![MEGA MEAT!!!!](
Why in the hell would a dirt poor country waste resources to put a predator back into the wild that can kill the peasants…oh, I see.
A boxer’s fracture is a sure way to identify a high T idiot.
You know women, always raping men at syringe point.
Someone is getting injected.
You guys are leaving me here, alone, with Steve? Nice one, guys.
You’re not trapped in here with HIM, HE’s trapped in here with…
no, never mind. You are trapped in here with him.
Think on the positive side, you got a lot of firsties.
Firsties with Steve…oh god!
*Mumbling peasants*
No Firearms Friday, But?
If there were a FF, I would ask what a dub like me would be best advised to buy in the way of gimmicky AR-15 bump sticks before NRA helps Diane Finestein get them banned. Kthx
Bump stock, grenade launcher, same difference.
Compared to when the Constitution was written on a now extinct form of stone, Bump stocks are like nukalar weapons of destruction.
I guess everyone else is out drinking, Pomp. I don’t have any experience with bumb stocks, but they seem like a waste of money, in my opinion. Ammo is too expensive to throw away like candy.
They look like fun little toys for about 10 minutes, and then they seem like they’d be annoying.
The videos I’ve seen make them look dangerous. Lots of rounds hitting the dirt to close to the shooter for my comfort.
I’m looking at out like a novelty that might be grandfathered, and therefore potentially valuable. My gun club does not allow bump firing anyway (nor 50 BMG). I don’t find them interesting enough to make a trip out to the desert to shoot a burnt out car with one.
Some of us are IN drinking.
Buy lowers or something that’s not a bump stock. Because with the NRA caving in almost instantly, if that gets pushed through, I’m sure the antis will next go immediately to, “Well, your last (and every) concession didn’t work, so let’s ban semi-autos and highcap mags!”
I’m pretty nauseated with the Fudd–young and old–backstabs right now, especially the bizarrely omnipresent fever dreams about how “we’ll just give up bumpstocks for suppressors/national reciprocity!” OK buddy.
Its a massive joke, and literally the kind of thing that could be improvised with some time in a machine shop or with a 3D modeling software and 3D printer.
The other thing not nearly criticised enough was that psycho’s 23 super scary gunzzz. OooOOhhhhh, so what? 1 or 2 basic semiauto rifles and dozens of drum magazines could have done the same damage.
Ban them all!!!!
Even pumping and dumping 10 round mags would have been more or less the same level of devastation.
I’m just happy that my wife finally gets it. She’s been telling her leftist retard friends that Brazil pretty much banned all guns. And the results? The gangs in the favelas now have better weapons than their police or even the military and the general population have no defense against this. Unless you count throwing rocks at people with AR-15s, defense.
Dude, I went to 99 Ranch today. SO MANY FISH BALLS.
Very cool dude ????
I don’t know where to start. There were hundreds of different kinds in the frozen section.
Closest we have to anything like that is the selection at H-Mart. Not sure if I’ve counted hundreds there though. Pretty astronomical!
I didn’t know you were into fish testicles.
Meh. Bump stocks shmump stocks. From what I understand the same effect can be achieved without one if you know how to do it. If you want to hedge against prog gun grabbing idiocy, buying AR’s and any other scary looking semi auto guns would be my wager. If I had the money at the moment I would be. If people think they will stop with bump stocks I think they are mistaken.
In place of FF, here’s how a machine gun works
Grammar Nazi.
That’s actually pretty funny.
I lol’d
I chuckled. Out loud. COL
In an apparent breach of protocol, the female inmate ended up in a cell with the two men on May 2.
She just ended up in a cell with two dudes.
Guy who was supposed to be only feet away yet mysteriously disappeared had demanded sex, she refused, so he puts her in there and then leaves. He should be in prison, being raped. I don’t usually did the prison rape jokes: being sentenced to be raped is cruel and unusual, etc. But that guy? Yeah, he deserves it.
I’d settle for summary execution.
San Francisco Is Losing Its Great, Inexpensive Restaurants
I see a lot of foam and sauces drizzled artistically on plates and troughs… that seem to have a few small bites of food on them at most.
Amen! If you serve me this and charge me more than $5 for it, you’re running a scam.
That’s not food, that’s cuck.
EW! Oh, wait.
I think you’re confused. Somebody obviously already ate, and those are the leftovers.
I’m shocked! Shocked, i tell you!
They should pass a law to mandate a certain percentage of inexpensive Michelin-star restaurants per square mile.
Those business owners need to suck it up and do their civic duty. Keep the restaurants open! Take a paycut! You can afford it!
Restaurant business is hard. News at 11.
/Son of a restauranteur.
I have questions about that, but I’ll save it for another time.
Basically, I’m looking to have you talk me out of something.
It’s a bad idea. Plus you’re not allowed to “sample” the wait staff during the interview process.
Shoot me an email Bobby843 at gmail dot com
Soon. I’ll probably Facebook message you because I won’t be able to find this post when I need it.
There’s a serious aspect to it, but also a funny one. I was considering franchising a Korean BBQ, but… I’m a white dude, and I don’t want to get protested.
No, you don’t want to do another mundane lunch at Chipotle.
my buddy moved to SF in the early 2000s (he went to work for Softbank), and when i went out to visit him we always tried visiting the “best, cheapest” food places.
even then, it was clear it wasn’t like NYC, where you could find a dozen good places @ $10-an-entree within a few blocks. everything veered much higher-end. admittedly, he lived in pacific heights, but we would range all over the city trying to find the best cheap “X”. there was always plenty of good asian + cali-mexican type places for cheap, but other things tended to be veering very-pretentious, very-quickly. the dot-com boom was already making everything pricier than it probably deserved.
by now i can imagine its reached absurd levels.
You can get good, cheap food in Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo etc, despite their status as most expensive cities in the world. Gee, wonder what’s different?
Lack of health and safety regulations that keep restraunteurs from killing their customers?
I’m thinking they keep the staff chained up in the back.
Force them to stay open!
If they can’t afford to pay minimum wage, then they deserve to close!
Someone else will take their place!
Capitalism is killing these businesses!
Am I missing anything from the ‘Big Red Book Of Retarded Progressive Responses’?
Good list.
See, this is why I can’t forward a link to Glibertarians to my friends who are on the fence.
You need better friends
My friends, sir, are exactly the type of alcoholic miscreants that I desire in my life.
I would actually give up a kidney for one. (Only if he needed it to live; not to serve with a nice chianti.)
“I would actually give up a kidney for one. (Only if he needed it to live; not to serve with a nice chianti.”
*Stares off into distance*
Do I count as one of your friends? ‘Cause if I am, I’m gonna be so angry at DenverJ
Yeah, you are ONE OF US. (the Friends of ‘Splosives)
The “friends on the fence” are pretty much limited to young men at work who would probably be OK with Glibs and also church friends who are disappointed with politics but don’t know what to do. They would probably run in horror from anything written by HM, SF, or anything that refers to STEVE SMITH.
*blushes, looks down and kicks pebble
You’re my friend, too.
Maybe if I create a document chronicling how Glibs came to be, what STEVE SMITH is about. FYTW, Warty, HM, SF, etc I could pre-warn them.
But. naw. If they can’t take raw exposure to Glibs, they probably can’t take real libertarianism/freedom.
From the Tesla story:
Seriously? If I were a shareholder, I wouldn’t be anymore.
Didn’t Musk “save” Springfield in a Simpsons episode?
I haven’t seen it, but from this synopsis, it sounds like the episode pointed a little bit of fun at him and that he went along with it.
USMNT are laying some pipe! BOOM!
The Simpsons ended before anyone knew who Elon Musk was.
Is there really a demand for an electric tractor? I don’t think those will sell, at all.
Based on those specs, the answer to your question has got to be a big fat NO
JFC, is that a joke?
* the working range.
Lol. That’s where it’s warm and flat. Minnesota and Montana are waiting to educate them!
Is that better than 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene?
Asking for a friend
It’s really unbelievable. They will have to do another capital raise shortly and I’ll bet it goes swimmingly. These idiots make the late ’90s tech boom look rational.
I liked
And I bet half the trailer is batteries and the thing can only deliver 20 boxes of paper towel. Musk has a good racket going. You have to give him that.
::prolonged Homer Simpson laugh::
This is advertising, in addition to do-gooding. Part of the company’s vision is this whole batteries everywhere thing and the solar power to feed into them. He’s making a marketing play to get a multi-hundreds of million dollar deal to install solar and battery systems. It would help the gigafactory , the solar business and powerwall, three major product areas that don’t get the press that the cars get.
He’s done the same thing in other places, like Australia. If he gets a couple of big cities as demonstration projects, it might blow up worldwide, instead of being seen as a niche product for rich homeowners and NGO aid projects for tiny off-the-grid towns in 3rd world nations.
Plus, the whole reason the company exists is to demonstrate the way forward in a carbon-neutral world. If you didn’t buy in to that idea, you shouldn’t buy into the company.
He’s also talking about getting his methane for his next-generation SpaceX rockets by synthesizing it from C02 and H20, instead of using natural gas, so they can be carbon neutral. It is his thing.
One hit wonder Friday continues!
“Up Next” is Bush. I want to kill myself.
You don’t like Bush?
Bush. Like? Is this some sort of fucking joke?
Everything isn’t zen?
Even better!
Jesus Christ. You know, there was good music in the 90s but you wouldn’t know it with these links.
Nothing wrong with the Eels.
But this is ’90s.
Much better. Thank you.
You are very welcome.
I don’t know them at all.
My 90s.
Heard of them, that’s all. Not in my wheelhouse at the time & I don’t recall them from MTV.
Ah, gotcha.
It always cracks me up when people deride any era for the music. If you can’t find something awesome, you suck at music appreciation.
Thanks for the SP. Haven’t listened to them in a million years!
GBV is my favorite band. They’ve put out about a million records, but probably never made MTV.
Clever and funny with a ridiculously strong sense of pop.
Start here.
My musical life is fuller than ever, to my great surprise and delight. Old stuff, new stuff, there’s just an endless supply.
Cool, I’ll check it out. Hah – one of my favorite albums popped up on the side – “Keep it Like a Secret”.
Not a week goes by that a little Built To Spill doesn’t make me happy.
These guys have a similar effect on me too.
Thanks. Haven’t listened to them in awhile either. A buddy of mine always included them in mixes.
This was a part of my 90’s. Also a one hit wonder
Their last – amazing – album was in 2009. It would be just like them to put out something else outstanding this year and then disappear for another ten years,
Nice – I liked that one. And I haven’t thought of it in 20 years.
This was a part of my 90’s. Also a one hit wonder
I love Everclear. Santa Monica was their best, but I would never call them a 1HW.
No, Everclear is definitely not a one hit wonder.
This one wasn’t a hit, but I think it’s a very cool cover tune
Heh, everyone has a band they vehemently argue isn’t a one-hit wonder.
I have to argue that Everclear is a one-hit wonder because I don’t recall any other song of their on MTV. Key word being “hit”.
5 top 5, 9 top 15, 12 top 35 on the US Alt chart
6 top 100 on the US “Hot 100” chart
I only bought one everclear album and then lost interest. I moved into Jimmy Buffett relapses with a side of the Cars and the Stones. This was my Sunday morning beer church song in the 90’s
I like Everclears Brown Eyed Girl cover. Thanks.
Man I love the ‘Stones. I hated them until well into my 30’s. Then one day I just woke up and realized that I was a fucking idiot. Now I love em.
My favorite Stones song.
Guess I’m still a fucking idiot because I still hate The Stones. Honestly, I don’t get the appeal.
Oh…yeah, um no offense meant to the people who don’t like the “Stones.
fucking idiots
Nope, not an idiot. Lots of my musichead buddies hate them.
Something for everyone, man.
I didn’t care for the Stones until I was in my 30’s either. I went to see them on the Bridges to Babylon tour. Impressive show.
Tough to pick a favorite, but I find myself playing this one a little more than others.
A Better than monkey man
B. Did you just put Buffet and the Stones in the same sentence?
You gotta go before 1977.
I’m thinking 1981 and earlier
My favorite is more upbeat.
Did you just put Buffet and the Stones in the same sentence?
Yes, but I said the Cars too.
I’m not a fan but can look past the Cars (they had one fair to middling album), But Buffet? If not for the Beach Boys he would be the worst ever.
The Eagles say, “Hey! What about us?”
Such hate. We need to move past the hate. Lawyers guns and money can get us out of it
Buffett is a great show and a lot of fun. Nothing wrong with people getting stupid listening to fun music. and I hate the Eagles man.
The Eagles get a reprieve primarily because of Joe Walsh, and the fact that they covered a Tom Waits song which shows good taste even if they sucked at execution.
Good point ‘sloper. Let’s all just have some fun.
Glibertarians theme song?
Brother/Sister Duo. Not creepy at all!
The Verve is not one hit wonder. This was tops on my airplane play list when I was flying away from being at work for too long in some shit hole. I fired that play list up as soon as I got a beer on the plane. I hear the roar of jet engines in the background when I play that song now.
I love that. Music is best for the memories. I still think of a flight to Europe when this song was on the in-flight rotation.
Nice. I could listen to Emirates boarding background music soundtrack and be happy. I was usually boarding their planes with a belly full of Tequila and beer and a smile.
Every time I hear certain country songs I flash back to flying across the country to Basic twenty years ago and listening to the limited looped audio channels.
You realize when you keep saying “one hit wonder” and “Friday” so close together, all I’m going to be able to think of is this.
AHH!!! I need to find some ear bleach!
Audio NAP violation.
fun fun fun.
You missed the part of “HIT” in the term “one hit wonder”. And what the hell MLW, that was #uncalledfor
I got this, you got this
Ugh I need Friday ear bleach.
She’s gotta be legal now huh?
OMWC, SP, Bacon-magic and I are at Casa OMWC, eating gourmet food, drinking fantastic wine and listening to original music performed live.
Sometimes life ain’t bad.
Is Bacon as hot as he seems?
Bacon is as charming and disarming as SugarFree…be afraid.
I’m already afraid of most ya’ll, and I’m way scarier than most people.
I’m not afraid. I’m jealous as hell.
Fuck all y’all! Imma have a mad party and nones are invited! Nah, have fun, life is short and so are your penii!
I am conflicted as to which is better…the company, food, music or wine/beer/bourbon.
I are a happy HOOMAN.
I had fun consuming (((kosher))) it was awesome and an honor to meet you all!
I hear snake tastes like chicken. Which brings me to the biggest question I have in my life on this day because I am fed up with all the important questions. Why in the holy hell of chicken processing can you buy a whole fried chicken at the super market deli counter for less than you can buy a raw whole chicken from the cooler in the meat department? It is a god damn conspiracy I tell you! Fucken fried chicken mafia mother fuckers!
They fry the ones that got dropped on the floor.
That makes sense, actually. I used to work clean-up crew in a super store and the butcher shop was off-limits.
Count your blessings I guess.
Oh yeah, the bakery was bad enough. I didn’t want to know what happened behind those swinging doors…
Then they should discount the floor dropped ones in the meat cooler. I aint fraid a no floor. I think we are being ripped off. It is a conspiracy I tell you!
Sorry, I meant the floor of the mens room.
Is this coming from someone who has taken a chicken into the mens room?
*rises to begin thunderous ovation*
Snake in snake soup tastes like chicken with the flakiness of a mild tasting white fish.
Attention all Glib linguists, pedants, and gramar nazi’s:
The local hospital uses a phrase in radio commercials that drives me crazy. “The very choice.” As in; “Our hot nurses make Unity Medical Hospital the very choice.”
I’ve never heard this phrase before. I always think, “they very what choice?” Has anyone else heard this before?
I think, “the very choice what?”
The very choice of C. Difficile! Come for the cooze, die from the ooze!
I should start swearing “What the very choice!” around people. Classy and confusing!
Haha! I just might start doing that. Classy and confusing, to be sure.
Mike uses “grammar Nazis” yet puts an unnecessary apostrophe in it.
That was an Easter egg just for you
If I had to hear that every day I’d be loading up on bump stocks.
My college years just flashed before my eyes.
I’m not a … ok, I’m a past big time fan of Sabbath. I mean when I was 12-13. But the minor key riff in this song is fucking epic.
Heaven and Hell
Sabbath without Ozzy is not Sabbath. Sorry/not sorry. Dio has his place but it is not as the frontman of Black Sabbath. Next you’ll be telling us that Yes being nearly strangled to death by some Buggles was a good thing.
Randy Rhodes
And there’s this guy.
Sabbath without Ozzy is not Sabbath
Damn fucking straight.
*throws horns*
Wanders away from the fire, pukes a little, checks sewn-in jean jacket pockets for extra beer, wipes mouth and heads back.
Ozzy is God but I loved that album.
Ozzy is one of four rock gods. Sabbath isn’t Sabbath without the original four. Though I will confess on The End tour it was one hell (see what I did there) of a replica.
Just wanted to post again about my buddy:
Anyhoo the reason I was out today – took some PTO for the day – went up to my last command to attend a buddy’s retirement. 30 years – good Lord! This guy made it look easy – at least for the 2 years I’ve known him. E-nothing to Chief, Chief to O-4 (Lieutenant Commander). His first deployment was for Desert Shield. He served on 7 different ships – no two from the same class. Our last CO gave the remarks and he had some great lines (retirements are always more casual/enjoyable/emotional than other ceremonies). Out of 15 total commands across 30 years, his first 9 units/ships/etc have all been shut down or decommissioned (or in some cases sunk for target practice). In at 18, retired with 30 at 48. And he’s ready to take a short break of some terminal leave and roll into a new job. Great inspiration for all the folks in the schoolhouse, junior enlisted, senior enlisted, officers, etc.
Also, wanted to share some Yoshida Bros, but friggin’ Sony won’t let me share any of the official videos. I HATE LOCALIZATION and REGION CODING with the passion of a thousand burning suns!….although apparently not blocked at daily motion. Good enough for tonight.
They’re great.
Sorry. Lol.
Yeah, I downloaded the original youtube video a few years ago….musta been while on deployment overseas.
The daily motion link I posted works.
The country restrictions are odd. I can’t view NBA highlights on yahoo sports, but NFL and MLB are fine.
Very nice to see the Yankees humiliated. A++ would watch again.
Did the “Great Bronx Hope” strike out a bunch again? I could watch that shit on a loop.
We’re always woke.
Speaking of woke…
Jeryl Bier ✔@JerylBier
Michelle Obama on Harvey Weinstein in 2013: “He is a wonderful human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse.” …
Woken Wookie?
I can’t imagine what must have been going through her mind when she had to meet the likes of Weinstein for realpolitic. Poor Barack! I’ll bet it was the nose in the book penalty.
It’s three hours difference between your bed time and mine, Fake Canuck. You’ll be dreaming and I’ll be planning.
Get your terms right.
Potato Tomato, you killed Energy East and now you gonna die! (Like I give a shit)
I’m suffering through Ben Shapiro’s response to Jimmy Kimmel’s weepy emotional monologue for some reason. (I also immediately notice he’s still sporting his yarmulke, despite all the news I’v heard of his Nazi antics in Berkeley.)
I actually hadn’t initially watched it, so, it’s giving, uh, context on all the outpouring of praise I’d heard of it elsewhere.
I wish we had better spokes-models. Ben is bright but his delivery makes me want to hang him off a balcony or maybe roll him down the accessibility ramp in a garbage can like we did in High School.
Oops. No offense, Festman.
None taken! It wasn’t me in the can (that time).
Ben is great at dismantling lefty talking points, but…
Meh, I’m getting sick of putting qualifiers after praising conservatives when they do something good. Well done, Ben.
We get pretty good at sniping Lefties because it’s so fucking easy.
Elsewhere I laughed when I read somebody describe Ben as “one of the most blatantly controlled opposition conservatives” out there, because, well, it’s kind of true. I hope all the people screaming that his Nazi speech is literally violence is sinking through a bit more, because he still gives way too much credit of intellectual honesty in places where it is absolutely no longer deserved… I guess that’s the “institutional conservative” bias thing on his part or something. Insert Iowahawk quote about demanding respect while wearing a skin suit here. I don’t get the feeling Ben is doing it for the cocktails, at least.
If he is controlled opposition, he’s controlled only by his own refusal to take his arguments all the way to their logical conclusions instead of going just far enough to beat a progressive.
Oh no, he means what he says. That’s why I like him. I wish he weren’t such a dweeby little fuck, though.
You know who else was a deeeby little fuck?
Jimmy Neutron?
Robert Reich?
That little rat looking thing that hung out with Jabba the Hut?
The guy STEVE SMITH ran into on that trail?
He said he believed Kimmel was ‘sincere’.
I have no idea what that means.
Mr. Carlson too was sincere when he said, ‘As God as my witness I thought turkeys could fly’.
Kimmel = Mr. Carlson.
A bunch of these young’uns have no idea who the Phone Police are. You gotta post a link if you mention that these days.
I couldn’t get through 10 seconds of Kimmel. Not worth it.
What the quivering voice argument effect and tactic is not to your liking?
Kimmel thinks emotional platitudes he believes are in the ‘moral right’ is an ARGUMENT. Does he know the definition of ‘straw man’? I loved his ‘it’s not about gun control! It’s about common sense!’ How the heck can you dismantle such a logical fallacy? He, in effect, said forming policy when passionate and emotional is the proper time. If he’d bother to pick up a book and read with philosophers throughout the centuries thought about passion and how it clouded reason, he’d see how unwise his position is; if not plain stupid.
His rebuttal to Shapiro was even more preposterous. He needs to look up ‘ad hominen’.
Shapiro cleaned his clock and his too dumb to recognize it. Hence, he should stick to making jokes.
When did this guy go full derp?
Emotions >>>>>> natural rights.
It’s 2017 man!
I think I have hit the wall. I can’t listen to or read one more bit of political breakdown of the oncoming 2nd amendment fight and or care half a shit less than the half a shit I cared yesterday what Jimmy Kimmel has to say about anything.
Well, 4th confirmed KIA in Niger (previous DUSTWUN). Least they were able to recover his body.
Then it looks like some jagoff hit a formation in FT. Jackson – 2 dead, multiple injured. My guess….someone rushing to get to the gate before colors. Probably just recruits too – NFI at this time.
Kimmel “prays” the same way that I hope. He “hopes” about things. Bring back Mcfarland.
Kimmel isn’t funny or entertaining. Since the ever awesome Craig Ferguson left late night hosting, it’s all a vast wasteland.
Yup. I miss Craig Kilborne, too.
I miss Craig Ferguson’s show terribly.
Late night TV is horseshit.
If all the admins are drinking, does this mean we’re unmoderated?
You can pee in the shower without fear of repercussions.
We can go nuts and put multiple links in one post.
Won’t they just never get approved?
Technically 90s.
Still more!
NOW we’re getting somewhere!
Give this a whirl, then.
To be fair, Chuck had only had the tear duct module implanted the day before so it came as a bit of a surprise.
He talks like a fag and all his shit’s retarded.
I’m soft. I’m a cryer. When I lose a beloved pet, I cry like an eight year-old girl. What of it? Wanna Scrap?
I’m with ya there.
I’m not going with the whole “homophobe” thing, because that says more about the person saying it than it does about anyone else, but fuck, no man should consider themselves too tough to cry. Shit happens.
(now, having a 20 year bout of depression and anxiety disorder doesn’t help, but even those who aren’t insane like I am gotta end up crying once in a while)
Everybody cries. Not on TV when the cue card tells them to cry like Kimmel has been doing though.
^^This. The thing with his kid I could understand, even if I thought he was wrong in his policy conclusions. This gun control stuff is complete horseshit; totally an act.
125% agreed.
But the “men should never cry” crowd annoys the fuck out of me.
I don’t know of anybody who holds to the men should never cry line. I might throw out there maybe not every week is necessary to show your compassion like tough guy Steve Gorman there but what ever works for him. I did a stint of depression after a few back to back bad things in my life. It sucks. I hope you did not take my off hand joke about depression the wrong way JB.
I grew up in that culture. Men do not show emotions. It’s a sign of weakness. Just sayin.
That black dog has been nipping at my heels for nigh on fifty years. Sometimes a man starts to feel a little played out.
“It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man”.
…Jack Handy
I don’t object to the notion of manly crying. There are times when it is OK for men to cry, such as the death of a family member, just don’t make a big show of it. Saving Private Ryan and Brian’s Song can make even the manliest men swear that the room is way too dusty.
But having men crying on cue in order to support their favored political positions is just pathetic.
I can accept that Kimmel was crying over the fact that his kid’s life was saved.
But when he cries about gun laws, he’s just replacing arguments with sentimentality.
There you go. Dude is depressed and a bad ass.
” What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.”
-Steve Gorman SPORTS!
I like kittens.
My cat is the best.
Thank you for your reply Steve. I see now that you are a very caring person and that explains your lack of ability to control your emotions rationally. Tissue before you kick my ass?
Holy shit. That dude actually works for Fox sports? He was the drummer for the Black Crowes.
“Mentally ill third rate sports reporter and ex-rock star was admitted to the hospital after starting a fight. He received severe facial lacerations and a fractured orbital bone. The man he assaulted is pressing charges.”
Wow. I went for a deep-derp excursion down the comments there. Just…wow.
Here’s an interesting exchange between…well, between two idiots.
TL;DR for the whole thread:
Republicans are totes icky!!!
Yeah. It was the first time I’ve gone down a Twitter full-prog rabbit hole like that. My eyes hurt from all the eye rolling.
More 90s.
actually not, but close enough.
“Angry young man, hugggh…”
Wanna know how much of an emo shit I was in the 90s?
This was my favorite song my freshman year of college.
Fucking Christ, two beers and I’m buzzed enough to be talking about embarrassing shit about myself.
I should go to bed.
*takes notes for posterity’s sake*
I like that song.
We’ve all been there. A friend of mine put on “I wanna know what love is” by Foreigner at the bar last week. I mock masturbated like a woman with my feet propped up on the bar stools next to me. At least I managed to continue doing so for the entire song. Regrets, I’ve had a few.
Props? Or just pants rubbing? Details, we need details….go on…..
It’s a pact I made with my brother over 25 years ago. I will masurbate like a woman whenever and wherever Foreigner comes on. He end of the bargain is he has to drop his pants and underwear to his ankles when taking a piss at a urinal if I’m there. Neither of us have ever broken the pact.
He’s the one who choose to play “Hot blooded” at his own wedding reception.
I love it! That is awesome.
4 brothers. It was a childhood of seeing who could top each other’s stupidity.
It’s like playing ‘I can’t fight that feeling’ by REO. I’m gonna link it just because ya’ll talk like fags and you sound like progs.
Fucking progfag music
Don’t fuck with me, I got an edit fairy!
I farted into a mustard jar and got my big brother to crack the lid and take a whiff. I knew that I’d pay the price later but it was totally worth it. I ran like the wind that day.
Fuck off, snapper. I can do this shit all night long.
West end girls
Who is the retard that thought loading elements of a web page as you scroll down was a good idea? Hey moron, it’s not 1993, you don’t need to recreate the experience of a poorly loading web page.
Or using a random collage of pictures like Pinterest on every page?
“Who is the retard that thought loading elements of a web page as you scroll down was a good idea?”
I fucking hate that too.
Salt and tomatoes, and whiskey… errr … scotch blend… wife says I’m drunk. Bullshit!
Junior Mints and whippits here.
I dunn even know what is a whippet… is that a dog?
It’s Devo’s most famous song.
What from the liquor cabinet to finish this night off?
Dunn-dun-dun dun weeebo!
That music from Conan the Barbarian is playing in my head. This shit is weird. Oh… it’s the wifey’s classical non-music, never mind…
Listen to some good music with a wonderful story.
Damnit, that’s that Chelsea Jenner, isn’t it?
This song has a great story
Heh. They’re playing my town this month. Why do we always get the terrible bands?
Yeah, the finger-wagger is the baddie! What’s wrong with a little window peering? Have you guys never read Sugarfree?
I can’t even get into posting some shit, cause ya’ll fags are sleeping, like fags do. I had lots of stuff, but ya’ll fag progs is ruining it.
Stupit faggs.
It’s like they fags or some shit.
Look, it was videos like this, that helped radicalize me. We have to ban this shit.
White Supremacy, totally on purpose, cause slaves and shit!
You Fuck right off! April Wine is a helluva band!
We were completely stoned and my buddy called up the local radio station and asked for “Harder, Quicker” Much 15 year-old laughter ensued.