SP and I are a bit damaged from the party we had here last night. And one of the highlights was a buddy of mine grabbing a saw and a violin bow, then playing “Over The Rainbow” to the crowd. Swiss Servator discovered alcoholic beverages labeled Southern Tier, bacon magic got fried, webdominatrix was a bit tied up, SP showed everyone her Ninja Go vibrator, and magically, I was able to find my pants this morning despite the kids trying to hide them and make an escape. It is the sheer triumph of will that allows me to do these links, because my head hurts and won’t someone answer the goddam phone?
On to the news.
There is of course the fabricated outrage over an announcement that a purely symbolic change in the Obamacare mandates might result in Sandra Fluke having to buy her own condoms. Which is silly on two levels, the first being that the change affects almost no-one, the second being that her personality should be sufficient. And in related news, this kind of thing is why I tore up my ACLU card some years ago.
Admit it, who among us hasn’t had this happen?
There but for the grace of Yahweh goes me.
Fabulously stupid idea, which was a transparent money grab couched in insufferable moral excuses, will be ended.
While Preckwinkle (the tax’s creator and
paid off goonadvocate) did not have a comment Friday, in her budget address she warned commissioners of 11 percent across-the-board cuts if they chose to repeal the tax.“Those sort of reductions could substantially impact the services provided by the public defender’s office and the state’s attorney,” Preckwinkle said Thursday.
“That is bologna, quite frankly. There are a lot of ways we could cut,” Cook County Commissioner Sean Morrison countered.
Dork vs. Dweeb Wars continue. Money quote:
The statement claims free speech has been “used as a dog whistle for the protection of white supremacist violence in the University of California system and elsewhere.”
You don’t think this could be a publicity stunt? Nah, that would be cynical.
I may have to reconsider my general dislike for fast food.
And in case you think I was joking about the saw, this is actual footage from the party last night:
If the old policy keeps the Sandra Flukes from procreating is it really such a bad thing?
Oh, and first you bunch of hungover alcoholic degenerates.
I am NOT hungover. I had to drive an hour home from Castle OMWC. So I had to keep it to a dull roar. Now, getting to bed at 2AM…yeah, I am tired.
whats the legal limit in the States for BAC and driving? In Romania it is 0
Depends on the state. In Illinois, .08% I’d the hard limit, though according to their DMV, you can be charged with a DUI if you have anything above .05% if the arresting officer believes your behavior indicates impairment.
I’d pay to see Sandra’s Flukes procreate.
That’s kind of a weird fetish. Of course the difficult part would be trying to find a guy willing to stick it in that kind of crazy, and even the male porn stars that go gay for pay have their limits.
It would be weird if dutch submarine guy didnt actually mean to kilk the journalist but some strange turn of events out of his control led to that like a dark.comedy thing
I thought the submariner was Danish.
Of course, all those pasty white northern Europeans look alike to those swarthy Balkanites.
Potato and however you spell the other version
‘Look, behavior like this is not tolerated in this country. There are individual rights and individual freedoms that we are granted as per the constitution, that everybody’s granted. It doesn’t matter what your beliefs are.’”
Proof that UC is not preparing their students for the real world.
We’re not granted those rights as per the Constitution. e have those rights by virtue of our humanity, and the Constitution makes it a point to recognize them. Somebody needs to read the Ninth Amendment.
You could’ve said granted by God, Zeus, Your neighbor, Mr. Ed etc… anything other than government is an improvement.
The government giveth, the government taketh away…
After a hot second half of august first half of september we had a pretty cold.start to october so I turned on the heat despite usually not doing that befor 15 october. But it got under 17 in the house. Set it to a.more reasonable 19.5. It now oscilates between 19 and 20 as the heating turns on and off.
22 here. 26 in the summer.
Reasonable measurements of ambient temperature have a high enough resolution to not need decimals.
Decidegrees of Celcius are right up your alley.
Decidegrees would rob me of the satisfaction of muttering “giggity” under my breath when I set the thermostat to 69.
Hip hip hooray for Celcius
Good to see civilised folk around
I prefer Fahrenheit because I grew up around it, and I’m used to bidirectional conversion between the two units with ease at this point. The yin and the yang; the AC/DCs.
It was 84 here yesterday. You guys need to use real modern units of measurement and drop that stone age Euro shit.
Nuh uh, that kinda temperature is high enough for liquor distillation. Fake!
96 today, Santa Ana winds blowing hot from the north, looks like another perfect day,
Until the kindling is lit.
They’re practically begging someone to light one.
Front page of the paper today: “This is PERFECT fire weather!!!!!”
Anyway i like sleeping at a bit under 20 and.never can get that in summer. So winter is much better for sleeping. Then again overall i dont like heat so i prefer a bit to cold to a bit to hot. Then again Bucharest.has shit climate and gets a bit to cold.in winter. I have Romanian friends who live in Winnipeg Canadia and even if I dont mind cold not sure I could handle that. Maybe even us Minesotta Dakota or Montana might be a bit much in winter
I’m still filling my hummingbird feeders. I hate to see the birds go but I am worn out on heat. I am ready for winter.
I only saw a hummingbird once or twice this summer at the new place. I refilled my feeders once since February. I’m gonna have to figure out what’s repelling them.
I have a yard full of sage, the ultimate Hummingbird feeder, they love it,
and they nest in my giant Cedar tree, pretty cool actually
You’re in Louisiana. You don’t get winter.
So honestly since when is 5 guys got angry on twitter news?
“…Fabulously stupid idea, which was a transparent money grab couched in insufferable moral excuses, will be ended…”
Well, it sounds like it will be ended until the city finds some way to bring it back (maybe as a state-wide thing?)
I can’t see the city of Chicago ever permanently letting go of a tax idea
Ammunition tax?
Did Chicago ever say the tax was about health? I thought they were clear from the start that it was a transparent money grab. Or was that Philadelphia?
The Philly mayor pushed it as a budget thing, although he couldn’t help himself and added how it’s also a good healthy thing too.
“Those sort of reductions could substantially impact the services provided by the public defender’s office and the state’s attorney,” Preckwinkle said Thursday.
Sounds like a money grab.
Real Sherriff of Nottingham-esque
I noticed that the article didn’t really say why it was passed or repealed. Almost like communicating the reasons for governmental actions isn’t really necessary. Almost like we don’t even deserve to know. Which leads me to ask, why bother to tell us about it in the first place?
Similarly, the article about the sex predator didn’t say if it was a set up or not. Were there 14 and 15 year old girls ready to fuck the guy? Was the woman who met him and claimed to be their mother actually a cop? Was the guy entrapped or not?
So glad I dropped out of J-school in college.
“A Massachusetts museum dedicated to Dr. Seuss says it will replace a mural featuring a Chinese character from one of his books after three authors said they would boycott an event due to the “jarring racial stereotype.””
What was the hanzi character that’s causing so much trouble?
Was it 中國統治,西方人流口水. Y any chance?
“”Two Canadian professors have developed an approach they call “Trojan horse pedagogy” to peddle social justice to otherwise unassuming students.
Sal Renshaw and Renee Valiquette, both of whom teach at Nipissing University in Ontario, detailed their extensive “ruse” in a recently published book, boasting that their “Introduction to Interdisciplinary Analysis” class is actually a “social justice” course in disguise.
“A Social Justice course evokes a range of assumptions…that prevents many from even considering enrolling.”
Each offering of the course is centered around a specific theme, “DIRT, SLOTH, WATER, GENIUS, and SECRETS,” according to the professors, who say the themes provide a “creative ‘cover’ for the interdisciplinary social justice curriculum” that they aim to offer.
“Our goal in this class is to move both hearts and minds, in part by ‘forcing’ an encounter with at least some knowledges that students have already decided they are not interested in,” Renshaw and Valiquette explain, adding that the classes are “rooted in…post-structural feminist theory.”
For example, the class focused on “DIRT” has brought in guest lecturers on dirt and dirtiness, including a researcher on soil recovery and another on the cholera epidemic. Thus, while unassuming students think they’re getting a lesson in dirt, they’re really getting an entire class founded upon social justice theory.
“Whereas a Gender Equality and Social Justice course evokes a range of assumptions about course content that prevents many from even considering enrolling, DIRT or SECRETS has no such baggage,” they boast. “Though of course we worry that this approach surrenders too much to such politics, we have been sufficiently awed by the ways in which these courses permit a pathway to social justice education to a far greater number of students, to believe the ruse is justified.”
Renshaw and Valiquette admit that their approach “shamelessly appeals precisely to a neoliberal subject,” saying they “even appease vocational anxiety” by “emphasizing the utility of interdisciplinary skills in the workplace” to convince students that the subject matter can “contribute more or less directly to a job.””
How to piss off your coworkers in 5 minutes or less.
They still re-inventing the new Soviet man after all these years? I thought Marx and Lenin had that shit down all those years ago.
Well now I can say I now of at least two professors that get their jollies from wafting and/or cupping toward their noses, their own rancid lentil farts.
I’m confused. They say its to indoctrinate Marxist/SJW values into students, but say it’s neoliberal? I thought socialists and the left as a whole hate ‘neoliberals’. They often, to me anyway and I could be wrong, classify conservatism and libertarian ideals and principles as ‘neoliberal’.
I think the way they are putting it here is that it’s designed to be palatable to the unconscious mind of the offspring of bourgeois the neoliberals, and the slimy propaganda slight of hand persuades the lecture attendee – who clearly has no agency – into a proper rightthinker. At last that’s my understanding.
I assumed that the Left’d hatred of neoliberal is a Beltway way of saying (((neoliberal)))
I can only imagine they don’t get to the real ugly stuff until after the add drop date.
So as customers, I’m pretty sure students could make a case of fraud. I know universities hate to think of themselves in a service provider/customer relationship.
I know universities hate to think of themselves in a service provider/customer relationship.
That’s an understatement
This is how basically all the young teaching faculty I know view the modern University. Students are the customers, who are purchasing a degree with a lot of money. Administrators are like the executive class, they take the money, pay themselves sick salaries, and try to shutdown any threat to the cash flow (like, say, evidence of research misconduct). The professors feel more like support staff for the paying customers. It always sounded like a shit show to me.
I am a college professor. Saur Kraut hit the nail on the head. That is the system in a nutshell. I am under pressure to pass students that can barely read. My salary and the salary of my colleagues is a fraction of the admin and there are many more administrators than profs. I also get no benefits because they are switching more and more teaching positions to contracts. America’s vaunted higher education industry is shit and the world will begin to realize it soon enough and stop sending their kids here to get an education.
Schadenfreude fantasy about these fucks getting sued in civil court for bait and switch and losing.
At $1k/credit hr, I certainly would
How many times have we said progressives are evil again? I
I found a head in a bag just last week.
If you find 8, watch out for Joe Pesci.
An excellent film. Unlike Gone Fishin’.
Man, Submarine Guy was a real ghoul.
Or mayne a innocent guy in way over his head you dont know
I’m trying to imagine a reason why he would be stabbing her in the vajayjay other than just fucked in the head.
“This bitch just accidentally died on my submarine, I need to dispose of this body so I don’t get blamed for it. Better stab her in the twat a few dozen times, that’ll do the trick. “
Maybe he thought it was a starter incision for thorough dismemberment?
Maybe this is a guerrilla marketing campaign for the final season of The Bridge thats just gotten out of hand?
Was it Alfredo Garcia’s? cuz that’s worth some coin.
Pretty sure it’s Hoffa.
“A Chicago-area deli is facing backlash after one of its owners sent out a tweet in response to the Las Vegas mass shooting, calling it “community outreach.”
Greg Morelli of Max’s Deli in Highland Park, Ill. said he felt “relief” when he heard about the shooting because it took place at a country music concert.
“Soon as I heard it was country music, I felt relief. White people shooting white people isn’t terror … it’s community outreach. #LasVegas,” Morelli’s tweet read.”
When I heard the performer on stage was Jason Aldean, I figured the shooter was a Red Dirt fan.
Just another Twitter career suicide.
I don’t understand why some random deli owner thinks anyone would care what he/she/xe/it thinks about politics. If someone is on your side, it won’t affect anything, if they’re on the other side, they’ll hold a grudge (and it will hurt you).
I was a small businessman for fifteen years, and no one knew how I voted (and no one cared)
(I guess sometimes creative destruction is not especially creative)
The most spectacular demonstrations of creative destruction are self-inflicted.
Just more data for that statistic about business failures. smdh.
There’s going to be a couple of volumes on Elon Musk.
If I owned a business, it would be straight apolitical for me. In the immortal words of 2nd 2 None, “fuck a red or blue team, my color runs green.”
What that got to do with a Deli?
I have clients who are straight up fucking commies – but as long as their checks clear, I don’t care.
Did Amsoc ever pay his debts I wonder? Commies aren’t very good about that kind of thing
What this asshole did was creative self-destruction.
You cannot fool me that is not “Over the Rainbow”.
Fuck you guys and your partying, you talk like fags and sound like progs. I can’t get any fucking sleep, I’m still drunk, wife forced me to have sex again at 6am this morning. I’m eating watermelon, is that racist?
How was the old joke? My wife woke me up with oral sex. I almost suffocated
Well, I mean there are worse things…
Oral sex with Hyperion is worse than oral sex with Mrs. Hyperion….
Letters to the Local Rag: Gun Trumpin Edition
Are people actually.retarded or are they trolling?
Mostly just old retirees from the Northeast shaking their fists at the sky by writing in to the unsigned opinion page in the local newspaper.
The paper doesn’t make them sign? Then they’re nothing more than a paper version of an anonymous internet forum.
This guy really thinks that Muslim is a race.
What part of “shall not be infringed” do these fuckers not understand? I myself do not own a gun, but am an ardent supporter of people using guns to protect themselves against animals, criminals, or politicians. Ahh. Let me reduce that down. Protect themselves against the politicians.
They don’t understand any of it. Leftists have this bizarre desire to take away their own rights that I don’t understand. It has to be a evolutionary dead end.
Ah, the good old muzzleloader interpretation-just so fucking stupid.
It’s especially stupid if you consider this:
“The first machine gun was the Defense Gun, invented by James Puckle in England in 1718. It was a single barrel flintlock gun with multiple revolving chambers. It was operated by a hand crank. The intended use was repelling boarders on ships. The Puckle gun was not used very widely and failed commercially.”
— said no adolescent boy – ever.
“If the United States meant for a strict interpretation of the Second Amendment, it would be smooth bore muzzleloading reference only”
I like how, for liberals, a ‘strict interpretation’ still means putting words in the Constitution that aren’t there.
“Arms” does not mean infantry rifles, it means everything you’d take to war.
Likewise, the First Amendment only pertains to the spoken word and to words written or pressed onto paper. It doesn’t cover radio or video broadcasts, any sort of recording of a voice, nor anything typed onto a computer screen or smart phone, as none of those things existed when the First Amendment was written.
Or published by organizations whose legal structures didn’t exist at the time of ratification either, right? So 1A doesn’t apply corporations that aren’t chartered explicitly by legislations (registration by statue didn’t begin until 1819 in NY state) or have limited liability. Also, doesn’t apply to non-profits.
There we go.
“Comedian Ralphie May dies of cardiac arrest at the age of 45”
He was just on Penn and Teller a couple of weeks ago. He was literally as wide as he was tall.
I can’t believe he made it all the way to 45. RIP Big Boy.
Well, I saw that picture and I can’t imagine why.
So soon, barely enough time to bask in the warm glow of his Netflix special. It was a mediocre set as far as professional comedians go. His descriptions of receiving oral sex were implausible/fake; no description of the harness apparatus he would have used to provide clearance for the giver.
To bad, he was a funny guy.
About the Danish submarine guy, reminds me somewhat about when several years ago a Romanian priest got arrested for killing a nun during an exorcism, big scandal of sorts. I always thought of a horror movie, that maybe she was possessed by a demon and the priest literally saved the world. You don’t know. I mean it is unlikely but… so maybe the Dane had his reasons.
*Edit Fairy is tired now*
Danish Submarine Guy merely took things too far with his version of Hamlet. Heat of the moment, crime of passion.
Damn phone typing
“Former Fox News anchor, Lauren Sivan, came forward Friday saying in an interview with Huff Post that Weinstein once trapped her in a restaurant hallway at private event and masturbated in front of her until he ejaculated.”
Sandra Fluke and now this image. You guys are killing me.
*Hugs doll closely.*
That’s some thicc elf there.
I would do it, too.
Why is after that all this shit comes out? Did they protect him because of his clout in Hollywood?
I call bullshit
maybe she was possesed by a demon and the priest literally saved the world. You dont kbow. I mean it is unlikely but… so maybe the dane had his reasons
I like to amuse myself by thinking Lee Harvey Oswald might very well have been history’s greatest hero.
Right? Like Oswald was an agent, sent by the Rosicrucian order to murder Satan.
History only remembers a deaf Kennedy. But Oswald actually stopped the Apocalypse.
“The Deaf Kennedy’s” would be a good name for a band
They would all have to play air guitar.
Really? Was the joke not obvious enough?
What was that? Could you speak up a bit?
and Jello Biafra can’t do shit about it! I’m stealin it!
“A Social Justice course evokes a range of assumptions…that prevents many from even considering enrolling.”
You don’t say.
“What Do Professors Have to Do to Get Fired?
But perhaps the most remarkable part of this story is New York IG Scott’s comment that the “defendant ignored repeated warnings.” When the university believes it has caught a professor defrauding both students and the university while putting lives in danger, it lets him off with a warning? “Medgar Evers officials first heard about Mr. Abdel-Sayed’s classes in 2015, and ordered him to cease and desist. But he continued teaching them,” reports the Times.
Perhaps a multi-count federal indictment will finally sever Mr. Abdel-Sayed’s relationship with the school. But then again, according to the Justice Department, he does have tenure.”
I’m not sure, but it probably involves a headless Danish journalist and a submarine
(or being a conservative)
(or.. saying something that offends the Woke Police mob)
Terry McAuliffe campaigns for Ed Gillespie
McAuliffe is an absolute piece of opportunistic garbage.
Aren’t they all
McAuliffe is unusually bad.
You could have just said “politician.”
In VA? Not gonna make it outta committee.
“It’s a hell of a time in America when a video game taking an anti-Nazi stance is considered by some to be too controversial. Yet here we are. ”
Stop being mendacious you liar. People sent upset about killing Nazis. They are upset about you calling them a Nazi for simply disagreeing with you! If we have to be honest about who the fascists are in this country, we’d point to the left. Maybe that’s why you’re so busy calling everyone else a Nazi.
Still not news
I guess I have to watch stupid ESPN this morning, since GameDay is at the ol’ Alma Mater
(well, I don’t HAVE to, but I choose too; maybe I can just mute it and see the buildings (and remember))
Go Frogs 🙂
What is Frogs translated in European? I could google i suppose
it’s American football. Texas Christian University’s mascot is a horned frog
that looks like a lizard.
A mammal who fancies himself a reptile expert…how quaint
We had a gecko running around our apartment for the last month or so. Unfortunately I stepped on him last week. He didn’t survive. RIP Larry.
Still kind of bummed.
Nooooowww you’ve done it!
*glares intently*
Well good luck controlling the bugs in your house, humph
It’s called a horn-a-toad and you are correct, it actually is a lizard.
Do you actually have to be churchy to attend such a university?
No. I was a bit churchy at that age, but I was never part of that flavor of churchiness.
In fact, the denomination who runs the school (Disciples of Christ) isn’t particularly churchy IMO.
I grew up in a poor area, and they let me go for free because I was smart, so I wasn’t THAT picky.
It probably helps if you aren’t.
Case in point – most American “Catholic Universities” are not, and my family has the air-miles to prove it.
LSD‘s private college is considered one of the *most* Catholic colleges in the US, gets rated very highly, and about 20% of the student body have never been to a Sunday Mass.
Indeed, about a dozen of the student body are Muslim. Still scratching my head to that one.
Your university mascot is a Frenchman? Seriously though, that would be a sweet mascot. Like a late 1600s fur trapper in Quebec.
You jest, but Mount St. Mary’s has this who seems awfully white and cis-male as mascots go.
Git r dun
Sorry. Butte County, Idaho had the best mascot EVER!
Then some whiners got the mascot changed. If I was a taxpayer there, I’d be infuriated. I would have kept the original mascot and made a fortune selling t-shirts.
That’s a good one. I like that Park Center kept their pirate logo and the skull-and-crossbones all over the campus.
Ours wasn’t bad (in a piss-off-a-Prog kind of way.
I happened to see about 15 minutes of ESPN yesterday. No sports at all, just an obviously-forced apology by Cam Newton about some harmless joke and then a bunch of sjw talking heads.
I used to think that “no organization not specifically right-wing will eventually be become left-wing” was a bit overwrought. But a game with stupid, burly men violently disputing a piece of ground seems to have been thoroughly absorbed.
Unfortunately the big soccer game was on ESPN last night.
Yeah but there’s little wokeness around soccer. In, watch the game, out.
It’s tota, perpetual faux-outrage. Newton should not have apologized but I guess there was pressure behind the scenes for him to do so. I just wish someone had the back bone to hold their ground. I don’t find his comment was sexist – fresh and rude sure – but not sexist. Plus he did have a point. It was a contrived ‘look at me I know physicality routes’ awkwardly delivered question. I bet you many athletes who know sports cringed. I did.
Jourdan needs to ‘woman up’ and take the punches. She wants to be a professional? Then don’t go cry to Twitter about an athlete saying something mean to you. You want to be seen as an ‘equal’? Then act like you’re equal.
Until then, you just proved to be ‘just like a woman’. You don’t see Ann Coulter apologizing or whining about her treatment, right? Ironically, Coulter is the one showing how you should behave in the face of criticism. Women sports journalists shouldn’t overplay the ‘woe is us’ behaviour.
Athletes and coaches talk like this to journalists – including MEN – all the time. Look up Tortorella and Brooks for example.
NEVER APOLOGIZE to the jackals and hyenas.
Wonder if Jourdan will have to go on ESPN and apologize for her racist tweets?
Well said. You Canadadians are slright after all.
“Coequal to our dedication to mutual respect is our commitment to free speech and the free exchange of ideas,” the chancellor’s statement said, according to the College Fix. “A university requires an environment where students and scholars can freely express ideas and pursue knowledge, while also promoting respectful dialogue among individuals or groups with opposing viewpoints.”
Upon hearing this gobbledegook, the helpless interviewer became paralyzed with confusion. Before he could untangle his mind and react, the chancellor transmogrified herself into a giant flying snake and devoured him.
Thanks for the cool party…now let me out if the rape cage!
OMWC, you should at least remember to take their phones away before you lock them up.
Sloppy work guys.
You were incorrectly not identified as the tied up one.
You will make a nice sacrifice for STEVE SMITH!
+1 I don’t have to outrun STEVE SMITH, I just have to outrun you.
FAKE NEWS!! STEVE SMITH is the 30 magazine clip automatic rounds with the black thing that goes up of white people. Nobody is safe when STEVE SMITH rampages!
I read that as “black thing that goes up white people”. I am like damn, STEVE SMITH is a brother. HAIRY LIVES MATTER!
Quit pretending like you don’t like the rape cage
Huh, the Indians came back. I bet no one anywhere guessed that could happen, when they were down 8-2.
“Berkeley Students Insist They Cannot Take Their In-Class Exam Due to Lack of Privilege
If taking a test is going to cause you insurmountable “emotional, mental, and physical stress,” then you probably should have thought about that when you were making the decision to continue your formal education in the first place. Why? Well, because preparing for and taking tests is literally what school is. Enrolling as a student, but then saying you can’t take a test because test-taking is too triggering, is like accepting a job as a waitress and then saying you can’t take customers’ orders because you’re too shy. The truth is, certain roles have certain requirements — and even the finest of social-justice buzzword salads isn’t going to change that.”
What’s the end game? Because if they think the can control the entire populace like they do college admins, they are delusional (I know I didn’t have to point this out). But playing the victim does not empower you in real life.
Unless the government steps in. That’s the end game.
Well i did hope that popular opinion that these students are lazy fucks would keep politicians away from vindicating them.
“is like accepting a job as a waitress and then saying you can’t take customers’ orders because you’re too shy”
This guy must not be paying attention to our muslim immigrants.
Lots of them take jobs as cashiers and then refuse to scan pork (or other non-halal) products. Then sue if you try to move them to a different job where they won’t have to touch those objects.
Well, they best bake me a fucking gay cake if I say so.
It’s like matter/anti-matter coming together in the grievance olympics.
I have some questions about how well exams measure what should be measured, and how well they measure other attributes we ought to care less about (at least part of this skepticism stems from having always been very good at tests, and having skated a bit in classes that weighed exams heavily and graded on a serious curve.) This obviously depends a lot on the class and the field, and I can’t say I know a _better_ way to measure performance even in a lot of classes and fields where exams seem like the wrong metric. Even if exams don’t measure perfectly they probably measure better than what would replace them.
That said, for most people, being able to overcome the stress of exams is probably a prerequisite for eventually being very useful. There are exceptions- I employed a really brilliant guy once who had to be coddled, and I was able to employ him at less than he probably should have gotten because I was willing to coddle him. He was really brilliant though- I doubt that one in 10,000 college students is as much so and works in a field lucrative enough to make coddling practically possible.
So mom’s in the hospital getting a CT scan because she might be having a stroke. This would be the second one in 4 months. I’m waiting to hear what’s going on.
Shit. Hope all goes well.
Best of luck man, she’s under doctors’ orders which is a huge win.
Best of luck. Nearing 50 myself and worry about my own mom everyday. You never know when you’ll get a phone call.
Sorry to hear that.
Sorry, Scruffy. I hope she’s ok.
Best wishes for her.
Damn, Scruff. Sorry to hear this. If good wishes count, you’ve certainly got mine.
That’s terrible Scruffy. Hoping for the best
Hang in the here, bro.
Sorry, I hope things go well.
Have some redheads. Go on, you’ve earned it.
4 and 12 make me feel almost like a human. Almost. And boy would I love to be 18’s bike seat.
All of them were great, but 3 had my pants off. Dear God. I am Jack’s wasted life.
Good morning, Q!
Lots of really strong contenders there, but as a northerner, I have to say my top three are 4, 4 and 4.
Let it snow!
Needs moar ice fishing.
Yes we do. I was out in the garage this morning pulling out my industrial rain gear so I could go out fishing on the kayak today. Fuck, some ice would be nice.
But then I remember it is still bird season and relax a bit.
Eagle Lake?
A bit at Eagle, and then through the channel to Pike lake.
We will see.
I’ll take #6
Hell, I’d even make the sammiches for her.
(Yeah, I know; y’all are going to take my Official Libertarian combination Monocle/Decoder RIng)
Better then the usual because they don’t have the absurdly large breasts you Americans seem to like.
lets see 3 and 4 20 and 22 and a few of the 30s, though I see the plague of tattoos and nose rings still ruins some fine females
they don’t have the absurdly large breasts you Americans seem to like
These words are English but make sense arranged in this order.
I couldn’t understand either.. All I got was something something BOOBS!
4 – obviously, 30, and 25
4, 6, 11, 19, 20, 29, and 37
Bunny boilers: 2, 3, 13, 31, 39
Gawd I love redheads
Thank You for #12, going to take a shower……
Number 11 for me. You all can fight over the rest. But what is it with all the faux gingers?
There’s something I’ve been meaning to say for years.
Q: What’s better than a story every Saturday morning about food?
A: Anything.
Thicc chicks, Sasquatch, Vhyrus’ guns, Jewsday Tuesday, sports, Zardoz giving relationship advice, are all awesome–it’s no comparison. And I’ll put sloopy links up against anybody’s links.
. . . but I’m NOT talking about the great stuff over here.
I’m sayin’ they could find a more interesting weekly topic than food throwing darts at an encyclopedia.
You know what it’s like? It’s like waking up early on Saturday morning as a kid, all excited about watching Saturday morning TV, but the only thing on is a documentary about eating vegetables.
I like Baylen.
I don’t dislike the guy.
I want to like that column much more than I do.
I have to try hard to like that column.
I don’t have to try to like the columns over here.
Maybe I’d like it better if it was in addition to other things instead of the only thing for breakfast every Saturday.
Spam and eggs, spam and bread, spam, spam, and spam, spam on rice, . . .
We should recruit Baylen here. He would definitely get more clicks. I haven’t been back there unless one of you people links a good one.
“Brianna Wu released her campaign video for her 2018 congressional run and it is embarrassing.”
I disagree: I thought it was well-reasoned and laid out several meaningful policy initiatives, particularly with respect to nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula as well as the skyrocketing national debt.
If only that were possible…
Jeebus Fucking Christ that was horrible. Until I saw that horrible garbage I enjoyed listening to “The Planets” while working on a report. Now I’ll have to try and dis-associate “Mars” from that ad. Go ahead and actually air that on TV and watch your campaign sink like a stone.
That’s the gamergate lady?
When someone reasonable writes the definitive history of the alt-right (whatever the hell that is), they might point to gamergate as being a an important point in its development.
I remember when it became publicly acceptable for people (and politicians) to oppose the Iraq War–and I think it was when John Murtha started to oppose it. Before then, people saw opposing the Iraq War in public sort of like how they saw Gilbert Gottfried making 9/11 jokes at the Hugh Hefner roast.
Likewise, gamergate was prolly one of those . . . inflection points, when it started to become okay for people to question the SJW take on everything.
She’s claiming to have fought the alt-right and won, but maybe she should be given partial credit for creating the alt-right in the first place.
Umm, dude doesn’t even look like a lady.
And yes, xe’s one of the catalysts for the original incarnation of the ‘alt-right’, but like the Tea Party, that alt-right doesn’t bear much similarity to the alt-right of today.
And the anti-war movement doesn’t look anything like John Murtha, it’s just that he served as the catalyst to make being against the war okay.
In that way, gamergate made being openly anti-SJW more socially acceptable. Even people in Silicon Valley could start saying that maybe the feminists were going overboard–and that no longer came across like they were scratching their ass and picking their nose in public.
Anita Sarkeesian was the official Gamergate lady I think – Wu was somewhat involved somewhere else.
Yep, you’re right. And what she won is being universally hated by every gamer on the planet. CUNT.
I had said that it would be something minor and stupid that would set off the inevitable backlash against SJW Progressive-ism.
I think GamerGate certainly qualifies as minor and stupid, and it certainly was a harbinger of change (or a canary in the coal mine)
Yeah, she fought the alt-right and lost. Not necessarily to the alt-right though, and the alt-right didn’t necessarily win. I’m not sure the alt-right existed in coherent form at the time anyway.
I still can’t tell exactly what the alt-right is. I’m pretty sure I’m not a member, but if not caring a great deal that Brianna Wu and wossername got trolled back makes you a member of the alt-right, then I guess I just lack the decoder ring.
This is what I dislike so much about the modern left. One _ought_ to be able to, for instance, recognize that there was a great deal of justice in the aims of the civil rights movement, and that the history of slavery, Jim Crow, etc. is horrific, even in the face of repugnant and not closely related “arguments” that use such as a pretext.
But it’s not easy to do that- we’re not Vulcans. I’m in my 40s, and I’d like to think I’m pretty good at separating concerns, but I have to admit that every time I hear those injustices used as a ridiculous pretext for ridiculous and repugnant stuff (especially ridiculous and repugnant stuff that targets me) a little bit of my indignation over it slips away. I’m not proud of that, but it is true.
The Jim Crow era was before my time, but I was a child in the 70s, when the knock-on effects were still very clear (and I lived in D.C. a bit back then, where the politics were… thicc.) This gives me a bit of resistance to that tendency. Kids born in 1990? I think all they see is the unreasonableness of the increasingly trivial and power-oriented arguments. I’m not saying that we’re raising a generation of white supremacists, but I am saying that the current political culture seems almost designed to do so.
NCAA needs to figure out this targeting rule… I seriously can’t remember the last game I watched where somebody didn’t get ejected for targeting.
Damn. Gilmored it.
Leftys cant internet. Say what you will of the edgy alt right kids, they know how to me me
“CNN tried to explain a bump stock with an animation. The animation of the rifle features a suppressor, grenade launcher and no bump stock.”
You’re missing the greater truth, which is that guns are bad.
I see this one is all tied up now.
Kid Rock for Senate
At first I was astounded by the variance in the polls, but then I saw that they were over time. Now it makes sense.
Craigslist never disappoints…
U was da ultrasound tek at Bronson Cox hospital – w4w
Why do people write like that?
1. US Educational System
2. Soft bigotry of low expectations
3. No incentive to communicate better
Because they learned how to hit on people from RayJ’s reality show.
Because they’re hip.
Not everyone can speak Pidgin.
So hot
Parody? ‘Cause that’s right on the edge of too-good-to-be-real.
how big the cyst on my ovary was
That’s gold, Jerry, gold!
Yep, color me skeptical. The problem with that ad isn’t that it’s written badly- it’s that it’s too good to be that bad, and vice-versa.
You just scooped HM’s next copypasta, you son of a bitch.
*prolonged ovation*
In the sidebar of the pedo story:
Arguably worse.
Two thoughts:
(1) $50K and $75K bond? Are you shitting me?
(2) If I were on the jury for someone who put a bullet in each of their skulls, I would vote to acquit.
God fucking dammit I just installed another video blocker for the Newsweek link above and now this link has a fucking auto video that won’t go away.
I think you might be mis-interpreting this whole thing. I spoke with Jack Dunphy about it and he explained it to me like I was five, for which I am eternally grateful. The thing is there are Sheeps [sic], and there are Wolves. And then there are things that have to protect the Sheeps [sic] from the Wolves. Let’s call them SheepWolves. The SheepWolves sometimes have to do things that the Sheeps [sic] think are bad, and that would be bad if Sheeps [sic] did them. But the SheepWolves have to do them to keep the Sheeps [sic] safe. If that means sexual slavery for a few Sheeps [sic,] well…
Then Dunphy kissed me gently on the lips, and in various other places, as a SheepWolf does when comforting a five-year old. But I balked when he asked if I’d give him a massage and… he pulled the rubber mask from his face and asked if I’d watch him shower. Oh no, I thought, this isn’t Dunphy at all, but Harvey Weinstein doing an unnervingly accurate impression! I was about to lose it when Richard Spencer broke in and buried an axe in Weinstein’s head, thus saving me from the (((Hollywood Producer.))) We went off and alt-right partied like it was 19999.
Then I awoke to find myself perched on the edge of a lovely flower, sipping delicately from its nectar, and thought… thank Plkty’uh I am a butterfly who dreamed of being a man.
The Democrats are set on their strategy for 2020, and … drum roll… big surprise… it’s moving further left.
We’re all commies now
Elizabeth Warren looks and acts like a Puritan schoolmarm who wouldn’t be out of place on a Quaker Oats box. How people are attracted to her persona is beyond me.
Half of her supporters are the same prudish uptight prog white women from the suburbs who look just like her. Of course they think she is hawt. They see that same attractiveness in their mirrors every day.
The other half are the poor betas who married those uptight women. They don’t really find Warren attractive, but no way are they going to say that out loud in front of their wifey. Nope, they just nod vigorously any time they are told to.
She’s the Malcolm Gladwell of a certain set. They always had some intuitions about things, but Warren came along with charts, numbers, and narratives and made them feel like they were very bright for having those intuitions, and very bright just for watching and vaguely following her 30-minute gloss of extraordinarily complex phenomena that no one really understands. Don’t underestimate the political power of reducing great complexity to a bite-sized “us against them” lecture- now with YouTube!
“Just 49 percent of Democrats think that “most people who want to get ahead can make it if they’re willing to work hard,” while the other 49 percent believe that “hard work and determination are no guarantee of success for most people.””
Well I think that this is a big problem. I mean there is no guarantee in life, but it also depends on definitions of success. Envy has become a huge problem in the US.
When they get their socialist utopia, that will be down to 0%.
It’s not a guarantee but it sure increases the odds.
Envy has become a huge problem in the US.
Yep. There are many causes, but the 40 year long demonization of capitalism and the profit motive in popular culture has finally come home to roost.
“Thou shalt not covet”
It’s a commandment against socialism.
Well, that and “Thou shalt not steal”.
“Thou shalt not put any gods before me”
I think this one would be relevant as well.
Let’s not forget “Thou shalt not kill”.
As my wife puts it “Everybody just wants to win the lottery”
So buy a ticket and in the mean time get your ass to work.
The lottery is just another tax. I call it the stupid tax.
“I Wore Perfume Made From My Vagina to See if It Would Get Me Better Dates”
Author’s name is “Allison”. I’ve never met one that wasn’t batshit crazy.
Pics or it didn’t happen
Scratch and sniff?
I like the way you think
“I used a long Q-tip to basically extract some residue from my vagina in order to use it for my perfume.”
I’d hate to see what she’d try if she was looking for an anal partner.
Eat lots of beans?
So mexicans are into anal?
Now that old slogan, “ass-sex, grass and mexicans” makes more sense.
You can’t believe anything they write in that magazine.
Cosmopolitan is just the Penthouse forum written for women.
You know, like all the best clickbait, there’s an ounce (well, in the case of pheromones, a minute fraction of an ounce) of truth in the idea, except that pheromones don’t get exuded in that way, or from there, if they can work for humans at all.
If you believe that primates have some functional mechanism for replicating what the Jacobson’s Organ does in other genera, making it possible to detect pheromones in tiny quantities, the places (again, in primates) where you’re most likely to emit pheromones would be the sweat glands.
If she really wanted to succeed, she needs to take a shower in the evening, go to bed in a thin tee shirt with no cosmetics or fragrance, get up in the morning and save the tee shirt and rub herself over with it (or wear it) in the evening. It has the benefit of not having to scrape a bunch of dead cells out of her box, and she won’t smell like a can of tuna that was opened last week. That covers the possibility that “pheromones” are not actually in play, but simply the “allure of funk/scent of a woman” which would just be a normal olefactory phenomenon.
Better the beer using vagina yeasts thing to impress the guys
I facepalmed so repeatedly, it was basically applause.
A nice Saturday morning song.
And in sportsball, Simona Halep became the new #1 in women’s tennis overnight. It was the fourth time this year she was one match away from #1, but the first time she actually won.
That’s good news. Her breast reduction still makes me sad.
I guess you can say….
/dons sunglasses
….the decision was no Fluke.
Australian police ran child porn site with 1 million+ members for nearly a year.
If government is just the things we do together, I want to leave…
Shouldn’t’a signed that social contact, then.
YouTube is now banning any video of a bump fire stock being used and giving the channel one strike per video. This includes videos that have been up for years. Might I also mention that bump fire stocks are still legal?
They’re also memory holing any video that suggests multiple shooters or anything that goes against the narrative.
vid.me is a growing free-speech friendly alternative.
Not that I don’t believe you, but is there a press release? Banning video of something makes no sense.
God dammit hang on
Those comments….
TTAG is infected, too, huh?
Too bad. It used to be good.
Apparently YouTube is a public utility and a monopoly, which means the Marines can enforce the First Amendment against them.
I haven’t seen that kind of concentrated stupid since the last time I accidentally followed someone’s derp mining link.
And apparently libertarians are among the vile ones because we are principled even it comes to property rights of people we might disagree with.
I used to comment on TTAG quite a bit. I haven’t in a couple years. I just made two comments there. Idiocy that deep has to be responded to.
The newest (? The ones on top? ) comments seemed reasonable (I didn’t agree with all of them) but then I kept going…
The fudds have convinced themselves that by volunteering bump stocks, the rabid dems won’t continue their quest to ban private ownership.
That’s just plain dumb.
And stupid. Like Stupid Party.
Hence why, Jimmy Kimmel gets ratings and winning.
In the Kimmel v. Shapiro spat, Kimmel will win. And youtube doing this sort of stuff proves this point. They’re more likely to censor Shapiro than they would Kimmel.
Even though FACTUALLY, TECHNICALLY and INTELLECTUALLY, Shapiro is right and Kimmel is an emotional cunt.
A whole meandering, discombobulated, emotive monologue with a quivvery fake crying voice is a political position. Sure, let’s erase the millennia-old historical struggle to have the civil power check in parity* with the power of warlords and tyrannical governments, because some psycho with a bump stock decided to best** the Pulse nightclub shooter’s body count by ten.
*corrosive gut shots of 1934 NFA, 1968, and 1986 notwithstanding
**Not with bump sticks, whooda thunk??
Is it banned or just “made private”?
They put strikes on every bump stock video and took them down. Some people got ahead of it and made theirs private before they took the hit.
YouTube is the future MySpace of video aggregation sites. Good riddance when it finally happens.
Leftism is inherently a failure. This is like the comic author that told his paying customers to fuck off because he didn’t care what his fans thought, it’s about justice.
Adios motherfuckers.
Companies used to have the good sense to stay neutral and avoid infuriating their customers. It’s a shame that’s not the case anymore.
The other thing that’s stupid, is if bump stocks are an issue, then why would you ban bump stock videos?
who Knows. Maybe that it makes it a little harder for people to learn how stupid simple the bump process is by itself. Seems like a pointless effort.
Has anyone pointed out that you dont need a bump stock to bump fire a semi-auto? Maybe we shouldn’t.
Nothing a rubber band or some string can’t do.
I’d imagine those lighting links/drop-in auto sears are very easy to 3D print or machine.
Shit, I posted a video the other day of s kid bump firing his AR by hooking a finger in his belt loop.
This is fucking weak.
I have bump fired my Garand using that method. It’s stupid, but 8 rounds of 06 in less than a second with a satisfying ping at the end was pretty fun.
It has been pointed out numerous times on the news I listen to. That is why I agree with those who say they will not stop at bump stocks. They will ban all semi autos if they get this. It won’t stop.
In the grand scheme of things if the only thing they can change is outlawing bump stocks its not going to be the end of the world. The problem is they will never stop there.
WTF California?!?
I guess it’s still a misdemeanor but still – knowingly infecting someone with a lifethreatening disease…..
“The measure also applies to those who give blood without telling the blood bank that they are HIV-positive.”
Public confidence in the blood supply is a serious consideration. As it is, you already need to sign a special consent form acknowledging the possibility of contracting HIV when getting a transfusion.
With the left, signaling is always more important than reality, but reality has a way of biting dreamers in the ass.
It’s Pulp Fiction. Vinnie thinks everything is relative, but then his boss’ wife overdoses on his heroin thinking it’s cocaine, and if she dies, it doesn’t matter what he believes in anymore–the reality is that his boss will rub him out like a bloodstain.
People who knowingly give blood when they’re HIV positive are full blown mens rea violating someone’s rights. If a victim dies because of it, it should be negligent homicide. If you can’t trace a victim to a specific donor, then the donor should be tried for something. That’s like firing a gun into a crowd of people. You may not have been aiming at anyone in particular and you may not have killed anybody, only wounded them, but you’re still guilty of something–full blown mens rea.
Given all this gun talk, as a Romanian all I can say is that I hope one day I get to hold one to see what the fuss is about. Maybe even fire one of those thingys that some out of it.
Well if you love in the dangerous side, you could fire dinner of them automatic bullets.
love in the dangerous side
I have a Romanian made Wasr 2. It’s a nice rifle. Although I had to upgrade the so so original wood stocks.
Here is a question for you Pie…do you like golf?
like a sea inlet? or the silly game with sticks and holes or is this an euphemism for something and i don’t get it?
“Leave home. Start anew. Punch racists.
An ambitious life sim about the immigrant experience,”
Why do those characters all look like upper middle class teens?
It’s Depression Quest all over again.
Doesn’t matter. As soon as people see the word “immigrant”, it will be subjected to sneer-take after sneer-take.
When people explain what it is not, it means that it will be precisely that.
Sales 101. Dumbasses.
Listen, you don’t have to be Jewish to love Levy’s.
Flight Attendent: Ya’ll excited? Going to Disneyland?
Me: Fuck that!
Wait are you going to Florida?
Im there right now. Leaving tomorrow though.
Going on a cruise. Be there in a few hours.
Drink a lot, but try not to touch anything.
The S.S. Legionella?
I work at the VA. I’ve been exposed to that a few times…
Hellllloooooo, Patient Zero ….
Lol, Disney theme parks are a saccharine hellhole. I went to Disneyland when I was 10 and it was barely memorable. Disney World at 13 was a snooze, except for the food at Epcot.
Universal Studios Island of Adventure and its selection of monster coasters is a better value.
At least Sea World is 50% cheaper, though the Florida location has this highly unnerving Arctic helicopter ride that turns out to be an anxiety attack factory.
I got my fill of paying a fortune and standing in line on concrete in the blazing sun for hours on end when I was 10 too. Sharpy is right…fuck that.
When I went to Orlando in July, there were a few families on the flight. The kids were so excited. When we landed, one little boy started yelling “we’re here! We’re here!” I am often annoyed by kids, but this was cute.
Incidentally, I’ve been reading about the Democrats in the House getting restless about Nancy Pelosi. They’re saying they want to get rid of her.
As socialist and authoritarian as we think Pelosi is, to the radical interests in what’s left of the Democratic Party, Pelosi is like the way the Tea Party saw John Boehner–DINC.
They’re blaming Pelosi for the Democrats’ misfortunes in the House–as if the Democrats would be popular in middle America if only they were more radical?
Take away Pelosi, and the Democratic Party is all about feminists, LGBTQI+ activists, BLM, radical environmentalists, and SJWs. The one thing these people all seem to have in common is that they imagine the American people would be 100% behind them–if only the American people understood them better.
They’re so wrong it isn’t even funny, and if they get rid of what amounts to a centrist in Pelosi, the Democratic Party might move so far to the left, the center may become everything to the right of a radical environmentalist.
The article doesn’t mention it but Pelosi has had public mis-statements in the past year or so that lead many to question the state of her health.
If I could edit that post, it would read [DINO] instead of “DINC”, and it would read, “Take away [relative centrists like] Pelosi, and the Democratic Party is all about . . .”
Moar please
I have a hard time thinking of Pelosi as a centrist after she led a goddamn parade around the capitol after the passage of Obamacare, a bill she now claims is broken. Did she think it was broken while she was cackling and strutting around with the speaker’s gavel?
Okay, I might concede ‘relative centrist’. Maybe.
On the left, a centrist would be anyone who did not celebrate the Las Vegas tradgedy because the victims were “probably mostly’ Trump voters. They celebrated it instead because they smelled an opportunity for more people control.
Obamacare wasn’t broken before Trump and the other Republicans got their hands on it.
“…they imagine the American people would be 100% behind them–if only the American people understood them better.”
How many times did that fuckwit Obama make that claim? I lost count.
Why don’t we do something about the mundane daily grind of “gun violence” in our communities of color? You’ll never guess.
While movies, television and news outlets often give the impression that entire cities and neighborhoods are filled with thugs, criminals and killers, the reality is that those responsible for a majority of shootings represent a tiny percentage of the residents of any given city. In response to this fact, effective gun violence reduction strategies adopt a highly targeted, data-based approach in which the small number of individuals most at risk for shooting (and being shot) are provided with individualized programs of support and pressure to lay down their guns. To this end, law enforcement officials, clergy members, community leaders, social service providers and mentors who have themselves escaped violent lifestyles work in partnership with one another to help these individuals turn their lives around.
Part of the beauty of this approach is that unlike tactics such as “stop and frisk” policing, these strategies do not eat away at already fractured relationships between law enforcement and communities of color. Instead, they harness the leadership and experience of the people who live in and understand these communities. Unlike the national gun violence prevention policy efforts, which tend to be led by progressive white groups and individuals, they ensure that those who are directly affected — mostly people of color — decide how peacemaking and anti-violence initiatives are carried out.
Given the positive results, many astutely ask why these approaches have not been implemented more widely. The central answer is that the high death tolls in urban communities of color have proved to be socially and politically acceptable to mainstream America. For some reason, while mass shootings like the one we saw in Las Vegas are widely seen as symptomatic of a “national” problem, the continuing scourge of killings in our cities isn’t. The result is that neither Democratic nor Republican Justice Departments have funded these types of violence reduction strategies on a large scale.
They make some good points about the marginal gains from targetted intervention to people clearly “at risk” but they ignore the giant impact of the war on drugs in creating much of gang culture. And, of course, every dollar must flow from the government; freeing individuals to pursue economic success seems to be pretty low on their list of priorities.
This is pretty hard to argue with: the national gun violence prevention policy efforts, which tend to be led by progressive white groups and individuals. There is no reason to believe white people are any more or any less qualified to deal with this than black people are, but there is a certain undeniable weight to the argument that black people from the local community are better able to establish a meaningful relationship with these “kids”.
We probably can’t ferret out the random disaffected psycho, no matter what we do. Reducing violence on the streets of Chicago and Baltimore is much more likely to be effective.
After a prolonged bout of throat-clearing and to-be-sure-ing, we get to the heart of the thing. There are apparently millions of backyard conversions out there. Any flyover doofus with an Amazon account and slightly above average hand-eye co-ordination can transform his AR to a full auto spigot of death.
True, a good gunsmith will tell you that while it can be done, converting a semi-automatic military-origin rifle to an automatic isn’t necessarily easy. The main obstacle is that you have to make a number of parts at home, and if you don’t mill them correctly, they can break under the intense heat and pressure of automatic fire. But it’s not impossible, and not surprisingly, the sort of gun owners attracted to these sorts of weapons are often the ones with the patience and machine-shop prowess to give it a go.
The only solution, it seems, is to extend the ban on automatic weapons to include gas-powered, semiautomatic rifles that are merely modified versions of their military analogues. Semiautomatic pistols, which don’t meet that criteria and are hard to convert, would be unaffected, as would shotguns, bolt-action rifles and lever-action rifles. But after Las Vegas, we can’t close our eyes to the ease with which someone can unleash automatic weapon fire on a crowd of people. Nor can we pretend that banning just one conversion technique will solve the problem.
That’s it, then. They’re on to you. Hand in your weapons, boys. The jig is up.
I think this is one reason that the NRA is playing this bump fire issue soft. They would rather support a ban on some novelty item that won’t impact the vast majority of gun owners if they think it will make the discussion go away. They want the focus on the bump stock, not on all semi-auto rifles. I tend to think we should give them nothing because giving them anything only encourages them. Even if they agree to this as a solution, they’ll be back for more later. I understand the logic though.
If you set a precedent that a piece of plastic attached to a legal rifle makes it a machine gun you have basically signed the death sentence of the semi automatic rifle in America.
… or have started the ball rolling on striking down the NFA. But your scenario is more likely.
Well I think what they want to do is not so much ban it but make it subject to the same batf rules concerning full-auto rifles ie $200 tax, fingerprints, etc. So Im sure that would include any device made to convert a semi-auto to a full-auto. Again, I don’t think the batf should when exist but I see what they trying to accomplish.
Except that the full auto registry has been closed since 86 which makes every bump fire stock and every gun it has ever touched into an illegal unregistered machine gun.
I make a point of touching every gun I own with a 12-round magazine owned by my neighbor, so it carries the taint of illegality here in the DPRCT.
As stupid as it sounds the nfa is written so that once you make something into a machine gun it is always a machine gun even if you revert it later. So by that standard if you had one bump fire stock and one by one installed it on every one of your guns you now have a bunch of machine guns whether or not they actually fire full auto.
“Except that the full auto registry has been closed since 86”
Maybe a good time to correct that error?
Create a law that says any device that converts a gun to full auto has to be registered therby opening registration back up.
So young, so free, so innocent. I envy you.
And then in his second term he can abolish the batf and all their rules altogether.
Or we can all chip in on a band saw and drill press.
Considering the ATF can arrest you for shoe laces if they really want to because they can be used to change how a semi automatic gun fires, we crossed that line in 1986. Bump stocks and such are only legal now because they technically don’t modify how the gun’s action works.
That being said, I understand the NRA’s gambit, but I don’t support giving the banners an inch. They’ve taken enough, it’s long overdue for us to start taking back ground ourselves.
I disagree. The ATF has ruled against all sorts of things that make rifles automatic. That they didn’t rule against bump stocks was just another example of their mess of inconsistent rulings.
A million times this. A point I seem to have trouble getting some of my competitive shooter friends to agree to.
Please eat a log of shit. Kthx
gas-powered, semiautomatic rifles that are merely modified versions of their military analogues.
Except the M1 Garand was semi-auto, and the later M14 was select fire/full auto. Wouldn’t that mean that full auto rifles are modified versions of semi-auto rifles?
Commie rag calls for banning guns. Imagine that.
Go fuck yourself NYT.
In honor of your Saturday, Kate Upton’s NSFW pics.
Like, actually NSFW, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Mercy, mercy, mercy.
exactly the kind of breasts where less would be more
Please forward your big boobie rejects to me.
I’m with you Pie
Man, that is nice. Tundra is probably in his bunk with photo 4. Am I gay that I looked at the mountain range first, before looking at her?
No, but you probably need to straighten up all those black and white photos of Bette Davis you have in your hallway.
those eyes tho….
My kind of girl!
Nice tits, but I’ve seen better butts in an ashtray.
But then Macias posted a bizarre, profanity-laced “SnatchAHat” video online, which eventually went viral, that showed her physically removing the hat from his head – and then verbally attacking him for promoting “genocide.” By showing that she took it off his person, the crime rose to the level of felony, Vitale said campus police told him.
She posted it herself. This is the part I’ve been snickering about all morning. Even after all the people in the office, in addition to the dude himself, told her she was in the wrong, she doubled down and posted the incriminating evidence herself. I know it will never happen, but if she got sent up the creek over this she’d be screaming about how this was proof of white supremacy and I’d be rolling on the floor laughing.
The D in TDS is there for a good reason.
It’s 32 F here. I am not well dressed but all the locals are being much more bitchified by it for some reason.
My room doesnt have heat which seems like a warcrime. On the plus side, I dont need a fridge for my elaborate collection of booze.
I ate horse ravioli today. Delicious. Also just drank fermented camel milk. Tasted lile korean makgeoli but had an odd fishy aftertaste.
Date w a gorgeous local last night but couldn’t take it down. Another date in 30 min for my last chance to score on the trip.
T O X I C . M A S C U L I N I T Y
Was my nickname in High School.
What’s your 10-20?
Almaty Kazakhstan
Nice. I love mountains.
Where the fuck are you? North Korea?
Love these updates, keep em coming. Did South Africa guy get an airline credit?
I think he got his money back amazingly.
I’ve wanted to go to Almaty for shits and giggles ever since I found out we have an office there. Still trying to figure out how I can make it a business trip.
I ate horse ravioli today
They have Chef Boyardee in Kazakhstan?
Update: At a BAR. A BAR. I start chatting w two girls. Very friendly. Talked for a while. One was very mousy and cute and young and mmmmm.
Eventually i ask how old they are. Turns out the cute one is SIXTEEN and the other is FIFTEEN.
GODDAMMIT i feel creepy. Totally would. Ugh.
Don’t do it!
The way I see it, what makes you a good person isn’t what impulses you have (or don’t have). Its which ones you act on.
Wanting to bang a 15 year old? Meh.
Actually banging a 15 year old? Not cool, bro.
Less than 100 years ago, actually marrying a 15 year old was not only accepted, but perfectly normal. And I’m talking in the USA. Just sayin.
It is still the norm on probably the majority of the planet. It doesn’t mean you should bang one. Evan might leave Kazakhstan with a bride.
I’m assuming that marry includes banging.
Having had a…uh..a friend, yeah a friend with some experience with ladies in foreign lands I advise you to keep it zipped up there Evan. You can get yourself in deep shit in all kinds of ways you never imagined. Other countries, other customs, other expectations….you just never know. Tread lightly and come home safe.
This is always good advice unless it is a country with similar social norms like Aussie land or Europe. I know guys who dabbled in some local poon in certain locals and I had to ask them if they realized how fast they would be murdered if the chics brother or father found out.
HaHa! Im leaving tomorrow! Left young girls alone immediately.
Setting up location for other girl. She wants to dance. Good sign but i dont dance, i play drums for others to dance to.
Ive done this long enough to know warning signs and how to be safe.
Gotta get back on that horse.
I actually had an acquaintance who was extradited over shit like that. You were wise to ask their ages.
I ate horse ravioli today. Delicious
This sounds delicious.
Hopefully the date goes well.
Another crazed gambler mows people down by
spraying bulletsdriving a car.When can we have a conversation on common sense car control?
That’s coming:
“Fully driverless cars could be months away”
Google’s self-driving car unit prepares to launch a taxi service near Phoenix.
“Fully driverless cars could be months away”
We were supposed to have flying cars by 1980. This prediction is about the same level of accuracy. I mean ok, they’ll have fully autonomous cars, it’s just that no one will use them. But I’d be the first to admit that it couldn’t be worse than some Uber drivers.
Could be vaporware. I think it’s coming.
It’s street legal, which is great. My main complaint is that it doesn’t also function as a submarine.
Also, Boeing , earlier this week bought Aurora, which does flying taxis. I’m sure they’re easier than self-driving cars on the road, but still. Say hello to the future–it was bound to get here sooner or later. But, yeah, the future has been a long time coming.
It’s been so long since we’ve had revolutionary breakthroughs that really change people’s lives. My grandmother was born in the days of horse and buggy. She lived to fly to China on a commercial airplane. That’s revolutionary. Most of the changes we experienced have been incremental improvements. That may be about to change very quickly.
Yeah, but those things aren’t going mainstream. They’re just toys for the well to do. Can you imagine the insurance on one of those?
Are you talking about skycabs?
The Pentago already has orders in. I guess they’re going to use them to ferry troops and supplies onto and off the battlefield. I imagine that would be great for getting the wounded off the battlefield. You don’t need to risk a pilot going in under fire!
I don’t have an insider’s knowledge of the deal, but if Boeing had announced they were licensing the technology, I’d be a little more skeptical. They bought the company outright. That’s a vote of confidence. We’ll see how this goes in Dubai in 2020.
Meanwhile, I bet the safety issues with skycabs are easier to deal with than they are with autonomous cars. Skycabs don’t need to worry as much about other drivers.
Meanwhile, we have more than 30,000 auto deaths a year in the U.S. The insurance considerations are big, but we keep driving anyway.
The left and the media are going predictably apeshit over this.
Part of this is apparently about the ObamaCare birth control mandate being interpreted in such a way that Catholic nuns are not legally compelled to buy birth control pills for their employees. If only there had been a bill to replace these provisions in ObamaCare that had passed the House and just needed a little support in the Senate–what a blow for liberty that would have been!
The media is interpreting this as being about the federal government refusing to compel people to cater gay weddings against their religious convictions, etc. They’re saying that this will allow people to refuse service to LGBRQI+ on the basis of religion–as if religious freedom were somehow a radical proposition?
I maintain that to the extent Americans supported gay marriage, it’s because they assumed the First Amendment would protect their free speech rights and freedom of religion. If and when it becomes clear to them that gay rights is a legitimate threat to their First Amendment rights, it’s only reasonable to expect the public’s support for gay rights to fade.
Hell, I made the argument myself–what difference does it make to you if gay people can get married?
Little did I know the courts would throw the First Amendment under the bus. The courts have failed us terribly, again.
How did you guys get Matt Welch’s identical twins to play saws at your party?
That wasn’t sposed to be a reply.
What a cluster. Wish they would not use the religious angle. No matter who I am, and what my beliefs are, I should be able to handle my business the way I want to. It would be different if Sessions was coming from a “every person’s conciescience is there god”, but I doubt he has read any Rose Wilder Lane.
Before we get to full free association, maybe first we need them to acknowledge that there’s a legal limit to which associations the government can coerce.
I’m not sure that’s been acknowledged yet, has it?
My 94 year old grandmother (still sharp as a tack), once refused to lease her home to a gay couple, once she realized they were gay. However, she did invite them over for a meal, cooked for them, and showed them in the Bible why she couldn’t lease to them–they were committing adultery, you see. And she’d have rather been burned at the stake than knowingly help someone break a commandment, since, you know, our breaking commandments is why Jesus had to die, so helping other people break commandments is helping them kill Jesus.
Christians weren’t supposed to help people kill Jesus in her view.
She also took time to explain to them that Jesus died for them, too, and if they gave their hearts to Jesus, God would forgive them for murdering Jesus, and they could find both peace and everlasting life.
If there’s any limit to the government’s power to coerce association, surely the legal right to be free from establishment and the legal right to free exercise is one such limit. Once we establish that there are such limits, it’ll be easier to talk about where the lines should be drawn. I’m not sure the courts have even acknowledged any limits at all yet. One step at a time.
I was thinking from a perspective if I am an Atheist, then I will not have any recourse like the more religious would have, and since the government decides who is religion and who is not, I would rather come from a free association angle not religious,
I find it interesting that some people’s solution to a problem caused by having protected classes is to create more protected classes.
I think that’s part of what Christians really mean when the say that atheism is religion.
They mean that your right to believe what you want is also protected by the First Amendment.
It’s just that ObamaCare and gay marriage don’t compel atheists to form associations that conflict with atheist convictions. Adultery isn’t against the atheist ten commandments. So, these cases against Christians are making the scene because gay marriage laws and ObamaCare are stepping on the toes of Christians specifically. If ObamaCare forced atheists to join with Christians in prayer, this would be different.
But I support the right of atheists to believe what they want and associate with whom they want–because I support my right to believe what I want and associate with whomever I want. It’s all the same thing.
Actually, there’s a term for this kind of thinking in Christianity.
It’s called “The Golden Rule”.
I think that’s part of what Christians really mean when the say that atheism is religion
I got fifty bucks says not one out in one hundred Christians who spout the old ‘Atheism is a religion’ have any thoughts about the constitution while in the middle of such spouting. It’s almost always along the lines of – the atheist’s non-belief is based in faith just as much as the believers.
That’s only part of what they mean, but it is part of it–rational Christians certainly think the First Amendment protects atheism.
The other thing they mean by “atheism is a religion” is that just like with faith, atheism comes attached with a certain amount of uncertainty.
While Christians have been largely primed to defend their faith as an absence of uncertainty, when you point to the necessarily uncertain core of their beliefs, that’s when they start talking about how atheists are (or should be) uncertain, too.
Rational atheism, rational theism, rational science–it’s all about what we believe despite the uncertainty, and that’s what they mean about atheism being a religion. That’s what they’re trying to say even if they can’t articulate it in those terms.
And when atheists aren’t bombarding them with accusations of stupidity, rational Christians will tell you that the First Amendment isn’t only about protecting the rights of Christians; it’s also about protecting the beliefs of atheists, too.
I hear a lot of people talking about this issue from a first amendment angle as if destroying the first amendment were not the goal of the gay rights people. They aren’t gay rights people. Forcing people to cater events in violation of their conscience was always about destroying the 1A.
But gay marriage wasn’t, even if some (John) think it was some grand stalking horse.
But gay marriage wasn’t, even if some (John) think it was some grand stalking horse.
I agree with this. The two things were related but not causally so.
That having been said, I can entirely appreciate the reservations many people expressed, moreso because quite a few soi-disant libertarians (not here, but elsewhere) don’t seem to give a shit about the association violations (or, worse yet, pull a Gary Johnson and disavow freedom of association entirely).
As a platonic ideal, gay marriage licensing doesn’t really have anything to do with the 1A.
As a political project, though, gay marriage licensing was used by some/many activists as a stick to beat conservative Christians and other social conservatives, and it was being used to create a new protected class, which is inconsistent with equality under the law, etc.
It presented a hard question: do we pursue the platonic ideal even though it is apparent that doing so empowers our enemies and will be used to undermine freedom of conscience and association? Reasonable minds can reach different conclusions on this, but taking the latter position is neither bigoted nor unlibertarian, IMO.
I sometimes like to think i understand a little bit about the law. then i see things like this and go, “how in holy fuck does that make any difference”
also… ffs, why does every time some crazy bitch takes a hat does it have to be some culture war Battle of the Somme?
slap that ho, take your lid back.
I was in a bar in Seattle about 15 years ago. Some drunk Irishman took my hat and started dancing a jig while wearing it (seriously!). It didn’t become an international incident.
(looks in closet, notices variety of hats i can’t recall ever buying, nods and quietly slinks away)
“Former £3,000-a-week escort who became ‘love coach’ marries HERSELF after string of failed relationships
Emmajane Love admitted bad relationships made her turn to partying and sex to mend her broken heart – so she worked hard to love herself and is now inspiring other Australian women — so now she’s committed to ‘sologamy’. At her beach wedding , on Australia’s Gold Coast on Valentine’s Day, she recited vows of self-love into a mirror and now she is acting as a celebrant for other people hoping to wed themselves. The self-described ‘ love priestess’ felt so inspired after her own self-marriage that she is now determined to help other people follow in her footsteps and become their own soul mate. Since, Ms Love has facilitated 41 self-nuptials in retreats costing up to £1,550 (AUD$2,600) – and she’s set to take the trend to America to help 400 people get hitched in a mass-ceremony.”
Wonder if she’s interested in cheating on herself.
Crazy friggin’ kiwis
…did you just call am Australian a kiwi? Your drop bear is in the post.
Too bad New Zealanders are a bunch of cocky a-holes descended from criminals and retarded monkeys.
No, the narcissist is a Kiwi. But there aren’t enough fools in her home country, so she bilks stupid Aussies for a living.
Psh, this is nothing new. I’ve been loving myself on a daily basis since I was 13.
“Island resort offers guests copious amounts of cocaine, free alcohol and ‘unlimited sex’ with prostitutes”
I see someone stole our libertarian theme park idea.
“Golden Girls” resort.
The self-described ‘ love priestess’ felt so inspired after her own self-marriage that she is now determined to help other people follow in her footsteps and become their own soul mate. Since, Ms Love has facilitated 41 self-nuptials in retreats costing up to £1,550 (AUD$2,600) – and she’s set to take the trend to America to help 400 people get hitched in a mass-ceremony.”
P T Barnum would be proud.
The move has already been done.
In the words of Mike Munger, if you have to pay someone to haul it away, it’s trash not a resource.
It’ll go where most of Connecticut’s ‘Recycling’ goes. Into a high-efficiency self-powered furnace.
Protesters disrupt planned speech by University of Oregon president; Schill leaves after students storm stage
I think the inmates should run the asylum.
They already are. It’s just the crazier inmates want to take over.
For the life of me, I can’t understand why these students aren’t suspended for the rest of the semester, at a minimum. There seem to be no adverse consequences whatsoever for this behavior. Why the fuck not?
UO officials were evaluating whether the protesters violated the university code of conduct
Took me about 3 minutes to conclude that teh answer is an unequivocal yes, and I have never even looked at their code of conduct before:
I’ll explain.
The purpose of the university is not to educate. It is to harvest federal tuition money, much like a fishing weir in a fast moving stream harvests the fish entrained within the waters.
If they were to expel those students,
1) They’d lose the money associated with those students.
2) Their allies in the education blob might limit the sweet government funding down the road.
It they make noises but keep the students enrolled,
1) The money they harvest on account of the students whose education would have been disrupted is unaffected
2) They don’t have to worry about the progressive education blob punishing them.
Technically the students are correct. Free Speech is a protection from government suppression of speech. This is a property rights issue. As in these students trespassed where they were not invited and committed aggression against university event.
That part they got right but not “Taking to the stage and using this platform was an act of free speech”. No it wasn’t.
Indeed. Just because you are speaking doesn’t mean you have exempted yourself from other laws and rules.
“I respectfully call upon this board to refrain from allocating even a penny of our $213 billion in investable assets to the benefit of wholesale or retail sellers of these banned weapons,” Mr. Chiang wrote. “Neither taxpayer funds nor the person contributions of any public school educator – such as the three California teachers slain in Las Vegas – should be invested in the purveyors of banned military-style assault weapons.”
If Mr. Chiang’s proposal gains momentum, it could influence other state pension funds. In a statement, Jack Ehnes, the chief executive of Calstrs, said he would review the proposal, and noted that three of his system’s members died in the Las Vegas attack — “teachers who dedicated their careers to the service of youth and whose lives were cut short by unspeakable violence.”
Don’t worry about generating returns for those funds. Don’t worry about actually doing your goddam job. Just climb up on the stack of bodies and wave the shirt.
I have a different solution. Shut down Calpers. Then they don’t have to invest in anything.
And Calstrs.
“Neither taxpayer funds nor the person contributions of any public school educator – such as the three California teachers slain in Las Vegas – should be invested in the purveyors of banned military-style assault weapons.”
A perfect illustration of why a bump stock ban won’t placate them. We shouldn’t give them shit without significant concessions like national carry reciprocity and relaxing suppressor restrictions.
We shouldn’t give them shit
without significant concessions like national carry reciprocity and relaxing suppressor restrictions.Giving them anything will embolden them. Don’t give them a thing, restore our trampled gun rights, and tell them to fuck off because this is a free country composed of free people not slaves and serfs.
That works for me too but I think the Reps and the pussy NRA are looking to hand over a ban with no strings attached which is just a terrible idea.
^^This. Tell them to fuck off. The bump stock attachment does not alter the weapon. It is a gimick attachment that is legal and should remain legal. If they ban that, they will not stop. Semi auto will be banned next. Tell them to fuck off. period.
The largest mass murder in American history was accomplished using airplanes. What was it that altered those planes into WMD’s? It was the beliefs of the men who took them over. It was a religion. Banning bump stocks makes as much sense as banning Islam imho.
OUR? OUR?????
Some of the protesters held two large signs, saying “CEO Schill” and “Take Back Our Campus.”
I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works. It’s not “your” campus. You are the paying customer of a business enterprise which (ostensibly) provides a useful and valuable service, for a fee. You don’t “own” shit. Unhappy with the quality of the service? Go find another provider, you fucking retards.
Maybe don’t board a submarine self-built by some guy, I guess.
Fuck, that’s gruesome.
this is actual footage from the party last night
So you were seeing double in such a state that the alcohol induced time space continuum was altered and the anomaly was caught on film. Nice work. Or was Bacon Magic using SP’s vibrator as a wand that caused your friend to be duplicated?
Wasn’t present for the Over the Rainbow at OMWC’s
partyorgy, so my favorite version.Every time i hear the original, I think about Liza Minnelli talking on TCM about how most people just hear Judy Garland but for her, it’s her mother singing. Cheesy I know, but it’s stuck with me.
That version was ruined for me. I’ve heard it at too many funerals.
Not everybody likes Judy Garland’s singing.
You know who else became a leader in a foreign land and killed a bunch of hook nosed people?
Surprise! Amerikkka is a hotbed of racist discrimination.
These troubling results were documented in the paper, “Racial Discrimination in Local Public Services: A Field Experiment in the US,” by Corrado Giulietti of the University of Southampton in Britain, Mirco Tonin of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in Italy, and Michael Vlassopoulos, also of the University of Southampton. The study is to be published in the Journal of the European Economic Association.
The findings appeared to be a striking indication of racial discrimination in seemingly benign and mundane interactions. The tendency to ignore emails sent by African-Americans was particularly pronounced in sheriffs’ offices, but it was also evident in school districts and libraries.
In a clever twist, the authors analyzed whether the replies were polite, counting responses that included either the sender’s name or words like “hi,” “Mr.,” “dear,” “good” (which captures “good morning,” “good afternoon” and “have a good day”) or “thank” (which captures both “thanks” and “thank you”). By this measure, those with apparently African-American names received 8 percent fewer polite responses than those with white names.
Nuke it from space. It’s the only way to be sure.
When will the Brits learn? Stop giving car keys to the Amish!
Eventually i ask how old they are. Turns out the cute one is SIXTEEN and the other is FIFTEEN.
GODDAMMIT i feel creepy. Totally would. Ugh.
Take ’em both back to the room and do them repeatedly, with the William Tell Overture for background music.
HORRORSHOW, my malchiki.
I don’t understand how it’s the employer’s sacred duty to directly subsidize an employee’s birth control (or retirement, or health insurance, or whatever). Where did this idea come from? What facts of the universe did they use to deduce that?
Sure, I agree that a woman has the *right* to obtain birth control, but that’s no reason to wrap up the employer in that process. After all, I have a right to own firearms, but that doesn’t mean my employer has to have some kind of convoluted program where they give me a special card to present at the gun store that will give me a discount on gun and ammo purchases. And it certainly doesn’t mean they’re “taking away my rights” if they don’t have such a program.
I’d like to know why the entire contents of the medicine aisle in my local drug store isn’t “free”. Why do I have to pay for aspirin or toothpaste…?
Those are unisex, and you’re a man. Think of being compelled to pay for these products for others as reparations for being a patriarchal shitlord. A sort of modern chivalry.
Shit, I just realized how transphobic that is. Men can have uteruses too!
After all, everyone has a right to a healthy diet.
Prog rolls eyes: “Now you’re being deliberately silly!”
Am I now?
From pretty much removing the rights of smokes to outright calling for the repealing of the 2A and increasing calls to water down the 1A, are people that daft so as to believe the end game here?
It’s like slowly drawing a blanket over someone’s entire body.
There you go again, assuming they have principles.
Silly man. In today’s newspeak “I have a right to” means “gimme”
“Where did this idea come from?”
The commies, of course.
Does free shit need a deeper reason for being? It’s free shit. They want their employers to give them more. They want this, their employers can be forced to give it to them, so why not go for it? It’s self-centered, short-sighted, and morally repugnant, but that’s the way all free shit works.
It’s aggravating. They think employers are just an infinite wellspring of cash from which they can fund whatever extravagant program they want.
They seem to think that once you legally form a business and hire employees, you no longer have any property or association rights. You know that Chuck Norris joke that says, “there is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures that Chuck Norris has allowed to live“? That’s like the “progressive” view of businesses – there are no rights for business owners, just a short list of privileges that the government allows you to enjoy (for the time being).
But in reality, every employee is running a business in a way – they’re selling labor. In an economic sense, there’s no difference between selling your labor and selling tomatoes, computers, or houses. It’s just that the government has created this arbitrary rule that the terms of labor-buyers and labor-sellers are somehow in their control.
I believe the man in the grey suit to the left is playing “Judas” in this rendition
h/t iowahawk
Fucking Costco.
As an Arkansan, shouldn’t she be hawking her book at Sam’s Club?
*recoils in horror*
Oh jeez… That’s fucking hilarious.
If she were coming to the CostCo near me, I would buy a fucking membership just so I could point and laugh at her while wearing a MAGA hat.
The joke, in the event it wasn’t obvious enough
I prefer this version.
Apropos of nothing, I’m trying Knob Creek Rye for the 1st time. It’s a bit harsh when taken neat (my preferred whiskey method) but when a double shot is dumped into a 12oz. Stop & Shop Black Cherry Artisanal Soda, it is yummy. Even better when a scoop of Cherry-Lime Riickey Sorbet is floated on top.
*recoils in horror*
I’m being extra decadent by adding a dash of almond extract. Does that make it better?
I prefer whisky on the rocks. I know some people drink it neat, but I’ve never really cared for that. Last night I was putting the wifey’s Baileys in my Scotch blend and it’s really good like that. Damnit, it’s too early for drankin.
Good choice.
Rye whiskey is my favorite liquor, especially for cocktails like Manhattans and Boulevardiers.
This stuff is fucking amazing (if you ever feel like spending $50 on a fifth).
Why is it August outside?? Fuck you algore.
It’s perfect. I’m taking my kids for a swim if they behave. In other words, never.
I have nothing pithy of my own to add.
We warned you deniers about this.
When I was a kid they called this Indian summer. There was also about 30 different types of winter after winter was over. Blackberry winter, raspberry winter, fucking fuckberry winter.
Seriously. Sick of it.
Closing those “loopholes”, aka whatever wasn’t banned in the previously gun control law until ownership is completely forbidden.
A little tidbit of why Brian Boquist (R-Gun Grabber) was pushing his gun confiscation on anyone’s say so legislation
My stepson killed himself, I sympathize his loss. But to use his position as a legislator to push a personal agenda to because he feels guilty is despicable. Boquist can rot in hell with his demons. The truth of the matter is you can’t keep anyone from killing themselves if they’re determined to do so.
Yep. It’s disingenuous to count suicides in “gun violence” statistics. Violence is something you do to someone else, not yourself.
I’m sure those totals also include justifiable self-defense shootings by police, homeowners, and CCW holders.
Remember when Bloomberg’s anti-gun campaign was symbolically reading names of people killed by firearms and they read off the name of one of the Boston Bombers?
Nuh-uh! Japan has basically no civilian gun ownership, and their suicide rate is probably really low. I haven’t checked, I’m sure it’s virtually nil.
According to Wiki, Japan is #26. USA is #48.
But you knew that.
allows the purchase of a firearm if the background check takes too long to complete
The alternative (there is no limit on how long the government can take before giving permission for sale of a firearm) is too easily made into a de facto ban on sales of firearms.
Of course, needing any government permission to do something is a textbook infringement on the right to do that thing, but we left plain English behind long ago when it comes to applying the Constitution.
I have had many background checks. They never took longer than 5 minutes.
There aren’t any goddamned loopholes. Fucking gun grabbers lie like I draw breath.
There aren’t any goddamned loopholes.
Sure are… Only one of my [many more than one] guns required a background check.
I’m trying to concoct an analogy for the urge of gungrabbers to take away the guns of people who have never harmed anyone, based on the acts of some random gun owning asshole. Can we take away the right to vote from Democrats based on the repeated and demonstrable harm they have done to the residents of places like Detroit?
I’m trying to concoct an analogy for the urge of gungrabbers to take away the guns of people who have never harmed anyone, based on the acts of some random gun owning asshole.
Should we take cars away from people who have never harmed anyone, because some people get into accidents while driving drunk?
When I hear lefties say that a national gun registry would reduce crime without affecting the rights of lawful gun owners, I always say:
“Sure, that’s reasonable! And while we’re at it, we should have a Muslim registry as well. It would help us to identify those who are at risk for being radicalized. And it wouldn’t affect the rights of non-exploding Muslims at all because it doesn’t actually stop them from going to the mosque or reading the Koran; it just requires them to always inform the local authorities of their whereabouts and activities. This is just a reasonable, common-sense policy.”
They usually fly off the handle. One time, the response I got was “but that’s discriminatory and Nazi-like”. I pointed out that the Nazis had gun control as well.
Having trouble keeping up today.
Back at PieInTheSky re; golf. I asked because sport shooting and golf are very similar. It is about competing against yourself, always trying to improve. It’s about discipline and precision. Plus, it’s a lot of fun. I expect if you do manage to get your hands on the right gun you will be addicted inside of a minute.
Once upon a time I burned up 50,000 + rounds a year in practice. I lived to shoot. With a pistol I could toss a 1x1x1 inch block of wood in the air, draw and hit it every single time. More than a few times the target wouldn’t get knocked too far out and I hit it a second time. Golf balls are fun too. Clay pidgins also make good fun.
Sadly I dont have anyone to shoot with anymore so I rarely do and my skills have deteriorated but it sure was fun.
My latest project is to give my brother a Marlin ’94 in .218 Bee. He gets the whole setup, a 55grain bullet mold, bullet sizing die, reloading dies, a few hundred jacketed bullets, 500 pieces of brass already loaded up, a couple of pounds of powder and 1000 primers. We are going to scope the rifle and set it then sit on a stand over some corn the local wild hogs have been visiting. I expect to spend next weekend making sausage. We might drink a bit too.
Dang. I wish I Suthen was my brother.
I was intending to go this weekend but my dog sitters crapped out on me. Now the plan is for next weekend.
I have had that Marlin rifle for 25 years and I have probably shot it less than a dozen times. I figure it will be happier in my brother’s company instead of just taking up space in my safe. It is perfect for what he wants it for. Headshots on hogs. Very smooth action but I think the trigger could use a little polish.
218 Bee is a pretty snappy round. 40 grains at 2850fps.
How did the NRA go off the rails? Whose fault was it?
To get a sense of how we got here, let’s take a look back at the NRA’s evolution through 40 years of advertising.
In 1977, a group of conservative libertarians, led by Harlon Carter, took over the leadership of the NRA, and began publicizing the threat to gun rights by focusing on hunters. They favored an interpretation of the Second Amendment that emphasized individual, not just militia, rights to bear arms. It’s a view that well-known conservative, former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger called “one of the greatest pieces of fraud—I repeat the word ‘fraud’—on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime,” in a 1991 interview.
Those darn libertarians, always spouting a bunch of nonsense about “individual rights” and slandering honest, hard working government functionaries. They duped the country into expanding the interpretation of the Second Amendment to say it applied to individual citizens, and not just the Army and Navy. What we really need to do is ban libertarians.
I get a big kick out of this idea that the 2A applies to the National Guard or some other kind of government military force… Because apparently, the purpose of writing constitutions is to give the government rights that every government implicitly possesses already.
George Mason, the author of the second amendment was very clear on the meaning of ‘militia’. By militia he meant every person capable of bearing arms and he was very explicit about it.
Warren Burger and his ilk are liars, plain and simple. Fraudsters.
“I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”
-George Mason
Co-author of the Second Amendment
And my favorite: “Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not.”
-Thomas Jefferson
Those wacky fascist libertarians, always thinking that the bill of rights applies to individuals.
webdominatrix was a bit tied up
Don’t dominatrices do the tying?
Because apparently, the purpose of writing constitutions is to give the government rights that every government implicitly possesses already.
Don’t you see? The Constitution exists to protect the government from its subjects.
In light of London’s ban of Uber, this is particularly ironic:
Bonus points for using a Prius. One more note:
His motive, I am sure, will forever remain a mystery.
His motive, I am sure, will forever remain a mystery.
“Look at those assholes, ordinary fucking people. I hate ’em. “