あなたのあらゆる影響は価値がありません。あなたの「知的な」騒動は、あなた自身をだまして愚かな偽善者です。あなたのダイムストアの哲学は、単に思想家の言い換えられた逆説的な引用符であり、あなたが雄弁に思うようなものがあなたに擦り落とされることを望みます。あなたがそうでないので、スマートに聞こうとするのをやめてください。あなたは、あなたの空洞の穴の中で、海綿の存在で、あなたは真実であることを知っています。だからあなたは自分自身を恥ずかしくする前に、世界と自分自身を好きにして、口を閉ざす。 あなたが占めるスペースは無駄です。あなたが遺伝子プールから自分自身を削除した場合、あなたが人類に行うことができるような価値のない愚か者の最大の貢献はです。
あなたの宗教は愚かであり、あなたはそれを信じるのは馬鹿だ。あなたの政治的意見は気付かれておらず、おそらくあなたの親と同じくらい愚かであるあなたの両親からそれらを得ているでしょう。あなたは督促クルーガーのエフェクトの例です。あなたの一生は嘘です、あなたはそれを無駄にして死んでしまい、誰もあなたを覚えていません。あなたの想像はばかです。あなたの目標は非現実的です。あなたはあなたの人生でダン・シングをやっていません。あなたは嫌な敗者だし、全世界の神の世界はあなたを笑っている。そして、あなたはおそらくあなたがそれを見ることができないあなたのお尻の頭を今まで持っています。あなたについてのすべてが恥です。あなたの祖先を見て、それらのすべての1つはあなたが今までよりも人生でさらに得た。一人一人が寝て子供がいたのですか?おそらくそうではありません。あなたがそうしても、彼らはあなたのような失敗に終わります。あなたは何の価値も世界に貢献しません。あなたがしているのはすべて消費しているだけです。あなたは食物を無駄にしています。あなたがいなくても、世界はより良いものになるでしょう。私たちにすべての賛成をお願いします。あなたのシンクの下のボトルの1つを見つけてそれを飲む!少なくとも、あなたはいくつかのワームを食べるでしょう。あなたが死ぬ前に、あなたがプラスチックで自分を包むようにしてください!そういうわけで、あなたのたわごととおしっけがあなたの体を呼び出すとき、誰もあなたの後をきれいにする必要はありません。 そして、メモを書くのも気にしないでください。誰もそれを読まない。
I can’t tell if this was written in Japanese or if it’s because I’m in Japan. Either way, I had to translate it before I could read it.
What did I read?
When you run it through the correct parser, it becomes this.
Move over Catholic Church and nautical-themed Japan, Russian schoolgirls are now my thing.
How long before the FBI shows up?
Chris Hansen is on line 1 for “the glibs”.
Its written in moonspeak.
The front page is… special? It is almost like clicking on an HM link, without the effort of actually doing it.
I think Chelsea Manning got a hold of the front page. yikes.
Google offered me a translation for this page; I said NOPE.
Yeah. I just nodded and smiled politely at the front page. Then clicked through to the comments.
I’m not sure but I think the author has late stage syphilis.
Wow. *insert doge meme here*
Fucking weeaboos.
When I see that many emojis, I unsafe my Browning.
How drunk are you, HM?
あたらしい夢が生まれてくると 僕たちは知ってるよ
If you google that, you’ll find out just how much of a degenerate I am.
…and this is why we must purge the moe worshipers. Make Anime Manly Again.
Moe is life.
That does not prevent JoJo from being awesome.
But Moe is stil life.
Hey, remember when Fate/Zero somehow managed to elevate itself from its source material and be a complex story about differing moralities and ideologies while also having awesomely dumb Pokemon battles with famous dead people? I wonder what the Fate series has been up to lately…
The only appropriate Fate AU is Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya. Which is moe, but still awesome.
Easy for you to say.
That was NOT authentic frontier gibberish *sniff*
“Curb” was great
My sister, who works at a Victorian house museum, just informed me that in Victorian times, there were taxes on:
• The number of exterior doors you had on your house (this came up when I was looking at a picture of the museum and asked her why there was a balcony with windows leading to it instead of doors)
• The number of windows you had
• How wide your house was (hence why there were so many tall skinny Victorians)
• How close or far your house was from the street
• How many rooms you had in your house, and closets counted as rooms so this is why many didn’t have closets
She got extremely confused and agitated as I started screaming, “FUCK THAT! FUCK YOU!” and “TAXATION IS THEFT!!”
Maybe try saying it in a soothing voice instead of screaming?
To be fair, a lot of the apparently stupid taxes from the 19th century were due to attempts to squeeze out adequate revenue without resorting to an income tax. (They also tended to be highly progressive – as just about all of those listed above are – which you might consider a plus or a minus.)
I love Victorian homes.
I love the ginger bread. Wrap around porches and gables and turrets and crazy people locked in the attic. wrought iron fences.
Grandaddy lived in an old colonial, but as the city had expanded, a bunch or large Victorians were built up around it. I used to have nightmares about spooky people looking at me through the windows from across the street. Turns out, they’d turned it into a convent. I used to think I’d see a ghost in his house sometimes, but it turned out they’d just rented a room upstairs to a guy, for decades, and he worked at night. I’d walk through those narrow halls in the dark and see somebody walk past going through a crossing hallway. What the hell was that?
You’d think they’d warn a kid. And their basement looked like the end of the Blair Witch project.
I know Victorians are a pain in the ass to restore. They need plumbing and electrical and . . . if I had a zillion dollars, I’d restore the hell out of one and paint it crazy colors.
I like the interiors, too. I even liked the way they hanged pictures with those giant cords hanging from the top of the wall. Crazy wallpaper and crazy carpets.
You know those relatively new “maximalism” designs with the clashing, floral wallpaper, etc?
They just want to be Victorian–or the opposite of minimalist modern anyway.
And you’d think that would need to happen, eventually–when every college kid’s dorm room is midcentury modern, people want to differentiate themselves from what everyone else is doing.
In the old days, when poor people worked out in the fields, people wanted to look pale–it was associated with the upper classes. It meant they didn’t need to work outside. Once poor people started working in factories, having a tan became fashionable–to show you weren’t cooped up inside like a factory worker.
I don’t care if it’s fashionable, really. I just look at this stuff and think it’s just a new interpretation of Victorian.
I don’t think you can sell that maximalism look at IKEA either. It isn’t really about any one piece. I think it sort of evolved from shabby modernism with that wicked wallpaper they used. It’s eclectic as hell and it’s inimitable. You can’t get wallpaper just like someone else’s. It’s kind of ironic that way–a style born of mass production that isn’t and probably can’t be mass produced.
Commissioned wallpaper!
SLD etc., but I think that sort of thing really derived from an attempt to make the assessment basis objective instead of subjective. Even with fluctuating rates, the “number of closets” thing is at least more predictable and stable, and is a little better than the FYTW that’s given today.
(And one of the things on my “teach the kids” list is that many economic/social erors derive from an fallacious assumption that value is objective – hence silliness like the Labor Theory of Value. I drill them that value, including the “property value” that many of us like to imagine when it helps us, only exists at the point of a mutually-agreed transaction.)
All of you trying to tell me it’s better than today, no
It’s all theft
And it’s all bullshit
I am also pissed off about property tax, particularly because that and my health insurance premiums under Obamacare are the two singular things that have fucked my finances over the hardest. Every time I start to get ahead, one or the other of those goes up, every single time.
It’s all FYTW, but my sister cheerily telling me that this family had to shimmy out a freaking window to get onto their balcony so they could get out of paying a goddamn door tax just was one more reminder of the stupidity of this world we live in, where you can’t even own your own house or have a door to your balcony without being extorted for it for the rest of your life.
I just wanted to add two things.
1) Rick and Morty just blew off ‘merica.
2) McDonalds is bringing back schezuan sauce for one day only–October 6.
Maybe October 7.
I’ve seen two dates.
Figure it out for yourself.
Now, what was I sayin’? Oh yeah, . . .
あなたはキリストの死が無駄であったという生きた証拠で. . .
10/7 2pm on McD’s website
I love capitalism.
We don’t get what we want from government.
We get what we want from McDonalds.
We get what we want from Adult Swim.
We get what we want from online shopping.
How did they know I wanted a pair of Vans made out of hemp?
Can’t believe they blew off the citadel and evil morty.
And never again a mention of Tammy (FUCK TAMMY) or Phoenix Person..
At least Mr. Poopybutthole (and family) confirmed Season 4.
And he got his G. E. E. E. D.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but if Heroic Mulatto is the end result of race mixing, maybe the racists are are right, fried chicken IS good.
The part I always find kind of silly is that most of the food stereotypically attributed to black people, like fried chicken and watermelon, are just southern food. If you had a time machine that could take you back to 1930’s Atlanta, you could go to a Southern Baptist church picnic where pretty much all of the adult males were members of the KKK, and they would be eating fried chicken, with watermelon for desert. You could go across town to an African Methodist Episcopal church having a church picnic and they would pretty much have the same menu.
The notion that only black people like fried chicken and watermelon Is some crazy made-up Yankee racism.
It always struck me as odd that fried chicken is seen as a “black people” food, yet it was first prepared by Assyrians thousands of years ago, and nowadays most cultures have some variety of fried chicken.
Going from boiling in water to boiling in oil to true frying does not take great leaps of culinary logic, so wherever people have learned to render fat you get frying. Anywhere they have both birds and rendered fat you get fried poultry. I think only a few places didn’t natively develop the technique and foodstuff.
Y’all are completely missing the point of the ‘black people fried chicken’ canard.
First of all fried chicken was considered a delicacy before mass produced chicken. Blacks wanted to eat fried chicken but not work for it because they are lazy. Same for watermelon.
Second, the same people who said lazy blacks just wanted the good stuff without working for it also commonly used the expression ‘work like a nigger’ to mean someone working extra hard.
Go figure. As usual racist memes make no sense. Simple fallacy of composition that all collectivists fall into.
Well it’s also that mid-century cultural consciousness was all northern, who’d just seen the Great Migration and imagined that all the ubiquitous Southern things they were learning were specific to their new black neighbors.
First line of each paragraph (I’m not doing the whole damn thing).
You are living proof that Christ’s death was a waste.
You didn’t have any value from the start.
Something about how you married a member of the opposite sex and the birth of your child has infected society.
You’ve had enough.
Your religion is stupid and you’re an idiot for believing it.
Now that is no way to talk about my mother. My god.
Finally, this was not written by a Japanese person. Too many direct translations of American English.
And here I just assumed that Japan had tons of Mulattos, just like Cuba. They’re both island nations, they don’t speak English, so same thing.
Close, right. Disturbing, though.
50 dead in Vegas from shooting.
Time until gun-grabbers lunge across the table again?
Sorry for the cynical response to a tragedy, but all the only thing I know for certain is the responses of certain blocks of people, and I’ve grown bitter.
Yep, gun grabbers and those hoping that the shooters is or isn’t Muslim depending on their agenda.
No listed ethnicity, no listed ideology.
The moment I heard it was a country music festival I wondered why there was no return fire. What’s Mandalay Bay’s weapons policy?
Here’s a pic.
When I look around it seems like facts are still very light at this point, so the ratio of reality to hot takes is not preferable. Noted blowhard Dan Bilzerian apparently wasn’t carrying. Tariq Nasheed and Patton Oswalt immediately blame white supremacists, Trump, etc.
Never heard of the first person and the other two are “vague names people assume I know but for which no real reason exists to justify remembering them”.
Of course they blame the deplorables because who else would shoot up a country music concert but a Trump supporter?
Odds on the guy being a pinko trying to rid the world of deplorables? Sanders or Clinton supporter? Or just a plain crazy?
Almost certainly “just plain crazy”. But everyone’s going to try and politicize it for their own ends.
Old white guy shooting up a country music festival. I have a feeling the media people aren’t going to like his motives.
I suspect you are correct.
Clearly, he was driven to this violent act by the hateful environment ushered in by President Trump.
/mainstream media
Reuters says the shooter was firing from a 32nd floor hotel room. That’s pretty high, I would think it would make return fire from the ground effectively impossible wouldn’t it?
I had no information beyond “shooting at country music festival”. So, I’d gone with the typical same level close proximity scenario most mass shootings take.
Yeah, 32nd floor according to reports.
It certainly would be difficult, since it was the middle of the night.
Not impossible but very difficult
Before the day is up we will be hearing from Schumer and Pelosi. Bet on it.