Having been inspired by sloopy’s efforts, the travails of our FL Glibs, and remembering my own fun with Katrina and Rita:
I have decided to post a few things here – and this can be the place our Glibs involved with the various storms and their aftermath can keep us updated on their SAFETY (first and foremost) needs, wants, etc.
First, the givings of teh monies. Charitable giving is a wonderful example of voluntary action. But how do you know your donation is going to go to help people, not for administrative overhead, bloated salaries and cocktailz? Start here. My short advice – yes to the Salvation Army, no to the Red Cross.
Second, the storms that are currently churning around. Where are they going? Try here, for the latest. As a minarchist, this is one of the government agencies I can approve of…
And for once, I am NOT going to bitch about people posting their own links in here – I want your links to helpful sites, information, stories – whatever you think will help.
And FL and TX Glibs – please let us know, if you can, how you are doing. Please stay safe as you can. Things can be replaced. You cannot.
Posted in the previous post’s comments, but Ventusky uses NOAA’s GFS models and seems to be staying up to date. And, its a nifty presentation:;-84.0;4&l=wind&t=20170911/15
The latest GFS solution with the core staying just offshore is really the best case scenario for us at this point. GFS was the first to have a track up the east coast of the state while the rest of the models were taking it through the Keys and onto the west coast. is pretty good too. They give you the choice of 3 models.
I pay for WeatherBell, where I can get pretty much any model in any resolution as soon as it’s released. Worth the cost for an obsessed South Floridian.
I will take early 1990s Kathy Ireland in 1080p 3D, please
*prolonged ovation*
+ 1 hand clapping
I used to go to the free part of weatherbell but for some reason they recently took the temperature graphs off not just maps
If they are not using the Eichenwald equation, you can not trust them.
Does that utilize the most current hentai models?
When a tentacular horror meets a fisherman’s wife, does the hurricane turn inland?
He was brutalized in the responses to his tweet. Looks like he deleted the tweet like a pussy, and much hilarity was lost as a result.
Hey swiss. Several years ago I got tornadoed pretty badly. My brother wrote a pretty good account of the disaster that I have a copy of. It’s a little lengthy, but I think this might be an appropriate place to post it?
Is it posted somewhere you could link to?
Not that I know of. I have it in an email.
send to the submissons box!
The submissions box was the talk of the town yesterday for some reason.
Must’ve been due to Irma.
You know Swiss, the old Specialist in me would tell you if you leave the tent up, you won’t have to worry about it anymore.
“It was time for a new one, anyway.”
“Hey, who signed for this?”
Who was the goldbricker snapping pictures while other people worked?
Our Signal officer.
1multitudes of Sham Shield E4 MafiaE4 Mafia ain’t got shit on the Lance Corporal Underground
The bitterness of not getting promoted beyond E3 fuels their power?
I was a long time member of the League of Disgruntled Majors. Then they accidentally made me an LTC…I mean, I have to assume an accident.
Just the Hurricane Center, or does this extend to the
Church of the Unholy Climate Changerest of NOAA?NHC.
SPC is pretty good too
For example, more than you could ever want to know about storm forecasting
A lot of first responders will be using APRS for as long as it’s all up.
if you have a HAM, you’ll probably know about it, but in Houston, there were people who were searching through facebook posts and relaying them onto the repeaters in the area for responders. It also has some weather tracking ability at various stations.
this was supposed to be it’s own post. Sorry UCS
If you do have a radio, I would ask you also try to relay information through it. It will save lives.
Nice hat, sailor. Are you in town long?
Historically, “Hello, sailor” is a term used to…
Oh, never mind.
I know that…I just wanted to aspie the $%#& out of this post….
And you didn’t correct him that it’s a cover, not a hat? For shame…
“cover”…Gawd I hated that term.
So if I see a camo hat in the Navy style, is that the Marines?
what’s with all the ladies’ hats?
I’m not trying to be divisive, but the Navy one looks like something to eat nachos out of.
I thought it was for extracting the juice from limes.
from limeys . . .
… narrowed gaze …
Maybe it does both. I’d hate to get a unitasker for the kitchen.
Army hat screams People’s Revolutionary from South America.
That was a 2005 hat. Long gone now.
Not in my closet! Still rolled too. That damned beret developed some kind of mold on the outside of the leather so it’s history.
Also, not near as revolutionary as a Korean War era cap.
Oh, I still have quite a bit of old uniform stuff, in my “Mr. Incredible closet”. BDU, DCU and ACUs.
I’m not trying to be divisive, but the Navy one looks like something to eat nachos out of.
Original purpose? You could use them to bail water.
My joke was funnier.
Wait a minute….
Is there ANOTHER tropical storm East of Irma?
Hurricane Jose. Luckily, SNP knows how to deal with immigrant Joses who want to despoil our natural beauty!
So much racial humor available.
Jose, can you seeee
By the dawn’s early light…
“Nah mang, sit down, you’re blocking my view”
Jose is comeeng, if i hurricane get my sheet and get out
It’s hurricanes all the way down.
It never rains, it pours…
yeah but I hear it’s too lazy to do anything.
It’s coming to do the job Americans won’t do.
It’s going to tear down Detroit?
Americans already did that one.
Just because.
Jose? So it’s going to clean up after Irma?
*narrows gaze*
In seriousness, Barbuda just got annihilated by Irma and they just got issued a Hurricane Watch for Jose. It’s going to turn north and northeast and out to sea from there.
Is Barbuda anything other than a tropical vacation hub? I’m seeing “90% of structures destroyed” by Irma, but only one fatality…
Per Wikipedia:
There were not that many people on the island to start with. One death is a catastrophe.
How are those people not more inbred than Icelanders?
I don’t know.
Are we sure they’re not?
Because tourists.
Take a canoe to fuck some out of town strange.
Take a catamaran to fuck some out of town strange.
Take a cruise ship to fuck some out of town strange.
In the words of a Siamese king, “Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.”
I was on Antigua a few years ago. The people there referred to Barbuda as “essentially uninhabited.” They were doing it tongue-in-cheek, of course, but still…
It sounds like Barbuda’s very, very flat and very, very desert-like. If so, it wouldn’t surprise me at all that it’s been scraped clean.
There was a celebrity trying to build a resort there. Can’t remember who it is.
“Luxury Overwater Resort”
More like underwater. High five!
{whispers, fingers crossed} “Oh please, let it be Oprah, puh-LEEZE let it be Oprah…”
My short advice – yes to the Salvation Army, no to the Red Cross.
We could do with some of that rain. You can keep the triple digit wind speeds.
yes you could.
Quick Puerto Rico update: storm skirted past with fairly minimal damage, all told. Lots of power outages and lots of island folks crammed into shelters, but so far so good. Either way, nice to live in AZ at times like this, heh. Good luck and God bless to the rest of you degenerates riding out the hurricane.
Good to hear PR is ok and through it
It is such a shame PR is so infested with socialism. It is a beautiful island, with lots of beautiful women, nice people, and good food. Why does socialism only seem to destroy nice places?
there were some beautiful women when I went.
Lots and lots of them. They are known to be slash your tires, stab you in your sleep crazy, but they are beautiful and a lot of fun.
They are known to be slash your tires, stab you in your sleep crazy,
As someone who had a Puerto Rican aunt as well as several Puerto Rican female friends, I have to say that this is…
True. Very very true.
Snoop: I got some butter pecan Puerto Ricans from the Boogie Down
If it’s already destroyed before the socialism shows up, it’s hard to tell the difference.
At least they got the power outages they so desperately needed in order to demand cash from DC to repair infrastructure that was already ancient and crumbling.
nice to live in AZ at times like this
I always think the same thing about New Mexico every time a hurricane pummels the shit out of the gulf, or tornadoes go trailer hunting in Oklahoma, or earthquakes rock some overpopulated California city, or the upper midwest gets heaps of snow and power outages, or NYC is an unbearable shithole.
I mean, sure, it gets hot, but it’s dry heat, not swimming through the air heat. And the winters are fairly mild. So why aren’t we being gentrified like Colorado? Our crime is high compared to, say, Vermont, but there are very few places you’d feel unsafe to go. It’s mostly crimes of poverty.
I prefer snow to heat and drought.
The cold kills all the disgusting bugs, too.
I didn’t know what a mosquito looked like until the first time I visited Minnesota.
We spray the fuck out of them now.
Your Mosquito control office has a dedicated helicopter and it still can’t tackle the problem?
Bug out, man.
Minnesoda State Bird.
They never get any bigger than a wren, but there are enough of them in a back yard to strip the flesh off a man in 45 seconds.
*evil laugh*
I’ll take warm, mild humidity, no bugs, and not even a chance of fucking snow, please.
As of this morning, the Weather Channel still had not deployed the Cantore in Florida.
maybe Friday night.
Worst of the storm for SE FL is supposed to be sometime Sunday morning, so they won’t deploy the Cantore yet.
That’s the one thing I’m scared of most: Cantore showing up in my neighborhood (well, he won’t show up in mine, cuz I’m 25 miles inland, but you get the idea)
So is it sexist towards Cantore that he has to go out and brave the storms and the pretty girls get to stay in the studio or is it sexist to the pretty girls that they are stuck in the studio while Cantore gets to cover what amounts to the Super Bowl and Olympics combined for the Weather Channel?
That crazy bastard would probably come to work with an AK-47 if he was denied the opportunity to cover a hurricane.
Make up your goddam mind
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi says the state has gotten more than 1,500 calls on a price-gouging hotline in the last two days.
Bondi said Wednesday that many of the calls dealt with complaints about the prices being charged on water, food and gas, although she said people have also called to complain that stores are running out of supplies.
Don’t want to see those shelves cleared? Raise prices.
No, that cause would cause other gougers from around the country to join in the gouging, increasing supply and then….. Oh!
Don’t be silly, they’d see the higher prices and realize they can charge more, so they’d raise prices elsewhere in the country!
That second part is true. It would raise prices elsewhere in the country. It’s like they’re trying as hard a possible to make the victims of the storm shoulder the entire burden and then some.
If this is yours, I’m going to steal it. That’s a fantastic neologism.
Go ahead. I don’t think I saw it before, I just compressed “Prog Logic”
Great authors are always coining new words.
But so are intersectionalists, so don’t put much weight into the act.
Fucking supply and demand! How the fuck does it work?
First, the givings of teh monies.
Even better than a charity, is giving directly to a non-tax-advantaged private individual that you know is going to be in the area. A friend is taking time off work to drive to TX, and i’m putting money in his pocket to bring diapers and tools that he’s going to hand out to anyone with a screaming baby or fucked up house.
And I get to feel morally superior to all my progressive friends that don’t donate shit and my conservative friends that take the write-off on their taxes.
I don’t donate anything to any national organizations (other than IJ, which caught a donation last year). The smaller and more local, the more impact my money will have. Can’t top giving to one guy driving toward the sound of the storm, though.
That is best, if you can find such.
Take your mind off the hurricane with this soothing derp:
It should be obvious that there is no such thing as a “pure” culture. Any “technology” the oblivious tweeter might have had in mind relies on a numerical system invented by Arabs. We wear textiles from central Asia; we eat “Italian” pasta brought to Europe from China in the 13th century; and we developed our earliest legal framework from East Africans.
Yet from an economic perspective, there is a problem with elite white yuppies opening an artisanal burrito truck: because there are massive racial wealth disparities in the United States, white people are disproportionately endowed with the capital that will allow them to open successful Mexican food restaurants; we can end up with a world full of Mexican restaurants where food is made by Mexican workers but the profits accrue to white owners. Just as with music, the problem is not that a TV chef like Rick Bayless makes Mexican food, it’s that Rick Bayless makes millions of dollars making Mexican food while Mexican people bus tables in his restaurants.
Chris Cleave, if his portrayal is rich and well-researched, may produce a novel that isn’t disrespectful toward Nigerians. Yet it’s still bizarre and unfair that the people who write bestselling books about the lives of Nigerian girls aren’t… Nigerian girls.
I looked for evidence for the statement “we developed our earliest legal framework from East Africans” but found nothing. The writing existed in that part of that world before 1800 was in Arabic and the written legal codes would have been based on Islam.
I guess Mesopotamia could be considered East East Africa.
the problem is not that a TV chef like Rick Bayless makes Mexican food, it’s that Rick Bayless makes millions of dollars making Mexican food while Mexican people bus tables in his restaurants.
Stop and consider how appallingly racist that is. Millions of Mexican Americans and Mexican immigrants own businesses and restaurants in this country. Some of them are enormously wealthy. And many of them are very successful. Yet, this asshole thinks that every Mexican buses tables. Is busing tabels in a Mexican owned restaurant better than in a white owned one?
Progressives call everyone else racist because it is the only way they can deal with their own horrific racism. You can’t hold these people in enough contempt. They literally hate and dehumanize the entire human race. No one is immune from it.
They best Mexican restaurant in town is owned by a Mexican-American (for going on 20 years). We had a Serbian waitress the other night. The newest immigrant starts at the bottom of the ladder.
There is a famous Russian Restaurant in NYC called The Russian Tea Room. It is staffed almost entirely by Hispanics from the kitchen to the bus boys. Are those Hispanics appropriating Russian culture? This stuff is just insane. I have never seen a set of beliefs that is even close to being as irrational and stupid as the shit the identity progs are putting out these days.
Jacques Pépin used to be the executive chef there. So was he appropriating Russian culture, or were the Russians appropriating French culture?
I wish someone would ask one of these assholes how “no cultural appropriation” is any different than “segregation now, segregation forever”.
That is actually a good retort to an accusation of cultural appropriation: “Oh, I didn’t realize you were a segregationist!”
Gee, an ignoramus making shit up then spewing a bullshit narrative. Let me look around for my shocked face.
I forgot the kicker:
The goal is not to stop white people from writing about black lives, but to stop a racist economy from remunerating the white people who write about the lives rather than the black people who live them.
So…cultural appropriation is wrong only if you make money.
Or if somebody is offended.
Oh yeah- on the whole “Arabs invented math thing”-here’s a list of famous mathematicians:
6 limeys, 5 frogs, 5 wogs, 2 wops, 4 krauts, 4 yanks, 0 hajjis
and this funny typo
Andrew Wiles (1953)
Nationality: Proving “Fermat’s Last Theorem”
Famous For: British
Someone needs to explain to this guy that fictional characters are fictional. No one is really living the lives portrayed in novels. He actually seems to think that me making up a story about a person who has never existed is the same thing as me writing a biography about a real person and profiting from their experiences. How can people be this stupid and irrational? How is it possible?
The goal is… to stop a racist economy from remunerating the white people who write about the lives rather than the black people who live them.
So, he is talking straight up theft. It always comes down to the boot with the left.
Yet it’s still bizarre and unfair that the people who write bestselling books about the lives of Nigerian girls aren’t… Nigerian girls.
That statement is so irrational and stupid, I don’t even know how to make fun of it. Why is it bizarre and unfair for people to write novels about Nigerian Girls? How does one come to that conclusion much less consider it so self-evident that it doesn’t need any explanation? What is bizarre and unfair is that I have to live in a world where someone as stupid as this writer gets to breathe the air.
Last I checked Nigerian girls are allowed to write novels and Mexicans are allowed to own restaurants.
What a fucking idiot.
Not if Boko Haram gets their way…
Hey, wait, I thought Michele’s “Bring back our girls” sad-face hashtag fixed all that?!
Dey be write de novels in pidgin.
It sounds like an argument for segregating races
And, of course, if white authors only wrote about white people, they’d be excoriated for ignoring POC.
White people get excoriated for being successful. The details don’t matter. Because it is somehow bad for a white guy to look at an interesting foreign cuisine and figure out a way to make money serving it to others. Or it’s bad for a white woman to make up a story about a Nigerian girl and have it be successful. Because reasons.
Absolutely. The entire point is that white people shouldn’t write anything at all other than self criticism for their racism.
They want all white people to engage in Struggle Sessions.
I wish that I was exaggerating, but this really seems to be what they ultimately want.
How dare they appropriate Red Chinese Culture!
I thought Arabic numerals were really Indian?
It’s Cultural Appropriation all the way down!
Sort of. It is pretty well accepted that the Hindus invented the concept of a base-10 numeral system with a zero placeholder (yes, that last part is a genuine innovation). The Muslims and Arabs took the concept, refined it, and spread it. It is through the Arabs that Europeans learned of it and developed the familiar symbols (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) which show influence from both the Hindu and Arabic symbols.
I thought the zero was invented by C++?
I thought the Zero was invented by the Japanese?
Mitsubishi: Born from jets
/mixing car brands.
Almost every Mexican restaurant I’ve ever been to, in any of the places I’ve lived (VA, FL, CA, AZ, AL), has been a little mom and pop place where most of the staff are the members of the family that owns the place.
Mmm. Don Picos in Pearland. I hope they survived Hurricane Harvey.
Any connection to the Don Pico’s in Webster? I like that place (assuming it survived – Bay Area Blvd. was a canal in places).
the oblivious tweeter might have had in mind relies on a numerical system invented by Arabs.
You’re not helping your argument when you say things were ‘invented by Arabs’ when they were really borrowed from India to Persia and then the Arabic world.
Except zero, that’s totally the Arabs.
Cultural appropriation is just yet another Marxist Trojan Horse designed to delegitimize, destabilize and ultimately destroy Western Civilization. That is the end goal of every single lefty criticism; once you understand that, their insanity doesn’t seem quite as insane.
Challenge accepted.
That was not helpful. The cadence is wrong for galley slaves.
Says you. It’s a great maritime motivational tune that’s been used forevah.
On the Septiremes, we were experimenting with “We Will Rock You”, but the oarsmen couldn’t figure out if it was on every beat or every loud beat.
“We Will Rock You” was obviously written for triremes, with each beat being for a different galley.
Ugh. Looks like Turks and Caicos is gonna get pummeled. Why, Irma?
“My Carribbean Vacation is Ruined, so no one else can have one, Ever!”
Irma is such a whore.
does anyone know an Irma? i don’t. is that even a real name?
Yes. She is a surgical tech.
Is she hot?
No. Older, I’m guessing PR lady.
I do, she’s a sweet old lady who works at the Family Dollar.
My godmother was named Irma. She was as sweet as Granny from the Sylvester/Tweety cartoons, with the big difference being Irma only spoke German.
Try Atlantis. Made out of concrete. Same with Baha mar, but’s that’s Chinese concrete.
We were at Beaches last Christmas. I can’t believe it will fare well.
It’s north north west facing, so it could be worse.
Mrs. Shpip runs a state medical society conference every year, after which I take her to Disney for a couple of days to decompress. It was slated for Orlando this year, but was abruptly cancelled yesterday. Too late to cancel our Disney reservations (and a special lunch at Morimoto Asia, where tix were non-refundable), so we’ll be the guys driving south on I-75 and the Florida Turnpike Sunday morning. If anyone wants to say hi, we’ll be sipping Manhattans and Martinis at the Victoria Falls Lounge in Animal Kingdom Lodge.
I’m not really worried about direct storm damage per se, as I’m sixty miles inland and 180 feet above sea level. You’d need a SMOD strike in the Atlantic to get seawater to my front yard. However, we’ve had an extremely wet summer. Take near-saturated soil, add strong winds, and one of the water oaks in my yard could wind up t-boning the house. Didn’t happen during Frances (next door neighbor to the north got it) or Jeanne (neighbor two houses south got it from a pine), but you never know. Fingers crossed, is all.
Bet your drive down there is going to be relatively light traffic. ?
Relative to the extinction of the human race.
He forgot his charger.
Hey, he’s keeping in his lane.
Morimoto’s food is really good, but he’s a major asshole.
I ate there last week. The food was good, but they tried to fancy up classic cocktails and I didn’t care for the results.
He’s at his restaurant on Maui quite a bit, or he was when it opened.
He always insisted on taking his lunch at the bar/sushi counter. Alone.
Wanna sit there? You can’t when he’s there.
What a dick.
I wonder how his investors feel about it.
We’ve been a few times. You’re right about both the food and the drinks. Last time we were there, the Missus ordered a Sazerac and got served some whiskey / pastis concoction on the rocks. She was not amused.
As far as donations, please keep animal rescues and shelters in mind, thanks.
Good idea. Any recommendations?
We always donate to Wings of Rescue, its ex-pilots and rescuers who fly in and fly rescued animals out to no-kill shelters.
Best Friends is a completely legit organization.
In Englewood, Fl theres a place called Puffy Paws Kitty Haven. They have over 200 unadoptable special needs cats. They arent leaving and hunkering down. My wife always sends them cash for for food and vet bills
Not a recommendation per se, but related
Perfect. Thanks, Slammer.
The hurricanes are such a great example of libertarian theory in action; people pulling together in mutually beneficial economic transactions and *voluntary* charity and help for fellow men absent government coercion. If there is a silver lining to major natural disasters, it’s this.
I was listening to the Australian news coverage about Harvey. There was the usual derp about, although single weather events should not be confused with climate, maybe Trump should consider getting back into the Paris accords because of Harvey. But then they went on to report on all the rescues being carried out by army and national guard without one fucking mention of volunteers.
Those boots won’t lick themselves, Raven.
We would all be so helpless without our benevolent government overlords donchaknow.
And you can demonstrate all the economic prosperity that gets generated from the broken windows,
I made the mistake of engaging on The iFaceSpace again. A distant friend declared, “CLIMATE CHANGE LEADS TO EXTREME WEATHER, IDIOTS.”
I remarked at his ability to compose the single least falsifiable construction of words I’d seen in some time.
Stewing over it, though, I’ve become more irritated by the all-caps followed by a simple period. It’s the written equivalent of a spluttering tantrum followed smugly by “Calmer than you are, Donny.”
Climate change leads to extreme weather except when it doesn’t. When there was not a single major hurricane in the Atlantic basin for something like ten years after 2006, we suddenly didn’t hear too much about climate change causing extreme weather and giant killer hurricanes. Funny that.
Then why have the past decade or so of hurricane seasons been quite mild by historic standards? Why were there far more active and more destructive periods in the past? Doesn’t that falsify the premise?
No denierboy, the mildness of the hurricanes is caused by the polar icecap melting and changing these super currents in the ocean which modify the heat transfer coefficient of the flux capacitor of the oceanic heatsink. Harvey, and now Irma, are a direct consequence of the static derivative integral equation of atmospheric energy entropy; this can only be caused by heathens not sacrificing their paycheck to the vengeful Gaia, a jealous goddess who demands you put no other goddess before her. IFL sciencey stuff way more than your primitive, shitlord denier poopy face and my educational science credentials are beyond reproach. And if you even try to argue a counterpoint, I’ll sue you for defamation and kill your dog.
The terms “climate change” and “extreme weather” both so slippery as to constitute huge rhetoric gaps to evade any sort of refutation. The phrase “CLIMATE CHANGE LEADS TO EXTREME WEATHER” is not testable and therefore non-falsifiable by evidence or facts. It’s a tantrum, not an assertion on any scientific basis.
God it hurts to be his corresponderp, but: “It’s not just hurricanes! Did you happen to notice the 80 WILDFIRES burning right now in the US? And the Atlantic Ocean isn’t the only place on earth that matters, you know.”
High heat and low humidity, previously unheard of in the Western United States…
In the natural cycle, the Temperate forests of North America burned fairly regularly. It was part of the lifecycle of the system. They were usually much smaller and milder fires – until people tried to prevent them from ever burning, which lead to a buildup of fuel, making the less common fires far, far worse.
The higher the number of wildfires, the less severe each will be.
I started down this path, UnCS, but realized it would exceed 140 characters (my version at least) and was thus futile.
That’s not the only reason it’s futile. It’s like trying to reason with a 3 year old throwing a tantrum about not getting the toy they want.
Except that the 3 year old eventually gets over it.
Not to mention, some of the trees require fire to reproduce.
IFLS never shared that with them, so they don’t know yet.
Holy shit, he thinks “climate change” causes wildfires?!
That is some really impenetrable derp.
hey, where’d that goalpost go?
It’s a phantom goalpost. It is never there when you think you’ve scored.
As I mentioned in the morning links, seven of the ten most powerful hurricanes on record that hit the US occurred 1935 and earlier. The only one in the last twenty years, when AGW is supposedly accelerating so quickly, was Charley in 2004.
“mild” is an understatement. it was damn near non-existent the past decade.
the last 5th column ep had Ronald Bailey on who talked about a regular temperature cycle in the atlantic which explains changes in hurricane frequencies. the last one picked up at the beginning of this century and it is tailing off now
I hate those people. They never provide any solution, how much its gonna cost, and what effect the spending is gonna achieve.
Ahem, he updated his FaceBook picture to show he supports Houston. I’d say he’s clearly put his money where his mouth is.
Solution: More government control over everything.
Cost: How much ya got?
climate change is a nazi plot
What he said is falsifiable*. What he meant isn’t. What he meant is that Harvey was Texas’s punishment for extracting and refining oil, which is just religious dogma.
* = With some meaningful definitions of “climate change” and “extreme weather”, anyway
Well yeah, they will never actually provide any meaningful definition of their terms.
Lose the comma, and I’d have to agree.
America: Getting kicked in the wang yet again.
Ja Rule announces location of next Fyre Festival
Who? and What?
I think it’s English, might be pidgin though…
Hurricane Irma: At least seven don die for di Caribbean
Never gets old.
All hail PieInTheSKy!
You people need to get out more (and by get out, I mean read social media. Or just use the Googles)
My Social Media Presense is even more droll than my Glibertarian presence.
Fair notice disclaimer – I invested in Minds and link to it out of financial self-interest.
Whew, good thing I didn’t click on it!
I advise everyone to stay away!
I feel sorry for you all that missed one of the greatest moments of douchebag schadenfreude in history 🙁
He’s looking at some serious jail time.
Here or in the Carribean? And are they really going to charge him?
Look at what he did to the investors.
He’s going to federal prison.
So do I. They were going to be legends, Kristen. Legends. They just had to do it. That whole part about paying for the third rate has been artists (Blink 182 as your headliner, really?) and figuring out how to actually provide life support for 80,000 people on a Carribean Island, where everything has to be shipped in and somehow got through very strict and often corrupt customs, were just minor details.
Well… *dons sunglasses* once you take care of all the small things, those larger pieces will fall into place!
I was reading an article that had some Power Point slides they were using to get investors, and the artists they listed on that were WAY bigger than Blink 182. Guess those artists saw the writing on the wall very early on. What’s crazy, is they were using this slide deck after they had already started the social media campaign and started selling tix. Like, didn’t they think it would be best to get all the money and logistics lined up before selling tix? Even I know that!
The number one rule of the music business is that you don’t play anywhere without getting your money upfront. Once you have played, you can’t take it back and the promoter already has their money. So if you don’t get paid up front, you really have no way of getting paid at all. So, I am sure those big name artists hung up the phone once they made it clear they didn’t have the money to pay them right then. Blink 182 likely agreed because they wanted the publicity. But even they refused to actually go down there without first being paid.
Fyre Festival was even better than Woodstock. I highly recommend that you go next year.
The thing that most amazed me is that Blink 182 was their headliner. I can totally understand how a bunch of stupid rich people decided to have a rock festival without having any idea what was involved and having it end up being a fiasco. What I cannot and probably never will understand is how anyone, rich, poor, smart or stupid, could decide to have their dream music festival and have Blink 182 as the headliner. How exactly does one look up to the stars and say “you know my dream music headliner is Blink 182, we need to make this happen”?
Never go to a festival planned by Ja Rule
That’s easy, I don’t go to music festivals.
That is one of the better wiki entries in existence.
On April 27, attendees began arriving on chartered flights from Miami International Airport to Exuma International Airport operated by Swift Air and Xtra Airways. Initial arrivals were brought to an “impromptu beach party” rather than the festival grounds while later arrivals were brought directly to the grounds where the true state of the festival’s site became apparent. Flights scheduled for the afternoon were delayed and then canceled when it became clear that the festival would not go on as planned.[11]
Around nightfall one musical act, a group of local musicians, took to the stage and played for a few hours. They would be the only act to perform. Afterwards it was announced that the festival would be postponed and that the attendees would be returned to Miami as soon as possible. Reports emerged of mishandling of guests’ baggage, disaster relief tents with dirt floors, portable toilets,[11] inadequate and poor quality food including cheese sandwiches[12] made with slices of processed cheese on wheat bread served in styrofoam containers,[13] theft, and heavy-handed security. Many attendees were reportedly stranded as flights to and from the island were cancelled after the postponement.[14][2]
The first flight back to Miami boarded at 1:30 a.m. on Friday, April 28 but was delayed for hours due to issues with the flight’s manifest. It was cancelled after sunrise and passengers were locked in the Exuma Airport terminal without access to food or water[15] and no air conditioning; one passenger recalls that at least one person passed out from the heat.[4] The flight eventually left Exuma that morning. More charter flights to Miami departed Exuma throughout the day.
Was the festival secretly organized by Kanamits?
A former client of mine was encouraging me to go to the first Fyre, which was a ridiculous idea, for oh so many reasons, and would have been, even if it wasn’t (obviously) the result of a really long bong session.
::golf clap::
Parenting During a Hurricane: An Anecdote
My & a few other families rode out Hurricane Alicia (cat 3) in 1983 at my dad’s downtown Galveston office. I was 12 at the time.
As I remember that night/morning, the office reception desk doubled as a fully stocked bar & all the adults got completely plastered hours before the brunt of the storm came through. From the sound of laughter & smell of alcohol, I remember thinking “well they’re sure having fun”.
Meanwhile, we non-drinking age kids & teens all sat huddled in my dad’s office scared to holy hell for hours on end. Occasionally, one of our mom’s would come check on us. Cocktail in one hand, cigarette in the other. Stifling a giggle at how (reasonably) scared our sober little selves were. Swaying back & forth assuring us (unconvincingly) that all was well. Promising that the constant roar of what sounded like freight trains & sounds of shattering glass right outside our taped-up windows were nothing to be worried about. We ended up OK, but I remember at the time thinking “Horseshit, lady”.
I bring this up to ask all Florida Glibertarian parents to please “think of the children!” during Irma. If things start getting a little hairy outside & you find your drunk ass starting to get a bit scared, your kids are shitting bricks. I say a nip off the bottle or swig of beer won’t kill ’em & that someday…someday they might just thank you for it. This from someone for whom it’s too late. To this day, anything even resuming a bad storm fills me with at least a small sense of doom & gloom. Of course, my stupid ass chooses to live in Tornado Alley for some reason.
Thank you & (in all seriousness here) best of luck. I hope the beeatch takes a hard right soon.
PS – to sloop & everyone else that has been & is still helping down in & around H-Town, my heartfelt thanks. Most of my family is based down there & were hit hard. Even had an aunt & uncle get pulled off the roof of their completely flooded out home. All you guys kicked ass & for no reason other than your hearts for others. Good stuff.
I certainly wouldn’t give my kids beer to weather a storm, but I would turn off the parental controls on the iPad.
I can think of few things which are dumber than getting drunk or stoned before a major storm. I want to be fully functional and intellectually capable throughout the entire event, and able to withstand prolonged immersion in standing water (or sewage) – while minimizing my risk of hypothermia.
*Slides case of red wine out of view*
Now’s my chance
*brings out fake case*
*rolls bowling ball at Doom*
Oh, that’s me for me. You guys have a party!
One of the things I can be smug about is that my home, at 700ft, isn’t likely to ever get flooded. Roof ripped off, smashed by falling trees, demolished by a microburst – sure, water ain’t gonna hang around on my property for more than half a second – but wading around in hip-deep (or worse) water during torrential rain is something you wanna do (a) sober and (b) vasodilated, unless the water is damn near body temperature.
There have been a couple times in my life when I needed all the reaction speed i could muster. Now I’m getting old and fat, I need to be as situationally aware as I can get, because adrenaline alone won’t save my pasty, limey ass.
whoops UNvasodilated.
Yeah, but if you’re drunk, you won’t know you’re cold.
I would want some nearby, just in case.
Nothing like porn to distract from imminent destruction.
Nothing like porn
to distract from imminent destruction.God as a 12 going on 13 year old, I woulda been all over the iPad rule.
Uhh, I think I’ll ride out the storm in this office over here. Yeah, by myself. Don’t worry, mom. I’ll be fine.
A little dehydrated, but fine.
Carpal tunnel is no laughing matter.
Geez, you guys have filthy minds.
The parental controls are to restrict video game playing to 20 minutes per day.
I’m glad I had this, but we always needed new AA’s…
The parents had a thing for the TV that limited time. I spent some free time figuring out the code to unlock it.
We’re all gonna die soon, so now you can pay 21! Minutes of video game.
A hotel on St. Maarten. Ruh roh
My mom and dad loved going to St. Martin. I’ve been to St. John, and today I saw photos from there. It’s got a lot of trees, but now every leaf is gone. Looks like Indiana in the middle of winter.
That looks bad but it is mostly just debris from small buildings. All of the bigger buildings look in tact. They will get that cleaned up and back running quicker than you think.
St Martin/Sint Maarten is much more populous than a lot of the islands around. When I sent in 2010 I noticed it was about the same size, both in size and population, as Warren Co, KY (Bowling Green). I had no idea when I noticed that in 2010, that I would live here now.
Looks like the ghost of Fidel Castro is standing on the beach commanding Irma to go north.
No that’s just Sean Penn down there for a visit with his buddies.
I am torn on the giving money thing. I gave to Salvation Army, Houston and am prepared to give again to the Southeast.
Only problem is, my company matches donations to the Red Cross (they are flogging that pretty hard this week) but they won’t match to the Salvation Army. So I am wondering what amount would be worth it to donate to the Red Cross to get the match, even though I know the Red Cross wastes a bunch of it? Maybe the right answer is None, and I should just give again to the National level Salvation Army or to the Southeast region.