With disaster porn completely consuming the news cycle, now is the time for us to stage a coup in a small nation and declare Glibertopia open for business! Or we could get ready to help our fellows as best we can over the next week or so. You make the call. We also have robc’s football guide coming later today. My beloved team(s) both underperformed last week by… a lot. I expect tonight’s guide will not be kind to them. And rightly so! Let’s us proceed to… the links!

Sodium fuse 1 foot off the ground to a propane tank I moved indoors to “protect” from flying debris

Swedes find well preserved flag ship right where they buried it. They just forgot they where that was.

I have had the interview this is making fun of. Several times. “We need someone with three years experience on a technology that was released last year” is my other favorite.

I can’t tell whether this is a paranoid schizophrenic medication non-compliance episode or just a bunch of utter bullshit. What I can tell is that if this is the best the Bannonites have to strike back against the Generals with, the coup is over.

Amazon is literally going rent-seeking for its 2nd US Headquarters building. 

In what I assume is a Filipino take on both nepotism and public-private partnership, Duterte’s son has been linked to a $125M drug shipment. “What is good in life? Duterte?” “To murder the competitors of your children. To see innocent people executed so your son can get dictator rich. To hear the lamentations of drug warriors worldwide as they scream in betrayal.”


I was listening to way more depressing music. This one is kind of weird. But fun.