SP and I are a bit damaged from the party we had here last night. And one of the highlights was a buddy of mine grabbing a saw and a violin bow, then playing “Over The Rainbow” to the crowd. Swiss Servator discovered alcoholic beverages labeled Southern Tier, bacon magic got fried, webdominatrix was a bit tied up, SP showed everyone her Ninja Go vibrator, and magically, I was able to find my pants this morning despite the kids trying to hide them and make an escape. It is the sheer triumph of will that allows me to do these links, because my head hurts and won’t someone answer the goddam phone?

On to the news.

There is of course the fabricated outrage over an announcement that a purely symbolic change in the Obamacare mandates might result in Sandra Fluke having to buy her own condoms. Which is silly on two levels, the first being that the change affects almost no-one, the second being that her personality should be sufficient. And in related news, this kind of thing is why I tore up my ACLU card some years ago.

Admit it, who among us hasn’t had this happen?

There but for the grace of Yahweh goes me.

Fabulously stupid idea, which was a transparent money grab couched in insufferable moral excuses, will be ended.

While Preckwinkle (the tax’s creator and paid off goon advocate) did not have a comment Friday, in her budget address she warned commissioners of 11 percent across-the-board cuts if they chose to repeal the tax.

“Those sort of reductions could substantially impact the services provided by the public defender’s office and the state’s attorney,” Preckwinkle said Thursday.

“That is bologna, quite frankly. There are a lot of ways we could cut,” Cook County Commissioner Sean Morrison countered.

Dork vs. Dweeb Wars continue. Money quote:

The statement claims free speech has been “used as a dog whistle for the protection of white supremacist violence in the University of California system and elsewhere.”

You don’t think this could be a publicity stunt? Nah, that would be cynical.

I may have to reconsider my general dislike for fast food.

And in case you think I was joking about the saw, this is actual footage from the party last night: