Ahem. Manners, please.
Glad Florida Man posted. I don’t ever want to be FIRST on STEVE SMITH links.
“stop laughing!”
/my brain
Hey Hayek’, not sure if you saw this:
Twin Cities (+1 NoDak) Meetup
Sept. 28 (Thursday) @ 5:00ish pm. Broadway Pizza in Plymouth; near the 55 and 494 exchange.
Schweet! Duly noted and marked on the calendar. Hopefully I will not be out of town that day, but there is a possibility I will have to be.
Do we need a secret handshake, or just ID each other by monocles and top hats?
Well, obviously we’ll be the coolest people in the place.
Alternately, you could email me at my handle followed by 13@outlookDOTcom to
subscribe to the newsletterget in on the organizational details with Pope Jimbo, Tundra, and I.That goes for anyone else who’s interested. The more the glibier!
FOP President Kevin Graham needs to be dropped deep in the woods for STEVE SMITH to ‘entertain’.
If I was a cop, I’d at least want my union rep to look like he could run 10 yards without dying of a heart attack.
Is union representation based on a 1vote/1lb basis? These porkers take over because they can outvote anyone?
I didn’t know Mr. Creosote was fuzz
Holy shit, I thought that BBC page was a put-on, but nooooooo
Colorado tori
I thought that was a rare thing but a news story came up in the sidebar when I was youtubing some link one of the degenerates here linked and same thing in NM. Some chic taking a dump next to some dudes house every weekend when she ran. What is it with chics running and having to take a shit? Is that normal or can they just not plan their day well?
They’re women. 0f course they can’t plan well.
(This is why there are no libertarian women….)
Dear God, I hate McCain. I hate him so much I’m ambivalent about the bill his turncoating is killing and it still makes me hate him more. I guess no one likes a Judas.
Speaking of Judas, I saw a movie called Judas Kiss with Alan Rickman back in the 90’s. I remembered liking it and wanted to watch it again. Unfortunately I can’t find a copy on DVD. Does anyone know a good source to find rare DVD? I tried iOffer, but that place is full of scammers.
I ordered it. We will see if it shows up.
Yeah, ditto. I honestly could take or leave the bill, but at least it was something. I wish that old bastard would hurry up and die already.
I can tolerate Rand Paul objecting to it because it is flawed. I can tolerate the one from Alaska doing it because she’s consistent. I can’t tolerate some bitter, egomaniacal old man with a personal vendetta and who is way too chummy with the likes of Chuck Schumer doing it. McCain has always been a cunt. It’s just on full display now.
Paul’s standing on principle, McCain’s just cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit.
my guess is poker metaphor. Flushed with fours as in married into a really rich family after the gooks didn’t kill him.
I’m pretty sure he’s quoting National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
I don’t remember that quote. I am sticking with my metaphor.
Holy shit, where’s the Tylenol?
I don’t care that this bill will not pass, because I think it is shit, and they are all assholes for not passing a clean repeal, but the old goat thinking anything called bipartisan, or working with the Democrats means anything other than giving them whatever they want is proof he is senile or a total fraud.
Yeah, I’m ready to let the Democrats own health care. The next Dem pres will install single-payer and they’ll own that too. Maybe the country will wake up then.
::looks up at the $20T debt clock::
(Hihn snicker)
What we see with Obamacare is that once implemented, a welfare program is damn difficult to kill. It’s just not going to happen. I’m frankly with Ken on this one. Any rollback is preferable at his point. Anything to stop the bleeding.
The last welfare program that was ‘rescinded’ was the old welfare system that became TANF under the exact same scheme that Graham-Cassidy propses with Obamacare, specifically the Medicaid system. It was a good incremental step and would have forever stopped single payer
To be fair, I probably agree. I’m just feeling really cynical tonight.
Severed heads are a surly bunch, in my estimation.
There’s a song for that.
He’s a total fraud and has been for years. He was against Ocare when that carried no consequences and got him votes. Now that he can actually do something about it he says fuck you to the people who voted for him and votes according to what he really thinks.
He’s a total fraud. He’s been pulling shit like this for decades. His playing Democrat games goes all the way back to being the only Republican member of the Keating 5.
You’d think he would have figured it out when the media turned on him as soon as he was the Red nominee for President, but he never did. He went right back to being a ‘maverick’ (translation: Helping advance the Democrat agenda at the expense of his own party)
Yeah, and look what he was rewarded with for his decades of betrayal? A shot at the White House.
It’s as if his brain were riddled with cancer.
His brain was riddled with bullshit long before the cancer could get a foothold.
He graduated dead last in his class. The man wasn’t particularly bright even when he was young and brain tumorless.
I wish they’d discover a cure for him, so he could get primary-ed and lose his seat. I think being out of power and ignored would be a worse punishment for him than being dead.
You know, every “progressive” I know still hates McCain with the fire of a thousand suns. It just goes to show that there’s no appeasing the hardcore “progressives”. They’re like Islamic terrorists – you can try to buddy up to them, but they’d still chop your head off in an instant.
Indeed. The ghost of Ronald Reagan could “present” his fundament to Hillary’s spiked strap-on and they would still demand more debasement. It’s not enough to win every culture war, you have to grind your opponents under foot and salt the earth according to the new Left.
I keep discovering friends of mine who haven’t seen Dolores Claiborne. It’s one of my top favorite movies, despite it’s uber-prog creator.
So now next time I’m in NM, I get the pleasure of introducing my friend to classics such as:
“…one of us is goin to the boneyahd”
“Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman’s got to hold onto”
“befrigged island”
That’s a good one.
I love that movie, one of the very best King adaptations. Great cast, great lines, great photography.
Seen? I remember reading the book back in the 90’s…
I’m sure the book is fantastic, but the movie is a masterpiece. The screenplay, cast, location – all amazing. They bring it to life.
John C. Riley is terribly underrated.
The movie is better than the book (I read the book first). I mean the book isn’t bad, it’s just not memorable the way the movie is.
Agreed. Great flick.
*its, dammit.
I liked “High-riding Bitch”.
Never seen it.
Oh, come on. Who hasn’t gave themselves a little “fluff” in the cab on the way to a hotel to meet someone. Right?
Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day
vis Instapundit:-
this person (Self description: “a first-generation immigrant Filipino-American albino transgender writer” – aka 3rd Degree Black Belt Wokeness)… writes in the pages of Vice,
“I Am Incredibly Confused Why My Non-Binary, Gender-Bending Buddies Have a Hard Time
Finding DatesGetting Laid“?needless to say, this is probably confusing to absolutely no one else, but let’s humor them for a minute
I’ll give you a hint: people like going to the zoo, but don’t take Ostriches home with them. Similar issue.
again: you want to be a unicorn, don’t be surprised when the horses think you’re incompatible.
the thing goes on and on and on, and the thing that keeps coming up is the person’s claimed “Surprise” at “discovering” basic details about human sexuality which everyone over the age of 10 probably knows.
The nut of it (no pun) is that it seems like these trans-people think they live in a pre-pubescent universe, and are shocked to discover the rest of the world has grown up.
Well, I didn’t bother to read the article but assuming that person describes that person’s friends the same way throughout as he/she/it does in the quoted selections, I still haven’t established whether there’s a vagina involved anywhere. It’s been a while since I was single, but that was sort of what you’d call a bare minimum for my being interested in a date with someone. And when I say someone, I refer to that quaint, antique term, “a woman”.
“Your dating preferences are discriminatory”
Trigger Warning: Incredibly fucking stupid.
“It really feels like your reducing people to just their genitals”
The women have tits too. They’re not just their genitals.
It was the “slayworthiness” part that made me want to drive into a bridge abutment at 120 MPH. I don’t like these people very much.
Sandwiches too. The ladies make a mean sandwich
“Sammich, Bitch”!
Well i think its a similar problem for them, because they either want to date gay men (who ultimately find the girly side of these transfolk unappealing), or they want to date straight men (who find the.. not really girly enough side unappealing)…
…none of them seemed to suggest they were at all interested in women. which lends some support to the idea that this complex “non-binary femme” thing is probably just better defined as “Extremely Pretentious Gay”
i don’t recall the stat, but there is a very high ratio of pre-op male-to-female trans people who bail on the procedure, and instead just decide to live as gay cis-males. basically, that a very high number of transpeople aren’t really “women in mens’ bodies”, they’re guys who for one reason or another can’t psychologically process being gay without seeing themselves as women.
I think what we’re dancing around is the fact that the vast majority of people lie at either end of the “Kinsey scale” despite endless claims otherwise. Take me (please!). I am a man who likes men. I am not femme, I don’t like femmes, blah blah blah. And in my long long years in the “scene”, it’s pretty much the same story for most of us. I know it sucks for them, but them’s the breaks.
Getting laid, getting paid. Shits not easy
The nut of it (no pun) is that it seems like these trans-people think they live in a pre-pubescent universe, and are shocked to discover the rest of the world has grown up.
Special snowflake-ism is, at its core, the inability to accept that they’re loser adults instead of participation trophy-receiving children.
The edit faerie really ought to copy that pic from the article to here. I daresay it could replace the cattbutt.
I know, seriously. That photo is epic.
That made me go look, and all I can say is Damn you for making me do that.
I recognise these strings of words in the article as English writing, yet I cannot extract useful meaning.
Yeah, I read half of it and have no idea what they’re talking about. Don’t really care either.
It’s like a Q tittay list but it’s all imaginary numbers
“such obvious catches”
*rolls eyes*
If you are unable to ascertain objective reality there is a good chance you wont be able to correctly judge other’s subjective reality.
+1 Jamie Gumm
When did femme as a descriptor become a thing?
No idea. Sometime in the 70s I would guess.
I supposed I should have asked a more specific question, and I’ll have to do that in the AM links: It seems to me as though “femme” as a descriptor has suddenly taken off and become trendy in the past year or so. I never really saw it before, but now I see it a lot. When did the trend start and why?
Why don’t they just have sex with each other? Problem solved.
i suppose the problem (at least the constant whine of the article) was more that they desired some sort of ‘external validation’, that people they desired – any of them – should also find them fuckable. the fact that lots of gay-men, the people they mainly found themselves supported/applauded by, failed to also find them “hot” was the gripe
the thing i thought was funny is that the author thinks this is – or should be – hard to grasp. As though they’ve stumbled upon some unexpected fact. when its something anyone could have told them: 99% of the population is passionately *binary* in the same way you’re passionately *non-binary*. Ergo: expect 99% of people to find you too-confusing and unappealing.
They seem to ‘blame society’ for conditioning people poorly, when they fail to apply the same standards to others that they have for themselves. Other people are just as genetically inclined to ‘be who they are’ in the same way you do. Its just that the vast, vast, vast majority wants X OR Y, not some xY/Xy mashup
I swear this article was posted here months ago and so was this exact comment. What’s going on D: Am I So Raven?
Uh… Yes? No? I don’t know what that means?
You mean you haven’t been keeping up with “Raven’s Home”? :0
I think the bigger problem is that they’re really rather ugly people underneathâi.e. even aside fromâthe clown costumes and makeup. If you have a very nice physique and face, you could probably dress up like a weirdo and still get laid. This article could be titled “Why can’t my ugly friends get laid?” Probably wouldn’t be very interesting, though.
Sound like STEVE SMITH wouldn’t even rape them with their own dicks.
Siting on my new deck drinking Avery vanilla bean smoked stout and listing to DMX. Thank you random iPod and unseasonably warm fall night.
Also I’m with a big foot investigator. Steve Smith beware.
Is the gayest verse in all of rap history.
No Homo!
Gabe gonna give it to ya
All he does is yell and bring hand guns to the airport.
I am over summer already. Fuck. OK, it’s reasonably pleasant with the wind but pushing 90 this weekend? Enough.
I’m right there with you. I don’t want to need to turn on my gods damned air conditioner in fscking September.
Shit, i was just inventorying the back yard thinking about the fun summer stuff I have to store (kayak, canoe, etc.) and thinking that it is too early for summer to be done.
Sorry Rhywun, I forgot where you come from, but summer being done in Minnesoda means something.
Of course, it is hunting season. I may go drive out in the boonies with the boy tomorrow to see if we can find some squirrels that are young, dumb and tender.
p.s. I’m working through the remnants of a party a few weeks ago. I think all the fancy stuff is gone. Mostly good stuff left now – Miller High Life.
New York City. I bet your summers in Minnesoda are as beautiful or more so than where I grew up (Rochester/Buffalo). But in NYC it’s the long stretches of punishing humidity – which for me is worse than the temp – that ruin it. Luckily the humidity is low tonight (under 50% – rare) and looks to stay fairly low this weekend so there’s that.
I would agree with you, but tonight is mild here in parts west and north of NYC. I would prefer 40’s and nippy , by the fire but I’m not one to complain.
It is hot and humid today. The last few though have been the perfect Sept fall days. Sunny, low 70’s. No humidity.
This summer has been very mild. We’ve only had the AC on for maybe 10 days tops.
The summers in Memphis were always brutal. The humidity and temps would make you show up anywhere drenched to your grundies.
I’ve been working through a keg of a homebrewed Belgian Blonde and getting ready for the Cleveland Bike ‘n’ Brew tomorrow. About 60 miles, hitting five different breweries on bikes. The route planner is not as much of an idiot as the first time I did this ride, which is a good sign.
If you’re a homebrewer, I’ll gladly share the recipe. If you’re in the Cleveland, OH area, you’re more then welcome to request a meet somewhere where I can bring some.
Negative on both counts. đ
Excellent to both!
My favorite local brewery makes a nice American Blond. They actually specialize in Belgian style beers.
I’ll be down in the Columbus area October 6th through 8th. I am showing that the Google is saying that your favorite brewery is unfortunately permanently closed.
That sucks big time. Looks like new owner going away from the Belgian/German style beers too. Will probably just serve hops with a fork.
Avery Vanilla Bean Smoked Stout. That sounds good.
If you find yourself in a pinch, you could dump a shot of McGillicuddy’s vanilla schnapps into a room temperature Guinness Export out of a can. ::wiggles eyebrows::
I bought some apple pie “moonshine” in the Smokies this week. Cashier suggested doing a drop shot into a stout with that.
That sounds
kind ofpretty revolting.I never do drop shots but I might try mixing a small amount to try it.
It’s is good and gone. Smoky and 9.5%
And it hit you already. “It’s is good”. đ
That does sound good.
Being on a budget at the moment, I am on the original banquet beer.
I still dig the high life.
Miller lite was my beer of choice when flying. Less filling and flying bloats me. Always a problem on non US airlines, but they had better beer so it made up for the discomfort.
I have soft spot for the High Life.
The Banquet beer is Coors though. Says it right on the label and shit.
The Banquet Beer is decent stuff. It’s retarded little brother Coors Light, however, is piss water.
Agreed. If you want Coors light, may has go for the cross eyed more retarded littler brother Keystone light. 16 clams for a 30 pack.
Sorry the high life is the champagne of beers.
Lil Opal is my next beer. It isn’t as good as I expected it would be.
I want to bring GILMORE’s link over from the firearms thread for more discussion. On the existence of left-libertarians
I think this is a good way of approaching it if we stick to a 1D political spectrum. However, I’ve found that approach quite limiting. “Left” and “Right”, in modern parlance, does not refer to economic issues. The economic issues sit on a second dimension (usually shown as a vertical axis with libertarian at one end and authoritarian at the other). Left refers to culturally transformative and Right refers to culturally traditional.
Left-libertarians can exist. They’re called libertines. Where things fall apart is when their authoritarian lefty fellow travelers get their hooks in the left-libertarians and convince them that their authoritarian con game is merely cultural transformation (e.g. SJW, climate change, income inequality, etc.).
As I’ve written before, it seems we’re all thick libertarians now.
Thick Libertarians or THICC Libertarians?
*hearty applause followed by a cold shower*
I hope he’s running for something because he’s got my vote.
That guy gets it
This brings a smile to my face.
I have three sticky cup holder dollars that HM = Douglas Kyle
I’m not that old!
I play an old guy on the internet too.
The smile you have after eating some big ol’ ass. LOL
+1 wizened reprobate. Huzzah!
Glibs mascot
*for the record, i was just sharing one guy’s argument about why he doesn’t buy the Lefty-libertarianism. it wasn’t my glowing endorsement, tho i do basically agree with him.
as far as the thick/thin analogy thing goes…. i’ve never seen it as all-encompassing, or as an perfectly-accurate reflection of the spectrum of argument that actually exists.
but as far as that (linked) guy’s case – is he not himself making the case for “thin”? He’s saying that libertarianism is a either/or question of whether or not you accept the basic principles of self-ownership and the extending propery rights + negative rights that are associated with it. He basically says all the cultural/social politics is irrelevant.
if that’s what he’s doing, i don’t really understand how you take that as “everyone’s thick now”.
as far as the thick/thin analogy thing goesâŚ. iâve never seen it as all-encompassing, or as an perfectly-accurate reflection of the spectrum of argument that actually exists.
I agree. For instance, I’m a bit “thicker” than some, because I believe that SJW authoritarianism needs to be rejected on the authoritarianism grounds AND on the SJW grounds. I guess a “thin” libertarian could theoretically only reject the authoritarianism and “live and let live” on the SJW portions.
I am not a “real” Libertarian but I play one on TV. I agree with most of the precepts but still insist on a safety net for the tightrope walkers . The problem being, falling should have consequences, not sixty years in the bounce house (Wheeeee!). There are limits.
Bouncy Bouncy
Oh such a good time
Bouncy Bouncy
Shoes all in a line
Bouncy Bouncy
Everybody summersault,
Everybody sing along
Bouncy Bouncy
oh such a good time
Bouncy Bouncy
White socks slipping down
Bouncy Bouncy
Stilettos are a no no
Bouncy Bouncy oh
Bouncy Bouncy oh
Everytime I bounce I feel I could touch the skyeee
You’re a libertarian, you’re just a Bad Libertarian, like Bad Santa or Bad Teacher. Meeow
Bad is good, right? All the hep-cats that I know call me bad… Of course the Glibs are my only friends, so…
SJW-ism can be 100% rejected on property rights grounds.
There is no difference between economics and politics. Anybody “bringing politics into it” is simply bringing economics into it.
I would view left Libertarianism as people who by there own choice live in a collective commune and leave others to live as they choose. It’s been tried many times but always fails because either the productive get tired of the moochers or the loudest, most oblivious, and most obnoxious start making making retarded ass rules which turns into infighting which ends the experiment that never had any chance of succeeding because it goes against human nature. Just like all collectivist ideas.
You can be libertarian and still hold really bad ideas, as long as you don’t force everybody else to pay for them.
Inspired by ENB’s boyfriend/candling partner’s idiotic tweet about Mel Brooks, I am watching Jerry Seinfeld’s special on Netflix. Highly recommended for good comedy. Also check out Seinfeld on Norm MacDonald Live, which was a very interesting interview:
I quite liked it, which surprised me since I never used to like Jerry Seinfeld’s standup. I really appreciate his professionalismâhow completely on-point his rhythms are. Even when I don’t lol at his jokes, I love how they’re presented. There’s a certain beauty/musicality to it.
Like, he’s very much an old-school comedian in styleâhis jokes are very much *crafted*âand since there aren’t as many people doing that anymore, it actually feels fresher.
Oh, and since I missed Firearms Friday, let me just say that ENB’s boyfriend is the leading asshole in the state.
Naptown Johnson is right!
Florida Man Johnson is right about Naptown Johnson being right!
I think we can all agree that The Hyperbole Johnson is very correct when he says that Florida Man Johnson is right about about Naptown Johnson being spot-on!
There is some consolation in knowing that he has to go through the rest of his life being an ignorant douchebag.
Looking at his Twitter since, I don’t think he’s realized this.
He most likely never will. But everyone around him does.
I can relate to doubling down out of embarrassment when being called out for doing or writing something stupidâI’m stubborn and easily-butt-hurtâbut that’s why I don’t transcribe every dumb thought of mine and post it wide-open to the world.
Humans were not environmentally selected to be capable of saying things worth saying every 8 minutes. Even the most brilliant person is not going to be able to keep it up while also pumping out hundreds and hundreds of thousands of tweets.
In this case, you have an idiot with 120k tweets.
Something pissed me off today. I was checking out the sales at Steam and saw something on my wishlist that was 75% off.
However, it was part of some ‘Benefit Sale’ for charity. My Prog alert went off, so I looked it up.
Sure enough, one of the entities receiving money is called “Games For Change”. They appear to be just as much of a prog-infested virtue signaling group of slimeballs as you think.
Fuck these people for making me do research to buy a five-dollar video game. Can’t they leave politics out of ANYTHING?
Canât they leave politics out of ANYTHING?
That is like asking a Baptist to keep God out of everything, because politics is religion to the fucking left.
It’s amazing how brazen they are. Stuff like this is turning people off by the bushel. However, they’re really good at disguise and misdirection.
Epistory is the only game on that list I know and it’s pretty good. I haven’t detected any wokeness in it yet (I’ve played about an hour of it).
Would the frogs supporting Biafra separatists be seen as war between Cameroon and Nigeria? hmmmm.
None of it all matters until we know whether any of the separatists are gender nonbinary, femme, and fabulous.
I worked a job there. We home ported out of Douala. I can’t remember the island we worked around and where anchored off of. It was contested territory between the two countries. It was a pain in the ass job, but great fun.
Jello or other
There are worse ways to make New Orleans fun again.
Too soon! (?)
Sure it is fun, but it is sticky too.
Sitting through a royal ass kicking here on High school football night. The other team has 21 points…we have 6 offensive plays.
It’s 5:41 in the first quarter.
And we just snapped the ball over the punters head into the endzone.. safety. The other teams fans are already bored.
The ensuing free kick was returned for a touchdown. 30-0 3:35 left in the first. Hometown fans are trickling out of the stands already.
Stop oogling the cheerleaders. That’s OMWC’s job.
Is it the Freshman team?
They already lost 44-6.
It is 44-0 here, 6:54 left in the second.
No mercy rule?
So, is the team you’re rooting for the one invited for the better team’s homecoming game?
They wish we were.
My soph/jr years of football were like that. The coach played seniors first and you had to be really good to play.
When my kids were playing, they were on a range of teams. When they were on bad teams, I coached them up on how to manage the humiliation of being spanked. Win your position and you could hold your head high.
That sucks though. The bright spot is that if it was girls’ sports it could be worse. Most guys will take the foot off the accelerator when they are ahead. Watch high school girls’ b-ball and it is brutal. No one seems to feel bad that you beat a team by 50 (and didn’t take the starters out until the 4th quarter).
Jesus, that’s bad.
I once scored a basket for the other team in a 6th grade CYO basketball game. But i could at least have been forgiven as it was the second half and i’d spaced out and not realized we’d switched sides. That was as bad as i thought it could get.
My son was in a all-star game (house league) and that happened. Both teams spaced out that the buckets had changed at half and kept trying to score on the wrong hoop (but were prevented from doing so by the clamp down D of the other team).
One of my highlights. Watching both coaches scream at their teams was a hoot. Uffda, how many times does a coach scream at his players to stop playing D?
I remember watching a Pats-Jets game on TV that was 3-2 at half-time.
I may be able to top that… once in a CYO game a scored a basket from a basketball that bounced off my head to go through the hoop. I have accepted the fact that I’m not good at most team sports.
I can’t top that but I did score one goal in my HS soccer career. Of course I went nuts, and the regulars who had the day off because we were playing the shittiest team in the city were letting me have it.
I had a softball bounce off my noggin and over the right field fence ala Jose Canseco. I also ran right through a board fence chasing a fly ball. It’s a pity that I didn’t leave a perfect silohuette, just two busted boards.
Itâs a pity that I didnât leave a perfect silohuette, just two busted boards.
ProTip: ACME Brand Uniform Starch.
Adds to “Next Life” list.
Yeah, but American Beauty.
She ain’t here.
Let me get my wig and xylophone.
Went to a KU game one year, at home in a snowstorm against K-State. KU was down 21-0 half-way through the first quarter. Student section pretty much emptied out.
KU fans usually don’t show up until basketball season.
Coincidentally, I just got an sports flash: KU is spending $350m to upgrade their stadium. Sweet, that works out to be $175m/conference win over the last three seasons.
You own a flask, right?
The only way to manage youth sports is with a good flask and some sane parents who understand that it is just a game.
I’ve got a kinetico water softener that seems to be killing a lot of the water pressure to the house at times. It’s somewhat intermittent. Sometimes I can run a shower and the dishwasher at the same time. Other times, the shower alone loses pressure for a few minutes.
I’ve replaced the prefilter a few times, and it seems to help for a few days, but that may just be confirmation bias on my part. Could this be caused by fouled resin?
Have you ever had your water tested pre softner? I assume you are on a well.
Could your water have variables in calcium level?
Yes I’m on a well. I haven’t had the water tested for hardness, but I can tell you that it’s pretty high, especially in iron. It’s clear from the prefilter (which is a burnt orange color after a few days) that we’re getting plenty of rust coming through.
I did some digging and found some paperwork on the system. The system was installed in ’07, and I bought the house this January. They knew of the low pressure problem when they sold the house, and the plumber yanked the prefilter to make it work “better”. I have a copy of an invoice from january from the company that installed the softener, and it looks like they “rebedded” the resin at that time and backwashed the unit. They only noted the water parameters after the softener, so that info is worthless.
If I remember right Iron can change oxidation states and go from water soluble to water insoluble. The insoluble Iron II (?) precipitates out as an orange gel which could be plugging up your system. I think it also acts to encapsulate water, which is why it manifests as a gel like state. It wouldn’t take much of that to plug up a water filter. It is also possible that water high in iron could produce a large amount of the stuff. If you are seeing any orange or red/brown slime in your water that is probably what is going on.
What to do about it? I have no idea.
Basic inorganic chem that I haven’t looked at in twenty five years. Good God I am getting old.
Yes, I definitely get the gel (slime) on the pre-filter. It literally takes only hours before the white filter is rust colored. Maybe I just have an inordinate amount of rust and need to replace the prefilter every month. I’ll try replacing it and seeing whether that fixes the issue for now. The prefilter needing really frequent replacement would be the cheapest resolution to this whole issue.
As the water comes from an anaerobic environment (underground) to an aerobic one it is oxidizing to an insoluble state.
A settling tank? A large sand filter that you can periodically back flush might be cheaper and more effective? An alum tank and then a resevior (industrial method)? You need a way to remove the insoluble iron before the water goes into the softener system. There are ways to do it but they are probably all prohibitively expensive and/or could kill your water pressure entirely if the removal system is between your pump and your outlets. Put in a second pump after the sand filter?
If the water is tolerable pre-softener it might be easier to just remove the softener rather than have an expensive system that you have to tinker with all the time.
After some light reading, the insoluble iron appears to be the “good” kind because the prefilter can get it. The soluble iron has to be filtered by the resin, which would cause the resin to be exhausted faster.
The weird part is the intermittent nature of it. This morning, the pressure in the shower was low. Currently, the dishwasher is running and the pressure at the faucets is fine. If it was iron clogging up the system, I would expect a progressive decline in performance rather than intermittent issues.
Regarding bypassing the softener, we lived with the softener bypassed for 6 months… we had a hard time getting our clothes clean. They were coming out smelling as bad or worse than when we put them in. Within 2 days of reactivating the softener, that problem went away.
Do any of your neighbors have the same problem? The well drilling guys and softner folk should be able to answer this.
Pressure, or flow?
Both. There seems to be a first level of reduction that is primarily noticed as a loss of pressure. The shower or faucet just doesn’t run as strong. Sometimes it reduces to a second level where the water does little more than dribble out. It happened in the shower yesterday, and it was not easy to get the shampoo out of my hair.
I have a several part answer. It’s Friday night, so you’ll only get a fraction of the first part.
Phosphates are largely banned, so your detergent (laundry, dishwasher, or otherwise) sucks.
You can fix that here:
Or, you can buy it at Home Depot for a fraction of the price.
REAL soap used to have this stuff, but it doesn’t now. 1/2 of a teaspoon with your dishes or laundry is enough.
and it was not easy to get the shampoo out of my hair
My suggestion is shave your head. J/k
I am not expert, I had a friend deal with well problems though. The water fucked their softener constantly. They ended up drilling another well not far from the original. That was in OK. The new well fixed their problem. Not all holes in the ground get you good water. They can tell by testing it is what I gathered from his experience. Where you get good water is hit or miss in some places.
Do you have a pressure gauge on your water line near the pressure switch for your pump prior to the treatment equipment? Maybe have someone out in your pump house or wherever your well is to see if your pump is running.
Almost sounds like the lower limit on the pressure switch is either set low or faulty and the water pressure drops excessively before the pump kicks on. Or the diaphram on your pressure tank is leaky (or leaked).
A relaxed and normal start to Oktoberfest
An estimated 600,000 visitors for the first weekend. 11 oxen eaten.
One day. One day…
I’m there with you MikeS.
I should be doing some work around my house. It’s why I didn’t go out tonight. Instead, I am catching up Glibertarians, watching this, and deciding whether or not to have another beer.
Some folks suggested a Glibs Oktoberfest meet-up on my Oktoberfest article. I think that is a great idea.
Have another beer. *Cheers* Coffee for me, sorry.
Love the October fest beers, but in nipping the nugget nectar right now.
Augustiner Brau is my first German beer back in the day
I have lots of Augustiner in the fridge. Six Maximator bottles and six Edelstoff bottles. I decided I’m going to save them for another night.
I started reading my 8 year old daughter Romeo and Juliet. Figured she could enjoy the fun parts and I could quickly pass over the dirty parts. But nooooo.
‘Tis true, and therefore women, being the weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall. Therefore I will push Montagueâs men from the wall, and thrust his maids to the wall.
“Papa, why does he want to push the maids to the wall?”
This is a gonna be a long play.
Driving someone “up the wall” means driving them crazy.
They’re gonna drives those maids crazy!
You should be in marketing.
I remember an episode of The Jeffersons where George had to give a funeral eulogy for a guy who was a real cad. He didn’t know what to say, so Weezie helped him translate as he wrote the speech. My favorite was when George said “He chased women all the time and cheated on his lady!” And Weezie offered up “He loved everyone.”
Watching as a kid, I thought it was funny, but the cynical side of me even then thought, “Ah. This is how adults don’t exactly lie, but can be very misleading.” Pretty much prepared me for Bill Clinton’s prevarications, which I recognized immediately for what they were.
“Ask your mother”
Maybe you could start with something tamer, like Oedipus Rex.
If I wanted to teach her about self fulfilling prophecies I’d tell her the story of Bill Weld’s selection.
Slightly OT: I still recall after over 20 years a Greek poem (Sappho maybe?) that went something like this:
Sweet Hesperus, you bring back everything that Dawn’s light scattered.
You bring back the sheep, you bring back the goats,
You bring back the baby to its mother.
Hesperus being “sleep” in Greek, it sounded kind of like a nice lullaby. But the teacher pointed out that all Greek poetry is pretty much fatalistic talk of death, how death is the great equalizer, and the cyclic nature of life, and that Hesperus was Death in the poem.
I learned the lingo and aced the tests (as I continued to do in college), but I still think it was about sleep.
To this day, once in a while when I am really frigging exhausted, I recall this poem and think of Sweet Hesperus taking me blissfully away. I think it’s rather pretty and comforting, not a lament about death.
Certainly reads like a methaphor (typo, but I’m leaving it). Why not remember it that way? You’d be jettisoning part of the author’s intent, but we do that all the time.
Yeah, it was/is probably a dual meaning poem–as so many are.
Funny how when I just need sleep or see my pets or hubby sleeping, I think only of the lullaby aspect. But when I am more melancholy, like thinking about a friend who offed himself, I see “Sweet Hesperus” as a tempting but cruel “answer” to life’s problems.
Give you a mullet and you could star in Lethal Weapon with that attitude. Hope you have a Danny Glover to walk you away from the ledge.
Also, many samurai would wake up in the morning and force themselves to come up with a reason not to kill themselves. I’d try that, but some hangovers would tip the scales.
Nah, I myself am good, mental and emotional health-wise. I just linger in my mind sometimes over friends who ended it themselves. I try to understand, but since suicide doesn’t make sense, I know I will never really understand.
The analogy of sleep and death being a relief is as close as I can get to understanding why they did what they did.
Not me though; I’m too stubborn to die yet!!
“Ah Sweet Morpheus! Slumbering in thine arms bespeaks the very best and worst of Man’s Condition”
I did a book report on Ian Fleming’s “Doctor No” when I was in fifth or sixth grade.
My friend and I did a deconstruction of Doctor Hook’s “Freakers Ball” when we were 10 or 11. The teacher was not amused but our classmates surely were. Gee, I wonder why I seemed to spend so much time with the Principal between the ages of 10-12?
Just for the record, I’ve always been reluctant to go personal on John McCain–I just have a tremendous amount of respect for American soldiers who did their duty–and he suffered tremendously for doing his. No disrespect is intended for that.
But for tonight? John McCain can kiss my ass.
Oh, and Rand Paul can, too. They can both pucker up, the fuckin’ ratbags. I don’t which is worse–screwing us because the bill was too libertarian (McCain) or screwing us because the bill–supposedly–wasn’t libertarian enough (Rand Paul). Honestly, it doesn’t make a difference. They both did the will of Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren.
I don’t care why they thrust us to the wall. I don’t like getting screwed either way.
The establishment Republicans were more libertarian on this one.
P.S. Rand Paul and John McCain can both kiss my ass.
So, can we call them “Cunts”, Ken?
I agree with you Ken. How does a Senator with brain cancer not be ineligible to vote?
Again, Rand is right about this: if they can hold out till the new Senators get into town, they might be able to actually repeal Obamacare, straight up. The first time ever an entitlement program is repealed.
If Rand caves, if he lets the McCains and Murkowskis follow their marching orders from Schumer, then Obamacare becomes a Republican millstone. Literally every problem with healthcare will be the fault of Republicans for messing up the Anointed Ones Wonderful Law.
A bipartisan “reform” will keep the high costs of healthcare and will make the Republican party completely unable to ever get rid of it because they will have soiled their hands and made it their own.
Rand’s message has been consistent throughout: “This is a bad law. It has always been a bad law. It was always a Democrat law, no Republican voted for it. The Republican party wants to repeal it. Not modify it, not tweak it, not compromise on it. That was the promise we made, and we should keep it.”
Here’s the thing. If the Republican Party comes into 2019 with 60 Senate votes, with Rand Paul has the de factor or de jure Senate Majority Leader, then repealing Obamacare is just the beginning.
His plan is to win. Not to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He wants it gone, because he knows that if they repeal it, he will make healthcare cheaper through the power of greater liberty, and then he can use that goodwill and political capital to roll the snowball the other way. But that only works if the Republican Party keeps their promise of a decade.
Agreed. I’m not hopeful on a repeal in the next Senate, but doing a half-assed repeal will end with single-payer within 3 election cycles.
Exactly. The establishment fucks are up to their usual shit. The Democrats advanced the ball 50 yards down the field. Now the GOP has the ball, and Rand wants all 50 yards back, and then he wants to go the other 50, spike the ball, and then do it again. He wants 5 TDs, and then he wants a bottle of good KY bourbon, and the cheerleader that’s second from the end of the line, and the one in the middle too. Because he seeks to actually win the fucking game.
John McCain and his ilk are content to cover the spread and get a great shoutout from the other teams coach about how hard they fought, and how spooky they will be next year.
I guess Ken’s point is that getting something that is half assed is the best you’ll ever get out of congress. With Rand, I don’t think we’re arguing principles but strategy. I’d hold out for full repeal.
The issue is that the Democrats strategy for decades has been the one way ratchet of socialism. Every time they can, they push the ball the way they want it to go, and the Republicans never ever repeal anything or cut anything or get rid of anything.
Rand’s saying: if not now, when? If not us, then who? The Democrats as a national party have destroyed themselves. They’ve got no bench, they’ve got no energy or dynamism. The Senate map in 2018 is godfuckingawful for them. The establishment, the RINOs who take their orders from the Dems, know this. They are desperate for this bill to pass, to take the energy out of the GOP, to split the base from the establishment, and most importantly to enshrine Obamacare as a bipartisan part of the government like Social Sec, Medicaid, SCHIP, TANF, and every other boondoggle.
Needs Moar Rands and Massies! Seriously, riping the establishment Rs out in the primaries should be priority one and then you can reap the benefits. As long as those fuckers are there, it won’t matter that, in theory, you control congress and White House.
Except that isn’t one of the options.
Repeal simply isn’t one of the options.
How do you get people to understand the difference between alternatives and options.
Because of Rand Paul’s vote, not only will we have ObamaCare for the foreseeable future–and possibly forever–we’re going to have bailouts. They’re going to bail out the insurance industry, and they’re going to do it with the help of Democrats–over Rand Paul’s silly objections.
In other words, the alternative to this Senate bill is not repeal.
The alternative to this Senate bill is ObamaCare, bailouts, and an expansion of Medicaid. And the reason we’re going to end up with all that? Is because of Rand Paul–and his stupid objections.
Rand Paul is a phony. He might as well be Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren–because he voted just like them on the only bills that really matter.
Any random establishment Republican is more libertarian than Rand Paul.
Rand Paul is a phony capitalist, and all his rationalizations, bluster, and good intentions won’t do a thing to cut Medicaid eligibility or stop us from bailing out the insurance industry using taxpayer money.
Fuck Rand Paul. If his intentions were good, that just makes him even worse.
Rand Paul’s father voted against NAFTA for bullshit excuses in public. The real reason was because he wanted to protect Texas jobs and he was worried about being outflanked on that issue in Texas by Ross Perot and his Reform party, which was threatening to take over his voter base in Texas at the time. That’s why Ron Paul voted against free trade.
The best explanation for Rand Paul voting against cutting entitlements and saving hundreds of billions in taxpayer money over the next 10 years is because Kentucky is highly dependent on Medicaid, especially in regards to the opioid addiction crisis that’s rocked Appalachia. That’s a much better explanation than anything Rand Paul has said. If Rand Paul really believes what he’s said, then he’s a fucking idiot.
Repeal certainly isn’t an option after the Republicans take on the mantle of RepublicanCare, which is what you’ve been pushing every time there’s been a healthcare vote.
Opposing structured trade like NAFTA isn’t as bad of a slur as you seem to think it is, though Ron Paul’s reasoning could be as wrong as Mccain’s is.
Repeal isn’t an option because not enough Senators will vote for it.
Getting rid of the individual mandate, the employer mandate, the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion, and the medical device tax isn’t an option because Rand Paul refuses to vote for it.
You see the difference?
Someone’s betraying principles here, but it isn’t the establishment Republicans.
I’ve come around to your position on this. Yeah, I would’ve taken this shitty law.
But Republicans can’t pass anything.
It’s just not Republicans fault this time.
It’s Rand Paul.
They needed McCain’s vote because they couldn’t get Rand Paul to support getting rid of the individual mandate, the employer mandate, and rolling back Medicaid eligibility.
It’s sickening, but it’s true.
Mike, the difference between John McCain and Rand Paul is that Rand Paul is supposed to be a principled capitalist.
I’ve supported Rand Paul in the past because I believed he was the only one with the guts and principles to do things like cut Medicaid.
You see why that isn’t a problem with McCain, right? I didn’t expect anything from him–so I can’t be disappointed.
Should I support Rand Paul in the Republican primaries next time because I think he’ll vote to cut Medicaid eligibility?
That would be stupid of me, wouldn’t it.
Have you looked the 2018 Senate map? Look at how many new GOP Senators there will be.
Why do you think the Dems and the RINOs are so desperate to pass this law? Because they know if the conservative GOP candidates can run on repealing Obamacare, they will win all their races, and then theres a rightwing supermajority that can years hacking away at Leviathan.
You’re like young bull, eager to sprint down the hill and fuck one cow. Rand wants to fuck them all.
You’re making me optimistic.
I hope you’re right.
Enough senators were willing to vote for it when they knew Obama would reject it.
Primary every one of their asses in 2018 and actually pass repeal.
I do not want to fucking saddle my child with this Obamacare Lite bill that’s just as shitty and just as worthless as the bill it’s replacing.
Is it really “just as shitty” though?
Just as shitty?
How so?
On the one hand, we have a bill that repeals the individual mandate, repeals the employer mandate, slashed Medicaid eligibility, kills the medical device tax, and kills the community rating.
On the other hand, we have ObamaCare and insurance industry bailouts.
How can those alternatives be just as shitty as each other?
It isn’t an option because, so long as the mandate to provide health insurance to people with pre-existing conditions remains, the market will accelerate into oblivion. Democrats will scream that the free market has failed, and the blame for that will fall entirely on the GOP idiots who voted for the bill. The GOP will lose independent voters, the left will get swept back into power behind the shrill voices of Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders, and you’ll have single payer before 2030.
Let Obamacare fester and die on its own. The economy is still improving, the stock market keeps rising, the Democrats are in a shambles as a party, and they’re looking at a terrible electoral map for the Senate in 2018. Team Stupid would really earn its name if they screwed that up by speeding up the destruction of the health insurance market while claiming to be rescuing it.
I was gonna say something, but ^ Neph said it all. Get rid of the preexisting condition part or it’s all pointless.
I was gonna say something, but ^ Neph said it all. Get rid of the preexisting condition part or itâs all pointless.
Preexisting conditions aren’t anywhere near as big of a problem as Medicaid. Once again, if expanding Medicaid eligibility is, in fact, single payer, then slashing eligibility for medicaid is privatization–which isn’t pointless at all.
Meanwhile, the individual mandate is ethically unacceptable, and getting rid of that alone isn’t pointless.
Meanwhile, the employer mandate, among other things, requires businesses to either offer full time employees health insurance–and defines “full time” as 30 hours a week instead of 40–which has made employers cut the working poor’s hours by ten hours a week. Getting rid of the employer mandate would not be pointless.
Repealing the Obamacare Medicaid expansion would not be pointless. In addition to all the cost shifting Medicaid is responsible for, the CBO said that doing that would cut hundreds of billions of dollars in spending by the federal government over ten years. Cutting spending is not pointless.
Killing the tax on medical devices and Cadillac health insurance plans is not pointless.
Doing indisputably libertarian things is never pointless simply because it doesn’t solve the whole problem. There were problems associated with regulation and socialism before ObamaCare was passed, but opposing ObamaCare wasn’t pointless just because there were already problems anyway. Why solving as much of the problems with ObamaCare as the present congress will allow be pointless?
Repeal simply isnât one of the options.
Why the fuck not? Is that Rand Pauls fault the the rest of the pricks are lying their ass off pricks? Bullshit. Enough of this we have to settle for what we can get. I am not the one who called them and told them to repeal all of that law. I watched them tell me that is what they were going to do. If they don’t, then the hell with them. I am about done with it and have accepted we will be single payer within ten years. There is not one god damned thing I can do about it. Without a full repeal and a turn to free market we get single payer eventually. It is just a matter of time.
“Why the fuck not? Is that Rand Pauls fault the the rest of the pricks are lying their ass off”
No, Rand Paul is only to blame for his own vote.
And that’s what I’m blaming him for.
The bill we need has already passed the House.
Rand Paul is standing between libertarians and the biggest libertarian victory in our lifetimes.
Every one of you who’s ever said, “Fuck You, Cut Spending” should all be ashamed of yourselves if you’re defending Rand Paul.
I’ve been ashamed of myself numerous times. Not sure this is one of them.
As unlikely as a decent repeal is, we’re never going to get single payer either. It simply will not fly with enough of America.
It does not have to fly with enough of america. It only has to fly with enough of the maggots in DC. The R’s won’t be in charge forever.
Nah. The coasts have pined for it basically my entire life. Even with control of everything, they can’t come close. The idea isn’t popular enough in America. The cost is too high. People like their health care too much. Etc. It will just never happen.
That doesn’t mean libertarian shit will happen either. But single payer will never happen.
Never in the history of US congressional nonsense have there been speeches for outright batshit insane socialism like the ones that are being spewed these days. The coasts do not make law. Congress makes laws. Both houses of Congress will return to the Democrats eventually. It is all cyclical, and single payer/medicare for all will be rammed through so fast it will make Obamacare look like it was driven in the slow lane on a motorized shopping cart. What could stop that is a full repeal of that idiotic law and return the system to what it was before. If they won’t do that, then the hell with them. Governments do become illegitimate at some point.
Do you have any idea how many different socialist programs have been passed after someone blithely insisted that “that simply will not fly with enough of America”
Nah, seriously. I think it depends. Entrenchment makes things difficult, politically. Republicans are facing that now. Taking things away that people like… that’s the sticky wicket.
And leftist publications have been whining their entire lives about how America missed the window. Because now people have their own private health care. And they like it. The “if you like it you can keep it” canard was a clever bit of political nonsense, but it truly could only go so far and they knew it. This idea now is something that costs trillions. We already know our government’s health care is the worst in the first world. This is a very very tough sales job. It’s beyond the ability of Democrats. Maybe not someday. But in the forseeable future.
Most people don’t understand that single payer is simply an expansion of Medicaid.
The Democrats went crazy over this bill because it cuts Medicaid. If there’s anything less popular than single payer, it might be cutting Medicaid.
But cutting Medicaid is the capitalist solution to the problem.
This bill cuts Medicaid eligibility, and that’s why John McCain opposes it. I think that’s why Rand Paul really opposes it, too. Just goes to show that our problems don’t stem from having the wrong people in government. Our problems stem from giving the government so much power. You put other, previously committed people in that position, and they all do the same things they’ve always done.
It’s been that way since the days of the Roman senate.
And excellent candidate for the definition of the mythical real libertarian might be, “A real libertarian is someone who doesn’t think politicians are the solution to our problems”.
Rand Paul has proven, once again, the futility of trusting politicians instead of markets. Why have representative democracy? It’s insufficiently democratic. I believe in markets, where I can represent my own interests myself. Rand Paul just voted against markets in epic fashion.
Makes me sick. I so wanted to be wrong. I keep hoping some politician will stand up and surprise the hell out of me. I’ve seen amazingly good things happen because the right politician made the right calls. I saw the USSR crumble without firing a missile because of that. Maybe great politicians like that come by once in a lifetime. I thought this would be the road to finally replacing Medicaid with private insurance–killing the most socialist part of our economy and replacing it with private industry.
Can’t believe Rand Paul is the one that stopped it from happening, and I absolutely expected it, too.
It’s not one of the options right now. It might very well be the option a GOP supermajority rams through in 2019 with Senate Majority Leader Rand Paul banging the gavel.
What will happen if some grand bipartisan compromise gets passed is that the media and the Democrats will screech to high heaven that all the problems with healthcare are because the Republicans changed the perfect law. Then there will be single payer. Then 30 years after that, no one will remember what it was like to get good healthcare quickly, we will be in NHS mode.
Rand is going to keep his promise, not alter it for political expediency.
And they’re screeching right now that Obamacare is failing because “Republicans are sabotaging it”. Let them screech. They’ll be wrong.
Bullshit Ken. Phony partial repeal = Republicans take ownership for
RomneyObamaRepublicanCare forever.McCain is doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. He’s been a piece of shit for years both in his personal and professional life and suffering as a POW doesn’t give a pass on that, although it probably caused some of the mental problems he’s had since (but certainly not for his ones before).
When you say “partial repeal”, you mean 95% repeal, right?
This latest bill even got rid of the community rating.
Rand Paul is a partial asshole–and by that, I mean 95%
Second freaking paragraph.
Because it doesn’t do so explicitly doesn’t mean it doesn’t effectively end the community rating.
If the new standard is now that people have “access to affordable coverage”, that means the community rating is no longer the standard.
Because it doesnât do so explicitly doesnât mean it doesnât effectively end the community rating.
Well Ken, you appear to have a future in politics.
It’s a fact.
I’m not the first guy that noticed you can get away with doing things by not doing them explicitly.
What, it’s not enough to get around the community rating–the bill needs to explicitly hurt the progressives’ feelings, too?
McCain was a hero in 1973. It’s been a long time since 1973.
Yeah, I’m also awaiting seeing the funeral honors befitting a Vietnamese ace.
“I just have a tremendous amount of respect for American soldiers who did their duty”
Me too.
Until they run for public office. Then I wish they were dead.
I remember Germany being eco-crazy when I lived there 30 years ago. Like way, way beyond anything the US had seen up to that point. It must be something in the water.
Gotta give the Germans credit for embracing their collective guilt from Ww2 with the same zealotry as they did the funny mustache.
Oh yeah. If the last two world wars were decided by whose leader had the sickest mustache they would have dominated.
Stalin’s ‘stach was way better than that Charlie Chapman thing Hitler wore.
a funny thing about defeat in warfare (*and something perhaps not true about civil wars)
…is that sometimes, a defeated country is as enthusiastic about their defeat, and the purging themselves of the causes/ideas that brought war about in the first place, as they were about the warfare.
I think it was in one of hoffers other (non- true believer) books, and also in a few other things i read. Maybe Clausewitz, or Sun Tzu. Basically, that defeat sucks so bad, and is so traumatizing psychologically, that the easiest thing to do is the old “If you can’t beat em, join em”-thing, and adopt the perspective of your former foe. Or as much of it as you can while still trying to maintain a distinct national identity. Its a face-saving maneuver, i think. and the faster its done, the better.
i think that sort of thing only partly explains post-war Japan, which i think was more complex, to say the least. i read a book about the whole ‘breakup of the zaibatsu’ in college but forgot pretty much all of it.
True. It’s also why new converts to libertarianism are sometimes the most vociferous defenders. Annoying so.
Also Gil, I may have mentioned this before, but if you want to read about the immediate years after the war and the gaps that opened up for entrepreneurs this book was great. Not sure if it has an English translation yet. The movie has subtitles though, but I haven’t seen it yet.
Looks good. I liked The Eternal Zero (the film, haven’t read the book).
thanks i’ll see if i can DL that somewhere
I read some book a few years ago that was….I think it was called “McArthur in Japan” (or something like that) that covered all the technical/legal/economic changes. I forgot most of it as well. the stuff i found more interesting were more ‘cultural’ stories. (kurosawa and mishimas biographies, for instance, both dwell heavily on their experiences in the immediate postwar years) I’ve always really liked the movies “Drunken Angel” and “Stray Dog” because they were ‘noir style’ films which were mostly about the stress/chaos of japanese cultural identity in the immediate postwar years. sort of a collective guilt-trip for adopting western habits, but doing it anyway because there was no other choice.
if there’s a very good (non-fic) book about the period you recommend, let me know.
(proceeds to infect computer with esoteric Asian malware)
I’ll take film noir over neorealism any day of the week. Postwar film splitting into the art camp and activist camp helped set the table for a lot of the shitty movies we have today. That nobody watches the original neorealism crap pumped out 60 years ago shows how god awful it was.
I think it was pretty remarkable that those films got made in the first place (in ’48 and ’49, respectively)….
…i recall kurosawa saying that all Toho films in those days were being screened by American censors for potential socialist or subversive content… and the movie plots are openly about problems of young japanese who are disillusioned by living under occupation, resentful of their parents generation, and embracing a sort of western nihilism. I think what fooled them was that the acting styles and cinematography just looked so much like something Howard Hawks or John Huston would have done that the Americans just said, “well that seems ok to me”
i’m watching the latter one (stray dog) now, and the bonus commentary says that he was borrowing heavily from Italian neorealism in both films, getting lots of found footage of street life in Tokyo, and mixing it with the more staged, darkly lit dramatic scenes.
The lighting and camera angles were outstanding at the time.
I’m talking about stuff like “The Bicycle Thief” and “Umberto D.” etc. Of course Italian neorealism influenced many filmmakers today, but I don’t see people lining up to see the original. God, I hope I’m not wrong because it was a lot of commie propaganda.
Yep. We had exchange students at our school 35 years ago that were aghast about some of our habits and equally non-plussed that they weren’t able to grab a beer after class.
You know who else was a German environmentalist and vegan?
(PETA hardest hit)
Let me guess, McCain?
Mario Lemieux?
Wait, I know this one..
No. No, I do not know.
Al Gore?
Vegan Reich?
Germans have always had a fetish for extra living space.
If straffinrun won’t come to Lena Dunham, Lena will come to straffinrun.
She’ll fit right in. They have sister fetishes, too.
Seriously, what the fuck is up with anime and incest? TVTropes has multiple articles on it.
(tbf, it can create some hilarious anime, AND I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT HENTAI YOU SICK FUCKS)
Though then again, it’s not just Japan. Just go to pornhub and see how much of the front page is incest porn of some such.
Looks like an ID episode.
Flamethrowers. Everybody gets a fucking flamethrower. “I take pictures.”
Argh, someone keep me from smothering my spouse with a pillow tonight. We argued over the deVos/Title IX thing and I am basically irritated as fuck that he basically dismissed all the reports of due process violations as fake or exaggerated. And I said I had read the actual cases, so of course then, those are the unusual ones, but the regular process is there to make it easier for victims to report. Which okay, yes, that’s what it was MEANT to do, but that doesn’t mean that’s all it does. His all-law-is-good-law attitude rears its head at the most inconvenient times.
anyway, glad you’re all here to understand my ranting about this!
maybe fwd him the New Yorker article (or the FIRE version) about Larua Kipnis
(the former is linked to in the latter)
Title IX, as the Obama era DoE interpreted it, was terrible law.
Or you could mention that pretty much the entire Harvard Law faculty came out in a statement saying the whole “dear colleague” thing was a bunch of legal dogshit. (paraphrasing)
yeah he obviously isn’t going to buy that my examples aren’t the singular bad ones that Federal cases then ‘correct’ for overreach, rather than the student has the means or interest to fight. I suppose if you haven’t been tracking this stuff it sounds ridiculous, but for people who’ve been watching it, it’s systematic.
I don’t talk politics with my Wife, period. She gets her ideas from her lefty friends, Facebook and daughters that all suck at the Government teat in one fashion or another. Politically, she’s the normiest norm that ever normed a norm. (God love her).
yeah, I generally don’t either. It’s not worth it. (and that’s why I’m here and twitter, where I can rant to my little non-statist heart’s content!)
I did get in a good slam against MSNBC when he claimed I was reading crap, so I feel pretty good about that. đ
But can he cook?
Many things….
Go on…
Aaaah. A true conservative. I was raised by a couple of those. All law is there for a reason.
Mixing textiles is a sticking point.
Summarize, show agreement where possible. Then, and only then, point out inconsistencies. Even then, be prepared to sleep on the couch. My method.
Important first step – buy long, comfy couch.
Easier to report? What, are the police only open during normal business hours?
Yell RAPE next time he wants sex. Should clear up his confusion.
Saw Kingsman Golden Circle tonight. If you liked the first one, you’ll like this one. If you didn’t like the first one, you’re an idiot.
If anyone is still up and reading/posting:
Do you think that “Edward Devotion” might be an Eddie sighting? I’m not entirely sure he was the pedant that Devotion seems to be in that thread, but I could be wrong either way.
Also, fuck are those people thick. And the whole, “Leftists stole the term ‘liberal’, so now it means what they say it means” theme being pushed. It’s like they enjoy being a victim of “theft”.
meh. i dont think so. He was prone to say everything at once; i doubt he’d get into a dumb extended tete-a-tete over semantic niggles.
but you’re right, the pedantic tone is sort of evocative of him.
I tend to agree that it probably isn’t him, in all likelihood. Just seeing that whole exchange, with the somewhat apropos name, gave me pause.
I read the article and I don’t remember what it was about after reading the comments. Disqus is good for a low blow troll shot and nothing else. Pointless to argue on that platform. Same for Reddit but I still do it because I can’t help myself.
Oh, no argument there. And, you’re right about not remembering the article after that crap-fest.
Yep. It’s nice to have a pedant free zone here. I got suckered into a tulpa vortex about 5 years ago at TOS. 6 hours of trying to pin the slimy SOB down on the meaning of “time deposits”. Kind of useful in that it reminded me of the importance of setting premises first before moving on.
The thing about intelligent pedants though is they actually know what they are talking about. If it is nit picky it is annoying, but I might not be smart enough to even notice that. That rarely happens on Disqus, or on the Reddit boards I go to. At Reddit, most are full blown progressive koolaid drinkers. The last discussion I got in there was about health care. Everything I said was discarded and I was told the free market is what has given us $200 aspirin in hospitals. Ya, the free market did that.
*Considers getting into pedantic argument over definition of “pedant”*
*looks up the definition of pedant*
Well? We’re waiting…
imho there are two kinds of pedants. One who points out a technically false statement in an article, and one who argues nuances of definition. I actually have no idea, I pulled that out of my ass.
Normally, I post on am links which means I’m the drunk talking to sober people. Friday pm links are where the tables are turned. I WILL have my revenge.
I am far less witty at this point than you are in the AM links.
What I am listening to now
My browser crashed so I fired up ye old Itunes. I forgot I had some hillbilly music.
That was really good! Thanks Western!
i just watched part of Trump’s rally speech for Strange. He makes his point and then walks away from the podium expecting applause. What the fuck is this? WWF from 1985? I’m happy that Hillary isn’t the President but come on dude, show some level of decorum.
He is probably regretting endorsing the strange.
We all want a little strange every now and then.
Desiring the strange and actually getting the strange can be both an eye opener and a libido killer (sorry HM, it’s twue).
I think it boiled down to Metric is for science and Imperial is for craft. The war continues.
I thought we decided to call a foot long a hoagie.
Submarine sammich.
You got it backwards dimwit, a hoagie is now a foot long.
You may be able to get a 12 inch sub/hoagie/grinder/hero/etc., but a footlong is a hot dog.
Evidently it’s a very important topic. Why don’t I give a shit?
Because you live in a country where distance is measured in lolis and tentacles.
You don’t give a fuck because you are a scholar and a gentleman, Good Sirrah!
Thank you, my good man.
Oh you should give a shit. When I am king of the world we will move to Nautical Miles for everything. Pick your side now.
Because you’re literally Robespierre.
Heh-Heh! Heh heh heh Heh! Robe a Spear! Heh Heh!
Further into Trump’s rally he embarrasses a Four Star Marine General and then goes off on a tangent about “see-through” walls (Just like the ones he had installed between his and Invanka’s boudoir when she was 13). This guy…
Four Star Marine Generals can be assholes too. Usually a prereq for the job.
I love this band. Obviously they’re popular, so why hadn’t I heard of them until a couple weeks ago?
you’re old
Yeah, well you’re a butthead.
Was this filmed in 1980?
(by which I mean, a “Freaks and Geeks” episode set in 1980)
Good stuff
I don’t want to know any background on them. Id probably be disappointed.
Probably based in Greenpoint and you’d rather feed them to a wood-chipper then listen to them talk but they do play that funky music! I like!
that’s great. that bass player does jaco proud. playing 16th notes over an extended period of time, and still maintaining good rhythmic feel is a challenge.
the very name of the song (“Dean Town”) is a reference to a jaco tune (“teen town“)
Imma have to dig my funky moon boots outta the closet and shuffle! That bass payer is really good! Thanks, pal! *1612*