It’s Saturday morning, I’m coffeed up, and I’m thanking Amazon for their delivery of high quality toilet paper, of the sort that Venezualans can only dream of. But enough of that, there’s Links afoot!

Never let a likely-contrived “incident” go to waste. If you’re a showboater, this sort of thing is GOLD. The good general is assured of a steady supply of cocktail parties, and that when inevitably this turns out to be fake, he will be spared embarrassment by WaPo burying that little detail.


If this is true, I can forgive Trump for all the other really terrible stuff he’s done and his remarkably awful appointments (I’m looking at YOU, Jeff Sessions). TW: Salon, but the moaning and gnashing of teeth is worth it.

This conservative push hasn’t just been in accordance with economic orthodoxy, it’s a political power move. As Newt Gingrich once put it, if you dismantle unions, you destroy the Democratic Party’s “army on the ground.”

I call “feature,” not “bug.” And the writer inadvertently makes the case against compelling union dues by acknowledging that these are actually political contributions.


The dog’s breakfast is being prepared, and there will be extra Milk Bones. I’ll lay odds that there’s never, ever going to be actual reform of the horrifically awful tax system so beloved of rent-seekers, regulatory captors, and redistributionists. Nor will the ratchet ever work in the other direction.


This is actually good. Of course the best thing would be to eliminate that department entirely. Not that this will ever happen- we still have the Department of Education, HUD, DHS…


Why did Mogadishu get the works? It nobody business but de Turks.


Finally, Old Man music, a delightful song played by the guy who may be the best guitarist currently walking the planet.