The NBA changed their All-Star Game format so there’s no more East-West. Tupac and Biggie would have a sad. The NHL season starts tonight! And the Yankees doubled up the Twinks in a game that started out promising and then went sideways 2 hours later (TWO HOURS LATER BUT STILL IN THE THIRD INNING I might add). Oh well, easy come easy go. The Minnesodans had a great second half run and have nothing to be ashamed about.
And now attention can shift to the desert, where the D-backs will take on the Rockies. I’ll not be making a prediction here for fear of doubling up on the ridicule I get the next day. But I will make one long-term prognostication for something that starts tonight: a team from the United States will win the 2017-2018 Stanley Cup. Book it!
Alright. That’s enough about all that. Let’s get on with…the links!
I bet this guy’s balls are as big as grapefruits. Good on him!
That crazy asshole’s girlfriend is coming back to the states today to answer questions about what she might have known about his rampage. Here’s hoping she can shed some light onto what led him to do what he did. (Hint: it wasn’t “easy availability of guns”!)
Things in Spain are starting to heat up even more. If this happens, will they ask for NATO to help quell the uprising? Will NATO be dumb enough to step into a potential civil war? Our very own Swissy asked these questions yesterday and it started a very engaging dialog. This pronouncement moves it further down the road to reality. Let’s hope the governments in Madrid and Brussels respect those who disagree with their position.
I’ve gotten upset about someone else taking the last custard-filled long john, but this is ridiculous!
Hey, FDA: who are you to tell me what love is? (This is one of those stories that remind me how much I hate bureaucrats more and more every day.)
Local youth football league has a pretty successful raffle idea. I wonder if this will cause progressive tears to flow if it gets out? Magic 8-ball says: oh, fuck yeah!
More of the same for the week.
Keep breeding, Glibs. Keep breeding. There are a few of you out there who aren’t impregnating at the rate the rest of us are (or have been). Pick up the slack!
You do NOT want SP and me to be breeding. Once she reaches menarche, of course.
I have one child from a previous relationship, and want more, but keep finding myself involved with women who prefer lots of freaky sex to settling down.
Why are those things mutually exclusive in your world?
Hopefully they won’t be. The current one seems like she could be the nurturing type.
/humble brag
I guess, I see it as a stated vs revealed preference issue as well.
You’ve done your part. I’m more concerned with these non-breeders we’ve got. They need to step up the game.
Do you want more Florida Men? Because this is how you get more Florida Men.
Absolutely! It’s the only way we can defeat the swamp creatures.
Breeding swamp creatures to defeat other swamp creatures? When do we introduce the mongooses?
Isn’t that Mongeese?
I believe it’s Mongeeses *puts glasses on upside down and looks down to reveal I’m wearing no pants*
Isn’t that us?
Statists, if we can’t get them out, we will breed them out.
Wow, way to be homophobic there Sloopy.
Worry not, the Judge will be impeached by the Tribe’s pitching staff.
Yankees bullpen (esp. Green and Robertson) was the MVP.
Those One Game playoffs or Game Sevens take forever. Every single pitch is important, so everyone takes their time. Endless mound visits. Lots of bullpen use.
It’s worse when the Yankees and Red Sox are involved. Here’s hoping they don’t play each other for brevity’s sake.
Are these getting earlier every day?
Sloopy may not have slept
Check back tomorrow at 3 am.
If so, I approve. Lately they’ve been early enough that I can make a quick pass before work.
We left coasters are screwed. Just about every time I check the morning links there are well over 100 comments.
As it should be. That’s what the evening links are for, so you all can talk about earthquakes and high speed trains.
And Sunshine and warm weather while you freeze
And secession.
We need to be funding billboards in CA that simply say “secede”
I’ll start a collection.
Although, a lot more of my lefty friends want CA to secede to it can be prog paradise, with the authorities the only ones who can have guns. What can possibly go wrong?
Southern CA makes up for a lot. But, the way things are going, my wife and may need to sell the house we just bought in the next ten years. *sigh*
Sorry, I forgot to add Southern CA WEATHER makes up for a lot.
No edit option!
Well, you could sell it, or have it confiscated for the poor.
Check your privilege left coast. In Hawaii it is often 500-600 comments before the sun rises.
I cede my privilege to the man(?) 2000 miles to the west.
I’ll not be making a prediction here for fear of doubling up on the ridicule I get the next day.
I was gonna tell you to eat a bag of Pinstripe dick, but I decided not to
I’ve ended up with worse (a tramp stamp)* for making a bad prediction on a sporting event. I wouldn’t have minded it.
*In my defense, it seemed like a sure thing bet. Alas, here I am with a trinity tattooed on my lower back because of hubris. Meh, live and learn.
BWAHAHAHAA! As a Yankees fan I had to do that. But realistically I don’t think we’re getting past the fucking Indians.
We’re hot right now. Anything can happen.
As a Red Sox fan, I am actually hoping you do get by them. I sure don’t have much hope of the Sox beating them if they somehow make it past the Astros.
Chris Sale v. Justin Verlander should be an entertaining matchup. Still waiting for the Astros tailspin and hoping it isn’t the WS like 2004.
/White Sox Fan
Thanks for remembering us! We have one good season every 25 years or so, then suck constantly until the next special quarter-century team comes along, then it’s off to suck again. Oh, by the way, did you know our stadium is in the middle of a terrible, gang and gunfire-infested neighborhood? And we built a horrid outdated mausoleum-style expensive new ballpark the year before everyone started building cool, quirky, intimate ball yards? Thanks for your support, it’s good to know we have a fan.
Pale Hose
LOL 3 PM start time. WTF baseball?
Do you even AL playoff baseball, bro?
But seriously, let’s get this started already. And I hope the ‘Stros bats don’t go into one of those multi-game swoons they’ve had for the last month or two. Though Correa is hitting that ball lately like it owes his mama money.
Verlander, Keuchel, Peacock (Don’t laugh so fast. Look at his play this year: 13-2, 3.00 ERA, 132 IP, 161 SO, 1.19 WHIP, around a .215 BAA.) Not so bad 1-3.
The Red Sox lost the season series to the Yankees, you know, so you maybe shouldn’t wish for that, either.
Although another Sox/Yankees ALCS would be fun.
Please no.
I understand that MLB would love that matchup, but for those of us who aren’t from the NE, that would mean more of the usual wankfest.
Sunday Night Baseball tells me there are only two ML B teams. Boston and NY.
Sure – but they weren’t swept and humiliated like the Indians did them.
Oh christ. Yeah, that would be a lot of fun.
You know MLB are creaming their pants hoping for a Boston-NYY ALCS and a Los Angeles-Chicago Cubs NLCS.
I’m hoping the Astros crash that party. And I’m hoping the Rockies or D-backs get to the NLCS.
Nah. MLB loves the ‘Stros this year. Houston Strong, tear jerker human interest stories, overcoming natural disasters, and only slightly below Boston or NYC for viewership.
Local youth football league has a pretty successful raffle idea. I wonder if this will cause progressive tears to flow if it gets out? Magic 8-ball says: oh, fuck yeah!
Damn, those are some premium firearms. I expected some replica black powder revolvers or something else cheap.
Are we talking Colt Navy or Single Action Army? Darnit, now I’m trying to remember the reloading process for the Navy.
I always want a navy .36 as a kid, then I grew up and bought assault rifles.
It strikes me as a cool thing to own, but a bit of a hassle to actually shoot.
Nice euphemism
It took a while to figure out when to make mine go off reliably.
Now that’s a euphemism!
That’s how I feel. Probably fun the first few times and then you don’t want to deal with the hassle.
^This. I have a walker colt that is a lot of fun to shoot but a huge pain to clean (which needs to be done immediately since black powder substitutes are so corrosive). It’s still cool to have but more for the display value than the actual use.
Are you “Two Gun Corky”?
*wiggles eyebrows
“You see, if old Corky had had two guns instead of just a big dick, he would have been there right to the end to defend himself.”
Just like Winston’s mom.
Never gets old.
Dont forget your bore butter
Just ask Winston’s mom.
No kidding. We need someone on the inside to get us tickets.
There was literally no gun on that list I didn’t want. If they sold tickets nationally, they would make way more than 25k.
I don’t feel like driving all the way out to Crosby, normally, but yeah, 5 bucks for a chance to win some of that stuff?
Go Crosby Youth Football!
“Keep breeding, Glibs”
You know what else was made with love?
/sigh. Pushes away breakfast…
The flutes in that story the other day?
Honest Lachowsky’s cream filled donuts LLC, has a product that would fit that description.
How about Fuck off, Slaver? It’s pretty common
They should list “bureaucracy” as an ingredient just to piss the FDA off.
*Made with government competence*
Make the FDA say that doesn’t exist.
“It is not a recognized term for a physical ingredient.”
You’re good at this. Chose the correct career, didn’t ya?
15% bitterness, 25% spite, and 60% creative verbiage.
*checks chromatography results*
Within 0.001%
Paddock, 64, wired $100,000 to an account in the Philippines in the week before Sunday’s shooting,
Woman claims he sent her to the Philippines because he found a cheap ticket, yet he was gambling with 6 figures and wired her 100k. Seems fishy to me.
It was just his excuse for why he randomly bought her a ticket. Sounds better than “I want to get rid of you for a few weeks”.
Here’s 20 questions she might be able to shed some light on. Seriously this makes no sense unless he was radicalized into some crazy ideology such as Islam or socialism.
I’m going to bet on socialism.
I have nothing to base that on other than my initial instinct, which is fallable.
Authorities were able to clear him of ties to ISIS within 12 hours, but Trump’s Russia ties take a year to expose. Hmmm
Seems legit…
After all, ISIS is the JV team
Probably used the same system that let them read all of Hil’s emails over the weekend and determine that no secrets were divulged, or laws broken.
I know some like to wait to speculate, but I see speculation as a hobby. I am leaning to this theory now: The guy is a former Fed employee having worked for the USPS and IRS. He may have not had a well known political affiliation but everyone has some sort of philosophy there even if they aren’t vocal about it. There is a constant stream of media telling America that Trump, and those who backed him are evil. Dude has a down point in his life and decides to act against the evil and shoot up a country and western concert that is perceived to be attended by those who would have supported the evil Trump. I think he was radicalized, but it wasn’t ISIS that did it.
I heard that he tried to get the same room the night a concert was happening with Lorde and Chance the Rapper, but the hotel was sold out. So the country music thing may be a coincidence.
SO he’s the ultimate “get off my lawn you kids” guy?
As much as he gambled, he may have stayed in that room many times. Maybe he was doing recon.
It’s not a coincidence. I want to shoot Lorde too.
Interesting read. What is Peter Falk up to?
Oh! I just remembered, make that 21 questions… it’s not for me, it’s for my superiors, they’re really sticklers for details…
More fishy questions.
“#4 As Jon Rappoport has pointed out, it would have been impossible for Stephen Paddock to kill and wound 573 people in less than five minutes of shooting with the kinds of weapons that he is alleged to have used. So why won’t law enforcement authorities acknowledge this fact?”
I don’t know if those numbers are accurate, but firing full auto, most of the bullets are going to either miss or hit the same target more than once.
Several factors – 1: crowd density, firing into a crowd you have fewer pure misses, plus a through and through can hit a second person. 2: The cone of probability gets wider the further from the muzzle you go. At those distances he’s spraying an area, not shooting a person. 3: Trample damage when panic sets in and the crowd stampedes. How many of those injuries were shot and how many were hurt fleeing the shooting?
There were 22,000 people crammed into a small space. He was going to hit a lot of people regardless of his skill level. And as UnCivil said, many injuries were probably from trampling. There were plenty of incidents from India or from Mecca where dozens of people died due to a panicked crowd.
Well, it reads “kill and wound”. To me “wound” wouldn’t include trampling injuries.
Regardless, firing full auto, the shooter would have to move the muzzle very efficiently not to waste a massive amount of ammo.
The whole situation, that he was able to bring and set up all this equipment (guns, cameras, shooting platform, etc.) without being noticed by anyone sounds very suspicious.
Suitcases in hotels are ubituitous and ignored. Suitcases also get big. I could fit any of my rifles in my largest suitcase fully assembled. Smuggling the gear in there would be a non-issue in terms of raising alarm. Once in the room, setting it up is just a matter of time, and he was there for days beforehand. If he hung the “Do Not Distrub” sign, houskeeping typically bypasses the room.
As for the pedantry regarding ‘wounded’, I don’t think accurate data has been released to separate the types of injuries, as the only metric commonly available is the number of people needing medical attention.
Not to mention that he was in a suite. He probably had help from the hotel staff carting his stuff to his room since he was a “high roller.”
What waste? He’s beating an area with automatic fire, basically treating the rifle like a gigantic shotgun. So long as the rounds impact the area, he’s doing what he wants. As the crowd thins, and much of the area empties, then he’s got to be more selective and target clumps of people. But until then, let the the natural dispersion of the rounds, and the hard surface of the ground, send bullets wherever. They’re going to hit something, and when the bullets have the smash of 150 grain .308, they’re going to do a lot of damage when they do.
As to suspicion, I’ve worked in ‘nice’ hotels. I imagine his stuff was in locking boxes, Pelican-type cases, and things like that. I’ve personally carried umteenth cases to rooms on my bell cart when I did that sort of thing, and my location wasn’t even Convention City the way Vegas is. It probably attracted attention only if the cheap SOB didn’t give me a 10 or 20 for humping all of that shit up to his room. FWIW, first-time parents are the absolute fucking worst when it comes to, amount of shit they want you to carry, and how much they’ll pay you to do it.
I never listen to people who say something is “impossible” without clearly stating why.
And one last one – this guy had a ton of weaponry, cameras in his rooms’ peepholes and hidden in the hallway, and a perfect field of fire on both entrances to his room. He could have mowed down a couple of waves of cops until they started throwing grenades or blasting down walls. But he killed himself instead.
Why kill as many civilians as possible at a concert, but forgo shooting a single uniformed cop when they would have been fish in a barrel?
I think there is only so much rationality you can try to read into the actions of someone like this.
But he did shoot several security folks. I’m curious when that happened between the beginning of the rampage and the door getting broken down.
He did shoot a couple of cops and a hotel security guard. I’m not sure about the details, but it appears to me that the security guard was shot through the door. Then a group of cops approached, got shot, withdrew under fire, and then they waited for SWAT to set up for a forcible entry.
Thanks for the links, Drake. Yeah, there are a few questions that need to be answered. And probably never will be. I do like the setup from the ’20 questions’ link you posted:
“the wrong side of the portrait of Dorian Gray,” LOL. Guys like that, I’ve seen with LBFMs—hell, my old college landlord and itinerant tinkerer had exactly that relationship—but they usually pick them a lot younger. Plus, this gal is supposed to have quite the exotic history: politics back in the PI around Marcos-time, multiple marriages at the same time, with multiple SSNs to match. Just a lot of weirdness. Though, and it took your link to put it together, IFR-rated pilot + Florida + 1980s + unexplained large sources of income = what do you think? Maybe our accountant wasn’t quite so innocent, once upon a time?
As to why set up all that shit in the hallway, and then not duke it out with the cops when they come, a lot of spree shooters are perfectly happy to mow down the unresisting, but find it a lot less fun once somebody puts up a fight. There are exceptions, but a lot of them, and probably most, hunker down and start to look longingly at their own guns once someone starts resisting. Their rage leaves them, and their inherent cowardice kicks in. Some are such cowards that they let the cops arrest them.
A good timeline would be helpful, but it’s looking like this guy killed himself very soon after security + 1 LV cop showed up to his room, and he shot them through the door. Which makes sense then why SWAT took forever: if he’s not actually shooting people, then it’s no longer an active shooter, but a barricade situation, and you wait those out. Plus, w/o this guy blasting away, there’s the “now which room, exactly, is he in? And does he have the thing wired to blow up if we crash through?” thing. Even with a dead hotel cop outside.
“”Why kill as many civilians as possible at a concert, but forgo shooting a single uniformed cop””
Cops shoot back. People who try and indiscriminately murder crowds of innocent people are often, not surprisingly, cowards when it comes to an actual “fight”
I sent my girlfriend on an island vacation …
No, she went of her own accord.
Can someone tell me what the hell a ‘Science Historian’ is? Oh, more relevent to the article:
I think a “science historian” is someone in the vein of P.T. Barnum who unfortunately extracts money from taxpayers by knowing how to bullshit his way through grant application forms with aplomb.
What was the guy’s name in the Foundation novels? The psychohistorian?
Harry Seldon.
Sorry, “Hari” Seldon.
Hari Seldon.
Young Sheldon
*narrows gaze*
Naomi Oreskes plays the same role in the current hysteria against industrial civilization that the author of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” played in the anti-semitistic hysteria of 100 years ago. She forged evidence of a conspiracy by her targets that would allow her and her friends to justify hurting the people they hate as “self defense”.
She is a vile and horrible human being.
But I am sure she is making enough money so she won’t be threatened by increased energy costs.
It’s “socialists” getting rich peddling books on socialism to morons, really
She’s a harvard prof whom I expect has her shoved her snout very deeply into the Fenton communications NGO money trough.
Oreske: “Education: Stanford University, University of London, Royal School of Mines, Imperial College London.”
Lotsa fancy stuff.
Oreskes is on the short list of people who have purposely made CAGW the mass-delusion that it is. Everything she’s done has been highly-suspect horseshit.
I didn’t read the article, but science historian doesn’t seem like a fake thing. Every science class I ever took started the textbook with the history of the discoveries that made the discipline possible and how they were accomplished with the technology of the time.
A scientist usually knows the history of the science to a degree, and a teacher more so. Also there are historians. TO have a specialized profession just for science historian is overkill.
Why? If someone wants to spend their life running down primary sources on a particular scientific topic — say the evolution of our understanding of the atom and nucleus — I think that’s just as valid a history topic as running down the same sort of primary sources on the Napoleonic Wars.
running down the same sort of primary sources on the Napoleonic Wars.
That one is easy – “Napoleon”.
*cracks knuckles, grins*
The war of 1812 happened as a result of the British Crown’s actions during the wars against Napolean, does that make it a Napoleonic war?
Technically yes
the wars against Napolean
Many got fat off of them!
Affirming the consequent FTL
I’m blaming the Louises for letting him come to the forefront with their shitty reaction to the Revolution.
What does George Jefferson’s wife have to do with Napoleon?
This Louise?
There’s a light in your eye and then a guy says “out of the car, Longhair!”
“Louise, you’re comin’ with me, and no more movies”
It’s an actual field, and one I considered as a minor in college.
It’s unfortunate that Oreskes is fucking up the reputation of it.
David Bodanis. Look him up.
It’s just a specialization of a subject. There economic, business, art etc. historians. It’s not BS but she sounds like she is.
Also Richard Rhodes, of course. Science history is by far my favorite reading genre.
Remember kids, “breed” can be both a transitive and intransitive verb.
As in “Bruce bred Caitlyn”?
Swiss, can we get a ruling on this?
*narrows gaze, shakes fist*
Start spreading the newwwwwwwwws……half the fun of being a Yankee fan is everyone hating you.
Gary Sanchez took a foul ball to the fellas, and David Robertson displayed the universal male reaction right there on the mound.
And they claim men lack empathy.
I hit a guy square in our hockey game last night with a bullet shot and he skated it off like no big thing. I checked on him later in the period and he was a little shaky, but kept playing. Trooper.
“Hungry locals killed the snake and displayed its body in the village before dicing it up, frying it and feasting on it.”
Sounds like what Tony and co did to TOS comment section.
Golly it’s horrific over their. Before he would be in only a few threads. Now he’s in every thread, spreading his mental rot.
Back when I used to post there, it was not unusual to have threads with only 4-5 visible responses, and acres of white space in between.
I tried going back with my non-Reasonable enabled tablet. Between the multiple scripts that kept crashing my browser, and having to read their endless derp, I said screw it after about half a post. I don’t know how some of you browse that place on a phone.
I do miss some of the posters there, and the plus side of the much tinier threads is that it’s easier to find the nuggets of gold in the sluice of verbal mud.
I miss Zeb. I wish he was here.
Hihn is even worse, at least from the few threads I’ve seen. (Maybe because I’ll find them after they’re dead, and that’s when he decides to infect.)
I have two questions. First, how big was the bag he was trying to fit a 25ft snake in? Second, they have 25ft pythons with heads the size of garbage cans in Indonesia? I just added another country to my “Places I Will Never Go” list.
Speaking of snakes and crazy Tony….
Man who crashed through Slidell Airport gate arrested in underwear after alleged encounter with snake
The story explains everything. He was on his way to see a voodoo doctor, so it is all OK.
So the WSJ’s mask came down and they’ve started advocating using the NSA to continuously spy on every citizen including scrutinizing credit card purchases and website visits. They’ve been pushing this hard for likely terrorists, but this is the first time I’ve seen the outright demand to keep everyone under the watchful eye of Big Brother. Don’t worry though, there will some sort of privacy protections guaranteed not to be abused or outright ignored with disdain. Never mind the hundreds of recent unmaksing requests or the politicization of the IRS. Very disappointing but not surprising.
Does the author know how many Americans within weeks of each other purchase ammo, buy supplies for home improvement projects, and plan summer vacations?!?
Do the author have any idea how many people are required to interview them all?!?
That’s not a problem, just checking put people in a holding cell till we can get to them.
Apparently this will be handled by some sort of magical algorithm reminiscent of Minority Report.
Which, I hadn’t thought about this till now, but the whole premise of the movie is around the enslavement of three children.
And the imprisonment of people for no offense, an a pervasive surveilence state complete with warrentless drone searches. That was one horrific dystopia all things told.
+ 1 Philip K Dick
Proving the right is just as susceptible to the allure of legislating to alleviate fear as the left. They just have a separate set of rights they’re willing to violate.
Half the country owns a firearm. Even if it weren’t a blatant violation of the 4th, good luck.
Not to mention the millions of competitive shooters who are highly skilled shooters and spend tens of thousands yearly on guns, ammo, and trips.
The town i grew up in in Montana had 15.5″ of snow on Oct. 2nd. Made the front page of Drudge. Holy shit
all fell in one day? Decent accumulation.
Hoe much is that in millimeters?
A lot
Look at the foot at the bottom of your leg, now put your hand in front of that. There you go.
If you have weenie Euro feet, just put one in front of the other.
So around average penis size, got it
Huh. I am still filling my hummingbird feeders.
That’s what my snowpocalypse comment yesterday was about. We were without heat or power for about 18 hours. And every tree in the city has lost some of its branches and downed a few wires.
Never seen this much snow this quickly before.
Red Lodge?
Jesus. How big of a bag did the dude have?
Not big enough, apparently.
Bag of Holding
*Nasally, honking geek lol*
I think we’ve already determined that he must have a huge sack.
*high five*
The whole funk, and nothing but the funk.
Let it roll because Flashlight is on deck!
Sounds to me like you want the funk. You’ve got to have that funk.
Everybody’s got a little light under the sun!
Dear FDA, thank you for your concern with our ingredient list. To show our appreciation we have decided to make a special run of granola bars without love as an ingredient just for you. Love shall be replaced by two new ingredients: Fuck and You.
Have a nice day. 🙂
FDA research does show that Fuck is a common substitute for Love.
Baby don’t fine me.the FDA.
FDA declares there’s no ‘love’ in baker’s granola
I really don’t think the FDA wants them to amend their production methods to bring this claim into compliance.
You thought jizz filled flies flutes were bad…
Yankees fans are the white people of baseball fans
Alternately: Yankees fans are literally Hitler
Collectively, it should follow then, they are Nazis?
Makes sense these days. Yukon Ho!
Things in Spain are starting to heat up even more. – Meh despite all the crap I don’t think the Catalonia leaders have a mandate to just declare independence just yet
They’re not declaring independance, they’re ejecting the rest of the country from Spain.
Have there been any reliable vote tallies released? Last I heard it was 90% for independence, but only 42% voter turnout. Not sure how accurate that is since I read it very shortly after the vote.
I generally hold that for any referendum to pass it should have more than half of eligible voters, for me not going is equivalent to no
“keep breeding”
Roger that Captain Sloop. I already have a 10 month old and a 26 month old, and I just received the green light to start on number 3. Emissions begin this month.
Work hard
Breeding advice.
Here is the best breeding advice.
You mean a 10 month old and a two year old?
It’s not so weird. I tell everyone I’m 441 month old.
Damn I was going to make a wholly fuck you’re old joke. Then I did the math on me and it’s 620 for me. Fuck
::farts dust::
I’m only 420.
I turn 540 today. Yay me!
Happy hatching day puny mammal
Happy birthday!
Congrats on another trip around the sun!
like a schedule? how does that work?
IRS awards multimillion-dollar fraud-prevention contract to Equifax
The no-bid contract was issued last week, as the company continued facing fallout from its massive security breach.
But I’m informed that the free market is failing, so we need the government to do by this kind of stuff.
At my doctor appointment the other day, my doctor told me the US needs to switch to single payer, because in the current system “the health insurance companies make 25% profit, think how much costs would go down if we eliminated the profit motive!” Also, the government would negotiate with drug companies and thus bring the price of medicines way down.
And yes, I have always trusted his medical judgment, but maybe now I’m not so sure.
Did you suggest he start an insurance company making 20% profit to steal all their customers?
Did you ask him if he considered applying for a position at the VA? We have a small shortage of Doctors, and if he applies now I’m sure he’ll be in clinic by the end of next summer!
WHY did he bring up single-payer/single-denier? We’re you crazy enough to ask him – as if a doctor has any useful knowledge of any subject beyond medicine?
Right! Ins companies should make nothing just like you!
Well, cronies have to keep cronying, no?
Yeah, right, suuuuuuure
The NYT’s ISIS correspondent seems to think the ISIS thing has legs. And the Sheriff said this during the press conference yesterday.
No idea if it’s true, but man, what in the blue hell is going on in this world?
Meh I can’t take ISIS as a motive seriously. Just a psycho who maybe decided to pretend ISIS for some psycho reason. I find it hard to believe a 64 year old white American just converts to ISIS
I certainly didn’t believe it when they initially claimed responsibility and I still say the chance is remote. But when legitimate “experts” are saying there’s at least something to it, I think you have to entertain the idea.
The Sheriff’s comment about radicalization is definitely a eyebrow raiser, as well
Thought those guys, when radicalized, and trying to die as a shahid for Islam, usually shaved themselves. You know, the whole ritualistic cleansing before meeting their god thing. If this NSFW photo, purportedly of the deceased, is actually of him, he’s unshaved, with what looks like a few days of stubble.
Maybe he now has to sit in a end-reel-of Beetlejuice-esque waiting room for an era or two before his martyrdom number gets called and he can join the houris orgy, already in progress?
Well he probably went on bender in between moving hardware up to his blind
I think people have… gotten stupid when it comes to criminal investigations.
We seem to expect a complete biography and psychological analysis of the killer within 24/hours. That’s unreasonable; yes, the investigators have tons of sources for history/behavior/opinion of the perp in the days/weeks/months before the killings, but they have to determine what’s relevant and what’s not, and what might be considered ‘evidence’ and what might later to be proven misconstrued. we’ve gotten completely spoiled by the “they called 9/11 in the middle of their killing spree and announced their loyalty to ISIS” type shit. We want everyone to fall neatly into “schizo or terrorist” boxes…. when the reality is that the history of mass killers actually is a far more diverse and bizarre array of motives.
this is a handy list of all mass-shooters in the last ~35 years. schizos and terrorists are actually the minority.
UCS, I talked to my wife’s relatives about Roanoke and here’s what they had:
For Roanoke:
Transportation museum is supposed to be very good
Roanoke star- largest man made star in the world
Discovery center at the Roanoke star- no opinion but already at the Roanoke star
Pinball Machine Museum
Carvin’s cove- nature preserve
You’ll only be 45 minutes from Bedford which worth the drive for the D-Day memorial
For Bedford:
D-Day memorial- Bedford had the highest deaths per capita in either D-Day or WWII, I can’t remember which. The memorial is very large and worth seeing.
Peaks of Otter
Johnson’s Orchard- winery, cider, etc
Town Kitchen and Provisions- Supposed to be very good and worth the trip to eat at. It’s a new place
Beales Brewery- owned by Town Kitchen
Drive the Blueridge Pkwy
Thank you. I’ll have to take a closer look at the list.
I do appreciate it.
Sure, it was no problem.
Roanoke star- largest man made star in the world – how did they achieve fusion?
If the star is large enough, fusion takes care of itself.
Drive the Blueridge Pkwy was separate and the recommend route to Greenville. It is a really scenic route. Fun fact, I wrecked my car there as a teenager on a bad curve where foliage had covered up the chevrons. I was told by the tow truck driver 5 other vehicles had wrecked at within I think the year before. Some flipped over the guardrail and the driver/passengers killed (hundreds of feet drop).
UCS, if you take the Blue Ridge Parkway, you end up within 30 minutes of that Sierra Nevada Brewery I had mentioned before. Plus there’s also Oskar Blues a town over, and a bunch of smaller stuff in Asheville, Henderson County (a little more out of the way), and Translyvania County. Additionally, you should go see the Fish Hatchery if it’s still open in Pisgah national forest, and go to Dolly’s Ice Cream near Pisgah Forest. If you want some really really good food near Pisgah Forest, Jamie’s in Brevard, NC, is fantastic, but pricey.
Isn’t the Biltmore House over by Asheville? Terrible wine, but beautiful architecture and art, I’m told.
Pinball Machine Museum
Oooh! *searches for bag of quarters*
Jesus H Christ. You people.
I lived in Roanoke. The place worth visiting for food is the Texas Tavern. And stay at the Hotel Roanoke and have a few cocktails in the Pine Room. Or stay at the Jefferson Hotel and see if the barber is still there who cuts hair with only a comb and straight razor. It’s been 15 years since he gave me a shave (I went bald so the cut was unnecessary) but it’s a great experience and he’s a super nice guy. They also have a nice bar just below street level. But definitely go to the Pine Room!!!
Then go south to Franklin County (Rocky Mount), but DO NOT GO MORE THAN 2 mph OVER THR SPEED LIMIT AS YOU HIT THE COUNTY LINE and enter Boone’s Mill. You will get a ticket. Anyway, get a bottle of moonshine from any person on the street, turn around and go back to Roanoke. Then take 221 south through Poagues Mill to Floyd. It’s a weird little place but the drive is beautiful. Then take 8 west to Christiansburg and cruise into Blacksburg for the night and get drunk with a bunch of degenerate Tech kids. Or if you’re feeling like catching an STD, go to Radford instead.
The last two times I took your advice, I ran into a place overrun with hipsters, then followed it up with This stuff. I’m starting to think you’re trolling me.
Ok. Then you’ll miss out on the Texas Tavern. Your loss.
Or you can take my advice, go in there and order “a bowl with and a cheesy western” and have a fantastic meal with the 9 other people the place seats.
I’ll second the Texas Tavern. I spent my high school years in that part of VA (Lynchburg) and still have some family and friends up there.
Then go south to Franklin County (Rocky Mount), but DO NOT GO MORE THAN 2 mph OVER THR SPEED LIMIT AS YOU HIT THE COUNTY LINE and enter Boone’s Mill. You will get a ticket. Anyway, get a bottle of moonshine from any person on the street, turn around and go back to Roanoke.
+1 Lawless. My property has a stream through it and we found several scattered empty milk jugs around it when we first moved in. My next door neighbor is from Franklin. She had a problem with trespassers and told me that she didn’t understand it… in Franklin they just disappear trespassers.
No joke on Boones Mill either. The speed limit drops from something like 60 mph to 35 with no warning.
“Buy moonshine from anyone you meet, but for God’s sake don’t go over the speed limit!” Is the sherrif named Roscoe P. Coltraine?
That county is known for their moonshine.
But it made me want to go and see if I could find an old Thrillbilly’s song on YouTube. Those guys used to rock out 20 years ago. If it’s the same people.
If the star is red, somebody’s dead. If the star is white, eveeything’s alright.
That used to be the way it worked. If someone died in a car wreck and was taken to Roanoke Memorial, at the bottom of the hill the star is on, they’d turn the lights red. Don’t know if they still do that. The drive up to the star on Mill Mountain via Prospect Rd is a pretty sweet set of switchbacks. You can exit the back way and get to the Blue Ridge Pkwy.
Bedford is worth going to for the D-Day Memorial.
Backstory: Omaha Beach was assaulted in part by the 29th Infantry Division, a unit formed from National Guard units from VA and PA. The 116th Regiment, which traces its lineage to the Stonewall Brigade of the CSA, was filled out with the boys of the Shenandoah Valley. They were first onto Omaha, and they got cut to shreds. Bedford suffered more then any other town in the country that morning. Truly staggering numbers of dead from a small town.
That’s it, thanks for the backstory. There’s a book about it we have somewhere called the Bedford Boys. The memorial definitely means a lot to the people there. My wife’s grandfather (from Bedford) was one of the paratroopers on D-Day.
Ancient Tomb of Santa Claus Discovered Beneath Turkish Church
Archaeologists in Turkey may be on the cusp of solving a mystery thousands of years in the making after they stumbled on a tomb beneath the ruins of an ancient church they believe contains the remains of Saint Nicholas—known popularly as Santa Claus.
OMG Santa is dead!!!!
Explains why I stopped getting presents…
Who keeps giving me the lumps of coal then?!
The orphans you have mining for it.
I knew I should have stuck to uranium mining…casualties aside.
I find it odd that depleted uranium is Regulated. I thought it would be neat to have a ring made of DU, but evidently we DON’T live in a free country.
Isn’t depleted urainium effectively inert (or relatively close to it given the halflife of the remaining materials)?
Or am I thinking of a different byproduct
That’s how I understand it, so why can’t I have it?
I possess a 40mm DU projectile I got many years ago from some where?
Heavy I tells ya
Heavy metal poisoning is no bueno. Though a ring of material should be no more bioavailable than a ring of pure metallic lead, right? And that isn’t as regulated as DU?
No idea, I’ve not tried to buy either.
The last time I bought metallic lead, there was zero paperwork. True, it was a handful of pounds, but it was retail. If I wanted to shell out the dollars, I can also buy more or less any other element. Since you can’t turn it into a nuclear device, there’s no good reason to make DU a restricted substance. Heck, you can buy liquid mercury, and that’s far more likely to cause heavy metal poisoning to something.
I would imagine that would be rather expensive.
Munitions grade DU is still an alpha source, so I’m not sure I’d want to have it in contact with my skin for long.
DU resulting from post-decommissioning from power production is slightly higher in radionucleides, and uranium itself is kinda toxic, so it might be more useful as a novelty buttplug for us older guys.
That’s not coal.
Santa is not dead. He’s alive and well. He just changed his now. He now goes by Government.
Art the tax payers the little elves?
“The NBA changed their All-Star Game format so there’s no more East-West. Tupac and Biggie…”
Yeh but what do Spike and Drake think about it?
But will there still be like 12 players from the east and 12 from the west, or 24 with most votes?
The answer to your question is: who fucking cares, the NBA sucks.
Well a lot more of the world population than any of your other silly American sports, I would assume. And if not now, soon
The World’s Most And Least Competitive Countries
The US is number 2 second only to Romania, although to be fair North Korea should be first
*Ahem* who IS NUMBER 1?
*Waves Swiss Flag*
NHL starting!
*actual depiction of Swiss Servator celebrating*
That is a fancy hat
Are you the one in the dress?
*narrows gaze*
Check out the expressions on the guys at the table, just waiting for you to fall on your ass
I may have had a couple or three pints…
Are you wearing the belt in hopes of some dollar bills?
5 Franc coins.
I see no Maß Bier.
I am doing the “stomp and yodel for moar bier” dance.
In the link to that motherfucken piece of shit murderer’s girlfriend I saw this:
“Some in Las Vegas Skeptical of Trump’s Post-Shooting Visit…
“…Robby LeBlanc, a Republican who voted for Clinton last year, shook his head as he used his smartphone to replay the president’s comments Tuesday on Puerto Rico. Trump suggested the U.S. territory was costing the government dearly because of damage from Hurricane Maria and that the storm’s impact paled in comparison to that of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.”
Some, eh? Now that’s solid journalistic headlining right there. And any Republican who voted for Hilary should be drained and spun. Idiot.
As a matter of principle we shouldn’t link to NBC given their full of shit past.
Did he look black?
“Republican who voted for Hillary”
i.e. a Democrat who’s too cowardly to admit it.
This is for John, Tundra and all you other luddites who think driving is fun and no one wants auto-cars.
Western Minnesoda man arrested for 28th DWI
Yup. Some people just love the freedom of driving their own car.
Jeebus. I’m surprised he’s out of prison for the 27th one. In Florida, I think you get the death penalty on number 5.
Here in SC after 3 you get a moped.
I would prefer the death penalty.
This is a failure of the mental health system more than a lack of self driving cars.
That and an off duty deputy in the bar who instead of offering to give the guy a ride, watched him drink, then watched him get in his car, then called him in.
Nothing stops that fuckhead from calling a cab.
Well, except the part about being a fuckhead.
To be fair, it looks like the nearest cab company to him (New York Mills) would be in Wadena. That would be 20 miles away.
Not that it is an excuse, but you urban elites in tony West Maple Grove need to understand that not all the deplorables out in the sticks have access to the same amenities as you.
Yeah, I’m baffled when I use Uber outside of Orlando. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO CARS ARE AVAILABLE AT 3 AM ?!?”
Oh, yeah, and this fuck would afford a self-driving car?
He should just drink himself to death at home.
A fifth of vodka in every pot and a self driving car in every garage!
…go on.
Check your cab privilege!
+1 rickety ten-speed with upside-down handlebars
The story said that he was only going 10-15mph down the highway, so a bike wouldn’t have been much of a downgrade.
But (in most states) you can still get a DUI on a bicycle.
Without reading the story yet, how is this guy on the street? For dui in Mn is a felony… Weird how laws don’t stop people from making bad choices…
Dammit! Four not for…
Probably a degree of separation or two from Amy Klobuchar.
I used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise.
FYI it’s a WaPo article let’s try to limit the clicks. The headline tells you enough.
How that managed to get published by WaPo is a mystery that will confound scientists forever.
Must have been hacked by right wingers
If this takes off, the author might be in need of looking for a new job. The right thing to do is not click, to keep it from going viral. For his sake.
“Before I started researching gun deaths, gun-control policy used to frustrate me. I wished the National Rifle Association would stop blocking common-sense gun-control reforms such as banning assault weapons, restricting silencers, shrinking magazine sizes and all the other measures that could make guns less deadly.”
Why would she have an opinion if she hadn’t done any research?
One thing that has been demonstrated is that support for more gun control laws falls some time after mass shootings. Shortly afterwards, there is an emotional response. But then after people educate themselves, they learn the proposed laws wouldn’t have prevented the shooting.
“Why would she have an opinion if she hadn’t done any research?”
I think people are entitled to their opinion. Now if they are trying to convince others, they should do their research.
Why would she have an opinion if she hadn’t done any research?
Gun Grabbers fall into one of two catergories.
1. people ignorant of anything firearms related who think that gun control can save lives.
2. people not ignorant of things firearms related who think that gun control can further their agenda.
#1 are useful idiots.
#2 are statists actively trying enslave me.
I had some dickhead on ESPN yesterday say “if you can have an assault weapon, I should be able to have a flamethrower. How do you feel about that?”
To which I replied “flamethrowers are legal and unregulated in your state. However if you point and discharge one at somebody, you are liable to be arrested.”
He never replied.
Whoops! Stupid facts.
A statistician working for 538 wrote that. Though, I wonder if she still is working for them after that?
An honestly-held opinion, changed after receiving contrary data. How quaint.
Already a former statistician working for 538
late arrival to Catholicism. fascinating.
that’s a really good opinion piece. maybe lost a few points for not mentioning the sonic boom of supersonic ammo but it was a short piece so really not a big deal.
Was it me or did it seem the crowd was, er, very patriarchal every time the camera panned to the stands in last night’s game?
Saw lotsa men. It was like watching a European soccer match.
Gee, what would have happened if they listed ‘Hate’ as an active ingredient in their granola bars?
F.H. Buckley writes Canadians are more conservative than Americans and Americans are more liberal. Together they make the colour purple.
Those numbers look contrived to fit a narrative. Not fabricated, but, selectivly quoted perhaps.
I got that feeling too.
I am skeptical of the mobility measures because they are mostly based on relative incomes and cohorts, so a country with a higher income equality will have more migrations between cohorts. I also don’t see economic mobility as a measure of conservatism. Since when?
” America was supposed to be the land of opportunity, where everyone stood an equal chance of getting ahead. ” – I don’t think anyone can ever claim everyone has an equal chance to get ahead. That’s silly and does not apply to any country. Also land of opportunity means you have a chance, not that all chances are equal. So this is silly.
Conservatism is about conserving traditional values and schemas that work. Waffling on about how poor people tend to teach their children poor habits and rich people pass on different habits, resulting in differential outcomes is irrelevent to how conservative a populace is. Also, every time I re-read those mobility paragraphs the alarm bells of “this wording is deliberately obfuscatory” go off.
Flip the races, and Michelle Obama sounds a bit like David Duke, doesn’t she? The Racist Party never disappoints:
“blues and whites and greens. ” Paging Eiffel 65.
From the Daily Fail:
Either that, or I, as a white man, do not enjoy being lectured by a corrupt politician’s wife, who has virtually zero accomplishments to her own name. In addition, I happen to like plenty of minority politicians. They just happen to be Republicans.
She even has the ‘concerned faux intellectual’ look-shtick down pat.
She’s a twit.
And part of my response to her is: “Yes, no one should ever trust politicians, because they have accrued to themselves the power to do things like: remake 1/6 of the economy at will, target their political enemies for extra scrutiny from regulatory agencies, send guns to Mexican drug cartels untracked to justify gun control in the United States, make school lunches inedible…”
I’m pretty sure Michelle Obama just said they don’t exist.
I’d love for her to get eaten alive just for that. I don’t care about her other racist remarks. The face that she marginalised minorities because they hold a different view point than hers.
They suffer from False Consciousness.
It’s like they don’t even know the Republicans want to put them back in chains!
I wonder who’s higher on the left’s intersectional pyramid, Joe Biden (white male, Democrat) or Raúl Labrador (Puerto Rican male, Freedom Caucus member, future Governor of Idaho). Elizabeth Warren or Mia Love?
Of course it’s an obvious lie that Republicans are “all men, all white”.
I mean, just look at how white and male he is. So much privilege it’s hard to look at.
Holy shith!
Man, is she one stupid idiot. And her supporters even bigger dummies.
I guess she’s no longer proud to be America anymore?
She seemed to be having one helluva a time.
Sure, if you don’t count Tim Scott, Olympia Snow, Lisa Murkowski, Joni Ernst, Susan Collins, Deb Fisher, and Shelley Moore Capito,
Collins, Murkowski, and Snowe are basically Democrats in denial, but otherwise yes.
Just now noticing that the Obamas are rabid racists. At least Pam is catching up.
I vaguely remember reading about some black dude (Chris Rock?) who was invited to the White House for a party and he waxed nostalgic and celebratory about how incredible it was that there were exclusively black people in the White House at that time.
Point out the hypocrisy all you want, but the Marxist true believers will never see it as a meaningful argument. Bigotry in the service of “punching up” is always justified, because how else will we achieve equality between warring classes?
I think it was Chappelle, and it made sense in context. It wasn’t “thank God there are no honkies here.” It was, “look how far we’ve come as a nation that this is possible.”
Of course, now there’s systemic white supremacy everywhere. I’ll take Chappelle’s optimism.
In the same vein as the FDA meddling, here is a story about a church fighting city zoning laws.
Look if you want to help someone, you got to do it the right (government approved) way.
If you can’t afford to meet the regulations, maybe you shouldn’t be in the charity business…
Today in social signaling retardation:
Go fuck yourself, cunt.
That’s such a smarmy non-apology. As if the problem with what he said was the phrasing. No, fuckhead, you expressed a vile, bigoted sentiment not days after a tragedy and, shocker, people think you’re a shitty person because of it. And guess what? They’re right.
It’s really irritating how few people actually understand what “terrorism” means. He wasn’t labeled a terrorist because we still have no idea what his goals were, and how this act was meant to precipitate them. It has nothing to do with ‘white, male privilege.’ You stupid motherfuckers.
Article retracted cause the authors could not decide on order of names
“Academic politics is the most vicious and bitter form of politics, because the stakes are so low.”
Where muh sex bot?
You wouldn’t afford it anyway. Think of the royalties
Hip cafe gets hoisted by its own petard
A hipster cafe posted signs saying that after 5pm, people would have to put away their electronic devices. Stupid rule, but the hipsters freaked out. The best part of the story is the owner trying to explain it isn’t really a douche move:
I think it’s a neat idea. I usually don’t use my phone in restaurants anyways and rarely notice anyone not at my table, but neat idea.
If I notice anyone not at my table – something has gone horribly wrong and they’re making a scene.
If there’s one thing hipsters love, it’s being separated from their smartphones.
The people complaining are retarded. if you don’t like it, don’t go. The place has every right to make its own rules.
one of my fave bars in the village was Burp Castle. They had a “no loud talking” rule. They enforced it. It ensured the atmosphere was the way they liked it.
Did the loud conversations drown out the thunderous eructations you’d expect to hear at a drinking hole with that name?
If you can belch loud enough, you will receive a round of golf-clap applause, and soft grunts of appreciation.
Just to get things ready.
For those who are interested, there’s a couple of us who will be at Barley’s in Columbus on Friday, around 18:30.
There’s also been a couple of people who are interested in a BIF (Beer It Forward), shipping our local treasures to those around the country. Looking at a 72 oz minimum, shipping costs will probably run you about $15-20. Feel free to comment here, or hit me up at gmail at the handle above.
I’m interested, but unfortunately I’ll be at work then.
Judges are assholes, but in this case, the targets seem to deserve it.
Being a former court watcher I can tell you that 9 times out of 10 the target deserves it. You couldn’t beat me and make me sit on the bench. The dumbassery judges have to put up with is unbelievable.
Good news/Bad news?
Fargo restaurant owner shamelessly begs for money.
Bad news: Why do bad businessmen think that they can beg for money? Or why does anyone think begging isn’t something to be ashamed of?
Good news: The guy is openly gay. Fuck think about that. An openly gay man is willing to beg for money. Not that long ago, this guy wouldn’t have dared be open about who he was. Now he doesn’t care at all. Good progress.
I was thinking about how kids beg now instead of selling stuff for fund raisers. I think it teaches a bad lesson. You want my money? Sell me a product I want.
The gun raffle link is relevant
That’s what got me thinking about it.
You saying if they want stuff they should be forking over gas, grass, or ass?
Whatever happened to candy-bar sales? My mother I think funded half of the extracurricular stuff my schools put on, just by selling candy to the feed lot/secretarial office at the hospital where she worked.
Now, they beg in the street, with signs, reflective vests, and coffee cans for donations.
Then, after they make a good day’s work, walk over to the parking lot, remove the cover from their Beamer, pay the daily high rate for the prime time parking lot, then drive off to their lobster & filet mignon dinner..
I kid you not. there was some dude in Hartford that was exposed for doing this shit.
I read your post, and wondered why my sis and I ate shitty chunk-king fried noodles with veggies for dinner all those years while Mom was crushing surf and turf, then I realized you were talking about the panhandlers. Though I think if my mother just made it her business to sell candy to fat secretaries, she’d have made a lot more money…
Yeah, they clean up like bandits, AIUI. 350-400 a day, the last expose the Houston Chronicle ran.
I think begging is definitely on the upswing in terms of social acceptability.
I’ve noticed that increasingly, any time anything bad happens to anyone, there’s immediately a gofundme set up. “Hey, I broke my leg skiing, I set up a gofundme if you want to help pay my medical bills.”
As a general rule I would rather they just beg.
Can’t stand those damn fundraisers, they are basically all just scams that line the pockets of the companies who run them and pass a tiny percentage of the profits on to the kids group.
In otherwords: No I do not want to buy your stupid $15 tub of popcorn that I could get for $7 at Wal Mart and your troop only gets $2 from (and half of that is diverted into a stupid prize for the kid) , here is a straight up $5 donation
That’s what I do as well. $5 donation – don’t even care if they pocket it themselves. I hated going door-to-door as a kid for the boy scouts selling crap, so if I can give a kid a smile doing that miserable job – all the better.
Oh gotta say, while I feel bad for the guy he is a moron.
Opening a restaurant has NEVER been a particularly good plan to make money in the long run and even when everything works out it generally takes a good 10 to 15 years before you build it to the point where you can start taking real money out of it but this guy decided to open one at a time when even James Beard Award winners find it impossible to even break even and cost and price pressures are driving more and more restaurants out of business and he did so with the idea of using the “excess cash” to cover the shortfall his other business, a shopping mall based storefront in an era when shopping malls are dying.
Realistically this guy needs to go out of business because he has no business running a business
Woman orders yoga mat, gets $400K worth of oxycodone pills instead
Rather misleading headline.
Per the Texas football gun raffle.
Here in primitive arkansas, Gun raffles are as common as armadillo road kill. Ducks Unlimited sells calenders here every year. They sell 10,000 at 50 bucks a pop and have a drawing for a gun everyday of the year. My good buddy won an AR and a shotgun on the deal a few years ago. At the thanksgiving dinner my church hosts, we auction quilts and raffle many things, including several guns. The local 4h chapter regularly has gun raffles to help fund their program. I could go on and on.
Similar thing here. In the town closest to me the local movie theater is raising money for upgrades. One fundraiser is a gun-a-week calendar. Fifty bucks gets you 52 drawing entries. IIRC it was limited to 2000 tickets. I still haven’t won. 🙁
Like Lachowsky says, one of many examples. I’m sure this is the probably the norm in ~80% of the country.
Around here we have the Perry County Gun Raffle. It’s a whole day event at the fairgrounds, they sell food and beer, and they draw a name for a gun every five minutes. I’ve no idea what, if any, charity it supports. Someone was trying to start something similar in Muskingum County, but I don’t know if it caught on.
Eh, strictly speaking, it’s the “Perry County Gun Bash”. My mistake.
I now know of two libertarians from SE Ohio!
I went to high school in Dresden.
Same here Lachowsky. If I wanted to I could be involved in 5 gun raffles every day of the year.
In my little Montana town the friggin Democrats held a shotgun raffle.
In horse breeding, you often have a horse known as a teaser to get the horses set for copulation riled up. These pics are the teaser for Glibs to go reproduce.
2, 5, 24 (even if she is a Blue Jays fan)
Easy one today.
With a side of 15.
Absolutely. Plenty of good choices, but 5 stands out in a big way.
Rather than 2, that should be 1. These things are important.
1, 16, 24
6 is the bunny boiler
16 makes me feel wistful and old….sigh.
not a great lot today.
24, 30
Horse fluffer?
30, 24, 18 maybe cant really tell. Yesterday was better
Orgy. Exception for #40. I’m a clueless straight dude.
Interesting that almost everyone picked 24. Usually more diverse choices. Have we found the prototype (archetype?) for standard hot woman?
Also 26 because those things like they could put my eye out.
16. Would like to do some role playing with 17
I mean, nearly all of them, but my faves are 1, 12, 12, 12, 12 one more time, and 12. There are others, but I lost track thinking about #12.
1, 5, 16.
I’m done reproducing (four daughters, Mrs. Animal and I have done our bit for King and Country) but I’ll look anyway.
Well, shit. The Chive. Home of the crappy low-rez selfie.
In other news, 28 has a penis.
Free market. FUCK YEAH!
The market has created an industry that provides strippers for funerals in Taiwan.
Sorry about the extra crap. Edit Fairie?
You’re just trying to get a stripper-fairy picture for your link, aren’t you?
I said trying.
Clearly he did not succeed.
Guess I learned my lesson. Be careful of what you wish for
I would hate to see the edit fairies Google history.
This you say… on a site that HM posts on?!
I don’t have a business degree, but to me, this doesn’t sound like a sound business decision:
The guy shouldn’t be running a business.
Just realized I posted this under the wrong Jimbo link. Need moar covfefe
Good God, that’s the worst fucking faerie yet.
Easy Slammer, Don’t be too harsh. That’s my ex. Xe may have problems, but don’t rush to judgment. We’ve all been there. (I hope)
Edit faeries are like lawyers. Everybody hates them except when they need one.
We never know which one is going to show up…can be hawt, can be *shudders* not.
If you’re considering watching the new Netflix Original cartoon Big Mouth, don’t. I watched the first episode last night and it was unbearable, had to turn it off halfway through.
Political virtue signaling or just awful?
Very little (though some) virtue signaling, mostly just painfully unoriginal and unfunny.
It’s not new, but I discovered “Release the Hounds” on Netflix. It’s pretty awesome. Horror themed game show for cash where people have to escape from dogs. Surprisingly English, not Japanese.
I just watched Cult of Chucky last night. Entertaining schlocky horror. A couple of jump scares that were funny, and the worst psychiatrist ever. They brought back the kid actor from the first two films to reprise his role of Andy, and the survivor from the Curse of Chucky comes back as well (moderately entertaining fact: the survivor, Nica, is played by the real life daughter of the voice of Chucky).
I had that same issue with the “F Word” or “F is for family” or whatever they called it. Bojack is still solid though.
Bojack is the greatest thing in television (or its equivalent) today.
Rick and Morty would like a word…
I loved the first three seasons, but this season just hasn’t done it for me.
After so long the constant negativity, life pondering navel gazing, depression, etc. just comes off as immature and ridiculous. Sure, most TV shows don’t seriously depict “real life”, and the juxtaposition of that “realness” with a humorous cartoon animal world makes for fun is interesting as hell.
But I just can’t watch, “O I’m a piece of shit and the world sucks and everything is like an illusion maaaaaan” for that long before it gets tiresome.
The jokes are still hilarious, though, and the show should be 95% humor, 5% existential musings. Instead, it feels like it’s the other way around
*Edit Faerie Blesses You*
*second “pondering” should be “depression”
I generally like Bill Burr standup, but F is for family was dismal. Then again, I did not expect to find it funny as I assume you needed to grow up in a certain time in the US for that. But overall I think good comedy – or entertainment in general -can transcend such things and be funny for lotsa people, otherwise it just plays on nostalgia of a specific group.
I like F is Family. I also generally like Bill Burr’s standup, although his last special was not that good.
I just recently started watching Bojack. It took me a few episodes to warm up, but I am getting into it now. Not sure if it was me, or it took them a few episodes to find their stride.
Ugh, I tried it. Cringeworthy as hell, couldn’t even make it more then 10 minutes in.
I like it. The first episode is bad, but it gets better. Never great, always pretty stupid—but that’s part of the appeal.
Can’t say I’m surprised with the way the Spanish govt. handled this.
Story about the first person being nailed in Minnesoda for “revenge porn”. I haven’t thought about revenge porn much. I think it is completely tasteless, but I’m not sure it needs to be a prosecutable offense. Then I read that quote from a prosecutor and now I’m sure the law is wrong.
Yeah, the whole idea is to make it easier to wreck peoples’ lives.
Thomas Friedman being Thomas Friedman: If Only Stephen Paddock Was Muslim
I dunno, Thomas, did any of that happen last year after the Pulse shooting? I know most of y’all in the media forgot about it once it turned out the shooter was Muslim, but it turned out.. nope, none of those things happened.
And the comments. Oh G-d the comments.
But Antifa, boy they are just freedom fighters storming Omaha beach.
You know who does use tragedies like this to invoke fear and terror for their political purposes
Klemens von Metternich?
H.., Hitler?
Any number of Khans of the Golden Horde?
That’s a keeper.
/gently tucks it into front pocket.
And none of this even begins to address the politics of race inherent here. If people of color were gathering weapons in these numbers and using them to commit heinous acts such as this… Well, I’m thinking the response would be different.
Fully agree. This is already occurring in Chicago and other bastions of gun control. And the response is different… complete silence from the media and gun control advocates.
It’s not race, but I can specifically remember a religious minority group that was burned to death in Waco, Texas because they were in possession of too many weapons.
“I am starting to wonder whether the NRA could be called a terrorist organization”
Ad a purist, I think the NRA mostly sucks. However, The NRA is not a small cabal of rich influential people who dastardly thwart common sense gun control measures. The NRA is funded by over 5 million dues paying American members and countless more supporters. Calling 5 million Americans terrorists is a bad idea. If what Thomas thought about the NRA was true, they would have killed him amd his ilk long ago.
What a slimy, mendacious fuck. More like you’d still be cumming in your pants about gun control while simultaneously screaming over and over again “NOT ALL MUSLIMS, NOT ALL MUSLIMS!” That is the only way it would be different.
You don’t have to be brown to be Muslim Tom.
And writing major newspaper opinions.
Thomas Friedman. Putting the FRIED in man, man.
Time for another edition of Tommy Friedman’s Op-ed generator!
Texas Lawyer Says Neighbors Need To Stop Complaining About His New Tank
TW: zerohedge
Buzbee said the tank “took a year to get here, but now it’s on River Oaks Boulevard,” according to Fox. “This particular tank landed at Normandy. It liberated Paris, and ultimately went all the way to Berlin. There’s a lot of history here.” – so it’s not new, is it? misleading title there
It’s new to him.
“This particular tank landed at Normandy. It liberated Paris, and ultimately went all the way to Berlin.”
The tank is in Antifa?
My cousin owned a tank for a while. Iraqi, first Gulf War vintage.
I feel like the guy with the tank is the one you’d want to be friends with
It’s a neat tank. Smaller and yet larger than you realize when you stand next to it. 75mm doesn’t seem that big when you hold your hand next to the muzzle, to make as much noise as it would when fired.
I can see why the neighbors are pissed. Pretty much no one parks on River Oaks Blvd ever, and here’s Buzbee, taking up one of the two lanes with his new toy. Dude has plenty of space in his driveway to park it, but nope, gotta attention whore.
It’ll be long gone before holiday lights (speaking of attention whoring) season.
Meh. I’d have preferred the Firefly Sherman instead. Those little howitzers are goofy.
They’re just mad because he has a tank, and they have a Camry.
My uncle used to volunteer for/now works with the volunteer fire department in a small town in upstate NY. Earlier this year he was posting on Facebook (which I’ve now reduced to only family as friends) selling (and buying) raffle tickets for raffles including guns and crossbows. Pretty common in smaller towns, surprised (happily) that a group in the Houston metro would have the balls to do it.
Also at least glad that the article noted that whoever wins the raffle has to go through a standard background check. Was suspecting they’d leave that out.
I remember a friend of mine back in Junior High won a Remington 870 because he sold more subscriptions to Grit than anyone else that year. If I remember right, the prize for the yearly subscription contest was almost always a gun and the contest ended in August, so the winner could hunt with it.
We need more shit like that.
I’m on the music boosters board at school. Think I should float that as a fundraising idea?
Not only that, you should propose that the trap team at the high school work on a number with the choir/band. The “beat” would be provided by shooting shotguns off. The choir would sing along.
I like it! A trap team/drumline/choir extravaganza!
We would definitely make the news.
You can’t send kids out selling subscriptions to comics door-to-door, you monster!
Since I scrupulously avoid reading about or listening to any news coverage of our Shameful Daily Mass Shooting Epidemics:
Has anyone here seen a breakdown of cause of death/injury for the people in Vegas? What I have been unable to avoid makes it sound as if every single person who died did so as the result of a perfectly placed kill shot. Were all of the injuries gunshot wounds? I think not. I don’t want to cheapen the very real tragedy, but how many deaths/injuries might have been from trampling, or falls, or the sort of mayhem one sees at a soccer riot? Shooting blindly into a panicked crowd is going to result in a lot of hits, but I just have to wonder.
I’m curious, in a morbid sort of way. Or vice versa.
I have been doing my best to avoid speculative coverage and forming an opinion until a couple weeks have passed.
You pay me $100k/year (on top of my salary), I will agree to try to breed. But at 45, with not so much as even a mild pregnancy scare in my past, your chances of a new generation of KKs are pretty low, I’d say.
KK ain’t enacting any labor for free
I see what you did there.
New generation of KK would be KKK wouldn’t it? Do we really need that in today’s political climate.
Hey KK, I make pretty close 100k a year and am fertile. wink wink.
What are ya gonna live on after you pay me your $100k?
Second order consequences. How do they work?
Isn’t that just called child support?
Can we talk about how not only did the IRS award Equifax a fraud-prevention contract, but it was no-bid?
Obviously only Equifax has the requisite capabilities.
Obviously it’s a conspiracy for the IRS to allow the defrauding of tax exempt organizations that disagree with the government’s views. *Adjusts tinfoil hat*
Well, pfft, they’re clearly going to be much more careful now! It’s the perfect time to hire Equifax!
On the plus side, both organizations have already given away all the data they have, so there’s nothing else to lose?
Scalise: Shooting ‘fortified’ my view on gun rights
Gabby Gifford hardest hit.
Not unlike the gigantic influx of new members in The Pink Pistols after Orlando.
Where the liberal gay community of Orlando found out how few fucks most people give that they are gay.
Fuck this. I’m going drinking.
Why is this chick standing so close to me? The train isn’t even crowded.
Grab her by the … see what happens
26 maybe. Cute but awful from behind. I sat down and she sat next to me. I don’t look rich and am almost 50. Daddy issues for sure.
What’s the occidental version of yellow fever?
Check to see if you still have your wallet.
Sprite or 7up?
RC and Funions. Nostalgic.
Purple Drank
He calls himself a “lukewarmer” on climate change. The author of several scientific books — including The Rational Optimist, his paean about how human grit and ingenuity have historically prevailed over a harsh natural world — Ridley acknowledges that the greenhouse-gas effect is real and humans have caused most of the warming over the past 50 years: “I just don’t think it will ever get dangerous, and if it does, by that time, we will have had plenty of time to adapt to it with new technologies,” he told me from his home in northern England.
“I’ve written about many controversial issues during my career,” Ridley said. “Never, have I ever experienced anything like what happens when you write about climate, which is a systematic and organized attempt to blacken your name rather than your arguments, and to try to pressure any outlet that publishes me into not publishing me any more.” A group of activists and scientists is urging the Times (U.K.) to stop publishing a regular column authored by Ridley because his views often challenge the climate tribe’s reigning dogma.
Read more at:
I hate playing Pascal’s wager. I want a game I can win sometimes.
“humans have caused most of the warming over the past 50 years”
What warming? Statistically there isnt any.
A group of activists and scientists is urging the Times (U.K.) to stop publishing a regular column authored by Ridley because his views often challenge the climate tribe’s reigning dogma.
You know, I would love to see some enterprising publisher take these bastards up on their demands. With one condition: they put up their doctorates as collateral. They have to make just one climate prediction one year out. If they’re wrong, they lose their degree and have to quit their current job.
Colion Noir is deflecting gun grabbers like Martin Brodeur.
Christ. The responses, though…
Laws, laws and more laws. How about this:
“It’s Constitutionally protected. Don’t like it? Amend it. There is a process for doing so.
Oh, and slavers? FUCK OFF!”
Nice work, I might have to give the gentleman a follow.
Also, appreciate the constant reminder from the replies (and everywhere else) that guns have no legitimate purpose except maybe hunting. No one has a legitimate need to defend themselves, nope. The thought never even crosses their tiny little minds.
Just call the heroes in blue!
I’m trying to parse this.
Is it like the Donald Trump situation, where Top Men declare that democracy was subverted because people voted the wrong way?
Voting is making a mockery of democracy. That makes me laugh.
Astounding levels of arrogance that could only come from the Uniparty Establishment:
If only we could get some freedom minded insurgents instead of socon assholes like Moore.
Roy Moore actually is quite liberty-friendly in some ways: for example, he’s very skeptical of the federal courts’ power to have its Constitutional interpretation supreme over the state courts. IMO we need more people like him in the Senate to slow down the federal leviathan.
I’m not in favor of litmus tests, however Moore has openly discussed making homosexuality illegal. So I think his love for the Constitution and the law only go so far as it enables his predilection for Old Testament sensibilities.
Moore’s a mixed bag, is what I’m saying, and he at least has a little bit of an eye towards liberty when the SoCon morality complex doesn’t get in the way. He’s said recently that marijuana legalization should be left to the states and that civil asset forfeiture is an abusive practice, for example, so he’s already an upgrade from Sessions: “They’re taking away property from individuals without due process and they need stricter rules, if any, to take away personal property.”
Moore only says that shit when it benefits him. He’s a SoCon asshole who would pass a law proclaiming Christianity as the law of the land and then whine about judicial activism when it was overturned. He’s no friend of liberty.
Oh, I know he’s a true-believer SoCon, but it’s interesting that he’s willing to be forcefully removed from his job twice because of judicial principles. He also seems like a straight-cut originalist as far as his court tenure was concerned (not talking about his statements).
If only we could get some freedom minded insurgents instead of socon assholes like Moore.
Well, blame the libertarian leadership for that. Libertarians had a tremendous opportunity to swell the ranks of freedom minded insurgents – the Tea Parties. Hell, even traditional conservative stalwarts like Allen West were recommending books by Bastiat. All libertarians needed to do was bring these potential supporters the last few mental steps to arrive at the libertarian conclusions. Unfortunately, the libertarian leadership decided those people were “squares” and joined in deriding them with people who openly oppose liberty. Rather than pushing Tea Party voters to think through their inconsistencies, they were much more eager to decry them as hypocrites. They were all too eager to insist “We’re not like those people.”
Don’t worry, though. I’m sure it got them some killer cocktail party invitations.
Were it not for college football, I would’ve cut the cord on ESPN some time ago. Now it looks like I have a reason to stick around.
To be sure, it’s not the most exciting wheel to wheel racing out there, but they’re still the best cars and drivers IMO.
BTW, since John is no longer with us, are there any other Track Day Glibs? I know there’s at least one other Porsche guy (yes, I *did* just assume his gender).
I’m hear, Ferrari Guy! Fuck Louis Hamilton!
I think the most interesting part is the NBC release saying they wouldn’t bid against the rights holder being in direct competition. Liberty is a media company, they are doing a separate streaming site for sure. Hopefully the price is right so I don’t have to pirate Sky.
I don’t care what network it airs on, but I’ll be pissed if they take away my David Hobbs!
I do endurance races. Track days for testing.
And in other news that virtually no one sees fit to cover:
Wasserman Schultz IT Aide Allegedly Bragged He Paid Pakistani Police For Protection
Uh, ok then.
That was out before the Las Vegas shooting too.
You know who else was a fucking monster?
A fucking monster? That’s easy – STEVE SMITH
Pro Tip: ALWAYS change the default password on your Bluetooth butt plug
The future is bright, even where the sun doesn’t shine.
I’m guessing most leave that wide open on purpose.
How is “The Future is Frmale” not a straight up offensive sexist shirt? Saw a little girl and a woman at different points (not together) at JFK this morning.
You need one that says “Sure, as long as the future includes a sammich.”
Because you can’t be sexist against men or racist against white people, shitlord
“The Future is CTHULHU”
That is awesome.
One of my favorite paintings.
Because the “future” is always “female,” but never the now. This girl power stuff has been going on for as long as I’ve been alive. It just looks desperate and sad now.
So the LVPD (or whichever agency they were with) retreated from the shooter because he shot back?
WTUnbelievableF? They get paid far more than a E-nothing, yet the moment they need to stop the threat or die trying, they don’t. A private at Omaha Beach had worse odds, yet when the ramps went down, they moved forward. Wasn’t the lesson of Columbine twenty years ago that you can’t wait for backup, can’t wait for SWAT if there was an ongoing shooting? And they did just that. If they had continued to engage the shooter, he’s no longer able to shooter unarmed defenseless people.
Once again, in the moment of truth, police apparently do not rise to the occasion.
The cops are always heroes in the heat of the moment, but we always find out, when things settle down, how cowardly these government employee fucks are.
Our kids had their ‘active shooter’ drill as school this week. They herd them into rooms and tell them to sit and be quiet. My instructions are for them to bolt out of the school and we’ll deal with any consequences later.
Yep. Out the window and run like hell.
At most schools these days, you can’t open the windows.
Also, scatter within the room so you arent bunched and can attack from multiple angles if necessary.
My wife and I told our kids the same thing – if anything ever happens, you get the hell out and run until you can’t run anymore. Run out the door if you can. If you can’t, go out the window. Hide only if there’s no way out.
Run, hide, fight.
Cops are only concerned with their own safety. Ask them, they will tell you. I need to do a write up of a cop telling my little brother that the reason he tazered him in my parents back yard was because the cop wanted to get hone to his family.
New Glib battle cry:
“We will conquer you through the wombs of our women… if there were any.”
2/10 not enough Sammiches.
they’re [Formula One] still the best cars and drivers IMO.
Blech. I’d rather (and do) watch formula 2 and formula 3. Best cars? No. Most complicated technological nightmares? Certainly. Best drivers? There are some incredibly talented kids in f2 and f3. F1 is not as jam-packed with drivers in need of a career-ending crash as Indycar, but they could benefit from some more turnover.
Moto GP is a blast to watch, all 3 classes, they put on a spectacle every time
I’ve recently started watching rally racing clips on YT. That’s some fun shit.
ps- see my Lotus 49 link from yesterday.
Just about to type that. Rally is also fun to watch because they are certifiably insane.
Let’s remind ourselves of what the Left really wants. This is masturbation material for them.
Crap on a cracker. This is what I was referring to.
I’ve used that image a couple times when they’re moaning about mean old Trump breaking up families with his evil immigration policies.
While the NRA is kind of a mushy middle gun-rights organization, it is the largest and has been more pure and effective of late (not that watered down 80s-90s bullshit). I am a life member and proudly display the pin on my lanyard at work; if anyone has a problem with it, they haven’t said anything. I’m also a life member of RMGO and JPFO just to be well-rounded.
TL;DR – Fuck you, you can’t have my guns.
I refuse to support the NRA due to their relationship with police officers, but support other orgs.
People talk about civil war about our political issues. Not gonna happen. The only thing that would start a new civil war in the US is if they tried gun confiscation.
I’m thinking of joining the NRA just as a “fuck you” to those deranged lunatics calling them a terrorist organization and unironically implying they control the political system in this country.
I say go for it. They’re not perfect and as JB says, they do have an unfortunate cop-sucking angle, but they are the largest and most effective gun lobbying group (IMO). Besides, the fuck you factor can’t be understated. When an acquaintance starts autistically shrieking about the NRA, you can calmly inform them you’re a member and watch the segmentation fault in their brain.
The cognitive dissonance is truly incredible to behold. Here you have the NRA, which represents the collective voice of 5 million American citizens, being railed against as this single evil corporate entity controlled by a few shadowy Top Men. On the other side, you have multiple gun control corporations hailed as grass roots movements which are almost entirely funded by Bloomberg and possibly Soros.
“Moms Demand Action”
Depending on the mom, I’d be happy to supply that action, though it may not be the kind she’s talking about.
Ok, I’ll give them -220 on a 5-point spread to win.
You’re a terrorist Q.
also, for the second time in 2 days, Molon Labe
My former employer seems to think so. I won’t go into great detail here out of self-interest (internet is forever etc. etc., potential doxxing) but my security clearance got revoked due to my relationship with firearms. And I don’t regret it. Fuck them. I got a new job that pays better anyway.
Fuck you, you can’t have my guns.
Wow. Isn’t that, like, against the law? Firearms are legal and Constitutionally protected. How can they say you’re a security risk? The oath of office makes it clear that a govt employee/contractor’s job is to support and defend the Constitution.
Just the parts that aren’t icky.
What? That’s just weird. You didn’t get popped for carrying on property or anything like that? Nor lie about them during a vetting interview? Your clearance was revoked Just for having them at home, or legally carrying while not at work? Did they give a reason?
I know you said you wouldn’t go into great detail, and I understand, but the story you’ve related sounds strange.
I wish I could go into more detail, but I’ll just say that something came up during a polygraph, they pressed me on it, I said I wasn’t going to change and about a month later I got the Dear John letter. When it comes down to it, they don’t really need much a reason. I could have appealed, but the burden of proof is on me and I’m not going to backpedal, I have my principles. Besides, it would have bled me dry financially, would have dragged on for possibly years, so I’d have had to find a new job anyway. So again, fuck them.
If you’d stayed doing it, you wouldn’t have been able to post all the links to chive, so I’m right with you, brother!.
I’m not suited to that life anyway. All the secrecy and associated BS. I can actually tell my friends what I do for a living now, much lower stress. It was all for the best.
Moto GP is a blast to watch
YES! Once again, I kind of prefer Moto2 to the “big” bikes. The way those guys back the bike into the corners is fucking jaw-dropping.
Smoke is poured out of the oven at the shithole bar I’m drinking at. Japanese gal just went outside and watched. I come back from taking a leak and she’s standing I now the alley. “What are you doing?” I ask. “Something’s burning.” I go in and shut off the gas main. It’s my friend’s bar, so I call him at home. “I’ll come by in the morning and check it out.” I’m surrounded by stupid and lazy mother fuckers.
Remember the ’80s when the Japanese were going to take over America?
+1 lost generation
Watching Rising Sun today is absolutely hilarious. It was already a bit outdated in 1993 when it was released, but with the passage of so many years it’s pure comedy.
Razorfist review of it is pretty good.
Sorry, getting that confused with Black Rain.
Keynesian economics put that notion to rest.
Mizzou professor sues university over ‘gun ban’ on campus
This is one thing I respect so much about gun-owners/advocates. They use the Left’s strategy against them, namely lawfare and electoral pressure tactics. If only the rest of the liberty movement wasn’t so spineless…
After Mattis, I think Betsy DeVos was one of Trump’s best picks as a cabinet member. She did a presentation about school choice at Harvard and I absolutely loved this line from her speech:
“Not too long ago, the American Federation for Teachers tweeted at me. The union wrote, “Betsy DeVos says public should invest in individual students. NO, we should invest in a system of great public schools for all kids. The union bosses made it clear: they care more about a system—one that was created in the 1800s—than they do about students.”
One of the best things about DeVos is that she has no problem with calling the teacher unions out on their bullshit. The union has done a good job with conflating the goals of providing a good education with their goals but slowly, parents are starting to see the insidious affects that the union has on their children’s education.
You can tell how good she is by how much the Left hates her. She is a direct threat to one of their biggest cash cows, the teacher’s unions.
The teacher unions were beside themselves when Rahm won the Chicago mayoral election twice without their support. They are still somewhat powerful but their ability to influence elections are diminishing and that’s what scares them the most. If the Supreme Court decides that it’s not proper to force members to fund political causes or politicians, you’re going to see them turn into a bunch of rabid dogs.
DeVos is my favorite, by far. I like Nikki Haley – wish he had appointed her to a “better” position than the fucking UN.
But it’s really hard to make up for the Sessions appointment. And it seems like Sessions’s job is the most secure in the whole administration, unfortunately.
Ditto, every word.
My teacher friends tore their clothes off and gnashed their teeth when she was nominated as the Education Secretary. It was a sight to behold.
So… pics?
The question I like asking people (and have been using for 20 years) [standard libertarian disclaimer]
Do you support public education or public schools?
The people who get it, stammer about a bit.
This is a highly nuanced position I reached after having attended public schools from K-12. They are a disservice to the students and a net loss for the community.
That answers the second half, but not the first.
Although it is a perfectly fine answer anyway, hence the SLDs.
My experience with public schools can be summed up with “sit down, shut up and don’t participate”. There were multiple instructors who left standing instructions that I was not permitted to answer questions posed to the class so that the disinterested students would have to. After a while the lesson it hammered in was “Effort will not be rewarded, so stop bothering to try.”
Public schools are a fascist environments (it’s eerily similar to a prison). At the same time, they drill it into the kids’ heads how free they are here in America and how wonderful it is to live here. It’s a bizarre mixture of messages.
This is all social science speculation on my part, but I wonder if this muddling of ideas (freedom = slavery) is why so many Americans have no idea what freedom or fascism actually are. How are they supposed to grow up with a strong appreciation for justice when they’ve been shown that justice and fairness are meaningless terms and authority is everything?
Just to be clear, “public education” would include possibilities like vouchers plus the elimination of public schools.
I have two objections to that – 1: Government funding leads to government leverage over the curriculum. 2: A person whould not be forced to pay for the life choices of another, which is what public funding of education amounts to.
While not as strongly held as my objection to the public schools themselves, I nonetheless give the same answer. I do not support it.
It’s merely a lesser evil, but elimination of evil is not a politically viable option. I’d take what we can get.
I’m with UCS here. The only thing government can possibly to education is retard it. Teaching a 4-year old the 3 R’s can be done by a 10 year old. After age 12 it’s either begin learning a trade or attend private school – no need for collective funding.
I usually say it as “Do you support the public financing of schools, or the public administration of schools,” As what would pass for a squish around here, I’m perfectly happy to see the use of tax dollars for pay for one of those things.
The Tweeters are all cryptically abuzz about something to do with Tillerson? Anyone have any info?
“Scheduled to make an unscheduled statement” sounds so funny.
He’s probably resigning.
Weren’t he and Trump sparring publicly about how best to handle North Korea and Iran? I had thought it was just some good cop/bad cop pantomime, but maybe there was something more there?
Without following in great detail, I have the impression Tillerson has decided that his role as SecState is to preserve and protect the worst errors of the previous administration, namely, the Iran deal, the anti-Israel bias, and endless jabbering with the Norks. Again, very impressionistic, but he’s been a disappointment.
I just watched the conference. Tillerson denied anything that was reported and said that he supported trump. So, I’m gonna call it a nothingburger.
I wonder what happened in the meantime?
This, probably:
“Copies of receipts from #LasVegasShooter’s room service confirm my previous reporting that shooter checked in earlier than Sept 28”
And in that Twitter stream, another site notes that the shithead’s GF met with FBI as soon as she got of her plane from the PI, and then let her go.
This fucking case gets weirder and weirder. How long before the cops let the media rummage through his Mesquite house?
How long before the cops let the media rummage through his Mesquite house?
Oh man, I had forgotten about that fun.
*checks freezer for popsicles*
The real crime is that they charge $28 for a hamburger. That’s absurd.
The Tweeters are all cryptically abuzz about something to do with Tillerson? Anyone have any info?
According to some headlines I was just perusing, he called Trump a moron last summer. Not clear if it was (allegedly) to his face.
*paging SugarFree, SugarFree to the red courtesy phone*
HAT n’ HAIR episode!
“Vegas Gunman Was Prescribed Drugs That Can Lead To Violent Behavior”
Valium makes people violent?
Only when they can’t get it anymore.
If by violent you mean drowsy and feeling like all is good in life and you have no worries, then sure.
Maybe it does, but it doesn’t make you reserve a suite in a hotel, bring a pile of rifles and ammo with you, and set the hallway up for surveillance. Punch your car door, yes. Plan and execute an ambush shooting, no.
“A Pennsylvania State University-Brandywine professor thinks college faculty need to do more to undermine their students’ belief in “meritocracy” and the value of “hard work.”
The students are “are socialized to believe that we got to where we are…because of our own individual efforts,” according to the prof, who wants colleagues to stop “perpetuating and reifying whiteness.””
I’ll say it again: The left perpetuates incompetence because incompetent people cant defend themselves. It’s all about getting a boot on your neck.
It’s because a lot of them know deep down, that if they have to truly compete and work hard, they would fail. Also, a lot of folks who perpetuate this mind frame are weak people who would rather debase individuals and drag them down to their level because it gives them a sense of moral superiority and power.
The smarter ones, the leaders. The rest want to external their failures. If they can’t be blamed for their meaningless mediocre lives, they think they’ll feel better. Unfortunately for them, it just them more miserable. Unfortunately for us, that just means that they double down on making the rest of us miserable.
I wonder if this idiot understands how similar her premises are to those of David Duke? Seriously, if I were a black or hispanic and I heard someone talk like that, I’d be pissed. She’s basically saying a decent work ethic is the exclusive province of white people. What an utter bitch.
One more reason to get out and make more baby Glibs.
I knew a guy once who had some kind of prostate problem (not cancer) and his doctor told him frequent ejaculations would help him. When he asked how many, the doctor said at least 3 times/week but preferably daily. He asked the doctor to write a prescription he could give to his wife.
be right back, have a medical procedure to undergo…
Check out Mr. Premature over here.
It’s just not fun anymore
Then there is the more-difficult-to-quantify stress and strain of being a pragmatic and policy-focused Republican in Trump’s Washington. For Corker, who thinks big policy thoughts and wants to find ways to make government work, Trump’s unpredictability and yo-yoing moods — as expressed via tweet — had to be frustrating.
He let that frustration slip last month while talking to reporters in Tennessee. “The President has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability nor some of the competence that he needs to demonstrate in order to be successful,” said Corker. “We should hope that (Trump) aspires that he does some self-reflection, that he does what is necessary to demonstrate stability, to demonstrate competence, to demonstrate that he understands the character of our nation and works daily to bring out the best of the people in our nation.”
Trump — natch! — attacked Corker on Twitter for those comments. “Strange statement by Bob Corker considering that he is constantly asking me whether or not he should run again in ’18,” tweeted Trump. “Tennessee not happy!”
The prospect of six more years of answering questions from reporters day in and day out that began “Did you see Trump’s tweet …” was surely not one that Corker relished.
Corker follows a series of other pragmatic Republicans out the door in 2018 including Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, (Florida), Charlie Dent (Pennsylvania) and Dave Reichert (Washington).
The conclusion? The “governing wing” of the Republican Party — as Dent put it — isn’t having any fun in Washington anymore.
“Six more years of answering those questions? Looks like CNN thinks Trump will be a two term President.
“The “governing wing” of the Republican Party — as Dent put it — isn’t having any fun in Washington anymore.”
That sentence makes me want to cheer Trump and break someone’s nose all at once.
The “governing wing” of DC = It’s fun to posture to the camera when my lefty friend is in power, but when that scary Republican is in power, it is imperative that we surrender to Pelosi and do nothing.
They ran on Obamacare repeal, then didn’t repeal it.
Very pragmatic, these people
They’re trying their dumbest!
That’s a John level club there. Intended to say damnedest.
I like the first one better.
I thought it was intentional, and perfect.
One of my friends worked in DC for years as an aide to John McCain and the guy fucking hates Trump with a passion. He was always the type that believes in the whole bi-partisan bullshit but never acknowledging or admitting that the GOP sold out their base and principles simply to appear like they are governing. And I love the guy to death but it irritated me to no end that he had the top man syndrome and hated those who went against the establishment.
Good. Fuck ’em all. I hope they all get primaried.
The odds that they are going to wrap up this session and go back to their voters with the following are very high:
(1) Immigration reform – no.
(2) Tax reform – no.
(3) Health care reform – no.
(4) New gun control law* – yes.
If so, then every single one of them deserves to be primaried right the fuck out of office. Every. Single. One. No exceptions for the small handful of “good” Repubs like Amash. Once you make exceptions, everybody’s exceptional. The Repubs are looking at a massively failed year and betrayal of their voters. Put ’em all on the street. Even if it means the Dems get control of the House, what difference would it make?
*Even if its just outlawing bumpfire gizmos, its still gun control.
“Sack ’em all and let the voters sort them out”
Sadly, the Dems will still manage to be so fucking crazy that they won’t be able to pick up any seats.
My question: for those who already own bumpfires (like yours truly) what is the process? Will we have to register them? If so, I’m guessing there will be a lot of thefts reported.
You’ll have to register them in person. Also, there will be a state-certified mental health professional on hand to ask you a few health questions. Nothing to worry about.
Regrettable losses arising from canoe capsizes on major rivers. Might include firearms with binary triggers too.
Sorry, that is collectivism at it’s finest.
Vote out the ones who deserve it based on their own merits not the merits of those who happen to be part of the same party
Eh. I’m gonna go with the “corrupt culture” retort.
Once you make exceptions, everybody’s exceptional.
If you say “Oh, we just want the bad Congressmen voted out”, then they all get re-elected. Because everyone thinks the bad Congressmen are all from other districts.
Besides, they voluntarily joined a collective, the Republican Party, which has shown itself to be worthless. They are happy to take the upside for being Republican, so they can take the downside, too.
Then there is the more-difficult-to-quantify stress and strain of being a pragmatic and policy-focused Republican in Trump’s Washington.
Code for DemSymp RINO who yearns for the carefree yet privileged life of the minority caucus.
Yup, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to decode the meaning of that phrase when uttered by CNN.
Nag, nag, nag
Bearing the brunt of all this emotional labor in a household is frustrating. It’s the word I hear most commonly when talking to friends about the subject of all the behind-the-scenes work they do. It’s frustrating to be saddled with all of these responsibilities, no one to acknowledge the work you are doing, and no way to change it without a major confrontation.
“What bothers me the most about having any conversation around emotional labor is being seen as a nag,” says Kelly Burch, a freelance journalist who works primarily from home. “My partner feels irritated and defensive by the fact that I’m always pointing out what he’s not doing. It shuts him down. I understand why it would be frustrating from his perspective, but I haven’t figured out another way to make him aware of all the emotional and mental energy I’m spending to keep the house running.”
Boo fucking hoo.
To whom it may concern. I suck at guessing games. Just fucking tell me what you want; preferably without turning it into a Greek Tragedy.
Who is keeping the house running? Because she sounds like she’s essentially unemployed.
This. I’ve had this conversation with Mrs. trshmnstr once or twice. I fully and wholly support the view that raising children is like having a full-time job. However, you don’t get to treat me like I don’t have a full-time job when I come home after 8… 9… 10 hours of working my ass off. Part of being a homemaker (or a part-time freelance journalist or any other “spending money” type job) is taking care of a disproportionate amount of the house work so that I don’t have to do 2 hours of chores when I get home from working.
My wife’s pretty good about being sensitive to that dynamic (minus the occasional bad day that everybody is entitled to), but I know many people who aren’t. They pretty much see their spouse’s job as a daily vacation.
Holds up pina colada in solidarity ….
I understand that argument but unless you are homeschooling at some point those kids are gone for a large part of the day and they are also old enough to contribute to household “maintenance.” Also, I was a stay at home dad for a year. Easiest and most enjoyable “job” I have ever had. But, I am incredibly patient and understand that being a parent means that sometimes the world does not revolve around me.
I should clarify to mean raising preschool aged children. Picking up Tommy and Brenda from the bus stop at 3pm isn’t a full-time job.
Unless you’re OMWC
To be fair, what OMWC does is less of a job than a crime against nature.
I have this conversation with the missus weekly. Her thing is a little different. We both work full-time and split child-rearing stuff, except she’ll get home and work on her dissertation, or ride an exercise bike, or answer emails from work for an hour or two while I pretty much get in the door and start cleaning and making dinner. Two hours later, she’s on the couch, gassed, declaring that she’s “done for the day” while I haven’t taken my shoes off yet. She has a very difficult time understanding the difference between how I spent the past two hours and how she spent the past two hours.
Sorta the same here but slightly different.
We both work full time 40 hour a week jobs but my salary is literally triple hers which means that I am expected to work as much as I need to get the job done not clock out at exactly 5 every day and she works from home full time while I have on average a 30 minute commute each way. The kids are old enough that they handle most of the housework (albeit very badly and requiring much haranguing to get them to participate) . Of the stuff the kids don’t do I generally pick up the rest while my wife manages everyone’s schedules and runs the books. The only “chore” she does is some of the cooking and the occasional load of laundry.
When I look at it rationally I have to admit that while it does not always feel like it we have a pretty equal division of labor. To hear her talk however I never help her with anything around the house. When she screws up on something it generally has major consequences (missed appointments, bills paid late) but I’ve never once said a harsh word to her when it happens because, she is human and going to make mistakes and I know she already feels horrible about it. When I make a mistake or miss something however, I don’t hear the end of it for a week or more.
Women need to stop this bullshit and just admit it, they are by and large nags, it is in their DNA. Trying to explain it away by making up bullshit terms like emotional labor isn’t going to hid what you are and what you are doing from anyone and it is just going to piss us guys off even more than the nagging does.
When she screws up on something it generally has major consequences (missed appointments, bills paid late) but I’ve never once said a harsh word to her when it happens because, she is human and going to make mistakes and I know she already feels horrible about it. When I make a mistake or miss something however, I don’t hear the end of it for a week or more.
Women need to stop this bullshit and just admit it, they are by and large nags, it is in their DNA. Trying to explain it away by making up bullshit terms like emotional labor isn’t going to hid what you are and what you are doing from anyone and it is just going to piss us guys off even more than the nagging does.
This is the crux of it. When her things don’t get done or when they go to shit, I’m extremely flexible, forgiving, and lenient. When it’s the other way around, the response varies depending on a number of factors (how bad of a day it has been, how long the issue has been simmering under cover, etc.)
If I were a pure egalitarian when it came to the marriage, I’d probably be pissed about such things. As a complementarian, I recognize that her weaknesses and my weaknesses are different from one another.
In my case, we make almost exactly the same amount of money. That’s handy from a pride perspective but it means neither of us could afford to work any less than we already do. My problem becomes the fact that I would have to pretty much do housework from the time I come home to the time I go to bed just to compensate for what she isn’t doing because she’s doing something that she sees as work that helps us both but that I see as ultimately stuff she’s doing for her own benefit.
That reads a lot more seriously than it really is. The resolution is mostly that the house looks like a bomb went off until we take a weekend day to get it back in shape, then our toddler annihilates it within the hour, we say, “Fuck it”, crack open beers and watch football.
I have no patience with the ’emotional labor’ bullshit. I have an acquaintance, who married in her 40s to a man in his 40s, who willingly takes on all sort of crap. for example, he left his ipad on the train and she spent hours tracking it down and moaning to me about how unfair this is. I said, so let him figure it out. He forgot it, he can deal with it. Oh no, she can’t do that, he’d never be able to take care of all that. I just think to myself, I’ve met your husband, he forgot plenty of things on the train before he ever met you. He probably has the number memorized. It is her choice to do all the calls, and worry about it and remind him when they travel together to make sure he has all his stuff, etc. No problem, I think it is one way she shows she cares. I do have a problem with the constant complaints about how she is the only one who worries and if she didn’t do these things they wouldn’t get done and on and on and on. It is just bullshit.
It is her choice to do all the calls, and worry about it and remind him when they travel together to make sure he has all his stuff, etc. No problem, I think it is one way she shows she cares. I do have a problem with the constant complaints about how she is the only one who worries and if she didn’t do these things they wouldn’t get done and on and on and on. It is just bullshit.
It’s a martyrdom complex. Some people feel important by feeling self-sacrificial. In the past, people would ignore them. These days, there’s an entire ideology whose political capital is feeling like a victim.
I haven’t figured out another way to make him aware of all the emotional and mental energy I’m spending to keep the house running.
“OK, I’m aware. Great job. Anything else?”
I think some of the time this is about feeling work is not split “fairly”, and that should be fair game to discuss honestly. The few studies I’ve come across say that when you actually compile the data, both partners tend to overestimate the amount of hours they spend on “things” and underestimate the hours their partner spends. Sounds plausible to me.
A lot of the time though, I think it’s not about whether work is split fairly, it’s just about some human need for recognition and/or human need to bitch to someone sympathetic about your circumstances no matter how cushy they actually are. People with full-time jobs do this too, but they bitch about it to their co-workers, not their spouse. In those situations, telling your partner which things they aren’t doing isn’t going to accomplish either of those goals, it’s just going to lead to an argument. I suppose if you’re a sensitive type you can figure out how to provide that kind of emotional support instead of responding with an argument about who works harder. Being an insensitive type, my response tends to be “that’s what your girlfriends are for”.
“that’s what your girlfriends are for”
I figured that was her response when you’re in the mood and she isn’t.
It’s a phrase with very high overall utility.
There is a natural human tendency to only see what directly impacts you and ignore that which does not and it can be very very difficult to resist the allure of the narrative that makes you the beat down cindarella of your own story. The difference between men and women here is that men are far less likely to openly bitch about it when they think they are being taken advantage of as it just makes them come off as sounding whiny and women as a general rule are very motivated by making sure that he knows she is unhappy.
Just fucking tell me what you want; preferably without turning it into a Greek Tragedy.
With a woman like this? My guess is that she wants her man to spend every waking hour walking on eggshells worried that something he said or did might have left her in any way dissatisfied or put out. Oh, and to feel guilty about any moment in the day that he spends focused on any topic other than her every possible whim.
“My partner feels irritated and defensive by the fact that I’m always pointing out what he’s not doing.”
No shit? Really?
Fun Fact: “Custard-Filled Long John” was my nickname in college…. and yes, that’s all I came here to say.
Lurking is like stalking except you don’t get to see us naked.
People want to see me naked?
Even you are somebody’s fetish, man.
pineappledoom calender.
With avocado.
Must suck, having a nickname that looks like it could be a title for a Red Meat cartoon.
Good Lord! They’re still making that? I haven’t read it since college.
Fuck off Tulpa!
They’re trying their dumbest!
This belongs on a shirt.
Or on billboards across the nation.
10/10. Would use.
As Tundra, Hayek Explosives and MikeS can verify, I have a t-shirt that says “Your a Moron”
Regularly have concerned people come up to me to inform me that I used the wrong “your”.
Have thought of an entire t-shirt collection.
“Morons. Their everywhere”
“Their’s morons over they’re”
“Morons. Were the best!”
This is, by far, the best auto-correct unintentional improvement I’ve ever seen.
CBS This Morning ran a funny piece on fake news in association with the Las Vegas shooting today. They ran through various conspiracy theories, aided by Jonathan Albright, who is apparently an expert on the right wing fake news-osphere. The story pivoted, without even a hint of introspection or irony, to the influence of Russian-sponsored Facebook ads on the 2016 presidential election.
I try to watch the morning national news shows with an open mind, but it keeps getting harder.
If you’re getting your policy guidance from late-night “comedians” you need your head examined.
I like The Federalist’s articles occasionally but that was the first time I ever bothered to look at the comments…….it’s like you threw a bunch of retarded baby clones of John into the thunderdome with a bunch of retarded baby Tony clones.
Ooooh, yeah, the best way to enjoy The Federalist is to never, ever read the comments.
Well! Where would you have us put them?
SugarFree, in the next episode of Hat and Hair, I’d be interested in getting the hat’s opinion on its experience with this nutcase.
“Continued Genocide of POC”
This person belongs in a padded cell. Seriously.
That was the greatest thing ever recorded. Thank you, JB. PEOPLE OF COLOR!!!!!! Rahhhhhhhhh!
Shouldn’t that be Bodies of Color, so we can keep up with our intellectual leaders like Ta Nehisi Coates?
Gimme gimme gimme
“Really, what we are seeing is a race by the different taxing jurisdictions to claim a share of the tax prize represented by the largely untaxed streams of income that U.S. multinationals have engineered for themselves,’’ said Ed Kleinbard, a professor at the University of Southern California and the former chief of staff for Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation. “If the United States doesn’t join the race, it will just lose tax revenue to more aggressive host countries around the world.’’
The EU rulings “do make it clear that if we are not interested in protecting our corporate tax base, other countries will be more than happy to tax the income,’’ said Kimberly Clausing, a professor of economics at Reed College in Portland, Oregon.
“We’re just not stealing hard enough!”
“former chief of staff for Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation”
Or, we could go the other way. End the corporate taxes entirely thereby giving the companies every incentive to move the operations back here
How will the TOP MEN get their cut?
End the corporate taxes entirely
But then, after paying property, sales, payroll, and capital gains taxes, they won’t be paying taxes at all!
: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*adds to cart*
I have a t-shirt that says “Your a Moron”
Tornado nearly touches down in Japan, and bystanders are too busy filming the “snake cloud” to get the fuck out of the way.
Maybe it’s just because I grew up in the midwest, but I find this hilarious:
The phenomenon is believed to be an example of what meteorologists call a funnel cloud.
Watch out for the house that’ll fall out of it.
I could only stream a couple seconds of the video but it looked oddly tame, it didn’t look like high winds. Could just be that I didn’t see enough of it.
Nonetheless, I got a good chuckle out of it. “It’s so beautiful….. OH SHIT!!!!! *houses start exploding*”
Yeah, it looks like a standard rope funnel. Probably wouldn’t do much more than strip the leaves off the trees if it touched down. However, you’d never catch me that close to one.
This is the greatest thing I’ve seen today:
(you can observe, at various points throughout the Equifax hearing, a gentleman in a top hat, fake mustache, and monocle sitting behind the Equifax guy – for an example, go to about the 35 minute mark – apologies if the link doesn’t render correctly, I’ve forgotten how to do it properly)
Heres a twitter GIF
I assume all of us look like that 24/7
*rousing applause*
Love the wiping his brow with money bit.
Oh and whoever that twitter chick is that linked it, would
At about 1:28:30 he wipes his brow with a fat wad of cash. haha
How the hell is nobody absolutely losing their shit in that room???
Because they all know the fix is in.
I mean how can people ask dude a question and listen with a straight face while Mr. Moneybags is mugging behind him in the audience? I wouldn’t be able to keep it together.
Tales of butt sweat and going on cock and balls.
Our center when I was in Tampa Bay, John Wade, his nickname was actually Swamp Ass. In the Tampa heat, in games in August and September, it was torture. There were games I’d take the snap and get sprayed in the face by his butt sweat.
So we’re playing Denver in the snow and we’re on the silent count, and a single tap is on one and a double tap means it’s on two. So I called it on balls, but Jeff snapped it on one, on c–k, and we fumbled the snap. And it’s snowy, and there’s mud, and we’re down there in this pile and it’s like Trevor Pryce and all these big old D-linemen, and there’s a scrum in there. But somehow I come up with the ball. Jeff said I had mud all over my nose, eyes and I can’t even see, but all I’m doing is yelling at Jeff, going, ‘Jeff, Jeff, it was on balls!’ He’s, like, ‘No, it was c–k.!’ And I go, ‘It was balls, god dang it!’ and these Broncos D-linemen are looking at us like these guys are absolutely nuts, these guys are crazy.
That’s pretty funny.
Of course if wouldn’t work with this guy.
Sorry, forgot to put the ellipses to show that those 2 paragraphs were from different parts of the article.
Anti-vaxxers are stupid, but not criminally so
See, in a properly constituted totalitarian state run by smart people, these people wouldn’t be permitted to … oh … never mind.
Also, it’s nice to know that the Daily Mail doesn’t give no fucks about proofreading. ‘We don’t pretend to be anything more than we are: a dumb, sloppy tabloid.’