I want to start off today with some excellent news: The SHARE Act has passed out of committee in the house and is headed to the floor. This bill does a ton of awesome stuff, most noteworthy being the removal of silencers from the clutches of the evil NFA, as well as gutting the ‘non sporting purposes’ bullshit and preventing rifle ammo from being banned as ‘armor piercing’. Barring any unforeseen problems in the house and senate (I’m looking at you, McCain, you shitbird) it should be on the president’s desk in a few weeks. This would be the biggest pro gun victory since the sunset of the assault weapons ban. Do everything in your power to get this to pass. Seriously, this is YUUUGE!
In case that last bit of news made you too excited, here is a little nut punch to even you out: Paul Ryan has unilaterally blocked the National Reciprocity Act from reaching the floor, claiming ‘the timing is not right‘. This fucker needs to be primaried.
That’s enough news. Onto the topic du jour. When most people buy a gun, they probably put an immediate consideration into things like price, reliability, and features. I, however, am a bit different. When I see a new gun, the first thing I ask myself is ‘can I even use it?’. That’s because I am left handed. If there was ever a hobby that discriminated against left handed participants, I would imagine shooting to be just behind polo in that regard. Up until very recently, you could not even get ‘ambidextrous’ or ‘left handed’ guns. You had to simply buy a right handed gun and learn to do everything ass backwards. God forbid you needed to reach a safety at any point cause you were proper fucked. I have heard that in WW2, southpaws would leave their 1911s on the half cock notch and learn to draw and cock the hammer before firing, since the safeties on those guns could only be used right handed.
Not exactly what I had in mind when I did the GIS, but I’ll take it.
Things have gotten much much better in the last few years as gun companies realize there is a whole 20% of the market they could be servicing better. Even 7 years ago when I started seriously getting into guns, there were only a handful of companies that made ambidextrous handguns. Now just about every single brand has a left hand friendly model. Even Glock’s newest generation has an ambi slide lock and a reversible magazine release.
This does not mean that everything is awesome, however. The handgun market might be very lefty friendly at this point, but the long gun market still has much to be desired. Let’s take one simple example. Say you wanted a 9mm rifle. Most of you would simply go online, buy a Kel Tec Sub 2000 for around $350, and call it a day. Not quite so simple for me, however. You see, the Sub 2K has a right hand only safety and mag release. I could probably learn to use them, but if I am going for competition use those extra few seconds add up. This means I have to look at guns 2 to 3 times more expensive just to get the features that I need. I either have to build a custom 9mm AR or I have pony up damn near a grand for something like a CZ Scorpion Evo. That is a significant price bump just because I was born this way. Revolvers are similarly problematic because 99% of them are completely right handed. I know of one company making a very small number of reversed 38s for southpaws, but that’s it.
It isn’t just boutique guns that suffer from this problem. Let’s look at the ubiquitous AR-15 platform. Aside from the trigger, there are three controls on an AR: The charging handle, the safety, and the bolt release. All of these are inherently right handed. If you normies wanted to buy an AR, you could go and get the cheapest thing from Palmetto State or Radical Firearms and be happy. Lefties don’t get off so easily. First, I would have to change out the safety. That’s a minimum of $20. Then I have to add an ambi mag release. Another $20. I also need a BAD lever. 30 bucks. Finally, I need an ambi charging handle. The absolute cheapest I have ever seen one is $40. Add that up and you are looking at an extra $120 just to use the gun. Mind you these prices are the bare minimum. It is not uncommon to pay $50 for a good ambi safety, $50-$100 for a lefty mag release, and $80+ for a charging handle. You can see how quickly this stuff adds up.
The place that really gets dirty for lefty shooters are bullpups and bolt action rifles. By design these guns are not ambi friendly. You have to go for one hand or the other, and since most people are right handed, most guns are as well. I do not own a single bolt action rifle for this very reason, and up until the Tavor was released I didn’t own a bullpup, even though I love bullpup rifles. The Tavor can be set up for left or right handed operation, but in order to make mine a lefty I had to pay an extra $200 and ship the gun out for a conversion. Not cheap or convenient.
I think the worst part about all of this is that there are ways to make guns more lefty friendly. Companies simply don’t do them. Top break revolvers have been around for centuries but they are basically nonexistent today. Ambidextrous bullpup designs are starting to proliferate but they are still in the minority. To my knowledge there has never been a bolt action rifle that could be swapped from left to right handed operation (trust me, I’ve looked). Just about the only place ambidextrous design is in vogue is the handgun market, which is kind of silly because the handgun is probably the easiest weapon to learn to use weak handed.
I am sure there are some of you out there reading this rather incredulously. Waah, poor Vhyrus was born a freak and the world won’t change to accommodate him. And you’re right. This is a minor gripe. A textbook first world problem. That is exactly what’s wonderful about our country in [current year]. Things are so good I can bitch that my military grade death rifle isn’t user friendly enough. Compared to disease, starvation, war, slavery, oppression, and everything else going on, this is a giant nothingburger. So, in reality, this rant is actually glowing praise of our society in disguise. But, I still want my left handed guns dammit, and I sincerely hope that the ambidextrous trend for gun makers continues to build. Because as it is now, the kids are definitely not all right.
Breaking: This thing is completely legal and it makes me want to rob a bank to buy it.
That’s cool. Makes me want to hunt the most dangerous game…
Purple dildos from out of time
There needs to be some kind of law about people posting comments and then firsting it themselves.
Just repeal the damn NFA already.
Not judging, just curious. Approximately how much did that guy spend on the ammo he went through in that video. assuming he had to buy it all.
Ugh. Of course it counts as a handgun in MD. Such a PITA, this state.
That thing’s just tons of fun. The RCMP are probably shitting themselves every time they even think of this firearm.
I like this guy.
Tim from military arms is about as awesome as it gets for youtube gun guy.
Left handed creatures are an abomination against the Lord. They are the devil.
And then there are those freaks who are right-handed and left-eye dominant.
[kicks pebble, shuffles off]
That’s your “camera eye,” and a lot of people are right-hand/left-eye dominant. A lot.
I am! They say about 1/3 of people are, but in my high school physics class of 20-ish students, only me and the teacher were left-eye dominant. (Both right-handed, as well.) So make of that what you will.
In Italian they call people who write left ‘sinistra.’ Need I explain?
I still remember distinctly my mother when I was four years-old insisting I write with my right hand at the dinner table. Finally my father, while eating, said in Italian, ‘Basta. Lascio il regazzo. Scrivo con la sinastra.’ Stop. Leave the child. He writes left-handed.
It was that startling to me. Amazing what you remember.
I feel like Rufus just had a moment, and no one even cares.
I care. His mother could have saved him but his dad intervened.
My Mother was a left-handed Lefty and yet I post here. Need I say more?
My Google news feed is completely overrun with white supremacists.
You would think they were hiding behind every corner store just waiting to don their white sheets and terrorize malt liquor purchasers.
As someone who enjoys malt liquor and suffers from a dangerous lack of pigmentation, I resent this comment.
*pours one out for brochetta*
It takes guts to admit you like Smirnoff Ice.
Yeah, I specifically chose to not mute those when they made the change to spam them all the time because it it was good for a laugh when I woke up to check my phone for the latest in Trumputinazi news.
The Google News notifications on Android, that is. On re-reading I realized you might have just been talking about the web feed.
That’s exactly what I’m talking about. It’s amusing, but holy hell is it over the top.
Evo scorpion was on sale for $750 on gun.deals yesterday.
You had to show me this on a day Im broke didnt you.
If you share your bank account number and PIN, I promise to only post things when you can afford them.
The Google promise. Bold move, cotton.
Wait, you have a tavor…rich bastard.
No, I WAS rich. Now I own a Tavor. See the difference?
You need a scorpion carbine. It really is a lot of fun.
My non welded trigger pack came last week and my new hbi trigger and spring came in too. I’m looking forward to a much improved trigger pull.
I recommended it to my sister as she is recoil sensitive. I don’t know if she will buy it. As for me, I don’t really have anymore room in my gun safe.
You need another safe.
I know I do.
I had sworn that I’d never own a PCC (Pistol Caliber Carbine) years ago. My resolve lasted right up until my buddy bought a JP GMR-15. I wasn’t half a magazine through that thing before I was making a list of things to sell to afford one…
Please explain why – particularly compared with something like the Scorpion.
Some people say PCC is the worst of both worlds. Not as maneuverability as a handgun, not as powerful as a rifle.
Thanks. I know shit about rifles.
But I need one.
That is one argument, and a valid comparison of power vs. package. As Col. Cooper said about submachineguns versus pistols, and why he preferred pistols, “they strike the same blow”. Longer arms are less maneuverable, less concealable, and in the old days those smgs were not all that ergonomic.
But, there’s the arguments that go the other way:
-Cheaper to practice with, ammo wise (usually)
-Easier to practice, as pistol-only ranges generally allow them
-For the novice, it is far easier to be accurate with the PCC than a pistol
-For the expert, it’s just as easy to make good hits fast or faster with the modern PCC over the pistol
-The PCC will eke out more power out of pistol cartridges, dramatically so for calibers like .357 mag and .44 mag
-The PCC extends the effective range of the pistol round to its physical limit rather than the limit of the pistol platform (unless you’re Elmer Keith)
-The PCC has kinda-sorta less recoil than rifles (it gets fuzzy when you compare 5.56 to pistol rounds)
-There’s *slightly* less ear damage firing a PCC vs. something like an M4 indoors.
Much like the Republican Party is not actually free market, they are not actually very pro-gun either. They occasionally oppose new gun control laws, but they “compromise” with the Democrats quite a lot, and they almost never repeal any existing laws. This is one reason that I’m no longer paying dues to the NRA. I don’t want to pay money that will be donated to the party that’s ever-so-slightly less shitty on 2A rights. I’m trying to choose between the Second Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America.
That is what I was going to comment on. Why in the holy hell would Ryan oppose that? It makes no sense other than they are really showing they are for the most part the progressives everybody joked about them being.
Because he’s a cunt. A cunt! A CUNT!!! It’s also fucking joke this guy was ever presented as any breed of budget hawk. Primary this motherfucker.
He had a primary challenger. I heard interviews of the dude challenging him. He sounds like a protectionist douche but probably better than Ryan when it comes to other liberties. He barely made a dent in that district. I think most people don’t mind the cuntness of the repubs because most people are cunts themselves.
SAF are good folks, but the GOA is pretty much a long con for the enrichment of Larry Pratt.
What, what? Motherfucker.
I don’t own any guns, but damn it if I wouldn’t defend your right to possess nuclear arms.
Get rid of the NFA bull crap and I’d buy four silencers tomorrow. Come on Trump, help the gun shops out.
can I have one?
NO! I needz deez.
*hugs arsenal close*
My precious…
Ah, the left handed lament. I know Mr. Riven has gotten a lot of practice with pistols that have a right handed bias. He’s got a pretty quick reload with the ones he’s practiced on, but his competition gun this year has an ambidextrous release. He’s somehow even faster, which I wasn’t sure was possible
#1 euphemism!
No kidding.
*heads for cold shower*
Lol! You guys crack me up.
He’s a very coordinated and dextrous man. I basically won the man-lottery.
They don’t call him the Tundra the Twiddler for nothing you know.
*fist bump*
Thanks, brother.
*updates the Tundra file with this new info*
Really, there’s no point in amassing such info unless you’re planning on using it.
Unless, uh, of course, you’ve got a sister who’s lonely . . .
As a matter of fact, I do have a sister.
She is single.
She’s also at bootcamp right now as an unconventional recruit.
What makes one an unconventional recruit?
Tundra, d00d, I think I just did you a solid, and this is the thanks I get? Ungrateful cur.
Riven: Unconventional? Go on . . .
What makes one an unconventional recruit?
Prison diversion program?
Sorry Beam, it’s just that she is happily married, I’m OLD and happily married.
Momentum is my only chance!
Well, she’s 34.
But I learned in her last letter that she’s a unicorn, too. She’s going into psy-ops, so they’re going to train the hell out of her. MP and airborne training after boot camp concludes. Then psy-op training followed by language training? Sounds to me like they want her to stick around for a while.
Dangerous quarry
Sexy AF!
Ahhhh the “P-word”. Psychological Operations has a so called sinister sound to it. The Army looked for a generation or more for a new word and now it is called Military Information Support Operations or “MISO” (pronounced Mee-so) .
I hope you sister likes Ft Bragg because unless she goes into the Army Reserve Fayeteville will be her home……forever.
The more you talk about Mr. Riven the more I am convinced he is me from the future come back for a second try.
Maybe! I’d ask if you’ve invented a time machine, but wouldn’t you already know if you had?
Mr. Riven sounds like a tool. You should ditch his ass and give me a call.
*drops gloves*
Shots fired!
And in a thread about firearms. Who’d’a thunk?
Fortunately, the Model 3 Russian is still in production by Cimarron. Of course, it’s probably not suitable for CC, but it brings one hell of a cool factor to your gun collection. There’s just something so awesome about that seemingly obsolete hook on the bottom of the trigger guard.
I though top break went away because the frames aren’t strong enough to handle modern ammunition pressure.
Yea, that’s probably true.
To a degree; modern metallurgy and newer latch designs could overcome the pressures from modern rounds, except maybe things like the .454 casull or 500 S&W, but they fell out of favor originally because they had trouble with larger rounds. After a few hundred rounds they would loosen up and become dangerous. They’re still my favorite tote of gun, and I have a small collection of them. They’re fun to shoot, and most people have no idea how to use them, so if you see them They are usually very cheap. I’ve had to show several gunshop clerks how to open the things.
Don’t get me wrong. I’d love a webley, I just don’t want to lose a hand shooting it.
I’d kill for a Webley-Fosberry in .38.
Hear that ZARDOZ! This brutal will cleanse, I just need the gift of the gun!
This is my favorite gun to plink with; I’ve put more rounds through this than any other gun I own. Per the article, one in good condition is worth a little over $300, but since no-one knew what it was I picked mine up for $80.
I’m assuming that hook’s to stabilize the trigger finger for a more controlled pull?
i guess the most basic use for a firearm is self defense, so it makes some sense that they are the most common to find ambi.
What I want is advice for right handed, left eye dominant superior beings.
Long gun? Pick the side with the dominant eye. Especially shotgun, since visual index is so important in the shotgun sports.
No need to choose when shooting a pistol. Hold the gun in your right hand and put the sights in front of your left eye. Or put tape over the part of your shooting glasses that sees the sights with the eye you don’t want to use.
I’ll give it a shot (pun intended). Switching sides is going to suck. I’ve got 40 years of muscle memory.
Addendum: My perspective is the opposite of yours and so my long-gun advice may be useless, depending on what type of shooting you do. Scoped rifle and the like, eye dominance probably does not matter as much as handedness.
I suck with sighted rifles. Scoped not so bad
Thank you for the advice
isosceles and scoliosis?
I was gonna bust your balls, but then I realised that’s me too. David Puddy from Seinfeld high five.
Left-handed, right-eye-dominant, avid pistol shooter here. This odd combination doesn’t really get in the way with most modern pistols, but it makes long gun shooting an exercise in compromises. I got LASIK a few years ago, and when my right eye ended up with much better vision than my left, that was the final nail in the coffin for left-handed long gun shooting for me. It is occasionally handy to be handy on both sides with a rifle for 3-gun and carbine competitions, though.
You need to learn to shoot left handed. My gf is right hand left eye dominant. She shoots rifles left handguns right. Bonus, you can transition like a boss and your reloads are flawless.
I do shoot pistols left-handed, using my right eye. I shoot rifles and shotguns right-handed, just since my LASIK. Was left-handed with long guns before that.
I read it wrong. Right handed with long guns left with handguns.
Now I don’t know what to believe!
But I really don’t shoot long guns all that much these days, so I wouldn’t claim to be any good with them right-handed at this point.
FTA SHARE comments:
Wow, look at this guy lying about gun crime so he can pretend to care about violence in order to push his leftist agenda. I wonder who-
“argued John Feinblatt, president of Everytown”
“John Feinblatt”
Clearly the Nazis were motivated purely by envy.
Sarc or real life antisemite?
At this late date, anyone using the ellipses non-ironically is probably a legit anti-Semite. One with an unusually low cultural IQ.
I’m sorry you’re wrong-handed.
One of the things that annoys me so fucking much about Paul Ryan is that the left holds him up as some Ayn Rand disciple hellfire-and-brimstone type when, well, reality doesn’t really match up with the reality-based community’s narrative.
You’re telling me that the left isn’t really in touch with reality about this one specific issue?
This is my shocked face.
Well, I for one appreciate this article because left-handers are superior. /high fives Vhyrus.
My earliest experience with guns was with my uncle’s shot gun with the shells popping off onto my right arm because it wasn’t a left hand gun. Even when we played baseball at school there were no left hand gloves. So I had to catch, remove the glove and throw.
Same with scissors. I had to learn to cut right handed; which is to say crippled.
Most recently, Pomp graciously took me out to his gun club and I shot with a right-hand gun.
It’s tough for us out there!
I’m sorry there was no one in your childhood who beat the devil’s influence out of you. Now you have to live with his mark.
Illustration of a penis and scrotum in sunscreen on an otherwise sunburned back?
Dickbutt in sharpie pen on the forehead
Come back anytime, fucker. 15 minutes isn’t enough for a proper shoot, just ask my wife. Heyooooo
Same with scissors. I had to learn to cut right handed; which is to say crippled.
*has flashback to 1st grade*
*assumes fetal position and starts sobbing*
Seriously though, The first gun I bought was a bolt action Mossberg .308, and when I got it home, I tried to pull the bolt out in front of my father-in-law (who didn’t know I was left handed). He thought I had never touched a gun before. It was (and is) really awkward to do as a leftie.
OT: Harry Dean Stanton dies at 91
RIP. Great actor. Cool dude.
Gad dammit 2016!!!, seriously though great actor.
“no movie featuring either Harry Dean Stanton or M. Emmet Walsh in a supporting role can be altogether bad.” – the fat guy.
Gad dammit 2016!!!,
Seriously? 😉
Does Lou Reed know?
I’m sure David Bowie will let him know.
They’re close.
Man. That new Twin Peaks series is the kiss of death.
I love that guy. He’s drunk and smoking in every single interview he’s ever done.
RIP. He was great in Repo Man. “Hey kid. let’s go get a “https://duckduckgo.com/?q=repo+man+drink&t=ffnt&iax=1&ia=images&iai=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.null66913.net%2Fblog%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Frepo_man_meta_02.jpg”>drink.
+1 Repo Man.
Loved that flick. Effin’ weird.
The twisted surf music soundtrack really is the curlicue on that delicious cone. I must have watched that movie twenty times and never got sick of it.
While we are bitching about nature being a shite lord, what about men of perfected stature? At 6’4″ 280lbs I cannot drive any 2 seat sports car unless it has an automatic transmission – bleh. Shoes are not to be had except for special order and the people who make pants think that everyone with a 40″ waist haso a 30″ inseam! Where’s my special Ino rest group!
You’ve got a mad weird body shape. I’m only 6’2″ and have a 34″ inseam.
What is your shoe size? I get 14-15’s (depending on brands) and I don’t need to special order, typically, though it is always a challenge.
I’m 5’8″ and have a 32″ inseam.
And the last two times I bought shoes, I had to go up to size 12 because the size 11 wides were too tight and short. (I’ve got wide feet.)
You know what they say about short guys with big feet…
When they trip, they pole-vault across the street?
They’re hard to push over? Hitler?
Long Song Silver
They like old movies and make references I never understand?
Do you have scoliosis? (I refuse to believe I spelled that right on the first try after this many beers, but it isn’t tagged, so lets go with that)
I was going to guess Marfan’s
Just go back in time, Vhyrus, and learn how to shoot righty. I am a lefty, but learned how to shoot as a righty. That also made me right eye dominant.
Also: seems like an opportunity for a company to take advantage of, if there is $ to be made. If not, too bad.
Say you wanted a 9mm rifle. Most of you would simply go online, buy a Kel Tec Sub 2000 for around $350, and call it a day.
Damn. Only available in 9mm the camo version at my friendly neighbourhood arms dealer ( 8^> ), and just shy of $900.00 CDN. I could get a CX-4 for a few hundred more…
Oh yeah, here’s
the link.
You make me sad on your behalf.
Good! 🙁
God forbid you needed to reach a safety at any point cause you were proper fucked.
Berreta has always had both side safety access that would accommodate you mutants as far as I know.
Not always.
The safety on a 92 was not accessible from both sides? That is not my recollection. But that was many years ago when I carried one of those and I could be remembering wrong. One of two handguns I own now is a PX4 because it was cheap and it is a lot like a 92.
Check the link. 92S was an early European model with a strange magazine release at the base. The 92FS and M9 did have ambi safeties.
One of the earliest handguns I remember back in the mid-80s with ambi safeties was the CZ85. Always wanted one of those, even though it was Communist steel back then.
Read the link? He didn’t read the article. None of us did.
See but I did read it. But it is the 92FS that I would be thinking of. Some of us are not gun encyclopedias.
So I’ve been looking at new pocket rockets (I was actually eyeing one of those Polymer 80 not-a-Glock-19s with a 1911 grip angle, but got sidetracked) and the Sig P938 is appealing… anyone here got one?
I have heard they can have issues, and the trigger pull is actually heavier than you think. I would at least handle one and dry fire it before buying.
I have read nothing but positive reviews on the P938. It’s at the top of my list. What kind of issues are you aware of?
Is it just me or does anyone else see that the kid everyone is praising for mowing the Rose garden is doing a shit job of it?
He’s all over the place and missing swaths of grass.
If you were 11 and talking to the fucking president I bet you wouldn’t be paying a whole lot of attention to anything else you were doing at the time either.
And here we see the soft white-supremacism of lowered expectations.
I’m waiting for it to turn out that he’s actually a jihadi.
Donald didn’t make Barron do it?
Soft hands. I bet Melania puts lotion on them every night and wraps them in Egyptian cotton towels.
I’d mow some grass at the Whitehouse…
Donald Trump is so classy, he mows pinstripes into his lawn.
Random thought: Are the SJWs who are trying to criminalize use of the wrong pronouns literal grammar Nazis? Or does “grammar Commies” work better in this instance?
I was supposed to leave 10 minutes ago. I am not salaried like the rest of the bums here so I can’t stay late. This guy drops a job on me yesterday and tells me 3 hours ago it has to be done today. I am waiting to see if he needs any screenshots from me before I take off but he is on the phone.
Urge to kill rising.
Salaried? I’m retired. 😉
Seriously, charge this d00d extra. A lot extra.
I have a count down on my phone. Only 22 years 305 days left.
*sobs gently*
That’s going to be an old ass phone.
Vhyrus, my lefty brother is looking into the FN PS90 because the spent cartridges won’t empty onto his arm. I think the gun is ugly, but utility vs. pretty is an easy choice, so I’m not blaming him. Bullpup style.
That is an excellent choice. Also have him look at the Tavor or the Kel Tec RDB if he want’s a real gun.
Dugan Ashley Loved Him Some P90
Stooooopid mammals. Your party of stoooopid mammals will crush your hopes and dreams of ever acquiring cowardly subtle firearms devices.
Apropos of nothing, I finally got a chance to do some serious shooting at The Range at Langley, which I am a charter member of but couldn’t get to for over eighteen months after I joined (don’t ask — it’s painful to talk about). They’ve extended my original membership until Nov. 2018, so I’ve paid for one year and will end up getting just over three for that. Gotta love that.
Great range. A surprising number of off-duty cops (local or RCMP) work there as staff, and are extremely friendly and accommodating to the members and general public. Lots and lots of stuff for rental. Finally got a chance to shoot a Beretta CX-4 (9mm) to my heart’s content last Friday. Found the ghost ring sights a little weird to get used to, but all-in-all a lot of fun. If I end up getting that, definitely putting a red dot or perhaps a scope on it. They’ve partnered up with Wanstall’s (our local friendly arms dealer) to give discounts to members as well as reciprocating agreements to supply “loaners” to the range for members to test out.
I even had fun with my PX-4 airgun, which is surprisingly realistic considering. And dirt-cheap to shoot.
The Range has a high-powered air exchanger to deal with smoke, lead dust/vapour etc. (complete air changes every 30 seconds!), so if it’s 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit) outside, that’s the temp of the range indoors as well. Easier to deal with during our winters — 5 Celsius and 95% humidity you can bundle up against.
You’re lefthanded? You poor bastard, no wonder you’re always mad…
One thing about bullpups, the Steyr AUG was designed in 1977 with a reverseable ejector and charging handle. Ambidexterity has been built into bullpups for quite some time, except thatmone the Chicoms use. Apparently left handedness is taboo there. Good luck finding a Steyr though, those MSAR clones didn’t function too well and the real ones are subject to the import ban.
I am a weird mix of evil hand and right hand. Shoot a gun and pool left handed (due to left dominant eye), I use some tools with the left and ride a skateboard or surfboard goofy foot. The only true lefty gun I have is my Savage bolt action .308. It would be nice to have more options.
Late in the day, but you lefties should check out CZ, certain models they have/do make have varying levels of ambi-friendliness. Most of the modern models have reversible mag releases.
The 85 had officially been discontinued, but a few can be found that – and they’re fully ambi.
Some of the traditional 75 series – notably some of the stainless ones – had dual safety and reversable mag release. I think slide stop is righty-only
Some of the modern decocker ones have decocking lever both sides, (why, I have no idea, really).
As noted upthread, modern Beretta 92/96 are ambi to a degree (again, when they’re decocker models, they have the lever both sides, again, incomprehensibly)