A REAL Heather

It looks like the Road Warrior on my FB feed. I haven’t sawn off my shotgun just yet, but I am getting the bunker ready. Everyone in Florida stay safe. The rest of you Glibs go do something appropriately stupid and dangerous for us this weekend. I’m sure there will be some epic Florida Man stories to come out of this one. Hopefully, the funny and slightly painful, not the all-time Darwin Award winning. Let’s do… the links!

Is there nothing Hollywood won’t chew up and spit out an inferior version of? The musical was bad enough, but for fuck’s sake? These people are the new Heathers? Not a one could carry Heather Chandler’s jock-strap.

Well shit

A small reminder that Floridian aren’t the only ones suffering. (Not a Patriots link)

Latest Fox News report on Great Korea. I was 90% certain they got confused by DPRK News Service, but apparently not. So sexist to only call a female politician a “political prostitute”.

They say music makes sex better. They’ve never accidentally left their whole music library on random during sex.

Should I go with the stupidly obvious, or just pretty obvious, or the old, tired standard?