A few Sundays ago I decided to spend the afternoon with my best friend, discussing composing, arrangement, engineering and various audio stuff, when my phone rings.
My Wife is calling in a panic because Bella is having a major seizure and come home NOW!, but continues rambling so I just hang up, and say, “Chuck, dog’s seizing, gotta go,” and I’m out.
As I drive the 6 blocks to my house I’m wondering, “Poison? How? I can’t even leave for a few hours without someone killing my Dog?”
5 minutes later as I walk through the door, my 25 yr old Son is acting like a 10 yr old sniveling version of Hillary, no help at all, so I go find my Dog.
Poor baby is sitting in a corner of my office, drooling, spaced the fuck out, and the pollen is falling heavily. I just try to love on Her, but she won’t let me touch her, at first. So I go looking for poison. My office, clear. Bedroom, clear. Kitchen, clear. Then the back yard.
She found my extra Roundup on top of a 5 foot shelf and knocked it over. She loves to open bottles you see. At this point I walk inside and pronounce, “She drank Roundup, she lives or dies,” being Her Daddy and the heartless motherfucker I am.
An hour goes by and She drinks some milk. Another hour, then a puppy treat. And then finally eats dog food, THANK GOD!
After my Wife explained that my son put her out back instead of my office, I knew what happened. Bella doesn’t stay alone unless she is in her den (my office) and panicked, or she was just mad because the People left her alone.
We often give her milk for a treat, and she had some just prior to drinking Herbicide. Maybe this helped? But she apparently voided from all orifices, while screaming in pain, probably scary as fuck, and I’m glad I didn’t have to witness it. She is fine now, but lesson learned:
Puppies Will Find Trouble.
Secure all poison, take no chances.
I almost lost my Belly.
Take Care of your puppies, Glibs
glad she made it!
Sorry that happened to Bella, but I’m glad she lived through it.
If you’re dog is poisoned, hydrogen peroxide can induce vomiting.
My semi-retarded, beagle rescue ate a ton of rat poison last year. Easily enough to kill her. I forced open her mouth and sprayed hydrogen peroxided in. Waited. Tried again. Waited. Tried again. She puked up all the rat poison and survived. Do this outside.
There’s a specific formula for calculating how much hydrogen peroxide to use, but I just wing it.
Fuck! Good to know!
i laffed.
something in my brain said, ‘this is the sort of advice some people will never heed until they realize it after the fact; and any people with enough sense to take it, already know’
I laughed too, but that is because that statement made me think of this.
I have a mutant chihuahua/dachund mix. Bitch eats everything. Thanks!
Louis CK on dogs and hydrogen peroxide.
Ha! He is one of my favorite comedians these days.
Good to hear she’s ok.
You know, dogs are interesting. I’m assuming Roundup tastes really awful, I mean it smells bad, right? I also assume that antifreeze is not too yummy, but one of my cats drank some once and that was the end of him. Nothing to do by the time I found him the next morning. Damn, I don’t even like thinking about that, it was awful.
Antifreeze has ethylene glycol in it which makes it taste damn near to tasting like Kool-Aid
Most manufactures now use a bitterant to counteract this.
You would think they would have already done this. Oh well, better late than never. But I think it’s been known for a long time that cats will drink it.
antifreeze tastes good, some people use it as a poison for animals.
I accidentally killed a mouse in it when I drained mine under my truck and left it overnight.
In the 80’s some nutcases in Austria decided to add antifreeze to wine to sweeten it
There were some Hmong immigrants that died in my hometown when I was a kid from drinking antifreeze. No English ability at all. They managed to escape the war and wind up dead from what they thought was some kind of lime Kool Ade.
I would have definintely been in fits. Briz has never been poisoned, thank goodness. My dad did feed her part of a double-chocolate Lenny &Larry cookie once, though. … Once.
The funny thing is that up until the 80’s, unsweetened chocolate drops were considers an appropriate treat for dogs – in Britain, at least.
My grandfather had a Yorkie that was – even without theobromine – nuttier than a fruitcake. So I think it’s quite possible that much-pampered dog survived over 8 years with a near-constant sub-lethal dose of theobromine in it’s tiny, psychopathic carcass.
The good (well, better than awful) news is that american consumer grade chocolate is relatively low in theobromine – so in acute cases, your pooch needs about 0.5oz of chocolate per pound of body weight before it gets dangerous. The problem is that there’s also some evidence that lower dosages can trigger pancreatitis and cardiomyapothy, so really, there’s no *truly* safe exposure. Keep the little fuzzballs away from bakers’ chocolate though. Theobromine levels in that are about 4-6x as high, so the LD50 is correspondingly lower.
One of the dogs we had growing up, Follow-me, ate a cup of chocolate chips one day off the counter. she just smiled at us that afternoon. That dog was crazy dumb but it just seemed to work in her favor. she was very nice.
Puppies are dumb as dogshit. Cute, but dumb.
I think in this case, she was upset she couldn’t be at least inside, so she started looking for trouble, and found it.
She certainly got attention
Truly, and I have/use it a lot, I don’t have much XP with poisoning.
Somehow she acquired an oven mitt this morning, now all over my office, yay!
You just need to get her hooked on something that doesn’t matter if it’s destroyed.
Briz, for example, is the destroyer of toilet paper/paper towel tubes.
She have plenty of dog toys, she just needs to be occupied like any other pup, I don’t blame her too much.
Swamp Troll on the beginning of Muslim political parties in Europe (more specifically Sweden).
For the love of god can’t they write a blog instead of fucking bloated videos?
Riting iz too hard
The sweetest sound is one’s own voice.
There is a plague of that shit in the tubes.
Glad she made it. As an aside, Roundup should get Trump as a spokesperson.
I have a feeling he’s going to get a lot of endoresement deals post presidency. Which I’d rather him do than the usual speaking tour.
Dog getting sick? That’s bad.
Dorado? That’s good.
So you noticed the product placement eh? I put easter eggs in my pics when I’m thinking that way
Pro Tip: If you have children or dogs, or if you dont: Go to the drug store and buy some activated charcoal and syrup of ipecac. Never not have that in your house. The number one most effective treatment for poisoning is activated charcoal. It usually comes in capsules but sometimes you can find it in plain powder form.
I had a dog eat some fly poison once. It was bad. Activated charcoal cleared it up like magic. I had a dog eat a spider once (not uncommon for dogs) and again the activated charcoal saved the little dummy’s life.
For spider bites on humans there really is no treatment. You will probably get antibiotics to prevent infection but it will do no good whatsoever for the spider poison. Make a poultice with the activated charcoal and a damp kleenex then cover the spider bite tightly with it. Leave it on 24 hours and then make a new one and repeat. It wont fix it but it will deactivate much of the spider’s poison and make the progression less and healing sooner.
Guess how I know that.
Of course we all know what syrup of ipecac is for.
I am not a medical pro and none of this is meant to be medical advice. In fact, I was just speaking hypothetically. If you do any of this you are on your own.
Again, not a medic – but
The use of emetics is as controversial a topic as use of torniquets.
If the ingested poison is an alkali, you run the risk of making the situation worse. If there’s a significant chance that the patient has ingested a caustic alkali, one of the recommended kitchen/household therapies is milk.
I grew up with both remedies now that I think of it, Ipecac was scary to us children
When he was six, my aunt’s husband drank a bottle of lye. His parents or the doctor induced vomiting.
From what I recall of the story, bringing the lye back up burned out most of his esophagus.
Worst – ABSOLUTE WORST – chemical burn I ever had was sodium hydroxide, and I’ve had a fair number of chemical burns.
On the upside, if I ever wanted to remove my fingerprints, I now know what I need to do.
Or you could use a hydrogen peroxide ( 50+%). That is some evil shit on your skin.
Yes, I wasn’t thinking of alkali. I dont think of that as a poisoning, I think of it as a flesh dissolver.
I thought all good poultice’s had some mustard root and you had to drip water on them on occasion to keep them moist.
Scary story Yousef. Glad it worked out in the end.
Puts on pedant hat: One of your alt-texts (great job on those by they way) was “Are you sure she wasn’t poisoned by hops?” Hops can be poisonous to some dogs. And I mean the actualy hops, not beer. They can cause hyperthermia. Just a heads-up for any dog owners who homebrew.
I only do a few Alts, so thank Riven for those, she fills in the blanks for me,
/ bows in honor
No, Riven did All of them, Good stuff!
Glad to hear everything worked out.
Why taxation is not theft:
So, the argument is that, since government is already stealing your money, until you get rid of government taxation isn’t theft.
All-or-nothing-ism, red in tooth and claw.
Personally, I’d settle for an incrementalist approach, where that “grand theft” becomes “pilfering”, in the same way that “bank fraud” might be reduced to stealing pennies out of the “Give a penny, take a penny” tray at 7-11.
“In states in which the government intervenes in the economy through taxation market transactions are tainted and so are morally void”
Can someone explain to me what that means? Is that supposed to be some kind of premise?
I dont see an argument there, just an assertion.
Confusing what is for what ought to be. It’s like the thread on rights. You can’t have a right to free speech because you can be locked up for free speech.
Football, why you have go and die?
We should send Roger Goodell some Round-Up!
Pace YDAK’s comment about Football dying, I really wish His Trumpiness would tone down the Twitter use, and do a weekly “Talk to the Nation” via Youtube.
Just a 5 minute meet and greet outlining what he’s doing next week from his diary, and a brief recap on the week’s events, ideally NOT ‘What Trump Really Meant’, but possibly explaining the principles. If stuff like this football stupidly comes up, he should use it to lightly shame these guy and say something like “Look, I think it’s unpatriotic, and lots of people agree with me, but let these rich, entitled players and their team bosses behave the way they want.”
I understand it’s a truly free market, however, patriotism runs deep in the NFL culture so , WTF are they thinking?
I don’t watch anymore and haven’t for a while, too many dumb rules, looks like Nascar or something
It’s run-of-the-mill groupthink.
Let’s be generous, and say that a given player is moderately well educated, thoughtful, and recognizes that he actually has a better than average lifestyle.
What are the ‘inputs’ into his ongoing world view?
* Sycophantic (or negative) journalism
* Twitter
* His friends (likely to be largely other players)
* Family ( a mixed bag, but likely to be very motivated for the player to become more successful)
And that’s it.
One of your sporting contacts does something controversial, and suddenly they’re front page news, what the hell will the subject do? Patriotism be damned. Until the player gets some objective evidence (like having a few 2-Liter coke bottles filled with urine thrown at him at a game), how will he know just how unpopular he is.
I seriously believe that the first time most of these players will discover JUST how bad they look, is when their agent phones them up and says “cut it out, really, or you’ll lose your contract because of this”.
This. The entire thing is just 100% public statements of racial solidarity against imaginary racists that the prog crowd, useful idiots and fellow travelers say is ~90% of all whites. Because Michael Brown.
Do the players even realize what percentage of their own fans are rolling their eyes at how stupid and misguided it all is?
Taking the knee is a very patriotic celebration of crucial American values. We champion the freedom of expression and speech. We are a nation of liberties, and when football players risk their careers to take a stand, as it were, in defense of their freedoms, they exemplify what makes America the greatest nation on earth. They are true patriots of the United States.
Spitting on the nation that made you a multi-millionaire living in a palace and drowning in pussy is definitely exercising freedom of speech, I agree. It is not good judgement nor is it a reflection of thoughtfulness or patriotism. They aren’t celebrating anything.
Just spitballing shit Trump could say in his fireside Youtube chats to subvert this stupid, stupid fad.
Glad she’s ok! I love dogs. And cats.
Me too, but I couldn’t manage a whole one …
Good one 😉
I had a Chihuahua once that couldn’t of been more than 300 calories even if deep fried
That is why Chihuahua’s should be stuffed and roasted. Corn bread and sausage stuffing is best.
The national anthem should be America the Beautiful
Electric Eye by Judas Priest.
“You think you’ve private lives
Think nothing of the kind
There is no true escape
I’m watching all the time”
Not as creepy as “I’ll be watching you” from The Police.
I walked into the shared living room this morning after being out all night and discovered SIL’s dog and crate were gone. She’d discussed trying to place him with a more attentive family in a bigger place than ours, but I didn’t realize yesterday was the day. Now, this is a goofy dog. SIL found him in a gas station parking lot wandering around dirty and underfed. He’s never been a normal animal, but he’s happy enough. Not a lot of fun to play with since he’s 90% tongue and likes immediately to gnaw on any proffered limb. Nothing painful, but you come away a drooly mess and covered in fine dog hair. And he’s hyperactive to boot, which our little inner-city yard does nothing to help.
Still, for all that, it’s a little disappointing seeing him gone.
A nice yard is good for Dogs, sounds like SIL did a good thing, but yea dogs are cool just to have around, slobber and all.
I like the whole Halloween deal and just bought an animated skeleton dog to go with Emily and her friends.
Bella does Not Like it one bit, thing starts barking and red eyes glowing and B just loses it, quite funny
Via Funny Libertarian twitter-account
Modern Politics
That sums it up nicely
Know how to stop people from kneeling during the national anthem?
Make it mandatory.
Agree. The people who will flip their lids dont watch anyway.
The players wont quit.
Didnt Jerry Jones do this?
I mean make kneeling mandatory. Then it won’t be cool or edgy anymore.
Which is why Trump should have heaped a mountain of backhanded praise on it: extol the virtue of men freely expressing themselves without fear of reprisal from a government that respects their right to do so. Make it an almost caricaturish celebration of American liberalism.
Ooh! Like praying. You could sell that Playa.
Kneeling really is the behavior expected of a slave or subject.
It’s inherently submissive, and places the individual at a disadvantage if threatened.
It’s the deference a supplicant adopts when begging for justice or leniency.
It’s a dog, lying on its back when threatened by the alpha dog.
Why are these sportsmen such pussies?
Glad she is ok Yusef.
So glad puppy is okay! Before I was born, my parents were renting a house and the next door neighbor didn’t like their dogs. These dogs were around for the first 10-11 years of my life, so I can testify that they weren’t barkers or disruptive in any way, but he just didn’t like them.
Apparently, when my parents weren’t home one day, he stuck snail bait inside hot dogs and threw them over the fence. My parents got home to find Bo seizing just like you described. They didn’t know what was wrong with him. They took him and, fortunately, our other dog, Muffy, to the emergency vet. By the time they got there, Muffy had started seizing as well, which is when they realized they’d been poisoned. My dad found the remnants of the poisoned hot dogs when they got home.
Both dogs pulled through and lived to be 14 (Bo) and almost 13 (Muffy), dying just a few months apart. I think it helped that they were HUGE dogs (Shepherd/Malamute and Shepherd/Lab), like Bella. The bigger they are, the bigger the dose it takes to kill them. (Same with chicken bones, my idiot Doberman ate one a few months ago and passed it clean.) But my parents never left them outside when they weren’t home again, and they moved out of that house a couple months later.
People are Evil, and hurting dogs is about as evil as it gets,
as someone here said earlier, they are just drooling Toddlers who shit all over your back yard,
But God I love em
That was my reaction. I couldn’t believe they let it go.
Huh. What a shitheel. If the guy left his car unlocked in the driveway your parents could do them a favor by going over at night and dropping a couple of dog turds down the upper dash vents in his car.
I am thinking poisoning a neighbors dog earns one an introduction to a baseball bat and at least one broken femur. After arrest the resulting trial will end with your assault charge being dismissed.
So I’ve been moving all weekend, still have about 20% of my stuff over at the old place, and it’s raining cats and dogs. Should I
1) Wait for the rain to die down?
2) Hire an arsonist to burn the old apartment down so that I don’t have to retrieve my stuff?
3) Kill myself so that I never have to worry about another move?
4) Unpack the orphans and crack the whip.
I thought about that, but apartment orphans are too small to be of much help. I need farm orphans.
Maybe you could yoke them together like two European swallows?
+1 coconut
Have a cat for lunch and wait for the weather to clear?
“He’s a flamer.”
-George bluth
^ in response to this story. very relieved your dog is okay.
Thanks, and agreed on MLW’s story, that shit pisses me off,
I thought you were telling F. Stupidity Jr. what to do.
another good option
On a regular basis, why?
Is it my anniversary already?
Heh, reminds me of that old joke:
Q. What is (((foreplay)))?
A. 120 minutes of begging.
Glad the dog is okay, Yusef.
They seem to understand that an economy based on a single industry is not a good idea, but I wonder what their proposal is to broaden their revenue base?
Or maybe I don’t. They’re Europeans, and we know just what they will want.
“The Balearic Government must be more sensitive to finding alternatives.”
“We’re hopeless, help us daddy.”
Which obviously, in the European context means “Give us some handouts”
The dumb thing is that I’ve visited the Balearics many times. It would be relatively easy for the islands to maintain their level of revenue from tourism, and eliminate much of the inconvenience. The Brits and the Germans would like nothing better than comprehensive resorts where they could hang out and get sunburned, drunk, and laid, and just visit the towns as and when they wanted to – the total number of people flooding the towns would fall, by variable amounts, based on the days.
But that would call for capital investment (which 30 years of successful tourism could justify), but that’s just too much effort.
In America, someone like Trump would have been on that kind of opportunity like white on rice.
Its dowsnt matter. All these questions will answer themselves because their intentions are pure.
Eat the rich?
Well, on one hand, I’m sympathetic.
They have 12 million tourists a year, mostly British and German, with a population of 3/4 million. It must put a strain in their tolerance late in the year, with British tourists fucking in the graveyards, vomiting profusely everywhere and swearing like a convention of longshoremen, but there really ain’t too much in the way of natural resources other than standard Mediterranean agriculture, scenery and sun.
On the other hand, they have scenery and sun, which Northern Europeans rather appreciate and are prepared to pay lots of money to experience. Lemons like that don’t seem that bitter, if you can figure out how to get the juice out of them without squirting it in your eye.
British tourists fucking in the graveyards, vomiting profusely everywhere and swearing like a convention of longshoremen
Something like this?
More like this
I’m not seeing any problems.
If you had that kind of thing, every night, until 3AM, all summer, and you were trying to raise a family in a house a block away, you might.
How about this?
Fair enough. That’s pretty obnoxious.
Although, to be fair to the Brits, Americans treat places in America and Mexico just as badly.
The impression i’ve got of Majorca (via a friend with a home there) is that the “anti-tourist” movement is
half1/3 locals,half2/3 *rich* tourists who own vacation homes there, and are sick of the plagues of german and british fatties/drunks that overrun the island during the ‘on-season’Basically, its a product of the island getting so-rich off tourism that they’re starting to think they want to become more like “St Barts” and less like Euro-Freaknik
this happens anywhere that gets rich enough. much of the hamptons used to be accessible to ‘normal’ people (or at least east hampton, in my memory); now the beaches are all private, and a summer rental would cost more than your entire salary. Its basically off-limits to anyone but the wealthy.
Fire Island was similarly always segmented into “the 2 villages” (ocean beachm cherry grove), which allowed day-trippers to show up, drink beer, go to the beach…. and then a dozen “hamlets” which were little clusters of homes owned mostly by very rich people. they are literally fenced off from one another to prevent the day-trippers from mingling with the vacation homes. In the last 10 years they’ve made so many new rules for the day-trippers (no food or drink on beach, no sports on beach, no loud music anywhere) that they’re trying to basically make the whole island just cater to the very upscale home-owners.
I could be wrong, but this is the impression i’ve gotten of the Majorca complaint; its not about ending tourism, its about limiting it to the chosen type of crowd.
What’s wrong with the “Mexico” model?
You get away with so much, but when you cross the line, the Federales are there for jail and bribes.
If fat Micks are fucking in graveyards, make them pay the asshole tax.
i can’t speak to the exact situation on the balearics; ive never been there (missed opportunities)
i was in the algarve during high-season with some brits, which i’d guess is sort of similar (scratch that: definitely more grown-up). the impression i got is that the spanish/portuguese tend not to rely heavily on cops because cops are mostly fat lazy lower-class goons who don’t do their jobs when they need them, and harass/extort from people when they’re not needed.
iow, ‘cops’.
Belly and I are going for a walk in the sunshine,
Thanks to all youze guys for playing, this is a lot of fun for me,
~S~ Glibs!
Football is also getting stupid for things like that un-sportmans like conduct flag thrown on Von Miller for the helping hand up fake out on Taylor after he smashed him. Give me a break. Idiotic. Now talking trash to the QB is a 15 yd penalty. Fuck me.
The worst is college football targeting being an automatic ejection even when it’s neither unsportsmanlike nor malicious. Watching a kid get thrown out of the game for making a *good play* is really aggravating.
Thats a bullshit call. Its a part of the game.
Fucking Brady. Goddamit.
Fucking Brady that cheating fuck is how he should be referred to in all situations. Even when the hostess is calling his name to tell him his table is ready.
Anyone watching the Packers?
Yep. And chargers chiefs
I wonder if the left even thought this through.
The NFL is generally supported by police and military types. So fuck them, right?
Well, the stands are 2/3rds empty in CA, so mission accomplished.
What’s that you say? Pro sports is one of 2 places where sub-literate minorities can become millionaires and move their kids into good schools? Oh well. You have to crack some minority eggs to win the culture war.
maybe if everyone stopped talking about players doing silly shit, they would stop doing silly shit?
All we have to do is somehow stop all the Woke Police from talking about them too.
I’m watching Gameday Live right now and they keep showing some of the players linking arms and playing this sort of sentimental music. It’s pretty stupid. I haven’t seen much kneeling yet, except for the Ravens. But hey, it’s Baltimore, right?
Some of the players on one team apparently didn’t even come out of the locker room, except for one, who is an Army Ranger.
Fookin Browns. Stupid ass team.
So, as I watched the sportsball on my broadcast* receiving television set, I see that now T*Mobile and AT&T have zero-rating offers (free Netflix for TMO, free HBO Now for AT&T). This was stuff that was explicitly outlawed by classifying Internet Service Providers (which includes the companies whose names probably emblazon the phones in your pocket) under Title II as “Common Carriers” when the Obama administration-era FCC issued the Open Internet Order. This is the regulation now back under public comment with Pai’s FCC.
My personal view on this is that it is all good for consumers, and allowing transit providers to compete with each other by striking deals with content providers lets them compete with each other on aspects other than dollars/GB, and that competition can only benefit the consumer. The countervailing view is that this is just another anti-competitive practice that will allow the evil ISPs to fast-lane some traffic over others. This latter view is something that is held by a vast majority of those in the “Tech Industry,” whom I work with. These are smart people who can come up with intricate algorithms to solve complex problems, but a system of economics (and incentives and individual actors) seems to escape them.
* – until a train goes by on the tracks 30 yards away. apparently large, steel boxes moving at 15-30 MPH throws off a lot of RF, or probably reflects a ton of shit. Its amazing that our phones even work in this kind of environment.
So glad your dog is ok.
I just saw that the Patriots pulled off some more white privilege today.
I see the Steelers except ONE player (Villaneuva who is a former Army Ranger I read) didn’t go on the field for the anthem.
Pretty remarkable stuff. So brave. So brave to insult fans and to ‘protest’ by disrespecting the flag many in the fan base take serious. So brave to challenge a President elected by the people.
So, SO brave these multi millionaire athletes who catch and bounce balls for a living.
What the Steelers did was bush league. How not standing for the flag is seen as legit dig at Trump is beyond me.
So brave.
Frankly, I’d rather they be out of sight rather than making their little stand in public.
I find it hard to believe a majority (?) Americans don’t find this behaviour offensive. I get the social change protest stuff but they don’t even know what the fuck they’re protesting. They all seem to have their own reasons and unified by one thing: Trump.
It’s absurd.
Perhaps you can enlighten me.
I’ll bite. How is it offensive to kneel during the national anthem instead of stand?
Fuck the flag. I’ll kneel because it’s my goddamn right to.
No, I get that. I just don’t see their point anymore. Now it’s about Trump.
It’s ceremony. It’s not objectively anything to stand or kneel. My son is supposed to stand when the scouts do their ceremony for webelos or whatever. If he sits he’s being an asshole. Not because the world must kiss the ass of Webelos but because that’s the etiquette.
Nearly everything in life is like that. The middle finger isn’t objectively offensive but giving it to your boss and then getting pissed that he won’t celebrate your expression of free speech is pretty fucking retarded.
It’s only an issue when that’s the expectation. Maybe that sort of rugged individualism gets your loins moist but I think a fair amount of people think publically gesturing that your fan bases are a bunch of racists and you don’t care what they think is probably Both bad PR and the mark of an insolent child.
This isnt about people’s rights. This is about appropriate behavior when representing an employer.
“Yes JB, it is your right and we would never do anything to violate your rights. By all means, kneel. When you do so you will be damaging our brand and losing us money. That isnt what we hired you for. We hired you to boost our brand and make money for us…so…you are fired. Go kneel at home.”
The NFL doesnt exist to serve as a personal soapbox for dimwit athletes. Pro football is eye candy and entertainment so that people can escape the stress of their daily lives. It gives them just an hour or two escape from crying babies, screaming bosses, stacks of bills and nagging wives. Nobody turns on football to think about some pinkos shitty politics. They want a beer, nachos and their buddies telling raunchy jokes. When an athlete’s behavior starts losing viewers it is time for him to go. Period.
We don’t tune in to watch the National Anthem.
The Steeler was Villanueva, I belive he did a couple tours in Afghanistan.
3 tours. Army Ranger
And they lost against the Bears during overtime despite the Bears’ best efforts to lose that game.
“How not standing for the flag is seen as legit dig at Trump is beyond me.”
Because their Democrat masters told them to kneel. Obeying your masters is a legit dig at Trump, I guess.
Except it started last year with Kaep (then spread), when it looked for all the world like Hillary would win. It did become a big thing this year (and a bigger thing this week) because Trump, but quite frankly… he started it, and now the players just want to piss him off.
My understanding is that Craperneck started it as a protest against police violence. Ok. Then it became all about Trump somehow. Then Trump ran his mouth, and then the Democrats doubled down. So now, it’s really about nothing, but all NFL fans are Nazis.
*Why* did Trump do this? I don’t get what he could have gained from it.
He’s an idiot? That is all I got. Or the hat got a hold of his phone again. That could be it too.
He gets the democrats to come out against the flag in mass to strike a blow against Trump while not realizing “anti-American” sentiment is not popular and is a losing position.
I will agree Trump did not help this idiocy by making himself the chief idiot in it.
Trump wants to be the bride at every wedding, the corpse at every funeral.
Glad it worked out for your puppy.
E! A! G! L! E! S! EAGLES!
Seriously. Kid nailed a 61 yarder! But really, they almost gave it away on a fumble AGAIN.
This is happening waaaayyyy too often for my taste.
I mean, if I’m not used to this team doing its best to beat itself every week, I wouldn’t be an Eagles fan.
Glad your little girl is ok, man. That’s some scary shit.
In addition to the good advice above, I’m going to strongly suggest crate training for anyone raising a puppy. Done right, it becomes their ‘safe space’ and keeps them out of trouble. Portable, too, so even when you travel they always have a familiar place to crash.
But can you crate train snowflake millennials, or is it too late to start if they’re already manifesting symptoms?
Nope. Dogs are much smarter than snowflakes.
It’s science.
LOL on the day the NFL and players talk about dignity, OBJ catches a TD and celebrates by mimicking a urinating dog
Good comment there:
Right? Nothing says “Take me and my opinions seriously” like pretending to pee on an invisible fire hydrant on national television.
When I saw it, I had no idea what he was doing.
So glad your dog is OK!
“Liberal Democrat politician says schools should be able to suggest PROSTITUTION as a career to pupils”
Yeah, but they’re going to put those students on a sex offender list for life just for having heard it.
Take a knee, kids. Both of them.
ohhh, bite
Meanwhile in Poland:
Anyone going to bother with the new Star Trek show premiering tonight? From what I’ve heard about the political bent, I’m uninspired.
Taking a knee.
Ha. This.
They can keep their woke shit. I would rather watch paint peel.
Star Trek died with Roddenberry, then Moore, then Abrahams.
I’ll be ignoring this show.
I would watch if the whole series were broadcast. I’m not paying another monthly fee for one show.
Although I spotted a couple fakes…
Fakes? How can you tell?
Prior knowledge. But point taken.
So I’m sitting at the college bar I like to go to, and there’s a girl here, a regular, in a powered wheelchair. I haven’t a clue what condition she has, but she can barely make use of her arms—just enough, from what I can tell, to manipulate her chair controls. She uses her smartphone with her nose.
Anyway, every time I see her here she’s far and away the happiest, most sociable, conversational patron. And I’m sitting here being my usual insular sourfaced self, ignoring my neighbors and eavesdropping on this manifestly happy woman enjoying the company of seemingly everyone.
No real insight here, it just seems worth noting for my own sense of perspective.
Another patron just sat down. She’s an older woman who’d just had throat surgery, and can’t speak loudly. She’s writing it responses to people around her on a notepad. But she’ll talk more than I will.
A good friend of mine from my dorm freshman year:
Our politics are no longer compatible, but a good guy, mostly.
He is a former Miss Venezuela? Impressive.
Oh, that was his mom. Maybe his dad. Confusing sentence there. Or, I could be drunk.
A little of both
“Asian Americans: 10 Warning Signs That Show You’re Siding With Whiteness
I grew up thinking I was white. When I was eight years old, I would play House with my best friend, a cisgender South Asian girl. I was Eric, and she was Ashley — we were a quintessential heteronormative white couple. I would pretend to read huge books in a matter of seconds — really, skimming dictionaries and then proudly looking up at my (girl)friend for affirmation — while she primped her hair in the mirror. As it turns out, many years later, I’ve realized that I’m a trans, gender-expansive South Asian and have lots of problems with cisgender white boys named Eric.”
Dear, being quote-unquote trans is the least of your problems. Your racialists identitarian lunacy is a much more drastic issue.
I am convinced that they just make that shit up.
The longer I see it, the more I am coming into agreement with that. If you mean it is a parody site. The articles I see posted sound like they could have been thought up in the smelly basement of some frat house by some drunk guys bullshitting about how stupid the feminist movement has became.
Up above Count Potato says he spotted a couple of fakes in that distillation of insanity that is the worst headlines and I asked ‘how can you tell?’. The truth is they are all fakes, even the ones that aren’t. They are all fake. The scenario you describe is no doubt exactly what occurs in the editorial meetings at Salon, Slate, DU and EF.
“As it turns out, many years later, I’ve realized that I’m a trans, gender-expansive South Asian and have lots of problems with cisgender white boys named Eric.”
This is what happens when you’re picked last for….dodge ball.
That you were playing house was a dead give away.
Just saw a trailer for Blade Rubber 2049.
Not even going to ask for an edit cuz I chortled pretty good about it.
It is one of the funnier auto-corrects (I assume) I’ve see here
Do you see the blades on the inside or the outside? Both scenarios make me cringe, but one makes me nauseous. Like a hard hit to the nuts nauseous.
For those who don’t get why Trump did what he did today – people from Massachusetts booed Patriots players today for kneeling during the anthem. This shit does not go over well with large swathes of the country to include deep blue territories.
What did Trump do today?
*A legitimate question for any day
I looked it up. This is all very entertaining. I am gonna go with Trump on this one.
Do we have our Obamacare repeal that has been repeatedly promised for the last 8 years? Tax reform? Are we still at war?
Ya, maybe. I don’t think Trump is that smart though. I think he shoots his mouth off. When it comes to that stuff however, I do remember the last DNC convention and it had a very anti US flavor the first couple nights and then when reaction flowed in the vibe totally changed and the stage was covered in American flags and the commi flags were put away. I did find that kind of funny. Who knows.
I wondered if fans boo would the media cover that? And if they did they’d probably find a way to make the fans look like the bad guys.
I’m sure they’ll cover the Packer fans booing at the end of the third quarter. (The Packers deserved it.)
What a fine late Summer day (Cali) The sky is crisp Blue, the Mountains stand in sharp contrast, and Hot Santa Ana winds from the north, another perfect day,
I Love Socal!
/Legal weed
/ass sex
As a Steelers fan, I have to say, the team’s protest was so poorly planned that I found it insightful. Apparently, they are that collectively dumb at planning everything they do. The goal is to not participate and be unified in doing so. No division. Yet Tomlin and several coaches are going to be on the sideline while Villanueva is going to be outside the tunnel with everyone else is behind him.
I wonder what Bradshaw thinks of all that. He was a childhood hero of mine. He ruled back in the day.
Over/Under on number of times Collinsworth starts a sentence with, “This is a guy….”?
I’ll say 17
I don’t have enough alcohol to play this game.
Actually my tv is muted. So zero
Hm. If Collinsworth says, “This is a guy” and Slammer’s TV is muted, did it really happen?
Good to hear puppy is ok. Mine loves to eat his toys so I need to xray him soon…