) for properties starting across the street. My wife told him there’s space in our driveway for his trailer but he’s sticking it out for now.
RE: The car talk up above
I have essentially no experience really working on cars (outside of normal maintenance stuff like replacing headlights, changing tires, etc.). I have a dream to buy a junker ’65 or ’66 Mustang and restore it. Any gearhead Glibs with advice on where to start and how big/expensive of a project this would be?
My reaction.
Not helpful. But accurate.
Q, restoring a car is, by all accounts a massively cool achievement. Or a nightmare.
Imagine the highest number you can fathom. Imagine the longest time frame you can stand.
Now double them both.
Buy one that’s decent and drivable learn if a vintage car is something you really want.
Mr. Blandings Restores His Dream Car
Buying something that is running helps, but will always cost more than a shell build.
It will be expensive, but if you can find a shell for cheap…
engine work < anything else. A clean shell being built into a car waiting for an engine is hard but satisfying (that's what she said). I don't know ford well enough to know how many years of engine will bolt into the mustang transmissions. closer to stock is always easier. take it slow.
Ford small blocks used the same mounts and bellhousing pattern over like five decades. They’re practically universal.
Also, the FE side oilers (390, 427, etc.) are ridiculously common in trucks and have a plethora of performance parts available, including aluminum heads.
Depends on how correct you want to be. After-market Mustang parts are cheap and plentiful. If you just want something that looks nice and drives well, it won’t be anywhere near as expensive as a numbers-matching car. For example, about 20 years ago a guy offered to pay my dad $800 for the windshield in his ’63 Corvette, and have a new replacement installed, all because the correct date codes were on dad’s windshield. If you just want a windshield that fits, they cost $200 installed.
Yeah, I don’t care about authenticity so aftermarket stuff is fine by me.
We’re in a good area for old cars. Don’t buy from the northeast. Be careful of cars from hurricane areas. From Denver to LA is a nice area to avoid rust.
My uncle managed a fairly economical restoration of a 1965 Galaxie 500, but then he had the mechanical ability to do a lot of the work himself, and he knew enough specialists to get things like body and interior work done via the barter system. He traded services like painting houses or doing some carpentry (his own line of work) for those jobs, and he could do the paint himself.
i actually did that. It depends on a couple of things. First, what do mean by junker? Mustangs are known as rustangs. So, any junker is going to need a lot of bodywork, which is not cheap. I would say the typical rusted out Mustang is looking at five to seven thousand dollars in metal work. Then probably another five in paint, and another five in mechanicals. I would budge 20K with the understanding that you will never get your money back. And that is in addition to the price of the car to begin with.
rolling frame from the desert!
A mustang might be the one car ever made that would rust in the desert.
at least it’s not my parents fj62 in VT. that thing rotted away inside five years.
Embarrassing, but would.
That car has character. I kind of like it.
I love this quote:
In 2007, Time with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Dan Neil named the Dauphine one of the 50 Worst Cars of All Time, calling it “the most ineffective bit of French engineering since the Maginot Line” and saying that it could actually be heard rusting.
That is awesome.
Damn. Now I really want one.
I would like to get something in decent condition. I don’t really have a clear vision for what is out there and the prices yet. I’m really just in the planning stages/deciding if this is something I really want to do. Mustangs from that era are one of my favorite cars and I’ve always wanted to learn more about the inner workings of autos, but never had any family members or friends that were so inclined; so I figured why not combine getting one of my fav cars with learning some new stuff.
Unless you want to do it yourself for the fun of doing it, just buy one in good condition. It will be cheaper in the long run. One piece of advice, it is not so simple as just buying a 6 cylinder and dropping in a V8. The 6 cylinders have a lot of different parts and are built to a different standard than the 8s. So don’t think you can do that. It is usually cheaper to buy a V8 one that needs some work than a V6 in great condition thinking you are going to just swap out the engine. It doesn’t work that way.
I don’t think that’s true. American pony cars were practically built for V8s and the six cylinder versions were adapted to that design. The only weak point that might be an issue would be the rear differential which I believe used a smaller pumpkin on the 6 cylinder cars. Everything else should be a direct bolt-in with no cutting or welding required.
And I say this as someone that’s only ever owned a V8 mustang. A friend had a six and swapped in an eight with not much trouble though.
It is a lot of trouble to do it right.
fastbacks cost too much (IMO) but I like the classic hardtops.
try to avoid rust as much as possible. If it’s running, you can upgrade and replace as money allows. It will cost more than if you get a rolling shell or just a body. Mustangs are popular enough that videos and images exist all over the internet. I’ve learned a bunch from my 40 forums. Find one and dig in there for peoples builds. You’ll get ideas from other people and some images of things you don’t know.
I have a basic hardtop coupe. I call that car the prom queen. You can take that car anywhere and people love it. It can be at a cars and coffee with 200,000 Ferraris and still get attention. Everyone loves a first gen Mustang. They are just one of the most beautiful car designs the US has ever made. There is something about them that everyone loves. And the people who claim not to are just butt hurt by the fact that so many people do.
I hope that old car can be updated to accept an autonomy modification. We’re just a few years from government mandated driverless vehicles.
Over my dead body. We are not even close to that.
I like that idea. They are simple cars and, as mentioned above, the parts are plentiful and cheap. Tinkering is a very pleasant past time.
Go for it.
I still have to cut my shackle pins off the rear axle. I’ve heard fire is helpful, but I have no torch. Should I look to rent or will my sawzall handle it?
Are you talking about the bushings? Are the bolts just spinning, or is the whole assembly fucked?
the bushings are shot, and the pins bent. Rubber is at least my age, and I’m worried about the pins snapping if I hit a bump too fast.
Rear control arm bushings? If you don’t have a press, you can always burn them out.
Got it. You won’t need a torch. Those guys below are right.
I remember seeing a video where someone suggested a small hole saw to grind out the rubber.
there’s a good idea.
A hole saw will grab and break your wrist when the drill torques around. MAP gas is cheap. Smells terrible while the rubber is burning, but you’ll have the bushing out fairly quickly.
Ok, I can afford 50 bucks. I was worried about buying a real torch in the hundreds. I’ll chop the pins and burn the rubber.
Angle grinder and cut off wheel.
your Sawzall will do it. It’s gonna cost you a dozen metal cutting blades though.
Thanks all (even you Vhyrus).
I’m maybe 3/5s the way through a nut and bolt restoration of our Healey ( a pretty simple car). I’d rebuilt engines, brakes and such before, but this project has proven to be an order of magnitude more difficult than I thought. Not complaining, I love this kind of stuff and I’m having a great time. Don’t know the percentages,but a lot of projects are sold off before they are completed. Being able to say “I did that myself has to be worth a lot to you. It is to me. It’s helped that I promised myself I wouldn’t keep track of the time or the money.
There you are! How about an update?
Carbs went on yesterday. Three SUs on a straight six look so cool. Next I hang the exhaust and get a battery and I’ll be able to start the beast. I’ll post some new pics on the car site in a couple days.
Awesome! Congrats, Mike!
I’ll look forward to seeing them.
Garbage cars. If you do get one, find one in the worst possible shape so you learn the most from building it and then let me know when you find any nice ones so I can buy it and remove your temptation.
I’m doing this for you.
A couple of nights ago, the smoke was really thick. The moon (nearly full) was about blood red.
(charlie daniels jumps into frame and starts fiddling)
Scott Ritter (yes the same one of Iraqi WMD inspector fame) has penned a very interesting bit of bedtime reading:
Crowdstrike: Making it up as they go along? DUMBSTRUCK: a HomeFront Intelligence Report on how America was conned about the DNC hack
They are so corrupt and stupid, they are willing to reignite a cold war with Russia and risk World War III to get at Trump. But remember, Trump was the one too reckless and immature to be president.
No doubt the GOP is the stupid party. They can’t stop proving it. But the Democrats problem is worse. They are now stuck with the crazy militant hard left wing, and there’s no possible way they can get rid of it, it’s too late.
Meanwhile, the country is stuck with the stupid party, and the too fucking crazy to vote for under any circumstances party. Great isn’t’ it?
The GOP are cowards, the Ryan, McCain wing of the party. They’re chickenshits, afraid to do anything they think might get them voted out. It will be funny when they get themselves primaried instead.
But the Dems, they’ve invited in that crazy friend for the weekend and then crazy friend wouldn’t leave, but instead started taking over. You can see some of the Democrats panicking over this now, but it’s too late, the Democrats are going to be the hard left progressive party and anyone unpure will be purged, with violence if necessary.
Stupid and feckless party versus too fucking crazy to let near sharp objects party. We are so screwed.
At least we still have the “says stupid shit to get invited to cocktail parties” party.
There seems to be a whiff of Renaissance city-state Italian realpolitik in contemporary American politics.
Even when the Ottomans threatened Italy and Europe, the Genoese would side with whoever was against Venice just out of spite (well, and to gain an upper hand on trade routes to the Orient).
Which has prompted Steve McIntrye to take a break from crushing opponents on the squash court (geriatric division), and pantsing statistically-hapless paleoclimatologists to write a quick article about date time stamps:
Email Dates in the Wikileaks DNC Archive
No doubt those 18 intel agencies all noticed the discrepancy in the dates and decided to keep mum to avoid compromising their source.
Is Seth Rich in any way connected to CrowdStrike?
Any gearhead Glibs with advice on where to start and how big/expensive of a project this would be?
What I always tell people about cost- if it’s worth it to you, it’s worth it. But DO NOT try to tell yourself you’ll get your money back out of it if you decide to sell. There are a lot of cars going under the hammer at Barret-Jackson and similar auctions bringing probably half or less than what was spent on them.
Numbers have come way down, from what I understand. Lots of cars not meeting the reserves.
Think we’ve seen peak muscle car?
I think we have hit peak high end muscle car. The days of COPOs and rare MOPARs going for Ferrari money are likely over. I think the prices of the more reasonably priced and less rare ones in the 40 to 80 thousand dollar range are going stay pretty steady.
Collectors have moved on to valuing “survivors.” Un-touched and un-restored is where the money is now. I was watching Jay Leno’s Garage the other night and he was talking to a guy who paid $900,000 for a Daytona that was so beat up a high schooler would be too embarrassed to drive it.
this. An OG 40 is about twice the value of a restored one, even if it’s done well and with toyota parts.
I really hate that trend. I watched one of these shows a few years ago and they had a barn find Boss 429. it was one of those Junior bought the car and then died tragically and mom was too grief stricken to take out of the barn. The car was totally trashed. It wasn’t rusted but the paint was faded, the interior was completely ate up by mice. All they did was get it running and were going to “leave it like it is”. What a waste. That could have been a beautiful car with some restoration. I understand that you can over restore a car. But cars are machines, not furniture. They should be brought back into proper working order.
For the most part they don’t drive them anyway. They just collect them. It’s no longer even a car to them, but just a piece of Americana. Eventually they’ll get sick of seeing the pile of rust and they’ll sell it for a tremendous loss.
They should be brought back into proper working order.
Do whatever you want with your car, but in my opinion they exist to drive. Mine is nothing special but every single time I take it out I have fun conversations with people who either had one when they were young, or wanted one, or just wonder what the hell it is.
Old cars are important history.
They are totally about driving Tundra. They are machines. And machines have a purpose.
I’ve got a work buddy that collects and restores old cars. He does what he can to find the correct parts (even down to the “correct” era license plate and original selling dealer’s plate holders) as long as they can be restored to a like new appearance. He does some very nice work and spends a lot of time on it.
I am sure your friend is well paid. That is a skill that is harder and harder to find.
You’d think so but it’s totally hobby to him. His latest is a Marauder. Not his actual one, but pretty darn close to what his looks like now that it’s close to being finished.
This would not be something I plan to make money on. It would be a hobby like my guns.
Those lovable, scrappy underdog Red Sox have been doing some lovable, scrappy sign stealing
Fuck both the Yankees and the Sox of Color.
…and the colorless ones as well.
Yeah, that was a real help over the weekend.
This just came up on Spotify.
Hilarious song I haven’t heard in a million years.
I always loved their cover of Mrs Robinson.
Better than the original
It really was. And I love the original and am a huge Paul Simon fan. But their cover just works. It was great.
Its up there with the Disturbed cover of Sound of Silence. Also better than the original, IMO.
Tundra: If your daughter is still into bass and grrlpower, Carol Kaye. Incredible female bassist.
no link!
Well, the link below is better, anyhoo. Also, it works.
Oh, she’s into it! They’ve got her playing bass for fall drumline at the football games. She looks so cool. Remember this Smithereens line:
Well she held a bass guitar and she was playing in a band
And she stood just like Bill Wyman
Now I am her biggest fan.
That’s me!
Carol’s story.
Great stuff. Thanks, BP!
Here’s a better vid.
Ha ha. Great minds, and all that. Glad to hear. I only played in one band w/ a female guitarist, but she was cool.
You wanna see a girl shred the guitar? Here you go.
Well, I would, but apparently SF doesn’t want me to.
Stupid linky thingy. 2nd try!
*puts guitar away forever*
I love classical music.
As someone who is trying to learn how to play guitar with short, fat fingers, I hate people with long thin fingers.
‘If I could talk I’d tell you’ and ‘It’s a shame about Ray’ are great songs.
holy crap. VW golf, 2.0 engine around the track. 3:17 is crazy.
bad link
try two
I love how stoked he is at the end. Great video!
That corner on two wheels would have given me a heart attack.
Many of moms have succumbed.
One has never been better placed. Best Gilmore ever..
“I’m still alive?!?” Put a rabbit logo with a big steroid needle sticking out of it on the back of that thing.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to take some tranquilizers. That video triggered PTSD flashbacks to my mom falling asleep and running off the road with me in the front seat, and wrecking into a power pole. RIP Mom’s Rabbit.
Many of moms have succumbed.
My sister ruined her Rabbit driving back to college and hitting some black ice. Apparently the unibody design made it too costly to repair.
No video?
oops. The problem with linking from my liked videos…
Um, you put a freaking rocket into a matchbox. What do you expect to happen?
front wheel fun! I’m amazed at the lack of understeer.
Yeah, I’d like to see his setup. So fucking cool.
Tiny fwd cars like that like to rotate and carry the rear wheel on turns. The Gti was famous for it, as well as the suzuki swift.
In fact, if you want them to handle well in race conditions, you HAVE to make them do that.
It’s a really fast way around a corner. hovering in oversteer as a FWD car…
+1 left-foot brake.
I’m vascillating between freaking out and being calm about Irma. Right now there’s a better chance this is a Southwest coast of Florida storm rather than a southeast coast, but that can change in a single model run, and it’s still 5 days away.
There’s a scenario where this heads for Key West (or somewhere in the lower Keys) and rivals the strength of the 1935 Labor Day storm (892mb, strongest landfalling storm in the US that we know about ) before curving back into somewhere near Fort Myers, curving NNE on a path towards Jacksonville, and then out to the Atlantic. And then maybe somewhere else (Long Island, like Donna 1960 (another storm with a similar path)?
The latest runs of everything but the GFS make it spend time over Cuba, so the strength hopefully won’t be quite so bad. Hopefully.
That’s something I was wondering. Since this thing is already about at peak strength as hurricanes go, is there any chance it loses some of that before it hits the US mainland? I don’t know enough about hurricanes, since I’ve almost never lived in their path and so ignored them. The worst I’ve experienced was Irene when it cause my electric to be off for 3-4 days.
There is a chance that due to upper level disturbances or water currents it loses temp, but it hasn’t even hit the ‘warm’ water in the caribbean yet.
I don’t think I understand this so well. If you look at where the hurricane is now, isn’t that water just as warm as off the FL coast? I might be looking at the wrong maps.
If you look at this map, Irma is in the ‘cold’ water to the east of cuba right now. When it moves past PR the water gets warmer due to it’s proximity to land and the insulation effects of the nearby land masses.
Another map. You can see the temps increase as you go west.
The 2nd map looks more like what I was looking at. Except they didn’t show many exact temperatures, just the hurricanes current position and coast of FL both being red. Does 4 F really make that much difference?
Yes. 1F makes a difference.
You have to remember that water holds a ton of heat energy, and we are literally talking about millions of gallons of water.
I just did the math. increasing the temperature from 29C to 30C (slightly less than 2 degrees f) increases the amount of energy in the water by 12 kilojoules PER GALLON.
Water = very high specific heat
Easy there Einsteins. Ya there is energy in the form of heat in the water, but does that translate to strength of a storm? I am doubtful. What was the water temp for that 1935 storm? It might be other factors. Many have predicted this would be an active hurricane season. And I got like an A in the last science class I took at Western State College. Also known as Wasted State. No I didn’t graduate, but don’t be judgemental.
All other things being constant, yes. Really bad things happen right around 85-86 degrees F.
A tropical cyclone is a heat engine. Energy from the warm surface water is shed into the tropopause.
After Hurricane Katrina, large parts of the gulf cooled down by 4-5 degrees. That’s a mind boggling amount of heat loss in just a few days.
Well, thanks guys. Keep in mind, I don’t have an argument here. Because I don’t know the subject matter well enough to have one. I’m just curious.
To expand on that. What allows storms to get big is what is at the top. Not the bottom. The only thing that limits and or allows a storm to get gimongous is the atmosphere above it that has moved off Africa that caused it to form in the first place. At least that is my thinking after what I was taught and many years of water time. Otherwise, why would not the entire Caribbean be a total mayhem of hurricanes constantly?
I hit the wrong reply button..After Hurricane Katrina, large parts of the gulf cooled down by 4-5 degrees. That’s a mind boggling amount of heat loss in just a few days.
I would think that would be expected. We don’t blow on our hot tea for chuckles. Does that heat energy stored in water translate to wind energy? Wind is generated by pressure differentials. Does energy lessen atmospheric pressure?
Conservation of angular momentum.
The further away you move from the equator, the less energy required to rotate a storm. Hurricanes can’t even form near the equator.
And formation is a lot more complicated than that.
There are dozens of factors. Tropical waves, high pressure blocking, destabilization in the Intertropical Convergence Zone etc etc etc. Warm water is the most important.
Destabilization in the ICZ is the only thing that allows a hurricane to form is what I was taught in my water working days. The water in the Caribbean has always been warm. That was why it was the best place to be a pirate. I am not convinced that water temp is the driving factor on the strength of a storm. I need to look into it more. They keep saying we have the worstest badest hurricanes now. We had fuck off bad hurricanes before when the water was cooler. I am not convinced that is the driving factor.
Ummm…. When was the water cooler?
And in re: the 1935 hurricane, the eye passed directly over the midpoint of the keys.
The water temp there right now? 90F
For reference, the water temp offshore of my beach is 68F right now. Which is why we’ve never had a hurricane here but Massachusetts has. Well, that, and a few other reasons.
“The further away you move from the equator, the less energy required to rotate a storm. Hurricanes can’t even form near the equator.”
They don’t seem to form much south of the equator either. At least not in the Western hemisphere. Tropical storms are pretty much unknown in South America as far as I know, outside of the Northern most parts.
Ummm…. When was the water cooler?
I honestly don’t know other than I keep hearing the water is warmer now.
And in re: the 1935 hurricane, the eye passed directly over the midpoint of the keys.
The water temp there right now? 90F
What was it in 1935? What was the water temp where the storm formed in 1935? I don’t know.
And Hyp, from what I was taught, it takes a big disturbance within the ICZ to swing a storm into the southern hemisphere where the toilets flush the wrong way. The systems roll off the African coast North of the equator for the most part.
The North Atlantic is big. The South Atlantic is small, relatively. South America and Africa really aren’t that far apart.
Again, there are lots of other factors and some new research that’s quite fascinating. North Atlantic hurricanes might actually be formed off the horn of Africa.
Long story short, yes, most tropical cyclones are in the Northwest Atlantic and Northwest Pacific.
Just read the wikipedia for Tropical Cyclone.
Either you’ll be fascinated, or you’ll fall asleep. Win-win.
“The North Atlantic is big. The South Atlantic is small, relatively. South America and Africa really aren’t that far apart.”
Yeah, I know. If you look at the point in NE Brazil that sticks out farthest east, where our place is at, I think that is actually the farthest east you can go in the Western hemisphere, Africa really doesn’t look that far.
Again, there are lots of other factors and some new research that’s quite fascinating. North Atlantic hurricanes might actually be formed off the horn of Africa.
I am not so sure that is new. Maybe pushed a bit further east, but all hurricanes form somewhere in north Africa. I was taught that in 1986 in a bullshit seamanship school in Stuart FL. They were a joke of a school, but they did have a few solid instructors. Is there one now who teaches celestial navigation? That is some cool stuff there.
Not form, rather originate in N Africa. They form in the ICZ.
Yeah, it can lose some of its peak strength, or at least it should. But, what will that peak be? There are still opportunities for the storm to strengthen.
5 days is about the limit for accurate models of hurricanes too. hope all you Florida people are OK!
Thursday is our decision day, but I think I have a day on you, I wouldn’t expect to start getting rain until late sunday.
The latest models I looked at have 1 path over the lower keys (actually right where my parents house is) which then goes up the west coast, one over the upper keys which goes up the central/east coast, one the misses the keys and skirts the east coast into georgia, one that threads the needle and hits the gulf, and one that mauls cuba before turning north.
JB, I like ‘s tropical cyclone discussion. They saved my ass from Harvey, and—provided you can get past the AGW hysteria—have a lot of good info. They have most of the model runs, except the Euros.
The free Euro runs I can find are here:
Updated only once a day, so not great, and not much resolution, but hey, free.
Me, in your shoes? As I wrote last night here, I think you’re going to have a bad time. This is a bad storm, and it looks like it’s going to skirt SW and SE FL. I’d be in the middle of my storm preps and my evac, were I you.
Minnesohhhhhta woman attacked by muskie
Global warming.
That’s a tiny scratch compared with the little girl who got chomped earlier this summer.
Freshwater barracuda.
Immediately sent that link to the squeeze. Could it BE anymore Mini-soda?
I have a dream to buy a junker ’65 or ’66 Mustang
Q- have you any experience with one of those cars? I don’t like to be gratuitously dickish, but there’s something you should know; those old shitbox muscle cars are fucking primitive, compared to any modern car like a Camry or an Accord or a Taurus. They ride and handle like shit, they’re loud and hot and the seats are like medieval instruments of torture. They’re not even all that fast. I speak as the voice of experience. I owned an AMX for many years. It was a blast to drive for an hour or two for funzies, but it was not a car for daily use.
Find one to rent, and drive it a couple thousand miles over a long weekend before you get too carried away by romantic gauzy images of you reincarnated as Steve McQueen.
Fair enough. My first car was a ’74 Bug and I still would love to have it back. Similar or worse than that?
you’ll really miss it when you see this. Vyhrus might enjoy as well
Similar, I’d think. Definitely more reliable!
(former owner of a 1974 SuperBeetle)
You make it sound worse than it is. I don’t think mine is uncomfortable. No, it isn’t fast. And it’s handling can best be described as theoretical. But honestly, the fact that it is so primitive and mechanical makes the driving experience more fun and more interesting than a new car. You have to drive that car and you feel everything. I think people who try to buy fast old cars are wasting their money. You want a fast car, buy a new car. But, there is something to the driving experience of a pre 1973 car that is really great and better than a new car.
this goes back to that last conversation about fast vs quick.
Yes. The mustang feels faster than a new car even though it is anything but.
Friend of mine had a ’65 Mustang in high school and college. When his mother moved away after our freshman year of college, he decided that the car wouldn’t make the trip down to Florida for the summer, and left it in my care for the summer.
It was a beast. No power steering, no A/C. Driving that thing around in Alabama summers was NOT fun. But for a late night drive vehicle, I loved it…
For those of you who played the Witcher series, CD Projekt RED has a little message.
As one of the comments says, “Who’s cutting onions in here?”
I played all three games. 3 is not really one of my favorites games, but it is the longest movie I ever played.
Multi-layer FYTW.
American citizen detained by ICE 1273 days
The GOP aren’t cowards due to not wanting to be voted out as mentioned above as they ran on doing x, y z (likely will be primaried). The voters would like them more if they did
They are afraid of democrats and media saying bad things about them
They are abused lovers that keep going back. Charlie Brown thinking he is going to kick football this time from Lucy
This is the beauty of the cheetoh. He doesn’t answer to donors and doesn’t give a chit about the political class and the media
Democrats understand three things about politics Republicans don’t. First, Democrats understand that politics is binary. Either someone supports you or they do not. If they do not support you, it doesn’t matter if that is because they think you are a wonderful person but just prefer the other side or if it is because they think you are the spawn of Satan. They only get one vote against you or against your policies no matter the reason. So, it is pointless to worry about what your opponents say about you, good or bad. Democrats understand this and never care what Republicans say about them. Republicans do not understand this and are forever doing things in hopes of getting Democrats to say nice things about them only to see the Democrats say nice things and go right back to opposing them as soon as they are finished.
Second, Democrats understand how guilt by association works. The point of trying to associate your opponent with some horrible group or person is not to win the debate. It is to get them to have the debate. If the public debate is about whether candidate X is associated with some horrible extremist group, candidate X loses no matter what the result. If he wins the debate, then he is no better off than he was when it started. To the extent, he loses the debate and people conclude he is associated with the extremist group is politically disastrous. Worse still, the more the candidate denies the allegation, the more it looks like they have something to hide and the more the public assumes they must be in some way associated with the extremist group, otherwise they wouldn’t have to spend so much effort distancing themselves. You don’t go out of your way to distance yourself from something unless there is some form of association to start with. So, the whole point of guilt by association is to get the victim to deny the charge and engage in a debate they cannot win.
Third, Democrats understand that debates are always won or lost by how they are framed. There is old tenant about war fighting that says “if a problem can’t be solved, make it bigger”. This means that if you can’t win a fight, be a fire fight or a political debate, make the fight bigger so that it can be fought on terms and ground more favorable to your side. Republicans never do this. They forever take the Democrats’ bait and fall all over themselves denying some guilt by association and never try to change the terms of the debate into something more favorable to them.
To me, the biggest one is ” they aren’t going to love you in any event.” They’re going to hate you and defame you anyway, why do you suck their dicks? Tell them to pound sand.
Has anyone else been perplexed by watching libertarians trash the separation of powers and the idea of a restrained executive in order to defend DACA? I guess a benevolent despot is libertarian now (thanks, Hans Hoppe).
Process should matter. Consequentialism is evil
Yes. And obama even said it was temporary (yes I know govt is bait n switch)
I don’t understand ‘libertarians’ open borders stance. I’m pro-immigration. Not pro throw open the borders and let the 3rd world rush in. Knowing full well, most of those 3rd worlders are hostile to the idea of liberty and very pro gimme free stuff. Why would any libertarian be for that? As far as DACA is concerned, I’ve wanted to nuke it from space from the very moment they invented the term ‘dreamers’. I hate that term almost as much as I do the words ‘for the children’.
‘for the orphans’
‘pipe dreamers’
“Do the jobs in brothels Americans won’t do”
“Not pro throw open the borders and let the 3rd world rush in.”
Phfft. They’ll stop coming when it’s better off in their country than here.
Why is everyone laughing at me?
I guess the degree of my perplexion is dependent on which “libertarians” are doing the trashing.
So, everyone is throwing tantrums about the administration’s repeal of DACA. While, I’m skeptical that the decision is particularly good policy (I generally favor immigration liberalization), I really wish people had better memories. When Mr. Obama was pushing this through executive order, a lot of us warned, loudly, that that was the wrong way to go about it. A policy on that magnitude was something that needed to be enacted by law and trying to short-circuit the process was something that would only end in tears. A policy that could be implemented by executive order could just as certainly be repealed by executive order. But, going out and trying to reach some compromise that might appeal to “those people” proved something DACA supporters felt beneath them. Well, folks, welcome to just one of the downsides of governance by pen and phone.
Exactly. I’m in favor of very liberal immigration policies, but I’m not willing to give up on the separation of powers and a restrained executive to achieve that objective. What nonsense
Consequentialism vs. deontology.
It seems as if that is what a lot of the divide between cosmos and yokels boils down to
He is giving congress a chance to fix it. Will they be up to the task? Probably not lol seeing all their other incompetence.
He has really boxed the GOP leadership in. Imagine if they “fix” immigration before tax reform and obamacare repeal? They will get primaried
Theyre already getting primaried. It just matters by how much at this point.
True which is why they won’t do anything.
Well, there’s no better plan when you’re getting primaried than to double down on the reason you’re getting primaried.
Wait till some federal court judge in California or Hawaii divines that the motivation behind Trump’s reversal of the EO is based on banning Hispanics and thus should be overturned.
I’m kind of surprised some Obama appointee in the 9th circuit’s territory hasn’t tried to claim that the election wasn’t legitimate yet.
Is there a time limit on judicial overreach?
Is the other site complaining about trump and daca?
I thought they were concerned he was authoritatian. Thus making congress do it like they should have in first place seems not very authoritative to me
This is basically the other site now:
Broke: Trump is still giving subsidies through the affordable care act, which is illegal because Congress never authorized such payments
Woke: Trump is literally Hitler for rescinding an egregious executive action, even if Congress never authorized the action
They’re about two minutes away from endorsing single payer at this point
I thought suderman already had dipped his toes in that idea.
pretty sure niskanen center has. and Reason seems to mostly be coming around to their POV
Universal Healthcare Access is Coming. Stop Fighting It and Start Figuring Out How to Make It Work
its funny how i don’t really even need to read their stuff. I’ve heard their M.O. once, and having heard it, you can pretty much project what they’re going to say about anything. it always amounts to some version of ‘learn to love leviathan, and that way we can control it and make it less-bad’
The Niskaan center is such a joke as it is
Just like we should support a carbon tax (which accomplishes what btw other than milking tax payers) in exchange for getting rid of all these enviro regulations. Bull shit that would ever happen.
It’s not happening. As soon as Americans find out, and there’s no way to hide it, that it requires a 45% minimum income tax and a 20% VAT tax to pay for it, it’s over before getting started. And it’s very likely that to actually implement this in a country as huge and demographically varied as the USA, will cost far more than that, to the point it would cripple the economy.
California and vermont with their wealthy tax base couldn’t afford it but it would work the whole country? Plus the dems would require like they did in cali to have illegals covered
“it would cripple the economy”
To Dems, feature not bug.
Universal healthcare access is already here… either have a gov program, insurance, pay out of pocket or have someone else pay it. what are they talking about?
It only isn’t here if there is no healthcare provider close and or long wait times. The ER can’t really turn people down in an emergency
broken link belatedly fixed
Also, in case anyone forgot, Hazel Meade is a blithering idiot.
I found out that she’s from Canada. Which explains a lot.
My apologies to the good people of Canada here, but you know I’m right
Normally they ship the blithering ones down here and keep their regular idiots. I guess someone screwed up.
Did someone say “blithering Canadian idiot?” If so, HazelMeade’s probably this dumbass from Justin’s Cabinet.
You got John Candy, Shatner, Alex Trebek, Norm Macdonald…what more do you people want?
And you also got Dan Ackroyd, so even our gibbering idiots are high quality.
Bieber you asked for – it wasn’t Canada what made him a YouTube star while he still lived up here.
I didn’t want to go there, but… Nickleback. Nickleback, dude.
That’s f-in’ war crime level shit.
That was for killing Candy.
We also got Neil Peart, except when he was cool, lib-friendly, drumming phenom he was Canadian, and when he was bitter, tired, broken, retired, and liberaltarian he moved to Cali.
Dude, his wife and kid died separately in the span of like a month. Of course he kind of lost his shit and went all Jesusy after that.
Hazel M wasn’t an idiot, she was just, well, wrong on a couple subjects.
Don’t be mean! Or no more Conchitas for you!
Haven’t been over there, but I’d be surprised if there’s not a new Dalmia article up about this.
Also, my two cents worth on drivers vs museum pieces.
Why the fuck would you own a car you’re never going to drive? These cars show up at Barret-jackson once in a while, where a dealer took delivery of something like a Yenko Camaro, or some 440 6-pack barracuda convertible (I knew a guy who had one; he drove his), or some other rare piece, and it’s forty years old with double digit mileage. Not interested.
When I lived In Ketchum, there was a guy who had a really nice Ferrari Daytona coupe (black) which he would bring out in the summer. A guy I knew was scandalized by that. “He should take care of it and preserve it! What if he hit a deer?” If you hit a deer in a Daytona coupe, it’s going to make a mess. But so what? That car was made to be driven. Hard. I read a thing a long time ago about Enzo, and how furious he was about people buying his fantastic cars and never driving them.
Drive away.
I also feel that way about guns. “New in box, never fired.” Fuck off. If I were an eccentric millionaire, I’d have a youtube channel of me buying “never fired” guns and driving out on some dirt road with it rattling around under the seat of my pickup to put box after box of ammo through them, and dropping them in the dirt, and smashing walnuts with them, and whatever else I could think of to outrage the viewing public.
Now I know what I’m going to do after a winning lottery ticket.
I officially have a man crush on P Brooks.
Why the fuck would you own a car you’re never going to drive?
I’d like to own a car that my chauffeur is going to drive me around in.
On that ‘stang theme. one of my favorite historic races.
I liked this one better.
Real Mustang Racing
Hit & Run doesn’t give a shit about the separation of powers–not if it gets in the way of immigration.
They’ll oppose a war solely on the basis that it’s unconstitutional because Congress didn’t vote on it, but setting the rules of immigration is an enumerated power of Congress–enumerated in the same place as the power to declare war.
I opposed the Iraq War, but I never argued that Congress shouldn’t have the power to declare war or that their enumerated power to declare war should be ignored. I repeat, just because I oppose any particular war doesn’t mean I must oppose Congress having the power to declare war.
Go over there, and you won’t see them spell out how we should ignore Congress’ enumerated power to set immigration policy in precisely those terms, but the end result is the same. If you believe in the Constitution and the separation of powers, then deferring to Congress on immigration is the right thing to do.
I should add, raising taxes, declaring war, and setting immigration policy are three areas where democracy is in its proper place–because inflicting taxes, wars, or immigration policies on an unwilling populace is oppressive. It’s one thing to argue that the government can’t and shouldn’t violate the First and Fourteenth Amendment rights of immigrants, but in a situation like DACA, where Congress is treating every immigrant from every country the same regardless of their creed, color, or national origin?
Like I said, just because I disagree with public policy and think it should be changed doesn’t mean that duly enacted and constitutional policy should be ignored. God forbid we chuck the separation of powers. If they want a pro-immigration emperor who doesn’t need to worry about what the American people want or their representatives, then it might be better, actually, if they came out and said so.
It is quite a shit storm over there. They’ve really ceded the whole high ground of standing on principle, when they just conveniently toss it aside to meet their end goals. I guess a benevolent despot is good now and that the president can act when ‘congress won’t act’ (as if inaction on the part of congress is not action).
Reason lost the script on immigration eons ago. They are basically progs when it comes to immigration. You can be principled and open borders (I am not, but it’s certainly possible), Reason has gone Machiavellian when it comes to this issue.
I’m a pretty big supporter of immigration and I don’t agree with what they are saying. It is perfectly fine to advocate that immigration quotas should be lifted so that anyone who undergoes a background check can immigrate without waiting seven years for a visa, but the executive cannot make law. And immigration law, in and of itself, is not immoral. That’s bananas.
+wide gate/tall wall immigration policy
I think Reason entirely lost their way because of a couple reasons. First of all, they want to be professional journalists and hang out with the cool kids and maybe one day write articles for the big guys, like WaPo or NTY. Which leads to the 2nd problem. They believe they must capture millennials as audience and they believe this can be done by giving some credence to the social justice bullshit, while maintaining the economic side of libertarianism and thus persuading the millennials. I mean you can be WOKE and still be a libertarian as long as you’re right wing on economics, right? Wrong, Reason, these people hate your guts and they don’t want your right wing economics, they’re leftists.
They believe they must capture millennials as audience and they believe this can be done by giving some credence to the social justice bullshit, while maintaining the economic side of libertarianism and thus persuading the millennials.
I don’t know about millennials, but the SJWs will never accept the economic side of libertarianism. The truth is that SJWs are radical egalitarians. When you think through their claims, the logical stopping point is the confiscation and redistribution of wealth. Every claim of “privilege” or “microaggression” is ultimate rooted, not in a Marxist reorienting of the social order.
Basically what it comes down to, is that they’re losers. They’re victims of evolution, they got dealt a losing hand and they can’t overcome it because they are emotionally and mentally unstable. So their solution is to bring everyone else down to their level. Which would eventually cripple incentive, innovation, and any sort of progress and send us back to a barbaric stone age where they would be wiped out by those stronger than them and then we’d start all over again.
Many didn’t get dealt a losing hand. They were dealt a decent hand and are bitching that somebody else might get 4 of a kind instead of playing it out their hand as best they can.
Add to your point: they’re in D.C. All of their colleagues and friends behave and feel the way they’d like to, but shouldn’t because of the ideological focus of their organization. It’s a tension that they’ve managed better in the past.
I would say must people don’t appear to want representational government. They want a King.
+1 Saul supported by Samuel
Exactly. They want a strongman dictator who will give them the good life and give it to their enemies right up the ass.
For anyone who likes weather simulation with near realtime data.
Looks like North Korea launched like a million missiles.
or this,;-62.3;5&l=wind
You make it sound worse than it is.
Probably. But I have seen with my own eyes people get out of a ’60s car and say, “That thing’s a piece of shit. Gimme my Honda back.”
gross. My roommates new GTI is a bunch of fun. We at least get to joke about how you have to yell in my truck to have a conversation.
For some unknown reason, forklift videos showed up in my Linkedin feed:
Move material like a pimp
play this for the forklift at 1:00.
I support open borders in theory but in practical terms i support strict immigration along with reduced welfare for our citizens, less red tape and oppose min wage.
I think high min wage + a ton of welfare (especially if they take a significant cut for getting a job) + illegal immigration === permanently dependent govt citizens which is why progs support all these things. It is pure enslavement imo
Also i think elites love illegals because it allows them to get around labor laws while preening how they care for american workers.
And while pandering to ethnic voting blocs.
Draconian, unjust labor laws specifically designed to allow Big Labor to latch on to entrepreneurs and suck them dry like ticks.
If we keep this populist shit up, Atlas will shrug, and it won’t be pretty for the United States.
True. But I meant in terms of being hypocrites
They love labor laws for industries and biz they aren’t affiliated with. But when it comes to themselves, they want to avoid these laws they oppose on others
Impose not oppose
Fair point, but isn’t also true that if we had a skills based immigration system to undercut white collar wages a lot of people that are for open borders would switch their position. The classicism displayed by some is so glaring that it should be pointed out
Of course, people are venal little hobgoblins, you won’t see me disagree with that. However, I’ve always been confused by the charge of classism. Isn’t some of the loudest griping on the issue over H1Bs in the very lucrative fields of tech and engineering?
I know about this from my wife working with them. The businesses don’t treat them very well. They pay them less, work them long and crazy hours, and don’t give them full benefits when they’re full time. And they get away with this. At least here. And what can the illegals do? They have no recourse, it’s not like they can go go the courts and complain. And for the most part they’re happy to be earning far more than they would be in Central America.
Where is “here”? I haven’t seen this – other than cartels where illegals are hired by other immigrant groups.
I think high min wage + a ton of welfare (especially if they take a significant cut for getting a job) + illegal immigration === permanently dependent govt citizens which is why progs support all these things. It is pure enslavement imo
The penalties imposed on those who make a serious effort to raise themselves up and get out of the poverty trap are about as immoral and shameful as it gets.
That is the sole upside I see in a theoretical universal income program, but I see no likelihood whatsoever a universal income as imposed in practice would free people from the massive marginal “tax” on each dollar earned.
What i would do is get rid of all the welfare programs (fat chance)….and do like 8K cash for no work, scale up to 15K for making 7.50 or so and then scale down to 0K at 30K and above. All min wage === gone
When i say 7.50 that would translate to about 15K at 2000 hours of full time
Welfare already is a universal income.
It is + a huge bureaucracy to administer it. And except that everyone doesn’t get it.
So it’s basically worse than a true universal income because it carries a lot of costs, instead of just writing everyone a check. I’d support a universal income if every single adult gets the same amount and the welfare state and the bureaucracy are completely scrapped. Of course, the perfect world in which that happens is never coming.
“The penalties imposed on those who make a serious effort to raise themselves up and get out of the poverty trap are about as immoral and shameful as it gets.”
I tried to have this conversation with a prog recently. You can’t. They don’t get economics and they hate someone who does trying to explain it to them. I gave him a very simple example of why you cannot just arbitrarily mess with wages and prices in a market economy. Then I asked him what about people who are already making $15 an hour? Now the market has adjusted so that everyone making $15 an hour can buy what they were just buying for $10 an hour, but the guy who was already making $15 an hour is now poorer and probably not very happy. So then he started on CEOs making 5 million a year. I gave up, you cannot reason with these people. Facts mean nothing.
Carbs went on yesterday. Three SUs on a straight six look so cool. Next I hang the exhaust and get a battery and I’ll be able to start the beast. I’ll post some new pics on the car site in a couple days.
NICE. Be sure to fire it up before you hang the muffler(s) on it. A straight six on an open exhaust makes an excellent noise.
Florida may be soon destroyed and she seems a bitch, but FL still has the most vixonliscous AG ever.
She could gouge my prices any day of the week.
I am late to commenting here, and read SNP before commenting here. I heard the Keys are being evacuated tomorrow. I am not sure you will be able to fly there. I hope your folks stuff makes it. The keys is one of my most favorite places. 2 of the best years of my life were spent down there.
Yeah Im hoping they let us down there to get the stuff. We’re flying into Ft lauderdale and driving down.
Oh man. Good luck. You could get stuck there but I am sure you are aware of that. Be safe. I am sure you will be.
Yeah good luck Vhyrus.
Be safe, man. Shit can be replaced.
Yeah, I think baton down the hatches and head for dry land is the best course of action.
My son-in-law is on a cruise that will be in Miami tonight and supposedly until Saturday and Ft Lauderdale on Saturday. I didn’t hear yet when he’s supposed to leave there, but the cruise goes to Puerto Rico after that. I’m thinking this is not going to go as planned.
Is he sailing on the Poseidon? Tell him if he sees Ernest Borgnine to get the hell off that ship!
If Ernest is there things have already gone pear-shaped.
I wouldn’t be worried unless I saw sandra bullock and keanu reeves on deck.
My wife is all worried. I told her don’t worry because he’s not driving the ship. He doesn’t appear to be worried at all. I mean, he’s Brazilian and has no idea what a hurricane is.
If I saw Sandra Bullock on a cruise ship I am sure the security staff would have to tell me to stop offering her drinks and the key to my cabin.
In seriousness. Hyp, ask your wife how many cruise ships have been caught in a hurricane? Those guys know where that thing is going before we do. They know what they are doing. Maybe not with sewage and stuff and cruises from hell, but the bridge, I would trust them.
I already told her that. Whether or not her son wants to be foolish, neither the Cruiseline or FL are going to allow it. I mean it’s not like the ship captain is going to go ‘Fuck you, coast guard, we’re going in!’.
Meh looks like a whale in the making
Would. And you guys better not tell me it’s a dude this time! Lol
Who is that? She doesn’t look like whale to me.
Pam Bondi
Oh. I looked and only saw face pics. I can’t tell anything by that. Where’s the skin pics?
Closest thing I could find. I’ll keep looking for more skin. But if I find one, I probably won’t be back.
6 based on that.
Yeah, I’ll Lego with 6, I’m guessing she was a 7 or 8 back in the day.
Welfare already is a universal income.
Very true, but what makes it horribly counterproductive is that it’s administered like a teenager’s allowance, by bureaucrats and legislators. If they catch you making side money, they cut your allowance, often by more than a dollar-for-dollar amount. In a theoretical “good” universal income system as I see it (possibly better described as a ‘negative income tax’) your “welfare check” would have no strings attached, and be independent of other earnings up to some point I’d pull right out of my ass, at which time a sliding scale reduction could occur. But even then, you penalize success, so fuck it. Give everybody a check. It’ll never happen.
Back of envelope. Eliminate all entitlements including social security save appx 2.7T. Eliminate all tax deductions and credits add another. 1.3T to to line for a total of 4T. Pay everyone 18 and over Federal minimum wage costs appx 3.7T which leaves about .3T to reduce current budget deficit (would have to make up rest with military cuts or tax increases). Of course taxes have to increase to cover current social security and Medicare payments. This also doesn’t account for new incentives and disincentives created by these changes of which there would be many. Of course taking all entitlements aways and giving people 15K a year for all expenses including buying health insurance is never going to pass. You might make $15 an hour which means now you have to come up with another 3.7T somewhere. You would have to double Federal revenues somehow. Not feasable.
Just to put a number to it…. my family of 5 max out of pocket this year on Obamacare was $35k, including $20k in premiums. So this wouldn’t cover our insurance.
(side note…. we dumped Obamacare because of that number and the coverage being crappy. We are with the Christian healthcare sharing plans now. Gonna cost a max out of pocket of $11k, with a minimum outlay of $6k for
premiums… er contributions. It doesn’t cover mental health visits though. And if I get drunk and try to kill myself, they ain’t covering squat. But still, a pretty significant difference.You would still be able to work though. I’m thinking most people would.
Those costs are insane
Thirsty. Sooo thirsty.
ESPN lead:
“Although the United States remains likely to qualify for the 2018 World Cup, a loss at Honduras could lead to a considerably more difficult path to Russia.”
OK, whatever you say. But, if they can’t beat Honduras, I don’t think beating the fifth best team in Asia will be easy.
Yep. If you can’t win CONCACAF, you should re-think and regroup.
Winning on the road in WC qualifiers is tough. Then again, they did beat this team 6-0 in the States.
If they can’t tie, then fuck it, pack it in. But they’ve still games with T&T and Panama. 5 points should do it over the last three games.
Doesn’t make me feel good about group play in 2018 though.
Took them the 85th minute to tie Honduras, and escape with a 1-1 result.
So, another 8 minutes or so, and they could’ve essentially kissed their 2018 hopes goodbye. Panama should beat T&T tonight, which’ll put Panama in third.
The US play Panama in a home game in the next match in October. Then it’s on to T&T.
Honduras have Costa Rica and Mexico in their last two, but I can see Mexico fielding a weak side against Honduras to try to keep the US out.
If Mexico puts out a B team, it will be guys who don’t have a ticket to Russia reserved yet, so I think they’ll being trying.
And Asia kinda sucks. The talking heads drool over Japan – so stylish! the Asian Arsenal! – but the only time the top Asian teams accomplished shit was when they were hosting. Ditto for Africa. You know which second tier confederation actually does pretty well at the World Cup? Boring uninspired desperately unstylish CONCACAF.
Today in news that will make you buy a flamethrower and a vat of ddt:
Nope. Fuck that.
I think some people use biblical proportions a little too loosely.
Did you see the pics and videos? I freak out if there is one mosquito in my house. I would have run screaming out of that field.
You’ve never lived in flat parts of the midwest then. I’ve seriously seen times there when you could not go outside in the middle of a sunny day without being eaten alive. Looks like they’re having a serious problem there, though. I hate mosquitos.
The worst I have ever had it was Maryland, where you basically could not be outside between 4PM and 8PM in the summer. I am downright spoiled in AZ and I still lose my shit if I get bitten.
I’ve lived in MD for 10 years and have never seen a mosquito. Maybe because I’ve lived in hilly areas. Water runs off very quickly here.
I lived within minutes of the bay, and it was awful.
Minnesota state bird is the mosquito. My brother and I are lucky, as long as someone else is outside with us, we don’t need to wear repellent.
Huh. Back ’round the turn of the century, I lived in Edmonton, Alberta. We had a summer just like that. You ran everywhere when you were outside, whether you wanted to or not.
People blessed the arrival of the first hard frost.
99% Deet spray from the army navy store good to go.
If it’s that bad, they need to spray. Like I was saying, when I lived in the midwest, it would get so bad you couldn’t go outside, then they’d start spraying.
We are in the bug-out zone. People in Florida take hurricanes seriously. You prepare for 10 in order to weather 2. Much better than doing it the other way round.
So I was at Lowe’s this morning. Propane has been in short supply for the last 3 days, and I was making a run to get my last tank filled. They had a tractor-trailer load of BlueRhino propane tanks pulled up out front. The whole thing was picked clean in under an hour.
2004-2005 saw many in Florida weather more than a week without power on 3 or 4 occasions, so people know what to do and they get prepared early. I had the generator out and running today to get it ready as well. And we filled the freezer with bottled water too.
But I’m probably bugging out. If 185 mph sustained winds doesn’t get your attention, not much will. But the other number that made me say “whoa” was the timetable for landfall. They expect the thing to be hitting about 100 miles south of here on Sunday, but we are supposed to get tropical storm force winds Friday evening. WTF? 24-36 hours ahead of the hurricane? Screw that. I’m out.
We had 90mph sustained for half a day with Wilma, but when the eye collapsed and coalesced the winds jumped to 120mph in my area. That was no joke, even though it was only for 15 minutes or so. This thing has 220 mph gusts. Not much is holding up to that kind of force.
I’d like to hang out until the last minute to make sure it is coming this way, but with only 2 roads out of the state, we are heading north to stay with family sometime Thursday, a day earlier than I would like. If I didn’t have the kids I’d probably hang out and try to take care of my house. Plus, the wife has been at Def-con 1 for 4 days already. She’s gonna blow a gasket if we run into even a little traffic on the way out.
**220 MPH** wind gusts?
Good God.
Yeah, I’d be buggin’ out too. Like, say, to Canada.
Max Mayfield put up a picture of the storm on the last update and drew a circle around the main body. Then he dragged the image over to the state of Florida. Even if the eye goes through Havana, Ft. Lauderdale is still inside the storm. This thing is a monster. Way bigger than the whole state, east to west.
That’s the problem. Even if it mauls cuba, the edge of the buzzsaw is still tearing up the keys. Get north of Miami if you know whats good for you.
I’d be a total coward and baton down the hatches and head for dry land. I’m not accustomed to hurricanes. Tornadoes yes, and you sort of stop worrying about that after a while. But there’s really no where to go and nothing to plan. It happens almost without warning and if there’s a F5 and you happen to be unlucky enough to be in the path, you just hunker down, there’s nowhere to go. But with a hurricane, you have time to get out, and I would.
I’ll take ten hurricanes over a tornado. You can see a hurricane coming.
Damn straight. I’ve always thought of myself as a pretty courageous d00d, but hurricanes are implacable and don’t give a rat’s ass about stupid human “courage.” I’d be leaving now.
I remember seeing images from some huge F5 in Texas. The whole neighborhood was just slabs with pipes sticking up. Not even a bit of wall hanging around. Not even much debris. Just roads, driveways, slabs and dirt.
I thought, wow, why are they showing a new construction site? Then they pulled the shot back. It was the middle of a big neighborhood. The houses were just gone across a huge swath. Even the grass was gone. WTF? How does a tornado pull up the grass?? That’s just nuts. So yeah, if that comes along, it was just your time.
F5’s can strip pavement. Wrap your brain around that one.
I almost got eaten by a big tornado when I was a child in Maryland. Afterwards I found a massive oak tree probably 6 feet in diameter pulled completely out of the ground, roots and all, as if it was a dandelion weed.
In Maryland, that was probably an F1, I’m guessing. I’ve never even seen anything here I’d even call a storm. I lived about 30 minutes from Zenia, Ohio when that F5 tornado destroyed the entire city. Those type storms are terrifying. The 1974 super outbreak. We had like 3 straight days of that shit. You really do not know what those type storms are like, until you’ve seen it. But you get used to it, sort of.
During the super outbreak I was just posting about. A family we knew who lived about a mile away from us, said she was at her backdoor when she saw 2 very old pine trees in her back yard, maybe 60 ft or more high, just shoot straight up in the air like missiles when they were torn out of the ground by a tornado. Crazy shit. I remember those trees and they wound up in a field about a hundred yards south of where they were formally at. Their house didn’t get any damage at all.
Yesterday was a perfect Minnesoda day. I was out fishing and it was sunny (if a bit breezy) for most of the day. I came in because I had enough fish to try Uncivils” fish stew recipe and because I ran out of bait.
I was going to clean the fish in the back yard to because it was nice. By the time I had set up, a line of thunderheads had appeared in the west. I grabbed as much stuff as I could and ran indoors. It got as dark as an eclipse and rained and blew like crazy for about 30 minutes. Afterwards it went back to a nice early autumn day.
The best part was that my wife and her friend from CA were at the Great Minnesoda Get Together and got soaked by the storm. Her friend from Cali was amazed at a) how much the weather changes here and b) how unfazed the locals were. HYPOCRISY ALERT: Mrs. Holiness bitches all the time about our crazy weather here, but this time she took it all in stride and told her friend that that sort of weather is normal and you just have to accept it.
Pan fish? I really miss bluegills and crappies.
Yup. Mostly sunnies and a few pumpkinseeds. I would have thown most back except that I was trying UnCivil’s fish stew recipe so I didn’t need giant filets.
I have a super ultra-light rod/reel combo to fish them with. So even is they aren’t giants, they are fun to catch in a small kayak.
As my father say, “If sunnies grew to be 3 lbs., you’d need tuna tackle to catch them.”
I lived in North OKC when the Moore F5 rolled through. Tornado warnings and get off the roads warnings and all that. I had just ordered my favorite pizza from the best pizza place and said fuck it and drove to pick it up. I was pissed at all the hubub. Then I saw the news and video of the part of town that just got scraped off the planet. I felt like an ass. Pizza was good though. Sausage, Swiss, and green olive.
Good luck cyto and other Fl glibs.
If anyone is staying and doesn’t have supplies, I think there’s still time for Amazon Prime delivery before they cut it off… canned goods, cases of water, etc. delivered to your door if the stores are out.
and other Fl glibs
and you too Vhyrus.
Good luck to y’all! My parents went through Charley in Punta Gorda. They moved to Western NC not long after.
This thing has 220 mph gusts. Not much is holding up to that kind of force.
Ya, that is taking most roofs off.
Plus, the wife has been at Def-con 1 for 4 days already. She’s gonna blow a gasket if we run into even a little traffic on the way out.
Buy her beer.
Maybe some old fashioned road head would take her mind off things?
You just reminded me of my 2nd FL girlfriend. God what a slut. Bless her heart. I think she gave half of SE FL herpes. Worth it.
You jest, but I can actually use everyone’s prayers.
Because it isn’t just the kids and the dog and the wife. The wife’s sister is coming along for the ride, with her two cats. With the anticipated traffic slowdowns, plus stopping for doggy breaks and whatever the heck you do for cats and the kids…. that’ll take that 9 1/2 hour drive and make it 12. With a couple of adult sisters in the car together. Neither of whom handles stress well.
On second thought…. forget the prayers. Anyone want to trade? You can ride out of town in the minivan with all the animals and kids and sister-in-laws and stuff, and I’ll watch your DVR and make sure it is working through the storm. And your scotch collection…. gotta make sure that’s OK too.
Yeah, that is going to do horrific damage. 220 mph, that’s F3 tornado speeds. Sustained? I would have to be afraid that is going to do massive damage or completely obliterate any structure in it’s path. Hopefully 220 mph or even 185 is not going to hit on land.
F5s have wind speeds in excess of 300 mph. Flying cars and cows. And all sorts of deadly shrapnel. At that speed almost anything is deadly shrapnel, even gravels or straw. Not somewhere you want to be.
Princess Juliana Airport webcam (St. Maarten). It’s fuckin flash, and you need to turn off your ad blocker, but it’s pretty neat
To all my current and erstwhile Arizona Glibs.
Lay your best bass recipes on me. I haz my two in the freezer.
Here in Wisconsin, all fish is treated the same. Batter it, fry it and eat it on a Friday; the way God intended, the Pope says so.