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Old School or Go Home.
I see the face of The Donald in the Ramen (french fries? bean sprouts? fuck it)
I will now devote my life to spreading his gospel. All ye, all ye! Come, hear the word of The Donald, the greatest of the greatest!
In other words…
please just clarify for me what the intended medium here is. noodles or french fries or what?
Spaghetti with weeb sauce.
someone once came up with a theory suggesting (roughly paraphrased) that technology would enable an exponentially-improving intellectual virtuous-cycle….
….where as mankind created new, external technological tools to fulfill otherwise mundane intellectual tasks (e.g. “spellcheck”), it would free up our brains to focus on higher-order functions.
i.e. “No more spelling: now we would spend our time contemplating sophisticated abstract ideas, like the purpose of human labor, or justice, or higher forms of aesthetic expression, or….”
I believe this theory needs to be revised.
actual photo of the hair, 12x magnification
It contains multitudes… *shudder*
HM thread sounds like a good place to point out this week’s Oglaf went in a SugarFree direction.
…as opposed to any other week’s Oglaf?
Just heard Peter Wolf/Wolfe? interviewed on Tom Petty Radio, apparently Tom wrote ‘Don’t Do Me like That’ for The J. Geils Band but they took too long recording it so Tom put it out himself, they then played the song and imagining The J Geils Band doing it, it would have been perfect, shows just how good a songwriter Petty was.
Never heard that before. Probably my favorite Petty song and you’re dead right, it would have been perfect for J. Geils.
Is everyone sure that Petty is dead?
I don’t think his death is confirmed is what I’m saying.
fair enough, was should be is
This is all a trick. they just drugged petty and are currently transferring his brain into Justin Beiber
Oddly enough. I just remembered that the last song I heard by him was ‘I won’t back down’ on my commute home from work on Friday. Makes me feel sad now.
I play him on the juke box all of the time. Definitely one of my favs. I always get a little wierded out by American Girl since Silence of the Lambs came out.
Yeah, you’re like, “dude, i was kidnapping and skinning fat chicks way before it got popular“
That Petty is dead is truly a heart breaker
That’s a great story. J. Geils would have played it fasted with a little funk and some Magic Dick harp – I can hear in my head. RIP Tom Petty and Jay Geils.
Am I just to assume that our Family Friendly designation is in ruins, or what?
I’m family friendly and I approve!
Shut up, Tulpa!
I came in here to post, “HM is singlehandedly out to destroy our Family Friendly rating.”
I so confused
Is this a Rorschach test for Pastafarian weeaboos?
…the hell?
It’s just HM. We don’t really know what’s wrong with him.
Guess I should have knocked first. Carry on.
“And if you gaze long into the noodles, the noodles also gaze into you.”
F. Nietzsche, after J. Titor handed him a pack of T. Ramen.
When I was a kid, there was a friend of the family who started seeing faces in things, like rocks. He was committed to a state facility for some type of mental condition like schizophrenia. I remember my dad talking about it and I think people thought it was funny at first, like the guy was just drinking too much or something. But that didn’t last long. My dad was saying that one day they guy was really excited about showing him some rocks he had found, with faces on them. I guess my dad thought he had found some type of artifacts or something and when he went to see them, they were just rocks, no faces or anything. But the guy insisted there were faces. You don’t forget stuff like that when you’re a kid.
Interesting, since that can happen with hallucinations.
I meant hallucinogens
I don’t think this guy was eating magic mushrooms. Straight laced businessman, conservative Christian type. Nope.
Alfredo sauce is a cream and butter mixture with some cheese added in for flavor (some people also grate in a little nutmeg) it’s not a thicc cheesy paste with no creamy or buttery flavoring, fuck sakes, and these people claim to be a Eye-talian restaurant.
I think Tayler Swift needs a vacation.
Oh well, there’s always community organizer jobs available bitch.
Hopefully she can find employment in hat blocking or xerox repair.
The actual fuck is wrong with you, HM.
Every time I think I figure out of this internet lingo game…
My genome is on OpenSNP. If you’re lucky, you just might find the answer to your question.
Damnit, my wife came back from Europe and started flu like symptoms a day later. And I was running around saying ‘don’t worry, I’m not going to get it, or I would have already had it’. And now I have the fucking flu. I already started the antibiotics, this fucking shit has got to go, fuck!
My wife is a children’s librarian and obviously work around the germ machines known as children. Every fucking year, one of those germ machines get her sick and she brings that shit home to me.
My wife teaches ballet and a couple of her ck
Lasses are for tots.
She gets down with bugs frequently.
I’m not a doctor, but I was raised by one. The flu is a virus amd antibiotics don’t do a damn thing for viruses. Tamiflu is about the only thing out there that helps with the flu bug.
There are secondary bacterial infections that occur, such as the shit fucking sore throat that I have right now. That’s what really gets you, if it was just the virus, it wouldn’t be so harmful.
Potato hentai?
Noodle incident.
Since we’re being weird
I’d never thought I’d say that Winnie the Pooh is a better dancer.
So, apparently the Las Vegas shooter had 23 guns in his hotel room and more at home, along with explosives. And now ISIS is doubling down on the guy being one of theirs, even giving him a Muslim name. It’s starting to leak out, should be interesting by tomorrow.
Holy shit, it would be nuts if he was actually part of ISIS.
I’m not convinced that he was, yet. But whatever it was, he’s not just a guy who snapped because of some gambling debt or whatever. He deliberately planned to murder those people and was obviously very prepared to do it. That had to take some time and planning and there has to be a reason for it, not just ‘snapped’.
I doubt he was ISIS.
I suspect he lost a ton of money over a course of years and decided to fuck the world over for it.
That’s my guess.
It looks like somebody who destroyed everything he loved.
He loved high stakes gambling–and he fucked over a casino.
He loved going to country-western music festivals–and that’s what he fucked over.
This is the kind of guy that burns his house down rather than give it to his wife.
I bet we find out that he had either lost everything or was about to, and I bet the casino clams up about it.
I listened to an episode of “This American Life” one time about a lady that had lost everything to a casino, and it was about the tactics they use to market to these people–once they identify them. I’ve read stories that he was going on golf outings sponsored by the casino, going to these concerts, etc., as well. I bet they drained him dry.
“Sarah Koenig tells the story of a woman who sued the casino where she lost her inheritance, saying that it was to blame, not her.”
Listen to that story (Act 2), and you’ll probably go through the same iterations I did.
1) Of course she’s responsible for her gambling debts! Don’t be a welcher!
2) Wow, I didn’t know they did that to people.
3) Um . . . heroin addicts may be responsible for their own behavior, but heroin dealers are still shitheads, right? What if your heroin dealer starts pimping you out? Just because you’re ultimately responsible for your own choices doesn’t mean heroin dealers/pimps aren’t jackholes.
Anyway, that’s my guess.
I bet he had a moment of clarity, realized the casino had taken him for all he was worth, and so he decided to “cash in his chips” but make the casino pay on his way out the door into the great beyond.
I mean, obviously explanations aren’t justifications. I hope there’s a hell and this guy ends up in the worst of it. But if we’re looking for explanations, that’s the one that seems to fit to me.
In addition to being terrorist pieces of shit, it wouldn’t surprise me if ISIS is also a big fat liar.
Wrong: he was not spanked as a child.
Listen to that story on the link–and it could be about the shooter.
I just listened again.
She talks about how they were sending her husband on free golf trips, putting her up in amazing suites at the top of the hotel, and sending her to concerts–she liked the Eagles, so they sent her to their casino in Tahoe to see the Eagles.
The shooter went on golf trips, they put him up in amazing suites at the top of the hotel, and they sent him to country-western concerts–that’s what he liked. He was a high stakes gambler–played slot machines?
Nobody makes money playing slot machines, and the more you play, the more you trend towards the programed mean–which is losing your money to the casino.
The lady on that radio show lost more than a million bucks.
The descriptions I’ve read of this guy and his relationship with the casino is such that the lady on the radio could be this guy. It’s the same story!
ENB said earlier today it was something about his father being a bank robber and getting arrested in front of him as a child.
Not being spanked as a child could be it. MRAs might tell us it was because he was circumcised as a baby and he could never get over the repressed trauma.
But the shooter’s story sounds exactly like the lady on the radio.
I’m betting that he leaves behind an estate worth over $500k.
Before the lawsuits, that is.
You know, they do title loans right there in the casino.
As part of the paperwork for the loan, you promise to have any repossessions handled in Nevada’s courts.
Nevada courts are merciless when it comes to gambling debts to casinos. Hell, the whole state is practically run by the casino industry. The casinos fire unionized workers at the drop of a hat. They can–because they’re the casinos.
If you told me stock picker went nuts on his boss, killed a bunch of people, and then jumped out the window of the 30th floor of his office, my first guess would be that he lost a lot of his clients’ money.
A high stakes gambler goes berserk in a casino, takes his revenge on them, and then kills himself,. and my first guess isn’t that he’s ISIS. . . . especially when there’s nothing about this guy’s profile that suggests he might be ISIS.
I bet it has something to do with him having lost a lot or all of his money at the casino.
When listen to that lady’s story on the radio, I think I would have at least had a nervous breakdown if I’d lost all that money the way they did–and they kept hounding her and hounding her, calling her every day, etc. Saying that she owed them for all the nice things they’d done, etc., etc. I’d freak out.
I wouldn’t hurt anybody. But it’s understandable if people in that situation freak out.
And again, I’m not trying to excuse anybody. It’s just that everybody’s looking for explanations. The only thing that makes this look ISIS related is that innocent people were the target and ISIS claimed responsibility. And that evidence is much less compelling to me than . . . that lady’s story on the radio and its similarities to what I’ve read about the shooter.
He was a blackjack player, although it might still work. Better odds, though.
I knew a poker dealer in Vegas.
She only played poker and blackjack.
She could count cards. She would only play one on one against the dealer–often in the wee hours–and she would only play at casinos that had a table that dealt single deck.
She’d go in and bet $100 on the first hand. If she lost, she’d leave. If she won, she’d take that first hundred dollar chip, put it in her pocket, and only play with the casino’s money. When she got to $1,000 for the day, she’d walk out.
The pit boss comes and watches most every person that puts down a $100 bet. She was banned from every casino in Vegas that dealt from a single deck.
I know people who play poker almost every night. You’re not playing against each other–you’re playing against tourists. When you go to the casino, you tip out the boss and the host, and when people come to play, they split the regulars up among the tables and seat the goofiest looking tourists to the tables that tip them out regularly.
Poker is a game of skill. Even the tournaments . . . Sometimes they’re won by some kid who came in and just went for broke on every decent hand and got lucky, but for the most part, the same people tend to end up at the last table over and over again.
Other professional gamblers will bet sports–usually one game at a time.
Few will play craps.
The report I read said the guy played high stakes video slot machines. Notice, in all the things I suggest that professional gamblers play, they’re usually not playing against the house–unless they’re counting cards in a single deck game of black jack, and even then, they’re walking out if they lose their first hand or win more than x.
Slot machines are the dumbest kind of luck. .The machines are rigged against you. Playing high stakes in a game that’s rigged against you . . .
I don’t even buy stocks at market. I sell covered calls so I’m paying less than market.
Even in black jack, you can move the math in your favor by 1) knowing how many tens are left in the deck, 2) changing the size of your bet relative to how many tens are left in the deck, 3) doubling down on high percentage wins and cutting your bet in half on low percentage wins.
This guy, according to the reports I read, was playing high stakes machines against the house that were rigged for him to lose the longer he played. Ever see the movie “Leaving Las Vegas”, where the guy is drinking himself to death? High stakes slot machines are like doing that with your money.
All casino gambling games are essentially doing that over time.
But you are correct that a professional player will have side games and not really play against the house.
But I just did read a report that he was playing blackjack — not that I doubt the other games,
Everything I’ve read said video poker. Where are the other reports on gambling you guys read?
Who knows if it’s true, but supposedly dude sent thousands of dollars to the Phillipines lately. That seems odd if he was in crushing debt. Possible, but odd.
Plus, he shot up a concert, not the casino itself. If he’d loaded up, walked on to the floor and shot the place up, then yeah. But shooting into a crowd at a concert reeks of copycatting Manchester and Paris, even if he wasn’t himself a Jihadist. That’s a political statement, seems to me, not workplace or revenge type thing.
If they were comping him free concerts in exchange for however much money he’d lost, . . .
This is what I think of your free concert!
Nothing about this guy’s story says, “ISIS”
Everything about this guy’s story says “high stakes gambler”.
Nothing about this story has fit into the stereotypes I have in my head about mass shooters.
I’m gonna do what I do. Wait a week or so before trying to make heads or tails of the incident. Early info is almost always bad info.
Aw, You’re no fun.
Dog makes a blimp.
My reaction
God, I fucking hate the media.
And if you’re wondering, his tweet was utterly banal. Of course.
It’s amazing that the Redskins are hanging with the Chiefs this late.
Walking wounded. I’ve seen at least four starters on defense leave with injuries, and I’m not sure Trent Williams is back yet on the offensive line.
I don’t want to say I’m starting to become be a belieber, but if they beat the Chiefs in Kansas City on a Monday night, I’ll start becoming a belieber.
Bye next week to deal with injuries.
Of course, you ignore that the Chefs’ OL was almost as much of a mess as the Packers’.
Thanks, Mr. Skeltal!
Seriously, I need the calcium.
Oh, and with a Vitamin E boost.
That’s no JPEG, you hack fraud.
I just couldn’t stand the loss.
Osteoporosis takes the best of us
The bigger problem is the use of Comic Sans.
I don’t get the irrational hate for that font. At least it’s legible, unlike some I could name.
Reminds me of Pizza The Hut.
The Las Vegas shooting has some markers that make me think it might be a terrorist attack. The first marker is the insane amount of planning that had to have gone into it. The guy must have been firing at 1000 feet,and quickly, from that high up. He had to have cased the area ahead of time to find the right room with the best view to be able to accomplish that.
I don’t know what LAPD training is like, but the fact that it took as long as it did to get to the room makes me believe they hadn’t considered that possibility and trained for it. This is something of a novelty in scope and that’s another marker for some sort of backing from an active group.
Furthermore, the fact that they found explosives and more firearms in his home makes me think that he either fell behind schedule and wasn’t able to finish the rest of the attack before the concert or that someone else may have been involved that didn’t carry out the explosive attack.
Of course, it’s entirely possible he’s just a very dedicated and intelligent lone wolf psycho.
There were several metro officers already inside the Mandalay Bay. Most of the strip casinos have a dozen or more officers at the nightclubs on any given night. 6 metro officers went up the elevator with hotel security to the 32nd floor. They engaged, got shot at, retreated, and waited for SWAT.
In re: the room
It was a suite. Suites are at the 3 ends of each floor so they have a wrap around view. When you shell out that kind of money for a week in a suite, you’re going to get the one you ask for. Higher floors cost more.
I bet he was comped per my posts above.
I bet the victims end up suing the hell out of the casino for pushing this guy into a breakdown.
I’m sitting with my buddy at The Flamingo playing black jack one time. He says, “I always play here because this is the last place in Vegas where they give you free cigarettes.
The cigarettes weren’t free. He paid $2,000 for that pack of cigarettes.
No way he got comped a 32nd floor suite the night of a concert.
He was a high roller, so it’s possible.
From what I’ve heard, he didn’t even have a players card. The one found in his room belonged to someone else.
Well, dubious sources claim he was a high roller.
I read he spent $10,000 per day on gambling.
But then I thought. Do they mean he wagered that much? Because if he WAGERED that much it really means he spent on average $500 per day. Which actually isn’t that insane. And that’s an average. On some days, he wins.
Wasn’t his Filipina friend/roommate in the gaming industry? Could he/they have broken into the suite?
I like Ken’s idea about his motivations, plus that the guy, AIUI, was going through a recent divorce. Probably due to said Filipina and/or his gambling problem.
That said, what he did really wasn’t difficult. It just hadn’t been done before. If he did make a homebrew full auto GPMG, covering a two acre beaten zone at 400m with automatic weapons fire is what they do. No one before had the idea to do it in a high rise hotel, overlooking a pen filled with lit-up targets that couldn’t get away. Kind of like pre-Anders Brevik, no one had the idea to go to an island full of kids and hunt everyone of them down.
No conspiracy or great amount of planning needed. Dude just needed a lot of ammo, a few full auto rifles, and some time.
And of course, a completely evil self-serving pile of shit where his conscience should be, but that describes a few people.
AIUI, LVPD had a few calls elsewhere on the Strip—making scanner junkies think that we were witnessing another Mumbai-style attack—which may have slowed their response time. Not bad though, all the same. It takes time to figure out where the fire was coming from, then which floor, and then to methodically clear each floor and see if you trigger any ambushes along the way. I can’t fault the cops here.
Now that I’m back on the internet, I might be wrong here.
It looks like they did send him on trips and such.
OK, so I’m about 6 hours behind on the news. Dude had a huge fucking gambling problem.
The top floor of Atlantis is a big fucking deal. You don’t win at Atlantis. You lose.
Of course j can think of just as many reasons it’s not one so…meh. Back under my rock I go.
I’m home, finally. No more dead friends that I know of, but then again, I’ve kept my phone off since lunch.
Thanks for all of the condolences earlier.
I have a 6 pack of Grapefruit Sculpin, and if I get into it tonight, I’m going to dish out some insults and humiliation.
Always good.
Sorry Playa. Today sucked.
Damn, I am sorry. What fucked up shit. My brother’s long time girlfriend and her sister were there and made it out. They were close to some bleachers and hid under them.
I’m sorry to hear about your friends Playa. That’s god awful. Fuck this guy for what he did and fuck anybody who tries to use your friend’s corpses to push their agenda.
I saw that you’d lost some friends, Playa, and had still others hurt. I’m sorry to hear that. What a terrible thing for them and you to go through. These things shouldn’t happen here.
It is amazing how many people that we all know who have been affected by this
I am happy to hear that Mr and Mrs Riven made it out uninjured.
Thanks to all of you.
While the attack was in Vegas, I’d conservatively guess that 80% of the people at the concert were from SoCal.
It’s a small world. But when you take that into account, it gets smaller for me. A country pop concert, so mostly white people. But not the kind who party in Hollywood; we’re talking people from the suburbs. And a concert on a Sunday night, so the people can afford to blow off work on Monday. A lot of these factors really narrow it down right into my backyard.
I.e. this: http://www.dailybreeze.com/2017/10/02/manhattan-beach-teacher-killed-in-las-vegas-mass-shooting/
I did not know her, but I know a lot of people who did.
I’m sorry to hear about your friends, PM.
a funny animation of a great video.
I offer this to bring some cheer. might not open at work? i’d call it sfw.
I’ll be up in the haymow for a while.
Why isn’t anyone cheering? Assholes.
Not her first time. And dear Lord, is she skilled.
Doom, where the hell do you work where that video is suitable? (Not that half my coworkers wouldn’t love that I showed it to them.)
Night y’all.
Christ, I hope tomorrow is better.
I was a locksmith for a number of years. before that I worked as a liftie at a ski resort.
I did say it might not be!
we watched far worse things at work.
I think I even saw two girls one cup at work. My whole SFW scale is probably way off. at least my link was at a bar, and she is wearing all her clothes.
What the actual fuck, HM?
best curb meme yet.
Tucker Carlson’s show is cringe-comedy without the comedy.
it’s true.
<a href="https://youtu.be/PDv5HUqOHt0"Music for tonight.
Fuck it.
I’m sorry, I don’t speak Foreign.