I know it’s been a crazy morning, so I’ll just give you two items of good news: 1) The Bucs have now won more games on field goals than when they had college superstar (and fellow FSU alumnus) Roberto Aguayo. I hope that guy can get better and isn’t completely unable to play his position again like Rick Ankiel — ‘Beto don’t have the body to switch positions in football and 2) DeShaun Watson can, in fact, complete passes if given enough time. Learn from Cam Newton, kid. Next year, they’ll have enough film for linebackers to go head-hunting.
Wouldn’t you know it — interspecial relations gave early humans herpes.
I’m not saying it was a gremlin, but thank God Bill Shatner was there.
Republicans realize that more than half their base don’t give a shit if they have jobs or not next year. That’s right. They want you to actually fucking do something with that power, not keep expanding job opportunities for idiot nephews of elected officials.
“We need to be honest about the fact that there are some powerful people inside the Republican Party who have no interest in governing,” he told me. “They’re focused like a laser on decapitating the party’s leadership, and have no interest in growing the party’s base into a lasting majority.”
Salina Zito has a great article on how the future is unevenly distributed. I post this because, for me, American and to perhaps a greater extent continued Western success will depend much on whether the government either: (a) gets out of the way and lets individuals and groups build their own successful programs or (b) magically finds a way to prepare people for the coming future. Whether you’re going to be a suddenly displaced home weaver, or the manager of a weaving factory depends on your own ability to adapt. But I hope that organic groups like maker spaces and user groups help with that.
And something light to round out the links.
For Riven, glad you’re alive and uninjured. Sorry some A-hole fucked up Vegas for you guys.
So, what prize do I get for the 1000th post on the last article?
And the first on this one. Has that ever happened before? I think it’s some sort of record.
that’s more “random 2nd and 12 stat” they put on the screen. “manning wins 45% of games when he drinks OJ based smoothie within 48 hours.”
The Juice is loose!
Double ewwww…
EJ Manuel as the Raiders starting quarterback for the rest of the season.
We kill you last.
I vote for a permanent Glibertarian webpage of honor/shame entry.
Free stuff! For doing nothing! And you, a libertarian!
ESPN decides to start showing the anthem again now that there is some good ole kneeling going on. Not linking WAPO.
No love in the links for Tom Petty?
It’s mentioned on AM links.
I mean ‘morning’ links.
About 45 minutes ago.
There are links in the morning?!?
/second shift privilege
Mentioned deeply in the comments of the AM Links and posted around 3pm EST. Petty deserves better.
Brett was probably writing up the links before news hit.
And the actual death notice only came just before 4:00.
Sorry, not sorry. We all have our musical blindspots. Tom Petty was one of mine.
I liked a lot of his stuff and respected him as a real throwback singer songwriter and generally cool music guy.
At least we still have Lou Reed.
Wait what? Google’s Tom Petty. Fuck, that’s bullshit. Petty was freakin’awesome.
Now they’re Monty Pythoning him – some news sources are saying he was taken off life support with a DNR, but he hadn’t died yet.
I’m not saying it was a gremlin, but thank God Bill Shatner was there.
Holy cow that’s scary. Also glad Riven isn’t dead.
I likewise support the ongoing living of Riven and Mr Riven!
No point in commenting on these links, we hit 1000 this morning. Shut the site down, we’re done.
I read that the shooter in Vegas was going at it for 72 minutes. It had to be quickly obvious where he was shooting from. WTF didn’t someone kick the door in and shoot his ass?
Did anyone else see the 2 holes in the hotel windows? They’re on different sides of the hotel. I mean on the same corner, but not the same side. Looks like it was a big room.
If this is going to be the last hotel room you rent in your life, you might as well make it a suite.
I saw a diagram showing it was ~1,500 SF
That’s literally double the size of my house!
When seconds count, the cops are only 72 minutes away.
That’s pretty damn sad it took them that long.
If; as far as I know this hasn’t been confirmed.
There could be a non-incompetent explanation.
By the time they were searching the hotel, he had killed himself. So no sounds of gun-fire to guide the people looking for him.
Although he used a stolen id and apparently had cameras set up to monitor police. Which implies he was trying to hide himself for as long as possible.
Obviously we need common-sense ID-stealing control.
They were waiting for him to run out of bullets.
They had to make it home safely. Why do you have our heroes?
hate damnit!
what? no way. 72 minutes?? not a chance that’s right.
Agreed. I heard 10 minutes.
Daily Fail so, grain of salt and all.
72 minutes for the response, but my understanding is that he was only shooting for about 10 minutes.
I came here to make that joke. *shakes fist*
Pretty sure he raped a whole lot more than nothing
And something light to round out the links.
Milk comes from titties, get over it.
I’d bet money that half the people complaining have no idea what an udder is.
I bought this mint udder balm last year for my Secret Santa gift.
I gave it to the head of our entire region, much to the horror of the office drone who set up the stupid secret santa program. My boss loved it though. I also gave him those shoulder length plastic OB gloves “for reviews”.
That’s hilarious:)
For all the shit that today has been… there are only two more days until hockey season starts. That is a good thing.
Are we doing minor sports? NWSL playoffs are this weekend and Orlando is ranked 3rd after beating the number one team in the last regular season game. GO PRIDE!
Also only two days until my wife goes out of town for three nights.
Party at RBS’s?
Turns out I will be dogsitting at my parent’s house. So…yes.
Aw, not to worry. We won’t trash the place. And we’ll text you pics.
as a kid, some friends and I would hide empty beer cans around the house if the host-kid was an absolute shit head.
RBS’ wife: Um, why are there empty Rolling Rock bottles all over the house?
Geez man, we would just sign them up for a pay later subscription to Penthouse.
yeah. I was kind of a dick. They deserved it, I would never do that to anyone decent.
If they picked up before mom and dad got back it should be fine. except for the one in the top of the toilet, that might still be there.
If I had a real gripe with the host of a beer bash, I would change the outgoing answering machine message to something completely vile.
Nice! Mrs. Trshmnstr and Baby Trshmnstr are out of town until Saturday, so I have the house to myself (and the dumbfuck dog… *glares angrily*)
RE: The Atlantic.
Yeah, cause the Dems are such a solid, non-dysfunctional miasma of competing interest groups. SMH.
In fairness, they would circle the wagons for a guy like Hickenlooper.
And now someone ‘might’ be shooting near or on USC campus. Not confirmed.
Compton or Watts? That didn’t qualify as news when I was a student there.
Not sure. Not much detail and unconfirmed. Probably just some hysteria, maybe a car backfired or something.
Saw this gem. WTF
I’ve decided to buy a silencer after that nutjob probably derailed SHARE. Primary use will be an 8.5in 300 blackout and occasionally 16in 5.56. Any pro-tips or recommendations? Thanks.
Silencerco Omega is a good one. That or anything by thunderbeast.
Crooklyn Dodgers
this was the song from that soundtrack that was all over the radio
Another one of my favorite hip-hop tracks. Jeru the Damaja is amazing.
From the sidebar of the Mirror article about the milk ad:
Man had sex with friend’s Labrador and shared videos carrying out “sick fantasies” under name DirtyBristolBoi
I’d like to contribute materially to this discussion by asserting that the Shareaholic widget is not only utterly unfriendly to families, but also played a major role in the rise of both Hitler and Stalin to power – a fact that has almost been completely whitewashed from history.
That’s just the Shareahol talking.
The shooter’s brother lying his face off.
Did they feel the bumps on his head? Only way to be sure.
He may or may not be telling the truth, but I’m not exactly putting faith in an analysis done by a self-described “body language expert” on Vox Day.
I saw him on TV first and thoughts was hopping around and jittering way too much to be believed.
The brother was very odd. It’s like he was contradicting himself by saying he was never around the brother and they spoke infrequently and then going into detail about what guns the guy owned, where he kept them, how he never used them. It was very odd.
Sounds like pseudoscience.
Did antifa actually claim responsibility? Or did someone claim it for them? If they did, they’re done.
No of course not.
I didn’t think so.
Don’t read the comments. Jesus.
ISIS claimed responsibility.
They always do. Pretty smart strategy. Keep safe the name out there and makes them seem more dangerous than they really are.
Keeps the name out there. Stupid phone and lack of proofing.
They tripled down on it.
That would be amazing.
But I don’t believe it.
As I said in the earlier links, if this guy had some sort of association with jihadism, this becomes a wildly different narrative. For that matter, if this guy had any kind of relationship to Antifa or was some kind of virulently anti-Trump guy, again, this becomes dramatically different.
Although extremely unlikely, this would be my favorite scenario for observing the media’s handling.
White guy. And Muslim.
Ok then. Go.
Alex Jones claims Antifa literature found in shooter’s room. Or, maybe it’s a false flag. Or something. Or, maybe, a guy who’s in an anti-Trump rally who was wearing a pussy hat looks like the shooter, but probably not. Then, his Jones’ counterpart says everybody’s spinning the story to fit their narrative, and maybe it was just a random act of evil.
Seriously … all of the purveyors of fake news — including law enforcement and MSM as well as nuts like Jones — need to wait for the findings of a genuine investigation before spouting off.
I’d just go ahead and write off the pussy hat video as bullshit. No one even seems to know who’s making that claim.
It’s a little surprising that nothing else has come out so far, in what was clearly a planned out attack on a concert.
It’s pretty safe to write off everything from Alex Jones as bullshit.
“body language analyst”
get the fuck out of here.
What if she’s from Australia?
I approve. I need private consultations.
Fatlip- What’s up Fatlip?
another song of his. Probably good for people today. It’s a nice reminder.
Tom Petty died.
Not a good day.
RIP Lucky.
Shit, I liked that ugly dude.
Think a guy as ugly as that would have a chance in today’s music market? Or would he have to write songs and play the guitar in the background while a good looking guy sang?
My theory is that MTV somehow made all ugly people lose all their musical skills. No more Petty, no more Joplin, no more Journey.
Mere talent and competence are not enough anymore. Look at Lady Gaga. Can she sing? Hell yeah! Is she attractive? She’s pretty much meh below the makeup. She needed to do something else to stand out.
Was he in Las Vegas?
RIP. I dug him. One of the first albums I ever bought was Damn The Torpedoes. 1979.
Love that album.
And ‘Hard Promises’.
Yep. Gonna listen to that now – good idea.
RIP Tom Petty
How many Wilbury’s are left? Two?
Dylan and Lynne.
In the end there can only one, and it will be Jeff Lynne, because hair.
His hair’s got a strange magic
He got it.
Latest is he’s is NOT dead but he has a DNR and isn’t expected to survive by the end of the day.
Call miracle Max!
He clearly said “to blave”. Leave him be.
My heart is broken
So, any of you miscreants, shitlords, etc. going to the Tableau Data 2017 conference in Vegas next week? It’s at the Mandalay Bay – I really hope people don’t cancel due to the events. Can’t let the psychos win and all…
I went two years ago and had a blast. It wasn’t all just booze, blackjack, and hookers either. I actually learned a lot and made good industry connections. Looking forward to it and maybe meet up for a drink (or ten) with anyone going.
Im not. Maybe by next years I’ll be in the field/
No, but I’ve heard good things about tableau. Will have to put it on the maybe list for next year.
What’s a Tableau?
Reporting software. Really good at making really pretty graphs and charts that C-suite suits lose their minds over.
SSRS works fine and it’s free.
I mean if you own SQL, it’s free. And you can do all sorts of fancy pants stuff with it.
^ This! And the interactive dashboards that people can drill into and answer their own data questions. Our regulators love it, too, as we can show them that we can see what is going on in the business close to real-time.
I was just a simple SQL/Excel drone before Tableau – this thing has really improved by career prospects. All the business groups want their Tableau dashboards to show off to the Board/C-level.
Boom. Dumbass media lawyer for CBS got canned.
Story no longer available.
What the hell?
Damn you Moon!
Dayum. WTH is wrong with people?
If you oppose ENB trying to ensure a guy doesn’t get a job for a sandwich joke and think that the Left’s twitter mob mentality to get people fired for ‘wrong think’ is bad, than this is bad too.
I understand the willingness to celebrate because finally someone with ‘wrong thought’ from the Left gets a taste of their own medicine, but it just continues a dangerous precedent
“Ladies, get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich” and “I don’t care if country-music-loving redneck Republicans get massacred in great numbers” do not register identically to me.
I don’t group a lame sandwich joke and the espousal of indifference to the death of 5 dozen people in the same category.
Agreed. We should be decrying the idea that it should be common place for people to lose their jobs over privately shared opinions.
It would be one thing if they were an on air personality and said that on the air or posted it to an official company twitter but on their own facebook page should not be a firing offense
If you’re a media lawyer in a VP position at CBS, you may as well be posting for the company. It’s not like she was a boom operator for the Big Bang Theory.
Facebook is public by design. This wasn’t something she said to someone in confidence or even a conversation she had at a bar. This was something she posted on what amounts to a public Internet forum. If for no other reason, she had a responsibility to consider her posts in light of her position as a representative of the company she works for, and that company had every justifiable interest in severing ties with someone who’s public statements could be interpreted as positions supported even tacitly by the company.
ENB doxxing a fratboy over a joke about a sandwich isn’t in the same category as CBS firing an employee who publicly declares that she felt no sympathy for the victims of a mass shooting because they listened to country and were therefore probably Republicans who supported gun rights.
This. IMO, the doxxing of anonymous people is the problem, not the getting fired for unsavory opinions part. There’s a reason that I post under a pseudonym here, and if somebody doxxed me I’d be pretty pissed. If I posted a screed here using my real name and my employer decided to can me for it, I’d have no leg to stand on in saying that they had done me wrong, even if I think it’s a crappy corporate policy.
I will add that I hold a so-called free speech defender like ENB to a higher standard than a prog-infested shithole like CBS. Both ENB and CBS are within their rights to dissociate from people espousing unsavory opinions, but it seems much more hypocritical coming from ENB.
There is a difference between a mob campaigning to get someone fired and an employer deciding that an employees public statement violate company policy.
This isn’t remotely difficult to figure out.
But, ENB!!!!
And do you honestly think for even one second that the bulk of CBS Execs disagree with the statement?
No it is pretty obvious the firing was pre-emptive because they knew the backlash with demands the person be fired was coming.
The issue is not CBS firing the person, the issue is companies believing they have no choice but to fire anyone who says anything remotely controversial because if they don’t they will be facing an angry internet mob willing to boycott and DOS the company for failing to act appropriately
I would view it as firing a lawyer for showing a incredible lack of judgement, and isn’t that what lawyers are supposed to have?
Every Vice President for any big company should know he or she represents the company every time they speak or write in a public forum.
This particular VP works for a media company whose customers already in an open revolt over perceived anti-American behavior by football players. And there is plenty of overlap between people that watch football and people that listen to country music.
The bottom line always comes first.
I was happy shitting on her here on the boards, but I wasn’t about to fire up ye olde email to dispatch my displeasure at CBS. And I’m happy to toast her getting shitcanned without feeling like I did anything to encourage it.
I’ve been kind of thinking the same thing as well. The only thing I will point out is that we were talking about an executive here and not some random employee. That kind of makes a significant difference.
Is there an award for least popular comment of the day? I’ll take my prize (please don’t let it be a cat butt)
Jesus fucking Christ! How dare you consistently apply a sincerely-held principle, you asshole!
I got where you were coming from, but free speech doesn’t mean free from consequences, just free from government interference.
I believe the difference here is a matter of scale.
ENB went out of her way to try to sabotage the employment prospects of a young make for an admittedly stupid joke when she could have just shamed him on the internets.
A identifiable management employee for a media company makes not a joke, but a personal statement of indifference to a tragedy in a highly politicized way in a highly politicized climate.
Both should own what they say and bear the fruits from their speech as long as those fruits don’t come from the government. We can quibble over what and how serious those results should be, but to suggest that you can say anything you want with no repercussions is foolish.
I would also assume that any VP of a major corporation has a clause in their contract that governs their behavior even when not at work.
Meh, I secretly enjoy pan pizza. It takes all kinds.
Say what you want about Dunphy, motherfucker has flow.
More fire than Dylan.
Top Five Rappers:
Do you want some of this hot fire?
Listen, Im-a close the studio this week.
motherfucker has flow.
Get him a tampon.
Best of Robert Aguayo.
Oh you just go on telling yourself and your clients that.
Anyone with 2 brain cells and 1 functioning ear can hear the reality of the situation. No the revolt of the Republican base is not “ideological” in the sense that there is some policy that one could adopt and capture their loyalty. They actually generally agree with most of what Republican politicians say already. The reality is they just don’t believe those politicians actually believe those words (which would barely be forgivable) or are actually going to do ANYTHING about bringing them into reality (which is absolutely not forgivable).
Look, we get it guys you hate the Democrats but you can’t just run on a platform of “But the Democrats are worse” because at the end of the day if you don’t ever do anything to push back on Democratic initiatives the best you offer is a temporary slowdown in the long march towards collectivism. You need actual ideas, ones actually backed by your supposed ideals. Coming up with an actual free market reform to replace Obamacare should have been a trivial matter for the Republicans, there should have been a dozen competing proposals and the best combination of them should have been easy to put up for a vote. Instead we had 1 free market reform proposal which was promptly ignored by the entire party and then a handful of obvious attempts to pander and claim a repeal of Obamacare by creating Obamacare under another name and different window dressing.
Until you grow some balls and a moral core I hate to break it to you but you are in for a rough time and it would not surprise me to see at least a dozen sitting Senators and Congressmen primaried.
Yeah, the last cycle broke me. Next election I’m going to do something more productive than voting, like jerkoff.
Why not both, or does your precinct not have privacy curtains?
They don’t. They have those little foldout briefcase like voting banks. No privacy for the man on the go with very little free time to jerk it.
But you are a Florida man. Why would you need a privacy curtain?
*looks around*
Sometimes I get performance anxiety in front of a crowd.
Glue your ballot shut?
HMM. I can claim protest and get 1A protection…
The question is how they will count the “hanging chad”
Instead we had 1 free market reform proposal which was promptly ignored by the entire party and then a handful of obvious attempts to pander and claim a repeal of Obamacare by creating Obamacare under another name and different window dressing.
Ken Shultz hardest hit.
Graham-Cassidy did not reform Obamacare, but it would have been a huge free market reform toward Medicaid. It would have ensured that there would be no way to ever implement single payer on a national level. It was a huge miss
Whether Graham-Cassidy was a good idea or not is rather irrelevant to this issue. It was NOT a repeal of Obamacare in any way shape or form and approximately 0% of Republican voters are stupid enough to be duped into thinking it was.
When you spend 8 years running on repealing Obamacare with your base telling you that repealing Obamacare is one of their most important priorities putting up a half assed reform package that leaves Obamacare largely intact and transfers ownership of it’s eventual failure from the Democrats to you is not a winning strategy and not going to placate your base.
The fact that they did not have a couple of actual combination repeal/reform packages ready to be voted on in the first month after Trump taking office is one part of the problem, the other is they haven’t got the balls to look the media in the eye and tell them to go fuck themselves every time they are accused of hating the poor for daring to propose such a draconian reform.
At the end of the day, IF free market reforms are actually going to work in health care (like we all at lest claim to believe they will) the reality that they got the reforms passed will buy them sufficient time for people to see them working and grow to support the reforms no matter what the media says.
It was better than a generic repeal of Obamacare. It was the 90’s welfare reform, but applied to Medicaid
So you’really saying Rand has doomed us to single-payer?
It would have ensured that there would be no way to ever implement single payer on a national level.
I’m calling BS on that. It would’ve accomplished just the opposite. It would’ve given the Dems the political capital to get single payer passed when healthcare continues in its current death spiral. It may not have been the next election cycle, but the political consequences of pinning the economic consequences of the shattered remnants of Ocare on the GOP would’ve lasted a generation.
There is only one option that doesn’t automatically end in single payer. Full repeal of Ocare and additional free market reforms of the healthcare market. Anything short of that will inevitably end up with single payer.
I’m trying to be optimistic. So I’m probably full of crap.
But I think there is a second path: pass all the things they should have passed the first time thru, with either executive orders or actual legislation. Inter-state purchase, cut employer based biases in tax code, and good HSA’s, and get rid of the mandates to provide stuff that people don’t want to pay for. Then let Obamacare die on the vine.
Voters are finally seeing through the Ike Turner act. “Come on baby, I know I didn’t repeal Obamacare, but you gotta forgive me baby. You know I love you. Here, have some tax reform. That’s it, try it on. You know I love you baby.”
That is brilliant.
I had to laugh at quoting some doofus who worked on the McCain campaign as an expert. Really? Failed campaign strategist for a horrible campaign for a candidate who is about the furthest away from the drain-the-swamp or Tea Party folks as they come, and we should care what he has to say?
Fuck you, Richard Dawkins. You repugnant piece of shit.
The funny thing is that this guy is a racist now according to the Left, because of his views on Islam. But, he must virtue signal.
To be fair, he says the same things about Muslims and then progs get mad.
He’s an equal opportunity garbage human being and well known pompous asshole so no surprise here.
“good-humoured ridicule”
Now that he’s seperated from Lalla Ward, he really doesn’t have anything going for him.
I’m going to peg the odds that Republicans enact state reciprocity laws and pass the bill concerning silencers at ‘zero percent’ now. The Republican caucus is renowned for their cowardice in the face of media narratives
Anyone else seen that photo purporting to be of the mayor of San Juan standing waist deep in flood water? The one that all the progs on derpbook are sharing as irrefutable proof of her virtue? Looks staged to me.
She’s wearing a wristwatch which is something you don’t do if you’re going to put your arms in the water. Even though she’s wearing a life vest it’s still not smart to wade through turbid water. Also, raw sewage.
And don’t even get me started on all the things wrong with the guy in the kayak who’s hand she is reaching out to.
She’s wearing a wristwatch which is something you don’t do if you’re going to put your arms in the water.
Dive watches are very common. Not typically with women, but they are common.
Doesn’t look like a dive watch. Also, unless she is known to dive….
Can’t imagine her handlers and security folks letting her wade around in that unless there was a photo op with rescue standing by.
No it isn’t. I should’ve qualified that by saying I don’t think you are wrong about it being staged but that’s not necessarily what I would point out as proof. If she was wading through sewage she’s probably be wearing a hazmat suit.
I buy super cheap Timex watches because I constantly put my hands in water or in places where the face gets scratched up a lot. Why spend a lot if you know you are going to break it within a year or so?
And actually the $20 Timex watch actually lasts through some pretty good beatings. I wouldn’t have taken off my watch if I was the Mayor.
this is my fav
where she’s doing a presser in front of pallets of food and bitching about no aid forthcoming from the Feds.
Isn’t it racist to suggest the Puerto Ricans all eat Goya?
Truth is a valid defense.
Song For Brian Jones
Given what happened to Price, I thought it was kind of funny the VA decided to disclose the secretary’s travel.
VA Secretary David Shulkin discloses official travel details
He did get into a little bit of hot water from a couple Veterans groups over an official trip in Europe where he scheduled a vacation after his official functions.
Once again, no real reason for a VA secretary or any cabinet to be travelling on official business. Cut the rot out.
Not even the Secretary of State?
Hey! I know his daughter.
Illinois Rep. Robin Kelly righteously “claps back” (whatever the fuck that means) at Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ comment about Chicago violence:
What she fails to address is the dramatically lower rate of crime in the very states that these guns allegedly originate from.
Kelly is a renowned idiot.
Where do most of the drugs the shooting is about come from?
Same place it did in the Al Capone days. Prohibition. Learning lessons is hard.
That’s because they shipped all of their guns to Chicago!
I’d be a large majority of what they consume comes from “Trump Country”. Are they asking for trade sanctions?
RA got me back to Jedi Mind Tricks.
Republicans realize that more than half their base don’t give a shit if they have jobs or not next year. That’s right. They want you to actually fucking do something with that power, not keep expanding job opportunities for idiot nephews of elected officials.
The article linked has the title “Nobody’s in Control”, which really belies the reason the current state of affairs scares certain people: the politicians are losing control to the voters.
“not even Donald “Drain the Swamp” Trump had enough populist cred to swing a primary race to his candidate in deep-red Alabama”
Roy Moore’s win was not a defeat for Trump.
It did show the limitations of his influence.
He was just trying to play nice with the establishment GOP because he knows he can’t do anything without their help. Which is a very un-Trump-like thing to do. Not being rewarded for not being yourself is not exactly a rejection.
now for Paul Barman to bring some fun
Best Paul Barman line:
“I make rap masterpieces, you can’t complete your crap Master’s thesis”
So-called experts can’t see how the text works
So they comb through the textures of italicized
My dandy voice makes the most anti-choice granny’s panties moist.
He’s pretty incredible.
it’s tricky. I’ve shown him to both hip hop heads and nerds and both groups are kinda split on him.
Chicago’s maybe a decade away from making Detroit look like a thriving metropolis
You know, if they got rid of the kids causing problems in the schools, they wouldn’t need 80 million for security.
Okay, the thing about people having sex with animals . . . from the link:
It probably wasn’t people having sex with monkeys or apes.
Back in the day, there was a widely held misconception that HIV and AIDS came from people having sex with apes, chimps, etc. When society first became aware of AIDS back in the 80s, people didn’t know anything about it or gay people, really. They knew that AIDS was sexually transmitted, so when they found out that AIDS had been transmitted to people from monkeys, they assumed the perverts were having sex with monkeys. Remember, at the time, gays were still largely closeted, and mainstream society just thought of them as perverts–who might do something like fuck a monkey. Gays were considered to be like siamese twins–something you knew existed but you might never see in your lifetime. That’s what pride parades were all about–combating that sort of thing, so people would come to realize that gays weren’t inhuman pervs. They were regular people you knew.
Anyway, in all likelihood, HIV spread to people from Africans consuming monkey meat in the bush–perhaps during a famine.
This herpes virus probably went the same way.
There’s an argument about whether every stone age people practiced cannibalism at some point in time. I’ve always found it interesting that Mad Cow disease and Kuru more or less have the same manifestations–a distortion of the way certain proteins fold in the brain leaving lacunae (holes) behind. Mad Cow disease was largely diminished by no longer feeding guts, brains, and other unused parts of cows–back to cows. And Kuru is a disease people used to get (still get sometimes?) from eating their dead relatives by way of funerary cannibalism.
One of the interesting aspects of this is the reinforcement of the idea (much to the chagrin of atheist trolls) that taboos are actually evolutionary adaptations of the social variety. Societies develop these superlatively unscientific taboos from superlatively unscientific sources. Who in stone age society can explain why it’s a bad idea to eat your dead relatives or other people? Certainly, they don’t rely on scientific ideas about germs and viruses and contagion passing from such consumption. It’s just that those societies that didn’t develop a totally irrational taboo about eating other people had a harder time proliferating–because they were inhibited by things like Kuru. This is despite the fact that protein is especially hard to come by in the tropics.
Yes, suggesting that an idea is bad because of its source is irrational. Ad hominem fallacies are built of such things. If society is better off with ideas like “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” or “Eat not thy neighbor”, whether that idea came from scientific analysis or the Flying Spaghetti Monster is beside the point. Actually, it’s worse than irrational if atheists are arguing against a taboo or religious belief that’s survived through millennia of scrutiny by being of benefit to the people who believe in it.
Useful pharmaceuticals are derived from the “magic” plants of stone age cultures. Deal with it.
Anyway, it’s unlikely that African nutcracker man got herpes from having butt sex with five monkeys and a fish-squirrel.
Much more likely that African nutcracker man ate an infected monkey.
Euphemisms from the Dark Continent.
That’s what they all say.
I did not have sexual relations with that monkey
” When society first became aware of AIDS back in the 80s, people didn’t know anything about it or gay people, really.”
Ken stumbles, yet again, into an open manhole cover and wonders why people are making fun of him.
There had never been any homosexuality until the Stonewall riots, after all.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I said.
What, are you the new Tulpa?
I don’t care about people laughing at me–although Tulpa used to care about it a lot.
Are you Tulpa?
Busdriver- Imaginary Places
Why do so many websites likely insist on asking me if they can “send me notifications”? its been going on for months now and it never occurred to me to ask wtf has happened to internet-browsing such that its gone from ‘allowing cookies’ to having every single website ask whether they can fuck with you even when you’re offline. I’ve never ‘allowed’ whatever it is they’re asking for, so i’m not even sure what this new functionality is, but i dislike having a new layer of bullshit nagware.
some sort of “give me all the updates!”
I don’t like it.
I’ve noticed the same thing.
Glibertarians should give me periodic Zardoz urges to kill.
“As people begin to start preaching about second amendment rights in the wake of the horrific Las Vegas tragedy, feel free to read the highlighted portion. Domestic terrorists are not members of a militia, nor are they well regulated due to NRA lobbying, a spineless Congress and nut job Americans. The right to bear arms is not guaranteed to anyone who wants a gun ever. Universal background checks are an obvious start to begin the ‘well-regulated’ portion of the second amendment. Please share the highlighted portion when morons try to hide behind their skewed interpretation of the second amendment.”
An acquaintance on Derpbook. Where is the philosopher of Derp when you need him?
That is Occupy Democrats worthy derp.
I wanted to reply but what’s the fucking point? You guy is so blinded by his partisan rage for the 2nd Amendment, I would have an easier time debating with my cats.
In his defense there wasn’t any misplaced profanity, so he he has that going for him.
And for that, we should all be thankful.
please tell me you at least showed them the penn and teller bullshit video on the 2nd.
There’s really no point in doing so. Someone else called him out on his bullshit and he posted that his bonehead interpretation is the reason why people are killed today. And he wrote this response to the guy:
“See the following cases for the Supreme court interpretation of the Constitution, not your bullshit narrative. Militia stood for state militias since a national army was only needed to be raised in times of war, but minor conflicts may need to be addressed by armed citizens with regulations and minor training.
U.S. v. Cruikshank and Miller v. Texas
And he probably thinks “regulated” means “restricted”, too.
Yep. He interprets it as though only the government can have guns and that individuals may own them if they are in a government militia.
And by interprets you mean, “wishes really hard.”
And the crazy thing is that the guy doesn’t know dick about guns. One of my friends said it best about gun grabbers:
“…gun laws are written by people that hate guns, know nothing about guns, are proud they know nothing about guns, and have no desire to learn about guns.”
This interpretation always strikes me as funny, since the operative clause of the amendment is “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”, not “the right of the states to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” or “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall be well regulated”. Words: what do they mean?
I’ve always wondered why it is that the government would feel the need to write down an amendment giving itself permission to have a government militia – also known as a “military”.
all the other amendments are about people rights except that one.
that one is unique.
Maybe you guys know better than I do, but how could the two cases , U.S. v. Cruikshank and Miller v. Texas be an endorsement for government regulation of guns?
I believe the Miller case the court ruled that a restriction on sawed off shotguns was not an infringement because at the time there was no “military” purpose to shorten a shotgun barrel.
Never mind, I must have been thinking about something else.
But wasn’t that precedent overturned by the Heller and McDonald decisions in the Supreme Court?
I think it was, but I am not a lawyer nor did I stay at Holliday Inn last night.
It gets better:
“News reports suggest Stephen Paddock, a reclusive professional gambler who lived in a retirement community in Nevada, had a very limited public profile before perpetrating one of the deadliest mass shootings in American history. His late father, a notorious bank robber who spent eight years on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List after escaping from a federal prison in Texas, was a very different kind of criminal. The elder Paddock, whose nicknames included “Big Daddy” and “Chrome Dome,” was charged in 1960 with stealing about $25,000 from three separate bank branches in Phoenix, Arizona. Paddock was 34 at the time, and had already been to prison twice for his role in what the Arizona Republic called “confidence games.””
Literally everything is empowerment.
Won’t load for me. Summary?
A made up story about a HIV positive back womyn and all the guys who want to bareback with her because they love her but she just has too much of a hard time loving herself enough to let them.
Can’t tell if it’s a womyn, tranny or gay guy. No matter what it is pretty high on the derp scale.
Uggh. I actually read that thing. And the comments.
Pretty sure it is a dude.
“…believes the written word is one tool that could be used towards achieving that goal.”
He should probably learn the written word before embarking on world-changing. What the fuck is a “sha-daughter”?
Du WHITE? He’s appropriatin’ muh kulture!
I have HIV but don’t need to take any precautions of any sort because that would be “sero-shaming” and not giving a shit about the people around me makes me empowered. And, naturally, if you don’t agree you’re racist.
I hope it’s not true, but she wouldn’t be the first human piece of shit to exist.
I’m tempted to go to town, but I’m afraid of what sort of nonsensical moaning and groaning I’m likely to hear. It’s a conundrum.
Go to town? Are you posting from the 1880’s prairie?
On a libertarian forum, always remember there’s a chance somebody here is posting from a repurposed missile silo.
fuck, they know. *hits emergency evac button* time to bug out to the next one.
Don’t bring your guns to town.
For Riven
Sigh. Even the Knicks blog I frequent is fully infested with gun control talk. Muskets, Australia, silencers, evil nra members should be shot, etc.
There are 3 sane posts, all by me.
Could be a new feature. Spot the glib.
Shouldn’t the Knicks be shot?
The Knicks are the biggest mess of a basketball franchise in the NBA.
I love that very very much.
Lol. Thx for that.
There were all kinds of “future guns” before the second was even written.
A sad bunch of comments-They need to stick to waxing poetic about grown men bouncing a ball around.
It’s too bad Anouka Brown-Sanders didn’t have a gun to defend herself.
Nice! Damn it, I wish I was as sharp as you guys/gals. I may use that as my parting shot once I start getting threatened with a ban
Have not read yet, but there’s some disturbing assumptions embedded in the headline there – namely, that politics *should be* “controller” by politicians, rather than voters.
the idea is that politics, “correctly done”, should involve political leadership shaping and cajoling their constituencies into ‘correct thinking’ postures. which is utter horseshit. Politicians are nothing but lobbyists for voters, and they should always be confused and terrified of going against their customers capricious whims.
voters should NEVER be ‘controlled’ by some cadre of political elites. It seems to me to be a projection of the author’s own assumptions…which, given its the atlantic, i assume are left-leaning, regardless of the fact that his beat seems to be ‘the republican party’.*
*speaking of which, i think its sort of hilarious that Dave Weigel was hired by the WaPo to do a similar job- be their in-house correspondent covering ‘right wing’ politics. And if you recall from the Journolist expose, what became clear was that he held anyone on the right in absolute and total disgust. And, despite getting gently wrist-slapped by the Wapo, *kept that job*. Basically, the fact that he was utterly and completely biased against the right wasn’t at all a disqualifying feature of his being made chief correspondent covering the republican party; it was the requirement. which is basically what i’m assuming about the above guy.
I think the ‘lack of control’ the writer ponders about (having glanced at the article) is really only confusing to him because of his other assumptions: that ‘awful trump’ was elected BECAUSE of his ‘awful’ characteristics, and NOT ‘despite them’.
What he seems to fail to grasp is the ‘anti-establishment’-instinct, which is basically “Anything But X“, where “X” are exactly the sort of politicians that lefties think the Right SHOULD want: “john kasich”-types, ‘good governance’-politicians, people who want to pass centrist legislation and avoid controversy. Trump got elected not because of what he was, but because of what he obviously was not. And i think the GOP also doesn’t understand this either; its not “tea party” activists anymore that are roiling against the establishment – its everyone. And they’re not motivated by any particular issues or policy, they’re motivated by a general feeling of cultural disenfranchisement.
A whole lot of people think of politicians as “leaders” for some reason, and really do believe they shape the discussion.
Including Cato and the cosmotarians.
The more honest types do admit that the “neoliberal” elites are a bunch of corrupt crooks who are out of touch but they are better than the altenatives. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
Circus themed orgy: your new recurring nightmare.
NB: This is the same club that requires a $750,000/yr (!!!!!) membership fee.
My orgy would be way more awesome than that for 1% of that.
I posted the original story on that last week and concluded that I could buy a $1000 hooker every day of the year and still have enough left over to buy a pretty nice house.
Sad hobo clowns do come cheap these days.
My orgy would be way more awesome than that for 1% of that.
Your newsletter?
If that’s your thing, then okaaaaaayyyyy
“The women get in for free”
Yeah, they’re totally not hookers
Silicon Valley meets Vegan Mayonnaise
$250M investment. $1B valuation. Cult of personality. Unbridled hubris. Veganism.
And then, prepare your shocked face, trouble.
It’s a sure thing!
“awesome sauce”
I hate him already
This guy sounds like an asshole.
applying proprietary machine-learning algorithms to identify the most-promising proteins for use in muffins, spreads, and other foods
*cough* bullshit *cough*
I’m calling it now. This guy throws the shittiest barbeques.
The people who throw money at this guy don’t realize that every major food company on earth has R&D departments that do 10X the amount of investing in ‘food-tech’ than this guy could possibly accomplish. its a naive pretension that the reason food isn’t healthier is because “big evil food companies” don’t want to invent better foods. You have no fucking idea. General Mills/Kraft/Unilever, etc.. have thrown away more ‘health concepts’ than he will ever sell in his entire company’s lifespan. Why? because they taste like shit.
His products will sell well for 1 or 2 years, as curious consumers adopt “new things” out of novelty desire all the time…. but if they don’t taste #*@&$@( great, AND are affordable relative to the competition, they will fall off and vanish just like 90% of all new product launches. And Silicon Valley VCs don’t have the stomach (pun intended) for that sort of rate of failure, which is why the companies that do it, and do it successfully, spend decades working on even the most minor tweaks to their existing billion-dollar brands.
and if they think the exit strategy is to simply sell their sexy new product concepts to some big CPG firm?… nope, that’s not likely either. they don’t generally pay the kind of premium for acquisitions that tech companies do, so the payday wont come close to justifying the VC valuations.
this is some good, subtle-snark by the author
there’s also this, which i think is funny for how it uses “evokes” and “suggests”…. to soften the blow that, well, that’s exactly what it IS
Have not read yet, but there’s some disturbing assumptions embedded in the headline there – namely, that politics *should be* “controller” by politicians, rather than voters.
Do you want Brexit? Because that’s how you get Brexit.
Are you posting from the 1880’s prairie?
I live *uphill* from town. And that’s MISTER Sodbuster, to you.
back home, it was about a half hour to the grocery store. the bad one.
movies were over an hour. Dates are like half travel.
It’s like that in Los Angeles too, but in that half hour you’re only going a mile.
oh. just walk!
Nobody walks in LA.
Goddammit. Now a certain song is crowding out my ability to concentrate.
I pity you
Not to worry. It never rains in Southern California, either.
applying proprietary machine-learning algorithms to identify the most-promising proteins for use in muffins, spreads, and other foods
“Watch this, Moe. These guys will believe anything!”
But can it core a apple?
So what are the chances of gun control?
one in eight.
I think it’s really hard to say. The Republicans are not as vehemently pro-gun as the Democraps make them out to be. Most major gun control bills have passed with at least some Republican support. And Donald Trump made a lot of pro-gun statements during the campaign, but he has supported strict gun control in the past.
I was considering voting for Trump in 2020 if he refrains from any stupid shit and gets some things done (like maybe putting a dent in public sector unions) but if he signs a gun control bill, all bets are off.
Yes Trump has made anti-gun statements in the past. His real views are unclear and what way the winds blow is not easy to see.
Federal? I don’t think so.
Agreed. I think we may see a push to reinstate the AWB, but even that would get shot down (no pun intended). GOP congresscritters know that their constituents are just itching for a reason to put them out on their ass, and being seen as anti-gun would just about guarantee a strong primary challenge.
If anything we might see some symbolic legislation passed in NV. Which would suck for the many ranges in Vegas that get a lot of business from tourists from other countries.
So what does everyone think about judicial activism? Do we have inalienable rights or does it depend on what a majority of the Supreme Court thinks?
I think judicial activism is a worthless term. It’s just code for decisions I don’t agree with.
We always have rights regardless of whether the government respects them.
What do think of the living constitution then?
Another issue with judge-made law is that who appoints them?
I think rule of law is an impossibility in reality, but we should stay within a standard deviation or two of it. Wholesale writing of law by judges is to be condemned (I’m looking at you Roberts).
It’s what the Supreme Court claims that it thinks the Constitution says. Of course the Constitution can be amended to add clarification so those decisions can ultimately be forced by majority representation.
Outside of very few jurists, judges on both sides of the aisle practice results-based law: Rather than studying the law and coming to a decision based on that, they come to a decision and then find the law that supports their decision.
Scalia was one of the few who didn’t do that. He famously had a stamp in his office that said “Stupid, but constitutional”.
Scalia was one of the few who didn’t do that
Well, he only did it sometimes, which is quite different from “nearly always”.
Time for another homage to catalonia?
You love these Natural Law arguments don’t you Winston?
Where’s my yogic flying?
Doug Henning huh? Seems totally legit.
Much better with Derp
Do pan or John titor have anything to say about the new NDP leader? What does he stand for?
*raises hand hesistantly* As a former member of the NDP I can categorically state that Mr. Singh is like all politicians, in other words he is in it for the money and the power. This is why he flooded the ballots with thousands upon thousands of new members that suddenly remembered their collective socialist bonafides when it happened to be a South Asian in the running. Funny that the same community is generally very conservative, socially and fiscally unless there is something in it for them. It’s a fucking travesty and he’ll lose, badly.
– Fuck NDP.
– Far as I can tell, he stands for having a sweet-ass beard.
– Seriously, fuck NDP.
Brown guy in religious garb will not swing Quebec, that is an unalienable fact.
This. And they’re idiots if they think that playing the social justice game with the leadership is going to give them any momentum. One of these days the unions are going to get sick of the upper middle class socialists. And as Festus notes, enjoy never being able to trick Quebec into voting for you again you dumb assholes.
Late to the party – flight this morning at 6 AM and offsite the next few days. Just skimmed the days posts.
Re: Gilmores PR article/link this morning.
1. EVERYTHING (aircraft) on site for IRMA relief was moved off island NLT 24 hours before Maria arrived – a few teams and vehicles hunkered down. Everything else had to get moved off for safety. Standard procedure.
2. Maria wound up being a lot bigger than Irma, etc – and basically wiped the board clean even though some stuff had survived Irma.
3. Other Virgin Islands in the area (not just US territories and citizens, but definitely critical circumstances) etc were even worse off than PR and required IMMEDIATE assistance and mass evacuations due to literally no surviving structures, etc. (honestly that one did drop off my list of knowledge when posting earlier this week).
4. You can have all the airfields in the world, but if they’re not clear and operational with working controllers (minimal power, transmission, etc), you ain’t doing shit! Esp talking about a real airlift.
5. Same for ports – Carriers don’t routinely carry just helos. Special cases, sure but it takes time and lots of people to swap out aircraft and load up for different missions. Most ports can’t even handle carriers – they almost always anchor out – and if there’s no anchorage suitable (I don’t know about PR) – they just steam around…maybe suitable, maybe not.
6. Again, PR as a US territory has very different requirements (the local gov’t has it’s own responsibilities, etc) than providing aid to non-US countries and the military generally has to play very nice. Maybe they should have acted sooner re: strikes, etc. Not my call, but folks in charge are VERY Careful when it comes to posse comitatus and the legal side of things.
Re #3 – possible that there was assumption in some areas that PR was going to hold up better than it did. There were emergency requests from France and Holland, etc re: water purification plant repair/replacement on some of their islands that received initial priority – maybe partly because we got there before PR was out of the storm, I can’t recall. Same with evacuations from Dominica (not DR), and other locations.
Fish, I saw your post from yesterday. I may be up for something this Saturday. Depends on whether I get a baby sitter for Friday or Saturday. The wifey and I haven’t had a date in months.
Yes, it’s sad, but a reality of having three kids.
Cool. I plan on trying to be there no matter what – probably last bout of the season – may be outdoors – I need to confirm location.
Also…for a US territory, as noted, far more common to use NG than Active. And you don’t activate a unit then pay them to sit on their hands while they wait to ship out. Hell, one of my coworkers got recalled from a work trip to Europe because they deployed a VA NG bde to PR last week.
Gilmore – did you see my comments? Too late to the party this morning.
Seeing on the news bemoaning of America’s Gun culture.
Gun rights used to be a big deal until the intellectuals and the politicians decided otherwise. In the US though the 2nd made passing anti-gun laws very difficult. Whereas other countries just passed anti-gun laws.
We’re very lucky to live in this country.
Totally off-any-kind of topic:
Can any Glibs who were in the Armed Forces explain how (Thomas) Magnum, P.I. was– from time to time — called BACK into service with Navel Intelligence? Even as a kid I thought that was weird.
Magic Stache
Was he an officer? Did they ever mention Reserve status? I could probably come up with an explanation, but I don’t know enough about the character.
Yes, he was an officer. Think he may have been retired.
Some types of Navy retirement (not resignation) – not sure about other services – you stay “on the rolls” where you could technically be recalled in an emergency. Don’t think it happens very frequently, but pretty sure that’s how we also wound up with some septuagenarian general officers during WWII, etc.
Army is like that too. I’m subject to recall until I reach mandatory retirement age. Although if the Army starts recalling fat old men like me, we’re well and truly fucked.
Lt. Cmdr. Thomas Sullivan Magnum IV
Tv show.
Neil MacDonald achieves his apotheosis today.
Sorry, this is a political column about the massacre in Las Vegas
Challenge: read the whole thing without punching something. I failed on both counts.
Extra credit: try the comments.
Whereas if he walks in angry, crazy, and only carrying a machete, it’s all good.
What a hack job. It would be nice if the left for once actually knew something about … anything, before running their yaps.
“American gun nuts, who, we can safely assume, all voted for Donald Trump, love the things.”
This is just fucking bizarre. On what is he basing that?
[1] Source: his rectum, this AM, Eastern Time
I look forward to the retraction when more details come out.
Wow. No words.
I say many things about old Neil, but fuck if he can’t top any US mainstream journo! You have to go full Salon to match him.
Usual reminder: CBC gets most of its budget from federal government.
I gave up on CBC one and now just pop over to CBC two for some of the music programming. The flagship is infested with virtue-signalling rats and the only cure is to burn it to the waterline, sink the hulk and start over.
Here’s the bottom line to understanding these people: This isn’t about policy. It isn’t about facts. If it were, they wouldn’t be pushing this bullshit because it’s pretty much universally understood that these policies don’t do a damned thing to reduce gun violence or violence in general. This is about fucking over “those people”. Talk to the people proposing these moves some time. They barely disguise their contempt and desire to humiliate. They want to push these laws because they see gun owners as “icky”. They want to assert their cultural dominance.
I used to think the opposite and thought that perhaps while the gun grabbers were well intentioned, they were wrong. I will admit that some who do advocate for gun control do actually believe that if we limit the availability of certain weapons, shit like the Las Vegas tragedy would cease and those are the people that we should try and convince. But for the most part though, a lot of gun grabbers associate guns with the undesirables (inner city blacks, rednecks, flyover hicks…etc) and feel the need to take away these group’s ability to own a weapon. It’s also due to a desire of control. I may sound sort of tin foil-ish but I do believe that many on the Left view gun control as an obstacle to their socialist paradise.
I do believe that many on the Left view gun control as an obstacle to their socialist paradise
Yes, because they know what we all know. That they can only push so hard and so fast while there are more guns than people in this country. Especially in this political climate, it takes just one spark to ignite the whole tinderbox.
Whether socialist workers’ paradise is the “end goal” or not, private firearm ownership is subverts the state being solely responsible for safety. I think there are many different reasons why gun control advocates hold their positions, but those reasons all boil down to “something beyond the control of the state”.
“the Left view gun control as an obstacle to their socialist paradise”
That’s absolutely true as is your point about their racism and paternalism.
I know of few if any knowledgeable gun grabbers who seriously believe that an “assault weapons” ban would seriously affect gun violence. Hell, the people pushing for the original openly admitted it was purely symbolic. Just look at the rhetoric they issue – “If inner city black youth were to join the NRA, the gun nuts would immediately demand gun control!”. They see them as uniformly racist hypocrites.
I don’t even think it’s part of any larger agenda. They view gun owners as the other. And taking away the rights they value is a way to assert cultural dominance. It’s a way to assert “This is our country and you’ll just have to deal with it.”.
Well, the AWB was sold as a way to stop inner city violence. And by “inner city”, I mean specifically the “superpredators” failed presidential candidate Clinton was referring to way back when. That stupid law passed because the Dems were able to convince people that young black thugs were swimming in small arms and heading for the suburbs.
“I may sound sort of tin foil-ish but I do believe that many on the Left view gun control as an obstacle to their socialist paradise.”
It absolutely is. Without an armed populace the left would become very violent very quickly. That is how they always do it, mostly by intimidating the populace with mob violence. They cant do that here and that is what they hate.
Yes, what it’s an obstacle too, is having their army of urine bottle hurling thugs being basically feared by no one, because as soon as they cross a certain line they’ll get dead by gun. Take away all of those guns and that obstacle is removed.
They also hate the people who like guns.
^This. The feelings expressed by that piece of shit from CBS aren’t unique. If a culture of gun ownership and shooting was common amongst the Anderson Coopers and John Olivers of the world, these people would be staunch defenders of the second amendment.
I’m about as far from a “culture of gun ownership and shooting” as you can get but I still support it because principles. What these people lack is principles.
I typically avoid linking to TOS here but I will make an exception since we have an actual decent article.
Doherty is definitely one of the more purist types.
That is one heapin’ helpin’ of steaming shit.
Gun Grabbers lie. Every time they open their mouth they are attempting to deceive.
Fuck you Neil. You cant have my guns.
“Fergie, 42, flashes chest and abs as she strips naked”
Awesome Photoshop job
Haggard old thing, rode hard and put away wet. Even beginner photogs know to shoot in B/W to smooth out the crevasses. They fool no one! No One!
If, like me, you find Facebook to be a useful tool to keep up with family and close friends but hate everything else about it (the social signaling most of all) there’s an easy way to silence it that doesn’t involve deleting it. Unfollow every person on your friend list and delete every “liked” page that you don’t want to hear from. It is really obvious going back through it now. All I see now is stuff relating to my hobbies and the apolitical posts of my family. It’s wonderful.
If, like me, you also think “why not just remove people?” Well, I’ve got crazy relatives who I do enjoy hearing from and sharing pictures with that can’t keep their political shitshow off Facebook. So, they see what I want and I don’t have to see any of their shit nor deal with any “what is he up to these days?” questions.
Can you keep the friends list for instant messaging but not see anything else they post? Might use that as an option – good for sending quick notes to folks who don’t respond to email.
Yes. You don’t have to unfriend people, just unfollow them.
ahhh. Thanks.
Check out FB Purity
It’s really good at filtering out the crap you don’t want to see.
I’m one of those who both likes arguing with people and doesn’t mind hearing people’s different viewpoints.
But there’s that type that is incessant and I have to see 45 whiny political posts from a day.
Those get unfolllowed.
I’m one of those who both likes arguing with people and doesn’t mind hearing people’s different viewpoints.
I’m the same way, but bad faith arguments drive me nuts. Social media is 100% bad faith arguing. As such, I quit arguing on social media. Then I quit social media (except for an instagram account I use for looking at pretty pictures of cats and airplanes). I can get my viewpoint diversity from more academic sources.
It’s also not a great platform for political discussion.
If I hear you sound off every once in awhile, it’s interesting to hear your viewpoint. Maybe I didn’t know my friend had that opinion.
But if I have to listen to your shit every damn day…. ok I gotta do something
Can’t you view all those Instagram photos without an account? I think it’s Pinterest that’s more of a problem in that regard.
Probably, but I like to post the occasional picture of my family, and I follow some old childhood friends and extended family who have private accounts. You can definitely seek out derp on Instagram, but it’s not saturated with derp like FB and Twitter.
Yeah, ditto. I haven’t pulled the plug all the way yet because I still use it to talk to friends and family, but I really don’t need to hear any hot takes from family or friends who, while fine people, might hold political beliefs that are uninformed and idiotic, or that just can’t keep from virtue-signalling.
The tipping point for me was when I installed FB Purity (I linked it somewhere else on this page). After configuring the settings to get rid of all the crap I didn’t want to see, I was able to fit an entire day’s worth of posts on one screen. I wasn’t gonna stick around for 4 posts a day. Turns out, 3.9 of the 4 relevant posts were duplicates from people’s Instagram accounts. Once I realized that, it wasn’t even a hard choice to delete FB and go solely to IG.
Very disappointing: https://twitter.com/edgarwright/status/914982101253894145
Also getting irritated about Werner Twertzog dissing the constitution and not getting enough pushback…. ;p
Leftist media celebrity turns out to be a leftist. Film at eleven.
yeah….but I thought maybe he’d get more pushback….might just be a mismatch of folks following ;p
Would you accept Larry Correia article on suppressors and people who oppose them?
I’m totally stealing that.
Response: First, can we agree that by “assault rifle” you really mean “any gun whatsoever”, and that you’re just using that term as a way to put your thumb on the scales of the argument? If that’s not really what you mean, then please clarify exactly which features of “assault rifles” you want to make illegal while still allowing gun ownership.
Oh, you didn’t want to have an actual conversation, you just wanted to signal while pretending that there are no legitimate responses to your questions? Oh, carry on, then.
They seem to be just a little confused about what a semi-automatic weapon is. They apparently think it’s something special, some type of ‘machine gun’. So basically any gun with a magazine, anything that you don’t load up a single bullet into, like a single shot bolt action rifle, apparently is an assault rifle. What about revolvers? Those must be assault rifles too.
I know enough about guns to know that I don’t know enough about guns to offer technical opinions.
Not that, in my mind, it matters: either there is a right to keep and bear arms or there is not. If there is, no need to discuss technical details.
So how about the new NDP leader?
The governor general is still a cishet white European. But she is a french Canadian woman…
An astronaut with a five-head. I saw that movie and it is called “This Island earth”. It’s starting…
Mst3k weighs in.
My count so far is 2 friends dead and 2 wounded in Vegas. That count will almost certainly go up by the time my plane lands in 3 hours.
In the meantime, I’ll be thinning out my friends list on Facebook. Fucking assholes. I’ve always been disgusted by some people’s willingness to stand on a pile of dead bodies to push their political agenda, but this time it’s unbearable.
Geez, I’m sorry Playa. That’s really fucking awful. And then to have some dickbags pouring salt in the fresh wound. Fuck ’em. Fuck everybody trying to grandstand. Fuck the nutter that did this.
I’m sorry.
Condolences, Playa.
Fuck. That’s awful.
Good god, I’m sorry to hear that.
My condolences.
I’m sorry for your loss, Playa. Purge like mad, not worth dealing with fuckers.
Sorry, Playa.
Fuck everything.
Really fucked up. Sorry about your friends. Deepest sympathies, brother
Sorry for your loss.
Damn. Sorry Playa.
Jesus. I’m so sorry.
My condolences
My condolences.
Oh, that’s terrible. So sorry about your friends.
Sorry, PM.
Jesus. Sorry, Man.
I’m sorry Playa. My thoughts for your third friend. I hope they pull through.
Well that fucking sucks in the biggest fucking way.
My condolences.
Goddamn, sorry to hear that Playa.
That really fucking sucks.
Condolences. Fuck all else to say. Christ goddamn.
I’m sorry bro. That sucks.
Oh no. I’m so sorry to hear that.
I am so sorry, Playa.
Sorry buddy
Seriously, that’s really fucked. Not just one, but 2 dead friends (what the hell are the odds of that??), they’re not even cold yet and these pricks are climbing atop them to finger-wag and moralise about feelgood politics. Maybe you should let them know how disgusting they are if you already haven’t.
Maybe you should let them know how disgusting they are if you already haven’t.
I know that I would, for better or for worse.
Yeah, it may be petty, but I’d go out in a blaze of fucking glory with the fuckers before I un-friended them.
Condolences, man. The world can be a cruel place.
No words except sorry to hear that. Fuck.
Shit, I’m sorry.
Damn, that bites. Deepest condolences. 🙁
I can’t even imagine. Stay strong man. We are all with you.
This. Has. Been. Such. A. Shitty. Day.
Sorry your friends died and sorry you have to stand the pain.
That’s awful. I was fortunate – my one college friend in Vegas (and his family) are all safe.
Tragic. Utterly, completely tragic.
Good riddance to the grandstanders.
LA Times claims the shooter had a bump stock. Probably of ban increase?
I’m not sure how you’d ban such a device; it’s just a shoddy mechanical aid to accomplish something that you can already accomplish with a fast finger. Of course, I wouldn’t put it past these gun grabber morons to try such a thing.
Of course, that information may be incorrect. I generally don’t watch the news for at least a week after these events occur because so much of the early info turns out to be completely wrong (e.g. “Adam Lanza was a registered NRA member”)
But the question is, is the shoddy mechanism worse than or not as bad as a black thing that goes up?
My middle finger is a thing that goes up, too.
You know who else had a black thing that goes up?…
Kim Kardashian?
The commentariat is quick tonight
Milo Yiannopoulos’ husband?
This is the Monday of Mondays. Fuck
I’m just glad you people exist.
You too, bud
I’m just glad you people exist.
Yeah, I’ll fourth that.
Before I came to this site Hurricanes and mass shootings were something that I never gave much more than a cursory thought to. Thanks Glibs for allowing me to put a human face to these tragedies. Of course this just makes me even more angry. Godspeed, Playa.
I had to log on to FB because one of my job posts info on it that I need. First mother fucking post I see is from a Dem hack friend from Uni.
“We’re holding a fund raiser for (the victims of the shooting? Nooo) tougher gun laws.”
I just purged my friends list of every single asshole friend or relative that responded to mass death by scoring political points.
Fortunately, I unfollowed a lot of people after the election so with the exception of a couple of people, I was able to avoid the political points these assholes are trying to score from today’s tragedy.
I stopped logging in. It has enroched my life in ways I cannot describe.
Its also hindered my life in ways such as, “where’s the funeral?”
“We posted the address on facebook.”
“Thats not what I asked you.”
I barely log in as it is – sign in, send note to jackass who doesn’t use email – sign out.
This. I simply don’t use FB. Want my attention, send me a fucking email. I don’t get out much.
I keep it for my mom and close family only. Calling her is hit or miss.
So, I send her one post in the morning. If she likes it I know she’s ok. If she doesn’t respond then I call. No politics at all for me. People who know me dont send me stupid shit
Dude, that HAS to be unconstitutional, or something.
I just purged my friends list of every single asshole friend or relative that responded to mass death by scoring political points.
See, if you FB correctly those people would have already purged you. That is how I did it. I check in once every couple months now so I don’t really know what goes on there anymore. The election ruined it for me. The majority of my FB friends left are gun toting hillbillys who only like to talk about their kids achievements which is cool.
Got a bunch of Navy folks on there – including folks no longer in or retired – so I can’t use official email to reach them. Instant message is about all I use for most folks.
So 65 year old male, no wife, no kids, lots of money (heh heh, funny how that works, anywho). Some of the Proggie mammals amongst you may b smart enough to pass an Unobligated Male Registration Act along with all that gun control…
It’s usually the young, dumb, nothing to lose fucks you have to worry about.
Well, he could have some terminal disease which would make him a nothing to lose fuck. I’m guessing the guy is just an asshole and that there is no reason anyone could make any sense of.
We’re not going to know shit for a few days anyways.
True, but there is something truly dangerous about a man of means who has echewewd the forced endless prattling of a mate.
Counter-intuitive. I would expect those guys to be the only ones with a real reason to live.
meh. not really.
mass, indiscriminate shooters fall into young and old camps. the average age is 35 or so, but that’s really just because they’re either 22 (or younger) or 40 (and older).
i think if you weighted the age by body-count, you’ll find the old guys kill the most people.
Marcus Peters is a jackass.
I’m just sayin’.
“Which nobody can deny!”
Uh oh, what’d he say/do?
Who is Marcus Peters?
(off to my favorite search engine….)
ESPN had decided earlier not to broadcast the national anthem. They changed their mind after the shooting in Las Vegas.
Before the national anthem, the announcer asked everyone to rise in respect for the victims in Las Vegas, their friends and family, and the first responders.
It was very clear that this wasn’t about police shootings anywhere.
Everyone on both teams stood up in respect for the shooting victims, presumably–except for Marcus Peters.
He’s a jackass.
Go back to protesting next week if you want. I’m others on both teams will.
I know Just Sayin’ sir, are you are not him.
*looks up Marcus Peters
Wow. Yeah he is a jackass
He was the only one that “protested” during what amounted to a tribute to the shooting victims.
It just wasn’t about the police treatment of anybody.
He and linebacker Ukeme Eligwe. Douchebags.
I dunno. I’m not sure I am down with forced ‘respect’.
I can agree with that. But riding an stationary bike during the anthem? Dude. And you can’t put it aside for one week to honor the victims of the *worst mass shooting in modern US history? That is major fucking asshole territory, there.
*is this true? I keep hearing it, but no one is saying what used to be the worst modern mass shooting. And what was the worst non-modern mass shooting? Or is that just a cop-out to not have to do any research past 19xx?
but no one is saying what used to be the worst modern mass shooting.
Orlando was 49 dead (and I believe it was the worst previously). Last I heard, this one is 59 dead.
Of course, “mass shooting” is used instead of “mass murder” to eliminate things like 9/11 and other gun-free catastrophes from making the list.
And as someone on Twitter pointed out, the actual worst mass shooting deaths of americans EVER, would be Gettysburg.
I may not have mentioned this earlier: There was a moment of silence for the victims.
He shit the bed.
He screwed the pooch.
he picked his nose in public.
And then he ate it.
Meh. I switched from cable to satellite last fall and never had a problem til tonight. We’ve had a ton of rain and thousands of lightning strikes in the Twin Cities and it seems to be screwing with stuff.
But muh Football! muh football!!
At least I have interwebs.
At least I have interwebs.
Today of all days. You poor bastard(ess).
Too bad you couldn’t be without satellite yesterday to miss the Vikings’ suckitude.
As a Bears household (sigh–I converted upon marriage), we pre-sucked on Thursday so now it’s just about the game.
But yeah. Vikes, what was the deal there??
I’m a Packer fan, so I didn’t mind the Bears’ sucking.
Now if the Packers can just get some of their OL back….
Lost their QB. Again! ^%*$)(&
What did they expect from Sam Bradford?
He is kinda made of glass. As an Oklahoma State grad, I watched Sam (a U of OK guy) thrash us at times, but he seemed to be injured a lot. Like, a lot lot.
I was pleased to see him make good at Minnesota last season, but the poor guy is still injury prone AF.
You always have your NHL fridge magnet craft project to keep you busy.
Tee-hee. True. The Lost Wages Kuhniggets will have to wait another day before gracing the fridge.
You can’t rush perfection
you can find malware riddled sites that broadcast over the interwebs from Russia, or wherever.
You might get it in Spanish and you might get a virus.
It’s sort of like going to a Mexican whorehouse.
I give you people thoughtful refutations of people having sex with monkeys and a thoughtful refutation of African nutcracker man screwing monkey.
Then you get thoughtful references cannibalism, both in bovines and humanity, and then I bait atheists with simple observations about taboos and stone age religion.
Now you’re getting pirate NFL tips with a reference to a Mexican whorehouse?
I give you people gold.
IMO, this guy is the Mike Rowe of Canada
Whenever these whack jobs come out and kill a bunch of people, I recall a quote from Babylon 5, with Bruce Boxleitner as Captain Sheridan:
Captain: “What’ve you got?”
Lt: “According to his personnel file,
he’s a loner, a quiet guy.”
Captain: “Save me from loners and quiet guys.”
( I should add that they knew at this point they had an active nutcase on their hands)
Ah, Bruce Boxleitner. Is there a more generic “primetime TV detective-actiony-type guy” ?
Prolly not, but the point about the quiet ones / loners being apt to flip out is valid. I have interviewed and not hired people based on the thought that I might have to do the “He was a quiet type who kept to himself” speech in the future.
That’s why I fake it.
Duly noted for future hiring interviews….
So, would you hire me?
Yeah, if you could pass the clearance test, no prob! Let’s make Railguns Great Again!
OT, and also a pointless rant:
Several years ago, we discovered a little-known gun range a few towns over that turned out to be a pretty sweet place to shoot; it was an outdoor range that only costed $12 for an all-day pass to both the pistol and rifle range. It was rarely crowded, and the people who came there were usually experienced shooters (there was one guy who wore a full operator beard and military-like clothing; he always had awesome guns and would give you genuinely helpful shooting tips if you ever asked him).
But it’s gone to shit lately. It seems overrun with people who know nothing about guns but show up out of the blue and rent an AR. I’ve seen muzzle sweeps, people fiddling with guns during a cease-fire, and apparently some jackasses were shooting in the wrong direction. A week or so ago, I went there after that stray bullet incident, and they had made some changes… The whole firing line on the rifle range was boarded off with plywood with a one-foot space to stick the muzzle of your weapon out. FYI: it fucking sucks to shoot a lever-action while sitting down. Also, when we were on the pistol range, one of us apparently fired too fast, and a range officer came out and said, “no rapid fire, guys”.
So now we’re in the unfortunate position of having no good place to shoot. We know a few people who own big pieces of land, but they do have lives of their own. Not too long ago, we tried to get into a private shooting club (the kind where you have to have two existing members recommend you) but they wanted our two sponsors to show up in person to vouch for us. Well, these two guys were both very elderly men (one of whom was a WWII veteran) so we can’t really ask them to just get up and make a special trip to the gun club to give the thumbs up for some random dudes they barely know.
I have no final thought, other than a vague desire to find a gun range that doesn’t do rentals.
Hmmmm. The ranges I deal with have a special rental policy: You can only rent a gun if you show up with your own to shoot as well. It seems to have limited a lot of the above nonsense.
Now if they would just put up a measly force field on the backstop so I can shoot my plasma rifle there.
That seems like it would be a good idea.
I’m all for welcoming new people to the shooting sports – after all, the new crop of pro-2A voters has to come from somewhere – but for fuck’s sake people, learn what you’re doing before you go rent a gun. Practice some self-regulation so that the “progressives” don’t gain support for their idiotic disarmament schemes.
I’ve never fired a weapon but am leaning toward learning. I tracked down a range in town that does rent firearms but also offers lessons from “I don’t know nothing” on up. I plan to sign up for the basic intro class (for which I will have to rent a gun) before I shoot by myself for the first time.
Definitely do it! If you like it, it’ll be the start of a great new hobby. If you don’t like it, it’ll take some of the mythical nature of guns away (not an insult… it happens to every first timer)
Fantastic, Raven. A word of advice (OK, several): double your hearing protection. Use earplugs, and the really good ones, 33 db or better, and the earmuffs they’ll give you. Shooting can be very intense, and the extra hearing protection may help you concentrate on what they’re trying to teach you. Ask lots of questions and have the ‘four rules’ down cold before you go.
Then get ready to have a lot of fun.
AIUI, it’s mainly to prevent suicides. But if it cuts down on general asshattery, yay.
Akira, could you get the old farts to fax/mail their endorsements of you to the club’s membership committee?
The ‘no blue sky’ movement, I’ve read, can be extremely annoying. So too, the rapid fire range Nazis. My semi-local range is indoors—so standing only—but really chill.
I need to get off my ass, rebuild my air rifle, get a trap, and re-start position shooting in my apartment.
Pope Jimbo and Tundra: This is one seriously awesome October thunder storm– even for Minnesota! I have opened all my windows, I am drinking whisky and blasting GBV! Hope you guys are enjoying it too!
What you call an awesome thunderstorm, FloridaMan calls TUESDAY IN JULY
It’s really perfect. Great temp, great noise – the works!
I’ve been out on the garage all night, just to enjoy it!
Listening to Petty, though.
Us too, in Hayeksplosives land! Relieves some of the homesickness of being away from my native Oklahoman.
We have had a ton of cloud-to-ground strikes, including a water tower. Awesome.
Is Mr. out in the yard, waving a broadsword and cursing the gods?
I’ll be disappointed if he’s not.
waving a “lightning rod” – ftfy.
Mr. Hayekplosives scares the lightning back into the clouds.
I can attest to that. He wears a kilt AND a top-hat for christ sakes. This is not a man you fuck with!
Well, you SAY that…
I have tried typing several comments here and deleted them all. Though I am a filthy (monogamous) whore, I just can’t make myself be detailed about the nighttime goings on in Hayeksplosivesland.
This is always a good reply in those circumstances:
I had to look up that synthy song that made a big impression on me when I was kid – “You Got Lucky”. I grew up on “rock radio” so I know all the hits but that one stuck with me the most.
It’s a great song. Mike Campbell plays a nice guitar on that one as well.
American Girl is still probably my favorite.
Southern Accent
I saw him on that tour. It’s beautiful, too.
My favorite is probably <a href="https://youtu.be/2SF1iLXSQto" title="It’s Good To Be King” target=”_blank” >It’s Good To Be King
Edit fairie is too sad. I got ya.
Thanks bud. Apparently I’m too sad as well.
It’s Good To Be King
Listening to Petty, totally understandable. Now that the storm has died down I’m wondering if I should make dinner– or strip naked and walk up and down Nicollet Avenue? Time will tell, I suppose.
Lol. I need a good night’s sleep, so bailing you out isn’t really in the cards.
Make dinner.
I knew it was gonna be a bad night when I saw about a zillion rabbits and squirrels out by the bird feeders this afternoon in a slight drizzle. They knew it was going to be even worse later.
Yeah, pretty impressive storm for October.
We gotta start translating squirrel to human. I have a black walnut tree in the yard and have (for the last 10 years) accurately predicted how bad winter was going to be by how desperate the squirrels are to grab the walnuts.
So far this fall it does not look good for our heros.
GBV = Guided By Voices?
I used to briefly know one of their guitarists. He stored wine in the same facility I rented from when I lived in Austin. Nice guy. Greg, I think.
My wife’s best friend, ardent NPR read a few articles written from your perspective and think you’re the smartest person on the subject, liberal:
Just a complete misunderstanding of the reason those people are considered to be exceptional. That, however, does not stop her from looking down on us poor idiots and proclaiming the real issues
People who are helping are doing what any empathetic human being would most likely at least try to do if they found themselves there.
Citation motherfucking needed.
We should not be soothing ourselves with these rare and “amazing” moments where people actually cared for each other, let’s focus on the GUNS and the REPUBLICANS.
Ok, since you’re tossing aside all pretense of decorum, let’s focus on those things. By and large, REPUBLICANS and other liberty lovers own all the GUNS. They’re angry and agitated enough that they got Trump into the White House, and GUNS weren’t even an issue this election cycle. When you try to shit on the REPUBLICANS by taking away all their GUNS, they will march into your neighborhood with their GUNS and shoot your smarmy little ass because you’re a fucking tyrant.
Lefties think they’re the kind and caring ones. Evidence schmevidence.
Yeah, I’d be more than a little surprised if this broad would stop to help anybody while under fire. That takes courage that most people don’t have.
But yeah, to your larger point, here’s what happens when you respond to a tragedy by blaming the demographic that was likely in attendance and using it as an excuse to move a political football: you strengthen the attitudes of the people already against you, and you turn reasonable people who would possibly listen to you into opponents.
Fuck whoever wrote that. I hope they get C. diff.
Well, what a shitty day. Here is something to cheer you up.
Don’t think I’ve ever been as happy as that elephant.
https://youtu.be/77pWJqIa8yA – chasing birds fail.
Or this:
/rant on
Second to political posturing in my list of pet peeves when a tragedy happens is the bereavement olympics put on by some people.
“I’m distraught and heartbroken over the horrible and sickening tragedy in [insert city here]. I just can’t imagine what sickness and evil would cause somebody to do such a terrible thing! #PrayForInsertCityHere”
-Person who visited Insert City Here once a few years back and knows an old high school acquaintance who lives in some suburb of Insert City Here
Distraught and heartbroken is what the families dealing with picking up the pieces of their lives after the tragedy are feeling. Distraught and heartbroken people don’t have the time or wherewithal to post an emotive screed on social media, complete with a filtered photo of Insert City Here’s skyline. You’re mildly sad and shocked. The ritualistic rending of garments by people who are a million miles away from the tragedy is an emotional pornography used to soothe an immature mind when confronted with horror.
/end rant
It’s even worse when celebrities who haven’t produced anything in 30 years die and they act as if their best friend just died. I get showing a little homage or respect, but let’s cut the crap.
It’s almost like that was pointed at some people here…
If you are talking about musicians, keep in mind that to many people music is a very large part of their lives. Music can cause very visceral reactions. Many people can remember what song was on the radio when a certain life changing event happened decades ago. Or they discovered an artist that wrote songs that “spoke” to them during a time of personal turmoil. Or a certain song was a close loved one’s favorite song and they can’t hear it without thinking of that person.
Also keep in mind that just because you have heard a radio hit from a certain artist in 30 years, doesn’t mean that that artist hasn’t been releasing high quality music that the radio stations won’t play because it doesn’t fit the current business model.
If you haven’t, trash, go watch Anthony Jeselnik’s comedy show, Thoughts and Prayers. Uneven, but the titled bit in the show goes right at the phenomena you mention.
This is all such a fucking shitshow. People were already insane enough since Trump won, this has just ripped things full tilt. I’m blowing off the weekend and going to the woods. Pikes Peak got its first big snow a couple of days ago and looks so beautiful. I need to get the fuck outta here.
Do you want people to die?
Or perhaps the best ever Remy vid: How to React to Tragedy
SF’ed, but I love that one.
Ding dang it. I try again.
one of his best
That sounds good.