I was hoping I would bring you triumphant news of the SHARE act passing a vote in congress this week. Instead I am writing you on the heels of a legit massacre and hoping we don’t have more gun control crammed up our asses by Thanksgiving. For those of you that just awoke from a coma, a guy took an actual arsenal to the 32nd story of the Mandalay Bay Casino and rained death into a crowd of 22 thousand country music fans. Roughly 60 dead, 500 injured. The perpetrator of what has now become the worst mass murder in modern American history? 64 year old Stephen Paddock: accountant, gambler, lover of old Filipino women, and millionaire. Yes, you read that right. This guy was loaded. Regularly dropped bills in Vegas, and had no problem clearing his tab. So why murder a bunch of drunk white people? Good question! If you know, please call your local libertarian gun blogger and let me in on it, cause right now it’s driving me insane.

I’m not going to mince words about it: this one is bad. In terms of optics this is the worst shooting in history. This wasn’t an easily explained case of schizophrenia or Islamic terrorism. This guy was the model gun owner. He passed every background check and followed every law, right up until he didn’t. How bad was this shooting? Let me just say that it made even me briefly question my belief in the second amendment. If that doesn’t make you nervous then you aren’t paying attention.

The focus now has shifted onto the guns the killer used. More specifically, the stocks. He had 12 rifles equipped with slide fire stocks. If you’re unfamiliar with them, I went over the particulars in one of my previous articles here. Basically, it’s almost full auto, and it allowed the shooter to crank out hot lead in record time. Bills have already been introduced to ban them, and it turns out the NRA are who we thought they were in the words of the immortal Dennis Green because they have decided to completely abandon their principles and throw gun owners right under the public opinion bus. You can do what you want, but when the NRA asks me to renew my membership I am going to tell them I spent the money on a slide fire and then tell them to get fucked.

I am not here to argue about the various efficacies of the proposed bills nor am I going to wax on about the effectiveness of full auto or bump fire in a combat scenario. Quite frankly, I have no answers this time. What do you say to someone to defend private gun ownership after an attack this heinous? Do you simply state #notallgunowners? Do you argue about personal responsibility and individual liberty to someone that was shot through the stomach at this event? What can you even say that doesn’t make you sound like Satan’s personal defense attorney?