And lo, it is Thursday. The day before the end of the week. My brain has finally managed to rend its way free of this illness miasma and worked today. It was crazy maintaining the same thought for more than five minutes.
That sonofabitch Trump MADE Puerto Rican officials withhold hurricane relief.
Can one be a Nazi and also part of (((New World Order)))? Asking for my friend, Don.
That sonofabitch Trump is pissing off state insurance regulators? I read these articles and articles posted by certain other people like Russians used to read Pravda. I assume this will be at worst no less effective than the status quo, and at worst positively affect some people’s ability to receive affordable healthcare.
SugarFree’s pancreas may not work, but he had plenty of spleen to vent about Slate proposing the Library of Congress take over Gawker. I’m trying to think of a good off-line analogy. Maybe they should take over Playboy now that its a bombed out shell of its former self.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug — 80s Hair Metal, lazy edition.
Maggie. Motherfuckin. McNeill.
Well, she’s just a dirty whore, so why should we care what she thinks?
She needs more pics on the website. Just a thought
If you look through her twitter feed, there’s enough nudes to feed you for a while. Just sayin’.
Thanks for the tip. You’re a good man
“Thanks for the tip” – That’s what she said.
To the leper
I’m rather surprised she shows her face that much on her twitter feed.
Ehh. Pass
I haveta admit, I was thinking that maybe you were being a bit harsh.
But, yeah.
Goddamn spectacular.
Maggie rocks.
And Clinton’s sycophantic clique can lick me.
And I had no idea about that Clinton stunt. Disgusting.
I keep praying for Clinton to stroke out, and God keeps refusing to grant me my wish. We must have been very, very bad to deserve her continued existence in the public eye.
We’re all paying for OMWC’s sins.
Just so long as she strokes out in front of cameras so we can make funny gifs of it.
HM once posted that gif with “already nutted but she still suckin'”. So tasteless. So beautiful.
That’s the one I was looking for, but couldn’t find it.
Why stroke out now? She’s lost a huge share of her power, and her refusal to acknowledge this and stay in the news combined with her huge amount of baggage is one of the worst things happening to Team Blue right now.
Exactly. They are so committed to eating their own now I have no desire to see it stop.
Holy fucking shit. That’s even worse than SNL’s “Hallelujah” performance after the election.
But Remy had a great response, back in the before times before TOS went complete TDS.
TOS still puts out some good content on occassion (Our Amazing Debt, Libertarian GoT). It’s just that the trolls and cosmo-ing is so prevalent it makes it hard to find the gems.
I encountered a drawn-out HazelMeade vs. John session, and found it fascinating. It was a lot of talking (screeching) past each other, not addressing each other’s points (to the extent that they had coherent points, which was rare), attacking strawmen. Would be a good example for teaching people about logical fallacies and rhetoric and debate.
John : pot, Mexicans, and ass sex :: HazelMeade : guns, confederate flags, and discrimination
I wish I was joking.
Remy is awesome.
$10 says every woman who wrote in was, shall we say encouraged to write them by the higher ups.
That was awesome
first first, if so
So sorry.
The extra words killed it for you. Keep going though bud, you’ll get there.
It definitely wasn’t first-first.
BTDubbs, anyone know why Eugene never came over?
I wöüldn’t cönsider Mötley Crüe (please insert döts edit fairy) as ‘hair metal’. In the sense that there söngs weren’t all a bünch öf silly ballads and pöp-y singles ala Pöisön ör White Snake
Edit Faerie: I halped!
ö is U+00F6 and ü is U+00FC.
If you’re on Windows, that’s Alt+0246 and Alt+0252. But I’ve got a keyboard driver that allows me to enter them directly.
^He’s “special”.
/Not polite to point
Maybe driver isn’t the right word, but you can select keyboard layouts via the control panel. One for Western European languages, and one for русский язык.
“Furriner’s typin’ furrin stuff! Git im!”
No, they were silly pseudo-metal. But who cares, it was a fun time!
The other day someone said never to read YT comments, but this is why that’s not always good advice:
You shouldn’t read YT comments, but you should skim them. There are some real gems in there.
The bands who sported that look had overwhelmingly female fan bases – Motley Crue, Poison, Def Leppard, Warrant, et al. I think that’s why I liked Metallica so much as a kid – they just wore black jeans and t-shirts
Whitesnake wasn’t all cheesy ballads and pop dreck. Here’s proof:
There’s also…wait, that’s about it.
Whitesnake was decent before Coverdale sold his soul to David Geffen.
He sold his soul to bang Tawny.
This is how the Devil got back at him.
That’s why you should ALWAYS read the fine print.
Edit fairy es en fuego today.
Oooooh! Oooooh! Lemme try:
Ï wöüldn’t cönsïdër Mötlëy Crüë (plëäsë ïnsërt döts ëdït fäïrÿ) as ‘häïr mëtäl’. Ïn thë sënsë thät thëïr
esöngs wërën’t äll ä bünch öf sïlly bälläds änd pöp-ÿ sïnglës à la Pöisön ör Whïtë Snäkë.This is fun! Lotta work, though . . .
Huh. Missed an “i”. All the vowels start to look the same after a while.
Ctrl+H is your friend, friendo
Nah. Too impersonal.
Think of how much money the FedGov could waste if they had something like this to tax?
Don’t give em any ideas just yet. I need one more summer to grow the mother load so I can climb out of povery
Deflection in abuse syndrome: Are Hollywood Actresses really angry at Conservative men? Or is it all just a sham?
I read that earlier today, it’s a good one. Seems like a variation of Stockholm Syndrome.
It’s always projection.
I do sometimes worry about this kind of mindreading, that way lies “false consciousness”
Thanks for explaining my problems with the article better than I could. Its awfully convenient that the crisis of the moment happens to explain some behavior you don’t like in your political opponents.
This. It’s profoundly dubious.
I wonder how much of it is “lashing out” and how much is simply becoming the mask. Hollywood types live and die based on their connections, and it is well known that the Hollywppd elite have a strong prog streak. These people act for a living, of course they’re going to act like they’re goodthinkers and hate wrongthink. Of course, acting is just roleplaying, and play the role long enough and you can start to internalize it.
Hamilton Nolan being a website’s economics writer should justify wiping it from the pages of history.
Not only is he a full commie, he doesn’t even understand basic economic principles. But I repeat myself
Ummmm…. ok? (Mostly SFW)
From the comments: “Speak for yourself. I expect my girlfriend to have 12-15 climaxes a day. I am 66, take tons of meds, twice a week is a triumph for me. I offer my GF goddess massages and techniques from “Slow Sex” so we have 4 sessions a day, and she comes 3 or 4 times each session. And I cook and clean up. Guys, it is easy, and to be around a woman who is drenched in Oxytocin is a super treat.” That sounds like a chore.
Dude’s committed, I’ll give him that.
Maybe he should get a place with electricity.
Or an air drop of D batteries.
Or buy a giant pacific octopus.
A DeWalt cordless reciprocating saw with “attachments”?
Or get a golden retriever and a Costco-sized jar of peanut butter.
Somebody just lit the Riven Signal.
Go back to bed, Brett.
An interesting development
I like it.
Perks of on time links, bravo Brett.
This morning on the radio news the top story was how Trump threatened, via Twitter, to cut off disaster relief to PR. Actually, he said something like, we can’t provide disaster relief forever, and they are in an economic mess of their own making. Brett’s link puts that into a different context.
TW: Breitbart.
Decent article.
National Coming Day?
Enough with the euphemisms.
Every day is Coming Day for the guy Q linked to upthread.
South park went Weinstein, Awesome funny!
Remember that anti-drug PSA with Rachael Leigh Cook in a skimpy tank top? Well there is a new video with Rachael Leigh Cook in a tank top against the war on drugs:
Here is the original:
Ahem, THIS is the original.
No, THIS is original.
You were able to ignore “Rachael Leigh Cook in a tank top”? The gay community must appreciate your dedication.
They do, thank you for noticing. As a bonus here’s here all done up pretty like in She’s All That.
I’m hungry for eggs
Mmmmm eggs.
I’d think you’d want to stay as far away from eggs as possible.
Natural combo. If very dangerous for the wild bacon to be near the domesticated egg.
Indeed. In bacon and eggs, the chicken is involved, but the pig is committed.
That’s all well and good but taking the racial angle is just counterproductive and it causes people who would otherwise be open to the message to dig in their heels. A swing and a miss.
I think the racial angle helps. It’s always been a racist policy.
The problem is that if you want to appeal to non-woke people . It is similar to having criminal justice reform, once a group like BLM takes it over, then it becomes linked with racial justice, which is already politicised. It would better to tell white people that the WOD screws up plenty of peoples’ lives, not just people with excess melanin.
I’m not arguing that the WoD isn’t racist, but it is horrible for a lot of other reasons besides racism.
^this, so much this.
I feel like being associated with the race-agitators makes reform harder, because they accuse everyone everywhere of being racists, even their own ‘allies’. Who wants to be associated with that? I don’t think it is wrong or an error to mention or acknowledge the racial disparity, but the focus has to be on the general ridiculousness of the offense (going to jail for smoking a plant or eating a mushroom), the fact that more damage is done to society and the individual as a result of the war on drugs, not less and that the rights of the individual are infringed upon (Which of these you might reference, or stress will depend on your audience, assuming you actually want to convince them). I think it also becomes more difficult to reform if the racist results of the policy are presented as racist intentions of those who voted for/supported it. This means you’re trying to force people to lose face, and take blame- they *will* get defensive about it.
The thing is that the WoD is bipartisan. While it was started by racist progressives, it was pushed further by Republicans such as Nixon, Reagan, and Rockefeller. On the right, there are libertarian and constitutional conservatives who are against it, but they are too small a minority. On the left, you have a bunch of hippies, but they are too stoned to remember Election Day. So nothing will change. While BLM are mostly fringe SJW’s, the Congressional Black Caucus is around 45 votes. Democrats need the black vote to keep their Senate seats, or have any chance of winning the White House. If regular black people make ending the WoD a wedge issue, and the churches and civil rights leaders accuse their opponents of being racist. Then two things will happen. The Democrats will have to concede to get elected, and the Republicans will have to concede because they won’t be able to argue on principle.
Even without the racial justice politics, it seems bad from a persuasion perspective to assure the majority of people that they have nothing to worry about because they will never, ever experience the negative effects of this bad policy before demanding they take action to fix the bad policy.
She obviously yanked Weinstein to get that job.
Heroin is a helluva drug.
Whenever I read “That sonofabitch…”, my brain automatically inserts “Van Owen…” over whatever follows.
That sonofabitch Van Owen
That video is age-restricted? WTF?
Really? That seems…strict?
Sally ISIS Jones got drone processed.
Hey man, nice shot!
+1 Budd Dwyer
I think you meant Hey Man, Nice Shot
her 12-year old son too. he had already executed at least one prisoner. poor kid. basically kidnapped at age 9 and brainwashed into a child soldier.
It’s a sad thing
That’s pretty fucked.
You know who else enslaved minorities?
Excellent, SC in the news again…
At least no one got murdered this time.
Every human culture everywhere, until around the 19th century?
Or for some nations, the 20th century. Fun fact: Mauritania was the last country to officially abolish slavery in 1981.
:::sad trombone::
Upon the passage of that law they totally stopped enslaving people, along with all of the other countries in Africa and Asia and the ME.
Whenever I read “That sonofabitch…”, my brain automatically inserts “Van Owen…” over whatever follows.
*My PC just did some weird shit, so apologies if this posts twice*
Ugh. Of course it did. If I wasn’t at work, this wouldn’t have happened.
If I wasn’t at work
Rufus hardest hit.
You would hit Rufus, wouldn’t you?
Does he wear glasses?
I mean, it’s not really my bag, but if Rufus needs it to get off, I suppose I’d help.
+1 cat o’ nine tails
That’s true friendship.
The squirrels are client side now?
Your a moron
Runs in the family?
ftfy maroon
*stares blankly at bacon
Its spelt moran you dumy.
That sonofabitch Trump MADE Puerto Rican officials withhold hurricane relief.
You know what I like about that article? It names its sources.
“Weinstein, Trump and Cosby have brought sexual abuse to the fore. How do parents of gender-fluid children address this issue?”
I thought your headline was just sarcastic before I clicked on it.
The parents of gender-fluid children have already proven themselves to be incapable of addressing important issues.
Oh, they have proven quite capable of addressing important issues. They just address it in a way that involves child abuse and mutilation.
She needs to understand that she is in danger!
Well, maybe not..
~~~lo-fi Faerie to to the rescue
/ `._ \+O+/ _.’ \
( @ : `. //`\\ .’ : @ )
\ `. `. ((a a)) .’ .’ /
\;’ `. `.((( – ))).’ .’ `;/
\`. `. ((()=())) .’ .’/
) :-._`/`((“Y”))`\’_.-: (
(`…./ /(_ * _)\ \….’)
>—/ / ) ( \ \—< / .'.\ \_/\\_//\_/ /.'. \ |o _.-\/_) '*' (_\/-._ o| |`' ;/ \; `'| ".o_.-/ \-._o." "._/ \_." / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ `----....._____.....----' ~~~lo-fi Faerie has been the subject of a very serious teleportation accident 🙁
Damn it I messed up the tags! 🙁
Fear not! Edit faerie will be along shortly.
I tried that months ago with a picture of Link from Legend of Zelda as my pm links contribution. The Edit Faerie was unresponsive. Understandably so.
This edit faerie is hawt.
Better wear a rubber, dude.
Friends don’t let friends hit on garbled ASCII art.
D: What happened to the edit fairy!
Also, thank you edit fairy! 😀
The Edit Faerie is taking a dump and doesn’t have time for this nonsense because she hasn’t eaten enough fibre in the last few weeks.
I asked myself, what could be better than seeing Harvey Weinstein go down in flames? And the answer turned out to be taking Matt Damon AND Ben Affleck with him! If this much schadenfreude persists I shall have to see my doctor.
How do you like them apples?
It’s glorious. When Matt Damon got dragged in, I got near-orgasmic levels of schadenfreude.
They even winged Kimmel but I think he’s going to make it.
I see I bungled another link:
And now I have P Brooksed my follow up. Time for bed.
This whole thing still has the feel of a setup to go after Betsy DeVos.
I pretty much hate any actor, especially Matt Damon, but this whole torrent of accusations sounds rather convenient since nothing can be proven nor dis-proven. Just the way college rape tribunals operate.
This whole thing still has the feel of a setup to go after Betsy DeVos
That would be an interesting connection/coincidence since Damon has previously shown himself to be staunchly opposed to the other sorts of reform that DeVos is interested in (school choice, vouchers, etc.).
What Two Former Trans Men Want You To Know About All The Lies
Pretty dark article. I have no idea of the veracity of the stories, but it seems that maybe dudes ought not start chopping parts too quickly. And the docs need to be slapped down hard.
This is why I remain opposed to these surgeries for minors. Adults have to live with their consequences, but irreversible mutilation is unacceptable for children (awaits avalanche of circumcision-related comments).
What about a 6th digit?
NO! That kid could have a promising career as a concert pianist!
+1 Schubert impromptu with added treble notes
No love for vestigial tails?
“You’re *someone’s* fetish…”
The correct answer is HINDUS, who guessed HINDUS? Nobody? Baby Hanuman weeps.
My father swears by ’em. I still remember the moment when he told me “You haven’t lived till you’ve slept with a girl with a tail.”
It seems like there are two issues.
One is about misrepresentation of facts, and of complications from the surgery. Those may be legally actionable torts.
The other is about regrets and misplaced desires. Those shouldn’t be.
If you tell your doc to chop your dick off, and he does it, well you got what you wanted.
I was gypped – there’s no SF content at slate. Glibs made me compromise my computer (and sanity) for nothing!
Well, are you?
Don’t even have to click because I know the answer for myself is: ‘absolutely not’
Well, I’m almost as old as one, so I guess that’s a start.
The actual score sheet isn’t that bad. But definitely a different focus.
“Where’s the fucking bench press?”
I can’t even at those situps. The navy went to crunches with your arms crossed across your chest around the time I came in – I don’t recall if Army still does a traditional situp (apparently bad on the neck?) – but straight legs – touch your knees with your elbows. Good gravy!
My best was 84 in 2 minutes. Yup, old school sit ups, FTW!
You talking the “normal” post ’84 situps? I did plenty of those in the Army – but we had our knees bent. (rest in the up position, etc). Nothing like keeping your legs flat on the ground.
Normal link for today’s movie review – the awesome 1979 Japanese nuclear satire: “The Man Who Stole the Sun”. Seriously…this title’s at the top of my list for buying US DVD/BR distribution rights if I ever get some cash. Amazing flick and still available on Japanese DVD if you’re region-free.
And as previously noted this morning – special “Glib-only” review link with a bit of extra footage (blocked by Toho on youtube – this is a private link)
And while I’m at it – special glib-only link to my very first Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead review – which required so many edits and almost got me kicked off youtube. No need to share these versions around – not worth the effort.
What, you need me to spot you an Andrew Jackson?
I think distribution rights cost a bit more than that, but I need to track down the current prices, etc.
So, it turns out Hans Hermann-Hoppe seems to think that true libertarianism requires an authoritarian and totalitarian institution that is willing to drive people off their land if they have the wrong ideas or are insufficiently community minded.
No, I’m not joking.
Here’s the video.
At about minute 26 he says:
Gosh, Jeffrey Tucker sure sounds hyperbolic when he warns that allying with right-Hegelianism is going to be as disastrous as allying with the left-Hegelians isn’t he?
communism, socialism, syndicalism, or democracy
One of these is not like the others…
Also, voluntary communism (e.g. Kibbutzim), socialism (e.g. mutual aid societies), and syndicalism (worker-owned businesses) are perfectly compatible with libertarianism. It’s the involuntary kinds that are the problem.
I’d also go a step further and say that any version of “libertarianism” that requires removal of dissenters is… not libertarianism at all. Regardless of where the fine distinction between classical liberalism and libertarianism is, exactly, both share the common premise that liberty is at the heart of civil society. It is precisely freedom of dissent which distinguishes libertarianism and liberalism from other philosophies of government. If you remove that element, then what you are left with is something else entirely.
what is “hooktube”
This isn’t news.
For the past couple of years, absolute pieces of shit have been seriously talking about a “Libertarian Fascism”.
That must be where are the “Libertarian Socialist” on reddit come from.
“TheAmazingAtheist” is still around? *shudder*
This is over my head. Seems like he’s conflating the end-goals of fascism with fascism itself, while denying the same treatment for leftist-collectivist ideologies. (Yet if libertarian-fascism can be allowed a non-coercive (and to my mind fantastical) interpretation, so can libertarian-socialism.) How is fascism to be implemented? In ways counter to libertarian principles. If we restrict it to a voluntarist enclave that’s non-coercive toward outside systems, why is leftism denied comparably generous treatment (and even explicitly made the enemy, at the same time as fascism is given such benefits of doubt*)?
*Look, Suthen, I didn’t say “THE doubt”!
I had high hopes for T when he started his channel 3 years ago, so it’s been sad to see him spiral down to this fellow-traveler of the alt-lite shtick he seems to have been on lately. Much of what he credits to “fascism” is just paleolibertarianism, and if T just wants to call himself a paleo, then Buddha bless. However, even accepting his highly idiosyncratic definition of fascism, the ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’ is a fallacy. What does he think will happen when the dust clears after Kulturkampf 2020? Does he honestly think some benevolent Philosopher-King will save his black ass when folks decide ethnonationalism is a better ticket than civic nationalism? The fact is, any sort of Right-Populist/Libertarian fusion/alliance will work as well as liberalterianism, that is, not at all. T seems to argue that fascism does not necessarily have to violate the NAP, I respectfully disagree. The very heart of fascism is the belief in the nation as an organic entity; as such, the state is obligated to maintain the health of this entity as much as an immune system maintains the health of an individual’s body. The first wave of historical Fascist thinkers argued that this requires “direct action” up to and including acts of violence against peaceable people by the party or the state. Libertarians ride the peckerwood-populist snake at their own peril.
he also starts that video by saying, “this is my most successful shit-post of all time”.
My interpretation of all that is that he’s just a kid who has a youtube channel about political philosophy (*which is challenging enough by itself), and occasionally he says confusing/controversial shit because a) it gets clicks and b) its an opportunity to spitball.
basically, i think you’re taking it too seriously. and even if he’s not 70% tongue in cheek – so what? how is it any different than the sort of bullshit @ C4SS or BHL calling itself libertarian?
Yes, I am aware of that. I am also aware that for the past couple of months he’s also been doubling down with said “confusing/controversial shit” like ‘what’s so wrong with ethnic nepotism?’, so I was writing with that context in mind. That having been said, if it is mere click-bait, I am still disappointed as T’s earlier videos show he can be better than that.
It’s not. As tarran pointed out above, both left and right wing collectivism in individualist clothing stink.
Is this that “libertarian fascism” that I’ve been hearing about? Or some Mencius Moldbug, top-men-needed shit?
If this is libertarianism, I don’t have a good grasp of what libertarianism is. Seems antithetical from the start.
Six of one and half-a-dozen of the other. I don’t think H3 openly identifies as a “libertarian fascist”, as he prefers the term “realist”, but he is definitely Ground Zero for all this monarchist shit.
I’ve read some Moldbug and it seems his ideas diverge from what a lot of people who point to him say they are. Maybe I just haven’t read enough.
It’s an attempt to remove the fragility from libertarianism. I get the motivations, but it’s self-defeating.
Of all the political systems to look to to avert fragility, fascism seems like a really dumb choice. Never mind Mussolini and Hitler, Franco’s fascism was undone by his own handpicked replacement after his death, and Pinochet’s was undone long before his death.
Like I said, self-defeating and compromises way too much on basic libertarian principles.
Hoppe has a point although I think his solution leaves a bit to be desired. He seems to believe that a community of hands off libertarians who want to be left alone could quickly be crushed by the more aggressive ideologies in their midst and I’m not really convinced he’s wrong.
I don’t think the helicopter ride hyperbole is constructive but his ideas at least attempt to address the prectical questions relating to how a libertarian society would survive in the real world.
Agreed, and when applied to a Lockean state of nature situation then there is no problem. If a colony of AnCaps pitch their tent in Mars, they have every right to control who can settle there and why. The problem is when Hoppeans advocate establishing an imagined Libertopia through “physical removal” in preexisting communities and nation-states. The problem with that, from an AnCap perspective, I think is well argued by Tomas Kaye around @ 8:00.
Good video. To be honest, I don’t know enough about Hoppe to meaningfully accept or reject his ideas and I need to look into his work more deeply.
Libertarian Lebensraum
Jesus, if you’re gonna fascist at least get with the young people and use some “helicopter ride” memes.
I guess young Otto von Bismarck is a libertarian now? From before he decided that employment insurance and health insurance are better ways to deal with socialists?
I know I already posted, but it’s my birthday dammit and the people demand tits!
A few repeats, but I would forfeit half my income for a run at #5.
it’s my birthday dammit
*bakes Q a decadent cake, realizes Q isn’t here, eats cake by self while wearing a wedding dress and ugly crying*
It’s ok, your prince will come along one day.
#39, *drool*.
#1 and #4 speak to me.
And #27 looks like a space alien. That’s what happens when friends let friends use cell-phone cameras with highly-aspherical elements in an off-centre shot.
I also want to breed #30 before it’s too late and some douchebag gets her in a family way instead.
How’s your kitty doing?
Wrong blue guy…
How’s your doggie doing?
He’s hangin’ in there, but he’s always been a fighter. The humidity has dropped and it’s like he’s 3 years younger.
I assume it’s the humidity. I’m a pussy admirer. Not a pussy doctor,
4 Jesse & KK!
#5 twice a day and three times on Sunday.
Also, I need to visit my local Twin Peaks soon…
I keep posting about this because…well, no reason, just because i did once, and now i feel like i’m responsible for updating it.
More on the Cuban Super Secret Sonic Anti-Diplomat Weapon
I highly encourage people to click through to the sound, which i am obviously copying and sampling into some instrument.
Also, because after 5 seconds of wheeeeeeeee sound, you are blessed with a Trap track from “Ski Mask the Slump God”, as though it were also part of the Cuban Sonic Death Weapon.
Also, because after 5 seconds of wheeeeeeeee sound, you are blessed with a Trap track from “Ski Mask the Slump God”, as though it were also part of the Cuban Sonic Death Weapon.
It’s not?
The dizzyness and nausea you are feeling is completely unrelated.
lol they changed the link because i imagine lots of people went to soundcloud and ended up listening to a rap song and wondering what the AP was talking about
These plebes don’t listen to onkyokei every morning?
This is my preferred japanese minimalist music*
*not kidding. i really like that record.
I like it too
/just woke up
I like it tooI love this. Beautiful.Found this nice post.
I’ve listened to that record with the picture of the cat on it. This was the bit i especially liked.
Minimalist music sure loves those “repeated arpeggios on mallet instruments” motifs, or whatever you’d call them. It’s certainly very pretty and entrancing.
yep. pedal tones and gradually modulating arpeggios is sort of the formula. and rhodes and vibes/marimba/glockenspiel were always very popular base sounds.
i don’t know if that’s an Eno thing or not. his ambient stuff influenced a lot of people doing this stuff… which isn’t all really strictly ‘minimalist’ so much, but more different variations of avante garde music which rejected the technical and compositional complexity of other modern ‘highbrow’ music. some of it is properly minimalist, some of it is probably just some version of “jazz”. I don’t really care so much about labeling the stuff, i just like that early 80s period of Japanese music, there was some cool stuff going on all over the place, whether it was jazz/ambient/electronica or whatever.
Some more fairly disturbing reports coming out of 7th fleet. There appear to be 3 separate articles on this one. Definitely worth a read. You do NOT want to work on a ship where the Department heads and Chiefs Mess are just a bunch of yes-men who can’t bring up issues to the chain of command. That tour probably stunted a lot of future leaders. Up to 33% of the crew going to captain’s mast in a 2 year period – WTF?
Granted DESRON and 7th Fleet have already been relieved, but there was definitely some major issues with accountability going on in Yokosuka. The whole point of command climate surveys are to make sure things stay steady or improve from CO to CO. They made the right call after the initial survey to have them on a 6 month basis vs a year (seeing the huge decline in morale) – but then they didn’t do a thing about it after that. WTF? You’re supposed to look at the results and do something with them.
What part of bureaucracy do you not understand?
Well, my commands at 3rd Fleet – Desron 9 (Everett) and whatever number was in Hawaii were very responsive – ditto for my shore command. Course our CO’s were O-5s, working for O-6s. As some folks note in comments – that guy had to have had a previous sea tour as a CO and been selected a second time – so somewhere the system is very broken.
Last link for today.
Seriously hope they pass some more free-market/choice reform for the VA before I “retire”. How any one can look at the VA (or NHS) or half the other systems out there worldwide and think….”hey Single Payer’s the way to go” has got to be braindead…not even joking….this is so far gone. Please Shulkin, light a fire under their asses!
I’m a fan of the .17 hmr cartridge.
An AR15 upper in .17 –
Looks interesting.
If it cycles reliably that’d be pretty cool.
Well, they can make 22LR versions cycle, so I can’t see why not.
So, odds Weinstein will pull a Polanski now that he’s (supposedly) in Europe?
I’d say pretty high.
Said exactly the following to my wife the other day: “Harvey Weinstein is “going to a sex rehab in Europe”, which probably means he’s going to go hang out with Roman Polanski and avoid extradition back to the US for rape.”
Sextradition, if he’s lucky.
This is why I brought up college rape tribunals.
Did these accusers ever go to the police within a reasonable time after the incidents? If not, why not?
If so, what the fuck did the police do? Ignore them? Ask them more questions they didn’t want to answer? Investigate and not find any actionable proof? Tell them “Yeah, that’s Weinstein! How the fuck could you not know?”
In any case, I’m sure “sex rehab in Europe” means “lawyering up in safe seclusion”.
Well, he’s as much as admitted to the crimes, and seems to have felt confident enough in his charm and untouchable status to think that he’d be insulated from punishment by promising to go after the NRA. (Real fuckin’ bit of genius, that last part.) So I imagine he’ll be hanging out in Europe until his lawyers hammer out a plea deal that would make Jeffrey Epstein proud.
He admitted to being a perv, I don’t think he admitted to rape. We’ll find out soon enough how many plea deals he has to make.
The Rose McGowan thing is nuts though. They came to a settlement – these usually include some sort of “no public comment” language in them. If so, it seems like she might have violated that settlement, in which case he could go after her. Now she’s pissed that Amazon cancelled a development deal with her, although her recent behavior is probably the impetus. She ain’t exactly helping out in the “positive marketing” department.
Probably avoiding the UK, though.
Related link I recently found
“Polanski has served his time”
All 42 days of it. The judge reneging on the deal is kinda shitty, but there are appeals. Regardless, 42 days is not what normal people get for what Polanski did. He didn’t serve his time, he served a trivial amount of time then fled to France to avoid doing any more.
Two other things I noted from that article:
1. He doesn’t actually say what it is Polanski did.
2. He seemed to be under the impression that contributing artistically to the world means you don’t have to face punishment like the rest of us would, which totally makes sense now.
Ben. Affleck:
One of the most absurd phrases uttered by progressives after Trump’s election was ‘what am I gonna tell my daughter (s)?!
Cucked morons.
I have no idea though how much of this is just shtick. Still….
I thought you were at work?
Figuratively or metaphorically?
Another member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, New York Democratic Rep. Adriano Espaillat told TheDC, “Well, anybody that engages in that kind of action whether civilian or representative should be looked at seriously because that’s unforgivable.”
What the ever-loving fuck? Does this stupid bastard think government bureaucrats aren’t civilians? He needs a refresher on the constitution or he needs to go headfirst into a woodchipper (metaphorically speaking, Preet)!
Civilians == little people. Do you even Blade Runner, dude?
I can’t get past the tortoise gag.
Feet first.
I’m a Head first guy. I’d rather the kickback come with the feet out instead of the skull shooting out of there on its own like a cannonball once the spine runs out.
But to each their own.
This is why you use a chipper with feed rollers. Those old Asplundh death machines are not acceptable.
If you put him in feet first you get to watch his expression.
I prefer the old manual approach with a sharp hand pruner. Everyone is in such a hurry these days. Sometimes you just have to slow down and enjoy the experience.
That’s the trouble with the world today. No one takes the time to do a really sinister interrogation anymore. It’s a lost art!
Get a big enough chipper and roll ’em in sidewise.
See, ^^this^^ is why we have an open forum. Eventually the best plan comes together.
Mr Bahara would like a word with you guys.
Early casting rumors for The Super Awesome Adventures of Secret Nazi President: The Motion Picture have leaked:
Donald Trump Clone #3 as “Secret Nazi President”
Ben Affleck as “Random Drunken Asshole”
Ellen Page as “Becky Hurt”
Rosie O’Donnell as “Steve Bannon”
Rosie as Bannon is inspired casting.
And in a cameo as “hobo #2” … Steve Bannon.
Who plays Conchita?
Louie Anderson
Bought myself a birthday bottle of this:
Bout time to knock off early, pour myself two fingers (or three, or four) and play some Witcher.
That link did evil, evil things to my Firefox browser.
Whisky poured; salt, menthol and seaweed on the nose; strong smokiness, vanilla and caramel flavor; very short and smooth finish. Not quite as good as Kilchoman Machir Bay but damn good.
Doesn’t sound like my kind of scotch (goddamn Islay, anyway), but I’m glad you’re enjoying it!
Happy birthday and happy Witchering. 🙂 Don’t lose yourself to a G-hole*
seaweed on the nose?
You know who else liked to drink alcohol with a bit of seaweed on their nose?
Happy Birthday.
I hope you feel guilty for being born on a date normally associated with that racist rapist and murderer, columbus
Not last link for today….I am deeply ashamed that I only found out this week that GDT had a new movie coming out (the same week as it’s apparent festival premiere): Shape of Water. I am appropriately thrilled and disturbed.
Return to your simple lives of mundane misery.
It looks sufficiently disturbing. And I’ll admit, Sally Hawkins is hot in a mousey kind of way.
Does look better than Crimson Peaks – but he needs to get back to his Spanish Fantasy Horror roots. Those films are unequaled by anything he’s done in English.
Crimson Peak was a disappointment. Nowhere near the existential terror of Pan’s Labyrinth.
“Crimson peak”
Is that the origin story of the fish man in Hellboy?
Don’t think so – just drawing on some related themes. Abe Sapien’s origin is that he was discovered in a glass jar sealed beneath Library of Congress or National Archives in the 50s – apparently since the mid-19th century (note found with him is dated the day Lincoln was killed in 1865 – hence the name).
Huh? Well in that case, I’m going to pretend they are brothers, I like movies to all be interconnected.
UNH blows ding librarian’s gift on football scoreboard then lies about it.
I don’t really see how the amount the state of New Hampshire spends on its universities has anything to do with the subject…
eh, it’s a cheap shot at New Hampshire.
“whose games are sparsely attended.”
Unless things have drastically changed in 20-something years, this is bullshit.
Don’t be Talkin smack about the free state. I think we are all supposed to move there and start our libertarian paradise or something
I’m not. They are.
I’m wondering why this is just making news now. I remember reading about it when it first happened, and I thought it was a foolish decision.
UNH clearly believes its future is football, and so when the Morin made his rare unrestricted gift of $4m
They misspelled moron.
This whole Harvey Weinstein thing just seems so intrinsically paternalistic.
Shut up, bitch. Go fix me a turkey pot pie.
-abusive father and husband
Threading fail.
Sort of works there too though.
Election news from the CA Twilight Zone: the California Senate President (aka. the Top Moonbat in the State Legislature) is ready to primary Feinstein because she obviously doesn’t prog hard enough, apparently.
And to add on to it, it gets even juicier, because noted coal investor Tom Steyer wants to hop in and be the #resist voice against old DiFi, too:
Steyer: man of the people.
Jesus Christ, what a short bench Team Blue has.
Hopefully Steyer will run and self fund his own campaign. I’d love to see him waste the money. Feinstein will be implanted with robot parts to keep her running for office well into the. Ext century.
It doesn’t matter what he believes, Steyer doesn’t have a chance at getting the prog vote because he’s a billionaire (progs hate the Corporate Democrats) and he’s a white male (progs are self-hating white people)
De Leon? THIS De Leon?
If his election was not guaranteed it would be hilarious. He might be the only person more anti gun than Feinstein.
Or he’s a protege of Leland Yee.
The top two primary system actually really hurts De Leon, especially if Steyer hops in, because a three way split almost always benefits the incumbent and allows a token R challenger to unite the vote above the two primary folks. The only reason why he’s stepping in is because term limits prevent him from seeking another term in the State Legislature.
I will forego all Xmas gifts if team blue will just make a hard left turn. Please, please, please…
who is the commie city council member in Seattle? The one that wanted to have a mob march out and seize the Boeing plant and begin producing city buses out of it? Team blue should run her in 2020 for president.
This one I think.
Could someone light the John Titor signal? I gots a question that I think he would have some insight into.
My gf has an online friend who is originally from Russia but has lived in Canada almost his whole life. His family defected from the soviet union in the late 80s. My gf asked him why they don’t go back now that the USSR is dead and wonderful capitalism is the law. He says that his family is afraid of being persecuted for defecting under soviet rule. I understand that the soviets were some scary sons of bitches when they were in power, but the soviet union has been dead damn near 30 years now. Are they overreacting or do they have a legitimate cause for concern?
Link I posted yesterday. The last few years there have been some very disturbing trends towards re-humanizing Stalin and other elements of the “good ol’ days”.
Et tu, Brute?
Why would anyone assume truth from an online friend?
He may be a dog, but he’s a really smart dog.
Sounds like bullshit. There could be practical reasons why it would be inconvenient for him to travel to Russia: the guy obviously doesn’t have a Russian passport, so he would need to apply for a visa, but it’s the same for all Canadians. The only complication I could really think about is to prove that he is not a Russian citizen, but as long as he left Russia before 1992 that should be trivial.
Nobody is persecuted in Russia for “defecting” in the ’80s.
Under Stalin they definitely would send defectors to the gulag or disappear them. If that happened to a family member previously, I would imagine that it would a few generations for that mistrust to go away.
What am I? Chopped liver?
My father thought the same way in the 1990s when I asked him to sign for an Italian passport when Italy ‘repatriated’ Italians who left after the war. I wanted a passport and he refused to sign it because he was afraid if I went they’d throw me in the military.
Long story short is I’m only Canadian and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
When I deployed in 2005, it was a thing that if you were born on a US base in Germany, you had to stay on the plane during our short layover in Frankfurt (even though we were on the military side of the airport). Apparently they could legally snatch you and conscript you into the bundestag (sp?)…under the treaty.
So he wasn’t paranoid, eh?
Bundeswehr. Unless they wanted Americans in parliament.
That’s the one!
The question has next to nothing to do with Canada.
The real question is…why would he want to? That is almost 40 years ago and still today Russia has a much poorer standard of living than Canada.
I’m not really aware of any Soviet defectors being currently prosecuted by the current Russian government, but…
If they happened to say, really piss off certain parts or individuals in the KGB or the party that are now in government positions there’s the potential for them to just make up charges and throw the book at them. Viktor Belenko, for example, embarrassed the shit out of the Soviets when he defected, and some people in the Russian government still spread rumours about him. If he ended up back in Russia for an extended period they’d probably make something up to charge them with (as Fish’s article notes, child porn is one of their favourite bullshit charges).
Linda Greenhouse, NYT legal scholar
Saudi women are gaining the right to drive. American women are losing the right to employer-provided birth control.
You know, the right to employer-provided birth control enshrined in the Constitution! What do you mean, you didn’t know?
There’s plenty of other stupid stuff in there, but I got tired.
At least she qualified it with “employer-provided”. Many people skip that part…
Nunneries should circumvent this problem by not hiring women.
Why in the hell aren’t they bitching about having to get a prescription for their “right” to birth control?
Since no one else has said it yet: fuck off slaver
How about employer provided food and housing? Maybe we should just go back to the good old days of company towns.
“Cause I owe my soul to the company store…”
Now that’s some logical fallacy on display right there.
Legal scholar, huh.
I swear to god, if companies keep texting me…
I’m always happy when I find out automated text systems interpret cursing as opting out of receiving additional texts.
You’ll do what? Release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you?
The world will know soon enough. Hahahahaaaaa.
Last time I checked a “mass shooting” was any gun related incident with four or more victims. So how about that Swedish gun control eh? (As I understand it there’s is registered and only for caliber+type that you use in official competitions as part of a registered club and you lose your license and guns for any police incident.)
I don’t speak Ferengi or whatever the hell that is.
Shooting of a market in Trelleborg. Four people injured. Suspected to be criminal activity. Similar to gangland shootings that allow people to pad the stats for “mass shooting” while using the emotional context normally reserved for something more in line with Vegas.
This link is in something approximating English.
Not terror related. Gang related. Those dreaded Swedish gangs.
Drinking Dragon Stout. Shits good, and the bottle art is baller, but pissed it comes in a tiny 9.6 oz. bottle.
You could be drinking the Extra. Those are only 8.45 ozs.
Nope, 9.6 oz, 7.5% ABV.
Or are you saying I shouldn’t complain about the size of the bottle because it could be worse?
Anyway, its really tasty, so I’m not too mad, but it did cost me a pretty penny, so I was hoping for full-sized bottles.
Flying Dog Steadman Abbey Ale is doing me well right now (at least after the Hoegaarden – which may have been in the fridge too long).
Whenever I get Hoegaarden it tends to disappear before it can go bad.
Looks like Venezuela has officially run out of other peoples’ money. Or at least they will have done so by the end of the month.
It’s all America’s fault!
Eh. Read on. The Miami Herald, especially in translated articles from its Spanish counterpart (which this is), doesn’t play like that when it comes to commie governments in Latin America.
Maduro is going to end up being the king of ashes. Wasn’t there a link this morning to Jeremy Corbyn praising the Venezuelan socialists?
infinity level chess
“Shaun King Retweeted
Shaun KingVerified account @ShaunKing Oct 10
It’s no accident that Donald Trump has chosen a Black woman (Jemele Hill) and a Black man (Colin Kaepernick) as his primary targets/enemies.
981 replies 12,102 retweets 34,687 likes”
Heh. Naturally.
Of course it isnt an accident. He chose them because they are reprehensible.
It is also no accident that he chose a black man to head up HUD.
” Shaun King Retweeted
Shaun KingVerified account @ShaunKing Oct 9
Jemele Hill was basically suspended for being Black and thoughtful while at ESPN. Her suspension is completely outrageous.
1,925 replies 15,168 retweets 38,803 likes”
Calling the President a ‘white supremacist’ without a shred of evidence and advocating for the boycott of one of the NFL’s biggest money maker is ‘thoughtful’?
Who is this guy?
That’s talcum X. What, you don’t know the white people of black people?
He is the blackest man who ever lived. He has seen and experienced racism more evil than you can conceive of. He alone has the experience and genius to see the racism at the center of every white person’s soul.
He is of course, white.
He has black features, but he still ‘passes’ as white. I mean, that’s what it’s all about to the intersectionalists, isn’t it? What you pass as?
He is a con artist born white but now lives his life in blackface. The ‘blackness’ is just cosmetic.
Can we all agree and settle on he’s a plain moron?
Yet her 6 PM SportsCenter partner, who is both of those things, was not suspended.
It surely didn’t have anything to do with breaking rules and fucking with advertisers. Nope.
So this is funny
Bonus derp from the comments –
“Just wait until you develop a preexisting condition.”
Yep; from the genius who claims, “Hillary must speak her truth!”
People like her get the government they deserve. Good and hard.
Honest interview answers I would like to give:
Why do you want to work here?
You offer money, you participate in the free exchange of goods and services, your financials don’t indicate you are in trouble, and the hiring manager doesn’t seem like an asshole.
What is your biggest weakness?
Maintaining this polite facade for two hours is so emotionally draining that I’m going to leave here and take a two hour nap.
Are you open to relocation?
I just bought a house 18 months ago, fuck no!
What is a crippling lack of self awareness?
Sarah Silverman sings I love you America
This came up as an ad on a freedom toons video. Someone is not getting their money’s worth.
The comments are terrible.
But the video is even worse.
I couldn’t get to the 2 minute mark.
Insufferable prog gibberish.
holy heck comment dumpster fire
From the insurance article: “…consumers with serious medical conditions and prompting more insurers to flee the law’s marketplaces.”
The law’s marketplaces? Does this seem like a strange phrase? I guess if they flee the law’s marketplaces that makes them outlaws?
Come to the law’s marketplaces and purchase all the toilet paper we’ll let you, because if you shop anywhere else we’ll beat you!
“A former bartender drugged and raped inside the Plaza Hotel by a member of a Saudi prince’s entourage was awarded $1.25 million in compensatory damages and $1 million in punitive damages by a federal judge on Tuesday.”
(long link to get around paywall)