And it’s an “official” trip, which means we’re paying for it.
Yeah, that really pissed me off. Fuck you Cuomo. With a rusty spoon.
“Hey, I was asked. Oh wait– I think I hear the leader of Acapulco calling me down next week.”
Sandra Lee needed a vacation
Not to mention the constant giant mecha attacks.
The problem is that whenever a kaiju or giant mecha attacks, another kaiju or giant mecha shows up soon to stop it and an epic smackdown ensues. The Japanese have gotten so used to this that whenever catastrophe strikes they instinctively rush out to watch the awesome brawl.
Ah…thanks for that. Very informative.
*heads back to lab*
Your Florida Man/Woman story of the day
SFed the link
Very Florida of him.
Has anybody considered the possibility that Tariq Nasheed is just a really good troll?
They’re on to him.
Yes. I don’t know how anyone takes him seriously.
I own a copy of this book, I am proud to add.
Did you learn anything from it? It has a bunch of stars.
“What’s a Nubian?”
That’s Swahili for “We Wuz Kangs!”
Go to porn hub and type nubian in the search bar.
….I’ll be back.
*Googles Clay Travis CNN interview*
That was the greatest thing to have ever been said to a CNN anchor.
You could see him pause for a second while he considered his career, and then just dived right in headfirst.
The brother on the other side paused, too, before he tried to lay into Clay. Big ass smile across his face and then, “Oh yeah, I gotta condemn that. I forgot.”
Would. *shrug*
I assumed that earlier today. This chart is fucking hilarious
It’s as if they gave divaD ekuD a platform and some positive media exposure. This guy is the worst thing to happen to race relations since the Right Reverend Al Sharpton.
hate the game, not the player
I will hate….cream soda. Gawd, that shite is awful.
I had never heard of the guy until today. He must just be trolling/messing with that stuff. I hope.
Probably in the same alley Straffin gets drunk in.
I’m already drunk before I stumble into that alley.
good planning!
Lotsa supine Asians. HM approves!
Huh, I am drunk now (got a start with OMWC at my favorite watering hole, came home and hit the bourbon)…got an alley for me?!
I have mentioned this before, but I have flown out of Dubai numerous times and seen the black burkaettes retreat to the bathroom after departure and emerge in tight jeans, six inch heels and cleavage. Weird fucking religion that is.
*and have seen* I need to proofread better
That’s because for that particular portion of the population, it’s not a religion. It’s a survival technique. Virtue signal or lose your head.
Not so weird to me: only paying lip service in the company of others to traditions you find ridiculous sounds pretty par for the course for members of any religion
Also, can’t get the visual of The Burkettes in full garb doing synchronized high kicks out of my head
*Old-timey Radio voice* ” And here for the listeners’ pleasure we present the Radio City Music Hall Burkettes!”
*studio audience applause*
“American Vandal” is really, really good.
Go on…
I went in with low expectations—of, say, some mildly funny dick jokes and half-baked parody—and was surprised to see some great, moving character-building and an actually really involving mystery. So maybe I shouldn’t overhype it and you should go in with moderate expectations.
Didn’t know what you were talking about so I Googled, and found this article:
I hate my industry. We have an internal Slack channel and the senses of humor are really dumb, sanctimonious and basic.
I am dl’ing the first 3 on your word alone
relationship between sexual position and severity of penile fracture
Fat chicks need lovin’ too.
I would have thought woman on top would have been number one.
“Whack-a-Mole” with consequences.
Hit it from the side.
‘Stop it happening to you by taking firm hold of her hips to make sure she stays in position.
How am I to wave my cowboy hat over my head ala Slim Pickens and do that?
I think you’re thinking about a different position. The position you’re thinking of has her on her belly, you’re in from behind, and you’re both falling out of an airplane.
That one is perfectly safe.
Doggy style, right? That’s the “it” from the quote or I’m confused.
It don’t matter once you’re at terminal velocity!
You know what, Straff? I damn near choked on my Buffalo Trace, reading that. You (almost) owe me.
20% of men were like “No problem, I’ll rub some dirt on it later, honey!”
Those are real men.
also, if you’re having sex on a windowsill….or a balcony…. or on piles of broken glass…or around wild dogs… i mean statistically, the risk is there.
Mud is safe, right? “Phew” says past incarnation of Festus’ rod-on!
So…shouldn’t have shagged that Navy nurse against a pile of 105mm shells, eh?
Not if your name is Yossarian, no.
I don’t know who linked the article from the Atlantic about someone’s new book about “college sex assault issues” ….someone did, and it was open in my browser all day and i finally looked at it.
this thing
anyway, jesus h tittyfucking christ that shit was infuriating. they’re really doing everything they can to try and perpetuate this bullshit narrative.
Nowhere does either the @()*$()@ interviewer or the author even bother with the whole fake “Campus Rape Crisis” the same magazine had been pumping for fucking YEARS.
(seriously, just type “rape crisis” into their search box and see the dozens of pieces between 2011 and 2014, after which the pushback began to erode the whole narrative. The worst piece i can find is titled, “The Misguided Definition of Rape as ‘Force’: Sometimes, saying no is as brave as a person can be. Isn’t that brave enough?; basically, where they actively advocated for expanded definitions of rape to allow people to claim it under any possible circumstances)
Nowhere do they address the fake ‘1-in-5 women are raped’ bullshit that was used to promote this idea. Nowhere do they cite a single statistic about the actual outcomes of Title IX trials.
Nowhere does she even try to attach any legal ideas to her concept of “a new standard of consent”, which is something she seems to have made up wholesale. she simply asserts “consent is more complex now”, and then makes no effort to try and understand how that’s completely incompatible with a system of criminal punishment, where *feelings aren’t fucking proof*.
She even sounds like a bloody bubblehead. her sentences sound like Malibu Barbie on 6 glasses of chardonnay. e.g.
“uhm, like yeah, that’s like, a legal thing that’s like complicated, but, you know, if like schools want to show they care they need to know that like rape isnt’ *always* rape, and like boys do bad things, you know?”
she also insists on referring to all the male defendants as “boys”. Which totally isn’t an insight to her patronizing view of how institutions need to interfere in student sex lives for their own good.
see, the worst possible outcome isn’t that we prejudged some student and destroyed his life. Its that the same student *might join the ‘alt-right’ and talk shit about girls!?? O.M.G. obviously the solution is like, mind control ‘reeducation’ where you explain that boys are bad.
What behavior does she expect? The guy to look down, kick a rock and mumble “oh well I guess I did rape her… huh…” His life is ruined at that point.
$5 says the author has a copy of this book (and the shirt):
And “alt-right” now means “white supremacist” so getting falsely accused of rape basically turns you into a Nazi. Isn’t it great when words can mean anything?
The Atlantic used to be a magazine that employed ‘professional’ writers. back in the 1990s/early 2000s maybe. they used to have a staff which, on average, probably had 20 years of experience in the area they commented on. It was where people went to write after spending a decade for a major newspaper, or working overseas, or had a job in govt, or other sorts of things.
now 90% of them seem to be retards right out of college who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground, rehashing hot takes about topics that don’t fucking mean anything. Its like “Pretentious Buzzfeed”. The only person there worth a shit is Conor F, but even he seems to be dragged down by their desire for hotter-takes on dumber topics.
Yeah, I think Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” was partially printed up in Atlantic or he had a column with them or something similar back in the day – it definitely had a more serious rep when I was in college.
exactly right. it was a magazine i read frequently because they had great foreign policy and military stuff. I didn’t like or agree with many of the writers, but they were the same sort of people you’d find in Foreign Affairs or World Affairs Journal. It was, for lack of a better term, a magazine intended for a “Post Graduate”-level readership.
Now their flagship writer is Ta Nesi Coates…. who basically writes prose on the level of a “slam poetry night at your local Afrocentric/Vegan Cafe”. they still publish article by the occasional washington insider… but its mostly just gossip-column political bullshit that only differs slightly in style than the average WaPo blog. Its juvenile, unserious….
e.g. “James Fallows on: Why Hillary’s Book Isn’t Awful” How brave of you, James. What a crucial topic the world needs to reconsider.
The Atlantic is on my short-list of sites that some of you rebrobates frequently link to that I won’t even click on. Others include WaPo, NYT, and Business Insider (which isn’t as frequent but just as retarded).
*conor friedersdorf is still occasionally worth reading. but rarely. and they might get a piece from time to time that isn’t retarded.
i have no similar sense of disappointment for any other american magazine. the new yorker i was always mildly contemptuous of, even when they were good. But the Atlantic was a good mag that just turned to ‘establishment lefty dogshit’.
it must have been some editorial meeting where they decided their growth plan was to try and scoop up all the people who were abandoning The New Republic. or, like Reason, they thought, “We have to get more ‘youthful'”, which they interpreted as “Stupid”.
Sorry for this, but it feels necessary:
That has actually been quoted in supreme Court decisions. The first time was Shapiro v. United States in 1948.
My question is why are these efforts only targeted at college campuses? Certainly the culture of rape extends far beyond the quad. Why aren’t the crusaders trying to change the laws directly? If they truly care about the plight of women, certainly they should be campaigning to change the laws. Could it possibly be because it would be incredibly unpopular to do so? Or is it because they know that it would be laughed out of the courts?
Probably because laws are hard to change but bureaucratic policy is easy to create. And, it’s a target-rich environment.
My point exactly. It’s the elevation of the bureaucracy over the rest of the government. The universities are the test grounds for the rule of the nomenklatura.
yeah, that too. its a foot in the door for breaking the public perception of how due process should work.
I assume its because there are lots of lawyers for whom title IX cases are a booming business and use their connections with media to pump this fucking issue to death.
half the things that are advanced in congress as ‘important new regulations/laws’ are just ways for various politically-connected law firms to grow their business
Where are all the “think pieces” involving bush party rape? I grew up in a University town and the only rapes that I can recall involved drunk teenagers at out of control outdoor parties and sneaky fucking creeps going in for a “coldy” after everyone else was passed out . Nothing to do with higher ed, just rapists being, well, rapists.
That had actually been quoted in supreme Court decisions. The first time was Shapiro v. United States in 1948.
Huh. How’d that get there? Was a reply to Humpty Dumpty.
There is a campaign to make the affirmative consent thing the law in Cali.
I was thinking the other day that we might be headed back to a 19th century Regency through Victorian era deal wherein a gal and a guy who are fond of each other (or think they might be) go on dates with a chaperone. It used to be mainly to protect the woman’s “virtue”, but the 21st century version would make sure that no false accusations would fly, and protect the man’s reputation. Maybe both the guy and the gal would have their own chaperone at a respectful distance so the prospective couple could chat and size each other up.
You can thank a lawyer.
As they reached for the dog’s leash their hands inadvertently touched. The grim Matron from Human Resources stagger-stepped forward but the human connection was brief and not noteworthy enough to file a report. The couple glanced at each other and secretly thought “Yes. This is the Person with whom I shall agree to a coitus contract with, Gaia willing.” The minder settled on her hover-chair and let out a wispy fart.
I go where the Muse takes me.
Her fear is a man who was falsely accused of rape might join a group who calls out cunts who falsely accuse men of rape? The horror!
She needs one of those comic arrows over her head flashing, “DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH THIS WOMAN SHE WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE”
Actions don’t matter, force (vs non-force) doesn’t matter. What matters is that you think the correct things, in the correct way. It’s always the same.
lol, how up your ass do you have to be not to realize how creepy this is? Most progs are more subtle.
they speak in bullshit, vague catchphrase terms which are loaded with PC Goodfeels for them, but they don’t realize how retarded/creepy they sound to people who treat their gibberish as logical arguments.
“re-education” is basically = “Shut Up”, they explained (Instapundit’s joke about the standard Progressive argument)
What got me is that for all her femsplainin’ she had no clue how sexual assault allegations should be handled, just that some sort of arbitrary, subjective process needs to take place but not really sure what. She doesn’t want innocent people to be charged but she still wants kangaroo courts. Yeah, that’s justice. Idiot.
exactly that. its this especially-progressive combination of:
1 – “I take this topic more seriously than you b-cuz i signal how i *care*”
2 – “but i’m way too fucking lazy to actually learn the statistics about crime, the various laws that apply, and how cases are handled by adjudicators and lawyers and actually make some sort of coherent recommendation about how things might be better changed”
which (2) is basically the stuff that actual *govt lawyers do*, and which drove the sorts of changes which DeVos was recommending. But which her only reaction to is, “UGH! sounds to me like Republican Not Caring because Caring means, like, ‘more money’, and like more staff, and like, ‘less rigid restrictions’ on due process rights and stuff”
it drives me nuts because the net result of all this fake ‘campus rape’ gibberish is that everyone is spinning their wheels over Title-IX unwanted titty touching, and spending huge sums on Clery Act reporting, but none of it – literally none of it, does anything to help actual rape victims.
I’ve used that argument against many a devotee of the rheeeee!
Go on…
“Math ish fucked up, riiiiight? Ken? Ken can lick my nib (burps)! He’s notta real man! I wanna real man with junk and stuff! Fuck Ken and Skipper can lick my ASS! WHAHOOOOOO!”
Florida asks for a recount on that figure.
Serious note- a few days ago I read an article about how the virgin island folk where doing fine and getting by telling aid workers they just needed a tent and all was good. Self reliant people who would rebuild. I tried to find that article today and all that came up in a search was destruction and misery.
It’s probably full of NYPD cops who took their mid-six-figure pension down there.
ding ding ding. lots of public workers with property.
It’s a risk I’m willing to take.
I don’t know who linked the article from the Atlantic about someone’s new book about “college sex assault issues” ….someone did
*Nelson Muntz laugh*
N Korea Fires Missile Over 837 UNESCO World Heritage Sites
I’m not your buddah, gaijin.
I am not your Gaijin, Gaikokujin.
I am not your Senpai, Kouhai.
Nuclear Holocaust Imminent – UNESCO Sites To Be Hardest Hit.
If rather be stuck on an island with STEVE SMITH than stuck watching the View. Seriously.
Holy moly……..six words
Whoopi be dumber than dog shit
I think the View might be the stupidest thing on tv from the few clips I have seen.
Yeah, the don’t do women any favors by being such idiots.
No violence on the left before Trump. Woke.
Of course there wasn’t any violence. Why would you need to be violent when you control the state, and can use them to commit your violence for you, all legal-like and everything.
That’s the thing with the Left-Left, it’s rheeeeee all the way down. Hans Gruber in Birkenstocks free-falling.
When it is a situation like the ones that have been described, you need to look at re-education.
BUT- if one were to suggest the need to “re–educate” females as to what ought realistically to be considered sexual assault, they would shriek to the high heavens about misogynistic oppression and victim-blaming.
Victim blaming OR Don’t be a dumbass, girl.
You decide.
This will get you fired:
He continued: “But when you then look deeper into the story you have to ask certain questions. Why does a girl who just meets a fella in a bar go back to a hotel room? She’s only just barely met him. She has no idea of his health conditions, she has no idea who he is, she has no idea of what dangers he might pose.”
“But modern day social activity means that she goes back with him. Then is surprised when somebody else comes into the room and rapes her. Should she be raped? Course she shouldn’t. Is she entitled to say no? Absolutely. Is the guy who came in a scumbag? Certainly. Should he go to jail? Of Course. All of those things,” he said.
“But is there no blame now to the person who puts themselves in danger?” he said.
“I accuse myself of the following crimes… I have seduced Party members of both sexes… I’ve been to the proletarian areas… I deliberately contracted syphilis in order to spread the disease… to my wife and other Party members. Together with other agents, I have counterfeited banknotes… wrecked industrial machinery, polluted the water supply… guided Eurasian rocket bombs to targets on Airstrip One… by means of coded radio signals. I stand here, a victim of the influence of Milo Yiannopoulos. Guilty on all counts.”
Wow. Very nice.
It helps that I just watched the movie recently. I swear it’s like a blueprint of exactly what is going on lately.
Yeah, It sounds like he meant more the latter, but actually using the word ‘blame’ didn’t help. Not that it matters. Just suggesting a girl maybe shouldnt get wasted and dance naked in a high crime area at 3am is considered victim blaming today.
If I tell my daughter not to do that kind of stuff am I preemptively blaming her?
According to feminist you are.
I don’t see how it’s hard to understand ‘Don’t put yourself in dangerous situations.’
We understand it when we laugh at the redneck whose trip to the emergency room begins with ‘Hey, Cleatus, hold my beer.’
If you put yourself in a bad situation, bad things are more likely to happen. It’s not your fault, it’s not your legal responsibility, but there are bad people in the world who do bad things. I wish the world wasn’t that way, but it is.
So… DON’T put yourself in dangerous fucking situations!
What’s completely fucked up in the case above is the explicitly made all the disclaimers possible BEFORE he went on to say, “Hey gals, be more careful.” Reality means absolutely nothing to the mob mentality.
‘Comedian’ Chelsea Handler calls Ben Carson a “black white supremacist.”
Ebony and Nazery go together in perfect harmony.
I remember her show on… Comedy Central?… being funny. But funny doesn’t exist anymore.
The only thing she has ever had going for her is a nice rack and a foul mouth. Don’t get me wrong, I like an “earthy” sort that is pleasing to the eye but good heavens, has that woman ever had an original thought flit through the dusty blank of her cranial cavity? We forgive attractive people their foibles and stumbles and I say this as someone who is really, really good-looking.
Joke stomper.
Forgive me?
No. No, it is not. I actually wanted to go back in time to the place where i’d never read it before.
So you thought the rest of us should read it, too? Dick.
misery loves company
I’m sure there’s nothing at all racist about comparing a black neurosurgeon to Uncle Ruckus.
It’s devolved to the level of playground politics. She’s a member of “Team Becky” so her synchophants in the media line up behind every slanderous utterance. Team “Ashley” on the other hand has a harder time getting all of the cute boys to notice them because they come from the wrong zip code or have awful straight, flowing locks. Look at the way pundits treat the Fox Barbies.
It’s sad when a woman thinks that she can only be funny if she talks like a man. How does the Trump spiel not get old, even to the left. Although I guess Jon Stewart made a career out of Bush is stupid. So trite.
It’s funny in a barroom situation where there is give and take but in normal life, not so much. My Mother used to call girls like that “coarse”. Dad called them “Floozies” and yes, I am one hundred years old.
pics! im a gerontophile
I’m 52 but My Dad and I had sit-down wherein he told me point-blank to “Stop bringing your goddamn floozies home!” I was 19 or so, and yes, I did own a waterbed.
*scene from Star Trek*
“That guy is a white/black black/white supremacist! He has sold out the rest of us white/blacks!”
*Ahem. You rang?*
Well, I feel like I’ve been missing out on all the great morning link topics all week – freaking frustrating.
That said, came across a few good articles at work today – linked in my twitter now.
This one re: N. Korea is a very interesting take.
In the same way that sailors on FITZ had to actively choose to save the ship by battening down the hatches to prevent flooding at the cost of several lives – at what point do we bite the bullet on doing what’s necessary in the long term for N Korea.
I imagine there are plenty of spec ops plans done up properly for a mission like that – but I know the last time the ROK tried it – (see the movie “Silmido” which I may review some day) – it didn’t work out too well – and that was in retaliation for an assassination attempt raid on the S. Korean presidential palace.
Two big problems:
1. South Korea is dead set against American interference on the peninsula.
2. North Korea would annihilate Seoul about 20 minutes after hostilities commenced.
But you know that ROK is also partly planning for stuff like that. The “training” SRBMs they launched 10 min after the NORK launch were on trajectory/ranges matching what they would have needed to hit the NORK launch pad.
And these days, any “unilateral” action the ROK took with SOF, etc – would definitely be bounced off us.
Shapiro’s speech at Berkeley. Contains about a 6 or 7 minute video excerpt.
I just wish Ben would stop saying, “I’m libertarian on drugs.” No, you’re a pragmatist.
I just wish Ben would grow a luxurious porn-stache and start wearing 1975 era leisure suits and platform shoes. That’s my wish, Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Honestly I was surprised they allowed that to happen. As well as surprised the masked idiots didn’t tear the place apart.
I guess $600,000 buys a lot of security.
I dunno. How much did they pay for in police overtime when Milo spoke a few months back? That didn’t buy much security.
That is a great question.
Good question. Is it possible that peak stupid has passed and they’re starting to realize the error of their ways?
Honestly I think Pelosi’s condemnation helped (plus generally some more widespread discussion of what antifa actually IS) and that put the pressure on Berkeley city to not call off the cops.
And Shapiro’s not as easy being a NeverTrumper and Jewish, and at least some of them know that. The bigger target will be the “Free Speech Event” that Milo will be at again, among others. I’ts supposed to last a couple of days, so some shit will happen, they can’t restrain themselves that long, I don’t believe it.
Lays in stores of popcorn and many, many beers….
The teen kid in the upper left with the headphones on is creeping me out. He’s like “this is the worst game of CoD ever”
I was surprised and pleased when last night, local news showed a clip of the speech on their segment about Berkeley and they let it play for a few phrases, not all cut to hell to make him sound awful. It’s nice when they do their jobs properly.
The streak is over.
David Niven’s ghost struck dumb.
+1 Oscars and shortcomings
^ this guy is old enough to get it.
Too bad John got the boot because Tom Woods addresses John’s objection to being guided by principles.
Did John ever claim to be a libertarian? (I just read the teaser to the podcast) I think it is too bad he got the boot too. People do what people do.
No, I believe he’s a small government conservative.
Yes, he stated multiple times that he is not a libertarian.
Some day the big L libertarians will figure out the small government conservatives are the ones who actually agree with them on most things.
I typed that and then remembered the big L libertarians are progressives now so never mind.
I can’t remember. I think he disliked labels. I think he said, “call me classical liberal”, or “libertarian republican” at times when people accused him of being some socon.
In my very vague memory, i seem to recall that he also, despite frequently screaming stupid shit about gay marriage, claimed to be as gay-friendly and athiest as anyone else. It was that he saw the subject of identity politics – any form of it, but “gay” being the #1 contender for getting newly “protected class”-status – as a backdoor way of eroding the american legal tradition of equality under the law. He despised the way the CRA has been used as a launchpad for that sort of stuff. My dad, who was also a lawyer, often espoused a similar view, and could have been mistaken as a “social conservative” when he was in fact a pretty liberal guy who held *legally conservative* opinions and would get very heated because not-lawyer people take a very lazy attitude towards legal ideas.
I could also be entirely wrong. I honestly never paid too much attention over the years to John because, like Winston (please stay gone) he mostly just repeated himself ad nauseum. he had a tiresome way of beating dead horses into Jello.
Cmon, you want to read “libertarian moment!” another 1000 times. Admit it.
I read Libertarian Moment the same way that I try to envision the heat death of the Universe. So far away and hard to grasp that I just give up and crack another beer.
John was all about what I think of as “seventies gay”, like in-your-face gays who derided the trappings of bourgeoisie heterosexuality like “marriage”. I had a hard time wrapping my head around it.
I had a hard time wrapping my head around it.
Opportunism. John supported anything that undercut the position he was trying to undercut no matter how weirdly it fit with his other stated positions.
I’m pretty sure I’ve spotted the same attitude vis-a-vis gays among his fellow travelers like Derbyshire (I used to read him a lot). I chalked it up to those types viewing gays as a kind of amusement.
This is right on the nose. Never thought about that before. He enlists a lot of “strange bedfellows” to support his rhetoric, and it never jibed.
That’s why I think I was turned off by most of his arguments, even if I agreed with his conclusions. He was very disingenuous in how he’d get there (many different tracks, many mutually incompatible—or if he did have a solid line of argument, he’d contradict it with lots of contradictory embellishment just to hammer down and “win”).
Maybe it’s the lawyer.
Maybe it’s the lawyer.
That is my guess.
I still appreciated his insight. I am not the sharpest tool around so I like to listen to the other tools. Lots of tools around here.
I didn’t have the history with John that you guys did but he did seem sort of a prickly pear whenever someone dared to gainsay his opinion. He was not a fan of anal sex, apparently NTTAWWT.
He never listened when people tried to tell him “more lube.”
Also, if you don’t want to listen to all of that, just read this essay by Rothbard to get the point.
Indeed. It was finally admitted in the WaPo The Democrats have become socialists but where are the libertarians screaming like Bernie Sanders? Rand? It sure as fuck wasn’t GJ.
I have little hope. Interesting article none the less.
Wait, John got the boot? I thought he never came over here at all.
Yeah, he posted under the handle “John”. 😉
Huh. I wondered. I saw one or two posts, and it sounded kinda like him, but John is pretty common name, and I was under the impression that he explicitly declined the invitation.
John is the kind of guy that’ll call you an idiot for agreeing with 80% of what he says. Weird character flaw.
That is exactly what an idiot would say.
^^this is sort of what i meant by when i stopped paying attention. it was like, “why bother, he’ll treat my replies as either 100% endorsement, which they never were, or a challenge, which he’ll only take as a personal insult and start frothing at the mouth.
remember that?
He’d be like, “You know, you’re one of the good ones here, you always get it” in one thread….
….and then in the very next thread, like a half hour later, you’d reply to something he said, and he’d be like, “typical of you, you are completely ignorant of this topic and have no fucking idea what you’re talking about and are just reacting in your usual knee-jerk way without applying the least thought to the subject. You always do this in some slimy, backhanded….”
and you’d be like WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? he did that to me once or twice – flipped 100%, going from praising the ground i walked on, to calling me a traitor who never said a single thing worth listening to, in the span of a single day. After that i just quit caring what he was ranting about.
Bless his heart.
Excellent summary there, Gilmore.
You fucking half-witted ass-fiend!
Sorry…just feelin’ a bit nostalgic. :pours some MD out for John:
I stopped taking John seriously after I called him out talking about how damning the circumstantial evidence of the Podesta “pedophilia” emails were. Of course the emails were written by the grandmother of 3 kids that were driven to a pool party that Podesta had something to do with.
Been here for maybe a month. There was discussion in Thursday afternoon links about the banning including a pretty good explanation from SP at 3:40pm.
Thanks. I guess I should go read it.
John and Jesse had an epic slap-fight and some stuff happened behind the scenes. Jesse was the victor. There can only be One!
So, it seems mild. If he had insulted me, for instance, probably no ban. But, it was Jesse, so yeah. I mean, using a platform to insult one of the people maintaining that platform seems stupid. Like, if two guys working for me get into it, I don’t care. Get into it with me, yeah you’re off the job.
Oddly it was less about who he picked the fight with and how he picked the fight, but I doubt I’ll be able to shake the founder-privilege tag now.
Man, on top of that you got the white privilege burden. Thank God you’re gay.
Also, your track lighting looks weird, I absolutely love that color of green, and why are you holding a tortilla by the scruff of the neck?
IKEA and my roommate (straight lady) picked it when the kitchen was remodeled. re: “tortilla”
I had never noticed the track lighting in jesses pic now I can’t stop looking at it. I also did not know a tortilla had a neck.
The crepe is dying for some photoshop. It’s a blank, starchy canvas, just sitting there!
I dunno what you’re talking about. We’re the shock troops of the new progressive homocracy.
“homocracy” Nice
Fear not, Jesse. You’re a good egg even though you are one of “them”…
Wait, Jesse is Jewish?
Wouldn’t that be “(((them)))”?
Maybe he’s one of „them”.
Ew… French?
Ew… French?
I mean at least partially. I’m a descendant of leaders of the Acadians on my maternal grandmother’s side.
Oh, wait. It’s Friday night.
Move along.
….to the bar.
To be fair, he looks like a Nazi… but what’s to stop anyone from Photoshopping a Facebook post that has “since been removed”?
That is kind of a head shaking post if true though. WTF
It’s so ridiculous that anyone would even post that, that I have a hard time believing it. But yeah.
Now, if he had said “cop” instead of “black man”, he’d be a hero.
There isn’t anything stopping anyone from doing that. More interesting in this case, though, is why a stupid racist remark from some firefighter in Ohio became a news story for the NY Post?
I’m tired of everyone playing Spot the Racist. There are no shortage of people with dumb ideas, but it’s starting to feel like we’re in another version of The Crucible.
Racists and sexists top the list of threats to intersectional wokeness. Start at the top and work your way down until only the true New Soviet man remains standing.
The same reason this article can be found in the NY Post.
Lol. I was worried you’d salt the earth with a different link.
I’d leave the kaishaku to you.
Had to look it up. Ah-So!
That was only slightly freaky the first time you linked it. Now it gets no rise.
That’s the problem with you people.
You desensitize too easily.
Never change, my dusky friend.
Who you calling you people?
Subscribed to that channel!
You’re going to have to get a whole lot weirder than that and bad Dutch pornography to shock some of us.
I recommend the BodyMod communities.
Meh, there was a Bob’s Burgers episode involving balloon fetishism and a swinging retirement community.
This makes a weird sort of sense.
Whew! At least the sentiment is still in tact!
Comment from the sex position article:
“I thought the most dangerous was when her husband arrives home early.”
Depends on what floor she lives on and if you kept your clothes handy for a quick get away.
Hiding in the closet can be problematic. “No wire hangers! I’ve told you a thousand times, no wire hangers!” Tingle-bingle, rustle rustle – Caught!
Was a naked intruder!
NBC Sports’ new push towards “streaming” (i.e. charging fans double to watch all the games they used to get with their cable bill) + Manchester being higher on the popularity stack means Liverpool fans can drop dead this weekend. I pity the West Brom fan(s) out there.
Wait, have they set up a service where you can’t log in with your cable credentials? That’d be…unusual, but maybe not an unsurprising harbinger of the unbundled future.
Yep, and they gave it new name: “NBC Sports Gold”. Have I mentioned in the past that I fucking hate “streaming” and everything that comes with it?
Hmm, yes. Yes you have.
That’s incredibly obnoxious. I always looked forward to a more à la carte media future, but it seems like it’ll end up being structured in a way that screws consumers instead of creating more choice.
I want à la carte too – but the current approach costs more* and is vastly more inconvenient with inferior quality. Yay?
*for certain use cases
Here in Canada we’ll get a la carte just when Americans get the retinal implants.
My big problem is never being sure where to find things in our current system. Yahoo! has a surprisingly useful app (mind blown, right?) for finding TV shows and movies on streaming services with notations for free to watch, rent or buy.
Minor problem: I went to watch The Oroville on Fox’s app, the commercial breaks all had 3-5 commercials, and the most prominent one was this: a poor man’s Sarah Silverman doing a Monistat ad, which aired three times over the course of a Seth McFarland take on a star trek spoof
They’re flailing in the dark. Who the fuck do they think that they are marketing too? Certainly not teen-age girls.
Yeah, if I want to watch that “on demand” I have to sit through the commercials. Fuckers. That’s why I have too much crap on my DVR because on the off chance I’ll get to it I want to be able to FF throught that shit.
That commercial lead me to this, where a bunch of Nazis complain she is destroying the very foundation of Western art and literature by starring in a production of Romeo and Juliet where Romeo is played by a black guy.
You know, by Shakespeare. The same guy who wrote a play where the villain was a bigot who blackmailed a white woman married to an African general out of racially motivated jealousy and spite.
Lord, what fools these Nazis be!
For extra irony, she’s half-Asian.
I actually feel dirty for having a page that starts
in my browser history.
The comments are gold, jesse. Gold!
*reads comments… autoclaves computer, self*
Slowly realizes this isn’t satire…
So… the Jews ruin everything by inserting “Negroids” everywhere? That’s so inspired it might work
I dunno, I kind of have the urge to deutschify my „quotes“ from now on.
If you want true alt-right cringe, check out Murdoch Murdoch’s channel on youtube. He makes animated alt-right propaganda and it’s hilarious. Especially ‘Last Son of the West’ where an anime boy fights a snake with Nietzsche’s head (Richard Spencer would be so disappointed in you, Murdoch Murdoch).
Add two more falafal recipes and you are good to go.
~~~tag win!~~~
tag fail
That’s my favorite too.
When I was a little girl, Annie was my favorite movie in the world
Your taste is shit, jackass cunt, and the fact that they ‘Jewed’ your shitty memories is the least of your concerns.
Now you know why I complain about Fox Sports’ CL coverage.
Fun thing I learned recently:
The capital of Tajikistan is Dushanbe. The name means Monday (du = 2, shinbeh = day) in Persian/Farsi (Tajik dialect). There was a major crossroad there in the Silk Road days and there was a market every Monday. Eventually, a town formed near the market.
Tajik and Dari (spoken in Afghanistan) are close enough to Farsi (spoken in Iran) for them all to understand each other. There’s a lot of Persian in Urdu as well, but it has different grammar.
Many towns in Afghanistan have Persian names. Mazar e Sharif means Noble Shrine. Shah e Kot means King’s Fortress.
more fun language trivia
I go over Chinese flashcards to keep my brain busy when I walk on the treadmill. The alternative is watching CNN or a educational cartoon about a talking dog that teaches you new words. I’m not sure which one is dumbed down more.
Anyway, kung fu means “great skill” in Chinese, but it rhymes with a similar sounding word that means “free time”.
Lobster in Chinese is “dragon shrimp”. Dinosaur is “old big dragon”.
The word for ugly means “hard to look at”.
I have a few aborted attempts to learn Mandarin under my belt. Software, classes, etc. All good stuff – I just couldn’t stick with it. So I have a passing knowlege that’s more lingustics-based than anything. Lord knows none of it helped me when I was actually there.
Many bearers of linguistics degrees strut confidently into the Defense Language Institute…and wash out a few months later.
Learning a foreign language is a separate skill from understanding linguistic concepts. You learned to speak English before you knew about things like plurals, conjugations, etc. You learned by imitating what you heard. That is what you must do again to learn a foreign language.
Try to find clips in the target language with a transcript. Listen to the clip and then read the transcript out loud. It’s like learning to sing or play and instrument. Once you know what it’s supposed to sound like, it’s much easier to get it right. Reading a transcript out loud gets you speaking naturally instead of taking long pauses as you try to remember words or get the grammar right.
jesus, that’s good advice.
foreign languages was my only problem in school. and it was exactly that problem – that i was always mentally translating rather than just absorbing the language like a series of sounds.
play *an* instrument
typos- I make them.
Wo shi lao wei bai gui.
Pimsleur is pretty good
I am old – – -?
Oh I agree with all of that. It’s not a problem for me to learn a language. It’s devoting the time to it.
Looks like a have a problem with threading though. This was a reply to Derp’ist
The Chinese course at DLI takes 64 weeks with about 50 hours of class and homework per week. The Chinese department has a saying- if you have free time, you aren’t studying enough.
The Arabic course is the same length and their philosophy is increase homework until either you flunk out from exhaustion or your grades improve.
Yeah… I already have a full-time job thanks…
But yeah, I learned more about communicating in German in the one year I lived there than in the previous three years of classes.
How do you find different backgrounds effecting ones ability to grasp a non native language? For instance, I struggle with it but I was raised in an area of only english and a smattering of spanish spoken. But I have worked with people from many places and the ones who grew up with multiple languages spoken could pick up a new one at the drop of a hat. It blew my mind to be honest. That and made me feel dumb as rocks.
Being exposed to foreign languages from early age certainly helps, but the main thing is motivation and studying properly.
You will not learn a foreign language by taking multiple choice tests, fill-in-the-blank-exercises, or copying conjugation tables.
You will learn by speaking and listening to the target language as often as possible and prioritizing which words are the most important.
I’ve heard the same sort of thing. Some people say kids learn languages easier.
But part of that is that adults have better tools to hang out with those who speak the same language. So a Spanish speaking kid in the Minnesota doesn’t quite have the same options as his farm working, Spanish speaking dad to avoid English speakers. Same with various ex-pat communities. I’m sure if I went to to Tokyo I could probably find a bar frequented by English tutors, and spend my evenings conversing without ever speaking a word of Japanese.
I took years of French and even went on an exchange program to Montreal but fucked if I can speak the language. I can read it and understand someone speaking it to some degree but there is a cut cable in my brain wherein I can’t put three words together. It’s like music. I noodled for years on the guitar and never got better. I have a pretty discerning ear but if you were to place a guitar in my hands I’d probably flip it over and start beating on it arythmically. I was the kid that had to stand at the back during the concert that wasn’t even trusted with wooden blocks. Just clap your hands, Monkey!
醜い or 見にくい (without the hiragana, of course) in Chinese? In Japanese, the former means “ugly” and the latter “difficult to see”. My guess is Chinese uses the former.
*Both are pronounced “minikui”. Coincidence or pigbacked, IDK.
难 看
nan kan
difficult [to] look [at]
Interesting. Simplified Chinese characters always look weird. 難。
Feng shui is Chinese for “big scam”.
A good video for shutting up 9/11 truthers and Islam-has-nothing-to-do-with-terrorism types:
The Yankees win, so of course the Rays coughed up 2 runs to the Red Sox to tie it in the 8th, and now the Sox have a lead in the 14th. Bastards.
Ha! The Rays tied it!
There is a baseball team named the Rays? I hope the first part of their name is Death.
And the Red Sox score 7 in the next inning. Rays ran out of pitching.
Halloween With Alex Jones, 1997
he is thin, good looking, and strangely convincing. he’s explaining to a caller the police use of FLIR (forward looking infrared) to fly around and look for indoor-weed-growing operations. Perhaps this is the origins of the “Black helicopters”-meme. But what he’s describing is true, and it was the subject of a supreme court case which ruled on whether searches of that type (from the air with long-range equipment) are allowed under law
(if i recall, i think they *partially* are. simply flying around and looking for random heat is Not Ok because its like a “general warrant” which is banned by the constitution, but if they have a ‘tip’ or a source which suggests that a suspect is growing in a certain location, they can use the heat-signature to get a warrant to then do a full search of the home)
My favourite Jones meme, besides the folk song.
Alex Jones is one of the most talented performance artists alive.
But when Alex Jones is right about something it’s like a crystal bullet straight to the forehead
As HM once said, “the WWE lost a great character when Alex Jones decided to go into talk radio.”
I love Alex for the fact that 30% of what he says is rational, founded logic while the other 70% is dramatic extreme crazy-person nonsense.
He easily could have been a wildly successful preacher
I’d love to see Alex Jones suplex a dummy of Satan to the applause of the extreme Christians.
Also, holy fuck, someone make this as a DOOM mod.
Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27 (2001), held that the use of a thermal imaging, or FLIR, device from a public vantage point to monitor the radiation of heat from a person’s home was a “search” within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment, and thus required a warrant.
Go on…
Oh, there’s a video. I don’t actually know who he is or anything about him. Just see a lot of references to him.
He is no longer Rhywun bait.
Damn, he’s five years younger than me and rocking titties I couldn’t dream of.
“they”‘ve been putting birth control pills in his water for years just to hide the truth from you.
” I could look like that if I had a staff of personal trainers!” said every schlub, ever.
Alex Jones is the political equivalent of a car crash. You can’t help but stare at it, and once and awhile you’re impressed by the skills of the paramedics but that’s overwhelmed by the carnage you witness.
I hold Alex Jones in about the same esteem that I held my Mom’s decades long subscription to Fate Magazine. She caught me reading Skeptic when she was getting on in years and I thought she was gonna have stroke.
At some point, you recognize the fact that Jones at least tries to research his material before going batshit crazy, so there’s these weird moments where you go “yeah, his initial statements about the Clintons/Bushes/establishment are correct, but they’re not inter-dimensional demons or some shit.”
From my studies I’ve decided that it is all Rosicrucians, all the way down.
Wait, he’s only 23 there (according to comments)?
Now that’s a youthful receding hairline, poor guy
I’m still a fan of the conspiracy theory that he is actually Bill Hicks.
My Mom – “Christmas is coming!” Me – “I don’t do xmas, Mom, you know this.” My Mom – “How dare you try to ruin my Christmas? You were an accident, you know.” Ah Mom, probably fist-fighting with the angels as we speak.
Paging Dr. Freud*
Nah, she was nasty and when she died I felt relief rather than grief. Don’t be that guy Staff. I love you but I will cut you.
Can’t choose your parents.
Can’t choose your children (Or can you?) Sugarfree knows. Sugarfee knows…
I don’t get the atheist hatred of Christmas. It was one of the greatest times for me as a child, and you can easily substitute it for the Equinox or whatever.
Hell I’m an atheist, and I like Christmas. I mean, I hate Christmas carols, but that’s because I used to work retail, and they would just play that shit on a loop that would drive you insane having to listen to it 30-60 hours a week for months.
But a holiday devoted to being nice to your friends, family, and co-workers, I got no beef with that, and enjoy seeing my nieces and nephews unwrapping their presents. A holiday devoted to ‘Hey, I was thinking of what you could use, so here it is,’ isn’t exactly the end of the world.
That said, I do have a niece that’s at about the right age to start learning to play the drums, and her sisters are old enough that Hungry, Hungry Hippos stops being a choking hazard.
Pavlovian response. Too many bad Xmases = me just throwing my hands in the air and saying “Have your celebration but count me out.” I don’t run around kissing strangers on the New Year and I don’t run up the flag and masturbate furiously on Canada Day.
Fake news!
54 eh? I wonder about the numbers in Cook County or anywhere, California.
0, of course.
today I learned:
Russia decided to conquer central Asia in the 1860s because the US Civil War disrupted their supply of cotton. Russia’s efforts at cotton agriculture there led to some problems:
he economics of Central Asian cotton are simple and exploitative. Millions of the rural poor work for little or no reward growing and harvesting the crop. The considerable profits go either to the state or small elites with powerful political ties. Forced and child labour and other abuses are common.
This system can only work in an unreformed economy with little scope for competition, massive state intervention, uncertain or absent land ownership, and very limited rule of law. Given the benefits they enjoy, there is little incentive for powerful vested interests to engage in serious structural economic reform, which could undermine their lucrative business as well as eventually threaten their political power.
The industry relies on cheap labour. Schoolchildren are still regularly required to spend up to two months in the cotton fields in Uzbekistan. Despite official denials, child labour is still in use in Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Students in all three countries must miss their classes to pick cotton. Little attention is paid to the conditions in which children and students work. Every year some fall ill or die.
Sounds familiar somehow…
Somewhat Obligatory.
My grandfather grew up as a cotton picking Okie who bettered his life, and made sure I didn’t have to deal with that crap. My family went from cotton pickers to lawyers and doctors within 3 generations largely due to his influence. (I am not a lawyer or doctor, but some of my immediate family members are.)
And of course the drive to grow cotton and other crops fucked up the Aral Sea.
I had no idea the conquest of Algeria was such a comedy of errors
The conquest of Algeria was initiated in the last days of the Bourbon Restoration by Charles X, as an attempt to increase his popularity amongst the French people, particularly in Paris, where many veterans of the Napoleonic Wars lived. His intention was to bolster patriotic sentiment, and distract attention from ineptly handled domestic policies by “skirmishing against the dey”.[8]
Fly Whisk Incident (April 1827)
In the 1790s, France had contracted to purchase wheat for the French army from two merchants in Algiers, Messrs. Bacri and Boushnak, and was in arrears paying them. These merchants, Bacri and Boushnak who had debts to the dey, claimed inability to pay those debts until France paid its debts to them. The dey had unsuccessfully negotiated with Pierre Deval, the French consul, to rectify this situation, and he suspected Deval of collaborating with the merchants against him, especially when the French government made no provisions for repaying the merchants in 1820. Deval’s nephew Alexandre, the consul in Bône, further angered the dey by fortifying French storehouses in Bône and La Calle against the terms of prior agreements.[9]
After a contentious meeting in which Deval refused to provide satisfactory answers on 29 April 1827, the dey struck Deval with his fly whisk. Charles X used this slight against his diplomatic representative to first demand an apology from the dey, and then to initiate a blockade against the port of Algiers. France demanded that the dey send an ambassador to France to resolve the incident. When the dey responded with cannon fire directed toward one of the blockading ships, the French determined that more forceful action was required.[10]
One guy wants a war. 2 merchants refuse to pay. Some guy in a funny hat hits the first guy with a fly whisk. All hell breaks loose.
French history since the time of Charlemagne has been a cluster-fuck. Too many tribes, too much talk. What are they on now, the fifth Republic?
Antifa dork vs. Tucker Carlson
The dork, Michael Isaacson, is an adjunct professor and self-described former libertarian.
I’m not a big fan of the former-x style of argument. “I used to be a libertarian right up until I found out about how awesome socialism is.” Like, how did you never read about libertarian philosophy without reading about socialism? So you just grabbed a label, then traded it for another label.
I mean I was a born again Christian for a while, while I was trying to figure out that whole meaning of life thing, and upon further study, I became an atheist. So I was a dumbass teenager. I don’t try to pretend my change in philosophy was some huge epiphany, I just kind went with what everybody around me believed, then once I started reading some theological texts, I called BS on it.
I don’t try to claim some special insight on born again Christians just because I used to be one, those virginal non-fuckers can speak for themselves.
The walking, talking embodiment of a pencil-necked geek. I wanna choke that chicken and not just because my tricky back is giving me some little grief today, making me a little more surly than usual.
Fair enough, that prof looks like he has some giraffe in his DNA.
Speaking as someone who has suffered from chronic lower back pain, I would recommend sleeping on the floor. It’s not dignified, but it has worked for me.
Also maybe look into exercising more. I’m not saying you’re fat, but losing 40lbs and lifting made my back problems go away.
I am 5’11” and weigh 185 lbs. I work as a janitor so in the summer I walk 10 miles per day and during the winter nearly 20. I don’t need “exercise”, I need youth.
I hate to be the guy who sounds like the bro who says you should lift more, but after I started doing squats, that helped unfuck my back. I used to be floored by crippling lower back pain just by taking off my backpack.
I’m not saying you should work out because bro, it will make you huge.
Chicks probably won’t flock to your cock just because you started lifting weights.
But after I started working out my lower back problems disappeared.
Understood, it’s just that working out on top of what I already do is not gonna happen. Stretches or maybe yoga staring, that I can handle. I didn’t mean to sound dick-ish but you assumed “fatty” when there is basically no fat left to cut.
Hurgle, burgle. Do you think violence is fine when dealing with people make funny sounds with their pie holes? Sure, in defense of the community.
“Shut up! he explained”
I hold you, Festus, personally responsible for not bringing this most excellent song to my attention.
That was AWESOME! You’ve been reading my mind Chet/Simon. I’m a sucker for the electric piano sound from the 70’s. Get out of my braaaaiiiinnnn!