I just wanted to hang up a post for people to catch up on hurricane/storm related things – need any help, offer any help, etc.
Also, I just wanted to put a couple of links in on Catalonia – following the post I had written last week.
- Some people don’t want to leave Spain.
- Catalan government wants to be able to scram in 48 hours.
And, of course, bat anything around you want until Zardoz or STEVE SMITH come around later with the links.
Catalan is a weird damn language. Too many Xs, too close to Provencal.
There are next to each other after all.
And don’t get me started with L·L.
Some people don’t want to leave Spain.
Hmm… the article includes a picture of protesters in Barcelona holding up signs in English.
Lingua franca media
So even if it’s direct Democracy over there, since they only have a plurality, shouldn’t it be a No vote?
New trek episode tonight. Is the lack of Roddenberry’s utopian communist atheist free love vegetarian nudist love instructor subterranean hyper evolved where everyone accepts death and everyone agrees on everything a bad thing?
I was just hoping to see Michelle Yeoh nekkid, but then I saw that she has not aged well .
Raimondo has been talking quite a bit about Catalonia but not Kurdistan. Gee I wonder why?
So what are the chances Spain sends the army in?
Ah the EU. Does anyone have the view that the EU just needs libertarian top men running it like most pro-EU libertarians?
There are pro-UN libs?
Catalan is a weird damn language.
No. That is Castilian Spanish.
Why do they call it a lisp when if you have one, you can’t say so?
iths noth a lishp, i bet mah terngh
(speak ‘(your phrase goes here))
A recent academic journal article warns that “diversity educators” often suffer from “burnout and compassion fatigue” due to “the emotional weight” of their jobs, particularly at “predominantly white institutions.”
The authors suggest that administrators “publicly and symbolically recognize the work of diversity educators,” for instance by raising their pay to a level “commensurate to this position.”
[spit take]
Fire the lot of them, and they won’t have to go through burnout and “compassion fatigue”.
Yeah. If I were running a school, the pay commensurate to the benefit they provide would be $0.
“You owe us $13,008….for putting up with your nonsense.”
Penn and Teller’s Bullshit had a good episode which showed how diversity folks bilk companies.
And in the sane world, not a single fuck was given.
Wow. This is shameless even by my standards.
So, some country in Europe barely half the size of Texas is having a place the size of a couple of US counties break away? Amusing.
Tempest in a teapot.
For more perspective I remember reading that the NYC police department is bigger than the Army of France. Spain, even more so.
i think that’s unlikely. NYPD is about 40-50,000 last i checked. French army ~ 120K, spanish, 75 or something like that.
*still an absurdly large PD, no question. Ive long argued the reason for stop-n-frisk was more to do with justifying their existence than any actual crime-prevention theories.
Ah, well I read that 30 years ago. Things change, as does ones memory.
Damn.the NYPD would be a pretty large city by themselves.
its a city of ~8million residents, with a daily working population (i.e. plus commuters) of around 10m
in terms of “police per capita”, its much higher than the national average (about 2x)…
…but its still lower than DC, and a few other high-crime cities.
Given the massive drop in crime in the 1990s/early 2009s (NY is the lowest crime rate of all large cities in the US), they probably should have fired about 30% of the cops between 2000 and now. Which is why i argue the whole stop-n-frisk thing emerged under Bloomberg. He managed to fire about 10% of the police, but they used their new ‘aggressive policing’ to gin up growing stats for gun confiscation and drug arrests, etc., which they would have used against they mayor if he tried cutting more.
“early 2000s”
You do have to at least consider that the very aggressive policing they engaged in had something to do with the drop in crime rates.
Stop and frisk came into being in the early 2000s. It didn’t really achieve any significant numbers until the mid-late 2000s (2005-2009)
That was after the crime rate had already dropped.
The fact that crime continued to drop (by fairly low single-digit percentages) can hardly be attributed to a policing tactic which increased 700%.
The “aggressive policing” of the bloomberg era was mostly a response to the threat to their jobs: not something that produced lower crime rates.
interestingly, there was a similar argument to be made about the early 1990s (1993-1996 or so)
Crime was plummeting double-digits per year. but the ‘new tactics’ that police were employing (“Broken Windows”/Data-centric policing) were mostly being implemented only in the latter half of that trend.
I think there is a far more compelling case that policing tactics in the 1990s did help accelerate and solidify a trend… but that the ‘underlying reasons’ for the crime drop itself really had very little to do with ‘policing’ – crime was simply dropping for other reasons, and the police capitalized on it
Well, I’ll admit that I don’t know why violent crime dropped so dramatically in NYC s. I’m old enough to recall NYC being a very dangerous place (it was) and young enough to have lived there in its heyday, when it was a very safe city.
You cite the stop and frisk policies of the Bloomberg era, and I’d agree that it’s hard to justify them, and hard to see a bump in crime statistics based on them. That said, the giuliani-era crackdown correltaes very well wth the decline in NYC crime. Did it cause it? I don’t know, for sure. What I do know is that NYC became much more livable in its aftermath.
no it doesn’t
they didn’t really even start to implement bratton’s “broken windows” policies until 1995-1998. The the fastest declines in crime were already underway in 1993-1995… just as G. was taking office.
People (e.g. like Steven Levitt and his ‘abortion’ theory) have repeatedly gone back and looked at those huge drops in 1993-1995, and tried to explain what precipitated that huge fall in crime…. and all of them showed that the changes were a) consistent with patterns all over the country where no “broken windows” ideas were ever adopted, and that b) the places where crime dropped the most were places where these policies were never even addressed, at least not in those early years
Many people have tried correlating lots of different things to why NYC in particular dropped more than the rest of the country, but few have ever shown that the actual policing tactics were anywhere nearly as significant as economic developments or changing community trends (the end of the crack-era)
here’s an example of a study looking at the policing in that period
in short: police tactics in all cases either chased the trend, or in later cases like stop-n-frisk, had absolutely nothing to do with it.
here’s an example of a study looking at the policing in that period
Thanks. Bookmarked for future reading. I brought this up last night but I don’t know what the real truth is there about stop and frisk. I just know what I hear, and we all know much of that is agenda driven.
That there was an initial drop that preceded the Guliani-era policing reforms does not mean that those reforms were not, to some degree, responsible for subsequent drops in the violent crime rate in NYC (which was, indeed. a much more dramatic drop than the drop seen in general in the US at that time.)
I’m not claiming that they were, btw… I don’t think anyone can really know why NYC crime rates dropped so dramatically. I wish we could know, because there are a lot of American cities that would benefit from a similar drop.
That said, I think you are too sure of some of your assertions. The drop in violent crime in NYC might have started before the Giuliani policies were put into effect, but much of that drop occurred after Giuliani’s policies were in effect. I won’t claim that I know those policies were responsible for that (and, indeed, I think that if they were they were only peripherally so- I am inclined to think that an indefinable shift in the culture of the city was most responsible, but that’s not very satisfying..) That said, I do think that the Giuliani-er refms might have had some effect- it’s hard to show that one way or the other though;
Sounds like there are far too many police in NYC then.
Its been a thing for a while
Sam Huntington says see I knew I was right
An expensive St. Louis kindergarten-through-grade 8 school is making sure its students are aware of race from the moment their enrolled until they time the graduate.
Thanks to the “Witnessing Whiteness” program, the $17,500 per year College School actually starts the racial consciousness in pre-kindergarten, with teachers pointing out to students, for example, how “few specific shades [of crayons], ranging from beige to brown” can be used as “the skin colors of figures in their drawings.”
“I think they saw participating in this as the first step in understanding and unpacking some of their own biases about race,” Flewellen said.
“As a person of color, it gets exhausting at times trying to help folks who are well-intentioned.” …
Flewellen said it is also important for white students to learn about race from an early age so they are able to think critically about inequality in the world around them.
“In order for us to dismantle racism, white folks have to change,” Flewellen said.
[head desk]
Having a raging racist POS indoctrinate racism in children is the only way to dismantle racism. They have become the overt racists from yore that they warn everyone about so much. How long until this morphs into calls for Jim Crow like laws or outright genocide?
In the end this is not going to go well for them.
Yep- a program that tells white kids “Those aren’t white kids but you are” is clearly a good idea.
the moment their enrolled until they time the graduate
WTF. Do they not employ editors?
No. That is Castilian Spanish.
A recent academic journal article warns that “diversity educators” often suffer from “burnout and compassion fatigue” due to “the emotional weight” of their jobs, particularly at “predominantly white institutions.”
All I hear is Cartman, saying, “How do I reach these keeeds?”
The authors suggest that administrators “publicly and symbolically recognize the work of diversity educators,” for instance by raising their pay to a level “commensurate to this position.”
As Ted suggests, we should free them from the onerous burden of this thankless task.
“Go forth, and serve a grateful people fries.”
That is what is going to happen eventually. The Academic bubble cant grow forever.
“Go forth, and serve a grateful people fries.”
Sorry, the Fight For 15 people got here first….we have robots now.
A Church of England court Tuesday backed a vicar’s ban on the use of warmhearted words such as ‘dad’ and ‘grandad’ on family gravestones because they were inappropriate. The ecclesiastic Consistory Court ruled that such familiar terms were simply not necessary when trying to express customary feelings and affections. The decision followed a family’s bid to use the words ‘dad’ and ‘grandad’ on the gravestone of Frederick Brown who died in December 1992, aged 83. Brown was buried at the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Freckleton in northwest England. He has no tombstone, just a bouquet of fresh flowers which are placed above his grave each week. On receiving the court’s written findings Tuesday the Brown family told reporters they were now considering exhuming his coffin and burying it at a church that allowed a gravestone bearing the words they wanted. ‘We never called him father and we never called him grandfather, and he never liked those terms himself,’ said Wendy Brown, who is married to Frederick’s son. Wordings on Church of England gravestones are at the discretion of 43 regional dioceses around the country. For the past three years Holy Trinity’s Rev. Stephen Brian has maintained a policy that bans words such as those wanted by the Brown family.
[face palm]
Huh. Sounds like the Rev. and the deceased share a common dislike of certain words. What’s the problem again?
He is telling you what words you are allowed to use to express your feelings and emotions. He is in a better position to decide what words are necessary.
By office tour, mean rape
The revolution eatting it’s own already. Something tells me he ain’t the only one.
And what about the pedo ring rumors?
Adult women?!? FLIRTING WITH POWERFUL OLDER MEN!??! (crowd of gasps) And a movie producer no less! traditionally respected as defenders of women’s virtues.
The testimony of an anonymous co-worker? Why, you might as well have 3D footage of him sodomizing them atop a pile of money.
Like media obession with trump’s “Ketchup on well done steak”, food-habits are an excellent color-device to help communicate the moral depravity of a subject.
“while i offer no proof of my assertion he regularly groped people, i can testify with certainty that he *once bumped into me*”
While I fucking hate the Weinsteins and their ilk with a passion….
…the “news” media are a form of scum even lower than they are. This is how “modern journalism” works. Its all fucking rhetorical flourish and bullshit innuendo.
It does seem like he crossed some lines. I mean, it’s not like I never banged an assistant or two, but… I never trapped anyone in a hallway and masturbated in front of them. I leave that kind of bullshit to my gay friends.
“but… I never trapped anyone”
my point is that the above NY post story literally substantiates nothing. Its “he ate like a slob, and he hung out with chicks ‘too young’ for him” (according to young waitress). If she claimed he whipped out his cock and demanded she put whipped cream on it, it would be something else. But that’s just some bullshit innuendo and media-piling-on.
Yes, but at least they are eschewing their hypocrisy for once and treating everyone like equal shit.
I don’t like baseless-character-assassination, even when the person in question is a guaranteed scumbag.
if you’re going to write hit pieces, have some facts that aren’t just some “some chick says her coworkers heard”-etc.
Yeah, at least provide some backup tweets and/or FB posts.
Don’t get me wrong- I’m all in favor of pudgy old guys pressuring hot young women into sex. I just think we shouldn’t mess with a good thing. You fucked it all up Harvey… I’m going to have to treat my female colleagues with more respect than they deserve for _years_ over this, and forego a lot of blowjobs. Maybe letting the Jews run Hollywood was a mistake…
Consider their target audience. Have you ever read the comments at HuffPo? NYT? WaPo? All they are doing is puking up bias confirmation for imbeciles too dumb to figure out how to eat their own boogers.
If that even fucking happened. We should remain skeptical.
If it were one mildly attractive Fox News anchor telling this story I’d be skeptical. Given all the other stories coming out though… gonna go with believe.
Dear Harvey Weinstein,
This is why we despise the media. But you’ll never get it.
A council in England declined a grandfather’s request to have a line from a poem he wrote etched on his grave stone, claiming it contained “inappropriate language.”
Maurice Brown, 84, asked his grandson, Lewis Ryan to include the phrase “The little bugger did his best” on his gravestone, but when the 20-year-old sent the plans for etching his request was denied.
“My grandfather was always joking, he never took anything seriously. He even joked about the amount of time he had left to live,” Ryan said. “He was also an avid poem writer and was really proud of where he was from. He told me before he died he wanted this epitaph. It was his dying wish.”
Erewash Borough Council in Derbyshire declined Ryan’s request to engrave the poem stating that the word “bugger” wasn’t “acceptable for a public ceremony.”
[head desk]
The Brits do regard “bugger” a bit more harshly than over here…
The council can bugger right off then.

Nuuuuuuuu! Curse you autocorrect! Curse you to oblivion!
Yeah, well, the truth hurts.
The fuckery involved here is epic.It’s not like he wanted a swastika on his tombstone (and even if he had, who the fuck are you to tell him no.) I must tell you, sir, that your horse is gay. And if I can’t tell you that, pretty soon I won’t be able to tell you anything.
Homosexual equines are no laughing matter. Especially when suddenly have an urge to be the rider…
Either my eyes aren’t working right or my brain is; saw the start of that last paragraph as “Eyewash Borough Council”.
I listened to this on my hone from work the other day. It’s pretty good of you want to know what’s going on in catalonia.
I listened to this on my hone
So you were sharpening your mind?
should have said, way home. However, the phone typing is difficult at times and yes, I was sharpening my mind.
I have had a Boston butt on the smoker since about 8am. I just pulled it off. Looks perfect. My wife made cole slaw. I hAve some onions cut up.. I made my own vinegar bbq sauce. We have been drinking since about 1 oclock.
My wife and I rarely get a weekend off together. This is a good day.
My mate was tied up with one of your puny mammal pre-mating contract rituals. I was charged with ‘hanging out’ with another equally ‘abandoned’ male. I took him to the range, and then we got burgers and beer. It was a most agreeable afternoon.
Glad to hear Lachowsky. Wife and I did that yesterday. I never got rolling drunk but I kept a buzz for 12 hours. Yesterday was great. The thought of alcohol today makes me want to retch. Today we spent laying around looking woefully at each other and repeating over and over “I feel like shit.” “Me too”.
That’s all we are doing. I have drank 7 beer since 1. I have a nice buzz and plan to maintain it til bed time. It’s about 75 degrees outside. The house is clean. The yard is mowed. Days like this make life worth living.
You’re killing me
The pig that provided this lovely meal was raised and slaughtered by Mr. Lachowsky himself. That makes the pork twice as good.
That’s whats left of him. It’s amazing how quick you can eat a whole pig. I killed him about 2 months ago. At the rate we have been him, he will be all gone by spring.
Fla Vor Ice and vodka for dessert?
I have a 5 year old. You can buy a box of 500 freezypops for about 6 bucks at walmart. don’t judge me
Yeah, I wish I had some of that right now.
Ok, you’re go to need a gallon ziploc bag, an insulated box, about 6 pounds of dry ice, and a next day FedEx shipping label..
it’s on the way. Don’t worry about eating anything until it gets there.
That does sound good.
I love me some feral hog.
I can’t believe the market doesn’t make them more available.
Maybe Big Hog is keeping the lid on feral hog sales.
Let’s argue about what kind of sauce should go on that.
I vote citrus mustard.
So, the better I get at smoking meats, the more minimalist I get at making sauces.
what’s I made for that meat is a very basic vinegar sauce. It’s a cup of apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of catsup, a little cayenne pepper powder, some red pepper flakes, and a little bit of brown sugar. It’s a light sauce that can be applied conservatively. The flavor of the meat, rub, and smoke are what makes good pulled pork. IMHO, if you are using a stong sauce, then you didn’t do a good job smoking your meat.
I have a rub I make that I have been drinking too much today to go into great detail about. I put that rub on the meat the night before. The meat is then placed in the smoker and a temp of 220 is maintained for about 4 hours. I used pear wood for this particular smoke. After a out 4 hours, I remove the meat from the smoker and wrap it in foil. The meat is then placed in the oven at 275 until the internal temp reaches 190. it is perfect then.
Nice work.
I have 2 smokers, but I’m not very good yet.
I’ve had great results with prime rib, tri tip, and ribs, but I haven’t yet conquered brisket or pulled pork.
There is a ton of information available on the net about how to smoke meat properly.
A steady temperature is a must and is the trickiest thing to get right. It takes practice. I ruined a lot of meat before I got to where I could make a good meal. It’s time consuming and can be frustrating, but a good piece of smoked meat is always a crowd pleaser and is very satisfying.
I bought a pork butt today that I plan to do in (gasp) crock pot. Poke holes, stick in garlic cloves, rub with sea salt and ignore for about 8-12 hours. Doesn’t hold a candle to a good smoke, but creates a great base for multiple recipes.
Many years ago I did a brisket in a crockpot. I mixed together generic onion soup mix ano brown mustard. I coated the brisket with this mixture. I then put it in the crockpot for the rest of the day. It turned out pretty good. It wasn’t good like a smoker and a good dry rub good, but good nonetheless.
I plan to use the meat as is, in soup, and in tacos, so I kept the preparation really simple.
Proof that Generation Z are more conservative than Millenials
That is awesome. This young hatchling has a promising career as an enforcer.
I laughed way to hard at that. I’m going to pretend it really happened.
I don’t approve of chucking folks out of helicopters but I admire the enthusiasm.
I see the teacher wants to see that hatchling after class. I’d pay the kid 100 bucks if they ask the teacher “Why? Do you want a free helicopter ride?”
A friend of mine that lived through the Pinochet era said that a year after rounding up all the pinkos and sinking them on ships and tossing them out of choppers, of lining them up for target practice etc….only a year later you couldn’t tell any difference. They were all back. There are endless replacements.
I like the detail he put into the communist swine.
The “See me after class please” and “F” look like the same handwriting as the “Pinochet” and the rest of it. Or, at least, it also looks like a child’s handwriting. I’m gonna say this is fake. Still funny.
I agree but I am pretending it isnt.
Unwoke eight-year-old.
This is how “modern journalism” works. Its all fucking rhetorical flourish and bullshit innuendo.
To a certain degree, I blame Hunter S Thompson. However, if you read his stuff from the National Observer and other early freelance work, HST was a for-real serious journalist. Now you have dipshits like Matt Taibbi who just strings a bunch of “well crafted” insults together and calls it good, because Donald J Trump’s monstrousness is self-evident and requires no factual corroboration whatsoever.
I wouldn’t shit on Thompson too much for it, at least he was actually good at gonzo and still fundamentally had a source of truth to his position (his rants about Clinton in the 90s, for example, are pretty spot on). What’s actually killed modern journalism is the internet and the clickbait nature of it, which has created an economic environment where journalists are more focused on crafting self-affirming hugboxes for their customer base than anything else.
I think the issue with the Internet isn’t the clickbait part of it, but the ease by which they can tell each other how awesome they are doing. They email each other about how brave they are by writing an article that attacks a Republican indirectly and praises a fellow liberal the same way. They email each other and talk about what is really important and so decide what stories to cover or to emphasize. Plus they are all trying for their Watergate story.
I’ve spent a bunch of time in Spain. In most places (Andalusia, Valencia, Madrid, Rioja, la Mancha, Basque region), people are friendly enough and tolerant of foreigners who are trying (however poorly) to fit in. Catalunya, not so much. Remind me of Québécois.
I spent a couple months in Catalunya (and only there). Can’t compare to the rest of Spain but I didn’t notice anything off. It was the 80s FWIW.
Could be different times. I just got the distinct impression that tourists / foreigners were a nuisance at best. Of course, could be that we were speaking remedial Spanish and had no concept of Catalan. Our that wife, when she ran out of Spanish words, reverted to high school French (?!).
I have always been empathetic for furriers that visit here and have poor to no understanding of English. I have always tried to treat them with great hospitality. I dont understand language snobs that sneer at people who dont speak their language.
Yeah, and that’s where I draw the comparison to Quebec. I don’t speak perfect juoal, but FFS I’m doing my best. You frogs don’t need to shit all over me.
Cultural insecurity. Remember, Quebecois are rednecks even to other French people.
Especially to other French people. I remember standing in line behind a Parisian couple in Quebec, and having to essentially translate for them, despite the fact that my French is limited. They were like- great, someone civilized. Dunno though- I have yet to meet a lot of French-speaking people who weren’t utter snobs. Which is pretty funny when it comes to southern Quebecers,….
So you were sharpening your mind?
*boos, throws popcorn*
I have always been empathetic for furriers that visit here and have poor to no understanding of English.
You still hold out for top dollar on the beaver pelts, though, don’t you?
Goddamned spell check. I am gonna rename it ‘John check’.
No empathy for furries!
Alright Glib biatches, drinking some Prost Oktoberfest. That’s all.
Daughter had soccer at 8:30am. Since then, wife and I enjoying unseasonably warm Michigan weather with cider, rum, and now a growler of Dr. Thrillride. Good Sunday.
Now that is recycling.
TW. Don’t read if eating dinner.
Im thinking everyone needs to start out their posts with “As a white straight male in a bumpkin state” or “As a blackwoman living in kuckistan” or whatever fits. That way we know who’s opinions to take seriously on a given topic. Thanks in advance
To be sure
As a computer-generated simulacrum of what NYT opinion editors believe a white female evironmentally and socially conscious liberal woman in a western state might be programmed to say, this is my contribution to the gun control debate:
By the time my boys are hunters, I hope there are more sensible gun laws, such as those that close loopholes on background check requirements, restore funding for research on gun violence and regulate modified semiautomatic guns just as strongly as we do the automatic guns they are altered to mimic. I also hope my sons take a broad view of what it means to be a responsible gun owner. Responsible ownership is about more than safe storage and careful handling of one’s own firearms — it’s also about making sure that as a society we have effective laws to keep guns out of unsafe hands.
Gun owners already embrace the idea of personal responsibility, whether by hunting wild meat to put food on the table or keeping our homes safe. Now we need to take responsibility to help stop gun violence, too.
As long as it doesn’t really interfere with what I do, you can bring the hammer down as hard as you like on those deplorable wackos over there.
I’m kind of amazed that Francis Fukuyama isn’t laughed at in the street regularly/has eggs and rotten produce thrown at him.
Is he the one that said something to the effect of it being “the end of history” when the Berlin wall fell?
If he’s the one I’m thinking of, I’m shocked that hasn’t been happening for the last 30 years.
Yep, he’s the End of History guy, the one who argued that modern liberal democracy and free market capitalism would simply grow and overwhelm the world and represent the last stage of human development. I knew people in university who made fun of him, but I’m shocked that he hasn’t been completely discredited.
10 year old girl hospitalized after anti-semitic beating by classmates in Paris suburb
There are Jews left in France?
… But what their motives were, we may never know.
Obviously just anti-Zionism, which is not anti-Semitism.
I wouldn’t shit on Thompson too much for it, at least he was actually good at gonzo
I’m not shitting on Thompson. Not at all. I’m shitting on the Columbia J-school halfwits who read The Great Shark Hunt and say, “I’m going straight into writing stuff like that when I get out of here. Fuck sitting through city council meetings and interviewing high school football coaches.”
i understood your point. I don’t know if i’d blame T. in particular, because he was basically only read by our (‘gen x’) generation. Lazy millenial journalism i think is more a factor of the internet, which has basically decimated the news media and forced them to write feels-based Tabloid stories to try and stay afloat.
This. Millennials don’t read Thompson, they read each other and just constantly reaffirm their hackneyed emotional rhetoric.
I am dumb today. I just realized who Thompson is. I am not a fan.
Suthenboy confirmed as not a Player.
All they want are a few reasonable restrictions.
Gregory salem,MA 5 hours ago
Look to the Swiss and the Finns for examples of societies that have broad civilian ownership of weapons and low murder rates. A Federal Firearms permit should be required to own and buy long-guns, hand-guns and ammunition. There should be four levels of permits contingent on the type of weapon owned, and each level should require firearms knowledge, range-time and background checks. Exotic high-calibar/large magazine weapons can be owned with the proper training and background but their use and storage should be confined to well-regulated gun clubs. Given the various police and state militias amongst the 50 states, I think there would be quite a bit of pushback before the paranoid visions of the NRA to become a reality.
I can’t even hazard a guess as to what that last sentence is supposed to mean.
It means you are a paranoid nut if you think they are coming for your guns. Now hand ’em over.
What they want is easy; confiscation. I don’t even know why this is even a debate.
There is no debate. I have heard a substantial number of people say, myself among them, unequivocally “No. You cant have my guns.”
The progs are just prattling on and on about it but they have outed themselves too many times.
If even a smallish percentage of them make good on that we are going to be in for some deep, deep shit. The pols who push it or cave on it are going to drown in it.
Didn’t I just see the other day where the RHINOs are in complete denial about the upcoming mid-term elections?
No Obamacare repeal.
No Tax reform.
No wall. (probably a good thing)
Gun control.
The R’s are gonna be just like the progs – scratching their heads and trying to come to terms with being fired and in denial about why it happened. Is DC that much of a bubble or is there something in the water?
“Is DC that much of a bubble or is there something in the water?”
I think it’s an intoxication/addiction to power. They’re willing to do anything, ANYTHING to stay in that place. They’re literally sell their soul to the devil to stay in a position of “influence”.
Lazy millenial journalism i think is more a factor of the internet, which has basically decimated the news media and forced them to write feels-based Tabloid stories to try and stay afloat.
I don’t know why, but I don’t necessarily set my eye on the internet as the prime cause of this, but there is no question that modern media has been sliced into narrow echo chambers endlessly recycling self-congratulatory pieces on how perspicacious and rational their audience is.
Millennials don’t read Thompson
And I thought I could not hate them any more.
I honestly know pretty much nothing about Spain and have never been there, but if the Catalonians kick off there independence movement with a Catalonia Wine Mixer, I fully support it.
Europe needs a kick in the ass. Maybe this is just what the doctor ordered.