Well the Federer-Nadal semifinal plans got upset last night by Juan Martin del Potro. He took Federer down when the latter made a series of uncharacteristic errors and yakked away the third set even though he had seven chances to put it away. And on the ladies side, its an all-American semifinal after Keys and Vandeweghe won their matches. I don’t know what ESPN’s on-air personalities will do with themselves. They’ve been cheerleading for all four ladies for a week now. How are they gonna be able to pick sides now that they’ve got their wish?
In baseball, we’ve got two serious streaks going. The Indians ran theirs to 14 games with a win over the White Sox and the D-backs got their brooms out to sweep the Dodgers, extending theirs to a team-record 13. Elsewhere, the BIG RED MACHINE took down the reeling Brewers. The Twinks got a big win against the Rays (while the Yankees and Orioles got rained out and the Angels lost!). The Cubbies only managed one run, but it was enough against the Bucs. The Red Sox had their smartwatches working against Team Canada. The Cardinals won and inched closer to the Rockies, who are most definitely looking over their shoulder after losing. The Nationals won. And lastly, the Astros remained hot, winning their seventh in a row.
We all have people we’re worried about in Florida, so let’s jump into that and more important stuff in…the links!
Irma’s track seems to be tightening and Miami is not gonna like what they are about to see. Expectations are for the storm to skirt the entire east coast of the state and then come inland around central Georgia to Charleston, SC. But you never know with these things. All you Glibs down that way, hunker down and keep us posted. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.
Sometimes these storms bring out the best in people. And sometimes the exact opposite happens. I guess after Arpaio got pardoned and Clarke retired, this guy saw some shoes to fill. What an asshole.
Red states and Blue states face off in a civil settlement case over the Second Amendment. Or something like that.
So USAToday is doxxing 4500 members of Trump golf courses. Why? Because apparently they get special access to the President. And there are 50 execs of companies with government contracts on that list. So they’re obviously trying to buy influence. You know, because no rich people ever joined exclusive country clubs before the Age Of Trump. Nosiree! They bought influence the old-fashioned way: by donating huge sums to foundations and by buying nights in the White House.
For Mexico, one man don do wedding with crocodile. You heard that right.
(It was covered yesterday, but here’s a bonus link from our new favorite place just for the title: Woman wan troway poo-poo, come trap for window. God, I love the internet.)
How do Texans feel about the demon weed? Pretty mellow, man.
Stickin’ with the theme for the week. (Which would have been easier if it hadn’t have been pre-empted on Monday.)
Lift something heavy today. And be proud of yourself for doing so.
I may have heard it, but I don’t understand it.
This is the Messicans are taking jerbs from hard(ly)-working Florida Men!
Yeah, it kinda is.
Especially for the veddy veddy proper Queen’s English proponents at the BBC.
We are not amused.
There appear to be a number of people here who are.
So, this is a regular thing that happens every year? Why have we not heard of any human/crocodile hybrids in all this time?
They keep getting annulled for lack of consummation.
I don’t think the transitive property applies to consummation.
New libertarian frontier, Mexican crocodile sex.
Ancient Overlord Proverb: “Once you green, you’ll never be seen”
*stands to begin prolonged ovation*
Sobek approves.
He has a Trump building on his head? Amazing
It’s not just Kek, it’s the entire Egyptian pantheon that supports Trump.
I wonder how much of the site’s traffic is people visiting for the lulz instead of their intended target audience.
Me don no. But me big big happy for dis new material.
Don know, but me gon be checkin out di site daily.
Big tanks to di BBC
“If you go to a shelter for #Irma and you have a warrant, we’ll gladly escort you to the safe and secure shelter called the Polk County Jail,” the account tweeted on Wednesday.
Do they normally check the ID of people showing up at shelters?
Come on now, it’s not like it’s a voting booth or anything like that.
I imagine they might so that people calling about Grandma being lost can be led to the right shelter.
Not sure why he said something this stupid. On the other hand, looking for people with outstanding warrants is pretty much the job description of a Sheriff’s Department.
Sheriff Grady Judd is absolutely beloved in Polk County. About twice a year he pops off with something. When asked why his deputies shot a suspect 68 times he answered, “We ran out of bullets.” I doubt that Polk County will ever vote him out.
Good answer. “He needed a lot of shooting” is the other proper response.
They weren’t checking IDs of people at the shelter I was helping out at last week. They were turning people in the direction of new shelters once it was full, but they didn’t check any IDs.
This guy just sounds like a grandstanding prick auditioning for a regular slot on Hannity.
You’re a Great American, Sloop.
They did have sign in sheets but it was just a name and phone number.
Now that I think of it, I don’t remember any cops being there at all. There was a guy wearing EMS coveralls but I think he came and went.
I sincerely doubt the Harris County Sheriff would have done anything like that here. He’d have been strung up if so.
Someone pointed out that this was all much ado about nothing since the guy specifically called out sex offenders and people with criminal warrants (not people with outstanding parking tickets and such). I also want to point out that while nobody would bother checking too hard, here in CT they do make sure people looking for access to shelters are neither sex offenders nor hard criminals. The municipality/state is responsible for the security of the people under it’s care or some such shit.
I doubt they do that sort of checking everywhere though. And with a catastrophe like this Irma (I dated an Irma and she too was like this thing) barreling down the place, I can see since a lot of people that usually would never show up to a shelter – especially the ones with kids and the belief that the world is basically a den of sexual predators – that would feel icky rubbing elbows with the riff-raff, loving the sheriff doing this sort of thing.
In fact Sloopy, I would not be surprised that when a serious catastrophe comes that way your sheriff, feeling pressure and wanting to stroke his power boner (he is a LEO officer after all), might not react the same when the mob comes a knocking. I bet he would be smarter than to say it out loud however, unless he thought it would make em more popular and likely to keep the job.
Never forget, there is no situation the cops can’t make worse.
At least the governor suspended the tolls during the evacuation.
*waves tiny florida flag*
You see the gas lines?
No. But he’d rather people with traffic warrants die than come to the shelter because that’s the kind of talk that gets him re-elected.
Protect and serve is really more of a guideline than a code.
“But he’s protecting those kids in that shelter from pedophiles and sex offenders. Why do you want kids endangered for the safety, nay comfort, of a sex offender?”
Serious question: would someone on a sex offender registry that got turned away have grounds for a civil suit on equal protection grounds? Should they open a separate (but equal!) shelter for those people?
Being they don’t even have a right to rent a house where they like, I’m guessing they’ll get a big middle finger on that one.
I find myself having to remind myself over & over these days that most of law enforcement is good & has all of our best interests at heart.
Stories like this don’t help.
I think he was specific that they would check for criminal warrants and not bother with the other shit. Not defending the idiot, but if we are going to give em what he is due, lets do if for what he deserves.
“So ride out the storm in an abandoned house and, if you survive, loot!”
God wants those people in jail. How hard is that to understand?
He’s flushing them out of their hiding places into the waiting arms of the law.
Couldn’t they wait until the invitation to the Superbowl party?
GodTrump wants those people in jail. How hard is that to understand?He’s flushing them out of their hiding places into the waiting arms of the law.
So, Trump has the same weather machine as Bush did?
Huh. Darth Cheney must have left him the keys then.
The device uses a FOB.
“Of those surveyed, 30 percent approved marijuana for medical use only, 32 percent approved of small amounts and 21 percent approved any amount of marijuana. The recent poll shows an uptick in support for some form of marijuana legalization since the last time the survey was conducted in 2015.”
It might be getting better, but that still sounds awfully low.
“The closest Texas has gotten to some form of marijuana legalization was during the 2017 Legislative Session when House Bill 81, a bill to decriminalize the possession of less than an ounce of marijuana, was co-authored by 41 Republicans and Democrats. A vote for the bill was scheduled but never occurred due to “procedural tactics employed by the conservative Texas Freedom Caucus,” according to the Dallas Observer.”
Maybe they should change their name?
Awfully low? Its basically saying 83% are ok with at least medical MJ, and 62% are ok with at least small amounts being decriminalized. Those numbers are probably at least as high as the national average.
I read it as “32 percent approved of small amounts”, not 53%.
I’d think it was progressive. Like everybody ok with “any amount”‘wound be ok with the other two categories. And anybody ok with “small amounts” would be also ok with medical MJ, since it’s probably a small amount they’d have and it would be prescribed. I could be wrong, but that’s why I was combining numbers there.
There’s no way people thatvare ok with any amount wouldn’t also be ok with small amounts or medical MJ. So I think it’s a fair assumption on my part, no?
I got the same impression that you did. The poll seemed to be asking the people to describe what they thought policy on marijuana should be, with four options. Now, I guess it’s possible that someone chose “large amounts of marijuana should be legal” while thinking that marijuana shouldn’t be legal as medicine, but that strikes me as highly unlikely. 83% of Texans are OK with medical marijuana, 53% are OK with “personal use” recreational marijuana, and 21% are OK with commercial marijuana, is how I interpret the results.
It can be read a bunch of different ways.
While toking or not?
Texas Selective Freedom Caucus
Yeah, that looks about right.
I met a bartender in Dallas who is betting a career on this happening. I’m sure he’s not the only one… the time to plan and get in is now.
So, during work yesterday, I came across a Stella Artois glass, and the box said purchasing of it supported giving years of access to clean fresh water for someone in the developing world. It said that there were 750 million people without regular access to clean water. Guess who’s hardest hit? TEH WOMENZ! “This crisis disproportionately affects women, who walk 200 million hours a day collecting water for their families.” Because I guess men in a 3rd world country not having clean water isn’t really that big a deal. The fact that teh womenz have to do all that walking to get water for their families is what truly makes it a crisis. Never mind what the man has to work his ass off doing to provide for the family, fuck him. Stupid patriarchy oppresses women, even outside of the West.
I am reminded of an anecdote.
Aid workers came to a village, saw the women would spend hours walking to the watering hole every day, and went “The poor things!” To alleviate the issue, they set about digging a well in the village, so no one would have to walk so far.
Not long after it was ready, the pump on the well was broken, sabotaged. After looking into the matter, they found it had been broken by the village women. It turned out the daily walk to and from the watering hole was the time when they were all able to get together and socialize without other work intruding. If they didn’t have the walk, they’d lose the event.
Don’t know if true, but it stuck in my head like a parable about assuming your idea of helping is actually welcome.
井戸端会議。”Idobatakaigi”. Literally means, “Gossiping around the well.”
Camille Paglia talks about the women running the households in agrarian societies and using the chores as a social event in which gossip was shared. Modernization of society and the inclusion of women into the workforce has broken down these systems and as a result, left many women less happy and more isolated. Thus, the Paxil-taking career woman with a six-figure income and a $600k house is miserable in the name of progress.
My gf did development work in africa. she had a dozen similar stories.
people in her field developed their own touchy-feely ways of saying it, but the nut of it was, “bad-culture isn’t solved with ‘fixes'” IOW, you can try and bypass the patriarchy in the society, but it will just manifest itself in some other way.
in one very particular case, she was involved with liberating ‘Trokosi‘ – girls who were given to priests as slaves in exchange for resolving some family problem (debt, feud, whatever). They became permanent underclass. But the liberated girls were still treated as un-mentionables even when the priests agreed to give them up and rescind their obligation (in exchange for cell phones, usually). No one anywhere would give them work or talk to them or trade with them.
and the worst persecutors of these girls were older women, who coveted their higher-social-status. Patriarchy amazingly has a lot of help from the matriarchs.
I hope you bring up this story the next time some idiot starts talking about how life in the US is just like the handmaid’s tale.
I also noticed they point out the collective number of hours the women walk, rather than the number of women period. You know if more than half of that 750 million number given on the box were women, that would’ve been the number used. “Of those 750 million people, 400 million are women!” So, either the numbers are fairly even, or it actually affects more men than women. Dear God, these people really would say “women hardest hit” if the SMOD hit us.
I think the entire thing is a little bit like the “Not all civilizations are equal” bit people discussed yesterday. People aren’t allowed to state, even true things, even blindingly obvious things, if they go against the narrative. It doesn’t matter if anyone actually believes the narrative. Everyone can know, in their heads, that the narrative is utter busllshit. But, it’s important that no one be allowed to say what everyone already knows because that would put people in the inconvenient spot of having to rebuild the narrative.
Right think and talk uber alles..
Hillary has basically already said this. “Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.”
As men have been the victims of deaths in childbirth, losing their wives, daughters, sisters, mistresses.
Have you not seen their TV ads? MATT DAMON lends his concerned look.
No, thank God. I haven’t seen a TV ad in years. +1 cord cutting. The only ads I see now are before YouTube videos.
Ad Blocker Plus can take care of those for you
So that I’ll have to pay subscriptions for every website I go to because they stop getting ad revenue? No thank you. A few seconds of some dumb ad is worth paying nothing to enjoy the sites I go to.
+1 I always let the ads play for channels I like. People gotta get paid.
I don’t. That’s just putting money in the pockets of the ad distribution companies. I don’t want to encourage their behaviour.
If I’m going to try to get someone paid, I cut out as many middle-people as possible and try to get the cash as close to in their hand directly as I can get.
As soon as my contract is up, I’m dumping cable. It will be a time of mourning for the wife, but losing TV couldn’t bother me less.
I keep getting and dumping Sling. I always think I want to watch ESPN and don’t, much. I’ll probably dump it again in mid-October. after I burn out on college football. Since ESPN is completely useless for baseball and only carries one pro football game a week.
Hulu has a new thing where you get like 40 channels for $40/month. Plus all the other Hulu stuff. Not too bad. That said, I’ll probably dump it once the US Open is over.
With all the choices out there it sometimes difficult to choose what you want eat, drink, wear etc. The way I see it, there’s plenty of quality stuff offered so I do fin myself weighing things in each hand wondering do I get this or that?
If only you could get a sign to help you along.
Virtu signalling! If a company or CEO virtue signals that’s one way of shedding the list of things to choose from.
Roger Waters goes full TDS? Fine. I won’t go. Easy sneasy. Patagonia is gonna be bitchy about Trump? Pft. There are other companies that offer similar stuff. Stella is a good beer but if they keep this up, there are other beers to choose. And so on.
As long as Bezos doesn’t politicize Amazon. That would be bad.
Well as a true capitalist you could provide the opposite service too. Just so you can really in the big bucks!
Waters Us & Them tour is pretty funny. In the name of uniting people he goes full TDS. As if being a smug British prick is an argument.
who walk 200 million hours a day
Those are some long fucking days they have there.
Wait… 200 million hours divided among 750 million people, that’s 16 minutes a person.
I wonder what the walking time is between my desk and the coffee maker.
Me….20 seconds. Women hardest hit?
Do you impale any wymyns with your Swiss sword?
That’s barely a euphemism!
There is free coffee near my desk, but it’s utterly undrinkable (Douwe Egberts made from concentrate.) If I am willing to walk to the cafeteria, Gooood coffee is available for purchase.
I am willing.
Hush you guys! You’re ruining the narrative!
Well, in fairness they say the hours are for the women only, and while they don’t give the percentage of people who are women out of those 750 million, I’d say a safe estimate would be a third (I’m guessing a third women, a third men, a third children – with older children being counted among the men/women), leading to a 48 min walk per person.
You think those children aren’t put to work?
Even with that estimate, that means the water source averages only 24 minutes by foot from their homes. That’s how many miles at a walking pace? Two?
*that being the one-way distance, assuming the 48 is the round trip time, as it’s a little stupid to assume they walk out and not come home until the next day.
You think those children aren’t put to work?
That’s why I estimated a third. In poor countries (the type where people don’t have indoor plumbing) families have ~5 kids, so only 14% of a family is “women” proper, but the girl children old enough to work probably boost the average “women” in a family to at least 30%.
But yes, the main point you raised still holds: they aggregated the numbers because the actual individual numbers are not unreasonable. I mean, who would live more than two miles from a water source?
There are plenty of women in 3rd world countries who do. And the process of getting clean water can mean walking 5 miles each way, and then spending half the day in line at the well pump getting drinkable water. Since you can only carry so much, that means that half their week is spent getting clean drinking water. Villages that are able to get boreholes done and get their own well can effectively experience a 25-30% wage increase overall since the time pissed away (upwards of 20 hours a week) obtaining water goes way down and they can work on other things.
You know what’s worse? The same people trying to shame you into buying that goblet are almost certainly the ones trying to shut down development of power plants in the same countries where people can’t get clean water. They want you to pay for a glass so they can ship in bottled water. But they don’t want a coal power plant to generate the energy so those people can set up treatment and wastewater plants, can electrify their homes so they have heat, air conditioning and light bulbs.
Fuckers want to be the lords of these serfs. They don’t want to improve their lives in any way that creates self-reliance.
No no, those people just need some top men to run their lives!
Also, they are anti- Big Game Hunting…so they’re ok with women being eaten by lions on the long walk to the well
I just found out my in laws are on their way to our house to ride out the storm. I’ll be at the liquor store if you need me.
*shuffles off*
Pick me up some Krupnik while you’re there. Preferrably Old Krupnik, but regular will work in a pinch.
Does you house have a sort of hurricane rating you knew of when you bought it?
It is rated 80 proof.
*opera applause*
It’s made of block so it shouldn’t fall down. I do have a shit load of windows, so that could be a problem along with the oak trees. I’m not too worried. Orlando is about as inland as you can get in Florida.
Florida Man took the three little pigs story to heart. Well except windows, I don’t think that was covered in the story.
I’ll try to post some pictures of the storm when it hits if I don’t lose cell service.
What if the big Epcot ball breaks loose and starts rolling through town?
It’s more like a fullerine egg. It’ll fall to pieces before it reaches the edge of Epcot.
That would be epic. “Good bye spaceship earth, you were a shitty ride that was popular for some reason.” Also I’m twenty minutes from WDW.
So you’ll have 20 minutes warning before it smashes into you.
EPCOT x Games of Thrones:
It’s a Drowned World After All
Easter Egg winter is coming?
I’m assuming that is an unfortunate occurrence for you, sorry, hope they leave soon. I enjoy time spent with the in-laws. Wife and and I lived with them for while and they with us just recently, worked well.
I actually like my in laws, but they’re bringing a 1 year old, so if we lose power it might get tense.
Just remember that’s it’s not really a chicken.
+1 Dr Sidney Freedman
In laws bringing 1 year old…
Never change Florida Man.
I started the math on that one but ran out of space on my napkin.
Is the Mom-in-law hot?
For 60, extremely. She could easily pass as 40. That’s why I married the daughter. Thanks for that tip “Meet the Parents”.
She has a one year old?
20 years later.
Florida Man trades in current wife for her 20 year old sister.
Maura Healy is slowly becoming as despicable as Martha Coakley was. Way to be, Massachusetts.
My family can’t understand why I am adamant that I’ll never, ever, live in MA again.
The suit against Remington sounds like another Audi “sudden acceleration” case. Lots of claims, zero proof. A Sig 320 fired when dropped and the gun community immediately was able to test and confirm a flaw in their design. If the Remington 700 was similarly screwed up, it would have been proven long ago.
Just lawfare – the process is the punishment.
I was listening to the story about Jacobs wanting to rename Yawkey Way. Funny how for the time he owned the team (which was the last to integrate) it was no big deal (at least from what I heard). Now that everyone is full blown revise and erase history mode, it’s the thing to do I guess.
So brave and enlightened.
Never mind the Red Sox were caught cheating stealing signs via new technology. You would think that would be a little more of a concern for Jacobs.
Yeh, yeh they all do it.
They don’t all get caught, though
I still follow the Red Sox and I’m not surprised. I really like the young players coming up through their system right now – but I despise most of their free agent acquisitions except Nunez and particularly Price and Sandoval. I don’t like John Farrell and think he and several of the veterans need to go. The whole Dennis Eckersley / David Price controversy showed that the no-class assholes are in charge of the team.
Heard that. Christ, what a bunch of cowardly assholes the Sox are. Now I have a reason to root against them.
Athletes today are stronger physically, but seem to be weaker mentally. See C.C. Sabathia.
Eh, CC’s just pissed because he’s a fat old man and he doesn’t want to have to field bunts. It was a silly complaint, but hardly surprising. I wouldn’t call him mentally weak when he’s had to reinvent his entire approach to pitching since losing his fastball. He had a few awful years, looked done for, and resurrected himself.
The funniest thing about the CC-hates-bunting story was the fact that, for a long time now, a lot of Yankee fans have been very bitter about Joe Torre refusing to employ the same tactic against Schilling in the infamous “bloody sock” ALCS game in 2004. Torre wrote in his book that he decided not to do it because it wasn’t sporting or honorable or something like that.
As a whole, they seem to be more sensitive is the point.
I’m of two-minds on that. My natural inclination is to do what Torre did. On the other hand, it’s about winning and you’re injured that’s your problem so I can why people would look to exploit that.
I would bunt every time I came to bat against him after his idiotic statement. If he wanted to “meet me in center field” I would open with a kick to the knee.
Sensei Kreese would be proud.
Crap, does anyone know how to turn off whatever prevents copying and pasting from that article?
That’s why I copied Sloopy’s text and not from the article.
That doesn’t answer my question. I wanted to copy and paste what I quoted below.
Also, that they don’t want people to quote them easily is rather telling.
You could probably go into developer mode with your browser and just copy the text from the source. Also if there’s a plain HTML version, that will work too.
Lots of sites are blocking the ability to copy because they want to dissuade people, especially bloggers, from using their content (they prefer you direct the traffic there). The best workaround unless you have software to disable the Javascript they are running to prevent that is to use the developer/debug mode of the browser to copy text. Of course, doing so requires you to still edit out all the html formatting.
the msn article? “A federal appeals court that is considering ….”
I have noscript though.
“Montana gun owner who blames a Remington Model 700 for the death of his nine-year-old son in 2000”
Does anyone know what happened? That article is pretty close to being fact free.
I’m finding hard to believe it jumped up, chambered a round, pointed itself at the boy, and pulled its trigger.
Sigh. Shall we assume that the term “allegedly” is supposed to be used? Because, at least based on this article, it isn’t completely clear that the animated gun discharged after the lady disengaged the safety. I’ll go ahead and be the dick in the room: mommy needs to enjoy the lion’s share of the blame. You never point a loaded firearm at anyone, ever.
Accidental “lasering” is one thing. But turning off the safety while pointing a gun at someone is idiotic.
Where is the safety lever/button on a 700? Is it close to the trigger?
I’d google it at work but SonicWall will stop me. Because I might shoot my coworkers if I see a gun or something.
It’s on top above the trigger.
I’m gonna guess she had her finger on the trigger and flipped off the safety with her thumb.
Huh, can’t believe SonicWall let me look a that picture.
Anyway, yeah. I’d say your guess is pretty damn likely. And either consciously or subconsciously, the husband makes up his mind to blame Remington so he doesn’t end up hating his wife.
and the gun went off.
Amazing guns have agency and people don’t.
Well, Mr. Barber has to blame the company or else he’d have to face the fact that his son is dead because his wife disregarded the first rule of gun safety. I’ve never even held a gun in my life, let alone fired one, yet even I know you don’t point guns at people unless you mean to shoot them.
Technically she broke Rule 2, but yes – even if the gun malfunctions, you have to break at least one rule to hurt somebody.
It’s the functional equivalent of driving your car towards a child at top speed and relying on the brakes to save him at the last second.
So many questions: Has this phenomenon been replicated? Is there some design flaw that has been identified that would cause this? Why was the gun pointing at her son when she flipped off the safety?
Because she’s an idiot.
I would have gotten my ass kicked by multiple adults for doing that when I was a teenager handling a gun. YOU DON’T DO THAT.
I don’t like having the barrel pointed at someone when the mechanism is disassembled and I’m cleaning it, let alone when it’s put back together.
A guy at work had brought a new gun in to show us. I walked into the room and he swung it right at me. He was surprised when I freaked out at him. “It’s unloaded!”
I educated him. Loudly.
I hope by loudly you mean you kicked him in the nads Tundra. What a fucking moron.
Howie Carr asks: How many flood victims in South Texas have been rescued by the Antifa navy?
I bet the same number they’ll rescue in Florida. I think what the left hates most about deplorables like Sloopy is they get shit done without government.
“How about the Clinton Foundation? They have more money than God, but if you go to their website, all it has is a list of links to other organizations. For flood relief, I guess it takes a village, but not the Clinton Foundation.”
There is no money in actually helping poor people.
I’d ask the Haitians how the Clinton Foundation performs before guilting them into action.
My cousin lives in Haiti teaching at a school. She fucking hates the NGO/charities because they fuck up more than they help.
O my, that’s good snark
Any time people can be reminded what a fucking ghoul John Kerry is…I applaud.
Howie is the best at Masshole snark – he pissed off the Bulgers to the point that they literally tried have him killed.
Oh yeah. Kevin Weeks was scoping out ways to kill Carr when Whitey decided to disappear.
Wow… sounds like the hate that Da Mayor (Richard J. Daley) had for Mike Royko, but deadlier.
“He said the nurses worked in a medical unit of the hospital but did not disclose which unit.”
(Which would have been easier if it hadn’t have been pre-empted on Monday.)
Sore-ry. Good choice today, though. I don’t think that one was linked on Monday.
Skynard was a really good band. Over-saturation of the same half dozen songs damages their legacy, though.
One of my favorite not-overplayed songs
Hell yeah. That’s my #1 Skynard tune
+1. Just played it for the third time!
“Things Goin’ On” has a kinda cool riff, and doesn’t get much airplay.
How about some Gregg Allman, Zac Brown and Vince Gill?
That’s a good one! Loved this comment:
Last time I saw Vince play live was on Long Island. He spoke about his favorite thing about playing in New York was the chance to eat pizza
New York slice
Apparently, Judd has a history of saying dumb things, including threatening to jail Tim Cook if he couldn’t get suspects’ iPhones unlocked and saying he’d bar sex offenders from hurricane shelters.
Randomly I learned that the deadliest Atlantic hurricane season was 1780
I am not trying to downplay the fact that Barbuda St Martin et al were wrecked, they were, but the much lower number of casualties is progress and shows that humans become more resilient with wealth and technology in the face of mother nature. Which is kinda obvious, really.
I have been assured that places with zoning cannot be harmed by hurricanes, so your sources must be in error.
More recent history shows the effect of modern, rich countries vs poor ones when natural disasters strike. Hurricane Harvey dumped about three feet of rain on Houston in a short time. About 70 people lost their lives in the resultant flooding. Hurricane Mitch carried a similar amount of rain onto Honduras and Nicaragua in 1998. Result: 11 THOUSAND confirmed dead, with another 11,000 missing and presumed buried at the bottom of a mudslide or washed out to sea. Modern communication and infrastructure saved a lot of lives.
See also: 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami vs the 2004 Boxing Day event.
Montana officials want to cut down some trees on state land south of Bozeman, but a group of locals who oppose the project want to pay the state to leave it untouched.
A group called Save Our Gallatin Front will try to outbid timber companies when the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation begins accepting bids for its Limestone West timber project sometime next year. DNRC is proposing logging on roughly 600 acres of trust lands west of Mount Ellis.
Opponents of the project have applied for a “conservation license in lieu of timber sale,” a rarely used procedure that allows people to bid against timber companies for all or part of a timber sale.
Sonya Germann, DNRC’s forest management bureau chief, said the project will consist of between 600 and 650 acres.
Residents of nearby subdivisions have opposed the work since the very first rumblings of the project. They worry about the impact to wildlife and the potential for clear cuts to mar back porch views for everyone in the Gallatin Valley.
I think these people are a bunch of idiots, but this is how it should work. If you want to control how that property is used, get your fucking checkbook out. A long time ago, in Ketchum, an “environmental group” tried to bid on BLM grazing leases in order to *not* graze cattle in a “sensitive riparian zone”. The ranchers they were bidding against and the stockman’s association were all bent out of shape, but it seems more legit to me than just seeking an injunction.
Exactly. You win the bid, do with it as you will.
I’ve always liked the idea of a conservation group just buying up land and doing nothing with it rather than forcing the government to protect it.
If your group owns the land and we have well established property rights that land will be yours to do (or not do) with as you see fit.
If you are depending on government to do the protection that protection is only good for as long as that group of politicians agrees with you or sees that protection of the land as useful. The wind blows a new direction and in come the conditional use permits.
I’m all for his method as long as the group isn’t getting any tax dollars.
Or any special treatment. Buy up a million acres? Here’s your property tax bill.
I would suspect just buying the land and paying the tax would be cheaper than hiring a bunch of lawyers to continually beg, plead and possibly bride officials to continue their favored status of the land.
Unless your organization is lawyers and the purpose is not to protect the land but to protect the income.
I believe The Nature Conservancy does just that.
Three cheers for toxic masculinity
“Maybe manhood isn’t so bad. Three cheers for “toxic masculinity.”
This cracked me up:
There’s always a fucking Gary, isn’t there?
I seem to recall childhood fistfights rarely resulted in a grudge, and the same participants would be back to normal interaction later the same day unless the adults got involved.
Of course. It’s called solving your own problems. Worked just fine.
Before fifth grade, my daughter took an online course (directed by the school) about online bullying, etc. I was honestly shocked to learn that the initial solutions outlined to solve most of the problems described were those of the “see if you can take care of it yourself” type.
Girls, on the other hand, will hold a grudge over a comment for a lifetime.
And bring it up during a completely irrelevant fight.
And then get mad at you for getting upset about it.
Now that I think about it 75% of my friends were Gary’s. Man I had terrible friends.
Did you live in a vault?
Spongebob, is that you?
*narrows gaze*
This should hardly be a surprise. A reasonably intelligent twelve year old could have told you before Houston that “toxic masculinity” was something that made society even possible. Of course, that doesn’t fit the narrative. So, “intellectuals” will rather pretend that electricity is something that comes from the socket, water is something that we get from a magic stream in our homes, the internet came lake manna from heaven, and the New York skyline is something that just sprung up through an act of nature.
my kids (boy and girl) fight all day every day. boys and girls. they do not discriminate. punching, kicking, wrasslin. mostly each other but plenty of their friends fight with them.
goes like this…
1. starts out nice
2. playing lego or fort or dolls
funny thing about kids fighting is they tend to stop once someone starts crying and stops fighting back.
Yeah. It’s more rough housing than fighting.
strict no heel hooks allowed rule in my house.
I have 4 brothers. I think I fought everyday of my life until I was 16 or so.
i didn’t but remember fighting with my friends a fair amount even when older. very healthy.
I have a brother 8 years older than me. I didn’t fight so much as get the shit beat out of me routinely. It was a battle of attrition though. I remember he started shit with me when I was older (12 or 13) and it wasn’t as easy as he was used to, and it kind of embarrassed him in front of his girlfriend. The beatings mostly stopped at that point.
I think the embarrassing part would be watching your 20 year old boyfriend start shit with his 12 year old sibling in the first place.
You would hope…but you’d be wrong, at least so far as my hazy memory is concerned. I was fighting for my life at the time though, so the reactions of bystanders was not high on the priorities list.
I think he meant that most people would think a 20-somehting shouldn’t be picking on tweens.
My brother is 6 years older than me, and kind of a dick growing up… now his life sucks and mine is great, so how’d that work out for him?
And I totally misread your comment. Ignore my first few lines.
I’m actually in a similar spot with my brother, though I certainly took the long road. He dropped out of high school and spent a lot of years as a mechanic, I got too much education and eventually became an engineer.
I am also and engineer. Didn’t take an exactly direct route to where I am, but I like where I am now.
So this is what it’s like to wake up before the morning links…..
Nope don’t like it
What’s up? Where are you?
Things are going well. We found gas. The motorcycle is loaded after a bit of dramatics. We just have to load the house, hitch up the boats, and gtfo. Should be gone by noon.
Woohoo! Go, boy!
I’m only up because the wife told me to put away all the loose guns before the toddler gets here.
I’m picturing that moment when someone unexpectedly calls you and says they are coming over. So you are running through the house with hands full of dirty laundry trying to clean up before they get there. Except instead of laundry it’s an arsenal of guns.
That’s pretty close to reality. Three handguns, a shotgun and an AR15. The wife says I can have ONE out during the hurricane. Stupid kids *grumble*
If the kid can’t help shoot looters, you don’t want them pawing the firearms.
True. Hmm. How to weaponize a baby…
divorce court?
That went dark fast.
Cuttlefish and Asparagus.
How to weaponize a baby…
Since you asked . . . .
Did you find the guzzoline? Or is it all tankers full of sand?
I think you should be asking Lord Humongous.
Less talkee, more drivee.
was step #1 to get a personal “blood bag” you could chain to your hood?
Ugh. I know I’m the only guy that hates Fury Road, but COME ON!
What is your take on Furry Road?
I know I’m supposed to sit back and enjoy the splosions, but I just couldn’t suspend my disbelief for some of the strain in plot or unnecessary theatrics. I’m looking at you guitar solo man. Also the “everything would be cool if the rich weren’t so greedy” trope is annoying.
Eh hydraulic despotism is about power not greed
Also Furry road was jokes
Oops. Furry Fury was good.
I just couldn’t suspend my disbelief for some of the strain in plot or unnecessary theatrics. I’m looking at you guitar solo man.
So basically you hate Mad Max films then.
The cameo by Clifford the Big Red Dog was my favorite part.
Dog Carrying Day: Chinese village celebrates annual tradition by dressing animal in clothes and parading on wooden throne
Dogs are Man’s greatest creation.
Before they eat them?
And of course someone has to suck the fun out of it:
How do you tie a chain?
And do the chain hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
some good lessons here on Harvey and guns..
Good article. I’d probably go with my GP100 .357 in that scenario.
Feel like a kel-tech sub2k would have been a wonderful weapon to have in this scenario. Along with a matching caliber handgun, of course
The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy
This is even more than usually ridiculous.
R.M. then went down to the kitchen to find her friend. As she explained in her statement, “[My friend] knows I was with Kojo. She probably told all the brothers in the room, and they’re gonna hate me when they find out”—she didn’t explain why. “I can never come back here.” Her friend started teasing her, asking how it had gone. R.M. was a resident adviser in her dormitory—someone tasked with counseling other students—and at that moment, she wrote, “as my RA training kicked in, I realized I’d been sexually assaulted.” She wrote that while in retrospect she should have left if she didn’t want to continue the encounter, she hadn’t wanted to be a bad sport—“that UMass Student Culture dictates that when women become sexually involved with men they owe it to them to follow through.”
In many cases there is a lot of doubt about what happened but here seems a pretty straight forward nothing to me
Jesus Christ, these idiots are self-traumatizing over normal interactions. That’s bad enough, but then they want to punish others in the attempt to gain their victimhood credits.
Yet, that will get counted as a “rape”.
Where is STEVE SMITH when you need it? It could teach them what a real rape is all aboot.
I hate to go all lefty argument here, but in what way is this not pure and simple racism? She was concerned with what people would think if they learned she was with the only black guy in the fraternity. Good god, this shit is as bad as in the South when a “pure white woman” was “molested” by a black man. Have these people really never read “To Kill a Mockingbird”?
Atticus Finch was a Rape Denier!
Devos is teh debil
That completely explains why women make up 55% of the college enrollees.
” turn a blind eye to gender violence” – yes this is exactly what is going to happen. Do these people not care that stupid shit like this can actually hurt the cause of actual victims? What am I asking, off course not, helping victims is not their goal. In the end it is capitalism that done it.
Do these people not care that stupid shit like this can actually hurt the cause of actual victims?
They don’t give a shit about actual rape victims. If they did, they wouldn’t be likening rape to a regretted drunken hook-up. If they did, they’d be advocating that women on campus get greater access to firearms. If they did, they’d recognize that there’s a universe of difference between a girl getting raped and a girl getting touched on the arm and asked to stay.
Rape is a horrific crime that decent people put just below murder on the level of what is not acceptable. The only real concern these people have about rape is how much they can leverage the public’s disgust with it to push their own agenda.
i don’t think 99% of the SJW types actually have an agenda, or would even understand how their stupid identity politics /class warfare actually contributes to it.
the majority go along with the narratives because its a source of peer-approval/social-capital-building. they don’t need to be privy to any long-term strategy of embedding far-left ideas into american institutions. they probably wouldn’t even understand the argument of how that works.
its sort of like the point the other day about media-collusion, and how they don’t even need to directly ‘collude’ to be involved with a shared, collective narrative-pumping exercise. its like a flock of birds or a school of fish. only a very small number at the head of the pack actually change direction. everyone else just follows the lead. they have no idea where they’re going, they just know they’re safest in the middle, following the people above them.
You and Pie and the Sky’s links appear to be coordinate.
It disturbs me that a site like ‘Feministing’ exists
I think I’m going to start a new site called femifisting.
You beat me to it.
For some reason I read that as Feminfisting. Sounds like a site for HM.
Why is it that any slight role back of regulation automatically sends us back to the dark ages. My favorite was Net Neutrality, “if this item that was never implemented gets repealed, the internet will be ruined!”
Hey, here’s an idea, if you are assaulted, file a complaint with the police!
But then, they’d be required to provide proof and evidence. It’s so much easier to get a conviction from a Title IX Kangaroo Court.
I hope that is what Devos is going to point the Ed dept to.
As in another “Dear Colleague” letter: “It is not the provenance of college administrators to be adjudicating potentially criminal matters. All allegations of criminal conduct, including but not limited to assault, battery, rape, etc., must be referred to the police. No punishment of any nature shall be meted out except upon a criminal conviction upon demonstration of proof beyond a reasonable doubt in an open court of law.”
It also needs to be a real police agency, not a university police department, operated and & controlled by a university with a overriding goal of not making the institution & administrators look bad.
Uni PD’s don’t have their own court system, do they?
They don’t, but the process is the punishment. An arrest never goes away, even if the charges are dropped. It’s something you now get to explain for the rest of your life.
That will never happen. Even if it did, some schools have already said they won’t role anything back even if the government “policy” changes.
Keep in mind even the OCR admitted that they didn’t have the authority to write what they did. Yet, there was almost no push-back from the schools. It was a letter from a bunch of feminists to bunches of feminists asking them to be more feminist, so they could move in unison.
Just like EPA bureaucrats colluding with enviros to file lawsuits to “force” the bureaucrats to do what they wanted to do in the first place.
Be nice if the NFL adapted a similar policy.
First Title IX, then the NFL, then Sharia
Eh, she should double down and suggest that OCR might have a problem with $$$ ramifications if it sees the tiniest hint that the Kampus Kangaroo Kourts are a means for white girls to shed the stigma of sleeping with black men by retroactively deciding they didn’t consent. Keep the identitarians fighting each other.
Religious tests are all the rage again! Looking forward to the ACLU denouncing this. Haha, just kidding.
And I’m concerned that Jim Jones’ dogma lives loudly within you, bitch.
“Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of a Christian faith?”
Trump quotes to Zapp Brannigan:
Unfortunately, only one tweet with Mark Hamill’s Joker
It’s kind of eerie being in a completely dark house with the sun up.
This could still be something disastrous (on the cat 4 scale) here, it could be a cat 1-2, and it could be nothing more than a tropical storm, and it’s only like a 50 mile difference between the scenarios. And it could be nothing if the models that have it going Keys to west coast FL happen. And each one of those scenarios has a very reliable model saying it will happen.
The NHC is currently going with the “disastrous” route, which I don’t blame them for. Probably better to be accused of “unnecessarily panicking everyone” than to be accused of “not panicking everyone enough”.
Did you wave to Vhyrus as he drove by?
I remember when they had us evacuate NAS Pensacola in 2002 because of Hurricane Isidore, which at the time was a major cat 4 storm. It ended up taking a weird left turn into Mexico, weakening it significantly, before coming up to the Gulf Coast. Nothing happened in Pensacola and we did a lot of bitching about the stupid panicky evacuation, but after what happened to the base during Ivan I can understand why they err on the side of caution.
still 180mph sustained gusts. soil saturated. trees will be down and power out a while.
Tunisia is pressing ahead with ambitious proposals to reform the country’s laws on marriage and inheritance, despite widespread resistance from inside and outside the predominately Muslim country.
Last month, president Beji Caid Essebsi announced his intention to allow women to marry outside the Islamic faith, and to give them equal rights under the country’s inheritance laws.
Currently, a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim. Men are allowed to marry women of any faith who don’t have to convert. Under Islamic law, men typically receive double the inheritance of any woman.
Yup all cultures are equal. And Tunisia is on the more enlightened side of things
Places like Tunisia and Malaysia always get trotted out as examples of enlightened Muslim countries, and yet they always still feature things like laws against blasphemy.
Oh yeah, well what about the crusades or something
Why stop there?
Carthaginian Lives Mattered!
“men typically receive double the inheritance of any woman.”
Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say women get half their inheritance confiscated or something? It’s not like “Oh, hey, dude bro, your dad was worth 50k when he died, here’s 100k.”
Members of the patriarchy enjoy many benefits, including an “inheritance matching” program.
I think it’s more a matter of how the shares get divvied up. If a man died with three sons and three daughters, you’d get a 22% share per son and 11% share per daughter in the distribution.
i considered dudebro having a sister in my example, but the math got more complicated than i felt was worth following through on, Mr. Six Children Example.
Was this linked before? I don’t remember
Student who mocked Isis in Facebook post is investigated for Islamophobia
Noted useful idiot, Robby Soave, informed everyone at the other site that her mocking ISIS is only being used to show that she doesn’t like Muslims. So, it’s not really just that she mocked ISIS it’s that she might have mocked them because of their religion. It’s all a conservative freak-out. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Well, to be sure Isis is a morally questionable group. However, that doesn’t justify attacking a whole faith over their actions.
Him. Yes, believe it or not, those luxurious, bountiful curls belong to a dude. Why do you think Soave is so jealous? He’s playing second fiddle to another Rob.
Which also ignores there is nothing wrong with mocking people because of their beliefs.
There may or may not be something “wrong” with it. A popularly elected government can only, at best, have a utilitarian morality. If you can call utilitarianism a morality.
And what’s wrong with mocking people for their religion, you pancake eating Papist?
It was definitely discussed in the comments, I don’t know that it was an “official” link. Britain is circling the bowl.
Should an institution punishing people for speaking against a terrorist group count as material support for terrorism?
My cousin in Ohio sent me a message yesterday offering to have Mom come up and stay with them during the storm. Great gesture but my cousin only visits Mom for a few hours once a year and has no idea what she would be getting herself into. Anyway, Mom says she isn’t going anywhere so it is a done deal. Stopped at the store to pick some bread so we can have peanut butter sandwiches and I got the last loaf on the shelf. There doesn’t seem to be any shortage of gas in Tampa so I guess it is just in the far reaches of the Universe, where I live, that is tapped out. I’m actually feeling a bit optimistic. Good luck to everyone.
Creamy or crunchy?
*Waits on edge of seat
Now I feel bad for doing work instead of getting back to the comments. I vow to never let it happen again.
Mikes legs fell asleep waiting!
You should!
Even though you prefer chunky, I wish you and your mom the best. Stay safe well nourished.
Probably all that was left was that gay creamy stuff. All the real crunchy PB would’ve been taken.
Such a simplistic view of the world.
You or obably prefer corn-fed beef too, don’t you? Heathen!
Nonsense – Beef-fed beef!
/Mad Cow
Any beef is good beef. I don’t care what it was eating when it lived.
Even if it was fed creamy PB?
That explains your preference for unfinish peanut butter – Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy!
It was entertaining that in Ireland, places bragged about having corn-fed beef instead of grass-fed. It appears most people just desire the harder to obtain.
Bad teeth= creamy PB, that’s called Life son
Store out of crunchy PB.
Stilljustcarol and her mom hardest hit.
You’re right! I already had a jar of crunchy which was lucky because nothing was left buy creamy.
They chose the third option.
Corrected link
Where’s my mirror and razor blade?
I’ve got two jars of creamy and one crunchy. I’m a crunchy gal myself but Mom and Trixie (my dog) both prefer creamy.
*Carol sets ball on tee
Dammit! Should have seen that one coming.
Be safe!
So creamy, then?
I wonder, when people run the stores for bread, do all the bread mixes, frozen doughs and other ways to simply make bread also get gobbled up? Or do people show up, see all the bread is gone and freak out?
It’s the former. At least here in Houston. The freezer section got cleared out about 20 minutes after the last loaf of multigrain bread sold. (Which was about 6 hours after the last loaf of wheat and 12 hours after the last loaf of white bread.)
That’s funny because I got stuck with one of those 15 grain loaves. Not a fan so I thought about picking up hot dog buns instead because my choices other than that last lonely loaf were hot dog buns or bagels.
Muslim men and women are being held back in the workplace by widespread Islamophobia, racism and discrimination, according to a study which finds that Muslim adults are far less likely to be in full-time work.
Research for the government’s social mobility watchdog, shared exclusively with the Guardian, found a strong work ethic and high resilience among Muslims that resulted in impressive results in education.
However, that was not translated into the workplace, with only 6% of Muslims breaking through into professional jobs, compared with 10% of the overall population in England and Wales.
The study found 19.8% of Muslims aged 16-to-74 were in full-time employment, compared with 34.9% of the overall population.
“Young Muslims routinely fear becoming targets of bullying and harassment and feel forced to work “10 times as hard” as their white counterparts to get on.” – yeah I call bullshit on this
“Ghaffar talked of difficulties within the workplace, including a culture of drinking alcohol that Muslims were unable to participate in. ” – that is none of my goddamn business.
A lot of claims in the article but very little hard evidence of anything , as per usual
We get stuff like this in Romania, some guy did some experiment in Sweden that shows your chances of an interview increase with a Swedish name rather than Romanian name. Which I find somewhat to be expected to be honest. Many in Romania would prefer to hire Romanians rather than say Bulgarians
No that’s not true. Racism is a uniquely American thing.
Foreign racists are appropriating our culture, which is double-racist.
The assumption is that if a Muslim doesn’t succeed it is because of discrimination. The possibility that the Muslim failed because of his own actions is never considered. If you want to have an 8-inch beard and wear a man dress and preach the Jihad in your spare time, people are less likely to hire you. They are just mean like that.
Or, in a more likely scenario, I know most of the Muslims in Utah are refugees. It’s hard to get work for refugees.
People who have no marketable skills, don’t speak the native language and have little or no understanding or connection to the local culture, have a hard time succeeding. Who could have seen that coming?
It’s not even just that. We live in a litigious society. And people are afraid to hire candidates if certain demographics because they fear they won’t be able to fire them if they perform like shit or that they’ll face a lawsuit if they do decide to fire them.
You make protected classes, you should expect there to be trepidation about hiring people in those classes. It’s risk mitigation, and it’s a natural response.
I think it is more that they don’t have marketable skills and don’t understand the culture and often don’t speak English. Also, the job market isn’t so great for Americans. Only an intellectual would be dumb enough to think it would be anything but nonexistent for refugees from places like Somalia and Syria.
” I’m gonna take my 8th break of the day in the private Prayer Space, Boss…I’ll be back in 15″
Seven. They pray seven times a day. And only about four would occur during working hours.
But this piece is about Britain. There are a shitload of British Muslims. And I didn’t think there were a lot of refugees in that group.
Anyway, if their employment is only running at half the rate of other demographic groups, it can’t all be attributed to the very small number of refugees. There has to be a bigger reason. And I have to think a big part of that would be fear of litigation or fear if not being able to fire an underperforming member of a protected class.
No. the bigger part of it is their own culture. Muslim countries are poor and backwards for a reason. It is because the people who live in them are poor and backwards and stupid. Shipping those people to the UK doesn’t magically make them any different.
That’s bullshit John. Labeling an entire people as ‘stupid and backwards’ because of their faith or ethnic background is some progressive crap.
John. You didn’t get the memo. The United States has magic dirt that turns everyone into Halloween, thanksgiving, crunchy peanut butter loving Americans.
This isn’t about immigrants. This is about all Muslims in GB. And they’ve been there for generations in big numbers.
I’m sure the numbers for off-the-boat immigrants drags their %age down some, but it’s impossible it drags it down to barely half the employment numbers as the general population.
I’ve been involved in plenty of hiring decisions. And I’d be lying if I didn’t weigh the possibility of a prospect being in a class that could sue me should I need to discipline or terminate them, not to mention the potential public response should they get a platform to speak of the “hostile culture” they were hired into, seeing as my industry has been dominated by a particular demographic.
You guys are behaving no better than Diane Feinstein. Medieval religious tests and defining attributes about a person because of their faith is reactionary
Sloopy’s point is more logical than the blanket identity politics of some
Just saying,
Are there people from those countries who are not stupid and backward? Sure. But there are a lot more people in those places who are. And that is why they suck. There is nothing magical about the air in London that makes it a great city or about the air in Cairo that makes it a shit hole. The people living in each place collectively make the places what they are. And they also make the governments what they are.
If you import a large number of people from a place like Syria or Somalia or Pakistan, a few of them will thrive and assimilate. But most will not and you will accomplish nothing except making their new home more like Pakistan and less like it was before they came. That is just how it works.
The people of Greece have a backward country with heavy welfare and high debt. This is not because the people of Greece are stupid or backwards and them immigrating here is not going to be a detriment to our country. The UK and Europe in general do a pretty shitty job at integration. The US does a much better job.
Not all cultures are equal and the West’s culture is superior, but it is not because the West has people that are genetically or culturally superior. It’s because the West has two key strengths: openness to ideas and liberalism. To suggest that someone from another culture is predisposed to fail because of their inherent inferiority is a kind of progressivism that is beyond distasteful. And to suggest that new immigrants will not integrate to Western values doesn’t bare out in the US. It may be true in Europe, but that is because the Europeans fail at integration.
There have been sizable muslim enclaves in the UK since the 60’s, but one of the most important factors is the increasing alienation from British culture of subsequent waves of immigrants (not gonna start speculating on why that might be)
In the 60’s and 70’s, ‘paki-bashing’ was a thing in some areas, with hindus and sikhs getting some of the beatdown action too. Significant influx of indians from Uganda when Idi Amin turfed them out, but for the most part, if you lived in a large city, you’d be mixing with at least some south asians who had a compatible work ethic, and very few of them would be openly devout. In the 80’s, for example, I can’t think of any British muslims who were devout enough that they threw down a prayer mat even once during the working day.
But then, something changed. In the 90’s, the “trip back to Pakistan to see the family” started to become much more common – or at least – far more visible. It wasn’t hard to see, with hindsight, what was going on. I had co-workers come back ‘unexpectedly married’. And not to go all ‘eugenic’ on you all, it was clear that there were close family marriages going on – and then two quite closely linked things started to happen.
Open radicalization, and a (subsequently found to be very large, and somewhat official) program to encourage extended families to *flock* (and I use this word deliberately) flock into Britain, with generous outreach, and limited accountability – seemingly, this new migration was encouraged to domicile in established enclaves, increasing their voting power, while remaining as invisible as possible to the general public.
This was Tony Blair’s program to permanently shift voting to the ‘left’. This was his LBJ ‘200 years’ moment, and his party’s policies are largely to blame for the problems Britain is having today, and for those it will have in the future,
The people of Greece have a backward country with heavy welfare and high debt. This is not because the people of Greece are stupid or backwards
I would say that my first candidate for why a country or culture is the way it is, is the people who live there/have that culture, and not because of their geographical location (not saying geography doesn’t influence people and cultures, but I think its a secondary influence). Greek dirt is no more magic than the dirt in the US or Britain.
So, if Greece is backwards, has heavy welfare and high debt, and we can’t attribute it to the Greeks, who or what is the cause?
I understand that there are exceptions, that there are Greeks who don’t like their country or culture the way it is, etc., but countries and cultures are the collective product of the people who participate in them. Aren’t they?
This is a point that libertarianism struggle with – people are not atomistic individuals. People are pack, tribal, collective/community dwellers. They are in a constant state of dialogue with the other people who form their social environment. They are shaped by it, and shape it back in return.
So, back to my question – if Greece is backwards, welfare addicted, and insolvent, why is that?
Just Saying,
You are right. It is not genes. It is culture. But immigration doesn’t necessarily change culture. It can but it doesn’t have to. This is especially true of refugees, who are not coming by choice. It is one thing to say someone who voluntarily leaves a country will assimilate to the new country’s culture. That guy chose to leave. But if that person is forced to leave to save his life, what reason is there to think he will assimilate to the new culture? He really didn’t want to come there in the first place.
The reality is thanks to Progressives and the scourge of multiculturalism, Europe does a horrible job of assimilating immigrants. And the US doesn’t do nearly as good a job as it once did. That is not going to change. So, you can’t just assume people are going to assimilate like they used to. They should but that is not how it works now.
Lastly, no country in history has ever successfully assimilated large numbers of Muslim immigrants. I don’t think that is a coincidence. Muslims largely do not want to assimilate. They don’t marry outside of their faith, they rarely become secular or leave their faith much less convert to another. In every case, they have become a distinct community largely different and isolated from the larger culture. And as we are seeing in Europe, that never works out well for anyone.
Yes, the US does have ‘magic soil’, as it has been stated. It has to do with how the US integrates its immigrants, which is sorely lacking in Europe. As Number 6 pointed out, the UK wasn’t always such a hotbed of Muslim extremists and they have had immigration from India, Bangladesh, and parts of Africa since at least the 1960’s.
Using the example of Greeks. Greek immigrants, by and large, are small business owners in the US, yet they come from a country where entrepreneurship is not very easy or valued very highly. The problems we see with immigration, by and large, are the result of failures by state actors. This is far more plausible than denying the reality that people are fairly interchangeable, on the whole, and are not forever consigned to the culture that they are raised in.
“Lastly, no country in history has ever successfully assimilated large numbers of Muslim immigrants. I don’t think that is a coincidence. Muslims largely do not want to assimilate. They don’t marry outside of their faith, they rarely become secular or leave their faith much less convert to another. In every case, they have become a distinct community largely different and isolated from the larger culture.”
This is nearly exactly the argument that was once made about Catholic immigrants to this country
You answer your own question: they are welfare addicted and insolvent *because* they’re backward.
It has to do with how the US integrates its immigrants,
That’s culture, not dirt.
And that culture is changing, in ways that are not pro-assimiliation, but just the opposite.
I can’t reply to Just Sayn, so I’ll post this here:
While it certainly is a sensitive subject, with this particular group of people, there really is a genetic component.
So much so that even the hallowed halls of NYT once deigned to notice.
I’m making no argument beyond trying to call some attention to this, as it is often overlooked, but important.
Just Saying,
Yes, that was the argument that was made against Catholics. And it turned out to be wrong in that case. That fact says nothing about whether it is true for Muslims. Muslims are not Catholics. Moreover, we have several hundred years of experience with Muslims that says it is true. So saying “but that is not true for Catholics” really isn’t a very sensible response.
but it is not because the West has people that are genetically or culturally superior.
Uh, actually, due to the whole first cousin marriage thing you could make the argument that there’s a genetically superior factor involved. Not because of race but inbreeding (hell, Europe was pretty goddamn inbred until shifts in the 1700s).
“The US does a much better job. ”
No, the US didn’t do ANY job. An immigrant had to sink or swim, assimilate or go without.
It’s the welfare states that fail with immigrants. And the US is beginning to fail at assimilating immigrants. The welfare state feels that assimilation is cruel – it much prefers that immigrants remain dependent on the state.
I’m not judging people because of their faith. I’m saying that if the government goes out of their way to develop protected classes and makes it demonstrably more difficult to discipline or fire someone from one of those classes, I am probably going to be reluctant to hire someone from said group if there is an equally qualified person from a non-protected class that I interviewed.
It’s not about the person. It’s about the government putting me in a more tenuous position as an employer if I decide to hire them.
No. I think your point was plausible
You’re wrong Sloop, people don’t respond to incentives, the government magically roots out their unconscious hatred for those protected groups and creates a more harmonious utopia. Without government-mandated protected classes, those people would be untouchable untermenschen dying in the streets. Your cynical appeal to unintended consequences just means you need to be re-educated.
I have made the same point repeatedly. There’s even an HR slogan for it:
Hard to fire, hard to hire.
That’s the excuse used in France.
If you require multiple specific breaks in order to fulfill certain religious requirements or apply to positions that operate under non-halal regulations, you miiiight just have the hiring guys find an excuse to hire the areligious guy instead.
So naturally, we need to get rid of the drinking so the Muslims feel more comfortable.
If only we had a constitutional amendment to outlaw drinking…
Muslims are like other people. Some are good workers, some are not. Generally it has nothing to do with them being Muslim (the one exception is a guy at my retail job that just couldn’t get with the program on having a female supervisor for like 3 months, and only reason he wasn’t fired is that management screwed up the paperwork).
Girls don gon have best front part.
The hidden pattern is 3, 33, 43.
26, 28, or 68
Damn, son,
I hate when you post this right when I get to work. I have to wait all day to check this out! So cruel.
View it on your phone, that’s what I do
What if your scroll hand is the same as your wank hand?
/wipes tear from face. I really missed you guys in the last 6 months
Where the fuck have you been? Prison?
So where did you go? And did your aim improve?
Then go with your off hand – it’s always fun to go to the mistress.
Maybe a stranger?
help for Slammer
How does the photographer get all these delegates to the Libertarian Party convention to pose for him?
I swear #43 is the one who told me she’d show me her tits if I voted for Gary Johnson.
Oh, by the way, they’re real and they’re spectacular!
Eh. The Chive is just Web Central for crappy, low-rez selfies.
And boy do we love it.
4.18 cuz I’m feeling Irish.
Trump cut a deal with the Democrats and got shit done, albeit temporarily.
I’m not a fan of Democrats or their budget priorities. However, I still think the most important thing that’s happened legislatively in Trump’s term was the failure to repeal or replace ObamaCare.
To those ends, maybe the Republicans in the Senate learning that they’re not the only game in town isn’t a bad thing.
No really .
I support Trump to the extent that he deregulates, cuts taxes, will sign ObamaCare repeal or a replacement that kills the ObamaCare Medicaid extension, and other things that are pro-capitalist. ObamaCare is still sitting there spoiling to get done. If the Republicans in the Senate–I’m looking at you Rand Paul–would rather be obstinate than cut Medicaid, then they should know that we may end up with something much worse than ObamaCare. Being foolishly obstinate has consequences.
And “obstinate” is the right word rather than “principled”. There isn’t anything principled about refusing to cut a socialist program like Medicaid because of capitalism.
Fantastic. Just swimmingly great.
It sucks. But again, the Republicans control Congress. The Democrats only got anything done because the Republicans wouldn’t do it. But, like I say, they didn’t want to do it.
Give me a break. Trump rolled over like a stooge. He is no alpha male- just an incompetent ignoramus that is squandering a historic moment of unified government
Of course this debt ceiling shit is gonna play out. Trump’s never been a debt/deficit hawk. I did hear Ben Carson on the radio yesterday at least paying lip service to about the horrible levels of public debt future taxpayers are getting saddled with to handle.
Trump didn’t roll over.
He refused to put his balls back in the same vice.
Now the Republicans in the Senate are pissed off at Trump because he didn’t put his balls in their vice again?
And it’s not like Trump made a deal forever. It’s for four months.
If the Republicans want to deal, they better support his tax reform.
And if Rand Paul and company would rather not cut taxes if that means they aren’t cut instantaneously and forever, then Rand Paul should go become libertarian web celebrity and leave legislation to grown ups and real capitalists.
Ken after tax reform fails: “Only Rand Paul’s fault.”
I didn’t say it was only Rand Paul’s fault, but he led the opposition.
Why pretend otherwise?
It was certainly more Rand Paul’s fault than any other Senator.
They needed Rand Vote plus one other–our of Heller, the lady from Alaska, and the one from Rhode Island, to flip on the bill in order to get it to pass. If Rand Paul hadn’t withheld his support, it would have put tremendous pressure on all three of them to switch their vote.
Why pretend otherwise?
My loyalty is to getting rid of the individual mandate, getting rid of the employer mandate, and cutting Medicaid eligibility. Why should I support a supposedly libertarian Senator who won’t vote for those things every chance he gets? That was the primary reason why I wanted libertarians in the Senate.
If that dog won’t hunt, then we need another dog.
Donald Trump is demonstrably more libertarian on ObamaCare than Rand Paul because Donald Trump will actually sign a bill that gets rid of the individual mandate, gets rid of the employer mandate, and cuts Medicaid eligibility. Rand Paul won’t even vote for it.
Why should a libertarian support Rand Paul over Donald Trump, when Donald Trump is more libertarian than Rand Paul? Is it because Rand Paul SAYS all the right things in his speeches? What, is he the libertarian Barack Obama now? Someone who says he’s against the drug war but raids medical marijuana dispensaries hundreds of times? Someone who says he’s anti-war, but kills hundreds of innocent children with drone strikes? Someone who says he cares about the Fourth Amendment, but sifts through all of our private communications without a warrant?
Not this libertarian. I judge them by what they do–not what they say. And the only time I’ve seen Rand Paul stick his neck out was to save Medicaid.
Fuck that noise.
Rand Paul needs to grow up and understand that the world doesn’t owe him an ideal option. If he would rather do nothing than accept a less than ideal solution, that is his choice. But he needs to be honest about that and take the responsibility for not supporting the change that was possible.
I’ll take “Shit Hihn would say” for $400 Alex. *Puts Rand Paul foam one finger salute on*
Fuck the Republicans. They control both houses of Congress. If they wanted to, they could have passed any bill they wanted and dared Trump to veto it. They didn’t do that because doing that would require making a decision and taking responsibility. Making decisions and taking responsibility is just not what Republicans do. What they do is talk out of their asses while not making decisions and blaming those who do. So not passing a debt ceiling increase and then bitching and moaning about how horrible it is that Trump and the Democrats did is their move.
It doesn’t have to be an either/or proposition. Fuck the GOP, fuck the Dems, AND fuck Trump.
Yes it does. Only one side of this controls Congress. That is the Republicans. They and they alone are responsible for what gets passed by Congress. Exactly what is Trump supposed to do to force the Republicans to do the right thing? Moreover, why is it his responsibility to do that?
If the Republicans had passed something and Trump vetoed it, then it would be on Trump. But that is not what happened. What happened was the Republicans refused to pass anything, so Trump worked with the Democrats to get what he could. If the Republicans don’t like that, tough shit. They had every chance to prevent it and chose not to do so. So, they must like it.
I agree–fuck the GOP, especially the Senate Republicans.
The replacement bill killed the individual mandate, killed the employer mandate, killed the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion, and moved those people from Medicaid to private insurance like school vouchers move kids from public schools to private schools. It was by far the most libertarian bill I’ve ever seen–and Rand Paul and company opposed it?
Why should Trump keep banging his head against that stupid wall?
And like I said, this isn’t a budget resolution forever. It’s for four months. It’s just a warning shot across the Senate GOP’s bow.
You’re not the only game in town.
And from this libertarian’s perspective, what’s the use of an ostensibly libertarian Senator who won’t vote to kill the individual mandate, the employer mandate, and Medicaid?
As thy say in Kentucky, “That dog won’t hunt”.
Actually, in KY, Paul is supported.
Paul put a better option on the table, I blame the rest of the GOP for not supporting it.
I didn’t say he wasn’t supported in Kentucky.
I said, “That dog won’t hunt” is a saying in Kentucky (among other places).
Seriously – what is this shit about not being able to do any legislation without Presidential hand-holding every step of the way? They all promised to repeal Obamacare, reform, simplify and cut taxes, and generally be conservatives. Many of them have now been exposed as fucking liars.
The 2018 Republican primaries are already being promoted as the great Cuck-Chuck.
Not just Presidential hand-holding. They also need Dem permission.
What a useless bunch of preening cocksuckers the Rep. delegation is.
Peter Daou: not at all an obsessive power-hungry narcissist (who is also really into grannies, it seems).
Of course, Burge has all the best takes:
Hentai grannies? Cause if so, he and Eichenwald could have a little game of ookie cookie.
LOL ookie cookie
Also completely lacking in self-awareness.
Cleveland Taco Bell employees fatally shoot armed robber, police say.
Why hide the gun? Have we made people so afraid of protecting themselves, that they try to cover up self defense? Or was the gun not legally owned?
Yesterday morning, about 5 am, some guy started trying to kick my front door in. It took me a while to wake up and realize what was going on. He was screaming bloody murder. When he started trying to come through my window, I didn’t grab a gun. Yeah, I thought about me going to jail for shooting somebody–but I was also pissed off when I realized what was going on.
I yelled at him through the window, “What the fuck are you doing?”
That’s when I heard his buddy say that they had the wrong house. I think they were looking for his wife. It wasn’t me!
This is the second time in my life that someone has tried to come through my window at night. The first time was when I was stuck in a shitty, weekly hotel years ago. The guy next door had accidentally locked himself out, and he didn’t want to go to the manager because he was late on his rent and it was late at night. He started coming through my window thinking it was his own. It was hard to tell whose was whose from the outside.
I suppose I might have been justified in shooting either one of them. I’m glad I hesitated both times, but I’m sure plenty of people would say I shouldn’t have hesitated. Maybe they’re right. Maybe I just got lucky. If I’d had kids, I might have done things differently.
Could be they didn’t have the government permission slip to exercise their right to bear arms.
I have a lefty acquaintance from high school that asked for donations for Harvey animal shelters for her birthday this year. I’ll have to get together with some friends and get her some “Bear arms” for her birthday next year. Like These
SpaceX “semi-classified” launch this morning.
Watch, the X-37 will go up and Irma will move East. I’m not saying its aliens, but…
My God are the Republicans in Congress pathetic. They control both houses of Congress. Yet, they are all having a fit that Trump made a deal with the Democrats on the debt ceiling. The Republicans rolled over and gave Obama every dollar of spending he wanted from the moment they took over the Senate in 2015. So it is a bit rich for them to now express their horror over spending. Who are they kidding?
The Republicans in Congress were given a chance to lead on the Obamacare repeal and refused to do it. As far as I know, Trump would have signed any bill they gave him. They didn’t give him anything to sign because they are too cowardly and stupid to make a decision and live with the responsibility. So instead, they did nothing and the health care sector continues its slow motion collapse. The Republicans could have raised the debt ceiling anytime they wanted to. I seriously doubt Trump would have vetoed any bill they gave him. But like Obamacare, they are too stupid and cowardly to make a decision and do something.
So Trump went and made a deal with the Democrats. If the Republicans don’t like it, tough shit. What was he supposed to do? If it were up to me they would never raise the debt ceiling and just be forced to operate under a balanced budget. The political reality is such that is not an option. I wish it were but it isn’t. So, Trump had to have a debt ceiling deal and the Republicans are too pathetic to give him one. So, Trump went and got one from the Democrats. The blame for that is entirely on the Republicans in Congress.
I think the truth is this is what the Republicans wanted. This way they can get all of the spending and corruption they want but can still pretend that it is all the Democrats’ and Trump’s fault. Cheap talk and complete lack of responsibility is about the only thing they do well.
Trump is an alpha male who will reform DC or Trump had to make a deal for politics. Pick your excuse, because they’re both bunk. He’s having Ivanka as his liaison on tax policy. The guy is a Democrat
The Republicans control Congress. If they had passed a bill and Trump had vetoed it forcing a deal with the Democrats, you would have a point. But that is not what happened. The Republicans didn’t do shit and allowed Trump to make the deal with the Democrats. That is entirely on them. I don’t care if Trump is a communist, that doesn’t make the Republicans any less responsible for not using their control of Congress and allowing the Democrats to run things.
It’s a warning shot. McConnell and Ryan will probably ignore it, but that’s the purpose. Calling them out in the press to do their jobs didn’t work, maybe this will. Next step would be to start actively supporting more primary challengers next year like he already did with Flake.
They’ll ignore it because they agree with the Dems on all the fundamental issues, otherwise they wouldn’t be spectacularly failing at everything they’ve been promising to do for the past 7 years. I’ve come to the conclusion that the only explanation is not that they’re stupid, gutless or incompetent; they are Dem-lite. The only way anything ever gets fixed is for GOPe and RINOs to be primaried out. They didn’t listen to the Tea Party, they’re certainly not going to listen to Trump.
Trump isn’t a solid Republican any more than the center of his base is. Still, I think this is more akin to openly making out with the easy girl in order to make your uptight girlfriend jealous enough that she lets you get into her pants. And if they instead react by getting pissy and passing conservative bills in the hopes that it will somehow punish him, I think that works out too. And if they react by acting so openly hostile to the interests of their base that they get primaried, that works too.
In part, I think Trump’s strategy is to upend the normal playbook and create so much chaos and confusion that allies just latch onto his leadership because they have no idea what the rules of the game are anymore, and he’s the only person that seems to have a plan.
Yes John, the sky is blue. Good odds that they are going to fuck up general and corporate tax reform as well.
Kurt Schlicter calls the Congressional Republicans Fredocons, and it is so apt it just kills me.
I’m not a big fan of his, but you’re right – it’s an absolutely perfect term.
He is a bit of an ass and not nearly as bright as he thinks he is. But occasionally he does come up with a good line. And that is one of them.
That’s a great name…perfect
Schlick her? I barely know her!
The Democrats are the kid that smash the vase and the Republicans are the parent that keeps everybody away from the mess, guaranteeing that it never gets fixed.
Fun fact – while browsing Wikipedia hurricane data, I came across a list of the strongest (by wind speed) hurricanes to land in the US. Only three of them came after 1935 – Camille in 1969, Andrew in 1992, and Charley in 2004.
My takeaway? Clearly AGW started happening much earlier than we thought!!
Which means it is going to be worse then we though. This needs more study! Would you be interested in a 800000 dollar grant?
At the end of the last Ice Age I bet. Damn Neanderthals and their camp fires.
how much of that is a factor of inability to accurately measure wind-speeds in prior periods?
Annoying twat is a mindreader
Still, when asked during an interview Wednesday if Cohn should be named chairman of the Federal Reserve when Janet Yellen’s term is up in February—which many have predicted may happen—Blankfein was more than happy to go to bat for his old pal. Mostly.
“Gary is very, very capable,” Blankfein said during a conference at Goldman headquarters hosted by German newspaper Handelsblatt. “There’s nobody who has a better sense of markets or the consequence that decisions will have on people’s behavior who act and are guided by market forces. No one’s perfect, but he’s the best I know.” On the other hand, Blankfein did little to quell the argument that Cohn . . . isn’t actually qualified to run the Fed. “He’s not an academic. I don’t know that he reads a lot of policy papers, let alone writes them,” Blankfein added. “He’d be much less theoretical, much more practical. We haven’t gone in that direction in a few generations as far as the Fed, but we used to. And who’s to say what’s better or not.”
I don’t read that quote the same way she does. I certainly don’t hear Blankfein saying Cohn’s not “qualified”. Granted, that string of academic econometricians at the Fed over the past decades have made Lloyd and his pals a lot of money, but they might have made even more if somebody more business-oriented had been running the show.
She puts a lot of other words in Blankfein’s mouth in that piece.
If someone from Government Sachs is backing a candidate from the Fed- it’s best to oppose that candidate
*for the Fed*
Still waiting for that Fed audit
Seriously. What the hell- that should be a lay-up at this point
Let’s be fair to the Republicans. If they had successfully voted to repeal Obamacare, some snarky twat would have written mean things about them in Vanity Fair. That’s a fate far worse than death.
*obviously worse than being reviled as a bunch of gutless ineffectual cheats by libertarians
Has Trump ever threatened to veto anything? He hasn’t that I have seen. So, why aren’t the Republicans in Congress passing one bill after another and bullying Trump into signing it? Why would Trump even veto them? He doesn’t seem to have many ideological principles. And he has every reason to want to sign a lot of bills and be able to say he got things done. But somehow it is his fault and not the Republicans in Congress’ fault that this isn’t happening.
I had an actual belly laugh about this. These fucks got steamrolled by Chucky Moobs.
Needless to say, it was a rhetorical question. Those worthless fucks are blowing the biggest opportunity they will ever have. As crazy and evil as the Democrats are, in some ways you have to respect them more than the Republicans. The Democrats are crazy and evil but no one could ever accuse them of being unwilling to make a decision or lead. When they get power they use it. You can’t say that for the Republicans. They don’t really believe in anything and will do almost anything to avoid responsibility or accomplishing anything. They are just small minded, sad human beings.
Or they fundamentally agree with the Dems and use political theater to stay in their cushy positions in DC indefinitely.
Exactly. Most Republican politicians are to the Republican base what sterile genetically engineered mosquitoes are to the mosquito population. They exist to soak up and neutralize political power, preserving the appearance of a liberal democracy, while ensuring that for the most part the people have very little power over how the state is run.
What are you talking about Brooks? They’re heroes to the Left! I mean, certainly *now* progs won’t be calling them Stormtroopers and Nazis right? Oh that’s right… they still are. Stupid, corrupt, gutless; could be one or could be all three.
Ventusky’s model (GFS) shows Irma “grazing” Miami on Sunday, and then nailing Savannah on Monday.
have close friends in Mount Pleasant (Charleston). got word today they are boarding up and heading inland. small kids so not effing around with this one.
You know who else wanted to nail Savannah?
Reddit page for videos put in Limited State. Gee, who could’ve seen that coming?
Comment from the lead post:
Cause it’s totes better to be starved to death by economic policy failure than gassed to death at a concentration camp. It’s, like, so much more awesome to die that way!
I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s deliberate.
Stealing the Ukrainian’s grain and using the military to prevent them from leaving and finding food was totes not deliberate.
You gotta wonder if that is just some random guy wandering in and posting that or if he’s part of some scuzzy org that pays him.
I love the Socialist Party of the UK dropping into every Twitter conversation that denigrates Communism and insisting that it Wasn’t Real Communism.
Just wondering how pervasive that shit is because I got this in response to a FB post I made:
“Regulatory capture, Jim. They legislate competition out of the market and then people blame Capitalism! for failing them. It’s insane.”
you my friend are a walking stereotype.
Capitalism has failed. Fucking deal with it. “Legislate competition out of the market and then peolle blame capitalism for failing them.”
Yeah that’s literally what capitalism does. It can only survive by rapid expansion and consumption. Funny, Karl Marx predicted exactly this 160 years ago. Predicted that the bourgeoisie (capitalists) would eventually have to consume the petite bourgeoisie in order to survive, predicted that capitalism would first take the middle class to new heights, and then destroy it in order to stay alive, predicted that slowly capitalism would bleed the middle class dry until there wasn’t a middle class at all, rather a poor class and a ruling class.
And now 6 people own half of the world’s wealth.
You’re living in the end game of capitalism dude. This was always going to be the outcome.
End-game capitalism is pretty comfortable, in that case. Could we have a little more end-game capitalism and a little less nascent socialism?
“Capitalism has failed”
Says someone typing such a response on a PC who likely uses and iPhone to order his artisanal sex toys from Amazon and drives his car to a job that pays him for his production. Ok, dude, have fun building your utopia of starvation, misery and death.
Yeah, not so much.
I didn’t engage the guy. Sure would love to see where he got that from, however.
You already knew the answer: out of his ass. You’re correct in letting this toady wrap himself in a cozy blanket of material dialectic, he’s beyond desiring an honest discussion.
And now 6 people own half of the world’s wealth.
I don’t think the House of Saud has that much money, but nothing says “free-market capitalism” like a hereditary monarchy with state-owned corporations.
The deaths from Communism are not as bad, because they didn’t mean it. “Our bad, guys. Sorry”
Fuck these sniveling Commie twats
Um, pretty sure Che had all the homos he could find lined up and shot or sent to a concentration/forced labor camp to toil until they dropped dead.
Actually, if you’re going to play this bullshit game, doesn’t Nazism call for the elimination of those groups from society? A Nazi who wanted to play this game can just as easily argue that “True Nazism” would have involved the relocation of ethnic minorities to their own ethnostates.
The key is to not play the game at all. Leftists always bamboozle people into arguing on their terms. I think the correct argument is:
“Fuck you, you’re apologizing for genocidal regimes. Fuck off slaver.”
Exactly. The Third Reich was really more an example of State Progressivism, true Nazism has never been tried.
Contrary to what the media would have you believe, Nazi apologists are basically nonexistent in modern Western society, so there’s nobody around to make that argument.
Communist apologists, on the other hand, …
NazismCommunism calls for the violent extermination of “undesirable” groups (Jews, Roma, gays, Kulaks, bourgeousie, etc). Members of those groups were intentionally murdered byNazi Germanythe Soviet Union …..What an idiot. He is apparently unaware that the Soviets tried to exterminate Roma culture, and sent many Roma to their deaths in Siberia and in front of firing squads. Gays, and Jews were also persecuted and killed.
Naturally, why the intentional starvation of millions is not placed on the same moral plane as the intentional shooting or gassing of millions is an exercise for the reader. Many Jews who died in Nazi camps were not shot or gassed, BTW – they were essentially starved to death.
They were just continuing the anti-Jew pogroms begun under the Tsars! That’s not communism, that’s Russian culture! etc, tect.
The soviets (and other Communists) also exterminated people who showed signs of independent, non-collectivist, or self-interested thought. This contradicts the claim that the murders “were not caused by violence advocated by the ideology itself.” The ideology prescribes eugenics to create the New Soviet Man; it was not an accident. It is absolutely a pro-murder-of-innocents ideology, in both theory and practice.
And how does that poster think “shitty authoritarian policies” are enacted/enforced, if not by violence or the threat thereof? Government can’t magically make people to do things, it can only force people to act through the threat of violence. If 93 million people were killed by government policy (like taking their food away), then they were killed by threat of violence. Killed by threat of violence is not much better IMO than killed directly by violence.
Let us also gloss over the part where “various Communist leaders” is basically all of them and they got into power to carry out Communist ideology in the first place.
Apparently Communism is such a tricky ideology to get right that everybody who implements it just “happens” to fall into murderous, economically disastrous totalitarianism by accident.
Literally there’s avocado toast being eaten by a millennial in my office (he’s a good sport and a sharp guy, despite his dietary habits)
Why ruin a good thing with toast? Grab a spoon and a salt-shaker and you’re golden.
Looking at that ‘beard’, avocados are the least of his problems.
I’m sure avocado toast tastes good, but is this really a big urban millennial fad?
That furnature looks depressing.
UCS in his office
I’m thinking this.
HA! I work for the state. This would be closer to the sort of space I’m in
You fool.
Reminds me of this. http://www.filmandfurniture.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/2001-a-space-odyssey.jpg
How does it feel looking out the window at any point of the day and seeing, “WeWork” in giant letters?
Not too bad, actually. 14th floor with a window? I’ll take it any day over 2nd floor interior cube.
This is what I see from my windows. I’d trade you in a second. UN buildings are almost as hideous as their performance.
Tell him to shave those chin pubes and move out of Mom’s basement, then maybe he’d get laid.
I don’t understand the thing about avocado toast bankrupting the Millennials. An avocado costs $2.19, and a loaf of bread costs around 2 bucks. So, this is a $3 breakfast, at most?
Or are they paying $15 for some manbunned neanderthal to spread some fruit on a piece of bread for them?
$2.19 for an avocado?
$2 for a loaf of bread?
Where are you shopping, because those prices are more than double what I’ve seen at any time over the last year.
Damn, I feel bad for you if that’s what you’re paying for groceries. Are you getting dinged $4 for a gallon of milk too?
Instacart prices, of course. Who actually *goes* to a grocery store?
*adjusts manbun* *orders 2 oz coffee drink that takes 15 minutes to make and costs $9*
What’s Instacart say for some artisanal, whole grain, rye bread?
Um, you’re paying less than one dollar for a loaf of bread? Was it made from sawdust?
$1.29 https://www.meijer.com/t4/grocery/bakery/bread/sandwich-breads/t1/t1-865/t2/t2-9972/t3/t3-189/T4-461.uts?icid=T3:T4:Grocery:Bakery:Bread:Sandwich+Breads
That bread didn’t look like $2.19 bread to me.
Is he wearing a sequined shirt?
He is manspreading! There is a little shitlord in that guy after all.
Increase in driving fatalities: who or what is to blame? Distracted drivers, cell phones, substance abuse?
Nah, it’s global warming.
No word yet on whether Eichenwald supplied the formula for “simple multiplication.”
wait, so people who would otherwise walk or bike are going to be compelled to use a car just for air conditioning because it is a degree warmer?
I figured it was to outrace the rising seas.
No, that’s what surf boards are for.
Better learn to surf. https://youtu.be/rVk-pG9Qq2M
Good song! How’s things in LB?
Things are good, dude. Happy and healthy. Work is busy. Side gig is running in the black. Trying to put a band together. And then a record label. Why not, right?
How’s things in the ‘Soda?
Warmer weather = more time spent traveling = increased likelihood of traffic fatalities.
Why a simple tradeoff between more temperate and enjoyable weather and a slight uptick in crashes is worth studying is up to you.
How can someone be that stupid and live to adulthood?
Failure to provide free (mandatory) birth control is going to cause billions of deaths in the future
And now 6 people own half of the world’s wealth.
I don’t get why this is a problem. Bill Gates is spectacularly rich because he revolutionized our lives. When one of these small minded, poisoned-by-envy progs invent something that is used in nearly every office in the world, then they can give away all their money and talk shit about “inequality”.
It’s not even close to being accurate, not even by an order of magnitude.
My point is that even if it is accurate (which it’s not) why does it matter? If they didn’t acquire their wealth through theft, then why the fuck does anyone care how much money they have? They created something that greatly benefits humanity, they *should* be wealthy.
Because greed. And reasons. Same argumentation against built industrial monopolies.
It can’t possibly be true. Bill Gates is worth around, what? 100 billion? So max, the top 6 would have a combined 600 billion, right? So, the world’s wealth, whatever that means, would be 1.2 trillion.
It’s painfully inaccurate. The US GDP estimate alone is 10X what you just wrote, but that’s just GDP and not a measure of asset wealth.
Graphs, charts, etc… It doesn’t matter because I have a feeling the guy has some, shall we say, “special” way of interpreting the phrase control the world’s wealth.
His own phrase was “own the world’s wealth” and you can be certain this guy leaves no room for nuance between the two terms.
I’ve actually engage him now. Really am curious how he got that number.
Jedi mind tricks for Jedi that specialise in retardation.
Really am curious how he got that number.
It’s possible that six corporations own half the world’s wealth (although I’d even be skeptical of that claim), but that would still mean millions of owners own that wealth.
Back of the napkin calculations, numbers found by a couple quick Google searches:
According to Forbes,
Six richest people have $416B in assets
Six richest corporations have $17,795B in assets
According to some website called pouted.com,
Six richest governments have $4,967B in assets
According to OECD,
Six highest government revenues total $9,307B a year
According to Credit Suisse,
The total wealth in the world is worth $250,000B
HA! I work for the state. This would be closer to the sort of space I’m in
I had envisioned the office in Brazil.
A door? I’d love a door.
I’m not a director-level employee, so I get a cube.
As a Senior Vice Shitlord, I have two offices – one in Officer Country, and the other with my minions.
Some good news: Officer Dickhead aka Jeff Payne, Nurse Hassler, has been terminated from his job.
His superior is still on paid leave, unfortunately.
Terminated from his part time gig as an ambulance driver. He’s still a cop.
The part that is being overlooked is that the State was trying to collect evidence from an unconscious man who was injured as a bystander to a police pursuit. Basically the cops were hoping to find drugs/alcohol in the guy’s system so they won’t have to pay the inevitable settlement.
That whole situation is such a shitshow. It should serve as an object lesson in state power to both progs and copsuckers.
Damn. Muh reading skillz
And I suppose I shouldn’t celebrate too much, anyway. He’d be scooped up by a neighboring outfit and probably paid better, too.
An even better part is that the Thin Blue Line is as provincial as you would expect. The person they were trying to draw blood from was actually a police office in Rigby, Idaho. So the Rigby PD came out in favor of firing him.
Cop on cop crime. Nothing beats it…except other cops, with nightsticks
thin blue line = veins?
I thought the guy was more than just a bystander. He was a victim of the guy the cops were pursuing and got rammed from behind on the highway.
At the presser with the mayor and police chief a few days ago, the chief was asked why he thought Wubbles just recently released the video. He said he didn’t understand it, because the investigation had been ongoing the whole time. It’s just a damn mystery. Good thing he’s chief and not a detective.
“As temperatures continue to increase from heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, road deaths will likely increase more than expected unless there are major mitigating countermeasures,”
Yeah. That’s it.
If you think people drive more in *hot* weather, just wait ’til Global Cooling comes back, and see how many additional passenger miles are driven.
These people are just plain goofy.
A door? I’d love a door.
“antifa navy”
still chuckling over that
Antifa Navy in action
they wish.
Ummm, do they even sharia bro?
Fucking CATO. Worthless tits.
I don’t remember CATO being that bad 10 or even 5 years ago. Some of Boaz’s work back then wasn’t awful.
Whoever runs that account never read the Quran.
they’re totally woke, yo.
I look to all of the Islamic nations as prime examples of libertarianism in action.
They are getting obliterated in the comments.
The Qur’an and the Prophet strongly emphasize property rights and freedom of trade. The Prophet was a merchant, and trade is thus a respected profession among Muslims.
And Jesus was a carpenter which is why Christians only use blueprints contained in the bible when constructing a table.
I seem to recall that Mo’s first Wife was the merchant. Mo spent most of his life as a bandit.
So, he John Kerry’d her fortune for his political ambitions?
She was older than him, and died early on – but not before encouraging him to start a religion to gather followers.
+15 cubits.
SF got to it before I could.
Article linked written by this guy, whose bio is almost word for word the tweet.
The article’s claims are a stretch if you were to be generous.
I’ve only ever seen shitty leftist propaganda from these guys. They show up in my FB feed as well, but only when they are pushing lefty ideas.
I note no comment on the zakat or the jizya. Because you know, welfare payments and religious minority taxes are totes libertarian. Also manages to ignore Timur Kuran’s work, which is all about how Islamic law in regards to economics crippled the ability of the Middle East to industrialize.
And then there’s the great weasel word of saying ‘Islamic teachings’ rather than actually analyzing historical Islamic power structures. I mean, it’s not like the initial Muslim Caliphates were effectively Arab ethnostates where Arabs held all the power and placed everyone else in second class citizen status until they were overthrown by the Abbasids who realized what a shitty idea that was.
It is like listening to the people who defend sharia, and then realizing they are not talking about any of the real world examples of sharia law.
I was sure there was a great Hagbard video on this, but I can’t find it.
Did Imram Awan, DWS’s former IT staffer, deliberately plant her laptop for police to find? It wasn’t just the errant Macbook that police found in a tiny cubbyhole that formerly served as a phonebooth:
This is the scandal just keeps giving.
I always have that.
This is my surprised face.
Oh, no, they’re not ignoring it. They’re tacitly (and sometimes explicitly) condoning it. Remember when the concept of white privilege started floating around but it was handwaved as just a different paradigm for appreciating and understanding the perspectives of other people, or some shit? Now tell me again there isn’t just a little teensy-weensy bit of an assault on white people.
To clarify, the straight, white male demographic is the one group that consistently has been considered safe and acceptable to treat in discriminatory terms in the media and in popular culture for the past, oh, thirty years, and that attitude is manifested in it’s logical end: violence. Consider that there is a special category of wrongness for every other demographic, be it sex or gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, what-have-you, that makes violence or the threat of violence against someone a hate crime, unless that person is a hetero male Caucasian.
I’m usually very careful about drawing these types of comparisons, but Caucasian, hetero, men are being viewed by the media/leftist/politico complex in a *similar* way to the way Jews were viewed in ’30s Germany. Clearly, there is not an extermination effort underway and there are obviously many differences. However, the dehumanization, separate set of rights and tendency to blame any problem or misfortune in the world on them should be chilling to everyone. White, hetero males quite literally are being treated as untermenschen by our Coastal Elite class. It should serve as a warning, since these incidents are going to continue escalating.
Hetero male Christian caucasian.
i think its funny how the people pushing identity politics act so shocked when other people do it, and can’t think of any criticism other than the ones they’ve heard directed at them for years.
fwiw, the main characters in the ‘beating in berkeley’ story were japanese and samoan, respectively. they weren’t exactly given passes because of their lack of whiteness.
*tho there is a funny moment in the end when they are having a conversation with people and a woman insists that Japanese qualifies as PoC-material.
You see, Japanese are yellow-coloured and sometimes tan, but white peepoh aren’t peach- or olive-coloured.
That isn’t really true though… they’ve been happy to attack black people, japanese people, samoan people, and who knows what else. They focus a lot on Trump supporters, and people who are effective speakers against their views, but also on reporters, even from reliable DemOp outlets, who can show their shitty behavior.
There is a single consistent thing that antifa’s victims have in common; Antifa perceives them as being in the way of their goal of having power.