Something (not so) funny happened on the way to the 2018 World Cup. Seriously, USMNT? Seriously?!?!?! How do you go to the worst team in the tournament at their stadium that seats 10,000 people and they only have about 1,000 tickets sold in a game where you can’t afford to lose and play with such a lack of heart? I can forgive the fluky first goal. But a 45 yard shot in the open field that gets by the “greatest goalie to ever play for the USA”? And then the complete lack of effort going forward against Trinidad? They’re freaking Trinidad and you’re the USA. You can’t get hyped up enough to show a little energy in that game then you deserve what you got. And Bruce Arena, you’re an idiot that got fired the last time you were in over your head and you deserve to get fired again. Stupid bunch of prima donna assclowns. And in South America, Chile won’t be going either as a wild bunch of games ended up with them staying home. But at least they can say they lost to Brazil on the final day and not Trinidad.
Well the NHL has been playing for a week now and its time to update things. The St Louis Blues are off to a 4-0 start in the west, which should make one special Glib happy. Your boys are on a tear, Jake. Good for them. The Blackhawks should be tied but they lost their third game in OT to “settle” for 3-0-1. They look all but unstoppable. The Maple Leafs are enjoying their greatest season in the last 20 years and sit at 3-0, atop the east. That’s great since they’re usually looking to see how close they are to the last WC spot by the third game of the season. The Caps, Devils and Red Wings are likewise off to good starts, but its so early I don’t want to even look for trends yet. Well, except for the trend of twice as many whistles a game. Seriously, NHL front office, you guys need to reel these officials in. I know slashing was going to be a priority this year but they’re taking it too far.
The Cubs-Nationals game was rained out yesterday and they’ll play Game 4 today. The Yanquis-Indians series-clincher will also happen today in Cleveland. Meanwhile, the Dodgers, who I was so wrong about heading into the Diamondbacks series, and the Astros are calmly waiting and getting their pitching staffs rested in anticipation of their league championship series, which will start Saturday and Friday, respectively. And elsewhere in sports news that was just too funny for me personally not to share, Paul Finebaum went on the radio yesterday and told it like it is. I’m not so sure his paymasters at ESPN will be happy that he went against their “golden boy” narrative in such strong words. But they’ve got bigger problems to deal with than that little, bald turd shooting his mouth off.
Right-o then. You guys ready for some links? I bet you’re ready for some links. Then let’s give it up for…the links!

I’d have to be crazy to go against the teacher union
California permanently eliminates exit exam requirement for high school graduation. The reason given was that it didn’t align with the new common core standards. I guess they couldn’t have changed the questions? Either way, the public school system there is an absolute joke so I don’t think this is going to matter any unless there was a rider on the bill that snuck merit-based pay and retention for teachers. And we all know that will never happen in the Golden State.
Remember that cop who arrested the nurse in Utah because she refused to break the law? Well he got fired yesterday. Want to get an unfortunately all-too-real laugh? Read this bit from the article (emphasis mine):
Attorney Greg Skordas, who represents Payne, said his client plans to appeal a firing he considers unfair and over the top. Skordas said Payne would still be employed if the body camera footage hadn’t generated so much attention and blown the events out of proportion.
“Blew it out of proportion? You mean shown what really happened rather than allowing the cop to be the only official version of what happened? His supervisor that let the whole thing happen got demoted. And as far as I can tell, nobody will face prosecution and the taxpayers will eventually be on the hook for some sweet, sweet settlement money.
And speaking of idiot cops, explain to me how this doesn’t constitute a criminal conspiracy to cover up a crime. Do we have a dunphy signal over here yet? Or is he still touring in the far east since his wife Morgan Fairchild is filming there?
Was that wrong? Was I not supposed to do that? Because if I’d have known… What a dickhead.
Harvey Weinstein is off to sex rehab in Europe. Not quite sure where, but my money is its on to a nation without an extradition agreement for the types of crimes he has all but admitted to. Roman Polanski was not available for comment as he was spotted building an addition onto his chalet yesterday.

Here, smell my fingers!
If you’re gonna bang your parishioners daughters, be prepared for this to happen. DAAAAAAAMN!
Germany will not recognize an independent Catalonia. They fear if the Sudeten Catalan people are torn away from the Fatherland the rest of Spain, bad things could happen.
Halfway through the week and today is the last day of me being a single parent. I think I’m gonna make it. Hope your week is going as well as mine is.
Germany prefers empire.
Okay so, idiot government story time since I got an on-topic out of the way.
Fucking Massachusetts EZ Pass system has been sending me bills that I’ve been paying off when I lived there. I thought I was all caught up until one came two days ago came and said I was in collections. What the fuck?! So I pulled out the old ones and looked up all the invoice numbers. They all had separate histories, so while I thought I was paying off the tolls all at once each time, I was actually paying separate tolls. They didn’t bother aggregating them in the system.
So I go to pay a different toll and it says that I can’t pay less than $10…which the toll was. Go figure. So I said fuck it and paid $10. Instead if paying that toll, it rolled over to the one in collections …so it aggregated them AFTER I paid one of them, but hadn’t been doing it before, and because of that I was sent to collections. I still had to go back and pay off the original toll that was less than $10.
I’m sorry if this doesn’t make any goddamn sense, because it sure as hell doesn’t make sense to me. I think they’re all paid up now, but we’ll find out next month when the long dick of the government fucks me halfway across the world.
So basically: two separate invoices for two separate tolls for the same license plate. They didn’t combine them. One was overdue and the other was in collections because all the tolls I paid previously had even more different histories and I paid those all separately because I thought MA would just aggregate all the tolls and send me a bill each month.
Paid $10 to overdue toll first. For some reason, that rolled into the collections bill…so I still owed on the overdue bill…because why not? They were separate before but I guess now they’re the same?
Fucking government man.
Where’s your top hat?
I’m curious, why is Sarah Jessica Parker your avatar?
Stop insulting horses!
O-o-o-oh Wilbur!
She was actually one of my favorite people on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. Seemed really down to earth and normal.
…and horse-faced. You forgot horse-faced
Body cameras are the work of the devil, just like the printing press.
Dumbfucks didn’t know enough to turn the body cameras off or have them “malfunction”.
Agreed. If we can’t take the cops at their word for what happens then what’s the world coming to.
“You are taking that film of actual events out of context!!!”
OK seriously, I was at a community event last week that had the local PD doing their community outreach meet & greet thing, and overheard one of the cops talking about the body camera strapped to his chest and complaining about exactly that – people should trust the police and his word should be good enough.
I just want to know when God came down and put angels instead of men into these positions of power, because I feel like such an event should have generated a bit more attention.
I have a case where the body camera was turned off, client may still be guilty though. He wants to get a not guilty verdict at a jury trial here, and then sue the city/cops. He also originally wanted his grandma to negotiate for him with the city prosecutor. I have convinced him now that that’s not going to work, only I can speak on his behalf.
Is his grandma some super negotiator, or something?
WAG: Gram is who he lives with, and trusts. Probably not his first time through the System, and not his first attorney. If court-appointed, some of them are have probably been a lot less trustworthy than Gram, for reasons Elspeth can get into, if she wants to tell war stories.
So, not entirely irrational. But definitely not how this works.
Yes, this is not his first dance. His Grandma is also known for suing the city, and has done so multiple times. Yay me. He’s also trying to say she’s his “guardian,” when she is no such thing, he’s just more comfortable letting her deal with things. If he actually had a guardian, and genuine disability, we’d have a better shot at having a sympathetic jury.
His grandmother is Kevin Spacey.
Or Samuel L. Jackson.
Or Joe Pesci
Why cant grandma do it? I have always found city prosecutors to be eminently reasonable…and defendant’s family even more so.
My God woman, why would you subject yourself to practicing criminal law?
*Somebody* has to fight against the state.
You misspelled ’tilt at windmills’
“Harvey Weinstein is off to sex rehab in Europe. ” – ah yes the dreaded sex addiction
Ah, yes, the fake “rehab” so he can later proclaim it wasn’t his fault, it was his “disease”, but he’s all better now so all should be forgotten let’s move on from the past.
Do they really think anyone actually buys this horse shit?
Did you listen to the wire recording on him? He’s a pathetic motherfucker. Begging and pleading with veiled threats.
Sean Spicier lives!
That’s awesome.
That almost makes me want to log onto my twitter account.
*thinks of all the hate on there, stays logged off*
Sex is not an addiction. Crack is an addiction. Oxycontin is an addiction. Sex acts are what you do to pay for your addiction when your broke. Ever sucked dick for sex? Exactly
Ever sucked dick for sex?
Why you asking me. I don’t know what you do in your free time
Hey, 20 bucks is 20 bucks
Didn’t you mean suck dick for drugs or money for drugs?
That’s his point. you, the royal you, do do those things not the other.
I cho cho chose my words carefully. I meant what I said and said what I meant
“Ever sucked dick for drugs or money?”
Seems simple enough…
But the equivalent of sucking for drugs to feed a drug addictionwould be sucking for sex.
Somebody has apparently never heard of a reach-around?
I assume it is a reference to Bob Saget in Half Baked
It was. Though I meant the part that sex isnt addiction.
Would it be in poor taste to make a collage of all the women assaulted by Weinstein and then choose which are the hottest like it happens on Q’s chive links? I think it would be …
This is a family friendly site so no. Load the pics
That sounds like an excellent idea. We need to let the timelines and whatnot shake out. I’d hate for Asia Argento to lose points because we are judging her on Asia now instead of Asia at 21.
Hmmm. enough time and Google Images work, it could be done, if you have a timeline.
I read both the NYT and New Yorker articles. I think ol’ Harvey had an unhealthy obsession with Mila Kunis. He mentioned her to several of the women he…encountered.
Has she said anything publicly yet?
I don’t think so. AFAIK, she was not one of his conquests (or maybe if she was it was consensual?), he just seemed to have a thing for her. He told a couple of the women that they “should do X in order to compete with Mila Kunis”.
It looks like the last time she talked to the press was Marie Claire.
Are the sex rehabs in Europe better or something? European Sex Rehab sounds kinda hot
Weren’t they 3rd in EuroVision 2015?
I thought they were robbed but then again this is pretty catchy
Europe has nudist sex rehab beaches.
As a recovering alcoholic (355 days sober now), I’m generally sympathetic to people with addiction problems, but I think sex addiction is mostly bullshit. It is 100% bullshit in the case of Weinstein.
No withdrawal no addiction.
Congrats on coming up on a year.
Thanks. It’s been an incredible first year. A comeback for the ages.
Nice job. Feeling good, huh?
Feels good, doesn’t it? Congratulations!
That is fantastic news! Great work taking it one day at a time.
Congratulations FWM!
You don’t have problems, your a fuggin white male!
The first year is the hardest. Nice job.
Good job, man!
That’s great, man! 10 more days!
If you’re gonna bang your parishioners daughters, be prepared for this to happen. DAAAAAAAMN!
I was under the impression in these small churches parishioner-banging was a given. That and a Cadillac.
“Attorney Greg Skordas, who represents Payne, said his client plans to appeal a firing he considers unfair and over the top. Skordas said Payne would still be employed if the body camera footage hadn’t generated so much attention and blown the events out of proportion.” – I mean honestly that nurse is lucky she didn’t get shot
I love how “actual video record” = “blowing out of proportion”.
Did the cop suckers defend that one in full force like every other atrocious bad cop video?
“My client’s murder of 100s wouldn’t be such a big deal if the internet hadn’t posted all those stories about it”
“Skordas said Payne would still be employed if the body camera footage hadn’t generated so much attention…”
So his lawyer is arguing that he wouldn’t be fired if he hadn’t gotten caught? I guess he has to say something to defend the indefensible.
blown the events out of proportion
Bitch, you roughed up a woman and falsely detained her for refusing to permit you to assault her unconscious burn victim patient, presumably in an attempt to implicate him for an accident your department is worried will be attributed to them. You are not a credible arbiter of proportionality.
Capitalizing “Black” is a strong indication that the authors are card-carrying Neomarxist cultists. The purpose of the study and the outcome have been predetermined. It’s just a matter of making their faith sound scientific, so they can justify “corrective measures” to ignorant policymakers.
Where my thread gone?
Even parody Hollywood is rife with abuse
‘Honest Trailers’ Creator Andy Signore Fired After Sexual Abuse Claims
Yeah right. Either the people at Screen Junkies have the greatest HR department ever, or this whole story is complete BS.
I don’t know, Elite Elite, this one is also a bit more complicated. This is another one of those stories where a bunch of his former co-workers come out all at the same time… I’m not saying its 100% that he’s a scumbag, but its definitely a strong possibility. Philip DeFranco did a report on it:
I’m never sure how to feel after these situations. I’m definitely an “innocent until proven guilty” kind of guy and I celebrate due process. I suppose we have to wait until we get a verdict… but then again, we all know OJ did it… but he was found “not guilty.” Should we base our opinions of people solely on the verdict of a jury?
I’m sorry, but I just don’t believe there is any HR department for any company that would ignore accusations of sexual harassment/assault. On top of that, making such accusations is a well known way of destroying a man’s life. All a woman with a grudge against a guy has to do is publicly accuse him of harassment/assault and his life gets ruined, no proof needed. Just like with all this Weinstein stuff. Have any of those women filed police reports against Weinstein or Signore? If not, why not? (Also, the fact that Gloria fucking Allred is bringing forth women against Weinstein is all I need to know that these accusations against Harvey have a 99.9% chance of being complete BS) So, my natural inclination is to believe the guy is innocent.
My take is that a lot of these claims are bullshit, and a lot of the “legitimate” accusations have no practical legitimacy because the accuser is just piling on because she slept on it and saw some kind of advantage in doing so now (hint – money and status).
Having said that, I’m confident that some of the blood in the water may be both real, and actionable. But like anyone else, if there are any indictable offenses, he should get his day in a real court, not the court of public opinion.
The police had one of Harvey’s victims wear a wire and go talk to him, in which he admitted to touching her breasts against her will. When he admitted it, he “apologized” and was asking her to come in and watch him take a shower.
Its pretty damning stuff, actually. So at least some of these women did go to the police, at least in the Weinstein case, and we have hard evidence that Weinstein was doing some of the stuff he was accused of.
Let’s check the audio:
I think that a lot of the claims are probably legit, but the unstated kicker is, these women knew exactly what they were getting into. They had to have known Hollywood is full of casting couches, and that Harvey’s couch in particular got a lot of use. Christ, people were joking about it on nationally televised programs. Yet they “met” with him “privately” anyway. Either they are so stupid they should be under a guardianship order, or they knew the implicit deal on offer and accepted it.
Now that they got what they wanted from the deal they made, and ol’ Harvey can’t help their careers anymore, they turn on him. Yet another in a long line of “Why can’t they all lose” stories.
Most of them say they rejected his advances. Some of them went to the police – one of them wore a wire for the police to investigate. I don’t really buy into this whole “you knew what you were getting yourself into so you share the blame.”
Are you saying its okay to expect women to open up their legs if they want to get into show biz? That seems fucked up to me.
Most of them say they rejected his advances.
That’s what they say, and they went on to get the role. So either it wasn’t a quid pro quo, or they are lying about rejecting him.
Now, there are also credible accusations that he crossed the line to nonconsensual touching, etc. I put those in maybe a different bucket.
Are you saying its okay to expect women to open up their legs if they want to get into show biz?
No. I’m saying that it is widely known that is the price many people charge for giving you a showbiz break, and that if you decide you are willing to pay that price, and they hold up their end of the deal, that I am not seeing you as a victim.
Its a scummy culture and business they have – that’s what’s Not OK. If you don’t want to get dirty, don’t go into that business. If you do go into the business with eyes open, and play the game, and succeed, don’t tell me you’re a victim.
Harvey and the rest of the exploitative Hollywood crew deserve every bit social opprobrium hurled their way, as far as I can tell. But their, in effect, co-conspirators who also played and benefited from the scummy culture aren’t victims and shouldn’t be allowed to pretend they are.
I get that you’re going with the very libertarian “there is an agreement between two consenting adults, therefore no foul if both follow through with their end of the deal.”
To follow through with your logic, it sounds like none of us have the right to ask our bosses to remain clothed in front of us. Or, if they invite us to their house under the pretense of a business meeting, we don’t have the right to expect them to open the door while fully clothed. By your logic, we only have the right to refuse the sex after being confronted with our naked boss, of course with the added potential to stunt our careers.
I think there is a difference between your boss (or someone powerful enough to make/break your career) saying “hey, want to go out for a date?” vs. inviting someone to your house under false pretenses and then walking into the room naked.
No. I’m saying that it is widely known that is the price many people charge for giving you a showbiz break, and that if you decide you are willing to pay that price, and they hold up their end of the deal, that I am not seeing you as a victim.
I don’t know, it still seems like you’re saying its okay for the industry to operate this way. Or at the very least, there’s no reason to stop it because everyone is a consenting adult.
“I don’t know, it still seems like you’re saying its okay for the industry to operate this way. Or at the very least, there’s no reason to stop it because everyone is a consenting adult.”
Well, what’s your solution? I don’t think anyone is saying it’s perfectly fine, just that it is how it is and because everyone involved consented (although now, well after the fact some claim it wasn’t) there’s nothing that can be done.
There’s no easy or clean solution. I think he should be prosecuted for the instance in which we have proof: that he touched one person’s breasts without her consent. They have him on tape after she wore a wire to help the police’s investigation.
Otherwise, he should be sued into oblivion.
it still seems like you’re saying its okay for the industry to operate this way.
I’m pretty sure I said its Not OK:
but questioned whether a principled legal solution was really even possible.
Its messy and sloppy, and I’m not finding any principled boundaries to a legal standard that I’m super happy with. Including one that would say “As long as nobody pulled a gun, its all good.”
As a libertarian, I try not to assume that the answer to every social problem is a law against it.
I’m pretty sure I said its Not OK
Fair enough, I’ll acknowledge that you pay lip service.
As a libertarian, I try not to assume that the answer to every social problem is a law against it
I’m okay with there being a criminal law against people touching other people’s breasts without their consent. I suppose if you aren’t, that’s where we will have to agree to disagree. Overall, I see unwanted breast groping as sexual assault.
I’m okay with there being a criminal law against people touching other people’s breasts without their consent
Me, too. As I said. Glad we agree on that much. I wasn’t addressing those allegations so much as I was the ones where no claim of non-consensual touching was made. Distinctions between social and economic pressure v. actual physical assault are important. I probably could have made the distinction a little clearer.
I find it puzzling that I consistently say “That behavior is bad. Outrage about it is fine by me.” and you seem to think I’m actually saying “Nope, nothing wrong with any of that.” You seem to confuse “I’m opposed to X, but not sure X should actually be criminalized” as merely paying “lip service” to the idea that X is bad.
Aww, I liked Andy Signore.
Attorney Greg Skordas
Bringing credit to the profession!
Seriously, NHL front office, you guys need to reel these officials in.
I think they have started throwing guys out of face-offs, before they even get in the circle. Is this some sort of stealth labor action by the refs?
I mean, in fairness, we had to play both Trinidad AND Tobago. At the same time. That doesn’t seem fair.
*narrows gaze*
This made the rounds before but …
The False ‘Science’ of Implicit Bias
A test purports to reveal hidden prejudice, but there’s little evidence its findings are meaningful.
I heard someone say that some of the creators of the test have expressed it’s misapplication and unreliability.
How do you know that article isn’t suffering from implicit bias?
No, no! It is “everyone who disagrees with me”!
Well, no shit. “Implicit bias” is just a way of saying that even though you are not actually acting biased, your bias can be implied because we just know people like you are biased.
+1 Nazi haircut
Replace “Implicit Bias” with “Original Sin” and things will start to make more sense
we just know people like you are biased.
Haha, oh delicious irony.
I would wager that an overwhelming majority of people that use this term to accuse others of prejudice really have no idea what “implicit” means.
Wait, is Trump playing 11D chess?
My take: No, but if there’s one thing a lifetime as a real-estate developer in and around NYC/NJ has given him, its an innate sense in how to negotiate with psychotic hermit kings of petty fiefdoms.
“Good cop” is a bit of a stretch. “Sane cop” is more accurate. With Mattis, at least you know what would have to happen for the survivors to speak of what he did to you for the next 10,000 years. Trump? It’s like he’s trying to be perceived as a wild card. No one knows what he’ll do to rocket boy next with his information war, and it will be an amazing information war, believe me. The best.
Wildcard, bitches!
Brett, you made me choke on my hot coffee….thanks pal.
OK, I’m stealing that for my next band name.
Universal basic
Incomeassets.Bonus points for using “thought leaders” seriously.
::new edit faerie sheepishly tries to fix mistake::
*sticks condoms under pillow for the edit faerie*

Paging Edit Faerie! Cleanup on 11!
GAAAHH!!!!! I take it back! I TAKE IT BACK!!!!
Shorter article: “We need to give people more free shit. Because fairness.”
I still fail to see why income inequality is bad. What do I care if the economic quintile ahead of me doubled their assets while I marginally increased mine?
Without envy, life is no longer worth living.
If I were being generous, I’d say they see economics as a zero-sum game, so those hyper-rich are stealing from the people. Their comment about “saving workers from the robots” shows these “thought leaders” clearly don’t understand basic economics and are actually several centuries behind current economic understanding.
The only time economics becomes a zero sum game is when the government messes up markets. See Cash for Clunkers. I lucked out and got an admittedly crappy car with very low mileage for $8700, because I had the dealer’s internet ad (that they said expired the day before), and they went ahead and honored it to get rid of the vehicle. Now, 7 years later, looking at potential replacements, I’m looking at at least $15-$17K for something reliable with reasonable mileage. Because at the time, even though used car prices spiked, they did not go up as much as they have since the market dried up and the prices could be raised.
When the government gets involved it’s usually worse than zero sum. The net gained by the special interest groups is almost always less than the net lost by the people the government screws over.
Negative sum. Dead weight loss.
Voluntary transactions are positive sum on net.
Wait until all those envious people realize that the ultra rich will get the UBI payout as well
Speak for yourself. I don’t need a Gulfstream to be happy.
And I certainly don’t need to steal from those who are more successful than me.
And if you took half of those assets away from each of the “top 20” and distributed them among the “bottom 50%” and waited 10 years, you could make the same statement all over again.
If redistribution worked, you wouldn’t have to keep doing it forever.
I think your projection that this sort of wealth redistribution scheme would take ten years to unravel is horribly optimistic. I would bet it goes back to being a problem in a month tops.
I don’t need a Gulfstream to be happy.
Attributed to Arnold Schwarzenegger:
“Money doesn’t make you happy. I have $50mm, and I’m no happier than I was when I had $48mm.”*
*From memory, likely paraphrased.
This isn’t a new idea. Thomas Paine favored a one-time payment of 15 pounds (about $2000 today) on the 21st birthday.
The homesteading act gave free land out west to people willing to settle it.
I doubt either is what the article has in mind.
asset inequality
We’re here to take your shit.
It’s only fair.
I wonder if this land reform they suggest will mean the FedGov giving land to people out of its vast ownings or if they mean men with guns will seize private property and pass it out to people who have no idea what to do with it.
This would be a disaster to top all pinko disasters. Land reform means seizing productive land from industrious landowners and giving it out to people who will just walk off and leave it. This is what destroyed the agriculture and manufacturing in Venezuela…well, really in every country it has ever been tried. It also means fucking up the title history on every square inch of land in the country.
Forty acres and a mule?
Forty acres and a mule?
Did not turn out to be a recipe for prosperity and social advancement.
If you mean as a government program of redistribution, then it never really happened. If you mean as an objective to strive toward and obtain through one’s own effort, then it was a key element of obtaining prosperity and social advancement, until industry and later services overtook agriculture.
Although, by the time it started to really manifest (1910s-1920s), a tractor was probably more useful than a mule.
I thought the forty acres and a mule thing immediately became a sharecropper economy, which was what kept it from being a recipe for prosperity, etc.
Have not studied in detail. Could be wrong.
To my understanding, sharecropping was commonplace for a while after slavery was abolished, but in time some former slaves, and especially their descendants, managed to own their own land. Until the 1930s, there was a consistent trend toward more black people owning land. The economic changes of the 1930s and on shifted economic focus away from agriculture and thus multi-acre landownings as well.
No doubt many of these same people also believe that zoning laws, occupational licensing, and other opportunity-killing regulations are an absolute necessity. So of course they have to steal property to prop up the illusions they’ve created. The only other choice is to accept blame, and they cannot have that.
So a utopian melange of communism and fascism. What could go wrong?
These “inequality scolds” have some odd conceptions of property rights. It seems to be that when an individual or business passes some vague milestone, they are now “rich” and have no rights anymore. Basically, “the rich” don’t rightfully own anything; the government owns it and mercifully allows them to keep some portion of it.
An MP has slammed a reported decision to free the former leader of a child sex gang from prison 17 years early as “unacceptable”.
Mubarek Ali ran a “squalid” grooming gang in Telford, Shropshire, targeting vulnerable young girls – some just 13-years-old – and sold them for sex around the country.
He was sentenced to 22 years in prison in 2013 after he was caught following a lengthy police operation.
But he could potentially be released on licence as early as November, less than five years into his sentence, according to the Shropshire Star.
Off course I never know if British news sources are in any way reliable. But this does not look good if true.
It looks to me like the political class in England is waging war on their own people.
“What the British people want from their criminal justice system … is safe streets and protection from crime: the one thing against which they know that the political and intellectual class has set its face.”
Theodore Dalrymple
It looks to me like the political class in ____ is waging war on their own people
lots of places could fill in the blank
Inventor makes ‘cool’ prothestics for kids for free
Wait I though we only link to nutpunches and derp around here. I may need to change my linking strategy.
-chops off arm, calls to get spiderman replacement, be swinging through town in no time.
*symphony applause*
*One armed applause*
*the sounds of a one handed clap
Thanks, dude.
Weird, though – I had this teed up:
Father 3D prints functional bionic arm for his two-year-old son.
Cool stuff.
Very nice. My Wife is going to get a new foot/ankle, she will be able to paint her toenails again, this is an important thing to women amputees I guess
Capitalism is evil. We need the government to go in and stop this madness!
Chicago soda tax fizzled after 2 months. What does it mean for the anti-soda movement?
Chicago is so fucked they can’t even prog right.
Edit fairy I pray to you, please fly in and fix this poo!
Looks OK to me?
Thanks to the almighty fairy
Anti-soda is the opposite particle of Minne-soda?
::loads shotgun, takes Brett out behind the barn::
::Snipes Los Doyers from 400 yards as he rounds corner of the barn::
::signals all clear to Brett::
“Man, I’m glad I called that guy”
Preckwinkle stepped on her dick. An extra half-percent in sales tax might have gotten through – although perhaps not, it didn’t last time – but an effective 20% tax on damned near every beverage that wasn’t dairy or booze? And then when everyone was well and truly pissed, she called in *Bloomberg* to fund an incredibly obnoxious pro-tax advertising campaign. Christ, what an asshole.
SJWednesday: Retarded Philosophical Questions Edition
So let’s say someone has an accent and vocabulary set typical of an American White person
I thought OJ’s lawyer proved this true for all black people
Actually, it would depend on the white person. Because navel-gazing idiots on the left automatically consider people with southern accents stupid rednecks.
Hey, I’m not a navel-gazing idiot on the left!
But see, most of those people deplorable, so its ok to belittle them and their white privilege.
I can’t count how many times I’ve heard “progressives” denigrating white rural people from the South and Midwest and insinuating that everyone born in those regions is irredeemably stupid. Then, a short while later, they’ll get all misty eyed as they ponder the mind-boggling question of why “those people” didn’t vote for Hillary (“they voted against their own interests!!”). Give it a few more minutes and the discussion will be about how terrible it is that some people in this world judge entire groups of human beings based on what part of the planet they came from.
My friend from Tallahassee whose father is a British citizen and economics professor told his son when he was leaving for college: “People are going to underestimate you because you have a southern accent. Make them pay for it.”
The professor of economics from Louisiana-Lafayette had a similar conversation as his son departed for Harvard. He said “look hea, bo. You gon hatta do gooood uppa in Bosson. Fo allada coonasses in da parish. Gwon, bo. Gwon!”
This makes me laugh.
I of course, would never do something like that.
My favorite strategy is to let someone lecture me for half an hour on some subject they assume I am ignorant about before letting it slip that I probably know more about it than they do.
You’ve been mansplained to!
Head so far up their own ass they are navel gazing from the inside.
Didn’t SNL already cover this during the Eddie Murphy years?
Race is relative, and constructed, until it’s immutable and compartmental, until it’s oppression, until it’s empowering.
Race is whatever it needs to be to advance the proggie agenda.
“And will therefore treat them with whatever form White privilege takes in a phone conversation”
Well that’s a big assumption. I love how here she makes it sound like they don’t know what kind of privileges there are, and then immediately spouts of a list of a few without any evidence.
Shorter hold times? Shorter gods damned hold times? Yes, the IVR’s are all programmed to be racist, and put crackers to the front of the queue.
Hey, the algorithms can tell who is likely pushing “2” for agent assistance!
Could you imagine living life like this?
Batshit insane? No.
And this isn’t a flagrantly racist screed about how black people all look and talk the same… how?
I like how they are more concerned with promotion of the Faith than discovering the truth.
“He’s presidential material then” — Joe Biden
“When this person is speaking on the phone to a customer service representative…” And it’s assumed that the CSR is white? Or do all races of CSR grant whites special privilege? Is it assumed the CSR is white because xe’s employed? Damn, that would be racist.
Diesel has traditionally always been the fuel of the maritime industry, which makes the absence of a viable widely-distributed diesel outboard engine even more puzzling. Production of the 50 hp Yanmar Dtorque 111 turbo-diesel has begun and the world’s first viable diesel outboard engine is on the market at last.
For some reason it never occurred to me there are no diesel outboard motors. Presumably because I do not own a boat and know nothing of outboard motors.
Marinas wont sell diesel for decades unless it really catches on. That would be a big drawback to going with diesel
Aren’t many, if not most, inboards diesel?
Sounds interesting but God knows what the price will be. Pleasure boaters don’t want their vessels smelling like a tramp freighter either.
Well, I don’t want my tramp freighter smelling like a goddamn pleasure boat, either.
In communist Romania you would occasionally get a boat with a car engine, outboard motors being hard to come buy. it was modified somehow put in the middle of the boar with a hole somewhere for the propeller.
And then there are the Thais.
Damn it, there was supposed to be a link to an article about Thai long-tail boats there.
Y’all know what time it is…
Morning Derp:
Want to click to see the derp but don’t want to give them clicks! Aaagggggghhh!
eh, they’re actively begging for money, your click won’t save them.
They’re Asian BUT they’re brown BUT they’re light-skinned brown SO privilege AND that’s where I stopped reading.
No grasshopper, you must dive deeper, let the derp fill you and guide you, only then can you develop an immunity to it.
I will face the derp. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
I have a raghead doctor. He is a good guy and a good doctor. He complains that his children are feckless and just use him as an ATM. They openly admit that their lives have been too easy. He on the other hand grew up in a desert with goats and one camel busting his ass just to make sure he ate every day. He got a chance to go to school in the US, took it and double busted his ass. “I had a fire in my belly” he says.
I will take as many guys like that as we can get. They dont have privilege, what they have is my respect. That is where the pinkos get it wrong. There is no such thing as inherent privilege. It is about respect. Act like a civilized, intelligent, competent person and you will be treated like one. Act like a savage and you will be treated like one.
And here we go again:
INB4 bike locks vs Tiki torches
White lives matter = white supremacists / Nazis
Black lives matter = pure hearted activists
Believing that white lives matter = punching down and NOT OKAY.
And some Anti-Derp for you:
(Hat tip to Haybob on this one)
Also I thought snuff videos were against YT policy
Here’s the highlight rheeeeel:
I watched the other night. What a disaster. The moderator is non-existent. That Thomas is guy is whiny and pathetic. And his feet bend at strange angles
As someone who did a lot of debate in college the lack of moderator bothered me some, but watching a prog get murdered then corpseraped STEVE SMITH style was gratifying.
I usually don’t watch things like this, but it was well worth the watch from start to finish.
It was incredible to me how little this Smith guy actually knew about his own ideology, and Sargon totally exposed him. I think this actually represents the majority of nu-progs. Most of them aren’t true believers. Most are just indoctrinated useful idiots like this Smith guy or Laci Green or Steve Shives.
Yep, my favorite moment was like 6, maybe 7 minutes in when he realizes that this is a potentially hostile crowd. I think he crapped himself a little bit and went really downhill.
If you watch his body language, it starts a wee bit before then when he doesn’t get any substantial positive feedback on his slanders.That’s when he got “exit feet” and where his ability to maintain eye contact really fell apart.
Regarding the moderation, I have this feeling that despite all the drama leading up to the Mythcon event, and the harassment of the organizers, I don’t think they’d done enough background due diligence to see that this would be as toxic and confrontational as it was. I’ve only ever experienced events like this once or twice before, and they were far more civilized – mainly because the debates tended to be about how exactly many non-existent heavenly bodies could dance on the head of a pin.
I do like what we would’ve called ‘clash’, clearly these two gents had some shit to work out, It just might have been a little more cohesive with moderation, not that the sjw stooly would have been able to argue any better, just that he would have been trounced even more.
I appreciate that the controversy surrounding whether they should have even platformed Sargon for a debate was BECAUSE the other people disagreed with his POV. Like, do you not understand what the term “debate” means?
Merciful Tyr, they’re both insufferable. As much as I hate intersectionality and love that 7 minute realization, l can barely stand more than 15 minutes of it. It’s just 90 minutes of a prog showing ignorance, and I get enough of that from Derptologist’s links every day.
Muh Neighborhood!
Fierce is a leader of one of a series of new groups that have sprouted up in cities from Seattle to Sydney, Austin to Oxford, lobbying not against development but for it. They say their lives are threatened by housing shortages and skyrocketing rental prices. Calling themselves yimbys, they are standing up to say “Yes, in my back yard” to any kind of new housing development. And courgettes be damned.
Yimby activists helped push through a 25-storey apartment and retail/restaurant development in Oakland this year despite local opposition.
The movement is fuelled by the anger of young adults from the millennial generation, many of whom are now in their late 20s and early 30s. Rather than suffer in silence as they struggle to find affordable places to live, they are heading to planning meetings en masse to argue for more housing – preferably the very kind of dense, urban infill projects that have often generated neighbourhood opposition from nimbys (“not in my back yard”).
The birthplace of the yimby movement, the San Francisco Bay Area, has among the highest rents in America. It added 307,000 jobs between 2010 and 2013, but built fewer than 40,000 new housing units, according to state of California estimates.
“It’s clear that this is a housing shortage – and the answer is to build housing,” says Laura Foote Clark, who heads San Francisco-based Yimby Action. “You generate policy by yelling about things.”
Their willingness to lobby for market rate housing in traditionally minority neighbourhoods has seen them called techie gentrifiers and developer stooges. Their penchant for market-based solutions, has seen them called “libertarians” with “trickle-down economics”.
They should send some people to Bozeman.
Literally worse than Che.
You know who else wanted a racial minority crowded into a small area?
Daniel François Malan?
World Cup ticket sellers?
She must be a blast at parties.
: Tell me, do you ever stop shouting at the lower orders?
Duke of Wellington:
NEVER! There’s only one way to win a campaign: SHOUT, SHOUT AND SHOUT AGAIN!
You don’t think inspired leadership and tactical ability has anything to do with it?
Duke of Wellington:
(pause) NO! It’s all down to shouting! BAAAH!
+1 field of dead Frenchmen motif.
Being a Black Adder fan redeems you from those obscene peanut butter unification comments.
/flutters eyelashes
Meh. I’ll cut her slack just for being someone talking about housing without sounding like a complete retard.
I was thinking the same thing. I was on the Gallatin County PLanning Board for six years in the early 2000’s – It always amazed me how the same people adding endless open-ended architectural and feel-good requirements to every subdivision were the same ones demanding funding for “affordable housing”, as if the lack of affordability was somehow the fault of developers….
How do you go to the worst team in the tournament … and play with such a lack of heart?
I know! They realized they were American men playing soccer! Now they can go home and watch real sports like baseball, football, and hockey.
hah…..I have to say, the comedic value of this is high. Very high. “OH NO!! We didn’t get into a tournament where we would have been routed in the early rounds!”
Even funnier if you think about how much the value of the US broadcast rights cratered.
I want to see how they market the WC in the US. Will it be? “Hey Hispanicos watch the El Cuppo on ESPN 8!” or “This World Cup is being brought to you Blue Hillaylanders by the National Democratic Party. Show that you are too cool to watch the NFL and you don’t need to kneel during the our national anthem because it won’t be played!”
QVC is looking for their chance to say “Our ratings beat sports on TV. You should offer your hand painted Washington Quarters here.”
My theory on the soccer: too much reliance on MLS. If you aint playing in England, France, Spain, Germany or Italy, you don’t deserve to be on the team.
There is a reason that Howard isn’t playing for Everton any more. I was surprised at start of qualifying that he was still the goalie.
Do any of the U.S. players play for top tier leagues?
Christian Pulisic plays for Borussia Dortmund
Bobby Wood plays for Hamburger SV
Deandre Yedlin plays for Newcastle United
*Edit Fairy consoles you on the USMNT loss*

*Yedlin* damn autocorrect
Not sure how up-to-date that is.
My thoughts are that the best athletes are still going to football and basketball. I think that’s changing now as youth soccer is exploding. But we won’t see the results for another 10 years or so. In addition the USMNT is in a transition period with a mixture of old and young players who don’t have chemistry.
That is true, but I doubt it changes seriously anytime soon. Unless football dies.
And I wouldn’t be surprised if soccer has many of the same CTE problems.
Well, the NFL seems to be trying to commit suicide, so there is that.
I heard the exact same thing…in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Right? Pele was supposedly turning America into a soccer nation.
Youth soccer has been exploding for 30 years as overprotective moms won’t let Junior get hurt in other sports. My nephews play and they aren’t even allowed to head the ball anymore. Seen lots of kid lose interest in soccer and pick up Lacrosse or track, or else come back to football.
Rugby, in my case.
Me too. Mom wouldn’t sign me up for football. I taught that bitch a lesson.
Rugby is designed for the human body — no pads = no high speed hits.
AIUI, a bunch of the problem for the States is that many of the best potential players—many from foreign backgrounds where soccer is king—are from the lower economic classes, and soccer at the club level is a game for rich kids and kids with devoted middle class parents. While there are plenty of pick up leagues and improv play to fill the gaps, we don’t have the professional coaching for youth players that’s widespread in powers like Spain, Brazil, Germany, etc…
That and MLS is still a much inferior league, level of play wise, to much of Europe, and most of the USMNT players play there. For those that know—I don’t—how does the level of play compare in MLS to, say, whatever Mexico calls its First Division? Or a country like Sweden?
MLS is where European stars who have gotten old and lost a couple of steps go to still be stars. Its like Japanese baseball.
Youth soccer was “exploding” 20 years ago. Most of the soccer kids ended up in football or basketball in high school.
The few that didnt weren’t as good as the ones lost to football or basketball.
Youth soccer has been exploding for 25 years. Unless MLS can pay equivalent salaries as MLB, NBA, and NFL, elite athletes still won’t consider soccer.
Whoops. I just said what trshmnstr said — I need an auto-scroller or something.
A hidden camera was in their Airbnb bedroom. That’s for sex parties, owner tells cops
Oh Florida never stop being you. Bonus video included… holy eye brows!
*Edit Fairy likes theses types of stories*

Which video? Bedroom video?
Also linky is loopy.
What the hell?!
I mean, I would assume there’s a camera. Does that make me paranoid?
Damn, has Harvey been picking out the Edit Fairies? Not that I mind.
Much appreciated.
almost-naked kneeling edit faerie – big thumbs up
That is not a thumb!
I like that edit fairy.
I have a new favorite edit fairy! Helloooo, nurse!
Was she surprised to find the camera or were they just drawn that way?
Halfway through the week and today is the last day of me being a single parent.
Murdering the kid or killing yourself? Either way, bit of an understated announcement.
the other possibility I considered was remarrying, but that’d just involve more murder anyway when Banjos gets home.
Um, I said yesterday it was an experiment while Banjos is in a Chicago on business.
I’m gonna play golf, relax and slip back into a normal household tomorrow.
I was going to sneak in 9 holes this morning, but I think the course is still a little too wet. Might head tot he practice range at lunch time and check it out.
“sneak in nine holes”
Jeez, it is thick with euphemisms this morning.
Three chicks at once?
I can’t keep up with the links threads, what makes you think I can keep track of y’alls travel and golf plans, sheesh.
As good a place as any to mention, but I became a homeowner end of Sept, so my glibs-time has been restricted of late while i procrastinate on home improvements. I had no idea just how much procrastination would be involved, it’s been a challenge.
This “business”… Nice euphemism. Video?
But these solutions treat income inequality as a symptom rather than a disease. Income inequality is born out of something deeper and more fundamental: asset inequality.
“A chicken in every pot!”
Of course I never had any assets until I started earning an income so I could acquire them.
It’s rare that the left talk about actual wealth inequality, because rich Hollywood ties don’t like it. Rules against that actually affect them.
So few people understand the difference either.
Elk selfies gone wrong: Two gored at St. Louis County park prompt more safety warnings
The signs at Lone Elk Park read: “Absolutely do not approach the elk!”
But the signs apparently aren’t enough.
To be fair, who’d of thought elk may be dangerous?
Mind you, elk bites can be pretty nasty.
My sister was bitten by an Elk once!
That’s what forced us to tell Cousin Eddie that he needed to lay off the Jager. And then he got kicked out of the Lodge.
*prolonged ovation*
Those antlers aren’t decorations.
They are when they’re hung over the mantel.
600+ pound sex crazed ruminant might be a clue.
Everyone knows to stay away from the bull in his pasture. I blame Disney (despite things like Ferdinand the Bull) for people not making the same connection to large hoofed wildlife.
600+ pound sex crazed ruminant
That’s pretty unfair to OMWC. He’s, maybe, 350, tops.
Reminds me of the time I had to stop some morons from walking between two deer that were fighting outside of work one day. At least with the damned Canadian Geese, people usually jump back when they start hissing and waddling towards them. But the deer are “cute”, and therefore harmless.
Fuckin’ geese. I’ll take my chances with the deer.
“Fucking hatebirds, the birds that hate”
The deer will actually ally with you until the goose threat is dealt with.
“To be fair, who’d of thought elk may be dangerous?”
Anybody who has ever actually been around elk would. Bulls in the rut are aggressive, and when you get a 900-pound animal with a head full of spiky bony death, getting near it is a pretty damn stupid thing to do.
The year after I moved to Colorado an idiot woman in Rocky Mountain National Park got two brow tines through her guts. She was trying to feed a bull elk a slice of bread while running her camcorder – in mid-September, during the rut.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
To cite RCDean from yesterday:
The literaly truth – whether the subject is Lena Dunham – or an Elk.
You’ve learned the quick and easy way to interact with women without behaving inappropriately. Simply offer them the same respect, admiration, and healthy dose of fear you’d offer anyone who could completely destroy you should you deserve it a dumb, panicky, dangerous animal.
Formatting fixed. You’re welcome.
Fuckit. I give up.
more of a punctuation problem than formatting
“To be fair, who’d of thought elk may be dangerous?”
Anyone who has experience with animals? All male ungulates are dangerous particularly during the rut. I know guys that rattle horns during the deer rut to lure bucks who have had their asses kicked (serious injury) by white tail bucks.
Are the losers more tender?
I once threw snowballs at a sleeping….
…no wait, that was a caribou.
Wait, why is he attending the Thor 3 premier? He isn’t in the movie, is he?
Do you even Hollywood, bro?
No. Why, do these people go to every movie premier?
Some do. Being seen is important, you know.
So in light of the Equifax breach, my work has started offering $1 mil of identity protection and restoration services. I think it’s been talked about before, but has anyone had their identify stolen and had to go through this? Would getting a service like this be worth it?
Freeze your credit if you’re not going to be opening accounts or take out loans anytime soon. I’ve had so much of my data stolen (thanks OPM and Equifax, among others) that I don’t know how I haven’t lost it all yet except that I freeze that shit and watch it like a hawk at all times.
Its easier if you just destroy your credit yourself early on. Then you don’t have to worry about it.
I’ve already frozen everything, but that’s good advice. Trans-union was instant and free. Experian made their process as painful as possible. Equifax reminded me of a chicken running around with its head cut off. They’re still getting their response together.
I just went through some shit last week where some fucko tried to port my cell number to a different carrier while simultaneously changing my bank account and authorizing the number to receive payments. Oh, and it all went down late at night. I happened to be up late, so I caught it quickly, but it took many hours of work to square stuff away. We have all new accounts, etc.
This is the second time I’ve been through ID theft shit. The first time was straightforward fraud – using my SSN and good credit to open some accounts and go on a spending spree.
Assume your fucking SSN is out there. Like Mustang said, freeze your credit. Up your security and disable extraneous ‘convenience’ items.
Regarding the credit monitoring, I am leery of putting all my information with fucking anyone, as all it takes a bad actor inside the organization to fuck it all up. Also, it wouldn’t do anything for the kind of theft I had last week.
ID thieves should all get bone cancer.
Damn, that’s creative.
You bring up a good point. ID thieves, like terrorists,are constantly looking for new ways to do their dirty work. Try and stay one step ahead.
I learned some interesting things. It’s pathetically easy to fool the carriers into believing you are someone you’re not. Why isn’t the security tighter, you ask?
The FCC.
Yes, in order to ‘protect’ us and make it easy to switch carriers, the FCC created a bunch of rules that had the unintended consequence of making theft much easier.
That’s not to excuse the carriers – their security sucks balls – but it’s interesting nonetheless. I spoke with a guy at T-mobile who told me they are rolling out new security stuff by the end of the year.
You mean there are unintended consequences of regulation?
Let me find my shocked face, I seem to have lost it.
I work in Telecom fraud investigations, these fuckers keep me busy.
I highly recommend setting a security PIN for your phone’s SIM and setting up two-factor authentication on every online account you have that supports it.
My dad has two factor on our VZW account. I pretty much can’t call in to them anymore, have to use chat support, because I only know about half the answers to the security questions, and can two factor with MY password, and my phone. I hate scammers, since they cost my parents $75 from me being too lazy to go through and look at their bill for 3 months (I have an older plan, once your phone is paid off, it’s only $15 for line access, and they were charging me $40/month, which I knew was wrong, but my dad didn’t explain well). And the jackasses didn’t have the common courtesy to offer an account credit.
Damn, the ID thieves are getting more complex. That sounds like it could circumvent 2 factor authentication. I’ve had my cc number stolen 3 times now but no fraudulent accounts opened yet.
Circumventing two-factor is precisely the idea. Most people don’t think to secure their carrier account, so that’s the Achilles heel that thieves are going after now,
Not much you can do other than freeze and monitor your credit. For every massive breach you hear about there are thousands of small breaches occuring every day.
Whole Lotta Helter Skelter In honor of Sloopy’s excellent song choice, I give you the best mix in the history of British Rock and Roll.
I like that version of Helter Skelter. Word is McCartney wrote it to try to out-do the Who.
Good song, but not even close, Paul.
More anti-derp:
Florida woman:
not really my type… she’s kind of ugly tbqh
She isn’t my type either.
I don’t think she’s ugly, but for my tastes, there’s a fine line between really fit and too muscular, and she’s over that line for me.
Yeah, the first couple pics are alright, but then you get that side view and see that this girl is too muscular and fit for my taste.
It is the fake tan look for me.
Don’t worry, guys, your tastes get satisfied just a couple of posts down (#34).
Oh yeah. Fit-thicc.
Now, that is a truly beautiful woman.
“Student calling himself ‘Karl Marx’ stabs YAL’s free speech ball with knife
A student at University of California San Diego has been referred to its Office of Student Conduct after writing communist propaganda on the Young Americans for Liberty’s free speech ball — then stealthily stabbing it with a pocket knife, causing it to deflate.
The suspect was led away in handcuffs after students tracked down the bandit.”
Turd ruins good thing, first with words, then with violence.
Yep, sounds like Communism.
That’s not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be when I read the headline.
I know highlighting the derp from Lena Dunham is low-hanging fruit but still that last line
Apparently there are hordes of young, extremely attractive women lining up to get fucked by the fast food manager for the privilege of scoring the rare and coveted position of a fry-cook making minimum wage.
This is the problem with education these days. People come out of school thinking rhetoric means they have good logic. Also, wasn’t she calling out Hollywood for not outing people like this, whilst at the same time claiming to have gone through similar experiences and not naming names?
So she’s come out against Weinstein, is absolutely outraged by this horrid behavior that Hollywood has turned a blind eye to and the silencing of women, and gone further saying that she personally knows of director types doing the same thing…she just won’t name any of them, because reasons.
I used to think comparing actors to prostitutes was overdoing it a bit. I still do, actually; at least prostitutes won’t lecture you about how much more moral they are in between gigs.
Big talk from someone who sexually abused her own sister.
I wouldn’t even rape her.
Derpspeak-to-English translation: “ME ME ME ME! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! MEEEEEEE!”
The use of power to possess and silence women is as likely to occur in a fast-food restaurant as it is on a movie set
Try as you might, I don’t think you are going normalize the kind of sexual predation that goes on in the entertainment biz, sweetie.
I think you’re right about this. Fast food restaurant jobs are pretty much replaceable as much as the employee is to the employer. I think it’s pretty unlikely that people are going to accept sexual predation as a condition for employment for a job they can replace in a couple of days. In contrast, high end employment in the entertainment industry has a lot more of a “winning the lottery” element to it. It pays very well and a lot of people can replace most of the people in the industry. As a result, yes, sexual predation will be more common in entertainment.
These are the 9 most annoying phrases people use at work, according to a new survey
I find none of those objectionable, and preferable to any of their long-winded alternatives.
Looking at the article, at least a few of the suggested alternatives are just wrong:
Except that’s not what a synergy is. A synergy is when there is an added value by two things being combined. It is when 2+2=5. None of those describe this.
It’s not “a lot”. It means summarized.
Okay. As long as you’re not trying convey the meaning of “move the needle”, which is generally used to mean, “have a significant effect”.
I concur. High level vs low level has meaning to me, and not just because I do software.
Synergy may be a business exec buzzword, but that doesn’t change the fact that it has unique meaning.
It sounds like these people just don’t like figures of speech.
I don’t find any of these objectionable, either. And the list excludes the the most annoying of all: “paradigm shift”, particularly because it usually just means doing things like we always have done but with fewer people. Very seldom does the speaker really have any idea for a new and improved paradigm.
These people are out of the loop. Big Data and The Cloud are by far the most annoying terms right now. In particular because the 99.9% of the people using those words have not even a clue what the fuck it means. Last year, Empowering Women held the title all by itself.
People use that fucking word here all the time. I don’t think they know what the fuck it means. I. E. I was doing a return for a customer whinged to reretursome defective merchandise. Because my employers is a selfish, converged corporation, the customer didn’t get cash in return but a store card valued at the price of said defective merchandise. At the end of the 5 minute long process, she exclaims, “perfect. ”
No you stupid bitch. If it was not perfect. Perfect would have been drone delivering it for free to your house the minute you determined you wanted the merchandise.
/rant re perfect over
That seems like… uh… not really that bad.
It’s perfect!
Did you check the batteries in your sarcasmometer?
The issue is more appropriately that people just don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, and have no idea about the provenance and real meaning of the terms.
While “Tabling a proposal” is a bit of a stretch, it’s simply a mild adaptation of a parliamentary procedure (the meaning of which the US has seen to turn completely upon its head). Given that it’s less syllables than the ‘acceptable alternative’, I’m trying to understand why it’s hated. maybe the audience are idiots. I certainly wouldn’t object to its use in a properly conducted business meeting.
Synergy. Sure. Most of the time this is uses, it’s misused. But then, look at the kind of people saying it and consider that they’re usually the product of the US educational system.
Move the needle – OK, I’ll give them that, but it’s simply like “A Quantum leap in functionality”. Hey, sugartits, you do know that a quantum is a very, very, barely measurable change, don’t you? Well, the needle hardly budged.
The ultimate reason for this is that in general, even quite ‘educated’ people in business know maybe 12-16,000 word families and probably use 8-10. (In case the sarcasm isn’t clear, most of the contributors here are likely to be exposed to, if not users of perhaps 20-25,000 families – I’ll leave comment on that to the linguistics experts) Furthermore, ‘business english’ habits actively encourage the degradation – how many of you have constructed well thought-out paragraphs, and had grammarly beat you up over a subjunctive clause, or the use of an unusual tense which conveys subtlety of meaning? And how easy was it to just click on “correct my stuff” just to shut it up.
When people and computer systems change “I would have had that change made” to “I would have changed that”, you can bet that the use of words like “disintermediation” end up being eliminated for the next edition of the Newspeak dictionary.
The appropriation of perfectly good phrases and their use in imprecise ways is not new, of course, but words do have meanings, and to toot the cultural horn, English always seemed to me to be one of the most capabaly expressive modern languages.
One of the best ways to counter this is – wait for it! – change the culture by using more precise terminology that conveys richer and more accessible meaning. If that means hiding all the Harvard Business Review Buzzword Glossaries as they’re delivered every year, so be it. If it means using The Ladders to join firms that are less infested with vapid Wharton and Yale MBA alums, so be it.
Not okay.
“NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s Senate campaign announcement ad has been blocked by Twitter over a statement the abortion rights opponent makes about the sale of fetal tissue for medical research.
Blackburn, who is running for the seat being opened by the retirement of Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, boasts in the ad that she “stopped the sale of baby body parts.” A Twitter representative told the candidate’s vendors on Monday that the statement was “deemed an inflammatory statement that is likely to evoke a strong negative reaction:
Twitter said the Blackburn campaign would be allowed to run the rest of the video if the flagged statement is omitted. While the decision keeps Blackburn from paying to promote the video on Twitter, it doesn’t keep it from being linked from YouTube and other platforms.”
For a company that has never turned a profit, they sure are willing to destroy their customer base.
*makes a cup of Swiss Miss*
I am a Droste Man, m’self.
You’re talking about the government, right?
Oh, Twitter.
I’m guessing the equal time rule doesn’t apply to twitter.
Twitter just gave them campaign gold. If I were on the campaign I would run the ad again exactly as is, but have an obnoxious *BLEEP* during the sentence with “censored by Twitter” in giant letters over the screen.
And we can’t be having strong emotional reactions on a social network.
CNN story about Vegas with timeline. Weird long gaps.
TW- Dumb cunt Erin Burnett autoplay video.
(Those guys at CNBC must have had her on a really tight leash. She went all in on the progressive narrative as soon as she got to CNN.)
Forgot the link
I read yesterday that he fired 200 rounds at the security guard. Now I read he was only hit in the leg. None of this makes any sense.
I believe that the original story released on this, he was just hit in the leg. The 200 rounds came in some time after. the only thing different about the original story is that the guy was shot during or after all the shooting, not before like they’re saying now. They’re also saying now that the GF is on a fly watch list. Which according to some people is just because they want to violate her rights, no other reason. While I believe that the US government have no problem violation people’s rights for little or no reason, I don’t think it’s the case here. She knows a lot more than she’s been saying and they know she’s lying.
“A Nevada home the Las Vegas shooter used as a stash house for handguns, shotguns and a “plethora of ammunition” was burglarized last weekend in a stunning security breach, and comes as federal and state authorities say they’re still sweeping the scene for clues.”
Keystone Kops all the way down. Can’t even secure a crime scene.
Oh, they secured it alright, or aren’t you into conspiracies?
So, as alluded to last week on this very board, this is as absurd as when the press rummaged through the house of the San Bernadino shooter on live teevee.
I learned there is something called Malört and cheap beer festival.
Dunno what Malört is but it does not sound appealing. Would not attend …
Also is it me or appealing and appalling are spelled to similarly for such different meaning?
Malort is a Chicago test of toughness…an initiation of sorts.
Holy shit, the old-time ad in that column is amazing. It basically admits that the stuff is awful and is daring you to drink it.
Oddly enough, the advertising seems to have worked on me. I want to try it now.
“why is there a ‘G’ in ‘nite’?”
-Sir Pie In The Sky
Only one thing can marginally cheer me up from last night’s USMNT embarrassment.
I seriously considered cancelling today’s T&A out of mourning, but the show must go on.
The USMNT can schedule home and home friendlies with the Dutch next summer.
A good way to cope would be to fill the time you would have spent watching soccer with watching a non-Communist sport instead.
Seriously? There are what, 7, 8, 10 people, tops, that give a shot about soccer.
1, 3, 5, 11, 31
Tried my best to weed out the obviously “enhanced” ones
30 and 44 today.
Hey Arena, and the rest of you assclowns.
I’m pretty sure my Rapids (as shitty as they are) could have gone down there and gutted out a draw.
“Harvey Weinstein is off to sex rehab in Europe.”
It’s really interesting, the bubble these freaks live in. When peasants commit crimes, they go to the rape cage. When elitists commit the same crimes, they go off to a 5 star resort for a little while and come back proclaiming themselves ‘cured’ of whatever evil demon was afflicting them. And I’m not even saying there was a crime here because I seriously doubt it. Unless hypocrisy is a crime, in which case most of Congress are going off to the magical resort soon.
David Burge @iowahawkblog
I hope people who accused Hollywood of being “out of touch” are feeling a little silly right now
Lena Dunham certainly isn’t out of touch with her sister.
As the saying goes I know very little of Lena Dunham. I wish I knew a lot less
If he ever comes back. I think we are watching him begin to off-shore his life. Including squirreling all his money away to keep it from the avalanche of pesky lawsuits that can only be days away.
There just might be some banks where that money could be deposited.
*shifty gaze*
None of this makes any sense.
Words to live by.
Anyone ever hear of a guy named Thomas Wictor?
He had an interesting tweet-storm about Weinstein (collected and published here, on twitchy),but I never heard of him before, so I don’t know how seriously to take what he said.
I follow him. He’s an oddball. I’m not entirely sure what to make of him, and his claims of expertise are so esoteric and specific (military tech, middle eastern commandos, for example) as to be impossible to verify for a layman. A couple weeks ago he linked to a grainy, low-FPS Liveleaks video purporting to show the bombing of a compound in Syria, and suggested it may be an example of “rod from God” tech. So I think he may be a bit nuts, but I like him for the same reason I like X-Files or Art Bell. Speculative nonsense is still fun.
Rod from god currently is just a tungsten penetrator fired out of either a drone’s 2 stage missile, or out of a cruise missile. They look the same to people (although the rod from God wouldn’t be visible to the naked eye).
I was unaware of that, and now I can’t remember whether he specified deorbiting from satellites (which strikes me as fanciful) or whether he meant drones. But he’s talked about the former in conjunction with wiping out Nork artillery sites.
I thought proper GODRODs* were dropped from orbit as strategic weapons, and weren’t just “solid shot” from conventional platforms. The Israelis have been using “dummy” missiles with concrete warheads to kill Pali terrorists with minimal collateral damage for years.
*Geo Orbital Directed Rigid Ordinance Device
Whenever something bad happens to anyone even tangentially connected to the Clintons I have to raise an eyebrow.
It’s only notable if they’re still alive 6 months later.
“Harvey Weinstein is off to sex rehab in Europe.”
Now I’m imagining the “group therapy” sessions.
“Now, I’m not gonna say who it was, but if you got a look at that ass, you’d recognize her. There’s nothing like getting your mitts on a woman who has lots of money and spends half her day at the gym.”
South Park did it already.
“Here’s a video of a squirrel trying to hide its nut in a Bernese mountain dog.”
These euphemisms are cray cray.
She condemns Weinstein as a “predator” and says he’s not the only one in Hollywood, detailing her own encounters with “everyday sexism” as a young, acclaimed indie-film director.
In Dunham’s case, I’m inclined to assume it was merely garden variety disdain and revulsion, rather than “sexism” of any sort.
Not banging her on the table at the swanky mixer where you’re seated next to her is tantamount to literal rape, megahitler.
*Not* banging her is rape… I think you may be onto something. Don’t give the lefties any ideas.
I suspect this link won’t work
Interviews with Sarah Silverman are low hanging fruit, derpwise. But this really caught my eye:
“I worship Seinfeld, but basically I believe students tend to be proven right historically. So if college students are saying it’s not cool to say something, they’re probably correct. Students are always on the right side of history. Old people aren’t always.”
You sure about that?
Holy shit, that was stupid. Comedians arguing for de facto censorship has got to be one of the saddest things ever.
Comedian? I thought it said Sarah Silverman?
“Please eat me last. Please eat me last. Please eat me last.”
“The right side of history” really is their heaven, isn’t it?
And no, students are not always on the right side of history. It’s just that when they are obviously wrong, no one remembers because it’s dismissed as stupid college kids being stupid college kids.
The maoist red guard would like a word with her.
Could have been word for word out a Red Guard’s mouth, 1966.
Students are clueless 90% of the times. I used to be one.
I’m a little surprised that Silverman would be so public in her support for Students for Liberty.
Contrary to popular belief, it was the youth who largely supported the Vietnam War. Older people were against it.
Got some junk in there.
I love how regardless of what gory story of exploitation is front and center in the media eye, Lena Dunham seems to have also been a victim of it as well!
“Don’t look at her! Look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” she explains.
I’d hate being a moral scold. Makes life boring. Wonder why team D decided to wrestle that losing hand out of team R’s grip.
Comedians arguing for de facto censorship has got to be one of the saddest things ever.
Somebody should ask la Silverman if she has ever heard of Lenny Bruce.
Tundra this one is for you
T-Mobile website bug let hackers steal data with a phone number
Yep. Motherfuckers.
Thanks for the link. Think I’ll have another chat with them.
ONE GLIB will be happy!?
I love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning.
If you’re not with us, you’re against us.
Can someone please explain ‘underrepresented artist’ to me?
Isn’t art ostensibly about the creative process?
Or is art only valid if it’s seen and applauded?
Can someone please explain ‘underrepresented artist’ to me?
“Your husband’s work is what we call ‘outsider art.’ It could be by a mental patient or a hillbilly or a chimpanzee.”
Kraus was also lucky to have ultra-hip Semiotext(e) as her publisher. The company’s website describes it as a “punk rock” publisher “best known for its introduction of French theory to American readers.”
Is this why we have to deal with people who insist on using the metric system?
Semiotext(e) did publish some good stuff, back in the day.
ultra-hip Semiotext
Didn’t the Pan-Am 103 bombers use that?
I don’t know, but I’m sure they used the metric system.
I am not wholly anti-metric system. I admit it IS easier.
Get out of here Commie.
Kraus’s latest book, and the subject of her planned talk in Boyle Heights, is a biography of Kathy Acker, a “scholar, stripper, victim, and media-whore” who gained a degree of notoriety and fame in the eighties as an avant-garde novelist.
Acker. Ugh. She ripped-off, sorry, “queered” Neruromancer and everyone started sucking her clit.
Enjoy living in your shithole fellas.
The Sawx have fired John Farrell. Let’s all point at the Sawx and laugh, children.
Burn it all to the ground.
He also had a tweet storm about actors cutting up at a restaurant.
This is fundamentally true. As repulsive as Weinstein is, the entire industry, including his loudest detractors at the moment, was 100% complicit with his behavior. This pretense, now that his career is essentially over, that they’re some sort of brave truth-tellers for piling on is pathetic.
Yep. Everyone has now seen Seth MacFarlane’s joke from the 2013 Oscars, but here’s another one – a 2012 episode of 30 Rock with a similar joke.
They all knew what was going on.
They all knew what was going on.
Which makes all of their posturing now absurd. Including from the actresses pulling out the victim card. You knew it was happening. You were a damned victim of the guy. You knew it was a pattern. You knew he’d go on to someone else. And yet you not only gave him a pass, you continued to fete and associate with the guy. And now we’re supposed to think you’re some sort of brave hero because you’re dancing on the rotting corpse that was his career?
I think the larger point is that (with exceptions) Hollywood is populated by morally corrupt, social climbing, unprincipled, quasi-criminal deviants and wastes of space. Not anything we didn’t already know, of course. However, this whole situation just so starkly highlights their hypocrisy and the absurdity of their smug preaching and false moral high ground that it’s noteworthy.
TL;DR: if you are getting your moral guidance from people who play make-believe for a living, you’re no better than they are.
I don’t think I could have said it better myself. Watching this whole story unfold has been entertaining in its own way. But, only in the same sense as reading one of SugarFree’s political tales. The immoral depravity offers up a certain fascination. But, you know you’d never want any part of any of it.
Ya’know, not long ago they were referred to as ‘show people’ and that was always said with a sneer. They were never intivited into polite company. They were shunned. They have only gained a veneer of respectability in the last generation because the majority of people have very little contact with them.
You were a damned victim of the guy.
I dunno about that. Assuming it wasn’t forcible rape, then why wouldn’t this have been pretty much a consensual transaction? “Take a ride on the casting couch, get a role in a movie.” If he held up his end of the bargain, I don’t see a victim here. Keep in mind, these actresses were free agents, not employees, so the power imbalance argument for criminalizing workplace sex is, well, different, at a minimum.
Plus, most of what I’m hearing is actresses saying, essentially “He came on to me pretty crudely. I turned him down. He gave me the role.” I see absolutely zero victimhood there, if you take them at their word.
I don’t know. An implied exchange of employment, even as a contractor, for sexual favors sounds an awful lot like sexual harassment to me. I’m pretty sure anyone in any other company would get their walking papers and their rear ends sued into next Tuesday over it.
No question that under current standards, it would be sexual harassment. I’m just kinda pointing out that sexual harassment laws treat women (because that’s who they are intended to benefit) as something less than full agents, as not exactly strong, powerful and the equal of men.
There is definitely an element of economic (and maybe social) pressure, but that’s exactly what adults are supposed to be able to resist so that they can make decisions based on their own standards and interests. By criminalizing it, we have deemed women less capable of resisting economic and social pressure, so that they must be protected by Big Daddy State. Which doesn’t advance women’s rights (viewed as the negative right that a moral agent should not be interfered with) in a coherent way, but certainly advances their privilege (in the legal, not woke, sense) and power.
By criminalizing it, we have deemed women less capable of resisting economic and social pressure, so that they must be protected by Big Daddy State.
To be fair, I do think it should be illegal, as well. Managers demanding sexual favors are effectively stealing from shareholders. Either the candidate is optimal for the job, in which case the shareholders are being threatened with losing optimal performance or they’re not, in which case shareholders are subjected to dead wood. Managers shouldn’t have carte blanche to self-deal from the position of authority which is given them as a position of trust by the shareholders.
Managers demanding sexual favors are effectively stealing from shareholders.
If hiring suboptimal candidates for open positions is theft, then we have a crime wave in every company in the country.
Managers shouldn’t have carte blanche to self-deal from the position of authority which is given them as a position of trust by the shareholders.
I agree. The shareholders can bring a civil action against such managers (oddly, companies very rarely go after people who directly steal actual cash, so I doubt they are going to break cover for indirect and difficult to prove damages for something like this). Breach of fiduciary duties is very rarely treated as criminal in and of itself, though. Where you see it prosecuted, its usually in conjunction with some other crime (generally, fraud).
I guess what I’m mostly getting at is, why is the same infraction treated so differently when it involves sex? If I hire a guy after he agrees to do some landscaping for me, mostly a big yawn. If I hire a chick after she blows me, OMG.
If I hire a guy after he agrees to do some landscaping for me, mostly a big yawn. If I hire a chick after she blows me, OMG.
Oh, I definitely think the hypocrisy is absurd. But, in both cases, it’s a pretty clear breach of fiduciary duty. Yeah, in most cases it won’t get prosecuted. That doesn’t make it any fairer or more just to the shareholders.
Oh, I definitely think the hypocrisy is absurd. But, in both cases, it’s a pretty clear breach of fiduciary duty. Yeah, in most cases it won’t get prosecuted. That doesn’t make it any fairer or more just to the shareholders.
You don’t think the physical, psychological and bodily impact of sex is any different from doing a landscaping job?
You don’t think the physical, psychological and bodily impact of sex is any different from doing a landscaping job?
That’s not for me or you to decide, as long as the transaction is consensual. If the person on the other side of the transaction is willing to pay said price, that’s for them to figure out. The moral problem comes in that the person offering the job in exchange for sex or landscaping is misappropriating that job to his own benefit.
Wouldn’t finding out the sex appeal of a relatively unknown actress be one’s fiduciary duty for a film company?
That’s not for me or you to decide, as long as the transaction is consensual.
Is it consensual if you take a business meeting and the other person suddenly shows up naked?
There was more than one complaint of straight up, forced oral sex. Also, threatening to ruin someone’s career (and legitimately having that power) if they tell anyone is definitely a form of coercion that I’m not going to give much leeway
I’m devil’s advocating here, mostly.
OK, threatening to ruin someone’s career if they talk about having sex with you (or refusing to have sex with you) is a pretty extreme form of pressure. Any reason to limit criminalizing threats to ruin your career only to those that are related to sex?
Perhaps a different question should be: Why do we need to use the government to limit/punish this kind of activity/ Why isn’t civil society up to the task?
Would someone saying, “if you don’t pay me $1 million, then I will make sure you can never work in your profession again” not also be illegal?
Of course, you’re also treating these interactions as somehow purely clinically business exchanges. He more than once kept women from leaving by blocking the door and he had a habit of inviting women to secluded, private places where he controlled the means of egress. That is a legitimate, non-nu-WOKE, form of coercion.
If I invite you to my house under the auspices of a business deal, lock all the doors behind me, confiscate your cellphone, and pull out a loaded gun, but never explicitly say I’m going to harm you if you don’t agree to whatever terms are favorable to me, I have still morally and legally coerced you against your will. Sure, I never flat out said I’d kill you, but you would have obviously been under duress.
Given that, a woman or man, alone in a room with this person who is demonstrating that they will not accept your “terms” of the deal gets more and more agitated is under a pretty reasonable definition of duress
I think that, if nothing else, this gets at what we mean by coercion and how fuzzy it is.
Violence or credible threats of violence (like your loaded gun) – no question.
Being a rude asshole and making it difficult to leave (without ever laying hands on you or making a credible threat of violence) – that’s getting pretty broad and leaves me looking for the edges of the definition.
Threatening economic consequences – again, to a point this is ordinary business negotiation. Where do we draw the line?
I gotta say, though, that any woman who went with ol’ Harvey to a private, secluded location was either terminally naive, given his reputation, or agreeing to an implicit quid pro quo.
Its messy and sloppy, and I’m not finding any principled boundaries to a legal standard that I’m super happy with. Including one that would say “As long as nobody pulled a gun, its all good.”
So Legit already knew about this? In the episode, Jim Jefferies is forced to go down on a movie producer (played by Carrie Fisher) in order to get a part.
Last one, then I gotta run.
Would someone saying, “if you don’t pay me $1 million, then I will make sure you can never work in your profession again” not also be illegal?
Sounds like blackmail. There has been a long and interesting scholarly debate about why it is, and whether it should be, illegal. That debate centers on the assumption that the blackmailer will be doing no more than releasing true information if not paid. For a more generalized threat against someone’s professional career, would it matter what the person doing the extorting planned, or did, do to ruin a career? If that action isn’t independently wrong, should the threat to do it be illegal?
Because of the implication
I gotta say, though, that any woman who went with ol’ Harvey to a private, secluded location was either terminally naive, given his reputation, or agreeing to an implicit quid pro quo.
I don’t think they agreed to anything other than a meeting with a man that could metaphorically shoot their career into the stratosphere with a thumbs up and a nod. Its completely absurd to assume what you stated above.
” Keep in mind, these actresses were free agents, not employees,”
Since they are free agents – no more Old Hollywood with the 7-year contracts and perpetual options – competition for those above-scale jobs is more intense. The breakdown of the old system made the casting couch even more common.
It all seems so interesting that Weinstein is going through this just days after Hefner kicks the bucket. Hef’s genius is that he didn’t hide anything. Harv should have played it like that instead of his chicken-shit approach.
I’m not buying the naiivete of women who on their own volition went into the sex appeal business. Ol’ Harv wasn’t trying to find the next great concert violinist or mezzo-soprano.
I don’t think they agreed to anything other than a meeting with a man that could metaphorically shoot their career into the stratosphere with a thumbs up and a nod.
A private meeting in a secluded location with a notorious lech in an industry famous for the casting couch? If you really are so naive that you go into that meeting not expecting to be hit on, at a minimum, then you are incompetent to manage your own affairs and should have a guardian.
A private meeting in a secluded location with a notorious lech in an industry famous for the casting couch? If you really are so naive that you go into that meeting not expecting to be hit on, at a minimum, then you are incompetent to manage your own affairs and should have a guardian.
“You shouldn’t have walked down that dark alley, you were basically asking to get mugged!”
“You were a damned victim of the guy.”
No, they were willing accomplices.
Lindsay Lohan is on Harvey Weinstein’s Side!
So, like, 100% guilty then, right?
She just enjoys withered hairy (((cock))) attached to soft, dissipated bodies.
So you’re saying I’ve got a shot?
Only if you have copious volumes of cash and blow.
Or the rest of the Hollywood crowd has even less integrity than Lindsay Lohan?
I’m coming to the conclusion that Lohan is this generation’s Mae West.
So many of the quotes could have plausibly been said by either of them, but one (possibly apocryphal) quote went something like:
Minor B Actor: “I’d really like to f*ck you”
Mae West: “If you do, and I find out, there will be big trouble”
she has an accent?
In my mind i see one of those giant meat grinders, and there’s a conveyor-belt carting celebrities toward it, and they’re clawing and pushing each other to make sure the other person gets ground-up before they do.
Public Enemy Number One strikes again
The Trump administration formally proposed on Tuesday to roll back yet another of President Barack Obama’s efforts to position the United States as a global leader in the fight against climate change. The move, though widely anticipated, was deeply disheartening.
Leaving aside the particulars of this action, I am struck by how completely unselfaware this statement is. I shouldn’t be, but I am.
If the President has unlimited power to do the things you want, he also has unlimited power to do things you abhor. The answer is not to pray for an all knowing messiah to bestow the grace of his benevolence upon you, it is to limit the power of the office, so as to limit the potential damage the man who holds it can do.
If the President has unlimited power to do the things you want, he also has unlimited power to do things you abhor.
You know, I tried explaining this to some acquaintances with regard to Mr. Obama’s Executive Actions. It’s like they couldn’t conceive that their policies might ever be rolled back.
I had one friend openly say she was all in favor of executive orders just not the ones she disagreed with. It seems to me the sad outcome of this kind of thinking (on both sides) is going to be ever-increasing angry & vicious campaigns to get your person in the presidency.
And they don’t even get how transitory an EO actually is. All you need is another executive to disagree with it and, poof, it’s gone. Yeah, going out and convincing people and working out compromises it tough. You don’t automatically get everything you want. But, at least then, you know it’s done.
Just remember, back in 2004, the Democrats were all proclaiming a 1000 year reign of progtopia. 4 years after that they lost the house, 8 year after the Senate and the presidency. Leftists don’t think, they emote. Emoting typically leads to different outcomes than you have imagined.
Ein 1000 year Reich!!!!!
I think you mean 2006.
I remember a number of times trolls at TOS wishing that Obama be made King for life and have unlimited power. The responses were appalled and pointed out just what you point out now. They fell on deaf ears.
I have noticed that the dumber one is, the less they are able to make fine distinctions or understand subtle concepts then the more likely one is to lean left.
One of my favorite things about the Trump administration is how brazenly they like to fuck with the media:
Sure, Chris. This is a very important point with a sophisticated level of nuance that only you can be trusted to report upon, and it is therefore imperative that the administration kowtow to your every request. What would we, the vulgar plebeians yearning for your sacred truth, ever do without you?
Parse the shit out of shit you don’t like, unquestioningly accept shit you do (see Russian election meddling). It’s the MSM’s MO.
When you have people openly pushing to be taxed more, the helicopter ride meme makes more and more sense.
Poor cop judgement category: bike cop inside one of the terminals at LAX riding through at a pretty good pace. Didn’t see him run over a kid or anyone else. Yet.
I think merely being a “bike cop” in the first place requires a nonstop sequence of bad judgment extending over an entire lifetime.
I know a lot of people hate Denis Leary, but his bit about bike cops is pretty funny.
LAX didn’t want to spring for Segway?
They’ve spent BILLIONS upgrading the terminals at LAX, and they don’t look any better.
I think they’ve charged billions to the account for upgrading the terminals. How much actually got spent upgrading the terminals is a different question.
The paparazzi-proof exit in Terminal 6 is open for VIPs. Great use of our tax dollars.
Anyone ever heard of these guys?
Bargain basement type stuff, but they have a pretty nice looking stainless Commander-sized 1911 that I’m interested in. It would just be for range fun.
That the right link?
Try this:
Wow, that almost falls into the price category of “Saturday Night Specials”.
I bet most of their buyers are cops looking to snag a cheap throwdown piece.
Hickock likes it.
Hickock likes everything that Buds Gun Shop sends him!
From the research, it’s an “OK” 1911 clone built in Turkey. I’m sure it works – Turkish firearms are all pretty good now, although I’d check in the mag well when it’s delivered to make sure there aren’t any Syrian “refugees” hiding in there.
Never heard of them. Appears to be a new small manufacturer targeting LEOs and military with mostly 9MM mp5 knockoffs.
Looks like the 1911s are Tisas.
and their guns are made in Turkey by MKE which is a govt-controlled manufacturer.
My gun buddy with the biggest arsenal just linked that to me yesterday…says they are quality for the price.
Cali, LOL
Already been posted, but bears repeating as often as possible to demonstrate what happens when Leftists get what they want.
My response, as before: Just secede already.
But they’ll never use this law that they created! Never!
Yup, spread HIV, you’re fine. Call someone the “wrong” pronoun, off to jail!
So the trial has begun in SF for a guy who is accused of bludgeoning five people to death in 2012. He was a previously convicted violent felon and illegal immigrant from Vietnam, but Vietnam did not want him back and since we lost that war we have to do what they say.
5 lives is a small price to pay for not deporting someone. He deserves as much of a shot at the American Dream as anyone else! I say give him probation.
In the articles back in 2012 I don’t remember any mention of him being here illegally, sorry, being undocumented. When I heard he was I figured it was due to some sancutary city bullshit, but he actually went through deportation proceedings after an armed robbery, it was just that Vietnam did not really want him back. Which is understandable.
And you really can’t blame him, the karaoke machines in SF really sucked!
sorry, the response we were looking for as to why you couldn’t really blame him for the bludgeoning deaths of five people….
*drum roll*
Survey Says: All 5 tried bitching at him about smoking in public.
Class, your assignment is to compare and contrast:
Falsness, pitching a fit at your own readers that call you out on your derpitude
Not to our non-metal-head reader – both Revolver and Decibel are the walking embodiment of false and mainstream. Neither are “underground shit.”
finally (derp level approaching 9000)
Now contrast with
The Real Story Behind the Spiritual Black Metal Blues of Zeal and Ardor’s ‘Devil Is Fine’
Check it out here
tl;dr, heading off to listen to Rust In Peace.
this is all very gay, and not in the good, homosexual way.
Those salty tears are going to ruin his corpsepaint.
Can someone translate for me?
SJW metal blog revels in derp, lashes out at readers, claims mantle of transgressive. Transgression metal produced by racist 4chan joke. (The music is actually great)
This is as good a time as any to bring up the music blog I’m starting, MusicSucks, in which I’ll review podcasts exclusively and abuse my music-listening audience.
“Female Game Developer Fired For Calling Other Women ‘Pretty'”

At least she didn’t use the wrong pronoun, she’d be off to the gulag!
Maybe it was violation of some kind of ‘truth in advertizing’ policy.
So which edit faerie will be by to fix that link? Bad teeth with smoking body is my type. That way I know I have a chance.
Britain is your place to score, baby.
He said bad teeth and “smokin Body”.
“Bad teeth and a smokers‘ body” – although I have to admit that despite being smokers, Liz Hurley and Kate Beckinsale are relatively easy on the eye.
I hate to tell you this, you’ve missed out, there are plenty of British women with smoking hot bodies. Milfs galore, who cares about teeth when you get the T&A?
It’s odd. All that time I spent there, and I got to meet very few.
Maybe I should have changed my name to Tonto Goldberg.
The “nobody looks at the mantelpiece while they’re stoking the fire” defense, huh? 🙂
G-d invented paper bags for a reason.
That’s where I used to go wrong.
I used plastic shopping bags and duck tape. For a while, they’d be really freaky and animated, which was great, and then they’d stop moving – which was kinda disappointing, ‘cos I was just getting warmed up.
i believe the correct spelling is “fuck” tape. autocorrect?
URL isn’t broken.
Cut and paste. I’m just lazy.
Bad teeth with smoking body is my type
Meth den?
That’s what it looks like when you apply “hostile workplace” norms equally to everyone.
Poor girl…. Fired over a typpe-o…
It’s clear that what she meant to write was the petty side of gaming.
“Female Game Developer Fired For Calling Other Women ‘Pretty’”
WTF? Women notice and call other women pretty way more often than even men do. And I’m talking about the hetero ones.
She should respond “Did I say ‘pretty’? I meant petty!”
Tom Friedman is very very concerned
Every week we are coming to realize that we do not know the depth of this Russian hacking — and that the people who did it were incredibly sophisticated, not only about the technology platforms but also about which districts and demographics to target with just the right inflammatory messages.
America’s democracy is built on two principles: truth and trust. We trust that our elections are fair and that enables our peaceful rotations of power. And we trust that the news we get from our mainstream outlets is true and that it is corrected if it is not. And we expect our president to defend both. But today many people are getting news from platforms that are easily polluted by Russian or other hackers with fake news. And our president is a liar who refuses to hold Russia to account for anything. It’s a terrible combination.
We can’t have people out there talking among themselves with no gatekeepers. Bring on the regulators!
But what did his cabdriver in Kuala Lumpur say about it?
Friedman should be concerned that if the NTYs ever fold, there’s no place left for anyone as retarded as him and Bruni. Both of them will be hobos, as god intended.
Will they be hobosexual?
Trust, eh?
But not enough trust to ask voters for ID?
What Friedman doesn’t get is that the MSM squandered its trust. If the MSM hadn’t been so consistently and obviously in the tank acting as Democratic political operatives, the public would have been willing to continue to rely on them.
That and they’re still trying to come to the terms with the fact that they outright rooted for Trump in the primaries and completely cleared the path to his nomination.
I still don’t understand the whole Russia and the Election thing.
Fake news?
What fake news? Everything exposed about Hillary was true.
If anything Trump’s “Fake News” accusations are legit.
The MSM was totally in the tank for Hillary, and she lost so they’re making the Russia shit up.
It was never anything other than an excuse that Hillary pulled straight out of her ass. No amount of screeching and wishing is going to make it true.
If there was a shred of proof of actual collusion it would have been plastered all over the MSM by now.
Let’s not forget where the Obama “Birther” story originated too.
Same ass, different propaganda.
Every week we are coming to realize that we do not know the depth of this
Russian hackingTom Friedman molesting little boysHey, it has about as much substance as Friedman’s contention.
No, actually the statement ‘we do not know the depth of this Russian hacking’ is completely true.
And we trust that the news we get from our mainstream outlets is true and that it is corrected if it is not.
Since when? That’s a bunch of historically inaccurate bullshit.
Every week we are coming to realize that we do not know the depth of…
Insert conspiracy theory of your choice.
i don’t know why this is funny, but it made me laugh
this was also funny
Don’t get the first one other than anything Tucker does is funny. Second is perfect. This isn’t funny at all.
which is probably why he’s a very unconvincing when he gets serious and tells people helicopter memes are like, bad.
So the lesson is FDR was a racist dickshit?
We already knew that.
Everytime i see Adam what’shisname, i feel the urge to throw a mike-tyson-esque uppercut
I disagree. An uppercut misses the true joy and aesthetic of punching what is perhaps the most punchable face in human history. I mean, sure, you get the chin. But that leaves the nose, cheeks and upper mouth unpunched.
I have to go with ‘What is a Roundhouse Kick’, Alex.
The fuck is that?
Did somebody say Saturday night special?
+1 barrel that’s so blue and cold
I’m surprised there aren’t way more guns even less expensive than that.
There are.
Jiminez Arms are still in business. High Point too.
I think the Keltec PMR30 is down in that price range too, as long as you have no objection to owning a lightweight plastic club.
If 22 WMR weren’t such a terrible round for a semi-auto, it shouldn’t be a “plastic club”. Most guns are very mature technology. Making one that works well should be easy. There must be some government interference involved if some factory in Asia can’t make $50 revolvers.
Well, that’s the whole point isn’t it. There’s government interference all the way down.
That would put cheap guns near the hands of peasants, and as Mao said: [“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party. ]
.38spl doesn’t make my hand hurt just looking at it like so many other snubbies.
More 90s desert rock nostalgia.
Nice. Here’s another.
For our fooseboll fans
No football fans in LA either.
Oh you meant the *non*-incredibly-boring stops play every 10 seconds for 5 minute long commercial breaks, Neanderthals smashing their brains into mashed potatoes, lots of convicted felons version of football. Carry on.
But with (Euro) football I get to go hang out in a bar with a bunch of drunken English and Irish ex-pats and drink at 7:30 in the morning. Do you get that with your pansy American football? No, you don’t.
Do you get that with your pansy American football?
You need to get to more Big 10 games. I’ve been to tailgate parties that started the night before the game.
Yep, went to the UC-Michigan game this year with my brother (UC grad who lives and works in AA). His co workers (Michigan grads) were there before we were (at 7 AM they said), and we got there just after 8:15 AM.
When I was in Kansas City during the MartyBall era, the tailgate would start on Friday night (Red Friday).
LSU games have 24 hour pregame tailgating. Some years ago they moved a game to Friday, thinking that would thwart the lot of bourbon swilling tailgaters…nope, they just showed up on Thursday.
People are drunk throughout the weekend at the Georgia-Florida games in Jacksonville, also known as the World’s Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party.
Getting weirder and weirder…
The problem with the politicization of everything is that it’s essentially impossible to not see a political angle to this. It’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you.
I just learned that the new york times has a job title called, “Audience Strategy Editor”
and that, basically, the sort of “templating” that Mic did is something every media org now does, all the time, with everything
i think in ye olden days, it would have been called ‘marketing’; but i think its gone to a higher level now, where they’re marketing-their-marketing. What are they selling? stories. the product *is* marketing.
in the pre-internet days, you couldn’t get the sort of data on what people read, and how long they read it, and how they react (comment), and how “valuable” a story was from the POV of an advertiser. It was all just ‘content’ and it was prioritized based on what was actually happening in the world.
Now, they can literally track the difference between wordings of headlines… and benchmark what is more ‘effective’ (from pov of clicks), completely independent on the nature of the content. The content is basically meaningless, because no matter what it is, it will be pumped through the marketing-filter to ensure its most-sellable.
I just learned that they also have a Gender Editor, so what you posted doesn’t shock or surprise me at all.
I’m not at all surprised that they’d split-test their articles.
I just learned that the new york times has a job title called, “Audience Strategy Editor”
“Political Officer” sounds so old-fashioned.
How ’bout “propagandist”?
I favor “Liaison to the Democratic Party”.
Alles klar?
This guy may be overstating a little when he says that Hollywood is “destroyed”.
Well, Roger has a vested interest in saying that. He’s been saying that for years – not likely he’s going to un-say it now.
Oh, this is too fucking funny – the car I often end up parking behind at work has a Friends of Tibet license plate (VA has a million specialty plates). Today it also has a new sticker – an IWW sticker. Apparently he doesn’t get the cognitive dissonance between repression by ChiComs in Tibet and pimping a Commie front organization.
You should buy one of these and surreptitiously add it to their collection.
Justice will be had
Slide Fire is already under attack in the courts. Because bump stocks are an accessory without functioning mechanical parts, the company may fall outside the protections of a 2005 federal law shielding gun and ammunition makers from being held liable for gun violence. On Oct. 6 three victims of the shooting filed a class-action suit against Slide Fire and unnamed manufacturers, accusing the industry of negligence. “Paddock could not have injured so many people without a bump stock,” the complaint states.
The suit, filed on behalf of the victims by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence in Nevada state court, argues that bump stocks are an accessory under Slide Fire’s own definition and as such aren’t covered by the federal shield law. “A bump stock is not a firearm, and it is not ammunition,” says Avery Gardiner, chief legal officer of the Brady Center. “It does not qualify for immunity.” The suit aims to recover unspecified damages as well as funds to pay for the victims’ counseling, treatment for emotional distress, and some medical monitoring for everyone who attended the Las Vegas concert.
Those noble and selfless truthseekers from the Brady Campaign will make everything right.
>bump stocks are an accessory without functioning mechanical parts
Um, wat? Do they only include non-functioning mechanical parts? Do they only contain functioning spiritual parts? Are they made only from arm things that go up.. actually they are arm things that go up.
I think I just blew my own mind.
The scumbag lawyer left out one of the protected categories. Xe lists firearm and ammunition as protected, but leaves out “a component part of a firearm”, also protected.
Expert witness: “Asshole could have killed hundreds had he practiced a bit more, used decent optics, aimed each shot, and fired at a controlled rate. Bump firing saved lives.”
Apparently he doesn’t get the cognitive dissonance between repression by ChiComs in Tibet and pimping a Commie front organization.
“Free Tibet!”
“From whom?”
“The KochBros, man. Who else?”
It’s almost like they don’t even know who Tibet’s oppressors actually are.