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Good one, BP. It’s like no one even knows we’re over here, though. First?
Sundays are slow. Note that SNP appearing on other days was the result of personal laziness and not a desire to expand readership, though.
Fucking loved it buddy. ?????????
I agree, outstanding as usual.
I laughed. A lot.
Conchita’s left arm….
Yeah, it looks like the bone Warty uses to pick his teeth.
It seems, thinner Good job BP, I always get a laugh
I blame Photoshop. As I’ve bitched about numerous times, they took the “warp” tool out of Photoshop Elements, and I used to use that a lot. Also, her right arm had the broad side facing the camera, while the left had the skinny side facing it. I didn’t change the sizes in any way.
Also, you’re a guy. Why are you looking at her arm?
That’s what he said. I don’t get it, either.
True fact: No major hurricane hit the US during Obama’s term. So far in Trump’s first year two have hit, and Maria’s looking like a decent possibility to hit the east coast as a major hurricane.
Therefore, Secret Nazi President is causing these hurricanes. QED.
Looks like it may go right over Puerto Rico Suave.
It’s XIRRICANES, you cis-hetero shitlord!
Traumaducation made me sad.
Was it the picture of Barney on the back wall? I hate him too.
yeah, fuck that purple monster.
You may want to think twice about doing that (Mildly NSFW)
12 ft long? That would be something to see.
Warty Hugeman laughs.
Don’t worry, I doubt they’re last long in the marketplace. Also, it’s kind of a one-joke bit.
I used to work at a school and this wasn’t far off. The school needed to get their test scores up and they’d do just about anything to achieve it. I think that’s why it made me sad, haha.
Great work BP, traumaducation is clearly just ahead of its time. Also way to go on gender neutral hurricanes.
Unlike what leftist and feminists may believe, real sexism is easy to recognize. Thank you Cankles and Sheryl Sandberg for your exquisite demonstration.
Ah yes, so white women will only vote the way their husbands tell them to, huh? So the way to fight “RACISM!” and “SEXISM!” at the voting booth is…to be the real-deal racist and sexist? Genius stuff, Hillary.
To be fair a woman who continued to be married to her scumbag husband for political advancement probably doesn’t know that much about how normal people’s relationships work.
Speaking of Traumaducation
The cause of this threat? Milo. again.
Is this why Shapiro toes the line so much between his nu-Right listener base and his NeverTrumper/neocon circle? IOW be a more conservative version of Reason, so you can get actual security clearance from leftists in Berkeley? Do you think UCB would’ve spent $1.5M in security for Milo?
meh. I don’t know. I think he’s just smart enough to know that he wants to remain on the “respectable” side of the political line and not be seen as some right-wing bomb-thrower.
the idiocy over milo which i simply can’t understand is that no one, no where, ever fucking quotes what it is he’s ever said that’s so vile or offensive. They just assert that he’s ‘controversial’ and that he’s beyond the pale, never mind defining what ‘the pale’ is in the first place (see: Soave for examples of this)
I’ve seen 3 or 4 of his full “Dangerous Faggot” speeches. He’s a little more snarky, and says a few hyperbolic things, and proclaims, “Trannies are mentally ill”, but its not like he’s advocating racial-cleansing. quite the opposite: his actual speeches are all about how we need a pluralistic society which respects the enlightenment ideas on which the UK and US are based. Which, yes, are “Western”, but that isn’t like some call to bar minorities from positions of power. Its simply pointing out that the ‘melting pot’ isn’t about melting into some constantly-changing unrecognizable-sludge: its about ‘melting’ into good, western-values promoting citizens. Not some combination of identity groups which all demand special recognition.
the idiocy over milo which i simply can’t understand is that no one, no where, ever fucking quotes what it is he’s ever said that’s so vile or offensive.
That’s because it’s less about what Milo actually says and more about how he’s a socially acceptable target to demonize in various groups.
yeah, that’s basically what i’m saying. Everyone uses him as a straw-man/punching bag/symbolic example of some amorphous “bad-right-wing-stuff'”, and agrees that ‘that sort of stuff’ can’t be tolerated…. but they never actually identify what the argument is about. the whole point is to avoid discussion of the details.
I remember before everyone was a Nazi back when Milo was going to speak at Berkeley and suddenly people were throwing shit through windows and starting fires. I had to explain who Milo was to my wife, who only saw it in the news because there were fires. He’s always been a provocateur and he’s been really good at that because they fucking set fires and now we have Antifa. I am also really disappointed in TOS for certain writers advocating that Milo should have been silenced. He literally didn’t throw the first punch, yet he is the bad guy and that’s normalized now.
$1.5M is peanuts compared to the lawsuit they’d have to defend themselves against.
… isn’t a thing. If you are a healthy adult (I know, I know…), hearing people say things you don’t like is not a threat to your mental health. That’s basically axiomatic as far as I’m concerned.
Well, it doesn’t help that most of the adults in Berkeley and everywhere around it are nearly as brainwashed as the kids are.
[IOW, threatening but not too threatening to the maintenance of the long-term indoctrination of the student body]
Losers. And the University encourages the loser behavior. It’s kind of sad really.
I oppose militarized policing bigly. But Berkeley could probably use more of it, if anything.
4 + 4 =8, sir.
I won’t forget again.
Fucking awesome.
Conchita’s left arm….
*stares intently at shoes*
The faculty believes the university should not ask students and staff to choose between “risking their physical and mental safety,” and coming to campus for class or work.
They’re telling everybody to not ride BART? That’s probably good advice.
*slow clap*
BART will set itself on fire in protest
“Xirricane” LOL
(please tell me you didn’t actually see that anywhere!)
Ha ha, no, it’s mine.
I loved Xirricane very much. I move we call all tropical storms by this name from now on.
From nyt earlier today in links. Wouldn’t this be oligarchy? Progressive patriots redistributing society as they see fit
Also how do progs square the obama did a great job with economy as the middle class is being destroyed talking point?
“For all its resilience and longevity, our Constitution doesn’t have structural checks built into it to prevent oligarchy or populist demagogues. It was written on the assumption that America would remain relatively equal economically. Even the father of the Constitution understood this. Toward the end of his life, Madison worried that the number of Americans who had only the “bare necessities of life” would one day increase. When it did, he concluded, the institutions and laws of the country would need to be adapted, and that task would require “all the wisdom of the wisest patriots.”
With economic inequality rising and the middle class collapsing, the deep question we must ask today is whether our generation has wise patriots who, like the progressives a century ago, will adapt the institutions and laws of our country — and save our republic.”
why is the south side, Detroit and baltimore such shit shows?
California has a third on welfare and is the highest poverty state
Free college, healthcare, daycare, more ss, 15 min wage, govt can control climate isn’t populist?
That is like the logic of a four-year-old. They can dress it up in pretty words but it’s still the NYT stamping its feet and crying “not FAIR!”
Yep. Basically if you don’t allow progs to do what they want that means violating democracy, being a fascist and destroying the republic
1) “From nyt earlier today”
The Sunday Times is like a progressive coloring book. even compared to the regular-NYT, its ridiculous. there are lots of people who only read the paper on Sunday, and its designed to appeal to this super-intellectually-lazy-lefty mindset. best ignored if you wish to protect your sanity.
2) what the guy is saying only barely makes sense as long as you can redefine “middle class”, “oligarchy”, “progressive”, “patriot”, etc on the fly for convenience.
my retort to this asshole:
Johnson had his shot at ‘reducing inequality’ with the Great Society. He made it worse. Go fuck yourself and your failed ideas, get out of the way of prosperity.
Welfare and other social programs, while designed to reduce inequality, always end up ossifying that very inequality. The question is: is this by design, or accident? Are they craven, or just incompetent?
Why can’t it be both?
in seriousness, its always a strange question about the left: are these ‘effects’ by accident, or are they by design?
i think its some combination of both, frankly: good intentions which end up *rationalizing* bad results as ‘necessary’.
its like Obamacare: look at the reaction by the left to its failure – they don’t care that its failing, they still think the end result is ‘better’ than before, because it means they have more control over an economic sector which grants them greater paternalistic oversight over the population.
iow, they are utterly unconcerned that millions and millions of people are paying more for far less ‘care’. its a side effect of what they see as an evolution to something more “just”. it makes sense when you realize the definition of “justice” is = “punishing private industry”, while granting democrats the appearance of handing out favors (health) to the public.
The structure of the ‘new’ system is what matters. Its not whether it *works*. Efficiency, cost-effectiveness, are evil capitalist concepts. What matters is that they create systems which allow Right Thinking people to pretend they’re helping “disadvantaged” people, while punishing the “oppressors” (people trying to make money)
This is the only way anyone could look at things like Welfare, the destruction of the black family, the godawful health outcomes of Medicaid, and say, “We want more of that, please”.
Re: Obamacare, this is why full repeal is necessary. Anything less will ensconce the existing law as legitimate and anything after is reform or rationalization. It takes balls to stand up to voters crying out “don’t take away my benefits” even if those benefits are unsustainable. Unfortunately our current crop of legislators underwent the traditional bilateral gonadectomy, so I think we’re just fucked.
For some of my lefty friends, Obamacare was a wonderful idea when it passed. Then, when it started imploding, they began, ominously, pointing out how “big insurance” had been involved in writing the law.
I think for most lefties it is just feels and incompetence.
For the jonathon grubers of the world…the technocrats, it is a means to power
Tldr: identity politics never ends, there will always be a smaller group whose needs must overturn society.
The panelist sorely missing from this discussion.
aroace = aromantic and asexual (?)
SJW gibberish makes Tamarian look like Esperanto.
Let me translate that for you.
LOOK AT ME!!!!!!
There you go.
Is he a grey? Is he asexual with regard to greys? Is he a specific type of asexual that only greys can be?
This must have something to do with greys. Because to say that you aren’t all-the-way-asexual is basically just saying you’re not quite as horny as everyone else, but still definitely sexual.
Also, ‘trans-man’ shouldn’t be the 3rd or 4th most ridiculous descriptor in one freaking sentence.
Sigi Ironmonger the grey… Sounds like the start of a new game LGBT+ or D&D
As far I can tell the + is a cross signaling self crucification for forgetting the rest.
The correct term is “gray”, not “grey”.
So I took Uber for the first time today. Not really, I’ve taken it several times but on my wife’s app. Today was my very first Uber on my own account. Dude was weird, never said a word unless I asked him something or made some comment. Dude drove with his windows down, weird. It’s fucking hot today. Mildly annoying. He was also … not a very good driver and appeared to not know the area at all. I had to tell him once that he missed the turn, after I had just told him, you need to get over here and take the next left. He just ignored me. Now I have to give this guy a 5 star review because apparently Uber drivers are held to extremely rigid standards and will get canned if they fall to 4.5 star avg. Which seems ridiculous since there are so many mean people out there who would do 1 star just to be an ass. So maybe I just give him 5 stars and write a comment ‘Guy drives with his windows down’. I don’t want anyone losing their job or anything, not worth it. I’ll just remember next time I see that guy pop up as my ride, I’ll just cancel out before accepting and try again.
Thinking about signing up myself to drive when I have time on weekends – seems like a good way to make some money on game-day weekends, etc. (my buddy rents out his house on AirBNB on big UVA home games for the weekend – first class scratch there – just has special locks on closets and takes the family to a motel or they visit relatives in NC). One of the junior sailors in my reserve unit drives uber and lyft – normally in fredericksburg, but he makes more money in Richmond on drill weekends apparently.
Based on my Uber experience – not too hard not to be an idiot – just follow the GPS. But yeah, I’d have the AC on – get a new febreze scent thing. Need to vacuum everything out again first too. Not sure how much talking I’d be doing as the driver either – probably just have my music on low. I’d honestly be a little more careful with speed limits, etc – just since it’d be that much more of a hassle dealing with the cops with a passenger.
You are not going to actually make money driving Uber.
All you will be doing is generating some cash flow and taking some cash out of the equity of your vehicle.
When you factor in gas, maintaince, insurance, and miles that depreciate the value of your car there is no profit in User’s pay scale.
If you have a car that qualifies for Luxe, or even Select, then you make very decent money. The problem is that demand is a little spotty for those services. Existent, but spotty.
wait until you see the mileage depreciation on your luxury auto and then get back to me.
my wife and I recently had an Uber driver pick us up in a Mercedes and drive us a few miles up the road to a restaurant for about 5 bucks.
Did you ask him to turn the AC on/windows up? I’m not giving 5 stars if somebody doesn’t have AC, sorry. It’s actually a requirement, IIRC.
I drive for Uber aND use it several times a week as a passenger. If anyone has question I have some experience to answer. But yeah – that’s a bad driver. Do a 3 or 4 if you were less than satisfied and leave a detailed comment. Not all comments are made public.
Ps you absolutely can make decent money driving. Once I made $120 in 3 hours by getting lucky with surge fares. During non surge times, I roughly calculated I was making $10-$12 /hr after gaa and wear and tear on the car.
My advice is that if you are thinking about driving don’t do it until you get a cup aged ride share endorsement on your personal auto ins.
Can you clarify that last sentence? Half of it looks like a typo.
But yeah, my only real times would be weekends – thinking about the short distances between campus and downtown (I also live a mile or two from the airport), particularly for game weekends.
Rideshare endorsement. It’s an option some insurers offer. I actually switched insurance companies because the old one didn’t offer it. And DO NOT tell your ins co you are ridesharing until/if you get the addl endorsement.
How do you add it without telling your insurance company you want it?
“I’m thinking about driving for uber/lyft but wanted to look into the insurance first”. Like many things this is called the “gap”. When you have the app on but no fare uber offers you no coverage but your ins may deny you coverage because you are driving for commercial purposes. When you accept the fare but not yet pick up, uber offers limited coverage. Once you pick up the fare, the uber coverage is prob sufficient. I have a decent full time job w 401k and I own a house so I want to make sure I’m protected *just in case* because I have things to lose. If you do not have much to lose then you might consider not too bother with addl coverage. For me it was ~$120 xtra for 6 mos. So I just made sure I was ready to drive enough to pay for that. Also track all your expenses since you should be doing a schedule c at tax time. Default as sole propritership or take it as far as you want (ie make an LLC)
Gracias. Good tips.
WEATHER DELAY for Denver/Dallas. Jesus fucking christ.
This is FOOTBALL, you fucking pussies.
I blame Obama. Or Trump. One of them, anyway. Maybe both.
They’re worried their makeup might run …
Lightning hurts, man.
Uh oh. Donny Two Scoops is going to be in big trouble if he keeps up this rotten behavior:
(CNN)President Donald Trump retweeted an edited video Sunday morning that showed him swinging a golf club and appearing to hit his former presidential campaign rival Hillary Clinton with a golf ball.
The animated GIF image Trump retweeted spliced together footage of Trump taking a swing on a golf course with footage of Clinton tripping and falling as she boarded a plane in 2011 as secretary of state. The footage is edited to make it appear as though Clinton is hit in the back with a golf ball before her fall.
The tweet revealed a President still reverting to his old social media habits, namely, those likely to earn him quick criticism, less than two months after retired Gen. John Kelly took over as White House chief of staff.
Former Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub, who repeatedly criticized the administration about potential conflicts of interest before resigning in July, slammed Trump for the retweet and said he reported it to Twitter for violating the social media platform’s rules of conduct.
“The President of the United States just retweeted a video vignette that imagines him assaulting his political rival. The man is unfit,” tweeted Shaub, who joined the ethics office as a staff attorney early during the George W. Bush administration and was appointed as the office’s director by President Barack Obama.
Trump is going to get re-elected in a landslide.
The more twats like Shaub speak the more I like trump
I respect this Shaub guy’s opinion. I mean, look at those credentials… the ethics office of GW Bush, and then made director of it by Obama. Just look at them.
So polite. So eloquent. So compassionate.
News yesterday: “Two planes have crashed into the World Trade Center, killing thousands”
News today: “I SEEN A TWEET!!!”
Trump was the Bosnian sniper.
Huh…Trump really wants to keep reminding everyone that he beat Hillary. Seems like a distraction from a bunch of rumors of actions that his base is going to hate – maybe backing away from the wall, maybe not leaving the Paris Climate Accords…
The Paris deal rumor sounds like BS to me. Mind you that the rumor came from a couple of EU officials, not exactly the definition of trustworthy.
My take on the Paris Accord is that it’s s disinformation project. Throw out the possibility that he’s going to propose we stay in, see who gets upset, and the extent to which they get upset.
Make sure the administration has plausible deniability, ideally by having some source you wish to discredit, or have no interest in supporting ‘leak’ the news.
Calibrate actual policy based on the feedback from the disinformation. Blame the ‘misinformation’ on the organization you want to discredit.
That’s an interesting theory and really reminiscent of this.
Also, Tillerson didn’t say anything new today. Trump always said that if they can “renegotiate” the deal that he was open to rejoining. I.E. the “middle of the road” response.
He is pretty good at distracting his enemies and getting a deal based on highball offers.
I expect that the country will not be a whole lot different by the time he leaves office. Maybe a little better. The country’s basically been on auto-pilot since the end of the Vietnam War.
The real benefit is the entertainment value and the collapse of the media-academic-bureacrat complex.
oopsy- bureaucrat
I disagree… the big difference will be in the courts and federal agencies especially the EPA
that was false as the administration said it was pulling out unless it was renogotiated to be more favorable to Americans which the eu said no
The same position as june
Life can’t be that bad if the President is making fun of North Korea on Twitter via references to an Elton John song.
Top advisers to Donald Trump on Sunday warned North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons programs and stop threatening America and its allies, or face destruction.
They did so after Trump tweeted about a phone call to South Korean president Moon Jae-in, and appeared to mock Kim Jong-un.
“I spoke with President Moon of South Korea last night,” the US president wrote. “Asked him how Rocket Man is doing. Long gas lines forming in North Korea. Too bad!
A glib commenter prediction comes true:
NY Times reporter slammed after saying boy mowing White House lawn sends bad signal on child labor
A former New York Times labor reporter has been slammed on social media for a snarky tweet hitting the White House for letting an 11-year-old boy mow the Rose Garden lawn last week.
Steven Greenhouse, who worked for the Times for 31 years and still writes for the paper on occasion, took issue with the feel-good story of the boy, Frank Giaccio, of Falls Church, Va., who showed up at the White House Friday to cut the grass at the invitation of President Trump.
“Not sending a great signal on child labor, minimum wage & occupational safety >> Trump White House lets a 10-year-old volunteer mow its lawn,” Greenhouse, who covered unions for much of his time at the newspaper, tweeted.
The Daily Wire website slammed Greenhouse’s tweet as the “dumbest” ever posted on Twitter.
[head desk]
He’s sticking with it, cuz kids can get hurt by lawnmowers and pediatricians say so. What an ass.
Didn’t that article say it was mainly due to falling in front of a mower as others are mowing and falling off a riding lawnmower? Neither of which apply here
If I were one of them journolist types, my headline here would be: “Labor Reporter Opposed To It”
No issue too small
No outrage too unjustified
To the San Fran glibs, Papaya, C Anacreon, and company
Sorry I couldn’t make it to the meet-up. Got a lot on my plate. Maybe another time.
I’m going off the grid for a few weeks starting Tuesday as I will be heading to my new assignment. Don’t worry- I’ll be back. This place does wonders for my mood.
When virtue-signaling cowards like this guy are running away from Congress because of TDS, I can’t help but think that Trump, unstable ideology and all, is a net positive for libertarians. It’s hilarious that some RINOs are so busy bending over to leftists that they forget that Trump was talking about how desperate gold-diggers “let you do it”. Once someone says they “let you”, that’s legal consent. You’d think a former sheriff would get that distinction, but no…
Local sheriffs are the most unhinged portion of the political spectrum. Reichert would probably arrest his mother for jaywalking.
Even beyond the consent issue, can you arrest someone for something like that? If I’m drinking with buddies at a bar and drunkenly try to claim that I stabbed a guy one time, is that legitimate grounds for arrest?
From James Taranto…. a …. thing, from that “Verrit” Site which he rightfully described as ‘deranged’
Its basically Peter Daou insisting that everyone drink some very special kool aid with him.
another, tangential funny tweet:
Emmett Rensin (a socialist writer guy, sort of like Freddy DeBoer) is working on a review of Clinton’s book, and says,
In 2016, the playing field was severely tilted against Hillary Clinton. She faced a perfect storm that would sink the strongest candidate, from Russian intervention to gender bias to a primary opponent who amplified GOP attacks to media malfeasance to unprecedented public statements from an FBI director. The fact that Clinton won the popular vote is a testament to her resilience and the dedication of her voters.
It’s a good thing I wasn’t drinking anything when I read this. I’d have spit all over my laptop.
In addition to having basically the entire media on her side, Clinton spent twice as much money and lost to a guy who said a dozen things that would have tanked any other candidate.
And she did herself no favors when she said half of Trump supporters were “deplorable” and wondered “why aren’t I 50 points a head?” before being carried off to her life support van.
The intense vitriol directed at anyone thinking that an visibly ailing elderly woman hacking up gunks into a cup might have health problems was something that still sticks out to me–articles would get disappeared from places like Reddit; it was one of those things that couldn’t even be discussed (see speculations about Dr. Drew) and then… the side of beef incident. Laffo.
Gilmore, are you trying to kill me?
FAKE: Russia had no impact on the outcome.
FACT: Russia waged a sophisticated propaganda campaign to damage Hillary Clinton. The evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible, with disturbing new details emerging by the week. The scale and scope of Russia’s efforts is staggering: Facebook ads, thousands of professional trolls, email hacking, weaponizing WikiLeaks, highly suspicious contact with the Trump campaign, and much more.
In the words of a computer security expert quoted by McClatchy, Russia conducted a “cyber Pearl Harbor.” To suggest that no votes were impacted by Russian intrusion is to defy common sense. If one mind was changed, if one voter was turned against Clinton, Russia had a tangible impact on the outcome.
Yeah, I have a lot of experience with this stuff, but there are limits to even my power.
Lol. But they don’t apply the one voter logic to say voter fraud
Wasn’t the democrats position that dnc and podesta emails if true were actually nothing?
Well, I mean, they don’t have just one position on the matter. Or many, even… it’s a quantum superposition that morphs on whim.
I still see regular responses from reality-based community denying that they fucking love the science of cryptography and math… you know, DKIM keys in regards to Podesta. I guess those aren’t real sciences like heterodox economics and social justice studies, though.
“Weaponizing WikiLeaks” is the funniest shit to me.
“Oh hey, WikiLeaks did the exact same thing they do all the bloody time, publish leaks indicating government misconduct or corruption, but because it showed Clinton to be as corrupt and batshit as everyone thinks it’s totes a Russian conspiracy.”
If one mind was changed, if one voter was turned against Clinton, Russia had a tangible impact on the outcome.
You know, he’s right. If a foreign entity did something like, I don’t know, actively poured money into a campaign, or perhaps even a foundation run by a candidate, why, that may be reflective of foreign influence and some kind of extreme corruption on the candidates’ part.
Voter fraud doesn’t count though
OK, you *are* trying to kill me by derp overdose.
FAKE: Hillary Clinton is “unlikable.”
FACT: Anyone who knows Hillary Clinton personally knows she is a compassionate, smart, funny and eminently likable person. She is widely admired. She is respected by some of the most accomplished people on the planet. She won the popular vote.
A vicious assault on her character distorted perceptions of who she really is, causing people to despise her and to spew venom at her with no regard for the truth. Rejecting the injustice of a grotesque caricature of a dedicated public servant should be a mission for any American who cares about the future.
If you have to constantly repeat that someone is likeable, qualified, and smart…
Is this peter dao talking?
I assume so.
BTW, as one might expect, ‘overwhelmingly outperformed’ doesn’t actually mean ‘in a good way.’ The actual study says “While coverage of his candidacy was largely critical, Trump dominated media coverage.”
To say that “mainstream media coverage of Hillary Clinton was … hostile…” (while implying the opposite for Trump), then cite a source that says coverage of Trump was hostile is pretty fucking bad. Did Tony put that site together?
Aside: that study has some interesting graphics and info IMO.
The media, especially late night TV, treated Trump and his supporters with nothing but the utmost dignity and respect:
Hey, Dalmia does it on TOS regularly and they don’t fix it either.
Going down the rabbit hole I found this great article on Daou.
Daou is a case study in the conditions that tend to plague ambitious, irrelevant men who do not know when it’s their time to step aside — in short, he’s everything wrong with liberals today. Some of the many disorders of which Daou has exhibited symptoms include Failing Upward Syndrome, in which a man keeps getting bigger jobs even though he’s unqualified and incompetent (Daou started as an online communications adviser for John Kerry campaign in 2003, three years later he joined Hillary Clinton’s campaign as “internet director” and has benefitted from her loyalty ever since); Hugo Schwyzer Syndrome, in which a man who loudly claims to be a feminist to increase his bonafides with women ends up hogging the spotlight and being, in general, a smarmy freak (in 2015, Daou and fellow Clinton hanger-on Tom Watson launched a social media strategy called “Hillary Men,” intended to “provide actionable analysis of the 2016 campaign focusing on the gender barrier in U.S. politics”); and Opposite Imposter Syndrome, in which a man takes credit for something he had not even the slightest bit to do with (in 2010, Daou claimed to have co-founded the Huffington Post, an assertion Arianna Huffington called “laughable.”
That just makes me think of this schmuck, who I keep seeing because a local hairdresser chain used his stock photo on their billboards.
If the words “cyber Pearl Harbor” were not put in the mouth of the (anonymous) :computer security expert” by the reporter I’ll eat my fucking hat.
If the dems were really that convinced that machines were hacked, you might think they’d be more supportive of the push to overhaul the process and require some kind of federally- or state-issued ID, wouldn’t you?
How much does Hillary hate obama now? Seeing how he ruined her best chance…and to make it worse he came from behind in primary
She would have beat John McCain with ease
Ah, yes, Obama and McCain. The real “two worst presidential nominees” ever. Hillary-McCain would’ve been so terrible that I actually think a third party would’ve had a real shot.
She would have had the benefit of a) McCain being a borish robot (like her but not as corrupt) and b) GWB was very unpopular. The country has been playing ping pong between red and blue team.
Nope, Amsoc’s right, everyone was sick of the Republicans (in the same way they’re sick of the Democrats now), Clinton would have cruised in, probably not as easily as Obama, but it was an election where the Democrats came in with every advantage.
“…and to make it worse he came from behind”
You know who else?…
BTW, some Glibs may get a real kick out of “Donald Thump”. I’ve been having a blast following the twitter story – including Mary Sue calling the Asian artist a white supremacist, etc. Good stuff. I’ll pick it up when it comes out.
Stoooooopid mammals, BEWARE DRUNK REPTILES BIOTCHES!!!!!
How much (((gold))) does it take to avoid destruction/enslavement from the reptile overlords?
You’re best bet is to demonstrate a penchant for entertainment…
I have already told you obstinate mammals that your only saving grace is the fact that the current live feed of your incessant meanderings is rated number 1 in intergalactic ratings.
Gotta love Wisconsin.
Multiple LOLs. And big titties. Lemme see em.
I’d be happy to make the Newsbabes less covered. And I’d be happy (well, willing) to have a couple episodes where the newsguys hang dong. Glibs.com does have a policy, though.
Here’s a meaningless observation which just jumped into my head. I look at the google news a lot, for quick and easy headline scanning. The “algorithm” seems to have been radically altered, recently, as in shifted hard leftward. WaPo is about as “conservative” as it gets, and it occurs to me I haven’t seen a Christian Science Monitor link in quite some time. CSM was certainly never right wing, but they were, at one time, a pretty decent source. Also, that’s how I got my dose of Robert Reich’s inane risible jibberjabber. I guess I’ll have to track it down on my own.
Hate link shorteners, since you can’t tell where you’re going.
Make the shock value nice though. But for real, sorry bout that. I pulled it from fb, it’s a root link
NPR gets it.
A common refrain from sports fans is that they’d wish the sports people would stick to sports. Hill rejects that idea.
“When you’re under the leadership of a president that refuses to condemn Nazis and racism, how am I supposed to function the rest of the day and pretend as if I give a s*** about Blake Bortles losing his job?” Hill said during a Sports Illustrated media panel. “That’s the conversation I’m having with myself on daily basis. I know there are sports fans looking for me to provide them with an ‘escape,’ but as a woman and person of color, I have no escape from the fact that there are people in charge who seem to be either sickened by my existence or are intent on erasing my dignity in every possible way. So today, my [Twitter] feed is probably a little edgier than it was. It’s reflective of all the emotion and conflict I feel. I think others feel the same way.”
“I’ll decide what my job is, you honkey cracker shitheads.”
The “post-racial America” some touted when Obama was elected was always a myth. To become the first black president — and to be reelected — Obama had to walk a delicate line on race. Some black thinkers and writers weren’t always happy with him because of that, and conservatives were rankled by his responses to the spate of police shootings of black men in his latter years.
In a country changing demographically, race relations moved to the front burner during the Obama era — and the pot boiled over with Trump’s election.
Jemele Hill is just the latest example. Expect more of it during the rest of the Trump years.
I do, NPR. I do.