Coming to New Orleans – Apalachicola? Be Prepared, stay safe
About the time this comes out, we’ll see whether the Justin Verlander trade is going to pay all this season or if the Lastros curse is too powerful. Should be some good pitching, but who knows. Don’t look for Sale or Verlander to get pulled early. Not without a fistfight at the mound.
So there’s a storm coming. To all our North Gulf Coasters — I was just on the good side of a Cat 1 and it sucked. Be prepared, and GTFO if it looks like its going to turn into a real hurricane. Otherwise, just hunker down and drink. As has become our custom anyone who thinks they might need a place to run to, post it up here. Floridabamans are certainly welcome to come down to St. Pete.
I think one of our readers pointed out Amazon would be smart to own the last 5 miles of its logistics system as well.
Apparently, my Neanderthal heritage is why I burn instead of tan. Thanks PROTO-STEVE-SMITH!
Street artist gives Jimmy Kimmel the kicking he deserves.
I went down the rabbit-hole, and found my Friday video, listened to a lot of awesome music, but I’m going to sneak in some neo-funk because its a fun jam.
Auditory antidepressant.
ummmm what’s this “we” stuff? You have a mouse in your pocket?
The Man Show was the last time he was tolerable.
Sarah Silverman ruined him.
Vagina dentata or succubus?
I’m uncomfortable with your antisemitism, Playa.
(((Sarah Silverman))) is a cunt, that is not part of her religious ancestry, more like environment.
Can religion really be a part of ancestry? I’m pretty sure my first ancestor who arrived in Eurotardia, when he was approached by the first shaman in those parts and that shaman tried to shake him down for some offering to the ‘gods’, he just said ‘fuck you, cut spending’.
Who knew that Corolla would be the Lennon to his McCartney?
Well played sir. Well played.
Wasn’t Corolla on there? So those 2 went separate paths I see.
Corolla carried that show. Any peeve could have played kmmels part
Corolla fucking cracks me up. I remember one show he was on where he was talking about the mayor of LA being retarded and going off on the cops being a bunch of fucking pussies. I wish I would still find that on Youtube. The one part he was talking about getting a ticket for running a stoplight at 3am and he said something like ‘At 3am in the morning, you’re at a stop light, how can you be sure that it’s ok to go? Because there ain’t no fucking cars, you morons!’.
Kimmel ‘lost’ me a long time ago when he’d host awards shows and tell people not to thank God. Of course, they’d do it anyway, and he’d get visibly irritated, which was funny.
I dunno, “This Week in Unnecessary Censorship” is fun.
“Apparently, my Neanderthal heritage is why I burn instead of tan. Thanks PROTO-STEVE-SMITH!”
Neanderthal privilege.
Your tendency to sunburn is because of a mutation on the MC1R receptor.
We’ll have a cure for it in about 10 years.
There’s already a cure, Trump is light years ahead of the rest of us, no wonder he’s POTUS. Orange Trumpalo Polish, coming to a pharmacy near you.
A cure to my gingerness?!
You still don’t get a soul. That only happens after our new AI overlords appear.
Redbeard needs no soul.
Stop being a ruiner. Part of the appeal of gingers is their abject terror of weather that is not Scottish gloom.
And they have no soul. Can’t go to hell if you have no soul. They found a loop hole in the system
You can flush the pills if you really want to.
Well, as long as I have your permission…
So, Jesse, these ruiners? Are they now part of the kulaks, wreckers, and hoarders? The new unwoke for the 21st century?
Playa is trying to “fix” gingers. I’m not sure what else I’d call him.
Ginger conversion therapy?
My aunt lives in Scotland. She says it’s quite nice.
Honestly, fixing gingers is the only humane thing to do.
I mean, I got my cat fixed too.
I remember hearing that they will eventually breed their way out of existence but I don’t have an sciency-mumbo-jumbo to explain why.
What in the ever fuck is a car statue?
Click through.
Your never heard of a Plastic Jesus
Of course, we just didn’t call it a car statue. But we’d be drivin, ma, pa, and we 8 yunguns, strewn haplessly about the station wagon. We had our plastic Jesus right there on the dashboard where he looked over us, so we knew no harm would come to us when that 80 ton boulder crashed down onto the state route 27.
If you click on the image…
Sheeeeiiiiit, I quit looking for alt text months ago, you think I’m gonna hover over a picture and notice that it’s a link?
We have great alt-text. The best! Really classy.
It was the classy alt text that got me to stop looking. Give me trashy, low brow, make Andrew Dice Clay blush, bad taste alt text or sod off.
*stares into distance*
I’ve clicked on HM links.
If it isn’t a statue of a car, then I’m completely at sea.
A statue of a car inside a bottle?
Muddy Jesus.
Why is Hollywood such a cesspool of misogyny and sexual harassment?
Because fuck you, that’s why?
Sounds like these young gals don’t know how to Sharon Stone their way to the top.
Harvey Weinstein always struck me as the biggest sleazebag ever.
The “proto neckbeard”, to be sure.
For all the caboose loving Glibs in da house.
Number 8 gives me tingles in the no-no place.
8 is thicc.
Number 25, imagine the possibilities…
But does she have that sexy accent the Jean Claude Van Damme has?
18 for some reason, does it for me. 36 FTW.
Jeez, 22 looks like some kind of peeping tom pic
Anyway, 32 and 36 are my favorites
So this is how I find out I’m related to Brett L!? Who’s next? STEVE SMITH?
What if you start out off-white and max out at light khaki, and then burn to a crisp? What are we talking here? Habilis? Australopithicus boisei?
*Bigfoot calls and applauds*
Gotta say, I’m not a fan of Rappin’ Cousin.
But I have terrible musical tastes. Will defer to Tundra.
Is it wrong if I don’t consider it to be a “real hurricane” until it hits category 2? I’ve become so jaded here in South Florida.
Anyways, whatever happens will be Trump’s fault I’m sure.
No, it is a testament to our engineering skills that we can build quality buildings and infrastructure to withstand such forces.
Looks like I get the remnants of it on Tuesday or Wednesday.
I’d think they’d be better off just buying FedEx than building out their own fleet. i say that never really having looked at the whole delivery (UPS/FDX/USPS) game, but my gut tells me one of them would be improved by a merger.
Is DHL still a thing? Or is international delivery more their speed?
The biggest pain in the ass of ordering from Amazon as a lowly non-Prime customer, is dealing with the idiocy of the USPS. Maybe I just have a shitty carrier.
Ah, thanks. I was wondering why I’d still heard of them, yet didn’t see them much. I guess that I see them at all, is due to Houston and something related to international business.
Wouldn’t Commerce step all over a merger of UPS/FedEx or an acquisition by Amazon of one of them? Then again, they barely blinked for the LiveNation merger.
I used to see them delivering in what had to be their personal vehicle’s. Made me wonder how they didnt make it.
I just got a home delivery from DHL, so somehow, someway, they are still bringing stuff out to us regular, humble type folks out in in GAWDS CUNTRY, suburbia.
An international drug shipment, I presume?
Close. Made to measure shirt from South East Asia
My guess is they mostly won’t build out their own fleet but will rather contract directly with the dozens of small package delivery services that already exist in every city.
They will basically buy all of the services of those companies and direct everything about their operations but the company will exist as an entity between Amazon and the driver leaving ownership and employee costs in the hands of someone else.
At least until uncle sam gets involved and decides the drivers are really Amazon employees
I’d say that about half of my free “same day” amazon shipments don’t come from the big 3 (UPS, USPS, FedEX).
Sometimes it’s a beat up minivan, sometimes it’s a used bakery truck.
Is that just a factor of being in LA tho?
If your question was serous, it’s a matter of the value of the stuff being shipped.
i was more curious who these independent delivery people were subcontracting for, and why (i.e. if its just a “local” LA thing, because LA traffic… is LA)
Most of the “same day” comes between 8 and 9 pm. I assume they do it to beat traffic.
And, it doesn’t come from that far away. I know they have an intermediate warehouse in Compton, which is about 10 miles away.
So it comes straight out of Compton?
Yes, and it passes through another of your favorite cities on the way. You may have left your wallet there.
By “beat traffic,” you mean reduce traffic from apoplexy-inducing to mere murderous afterthoughts?
I’m not sure. I think part of it is that they can take later orders with their own delivery services, which would have otherwise missed last call on the UPS truck.
If you ordered a $500 item, it’s not going to be delivered by a courier.
If you order $500 worth of $2 items, it may be delivered by a courier.
That’s the thing about bulk-purchasing anal beads, you don’t have to worry if you lose a few.
I don’t find that to be accurate, and we order an extremely wide range of products/values.
Amazon Flex?
Combine Amazon delivery with a taco truck and we are onto something huge
Adieu, bump-stocks, we hardly knew ye
meanwhile, in gun-shit that probably matters more…
I’d gladly sacrifice bump-stocks to get that ruling. And I’ll bet the NRA was thinking that, on the one hand, they’ve got a gimmick that any self-respecting redneck can make that gets marketed to ‘tards and mall ninjas (apologies where necessary) and on the other they’ve got the vastly more respectable “responsible gun owner” self-defense-is-a-right crowd that probably makes up a majority of their membership. In Billtopia, or maybe Billvania, you could have a bump-stock on a concealed AR pistol that you bought at 7-11 for your toddler, but I’ll take what I can get here.
The thing is, they were going to get that ruling whether or not they caved on bump stocks et al. Now, make it a compromise—a real one, and not the sort of compromise the ‘gun rights as a cake’ meme rightfully pillories—and now we’re talking. Nationwide reciprocity would be good. So too, would getting suppressors off the NFA list.
If they primary Ryan out of his job, do we get Scalise as Speaker?
I read they only didn’t appeal because the big prog ‘May Issue’ states demanded they not go through with it. Supposedly these states are terrified it would go to the Supreme Court and the “may issue’ restrictions would be rendered illegal across the country.
^^ that
And none of our glib lawyers are fighting them in other states? Sad. Just sad.
This Jersey guy wants to know.
Lastly: an article i’ve saved for years because i thought it was pretty good, despite a few minor quibbles
A Left-Wing Argument For Gun Rights
I’ve always tried to make those exact points when talking to lefties about gun rights (well, not about defeating the “capitalist state” and shit, but about how gun control leaves society’s vulnerable people even more vulnerable).
They haven’t been to receptive to it, however. It seems that the Left is happy to gripe about police when there’s a lucrative race angle, but they actually couldn’t care less about a law that would give those same police a monopoly on the best self-defense tools available.
I doubt the True-Believer actual-commies care about gun control that much anyway (at least until they’re in charge). It’s the squishy leftists who live well-off lives and feign to hate capitalism while getting fat off of it (and are guilty about it) who clamor for it. You know, those ‘liberals’ who don’t actually care about the betterment of poor people, they just know they need to signal that they do (in patronizing, agency-denying ways that belie their true beliefs) to stay in the good graces of their social circles.
And thus articles like this will have no impact.
Trump blinked. His chances for re-election just plummeted IMO.
i don’t think so. I think bump stocks are a novelty that the gun-crowd has always known danced on the line of legality and would likely face regulation someday.
not all gun-dudes are principled libertarians. or at least that’s what i gather listening to people on a variety of gun-channels.
Sure. It just sucks because he fired for 11 minutes. Pull the trigger every 2 seconds and you can get 300+ somewhat aimed shots downrange. Pull the trigger 2x/second and you can get over 1200 bullets downrange still with more precision than a bump stock. Its a red herring. The bump stock is not the issue, Dude!
Of course not, but as a political matter, something is going to be thrown under the bus in the name of “Doing Something”. If that something is going to be anything, let it be something as novelty as bump-stocks.
Yep. And remember, the left does not give a shit about bump stocks. What they care about is banning guns, period. With them, it’s just one victory at a time, no matter how long it takes. They’ll get their change soon enough again to bend over the pussy asses in the GOP. Just like every other time.
How about we make it illegal to shoot people from hotel windows? That sort of makes sense.
Of course it’s a red herring but, honestly, it’s not the hill I’m dying on. Taking a Machiavellian view of this, if this pacifies the “do something, anything!” segment of the population, I’m fine with that. Don’t own a bump stock, don’t know anyone who does, don’t really care.
First they came for the bump stock owners, and I said nothing because I’m not a bump stock owner.
And when has pacification ever worked to the advantage of the pacifier in the long run?
But we have to do something, and this ‘bump stock’ is a new scary sounding thing that has the peeps in a tizzy.
Or you could just mount a small motor to the gun and connect it to a small wheel with a little knob on it that would repeatedly pull the trigger.
This guy obviously planned this shit out. Do they think such a simple modification is really beyond his capabilities? He only used the bump fire stock because it was the easiest available option. He’s not going to abandon his psychotic mass murder plot just because he’s too lazy to bolt a little motor to the side of the gun.
You assume they ‘think’? This is all about emotion. As it has ever been for these people.
^ What dontreadonme says.
As far as the shooting being planned out, we should just make planning/logistics illegal. It may catch some people doing harmless things (arranging dates, going on vacation, etc.), but, if it saves just one child…
This would be like the 50th time he blinked.
He’s the greatest blinker. The best.
The best, classiest blinking you’ll ever see, believe me.
Hilarity is watching Trump’s acolytes defend him in various single-issue fora when Trump inevitably caves on one or another promise.
Still better than Hillary, etc…
If they are going to fold anyway, they need to put this into a National Reciprocity and Suppressor bill. Then they can say this is an example of actual compromise when the media and gun grabbers scream about it. Either we’d get a huge win in return for the bump stock, or we’d lose nothing.
I’m against regulating the bump-stocks, but if it’s going to happen, they had least to get some concessions in return.
It only happens because the supposed opposition to the gun grabbers folded like lawn chairs and once again cedes the assumptions. We have to do something. Bullshit. No we don’t.
Bump fire stocks this week. Manual bump fire stocks aka pulling your finger every time aka every semiautomatic up next week. The gun grabbers never give up and they’re only goal to move the ratchet a little or a lot as long as it moves.
First it was gun show loopholes, then it was private sales loopholes, next it will be family loophole. They do not quit and giving them anything just encourages them. Fuck those slimy immoral shitheads using not even cold bodies to promote their unAmerican thuggery. Fuck them all.
I figured that something like this was going to happen eventually.
I’m very disappointed that it happened so soon. Let the left make fools of themselves for a few more weeks, at least.
Its definitely small potatos, but when the Repubs pass this bill, then we will have had a Republican Congress that added to, not subtracted from, gun control in this country. The alacrity with which they will bring this increase in gun control to the floor will contrast rather sharply with their dilly-dallying on the gun control deregulation bills.
I hope the fuckers all get primaried out of office.
College girl
Choose wisely
Ummmm, this is a joke right?
This is no laughing matter, Q. Make your choice
If we assume the utility of the individual is strictly reproductive, then the Hero (probably) has more money and definitely more influence within her own corrupt kelptocracy; thus I’d choose her for the sake of my offspring’s future.
Man up, Q
If she had money, she’d have better glasses.
… corrupt kelptocracy
Dammit, she’s not Poseidon, she’s just the mayor of San Juan.
“Help us, we are dying. But not so bad off that we can’t make custom t-shirts and put pics of us wearing them on Instagram.”
She can only afford Shitty Sepia filter! If that doesn’t demonstrate the state of despair, I don’t know what will!
It’s an easy answer Marry the Hero, fuck the college girl and kill Just Say’n for posting this.
Neither because college girl is actually a model!
As punishment, I shall give
college girlmodel the spanking she so justly deserves.The answer is college girl
This is called “stacking the deck”.
It also makes me sad. Threesome is not the correct answer.
College girl.
My best friend’s little sister was named Hayley and she looked quite a bit like that (the hottie, not the clearly insane person). The “Bro Code” can be a harsh mistress.
Quote from a liberal friend of mine (in person), on the gun control debate post-Las Vegas: “What good is freedom when you’re dead”?
And there’s the fundamental difference when it comes to liberals (and conservatives) versus libertarians. I could pull out the Thomas Jefferson line here, or the Benjamin Franklin one, or maybe the one from Braveheart, but you all know what it means.
Empty words to those that want to rule and be ruled. Lost cause.
check with Patrick Henry
“What good is living when you’re unfree?”
That was my response (well, it was “What good is life without freedom?”)
Not like it matters. Like Q Continuum said above, they want to rule and be ruled. They want a strongman to save them from themselves… which is what led to President Trump. Yet even though it’s led to President Trump they’ll be convinced that all of their policies and trust in the government are right so long as the correct Top Man is in charge.
Is there free college and healthcare?
“What good is life if you’re a slave?”
Good question. A lot of slaves throughout history remained slaves even though they could have chosen death. Fear of death could be a powerful disincentive.
Been a long time since I read it but Vonnegut made a good case for that in this collection of essays.
What good is the welfare state when you’re dead? What good is a toothbrush when you’re dead?
Neither of those concern me, because I’m alive.
It’s such an existenstialist conundrum. Why bother to wipe my own ass? The world is going to shit, anyway…
My retort: “Good point. Let me raise you this, though. How bad do you want my guns? Because if you try to take them from me, I will definitely kill you. If you leave me alone, I suppose anything’s possible, but I’m highly, highly unlikely to kill you. Now, eventually, I’ll run out of ammo, or someone will get the drop on me, and I’ll be dead, and you or your next of kin can take my guns. And then you can go next door and start the process all over again.”
Uh, what good is money when you’re dead? Give me all your money, then we can talk about my freedom.
Side note: Even if it’s no good when you’re dead, it certainly makes the parts where you’re alive a lot more livable. And everyone’s ending up dead one way or another.
Second side note: Historically, political power is a more lethal weapon than firearms, and liberty (including gun freedoms) holds political power in check. In fact, it’s very nearly synonymous with holding political power in check.
As Mao said, “Political power springs from the barrel of a gun.” You cannot point to a single authoritarian dictatorship where private citizens were permitted to retain personal weapons. Disarming the people you rule is a necessary first step of dictatorship. So, when people, especially people in power or people who have political agendas, start clamoring for “gun control” I always wonder what their second step is.
Problem with this is they would readily agree with it, as long as the “me” they are giving the money to is the government
What good is gun control when you’re dead?
I’ve heard a lot of my Left friends say something to that effect and I always respond with the question of what makes you think that you have the right to take away my freedom?
What good is a gun ban if you’re enslaved?
It’s a classic false dichotomy.
For starters, they’re implying that libertarian policies would result in more death. I’m pretty sure an end of phony gun-free zones (schools, etc.) would actually save lives since the victims could shoot back, and these fucking wimps usually kill themselves at the first sign of armed resistance.
They’re also implying that “progressive” policies would save lives. This is not supported by reality. Mass shootings have occurred in deep blue states with a ton of gun laws. I also hear there’s something of a crime problem in places like Baltimore, Chicago, and California, and I don’t think it can be blamed on Republicans.
If they want to get serious about discussing gun laws, then we’ll talk the case of Brazil. If they don’t want to get serious (and they don’t) fuck them.
These idiots choose to shoot up places places like that because they know everyone there is unarmed.
On Kimmel, I’d forgotten about this show.
Can we juxtapose every one of his political rants with the “girls on trampolines” segment from that show?
Give me liberty or give me slavery. Really I don’t care, is there a safe space?
He’ll be as woke as Harvey Weinstein in a few weeks.
Girls on trampolines was stolen from Dudley Moore and Peter Cook.
At first I couldn’t figure out why a guy with millions of dollars who lived in a state where prostitution is legal could throw his life away and take so many people with him. But now they are saying he had severe allergies to products like makeup and perfume. So now it’s a guy with millions of dollars who lived in a state where prostitution is legal but would have a severe allergic reaction if he got near any prostitutes. Am I on to something?
Spend enough coin and whores will gladly take all that shit off.
So I’m told.
I’m sure it’s not the oddest request they’ve ever seen in Vegas.
They wanna make money. Of course they’ll take that shit off if asked.
*takes off makeup*
What are you staring at? This is what all barely legal girls look like without makeup!
The pigtails and the braces really distract from all of the tattoos and heroin track marks!
Was a 40ish guy who used to come into the coffee shop I worked at in college who was an attorney but had minored in photography in the same program I was in at UT. He had somehow managed to sell a professor, and a strip club owner on doing a “photo-essay” on strippers, but he had to do it when the clubs were closed, and did it in full light. Yeah. Needle tracks and big red noses.
Kinda like those “porn stars without makeup” photo shoots
Those have to be the most ponderous of all IFLS-type epiphanies. Oh my god, you mean visual performers use every god-damn trick in the book to improve they way they look?
What’s next, you’ll tell me that Malcom Gladwell has an IQ of 97 but a haircut that fits the image of a smart person to a 97-IQ psuedointelctual reading the New Yorker?
You may be overselling Malcolm’s IQ there a bit.
Clearly, we need to ban sex.
We need to ban all reproductive and non-homosexual sex.
For the children.
Well, there goes that theory.
Multiple chemical sensitivity is another coin on the pan for the nutjob side of the scale.
Next, we’re going to hear about the fibromyalgia.
And the “diabetes.”
It was caused by his MMR vaccine 55 years ago.
I don’t know if chemtrails will make an appearance in his background, or in the discussion by all of those feverishly trying ‘to understand what really happened’, but you know it’s coming.
Was he circumcised?
What kind of pizza did he like?
I think we’re developing a theory here that rivals anything else I’ve read. We should hit up the FBI for a consulting fee, and use it to pay for the first run of Glibs merch.
What do they need to pay for? they already
connedtrickedfooledcrowd sourced their way into free design work. All they need to do is take pre-orders and the swag would sell.He had a script for 10 valiums. No wonder he turned into a monster. I bet we find marijuana is also involved.
Honestly, I think he used the valium to calm his nerves during the shooting. The whole infowars “valium makes you aggressive” thing is bullshit.
The North Hollywood bank robbers took shitloads of phenobarbital before the incident. They were calm and methodical while everyone else was panicked.
It could also explain why this dude took his life so early on. Maybe too many valium, and he was starting to loose coordination?
I’m sure you’re correct, though paradoxical reactions to benzos are, at least, theoretically possible.
But again, that’s really rare so I’m sure your explanation is correct.
Valium is Pax. Paddox was a Reaver.
“The whole infowars “valium makes you aggressive” thing is bullshit.”
It’s on the same level as weed making you aggressive. I’ve seen it make some people annoying, but aggressive, no. Just the opposite.
Maybe it makes you aggressive, maybe it doesn’t. It doesn’t make you tactical. Valium side-effects didn’t make this motherfucker establish a field of fire on the only two points of access to his room and then stick hidden cameras there to monitor them.
The guy’s been planning this long term. That much is already out. And it should have been obvious from the start.
I’m still going to hold with my opinion that there definitely was a religious or political agenda behind this. Nothing else even makes sense. The guy who just went over the deep edge from whatever stress anxiety, mental illness, whatever, just drives to a local gathering and shoots up some people. He doesn’t meticulously plan it out for months. I don’t think the guy was crazy. There’s also the possibility he had planned an escape and that’s why he’d sent his gf 100k to the Philippines, because he’d planned to join her. The radicalization thing is starting to make more sense all of the time.
I’m still going to hold with my opinion that there definitely was a religious or political agenda behind this.
I leaning that way, partly because these motives don’t advance the Narrative, and the usual suspects have gone darkish on his motive. Batshit nutter advances the agenda (“keep guns out of the hands of the mentally unstable, etc.”). They are flogging the batshit nutter idea, some, but other angles of this story aren’t getting any attention – the money to the Phillippines, his GF’s background, the rather odd timing of his gun-buying spree (saw a report, reliability unknown, that he started buying guns last fall), his buying rooms overlooking other events, his selection of this event, etc. I think there’s an underlying pattern here, and it doesn’t really look like he was just loony-tunes.
Much ado as to whether he was a lone wolf or not.
I heard on two different radio broadcasts that the latest videos in Mandalay Bay showed him in the company of an unidentified female.
Numerous reports of an unidentified female declaring that “they were surrounded and that they were all going to die” at some location connected to the concert.
Yes, there are others involved in this shooting is my opinion thought we may never be told the truth.
It’s not bs. I can take one and little things will piss me off. And I know I’m not the only one because when I tell people that, I have heard “me too” at least w few times
So, while I’ve been languishing with the flu bug, I started playing Divinity Original Sin 2. I’m not sure I can recommend it unless you’re some sort of masochist. Seriously, that game has a level of difficulty which can result in frustration. To the point it’s almost not fun. I’m not really sure which is more gratifying, playing a few hours of this or hitting yourself in the nuts with a heavy blunt object.
I played the first one and gave up. The humor was so stupidly juvenile in a particular way I’ve come to associate with Germans, for some reason, that I couldn’t get past it. It was tough, and probably could’ve been a good game with decent writing, but the story and atmosphere was infuriating.
I love the first one. I wasn’t really caring about the humor, it was just the deeply tactical combat I got into. 130 hours.
Some tips for DOS:2:
1) Go slow. Seriously, go slow. You need to explore everywhere to find gear and get equipped.
2) Make sure you have a healer, and have some form of crowd control.
3) If you’re getting beaten in a fight, you may need to level up more before trying it.
4) Have at least one character with Lucky Charm, and use them to loot all of the containers.
I finally (after a couple of restarts) got out of Fort Joy with a tanky fighter, two handed fighter, rogue, and a healer. Ignore the assholes online talking about how easy the game is.
I just got out of Fort Joy. I have a battlemage Dwarf who’s a heavily armored tank. Me, I’m a rogue with ranged weapons. another guy with ranged weaponry, and a mage. The first game was very easy compared to this one. The problem is you get in situations where it’s hard to find a fight you can win to level up. Those were always easy in the first game. You had to be careful, sure, but you didn’t have any problem just finding something to beat up on for skill points. Part of it seems to be that the enemy will just have ludicrous amounts of armor for level 3.
Yeah the change to crowd control and how armor works made the game a lot tougher. If you can’t strip the armor, you can’t do anything on the CC side except for slowing.
That battle with just 2 enemies where they’re with the kid and the boat is down there below the prison. I had that all planned out. I literally set those fuckers on fire and burned them for what seemed to be forever. I kept back and kept hurling oil flasks on them to keep them on fire. All of that seriously barely caused any hit point damage to them. I was finally able to finish them off with my tank and the guy who has a pretty good crossbow which does about 30 damage. Admittedly, I was low on healing potions, but I lost 2 of my party and only had one resurrect spell, so had to go back to town and buy another before I could proceed.
I’m not sure what you mean by crowd control, but if you mean the ability to isolate one or more of their party to take them out, then I haven’t had any luck with that. And it’s a problem because it’s one of my old time tactics in RPGs, including first and 3rd person real time. The ability to isolate or lure out a couple of the enemies and take them out, is really a huge advantage. In this game, it seems no matter what I do, I can’t accomplish that.
Freezing, Shocking, Knocked Down, Paralyzed, Petrified, etc. Status effects that effective take an opponent out for at least a round. I agree about all of the groups appearing to be linked so you can’t peel off one or two bad guys at a time. The teleporting glove helps a bit.
I don’t have the teleport glove yet. I have knockdown with the bull rush for my dwarf, pinning shot with my archers, and the electrical shock from my mage will sometimes freeze them for a turn or two. But yeah, not being able to lure them out of the pack is really throwing me off. But again, the balance seems to be off. I’m level 3 and my strongest armored guy has 31 armor while all the enemies seem to have 60 armor and 30 magical armor added to that. WTF? Where they get all this shit? Why white man have too much cargo.
The glove was inside of Fort Joy, inside one of the crocodile creatures on the beach. I’d have to look, but I believe I’m at level 5 in the wilds outside Fort Joy. My tanky guy has about 40 armor and 25 magic armor IIRC.
How the fuck is it that I never saw those damn crocs? I thought I explored the place inside out. You know that the game needs? I need to check mods, but it would be really nice if you could zoom further out.
I just leveled up to 4 after that last fight. You’re obviously being a bit more meticulous than I am.
This is my third time going through. The first two I got stuck being unable to complete either the arena or the first fight inside the fort proper. Each time I bumped into some more plot, which let me make sure to hit up all of the areas.
It’s starting to click for me now, bro. Came out and kicked the original wenches arse. Of course she was alone, so not much to brag, but I took most of her armor away by teleporting her into the salty drink. Knowledge of what you can do is valuable.
I’m thinking of starting over. This a pretty deep RPG, at least tactical wise.
I was heartbroken when a friend explained that part of mechanics to me, leading to my Mass Effect Rant #4, on shitty ways to balance magic/psions.
I’m still looking forward to playing it, although it may end up being 20 hours of looking for animals to talk to like D:OS…
The armor mechanic I’m not a fan of at all. The issue is that there’s two types of damage: physical and magical. They only damage the specific type of armor. So if you want to knock people down, you have to hit them with lots of physical damage. If you want to freeze them, you need to hit them with lots of magical damage. Different mobs you fight may have balanced armor, no armor, more physical, or more magical. So you have competing goals. Focus on one type of damage to be able to quickly strip the armor and CC them, or have both types of damage to be able to switch it up if you need to.
I haven’t ran with a character with pet pal yet. But I’ve heard there’s a lot of content there as well.
My comrade, Ifan Ben-Mzed, talks with the animais. I think he listens to Jethro Tull and shit too. Maybe just luck I ran into him. But he also carries a mean crossbow.
Also, part of it is my fault. The new game is a little deeper and more complex than the first. So I struggled a bit with learning curve at first. Also, flu bug, medication, not thinking too clearly. I mean I definitely could not work last 3 days, so there’s that. I maybe just should have picked a more casual game to make it through the flu.
It must be Hell in these people’s heads.
I couldn’t read all of that. I just reminded me of the coming star trek meals we’ll all be eating by 1980. On our way to work in our flying cars.
Perfectly normal person.
The recurrent question of what to have for dinner is exhausting…
I cannot comprehend this statement
First world problems.
You’ve never been around a couple having this conversation? Lucky you.
My best friend and his wife have it nearly every night, from what I’ve gathered. Once I was in a room with them for about half an hour listening to ‘What do you want to eat?’ ‘I don’t care.’ ‘Okay, how about this?’ ‘No, not that.’, yadda yadda. Finally I slipped out the house to my car, drove to a fast food joint, and grabbed the same shit they always get anyway. When I returned, they we’re still arguing.
So I threw the bag of food their way and told them to shut the fuck up.
You just described the plot of this
Christ, that’s uncanny!
While I dug the R Kelly parody, it made me remember this underappreciated Weird Al ‘closet’ tune.
I am truly among my people.
Why don’t they just automate it? Find some reasonably healthful frozen dinner and eat that unless they’ve been invited out. Boom. Problem solved.
Marie Callender’s balsamic chicken and rice dinner.
On a related note, if you ever find yourself in Oden, AR, I recommend the cheeseburger at “The Yellow Store”.
I have never been exhausted by the question of what to have for dinner. Eventually you either make the call or you fall asleep. It’s not rocket science.
How brow literature – for those that never got over how deep the Smashing Pumpkins totally are.
What a fucking goober. Get a grip, you hopeless dweeb.
If becoming an adult is learning to parent yourself
Actually, its not. Becoming an adult is learning not to need a parent at all.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
The first thing that occurs to me when I read these navel-gazing diatribes is that these authors are reading WAAAAAAAY too much into something like Blue Apron and similar services.
Here’s the explanation: people want a home-cooked meal, but they don’t like buying a ton of ingredients, cooking the meal, and ending up with varying amounts of leftovers that will probably never be used.
Here’s an even simpler explanation: the market supplies what people want.
I would have loved to have it when I was in college. My school didn’t have a cafeteria and cooking for just myself was a huge pain in the ass. I didn’t have a car and the grocery store was across town. When I did manage to get groceries, I’d make something like meatloaf and none of my roommates would want it so what I couldn’t eat would go to waste. I wound up subsisting on essentially nothing but Pop-Tarts and Easy Mac.
The box opens out as a kind of introduction to the basics of idealized family life: this is what dinner is; this is what home is. “Green Beans,” it says on the green beans.
Sorry, I just got stoned.
*wanders off*
I know I’m corpse fucking, but Lileks has a nice takedown of that article.
To the moon, Alice!
i personally hate NASA greatness-fetishizing. Fuck them. Leave them starving for money and force them to come up with ideas that yield massive downstream benefits.
If they’re going to do something, space should probably be part of it. And by space, I don’t mean low earth orbit. I mean sure, anyone can be stuck in a rut for 50 years, but after that it starts getting old.
Grab a rock. Build a solar power sat. (Giant antimatter factory near the Sun, if we’re dreaming.) Build some truly epic shit at L5: Football sized mirrors for a space telescope, monumental arms for a radio telescope, giant inflatable ice cube / geriatric habitat. Something.
Or continue lighting pallets of cash on fire for RKK Energiya and TsSKB Progress, so that we can watch middle aged white people play guitar in LEO.
Gay Owner of Coffee Shop Boots Anti-abortion Protesters, Butt-Hurt Ensues
Abolitionists, eh? That’s stealing a base.
Well if he supports their right not to bake him a wedding cake, then this is fine. And I’m sure there are a lot of people who support those cake bakers in Seattle. To be sure
Will it be a Nazi cake though?
“I swear to God if you do not make that Nazi cake, I’m going to make the Holocaust look like a joke”
– Gary Johnson
I mean sure, we left a big stack of them on the window sill of his shop, but we didn’t drop anything in the store!
See, this is where John would have a flippant remark and then you two would go back and forth for a whole page. Now he just has Hazel Meade to argue with. I’m sure that makes John sad
Hurtful. My remarks were the flippant ones.
I always liked your comments better *kisses*
Oh Joost Saiyan, you’re the best.
I’d characterize them as rageful. Dude has anger issues.
He is not angry. Fuck you you lying prick!
Shut up, you half wit.
It’s all true. I am a half-witted prick.
Scruffy, you used to be one of the sane ones. I don’t know what happened.
This is NOT me:
Now, if they were Jack Chick tracts, I’d vigorously defend them.
I wish every coffee shop had Chick tracts.
Are you familiar with the Oglaf webcomic?
Do you know Sithrak the Blind Gibberer? Would you like to know Sithrak?
Oglaf is fantastic. Prepare to lose a few hours.
“Miss! Oh, miss!”
Oglaf is crazy good. The writing, the art, the implied setting…
A friend and I walked out of a bar once many years back and we started getting preached at by Jack Chick evangelists. They even had some to hand out to us. I requested Dark Dungeons, but they didn’t have any copies of that. I was very amused that I got them to start calling me reverend by the end of the conversation.
I visited this website on my laptop to see if I could save that preview image to send to my mom (no dice). It was then that I realized that I’d never seen the non-mobile version of this website.
As an aside, I would just like to thank our lovely web overlords for making a site that plays so well on mobile. The Other Place was infernally glitchy and after working on a computer all day I like to just lay on my butt and do my snarking on my phone like any good millennial.
I don’t own a smartphone. And yes I judge those that do (which, I assume, means all of you).
Hey Grandpa, HP makes great calculators that can be entirely emulated by these smart phones while letting you surf the Chive.
Is that all I am to you? Chive links? Take THIS!
Not entirely. The best RPN emulation, the 15C app by HP, hasn’t been updated for years and iOS complains about it every time it starts and will be locked out by the next iOS upgrade.
thats all they really have!
I’d want 48SX if i were gonna fuck with it all.
THe only calculator you’ll ever use again?
Front Range flip phone owners, unite!
*Raises fist*
you two aren’t helping that whole “flyover states are way behind” argument.
Says the guy tooling around in a vehicle that doesn’t even have in-dash, voice-automated navigation.*
*Or whatever the hell comes with a new car these days. I drive old cars, too.
That is a good point…
I do, but I wouldn’t dream of using it for Glibs – or anything else that requires accurate typing.
This one?
I’ll second this. Except for the “on the computer all day” part. Someone has to dig the ditches
…And Bregman homers off Sale. 1-0 good guys.
Altuve makes it back-to-back homers. Damn.
The feed mentions an injury timeout in the top of the 1st. Who got dinged?
I missed the top of the 1st.
So did Chris Sale, it appears. And I thought the Astros weren’t supposed to be able to hit good LH pitching.
And like that, it looks like Verlander can’t find the strike zone with a map. Although the pitch tracker is making it look like this ump is giving Verlander a rookie’s strike zone to work with.
Can we just go to having the machines call balls and strikes already?
I’m not sold on computerized cartoons knowing the strike zone better than umpires. For one thing, the size never changes – it’s the same for every batter so the top of the zone shown for Aaron Judge is belt-high and nipple high for Altuve.
MLB could probably do the job just fine with Statcast. They can measure all sorts of shit now – exit velocity, trajectory, spin rates. The network graphics, on the other hand, are a joke.
But nobody’s going to bitch about being off 0.5% on velocity, spin rate, trajectory, etc. For the strike zone it’s yuuuge.
Has this been linked already? Even if it has, it needs to be again just as cautionary tale of what can happen if you don’t raise your children right.
I mean, get a vibrator. Or a one-night stand. It’s very easy for a woman to become unlonely.
This is the concept I was trying to sell to the networks to counterprogram against The Swan!
My show would be called The Owl. Each show would start with a homely gal who was looking for some companionship. Then instead of putting her through plastic surgery hell and hours of painful exercise, a limo provided by The Owl would simply pull up in front of the gal’s house late at night and bring her to any nearby saloon just before closing time. GAY-RON-TEED that someone would hit on her (probably multiple hits) without needing to do a thing.
Wouldn’t that be empowering for feminists! No need to conform to unrealistic body expectations. Just take advantage of the fact that men are pigs and when drunk they become even worse.
+1 “2 at 10 turning into a 10 at 2”
Exactly. Christ, get a cat and a dildo or shut the fuck up, put on some makeup and something that isn’t a sweatshirt and go to literally any bar on earth. Eventually, someone will chat you up. Unless you’re hideously malformed or have chronic flatulence, even sloppy-fat snortmonsters can find love, or at least lust, with the help of cheap beer.
Or lower her standards. Everyone can find someone if they lower their standards (and the dirty little secret is, you usually only have to lower them enough that you’d pass them).
Oh, leave the poor thing alone. She’s down to eating dinner in front of the mirror to feel like she’s not alone to only 3 or 4 nights a week.
I wonder why she’s single.
I just want to know if she constantly lectures the clay bf about male privilege and toxic masculinity. One day she’ll come home to find the clay bf has committed clayicide.
Sale is serving up some meatballs here in the bottom of the 1st.
My wife who is an Indians fan has to work tonight, so she’s pretty bummed that she won’t be able to watch her team thrash the Yankees. I on the other hand while not much of an Indians fan (I cheer for the White Sox) will root for any team that beats the Yankees.
So do you think the White Sox have a better record next year or a worse record? Second year of a rebuild is usually the toughest one.
We lost 11 more games than we did last year….so yeah it’s been a rough year.
I’m still looking at 2020 for them. 2019 they may have an outside shot at .500.
Your hatred keeps me warm at night.
Every single one of you people can fuck yourselves.
hey, same team man, same team!
Funny thing about that song, though – my dad, lifelong Yankee fan, hates it because it came out in the late ’60s when the team sucked, so it reminds him of those shitty teams.
That’s fair.
Who the fuck bats Pedroia 6th and Nunez 2nd?
DoJ: Not Woke
Prediction: pants shitting at TOS tomorrow. John and Hazel Meade go at it for half of the comment section with MJ interrupting with the occasional snide remark
hmmm. Prithee: art thou a wizard?
A straight (if you’ll pardon the pun) reading of the law. Federal statutes prohibit discrimination “on the basis of sex”. Sex is not gender, much less gender-identification, so these laws do not prohibit transgender discrimination. That would take a statutory change, which I think has been proposed and has failed in Dem and Rep Congresses.
Some agencies have exceeded their statutory authority by writing regulations or “guidance” regarding transgender discrimination. Those are ultra vires and thus void ab initio.
There is one court case out there regarding an employer’s adverse action against a transgender person, but I don’t recall the details. I do recall thinking that it does not provide a basis for reading “on the basis of sex” to cover transgender discrimination as well.
ultra vires
Oh man, thanks for that…I had not heard that term for…some time.
So there’s a storm coming. To all our North Gulf Coasters — I was just on the good side of a Cat 1 and it sucked. Be prepared, and GTFO if it looks like its going to turn into a real hurricane. Otherwise, just hunker down and drink.
Duly noted. Fort Walton resident here, laughed about the really quite pitiful effects we received from Irma after all the panic the week prior. Now it looks like this one is coming right up our alley even though it’s not quite as powerful. Gonna keep an eye on it, no pun intended.
Street artist gives Jimmy Kimmel the kicking he deserves.
Eh. 3/10 – not extraordinarily clever, and making fun of a sincere show of emotions in the wake of a terrible tragedy is in poor taste. Much prefer something based on his retarded diatribe than his sincere show of emotions.
You are assuming that Kimmel was sincere. Which he may have been, but then again, these are people who are paid to convincingly lie on camera.
I am assuming that, correct. Perhaps I haven’t had enough cynicism beat into me.
I think the angle is that the emotions are insincere and only in service of a political agenda.
Yup. Crocodile tears. I can believe the waterworks when he was talking about his son. This, not so much.
It’s weird for a sober man to cry on national television over the deaths of strangers. Your kids, sure, but the latter kind of cheapens the impact of the former. At this point, one starts to wonder if there aren’t some mental issues at play.
Or just garden variety mendacity coupled with an ability to cry on cue.
Tonight: A very special “Jimmy Kimmel Live”
So, turning the constant refrain you hear about Glenn Beck to the other side of the aisle?
For the record, I believe Beck’s tears were real as well. But he seems very mercurial, so I would say “real, but meaningless”
When the hell did late-night comedy (if that is what these shows are still billing themselves) become a cross between MacNeil-Lehrer and Dr. Phil? Heal our collective psyche, funnyman — tell a joke. I have other outlets for mawkish sermonizing.
I wouldn’t argue with you that his job is to entertain, not give sermonettes. However, we are in a day and age where you can’t even buy coffee without being preached at, so I think that boat has sailed a long time ago.
2008 was when it started. And was definitely complete by 2016.
Earlier, somewhere in the early part of GWB’s 2nd term. John Stewart was the catalyst.
Did Carson/Leno/Letterman never talk somberly about tragic close-to-home current events?
There does seem to be an especial cultural pressure nowadays for late-night shows to address major tragedies. If, say, Conan didn’t say anything about the massacre and just dove immediately into a light-humor monologue, he’d probably get hammered for it. Seems like the internet is an easy place to lay the blame, since viewers have a much easier way to shame and criticize; and then the hysterical, delirious reaction to Trump’s election exacerbated the transition.
The not merely addressing but preaching seems to be new.
Enter the public arena to push a political agenda with a show of emotion, sincere or not, and you deserve what you get, IMO.
Let’s talk about race.
“So a lot of people look different and their skin may have different hues due to their ancestry. Try not to judge an individual you don’t know based on their skin colour and people won’t think you’re a dick and your life will probably be easier.”
How do you like that prof, I just poached your audience, fucker.
“So a lot of people look different and their skin may have different hues due to their ancestry. Try not to judge an individual you don’t know based on their skin colour and people won’t think you’re a dick and your life will probably be easier…. except for the Jews, they’re evil and should be destroyed.”
Nuh uh, God made us white just like Jesus so you could tell us from the bad people!
Brigham Young, is that you?
How I talk to my kids is not a “community conversation”. Fuck off, slavers.
I think we need a national conversation on not using Comic Sans.
Or papyrus.
“Let’s talk about race.”
First question should be ‘why?’.
“Let’s talk about
racesex.”What say you now, old man?
“When a man and a thoroughbred love each other very much…”
Fuck talking.
“Hey look, an opportunity to exploit a sleazy niche and make more of a name for myself!”
Wait…..they play the national anthem at a local soccer game? I’ve never seen the anthem played at a high school level or below sporting event.
*shrugs* Newly patriotic as fuck in York County, Maine I guess.
we had it for almost every sport home games, depending on what the band and a cappella group were doing that night.
They played the anthem for all of our HS sporting events, except track meets.
All the good things, and all the bad things that may be?
::tips fedora::
In my household, the conversation is something like this:
“Some people look different. Most of them are stupid assholes. Don’t worry about it too much. Now eat your broccoli.”
“Okay, daddy.”
The controversial link that BRETT L was too AFRAID to include: PUPPET ROAD HEAD!
Too bad about the bull ring.
“It helps with fellatio.”
Who remembers Bert is Evil?
I do, if only because that time back in 2002 when someone at a pro-Bin Laden rally in Pakistan (or wherever) unwittingly used a picture of Bin Laden with Evil Bert on his sign.
..we don’t do the same drugs no more.
Homage to Flat Eric????
Justin Verlander
Would. With extreme prejudice. Also thanks for being in pics with Kate Upton for the fappening so that it wasn’t 100% JLaw b-hole.
What’s the difference between a guy’s b-hole and a girl’s b-hole, huh?? Huh?? Yeah, you just might be straight now, buddy.
I’m guessing “prostate gland”.
I think you mangled the delivery of a joke about pre-adolescents, yo.
+1 grass on the field
The UK English variant of that saying has a better cadence.
Old enough to bleed is old enough to breed?
No, same sports analogy but cricket and wicket rhyme.
If there’s fluff on the muff, she’s old enough
Oh yeah, intentionally mangled. Had a buddy who was quite the anal enthusiast in college. Another friend of mine tried to convince him he was gay by asking him what the difference was between dude butts and chick butts. Your comment reminded me of that particular exchange.
Need to see those Kate Upton pics. Can you help edit fairy?
I’m pretty sure our lawyer is going to say no.
It would be incredibly inappropriate for someone to post a link like this on a family friendly site, Just.
Edit: Link NSFW: tasteful nudity
Ah, it’s just as unflattering as I remember.
Every generation gets the Anna Nicole Smith they deserve.
Once long ago, while she was still living and had a reality TV show, there was a burly man dressed like her with a brass-framed bed on wheels strewn with empty prescription and liquor bottles and fake legs akimbo and he was just mowing people down at the WeHo Halloween shindig screaming (and slurring his words beautifully) “GET OUTTA MY WAY, I’M ANNA NICOLE SMITH”
It was one of the two best Halloween costumes I’ve seen out and about.
That is hilarious. And remarkably tame for a Halloween costume in a traditionally gay-friendly neighborhood. Or I’m probably off-base thinking every one is going to be like the Castro.
What was the other costume?
It has depended on the year. I won’t go to WeHo anymore for Halloween because it’s a milling mass of people there to see cool costumes and nobody putting the efforts into wearing costumes.
The other costume was Sadako Yamamura from Ringu. Had a foam brick well that looked cinema quality and was on a pallet dolly. He or she would stand there hanging forward limply and then start running at a group in a totally different direction than he was facing. Big groups would scatter screaming. It was phenomenal.
That’s a lot of effort. I can appreciate it, but I’m definitely not putting in that much time personally.
I loved this one when I saw it. I can’t find it, but I swear I saw a home-brewed version of it floating around, not at a Con booth.
The underlying webcomic strip—search for OOTS—is great, if you like D&D at all. It’s a decent fantasy epic even if you don’t.
I always tried to do a great costume and it’d never come together, so I got lazy. The annual Halloween party I go to is ’80s themed this year and I’m prolly just gonna buy He-Man or Skeletor Underoos
Still would. I’d even let Justin watch.
*Lights Jesse signal*
She doesn’t look bad, by any means.
Totes SFW y’all.
My hero. Unlike that prude, Playa
Bret Stephens, NYT columnist, Oct 2017: Repeal the Second Amendment!
Bret Stephens, WSJ columnist, Jun 2016:
Bret StephensVerified account
Bret Stephens Retweeted The Times of Israel
Prediction: In two years Europeans will clamor for their own 2nd Amendment. Concealed carry.
Bret Stephens added,
The Times of IsraelVerified account @TimesofIsrael
French woman, 3 daughters stabbed by Moroccan man in Alps resort http://dlvr.it/Lr2fyZ
6:01 PM – 19 Jul 2016
It must have been such a relief for him when the NYT made him an offer and thus he no longer had to pretend.
The old tweet, I got from Instapundit.
Why anyone would pay attention to NYT for reasons other than ridicule baffles me.
Some people own birds.
What about those hamster owners? I guess that’s what WaPo is for.
I only posted it because he’s so obvious. When he was supposed to be a conservative at a center-right newspaper, he kept the mask on. As soon as he escaped to the freedom of the House of Sulzberger, he not only changed his tune, he went for the gusto and demanded the complete abolishment of the 2A.
He could have just worked for Reason…
Chortle. That would be sweet if it would happen, but yeah, no.
The Europeans are completely pacified. At this point, in 10 years, I expect Europe to be a mixture of no-go self governing caliphate zones and the old culture Europeans who go about their daily mundane business while never actually speaking to each other out of fear over draconian hate speech laws. In 30 years, they’ll become completely mute, having lost the ability of speech.
At which point the Euro mail-order bride industry takes off?
Fuck this bride shit. We just turn them into slaves. I mean that’s what the caliphate was going to do anyway, but here we let them go shopping and to sammich making school.
Hyperion unmasked as Tom Kratman!
Can we make the term “Uncle Frum” a thing?
A last signal boost. Two different things, both beer related.
Beer item the first: A couple of us will be meeting down in Columbus, Ohio tomorrow evening at Barley’s at 18:30. I’ll be the guy in a scally cap and an Arrogant Bastard workshirt. As is fitting, I’ll also be pale, pudgy, have a shaved head, and a beard.
Beer item the second: As we are a spread out group of people, which includes some beer geeks, I was organizing a BIF (Beer It Forward). This will require interested people to either provide an address so that we can share local beers with each other. The way it works is here. I was planning on a 72 oz. minimum, and trusting that people will pick good local beers. So far, the following people have expressed interest: DEG, MikeS, Tundra, and Mexican Sharpshooter.
For either item, feel free to drop me a line at my handle at the Google’s mail service, or post a comment here.
Barley’s on High or the old Barley’s on Dublin?
Haven’t been there. I’ll stop by if I can.
::sets up blind in bushes outside Tundra’s house::
He, he! Free beer for me. Maybe we should set a higher minimum. Like 144 oz? (let me see how much I can fit in my camo back pack)
pale, pudgy, have a shaved head, and a beard
Go on…
So… is this the male gaze? Or just the male gays?
Am I supposed to be othered now or flattered? I’ll go with flattered.
Am I supposed to be othered now or flattered?
I’m just trying to create experiential opportunities for folks. You are free to interpret it as you see fit so long as I don’t lose any teeth.
The only time I’ve ever been offended by someone displaying interest was an overly pushy Scottsman who removed my hat, kept talking about my beautiful hair, and kept reaching over and touching it. After the fourth time asking him to stop, me and my (oblivious) friend moved on to a different bar to ditch him.
It’s incredibly frustrating to have someone who cannot take a hint. I had something similar happen at a bar in The Castro and I ended up leaving, hiding when he followed me out, and finding a different group of friends to travel around with who were going to a different bar.
By the end, I was flat out telling the guy, “Look, I appreciate the attention, but I’m straight. Please stop touching me.” Apparently he was sure he could turn me.
Translation: I’m in the pocket of Big Kristen.
Since the venue you chose proudly lists as its patrons a pederast*, coke head, idiot and, an over rated rock band, I just may risk the dewey and attend, I’ll be the short seedy looking fellow who keeps looking over but wont approach for fear that he’s made a terrible mistake.
Assuming you’re referencing Michael Jackson it’s a different one. Although he was British…
Do you want a simple two part catchphrase to identify others? I’ll suggest you walk up to someone and just say, “Fuck You.” If the other person is a Glib, they respond with, “Cut Taxes.” If they aren’t a Glib, they’ll probably respond in some other way.
“Taxes” implies spy
First on the list.
I’ll hang my head in shame for the mistake, and request that no edit fairy fix my error.
And today I learned something about a chef that I never really heard of before.
It could have been Wil Wheaton and the Traveler.
I’ll just look for the group that everyone else is staring at in horror.
I’m guessing coke-head and idiot, at least, can apply to most of them.
I’m definitely interested in a beer exchange. WI has plenty of good beers, only some of which are IPAs.
Well, been nice knowing yall. Progs have decided the Iran Deal is the only thing staving off nuclear holocaust. Pack it up guys.
Wait until they see that the administration will no longer defend the premise that existing protected class status applies to the transgendered. That’s worse than nuclear war.
Wait until they see some rhetoric from Trump about bi-parisanship, some watered down meaningless gun bill and then Trump refuses to sign it. That’ll really drive them over the edge.
And Sheldon Richman knows exactly who’s to blame…..
Dare I ask to see the logical chain between revoking the US portion of the Iran agreement and a nuclear holocaust?
Well, banning bump-fires is the only thing we can do to prevent wholesale slaughter of women and children, so I guess nuclear holocaust isn’t so bad.
I have a hard time seeing a bump-fire ban passed. I think it dies in the House, mainly because I think the House Reps read Breitbart and hear the roars of their base more loudly than the Senators do.
But aren’t the house reps more in thrall to their globalist Jew masters than to their constituents?
I agree that the House is much more sensitive to popular opinion of their base than the Senate, but I don’t think a bump-fire ban, being so insignificant and meaningless, will rile up the base enough to prevent a ~30 R defection on the issue of gun control. Now, if the D’s see weakness on the part of a bump fire ban and up the ante, then everything will harden and all the gun control will fail, but if the D’s stay disciplined and only focus on bump-fire I think they’ll get it.
The Iran Deal is the only thing that has kept them from putting bump stocks on their nukes!
What about bayonet lugs and pistol grips eh smartypants?
The idea of a nuclear missile with a bayonet attached to it is making me giggle like a girl.
With my luck, I’d actually be stabbed to death before being squashed/vaporized. The only guy who wasn’t killed instantly and painlessly.
Let’s not give Lil’ Kim any ideas…
The Japanese standard issue medium machine gun of WW2 had a giant ass bayonet that could be attached to it.
They also put anti aircraft sights on bolt action rifles.
Don’t nuclear missiles detonate far above the ground? If I’m remembering right about that, this means you must be especially unlucky, as you’d have to be suspended in the air somehow (skydiving? falling to your death?) in order to get impaled by the missile’s bayonet before it (and you) exploded.
OK Mr. Pedantic.
Nukes explode far above the ground. Now I’m SUPER unlucky because I’d get stabbed in the dick.
From the “when will these proles finally learn their place?” department
::Nelson Muntz laugh::
Here’s a tasty little nug if you dig Commie anthems.
So, Hong Kong and the PRC have different visa/immigration regimes, different currencies, different political systems, speak different languages, use different scripts for writing, use different electric plugs, drive on different sides of the road, but apparently have the same anthem.
One country, two systems. Get it? Until 2047 that is. I love that the HK millennials are so full of piss and vinegar, unlike many US millennials.
Chinese speak different languages?
Well. That wasn’t the clip I was looking for, but it is still amusing.
Yep, Mandarin (spoken in mainland China) and Cantonese (HK) are mutually unintelligible.
You can find plenty of people in places like Guangzhou who also actively speak Cantonese and aren’t ashamed of it. There have even been a few flair-ups of rabblerousing pro-Canto activists doing street demonstrations. Instruction of and in Mandarin is compulsory in schools.
As Gomer Pyle would say: Surprise, surprise, surprise!
The loons running Mpls are not worried all that much about cops not having their body cams turned on all that much, but they are worried that people might vote against them in the upcoming election because of that.
How crazy are those loons who run Mpls?
I know we may not be the most police friendly crowd, but do any of you envision a time when there would be no police? My only hope is that this was some straight up pandering.
Does this mean “do you think it’s a realistic, actual possibility?” or “do you believe a city could theoretically ‘work’ without police?” (hand-waving away what ‘work’ means)?
First let’s get rid of the victimless crimes. Most of the police will fall by the wayside once that happens.
I don’t think you understand how progressives think at all.
Without police how are you going to collect fines?
Could I envision a city that actually functioned well without police? I suppose it depends on exactly what you defined police to be. At the end of the day however someone is going to have to be the enforcement arm of the courts and I cannot imagine ever having a functioning city without courts of some sort.
In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.
~G.K. Chesterton
(Instapundit posted the above quote in response to Stephens’ anti-second amendment statement.)
One of his best quotes
Catalonia will move on Monday to declare independence from Spain after holding a banned referendum, pushing the European Union nation toward a rupture that threatens the foundations of its young democracy.
Catalonians only want to reinstitute Slavery.
Well, it didn’t exactly fill me with joy when I attempted to answer the question of what nature of government Catalonians were going for (other than “a republic”) and ended up coming across a bunch of Wobbly and other far-left shit. Not that it’s necessarily indicative, but, hey, we already had this Spanish Civil War thing happen once before, and the nature of that “republic” wasn’t too free either.
At the same time, fuck having royalty, and it’s not like Spain is libertopia to begin with. Ugh. Assholes all around.
Wow, awesome.
It’s still amusing to me that in the year of our Lord 2017 a King has declared democratic referendum illegal and will not abide by.
Anatomy of a douche
The Education of Ta-Nehisi Coates
Oh come on. You have got to be kidding me.
Jesus, he’s right, that’s what you do?
Okay, I’ll give him some props for that.
I have no idea what any of that means, and i don’t care. As far as i’m concerned, Coates should be writing for some 2nd rate free weekly in trenton NJ
Like, for real… Jesus
“Coates’s new book, We Were Eight Years in Power”
Who is this we?
You need to buy his book to find out, bro!
I bet Coates really thought he was going to get some of that reparations bullshit, didn’t he? He’s in the wrong fucking business. He needs to Robert Mugabe harder.
The MacArthur Genius Grant wasn’t enough, I guess.
Liberal universities treat the guy like a rock star and lavish speaking fees on him. But then again, they do that with Henry Waxman and Hillary. So it seems like the more retarded you are, the better they like you.
Hmm, decompressed for a bit and checking up on the news… still no motive with Paddock acknowledged (apart from extremely dubious conspiracy stuff), and the worthless Republicans are already caving on gun rights, with yet another NRA backstab.
Meanwhile, 3D printing is getting better all the time.
I still bet that the bump-stock ban passes the Senate and dies in the House. Wait a couple of weeks, and the base’s screams will be louder than the hoi polloi’s. They’ll have to be quenched somehow if they don’t want their district’s voters to primary them.
A good place for this:
Here’s more conspiracy stuff for your entertainment.
So if this guy did his mag dumps in 5 minutes or so and the cops broke down his door an hour later, why wasn’t he already in Mexico in one of his planes?
Would you trade bump fire stocks for silencers being taken out of the NFA?
A fucking auditor ruins bump stocks for everyone.
Hell yeah. If I feel the need to slap a gimmicky contraption on my rifle that converts money to noise, I’ll make it outta springs and 2x4s myself, if it means I can protect my hearing more effectively without having to jump through bureaucratic hoops to do it.
Bump stocks aren’t the problem, it’s the weapons attached to them.
AND National Reciprocity!
**Pleads from behind the iron curtain**
Haha…you live in NJ.
I escaped 20 years ago.
You cannot bargain or compromise to restore our gun rights. Give the grabbers anything today and they’ll take it. Tomorrow they’ll repass silencer legislation.
I’d trade MGs for bumpfire stocks.
Bob Costas? Seriously? Fuck!
“About the time this comes out, we’ll see whether the Justin Verlander trade is going to pay all this season or if the Lastros curse is too powerful. Should be some good pitching, but who knows. Don’t look for Sale or Verlander to get pulled early. Not without a fistfight at the mound.”
Way too many euphemisms.
Moar racism, continued from my morning lynx
“I’m sure I’m not alone in being among those who—for a brief moment when they heard about the Las Vegas shooting—quietly mumbled to themselves, “Dear God, please don’t let the shooter be black.”
That thought never entered my mind. Admittedly, the idea of him being somewhat Arab like, did.
The need to find someone or something to blame is strong. In this case, they’re going to blame an inanimate object.
The Bumpstock lives! The Bumpstock rules! All hail the Bumpstock! Oh great Bumpstock, you more scarier than a scary black thing that goes up, hail, hail, Bumpstock forever reigns!
On top of being racist, it’s fundamentally wrong. The media bent over backwards to characterize the Dallas shooter as not part of BLM. If all black people are collectively responsible for the actions of a few, how did Obama get elected?
I mean, sure, I’ve encountered people who are quick to collectivize black people—and, significantly, black cultures—and then fallaciously infer generalities to specific cases, while not even thinking to do the same for whites; but the wise response to those people isn’t then to collectivize white people, but to recognize the fallacy of collectivism (and in particular instantiation-from-[often-dubious-]universal).
That said, recognizing that cultures exist and influence behavior isn’t (necessarily or even usually) racism. Take this:
It’s not racism* to recognize that there’s a problem of radicalization among Muslims, and that it’s more than just a “tiny percentage.” Most people don’t ‘tattoo’ the deeds of Islamists to individual Muslims, even as most people don’t think in terms of individualism. But those who do have done so because the cancer of collectivism is so rampant and instinctual. It’s easy, it requires no thought. And that is why this article suffers from that same fallacy.
Collectivism is the cancer.
*not even going to bother with the fact that Muslim isn’t a race
Here’s an edit for you, bud:
“The deeds of the tiny percentage of Muslim extremists are[by whom?] somehow tattooed onto every single person who…”
Else I’m going to accuse you of dubiously inferring implied specific cases to universals; and be skeptical of the existence of those specific cases in the first place.
But hey, might as well use the weapon of collectivism to fight the weapon of collectivism. It gets the clicks.
Seriously. This guy has been planning out terror attacks. For how long? I don’t care how much social media presence he has or not, someone who knows him knows about this. No one keeps everything they do a complete secret from everyone. Why are details on this so slow? And there’s no motive? Bullshit, there’s one hell of a motive. I’m not talking conspiracy theory shit, just what the fuck is up here? This has to be the weirdest fucking cases like this I’ve ever seen. Guy with gambling debts? Bullshit.
I don’t know why everybody is so charged up about a delay while material facts are gathered and pieced together. It’s not even been a week.
Personally I’m tired as fuck of half-baked commentary, journalists jumping to retarded conclusions, etc. I would say that an undesirable side effect of the delay is that it will stoke the fires of truther types, but truthers gonna truth no matter what.
Templars, it was Templars
Assassins’ Creed marketing got out of hand?
I watched that while feeling ill. It didn’t help.
You so disappoint me, I thought you were going to join me in pinning it on the Amish.
Those dudes are sketchy.
It was Russia
Well, that’s sort of what I meant. Sure there’s plenty of conspiracy theory stuff out already. But why no real confirmed details? There are no clues? There’s a shitload of clues, and it’s not valium or allergy problems.
This seems appropriate here.
Oh, good, a profiler. So now they’re making wild guesses.
According to an Australian guy, he was conservative. So, I’m taking that means there was something he didn’t think that should be banned. Like guns.
Looking for answers to something? Anything? Find an Australian.
Is there anytime ever when the answer isn’t about banning something?
Of course not. Once we ban everything, we’ll be completely safe, and then we’ll finally be free. :’^)
The von Trapp Oktoberfestbier is not bad.
Hmm, that one looks interesting, DEG. At 5.6% I could probably enjoy that. Just not during the week, I’m on a diet for fatsos until further notice.
I am, of course, drinking it out of a Maß. A proper pour.
I’m drinking half and half Bailey’s and Wild Turkey 101. Cold, you know. It’s bringing me comfort in these miserable days.
Good to know!
2017 Oktoberfest roundup
6.2 million guests, 7.5 million liters of beer consumed, 127 oxen consumed, and 59 calves consumed.
Lost and found:
The Oktoberfest lost and found office reported 4.055 found items, among them 1.300 passports, 620 pieces of clothing, 600 wallets, 520 smartphones and cellphones, 360 keys, 325 pairs of glasses, 120 umbrellas, 100 bags and rucksacks, 95 pieces of jewellery and 15 cameras. Also found: A set of dentures, a pair of crutches, a numbers plate (From the area of Limburg-Weilburg), a drinking horn, a pair of leather pants and a luxury lady’s watch by Carl F. Bucher.
“A set of dentures”
Well, if you’re going to take them out, oma, you have to watch where you put em.
The schadenfreude. It’s so delicious.
Financial Firm Behind ‘Fearless Girl’ Will Pay $5 Million for Allegedly Underpaying Women and Minorities
5 whole million?
after lawyer fees, i doubt the plaintiffs are going to be able to afford a celebratory beverage
Iconic? I think they misspelled forgettable.
It’s iconic in the most trivial sense of the word.
Except… I pass it all the time and it’s still pulling in huge crowds.
While the schadenfreude is quite delectable, shit like this highlights why “anti-discrimination” and “equal pay” laws are so stupid. They actually create the incentive to discriminate. Why would someone hire a member of a “protected class” if doing so is like walking through a legal minefield every day?
Or they could just not hire white people!
Amusing but we’re agreed that these fishing expeditions are bullshit, right?
Shit. Just realized it’s my anniversary on Saturday.
You’d better get with it, dude. You’re acting like a guy and stuff. Check your privilege!
Still there, not sure if it’s functioning though.
I’ve seen this episode
It’s only Thursday. Plenty o’ time.
Just get a divorce. Easier.
I thought Harper’s Bazaar was all about home making.
“What I wanted was for him to ask friends on Facebook for a recommendation, call four or five more services, do the emotional labor I would have done if the job had fallen to me.”
EmotIon labor. Barf. She wanted him to do it exactly the same way she would’ve done it, but she’s totally not a bitch.
Yeah, you’re totally not nags, but you nag yourself.
Because communicating is for chumps, apparently.
Oh, Buddah.
What an absolute gash.
This reminds me of when I overheard two second-graders (translation for Canadians: two kids in grade 2) get into an argument that consisted of / devolved into them yelling “I’m fed up with you!” back and forth repeatedly. Their mothers were obviously fed up a lot.
Yeah, HB, we know.
Sorry for inadvertently appropriating P Brooks’ culture again..
My 3 year old told me I hurt his feelings this morning. I told him he should get tougher feelings. Because I’m saving “No one fucking cares how you feel” for 12 or 13.
“Pygmy faggot.”
“That hurts my feelings.”
“Whatever, faggot. Get tougher feelings, bitch.”
Feelings are for girls
Movie review for this week – classy Russian flick – “The Sword Bearer”.
Highly recommended.
“I can instantly recognize it as a Russian film.”
I mean, look at the actor’s face!
Yeah….my explanation wasn’t very clear. The settings and actors/actresses are obviously Russian, but the filming style, etc – framing is what is clearly Russian compared to other Euro flicks, etc. (and the music). I’ve got a few more Russian films from the last 20 years that I plan to cover.
That sounds like an interesting topic to go into in-depth, the variations of cinematography by geography/culture (probably crossed with era). Surely there’s been a lot of analysis on that already, but my googling is lacking.
Maybe it gets far too muddled with all the cross-cultural influence and syncretism, but if you perceive it there must be something to it.
Might depend how many flicks you watch – I have a massive backlog of “classic” russian stuff I’ve read about but never watched – ie. Eisenstein, etc – as well as the Tarkovsky flicks. I need to take more time to develop it – probably reams already published – but I think you could look at clips without characters, etc – and tell the difference between most US, Russian, Japanese, etc…films…but that could also drive down to the DP or Cinematographer…so maybe I just need to break out the character elements or plot presentation and variations more.
Not as classy as Ballad of a Soldier, I bet.
Did they cut a guy in half at the waist in that one?
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Opened up FB and I see that my niece eloped and married a dred lock wearing dipship with a hammer and sickle neck tattoo. She was born over a month premature and has developmental problems as a result. The commie went and picked low hanging fruit. I wish this were a joke.
Oh, sorry, a dred lock wearing WHITE dude.
Blech… Sorry to hear that. I hope you may be delivered from the displeasure of having to interact with this dingus at any family functions.
Her mother, my sister, is a divorced Bernie bot that has failed at everything. My niece, the poor kid, didn’t stand much of a chance. My brothers and I have offered financial help to both of them over the years, but with conditions. Spend the money on school etc. They wouldn’t take it because we’re too judgmental.
Well yea, it’s only natural that people who have failed in life will flock to a politician who promises that he will take success away from other people (who didn’t earn it through REAL work, anyway) and give it to them for free.
May be cliche, but it’s a true cliche.
Failure is a badge of courage. Isn’t that all that matters?
That sucks. Sorry man.
I think you have to consult with ZARDOZ here.
About a year ago I spent a weekend up at the family cottage in the rural north, where we have a bit of land we lease for cattle grazing and not much else. It’s a quiet spot to contemplate how much better city life is in all ways. Anyway, I’d been told by family about a girl, several years younger than I, in her early twenties, who lives nearby with her folks and attends classes at a very remote chapter of some no-name college. She’s sweet but a bit odd, they said, standoffish and quiet around men. But very sweet. So, with visions of this rustic wildflower whetting her mind to a keen edge on all of life’s queer disparities between country life and information-age technology, I set about finding her on Facebook.
Turns out she’s more whetting stone than honed edge. Apparently she, like your niece, was a premature birth, developmentally retarded. Very sweet, I’m sure. But judging by her acumen at writing, very, very limited.
Spike his herbal hemp tea with something that will sterilize him. Break the cycle.
Axe body spray?
Anyone notice Willett hasn’t Tweetered since his circuit court nomination?
It could just be he’s been too busy.
It was a media persona all along. Now that he finally got the appointment he wanted, he can throw off that guise and reveal the complete flaming liberal that he always was. And you ALL fell for it.
Well, I think it’s probably a safe thing – up until the Congressional hearings. Once the official process begins – want to avoid any appearance towards bias/preference/etc – including towards individuals.
In completely unrelated news, Werner Twertzog blocked me ;p
Nice. What’d you do?
I think the last straw was a Remy video ;p – didn’t really capture the shots properly: https://twitter.com/FishLikesFlicks/status/915739597266718720
I think I had to unfollow him because even his parody account was too smug and opaque.
Although I did love Cave of Forgotten Dreams. Great use of 3D glasses.
Incident at Loch Ness is the most recent flick I’ve watched by him. Far more interested in the 70s/80s fiction stuff.
All I know is Aguirre is amazing.
Concur. Still need to watch Fitzcarraldo though.
Aguirre, The Wrath of God and Fitzcarraldo are two of my all time favorite films. Kinski was unfrickingbelievably good.
And if you have not, you also need to see Nosferatu with Kinski. So incredibly creepy.
Got the collaboration box set, but Fitz is the one I still haven’t watched for whatever stupid reason. Maybe reviewing it would motivated me. #dethcarraldo
The video that was posted recently of Jordan Peterson talking with Camille Paglia is spectacular. I wish I had a transcript because there is so much worth quoting.
Thx. I’ll check it out.
I found myself in libertarian paradise this evening. Went and had drinks with a friend in Arlington (VA), and it was libertarian happy hour. Had a great time talking guns, police brutality, and why glibertarians.com is better than TSTSNBN
Blackhawks be kicking Penguin ass. That is all.
Blackhawks rule the universe! On day 2 of a freakin’ 8-9 season long sport!!
(By which I mean 8-9 month season. That’s nuts)