The California Angels did a little bit to help out the idle Twins last night by falling to the Chicago White Sox. The Twins have all but locked down the second AL Wild Card slot and should face the (hated) Yankees on the road some time next week to see who will play the Indians, barring them losing their 2-game AL overall lead to the Astros, who humiliated the Rangers last night. The Red Sox are on cruise control for the last week as they really can’t catch the Astros unless some crazy shit happens. They’ll probably just work on getting their pitching rotation down for the ALDS.
Over on the senior circuit, the Dodgers have played like a bag of shit for some time now but still managed to top to 100-win mark for the first time in over 40 years. They’ve got home field by the throat and will face the winner of the D-backs vs ?????. I can’t tell if anybody wants that second NL Wild Card spot, as the Rockies fell again last night while the Brewers were off. The Cards also fell to the Cubs to push those lovable losers to the brink of a division championship. The Nats won their division some time ago and will have home-field in their NLDS series with the Chicago squad.
I hope that sets you up for the last six days of the regular season.
Elsewhere, lots of preseason hockey was played. Lots of slashing penalties were called. And lots of empty seats were in arenas where all of this happened. And Arsenhole won a dreaded Monday EPL fixture. Oh, and its Presidents Cup week. So GO USA! Beat The Rest Of The World (minus Europe)!
Let’s try to take it up a notch and go to the wayback machine for a blast from the past in…the links!
Detroit heard a rumor that St Louis was gunning for the crown. They weren’t gonna have some other city take away their claim to fame.
Sometimes you have to hike your taxes by $5 billion a year in order to tackle a budget shortfall. But, um, yeah. This is Illinois so that tax hike was like sticking a band-aid on a hollow-point exit wound.
Hey, man, its Oakland. What do you expect to happen? Its pretty damn irresponsible for a police department to not have a storage policy for all firearms left in a car. So I guess under the totality of the circs and the policy being unclear, this officer will not be held accountable for his negligence.
Hey doc, can you please take a look at this sore throat and cough I’ve developed? And then you and me can go behind that building over there and you can give me a handy?
I saw the byline and just couldn’t resist. And its actually a terrific piece. Enjoy!
PETA will honor a Houston man who died while trying to save his sister’s cat during Hurricane Harvey. I’m unclear on the details but I am pretty sure they’ll honor him by rounding up 100 local animals and putting 98 of them to death in each major American city.
Get it on the red line overload today, friends. Out there on the edge.
Say what now?
Sticky Floors and Glass Ceilings: Weekend panel offers advancement advice for women
Becky, can I call you Becky? I don’t see where you ask the women you’re lecturing to if they want to try to take the breadwinner role, or if they want to focus on their family. Why is it that we dastardly patriarchs give more allowance for women’s agency than those who wave the feminist banner these days?
what are the floors sticky with?
The jism from the guys doctors are jerking off in Caracas.
That article needs better pics. And which insurance they take.
No insurance, only cash under the table.
Concierge service.
Oh God. *eyeroll* No it isn’t. Feminism is advocating for women’s “rights.” There is no advocating for men’s anything by you shitbags.
Hey, they advocate for men’s right to be railroaded without due process when accused by a woman; for men’s right to be pushed aside in the name of affirmative action; for men’s right to subordinate their wants and desires to the service of women; etc. etc.
And none of the the things it advocates for women are rights, either.
Hence, why I put quotes around the word. The word rights has been so twisted and abused that it doesn’t even really mean anything anymore.
White pride is really about advocating for the pride of all ethnic groups.
That’s pretty solidly presented in the Red Pill movie (made by a woman who was a feminist at the time, no longer identifies as such). The feminists she interviews, when presented with any kind of ‘men’s issues’ overwhelmingly either just immediately reject the concept or actively mock and ridicule them. So you know, if you want to claim feminism is ‘just advocating for all people’s rights’ maybe you need to get your own tribe to stop saying the exact opposite.
I saw that. It did a good job of showing how feminist activists literally try to shut down anything involving legitimate issues for men. It fits into the mold of Neomarxist faith that any issue negatively affecting women is a Huge Problem that must be preached to the world; and any issue negatively affecting men is hate speech that must be suppressed to maintain the narrative of Men Oppress Women At All Times. The goal is to project their own confirmation bias onto the world. Statements like “feminism is only about equality” is just a dishonest motte-and-bailey tactic.
LOL. If the squeeze’s career took precedence over mine, we’d be in big, big trouble.
Lumberjacking just doesn’t pay what it used to, eh?
Fucking Rand Paul trying to legalize industrial hemp.
I wonder what Becky would think. I mean it appears that prostitution is one of the few truely recession-proof industries, immune to even the predations of socialism.
Shouldn’t they have tagged this story with sticky floors instead of the one LH linked to?
immune to even the predations of socialism
You realize that they are going to Colombia to be prostitutes, so apparently, even the worlds oldest profession is not immune.
So the officer reports a break in a “stolen” gun, now he has one to use when an off the books job or plant is required.
I think I’m getting too cynical.
The nice thing about cynicism is that 90% of the time you’re right, and 10% of the time you get to be pleasantly surprised.
Or it was already lost and this was an opportunity to officially lose it.
-1 service pistol left in a movie theater bathroom
“Detroiters, however, aren’t buying it.
‘I reject [these findings],’ Detroit Police Chief James Craig told the Detroit Free Press.
‘Just because it’s coming out of the FBI’ doesn’t mean it’s correct, the police chief said.”
I’m not sure what to say to this. My first thought is that everyone has gone insane. My second thought is that a liberal would call you racist for saying yellow and blue make green (if they could make political points from it). My third thought is ‘Is it too early to start drinking”?
Isn’t their police chief the guy who said people should get guns because the department he was taking over couldn’t do their job?
I might be wrong on that. I know that shitbird Clarke said something along those lines but I think the Detroit police chief said something similar when he was coming in to the job.
It is too early to drink, but not too early to toke.
+1 wake-n-bake
HaHa! I just got off work! Suckers!
Gonna have a beer and a brat….cooked in beer.
Everybody’s stupid except me.
Ive been to Evansville, you sir are the sucker.
It says “from”, not “in”…
More importantly it says “evansville”
We’ve got horse racing, a casino, third-oldest ballpark in the nation (where League of their Own was filmed!) and Don Mattingly! And the exterior shots of the Rosanne house! And two horrific plane crashes!
Aaaaand I bolted as soon as I was able to do so. I’m gonna call that a tie.
And sleeves on your uniforms.
Ahem. Who has horse racing?
Ellis Park is a five-ten minute drive from my home of 20 years. Yes, yes, yes. It’s in Henderson, KY. A town useful only for horse racing, cheap smokes and an easy way to skirt the draconian IN blue laws.
Oh, OK and Audubon Park.
*Derisive snort of the ‘neener neener’ variety.*
So booze, cigarettes, and gambling are not enough? Sounds like Henderson is a libertarian paradise.
Dont be claiming our KY landmarks for your own. Next you’ll be saying the Corvette is from IN and Mitch McConnel is your senator
Hey! Quiet down, You!
If they wanna claim Mitch, I say let ’em!
You forgot the prosties.
Wolf’s Barbecue is pretty good.
Good Morning, and have a good day! I’m out early so no fun for me,
well my job is fun so there’s that
“In Venezuela, they were teachers and doctors. To buy food, they became prostitutes.”
The ravages of state capitalism.
I dunno. I kind of like the idea of a prostitute/doctor.
Having seen my doctors, I don’t.
Man, my PCP is in her mid 30s, spends half her time as a sports medicine doctor, and tends to wear yoga pants. I’m absolutely on board.
Has she diagnosed you with hypochondria yet or a restraining order?
He’s been trying to convince her he has a prostate condition.
Er… I mean no, no restraining order or hypochondria diagnosis. Yet.
Is she taking new patients?
+1 Surge in proctology school
If it was REAL socialism, these bloodsucking hoarders would be up against the wall.
No links about anthem protesting??? What are you Sloppy, some kind of unAmerican communist? I want protest links and I want them NOW..
I wasn’t aware the company was being protested.
Oh wait, you don’t mean the insruance company.
What the fuck are you talking about? Who is protesting the anthem? This is the first I’ve heard about it.
Oh, my bad. Must just be a thing among a few in my social media circle. Keep your eyes open though. Any day now some sportsball celebrity will get in on it and then it might become a national story.
I still don’t know what you’re talking about.
::puts on Alejandro Villanueva Steelers jersey::
Reads this fucking fucked up shit.
::removes jersey::
I get the feeling Villanueva is doing this because he’s the only honorable guy in the Steelers organization and is willing to “take one for the team” in order to quell any controversy and let them get back to business.
It’s a shame his cockbag of a coach and his assclown of an owner didn’t stand up in his defense instead of throwing him under the bus.
Fuck the Steelers after that. I’m even more done with them than I was on Sunday.
I remember a few years ago the controversy over Richie Incognito’s alleged bullying.
I guess some forms of bullying are OK.
Ritchie is my favorite Bill. Dolphins stupidity is the Bills gain.
Gain? They still haven’t made the playoffs in a year that starts with a 2.
I must have seen that meme with him 100 times. Lineman dont like the spotlight. If they did they would be recievers
That’s absolutely what happened – look at Villanueva’s twitter. After the game he posted this:
which would certainly seem to indicate that his being out there was not an accident. Tomlin did some screaming at him in the locker room and voila, he changes his story and apologizes.
He was probably thinking a bit about his brothers in the 75th, not his current co-workers’ posturing.
You mean Omar Epps doesn’t have any principles?
That was the one bright point and they extinguished it. Fucktards.
I actually like him more now. I’m sure he didn’t do it to grandstand, even if he did it intentionally. A lot of his teammates probably wanted to stand for the anthem too, but grudgingly decided to stick with the team and their decision to try and avoid the controversy, which failed miserably. Now the guys who wanted to stand look like assholes for doing what they thought they had all agreed to. I have a feeling seeing his teammates get trashed made him feel worse than the attention made him feel good. Now he’s doing the even more ballsy thing by throwing himself under the bus.
*staggers up, knocks over chair and begins thunderous ovation*
I wish you could have been my substitute teacher. Imagine learning how to filed strip an m16 in the 4th grade.
It’s never too late! The Benning School for Boys (and now Girls too I guess) teaches boys of all ages what they didn’t learn in elementary school.
*remembering BCT in summer of ’85*
Here you go, Archie.
Mike Rowe is a cool guy.
Tundra saves the day.
Mike Rowe is the celebrity we DON’T deserve. Probably the best combination of intelligent and morally upright that I can think of in a celebrity in this generation. Why have we not torn him down yet?
Spot the fuck on.
Here is one for you.
If this is true, and I don’t remember pre-game pre 2009 really because I never gave a shit, I find the Gov buying patriotism a bit more angering than some asshat kneeling during said forced paid for patriotism.
If this is true, that means the Obama administration found it necessary to pay for NFL patriotic virtue signaling? That’s very interesting.
It kind of seems like it could be an easily-disprovable attempt at revisionist bullshit to me…
Pat, sloopy, Number.6, Scruffy, cyto, Tundra, Mr. Lizard, Rufus, Rasilio and others:
Thank you for taking the time to offer up some advice on small business ownership. I found it oddly encouraging that the frustrations I’m feeling and the mistakes I’ve been making seem to be fairly common.
After reading through your comments, I:
1) Signed up for QuickBooks small business
2) Met with my brother in law (CPA) to make sure I’m keeping the taxman happy
3) Wrote off my most egregiously late invoice and fired the client
4) Made coffee dates with my three favorite clients to talk about referrals
5) Tweaked my freelancing contract to place limits on changes/rewrites/edits in the future
6) Set up a spreadsheet to track projects for estimating purposes
Also, Tundra, I accept your edit: “flexibility” is a more appropriate word than “freedom” haha
Also also, how dumb is it that Underwater Social Justice Basketweaving is a required high school credit but not Small Business 101? If/when I have kids, I’m homeschooling them and adding Entrepreneurship to the curriculum.
I’d have given advice, but I had none to give. Good luck in getting your books in order.
Fortunately the books aren’t particularly complicated at this point. As a purveyor of fine jots and tittles, I have no inventory costs and I haven’t had to purchase any equipment yet. I’m just charging people for the time it takes me to get their words in the correct order. Yesterday I was particularly frustrated because I was dealing with a double whammy: a client who is three months late paying for an article I wrote, and a billing/estimating/negotiating error on my part which meant a different client got a 10-page designed white paper for $200, which meant I earned about $10 an hour after it was all said and done. I honored the agreement with a smile on my face but I was kicking myself for not specifying out-of-bounds markers in greater detail.
You’re welcome for my piddly contribution.
Something that stuck with me more than anything else I learned getting an undergrad in business management and will serve you better than all of the TQM, accounting formulas, professional communication, culture building, contract law, and HR bullshit was this pithy advice from one of my professors: proper planning prevents piss poor performance.
One more idea: set up a network of (competent) complimentary businesses. It’s nice to be able to bring in good people if your client needs more than just your expertise.
For whatever it was worth.
There is no magic formula. Little is cemented or zero-sum in business. It’s fluid and you just have to get to that ‘comfort’ point.
One other thing. I remember someone telling me. ‘Always remember people will only see the result of your success. They will never know about the sacrifice and hard work.’
This plays right into proggie thinking. They obsess over ‘what they think they see’ and what they *think* they see is really just envy. Worse, when it’s pointed out to them the sacrifice needed to make a go of a business they’ve taken to mocking it saying things like ‘we work hard too!’
The zero-sum part I mentioned can also be pointed to this mindset. ‘You don’t deserve to be in business if you can’t afford a pay raise’.
As if wages can be raised just like that without ramifications.
They’re such blithering, blathering idiots.
And the problem with zero sum pay raises is that something like a MW pay raise would require me to work harder for less money (reminds me of when, in high school, the MW raised up $1.80 in Ohio, and I went from making $1.50 over the MW to making $0.20 over the MW, and having less spending power).
I was working fast food back in the 90’s when they made one of those jumps. I went from making ~$.50 over the minimum wage to the minimum wage. One of the managers didn’t understand why I was upset, I was still making more money then I was before. Never mind that I had been there for 18 months, and the new hires were going to be making the same amount as me.
All the good advice was taken, so I had to think up some bad advice. Good luck, it sounds like it’s going well. (Better then my first foray into business). My only note would be: if you get a business partner, nothing is worse than being non-transparent about important things. Delegate to expertise, but make sure you know what’s going on in important areas (financials).
Also extremely important: always keep some bourbon in the office drawer.
My high school econ class used the Junior Achievement curriculum which included running a business for a semester. We sold hoodies.
I was the only person really paying attention when ownership shares were being sold at the beginning, so I ended up taking home over half the profit from the venture while doing zero work.
It’s good to be a capitalist.
Get an Employer Identification Number from the IRS for your business and set up an Individual 401k account at a brokerage (I use Charles Schwab.)
It takes about 30 minutes to get an EIN and you can set an Individual 401k by simply filling out a few forms and writing a check.
The Individual 401k allows you to defer much more income from taxation than any of the other options.
Just on the teevee now: New large chunk of antarctic ice shelf breaks off. Four times the size of Manhattan. It is going to contribute to sea level rise.
Shameless fuckin’ liars. It’s totally not a scam.
If it was already on the water there will be effectively zero impact on sea levels.
Glacial calving happens all the time. If it didn’t, it would mean the glacier wasn’t accumulating ice.
What are you talking about? These are scientists. You expect them to understand the basic principles of buoyancy?
Astrologists have more respect for science and the scientific principle than these retarded watermelons do.
Excuse me. I better drink some more of my ice coffee. The ice is melting and I don’t want the cup to overflow.
Me pissing in the ocean would “contribute to sea level rise”.
In most cases, treated water gets released into the waterways, so in a great many places you are pissing in the ocean.
You are always pissing in the ocean. All of it, every drop, eventually ends up in the ocean either by flowing downhill or by precipitation after evaporation. Even if it doesnt make it on the first try it eventually ends up there. Later it comes back as precipitation on your roof.
*technically that isnt necessarily true. Some water is consumed by both organic and inorganic reactions (the vast majority of water on earth is chemically bound up in rocks in the crust, much more than the liquid oceans) and lots of water is created by organic and inorganic reactions. Another factor I have never seen mentioned in this debate is the vast amount of water being released from it’s chemical prison in those rocks in the crust. Example: the water squirting out of hot springs such as Ol’ Faithful has been chemically bound up for zillions of years until the Yellowstone caldera melted those rocks, heated it causing it to boil up. The seafloor is covered with such springs and billions of gallons per minute are added to the oceans. Of course some, hopefully an equalish amount is being rebound chemically, but who knows? Try calculating that differential.
What it amounts to is that the chicken littles scaremongering for grant money are completely full of shit. The majority of them have no idea what they are talking about. The ones who do are the ones we never hear from.
Actually, I suspect that a lot of them hope most people wont have a clue what they are talking about so they can keep colluding with government agencies that buy support for collectivist government expansion projects through grants for what these people pretend passes for research.
Natural processes can’t be to blame for one iota of it, after all, you can’t shame money out of Old Faithful. If anything poor Gaia is struggling to counteract the evil machinations of those humans scuttling about her surface to maintain that perfect stasis that always has been…
I only urinate into my combination hydrogen refiner/H to He fusion reactor. Cause I love the planet and stuff.
Oh look at Mr. Science here with his logic and facts. Probably be telling me men and women are different.
Those are PDI’s! Public Domain Icebergs.
They should put motors on that thing and take it to Mecca.
I have heard crazier ideas.
Are you going for the “Make the desert blossom” concept or the Iceberg of Mass Destruction concept?
Dropping an iceberg from orbit?
Where do I contribute?
Pournelle (RIP) had a series of short stories based around that idea.
Some sheik actually proposed that back in the 70s. I turns out that it’s cheaper to get fresh water from a desal plant.
Last night on the teevee Scorpion had to go stop methane from bubbling up from under Russian arctic ice. If they didn’t succeed all life would end in 90 days. The methane was making temperatures rise .1 degrees per day!
God I love that show. They even make climate change alarmism fun.
Is that the heroic nerds show? I think a guy I knew back in the day in Tallahassee has a recurring part as a doctor on that show. He was also in a Priceline or Expedia commercial. Good on ‘im.
Yes, when it first rolled out it was supposedly “based on a real life person and events.” Since then, they have pretty much debunked the guy who was supposedly the inspiration for it. It was so horribly funny though, that my son and i are complete fans.
I saw the byline and just couldn’t resist.
Ah, the little shithead who banned me from Hit & Run. Glad he’s making the rounds at the cocktail party circuit.
You got banned? What for?
Someone did oppo research on him and turned up some half digested candy.
Not being outraged about Israel shelling southern Lebanon during their war with Hezbollah and pointing out that they might be justified.
You. Fucking. Monster.
Never mind that, though. How’s mom?
She got her Publix roast chicken. And given her increasing loss of short term memory, she isn’t really sure whether or not they had a hurricane. “I don’t know, was that on canasta night?”
Huh, never knew he did that. I always liked Cavanaugh before – he definitely seemed like one of the better former Reason staffers – but that puts him in a very different light.
This. How in the hell do you get banned from H&R without spoofing one of the staff, or gamboling, or continually getting them sued? Congratulations; achievement unlocked.
Also, I thought Cavanaugh left TOS before you did? Or did he whack a previous incarnation of yours?
What a petty reason on his part.
It was a previous incarnation. OMWC was my creation after the banning (along with edna, a woman born without thumbs so couldn’t use the shift key for upper case).
Working at home this morning I saw some of this interview this morning. Those NK assholes basically tortured that kid to death. Almost a relief that the kid passed.
White Frat Boy so he deserved it. Right, Larry Whitmore?
From the comments over there:
“Why do people think they can just vandalize hotels?”
Of course they did. Did anyone doubt that?
From the original news reports that he was in a coma, I had assumed that they just fucked him up with drugs. Now it sounds like he wasn’t really in a coma at all, just tortured to blindness and the edge of death before being shipped home in agony.
The guy went there of his own volition. I dont know what he expected to happen. What did happen was horrible of course, but not unexpected. You have to be a special kind of stupid/mentally ill to plan a vacation there.
Based on his age I would guess he was indoctrinated that the Norks were the victims of Western rapaciousness and enmity, otherwise it would be a socialist paradise or some such shit. Even now we have lefties taking the side of Kim Jong Un over Trump claiming that Trump is the real villain regarding the problems with the Norks.
So, basically, he was asking for it, eh?
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I’m not in favor of the State Department even communicating with the guy directly and providing advice; one might hope that his parental units might have advised their son to reconsider visiting probably the least US friendly totalitarian regime on earth.
Moral: Don’t voluntarily travel to totalitarian shitholes.
::cancels trip to Austin::
It’s totalitarian, but it’s not a shithole.
I stopped to eat there on a road trip. My impression was the kind of place where hipsters look down their noses at those less cool than themselves.
Once you get through the traffic, I guess you’re right. But damn, is it a bitch to get through.
Atanarjuat, you must have stopped at
Casino el Camino. Those guys went on DDD, and turned into dickholes. It used to just be a dive burger joint before they got famous.sloop, you just need to know the alternatives. For example, Red River instead of 35.
Don’t go downtown anywhere if you are just hungry and driving through.
Go here:
I don’t tell anybody else to go there, because I don’t want it to get any more popular than it already is. But I’ll make an exception for the gilbertarians.
That’s a damned shame. I used to love them back in the early ’00s for a late night burger. Used to be a chill Goth bar, but accepting of everyone.
I can’t remember the last time I made it there. 2008?
Interesting that we’re hearing the graphic details now, and doesn’t bode well for peace in the near term on the Korean Peninsula.
Fucking monsters. Basically beat him near to death and went to work on him with pliers and God knows what else while he was still alive.
The government will dig into its usual bag of tricks – more fund sweeps and interfund borrowings – that will eventually bring the budget into “balance.”
*Weeps for being in Illinois*
…and Tyler too?
Given their current & future state, Illinois might want to go with “$54 trillion or fight” as a campaign theme.
Fight for $15T
When do we starts seeing brothels of Illinois women?
Those already…exist.
They have to sneak across the border into Indiana to avoid the prostitution taxes.
err do you really want to?
All the good looking ones already left for California, Florida, and New York
Dunno about Illinois, but Iowa, maybe (just to bring Burge back into focus)
Fighting Illini! *war whoops*
Years ago, I learned that it’s actually pronounced Heleni.
It’s both amusing and troubling to hear people claim Venezuela is an example of ‘unfettered capitalism’. Is there an example in world history where capitalism did that to a country particularly in the West? Capitalism doesn’t do that.
But I do know what does.
Hello, Rufus.
Take that commie shit outside!
“Is there an example in world history where capitalism did that to a country”
Cuba, Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Peru, All of Eastern Europe…how many examples do you want?
/furiously flips through world history book.
HEY! Sarcasm!
An unseen Ed Wood movie ignites a firestorm of controversy at Fantastic Fest
Seinfeld referenced Meyer in one of his shows I think.
The busty waitresses. “It’s like a Russ Meyer movie”.
Meyer was one of John Waters’s idols- he claims that Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! was one of the greatest movies of all times, and when you screen it, it’s clear that it was a strong influence on Waters.
I watched it again recently. First time in many years. I gotta say, with the exception of the tits and cool cars, it was a really bad movie.
Without tits and cool cars, most movies are really bad.
Yeh, that’s the one.
Elaine was such an annoying busy body feminist.
And it always back-fired on her. Probably couldn’t get away with that now.
The genius of Larry David.
Roger Ebert got his start in the movie business by writing scripts for Russ Meyer.
Everything you ever wanted to know about mantises
And maybe some things you didn’t want to know:
I suddenly want an omelet.
The Democrats should get rid of the Donkey and get a Mantis mascot
*adds hummingbird brains to Paleo diet*
P.S. There is a photo of said brain eating if you’re into snuff flicks
Why does the one from Africa have to be a “devil”?!!?!!?!??!!!!!!!!!
You fucked with the mantises, Morty
PROOF OF NIBIRU? NASA IS monitoring huge object heading towards the Earth next month
Hey, it’s been a good run. See you on the other side!
800 kt worse case., were it to hit.
Wonder how many whiz by that we don’t see?
big as a tower blockShould I readily know how big one of these is?
I’m not sure, is it a Minecraft reference?
‘Selfie war’ paramedic in Florida sentenced to 6 months
Did they let him take his own mug shot?
*narrows gaze*
Wow. I just made the mistake of turning on the Morning Joke clips from NBC. Scarborough is losing it. He’s making an outraged tirade about the heroism and nobility of John Fucking McCain. What a blithering imbecile. I’m surprised he hasn’t broken down sobbing. Poor McCain, he’s dying. DYING! And you ignorant mouthbreathers booed him. Oh, woe. What have we become, America?
Apparently, this is today’s live feed of Morning Joke. Trump is going to kill us all.
For my Jewish Glib friends:
Oktoberfest Was Invented by Jews
You know who else built a German empire?
Werner von Siemens?
Bayern Munich?
Otto von Bismarck?
Albert Speer?
Adolph Coors?
Muslim refugees?
The Krupp Family?
Uwe Boll?
You sure you didn’t mean Uwe Blab?
Empire (of shitty movies) builder, not bricklayer.
Marcus Aurelius?
I.G. Farben?
Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler?
David Hasselhoff?
That Aldi guy?
Keith Weinberger?
So what you’re saying is that Oktoberfest is part of the (((Zionist))) conspiracy.
Speaking of He’BRews
Apparently, Puerto Rico had some sort of natural disaster. Now they need money. Lots and lots of money. And money.
Now they need money. Lots and lots of money. And money.
Well, that’s new.
Good thing they saved up for a rainy day.
Hey, I could use some Swiss gaze muscle over here!
*begins to narrows gaze, sighs, shuffles off*
not feeling it.
It’s not a ransom demand, mind you, but if we don’t start shipping pallets of money to Puerto Rico, they’ll have no choice but to start shipping all their people to the mainland.
What’s the process for someone coming from PR? Do they jump the line?
Considering they are all US citizens…there is no line! And everyone was leaving the island for the mainland anyway.
I have a call to figure out how the hell we’re going to get adjusters to work there for the next six months. My answer was to empty the island and sell it to Branson.
Don’t sell it, there are so many other things that can be done with an Island once it’s been cleared.
My vote is for Jurassic Park.
Private Chipperbot do you have a throwaway email you can post here ?
I would like to contact you.
Jumping a Conga line is bad form
Take an airplane… or a boat. And viola! they’re in.
One way ticket to NYC
I’ve seen New York City. Paradise it ain’t.
I consider it the opposite.
Puerto Rico
You ugly island
Island of tropic diseases
Always the hurricanes blowing
Always the population growing
And the money owing
And the babies crying
And the bullets flying
I like the island Manhattan
Smoke on your pipe and put that in
Manhattan – boring concrete spans full of miserable people. No one appeared to have a clue what they were doing or why. Even the privately run shuttle bus ran late, and I was glad once I got through the airport, and the 777 was in the air.
Of all the places I’ve been, none were sadder or more pathetic than New York, New York.
Well, since they are a US territory we have to pay for their shit anyway.
So what difference at this point does it make?
The difference it makes is that once they enter a state, they have to pay federal income tax if they work. So this is a huge bonus for the states if there’s an influx of labor and the number of free-riders diminishes.
I love Puerto Rico. But the scam they were able to run decade after decade needs to end.
Oh, yeah, right now they get the federal largesse without paying the cost. The sooner that shit ends the better.
I always laugh at places like PR who get to have a flag and pretend to be an independent country when everyone knows they’re a protectorate. It’s sorta what would happen to Quebec if they went independent. They’d still need to depend on Canada to at least help leverage against American hegemony. Ironically, making them still more ‘dependent’ on both Canada and the USA.
That’s how we feel about Canada, one of our protectorates. *hugs Rufus and pats him on head*
Big Brother’s Bex Shiner strips to clean the house and reveals failed Jedward tattoo cover-up on her bum
but I do glamour modelling
AKA “porn”.
Plot twist: it’s John porn.
A landwhale cleans her house naked with curtains open for any unfortunate soul to see. Why do you hate us, straffin?
…why the long face? Seriously. Why is her face so long? It doesn’t look like it started out that way.
Gravitational pull from her belly.
*opera applause*
A new kind of map: it’s about time
Hasn’t every mapping program since the original offline version of Microsoft Streets & Trips given you walk, cycle and drive time from pretty much any location to pretty much any other location instantaneously (just in case you’re too retarded to just t=d/r)? Including up to the minute traffic conditions based on GPS coordinates and turn-by-turn directions since, like, 2003? Talk about a solution in search of a problem.
This doesn’t actually show the terrain. It transforms the map into a time based graphic. So something 5 minutes and 10 miles away will be closer to you than something 10 minutes and 5 miles away.
Fuck that. You know what kind of maps program I want someone to develop? I want a map program developed that calculates my ETA based on potential delays along my route based on probability of accidents when I’m actually going to be in that area.
I don’t need to know there’s a 20 minute delay in Mobile that’s adding time to my trip if I’m leaving Houston for Atlanta. I need to know if it thinks I’ll be hitting traffic as I drive through there in 12 hours and estimating the additional minutes.
I know it would require a lot of data collection and calculations, but it would be infinitely better for people who drive long distances.
Honestly, if you’re not to Slidell, that delay in Mobile won’t affect you. And you should know when the tunnel sucks by now.
I think this feature already exists in Google maps. Under the panel where you input the source and destination there’s a drop down that normally says “Leave now” that you can shift to different departures and arrivals – but, I think it fails at predicting probable delays. If Google hadn’t drunk the Favloraide, I’d give it a few years to be fully integrated. But they’ve been progressivly poisoned, so I don’t know if they’ll get it working, ever.
There’s always a delay in Mobile. Always.
Just be glad you don’t have to drive down 98 through Baldwin County at rush hour.
Google should already have that data in their hands, if not from their own sources then from Waze. It shouldn’t be too difficult of a task at all to go through all their existing historical data of travel speeds and reported incidents to produce a “probability of traffic problems” map that not only shows the delay risks of a given route but the high and low travel time estimates through each region.
Sounds like you have an app to build.
If I worked for Google or Waze sure. Problem is THEY have the data, I don’t.
““The Communists did many terrible things,” my grandmother always says at the end of her reminiscences. “But they made women’s lives much better.”
That often-repeated dictum sums up the popular perception of Mao Zedong’s legacy regarding women in China. As every Chinese schoolchild learns in history class, the Communists rescued peasant daughters from urban brothels and ushered cloistered wives into factories, liberating them from the oppression of Confucian patriarchy and imperialist threat.
For all its flaws, the Communist revolution taught Chinese women to dream big.”
Fuck the New York Times, and their entire “Red Century” series.
When the NYT has a sentence that begins with, “For all its flaws,…” make sure you don’t have a mouthful of coffee at the time.
For all its flaws, the NYT would be really appreciated in Venezuela for its sanitary effectiveness.
Duranty’s legacy lives on.
Wait, wrong one…..
As long as they had the right sorts of dreams, I guess.
For all their flaws, slavers sold cheap cotton that clothed the world. See how insane that sounds NYT?!?!
For all their flaws, the Nazis made some amazing roads.
In 2017, wearing the hammer and sickle should be as offensive to people as wearing the swastika.
Well except for the millions who starved to death, were shot, died of typhus in labor camps, the forced abortions, the baby girls thrown down wells by families that want their one permitted child to be male, the girls in orphanages who never learn to speak because they have no human contact, the 12 year old girls Mao liked to share his little red something with. Except for them Communism was just peachy for the women folk.
The NYT is THIS close to saying “Say what you want about Hitler, but he did kill a lot of Jews.”
Meanwhile, in Egypt.
Oh, I think there might be a law or two related to it…
Development is bad, m’kay.
This anti-gentrification “Blight is good” crap pisses me off. I would have been happy if that slum I grew up in got gentrified, there might have been a period before we had to move that It would be safe to be outside.
Day one of the stop being a lazy piece of shit.
Is this like Day one of quit smoking? Again.
First day of new job? I think that was you. What is it again?
Not I. I haven’t been to the gym since birth.
Did a bunch of sports just a few years ago. Now I ski, and that’s it.
I’ve decided my cardio is shit, and I need to do something.
In other news, Libertarian Student Daughter successfully opened a 5 pin Master laminated padlock by single picking.
::sniff:: they grow up so fast! She’ll be stealing lead off church roofs soon …
That sounds like too much work. Master locks have a tendency to pop upen with one good hit from a small sledge. I know of at least one trucking company where that was routine operating procedure when someone misplaced the keys – it wouldn’t even permanantly damage the lock.
I thought about going into the forensic side of locks for a bit. Basically determining if something was picked open.
I thought about going into it for personal enrichment, excitement and eventually, the prospect of three hots and a cot.
I mostly pick up random information because I spin yarns for fun and profit.
A homeless guy I got to know in Boston while waiting for the T every day offered me half of “at least 50 grand” in a safe he knew about.
any safe that guy knows about is guarded by a lot of guns.
Yep, and you can take a helicopter ride to the top of the Matterhorn, but some people still like to get to the top the old way, or some reason.
Can you schedule some time to open the lockbox with my picks in it? I locked myself out of it…
First day of locksmith school, a classmate locked his motorcycle keys in the trunk (?). That was very hard for a bunch of novices, but our teacher wouldn’t help. We got in eventually.
Worst case, I can swap out the bits on my drill press and destroy the lock on the box, but I’d rather not.
In a practical sense, sure, best way to open a lock is to drill the barrel out, and I’m totally hip to that, but *sometimes*, you just need a non-destructive, and occasionally undetected means to get a lock open.
Cars, I never bother with there’s always an easier way in.
You’re acting as if I said there was no reason to learn to pick locks.
I was picking on the choice of a master padlock.
Oh, simple. Ubiquity.
It’s a good skill that has gotten me almost as many calls as when I had a pickup from friends.
I just loved how the practice lock I got binds on the pin closest to the opening first – and it is so low that the picks kept dislodging it trying to reach the other pins…
I still haven’t figured out how to get past that quirk. Any suggestions? (If I ever get that lockbox open and get to my picks again)
Hook pick? The main secret is trying to work back to front if you can. Could be too much tension too. most of the time you don’t need much. my tension hand almost bounces between no and slight pressure.
If I could set the back pins on that lock first, I would, but as I said, that front pin binds first, the holes are not neatly lined up with each other.
If the actual chamber holes aren’t lined up from the cylinder to the bible (where the spring and top pin are if anyone doesn’t know) my only thought is a lot of lubrication. You could also try to pick it upside down, so the spring is below. that might be enough to convince the top pin to stay beneath the shear line.
Yay! The spin dial ones (the four on the bottom) from master can be beaten with some strong wire. if you put the wire into the side of the third wheel and push up to the middle of the lock, it just pops open.
I don’t know if I told this story, but when my friends were graduating I bought them some nice champagne. It was locked up and the clerk didn’t have the key. I asked if I could just pick it open instead of wait for whoever did have the key. it took seconds.
I have to see if I can find my old set of Majestics and see whether I can still function …
These guys took baby steps towards not being totally worthless.
We Did 100 Push-Ups Every Day For 30 Days
Gilmored it
Pretty much this after a run every morning is my plan so far. I tried to start a few weeks ago. I got to day 3. then skipped like 13.
Shouldn’t one take a day off to rest the muscles, or something?
If you don’t train to failure, you don’t really need to. I lift every day, low rep and heavy weight, but stopping at the point just before my form starts to suffer. And I rest a lot between sets. “Greasing the groove” it’s called. I do 10×10 alternating one-arm kettlebell swings and 10 windmills or get-ups depending on when I last vacuumed, and I’m usually ready to go after about ten minutes of rest. Knocked ’em out this morning in about 20 minutes, hopped in the shower, got the kid dressed, and went to work. The nice thing is that you see noticeable gains in terms of strength, muscle mass, and energy, but you skip the pain part, so you don’t dread exercise. I’ll take a day or two off if I really need to, like if I’m sick or something, but I stay around 5 to 7 days a week, mostly.
Every day, one hundred push ups! One hundred situps! 100 squats! And run a 10k! Training so hard your hair falls out!
This might be too much.
One-Punch Hype!
Every time I read something like that, I think of this: (Hat tip to HM,)
2000 sit-ups a day to make your make your body stone 4000 leg kicks to the tree to harden bones 600 finger push-ups to tighten up your grasp Then you may become a student of mine to walk the path
Well, there were supposed to be line breaks in the lyrics. Whatever.
No Charges for Either Party in Police Crash That Killed a Six-year-old Child
I think that Keisean Anderson, the machete-waver in question, should have manslaughter added to his remarkably short and mild list of charges.
God I hate that shit.
Fuck mens rea.
Except if your name is Clinton.
You see either you do something wrong, society can hang all the sins committed sat the same time around your neck.
Did he have his lights/siren on? No where in the linked article could I tell if he did or didn’t. If he did, then why in the world was she trying to turn left across traffic? If he didn’t, then why the hell wasn’t he?
Seems like an important piece of data to leave out.
Re, Machete Boy, is the harm in question a reasonably foreseeable consequence of him threatening store employees with a blade? If so, hang the charge on him. If not, then no.
Well it’s reasonable to assume that if cops get involved, someone will die, so it’s tally the guy were called the cops fault.
“I suspect anybody who waved a machete around at my local Kroger would be the recipient of more incoming ordnance than the HMS Hood within seconds.”
Way to bury the lede, so to speak
Repeat reminder — will go in the text of the Afternoon Links where no one will read it:
Tampa Bay area Glibs. I am proposing we meetup either friday or saturday to induct Negroni into the Disreputable Order of Florida Man somewhere on the Tampa side. If you have an opinion on where/when, please drop it in the links or email me at brett(underscore)bolt(at)yahoo(dot)com. I’ll try to get things organized by the Wednesday afternoon links so we all have at least a day to get our stories straight with bosses and significant others.
My thoughts on the NFL:
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said that Trump’s “divisive comments” showed “an unfortunate lack of respect” for the league and players.
– Iowahawk
Divisive lack of respect for flag and anthem and the majority of their fans very fortunate, I guess.
It is all a ploy by Trump to restart the XFL.
If he loses in 2020 (which he won’t), that door is wide open now. He’s enjoying his revenge right now.
USFL II – The Revenge
“FRESNO, Calif. – A Good Samaritan stepped in to do what police say was the right thing, but now, that man could find himself in legal troubles.
Back in July, Fresno Police say 30-year old Ryan Flores used a gun and tried to rob the Starbucks near Herndon Avenue and Highway 99. 58-year old Cregg Jerri stepped in to stop the crime, and the two got into a fight. Both men were hurt, but the Flores family said their son plans on suing Jerri for excessive force.”
Seeing the jury surge out of the box to deliver a swift and brutal beating to the plaintiff would restore my faith in humanity.
And his attorney, Brett. Let’s not forget about the attorney.
Rule 11, damnit. Start using it.
I thought about it, but I might get involved in quixotic suit that people think my attorney should be basitnado’d for taking. So I’m letting the attorney off. He’s probably on contingency and hopefully gets nothing.
Although seeing him get 42% of the beating would be satisfying, if not moral.
The plaintiff’s bar provides a valuable service and has helped make many industries safer.
It’s just that the ethical rules against frivolous litigation are so often a sick joke. Flores is lucky the old guy didn’t lay his throat open with that knife. I’d have tried to when Flores kept refusing to surrender and kept fighting me for the blade.
Mr. Flores, you got your ass kicked by a man twice your age who’s six years from collecting social security. Stop embarassing yourself.
Hey how the hell are criminals going to make sure some fucking citizen saves the rest of us the grief and the cost of lodging them or taking care of their dependents if citizens can just grease them when they are in flagante delicto, huh?
I have no idea what you just tried to say.
I would have selected one of those wooden stools as a weapon and done my best to drive the rim of the stool through his skull.
Video game voice actors reach deal to end almost year-long strike
The first thing I thought when I read that was the perverse incentive to flub takes and increase the number of sessions required.
I’d suggest a payment schema based upon the number of lines of dialogue used in the final game. That way they’re incentivized to do a good job and have as much of their work product included as possible.
This is Union they’re working with. Why would the want an incentive to do a good job?
SAG should be dissolved as an anti-compeditive cartel. It’s not a trade union.
Meanwhile, at least half of these people striking will protest the “1%” being too greedy and not paying their fair share.
“Antifa leader is professor who repeatedly advocates for “dead cops”
In a Thursday, September 14th article from The Hill titled “Antifa activists say violence is necessary“, author Katie Bo Williams discussed Antifa’s proclivity towards violence with activists in the movement as well as academics who support it. One of the people she spoke with was Mike Isaacson, who is one of the founders of Smash Racism D.C. and a professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice”
Tucker had that guy on.
Sargon covered it. Starts at 23:14.
Look at his NECK
Human nature is 100% conditioned, eh? Maybe we didn’t try hard enough and just need to kill a few billion people rather than a hundred million to finally shape the New Soviet Man.
Not that shitbird again. That guy has gotten way too much publicity already.
He really does look like a turkey.
re: Villanueva
What are the odds he got a call from the NFLPA?
50/50 that Call got there while he was on a conference call with his coach and owner demanding he publicly debase himself.
I wasn’t lying when I said I was done with the Steelers. Fuck em.
The pisser is, the Steelers really couldn’t afford to fire him. I went through the math yesterday in the Afternoon links, but suffice to say it’s tough to cut a guy in the first year of a multi-year deal when you’re up against the cap.
Too bad, as the Texans’d kill to get a decent RT, and could easily afford to pay him his old salary and more.
What happens when you don’t understand economics…
How dare you link to John Oliver without the slightest warning?
I’m in it for the lulz sometimes
We need more regulations that can only be complied with by the largest corporations to prevent this sort of thing.
When you create incentives via regulatory fiat that only the largest corporations can comply with, corporations will merge and become larger, so that regulatory costs (which is part of their financial statements that determines their performance, stock price, capital they can raise, etc.) become a smaller percentage of the total.
This anti-gentrification “Blight is good” crap pisses me off.
You can’t have people with jobs moving in and taking over your neighborhood. It’ll lose its character, man. What are you, some white bread yuppie motherfucker?
That would have been an upgrade.
I think that Keisean Anderson, the machete-waver in question, should have manslaughter added to his remarkably short and mild list of charges.
You can bet the ranch he’d be charged with first degree murder of a Noble Law Enforcement Professional if that idiot cop had been killed in the crash.
Women smashing the glass ceiling with their tits.
1, 6 and 12 for me. Still waiting on the Fibonacci Sequence.
You were a little late so I tried to fill in with a link upthread. I may have gone a little too thicc.
The more the merrier! It’s not like I own all the world’s T&A (though that would be nice).
That wasn’t thicc straffin. It wasn’t anything close to Q’s FLBP links. For even suggesting it was anything like these, you deserve a *narrowed gaze*!
*nods in agreement*
Just mixing my posts up. Hot Asian, Hideous White Chick. Gotta keep you guys honest.
Could you throw in hawt black chicks every so often? Maybe take out the white landwhales.
Jungle fever vs Yellow fever. Sounds like HM’s territory.
He does find some hawt thicc black and Asian chicks, doesn’t he? But, Jungle fever is the best.
10 leads the pack for me, followed by 17, 20, 34, and 46. With the standard caveat that any of those women would reduce me to a stuttering ‘tard.
1,9 & 25
14 wins with a lovely blend of goofy sexy.
25 on the right shows me something special, and bonus points for girl on left.
2 with an admirable place.
UPDATE: Two Years After Embracing Racial Protests, Mizzou Football Is A Dumpster Fire
Completely unforeseeable.
So, racial protests lead to collapse in minority admissions.
How Did Marriage Become a Mark of Privilege?
AF;BB bro.
I don’t see any mention of the fact that the incentive profile of welfare make marriage an expensive proposition for those on hand-outs.
The NYT is far too sophisticated to understand incentives.
“Unemployed men are less likely to be seen as marriage material”
When will we stop this tyranny of capitalism that makes our value judged by our ability to make money
Marriage, which used to be the default way to form a family in the United States, regardless of income or education, has become yet another part of American life reserved for those who are most privileged.
So the poor are somehow being prevented from marrying? Fuck you, NYT.
People’s choices are creating differences! We can’t have differences!
I think sane privilege is what they are asserting. People who stay married tend to have two partners with high relative sanity. So its just sane privilege if you stay married for long periods of time.
Good Decision Privilege
This is essentially the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome.
This has always been the case. No, you want to know the real reason for the decline in marriage? Try looking at the rising divorce rate over the years, combined with men being far more likely to have their bank account raped in said divorces. Men are starting to wise up to the raw deal that marriage is for them. That is why marriage is declining. You want to see marriage rates go up? You’re going to need to do something about divorce and family courts.
Maybe. I think I would just wait to see marriage age male labor force participation tick up and what effect that might have before moving on to the women are all harpies looking to steal my money problem.
women are all harpies looking to steal my money
I don’t think protecting my stuff or believing that she can afford her own rent is the same as thinking women are harpies.
Child support is a different bag. And I would probably land in the “little of column A, little column B” over LFP.
FWIW, I am seeing a good number of wedding/engagements from the people I know on bookface.
What do you do when your best friend wants to marry someone awful?
You take a deep drink, and be grateful you’re not him.
You can’t fight a friend’s boner – says so in the scriptures …
Some sort of complicated road trip based intervention if comedy movies have a say in the matter.
Smile and say “Congratulations!!” Buy them a gift. Get drunk at the reception, but don’t get weird drunk. Take an uber home from the reception.
this is probably the adult advice.
I don’t wan’t to ruin a good friendship. “hey, bud! been a while!”
“Yeah, hey. wife and I are still together, dickhole.”
*wife gives cut throat sign*
If you don’t say anything, they might not like you for it after the fact (this literally happened with my good female friend, who I had given the “I don’t think that’s gonna last” kiss of death to 3/4 boyfriends, but never met husband #1 until their wedding, which I believe was the plan). I didn’t want to say anything at their wedding, so I just shut up, and wham, 3 years later, she’s divorced. Luckily she found a much better guy this time, and even though I haven’t met him, I can tell he’s much more her type (and she wised up and didn’t invite me to the 2nd wedding).
It isn’t that all women are gold-digging harpies. It’s that anyone could be and they’d have the government backing them up. Not worth the risk.
“Women don’t want to take a risk on somebody who’s not going to be able to provide anything,”
And upthread
younger men, millennials, are expecting more traditional partnerships with women. “They’re expecting their wives to step back from their careers when it comes time for family or other obligations,”
Can we put both sets of these supposed researchers in the Thunderdome until one of their narratives emerges?
Is mike pence really short, or is luther strange really tall?
Luther Strange is 6’9″ and is the tallest Senator in the history of the institution.
You know what they say about tall Senators…
Big feet?
He is a comic book villain! I knew it!
So, Lex Luther and Hugo Strange combined?
Naw just their handicapped vat-grown clone-child.
Trump is tied for tallest POTUS, IIRC.
What Illinois needed was Robert Wadlow in congress.
THAT comment hits close to home…
“Among the most violent cities, Detroit is followed in order by St. Louis, Memphis, Baltimore and […]
Wilmington, Delaware [???]”
Am I crazy to think Trump can beat the NFL?
There has to be some kind of calculated madness to him doubling-down.
No way he loses this fight. The Venn Diagram of NFL viewer and Trump voters has pretty significant intersection and to those people this is just another “Deplorables” moment from the players and ownership. Trump stands up for them again. Trump knows exactly where to punch to hit the Kulturkampf’s weak points.
He can walk away from this anytime he likes, like someone who ran up the bidding at an auction.
All he has to do is throw it back at the NFL and say “I and many Americans disagree with what you people are doing, but ultimately, the NFL are the guys who will figure it out.”
Yes. He’s already won. If he never talks about the NFL again, he has cost them massive amounts of revenue (hundreds of $ millions over time?). And he took what was a minor annoyance from a few players and turned it into a complete disaster for the league.
I don’t really see any downside for Trump in this. What does doubling-down matter when it either results in a win for him or a wash he can walk away from.
Don’t care about the NFL. I do think it’s extremely idiotic for any business to insult a large portion of their customer base, especially when their business plan consists of being a luxury hobby paid for with disposable income.
Yeah. Either the NFL changes and Trump declares victory, or he just moves on to the next story and circles back around next time he wants to distract the media.
Not crazy at all. My father has been an NFL die-hard since he was a kid in the ’50s. Some of my earliest memories are from the Giants 1981 wild card season, which was their first playoff berth in 18 years. We talk on the phone through most of their games. I called him this past Sunday to talk Giants-Eagles and he wasn’t watching the game. “Fuck ’em”, he told me, which shocked me because it’s maybe the 3rd or 4th time I’ve ever heard him use that word. “Had enough. The quality of the play has been dropping for years anyway, and now this? I’m done.”
I think a surprising number of people feel that way.
That makes me think about my grandmother. Widowed Irish Catholic NYer. Went to church pretty much every day after her husband died. After the big pedophile scandals, many of which were in NYC, she quit going to church and had her own little Protestant revolution, deciding that she could talk to God just fine in her house. If the NFL is losing their fan equivalent of little old widows, they’re fucked long-term.
I wasn’t lying when I said I was done with the Steelers. Fuck em.
As far as I am concerned, this national anthem bullshit is the very least of the NFL’s problems. I would like nothing better than to see ongoing reports of plummeting viewership, and shots of thousands of empty seats on game day.
Personally, I’m thrilled. I’ve hated the NFL for years and enjoy watching it implode.
I’m not a big pro *football fan – prefer high school or even college ball to the big league teams. At least with the former the play keeps on moving and the offense is willing to take a lot more chances.
*or much of a fan of the sport at all
College ball is great. fake plays all over, wildcat that actually works, and a fair number of deep punt returns. Anything can happen, even in the last few seconds. Even the blowout games can be fun.
Maybe everyone will switch to nhl?
Nah. I was reliably informed on tweeter that pajamaboys are NFL fans too!! They will carry the NFL ratings just like they’re carrying the comic book market, it’ll be fine.
I’m wondering if the progressives have finally overplayed their hand on this. People *might* be starting to notice that injecting prog politics into every endeavor is cancer to the business.
Sometimes I wonder how badly Disney is infested.
With the movie franchise booming, corporate should look at the order numbers on the print and go “Why are our best books getting a fifth of the end of collapse numbers?” If they did a clean sweep and brought in even medicore talent with a directive of “cater to the moviegoing crowd”, they’d shoot back up into the six figures in order number in short order, possibly even higher if they lucked into good talent.
These should be boom times for Marvel’s print division. Even a medicore manager should be able to profit handily from the coattails of the film successes.
Wilmington always surprises me when it shows up on the most dangerous cities list. I’m aware that it’s been that way for a while, even watched a little documentary about it. But every time I think of Delaware I think about Bart and Lisa excitedly demanding to see a screen door factory on their vacation.
I guess I should visit, but tbh it looks like some sort of ultra-Baltimore Northeast/Southeast mashup where everyone is an inbred hick with a weird accent, but also an Eagles fan. I guess I didn’t really do enough to distinguish Delaware from Jersey, but you get the picture.
Wilmington is the white people of dangerous cities.
Sometimes you have to crack tens of millions of eggs to disrupt the patriarchy, or something.
It always comes back to Communism; the solution to everything.
2+2 = Communism
What’s the capital of Michigan? Communism
The Sun is how many miles from Earth? Communism
The sixth element on the Periodic Table? Communism
Thanks NYT, you sure are the NEWSPAPER OF RECORD and the GROWNUPS IN THE ROOM.
It seems that a few years ago the mask didn’t slip; it was ripped off, shit upon, lit on fire, then hurled at the general public.
No atrocity is too great if it advances the cause.
How much of that support/love for communism at the failing NYT is driven by the fact that in communist shitholes the state owns the press, and they are basically subsidized to deliver its propaganda? And everyone better read that propaganda as well, or else..
Income inequality = predictable result of private property = property rights are problematic = Full Communism is the only solution.
I’ve seen them argue that private property is fascism because the scumbag police don’t let The People seize the wealth and redistribute it in a socially just way.
This is what they mean when they talk about fascism and capitalism in the same breath. They don’t use the same definition as you and me.
Remember, AntiFascism = ProCommunism. There’s no need to call them AntiFa or Alt-Left. Just call them Communists and you would be more accurate.
Am I crazy to think Trump can beat the NFL?
Watching that hysterical retard Scarborough, the Morning Joke himself, braying about all the “Polls” showing how much America hates Donald Trump and loves the social justice gladiators of the NFL just makes me laugh. There are a lot (A LOT) of people out there who are sick and fucking tired of the politicization of everything. They want football, period. I wouldn’t go to an NFL game if they paid me. I’d pay money to watch girls’ flag football first.
Also- I think NASCAR learned a very valuable lesson when they tried to “discourage” their paying fans from displaying the Stars and Bars in the infield RV sections. It’s not at all surprising the France family (or whoever runs that circus now) made it known they weren’t going to put up with that shit.
Twitter says Donald Trump’s tweets are newsworthy, which might explain why he hasn’t been suspended
Because when they ban him and he goes to Gab or somewhere else, Twitter will deflate like an untied balloon.
Throws fuel on pizza debate
“When I was young, we used to take people like you around the back and beat them with a rubber hose”
Fortunately we live in more civil times.
I remember when Cracked used to have some funny articles before they went full SJW.
I really miss the old cracked. It was right around 2009 or so when started to notice the decline, now it’s mostly all prog, all the time.
Same. Started by just knowing certain prog writers to avoid (and IIRC those guys got about 1/4 of the views as the other ones), then their “science” articles got more and more IFLS complete with shoddy research and questionable findings (e.g. gendered languages that make “bridge” feminine strengthen the patriarchy by implying feminine things are to be walked over. No, I am not making that up.”) Eventually I just gave up. The only thing I miss are the photoshop contests.
Cheese and tomato don’t mix with cinnamon and ginger.
Matar paneer disagrees.
So, a giant cookie.
An update:
No new seizures yesterday, instead my son caught up on some much needed sleep. Doing a bunch of tests tomorrow. I’m not that nervous but there is an undercurrent of fear that percolating below the surface. This poor kid has already had to put up with so much in life, so I hope ‘n’ pray this was just a one-in-a-million thing.
I’m sorry to hear about your son. Make sure they rule out an aterio-venous malformation (AVM). They are very rare but often the only warning you’ll get is a seizure. I had my own 911 call experience about this and a family member.
I had to go back, I missed the start.
I’m sorry LH. I wish him and all of you the best.
I hope everything goes well and I will be praying for him and you
Sorry to hear your son is having troubles. He’ll be in my prayers.
Good thoughts. Much love.
Good to hear he’s doing well. I hope in the best possible way that the tests reveal nothing and that this was a one off event that you can move on from. Best of luck.
thanks, everyone.
What kind of parent would you be if you didn’t worry?
*crosses fingers for LH’s son*
Random 3AM thought: In the movie Terminator (and all the sequels/prequels), why didn’t Skynet create a biological weapon to kill off the remaining humans? The whole time travel/Terminator thing seems like a big waste of time ‘n’ energy if you could just spray the entire planet with a lethal pathogen.
Skynet could have just set up a school of higher education, teaching Social Justice, and loosing it upon the world …
Oh – wait!
You assume the goal is annihilation and not subjugation.
Also, the ability to retcon errors via time travel would provide for a substantial increase in strategic options.
I actually wrote a story in HS, that was admittedly something of a Terminator/Pre-Matrix war against the machines story, where the AIs do this. The problem was (in my narrative) that human are resilient and adaptive. By that point most human lived underground and were observing quarantine protocols anyway. Given the dismal state of humanity in the T universe, I’ve got nothing, except that skynet was built to control nukes and is not programmed to think in terms of bio weapons.
The whole thing doesn’t make sense. If you can travel in time, there are a lot more damaging things you can do than killing one waitress with hilarious bad 80s hair.
I just wish liquid aloominumb alwoy man had killed that sniveling kid early in the second one.
I was so high when I went to see T2. It was a Friday afternoon in Bloomington, IN. I melted into my seat. That movie blew my mind. Liquid metal guy? Fuuuuuck, bro!
It makes perfect sense. There are two immediate reasons I can come up with.
1: Proof of concept – show that the machine and process works.
2: surgical alterations to the timeline – nuking the past and hoping the causality leads to a win for yourself is high risk with too many variables to calculate, even for Skynet.
The real issue with messing with the timestream by proxy is that if things do change, then you’ll never know it. The mere act of sending a Terminator back to kill Sarah Connor is an admission that you fail to kill Sarah Connor.
That really depends on how time works in the universe in question.
It’s a bit muddy.
Eventually, the only stable time-lines/light cones are the ones where time travel is never invented.
And, if it is, some guy from the future should go back and bump off the guy who invents it ….
Not just should, inevitably does, like T2. If the threat from the future is so great (or completely routed) the next thing you do is destroy time-travel so your enemy can’t use it against you.
Although, weirdly, it got rediscovered by someone else, or something. Because Terminators kept coming back after their creator died and all the evidence was destroyed.
“The mere act of sending a Terminator back to kill Sarah Connor is an admission that you fail to kill Sarah Connor.”
This is why time travel is impossible. We’ve never had time travelers show up.
My theory is that aliens in UFOs are actually future humans who have developed time travel but realize that they can’t mess too much with our existence, thus why they never seem to land in Times Square or on the White House lawn.
Also, Learn2Worldlines/Multiverse Theory.
+1 plate of shrimp
Time travel always ends up with you running into someone armed with a DOOMCOCK.
If you think about it too hard Harlan Ellison shows up at your house and sues you for plagiarism.
+1 cesspool of imbeciles
In person? You mean I can shoot that paperhanging son of a bitch?
Better get your glass dagger ready.
The movie makes no sense, but then again most science fiction movies make no sense, particularly any with time travel involved.
According to James Cameron, Skynet suffered from guilt for causing the near-extinction of the human race in its act of self-defense, and has manipulated the entire Future War, down to the creation of the Resistance and John Connor’s rise, as a means to erase its own existence.
I think Cameron may be hitting Ridley Scott senile levels.
That’s even dumber than the original premise.
I’m sure Cameron probably ripped that off from some semi-obscure work by someone else, like everything else he’s done.
I still think the creator of the Smurfs should have sued him.
Or Poul Anderson.
Poul is one of my faves.
Motherfucker could have spent two decades making a Dune movie, but nooooooooo, he just had to ripoff Roger Dean album covers.
Just like my contemporaries pretty much all did when I was at school.
Except me. All my Roger Dean calligraphy looked like drunken slugs had been line-dancing on my exercise books. My levitating chunks of planets looked like diseased pieces of left-over brie, and the strange alien life forms looked – well – FAR stranger than his.
*gasps for air after prolonged laughter*
*wipes away tears*
My G_d, #6 – that was brilliant!
Well, they were usually done while I was listening to Greenslade and Mike Oldfield, enjoying the benefits of second-hand MJ smoke. So, not that surprising.
Roger Dean got me a passing grade in art for my Asia Alpha ripoff screenprint.
Cuz it’s not in the script.
Best of luck with the youngin’. Sounds terrifying. May you and yours be strong, smart and healthy.
Progs last week: American football is violent, misogynistic and leads to CTE! It must be banned!
yes, that has definitely been amusing.
What whiplash?
(1) Football causes brain damage.
(2) Football players are totes woke.
Q.E.D., no?
DLIII weighs in:
Golf Channel – News: Love: National anthem is not the time to protest
Lol, it gets better and better.
I was trying to think, “Who’s opinion on this could I care less about than everyone else I’ve already heard weigh in?”
Golfers aren’t exactly progs as a general rule. They are independent businessmen who don’t make anything if they don’t perform well as win prize money. They understand economics.
Plus it’s a national/international team competition. So expect a lot of red white and blue this weekend in NYC. And expect golf to get a nice viewership bump relative to the nfl on Sunday.
Although President’s Cup is clearly two tiers down from Ryder Cup, so the viewership bump isn’t quite as large.
* Commercial account for my S-Corp is now established.
* First remittance arrived in mail today
* Accounting system – such as it is – set up
* Web presence in place
* Other corporate image stuff almost completed except for … Logo….
* Communications infrastructure in place – email, constant contact etc.
* Still no product to sell other than my time and experience
… but then, I’m still being paid a salary
Excelsior! Victory At Sea! It is a good day.
What is your business?
Venezuelan surgical center/brothel.
Specialist database consultancy – focus within alternative investing/high security/compliance.
… with an offshore shell business in venezuela specializing in surgery and hand-j … oh, N/M
This is the one that would have made you the big money…
Millions of Bolivars!
Random question: Why an S-corp instead of an LLC? Rarely see S-corps being founded nowadays.
No stock issuance in an LLC. Makes minor partnerships and investors more difficult to obtain.
LLCs are my favorite entity because you can do pretty much anything with them. Most states have about a dozen or so things that are required, but after that they’re entirely systems of private contract. Though S-corps do make sense in certain situations, especially where you’re looking for larger institutional investors.
But as for minor partnerships, I just sold (well, just worked on the legal side of it) an 0.75% economic (non-voting) interest in a large LLC. Didn’t really need to do anything but make a few amendments to the Operating Agreement and get everyone to sign it.
Well yeah, you touch on what I hope will be an important point.
The “product” that I allude to that still doesn’t exist might well be a profitable specialist product that a hedge fund wants to buy into, and the way they’d participate would be via a Private Equity structured investment.
My operating agreement is locked in my desk drawer. The government doesn’t get to see a copy of it unless there’s a lawsuit.
No stock issuance in an LLC.
You can still issue functionally-equivalent ownership units. I probably have half a dozen joint ventures set up as LLCs with units rather than corporations with stock.
I understand. I’m structured as an S-Corp primarily because I’m available for sale. The kind of companies that would buy me prefer that structure. Of course, I carry no debt, so I’m unattractive to most of them.
I would say that for resale as a going concern, an S Corp is the way to go, especially for acquisition by investors rather than by an operating company. Also, if your customers prefer the optics, sure. My JVs are purely operational and under no circumstances would be sold (outside a sale of the entire organization, which ain’t gonna happen anytime soon).
I’m available for sale
Sounds like someone needs him a pimp to watch out for his shit.
Yep. I have my percentage ownership, down to the third decimal place, right there in the operating agreement.
Lol, I was going to ask the exact same thing.
You can realize some tax benefits with an S-corp depending on the salary/dividend breakdown, but if it’s a single member or partnership type of arrangement the ease of formation and reporting with the LLC is attractive.
You can also elect S Status in the LLC form. And pretty much all the limitations on investment (more accurately transferability of investment) apply to both. The LLC form is really the way to go for any small business.
Two reasons really.
First, the transferability and the fact an S-Corp is perpetual. I have some interesting personal complications that mean I might want to transfer the whole biz to another party without having to deal with share ownership. I have the option if I want to incorporate later – harder the other way around.
Second, this may become a very profitable operation, and the pass-thru tax rules work in my favor.
I’ve been on this issue with my accountant for a couple months, and based on my 3-5 year plan, the S looks better. The downside is that if I want to make acquisitions, I have to jump thru’ some hoops because of the company ownership restrictions.
Lastly – more an image issue than anything else – anecdotally, a fair number of my customerbase want to work with a ‘real’ corporation rather than a Sole Prop, or an obvious sole prop posing as an LLC.
Interesting situation in my wife’s case: She’s an equity partner in a law firm.
She’s an S-Corp on top of an LLP.
It didn’t really make a whole lot of sense to me until we sat down with the accountant.
Many? Some? states require law firms to be owned by lawyers, and to waive the limitation on liability. If that’s the case, a stacked S Corp for the partners makes sense to protect your personal assets from any liability that lands on her if the firm gets tagged with damages.
I know for certain that a non-lawyer CAN’T own a law firm here. I had to sign a few docs indicating that I was not a part of the S Corp even though I capitalized it.
Most of the smaller law firms around here are PC, and the larger ones are LLP.
Liability was certainly a consideration when we set things up this way, but the real advantage was taxes. Pretty much any remotely business related expenses in the future will be through the S Corp. Cars, gas, insurance, etc. All pre-tax.
For a different perspective of the NFL “let us shit on our fans” debacle, I wonder if this will accelerate the breakup of the cable package model and speed a la carte channel offerings. Fear of the NFL and not carrying ESPN has been a major obstacle, though one that has already been slowly overcome, especially with Disney’s announcement that they will be going it alone (too little too late for them).
I have already been a cord cutter for years so this is academic to me, but I applaud anything that sticks a finger in the eyes of the cable companies, who I despise with a special loathing normally reserved for the DMV and politicians. Although, there are one or two channels that I wouldn’t mind picking up as standalones in addition to our Netflix/Amazon/HBO library.
The unbundling/cord cutting double whammy is already slowly wrecking ESPN – revenue is inexorably dropping even while they’re locked into paying massive years-long rights fees. The prog mania is presumably their way of attempting to get new viewers… but of course it’s a very stupid way of doing it, and only accelerates the decline.
Prog mania has done so well for newspapers trying to get new readers.
I would love to be able to pay a team for some sort of season pass. stream it over the intertubes. I want all the games though. none of this blackout shit. The league could have an ultra pass with every team, or have a post season thing. The championship could go to PPV, if streamed. As long as it’s not outlandish, they could make some good money. I think a smaller sport will go this way first. Soccer (us) or indoor football? maybe hockey.
MLB has all of this short of the blackout issue. If it’s on local TV, you can’t stream it. It’s something like $100/year
I don’t watch baseball, but my first reaction was “I don’t own a TV, so if I were a paying customer of this service blacking out the stream wouldn’t make me watch it there”.
If somebody could sell me a Pac-12 channel that actually carried every USC game, and NESN that never blacked out a Red Sox game, I’d gladly dump every other sports channel.
David Burge, national hero, on the latest NY Times Red Century piece
Hell, you don’t even have to be that extreme.
China represents 56% of the world’s female suicides with twenty percent of the population. Must be doing something right.
In China, if your boyfriend breaks up with you, you really might never find another one.
I dunno, with 115 men to every 100 women, you’d think competition on the female side wouldn’t be so fierce. On the male side, however…
Test your sarcasm detector.
Burge is half of the reason that I even have tweeter account, but I’ve never figured out how he supports himself.
Two legs?
Elsewhere, he directs our attention here. The NYT has apparently decided now is the time to go all-in on the glorious revolution, eh tovarisch?
The NYT out of the closet? I am telling y’all, from inside their bubble they really believe the glorious revolution is upon us.
Look at the deluded fools out there and their gibberish about deposing Trump and installing Mrs. Maosuit as supreme leader.
I have a negative opinion of the NYT, but to play devils advocate the opinions section is not intended to represent the newspaper’s views. A decent newspaper would — in fact — publish different opinions.
Problem is the only opinions that the NYT seems to publish all revolve around the joys of collectivism, despite its brutal and horrible history..
Of course.
But yeah, every once while I see people get excited “The NYT ran a pretty *reasonable* article today”. Well, chances are it was just someone they briefly allowed in their opinions section.
Yeah, the NYT is as biased as it gets even in its “straight” news reporting. The way that they frame stories, what they choose to cover and not cover and the sources they cite are all in the service of pushing Communism as an ideal. They long ago stopped being anything other than a propaganda mouthpiece for the Far Left.
I like the Spicier reply…
“Yeah, but dream quickly before the communism kills you”
I think Fleccas might be more entertaining but this interaction was something else.
I thought Jewish Gay Private was a parody for the first thirty seconds.
the whole thing with him is worth the watch. you’ll have to go back for other parts of it. I think the commie is there too.
Stick around for my favorite quote!
“God I want pizza! My tastebuds have been oppressed for too long!”
You mean the part where the interviewer looks at the camera after the indian goes, “I’m sick of your holocaust shit” and has this look on his face like, “oh yeah. its on.”?
yeah. he just steps back and lets that whole clusterfuck go.
That’s hilarious. Victimhood measuring contest.
Young people at work, man. Once upon a time, I fell asleep at my desk at 10:30 a.m. too. (this is the avocado toast guy).
I don’t think I learned what a good night’s sleep was until I was about 30.
And at 50 I stopped being able to get a good night’s sleep.
University of Louisville caught conspiring with Adidas to pay a recruit $100k. There are taped recordings of them mentioning that they “have to be careful” because they are already on probation. Were they paying those hookers with new shelltoes??
Also, Adidas officials are under federal indictment and their stock price is plummeting, but U of L might FINALLY get called to the carpet for running the university (and town) like their own fiefdom; stealing millions of dollars, manipulating land deals, etc. The whole school needs to be gutted from top to bottom
A bunch of coaches got caught.
Arizona being the biggest fish there.
The Louisville one is so great because they literally just got put on probation and thought, “Hey, maybe we should funnel some money to pay for a recruit, but be very careful you guys!”
It’ll be interesting to see their punishment this go around.
I’m a UK homer, so take that with a pound of salt. That said, I don’t see how paying tens of thousands of dollars for a recruit WHILE ON PROBATION does not warrant the death penalty. That’s exactly what got SMU the first go round.
I know the NCAA has basically said they won’t use that again, but this should make them reevaluate that stance.
I would also like to point out that the state government has called for an official audit of UofL. Their former President left with millions of dollars of undisclosed compensation paid for by a shell “UL Foundation” whose board members include the athletic director. O yeah, the AD also got undisclosed compensation from that foundation. And the Yum Center was built using fraudulent ROI calculations, gives UL money from events not operated by the school, gives them total control over all scheduling and gives them right of first refusal which would mean they can buy a multi-hundred million downtown arena for pennies on the dollar when the arena goes bankrupt (the bonds have already been downgraded to junk status).
Basically, the entire school should legitimately be investigated by the feds.
And piss on ’em
Imma say, UK is just slicker and hires better prostitutes.
But otherwise, spot on.
I hear there are many women in Venezuela looking to sell pussy; maybe we can arrange something with the NCAA?
Jackson Lee Kneels During Congressional Speech ‘in Honor of the First Amendment’
Haha. Harder! Faster!
is it just me or does this ‘bending the knee’ just look submissive? Maybe it’s because I come from a country with a Monarchy, it looks like the’re submitting to the will of der Fuhrer.
When I first vaguely heard of this shit I thought they were doing something to indicate their submission/loyalty to the U.S., not a protest.
There’s definitely overtones of that. Consider GoT and the whole bending the knee thing. I think it’s been pretty well coopted by progs but will likely backfire in the long run as many things are these days
Could try photoshopping Zod into the pictures, though that could get tedious pretty quickly.
I really wish a group of pranksters would hold a “Kneel Before Zod” banner up during one of those NFL protests. Preferably in the same camera shot.
My wife was inquiring about how it is that SJL, a complete retard, could be a member of congress. I pointed out that her district is a wasteland of cannibal rape gangs and dumpster fires. That a new shiny Wal-Mart opened near her district and had the misfortune of being the closest one and the residents trashed the store so badly that it closed down in less than a year. That the people that vote for her are no longer residents of her district by the time she comes up for re-election.
Etc, etc.
The same reason Frank Johnson and Maxine Waters get into congress.
Explanations for the likes of Schumer and Pelosi are harder to come by.
Hank Johnson
The NYC Democrat machine is very well-honed with regards to getting their captive voters to pull the lever for whoever’s on the party line. It swamps the upstate vote and makes statewide offices effectively a local race downstate.
So, basically Aunty Entity
re: the Cisco course I’m taking. Can anyone explain what exactly a subnet mask of /32 means in practice? Would there even be a host to point to? /31 I understand to be a subnet with no broadcast ID, which I’m told makes sense since it’s a network of one address. So would subnet /32 just be a box with the network ID as its IP address?
Well, it’s identifying a single interface, of course, and that being on a /32 mask, is the only interface on the given network.
The issue is that the addressing mechanism is consistent with the masking notation for all devices – beyond that it doesn’t have much meaning other than it explicitly tags itself as a loopback – but IIRC, OSPF needs to have that pointed out so it can propagate properly.
I’m pretty rusty on this, but I’m pretty sure that’s the reason. CISCO’s code could work it out, if they didn’t have 25+ years of legacy equipment out there.
It means an individual IP address.
/32 addresses are usually used as loopback and other virtual devices, the source of eBGP peering, management and other routing protocols.
It can also be the destination of point to point connections. Technically if the interface does not require broadcast signaling (Ethernet ARP, token ring) like T1, T3, DS3 etc. then it doesn’t need to be assigned an IP address at all, and you would put in a static route to the peer’s BGP virtual interface, and then allow the eBGP to mesh the network.
You are probably used to thinking of broadcast hardware layers like ethernet that need the network, IP’s in the network and the broadcast for the protocol to work.
A /31 does have broadcast ID, along with a network number.
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110 and
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
Historically network numbers are just that and can’t be used as a host address. In current practice I believe many (most) networking equipment will allow use of the network number as a host address. In a /31, even if you use the network number as a host address, the other bit would be used for broadcast but since there’s only one host on the subnet, there’s really nothing to broadcast to. A /32 (at least in Ipv4, and I assume we’re talking about IPv4 all along) is an unusable subnet, which a /31 is as well. No network number, no host numbers & no broadcast address. In practice a /30 is the smallest unit and used for point to point links – network number, two host IDs, and the broadcast address.
And just delete what I said. Better examples above of actual usage.
This is a summary of why:
originally: servers have one network connection, therefore one IP the TCP application stream is built around one source IP and one Destination IP
Then, Routers:
By definition they have multiple IP’s… one for each interface. Now you need to manage these devices, and build OSPF, BGP, EIGRP etc.
To start you would pick an interface to be the real IP… and use that for management and for the device ID in the routing protocols. now how about a interface failure, and if for some reason that “ethernet 0” was shut down, then that IP goes away and the routing protocol breaks and drops the system.
To get around this we invented the “virtual” interface, usually assigned as a loopback. All management is tied to the interface, and since it is only advertised via the routing protocols, as long as there is one interface still active and one routing peer, that IP keeps working. It keeps your SNMP traps sane, TACACS all of it. I believe OSPF was the first protocol to require a virtual as part of its design.
This redundancy system can be expanded to servers (they also don’t like having multiple network interfaces either) for multiple interface redundency, and IPv6 has some conventions that automatically allow this behavior without a formal routing protocol.
I have an irrational hatred of IPv6 and want it to die in a fire.
IPv6 is mostly good* except for the size of the addresses. There is no conceivable demand for 2^128 addresses. Even if the population of the Earth grew 1000 fold and we needed 1000 addresses for each person, a 64-bit address space would still have over 2000 times as many addresses as needed. There is future-proofing and then there is just being stupid.
* = Now that many of the kinks have been worked out, anyway.
I don’t like looking at IPv6 addresses. I’d have preferred to just add more octeds to IPv4, having the existing address space be 001.w.x.y.z
Eh, they’re ugly, but the advantage of using hex groups over dotted decimal is shortening the length of the represented address by as much as 66%.
Harder to subnet in your head though.
The aspies that care about the handful of bytes used to document an address name don’t care about your meagre flesh limitations. The bitspace is all that matters.
IPv5 would have been a bit silly though.
I need to go back and work on my 6rd config in the SRX… I had a 6to4 Teredo tunnel on the netscreen.
My corporate masters have plenty of v4 space and are in denial about ever supporting v6.
Nobody should ever support IPv6. Just stare those standards-writers in the eye and say “Neigh”
If you operate in India, there is a government mandate to support native IPv6… The men with guns have spoken. (We farm that out to a 3rd party).
The security groups and their tools are way behind and not ready to support AAAA.
I just can’t let the skills get stale and say “you want me to support what?”.
Why should I let my operations be mandated by a gratuitously corrupt government on the far side of the globe?
I have a gratuitously corrupt government much closer at hand.
Money…. why else?.. There is more money to be made, than lost in complying with regional regulations. It is less onerous than ICP compliance with China.
Thank you all. Very informative.
So apparently they’re not going to suspend the Jones Act in relation to Puerto Rico.
It’s a fucking stupid law that should never have come into place in the first place. Not suspending it is even more stupid.
The one thing that John McCain may be right on is the repeal of the Jones Act.
Of course, if it ever came up for a vote, he’d vote to keep it.
Only if Trump supported the repeal.
The Jones Act has some very influential (generous) backers in DC. There are some large businesses that would almost instantaneously cease to exist if it were ever repealed and they know it.
My theory is that aliens in UFOs are actually future humans who have developed time travel but realize that they can’t mess too much with our existence, thus why they never seem to land in Times Square or on the White House lawn.
” You eat a lot of acid, Miller, back in the hippy days?”
NFL ratings were up 3% this week year-over-year versus 2016.
So basically nothing changed.
I thought that was just for monday night’s game.
maybe I’m wrong. I think all the booing at every stadium might be a sign.
I mean, the Browns are used to that noise.
According to what I read, ratings this weekend were down 10% from this time last season.
You’re probably talking about last night’s which were up because the Cowboys played.
I suspect this will not help
Say whut?
I think they’re saying “Pineapple ‘Pizza’ is gay”.
my first thought
well, I guess that’s it for us, love.
Are they trying to make me oppose SSM?
I will not tolerate this cultural appropriation of Canadian cuisine. Yankee bastards.
A fruit loop?
Pamela Geller is screaming about YouTube deleting her video archive.
Recently, she was complaining about YouTube demonetizing her videos, PayPal refusing to let her use their service for donations, Twitter “shadow-banning” her (so that her current subscribers can see her posts, but no one new can), similar treatment from Facebook, et. al.
Libertarians generally support the Fifth Amendment in regards to arsonists, the Fourth Amendment in regards to meth dealers, the Eighth Amendment in regards to terrorists, the First Amendment in regards to Muslims, and the First Amendment in regards to Pamela Geller. If Geller thinks that the government shouldn’t respect the First Amendment rights of Muslims, then I suppose that’s the big difference between Pamela Geller and us–“Atlas Shrugs” my ass.
Pamela Geller seems to support the First Amendment in regards to Pamela Geller but not the First Amendment in regards to Muslims, and someone really should point out the inherent contradiction there. She’ll scream about Berkeley shutting down Free Speech Week on First Amendment grounds, but doesn’t she use her free speech rights to call on the government to abuse the First Amendment rights of Muslims? Didn’t she want the government to stop Muslims from building a mosque on their own property? Doesn’t she claim that Islam isn’t a religion, but a political movement–with implications for their claims to First Amendment rights?
“Do unto others as you would have done unto you” probably isn’t just prescriptive; there’s also an element of “what comes around, goes around” associated with it. If you denigrate the First Amendment, don’t be surprised by the consequences–if and when people start thinking the First Amendment isn’t important.
If old Pam had her wits about her, she would have got that footage on other platforms.
If Pewdiepie can get demonetized and pilloried on Youtube, it was self-evident that she’d be hit.
These tech companies are setting themselves up for legitimate grievances on collusion and antitrust grounds.
They all started treating Geller the same way at pretty much the same time. A future Donald Trump style populist could make breaking up the tech giants a serious political issue with enough ammunition.
doesn’t she use her free speech rights to call on the government to abuse the First Amendment rights of Muslims?
I honestly don’t know. Does she? Got a link? My recollection is that she got beat up by the usual suspects for exercising her free speech rights, because a couple of Muslims tried to kill her for it, but I can’t be arsed to dig through the online record of every activist.
And, yeah, not keeping your own copies of your videos is really, really stupid.
I keep a personal archive of all of my originals for ease of reference and to be able to make use of the materials (and scraps) in later projects. I can’t imagine not working this way. Who throws out the master copies (besides the BBC)?
I know that she argued that the Ground Zero mosque should be shut down–that those people shouldn’t be allowed to build a mosque on their own property.
I know she argues that there is no moderate Islam, that the only moderate Muslims are secularists. I know she argues that terrorists aren’t practicing a perverted version of Islam. They’re simply being true to the Quran.
I know she’s a big proponent of the argument that Islam isn’t really a religion, and I know that the obvious implication is that Islam, therefore, isn’t entitled to First Amendment protection. In fact, I can’t imagine what else that argument could possibly be about.
First paragraph seems . . . not, perhaps, right on point for the 1A. More of a property rights case than a 1A case, unless the argument is that “churches” are exempt from zoning laws, or she was arguing that they should be denied for reasons other than zoning issues. Honestly, the details of the Ground Zero mosque kerfuffle have gotten pretty vague; seems like there were arguments made that were basically “this thing has problems under zoning that don’t have much to do with Islam”, but like I said, I’m foggy on it.
Second paragraph doesn’t really have anything to do with the 1A.
Third paragraph – OK, but not attacking their free speech rights so much as their freedom of exercise rights.
“not attacking their free speech rights so much as their freedom of exercise rights.”
No need to refresh your memory, whatever her argument was at the time–Geller’s real objections weren’t about zoning ordinances. She presumably wouldn’t have cared if we were talking about Presbyterians, right?
Yeah, It’s about First Amendment protection for religious rights. She objects to that in regards to Muslims.
She supports the First Amendment protecting her own right to free speech.
She apparently objects to the First Amendment protecting Muslims’ freedom of religion.
Maybe she makes rationalizations about some distinction without a difference–I don’t know. Regardless, her objections are about Muslims and their religion.
She presumably wouldn’t have cared if we were talking about Presbyterians, right?
I’m sure not.
Maybe she makes rationalizations about some distinction without a difference
I think freedom of speech is different from freedom of religion – its a distinction with a difference.
And I have no doubt that, typical of most activists, she is unprincipled at the core, and wants double standards. I do wonder, though, if the double standards weren’t present on both sides of the mosque kerfuffle – the pro-mosquers demanding special treatment because mosque, and the anti-mosquers demanding special scrutiny because mosque.
I wasn’t saying that she was making a distinction without a difference between free speech and freedom of religion.
I was saying that there may be a distinction without a difference between the government violating the First Amendment in regards to religion and the government violating the First Amendment because, for instance, Islam isn’t really a religion–it’s a political movement like communism or fascism.
She can rationalize it however she wants–but she’s still talking about violating the First Amendment–and she’s offering a rationale for how the government could/should violate the First Amendment. Now she’s screaming about how her First Amendment rights are being rationalized away?
I can offer a rationale for how it’s perfectly constitutional for the government to prevent a farmer from growing wheat on his own property for his own use. Doesn’t make it so, and it doesn’t mean that the government isn’t violating that farmer’s rights.
If she were arguing for that rationalization and then turned around and started complaining about how the government was violating her property rights and citing the commerce clause, etc., etc., yeah, I might point out that what comes around goes around, and if you spend a lot of time and effort trying to persuade the general public that property rights don’t matter in face of the commerce clause, you shouldn’t be surprised when people use the same rationales to come after you.
Meanwhile, honest civil libertarians have been eviscerated by her and her fans for sticking up for the First Amendment over the years, so I won’t apologize for saying, “I told you so”.
She can rationalize it however she wants–but she’s still talking about violating the
First AmendmentFree Exercise Clause –and she’s offering a rationale for how the government could/should violate theFirst AmendmentFree Exercise Clause. Now she’s screaming about how herFirst Amendmentfree speech rights are being rationalized away?Two distinct rights, Ken, even though they are both housed in the same amendment. I don’t find it intellectually inconsistent to argue that free exercise rights should be narrowly construed, and free speech rights should be broadly construed – hell, that’s current judicial doctrine. I disagree with it, but I understand that there are valid arguments for this approach.
Darn it, clicked too soon:
Even this argument:
the pro-mosquers demanding special treatment because mosque, and the anti-mosquers demanding special scrutiny because mosque.
can have a legitimate basis in the 1A – the anti-mosquers are arguing the establishment clause – giving special treatment to religion of any kind violates that clause, while the pro-mosquers are arguing the free exercise clause – using facially neutral laws to shut down a religious establishment is prohibited.
I maintain that our real right exist regardless of the Constitution or the First Amendment, and while our real religious rights and our real free speech rights are related by something I’d call “freedom of conscience”, religious rights and free speech rights are different in other ways.
I also maintain that our legal rights, as defined in the First Amendment, are important because they exist to protect our real rights from abuse by the government–like a glove protects a hand. That is why the government violating the First Amendment on free speech or religion is a distinction without a difference.
In the case of the First Amendment, the law does such a good job of approximating our natural rights, that our real rights and our legal rights can seem like the same thing; however, they are not the same thing.
Our natural rights to free speech and religion may be legitimately distinct, but advocating that the government violate the First Amendment (our legal rights) is advocating that the government violate the First Amendment (our legal rights). This woman has advocated ignoring the First Amendment rights of Muslims, and now she’s complaining about her rights to free speech? Yes, I’d like to take this opportunity to remind everybody that advocating violating people’s First Amendment rights can and does lead to people thinking that violating the First Amendment shouldn’t be an important consideration.
I may have hit reply too fast, too.
This place needs an edit button!
I might have written it this way, too:
“Yes, I’d like to remind everybody that advocating violating people’s First Amendment rights can and does lead to people thinking that [free speech] shouldn’t be an important consideration.”
Live by the sword, . . .
We’re pretty much in agreement – I’m just pedanticizing here:
That is why the government violating the First Amendment on free speech or religion is a distinction without a difference.
Freakin’ festival of premature clicking.
That is why the government violating the First Amendment on free speech or religion is a distinction without a difference.
The question is, whether the government is violating the terms of the first amendment. There are separate and distinct enumerated rights/restrictions on government power there. I can violate freedom of exercise without violating freedom of speech, etc. The distinctions do matter, and mushing everything together as “1A” rights doesn’t help sort out what the restrictions on government power are.
It matters which of the rights are being attacked. I think, for example, that in our current plenary government, the establishment clause and the free exercise clause are fundamentally in conflict, and free speech rights don’t even come into it when we are talking about cases where the government either violates free exercise by requiring Christians to serve gay weddings, or violates establishment by giving a religion-based exception to the anti-discrimination laws.
But, if I take the position that the 1A requires Christians to serve gay weddings, and you disagree, I don’t think that gives you any argument that my (separate) complaints about my free speech are hypocritical or inconsistent.
IOW, I don’t think that arguing for a narrow reading of the free exercise clause demeans free speech or disables me from arguing for a broad reading of the free speech clause.
“Do unto others as you would have done unto you” probably isn’t just prescriptive; there’s also an element of “what comes around, goes around” associated with it.
There’s an Iron Law for that.
I should add, I think that’s one of the reasons I find the media’s response to the NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem so nauseating.
When antifa and SJWs are shutting down free speech, we’re getting messages about how hate speech isn’t free speech, etc.
When someone wants to dis the flag and the national anthem in response to one of Trump’s tweets, suddenly they’re all about the importance of free speech and protest?
If it were up to the media, no one would have free speech rights except for them and their friends.
A wise man once said:
They say you’d better listen to the voice of reason
but they don’t give you any choice
’cause they think that it’s treason
So you had better do what you were told
I’m not even seeing a 1A issue here. Arguing publicly with the President is pretty much the 1A in action. He hasn’t threatened any government action as far as I know. Even if DoD were to pull its contracts, that’s not a 1A issue either – the 1A doesn’t require the government to contract with anyone.
And the Totes Woke crowd is in no position to claim that “free speech” prohibits employers taking action against their employees for their beliefs or speech (again, not that any NFL team has shown the slightest interest in keeping their players from pissing off their fans).
I’m not aware of Geller calling for Muslims’ to be denied 1A rights, however I don’t really pay much attention to her. I thought the draw Muhammad contest was pretty brilliant and it had the intended effect, but beyond that I go months at a time forgetting that she exists.
Also of interest, to me anyway, is the latest news on Trump’s travel ban.
Four items of interest.
1) The travel ban version released yesterday now includes Venezuela and North Korea.
That makes it hard to say the travel ban is all about violating the First Amendment rights of Muslims.
I’d be concerned about keeping out people fleeing the Venezuelan regime. There are plenty of well-educated Venezuelans legitimately fleeing the communist thugs running Venezuela, and those people don’t present any kind of security threat to the United States. I suppose they’re trying to keep the communist thugs from fleeing to the U.S. and living off their bank accounts in the Cayman Islands or something.
2) The travel ban is no longer temporary, but it’s also no longer a ban.
The old ban was supposed to be for 90 days until the administration put in better procedures, but it’s no longer a ban of anyone and everyone from coming into the country from those countries. The people from those countries will now simply be subject to more scrutiny than others.
3) Sudan is no longer on the list of countries covered by the ban.
Why? This may be why:
According to Becca Hella, director of the International Refugee Assistance Project, it suggests “the government of Sudan was pressured into agreeing to accept massive numbers of deported Sudanese nationals from the US in exchange for being dropped from the travel ban”.
If Trump is flexible enough to take countries off the list if doing so is in the long term interests of U.S. security, then whatever else you want to knock Trump for, this is evidence of competent governance. And it makes sense, doesn’t it? If we had trouble deporting threats from Sudan in the past because there was nowhere to deport them, that’s a serious problem.
Problem solved.
4) The Supreme Court has canceled oral arguments over the travel ban.
There will be no argument over the travel ban at the Supreme Court that was scheduled for October 10.
Re #4 – The case was about the temporary EO, which has been superceded, thus the case is moot.
In regards to #4, it’s because they need to test the current plaintiffs standing, so they’re, for now, asking the parties to tell them why the case shouldn’t be thrown out for mootness.
Point being, there isn’t much of an argument to make anymore, is there?
My objections to Travel Ban #1 were that it let the government violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments–and it also violated the due process rights of people who had already been granted a visa.
Travel Ban #2 answered those concerns to my satisfaction.
On what basis can they argue against this “ban”?
Is someone going to argue this on separation of powers? The Court has been deferential to the executive on national security matters like this since forever.
And the law explicitly delegated this exact authority to the President from Congress in very unequivocal terms.
No argument now. The suits over the new rules haven’t been filed yet but I am confident they are being written.
Venezuela and Sudan make me think Trump is using this as a negotiating tool. One of the problems we have with migrants is that when we want to kick them out, their home country refuses to take them back. Now they have a reason to take them back – it gets you off the “ban”.
Now, Venezuela may be happy to have an exit for its people cut off, don’t know if being on the “ban” is a stick for them.
RE: Venezuela – the ability to flee to the US has been a release valve for tensions in Latin American countries. Without it, the people would have to actually turn around and try to fix the hellhole they’re in. (Another reason to cut off the flow of illegals too)
Trump kind of fucked up. What he should have done is start a program for Venezuelan refugees. Call it “Refugees of Socialism” or something. Only accept people willing to support themselves, but who are unable to do so thanks to their government’s position on property rights.
Then watch the heads explode.
DEMOCRACY in action.
Players have been under a microscope since Trump spoke out on Twitter, highlighting divisions in locker rooms and among fans and commentators. A Fox News columnist, for example, called Villanueva a “hero among cowards.” Teammate James Harrison hinted to reporters that the team was surprised that Villanueva, who did three tours in Afghanistan and has been critical of anthem protests in the past, opted to do his own thing, against the vote of the rest of the team.
Let the shunning begin.
It’s pathetic that Villanueva got shamed into a struggle session over it. It’s extra, super double pathetic that any of this is an issue. Fuck the NFL.
Also from Bloomberg
The vast majority of the NFL’s 37 sponsors have remained silent. The league earns $1.25 billion from its corporate partners, who are eager to be affiliated with the most popular sport in the U.S. and the national TV audience it attracts.
For Sunday’s broadcast, the ratings were mixed. Matchups on Fox and NBC drew fewer viewers than a year earlier, while CBS said the number of people tuning in rose. Viewership for the entire season has been down.
Sponsors unsure how to respond. Huh.
Today, in vapourware
The battery-powered vehicle is due to be launched in 2020.
Dyson says 400 staff have been working on the secret project for the past two years at its headquarters in Malmesbury, Wiltshire.
However, the car does not yet exist, with no prototype built, and a factory site is yet to be chosen.
Sir James declined to give further details of the project. “Competition for new technology in the automotive industry is fierce and we must do everything we can to keep the specifics of our vehicle confidential,” he told staff in an email.
Important points that are undecided or secret include the firm’s expected annual production total, the cost of the car, or its range or top speed.
I can hardly contain my excitement. Where do I send my deposit?
He’s still negotiating what tax incentives are available to vaporware manufacturers.
He’ll get right back to you.
The up-side of the UK is that you could actually get a business like this off the ground *faster* than you could in the US
just make it out to Cars Are Super Hybrids. send it to me.
What the fuck are those 400 people doing?
Related to the metric post from a couple days ago: the metric alphabet.