With disaster porn completely consuming the news cycle, now is the time for us to stage a coup in a small nation and declare Glibertopia open for business! Or we could get ready to help our fellows as best we can over the next week or so. You make the call. We also have robc’s football guide coming later today. My beloved team(s) both underperformed last week by… a lot. I expect tonight’s guide will not be kind to them. And rightly so! Let’s us proceed to… the links!

Sodium fuse 1 foot off the ground to a propane tank I moved indoors to “protect” from flying debris
Swedes find well preserved flag ship right where they buried it. They just forgot they where that was.
I have had the interview this is making fun of. Several times. “We need someone with three years experience on a technology that was released last year” is my other favorite.
I can’t tell whether this is a paranoid schizophrenic medication non-compliance episode or just a bunch of utter bullshit. What I can tell is that if this is the best the Bannonites have to strike back against the Generals with, the coup is over.
Amazon is literally going rent-seeking for its 2nd US Headquarters building.
In what I assume is a Filipino take on both nepotism and public-private partnership, Duterte’s son has been linked to a $125M drug shipment. “What is good in life? Duterte?” “To murder the competitors of your children. To see innocent people executed so your son can get dictator rich. To hear the lamentations of drug warriors worldwide as they scream in betrayal.”
I was listening to way more depressing music. This one is kind of weird. But fun.
“My beloved team(s) both underperformed last week by… a lot.”
Do you know who didn’t perform poorly last week?
Alabama and Maryland?
Liberty? Is there anything more delicious than Rape U losing to Liberty?
Wow! I missed that, that’s awesome.
I think there’s another state too.
Poor Mike Hart. 0-4 in his playing career and now 0-2 in his coaching career against Ohio State. Shouldn’t have talked all that shit, should he?
You are in LA. You should be happy about UCLA humiliating A&M. How about those SEC defenses?
Most people in LA didn’t see that on TV. They turned the game off at half time.
I went to bed at halftime. But I am on the east coast and at least had the excuse of it being late.
Well I was ! It was very exciting in this Bruin house (spouse undergrad, me grad school). We did, admittedly turn away when it was the worst, but my spouse is a compulsive channel flipper so we found out they’d scored pretty quickly and watched the rest. Even my son who has hardly any football interest, came into watch because it was ‘just like the Superbowl.”
I grew up in a Bruin house. Parents, grandparents, brothers etc…. What a bunch of fair weather fans.
They replayed the game Tuesday morning, so I had it on in the background. Damn good game.
It was pretty much Chong Li vs. Ray Jackson all over again.
The Army team?
Damn your delicious and nimble fingers!
I guess I was too soon.
I didn’t think anything could be too soon with this crowd
Surprisingly, Kansas.
U.Va football. Its been a while.
I’d get excited, but then it was Bill & Bitch. How sad is it that I’ll be overjoyed this weekend if they beat mighty, er, Indiana?
My GF is a native of Bloomington. I asked her if she wanted to go up to Cville and see a cripple fight. We decided not to.
The glibertarian paradise of Barbuda?
I think we can take ’em.
We would certainly be better armed.
Two major hurricanes inside of a week. I mean… someone upstairs has got to hate you for that to happen.
This is because European invaders made them stop practicing human sacrifice.
In Glibertaian paradise of Barbuda all human sacrifice will be strictly voluntary.
disaster porn
Is that footage of the airport where people stand in the jet wash?
It’s AAA Rent-a-Car’s remote cam. Right by the runway (not at the end of it, though). That footage is terrifying.
Who is filming this and how are they doing it?
Remote cam at one of the car rental agencies. No humans were standing out in that. (They couldn’t have — they would’ve become airborne almost immediately…)
Austin Petersen on Ben Shapiro’s show.
It’s happening
Ladies and Gentleman meet your wife of the year.
“So I decided to see if applying the same rules about not yelling at my hubby would yield the same benefits as it does with kids.
I started out thinking I’d simply “not yell anymore.” I managed it for a few days, but as all my projects and hobbies tend to go, it wasn’t long until I slid back into old habits.
I also found while the concept of “no yelling” challenges had the similar benefits for children and adults alike, the methodology and reasons behind it differ greatly….”
After years of marriage, this woman finally figured out that constantly yelling at her husband was bad for their marriage. But there is more
“If you ever get the feeling someone is avoiding you, you’re probably right. I know this, because once the heat was off, and we talked about where things had been at, that confession came up — he would go out of his way to not spend time with me.
We also had sex more. Which didn’t come from him. By talking to my husband with the same respect I used to, I was back in his trust — he could tell me the good and the bad, the funny and the annoying stuff.”
Constantly yelling and nagging her husband caused him to avoid her. Who could have seen that coming? And then last but not least we get this
“And now the kids don’t think that’s how adults speak to each other — or they should look for a shrew in their future partner. Which is nice.”
It took that woman God knows how many years to realize that her behavior in front of her children set an example for them. After probably 30 or more years of life and probably a decade or more of marriage, she seems to have reached the maturity level of a well-adjusted teenager. And she is proud of that.
Err given that most women NEVER learn this lesson and then still blame the guy for avoiding her it tends to make her something of a superwoman.
There are a million things I love about my wife but the one thing she just can’t seem to grasp is that she is allowed to make mistakes or even just be less than perfect and I have never once held it against her for even the slightest second nor do I ever mention it. She however never fails to mention it and make sure I am aware that she is angry with me for even the slightest thing, even things that are objectively not wrong (like occasionally working late because I work in software and it is the nature of that field and the salary I make is what allows us to make ends meet)
The hardest continuous effort of our marriage has been learning how and when to argue. I can seriously date when my outlook on our marriage improved to the year that we both started making a conscious, proactive effort to de-escalate fights as soon as we saw them coming. Because, really, 99% of the time it doesn’t really matter, and the 1% stuff is serious enough that we can talk about it calmly, if that makes sense.
Really, almost all of our arguments can be resolved by coffee, food, or a drink.
When the spousal unit and I first married, we talked about a pattern we’d noticed amongst some of our friends who’d married and then, years later, had their marriages tank big-time. Couples (and friends whether same- or opposite-sex) oftentimes “play-insult” one another, but at some point, the “play-insult” starts shading off into the real thing, and starts to hurt the target. A few years of that, and it’s like acid to a relationship.
We made a pact early on that the only time we were going to be critical of each other was when it was important, i.e., it would make a difference to our lives and had some opportunities to improve our marriage built-in. Other than that, we give each other compliments whenever we feel like it.
Seems to be working. For 29 years, anyways. I can count on the fingers of one hand (with fingers left over) the number of times we’ve actually fought.
Oh yeah, one other thing: we agreed NEVER to talk about relationships we had with others prior to our marriage, or to compare each other to other partners we’d had in the past. After all, if they were so great, why didn’t we marry any of them?
“Dear, you only have 2 moves: shake, and bake”
The “play insult” thing is definitely something that can go south very quickly. However, for a handful of couples it can allow them to vent their emotions without it bottling up. My Aunt and Uncle are that way. If they aren’t tossing barbs at one another, you know they’re going through a rough spot.
My wife and I use the dog as an intermediary. For whatever reason, it works for us. Something about the indirect communication takes the edge off, reducing the likelihood of offense being taken. I think it’s easier for me to respond to the criticism in the moment when it’s an indirect conversation.
Thankfully, my wife is very sensitive to not being a nag or an overbearing spouse. She’s not perfect at it, but she polices her words much more than when we were first married. Between her concerted effort to treat me with respect and our indirect conversation tactic, things went from almost unbearable to quite comfortable.
Thing is it isn’t just about arguments nor is it about jokes that carry way too much serious criticism behind them. I’ll give you an example.
A couple of weeks ago I was taking my daughter to a Dr appt and was running a couple of minutes late so instead of parking I pulled up to the door to drop her off first. The person in front of me was obviously in the same situation and doing the same. After her daughter got out she backed up away from the door and never bothered to check behind her almost hitting my daughter and hitting my van’s right front fender with her left quarter panel.So We both get out to survey the damage, no clue if there was any on her vehicle, i didn’t look or care but there was only a small scratch on my fender, the kind of thing that might even buff out with a good wax job but at worst would require a small bottle of touch up paint about the size of a bottle of nail polish to fix. It was also on plastic so rusting isn’t even a concern. I could tell the woman was really frazzled and stressed but she was also one of those people who has a constant victim mentality and pushing the issue into any kind of claim was going to involve cops and more headaches than a small scratch in the paint warranted so I just told her that there was no damage and we were good and went about my day.
When I got home and told my wife about it she complained for several minutes about why wouldn’t I have gotten her insurance information. This wasn’t an argument, just her telling me why what I did was wrong and I never bothered to defend my actions because I knew it was pointless, it was just her telling me why I was wrong for a few minutes. Here is the problem I wasn’t wrong, I just chose a different course of action from her. I decided that it was worth the $20 it would cost me to buy the touch up paint to simply not have to deal with the hassle. As far as my wife is concerned however any course of action different from what she would have chosen is by default wrong and it is her job to criticize me for it.
I have learned over the last 16 years to basically just ignore her when she does this, it simply isn’t worth fighting over but yeah there are absolutely times it makes me a hell of a lot more eager to volunteer to run every errand outside of the house I can find
After probably 30 or more years of life and probably a decade or more of marriage, she seems to have reached the maturity level of a well-adjusted teenager. And she is proud of that.
The sad part is that she has reason to be proud of that. It puts her ahead of a host of other women.
$10 says Marcotte writes a snarky column attacking her as a tool of the patriarchy.
Perhaps. But, the author is getting laid on a regular basis, someone in her life who now has a modicum of respect for her, and isn’t seen as a chore to be around. I don’t think Ms. Marcotte can claim as much.
Wait until she learns about bj’s.
My first marriage lasted 17 years, but the beginning of the end was when I stopped fighting with her. I was simply tired of arguing and consciously stopped. Just flat wouldn’t get angry, wouldn’t engage. She couldn’t change, and didn’t know how to act when I couldn’t be provoked into sparring with her.
I can’t tell whether this is a paranoid schizophrenic medication non-compliance episode or just a bunch of utter bullshit. What I can tell is that if this is the best the Bannonites have to strike back against the Generals with, the coup is over.
Fuck PJ Media’s constant “Load More” links.
You’ll all be happy to know Richard Branson is safe and sound and still tweeting about how climate change is causing all these hurricanes.
Do all of his provisions get to his private island by sailboat?
What’s his solution – ban air travel?
The timing is… convenient.
OT, but I’ve been meaning to recommend a series of technical food books: Food Product Formulary. Volume 1: Meats, Poultry, Fish, Shellfish is from 1974. Excellent technical information and product formulas.
Thanks. I have a giant digital library that I haven’t even gotten to. I might even have the FDA Codex.
If I read more than a few pages and find it useful, I’ll go out and buy a non-pirated copy. It’s the right thing to do.
I’ve been playing around with phosphates (sodium tri-poly) and chicken lately, and it’s getting really interesting.
My kids are getting tired of chicken.
Are you using any starches/gums/proteins with the infusate – or just flavors? I now see why a centrifuge was on your “needs” list – liquid flavors.
I’ve tried potato starch, but it was meh.
The Trader Joes chicken broth concentrate has a few thickeners, including xanthan gum, so that’s going to be my next go.
Playa: I assume you’ve tried adding small amounts of plain ol’ gelatin to your broth? After all, it is what Nature provides when making a broth, and you can get to the glacé stage a lot more quickly with judicious addition of a bit of gelatin. Seems to improve the mouth-feel regardless, even if you aren’t trying to go that far.
Yeah, I have a massive box of gelatin powder. Enough to last a few years, at least.
Branson’s empire is more about licensing fees than day to day management.
Richard Branson can lick my left nut. The fucker owns a goddamned airline and wants to lecture people on that horse shit? That is the assholiest move one could ever make. Fuck him.
He’s beginning to annoy indeed.
He should ride his bike more.
I mean, can you blame them? Governors are going to be lining up to throw money at them for this.
As part of the deal, they should guarantee positive political coverage from the WaPo.
That only leaves 10 states in the running.
I’m willing to bet that Bezos can wring some powder-puff articles about the governor of Texas out of the editorial staff if he wanted to. He probably has a special Alexa command that fires up a Bluetooth testicle shocker that they have to wear.
I don’t know about the editorial staff, but Balko seems to have one.
Did you hear a wooshing sound?
Something passing over your head?
No, we don’t have hurricanes here.
Los Angeles CA Station ID: 9410660
Recent Water Temperature: 65.8°F (18.8°C)
Observation Date and Time: Thu, 07 Sep 2017 19:48:00 GMT
Only 20 more degrees to go!
And for Tundra…
Tears I cried for that woman…
Love it. Thanks!
What are the odds this end up anywhere other than Austin?
Depends on how much money Boulder and Colorado are willing to spend. I would also expect Asheville, NC to be in the running.
But if they put it in Asheville, the entire facility will smell like patchouli,
I bet Hartford is willing to play ball. Beg, even.
Hartford… Connecticut? But Amazon isn’t an insurance company.
Not yet, anyway.
I really, really don’t want 50,000 Amazonians moving to the Front Range.
Just when the housing market was finally starting to settle down.
Why nor double down on Seattle?
Because Seattle has it in their head that Amazon is a piggy bank that they can raid at will for pet projects. Amazon, for their part, is willing to go along – but there are now going to be limits.
I was being facetious.
You want doom? Citizens waives rules; cost to get adjusters skyrockets.
One of our very own Glibs might be loaned to Florida to handle the surge in claims.
I’ll probably be paying him…
Jaysus. I need to get that certification. $1000 a day for six weeks would be a good haul.
Somebody should pass a law to keep you looting kulaks and greedy wreckers in check.
$1000/day is peanuts. I’ll be paying more than that per claim. Good adjusters will be able to clear 3-4 claims a day.
I almost applied for an HSE position to be the go between for agencies today. I was running late to interview for a $10 an hour job though so I cut it off.
–“We need someone with three years experience on a technology that was released last year” is my other favorite.”–
I’ve had that as well. My favorite was back in 1999 when a recruiter asked me if I had 10 years experience with Windows 95.
I mean I get it, the recruiter probably does not know these technologies and what year they were introduced, but when the product has the year of introduction in it’s name and you can’t make the connection?
I just asked the guy if he was stupid.
My next favorite was in 2012 with the recruiter who was trying to recruit me for a “Senior Test Engineer” position in San Francisco with a minimum of 15 years and extensive test automation experience that was offering a highly competitive salary. After about 40 minutes on the phone we get to the salary part and his client isn’t willing to pay more than $80k. I was making $84k a year at the time in Louisville Ky
That’ll qualify you for food stamps in San Francisco.
“I just asked the guy if he was stupid.” So, don’t leave us hanging, did you get the job?
Lol nope, I told him that in order to get me to move to San Francisco the salary discussion started at $180k a year and went up from there.
Which admittedly would be slightly overpaid for my skills and experience (probably around $140k is about right for me in San Fran) but I added an extra premium just to cover the earthquake and progressive shit hole aggravation.
I used to refer to these inane requirements as the “20-20-20-20 (or 20×4) Rule” — the recruiter is looking for someone who’s twenty years old, has twenty years of experience and is willing to work twenty hours a day for $20,000/year.
When I was part of an ownership team running our own software development company, we went out of our way to avoid being like this. Even the unsuccessful candidates liked our interviews.
About a year after Sarbanes-Oxley was passed I remember seeing a bunch of job listings for people with extensive experience in SOX compliance.
reminded me of something similar
Yes. I have that conversation regularly. Although now that I am a SENIOR Technical Consultant, I usually say, “we could do that, but it would cost more than you have. Why don’t we…” something reasonable.
Graham said he wants to know whether Comey had “predetermined the result” of the Clinton investigation before she and her aides were interviewed, “contrary” to his testimony.
Graham told Fox News he has reason to believe the “real reason may have been some email between the DNC and the Justice Department about the scope of the Clinton investigation.”
If he pre determined result and then gave immunity after…what would be reason for that?
Cover To destroy evidence
“I smell a rat”
I’m not sure where that is coming from? A ferret wants to question a worm about a smelly old cunt. There is no rat in that formula.
Also awan wife has made a deal to come back to us to face prosecution from pakistan
Where she will promptly be killed in a ‘robbery’
She’s crazy. Unless they kidnapped one of her kids or something, why would she do it?
She has the goods as well
For a deal
Maybe someone in Pakistan said “You can go back and answer questions, or we can just ask them here.” While stomping their foot.
Because we have her husband. Also, we have pull with Pakistan at least about some things.
I suspect an immunity deal has already been done.
I feel like that picture for the article has already been used before. Either way: would and would (after a few beers)
5 times by my count, maybe more.
You’re right, the guy is kind of cute.
He seems like he’d take his time.
What’s the point of owning a drill press if I’m not going to put it to work?
Well, I tested it, and I had almost forgotten how to operate the darn thing. At least I figured it out and put a hole through a scrap of 2×4. This expands the options for future projects now that it has been confirmed to still work.
UCS is going into the glory hole business!
That should be past and present tense.
“A secret portal created as a passageway for one to safely insert ones penis.”
I really should have expected this sort of thing from the PM Lynx.
*unzips for glory hole*
I want fish stew served before though…
You don’t want to do that.
Something’s fishy about your reply…
The table saw? The fact that I’ve been testing with a 1/2″ bit, so you don’t want to admit to fitting in that?
That would be a problem but I know a solution.
*whips out doomcock*
Is that normally where you get your fish stew?
I figure anything you get through that hole would be more of a chowder.
The wood adds flavor.
Ladies & Gentlemen, the Glory Hole Condos in Aspen:
There are a lot of ski resorts that seem to have a connection to old mining towns.
There’s a Glory Hole in Park City too.
Or, at least there was. The Mormons might have renamed it when they figured out what it meant.
Check the belts up top. Make sure you use the right speed/bits for the material.
Buy a fixture, too. A small vise is helpful.
Right now it’s set to low speed / high torque. probably because that’s what I set it to when I got it set up. Right now it has a 1/2″ wood bit in there.
You want to be suckcessfull you need to have a high speed sucker behind that glory hole.
This might be helpful.
What agency is that?
Beats the hell out of me. I just liked the chart.
You tested the press and one of your drill bits. Now is the time to test all the other drill bits in your collection. Don;t let that scrap 2×4 go to waste!
There isn’t enough 2×4 for that…
Try here.
I used the scrap 2×4 because I already had it. I’m not going to buy more for the sole purpose of creating swiss lumber.
You’re not getting the point!
No now he needs to buy a table saw. I recommend the Powermatic 10″ left tilt contractor saw. Mine is set up with a 48″ biesemeyerr fence and it is a great saw. A left tilt saw is the only way to go. Safety first. Plus it is easy to move unlike a cabinet saw.
It’s a great saw. I used to own a 66 cabinet saw and you’re right, it was a beast. Plus you needed heavy power.
Were I looking today, I would definitely shop the SawStop line.
I heard that wrecks the motor on the slightest infraction and ruins the saw. I was an HSE maggot and I would not even take safety to that level. Too expensive.
Also if you are that worried about losing some flesh wood working is not for you. Work wood long enough and you are gonna get bit, might not lose a nub, but you’ll have a scar or two.
Nope. Just a cartridge.
I’ve used a bunch of table saws over the years, without incident, but I’m old now and am willing to pay up for stuff like this.
I’ve got plenty of scars. Don’t need more.
So they changed the system. That is good. It is a good idea.
Every pro I know has one.
I went to an interview today. I am looking for work since I decided I can’t swing it on my own There is not enough work.. I watched some chuckle head push a ten foot board through a saw with no catch table. Fucking retarded shit. And I am the one not working? Do you know how long it takes to set up a table on the ass end of the saw? No time. He called his buddy over. It took two people to rip a 10 foot 1×6. I was in awe.
Best of luck Westernsloper, I’ve considered that path a number of times, luckily I have very few responsibilities and have learned to live on a shoestring when needed so am able to coast through the lean times. Autonomy as desirable as it may be still has it’s down sides.
Yeah, good luck man. Just from the sounds of things, you belong in master carpenter land anyway.
What kind of work do you like?
I liked the work that payed me $900 a day. That ended. Enjoy cheap gas…lol
Those days are over. No problemo. All hail the market!!
The left-tilting arbor lets you tilt the blade away from the fence.
I’m confused. whether the blade is tilting away from the fence would depend on where the fence is. You can put your fence on either side on the blade, No?
Yes you can move the fence to the left side of the blade. Not much space on the fence rail to the left side of the blade though. I suppose if you are doing small stuff you could flip the fence. I have never done that. I am used to the fence on the right. Changing that might change the fact I still have ten fingers.
Kind of. If the piece is wider than 12″, most saws won’t have the capacity on the left of the blade.
It can be something of a thin crust/deep dish controversy. My opinion? Buy one of the high end saws and learn to use it safely. Besides, if you have to fuck around with really wide pieces, this is the cat’s ass:
I’ve seen this Festool track thing a lot lately, and I keep thinking I can get/have a good circular saw and a straight edge for like a quarter of that price. Am I missing something?
You will be missing all the time, wasted material and frustration.
You don’t have to go Festool. Dewalt, Makita and Grizzly all make good ones.
They are sooooooo nice for dealing with sheet goods.
Guess I’m still not getting it, I have a 125$ Milwaukee and a $10 straight edge, don’t know what time I’ve wasted and unless I mis-read my tape I don’t waste much material, Frustration? sure I got that in spades but not from my ripping rig. To each their own , I just can’t see the cost/benefit working out on the plus side.
Also a bunch of the reviews I read go on about how clean the cut is, Isn’t that about the blade? unless your arbor is just wobbly as fuck, not sure how the saw body is the deciding factor there.
I do all my crosscuts on sheet goods with a circular saw and a straight edge. It’s all good. Rips seem a bit of a hassle doing it that way. I rip to height of cabinet, and then cross cut to depth. Stays almost square. The last real cabinet shop I worked in had a vertical panel saw and that was the shnizzle. A fabulous piece of wood working gear there. Square as fuck and gravity is your friend.
Hyp, you probably don’t need one. I like several things about them. The plunge cut is great. The tracks make it easier and faster to stay straight. Long bevels are a joy. Multiple long parts is just easier than the table saw.
Besides, tools are like guns – you really can never have too many.
Besides, tools are like guns – you really can never have too many.
*Does the double smell fingers touch each shoulder and grab balls thing.*
You can do rips that are 4 feet wide?
no, but this guy can.
Yes, yes I can.
I have something you could do with your drill press. Apparently a dremel, hand drill and sandpaper/files/patience would also be sufficient.
Hopefully gen 3 uppers should drop in price with the gen 5s out now. I really want to do one of these, but paying more than the cost of a new gun to build my own is kind of annoying… but I don’t want a Glock, I want one of these with a 1911 grip angle.
Hurricane music from Randy Newman.
My favorite Randy Newman song
Someone has a theory about companies being in big trouble when they start on vanity projects like big HQ’s/campuses. We’ll see if Apple and Amazon tank in the next few years…
When was the last time Amazon made money?
Last quarter?
My son goes to school near one of Google’s, so I’ve wondered about that myself.
Google at least makes money. They burn massive amounts of it with their social experiments and bullshit ventures, but they do make it.
Silicon Beach?
(Silicon, not silicone, you perverts)
“Sorry, I was thinking about Whore Island.”
TITTIE BEACH!!!1!!!!1!1
Robot hooker cove?
Fuck City, FTW.
That sounds a lot better than Sudden Valley.
yeah, the giant hangar they’re renovating. It’s ridiculous. And they’re just LEASING that monstrosity. They have money to burn I realize, but that’s a lot to spend for a building that’s basically a giant tin doghouse. It’s what happens when hipsters take over as decision-makers I guess.
Jesse or any other baker glibs: got a good pumpernickel bread recipe? Imma make some Swedish style open face shrimp salad and dill sammiches
Yeah, here’s my favorite bread recipe:
1) Salt both sides of steak, and let rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.
2) Grill on high heat to rare.
Taking a break from beef. I used the Minor’s au jus base you recommended to flavour the soup base of the borscht that I made last night. Pressure cooked the beef and the beets for half an hour, then made the rest of the soup in the same pot. Carrots, fresh dill, a Yukon gold potato, and apple slices. Pressure cooker takes the toughest, most inexpensive pot roast cut and turns it into super delicious tender stew beef. ?
The soup base was also flavoured with a dash of sherry, a touch of German Maggi, and red wine. ?
I had some beef short rib soup for lunch yesterday that either had sherry or white wine in the base.
Now I know what’s been missing in my life.
German Maggi? Is that the cubes or the liquid?
The liquid. I have a big-ass restaurant size bottle.
oh man, I love short ribs in a tomato-garlic-onion base left to cook all day in a slow cooker. Imma do that next week.
You got a recipe for that? I’m always in the market for new slow cooker recipes.
Sorry, no recipe, and I also think that has a lot to do with how the size of your slow cooker dictates the volume. What I’ll do is get enough short ribs (ask your butcher to cut them down to the right size if the ribs are too long for your cooker) to fill up your slow cooker to about 1/3 or 1/2 level.
Either chop up 4 fresh large tomatoes into quarters (don’t worry about removing the pith because it cooks down) or a can of peeled tomatoes, toss those in on top of the ribs. Handful of garlic cloves. 1/4 to 1/2 of a medium yellow onion or 3 shallots, diced. Handful of coarsely chopped basil leaves, half a sprig of rosemary, top off with equal parts red wine and chicken stock, just enough to cover the ribs. I prefer to dash it up with some cracked red pepper. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook that shit down for like 6-8 hours until the ribs handily fall off the bone with no coaxing.
Eat as-is, or serve over white rice (which absorbs the amazing juice), or make a sammich on ciabatta/focaccia.
Do beets taste less like dirt in borscht?
I’ve heard washing them helps.
After washing, they should taste like delicious, sweet beets. Note: should not taste like canned salad bar slices.
Beets are delicious.
I made some really good tortilla soup a while ago. Couldn’t figure out why the broth tasted so much better than usual.
The variable: Yukon gold potatoes. There’s something in them that’s just… good. Diacetyl, maybe? It was a buttery flavor.
Lol, do you vape bruh?
That must be the whooshing over my head again. Vape?
“You tried broth man? You ever tried broth…ON WEED?!” i think was his point.
I made the salt potatoes recipe the other day with yukons…delicious.
I like to roast a chicken using cumin, lime, garlic, jalapeno and chili powder. Then I make broth from the bones and use that to make tortilla soup.
Oh god it’s so good
Brett, I have a feeling we will be needing your spare room for a night but I will contact you directly if it’s a sure thing.
Great. Plan on it being available.
Impromptu Florida meetup!
Brett, on a totally unrelated matter:
That won’t stream directly to a cam site.
Here’s some music for you two
NBC identifies Senator Menendez as Republican in an article that later correctly identifies him as a Democrat. The text was taken from an AP wire that features no such confusion, so which was their mistake, slipping in the first instance or forgetting to remove the second?
With the media…we can generally reverse the “Never ascribe to malice what can be attributed to incompetence.”
NFL Pool. It’s just for fun right now, but money could be a possibility if there’s enough interest.
Join Page: https://officepoolstop.com/JoinLeague.aspx League ID: 17986 Password: Spoon!
Here is the information to join the league. Join quick, get those picks in
Cool, now set up a survivor pool.
The continued pants shitting over DACA is grand. Go on, keep telling people that any sort of immigration restrictions are racist.
Didn’t it start from an EO?
Yes. In fact Obama admits in a facebook post justifying it that it was utterly illegal. Of course, it’s all the fault of the mean republicans for forcing him to do the right thing without legal justification. What a POS.
I read that facebook post. He is a POS. Constitutional law professor my ass. He knew what he was doing though. You have to give the rat bastard that.
He studies the Constitution like an epidemiologist studies germs.
Yes. Unarguably unconstitutional, but whatever.
I just want to point out to people like my mom that if the president can do that, the next one can undo it. that’s the only way it could work.
Send her what this asshole put on his website about what the other asshole said. Granted the speaker asshole will never vote against anything that reverses what president asshole did, but that just makes it funnier. Ask her what laws she is allowed to break. Something something equal protection.
I honestly think there should be a path for kids brought here during our lax border law years. I also think if we are going to go open borders or have that pretty much implied, then our border countries need to do the same. I know I make better poutine than any Canadian, and I make a kick ass Margarita and would love to spend my later years making them in some tiki hut in Cancun. Will I be able to work in either of those countries? No. I would be arrested and deported.
But immigrants! /Reason
It’s an absolute full-court press. I just have to laugh when I read things like this tripe… I like the “we’re not even going to pretend like there is an other side we could portray” stance in newspieces.
There was a thicc thursday right after the morning links with ZERO comments? Wut?
Thicc is SO Wednesday now.
Usually when people talk shit, I just brush it off, but now, it’s gone a little to far. Assclown, you talk as you know me but in reality you don’t know shit about me. I’m guessing you’ve never been in a situation involving a real live thug that was born and raised in the ghetto/hood (i.e., me). Yes i’ve turned my life to good, but i will throw all that out the window if you continue to talk shit about me. I’ve killed a few people back in my banging days and Just remember next time before you open your mouth, you better be praying that i’m in a good mood, or else you’ll be in for a rude awakening when the thug in me unleashes.
He’s bad Mutha (shut your mouth), just talkin bout HM, can you dig it/
It doesn’t matter. Listen kid you don’t want to see my other side. I have a wold inside me with a muzzle on, but the muzzle is about to come off. You broke her heart, and I will break yours. She is a nice girl, how dare you use her like this. How come people like you get to date her? Then people like me have to sit in the shadows and be the shoulders to cry on. Listen Kid, I don’t have time for FUCKING games. I am a nice guy, but when you make a nice guy angry; the world shakes. Don’t do it again.
You will regret this the next FULL MOON. You mess with me you mess with the pack bud. FUCK YOU. Get ready.
Dont ever talk to me or my son ever again
between climate stuff, DACA, and DeVos, the internet is going through a huge breakdown.
I think the anger is rising…
Is it really rising? That’s the problem with living in the Trumpenreich; the outrage meter is already far in the red all the time.
true. Hard to tell. maybe it’s just more things so I’m noticing the uptick in internet posts.
Meh. Still pretty nice out in real life.
it is. That’s another thing I’d love to point out to people.
Blitzer is full MONSTER and KILLER storm coverage right now. And they’re splicing in bits about DTJ’s Senate testimony. Subtle, guys.
I wouldn’t mind critiques of Fox News if they acknowledged that literally all of these networks are ideological, and the big ones are just as dumb and unsubtle as Fox.
I’ll get to reading through the rest of today’s threads in a little while – but first – this week’s video review!
“The Piano Tuner of Earthquakes”
you should look into using some software compressor on your voice input.
it depends on what you’re using to record voice obv, but most audio/video software should either have some internal options for dynamics management, or be able to run a vst compressor plug-in (there are bazillion free ones on the web) on your input bus
basically, compression reduces the range between the quietest and loudest bits, makes your voice easier to hear at lower volumes, gives some pleasant modification in plosives and siblants ( p’-sounds and esses which usually sound shitty on cheap mics), and, with better plug-ins, provides some gating which basically silences the spaces between words so that you have no background noise.
here’s a place you can get free VSTs, and has some links to tutorials on recording w/ compression, etc
Yeah….at this point I should probably just look at using my actual computer mic or buying a new cheap mic – I’m still using my cell phone (mono) and converting to “stereo” before applying noise reduction 15% to get rid of the clicks and bits of crap. My software (Cyberlink PowerDirector) does have other audio options, but I haven’t really had time to experiment yet – this weekend should be a good opportunity though.
I think you can buy mics now with USB connectors which provide phantom power (for condenser mic) as well as chip-based NR and limiting. for cheap. like under $100, which provide features that are incredible bang/buck (see: Blue snowball, Samson meteor, others).
if you want to stick to ‘phone’ as your recording device, you just need to learn more about post-processing. its really not that hard. there are tutorials all over the web, and you can get a freeware audio editor like Audacity, which has literally 1-click types of restoration/click removal, and all sorts of dynamics processing.
this has a handy tutorial on compression on/ vox. his accent is annoying but he makes good points
most compressors will have ‘voice over’ presets that you can just tweak slightly to get the results you need
I will give it more thought and research. It’s been a bit of a “chicken and egg” situation. Upgrade to get the “Subscribers” or get the subscribers to fund upgrading…not going too fast either way but I’m also a little short on cash this month. Researching tools for the software I have will probably be first priority.
Porn for JohnT.
There, my contribution to the links is complete. Now for pork loin, beer, then football…with some beer…then beer.
Too much beer?
…Oh. 😉
Wow, Vlada Lutsak has amazing eyes. She must be wearing contact lenses, right?
That’s the problem with living in the Trumpenreich; the outrage meter is already far in the red all the time.
I just went ahead and put a 12 on my outrage meter. 11 wasn’t enough.
As it turns out I may not be as calm as I thought I was. People have been getting on my last nerve but I’ve kept it together, which is somewhat out of character. Then around three o’clock today my work phone rang and it was my mother. I answer and she starts yelling at me and for life I couldn’t figure what the hell she was saying. I couldn’t feel myself getting ready to lose it but I took some deep breaths and I got her calmed down enough to understand what she was saying. There was a snake in the house. Of course there is, this is Florida for pity sake. She wants to know if she should call the police. What, so they can shoot the dog? So I leave work, drove all the way home from Tampa, cornered the damn snake and got it out of the house. Then I gently explained the advantages of closing the door when going out to get the mail, letting the dog out, etc. I need alcohol stat. Someone is going to die.
I just opened a Jai Alai!
This one? “Mediocre” /ImmortanJoe
yep. I like it ok. My favorite IPA is heady topper, but I can’t get it here.
Get your hands on some of this
Do you know if I can order it through Amazon Prime?
This is basically what happens w/ me and my mom only hers is “The computer is broken”
Trade ya.
I’m pretty sure she pretends things are broken because she wants to tell me some story. She’s like tony soprano’s mom. I won’t be surprised if she upgrades in a year or two to starting small fires.
My mom was really bad about the tech support thing. When the computer did something she didn’t expect, she would hunt around the logs of her computer, find some random message that looked scary, google it, and start messing around in the system files and registry trying to fix it. Then whenever I’d visit she’d dump 2 or 3 broken computers in my lap and ask me to fix them.
After a couple iterations of fixing the computers and telling her to stop fucking around in the registry, I finally snapped and told her to get a mac. She did, and ended up screwing that one up too, so I snapped again and told her to take it to Best Buy next time, and that I never wanted to hear about computer problems from her again.
She was out here last week complaining about her facebook being all messed up. I ended up going off on her for it. Why should I give her free tech support so that she can just ignore what I tell her and brick the computer yet again?
People are Cool, Beer is colder, Hang on Florida Glibs!
The World is only filled with assholes if you let em get to you,
Florida Woman
That’s fine. Gasoline doesn’t evaporate into explosive vapor or anything like that, right?
Got it covered: “homer” lid is cheap and liquid tight!
“woah, relax buddy. We paid for this gas.”
incredible link off the parent imgur
The Gender Disparity in STEM Fields, Explained Graphically
The STEM guy is too attractive.
So are the gender studies women. WAY too attractive.
bonus points for the muscles on one of them… definitely accurate.
Caption for last frame STEM guy: “Fuckin’ magnets, how do they work? “
Anybody who is complaining about lack of women in STEM has obviously never met a female STEM major. There are so many programs from middle school through their profession that give them networking opportunities, technical experience, career opportunities, and legs up in getting the best positions at the next level that any girl seriously considering STEM can pretty much choose their own path. Hell, I remember going to a robotics competition in high school and getting beat by an all-girls middle school (because they had money and resources that we couldn’t dream of).
The gender disparity in STEM is 95%+ self selection.
and getting beat by an all-girls middle school
*quiet whimpering sobs echo from the bottom of the trash can*
I am sure you can challenge baby trashmnster to a game and beat her. It is ok. You have to pick you fights.
I tried to play “go to sleep at your scheduled bedtime” with her tonight and lost, so I’m probably going to have to find an even easier foe. The dog is an easy target, maybe I’ll challenge him to a game of “guess which hand” with his treats.
…instead I decided to shove toothpicks into my eyes.
Excellent choice.
I think Diversity & Comics has the same problem with TNC’s attempts at writing comics.
I notice that there are no comments allowed. Quelle surprise.
Y’all think you know insane? You motherfuckers don’t know insane.
Until now.
Well then he only thinks he knows insane.
I read it. It felt as if I was watching someone have a stroke in slow motion. Either that or that dude is the most racist cocksucker in the entire country.
I read it. He’s the most racist human being I’ve ever read.
Including Hitler.
I felt it tldr but one only needs to skip to the last paragraph to learn he is indeed the most racist cocksucker in the entire country.
Ya, thanks. What a help to the conversation. Switch colors and David Duke would be proud.
Tag fail……that is what I get for drinking early. Shitty day.
Except that no one would be proud to show off their David Duke book at the bar while they were eating.
(bar of a nice upscale restaurant, not a drinking bar bar)
The first handful of replies have shattered my belief that no one actually takes the racist seriously.
Replies? Are there comments that I can’t acces on my phone?
To neontasters twit. Usual mix of progs with bylines and kangz proles.
I’m left trying to figure out if Coates is playing a part to enrich himself. He knows his audience; upper and upper-middle class white guilt liberals, mentally unstable SJWs and permanently outraged Ivy League minorities. If I had no morals and the street cred to write reprehensible shit like that and make the kind of money I’m sure he’s made, I’d probably do it.
Then again, maybe he really is that big of a racist. If so, I actually pity him. Hate is an acid that damages the vessel it’s carried in far more than it damages anything else. He must live a very hollow, sad existence and it will be much, much longer than he will be able to stand.
I posted this in the hurricane thread, but it’s too fascinating to not share here too.
NOAA’s video series on storm prediction
GFS model updated to show Irma staying south between Cuba and Florida, and then heading north up the peninsula on Sunday.
More plausible explanation for Hurricane Irma than Climate Change
*h/t funny libertarian twitter
Good one.
This is interesting:
New Data: Illegal Voters May Have Decided New Hampshire in 2016
Naturally, the cheating in New Hampshire didn’t affect the outcome of the Presidential race (Hillary won NH, but lost the race). But it seems plausible to likely that it changed the outcome of the Senate race (the Democrat won by 1,017 votes).
Unpossible. Numerous “experts” assured me over and over and over and OVER that voter fraud never, ever happens and to suggest otherwise is beyond racist.
The thing is, if anyone can be arsed to investigate an actual crime, they can track down every single one of those people and prosecute their asses.
Can’t reverse the Senate outcome, I suppose, as you can’t track specific votes back to specific people. But a few thousand convictions for voter fraud would send a message.
And what a lovely piece of shit has replaced the previous piece of shit.
Reposting from the now dead hurricane thread:
I am torn on the where to give hurricane relief money thing. I gave to Salvation Army, Houston and am prepared to give again to the Southeast chapter for FLA, Georga, whatever.
Only problem is, my company matches donations to the Red Cross (they are flogging that pretty hard this week) but they won’t match to the Salvation Army. So I am wondering what amount would be worth it to donate to the Red Cross to get the match, even though I know the Red Cross wastes a bunch of it? Maybe the right answer is None, and I should just give again to the National level Salvation Army or to the Southeast region?
Don’t enrich the crooked. Go Salvation Army.
If it were me, I would just give more money to the Salvation Army or another reputable charity. I don’t see the benefit of giving to an organization that’s going to grift some significant portion of the money when you could give to a charity that will spend most or all of it on the intended beneficiaries.
^^This. Whether you like their religious philosophy or not, the Sally Ann rocks when it comes to distributing help to those in need.
As I recall they (Salvation Army) were one of the first Christian charities to hire LGBT employees and “officers” and to recognize same-sex partners (way before gay marriage was recognized by governments) for spousal benefits. So I don’t think there is much merit in SJWs lamenting their “Christian” doctrines, because they are completely evenhanded about helping people in need and in their treatment of employees.
I will give more to the SA rather than get the matching with Red Cross, since so very little would get where it needs to go.
I wonder how JJ Watt’s charity is going to distribute their fund? I hope he gets some good advisors on it stat.
Go local. Find a church or some org in the location you want to help. Give to them.
I am a weird place in my life right now. My prior career collapsed a few years ago. I tried the career before that one as a backup this summer. That was kind of a fail in this region I chose to live in but I had a cushion. I own every tool needed to build a house (less concrete floats cuz that is hard work) and they could all be loaded in one of two 12′ enclosed trailers I own. I am thinking about doing a go fund me for relief work. My cost of living is low these days. I had a decade or so of actually making good money. I would like to do something. Load my trailer and go help people but I have to still make some small payments. Keep the electricity on at Casa de Westernsloper so the pipes don’t freeze. I am rambling, but honestly that has crossed my mind. I have no obligations other than to talk to my son when he will talk to me, (he is 22 he texts), help my parents when they need it, and to try to not be an asshole in person.
Not a bad ambition, and probably something that would work out really well if you can stay self-contained. Might want to contact a local church or org in a particularly hard hit locale and go from there – they might also let you crash there (parking, use their bathrooms overnight, etc – I know churches in Charlottesville actually rotate “shelter” duties during the winter – each one takes it for a week or two – and most churches already have a shower facility, etc at minimum for general cleanup, etc.) FWIW….see also local Guard armories or Reserve centers that may have space/availability.
Hey, if you want to come down here, you’ve got a place to stay.
I’ll help you too. Just email me.
are you your real name with a . between @ gmail</em? I meant to ask if you knew any contractors down there. But I have always felt it was too soon.
good god. tag fail again.
I sent it.
Sent what?
sloops email to you
Ok thanks. How is the lift search coming? I have a flat bed trailer you are welcome to use if you want until you can get a better one if you are going to pursue the idea. It is not tilt though.
It’s kenspicer111@gmail.com
ok thanks.
Actually, I just emailed you from my business address.
That will require me to walk downstairs. This computer is solely used for Glibertarians, news sites and porn. Hence me sitting 10 feet away from the 54″ screen I am reading this on. I will RE
He’s using you for porn
Pics of my scrotes incoming.
Good idea. I will check into the local churches of my denomination down in FLA/GA/TX and see what turns up.
gun glibs!
guy builds a polymer80 glock. I’m watching now.
I really want to make one of those. I also don’t want to pay the absurd prices people are asking for gen 3 Glock uppers. Keeping an eye on backpage for people who aren’t being “firm” with their “more than a literally brand new gun” pricing on their holster-worn used pieces.