Please don’t fuck this up. Please?
Amazon is making a Snow Crash TV show
Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash is one of the great unadapted novels of modern science fiction, right up there with its granddaddy in the cyberpunk genre, William Gibson’s Neuromancer. Given how screen-ready some of Snow Crash’s most famous sequences are, though—most notably, the high-speed, action-heavy pizza delivery chase that opens the novel—it’s honestly kind of baffling that directors have never managed to get a handle on Stephenson’s world of katana-wielding pizza guys, nuke-toting motorcyclists, and virtual reality paradise. The closest Hollywood’s gotten to date is Steven Spielberg’s upcoming Ready Player One, especially since Ernest Cline’s reference-addicted original novel cribs heavily from Stephenson’s virtual worlds.
That might all be about to change, though; Variety reports that Amazon has started development on a Snow Crash TV series, with Ant Man writer Joe Cornish and Back To The Future producer Frank Marshall shepherding the show to the screen.
I mean, I already had to suffer through years of worrying about Hayden Christensen fucking up Neuromancer with his terrible acting and dead doll eyes–not to mention the highly questionable casting choices of the upcoming Netflix adaptation of Altered Carbon–so the garbage that could be wrung out of Snow Crash is worrying.
Gawker Media… Oops… Splinter? Univision Media? Whatever. The Part of the Flock of Shitbirds that Weren’t Sued Off The Internet has started up a new nest just for Nature and Gaia and Global Warming Climate Change Alarmism.
Welcome Earther to your hate-read bookmarks.
Earther’s mission is to write impactful stories about how humanity is affecting life on Earth, and what that means for our future. We love geeking out over the weather, sharing the latest conservation success stories, and reminding you that climate change is very real. We strive to make Earther a friendly, inclusive site for everyone interested in the future of life on the Blue Marble, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.
Fuck, Marry, Kill: Jacksonville Edition
WNBA Star denies rumors of lesbianism
Kelly says: “People call me a lesbian a lot … I’m not a lesbian… I’ve heard that multiple times. I guess it’s something to try to get under my skin, but at the end of the day I know who I am.”
There can be only one, and it appears my links were found…. wanting.
We love you more than anyone except SF. Nobody wants to get on his bad side
*sounds of the doomcock powering up waft through the air*
You never hear the DOOMCOCK until it’s too late!
It sounds like SF is feared more than loved. Machiavelli would be proud.
firearms at night. everyone knows the black thing that goes up is pretty sexy.
Your mom/wife/significant female acquaintance would agree.
lace molle…
+1 LBV with the mesh panels
We gonna save you for later, baby. Vhyrus: After Dark…
I’m sure that wouldn’t be a first for any of us.
Wow. She looks just like me.
Starting this back up again, eh?
Poppy never went away, heathen.
Oh god no.
And now for something completely different
poppy is cool.
Poppy is annoying as fuck.
That’s what you get for insulting our Kween
Except that’s not a butthole. The butthole is much closer to the base of the tail and is occluded by the tail in that picture.
Even if it’s not a butthole, still an appropriate picture.
We need some new cat butthole pics.
You’d be surprised how difficult it is to get photos of those, given their propensity to stick it in your face.
“Fuck, Marry, Kill”
The black girl is the only one out of all those pics that is not criminally ugly.
pretty sure the first one is a dude
No prominent Adam’s apple but I’m still thinking you’re correct.
They all might be dudes. How much for the lot
Apparently, you can have them all for $500 without haggling.
From the looks though, you could probably work a deal for $57.50 and a sack of Chrystal (Kree-stahl) burgers
And the two ugliest ones, including the probable dude, are the most expensive!
Back by popular demand… dat azz.
Happy Friday Glibz.
Very magnanamass of you.
Bacon is learning. Excellent!
Very nice. I have a hard time choosing just a few.
Awwww….I was hoping for firearms links.
Interestingly enough, I was too. Huh….
Patience, Grasshopper.
something something shoot the wings off a fly?
Yes. Thank you.
I would like to second this. Nice links SF.
Welcome Earther to your hate-read bookmarks.
That reminds me, I don’t think I thanked you for the hate-read you sent me last week. Uh, thanks, I guess?
You are very welcome.
it’s honestly kind of baffling that directors have never managed to get a handle on Stephenson’s world of katana-wielding pizza guys, nuke-toting motorcyclists, and virtual reality paradise.
From my memories of Snow Crash it’s not baffling at all, since Stephenson lost his hold on it by the end.
But hey, I don’t see “linguistics” or “ancient Sumerian” up there, so I’m guessing writer never read the book, or would like to see only the first half adapted…
Stephenson is not good at finishing books. But at least It’s one of his shorter ones. So at least it’s doable in a season or two. Notice that the popular Phillip K. Dick movies are based on short stories. There is a movie of Starship Troopers, but not one of Stranger in A Strange Land (which was way more popular, but also way more complicated). If someone tried to make a series based on The Diamond Age, everyone would stop watching it by the 23rd season.
Hey, you try binge-reading ‘The Origins Of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind’ while on bathtub acid, and see how good a novel you can write then, buddy…
I was hate reading Ready Player One because it is terrible.
F’n A man. It was like an ok-ish cyberpunk book in the middle wrapped in a fluffy nugget shell of shitty writing and luke-warm pontificating from a guy who desperately needs to read Economics in One Lesson.
A Ringworld series is also being developed.
Sounds like fun…I’ll research the team later, but I love the first 2 books.
God, if they are gonna start mining once-famous Science Fiction for ideas, can they do some Poul Anderson?
I mean, just get costumes from GoT on the cheap once it’s done and you can do High Crusade – if it stuck to the book and didn’t turn it into “savage Crusaders destroy civilization, ruining space” it’d be an awesome mini series.
One of the ideas I’ve wanted to see for a long time (ie. if I won the lottery and started my own production company) would be to take a Masters of Horror format (different directors, etc) 1 hour cable show and cover a stack of Robert E. Howard short stories – not just Conan, but also Solomon Kane, Bran Mak Morn, Kull, Fightin’ Steve Costigan, etc, etc). I’d also try and do an “animatrix” anime style set of Howard “shorts” or even 1/2 hour episodes by different studios.
Pan, I think they could do a good series on “Brain Wave”, for that matter. Rereading that one for the first time in years.
That sounds very cool – I’ve only read one or two of his books so good to hear a suggestion.
Still waiting for a Lazarus Long movie.
11th, bitches!
That’s like being first twice!
Ah, memories of high school…
Anyone want to hepeat this?
“Fuck, Marry, Kill”
The second one does not possess the necessary qualifications for being a prostitute.
She has no teeth and specializes in blowjobs.
Insider knowledge?
I have some legit moonshine in a mason jar in my desk drawer. I’m gonna end my work day properly.
With a self inflicted gunshot wound?
/Kurt Cobain
I like my life too much for that nonsense.
That bitch Love did it mannn
Balls deep in… something?
By going blind? Paint thinner goes down smoother
Not always true. I’ve had some that you could use paint thinner to cut down on it, but some others that were like as decent as a quality bourbon.
I’ve had incredibly smooth moonshine.
Putting a rag in bottle and lighting up your workplace?
~8 years ago, my work had a catastrophic fire and burned to the ground.
Last moonshine moment?
Because you never got your red Swingline stapler back?
Ted S, if you want a funny audio book to replace your German broadcasts for a while, this is some good shit:
To clear up something from the morning thread, Yes the Baja hoodie is still fashionable as is everything else from the 90s.
Really? So Skidz are back too? I KNEW THEY’D COME BACK!
ooooh, and Hypercolor shirts!
Zubaz never went out of style.
*pulls black NIN and blue Mossimo shirt from closet*
The early ’90s summed up in a single picture
No, it’s not me – I’m a *sigh* Knicks fan, I’d rather brush my teeth with turpentine than wear a Bulls jacket. I do enjoy that he’s wearing a Bulls jacket with a David Robinson shirt. I did, however, have a pair of pants that, if they weren’t the exact same ones, were very similar, and I too had a pair of Reebok Pumps once. Mine were black and teal, though, the official colors of 1991.
You really CAN find anything on the internet – these were my Pumps.
I’m ashamed to say in 1991 I was doing my best Vanilla Ice impersonation.
I was 11, fuck off. 😉
I thought those were pajama bottoms.
WTF I was in college in 1991 and nobody (I would be caught dead with) dressed like this.
It was a younger kid thing – I turned 15 that year. Lots of kids wore those ridiculous pants.
I remember none of that.
I had British Knights!!!
I have Spanish speaking cousins that will not wear that abomination.
I’m proud to say I have no idea what a Baja Hoodie is.
I’m guessing it’s some kinda sex thing involving an uncircumcized mexican dude.
The dude who ordered the pizza is wearing one here.
Sorry man. You can’t ruin my fantasy. I’m not clicking that link.
I wanted to refine a comment I posted on the morning links
The dems play a common strategy that I’ll deem the inchworm. Here’s how it works:
1) Use up their political capital while in power to pass a shit law partially accomplishing their goals.
2) Put enough free shit in the law to keep the GOP from repealing it whole cloth the next time they’re in power.
3) Start planting the rhetorical seeds for a law accomplishing more of their goals.
4) Flagrantly overreact to proposed GOP fixes to the shit law.
5) Blame the inevitable economic consequences of the shit law on the GOP fix.
6) Use up their political capital while in power to pass an even shittier law accomplishing more of their goals.
This is why voting for a compromise on Obamacare is an awful idea. It either needs to be repealed every jot and tittle, or it needs to be completely left alone to fester, pinned to the Democrats. A vote for a compromise is a vote for single payer.
The one way ratchet in action.
I’ve notice a pattern whenever the GOP vagely attempts to fight back a shitty law like Obamacare:
1. We didn’t hear any ideas from you. All you’re doing is obstructing.
2. Some GOP politicians offers up an idea that is somewhat market friendly.
3. The Dems usually call the GOP’s idea unworkable and claim that they aren’t serious about governing.
4. The GOP politician offers some variation the Dem’s law.
5. The Dems freak out and call the GOP monsters who want to kill everyone.
What the Left usually means when they ask the GOP to compromise is to give them everything they want than some.
Snow Crash looks like it could be cool if they don’t fuck it up. But I honestly don’t trust anyone. One of my favorite book series (The Raven Cycle) is getting a
Sci-FiSyphillusSyFy Channel series, and I know I’m not going to be able to resist watching it, and I know I’m just about guaranteed to be supremely unhappy with it.I don’t think SC would be a particularly difficult book to turn into a TV show but you would have to iron out the plot, be careful about the casting and not turn Rife into a Trump allegory. That’s a lot to ask.
not turn Rife into a Trump allegory
Pretty sure that’s far too much to ask.
The casting of Y.T. is going to be so bad. So, so bad. I’m fine with her not being 15, but you know she’s going to be 30 or a transboy or some bullshit.
Seeing as she gets banged by the big Indian (before she shoots him in the dick with a tranquilizer dart), they just about had to make her older than 15 for the show.
I was thinking of the same scene.
I would say OMWC hardest hit, but 15 is too old.
I came here to comment this. Theres no way they don’t put some proggy bullshit into it, especially because there are so many chances.
One thing I loved about that book is that it broke every rule of writing a book, and it still worked. Not sure how you capture that on TV. I think it will be the plot of Snow Crash without actually being Snow Crash, and I’ll skip it.
I thought The Expanse was pretty well done, though I am not familiar with the source material in that case, so no idea how I would react as a fan.
can’t do any worse than they did with Americans Gods, The most annoying part of that debacle was Gaiman was heavily involved with the production and signed off on all of the stupid changes
SyFy did a pretty good job with The Expanse but I can understand the skepticism.
But they’d definitrly fuck it up into some SJW version of the original.
NYT writer is a moronic sociopath. In other news, Helium is a noble gas.
Is he still there? Can Trump pull his Visa before he gets back? I mean, he can stay if he’s having so much fun, right?
Being a hard-hitting journalist, I’m sure he took the photos after he ditched his minder.
Norks should have given this fucker the business, not poor Otto Warmbier.
Are you kidding? Do you think useful idiots with this big of an audience grow on trees?
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I completely understand why Kristof will get the kid glove treatment instead of the pliers treatment. Just griping about the unfairness of it all.
So, which is it? NK is a place of amusement parks and pizza where the people are happy? Or it is the type of country that you have to self-edit to only the best bits in order to make sure you make it out alive?
“his posts were not reviewed by the government” …. uh-huh. Sure.
Of course life in N. Korea can’t be all soul crushing poverty and fear of the hyper oppressive government–they have pizza.
Yeah but it’s probably deep-dish.
On the upside, they can’t afford pineapple.
They specifically had to send people to Italy years ago to acquire pizza technology, so it’s probably not.
I’m not joking.
Nick Kristof, 1938 – “You know, Kraft durch Freude provides some tremendous cultural and leisure activities to ordinary Germans!”
“‘I.G. Farben is really innovative!”
should be in the dictionary under “useful idiot”.
I have never really read a Nick Kristof column, but I did not know he was a total idiot.
“I have seen the future, and it works” — Lincoln Steffens on the Soviet Union, 1919
“There is no famine or actual starvation nor is there likely to be.”
— Walter Duranty New York Times, Nov. 15, 1931, page 1
“Any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda.”
— Walter Duranty New York Times, August 23, 1933
Sometimes it feels like I bitch about cocktail parties too much, but then I remember reading about how Duranty and his fellow useful idiots got cocktail-partied into covering up the rivers of blood of the Soviet Union and, well…
There’s a bit in there about how one of the Soviet parties had a see-through fishtank floor, in addition to the usual booze and spread. Just a little something extra ostentatious while millions starved or were worked to death in places like Kolyma.
‘”Every kid at this North Korea high school supposedly signed up to join the army after the Trump speech to the UN,” Kristof said in the caption.’
Oh I get it. He’s fapping about North Korea swooping down and destroying Trumpitler, then Hildebeast can be president. Gonna happen any day now.
Yeah…coming from the country with mandatory 100% conscription that is up there with the top 3 stupidest things you could write.
It was nice of the Norks to let Kristof keep his teeth so he could better enjoy the pizza.
Funny how there were no other customers in the pizza restaurant.
What an utter and complete scumbag Kristof is. This is really a new low for that shitheel.
So, I asked for ‘clarification’ (e.g.: help me with this fucking wiring diagram that looks like a unicorn shat spaghetti onto a plate) on a project yesterday morning. I’m still waiting.
I feel your pain. I have several incredibly needy and very demanding clients that expect me to drop whatever I am doing and immediately take care of their (usually self inflicted) problems that will take their sweet time whenever I need them to actually do something to help me help them.
“SSgt Sharpshooter, how to you wire this ballast?”
“They put a schematic on the ballast.”
“A what?”
“A schematic. You know a wiring diagram.”
“Go sit in the truck. Don’t forget to breathe.”
What is it with people who actually think conservatives are equal to progressives when it comes to safe spaces and micro aggressions? The false equivalence is grating.
It’s preposterous.
There are plenty of whiny cunts on both sides?
Yeh but one side is far – FAR – worse and directly attacking freedom of speech, opinion and assembly.
It’s a no contest.
That’s just means, motive, and opportunity, brah.
Yep, the comment section on TOS is now unbearable. Poor Gilmore.
What about you? Do you even work?
/smells armpits?
I’m sorry. Did you say something?
You were wise enough to back off. At least in the thread I had in mind. And then I went there again to get the link and saw that you got sucked back in.
Yeh. I’m WEAK. But it was Crusty so wanted to fish more out of him to see.
After all, he is a regular and not a troll.
not convinced.
Really? I know you’re not the only though.
eh. troll is probably strong.
I went back and responded. I don’t expect a ‘dropping of the gloves’. No need.
Is Gilmore two timing us over here? Thats not okay
He’s our man on the inside.
That’s what she said.
Did they manage to attract their desired lefty audience?
It certainly looks like it. Crusty seems to subscribe to the Robby/ENB version of libertarianism.
Let’s just put it this way. If you take a mild to hard libertarian position you’re more likely to get resistance than support.
Ugh, bailing out of there was a good move.
I rarely posted there but that is a shame. There were some good debates there. Really helped me find some of my more nuanced positions
Which is unfortunate, because he didn’t seem to be that way before. Seems as though he’s drifted along with the prevailing winds at TOS.
Yeh, I detected that too. Since the migration, it flushed out people’s positions I guess.
No, and that’s the hilarious part. They loath, loath, loath their readers. They treat their audience like the shit stuck to the bottom of their shoe, insult them, sling mud at them, and then insult them for reacting. And the bleeding just wont stop
WTF? That seems uncalled for.
I got shit on by a new Tulpa there the other day. If Glibs wasn’t blocked I’d probably be out of there.
I might add that there is still a lot of good discussion there. But the amount of trolls and other assorted assholery is just too much to bear sometimes.
oops, also linked to that twit.
Every now and then i need to remind myself why we all felt the need to leave in the first place.
I dunno, given that one of the defining characteristics of the alt-right/alt-light/whatever the fuck they’re called now is “to use the left’s own tactics against them”, I think there is an equivalence (and it’s intentional).
But to state there is an equivalence between the left and the right on net without any qualification is to ignore both the inherently reactionary nature of the alt-right and the blatant differences in means, motivation, and scale between the two groups. Despite the constant stream of Tweets emanating from the White House/Mar-a-Lago/wherever President Trump is at the moment, the alt-right is not the whole right and the right is not really in control of the institutions.
For example, Betsy DeVos is seeing considerable pushback from just trying to dismantle the DoE’s Kafkaesque Title IX inquisition. That’s not morally equivalent to creating the inquisition in the first place, which is what Obama did and the progressive left supported. From the Antifa “protests”/riots/assault mobs, to the people getting harassed on airplanes and in other public places, to property getting vandalized and stolen, the situation outside of Internet forums is pretty blatantly lopsided.
Of course, this whole thing is beside the point, which is that your rights don’t depend on your politics.
Because the right has been adopting most every leftie tactic for the last 20 or so years?
Not sure if this was posted already but here goes: An article from a lefty who also happens to be an actual journalist, Glen Greenwald, on the continuing Russia nonsense. It’s a good read.
I respect Greenwald. He’s a no-foolin’ leftist, but he has principles and will criticize Democrats, as well as Republicans.
Holy Shit
What an asshole…we need to bring back the Code of Hammurabi for this case.
My sis is a critical care trauma doc and she witnessed a schizophrenic patient in the middle of a major psychotic break do this to himself. Why he wasn’t tied down, I’ll never know.
Uncle Ruckus lost some weight.
Also, this right here is why we have guns.
Tennessee man says fuck Florida man.
something Erect something Washington monument
Was it getting flaccid?
Is that explosion in the pic supposed to be coming out of her Happy Meal?
Just her time of the month. Don’t worry about it.
How long until some freak has his junk out at the base of the statue?
Depends, when is Bill Clinton coming back to town?
How is that freaky?
The ERA is still a thing?
Only in the fever dreams of whatever 2nd wave feminists are still alive.
It still gets re-introduced to Congress every year. That should let you know how much of a thing it really is.
I can’t help but read it as “Deja Solis (R-Evolution)”
So, the designer creates a 45 high naked statue to raise awareness about sexual abuse? I just can’t understand the logic of artists much of the time.
Good, maybe it’ll suck away all the crowds from that stupid “fearless girl” advert that was posed opposite the Wall Street bull.
Beautiful beautiful day, aqnd I’m putting up NO TRESSPASSING signs, because inbred cretinous hicks who drive trucks cannot be expected to know my property is not a truck turnaround. Also now have my Explorer parked cattywumpus on the road to block the point of ingress. Welcome to the neighborhood, stupid.
Also- my *other* android phone, that I basically just used for google play music and youtube, locked up from lack of memory. I crossed my fingers and did a factory reset; now google play music won’t run. Well, hello there, spotify.
Spotify’s better anyway.
Amazon Music
Spotify. The best.
Yes. Especially this playlist called ‘Jangle Noise’.
Yeaahh….. you think pieces of paper are going to keep people from breaking the law. You’re adorable.
Want a suggestion? Caltrops. Lots and lots of caltrops.
Spike strips?
Jesus I’m having a say the same thing as the guy/girl above me but click post later day.
+1 Cattywumpus, one of my favorite words
Try uninstalling as many apps as possible and keep it in Airplane mode as much as possible to avoid memory-eating updates.
Fence it.
Or go Ancient Greece – bronze breastplate, shield, helmet, and spear. Back in the old days, that’s how real men settled property disputes.
Cattywumpus? Is that like Caddy-corner?
From now on we will use the word “model” in scare quotes.
Random nobody makes video, calls self a model for no apparent reason, and this is newsworthy because?
Answer’s right there in the headline: she’s black, fat and Muslim. Like totes duh!
Sheeeeeit, my wife sees fat, black Muslim women every day at work. I wonder if they know what an enormous opportunity they’re squandering?
The reason models are celebrated as art is because it takes time, effort, dedication, and usually a bit of natural talent to look amazingly beautiful, literally living art. Being fat, ugly, and obnoxious takes zero work and as such is not a prized commodity. Kim Kardashian, for all her faults, actually did have to do something to be famous.
I think you autocorrected “someone“, V.
She could have fucked Ray J’s hairdresser and become just as famous. Look at her FFS. The girl was smoking hot and from a famous family. Those people become famous automatically.
Meh. Even before all the plastic, she had a trailer trash vibe going. If you scrub the caked on makeup off her face, she’s quite pedestrian.
Most of the truly ugly women you see on a daily basis have at least one of two things going wrong for them. 1) they’re fat; or 2) they don’t know the fundamentals of skin care and makeup.
True. Fucking on camera is something.
Question time – I should be coming into a decent bit of money soon, which will allow me to finally buy a decent rifle. I’ve fired an M1A a few times and really liked it, so that’s the first one I plan on looking at, but what others would you lot recommend? Price range I’m looking at will be $1000-1500.
Just get the M1A and forget about everything else. Amazing rifle.
I’m with Q. Buy the M1A now, otherwise you’re just going to go through half a dozen rifles before settling on it again.
What do you want to use it for?
Target shooting mostly – I’m not a hunter. I mean, I guess I could use it for home defense but I have a shotgun for that.
Perfect for target shooting or hunting. Not a good home defense weapon. Way too much penetration, heavy and unwieldy. If you like target shooting, go for it. It’s easily as accurate as my .270 bolt action (and that’s saying a lot).
Then get whatever is fun for you. You might want to checkout ammo prices before you decide, although I think .308 has come down quite a bit.
Yup. My SHTF rifle is an M1A. Not the lightest weapon, but I lurv it so long. Get one. Get a good low-power illuminated sight (I sprung for a Trijicon ACOG because I have more money than brains). And, natch, load up on mags.
*waits wistfully for suppressor legalization*
ACOG? Well look at mister money bags.
Umm, do you even avatar bro?
more money than brains
My dad’s formulation was more dollars than sense.
I’ve got zero love for the M1a. It’s just not a good rifle by any objective standard, and $1500 ain’t enough for a good one anyhow.
But if you’ve shot a bunch of rifles and you like the M1a the best, that’s what you should get.
Nah, I haven’t really though. I have a .22 I go knock cans down with from time to time, and from the M-16 while in the service I’m plenty familiar with the AR, but that’s about it. I’ve shot my brother-in-law’s old WWII Mosin and it damned near dislocated my shoulder, shot a Galil once many years ago, a sporterized 1903 Springfield that a friend uses as a deer rifle. That’s all I can think of.
For a first rifle, I’d always suggest a 16″ AR from a good manufacturer – I’m very partial to the Bravo Company Reece-16 SS410. It’s an amazingly capable rifle for the price, especially when paired up with good optics. It’s right at the top of your budget, though.
The Reece is a good setup. If I build another AR it’ll probably around those lines, or something like the Noveske Diplomat if they ever lift the NFA restrictions on suppressors.
I would not recommend an M1A. If you are dead set on a 308, there are lots of affordable and reliable AR-10s that will do you much better in that price range.
Do tell……
Here’s one.
Here’s a stripped rifle that you can put any rail and stock on it you like.
Here’s a super freaking cheap one. You can buy this and spend the rest on customization.
Spend the extra $100 bucks and get a free floated barrel and a nicer stock
I agree.
Here’s a higher end one within your price range.
LaRue gets favorable reviews for their ARs in .308. They ain’t cheap though. Neither is a M1A. The .308 SCAR is supposed to be all that too. I like the .223 SCAR, and it’s quite controllable in FA, but I don’t know if it does things better than a good AR.
Are you planning on reloading (cartridges, not just refilling the mags)? How far would you like to target shoot?
.223 is awfully damned accurate until you start getting really far, and then it’s a wind-cheating problem. There’s a recent most of the HighPower guys went to 5.56 (and the Precision F-Class guys went to some flavor of 6.5 or 6)
SCARs are usually in the 2k+ range so probably not an option for him. Decent M1A’s start at $1500 and you aren’t going to get a really nice one at that price. Also, everything costs more for an M1A, including mags, scope mounts, parts, everything.
And they’re supposed to be—I don’t own one, and the only Garand-ish experience I have is brief HighPower shooting when I was much younger—difficult to accurize relative to an AR.
Re, the home defense thing. Not making any claims about .308, but 5.56 paradoxically will penetrate as many or fewer interior walls than most handgun bullets or buckshot. While having much better terminal effects than said pistol bullets, and much more capacity, follow-up shot speed, and accuracy than the scattergun. Go read something like Box o Truth or Brass Fetcher if you don’t believe me.
High speed bullets usually do not hold up well when penetrating walls, but will go just far enough when penetrating two legged bad guys. Something else to consider.
That Aero Precision .308 is a pretty solid buy.
I would avoid anything .308 from PSA. Actually, I would generally avoid PSA, but really stay away from their .308 ARs. They don’t confirm to the industry-standard KAC dimensional pattern, and as such they’ll have problems with aftermarket parts, magazines, and such.
I have 2 of them. I have not found issues with compatibility. I have replaced safeties, triggers, charging handles, stocks, and grips with aftermarket and they all work fine. Some of the left hand mag releases might take some jiggering (I had to take a dremel to my troy ambi safety to work properly) but in general I have had very few problems with them. I will get the occasional double feed so if you can afford something a little better then I won’t fault you but for the price I am very satisfied.
That’s the rub. Some PSAs will run fine. Others will be like the shooting equivalent of driving a Leyland Jaguar. PSAs ‘support’ is generally pretty useless, so if you wind up with a bad one, you’re fucked.
If you want a cheap AR-10, the Aero Precision or the Smith and Wesson M&P-10 are much better choices.
Not much argument there, and I have had at least one major problem with PSA stuff, but they eventually made it right. Since his budget is above PSA prices there’s no reason he shouldn’t aim higher.
Also look into the Smith & Wesson M&P 10
Dahlonega? Hah….that’s random. My uncle lives in Dahlonega. Tiny town.
Which M1A model though?
you think pieces of paper are going to keep people from breaking the law.
Yeah, i figger it’s likely the wily hick might consider a trespassing ticket or three just another cost of doing business. Hence the gate disguised as a Ford. I was out there in the driveway doing a little target practice yesterday, which can easily be heard from the neighbor’s building site. I think they could tell when I switched from subsonic .22 to 9mm.. I didn’t see them up there today.
Honest question: I’ve noticed an awful lot of circle jerking about North Korea by the Journolist lately. What are they trying to accomplish? You’d think if they were trying to sell Communism, they’d pick a slightly less transparently evil and awful subject?
What are they trying to accomplish?
The enemy of their Trump is their friend. Honestly, I don’t think there is any more to it than that.
I think that’s right, which led to the proliferation of stupid tweets comparing Trump to Kim.
Also, any time they can suck some sweaty communist dick and get away with it, they’re going to take it.
Well, they aren’t all that bright.
They are scared shitless of a war with NK, particularly if the US military gets rid of the Kim dynasty with minimal casualties. Because that would guarantee Trump’s re-election.
So now they are pushing the narrative that Trump can’t be trusted to wage war.
I think it’s more trying to humanize them as country being bullied into threatening to nuke the productive parts of Asia and the US West Coast.
I prefer your dishonest questions.
Aaaannnd….they’re useful idiots.
It’s pretty sickening though and do consider it treason. He’s doing this to undermine Trump. This is a *major* paper; what is the conservative equivalent that may have done the same to Obama? Besides the usual conservative talking heads I mean. I’m specifically asking of a conservative paper that is roughly on par with the *paper of record*. If it exists.
Chinese influence, irritated that one of their prize sticks for poking the US is irritating the Americans enough to potentially get regime changed?
But it’s probably, whatever Trump hates, we love, and vice versa.
Question for the attorney glibs and for glib management: There seems to be quite a few of us lawyers around, and it seems like there’s been an ever-present push for pro bono from all of my legal employers. The problem is that 95% of the pro bono work out there is either bullshit form filling or prog activism. I’m wondering if there’s a critical mass for a glib pro bono group (whether it would be official or unofficial).
My wife does some Pro Bono work at one of the local homeless shelters. Also the Hispanic center. It’s mostly landlord disputes, or crazy people being crazy.
I wouldn’t mind it, though I’m not sure how it would work.
My pro bono work generally ends up being prog activism, because my pro bono work surrounds incorporating charities and getting them 501(c)(3) status. Don’t mind it; it’s pretty easy work, looks good and I know what to say to the IRS.
(I also want to slap half the people who’d “helped” some of these charities beforehand, but that’s another story)
I’m not entirely sure how it would work either. One way could be helping out other glibbers with certain small legal issues. Another could be just throwing our weight around to help folks in established pro bono channels. An ambitious one could be helping with liberty issues when we hear about nutpunches that aren’t making the national news.
As in-house counsel, I’ve never been asked to do pro bono, but it doesn’t need to be though any kind of formal program or anything, or labelled as such. You might just find some non-profits or something that you like and let them know you can pro bono them up real gud. If you have a small business development center or similar in town, no reason they can’t hook you up with some startups or somebody that you can help with basic incorporation, etc.
As in-house counsel, I’ve never been asked to do pro bono
*tries to conceal burning envy*
At my company, pro-bono is a “minor factor” in getting a promotion.
*tries to conceal burning envy at both of you for working in-house*
“You’re saying I need to do some work for a non-profit? I work for a fucking non-profit all day every day, so I think I got that covered. We done here? Good.”
Maybe contact IJ, ACLJ or FIRE and ask if they have any cases in need of a lawyer?
I actually reached out to all of those, but they’re either not interested in volunteers, or they only run referral programs. Since I’m in-house, referrals don’t really work for me. I just got done having an email conversation with the EFF about this exact issue. I told them I can provide support but I can’t lead a case by myself, and they told me “thanks but no thanks.”
IANAL. But I know a bunch. Your law school probably has a Clinic or three, wherein the public can get help with their legal troubles for a very low or no fee. The students can do a lot of the work, under the supervision of an attorney, which is where you’d come in.
From the attorneys I know that have done clinical work, I have not noted any special Prog or Lefty-ish bias, unlike say the local Innocence Project. It’s just the usual landlord/tenant, debtor issues, divorce/support decree help, filing liens, wills/trusts etc… work that make up legal problems for many of the poor.
I am pleasantly surprised that pro bono requirements haven’t been made a condition of the law license yet.
I am pleasantly surprised that pro bono requirements haven’t been made a condition of the law license yet.
*bursts GG’s bubble*
Regarding my post at large, I think I need to be more clear. I have plenty of pro bono opportunities available to me, even unobjectionable ones. I’m more looking to see if the glib community was interested in leveraging our combined power for good.
Oh that’s fucked up. Just for new lawyers, right? We’re not even bothering to hide that we’re going to exempt the already licensed? Or is it a CLE-type thing?
Oh, and let me guess, programs like the one Houston had for awhile, where big firms would send baby associates to work for free in criminal court, to try and get some courtroom exposure (and thereby undercut people trying to start out), will count for this pro bono requirement?
This is pretty much standard operating procedure at most big litigation firms. They advertise as much to the potential new associates, because the potential associates know that otherwise they have 3 years of doc review to get through before they see the inside of a courtroom.
Any of you lawyer types read “Adventures in Legal land”? Im curious how well that would actually go over in a courtroom.
what others would you lot recommend?
I know nothing about rifles, but lever action carbines look fucking cool in the back window of a pickup truck.
Likely true. I’d need a pickup truck for that, though, and I’m not getting THAT much money.
A rifle on a moped looks fucking cool. Also, a crazy bird drafting off the windscreen.
Fence it.
I don’t need no steenkeen fences.
So, review again from this week. Not my best work due to apparent lack of a decent quality trailer on the DVD – and almost anywhere online. Bit of a problem with some of my dvds – also it was my backup review since I was on drill last weekend. Trying to make up for it with 3 more reviews this weekend – next week will be a Russian flick, followed by a Japanese flick and then some animation….either Korean or Serbian. In the next couple of months though, I have a couple of themed video reviews I want to do – one month will actually dovetail really nicely into the next – definitely looking forward to it.
Also – still want to aim for a Central VA glibs meetup at the Charlottesville Derby Dames bout at 2 PM on Sat, 7 Oct in Ruckersville, VA (N of Charlottesville on 29.).
I’m Richmond based, but will try to make it to that. I might have the boyfriend in tow – he thinks this is a writers group.
Introduce him to SF’s work and dispel all doubts!
…he thinks this is a writers group.
I think that’s technically correct – everyone writes comments, and some people even write articles (some of which are posted in the comments!). And we even evaluate each others’ writings, after a fashion. So it’s true, from a certain point of view.
I dunno, seemed fine to me. Maybe it’s just that the phrase “90s Vanessa Paradis” turns my higher cognitive abilities off.
I too am in Richmond (well, Glen Allen anyway) and would be interested in such a meeting but Saturdays are always bad for me because my daughter always has a softball game and my son always has a soccer game.
Sunday afternoon may work well in the future – here or closer to Richmond – but I’d like to take advantage of the opportunity here (either way I’ll be there).
I went to a new doctor today. She’s part of a new thing downtown, where you have to pay a yearly fee to get access. But I signed up this morning, and was able to get an appointment – online! – for an hour later. You can usually schedule within the same day or the next. Appointments are also longer in length than your normal office.
Also she came out to the mid century styled waiting room to get me, and spent a long time talking about this ‘n’ that of my medical history. A lot more intensive and personalized than previous docs I’ve had. Good bedside manner too. I was impressed.
So, uh… when’s the prostate exam?
next time. I will fill you in on all the details.
Good for you.
Also, belated good wishes for your son. Hope he hasn’t seized again.
All is well there so far. Thanks for asking!
Amazing the things that could happen everywhere if we unleashed the free market into healthcare. *sigh*
If you really want to stop illegal immigration, this is a lot more effective than a wall IMO.
Pretty simple supply and demand here. Don’t really know why it’s so hard to understand.
If you’re getting married to have more sex, I have some sad news for you.
I completely agree with the point of the article, but add this. The modern urbane feminist woman isn’t remotely worth marrying, and the urban men who are fucking these women know it. Marriage is a trade-off, you lose some independence and interpersonal peace in exchange for a regular source of sex and companionship. Modern feminists are horrible companions, and they’re “sex positive,” so there is very little benefit to marriage.
That’s before you add in the looming shadow of the iron fist of the state ready to send you into abject poverty or actually put you in prison if the woman you signed paper/swapped fluids with decides it would be cute to ruin your life.
^^^Give him a cigar too.
This is why you never get divorced in Florida. My god, the evilness of that state’s divorce laws. My uncle’s ex-wife is a pathetic alcoholic and drug addict, which is why she hasn’t worked in close to a decade, yet he has to pay her worthless ass alimony for the rest of their lives. The bitch was a fucking CPA! My uncle, on the other hand, is a blue collar guy who worked in delis and supermarkets all his life, working his way up to a nice living as the deli manager at a Publix. She’s the one who was a professional with a graduate degree, he’s the ordinary Joe who never spent a day in college, yet she gets to leech off of him till one of them dies. She’s already cleaned out most of his savings. On top of that, he can’t marry his girlfriend of the past 3-4 years because then her assets become fair game for this cunt, too.
Oh boy, here comes a rant…
I abso-fucking-lutely hate the analysis done on future support payments. The court tries to maintain the standard of living for the wife and the children. Fuck that, you’re getting a divorce. Split the assets and debts 50/50 and be done with it. If child support is necessary, it should only be legally required to 1/2 of poverty level, and any additional support should be on the conscience of the non-custodial parent.
I get biasing the split if, say, somebody just graduated pharma school with 200k debt and is going to be making 250k. The non-pharmacist spouse doesn’t deserve to take on the burden of pharma school debt. I even get a limited term alimony (6 months to a year) as an unemployed or underemployed spouse gets their feet under them. However, extended alimony is absolute shit.
As the lyric to some song tells us, “It’s cheaper to keep her, than to leave her.”
The problem is she can leave you unilaterally for no reason and still have the same outcome.
Exactly. The government has decided that women should be able to relinquish all obligations from the marriage contract but continue to reap the financial benefit of being married to the man. I don’t see how this is any different than some wacky scheme whereby an employee who quits can continue collecting paychecks from the ex-employer forever (wait, I better not give the “progressives” any ideas).
This may have been implicit in your comment, but I just wanted to say out loud that this should only apply to assets that they acquired jointly. My friend’s parents got divorced, and the wife was trying to get a piece of the husband’s retirement fund that he amassed before they ever met.
I even get a limited term alimony (6 months to a year) as an unemployed or underemployed spouse gets their feet under them. However, extended alimony is absolute shit.
Absolutely. Lifetime alimony makes no logical sense: a year or two should be sufficient for someone to establish themselves as an independent person.
Lifetime alimony, to me, seems to violate the 13th amendment.
It depends.
Say a man and a woman marry the summer after they graduated college at 23. They both attended school at Oklahoma, where he majored in geology and she in elementary education. After graduation, he gets a job working for an oil company in Houston. They move there. She takes a job in the Houston school system. 4 years into their marriage, he’s done very well for himself and has been promoted several times. They buy a house, and she stops taking her birth control in late September. She finishes her 5th year teaching, and quits a month before her due date. She has two more children, and never returns to work. Husband continues to do very well for himself. They move house to a larger one, and she is the primary caregiver for their children throughout their lives. At the age of 53, 20 years after her third child, their marriage dissolves*.
What’s an equitable arrangement? She has sacrificed decades of income to raise children and make a home. She can’t get that back. Her option is to reenter the school system has a 53 year old teacher with 5 years of experience. She is entitled to half the retirement savings, to consideration of family property, etc.
*I was purposefully vague, but the question “why did the marriage dissolve?” that is the crux of the issue: states have moved away from finding fault in divorce, because that is the icky nasty “legislating morality” that only evil SoCons do. But questions of morality are central to alimony, or they should be, because a divorce is a breaking of a contract. In all other aspects of contract law, who broke the contract is a very important question in adjudicating disputes. Is he fucking the secretary and wants to ditch his old wife? Is she fucking the pool boy while he slaves away to provide?
What’s an equitable arrangement? She has sacrificed decades of income to raise children and make a home. She can’t get that back. Her option is to reenter the school system has a 53 year old teacher with 5 years of experience. She is entitled to half the retirement savings, to consideration of family property, etc.
And he’s sacrificed decades of time with his family slaving away at work to provide for them. I completely agree she’s entitled to 50% of the current assets, but she doesn’t get to become a leach on him for the next 15 years just because they made choices that disadvantaged her in the career marketplace.
Taking a broader picture, I think that some people fall into a “career is all that matters” view during divorces.
I would offer up as a reasonable compromise that the time of the alimony can only last as long as the length of the marriage. That should provide for the long term marriages, and prevent the gold digging on the short term marriages.
^^^Bingo. Give this man a cigar.
“Many young men and women still aspire to marriage as it has long been conventionally understood—faithful, enduring, focused on raising children. But they no longer seem to think that this aspiration requires their discernment, prudence or self-control.”
Another point to this; old habits die hard and I think it’s rather unrealistic to just “turn off” the type of behavior outlined in the article. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that deeply religious couples who are virgins at their wedding night consistently rate happier in marriage and have more active sex lives (citation exists but I’m lazy). There is also research to show that having many partners prior to marriage correlates positively with likelihood to divorce and marital unhappiness (laziness…). Correlation/causation and all that etc. etc. And I couldn’t care less if your one overriding goal in life is to have sex with every one on the planet. Just understand that everything in life is a cost-benefit analysis and there are consequences to choices.
This. I’ve mentioned before that there are 2 cultures in the US today. One is a “sex is playtime” culture, and the other is a “sex is for serious, committed relationships” culture. Trying to take an institution from the second (marriage) and apply it to the first results in some really weird outcomes. The weirdest artifact of this dynamic is the “serial monogamists” who try to straddle the two cultures and end up getting married 7 times.
I told my gf right from the start that I am taking any tail that comes my way and she is free to do the same. She comes home for the same reasons I do.
Folgers crystals?
I laughed long and hard at that.
*Thunderous applause”
I don’t give a shit what kind of sex lives other people want to have. What I don’t like is that there seems to be a belief (originating with feminists) that monogamy is antiquated, harmful, or oppressive.
I don’t think that’s how it works.
He says it like that’s a bad thing.
Ya, if anything, you’d think there’d be a tiny downtick.
*Edit Faerie Blesses You*

When visiting Steubenville, Ohio, SIV recommends dining at Capri. In the harsh and foreboding upper Ohio Valley food desert Capri is your meatball sandwich oasis!
Like all great restaurants, it’s takeout and cash only. Eat in the parking lot and leave your plastic at home.
Y’all know who else exploited emotional labor?
Don’t you mean handmaids, shitlord
+1 Offred
Every (((mother)))?
Every worker ever.
Essential has sold just 5,000 phones through Sprint since launch: BayStreet
It’s a shame the phone had a such a shitty launch. Can’t blame anyone but themselves. However I bought the phone and love it. Haven’t had any major issues. Definitely would recommend it when the price inevitably drops. I hope they can stick around to produce a next gen that makes up for their screw ups.
No one else has brought this up yet today. Congrats!
K should, and the edit fairy should move it to the top comment.
Yesssss! **Balloons drop from ceiling**
I have a dumbphone and look down on those who don’t.
Just a reminder to Kentucky glibs I’m putting together a meetup in meatspace for next Friday. It’s going to be in Lexington, let me know if interested, as well as suggestions for places. I’m thinking ethereal or west 6th.

Shit I mean next Friday.
Can;t you use your portal gun to go back two minutes and correct the first post?
No, time travel ain’t my schitck, brah
That edit fairy is eerily prophetic.
What do you know, fairy! Reveal your secrets!
Looks like the book thread is dead.
Anyhoo… Re: Neal Asher
His first book isn’t on Kindle. (WTF?)
Where should I start?
The Skinner. It’s Master and Commander with giant monsters.
And also not on Kindle.
Send an email in through the contact form at the top of the page.
Or don’t. Check your linked email.
I never watched Will & Grace and didn’t watch it again but apparently according to my wife it was very political.Messing is another left-wing nut. It’s amazing. Hollywood is using their positions to undermine a Presidency.
I wish and pray it blows up in their asshole faces but I don’t think it will.
Anyone watch it?
I think the the show’s gonna tank simply because people are tired of being preached to. Especially, when all they want to do is relax and veg out to the television. Celebrities live in a bubble and think that everyone supports their bullshit but they are so far up their own asses, that they don’t realize that they are alienating people.
I hope you’re right. My wife is total apolitical and she was not impressed. It was cheap.
It’s not principled. At all.
That’s been my issue with comedy especially during the Bush and now Trump Administrations. The jokes basically were along the lines of, “The Republicans are stoopid.” I think Christopher Hitchens chastised Bill Maher when he made a joke about Bush being dumb because he felt as though the jokes weren’t that witty and it was a way for morons to feel intellectually superior.
Apparently, we’re the *snowflakes*.
South Park called it years ago.
My wife and I were looking forward to it, so thanks for the warning. The original version was pretty funny. But now that there’s such a thing as Netflix, there’s no reason sit on our couch and get preached to.
It was blatant in its didactics.
It truly is stunning.
I bet you every one of those asshole commenters talking tough would be outraged had a show been this blatant attacking that idiot Obama.
Oh God STFU. So brave and woke to cast a straight man in that position, too.
My wife adored Will & Grace and was completely turned off by it. She hates politics in her entertainment.
New Stargate series. Good, bad, ugly? As long as it’s better than stargate universe, I’ll watch.
They got themselves another trophy.
Note the crowing how Politico was personally responsible for it too
Because no democrat has ever misused taxpayer funded transportation.
So, Obama’s family treating AF1 and others as their personal courtesy cars has gone done the memory hole? Or the Members of Congress all fly commercial, and never ever hitch a ride on the private jet of a campaign contributor?
I have no idea if Price was any good, but I am disappointed he quit.
That’s why the Left went into a hissy fit when it was revealed that DeVos uses her own private plane and funds to travel.
Did you all get to watch Almanian’s car on TV last night? The hosts called him a “stand-up dude”. Here he is peeking under the hood of his Marauder. And startin’ ‘er up.
*Edit Fairy Hath Repaired*

First link. She died.
I watched it. Made me kind of sad. See if you can convince the Edit Faeries to fix your first link.
The first link is SF’d, but it’s an easy fix (the address is just repeated once in the link). Thanks for the links. I missed the airing of the episode.
It didn’t work still.
See below
I looked for it on Velocity at 9pm as per Juvenile but looks like we have a different schedule up here.
Yeah, could someone post the show and episode? I was locked out of the TV by Mrs. Dean and the Packers.
*gingerly pokes bandage on hand that reached for the remote*
Not on their web site yet, but here’s the page where it will be if they stream it.
Mrs. Dean has good taste in football.
Fixed first link
I forgot to say – I got the meaning of his user name because of the shirt he wore on the show.
what’d it say?
Alma College!
That’s way more simple than I had thought.
Alma university.
this makes me very happy and very sad.
The Jeep the girl did was pretty sick. At first I thought Al was getting the short end of the stick with the body-frame swap, but it was a lot of work and came out really nice.
Thanks KK!
For those who missed it, the DirecTV guide is currently showing it will be repeated next Saturday 10/7 at 11 AM Central time. This looked more like a special merged show than the sort of thing Velocity stacks up for binge watching.
Danke, faerie!
I noticed his front license plate. Made me a little more sad that I’ll never meet him.
Any other travelin’ glibs out there?
Interesting (but very long) article from the Atlantic about software complexity. It’s got the sensationalist headline of “The Coming Software Apocalypse” but it is quite an interesting read about the topic of software development as it relates to increasingly complex programs and bug testing. In the article it mentioned the ideas of “model-based design” as an attempt to create a different, more intuitive method of code construction, as well as TLA+, which is apparently a language for writing the logic behind a program to mathematically test its soundness. I’d be interested to hear the opinions of the programmers who frequent this board on how effective they consider both the model-based design approach as well as the TLA+ method and whether either of these things will supplant (or maybe just supplement) the current methods of programming.
I, too, would be interesting in hearing more about the Tits, Legs, and Ass Plus method.
Lol. That’s more of a hardware issue than a software one, though, don’t you think?
Depends on how much silicon(e) we’re talking about here.
I got to the (proven totally fake, btw) anecdote about the Toyota stuck accelerator caused by software, and then realized that article is longer than War and Peace.
While the thesis sounds interesting, it seems deliberately exaggerated to imply that software is making people less safe because it’s so complicated.
Well. Prove it.
There has yet to be a single year in which people in first world countries have not gotten safer.
I don’t buy this is that severe a problem.
Yeah, it is very long and did come off as a bit scaremongering, but there were still interesting things discussed about half-way through. I did not know the Toyota thing was fake, though, as they mention that the company settled the case for millions (but then again legally culpable is not the same as wrong).
There has yet to be a single year in which people in first world countries have not gotten safer.
I can’t help but think 1940 was a lot less safe for a good portion of the first world than 1939.
The electromechanical interlockings that controlled train movements at railroad crossings, for instance, only had so many configurations; a few sheets of paper could describe the whole system, and you could run physical trains against each configuration to see how it would behave. Once you’d built and tested it, you knew exactly what you were dealing with.
Software is different. Just by editing the text in a file somewhere, the same hunk of silicon can become an autopilot or an inventory-control system. This flexibility is software’s miracle, and its curse. Because it can be changed cheaply, software is constantly changed; and because it’s unmoored from anything physical—a program that is a thousand times more complex than another takes up the same actual space—it tends to grow without bound. “The problem,” Leveson wrote in a book, “is that we are attempting to build systems that are beyond our ability to intellectually manage.”
I agree with the quote in the last sentence, but the rest is unfettered crap. Software doesn’t fail because it’s not testable. It fails because the tests are inadequate. Right before I went to law school, we moved from a test-as-an-afterthought waterfall development cycle to a test-as-you-go agile model. We viewed the tests as part of the development activity, and we had a multi-layered testing system. I worked on an enterprise-level telecom system much more complex (and used in much more critical systems) than the one described in the article. I cut my teeth for 2 years almost exclusively on bug reports from the product using the waterfall cycle. During the year that I was on the project using agile, not a single bug was reported as making it through our test suite.
Software complexity is only an issue when testing is an afterthought.
It’s amazing a bunch of academics can invent a serious problem without providing any actual evidence — other than purely anecdotal — that software is making us less safe.
In fact, we are not less safe. So that seems like a highly suspect claim. I require proof.
They’re not going to get any grant money to study the problem of software making us more safe.
Software complexity is only an issue when testing is an afterthought.
This makes sense. The case issues in the article probably could have been avoided with rigorous testing.
I work on software that sort of falls into the operations research (ERP) realm.
The reason programmers don’t know the problem they’re trying to solve is because the end users really don’t know the problem they’re trying to solve. Garbage in, garbage out.
I work on software that analyzes X number of orders being shipped out of a warehouse on a given day (from hundred to thousands) and figures out how to get these all shipped on the fewest number of trucks such – taking into account delivery date windows, freight contracts with carriers (generally 50+ carriers totalling 300+ contracts), federal trucking regulations, etc.
It’s a large problem that really can only be solved by computer. No getting around software complexity in that business. First, somewhat easier step, is to simply look for orders that have to go to the same customer – with automated ordering some customers can wind up placing 100 orders in a day. So if we try to put these orders together as one, it makes the problem smaller. OF course 100 orders still might take 3 trucks to deliver, so we have to put them together to make 3 big orders.
In a nutshell, current client doesn’t like the output we generate. I tell them, OK, let’s talk about exactly what you’re trying to end up with and let me try that with some test data and let me see where the issue might be.
Them: The issue is which field you sort on. You should sort on date.
Me: How can you be so sure that’s the reason?
Them: Because you’re putting orders with tight windows together with orders with large windows.
Me: Yeah. That’s how it’s worked for 18 years. I’m trying to find out what it is with your data or your situation where that’s bad.
Them: We don’t have time to discuss. Just change it.
Me: OK. It’ll take about 3-5 days. About 4-6 thousand dollars.
Them: We’re not paying for you to fix a bug.
Me: It’s not a bug. I have 20 customers using that program with no reported problems.
Them: Well it’s wrong, we’re not paying.
Me: Well, you can work out the cost with your sales rep. But I think it’s best you get a custom version of the program. Because if it turns out the date sorting isn’t the issue then you’ll have wasted your time as well as mine.
Them: It’s the date sorting.
Me: How do you know?
Them: It has to be.
I take it upon myself to do the analysis. Turns out the issue is the weight sorting not the date sorting.
Me: I spent a couple days looking at the problem and it’s not the date sorting creating data you don’t like, it’s the weight sorting. I can get that changed and sent to you by tomorrow, no charge.
Them: No, it’s the date sorting. Fix the date sorting.
This is why complex software gets more complex over time. I’m actually offering them cost, speed, and quality. And all they want is further complexity they don’t even understand.
A program that is 18 years old has has all its simper bugs worked out – any remaining bugs are difficult ones. Writing a new program – usually under the guise of “it’s been patched so many times it’s introduced more problems” (usually an exaggeration) to replace the old one often only results in the new one re-introducing simpler bugs again. Time marches on and the world changes and program need additional processing once in a while. Code reviews make sure the patches aren’t done sloppily.
It’s the eternal triangle of fast-good-cheap. You can only ever get two. People want “new software” (as if new software is just like a shiny new machine) fast and cheap. Quality will suffer. And that’s the route the majority of customers take.
“It’s been patched so many times it’s introduced more problems” is accurate when the fundamental design of the program doesn’t match its use case any more. You can either shim something to make it kind of work but will have issues or redesign to match the actual requirements. Usually this is just done at the feature level not the program level but it still applies.
I’m not saying it doesn’t apply. I’m saying it’s a combination of exaggeration and poorly designed programs to begin with. And usually a poorly designed program comes from the fact that someone originally wanted a complex problem solved yesterday or didn’t want to spend any money on it. Quick and dirty – people actually INSIST on that and get surprised when it doesn’t solve every new problem that comes along.
I had a recent request for a program “fix” with just 5 additional ranked variables.
Which is 5! permutations. Or 120 different ways to arrive at an answer. When I told the requestor that 120 different permutations would have to be tested, I had to actually spend two hours explaining why.
“OK, just do 4 new variables” then.
“You aren’t even going to do 24 tests. Did you not listen to what I just said?”
“OK, just do 3 new ones then.”
“If you’re going to change your mind this quickly, I’m not sure you know what you’re trying to do in the first place.”
“I’ll get another programmer to do it then.”
The most fundamental problem in software is humans.
I read that article, and was somewhat reminded of George Gilder’s Microcosm.
“Software complexity is only an issue when testing is an afterthought.”
Obamacare – and nearly every other legislative scheme – in a nutshell.
Credibility score: 0. Even in the days of yore you weren’t literally writing binary.
No shit if the data can randomly be wrong something goes wrong. Redundancies at that level are a computer engineering problem, not a software design problem. I’ve written a controller that specifically polled three different sticks of RAM for use on a micro-satellite because we couldn’t trust any one to be correct in space. If it happens on earth, that’s a hardware issue.
If software is watching software then by definition it isn’t the same thing watching itself.
Provably horseshit. At least in the terms they’re talking about. The broader theme of you have to mentally model what your code does seems like a mix of “yeah, no shit?” and “you’d prefer people manipulated a system without mentally modelling what it would do?”
The mario example is cute and only useful in the very specific engine of jumping on platforms that he’s trying to simulate. Making tools like that for a designer is useful but tools development always gets the short of the budget stick. The calculated future map is neat but it’s only slightly more advanced than any modernish game development environment where design parameters are exposed and can be modified in real time. This is not new.
Model based design sounds comes across as a mix of Visual Programming, SDL and Domain Specific Languages. Concepts from the late 70s, early 80s and didn’t catch on for a very good reason.
This is the big fucking problem.
Shitty shops that have no incentive to write good code do this. Plenty of shops do not. Software Architect is a job title for a reason.
“I’m not formally trained how to design and write code and will generalize this to the rest of the world.” (This is why I’m extremely suspicious of self-taught and grill them on software design during interviews.)
TL;DR: a few evangelists peddling their magic bullet for writing bug free software that are somehow not like every other attempt at basically the same thing from the 70s, 80s, 90s. The writer and several people they interview seem to think programmers are wizards jealous of their power. Barely acknowledge the fundamental problem that a computer will do exactly what you tell it, and people are really fucking bad at specifying exactly what they mean.
I might be a bit insulted because it mostly blames programmers who have to deal with vague, changing requirements and are often pressured by management to get it done, not get it right with compounding effects from tech debt and trying to use nine mothers to have one baby in one month.
TLA+ does seem like an interesting tool, but for an article that spends an awful lot of time establishing that programmers are abstracted away from the real problems and how code is a mysterious, impenetrable wall of text it’s a bit rich to them promote “a strange mixture of math and code.”
*Edit Fairy Giggles and Fixes*

edit fairy, I forgot to close a blockquote tag in a few places
Dude, nice call on the Edit Fairy!
*high fives*
Thicc Asian thighs save lives.
No shit if the data can randomly be wrong something goes wrong. Redundancies at that level are a computer engineering problem, not a software design problem. I’ve written a controller that specifically polled three different sticks of RAM for use on a micro-satellite because we couldn’t trust any one to be correct in space. If it happens on earth, that’s a hardware issue.
It’s amazing how little the author knows about SW technology. I bet ECC would blow this guy’s mind, let alone TCP. There are many ways to make sure that there isn’t some bit flip that will make your computer drive you into a brick wall. Some of the advanced storage redundancy stuff is downright amazing.
Concepts from the late 70s, early 80s and didn’t catch on for a very good reason.
At a job in the late 90s, the company sent a bunch of us off to an object-oriented programming class. During a lunch break, I was sitting with two of my coworkers. These two guys were in their 50s and had been programming since sometime in the 1970s.
The one guy said to the other, “Hey, does this remind you of some software development paradigm from the 70s that DEG can’t remember the name of?”
The other guy said, “Yeah, it does.”
The one guy said, “Nice scam they got going here. Take some old idea, knock the dust off of it, tweak a thing or two, then pass it off as something new while charging companies big bucks for classes on it. I wonder when someone is going bring back flowcharts?”
*Edit Fairy Springs Into Action*

Shoot… I goofed that up.
“Hey, does this remind you of ?”
Should be:
“Hey does this remind you of some software development paradigm from the 70s that DEG can’t remember the name of?”
Danke Edit Fairy.
Thanks for the detailed response/analysis. I find software interesting, but only have an elementary level knowledge (a few elective classes in school years back plus simple modding of some games), so I really wanted an insider’s perspective of the claims made in the article. It’s good to know that model-based design is just a rehash of older, discarded ideas, as it was something that piqued my interest but seemed like something that would be rather difficult to execute in a way that was as flexible as the common programming languages (although my limited knowledge checked my skepticism, as I really have no idea what the limits are), so I’m glad to get an informed opinion on it. And it makes sense that “Software Architect” would be an actual job, as this would go a long way to solving the supposed problem raised in the article. As would putting testing front and center as mentioned by trshmnstr above.
Have these shits never heard of a checksum?
“I’m self-taught, been coding since I was nine, so my instincts were to start coding. That was my only—that was my way of thinking: You’d sketch something, try something, you’d organically evolve it.” In his view, this is what many programmers today still do
Sounds like our CIO/CTO pushing Agile and minimum [non]viable product.
I might try to read this sober sometime. But from a half drunk skimming it seems like sky is falling bullshit.
Short answer, panel 2.
Reich is a tiny bit right because the GOP aren’t really into reducing the deficit, but he is still arguing in a dishonest manner because he implies that the tax cuts are only for the wealthy and corporations. I made to mention on my acquaintance’s FB post that tax cuts are not only for the wealthy and the corporations, it’s also for the middle class and small businesses. Someone’s response to this was:
“Oh, quit bullshitting me. There is barely a middle class left. This is a giveaway to the wealthiest slice of America.”
I almost got wrote a screed but decided not to because the dude believes that economics is a zero sum game and he has a ,”I love PBS,” thing as his profile picture.
“When Barack Obama was president, congressional Republicans were deficit hawks. They opposed almost everything President Obama wanted to do by arguing that it would increase the federal budget deficit.
But now that Republicans are planning giant tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, they’ve stopped worrying about fiscal responsibility.”
The estimated federal tax revenue is for FY 2017 is 3.459 trillion. Estimated outlays are are 4.062 trillion.
To have a balanced budget at 3.459 trillion, we would have to have terrible slashing awful horrible no good very bad spending cuts to bring us back to the levels of spending of the dark times of 2013.
It’s a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Given dictatorial power I could balance the federal budget and pay off the national debt without touching Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid or raising taxes.
They opposed almost everything President Obama wanted to do by arguing that it would increase the federal budget deficit.
Given that Obama ran higher deficits than George W. “Deficits Don’t Matter” Bush*, they did a piss-poor job of it. To translate from Reich’s bullshit, “the GOP stopped Obama from debasing the currency but otherwise offered no real limitations on his party’s desire to constantly spend more money”.
* = I think technically Cheney or Rove said that, but it sums up the Bush administration’s fiscal position quite well
What every single government for the last 60 years has done is borrow, with the expectation that somewhere down the road, future politicians would fix their mess.
Basically, they’re like every fat fuck binging on fast food swearing their diet starts Monday. They’re every heroin addict promising this is his last hit, he’s gonna kick tomorrow.
There is barely a middle class left.
“Good work on that ‘fundamental transformation’, Obama!”
There is barely a middle class left.
WTF does this even mean? Do these people get outside and look at the world from time to time?
… or is this a tacit admission that Democratic Party policies have put lots of people out of work and on welfare?
Feature not bug.
Except poverty hasn’t grown. The shrinking middle class has mainly to do with the middle class getting richer.
Except poverty hasn’t grown.
I do wonder what it’ll look like in 5-10 years with the youth LFPR being as low as it is.
But that aside, the same people who will pat themselves on the back because they helped poor people buy TVs and air conditioning (no shit, that is the defense of anti-poverty programs I have seen) will also complain about the shrinking “middle class” (a term that is surprisingly nebulous when you actually try to nail down a definition).
Yep – and the middle class getting richer is just as bad as the lower class getting poorer, according to the “progressive” moral guidebook.
The first rule of being a good Leftist: Never admit that your policies are wrong or harmful.
You can have a city under complete Democratic control for decades and the GOP will still be blamed for all the bad results of their policies.
It doesn’t mean anything.
And it could mean many have made it to a higher class?
I would have responded: Economics is not zero-sum. If you think this, then you think human nature is so. And if you think it is, then you go against what every philosophical movement in human history tried to understand: Human nature because it’s not zero sum. Economics is made up of human filled with all its virtues and vices.
So no. YOU spare me the bull shit.
Ask him what his definition of middle class is.
Fake fake news?
I see the righteous mob got themselves another scalp. Thank dog for ethics watchdogs.
Fuck, Marry, Kill: Jacksonville Edition
No thanks.
I guess this is where I get to complain about fucking streaming and subscriptions again. Hey actual television producers, can you make anything good anymore?
Charles Barkley is the white people of black people?
The Root writers are most likely a bunch of middle to upper class blacks who have no idea what it is to struggle or face discrimination.
They need to on-board Ta-Nehisi Coates for his expertise in the area.
I hate that guy so much. Him and Michael Eric Dyson. Two fucking pseudo-intellectuals who creates this idea of black victimhood to make money for themselves.
Meanwhile, a man who spoke Gullah as his first language faced no struggles in becoming a Supreme Court Justice because he’s not really black.
You know that airplane geek web show I watch? Here’s their special episode from Wednesday, airside at Stansted with an inside look with Carologic, if this kind of thing interests you. This is their freebie view. Paid members get to have a tour around and inside the 747 (you bet your ass I’m a paid member!).
Anyhoo , the rep from Cargologic was an absolute encyclopedia.
Here’s the Cargolux landing they mention in the first video (blue screen goes away at :30)
Between my wife being a Browns fan and myself a Bears fan, Sundays are pretty depressing in our house.
Why do this to yourselves?
On the bright side, you got to get your depression out of the way early this week! 🙂
Holy fuck that was savage.
A new front in the libertarian debate on IP.
Serial Paris art gallery ‘flasher’ to face trial after exposing herself at Louvre
I think she may beat the rap based on a technicality. From what I can tell, there is no way she could bare her genitals from behind that thick French hedgerow.
No shit. She better be careful or PETA is going to go after her for wearing a marmot on her cooch.
Of course, copyright as originally designed had things fall into the public domain….
Did you see the pictures/video?
Shes not *that* furry.
Trying not to be too explicit here, but she made sure everyone got a nice look of the goods.
Uffda. Sorry Lacksy, but I’m terrified to see what you would consider too furry.
This is the pic that westernsloper and I were scared of. (NSFW)
Rufus, you have a fan.
Since I have zero pull on twitter, can someone please explain to the twat that her failure to properly uphold freedom of speech in deference to the leftists directly led to her and Rico being no platformed, and that this is a goes around comes around situation?
Why does she think people can’t hate her and the SJWs who gave her the Milo treatment?
“Far and away the worst part of the site. More of them need to run off to their own poorly designed circle jerk sites”
-Alex P
Ouch, what a meanie.
Yeah, at least we really are popular.
That has to be one of the most impressive uses of doublethink in a sentence I’ve ever seen.
Sure we circle jerk but poorly designed?!!! That’s too far!
It is “harms @robbysoave or me talking”. Illiterate.
Shouldn’t it be “harms @robbysoave or myself talking”?
Not unless she was also the one doing the harming. You use myself/herself/himself/ourselves/themselves when the object and subject of the verb are the same.
Alex P(ee-pee)? SP has a message for you.
C’mon, HM…He’s just a bit upset that we aren’t sticking around to jerk him.
Of course this happened in Bangor Township’s Bangor Downs housing community.
Swingers party goes bad when ‘jealous’ wife attacks husband with minivan
Deputies arrested both Schomakers. The husband was arrested for violating a personal protection order listing his wife as the protected party.
Going to that swinger’s party is a strange way to kiss and make up.
Apparently we’re all Canadian:
That’s just because Rufus doesn’t work.
Double-K, you wanted Manly Mondays to come back. It isn’t Monday, but these dudes are about as manly as you can be. Pictures of both dudes are on the site.
If that first guy is not a younger version of the dude from the big lebowski then my whole life is a lie.
Well, that’s…something
Somebody’s butthurt.
Do me a favor, don’t scroll up at all.
*hangs head in shame, kicks pebble, wanders off*
I have issues with authority.
I’d pay money for somebody to reply to her with a link of the alexa stats for reason and a comment of “Do y’all still actually have commenters?”
She’s touting her free speech credentials. Didn’t she hint at threatening a guy’s job for making a make me a sandwich joke or was that someone else?
It was her
I have before.
Too late sugartits, you threw your hat in with Leftists, you don’t get to complain about that.
Hey, is NOT poorly designed!!
*browses catbutt inventory*
That stood out to me as well. Because we all know that squirrelz, delayed postings, and 404 no page found errors are the hallmark of political forums.
I do think it would be nice to have the occasional prog wander in and argue in good faith. It keeps the mind sharp. When I lurked at the other site, sometimes one of the regulars would provide very well thought out counter arguments to the resident troll/prog/tony/whatever. Other commenters would tell them not to bother, but the justification was that the counter-argument was for the viewers, not the troll. I can confirm those responses were read and helped sharpen my own thoughts and ideas.
Somebody go and invite Addiction Myth on over.
(just kidding)
*narrows gaze, reaches toward catbutt holster*
I do worry that this place is a bit too agreeable at times as well. I haven’t told a slaver to fuck off in ages.
Fuck off slaver!!
Not me you idiot!
Fuck you, liar!
Wait I don’t think I did that right.
Thank you, Kristen.
“Alex P
Alex P @deathandbeer
Replying to @ENBrown and @robbysoave
Far and away the worst part of the site. More of them need to run off to their own poorly designed circle jerk sites”
I have to admit, I’m not one to say these things but I have a feeling she didn’t like my comments. Or what Gilmore wrote.
It’s okay though. There are so few of us left over there she’ll get her snowflake comments section.
“Perhaps I’m giving you details you already know. Maybe you read about this story on page 14 of the newspaper. I’m not exaggerating, either. The New York Times put this mass shooting on page 14. The front page was dominated by athletes kneeling. Or perhaps you heard it mentioned in a 12-second blurb at the end of a cable newscast last night. I flipped through a few different channels and didn’t hear it even mentioned one time, but maybe they got around to it. Of course, in a 60-minute broadcast they had to allot at least 59 minutes to cataloging the posture of NFL players. If you managed to sit through all of that, you may have heard the “P.S. There was a mass shooting at a church today okay that’s all goodnight” at the end. I don’t know.”
It gets better
Still, crickets.
Anyone who reads the NYT expecting to actually get information deserves what they get.
Skinny white Packers player: ‘Hey, since we’re into all this unity shit I was thinking we could stand in unison against the church terrorist shooting. As good Christians….’
/laughter erupts. Aaron Rodgers walks up to player and puts his arm around him. Cockily says…
‘Look kid. I – WE – get it. But know your place. Know your narratives.’
‘I don’t get it. This is supposed to be about injustice.’
/laughter erupts again. Rodgers nods head while smirking…
‘You’re cute and persistent. I’ll give you that. But bro, not as long as Trump divides us it is.
‘Trump? Who said anything about Trump?’
/laughter erupts. Lots of knee snapping.
‘Get this honky outta here!’
White, skinny player walks out dejected and confused.
‘Hey cracker. Next time you bring that racist shit in here we’re gonna fix you up good! You’re fired!’
/wild laughter.
Actually it was a black CB who walked out.
A shout out to glibs from the noxious vermin at Current Affairs:
There’s an important critique of libertarian morality to the Hefner story, too. Hefner was an advocate for freedom from all kinds of government restraint, a champion of the First Amendment and abortion rights (as every obituary has reminded us repeatedly). He was a “passionate libertarian.” Hefner also believed he was changing American morality, saying: “What it really comes down to is an attempt to establish what has been called a new morality… really think that’s what this thing called the ‘American sexual revolution’ is really all about.” (This is taken from the NYT’s charming compilation of Hefner’s “Most Memorable Interview Moments.”) Here we see exactly what happens when “freedom” is taken to be a moral philosophy in itself. Like many libertarians, Hefner wanted to be free, but he wanted to be free from government tyranny only so he could exercise a kind of unaccountable private tyranny. As with libertarianism always, “freedom to be a dick” seems to be the goal. He wanted to establish a “new morality” that would simply let him do as he pleased to women, without any ethical constraints. “Liberty,” while essential, is meaningless unless it is also coupled with a set of standards for how people should actually behave toward one another.
Ummmm…. so progs are now anti-sexual revolution? I haz confuzd.
Yup, he just ran around raping women, then forcing them to appear naked in his magazines. All of that was 100% non consensual and the women were given absolutely zero recompense for their troubles.
Oh, gee, who left this anthrax inside my envelopes?
Apparently “freedom to be a dick” doesn’t cover unfairly attacking a dead guy who isn’t even in the ground yet.
passionate libertarian
Hmm… I remember reading lots of anti-gun articles in Playboy. I also thought Hef donated lots of money to Democrats. Odd definition of “passionate libertarian”.
Dumb fucker writing for CA doesn’t know the difference between libertarian and libertine. Its not hard. Neckbeard = libertarian. Plush robe, no undies = libertine.
Damn… I’m in the wrong room.
What if you have all 3?
Asking for a friend.
If the undies are white, formerly tighty, and have a hole in them… and if the robe is made of the finest crushed terrycloth… and if “your friend” is stumbling around the kitchen with the robe and “his” mouth and his robe hanging open just a little too much while “he” look for coffee so “he” can haul “his” ass to church on “his” day off to shut up “his” wife… “your friend” might be a dad.
Tell “your friend” to prepare his jokes accordingly.
Good album name.
>a href=””>I recall a Karl Hess essay
Libertarians, noted opponents of laws against murder, rape, assault, and theft…
All right, which one of you wrote this?
Perfectly. In fact, I have 4 copies of my wedding ring in various sizes, and have replaced my ring without any heartburn when I accidentally cracked it a few years back (that’s when I decided to get a few in different sizes).
“Bald men warned after ‘witch doctor decapitates victim and uses organs for black magic because head contains gold’
Police say the recent ritual killings of two bald men were that were used in a ritual aimed at making a witch doctor’s clients wealthy”
In a similar vein:
Africa’s a rough place.
Albinos: the original not black enough
If God loves me, BBC Pidgin will carry that story.
Glibs, I present, for your consideration, a story. You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!
Peer back with me through the murky veil of time. Back to a time of yore. The month named for Ceasar Augustus, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten and seven. Lend your ear, give a listen. Down Load this Pod Cast, in which one Nadine Strossen is interviewed about the importance of standing up for free speech. Listen, as our earnest interviewer asks her, shouldn’t defenders of free speech, you know, not insult, defame, and assassinate the character of unseemly speakers subject to censorship?
No! Nadine assures us. Its is not just permissible to degrade speakers you defend from censorship. Why, its an imperative! Otherwise, what will the good and gentle NPR listener think, but that you are yourself such a contestable Nazi.
Pull back now gentle reader, to today. Another mob forms to shout down another another Nazi. This one, the mob assures us, this one is truly problematic. This one is a Nazi. This one is a shitlord. And we shall suffer no shitlord to speak! the mob tells us.
The camera pans down, and sitting center stage, who do we see? Yes, we see ENB. But who is that next to her. Who is the one the mob calls a Nazi, a problematic, and a shitlord? Ah, but of course. Who else could it be?
God damn, fucked up the formatting.
When you guys going to get a preview button like civilized folk?
Ah, but of course. Who else could it be?
SugarFree, fucking up links as is his wont?
This Bourbon barrel stout is pretty good.
I’m watching Godzilla 2000 right now… what a fucked up movie!
Not that bad – but “Final Wars” is a lot more fun. A bit more of the stupid human/alien clones martial arts than I like (but what do you expect from something directed by Ryuhei “Versus” Kitamura), but when you get the monster roll call on screen, it’s amazing.
I have quartered Habaneros in the oven at 200. How long should I dry them for? Could I dry them overnight if I put the temp down to, like, 150?
I generally dried my peppers by running a thread through them, and hanging them up in a window. Took a couple of days, but they dried out. At above 150 degrees, I’d be concerned about some of the oils breaking down. Another option for rapid drying uses a box fan, some bungee cords, and air filters. Take the air filter, layer the peppers in it, put another air filter on top of them, and bungee the stack to a box fan that’s running on low.
And after doing some further research, it looks like capsaicin doesn’t start breaking down until about 400 F, so feel free to ignore/mock the first half of my previous comment.
You may want to see an edit fairy about that link… 🙂
Jeezus, I can’t win tonight!!
The best way if you are trying to preserve their original taste by drying is with cool moving air, not heat.
They can also be smoked or sun dried (which changes the flavor).
oOO Yeah!
So there’s a spider on my balcony, and it looks like it’s a lady spider. And she’s rather large. What are the odds she’ll try to make her way into my house to have her jillions of babies? I mean, if I have my door open.
You should be so lucky. Unless of course you would prefer your home be full of flies, mosquitoes, crickets, and roaches.
That’s why Cantillon (a brewery in Belgium) leaves the spiders alone.
Sorry for the boring picture, I was trying to find one that showed the whole canopy of webs, but I only have that in a book.
100%. One time I snagged a spider, and a million little baby spiders went running. Have me the hebie jebies.
Also, first!
Smashed not snagged
Okey dokey. Well, even though it’s going to be a delightful 55 degrees tonight, I’m shuttin that balcony door with extreme prejudice.
New Stargate series. Good, bad, ugly? As long as it’s better than stargate universe, I’ll watch.
I’ll watch. The death of Stargate was something that really saddened me. If this is an attempt to gauge interest in reviving the series, I’ll show my support. Give me another SG-1 or Atlantis! Hell, give us an Atlantis movie to bring that show to a real end.
From ENB’s twitter:
“Minervas Muse @minervas_muse
I blame the influx of Canadians that the commentariat had. Can’t trust the flappy headed bastards.”
Just like here. I have the virility of 16 – no! – 18 Canadians! Ha, ha!
I’m still confused that we’re all yokels.
1/3 of the population has crotch rot.
So… you’re saying for once I’m a part of the majority? Huzzah!
*Snow Crash adaptation*
Didn’t even realize there’s a Neuromancer adaptation. Was it really that bad?