It’s funny what happens when I start on one of these little essays- sometimes it goes just as planned, but often while researching a topic, I get sidetracked and write about something entirely different than what I intended. This is one of those times. We’re in the midst of the Jew holiday rush, with Rosh Hashana (New Year), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkos (something about plants and booths, don’t ask) in a Centipede-like series, with the first two sort of lumped together as the High Holidays and Sukkos being an afterthought. So I figured, let’s do a history of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, and discuss their decidedly non-Biblical nature, and contrast it with Sukkos (the white people of Jewish holidays), which is culturally rather minor but is actually Biblical.
And there I made my fatal mistake: I googled local High Holiday services at the nearest shuls and that sent me down an unexpected path.
The first shul that came up was Beth Emet (House of Truth) in Evanston. They bill themselves as “The Free Synagogue.” This is a (((Jew))) trick, there’s nothing free about it.
Wow, a synagogue with no fees? We tease, but the word “free” in our names holds a strong significance that shapes the foundation of our congregation. It means that we unequivocally support the freedom to express a full range of ideas from our bima (pulpit) and within our community. More than half a century ago, our founding members chose a name that symbolized a commitment to truth and open expression.
Attending High Holiday services will set you back $500 per head, no reserved seating. Of course, members will get a hefty discount, assuming you’ve coughed up the $1200 per person that they charge as the introductory rate for membership (the website appears to be silent on what the yearly fee is after the first year).
I note the the Catholic church down the street here doesn’t charge to join. Silly goyim, you’re leaving money on the shulchan!
But the “full range of ideas” they espouse seems to be directly lifted from the Democratic National Committee and, judging from their website and their rabbi’s blog, spans the full gamut from left to extreme left. Here’s a sample of a sermon by their rabbi (female, of course, a few millennia of traditions cannot substitute for woke-ness, and CS Lewis’s gate is all oppressive and shit):
Racism in the United States may no longer be de jure, but with statistics such as these can we claim with confidence that it has been eradicated? This summer the Supreme Court’s undermining of the Voting Rights’ Act and George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin exposed the still raw wound of racial tension in our country. After the verdict, President Obama, in his most candid remarks about race, spoke about the racism that he has faced in his life. He talked about purses being clutched and car doors locked as he walked by. He acknowledged that racial profiling by the police has undermined their trust in the black community, making them less effective in reducing violence. And he spoke about the importance of people of different races engaging in dialogue with one another in order to gain greater understanding and empathy of what it’s like to walk in a black person’s shoes.
As President Obama challenged us, we need a real conversation on race in our country that allows us to develop relationships and understand one another better before we cast aspersions and affix blame.
They also affiliate with other similarly-minded organizations. From their site:
Bend the Arc
Bend the Arc is building the power and passion of the progressive Jewish movement in America by bringing together Jews from across the country to advocate and organize for a more just and equal society. It is the only national Jewish organization that is focused solely on promoting these values here in the U. S. Two community meeting shave been held in the Chicago area. Work groups have been established along three distinct strategies:
• Supporting endangered populations– Muslims, immigrants, LGBTQ communities
• Encouraging Democrats and approachable Republicans to resist the Trump agenda
• Working for a shift in power by mobilizing for the 2018 and 2020 elections.
I’m sure they’re big on separation of church and state, right? Yes, clearly they take a strong stand against religion being involved in partisan politics. It makes (((me))) proud. They also link to something entitled “Jewish Tradition Speaks to Need for This Proposed Law”
In the 114th Congress, I-VAWA was re-introduced by Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA). The bill, which received bipartisan support, mandated that an Office of Global Women’s Issues be instituted by the Secretary of State and led by an Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues. The bill would have inaugurated a Senior Coordinator for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The goal was to push the U.S. government to swiftly propose and enact creative solutions for violence prevention and that those plans be revised annually for five years.
Whew, for a moment I thought they were going to say that Judaism mandates taxpayer-funded sinecures and luxury travel for some well-connected bureaucrats and academics.
I suspect that their inclusivity and diversity would not include me.
Ah well, let me try the next hit on Google, which is Beth Am (The People’s House) in Buffalo Grove. And to their credit, they don’t claim to be “free.” And indeed they’re not, with yearly memberships running $3000-4000, which makes the People’s House some pricey real estate. Want to go to services for the High Holidays? $500 per head for Rosh Hashana, another $750 each for Yom Kippur. I don’t know what Easter Sunrise services cost at our local Catholic church, but I suspect that it’s a whole lot less- likely free. I may have my foreskin sewed back on.
And once again, the congregation is led by a female rabbi who is as woke as it gets. Here’s a delightful excerpt from one of her sermons:
This sermon will not be a rebuke of conservative political ideology or sentiment. Let’s be clear, there has been a virtually unanimous voice from the Conservative establishment decrying the overt or covert support of racist fringe movements and this is a sermon purposed on the necessity for us to Wake Up and Rise Up during a period in our history where white supremacists have a direct line to the Whitehouse (sic).
Whew, for a moment I thought she might get partisan. Here’s her morning-after-the-election sermon:
The feelings of anger and despair I have will in time morph into action and revolutionary love. We are strong and courageous and in this together and right and there are too many people who need us. We need us. It is not easy, but I don’t think we have any choice but to F.E.A.R: Face Everything And Rise. This is the only answer now and always…one breath at a time.
I searched in vain for her denunciations of Keith Ellison or Al Sharpton, as well as the rabbi’s exposure of the fake hate crimes she cites. I suppose I need more Jew in me to understand that there’s Nazis at the door, and that we’re only inches from being sent to American concentration camps.
Today I speak words of protest, joining hundreds of my Reform rabbinic colleagues across the nation in fulfillment of our sacred obligation. We will not be silent. We will, without hesitation, decry the moral abdication of the President who fuels hatred and division in our beloved country. This is not a political statement.
Of course it isn’t. And of course, the good rabbi sermonized about The Women’s March:
My 12 year old says she doesn’t feel well and is not going to march. Her sister says the same thing and their brother says they must go. He yells at them, “All our rights are at stake!”
…We get to the rally. We get pins that say, “Girl Power” and “Love Trumps Hate” and other slogans that I won’t write here…. (OMWC: The photo on her post shows that her son was wearing a button with the very spiritual slogan “FUCK THE PATRIARCHY!”) The kids are excited to be a part of this historic event, proud to be speaking up and out! Periodically, my son spontaneously yells into the crowd “I’m mad as hell and we aren’t going to take it anymore!!” He gets applause and high-fives. He smiles and keeps on walking. My daughters chant about immigration rights and each feels free enough to shout her own slogans about rights and freedom and we walk together with hundreds of thousands of people.
You know who ELSE had hundreds of thousands of marchers shouting slogans… By the way, I note that the good rabbi is silent about the exclusion of Jews from Chicago’s Gay Pride parade, but I suppose that’s consistent with her silence about leftist BDS. It’s all about Team. I’m guessing that you wear a pink pussy hat instead of a yarmulke during services.
I can’t leave this topic without linking this classic.
OK, to wrap this up, now the serious part. These really were the first two things to come up when I was looking for a shul for the High Holidays. It’s distressing to me that a 4000 year old tradition has been perverted and co-opted as a partisan political movement, that as a religious obligation, (((we))) are expected to cheer the yielding of power, autonomy, and agency to government. It distresses me that not only have synagogues become overtly political, they are also exclusionary- there is no room for classical liberalism, conservatism, or libertarianism, not to mention people of limited financial means. There seems to be no dissenting voices allowed. Nor is there any hint that perhaps religion ought to keep itself focused on Yahweh and not on Nancy Pelosi. If one of the goals of organized Judaism is to bring the non-observant and secular back into the fold, the synagogues around here are certainly doing the opposite for those of (((us))) who believe in liberty and would like to have some part of our lives separate from partisan politics.
I always fall for guilt trips. OK, when does glib’s donation week start?
Guilt troops are a blast, especially if you can find a designated driver so the rest of the car can get drunk.
Send in the guilt troops!
We don’t have any such thing.
People here have been generous enough.
Very appreciated!
Wow. I had no idea Jews had to pay to go to religious service. As always, interesting read.
Yeah, that stunned SP. I was equally surprised to find out that goyim don’t get charged.
You’re supposed to put 10 percent of your income in, but most churches take tithes anonymously, so your mileage may vary.
And vary it does, from not close to 10% to really not close to 10%.
What about dirt-poor Jews?
Ok, stop laughing.
Seriously, some of those Ultra-Orthodox families with 97 kids can’t be very well off.
Didn’t you see the welfare scam story.
I actually meant to reference that in my comment.
We don’t see many of them in the Chicago suburbs. The one I knew well back in my Baltimore days was a coke dealer on the side. “Hey, it’s kosher.”
After I got out of being forced to go to church, by reaching the age of majority and moving out, I would have paid to NOT go.
I too had no idea being Jewish was that expensive or required listening to that much BS.
Now I get the joke.
I guess I’d rather be one of the dark suit big hat guys than listen to progressive propaganda on the Sabbath.
So what does all that money pay for?
And yes, Catholic Mass is free to attend, although there is a collection plated passed around (often twice; the second time as I understand it for donations intended to go elsewhere). Catholic doctrine, however, would really rather you not receive communion if you’re not Catholic.
The communion part is awkward when I go to mass with my wife. I stand at the end of the pew as 40 people stream pass me and then have to keep standing so I don’t block their seats.
Man, just get in line; they’re giving away free crackers and wine!
I don’t know how the words go.
“Peace be with you”
Me: “Same to you, Chief”
“amen” is an acceptable reply to almost anything churchy.
I hear ya. It’s awkward when you forgot all the gestures and mumblings.
Same to you CHEF. The crackers don’t come from nowhere.
It’s cardboard and wine-like liquid.
You got wine? I just got that damn cardboard when I went to Mass.
‘Course, I was in high school and grade school.
Except one time: I got wine at my First Communion, and if memory serves, it actually was wine.
My church growing up served grape juice. I actually heard some shmuck saying that the Jews didn’t ferment the grapes, so what they called wine was just grape juice lol.
But, the Protestant churches are a bit more relaxed in considering things symbolic, unlike the Catholics who preach the magic that the wine actually transmorgifies into the actual blood of Christ.
I had Seventh-Day Adventist relatives. When us kids got packed off to spend the weekend at their place, if it was Sabbath, we got dragged to the Seventh-Day Adventist service. I was there one of the rare times they took communion. Grape juice and actual bread.
I actually heard some shmuck saying that the Jews didn’t ferment the grapes, so what they called wine was just grape juice lol.
Lol. I love blowing those idiots’ minds when I point them to the parable about the wineskins. Why the hell would you need to use a new wineskin each time unless it was stretched out from fermentation?
Even so, most churches have gone to grape juice. It used to be a bit of a hang up for me, but it’s symbolic, so whatevs.
I would always try to sit in the back of the church.
I remember when I went to Germany and stood in the back. I was stunned that they didn’t do the “spread your germs by giving each other some sign of Christ’s peace” nonsense.
See, that’s weird. I was raised evangelical, and we never did any of that weird shit.
Shit like that was added after Vatican II to make Mass more “relevant” or something.
CleanlinessSwapping germs is next to Godliness.Are people that averse to shaking hands? Oh, look where I am…
Not only free, but there isn’t even a push on the tithe. I’ve heard so many people of other religions talk about how much they are told they should tithe. And I have no idea what any of the political views of any of my priests have been.
Seriously, what is the overhead of a temple? You pay the Rabbi, utilities and the cost of the building. They don’t have to pay taxes, either. Should be pretty cheap to run. No offense meant
Them rabbis ain’t cheap. Got a progressive lifestyle to maintain.
Damn. 140k.
Fuck. I’m in the wrong line of work.
Quoted: Lady Rabbi from Evanston.
True story: we were about 22 years old and none of us had ever actually been in a Catholic church before; for that matter, I don’t think any of us had been in any church before during a service. Anyway, our only Catholic friend was getting married, and his invited close friends (all Jews) were segregated in a particular pew. We were delighted to see how luxurious the church was, and especially the really cool fold down footrests, which we all took advantage of. Anyway, that’s what we all thought they were, but noticed the people in the congregation glaring at us. We figured, “Meh, they think we killed their lord, that’s just how they are.” Then we found out the actual function of the foot rests.
Then we found out the actual function of the foot rests.
The Catholic Olympics.
At my mom’s funeral Mass, the funeral home actually had someone isolated in a pew at the front of the church on the other side whose duty it was to lead the non-Catholics in when to stand, sit, or kneel.
At previous funeral Masses I was at, my grandmother’s cousin, a nun of many years, was there, so I just followed her lead.
For regular Sunday Mass, the missals I’ve seen all have STAND, SIT, and KNEEL instructions at the appropriate points.
It’s not that hard to follow what everyone else is doing. I’ve heard.
As a Protestant kid attending Catholic High School, I could shuffle along and mimic the other kids pretty well.
Catholic doctrine, however, would really rather you not receive communion if you’re not Catholic.
Some priests actually enforce that if they know you’re not Catholic or aren’t in a “state of grace”.
It depends on the congregation. In everyone I’ve joined dues pay for the rabbi and at least one office staff. Some congregations roll in the cost of Hebrew School while others charge separately. Some include building maintenance while others have a separate fee for some fixed number of years. The size of the staff can vary quite a bit from one synagogue to another so that’s another factor.
Interesting as always, OMWC.
OT: if you watch TV or movies, almost every religious person is either Catholic or Jewish. Which is strange, because both of those religions have a relatively small following in the US. But, I guess if you live in Hollywood or New York City, and work in entertainment, the only religious people you meet belong to one of the two religions most likely to produce the Antichrist.
I think in the Kingsmen, the church that gets slaughtered is probably supposed to be southern baptist, so they’ve got that going for them.
I think that the church getting slaughtered was supposed to be more a Westboro Baptist analogue.
I’ve never been hassled in most churches for getting up to leave the aisle. It is slightly disruptive and rude, but I’ve never gotten the stinkeye for having to go to the bathroom.
I think it’s because Hollywood is quite hard left, and in their minds Protestantism is too associated with the deplorables. Anecdotal evidence, but most of the depictions of Protestantism I’ve seen on tv seems to draw most of their inspiration from Westburo Babtist.
I think the one that really rubbed me the wrong way was seeing Borat running rampage through a perfectly normal service acting the goat. I have no idea who on their staff signed off on having that joker filming in the middle of the service, but that sort of thing just gives me a migraine.
Isn’t about a quarter of the US population at least nominally Catholic?
And the characters in The Wicker Man are neither Catholic nor Jewish, yet have very strong religious beliefs.
For every Hollywood movie like Going My Way, you’d have an equally Protestant movie like The Bishop’s Wife. Of course, Loretta Young was so devoutly Catholic she got knocked up by Clark Gable and lied about the provenance of the child for decades.
Isn’t about a quarter of the US population at least nominally Catholic?
If I remember correctly, there is huge regional variation. You won’t find many Catholics in North Carolina, but lots in Rhode Island.
Yeah. That’s why I think it’s s bond spot and not a bias. There was some movie about a possessed kid in the middle of poor people nowhere, and the family was Catholic. Sure, in New York, but the south or west? Only the Mexicans (PBUT) are Catholic.
I had to check – Catholics are 20% of the US vs 1.9% Jews.
I remember reading some Unitarian Universalist sermons online when I was studying religion and ethics years ago. They were doing sjw social signaling long before facebook even existed. I’m sure it’s much worse today. I always found it funny after reading those when the left wants to pull tax exempt status from churches for being political.
“My 12 year old says she doesn’t feel well and is not going to march. Her sister says the same thing and their brother says they must go. He yells at them, “All our rights are at stake!””
Ugh, typical mansplainer. This just shows how the patriarchy conditions young boys to think they can just order girls around…
Wait, he was more woke than thou? Ugh…good on him! Way to wake your siblings up. Were it not for you, the patriarchy may have oppressed them to stay in the kitchen rather than fight the good fight against Secret Nazi President!
I note the the Catholic church down the street here doesn’t charge to join. Silly goyim, you’re leaving money on the shulchan!
There are tithes, though the Church won’t kick you out if you don’t pay them.
Want to go to services for the High Holidays? $500 per head for Rosh Hashana, another $750 each for Yom Kippur. I don’t know what Easter Sunrise services cost at our local Catholic church, but I suspect that it’s a whole lot less- likely free. I may have my foreskin sewed back on.
This just jogged my memory.
When I was a kid, my dad wanted the priest at the parish church we went to to include a recently dead relative in the bit where the priest exhorts the Congregation to pray for people. I remember going with my dad to the Rectory. I distinctly remember, as my dad was telling the priest about this dead relative, that my dead was pulling 20s out of his wallet and handing them to the priest.
Your dad got ripped off.
$10? Damn.
I think your Dad was just being generous.
And my dad was alive: that my dead was pulling 20s
Pro-tip: a great many non-((())) Americans of a certain age got the chop-chop too. You’re good to go.
Think it’s still more common than not.
From Wikipedia:
Question for the glibs: what do you think of non-medical male circumcision of kids? I admit it’s something I have a hard time getting worked up over, but I know quite a few people who are very passionate about the subject.
Next you’re going to ask us our opinions on deep-dish, aren’t you? 🙂
Yeah, do we really want to open this can of worms?
I have a close friend whose husband had not been nipped. She has told me various things, including how sex can be uncomfortable for him on occasion. I believe originally the procedure was dinner for cleanliness, and also enhances feeling during intercourse. Or at least, those are the pro arguments.
*done not dinner
Penn and Teller, in their “Bullshit!” episode on circumcision, included a guest who was pushing foreskin restoration using stretching devices.
That’s in my top 2 or 3 television “things that can’t be unseen”.
You rang?
Lutheran athiest here.
I’m cut, and my dick looks correct to me.
I have linked it before (too lazy to go find it) but a metastudy of the highest quality research concluded that circumcision had no effect on function or pleasure.
As Mr. Deity said: “It makes it look friendly!”
Something OT (well, it is religious in a way right?): Oktoberfest Halftime Report
Until saturday night, the Oktoberfest lost and found office counted 1.300 items (2015: 1.040), among them 350 pieces of wardrobe, 350 passports, 120 wallets, 110 smartphones and portable phones, 110 pairs of glasses, 100 umbrellas, 85 keys, 35 bags and backpacks, 30 pieces of jewellery, 10 cameras, one tenor- and one flugelhorn, one Napoleon-hat, one monk’s robe, one limited edition Oktoberfest mug (with price tag: 120 Euro), two wedding rings (both with engravings), two paddles, two blood sugar analyzers and a pair of high heeled shoes.
*shifty gaze*
Um….what size is the hat?
Kinda small, I’d imagine.
Napolean’s height
At the time of death he was measured as 5 feet 2 inches (1.57 m), which was the average French male height but short for an officer. Some historians believe that the obsolete French feet were used, making him 5 feet 6 inches (1.68 m) with an English yardstick, but he had done his best to make French convert to the metric system, which was adopted already in 1793.[208] Napoleon surrounded himself with tall bodyguards and was affectionately nicknamed le petit caporal, reflecting his reported camaraderie with his soldiers rather than his height. In spite of that, the Napoleon Complex is named after him to describe men who have an inferiority complex and become aggressive due to short stature.
Maybe he was aggressive because he knew about the Napoleon Complex.
I lost my housekeys in Germany once. Picked ’em up at the town hall’s lost’n’found the next day. This was explained to me as “normal”.
Church VS The Packers. The priest we had when I was a kid made mass about 20min shorter if the Packers were playing.
Lol. I remember my dad ostentatiously checking his watch and letting out loud, theatrical sighs if the pastor went over long when the Bronco’s game was about to start.
I recently attended a Sunday shindig in Wisconsin. “Oh, we aren’t expecting many people to show up. The Packers are playing.”
I thought their stadium was church.
Especially when the Minister of Defence was here.
Heh, it was much the same during my years in Buffalo, early 90s.
I remain mystified by the devotion many Jews have to the Dems. In terms of remaining on the plantation in exchange for shitty treatment, (((they))) rival blacks. Now that the Dems have become overtly anti-Israel, I anticipate an even larger rift between the Orthodox (typically conservative) community and the Liberal movements that have pretty much replaced Judaism with Progressive Politics.
I talked with (((Old Man))) about this article a few days ago. It isn’t all like this.
I’m from inside the article circle, and therefore Lutheran. My wife is from an Orthodox Jewish family. So our kids are…. Jews who eat regular, delicious food.
The kids go to Hebrew school at an orthodox Chabad, and they have a very strict no politics rule. None. Not the clergy, not the congregation.
To put it into perspective, my kid goes to the only preschool in Los Angeles that has an armed security guard, so their opinions on self defense are pretty clear.
A lot of the reform bullshit is exactly that: bullshit. If you’re going to practice a 6000 year old religion, do it right, or don’t do it at all.
OT: Sinophiles at the paper of record can’t get enough commie wokeness.
It’s so fucking stupid that “progressives” use the so-called women’s “rights” as an attempt to vindicate communist shitholes.
Let’s say that human rights are a scale from 0 to 100, with 0 being no freedom whatsoever and 100 being maximum freedom. Maybe in decades past, Europe and America were at 60 for males and 50 for women. But are communist countries any better if both men and women are way down at 20?
It really holds true that “progressives” only care about enforcing sameness by chopping everyone down to the same level (except the wise visionaries like Hillary Clinton; people like her clearly deserve to be rich).
If everything else is taken care of they would gladly literally cut you down to size.
this is a scam
“It’s distressing to me that a 4000 year old tradition has been perverted and co-opted as a partisan political movement”
The left ruin everything they touch. Every.fucking.thing.
So, OMWC, are most (((Jews))) did I do that right?… ultra proggy? I wonder about the ones who live near me. The ones who wear black and long sleeves all year and the hats and white fringe thingies and all. I believe they’re called Orthodox or Hasidic? But I wouldn’t know, despite walking past them nearly every day for the last 4 years, not one has spoken to me or even acknowledged my presence. Ok, that’s not quite true, if I’m driving past them and stop to let them cross the street (they apparently have this thing for walking in the street despite all the well maintained sidewalks in this hood), they sometimes smile and wave. That’s it. They apparently have money. The new synagogue they just built a couple blocks from me is like WOW.
If there’s a Mitzvah tank nearby, sometimes they’ll ask me if I’m Jewish but that’s it.
I had a couple of young guys, late teens or early twenties, approach me one day and ask me if I’m Jewish. Not sure what was up, but there was obviously some type of holiday or something going on because they were out in force.
I was baffled the first few times until I looked it up and discovered that they only proselytize to other Jews.
I get the idea it’s supposed to remain an exclusive club. After all, they do try to discourage you from converting, right? Like 3 times?
According to whatever that stupid movie is, yes.
Also according to the website, which was given to me by someone here.
Well, historically the whole circumcision issue tossed out all the posers, and having to learn Hebrew 101 got rid of the rest.
You have to admit, “Do you want to have bits of your dick chopped off, then learn a foreign language?” is a bit of a harder sell than admitting that you reject Satan and all his empty promises while in a swimming pool.
The Orthodox (but not UltraOthrodox) Jews that I know mostly served in the Israeli military. You do NOT want to fuck with them.
Naw, the Israelis probably have the baddest of the badasses.
Holy crap.
Did you read what Aaron Rodgers asked Packers fans to do?
This is getting retarded beyond belief.
No. What did my fellow (almost, he dropped out) alumnus do?
STFU, Rodgers and play foozball. WTF you think you’re getting paid all that money for? To be a prog shill? I’ve already had it with these idiots. If I watch another game this year, I’m just not sure. I’m about done. Congratulations leftards, you’ve ruined yet another thing. Now go to hell, please.
No shit I really enjoy watching NFL; it’s pretty much the only sport I really really enjoy watching.
And the fucking SJW’s had to go and ruin it, too. Is there nothing sacred? No place to avoid politics and just enjoy our common society? Must everything be corrupted? Sigh. RIP, Sunday football.
I remember, way back in the day, say 2014, when we could all come together: black or white, gay or straight, Catholic or Jew, and agree that the Patriots are a bunch of cheating Cheaters.
I think this ends up with the ten people left in the stands shouting “booo!” and throwing D batteries.
“This is about starting a conversation around something that may be a little bit uncomfortable for people.”
I love starting conversations with “Fuck you, asshole!!!”
I can’t stand that phrase. ‘Uncomfortable for people’. Fuck off. How’s that, Aaron?
I usually hear that phrase from pretentious artistes. Yeah, “fuck off” is my usual reaction.
And the people you are talking to get uncomfortable, right?
I wish I could embed this.
Thought this was a funny take
BIG MISTAKE. There was no flack from the crowd last time, because it was a Gold Package Game (Until the late 90s the Packers played two regular season games in Milwaukee. When they stopped playing in Milwaukee the people that held those ‘season’ tickets got given tickets to two games in Green Bay, Gold Package Games) So the last game was filled with Milwaukee fans, who won’t boo at the team for being dipshits in pre-game, but will boo at them during the game like at the end of the second half Sunday. Thursday is regular season ticket holders. Northern Wisconsin Guns, Beer, Jesus, America and the Green Bay Packers types. I don’t think this will go over as well Thursday.
I heard a rumor that teams originally weren’t out during the pledge but around ’09 someone asked the NFL to start bringing them out to help with Army recruitment.
Check out the links Endless Mike compiled in today’s AM links in the 7th thread (it’s the last one in the thread)
Thanks. I couldn’t find anything to corroborate but it’s the kind of thing that’s hard to track down.
It’s almost like our enemies don’t know we are made up of computer nerds.
You learn something everyday about Jews.
Lived around them for 4 years and know practically nothing.
That’s because you’re Hitler in your heart.
The rabbi here is from Baltimore.
This beer is pretty tasty.
Wife just gifted me brought me some beers back from Iceland. The first 2 I sampled where ok. I took some pics before I started enjoying, but I can’t find my cable for the camera.
Mmmm… incestous beer.
The lager is quite good. The classic was a darker spicy sort, which I also liked. Wait… Icelandians are incestuous? Are they from West Virginia originally or the middle east? I’m still missing part of history…
Small gene pool? They can be kind of weird-looking.
I put “hot icelandic women” into Google image Search and received many, many picture of good looking women.
I put “hot icelandic men” into Google Image Search and received many, many pictures of men. Since I’m a straight guy, I have no idea if they are hot or not.
The answer is “yes”. Maybe I had Björk in mind – I always thought she was weird-looking. This is not a criticism, actually. I tend to like weird-looking.
Genetic drift?
based on my drunken 48hour party-weekend in iceland, i can confirm there is a weird, highly polar nature to the icelandic gene pool. 80% look like nordic gods/goddesses. 20% look like nordic trolls. there’s really very little in-between. Its like, you get the recessive bits? You’re square, squat, dark, and sort of eskimo looking. if you get the dominant bits, you’re tall, fair, and elfin.
even the bjorky ones were cute tho, most of the time. **i was very drunk.
What beers?
The gene pool in Iceland isn’t very big, and given their use of patronymics, it can be tough to know who is related to whom. But, never fear! There is an app to help!.
Viking. Wife bought it for me because when we first started dating, she called me her Viking. Not a great score on Beer Advocate, but I like it. It’s better than most American micros. To me. Nice lager, comparable to Stella. They must be using European standards. I’d show you the bottles, but fuck if I cannot find my camera cable and it’s late, I’m too lazy to look more. There’s a variety, about 5 different ones I think.
I’ve had Einstök, but never had Viking. I ran a quick search, it doesn’t look like it is available in the USA yet.
Viking Classic and Lager are the two I’ve had so far. I’m about ready to go peep in the fridge and see what one of the others is… Gylltur and Sturker are two of them, whatever the fuck that is. Soon as I finish this lager…
Couple more beers looks like a certainty. Wifey is jet lagged.
For your reading pleasure.
330,823 people. Most sparsely populated country in Europe. Ok, I’m not meaning to be nit picky here, but it’s a little too far west to be part of Europe. And compared to Greenland, it’s like Manhattan in terms of population density. Surely, you can find someone to fuck who is not your cousin? And I’m not sure what keeps it from attracting lots of new peoples. Ok, it’s cold, everything must be imported, so it’s expensive. The people actually think they’re European and so are probably just as annoying. And there’s a continental plate slowly tearing the island in half which might result in catastrophic volcanic like eruptions. I’m almost definitely going there next year, so I’ll report back.
It has an extremely high quality of life, and the people are happy. Yeah, it’s a volcanic nightmare, and it’s cold. But sometimes you have to make sacrifices to be happy.
And yes, it’s part of Europe, although geologically, it’s right on the border.
No, the people are not annoying. They have a fucking pirate party in their government.
I’m fucking over (disgusting always humid) summer so I don’t wanna hear about “wah cold”.
My understanding is that they don’t want new people. Like, *really* don’t want them… and haven’t for about nine hundred years.
I remember hearing about the Pirate Party. That was cool. I worked with a guy who lived in Reykjavik for a while and he was an annoying fucker… Ok, he was Canadian, never mind. We’re going next year for a little stay to see how it is for a vacation spot. The tickets are dirt cheap on WOW, which is one of the reasons we decided to check it out, 6 hour flight for us.
No, the people are not annoying. They have a fucking pirate party in their government.
Technically, they don’t have a government right now. And the Pirates weren’t in the coalition anyway.
Apparently love for the Game of Thrones shit has left the country overrun with tourists.
Fun fact: Beer was illegal in Iceland up until almost the 1990’s.
This is from my buddy, an Icelandic dude from the backwoods who moved here in the 90’s. He is an oddball, but a good one. He obviously loves Iceland, but says he never wants to live there again and claims that there are a couple dozen families that run the whole show (here again comes the incest), and on a small island it creates s weirdness. Plus it is friggin dark almost all winter. He appreciates here being able to have affordable booze and firearms greatly.
Beer was illegal? That’s fucking epic. I read an article written by a guy who lived in Greenland for 3 years. It was one of the craziest things I’ve ever read. Apparently the favorite thing to do for the locals was to go to the bars after work and get drunk as fuck, typically followed by at least a few locals going to the streets and beating the living shit out of each other. Which would be completely forgotten by the next day, when it would happen again. Year round.
Who needs beer when you have Akvavit?
Seriously, if I went over to my parents’ house right now, I’d find at least one bottle.
Glacier Man said that they had spirits and that people would have illegal stills but the police would be constantly on the smell for them. The last time he went there he came back with hakarl, fermented shark. The shit was nasty as fuck, and I am one to at least try any type of weird foodstuff. It looks like cheese. He opened it on the porch and just because the door was open the house stunk for a while.
He is also a great fan of a chunk of whale marinated in milk for a day.
Pilot whale is good, but not great.
Cows are much better.
I have eaten meat from quite a few mammals, but cow, pig and elk are damn hard to beat.
Whale’s Milk is the new Super Food. (fake movie poster)
I feel like everything you said about the synagogue was expected after you said it was located in Evanston
Living in the Midwest AND putting up with proggies? No, just no, I mean hell no.
Looks like Moore beat the incumbent easily.
Trump sort of endorsed Strange but was wink wink about the whole thing. I keep wondering if the Congressional Republicans realize what their primary season is going to be like next year.
Pull a gun, get the nomination.
If it was a closer race, he might have needed to body slam a journalist.
Party coffers are being used to support a particular candidate in primaries? Where’s my shocked face?
Poor turtle head. Some of his RINOs might get shitcanned over their two faced acts.
I have a turtle head for him RIGHT HERE.
*squats and clenches cheeks*
I yield the flush to the Right Honorable Gentleman from Playa’s bowels. I’m sure it is an improvement on the limp stinking pile of shit currently serving as the Senate Majority Leader.
Clean up on aisle DC
Judge Roy Moore has demonstrated a healthy defiance of federal authority. I look forward to his tenure in Washington.
Of course you’d say that.
Rudy Ray Moore is my President.
Foreign aid, ain’t that a bitch. How would you like to feed some other motherfucker next door before you feed yourself?
You can bet yo’ ass I’m gonna legalize grass. I’ll have a constitution to legalize prostitution.
People hate slimy, lying, two-faced, corrupt, shit-head, permanent incumbent, career politicians? UN. POSSIBLE.
Video from the last Glibertarians meet-up.
Heh I actually know who that is…. my favorite Drag Race contestant.
I’m almost scared to click that, but I’m going to.
White privilege. They never been to Appalachia. There you learn about sopping at age 2 weeks. You can’t even have no eggs and biskits without sopping. People ain’t got the sense god gave a chicken anymore.
I fear for our country sometimes, people just aren’t learning the basic skills any more. I’m constantly seeing ads for an insurance company offering road side assistance in case your teenage kid gets a flat. My dad taught me how to change a flat tire and change the oil before he ever let me behind the wheel. And now people are confused about how to eat with a biscuit?
My mother (who converted before marrying my (((father)))) grew up Methodist on a ranch in rural New Mexico, the daughter of Marlboro Man and Pioneer Woman in the flesh (RIP beloved grandparents). To put it lightly, they were very, very into self-reliance and general libertarian-type values. While my Dad converted her into (((her))) she converted him into ***him*** (libertarian him, see what I did there?).
Often people attribute some kind of bastardization of Tikkun Olam for the Jewish affinity toward Progessivism, but my Dad basically explained to me that, in his opinion, it’s all a reaction and reflexive repulsion toward the whole Protestant work-ethic, Christian American value thing. He said he just never really got exposed to any of those ideas until he met and fell in love with my Mom because it was “something *those* people did”. Funny enough, my Dad eventually worked on his parents (my (((grandparents))) ) and they were coming around to a lot of libertarian ideas when they died. Just funny anecdotes from this weird nation of mutts we have.
This is why I love America. Seriously.
Appropriation! I luv it!
I just started watching this, but can anyone tell me how to distract myself from that goiter Hillary’s got going on? How much money this girl got and she can’t have them stretch that shit some? I mean really. And what’s up with those huge circles under her eyes? Isn’t there some medication she can take to make her stop drinking 3 liters of Svedka a day? Can you even imagine the job of cleaning up her puke and changing her depends every day?
Somewhere, there’s a tornado with a house in it waiting to fall on her.
I’d like to give her another choice before that happens. Just one. Go.the.fuck.away.cunt.
I’m just raising cancer awareness among late night Glibs.
I’m not sure I want to see the one about prostate cancer.
Or brain cancer.
Brain Cancer.
Like this?
I was pretty sure that’s where that was going.
The shul I’ve worked for the last 10 years or so (web stuff) says “The services are free and open to the public. Donations will be gratefully accepted” on all the pages they had me put up, but then when I glanced at the homepage the other day I saw that the secretary had added “Register for Rosh Hashana services here, Yom Kippur services here.” So I click on the links and it’s like $75 per person, $300 for a family of four. Uh?? So is it free or not? They just started using this registration system about a year ago (and I don’t have access to it so I don’t know how it works), but if I was one of (((them))) I would just not register for the events and just show up. It said free and open to the public on every other page, and that’s how it’s been every year until now.
It’s been interesting watching the rabbi try to please everyone over the years. From the tone in his emails to the congregation, it seems like they’ve got some vocal conservatives and some vocal liberals and he’s trying to not offend anyone. (I know he’s a leftist personally—I still remember my job interview with him during the 2008 primary season when he cheerfully offhandedly said, “Go Hillary!”—but he’s never been an asshole about it and seems respectful of others’ beliefs.) It seems like, as the older members of the community are dying off, the congregation as a whole is swinging violently left, though. There have been a lot of TDS emails coming through recently.
are you supposed to read those e-mails?
And cross-post them to the Facebook page.
Note to self, you just wrote a drunken e-mail to your boss demanding a raise, remember that in the morning asshole.
that might not be how a ‘note to self’ works.
Fucking hell, you pay for religious services? And you don’t even use the money to paint pretty pictures in your Jew churches? I have no idea how this scam has survived for one millennia, let alone multiple.
I think some (((Rabbi))) violently objected to such practices about 2,000 years ago.
For you early risers out there. Romantic or Pervy?
I think it’s the best music video ever made.
pretty skeevy.
*I’ll be in my bunk* (literally) It’s only Wednesday and I’ve been working winter hours since last week. So fucking tired…
Rest up for revolution day, comrade.