Nothing big this week, so you get a bunch of links. You will read these links and you will comment on them, so help me GOD!
Remember the autoglove I linked to the other week? Well get your shocked faces ready cause the ATF just took a big steaming crap all over it. Guess you’ll have to get your retarded simulated full auto somewhere else.
HK will no longer sell guns to Israel. You know who else wouldn’t let Jews buy guns?
Here’s your code brown moment of the day. Russian helicopter accidentally fires missiles into parking lot (with video!).
Silencerco has released the Maxim 50, an integrally suppressed muzzleloader legal in all 50 states without a background check. Oh wait, they’ve already received legal challenges from Massachusetts, New Jersey, and California, because of course they would. Take notes people, this is the correct way to troll.
In more news that should shock no one familiar with the .mil, the ICSR program to replace the M4 with a 7.62 rifle has been cancelled. The AR is quickly turning into that which may never die.
EDC Tactical is offering custom engraved billet AR lowers for $115 each. They’re also offering their standard billet lowers in multiple designs for $60. I bought one and I’ll let you know what I think when I get it. Anyone interested in a Glibertarians AR lower? I’m thinking the ‘SAFE-SEMI-AUTO’ markings should read ‘NAP-FYTW-STEVE SMITH’.
I will leave you with more advice from the timeless and entertaining Clint Smith:
ENB’s fiance/husband/whatever asks Mel “Brook”, “what have you done for me lately?”
He, appropriately, gets roasted for being an abject moron
Yeah, he can get back to me when he’s created something even 1/100th as funny/interesting/relevant as Mel.
Um, everyone knows who Mel Brooks is, I’ve never heard of this douche bag.
Unfortunately for him, HM knows who he is.
Mel Brooks is 91 fucking years old, you grotesquely stupid cretin. He’s cut back a bit on his workload.
Talentless hack for Marxist magazine insults one of the greatest comedians in film history. Makes total sense. He and ENB deserve each other.
Not just film history. Mel Brooks is one of a very small group of people who’s won a Grammy, an Emmy, and Oscar, and a Tony.
Didn’t know about the Grammy.
9 nominations, 3 wins:
EGOT bitches…..
He EGOTed????
Mel Motherfucking Brooks defused land mines in World War 2. This guy isn’t fit to lick his boots.
Damn, I was going to post that.
He is routinely one of the dumbest people on twitter. This is but the tip of the iceberg. The only reason I see his shit is Welch, Andy Levy, and a few others I like associate him with him on the internet (and presumably real life)
“and a few others I like”
You mean ENB and Robby?
No, I don’t really like either one. I don’t dislike them, either; but I don’t follow them.
I think Moynihan and someone else interacts with him from time to time, but I can’t place who it is that I follow.
I was just giving you shit
I think ENB was into that in college fwiw
Mel Brook, eh?
Never heard of that guy. Probably some nobody.
Mel Brooks on the other hand is one of the comedy gods who will be forever immortalized with his witty social commentary and esoteric comedy.
Cool link, bro.
Iowa Hawk with the best response
The one lower down in the thread is a gem too:
I applaud this one, as I love High Anxiety and it generally gets overlooked:
You and me, both.
+1 “You’re wearing jeans? I bet they’re tight…”
I’m giving the marriage less than 18 months.
Marriage is not a competition, but in this case it is: who can say the stupidest thing on twitter.
I see your sandwich and raise you Mel Brook.
Maybe’s he’s funny and charming in person?
He hasn’t made a good online impression. A memorable one, but not good.
“mel brook.” Jesus.
What a steaming turd of a nitwit.
He’s not fit for King Louis’ trap launcher.
Wait, wait, I take it back – Asawin is exceptionally witty!
Twitter takes normally stupid people and makes them say incredibly stupid things.
Its like an endless highway-crash, million-car-pile-up. You can’t stop watching it.
I saw that dumb-ass tweet and had no idea that was ENB’s whatever.
I didn’t realize that my respect for ENB hadn’t bottomed out yet.
And then he doubled down and replied to his first tweet with this:
“abject moron”
Don’t forget douchebag
Mel Brooks made two of the funniest movies of all time, Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles. Either or both of them should be in everyone’s top 5 comedies of all time.
This is a stupid tweet for multiple reasons, but the worst (to me) is the unsaid insinuation that Mel Brook(((s))) is wrong in his assertion that political correctness is the death of comedy. Mel is absolutely right, and Swin (and I guess, ENB’s) feels-first principals can’t comprehend that.
Comedy is so fucking important because it can be politically incorrect, to speak truth to power, and make power laugh about it (and maybe think about things). Saying there is something sacred you can’t joke about prevents that from ever happening, you goddamn millennial DC dwelling dolt
I’m actually looking forward to seeing ENB and dude double down on this
Wow, shitting on Mel Brooks. That’s really a way to win me over. Nice taste, ENB.
Also, I note that he chose a “TRUMP & THE RUSSIANS” bit to use as his personal image. I’m sure that wasn’t carefully selected or anything.
mel brook work is helllaaaaa old, nigga. i keep up with what’s trendy.
Need advice: should I go ahead and buy a silencer or wait until the SHARE act passes?
Also my dilemma.
I’m going to wait, but I also understand that may mean waiting forever/slash waiting even longer after it passes to allow the initial supply shortage/price increase to even out.
I just can’t justify adding $200 to an already $1000 purchase, playing the ATF game, and waiting a year for something I would consider something only for fun.
Judging by the Republican Party’s ability to pass healthcare reform, I doubt the SHARE act is ever going to happen
Yeah I feel the same way so sent in my app for another last week. Supposedly the bar code system that is now available will reduce the wait time significantly. 11.5 months last time around definitely stepped on my buzz.
I have no money. but I really don’t have an extra 200.
Not that I like wasting money, but I don’t want to deal with the paperwork most of all. I don’t mind the stupid form to buy a gun, I’ll fill that out to by a silencer, but I’m not forming a trust!
If the SHARE Act passes, wouldn’t the price be likely to drop as well?
Not for a while, imo. I don’t think the producers could keep up with demand if you suddenly had even a couple hundred thousand people wanting them over a short period of time.
It would take a decent amount of time for them to ramp up and probably even longer to start going through product generations, creating “affordable” models.
That’s my negative nancy take
In the long run, maybe, but in the short run, the rush on suppressors will clear the stock and send prices up. (people who don’t want to go through the 1-year, $200 tax stramp process per suppressor can getting into the market.)
Demand is going to out pace supply for a while, so cost is going up.
Yeah, cost and wait will definitely go up. Could take years to catch up. Of course if there is a a D in the White House next demand will stay up that much longer.
I imagine it would spike, then get much lower as more people can start making them.
That would depend on firearm accessory import restrictions from China.
I don’t want to be on the BATFE’s list–especially if you live in California or a state that’s just begging to start confiscating your stuff.
If you’re already on it for another firearm, there’s probably nothing to lose. Otherwise, I’d wait.
So have a good weekend out there people. My Friday consisted of placing a lien on a client’s house so she’d finally fucking pay me.
Contingency? No, money down!
+1 Hutz
Rihanna obviously hasn’t heard of Braille digraphs.
Some people never feel obligated to pay their debts..
And those are the ones who complain the most. I also have a short list of people whose tax refunds I have to file against, tyvm. Some are to collect for other clients, two are to collect for myself.
How are these people finding you?
It depends. I can’t remember how this one found me. She did pay initially, then stopped. Familiar story. A lot of the good paying clients are referrals from another attorney.
Been there. Usually what happens is they dont pay and you have to wait for them to die and their children try to sell the house before you can collect on the lien.
I record my liens at the registrar of deeds.
If she refinances, she will have to settle up. Those are the sweetest phone calls.
Oh really? You want to settle for 50 cents on the dollar ten years later? How about no?
Very unlibertarian. Disnt she have a kid you could kidnap. Or maybe just a family dog?
Enjoy your malpractice compulsory counterclaim.
But seriously, Elspeth, that sucks, and I’m sorry you have to go through that. Are they just going through a financial rough spot, hate paying their lawyer, pissed they lost? (The three reasons clients usually don’t pay, per the CLE I sat through a week ago.)
Whoops, didn’t see that you weren’t suing for payment.
Is the process similar to filing a mechanics’ lien?
She’s in the position of most men in divorce. She makes more money than the spouse, thinks she should’ve kept more than she did, etc. I have lien notice in my fee agreement, gave her notice in a letter two weeks ago, she didn’t pay, so I wrote the lien.
She won’t answer phone calls from you? Amazing the number of people who think lawyers are supposed to give advice and work for free.
Yuck. I hope you end up getting paid and all this gets resolved in your favor.
I used to work for a guy that whenever he did a job he automatically took out a lien on the property until he was paid. That was just part of his process.
Seems like a great way to avoid repeat business.
He was an asshole.
Ahem. California.
I’ll happily drive to AZ and pick it up.
It isn’t a firearm, though, right?
It’s just a hunk of metal or plastic until you machine it.
+1 “who do I make the check out to?”
Only if it has a big “Fuck Off, Slavers” logo.
and a woodchipper line drawing
Yes, please
“The targeting system on one helicopter mistakenly acquired a target,” the statement explained. “The strike by unguided rockets damaged a truck.”
I’m not a military guy, but are unguided rockets fired by a targeting system? Seems like some doofus shot the truck and doesn’t want to take the heat.
This was some demo of the Russian helmet mounted targeting system’s look and shoot capability. The people flying the helo were doing a demo (hence the video) to show how good their product was. Look here and your system targets the rockets there. Look over there, and poor quality control results in missiles being fired (which is when the pilot pulls the nose of the helo up hard to disengage the firing system).
“Right. Gotta think in Russian.”
Good movie. Haven’t seen it in years.
Costco now sells bulgogi in the meat department.
That is all.
So much appropriation…
Now I’m regretting letting the BF let his Costco membership lapse.
Make Playa enact your labor.
He’s probably still salty I didn’t bring him bacon from Bishop.
Sorry he’s not my type.
Mahogany Smoked Meats? Their jerky is awesome. Never tried their bacon or anything else I’d have to cook—we were travelling through when we visited Bishop.
That’s the place. Their bacon is delightful, and they sell bacon ends, which I love frying up and tossing on salad to make it less …saladey.
I bet you do.
That sounds amazing. Unfortunately, my chances of getting back to E. CA are slim and none. Bummer, as there’s a small, Native American curio shop near Bridgeport that has some fantastic basketry and Pueblo pottery. And then there’s the trout fishing, which is supposed to be fantastic.
I do a similar thing with browning the hell out of salmon for the GF’s salads. She loves it.
*waggles eyebrows murderously at bacon-magic*
browning the hell out of salmon
I feel like I’d have to get past guilt for overcooking salmon to do that, but I’m sure it’d be really tasty as a crumble on top.
You too can pay for the privilege of buying stuff.
Either you get it or you don’t, Celsius boy.
I was there last night. My favorite store.
My wife loves that place. I hate it because of how fucked up the traffic is.
Costco is the only way to raise two starving teen-age boys without going to the poor house.
I go in by Lowes. Always go Wed or Thurs night for light crowds, but Fridays are decent if you like beautiful Indian women. Never Sat or Sun.
You’re welcome.
I bet we’ve seen each other. Actually, I’m there Wed/Thu afternoons mostly.
My wife loves the insanity and crush of the crowd on weekends. Thankfully, she realizes that we don’t need to go together.
I don’t need half a cow, so why should I join the club?
Kirkland brand vodka?
I don’t drink vodka.
When I lived in Korea, going to Costco was the only place to get sharp cheddar (really any cheese that wasn’t American), and Dr. Pepper. Their store brand paper products are all Georgia Pacific and support the Kochtopus. I mainly like going there for TP, paper towels and cleaning supplies, although I’m not against picking up a 12 pack of individual vac-sealed chicken breasts for later sous viding.
What is a good time and temperature for chicken, anyway?
I usually run with whatever chefsteps says (their website doesn’t work on my work computer even though I’m routed around our content restriction system). They have a setting for a texture that comes across as slightly rare, which is perfect for pulling it out of the bag, patting it dry and throwing it on the grill or under the broiler afterward or slicing up and tossing with a hot sauce to finish.
I was working on ideas for the next cooking article, some that ran through my head did not make for good articles, but would still have made good food. Then I remembered I never zeroed in the values for good chicken in the immersion circulator.
I have a hard time getting excited over chicken done sous vide. It’s infinitely easier and better than most stove top preparations, but if I had my druthers, the breast from a roasted chicken is the way to go.
I use my rotisserie or just spatchcock the thing. Sous vide chicken is meh.
. . . the breast from a roasted chicken is the way to go.
Yep. Roasted low ‘n slow, roast chicken breast is amazing. Even without the slather of butter ‘n herbs I usually put under the skin beforehand.
I actually don’t butter my chicken and it turns out fine. A three day cure in the fridge made for some fan-fucking-tastic chicken, but I’m usually too lazy for that. Have not spatchcocked although I did get my HR manager to do it for thanksgiving last year when she was complaining about long the bird she got was supposed to take. She says she’ll never go back.
I just like the word “spatchcock.” Sounds kinky. 8^>
C’mon, Florida Man. You telling us you can’t think of any use for 5 gallons of mayo?
Is it produced by an artisan? No? Pass.
I’m not a Florida Man, but my gut instinct is to put some sort of explosive in 5 gallons of mayo. Maybe a surplus grenade your uncle smuggled back from ‘Nam? Maybe 6 M-80’s bound together with duct tape? Maybe a Molotov cocktail made out of a Coor’s light can, moonshine, and a ripped up Warren Sapp jersey?
$1.50 hot dog + giant soda!
Can wander around and just eat samples when you’re hungry and broke.
If you didn’t waste your money on membership fees you wouldn’t be broke.
Exactly, Florida Man.
Maybe if my money wasn’t tied up in ridiculous amounts of condiments that no human being could ever finish, I wouldn’t be so damn broke
I don’t pay for membership – my wife has a card provided by her employers.
No more $1.50 hotdog and soda combos for you wasn’t enough to make you regret it already?
The diet soda was making me fat.
Y’all and your hauling shit around, lifting and carrying and stuffing in a trunk. Ain’t you rubes ever hear of Amazon Prime?
Some people enjoy fighting crowds of people blithely standing in the middle of the aisle, waiting in long lines, and having to prove they’re not thieves when they try to leave, Kristen. And they’ll pay for the privilege.
Amazon Prime is the greatest invention mankind has realized.
What Jesse and his BF do in the privacy of their own homes is not our business.
Standing ovation? Fuck that! Full Roman Triumph, giraffes and all!
Something euphemism something…
Man, your Costcos are the shit.
Canadian Costcos are just shit. At least I save money on gas there.
Sweet. I’m probably going to binge on this.
Jesus is this just a CA thing? If not, Costco take my money!!!
Freaking Nazis.
(while in jest, still the best use of that term currently)
Oh and BTW, anyone that hates the metric system obviously doesn’t work on cars.
7/32 is too small guess I’ll go with…?
8mm is too small, better get the 9mm.
just bring the whole the set under there with you, never know what you’ll need.
I like it for cooking and calendaring. I mean, it’s 5 Sans-culottide CXXV after all.
I deliberately left revolutionary time out of the rant so you could chime in with it.
Germinal is the cruelest month….
Damn it, late to my own party.
Speaking of your own party, didn’t someone bet you their ass, and then lose? Whatever happened with that?
There were some provisos, a couple of quid pro quos. Indeed that happened. I have not collected. I think he’s been avoiding me and I cannot fathom why.
Are you doing the genie from Aladdin? TOO SOON!
A) well done on getting my Genie reference, B) if I can’t make sodomy jokes over a children’s movie and Robin Williams’ corpse, where should I make them?
To part B… touché.
*doffs trucker cap
You can cry if you want to.
You just like the sans-culottes because you don’t want to wear any pants.
I actually prefer metric and use it frequently, but metric time is my rejoinder when the metric smug gets out of control and people act like it’s impossibly difficult to keep track of non-base-10 systems.
This trend of using 50 different (some proprietary) fastener styles can die any time, though.
You don’t have a full compliment of trip-squares in your tool box?
Yet another advantage of vintage cars…
-1 SMC Hyperflare LQ3
+1 Whitworth
As well as all the people who said it does not work for wood working on the last post are wrong. For cabinetry, metric is far superior to Imperial once you wrap your head around the Euro system which is based on 32mm increments for cabinet height. Depth can be what ever you want usually based on 50 mm increments. Big work like framing, not so much due to standards we are all used to. Even the Canucks still use imperial for most construction work like framing, concrete, etc as far as I know. (Not to drag the last post into the new post)
I’ll bite. Why did they pick increments of 1.29″?
Hell if I know. It is just how they build cabinets. All the Euro hardware company’s are based on it. It actually does make things easier. A standard base cabinet is 768 mm high (with a 108mm toe kick), or 24x, x being 32. If you want a drawer bank you just decide how many x units of 32mm you want each drawer to be. All the hardware mounting holes are machine bored on 32mm ctrs so you just screw the drawer glides in where you want them prior to assembling the cabinet which is just a simple box. Or if it is a door cabinet, you always mount the hinges in the same spot and always drill the hinge cup in the door in the same spot. It took me about a week to get used to reading a metric tape, and when you work to the mm it is easier to keep things square which makes install easier and the doors to gap out with less effort. Look at the cabinets in you kitchen and see of all the gaps are even and the same. Most aren’t. It is hard to do, that is why they build face frame cabinets which hide stuff like that.
Actually thinking about it, they probably chose 32mm because it is what was an even number that divided 24 times into the height of a base cabinet, allowing for toe kick, that when topped with a 1 1/2 counter top ended up at about 36 inches which is a comfortable counter top height.
So,not really metric. Just like our house building with everything 4×8 on 16″ centers. They just start with a thing called “mm” and pick a base value that’s divisible by lot of even numbers (not including 10).
Actually, that makes sense and I’ve learned something. I’m too fucking old to change though.
When I learned this from a cabinet maker I worked for I was dumbfounded for about a week like I said. Then it just made sense. All the cabinets are simple boxes the side panels bored and ready for hardware. It is a super simple way to build cabinets and 90% of it can be done in the shop. Not like the face frame guys. You can make the end panels and even mid cabinet fillers look like anything you want. Raised panel, inlays, whatever. I have worked on jobs that looked like old castles with all custom cut moldings that after the painters where done looked 200 years old. But all the cabinets had smooth operating Blum hardware. I found I had a hard time selling that here. People stuck in their ways. “Give me face frame or give me death” around these parts.
I don’t have a bore machine like the guy I used to work for, I use a simple jig and 5mm centering bit I got from some online outfit.
Why do metric sockets still have SAE drives.
Also having an entire set of tools in a different size isn’t helpful and doesn’t do much for simplification. If it’s that difficult just write 1-20 or whatever on your wrenches.
Having read probably half of these, I think this constitutes a pretty good list (except for the 7 habits of effective people, fuck that self-help noise).
art of manliness is generally pretty good with anything they put out.
Their Teddy Roosevelt fetish is a bit annoying, though.
As usual with these sorts of things, a mixed bag. I can’t imagine reading three volumes about Theodore Roosevelt – I don’t want to read even one.
Meh. There’s a lot to admire about T.R. on a personal level, even if he was a narcissistic sociopath.
Edmund Morris gets rave reviews but the first one is still gathering dust somewhere.
A lot of those are children’s books that should be on a books for boys list. Seems to be a weight towards lightweight and more recent books too.
I’d strike Cannery Row for East of Eden if you want a Steinbeck. Also, Great Expectations instead of one of the drivel, Once an Eagle for Great Gatsby, and Black Like Me for Invisible Man if you want a racial narrative. Glad to see Catcher in the Rye isn’t on the list for once.
Any ‘Must Read’ list that includes Moby Dick is inherently flawed and should be ignored.
Moby Dick is a fantastic book!
K, Nikki.
I listened to it on my road trip and enjoyed most of it, but 21 hours of unabridged novel is hard to mainline.
OMG my ex wife took a side gig doing the glossary and checking the footnotes for some PHD’s book on Moby Dick and as was her usual she procrastinated and waited till the last minute to get started on it so I got the pleasure of spending an entire weekend reading through this useless twats book and Moby Dick and cross referencing them with her.
One of the worst weekends of my life.
Wonderful reference on whaling interuppted by some putz named Ishmael
Sure it is, next you’ll be telling me Gravity’s Rainbow is utter bollocks.
Gravity’s Rainbow is an absolute piece of shit.
Though The Crying of Lot 49 is pretty damn good.
agreed on both.
I’ve read 15 of these and think I have read 3 others but they were a long time ago and I might have only read parts of them and not the whole thing.
That said, sorry Melville and Hemingway suck ass I’d rather spend a weekend in the tender embrace of Steve Smith than Have to read any of their pretentious drek. The Stranger by Camus is quite possibly the worst book ever written and if you are going to have a list of books that MEN must read how the hell do you not include anything by Heinlein? At a minimum Stranger in a Strange Land and Starship Troopers needed to be in that list. Also since it is largely a list of classics how the heck do you leave out Ivanhoe and every possible version of the King Arthur legends? I’d go with Idylls of the King by Tennyson but any of them would have worked.
The Stranger by Camus is quite possibly the worst book ever written…
Close. The worst is anything Faulkner wrote, including his own name.
Nathaniel Hawthorne sez “hold my beer”.
Faulkner wrote this story about a kidnapping, and it was fan-freaking-tastic. He wrote it from the point of view of the victim, so his crazy stream-of-consciousness style really worked. It was frenetic and confusing. It put me right in the shoes of the victim. I felt almost suffocated. Not one of his well-known works. Can’t remember the title.
Other than that, I haven’t read any Faulkner because people I have a decent amount of respect for can’t stand him. Only reason I read the one I did was because it was required reading for the required lit class in college.
Tundra, if we ever meet, you get a beer for this statement. Faulkner was a fucking terrible slog in high school, and I had to make it through As I Lay Dying, and the Sound and the Fury. One of the two authors that I could not stand that I read during high school, the other being Edith Wharton… gods damn Ethan Frome.
My mother is a fish
No one eats fucking pickles and donuts together as a meal.
I loved Ethan Frome. *shrug*
…I’m not sure listing Bill Clinton as a reference for a book on self-discipline and human ethics does much to sell me on it.
Agreed about Slick Willy. Call it lack of comprehension on his part. Nonetheless, IMHO Meditations is well worth reading.
Glib indeed.
I prefer _The Prince_ and _Commentaries on the Gallic War_. Fuck stoicism. Talk about your original virtue signalling!
Settle down Nietzsche.
Infinite Jest (minus the bullshit ending) or GTFO.
I lost count, but i think i’ve read like 80-90% of those already. most when i was in hs or college, some earlier.
its a generally-good list of good books. Not sure what many of them have to do with “manhood” tho (Pride+ Prejudice? *self help books*?)
I’ve read 48 of those. Where do I pick up my prize?
News from Almanian’s daughter:
Shortly before he was hospitalized, Almanian was selected to be on a car restoration show filmed in Florida.
His episode of “High Performance Throwdown” will air on the Velocity Channel this Thursday, 9/28 at 9pm.
He was extremely excited about the entire experience and the trip to Florida. Unfortunately, he never got to see what they did to his car. The final product (his restored car) will be delivered to his family shortly after the episode airs.
Thanks for the heads-up.
What happened with Almanian? Was he ever around here?
Apologies if I missed something important.
Looked it up. Here’s the thread on his passing.
He unfortunately died due to cancer earlier this year. Don’t think he ever posted here.
He wanted to, but his time was limited, and he decided to spend his remaining time NOT on the internet.
Smart man.
Damn that sucks. I remember reading his comments on TOS back when I was lurking and I always thought he was really funny and lighthearted. Big fat bummer.
RIP Alamanian! for President- he
probablywon’t make it worse.Thanks.
Since I’m lazy and forgetful, will you put up a reminder on the afternoon of the 28th?
Just for you.
You’re a peach. I knew your mother was wrong about you.
If anyone can tape it, I would appreciate it. Or find a good link, I’ll take that too. Will watch.
Tape it? Where am I supposed to get a VCR?
or computer it, then. whatever.
Thanks for the heads up. Set the DVR to record.
Thank you. May Cthulthu bless your seed.
He is missed. He was definitely a credit to the group, if you want to call us that. It is impossible to talk back and forth on so many things for a decade and not feel a loss when they are gone.
That is awesome news. Thanks for passing it on!
Danke, Playa
That missile video damn near made me Code Brown. I’m having a hard time believing the inference in the story that the bystander wasn’t seriously injured or killed.
Well the camera man was alive and obviously not seriously injured and he was at most 20 feet from where the missiles hit, so I think it’s a possibility.
And some people don’t believe in miracles . . .
Most likely they were not the good missiles since it was just a training exercise. If they were high explosive the truck and everything within about 100 feet would probably still be in the atmosphere. That being said they didn’t say no one died so it’s possible the guy that was next to the truck is a red mist floating in the breeze right now.
I know in the airforce SOP is to use weapons without the warheads in them for training missions, My guess is Russia is the same so it would have been the same rocket but a dummy weight in place of the warhead and so the explosion would have just been a release of kinetic energy and whatever residual rocket fuel was left.
I wonder why…
They’re protesting the fact that Kaepernick isn’t on the team.
I present to you the dumbest thing on twitter today, even dumber than the post by Mr. ENB above.
Thanks for the cancer
Ah, Science Fiction. What would we ever do without it?
“the ICSR program to replace the M4 with a 7.62 rifle has been cancelled. ”
Sounds good to me. How about we don’t spend millions of dollars of taxpayer money replacing a rifle that has already been continuously improved for the last 4 decades? As I’ve said before, if the caliber is the problem, just convert to one of the other AR platform calibers that were specifically designed for that reason. The civilian firearms and accessories market has been miles (kilometers?) ahead of the military for a long time, anyway.
Michael Yon’s got a minor rant about this, and suggests something along those lines — 5.56 is “Baby Bear” and 7.62 is “Papa Bear,” so he wants something in the middle, “Mama Bear.” Since there are so many metric haters here, I humbly suggest the quarter-inch (0.25 inch, 6.35mm) as a new caliber. 😉
Remington .260 or .243 Winchester?
There you go with those odd-numbered calibers again. What are you, some kinda Metriclover? 8^>
Makes sense to me, like an intermediate-intermediate caliber. And it should definitely be called .25 or quarter inch, none of this metric silliness. I’m gonna start calling my 9mm’s .35 Short!
Er, don’t you mean .35 Long? (9mm = 0.354 inch to the nearest thou).
/pedant mode
This shit isn’t hard. 6.5 mm, in cased telescopic ammunition. Sabot it if you’re worried the velocity will still be too low to defeat armor. (Though sabots don’t play well with either brakes or suppressors.) Use the LSAT weight improvements on the next GPMG.
And then stop worrying about small arms when applied high explosives is what kills people.
Alternately, 5.56 in the new flavors of M855/955A1 works just fine for anyone at ranges you can actually PID and make hits on them. 77 gr OTM if you’re one of the cool kids who just has to shoot unarmored things 450m and beyond.
6.5 all the things. Simple barrel change on things already shooting 308 and a bolt & barrel on rifles running 5.56
I think it started because the Army was worried about penetration of high-end body armor. Might be a justified worry if we ever do end up in a war with a first world army. No idea if that’s a real concern or not.
Some flavor of 6.5 and a piston would fix most of the complaints.
I agree, it was allegedly due to body armor, which is still kinda rare (at least rifle plates). I just don’t see how the solution is to go back to 7.62×51 with all the weight and everything, there must be a middle ground.
And yeah, piston is a must. Really, they should already be converting to piston uppers right now.
I’m well aware of the objections here to it, but what about .300 BLK?
For what? Suppressed subsonic? Works great, AIUI.
For the 99.5% of other reasons you need Joe to shoot someone, it’s not as good as what you already use.
Wouldn’t a larger diameter bullet with less energy than 5.56 penetrate significantly less armor?
I’m thinking for additional stopping power on the battlefield sans armor. If you want to penetrate armor, I say just go back to the .308 or spend big bucks on 6.5.
generally Drake, smaller caliber is far more efficient at penetration. I have a 30-06 that makes quarter inch deep divots in my half inch steel plates. I have a 25-06 (same cartridge necked down to .25) that shoots holes right through it. Hell, even my 218 Bee makes deeper divots than the .30 cal.
Easier to get higher velocity with smaller caliber and keep the cartridges a reasonable size and recoil manageable.
Yes – my point.
Bah. A piston is unnecessary.
Wouldn’t mind a standard 6.5, though, so I could take a standard AR out hunting in those states which forbid hunting large game with anything .22 cal or smaller.
I hate direct-impingement with a burning passion.
As I will never have to clean a gun out sufficiently for a white glove inspection, it’s never bothered me. It’s been refined for the last 50 years, and by now it’s lighter than a piston system and no less reliable.
Not sure I buy your reliability statement. My M16A2 was an unreliable piece of shit in sand. That system isn’t much different in the newer versions.
The system in general design isn’t that much different, but bolt coatings have gotten way better. Or so I’m told, anyway. Never having had to tote my AR around anywhere besides the range and the woods, my info comes second hand.
That said, the InRange guys did a video with sand where they ran a modern AR through blowing sand and it seemed to do just fine.
On the other hand, if you’re looking for humor, St. Dugan of Carnik Con solved this issue once and for all:
I see what you did there.
A carbon coated burning passion.
I feel like attractive libertarian women are becoming more plentiful? Apocalypse coming??? Can’t ignore the signs imo
Oh, sure, when I’m old and fat and married, THAT’S when they start appearing.
Should the government- ”
“Libertarian Moment!”
More like “Libertarian 27 seconds” amirite?!?!
Hummunna hummunna hummunna…
I love her reply to Chelsea Handler’s tweet about swapping Trump for Kim Un: We should have traded you for Otto Warmbier.
This one made me chuckle, too:
MJ @morganisawizard Sep 19
Today at a liberty meeting I learned ancaps really like talking about heroin.
Heckler & Koch is one fucked up company. They fired their CEO last month after some sort of craziness. They are getting sued for reneging on their XM25 contract and now this crap.
If you ever wondered what a firearms company run by SWJ Snowflakes would look like, there it is. (I still love my HK91 and want a Mark 23 just because)
Yeah, they are making it easy for me to keep hating them. Which might suck for them because the P30sk is on my short list for my next WMD purchase.
get the vp9sk if you must. Much better gun.
Some of us oldsters prefer double action.
double action
Say no more! SAY NO MORE!!! winkwinknudgenudge
Sorry there grandpa. Lemme dust off my wheel lock for ya.
I’d rather have a hammer. If I can find one in the wild it’ll probably get bumped by the Sig M-11a1.
I still have an unfired USC in the safe.
A Trojan?
Pretty much what I’ve gotten from this conversation is that Playa leaves condoms in his gun safe.
He’s interested in home protection.
I leave mine the gun safe. That’s now weird or anything, right?
I said the safe, not the garbage can.
Love my 45 easily the best gun I have.
Never owned an H&K not for any particular reason, now I have a good reason to keep it that way.
Earlier, someone, I think it was Southen, wondered about how quickly the baffles would get fouled. The only thing I can think of is that I know some suppressors (including all of the integral suppressors I know) have a removable sleeve to let you clean the baffles, so it’s a matter of “how many shots before I have to clean this again” and “how quickly do you shoot off a muzzle loader”
Did Titor travel back in time? Haven’t seen his godless Canadian comments in a while
He might actually be working for the Canadian military, just for a change. “Those guys expect results.” 😉
Is he actually in the military?
Yep. Works in an analyst position, IIRC.
Or at least, that’s his present-day job. Elsewise, he’s a Time Lord.
Huh. That makes sense since he always chimes in very forcefully whenever threads take a turn toward military stategery.
Canada has a military?
All of the Commonwealth groups keep some honor guard troops around for when Queenie comes by.
I watched a Changing of the Guard ceremony at the Citadel in Quebec. British troops in scarlet and bearskin hats, shouting commands en Francais.
It made my brain hurt.
Canada has a military?
Gotta have someplace to send the cadets once they turn 19.
(Full disclosure: was in Air Cadets. T’was reasonably awesome, since we got lots of flight time and I learned to shoot well enough to earn a Marksman 2nd Class designation. The marching and standing-to still sucked, though. Couldn’t qual for actual intake to the AF — poor eyesight. Still butt-hurt. Grrrrr…)
Back or foreword? I think he is from the future. This gives him an unfair advantage over us.
He posted on Pie’s beer thread yesterday so he’s probably still around.
90s nostalgia for those who need to wake up from Friday afternoon somnolence.
90s nostalgia.
3/4 of these (7.5/10 for you metricdicks) of these links are web filter violations. *has sad*
Where the fuck do you work?
enyay esyay ayay.
A rigging company and the sad thing is I can google “space titties” and it works but not anything to do with guns, liquor or knives.
I’m not gonna ask how you found that out.
I learned it from you Glib!
*storms out*
It’s like searching “Polar Cats”, you just start thinking of stuff to search. space titties seems pretty high up there.
Don’t do it…it didn’t bring up as much tittays as you would think.
Just a lot of docking?
No one letter off. Starts to google docking…oh my.
*catatonic stare*
Today I learned…
FYI, according to urban dictionary:
Space Tits: Breasts are so large &/or fake that they seem to defy gravity.
Oh regular docking is pretty tame, I thought you would be using all of the search terms. Specifically “space” and “docking”.
Also, do not do this thing that I’ve implicitly suggested you do.
Somewhere out there there is a couple into that. Seems like a good way to get a pretty gnarly infection tho.
I watched Tosh.o … already knew about the docking and hell to the no am I googling space docking.
Yeah, I would not encourage searching “space docking” on Google Image Search with content filtering turned off. That would be unwise. I am glad you are wise, bacon.
While you’re not looking up space docking, don’t look up Alaskan pipeline.
Rigging company? You talking cranes, sailboats, or the stock market?
If it’d fall under the purview of the BATFE, my workplace blocks it too.
I don’t think you understand how decimals work.
.75 ;p
frac off
I’m old enough to remember when the Republicans were going to be reduced to an irrelevant regional party…
I think in my life time both parties have been reduced to smoking cinders at least 2 or 3 times.
This is about as Philly as it gets. Short version: Trade union controlled zoning board blocks apartment construction project in predominantly black neighborhood even though it has backing of the neighborhood and the developer (a rare feat) and the developer agreed to use 50% minority labor and that 10% of the workers on the project would come from the neighborhood where the project is set. The problem, of course, is that trade unions are roughly 90% white.
I still love Philly and would move back there (well, the suburbs) if I could, but the union control over the city there is something else.
Fortunately I live and work in the suburbs. The city a goat rodeo of poor governance.
It’s an Incubus day (before they sucked).
I think incubi are more into the PiV sex than oral.
Don’t be so heteronormative shitlord-boy!
(side note, thank G-d my computer’s dictionary doesn’t recognize “heteronormative” as a real word)
Look, I’m 100% in favor of diversity of orientation in ancient fertile crescent night spirits, but that wasn’t how Lillith’s children rolled and it’s not my job to impose sexual norms on others.
As lust demons, I think “sucking” is literally in their job description.
Amarillo VA works to Prevent Suicides
So about a year ago.
Me: “This is from a CDW report that identifies instances where a phone call is inadvertently logged in the place of a face to face clinic.”
Bureaucrat at Amarillo VA: “Okay, with you so far.”
Me: “So, I cross referenced a VistA billings report, to identify when these phone calls generated a bill, because they are logged as face to face and last month found 27 from MHS.”
Bureaucrat at Amarillo VA: “Okay, why is this a problem?”
Me: “That means 27 Vets were charged $50 for calling the suicide hotline.”
Well really, is your life worth 50 dollars?
but in this case, ok to bill $50?
Technically, yes.
If you don’t bill them they’ll just keep calling.
This made me laugh
The Va should be dissolved lock, stock and barrel. That is 187B that could be used to pay private hospitals to treat vets.
Am I the only veteran who *likes* the VA? I show up, none of the stupid fake glad-handing, just
“name”, “last 4”. Then I wait a bit, they see me, then send me on my way with a drug prescription
I didn’t really want. Eventually I get a bill for $50 and pay it. It’s been great for me. I’d much
rather go to the VA than a civilian/private hospital.
My dad has zero issues with the VA. In fact they’ve been very proactive in helping him with things like hearing aides and glasses. And he likes all the doctors and nurses, too.
Now, that doesn’t mean that I disagree with Southen’. But there are good VA facilities out there.
My grandfather said that if he got a doctor that cared, he got good care at the VA. He also said, therein lies the problem.
On a gun related note, bought a surplus CZ85B last week. Barrel looked good and function seems fine, just a little holster wear. $350 for a good home defense pistol, feel like I came out ahead.
Plus, I got a CZ and didn’t have to spend $600 (because im a cuck and my wife wouldn’t let me spend that much)
350 for a CZ85 is just about theft. Good work.
The 85 is the ambidextrous version, correct?
Yep. Back in the 80s, it was one of the very few available.
Ambi, firing pin block, and square trigger guard.
I was looking for a 75 (these are Interarms surplus) , but there was an 85 that looked to be in a really nice shape (it was listed as “fair”) for that price so I swooped it up.
Nice. Cherish it – they stopped making them last year.
Are you actually a lefty?
I’m not. Oddly enough, I’m left eye dominant.
But I bought the 85 because it was the best looking surplus CZ they had. I actually didn’t even notice it was an 85 until he took it out of the case.
Doesn’t matter. I have few doubts that the Legion of CZ Fanboys has just recruited some new flesh.
The only nasty thing you’ll have to deal with is cleaning out the frame down by the trigger yoke. I’m gonna find out this weekend whether an ultrasonic bath will do the trick.
Why would ever do you mean? No cult here
*thousand yard stare, slowly caresses CZ, says Česká Zbrojovka backwards as eyes turn black*
And yes, I do not look forward to the cleanings
Cleaning’s easy as long as you don’t get down into the fire control mechanism.
We had redheads, we had blondes so what’s missing?
11 gives me tingles in my no-no spot.
Again, so many people ruining perfectly good skin with tattoos!
more for me.
6 is definitely not the most attractive, but I bet it, umm, feels nice
31 for overall
34 for dat ass
I must be off my usual bubble these last few days — virtually none of these do anything for me.
31 and 43 are nice, though.
53, por favor.
32 was the not…I mean wood.
Many find choices today, but since I have to narrow it down….40 and 59
21 and 41 look fun
The correct answer is: More redheads
Damn straight.
Some, like #6, were quite distracting but I still must say the correct answer (just like the correct answer for today’s FLBP) is orgy.
I miss Manly Mondays
Be the change you want!
me too, sister. *sigh*
PZ doesn’t understand that jesse is really good at it.
It takes a man to find the real hunks. #FemaleFail
Time to bring back REFORGER? Nah, let Merkel stew.
Oh right, I came here to make a comment…
When that box you picked up thinking it was aluminum bar clamps turned out to be dead weights…
Careful you might slip an energy disc.
Oofda! Bet that was a huge surprise.
Did you find a good deal on some weights? Bumper plates? Traditional weights? Go on…
Thus surprising no one…
Really? Mark Wald? Damn. Kingdom Come is one of my favorite graphic novels of all time. Didn’t know he was that dumb.
Waid had something of an asshole reputation back in the 90s when I was a comics reader, but this level of dirtbag is worse than I would’ve expected.
And doesn’t this all sound a little… familiar? SJWs write science fiction without science, fantasy without the fantastic, military science fiction without war, and superhero comics without heroics. They are dramatic poison, and they are this way by necessity, due to the intrinsic falsity of their worldview.
I’m not a comic book fan at all, but that panel from She-Thor is one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever seen.
fucking cowards.
It’s exceedingly difficult to write entertaining agitprop.
this was funny:
From what I see there someone is stepping in to fill the market gap. It had to happen sooner or later. Of course the SJWs will blame them for killing off that tripe they are putting out. Let’em squawk.
I think you should read the above article. its not a “gap” at all, but rather ‘normal’ comics are being actively replaced with ‘woke’ versions, and its killing the overall sales.
iow, its not an underserved market finally being addressed; its a non-existent market which the entire portfolio of products being shoved toward.
or at least that’s the argument being made by the above “Diversity in Comics” dude. He seems to have the numbers to back it up.
It’s quite hilarious how badly timed the whole SJWing was. The sales of comics have been dropping for…decades, by now. There was a slight chance to reverse the trend when MCU took off, except that’s about when Marvel decided that, after they chased off all but the hardcorest of fans, it was time to purge those as well. As Me Boi Zack describes a fictional family visiting a comic store
“My kids love the Avengers! Their favorite is Tony Stark. Do you have Iron Man?”
“We do but Iron Man is now a 15 year old girl.”
“Oh…They also like Thor.”
“Teenage girl.”
“Captain America, I remember reading him as a kid!”
“Well he’s basically a Nazi now…”
“Black Widow?”
“She’s Natasha still! Oh, wait. You don’t want your kids to read her book.”
And then they buy an Iron Man figure an leave.
I think this whole business with the comic books is great. They’re reducto ad absurdum-ing themselves, and lots of people who would think of them selves as SJWs or allies of SJWs are starting to have second thoughts. This is the cultural market clearing itself of a stupid concept.
Gamergate on a smaller scale.
In a way, though it’s also a way Marvel (and Disney) virtue signal pretty painlessly. the books don’t sell very well, but they don’t really give a damn because the books are an IP farm. They get to get their three white Chris leads to make the real money, and the SJWs are appeased by fucking over the books. And if one of those makeovers happens to make a character that will be able to replace one of those white Chrises when he wants too much money, great, but if not, they have fifty more characters to use, so it really doesn’t matter.
Three Chrisses, a family dining experience brought to you by Disney.
Truth Bomb
“we are doomed to a fate equal to the destruction wrought by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.”
So, less destructive than socialism, eh? Good to know.
Global warming also to blame?
Climate change + Trump = 9/11* 1000
I agree – if lefty dingbat politicians and media outlets don’t stop their endorsement of Antifa’s goals and tactics, our cities will indeed suffer some severe damage that could be compared to that of a hurricane.
has the NYT been running chinese-versions of their headlines in their articles for a long time? this is new to me.
I’d have thought that would be an IHT thing.
I am neither a technical expert, nor a marketing genius, but 2 thoughts popped into my head while seeing that
1) for “integrally suppressed”, it sure has a large can on the end of the barrel
2) for something intending to avoid legal problems, they sure went out of their way to make it look like Anton Chigurh’s gun in No Country For Old Men. Because if you wanted to scare people with the idea of “suppressor assassinations”, this is the perfect poster-boy
*for the record, i think its perfectly wunderbar
It’s a toy, not a tool.
A cool toy, true,
That’s what Wartimus thought. Now we all know better…
Well, *sometimes* that’s a toy…
This is true. Single shot muzzle loading black powder guns are simply not a practical choice as a crime gun. No one is going to choose that as a tool for holding up the local Quickie-mart. As for a hunting gun deer are not that bothered by a single, sudden shot. Generally if you miss and just hold still the deer will come back around in about 15 minutes out of curiosity. A suppressed 50 cal isnt going to alarm them less.
It’s a toy.
Integrally suppressed simply means that the silencer and barrel are one unit. It doesn’t have to be slick or look good, although most of the time that is preferred.
No word on what it does for probability of getting an STD.
Lets see, so binge drinking twice a week, nearly every week for four years at 1.4% means….fuck it I’m doing that math.
1 – (1-0.014) ^ (2 * 52 * 4) = .9972
but I think the article meant 1.4% per episode per month, so 1.4%*8 = 11% (or 12% taking 52 weeks/year)
I wasn’t able to quickly find the original paper to see what it actually said though.
What definition of binge drinking are they using? The one where if you drink 4 beers over the course of a day it’s a binge?
On the other hand, frat boys on average come from wealthier families, I’d imagine.
Prime Minister Trudeau is the perfect example of what happens when the uninformed and vapid are able to vote.
“Chewbacca socks (or any of the other Star Wars-themed pairs the P.M. has worn in the past) are an entirely different beast. They say less about a sense of style and more about a man who would wear a Wookiee on his feet with an otherwise boring gray suit and plain tie, while attending to the important business of global politics. Namely, this guy knows you’ll talk about him, and this is one way of controlling the conversation. It’s hard not to note them.”
I’m not uber familiar with Canadian politics but the Prime Minister sounds like a less competent version of former President Obama. Seriously, who the fuck wears Star Wars socks to a meeting like this?
An overgrown child
. . . the Prime Minister sounds like a less competent version of former President Obama.
Yours is a singularly clear vision of our PM, The Hair That Walks Like A Man™.
They say less about a sense of style and more about a man who would wear a Wookiee on his feet
So he’s wearing Michelle Obama on his feet?
Unnng! Unnnng! Don’t Stop!
Dam’s failing in Puerto Rico. Looks to be about 120 feet tall. 34,200 acre-feet when fully filled.
No idea on casualties, though PR is evacuating two villages.
Was it the first time the spillway had been used?
Silly me, I’m confusing it with California.
Just shoot them in the crotch
Well, *adjusts package* for some of us, that is center mass.
That Maxim 50 looks interesting.
So, is it just me or did we go very quickly from, “There’s no election fraud in this country, you racist, anti-immigrant yabbo!” to “ZOMG, THE BONY SPECTRE-HAND OF ELECTION FRAUD THREATENS TO TOUCH EVERY LEVEL OF OUR NATIONAL VOTING SYSTEMZ!”
“attempted intrusions by Russian IP addresses”
Could be, could also be VPN. Where the IP addresses are means absolutely nothing and anyone who claims it does is either lying or ignorant.
As a LARPing technical person who lives in his mother’s basement, these articles are terrible. My systems get attempted intrusions from Russia and China every day. So there’s no clear definition if this intrusion was actually a targeted intrusion– ie, were the hackers knowingly trying to get into the election system with the intent to change or interfere with election results, or were these just the same old bots that hit every public IP on the planet, on a minute-by-minute basis. Unknown. Story doesn’t explore that. Doesn’t ask the question.
That’s exactly the sort of thing that makes me think the author did ask that question, didn’t like the answer, and went with the narrative because everyone knows there’s Russian hackery going on.
The likely answer to that question isn’t a very interesting one and they need clicks.
Some good news courtesy of DeVos, one of the few in the Trump administration who have any sense whatsoever.
Thank God. DeVos is now my hero. That is long overdue.
Remember that Devos faced the most hostile opposition by the left of any Trump appointee.
Yeah. Sessions is like your elfin Great-Grandpa or something. Betsy is the real crisis in a crucible.
The God’s wrath defense
I’m going to take a good amount of schadenfreude out of their 0-12 season.
Completely OT – I just discovered that I am the keymaster and gatekeeper for a crew that is coming into the city to do some contract work at my employer. In essence, they need me to let them in and out of the building. Never mind the fact that these are my usual days off, the dude I spoke with seems to speak minimal English and wouldn’t give me a straight answer about scheduled start/stop times which means that I’m basically on call for the next two days. I’m so pissed off that blood might start flowing from my clenched fucking fists. They can’t do the job unless I’m there and if the job doesn’t get done I will surely lose mine. Then, minutes later, the fucker calls me back and asks about budget motels in the area. What the fuck would I know about budget motels in my hometown? This is what happens when your supervisor is 500 miles away and pretty much disinterested in the day-to-day. Rant off.
Sounds like you need a… upgraaede.
Moar beers and a heavy bag. Why the fuck didn’t they just hire locals that know the building. It’s a “secure installation”, about one step below a bank. And yes, I need a better line-o-work.
They don’t do badge access?
Surely you can find the sort of seedy place that has hourly rates and recommend that to the crew.
The thought had crossed my mind. Maybe “Rooms” or “The Itch Hotel” would be to their liking but i just couldn’t pull the trigger…
The “shoot ’em in the crotch” guy is close to my suggestion for a Kung Fury sequel. There should be a nut punch karate guy–who does nothing but nut punches. His first move, middle move, and finishing move are the nut punch, the nut punch, and the nut punch, respectively.
Also, the the first Kung Fury movie focused a lot on skateboarding. The sequel should have break dancing instead. In fact, the nut punch guy and the break dancer should probably be the same character. And the bad guy should probably be the devil. You know, like, Satan, Lucifer, . . . that guy.
Yeah, I just watched Kung Fury again.
Last night’s The Orville episode sucked so bad, I had to wash my eyes out with something.
Oh God, that episode sucked! It was so freaking . . . SJW.
You could title the story “Oww! My Balls!”
This movie was already made
I give it four stars!
I like the plot, the acting, etc.
It just needs chicks in it somehow.
Clint Smith is a national treasure.
Second best KölschI’ve had. First being the Reissdorf Kölsch. Third best is from a local brewery, Willoughby Brewing Company’s Kaiserhof, the brewer there was quoted in a recent Zymurgy article on Kölsches.
Reissdorf is good. I’ve also had Peters, Sion, and Früh. Peters, Sion, Früh, and Gaffel I’ve had in Cologne. I’ve only had Reissdorf in the USA. I’ve seen Früh in the USA, but never had it here. My recent trip to Pennsylvania was the first time I’ve seen Gaffel in the USA, so I decided to get it.
Früh am Dom in Cologne is open for breakfast. Unfortunately I discovered the hard way that they don’t tap the Kölsch kegs until 10 AM, so I had a Radler instead. I wasn’t impressed.
Oh, I read your Oktoberfest post. I’m fairly certain you have more German beer experience then I do, I’m still trying to convince the girlfriend that we should go to Cologne. I’ve seen Gaffel on tap in a couple of places here, as well as in bottles; however, the Ressdorf if much more available here.
On the radler side, the Stiegl is a gold standard beer (specifically the grapefruit one, the lemon one isn’t bad, but is not even close to the grapefruit). I’m more irritated that Radler is now becoming Americanized, there’s a Cleveland brewery that has a radler that comes in as just under 5%. At least they admit that they should call it an “Imperial radler”.
I’ve been to Cologne. The Cathedral is amazing. The Roman-German Museum is interesting. Otherwise, Cologne had little else interesting. The area around Cologne has some interesting things in it. Aachen, Düsseldorf, Siebengebirge, and others. Cologne has a bit of a crime problem, though I’ve heard the city is trying to shut that down. Pickpockets and beggars hang around the Hauptbahnhof.
Cologne has an annual wine festival. The last time I was in Cologne, I was there for the wine festival. I walked down to the square which hosted the festival, and the beggars were working the crowd. I left.
When I was in Canada last July, I met an older couple who lives near Cologne. They told me the city has cops and the festival has hired guards who go through and kick the beggars out.
If you go, let me know, I can pass on some pointers and such to you.
I’ve had Stiegl’s lager, but not their Radler. Unfortunately, the only Austrian beer I can find up here in New England is Stiegl and Samichlaus Klassik, both of which I have to get in Massachusetts.
[Homer]Mmmmmm, altbier. (Drool)[/Homer]
The local brewery in Houston, Saint Arnold’s, has made a Kolsch-style beer for awhile now. “Fancy Lawnmower.” It’s refreshing and delicious, which I believe is the aim of the style.
I wonder what they were pouring at the wine festival you mentioned? Mosel, Ahr, Mittelrhein?
a commentary from the second “Black Libertarian on Twitter” I’ve ever come across
On why “Left Libertarian makes no sense”
He’s one of the good ones.
He seems articulate and bright and clean
+1 Joe Biden and the Swamp!
And now that you have done an excellent job of clearing that up the collectivists masquerading as libertarians will do their damnedest to muddy the water again.
LA Times writes long winded piece on how dangerous Trump’s insults of Jong Un were. Only to end with the following:
Three paragraphs at the end completely detached from the rest of the piece. It’s like some old curmudgeonly editor who was there in the ’80’s when the left attacked Reagan as a madman forced them include this dissenting thought at the last minute against everyone else’s objection.
You can find quotes from Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton, that were all nearly verbatim. Trash talking about the “utter annihilation of ones enemies” is a yawn event, diplomatically speaking.
In fact, it was only after Bush’s “Axis of Evil” that everyone started pretending that saying mean things about nuclear-armed dictatorships was *mean* and unpresidential.
“There are three lights!”
“Look again and I think you will see there are four lights.”
There is more than one way to break someone and get them to completely deny reality, to believe what they are told to believe no matter how absurd. There is a hard way – straight up torture – and a soft way. The soft way uses threats of loss of employment, social standing, political standing or slander by the media. There is a lot of the soft kind at play with the left. Everywhere I look I see think-pieces on nearly every subject including some kind of Trump bashing social signaling. I think the primary enforcers of this soft coercion are the main stream media. Hopefully as the MSM destroy more and more of their credibility people will find the courage to tell the left to piss right off and most of this will end. The country will be able to right itself.
Problem being that fully half of the population is a dunder-headed ignoramus that chases the ball across the street. Facebook memes prevail and I don’t know how you can fight back against that sort of overwhelming power. Guerrilla warfare usually involves fighting against invaders, not the plurality. In other words, we are fucked in the long term.
I happened upon a shitty little gun show last weekend, and one of the sellers had a CZ Scorpion 9mm. I now get it and also want one.