Sometimes I like to write stream-of-consciousness posts when I’m procrastinating on more research intensive articles. This is yet another one of those situations. (Crafting a Narrative Pt. 3 will be ready soon)
Let’s have some fun together tearing apart this whole NFL v. Trump shitshow piece by agonizing piece. If we do this right, we’ll trigger literally everybody.
First, let’s address the elephant in the room. The entire frickin kneeling protest is an unorganized shitshow. When Kapernick started kneeling, it was vaguely in support of Black Lives Matter, but even BLM is a fucking mess of intersectional leftism. I’m not going to kill brain cells by going to their website again, but there was shit about ableism and transgenderism last time I went. On top of that, now everybody is kneeling for a thousand different reasons. Some are civil rights LARPing, some are protesting police brutality, some just hate Trump, and most of them have no fucking clue why they’re kneeling except for the fact that it pisses Trumphitler off.
Why the hell are you kneeling during the national anthem? Cops are employees of the state and local governments. They’re not even affiliated with the American flag, let alone somehow symbolizing it .Of course, if you’re smart, you don’t take the kneelers’ stated intentions at face value. The reality is that this protest against “systematic injustice” is really just a bunch of rich idiots being played like marionettes by no-kidding communists. Kapernick is in neck-deep with the commies, and his totalitarian milieu has polluted the NFL as a whole.
Why are you biting the hand that feeds you? We’ll get to the ridiculous reaction from fans in a minute, but it was a quite predictable reaction. Most football fans lean conservative and working class. Most conservative and working class folks are quite patriotic. They tend to either be veterans or know quite a few veterans. Disrespecting the flag is seen by them as pissing on their service and sacrifice. Any idiot can see this dynamic, and any idiot could have predicted the backlash that was created by these overprivileged multimillionaires disrespecting the flag.
It’s virtue signalling at its finest. There’s nothing accomplished by kneeling during the anthem. Not one cop is going to think twice about shooting some black kid just because some NFL player kneeled during the national anthem. Rather, the NFL is sending the message that they play ball with the SJW left. Unfortunately, the SJW left has resoundingly ignored the NFL… y’know because contact sports are icky and boring and not artisanal enough.
What of the boycotters? If there’s anything more pathetic than protesting a symbol that has nothing to do with the supposed object of your ire, it’s the people who are acting offended because other people won’t play patriotism olympics with them. By all means, boycott the NFL if you don’t like the message they’re sending. Hell, I’m watching much less NFL because I’m sick of all the personal interest stories, the “special interest here” month this and that, every other commercial being a PSA for some stupid cause, CTEs, and lefty virtue signalling around every corner (*cough* Bob Costas *cough*). What happened to football being about men in pads hitting one another? At the end of the day, though, respect or disrespect of the flag is a pretty stupid reason to change your entertainment habits. Why?
Because modern patriotic nationalism sucks. I completely get the connection between the flag and the service of our soldiers and veterans. I completely respect their courage and sacrifice. This is why I stand for the national anthem, even though I don’t participate. However, if there’s one thing that gets and eye roll from me in record time, it’s the old tired line of “freedom isn’t free. They fought and died for your freedoms.” Sorry, but when were my freedoms last threatened by a foreign power? Maybe WWII? That’s really stretching it, because the biggest threat to my freedoms in that era was FDR (internment camps, threatening the supreme court if they didn’t rule favorably, etc.). Maybe one could argue that the actions in Afghanistan were preserving our freedoms after 9/11, but again, the Patriot Act, TSA, and DHS are much bigger threats to my liberty than Al-quaeda has ever been. In my opinion, it’s completely appropriate to honor those who fought and died in the name of our nation without bullshitting us by saying that they were “fighting for our freedoms.” If anything, that cheapens their legacy, because it paints a paper thin GI Joe veneer over a much more complicated and difficult situation.
Beyond this, why the hell do we need to sing the national anthem at sporting events in the first place? What a stupid and ridiculous tradition that is! We don’t sing the national anthem before music concerts or starting the workday or before the movie starts at the theater. The idolatry that passes as patriotism these days would have the founding fathers rolling so hard they’d power the entire country’s electric grid.
Speaking of violently spinning founders, let’s talk about the bullshit that is both sides of the police brutality argument. On one side, you have the SJWs and civil rights LARPers who think this is Birmingham in 1958. On the other side, you have law & order conservatives who think this is Mayberry in 1965. Both are laughably wrong, but there’s no adult in the room to tell them to stop being idiots.
Cops aren’t heroes, at least not all cops are heroes. Cops are not tyrants, at least not all cops are tyrants. I’m not a strict individualist. I believe that you can assign generalities to individuals of a group. However, I think that you have to pursue such generalizations very carefully. By and large, people apply generalities too strongly and too broadly. That is the case here, as well.
The BLM agitators are notorious for swinging and missing every. single. time. Trayvon Martin? *whiff* Michael Brown? *pbfffft* The few cases that were actually open and shut abuse cases were completely ignored by BLM. Why? Because their end goal isn’t ending police abuse. Their end goal is stirring up racial strife in order to elevate their political (and financial) clout.
Cops aren’t walking targets in urban areas. Despite what some would have you believe, most folks don’t get their rocks off by taking pot shots at pigs. Save for one major incident, and a handful of one-off incidents per year, most people who have an issue with cops simply try to run away. This aura painted by the right of embattled cops struggling to make it home to their wives and 2.5 kids is completely made up.
Questioning the motives of cops is very patriotic. Police are armed enforcers of the state. They do good things (like handling outlaws), but they’re also the single quickest path to authoritarianism. The rapid militarization of police over the past 2 decades, paired with lax due process protections and highly aggressive tactics has turned policing from an Andy Taylor/Barney Fife context to a wannabe soldier context. The conservatives are happy to play along, grouping “first responders” with veterans in the exalted ranks of “heroes” to be honored with the flag.
Before this gets too long, I’ll wrap it up with a few quick hits.
- If cops were heroes, they’d be held to a higher standard than the public. Instead, they’re held to a lower standard.
- Qualified immunity has been abused and distorted to cover a cop’s every action. If it were “right sized,” any escalation by the cop would fall outside of qualified immunity.
- The fact that BLM and other civil rights griefers are even treated as legitimate shows how absolutely fucked up our media is.
- If the NFL players wanted to kneel before the thing that destroyed the black community, they’d find the nearest Medicaid office and kneel there. Then they’d join Antifa in tearing down all the LBJ statues.
- Nothing about the treatment of urban blacks is going to change until their culture changes. Holding police accountable for their overreaches isn’t going to fix the “systematic” issues. Only a massive cultural shift will do that.
- The NFL and Goodell are utter dumbasses. They should’ve nipped this in the bud a year ago, but they were sympathetic with Kapernick, and now they’re getting their asses bit for it.
- Notice I haven’t even mentioned Trump’s or Pence’s reaction. That’s because they have nothing substantive to add to the conversation. They’re charlatans playing the controversy for political points.
*Joins the PISS ON ALL OF ‘EM*
But I want to virtue signal!
Think I’ve got a little left, lemme join too!
Does that include pissing on Swiss Servator?
*prepares umbrella*
I’m boycotting the NFL because the Giants are 0-5 and devolving into a circus sideshow. So I have very good reasons.
It’s sad. They have no running game and their wide receivers are injured.
I’ve never seen a team lose four receivers to injury in one game before.
I am not a Giants fan; pretty neutral about them really. Although I enjoyed their denying the Patriots even more SB rings.
But man, that was ugly to see all those WRs go down in injury that game. What are the odds?? Do guys not drink milk anymore, or does their weight/strength training staff suck??
The players screwed themselves over in the recent collective bargaining agreement. They demanded less contact in the offseason/preseason drills and the end result is they’re bodies simply aren’t conditioned soon enough; which leads to sloppy play and multiple severe injuries at the beginning of the season.
Alright, trsh, I actually read the whole long post before commenting, and I think you . . . totally nailed it.
I might add a little gloss, that the NFL fan demographic has been trained (thanks, Hillary!) to see attacks on traditional American stuff like the flag as attacks directed at them personally on account of them being irredeemable bigots and all. The strong reaction from NFL fans is probably less about disrespecting the flag, than disrespecting them.
If the personal is political (something else we can thank the odious totalitarians of the left for), then the political is personal. Don’t get all shocked when people start taking your attacks on their political views personally, lefties. Isn’t that what you have been teaching us to do?
Fuck, I hate all of this. But if the destruction in broad daylight of a seemingly untouchable American institution is what it takes to make it clear what road we are on, then so be it.
This is just one part of the picture. It’s what you get when EVERYTHING IS FUCKING POLITICAL.
Once the left have finished ruining football, they’ll eventually find hockey.
I don’t think your average farm boy from Peace River, Alberta, is particularly woke.
Neither is your average football fan from Bugscuffle, TX.
The question is, when the SJW locusts show up in the NHL, whether the NHL brass has the balls to tell them to go fuck themselves.
Once you see them start pandering, you know it’s all downhill from there. I’m doubtful that the NFL ever recover from this. I think the league greatly underestimate the willingness of the fans to tell them to go get fucked.
I was talking more about the players, not the fans. I don’t think too many of the players are of the PM Zoolander variety of Canadian, and I doubt the Euros give too much of a shit about North American domestic politics.
The Eurotards seem to care a great deal about American politics. They seem in particular to be obsessed about our ability to own firearms and the fact that we won’t just go ahead get really great rationed healthcare just like theirs, that they hate.
Again, though, talking about the players.
Ole the Goalie from rural Sweden isn’t going to be raising a fist in the air during the Star Spangled Banner…
Nor is your average Russian or Finn player.
“Wow, that Finnish player just viciously cross checked that Russian one!”
“So, that is part of hockey.”
“But they are on the same team!”
And see that it’s all wypipo and flag-waving.
Not a lot of brothers play hockey.
Only 5% of the general population has found hockey, so I’m not worried.
May it ever be thus.
I rooted for the Oilers for the rest of spring after the Canadian home crowd finished singing the American national anthem when the soloist’s microphone/monitor tech failed. I have been practising “O Canada” ever since in case I ever have occasion to return the favor.
not cool man.
I’m boycotting the NFL this season.*
* I’ve actually boycotted the NFL my entire life because I’d rather watch hockey, but we can’t let that get in the way of my virtue signaling.
But I am enjoying watching the NFL spiral down the drain from afar.
Everything has to be political these days. Can’t we just not watch the NFL because the games suck?
Greetings, fellow Bears fan?
LOLZ! Tell me about it. As I type, to the left of me are three big wool wall banners showing the championships of the Blackhawks, Cubs, and Bears. The Bears’ most recent one is 1985. That was a long time ago.
The Browns have never even been in a Superbowl. At least the Indians can make it there to choke.
Well, you had that roundball game championship recently. The game with all the shoes-on-wood floor squeaking.
(Disclaimer: not a fan)
That is true, but I’m not a fan of that either. I was watching an episode of Game of Thrones when the Cavs won, and the outside celebration coincided with the death of a character on the show. I was a bit confused as I didn’t think that Game of Thrones was quite that popular, nor the character hated enough to cause people to run outside and set off fireworks and honk their horns when the character was killed.
The Bears sucking IS my entertainment. I just love watching an organization that actively hates their customers continue to suck and still retain customers, I find it endlessly fascinating. At least Black Hawks fans had the sense to walk away when Bill Wirtz actively shat on them.
They are not retaining as many as you might think.
They retain enough to keep the home games on TV. As a kid in the 1970’s I had no idea what the Bears’ home uniforms looked like.
When on TV, look at the empty seats.
Well, to be sure, the NFL was doing everything they could to make the game virtually unwatchable anyway. Quit stopping the fucking game every three plays for committee meetings to pore over replay footage would be a good start. We’re to the point that we don’t watch the Cowboys or the Packers (the only teams we still watch; used to watch more) without getting a solid hour of slack on the DVR first.
I came to a realization last year that there was just too much subjectivity in throwing the flags (and they were throwing them too often). The officials had almost become a third team in the game.
Yeah. I’ve actually seen them do a bad call and then 10 minutes later it seems like they realize it and so they do another bad call on the opposing team to even it out. I’ve seen this too many times to think it’s a coincidence. The unsportsmanlike conduct flags have also went way over the top. I think you can now get one for calling someone on the other team a poopy head. You can definitely get one for just tackling someone a little too hard.
Welcome to the world of soccer.
What I love about soccer is the play acting. I see guys barely get bumped into by another player and they roll around on the ground like they’re in terrible agony. Sometimes it works and they get the flag.
I mean the card.
I’d say it works most of the time, otherwise they wouldn’t do it. And some regions are well-known for training their players to do it. It’s disgusting, everyone knows it’s a problem, but short of taking the mountains of cash out of the game and convincing today’s youth to stop being such cheating shitheads, what do you do? The refs could start by doling out the required yellow cards for that shit far more often.
It happens in the NFL also and have been going on for a long time, after they started tightening up pass interference rules, primarily by wide receivers. And the high profile ones seem to have a much easier job drawing the flag. I remember Jerry Rice being uncanny at getting the refs to throw a flag. I remember back when I first started watching, you could just tackle a receiver.
This is why I like Aussie rules. The reffing is much more straightforward because almost anything goes, and the few things that don’t are immediately apparent to anyone watching.
I think Ronaldo got a yellow for diving sometime this summer. I remember because I thought it was going to be a PK. He freaked out, shoved the ref, and got kicked out of the game. That’s progress.
What a pig he is. And his team.
As if there’s no flopping in basketball, or players faking injury in the NFL to try to slow down a no-huddle offense.
But it’s only a problem when it happens in soccer.
But I was referring equally to this. Happens every day in soccer. So many of the calls are subjective, split-second decisions – it’s an impossible job, really.
They did that during the Raiders and Jets with those terrible unsportsmanlike conduct calls for standard football play.
I didn’t realize how much time is eaten up in a professional football game by the refs throwing a flag after every goddamn play and having a conference call with New York about it until I started getting into college football. I was so used to, “Oh, five minutes left. Game’ll probably go for another half hour at least.”
I watched the Nats commit ritual suicide last night, and my wife was flipping back and forth between that and foosball. She was like, “Oh my god, baseball is so boring,” and I said, “Just think of it as football, except instead of watching guys in stripes measure things and talk to each other you’re watching a bunch of guys stand around getting ready to throw a ball. Oh, wait, that’s football, too.”
And now they have the damn tent where every time a player gets hit hard of there’s a collision, they have to be taken to the tent and tested for concussions. What the NFL will eventually be, if it survives that long, is basic touch football. You won’t even be able to touch another player, just grab the flag.
Case in point, Kuechly last night. I’m not going to complain too much because I put money on the Eagles, but still. He’s on concussion #3 now, at which point they start talking about the risk of permanent brain damage, and I would bet a million bucks that the NFL is going to start working on a rule that prevents players from playing following a certain number of concussions of a given severity. There are doctors suggesting that the NFL institute “hit counts” sort of like pitch counts where, concussion or no, after you’ve taken X number of hits in a game you can’t play until the next game.
Goodell passed on his chance to nip this a few years ago. Now he has let the leftists poke their noses under his tent.
“Hell, I’m watching much less NFL because I’m sick of all the personal interest stories, the “special interest here” month this and that, every other commercial being a PSA for some stupid cause, CTEs, and lefty virtue signalling around every corner (*cough* Bob Costas *cough*). What happened to football being about men in pads hitting one another”
Well written. I’ve given up on football (nfl and ncaa) this season for these same reasons. I’m done. I got better shit to do with my life. Mostly play guitar, go to concerts, drink and eat my way across SoCal. Spend qt with the wife.
I mentioned this before, but at various times I’ve followed baseball, the NBA, and college basketball. Its basically a habit, which is surprisingly easy to break. Once fans leave, I think they typically don’t come back. The NFL played with fire out of the illusion of their indispensability, and they are paying the price.
The left ruin everything they touch.
“When Kapernick started kneeling, it was vaguely in support of Black Lives Matter, ”
I thought he was dating some commie chick and he did it because he did it at her request and wanted some pinko pussy. Geez the guy isnt smart enough to do anything on his own.
Fuck foozball, that is all.
Good article. The entire teams on sidelines for the National Anthem is very recent and linked to 9/11 and DoD handing over millions of dollars to the teams. In the several games I saw as a kid in the 1960s-70’s, the teams didn’t come out of the tunnel until after the song.
“When Kapernick started kneeling, it was vaguely in support of Black Lives Matter, but even BLM is a fucking mess of intersectional leftism.”
This is particularly problematic for an organization that universally recoils in horror at the sight of the Confederate flag.
It doesn’t seem to matter to them that the Confederate flag means different things to different people. What matters to them is that to a lot of black people it means condoning slavery, racial prejudice, etc., etc.
Now they want us to be sympathetic to their symbol of protest because we’re all supposed to understand that the American flag means something different to them than it does to other people?
Never mind that a lot of people find disrespecting the flag to be disrespectful to everybody from the volunteer troops out patrolling in Afghanistan today to the children and grandchildren of people who fought, suffered, and died fighting the real Nazis–we’re not supposed to criticize BLM sympathizers for disrespecting the American flag because disrespecting the flag has an esoteric meaning that only certain black people can understand.
Hypocrites can kiss my ass for being hypocrites.
I’m not over here saying that everyone who disses the flag is a Nazi.
Are they telling me that however complicated the legacy of Robert E. Lee, everyone who sees that legacy in any way more complicated than a good vs. evil dichotomy is a racist?
I’m willing to concede that people use the Confederate flag as a deliberate form of provocation.
Are they willing to concede that people are dissing the American flag in the NFL as a form of provocation?
The issue is not a rebel flag, or the American flag, or any flag. The issue is not a statue of General lee or any other confederate statue. Notice how quickly they moved on to Columbus? Columbus is not the issue either. The issue, the thing they’re after, their end goal is to dismantle capitalism and Western society so that they can set up a totalitarian leftist regime. This is and always was the end goal of the left. Some of these people, like most of the kneeling players, are just useful idiots.
moved on to Columbus, or Roger B. Taney, or Thomas Jefferson, or even Abe Lincoln
Here, we see the federal government seriously entertaining a complaint that displaying a Gadsden “don’t tread on me” flag is an act of racism because Gadsden was a slaveowner.
The SJW march through the institutions and culture continues. Naturally, there is no argument against the Gadsden flag that doesn’t apply equally to the US flag.
I remember them starting up on that. It was like I was expecting it and then there it was. They’re nothing if not predictable.
They’ll apply the charge of racism to any argument against them that they can shut down.
For intellectually dishonest people, why not shut an argument down with a false charge of racism?
I have one of those on the front of my truck, so I’m double racist.
(one point for the flag, one point for the truck)
I have a small one and a hat. The hat is Adidas, they must be racist. Or maybe they just weren’t woke yet when they made it.
I also have this shirt
My wife affectionately calls it my “asshole” shirt.
My wife has an adorable deplorables shirt.
You nicknamed her boobs “deplorables”?
My apologies. I got into a day (morning) drinking situation. Just had three shots in quick succession. People buying rounds for the bar is not helping.
No disrespect to you or wife.
No worries, but I’m mad that you were able to start drinking earlier than me. It’s not fair, you privileged shitlord!
Yeah, egould…where is our round?
/slightly jealous…ok, fully jealous
Was at this dive.
Some of the local bar owners/bartenders were hanging out there before they go off to their jobs. So, a little boozy.
Got a haircut and a large coffee. Then on to another bar and the music store to look at a drum kit.
I kept adding “yet” to the ends of those phrases.
You’ve never been to such an event on a military base.
it was vaguely in support of Black Lives Matter, but even BLM is a fucking mess of intersectional leftism. I’m not going to kill brain cells by going to their website again, but there was shit about ableism and transgenderism last time I went.
Thus is why I can’t take BLM even partially seriously. Their stated goals are vague when it comes to how to stop the police abuse. Their stated goals when it comes to social and economic issues are clear as day and are straight up marxist.
BLM lasted about a week before they were hijacked by the left to be yet another puppet thug group.
My favorite among the Marxist laundry-list on their website was their openly-stated desire to “destroy the traditional family”. Yeah, OK. How is that working out?
That’s also always been a goal of the left. People who too devoted to a family can be problematic because it distracts from the required total devotion to the state. They may even become kulaks, wreckers, or hoarders.
I would say its coming along swimmingly.
As a
single fatherpaycheck for my chronically unemployed ex, they’re definitely making pretty good progress.The decline of the traditional family has worked wonders for the black community. I can see why BLM is a big proponent.
“We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.
We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”
Those are evil goals.
“We engage comrades”
Hey, their words not mine.
Yep, that’s the exact blurb I had in mind. How does any normal person read that and not come to the conclusion that BLM is a commie front?
Hey, having everyone in everyone else’s business is perfection, no? I mean people love that, it’s not like fights will happen or anything.
This is just further proof that commies ruin everything they touch. I wish they’d all move to California and leave the rest of us alone
“Cops aren’t heroes,”
Trashy makes the understatement of the century.
“What of the boycotters? If there’s anything more pathetic than protesting a symbol that has nothing to do with the supposed object of your ire, it’s the people who are acting offended because other people won’t play patriotism olympics with them.”
Might be going a little too far with that one.
On the one hand, the players want a sponsorship deal. Kaepernick wants to whore his image for Nike–because kids look up to him. When he was playing well, impressionable kids wanted to be like him–and so Nike was willing to pay him for that. Being in the NFL like that is sort of like being a rock star used to be and may be even better than being a rock star today. You know why companies pay for celebrity endorsements? It’s because they work.
On the other hand, you got parents who are paying for tickets to the games. You know one of the reasons they like to go to games? Being a [insert team] fan is a lot like being Irish or being Catholic for a lot of people. It’s cultural heritage. Furthermore, it’s something you can actually do with your kids–that you and your kids like, too. You can go to a football game, watch a football game with your kids, etc. and all root for the same team with the same enthusiasm. There aren’t many things like that.
Families watch it together on Thanksgiving, fer Christ’s sake. Thanksgiving is about football for a lot of people as much as it’s about turkey.
I understand why people who are accustomed to shelling out good money for tickets, merchandise, a Direct TV package and a huge TV–so they can do something with their kids that’s fun and good and patriotic and American–would be seriously pissed off to have their kids cheering for some jackass that’s shitting all over the American flag.
Football is like church. You don’t take your kids to church to see the priest defile a statue of the Virgin Mary or stand up in protest while someone’s singing Ave Maria–and whether you actually believe in God is completely beside the point.
You want your kids to grow up Irish and Catholic and patriotic and to reverence the ten commandments just like you did–regardless of whether you believe in God. Passing on cultural heritage like that to your children is simply being human. So you take your kids to church and your daughter wears a white dress when she’s married, regardless of whether she’s a virgin, and you have a turkey at Thanksgiving, regardless of whether the Pilgrims had one, and you stick presents under the Christmas tree for your kids in the middle of the night regardless of whether Santa Claus is real–and if the NFL players start dissing Thanksgiving, Jesus, Santa Claus, or the American flag, why shouldn’t you as a paying customer be pissed off about that?
From a purely practical standpoint, too, if past history is any indication, the alternative to people volunteering for war duty is not no wars. The alternative is conscription.
When we teach people to be unappreciative to the people who willingly volunteer for military duty, we are probably increasing the potential that our own children will be conscripted someday. If there’s something especially American about Thanksgiving–being grateful for everything you’ve got no matter your current circumstances–then there’s also something extremely un-American about being an ingrate. And people who are out there dissing the flag on national television while others the same age are serving their country out of a sense of patriotism are fucking ingrates. Nobody should want to take their kids to watch ingrates being cheered.
Damn, bro. Epic WOT. Church, the flag, military service, brides in white, Sant Clause? A little business advice thrown in for good measure. One of your best in a while. ?
Sant Clause
I have to struggle, constantly, to keep those out of the contracts I work on.
God bless you.
It worked out for Tim Allen.
Comment of the day.
*narrows gaze*
I too enjoyed this.
I have to agree. Great post, Ken. It totally makes up for the legalized heroin post from yesterday. JK, that was a really great comment.
Saying that we’ll never legalize heroin after ObamaCare legalized opioids for 11 million more people by putting them on Medicaid–and made opioids available to them for free–is patently absurd . . . especially when those 11 million people are all in the demographic that is most likely to become opioid addicts . . . especially when 80% of heroin addicts start out on opioids obtained by way of a legal prescription.
If you don’t get it, that’s on you.
That wasn’t an invitation to start back up on that, lol.
Missed that one, but it seems to me that OCare just ramped up the Baptist/bootlegger opposition to legalizing heroin by giving the bootleggers a bigger market to protect.
Long story short:
I pointed to a number of statistics.
1) People who make less than $20,000 per year (the demographic that qualifies for Medicaid) are 3.4 more likely to become addicted to opioids than people who make the average income.
2) More than 75% of opioid (including heroin) users who use for “non-medical reasons” get their opioids either by way of a prescription or from a friend or family member for free (who gets them by way of a legal prescription).
3) Some 80% of heroin addicts report starting with prescription opioids.
From this I surmised that adding 11 million people to the Medicaid rolls and giving them free and legal access to opioids should create more new opioid addicts than there would have been otherwise–just like unrestricting the supply of anything and taking its price all the way down to zero (Medicaid patients don’t pay) should increase the consumption of anything.
That this would happen with opioids is especially obvious considering that the “consumers” in question, here, people who make less than $20,000 per year (Medicaid recipients) are 3.4 times more likely than people of average income to become opioid addicts. In light of those facts, the suggestion that ObamaCare lowering the eligibility restrictions for Medicaid would increase the number of new opioid addicts really shouldn’t have been controversial–but, for some reason, it was.
At one point, they were accusing me of affirming the consequent for pointing to some of the most basic of all economics principles–and this is even after I’d given them all the statistics. There wasn’t any question about whether opioid addiction rates increased after the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion–I was just pointing out some of the most obvious reasons why that happened.
I should say, the controversy seems to have started over my suggestion that making opioids accessible to 11 million new Medicaid recipients by way of a prescription effectively means opioids have been legalized for those people. In other words, the suggestion that “No one will ever legalize heroin” was ignoring the fact that in 2012, ObamaCare effectively legalized opioids for 11 million new people–it’s just that they didn’t call it “heroin legalization”. They called it, “expanding Medicaid”.
Not to get too tangled up in a conversation I missed, but expanding access to paid prescription opioids is a very long way from legalizing heroin (I mean, if “legal prescription opioids = legal heroin”, heroin is already legal, and we know its not), and IMO makes it even less likely that heroin will ever be legalized.
They didn’t call MA expansion “heroin legalization” because its not.
OCare did nothing to change the legality of prescription opioids. It allowed more people to have the Medicaid program pay for it. So OCare didn’t even expand the legality of prescription opioids, much less heroin. And since then, prescribing opioids has become more difficult, so the movement on the legality of prescription opioids is actually the other way.
Expanding Medicaid made legal opioids accessible to 11 million people for whom those opioids would need to have been obtained illegally otherwise, and i probably should have added . . .
This was being discussed within the context of single payer. I maintain that single payer is when everyone is eligible for Medicaid. If everyone were eligible for opioids through any doctor that would write the prescription, per Medicaid, wouldn’t that amount to opioid legalization?
Meanwhile, again, 80% of heroin addicts are starting with prescription opioids. There are two different problems we’re talking about here: 1) the problem of people who are already addicted and 2) the creation of new addicts. I’m talking about the creation of new addicts.
There are people out there right now advocating the expansion of Medicaid (AKA the road to single payer) in order to deal with the opioid crisis. You see, they’re not getting the treatment for addiction they need–because they don’t qualify for Medicaid!!!
These people should be publicly humiliated by those who care for suggesting such a thing, but I can’t even get my fellow libertarians to acknowledge that giving 11 million new Medicaid patients legal access to free opioids might have had something to do with the upsurge in opioid addiction circa the implementation of ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion.
That’s kind of frustrating.
And, I maintain, that adding 11 million people who make less than $20,000 a year amounts to opioid legalization–for those people. No, it’s not exactly like heroin legalization in every way–but it is like heroin legalization in important ways. I certainly wouldn’t say that, “Heroin will never be legalized” when for 11 million people ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion accomplished the bad things people are trying to avoid by keeping Heroin illegal.
adding 11 million people who make less than $20,000 a year amounts to opioid legalization–for those people. No, it’s not exactly like heroin legalization in every way–but it is like heroin legalization in important ways.
The only way that paying for poor people’s (legal) opiates is like heroin legalization is if “I can’t afford it” = “Its illegal”. No one would say that its illegal for me to own a Bugatti, even though I can’t afford one, so I think you’re just barking up the wrong tree here, Ken.
That 11 million figure I read was for adults.
Is it safe to assume those people wouldn’t have had heath insurance were it not for Medicaid?
I think so. Hell, if they already had health insurance anyway, there was no reason to expand that eligibility.
If they didn’t already have insurance, they didn’t have legal access to opioids before. They might be able to get them on a one-off basis if they went to an ER, but they didn’t really have consistent legal access to feed a habit before. That the government is also paying for their opioids isn’t just icing on the cake–that’s surely contributing to the creation of new addicts, too. Still, I maintain that giving people legal access to opioids that they didn’t have before amounts to legalization, and expanding Medicaid gave them legal access.
Certainly, anybody who’s getting opioids by way of a prescription is getting them legally–and need not fear prosecution. If those people did not have steady access to legal prescriptions before, they do now that they have Medicaid. That is like legalization in important ways–specifically in regards to increased exposure to opioids, that wouldn’t have existed otherwise, and increased rates of addiction.
How could providing newly free and steady legal access to the most susceptible population NOT result in more addicts?
And isn’t this what people are afraid of happening when they say that heroin shouldn’t be legalized? They’re afraid of increases in addiction rates, especially among the poor, due to legalization.
If they’re afraid that if heroin were legalized, there would be significantly more heroin addicts, well, if that’s a good reason not to “legalize heroin”, it’s an even a better reason not to expand Medicaid–because 80% of heroin addicts don’t start with heroin. As Playa Manhattan was pointing out, full blown addicts often need to graduate to street heroin when they build up a tolerance. If you don’t want to create more heroin addicts, legalizing heroin might not be as bad as making opioids more available by legal prescription–since that’s the vector by which some 80% of heroin users become heroin addicts in the first place.
There’s another way in which expanding Medicaid is like legalizing heroin–they’re both likely to result in more heroin addicts and for the same goddamn reasons.
In other news, Alaska is now number one!
“Beyond this, why the hell do we need to sing the national anthem at sporting events in the first place?”
We don’t need to, it’s one of those customs like singing “Take me Out to the Ball Game” during the 7th inning stretch. Or saying “good morning” to colleagues at work like the non-aspies do. Or sending Christmas cards. Or having Thanksgiving dinner. Or saying “happy birthday”. Or having funerals. Or Bar Mitzvahs. Or weddings, especially gay ones.
Who knows.
Because virtue signaling is fun!
And it satisfies the reptilian need to be tribal, something that is typically highly represented in your average sports team booster.
I don’t think reptiles are tribal. That starts with the primates.
We’re pack animals. It goes much deeper/further back than primates.
people are wolves.
Wolves and people are both pursuit predators with pack hierarchies, territories, etc. Its no accident we hooked up back in the hunter-gatherer days.
Which is why cat-people are defective.
*Paging Mr. Lizard…*
Lions also hunt in a pride. I think it started with hunting and eating meat.
I think the reason people sing the national anthem is because they like to sing the national anthem.
It shouldn’t be surprising that average Americans like America.
There’s a football team called the Patriots.
People also like hot chicks, puppies, babies, war heroes, . . . and that’s why we have cheerleaders, puppies and babies in commercials, and we trot out the Color Guard for the national anthem.
Americans like America. That’s why we sing the national anthem.
You should go to a Padres game on a Sunday some time, when they bring in the Marines training from Camp Pendleton in, and all the players and fans stand up and cheer during the Marine Corps anthem.
People like the national anthem, volunteers, war heroes, and the flag.
It sells tickets.
The flag sells cars, beer, and insurance because people like it, and that’s why we sing the national anthem at games.
Because people like it.
“Americans like America.”
Well, that’s definitely racist.
I’ve always seen the Anthem before games as an acknowledgement that the game is a representation of an actual war.
We use the game as a substitute for an actual war amongst ourselves. So we all gather in a place as Americans to attack each other peacefully on the field, rather than shooting each other.
This has never been a question to me. “Why do these people who like to dress up in tribal colors, identify with mascots, get together in a rowdy crowd, and assign moral weight to their local city like to hear a song that glorifies all those things?” is not one of the great mysteries of the universe.
PS I really fell in love with the girl I ended up marrying during half time of a football game. There’s something very profound about doing all these community building things with others.
“It shouldn’t be surprising that average Americans like America.”
What’s surprising is how few Smart People are able to comprehend that.
We sing the national anthem as virtue signaling.
You misspelled “custom”.
“customary virtue signaling”
“Nothing about the treatment of urban blacks is going to change until their culture changes. Holding police accountable for their overreaches isn’t going to fix the “systematic” issues. Only a massive cultural shift will do that.”
Whoo boy. I hope you’re not ever planning on being a public figure trashy, because that statement is raaaacissss!
That statement is the truest and gutsiest part of his entire post.
Agree. The whole article was good.
I commend your work, Trash monster.
It is pretty close to what Irish said that made Nikki and Epi brand him as an unredeemable hater of anyone with melanin.
Those two would go all Jezebel over the slightest non-Cosmo like thing. I remember once making a comment about feminism and the two of them got all butt hurt and tried to gang up on me over it. I just pretty much told them to fuck off. I miss those two about as much as I miss Hugh.
Fuck Hugh. I don’t care what anyone else says about Nikki, Hugh was the worst.
Didn’t Nikki make it over here? I could’ve sworn I saw her comment in a thread a while back. I never had a bad experience with her, but I definitely saw a few threads where she earned the sobriquet in spades.
I don’t think she ever made it over. She disappeared at TSTSNBN a few months before the exodus, and I door recall seeing her ever post here. An admin could probably give a definitive answer.
I thought that her and Epi ran off together to write for Everyday Feminism.
I always suspected they were the same commenter.
I’m not sure, I may have not been here at the time.
No. Did not come over here. Kind of vanished some number of months back.
I never did understand the whole “Irish is a racist” thing. I figured it was just a joke, like the STEVE SMITH jokes, but it seemed like too many people weren’t joking and it was just kinda off. I didn’t realize there were actual accusations of racism being made. Must have been drunk that day.
Same here.
You mean, you were drunk that day, too?
I know I was!
/pours whisky into coffee mug
Aye. Can’t remember what the actual post was about, but there was a thread about crime rates among different races, and Irish suggested that maybe, just maybe, blacks actually commit more crimes. He qualified by saying that it was largely due to economic circumstances and cultural differences, and that some of the disparity was caused by more vigorous enforcement on blacks, and that now of it was inborn and caused by the actual race, but Nikki jumped down his throat for it. Anything short of blaming the entire disparity between crime statistics to police racism was racist, full stop in her opinion. A few others joined in on her side, and the rest of us being callous assholes made a meme about Irish being racist.
Yeah, Nikki had a penchant for that sort of bullshit. She did that with me for criticizing feminism. After that for a while, everything I would comment on, she would say something contrary and argumentative to it, which led to me totally ignoring her.
I’ll second Caput Lupinum’s story here. That’s about how I remember it going down as well. Most of Irish post’s regarding the subject had more caveats then a Soave post, but he got called racist for posting stats and numbers.
Numbers and stats are racist.
Nope. I made it about three paragraphs before hitting the eject button:
ZIP code would probably be a better determiner of wealth, and poor grammar for immigrants? Fuck, most ESL people I work with have better grammar and spelling then the native born idiots.
You did better than I. I just found the headline and figured it was appropriate derp.
Who’s using these tests, the Left or the Right? Take a wild guess! (Hint: your HR staff has probably been sent for “diversity training” recently.)
I think this was the post that started the “Irish is racist meme”.
Fucking seat belt laws.
That just caused me to remember the ‘You’re a towel!’ thing.
Wanna get high?
Christ, that’s some derp by regulars around here.
Irish really got it bad that day.
OT — what do (((Harvey Weinstein))), (((Woody Allen))) and (((Roman Polanski))) all have in common?
They work in the entertainment industry?
All of them have made films with Adrien Brody?
They all dealt cocaine at one point or another?
Kevin Bacon?
Their names are all in parentheses?
They’re leftists?
They’re all ugly
Excellent article, and I agree on all points.
The anthem protest is just a huge signalling competition. No serious adults genuinely believe that some overpaid jock with a silly haircut kneeling or linking arms or doing backflips or anything else during the anthem is striking a blow for civil rights or eroding the very fabric of our country. This is just another opportunity for people to loudly bellow their shallowly-considered ideological beliefs and represent for their chosen political affiliation. It’s stupid. Damn, damn stupid. It’s a distraction from anything that matters, and the media is culpable in manipulating the crowd to focus on trifles instead of real issues.
And your point about BLM is entirely correct. They’re a confused mess taking the cover offered by people’s fear of political incorrectness to espouse a hackneyed socialist agenda. As it turns out, people who come from a subculture that feels disenfranchised from the main culture through poverty or what-have-you tend to a.) be skeptical of authority, b.) not respect the rule of law, and c.) not try to engage in what they perceive as the main culture, or “oppressor” culture. So yeah, if you grow up in the ghetto surrounded by generations of poverty and dependence on the state, you’ll tend to believe that following the rules won’t get you anywhere and you may as well take the dole and ignore the law when it gets in your way. You know where else you see generational poverty, drug culture, and lots of crime? Appalachia. So it’s not a black thing, it’s a poor thing. And it’s not even really a poor thing so much as a cultural thing that you can only really develop with the help of a welfare state.
So, if BLM really gave a shit, they would indeed protest Medicaid. Then they’d burn their WIC cards, tear up their SSI checks, and burn down public housing.
You have a lot of people today that will engage in signaling. But under that, they’re pretty much just normal people who care most about the same things, family, friends, food and drink, their pets, entertainment, hobbies, etc. They’re pretty much just going along to get along. Most of them when it gets down to it are not going to the street to break windows and set stuff on fire because someone who is a guy thinks he should be able to use the girl’s restroom, and they are not raging Marxists. This is the reason that the left are way overestimating their influence and popularity. And the Democrats are falling for it hook, line, and sinker.
No serious adults genuinely believe that some overpaid jock with a silly haircut kneeling or linking arms or doing backflips or anything else during the anthem is striking a blow for civil rights or eroding the very fabric of our country.
I wonder if the counter-attack on the NFL by its fans isn’t so much “kneeling during the anthem will destroy the country” as it is a Gamergate-type “Fuck it. This far, and no further. I’ve had it with this bullshit” moment. If its the latter, I think its more than just “‘Murca, fuck yeah” and actually pretty healthy. But I really don’t know.
My daughter’s father-in-law is a retired, union factory worker who always wears a ball cap with an eagle or a flag. I’m pretty sure his is both “Murca, fuck yeah” and “fuck these people”.
I don’t know if the latter is a majority, but it’s a pretty strong number as far as I can tell.
The ones that spend money take it seriously.
That’s it RC, and I think it’s pretty obvious. Really the “I’m above all this” schtick libertarians hide behind gets old. If someone goes to church and stuffs the cross up there ass the parishioners might object, not because they think the guy has harmed Jesus or whatever but because being acting like an asshole makes you an asshole.
The last one sorta happens on its own anyway,
Cops are not tyrants, at least not all cops are tyrants. I’m not a strict individualist. I believe that you can assign generalities to individuals of a group. However, I think that you have to pursue such generalizations very carefully. By and large, people apply generalities too strongly and too broadly. That is the case here, as well.
Certainly worth bringing up, but there is a self-selection effect here not present in random populations. The “cop culture” attracts a certain type of individual, and incentivises certain types of behavior.
I would say not all cops are thugs. I’ll leave it at that.
And some, I assume, are good people.
+1 (Blue) Wall?
One could argue that the blue wall is primarily a function of public unions and less a function of police work.
Primarily? How about totally.
I try to avoid absolutes, because there is always some prick around that has the “one” example to prove it’s not “all cases”.
I would say that not all thugs are cops.
Modern protest has taken the exact opposite course that the historically successful protests of the 1960s tended to do. Namely in ye olde days, protests were designed particularly to piss off authority figures while making themselves sympathetic to the overall general population. See the staged Rosa Parks affair or the lunch counter sit-ins, the point of these protests was to elicit a response from authorities, i.e. cops primarily, that wasn’t approved of by the general population. Now, however, protest is focused on action that receives approval by authorities (in this case, the upper management and various parts of the cultural class) while actively tries to piss off ordinary people.
Because it’s not about affecting social change, it’s about ego. The activist period of American history has solidified the idea that vaguely protesting something is what makes you morally good on the left. They’ll never address problems, never try the best solutions, and actively try to alienate people from the cause because they want to maintain the outlet for their narcissistic self-righteousness.
Public sympathy has always worked better than making the squares uncomfortable. MLK did more than black radicals ever could have. Gay Americans started securing recognition of their rights when people started thinking of their gay coworker that shows up to work every day instead of some oil-covered bear wearing fairy wings and dildo on their head at a pride-parade.
These dumb fuckers lay down in traffic and yell at people trying to eat brunch.
There is no doubt that growing up with videos of blacks being beaten by cops and sprayed with fire hoses made me believe that government could be evil.
What will the kids who grow up watching mobs burn cities down while police watch remember? I think the whitey playing guilty angle has probably expired for nearly everyone under the boomer age.
The reaction to this appears to be to try to relive the 50’s protests. If anything that seems to be hastening the demise of sympathy.
They’ll never address problems, never try the best solutions, and actively try to alienate people from the cause because they want to maintain the outlet for their narcissistic self-righteousness.
Here’s the key to understanding SJWs (including BLM). They’re bullies. It really doesn’t come down to anything more complicated than that. Like other bullies, they have underlying emotional issues that they haven’t worked out. And they’ve found a way to exercise their bullying while being weaker (physically, intellectually, and morally) than their targets. They’ve discovered that they can use their targets’ own moral generosity and good will as weapons against them. That’s really all their is to it. And when you realize this, everything else follows. No, they don’t want the issues they’re talking about resolved. The particular issues aren’t important to them. No more than the short kid’s lunch money was important to the bully in the schoolyard. If that issue goes away, they’ll just find another to leverage. It’s not the issues, but the bullying that they value. The only way you beat them is to stand up to them.
“Because it’s not about affecting social change, it’s about ego.”
And that’s because it’s usually a cover for personal guilt that they hope never gets discovered.
The raging leftist in my immediate family is the one who had an abortion. But it’s a family taboo that hasn’t been mentioned in 30 years because nobody wants the kids to know.
Anger is a great motivator. And anger at other people is a wonderful way to paper over your own failings.
*turns beet red, shakes fist*
In my opinion, it’s completely appropriate to honor those who fought and died in the name of our nation without bullshitting us by saying that they were “fighting for our freedoms.”
Well, yes and no. Whatever its failures and hypocrisies, America was the first nation explicitly founded on the notion that liberty is the right and proper state of man. And in that regard, they are fighting on behalf of that notion when they are fighting on behalf of our nation. It’s also why I can’t agree with the notion that patriotism, in and of itself, sucks. A country can be worthy of admiration, at least sometimes.
I also don’t like the idea that patriotic displays are all about respecting servicemen/women, veterans, etc. The U.S. was indeed arguably the first nation founded on ideas, so I’ve always been keen on the idea that patriotism is respect for these foundations* and reverence for the trappings of patriotism is showing respect for everyone who buys in, past and present, not just a subset.
*Standard disclaimers about America being an imperfect experiment that can always be improved upon, etc.
I think that point was that it’s been a long time since American soldiers have been fighting for the freedoms of Americans. I would also agree with this point. The last time American soldiers fought for the freedom of americams was in 1812.
Did Pearl Harbor not happen in your universe?
Point taken. The U.S. entered into WW2 ostensibly because the Japanese bombed pearl harbor. I don’t see where American Freedoms were in danger by any foreign power that we ended up fighting. The only power that threatened the freedoms of Americans during WW2 was the U.S. government itself.
Getting blown the fuck up is generally considered a violation of the right to life, as I understand these things. We may have been on the road to war already, but the Axis powers decided to kill Americans in order to weaken the pacific fleet so that they could prosecute a war against Americans better.
Its debatable if the domino theory is a useful model and if engagement with satellite wars in Asia actually protected US citizen’s rights. Its not debatable that the Japanese had engaged in an attack on American citizens on American soil that killed Americans.
Yes the Japanese bombed pearl harbor and that constituted a legitimate causus belli. The war America prosecuted however did not defend any American freedoms. It did however infringe on many American’s freedoms. Many Americans freedom to not be drafted to fight in war or freedom to not be placed in an internment camp were violated as a result of the war.
I’m not saying that America was unjustified in fighting WW2. I am saying that fighting WW2 did not protect any American freedoms. Quite the opposite in fact.
So…when Germany declared war…we were not defending any freedoms by fighting them? Maybe stopping the U-Boats from torpedoing US ships and killing American Merchant Marine types, etc?
The reason U-Boats were targeting American merchant marines was because the American merchant marines were supplying great Britain with war materials that were supplied by the U.S. government. I would say your point is valid to an extent. The merchant marines were however acting as an agent of the U.S. government by shipping arms to a country that was actively engaged in a war that the U.S. was not supposed to involved in. I would agree more with you had the U.S. boats bein targeted by the Axis powers had been shipping free trade tanks and artillery to the British, but the weren’t.
“Hey, we don’t like your policy, so we get to kill your people and destroy your property!”
“OK, sorry to have upset you!”
Ok. The way I see it is that governments don’t have freedoms, people do. The merchant marines were acting as agents of the U.S. government to send government supplied arms to another government. They don’t deserve to be blown up, but that’s what happens when you act as an agent of one government actively aiding another government that is in a shooting war with yet another government. Had the U.S. government not been shipping arms to the British government, this would be a moot point.
Jaysus wept.
Considering the Japanese’s goals were actually to force the U.S. in a quick, conditional peace agreement that would keep them out of the war, it’s not really an example of ‘fighting for American freedoms’. Said conditional peace would have included the return of any American citizens living on any of the islands Japan could have acquired. Unless you count Filipinos as American citizens, which the U.S. government certainly didn’t.
That’s not to say the U.S. wasn’t justified in a military response to aggressive military action, but the narrative of ‘fighting for American freedoms’ doesn’t fly.
So we’ve got a war of aggression, coercion by force of a flawed but democratic and representative government generally seen by non-libertarians as legitimate, expropriation of land and property, and removal from place of residence.
That’s pretty clearly interfering with American citizen’s freedom.
You don’t want to play the ‘expropriation of land and property’ and ‘coercion by force’ game friend, because then we have to get into things like how America actually ended up owning those islands, particularly Hawaii and the Philippines.
Getting blown the fuck up is generally considered a violation of the right to life, as I understand these things.
Not if you’re military. Then it’s just part of the job. That being said civilians were killed in the Pearl Harbor raid.
Of course those 49 dead civilians clearly justified the deaths of almost a million Japanese civilians for ‘American freedoms’.
I didn’t, and wouldn’t, claim that America came by Hawaii justly. I also think its kind of an amazing argument to say that soldiers don’t have a right to life or that they forfeit it if their government doesn’t live up to a standard that basically no government has ever lived up to.
But my point is that even if Japan was doing only what you were saying they were and nothing more, America was still fighting for the rights of citizens. The US government or the US military doesn’t have to be as pure as the driven snow to do that.
“Of course those 49 dead civilians clearly justified the deaths of almost a million Japanese civilians for ‘American freedoms’.”
This could be elevated to an ethical discussion of proportionality of force etc. and you could make such an argument. I don’t really want to go there.
However, Japan was the aggressor in this case and anything that comes after I consider “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”. I’m reminded of a case in which a 50-something guy got into a verbal argument with a 20-something guy. Things escalated to the point in which the 50-something hit the 20-something. The 20-something, while also being much younger and stronger, also happened to be an MMA enthusiast and absolutely beat the living shit out of the 50-something guy, breaking his jaw and orbital bone. The 50-something guy was the one that got arrested and his mug shot in the paper looked like hamburger.
Just as I think the shitshow that is the endless Iraq war falls squarely on the shoulders of the US. Whether we like it or not, we were the aggressor using very dubious logic. You break it, you buy it.
Jeez, what an old wimp. If I end up in a confrontation with anyone 30+ years younger than me, I’ll beat that ass into the ground!*
* – I’m 42
I also think its kind of an amazing argument to say that soldiers don’t have a right to life
Then you can’t have a military. Period.
America was still fighting for the rights of citizens.
Considering they put far more American citizens into internment camps than would be affected by a Japanese conditional peace this is nonsense.
It’s not a matter of being pure as driven snow, it’s a matter of noting that this entire narrative is nonsense if you actually peel back the propaganda horseshit of ‘fighting for the rights of citizens’. Alright then, the number one enemy of the rights of citizens in the Second World War was the U.S. government.
This could be elevated to an ethical discussion of proportionality of force etc. and you could make such an argument. I don’t really want to go there.
I’m not really interested in moralizing about war, I generally find it bizarre how people try to justify contextual actions in activities that are overwhelmingly horrific and brutal. I’m more just poking fun at the moralizing in general (i.e. “we’re defending the rights of citizens by murdering a million of theirs!”). It’s interesting how people will come up with some really bizarre moral rationalizations for horrific actions rather than just admitting that it’s ‘because we needed to win’, which is the reality of these situations most of the time.
Again, I note that I specifically said that the U.S. was justified in a military response, I’m more just rolling my eyes at the justifications people will come up with rather that submit to the realities of realpolitik.
“Alright then, the number one enemy of the rights of citizens in the Second World War was the U.S. government.”
That is undoubtedly true for the acute stage of the War. I think you could make an argument though that allowing genocidal dictatorships to take over Europe and Asia would eventually cause geopolitical shifts that would make American citizens’ lives worse and potentially directly threaten the homeland. Would it have happened? Who knows? It’s fun to deal in alternate histories but there’s obviously no way to know with any certainty what would have happened. War sucks. The necessity of a military sucks. I’m no military historian, but I’d say that war is sometimes necessary and people need to rationalize why they’re the “good guys” even if it is divorced from reality.
“I’m more just rolling my eyes at the justifications people will come up with rather that submit to the realities of realpolitik.”
“I’m more just poking fun at the moralizing in general (i.e. “we’re defending the rights of citizens by murdering a million of theirs!”).”
Then find someone who did moralizing. I didn’t say anything about the US actions being worth it or justifiable, which seems to be your hang up. WWII was complicated. Lots of stuff happened, much of it horrible. One of the things that happened was the US defending the rights of its citizens, and you don’t have to moralize to get there.
It would be simplistic and reductionist to say that’s all that happened, which is why I don’t say that or think that.
Now if you fight against an enemy attacking you you’re not defending yourself. Rules that only apply to America.
Can we trade Eddy for Titor, that was a shit deal.
My take:
After the Japanese attacked us, we were at war with Japan.
When you are war with another country, your options are (more or less):
(1) Win.
(2) Lose/surrender.
(3) Negotiate a peace on terms acceptable to your attacker.
The fact that Japan said they would stop attacking us, repatriate Americans, etc. if we made certain concessions (as opposed to Japan saying they wanted to conquer the US) really doesn’t change, in my mind, whether we should have continued fighting the war they started, for a lot of reasons.
Really, once someone’s army crosses the border, a lot of previous history becomes pretty irrelevant (who really cared, any more, about how and why we were in Hawaii). Your choices are limited to those above. Japan was like a mugger who punched us in the mouth, and demanded our watch and wallet. Sure, you can cough those up, but if you decide to fight and the mugger winds up dead on the ground, I’m not going to quibble about proportional response or why not just give him what he wants.
From a more practical perspective, no government that responded to an attack like Pearl Harbor by suing for peace was going to be in office long enough to sign the treaty.
Are you talking about the cost/benefit analysis, the moral argument, or . . . ?
The American people were insisting on war, weren’t they? If the government had stood in the way of a war the American people wanted, that might have been hard to defend. We’re a democracy on the subject of war, and I believe that is as it should be.
Also, I have a hard time doing the cost/benefit analysis based on the outcome of winning vs. the status quo. The status quo wasn’t a viable option. If the U.S. had not entered the war, Japan would have continued expanding. That was the alternative to war.
The alternative to the U.S. entering the war and winning was not the U.S. not entering the war and winning.
Now if you fight against an enemy attacking you you’re not defending yourself. Rules that only apply to America.
Bob, I understand that you fail basic reading comprehension, but note the exact statements I made:
That’s not to say the U.S. wasn’t justified in a military response to aggressive military action…
…Again, I note that I specifically said that the U.S. was justified in a military response
I’m the guy who defends firebombing and the atomic bomb drops, you have no goddamn idea what you’re talking about.
Don’t whine like a petulant child if you don’t even read what I actually wrote.
Hawaii wasn’t a state at the time. It was imperial overreach. Akin to Puerto Rico today. Welfare dependents.
And in that regard, they are fighting on behalf of that notion when they are fighting on behalf of the state’s and the political elites’ foreign policy interests.
Fixed it for you. Doesn’t quite sound as cheery anymore though.
And yet I somehow don’t remember to close italics.
Here this should make you feel better.
And she’s from Moose Jaw, does it get any more perfect?
OT: Dolphin sex.
Anyone remember that time NASA got a dolphin high on LSD and got a woman to jerk it off?
These euphemisms are getting really easy to follow…
Yes, yes I do. Probably safe for work, but your IT guys might look at you funny.
SFW? Are ejaculating dolphins SFW?
Pepperidge Farm remembers!
Random observation, based on watching Thursday night football a few times: is every single show on CBS about *heroic* cops or soldiers?
NBC = Chicago cops, firemen. Some Chicago firedudes have had to do heroic things. The cops mostly keep bleeding the city through lawsuits over bad things.
As best as I can recall, CBS has the oldest and whitest audience of any network. So yes, procedurals and heroism rule the day.
People want to see hot firemen or cops banging hot EMS chicks
“You have a dangerously slow heart beat baby, let me speed it up for you”
*takes of blouse*
“I think you need an injection”
Sometimes they are about older middle-aged ladies that solve crimes with their quirky personalities.
/cue Cagney and Lacy unloading six shooters.
It’s the Mark Wahlberg network.
I love how being asked to stand during the National Anthem is being seen as an attack on their right to self-expression.
I’m waiting for a Nazi Salute or waving a Confederate Flag during the Anthem.
I’d do the Bellamy salute.
There’s hope for the British. Well, not really, but maybe for their teeth.
Drug repairs cavities
They’ll have beautiful smiles while getting blown up by a jihadi on the Tube.
At least the dental records will look beautiful when the match the remains.
This post was much too balanced and thoughtful. I need more impotent rage and hate.
In seriousness, I enjoyed it, as I have all of the trash-posts.
I need more impotent rage and hate.
Gotcha covered, bro.
They’re just stupid. It’s like the Alex Jones of the left site. Like this:
Well, the $h!t is hitting the fans now!
Germany, France and the UK have sent a statement condemning Trump over the Iran Deal! In the short the statement read as followed:
Oh noes! The next thing, the UN will condemn Trump over Iran! We can’t just stop shipping the Iranian caliphate big sacks of dollars. Because!
Germany, France and the UKNations that have gotten phat contracts from Iran have sent a statement condemning Trump over the Iran Deal!Funny how these people are all “KKKorporations are Evil!!eleventy!!!!”. Until they aren’t.
Good article trsh. I would agree with it all.
One point I didn’t see (and apologies if I missed it), is the notion that kneeling while at work is somehow ‘a right’. To me, this is the most important part of the whole thing and why I applaud Trump or anyone else who aggressively calls the SJWs out on their bullshit. The football, anthem, and flag are all irrelevant. What we’re watching is the Progs and SJWs try to rewrite the definition of free speech to protect their actions from any negative repercussions.
Having a right to kneel, in the context of free speech, means the government won’t lock you up for it. It doesn’t mean that you can do whatever the fuck you want while being paid on your employer’s clock and then claim you’re protected from termination under the guise of free speech. Every time I hear someone say that “the football players have a right to kneel but ….”, the whole concept of rights has just been shifted towards the progs’ goal line.
This. They sign “morality” clauses and shit. They get extra punishment (in theory, if not always in reality) for “bad behavior” off the field, let alone on.
I was talking to my boss the other day about this. He said he doesn’t have a problem with them taking a knee, but he sees it the same as posting a “Pray for Houston” meme after Harvey. It’s nice and all, but what else are you doing about the problem?
Free folk don’t kneel.
Where the hell have you been?
Well, long story short I scored a big law job and hours don’t bill themselves. I think I’ve finally reached a point where I am getting a handle on things though. We shall see.
hours don’t bill themselves
You mean, you’re only billing the time you spend doing productive work for clients?
Protip: Three law firms fired me for doing that. Not a good plan for biglaw success.
Ah Integrity, my ever present friend, companion, and nemesis. You’re out in AZ so we should get a drink sometime and I’ll fill you in on how strange it is where I sit… I do think I’ll be hitting my bonus this year if all goes well, no shortage of work.
As the world population has increased, more people have been dying, as you might expect. St Peter at the Pearly Gates didn’t get any faster, so a line started up. A few angels decided that first-come-first-serve was kind of unfair. Since they haven’t gotten into heaven yet, the souls were not reborn into their new perfect bodies. Making the oldsters stand in line while fit, young, stupid, teenagers were judged seemed unfair.
An announcement was made that a messenger angel would be pulling up birth and death records so they could figure out everyone’s age. The oldsters should expect an angel to come shepherd them to the front of the line shortly.
A middle aged man with impeccable silver hair, an impeccable silver suit, and an impeccable silver pinky ring was surprised when the angels came for him first. “There must be some mistake. Surely I’m not the oldest man in line!” he said.
“No mistake sir. We couldn’t find your birth certificate, but we got a copy of your invoices. Since you started practicing twenty years ago, you’ve billed 327 years worth of hours to your clients.”
I approve of that man’s fashion choices.
Well, long story short I scored a big law job and hours don’t bill themselves.
They don’t?
They don’t.
*sends Ted a bill for $165.00*
Welcome back, serrated? sword guy.
Good question, what should we call you?
I thought that blood stained sword was the agreed upon phonetic spelling.
I thought that was something other than a sword.
Obviously, I have my own thoughts on the matter – I might self identify but, I’ve honestly become interested in this as an social definitions as I’ve found what the community comes up with to be delightful. Its an entertaining, although perhaps not terribly useful, study of frameworks.
*Edit Faerie says…”Welcome Back”*
*sheds single tear*
But what does the Edit Faerie call xim?!?
Lachowsky will be fine. My friends call me A pimp named slickback
How bout “Thick9+”?
And here I thought you were just a Tool.
*slow clap*
Rambo Knife
From this day forward, you shall be Dirk.
Dirk Diggler.
Dirk Daggler
Believe it or not, I actually filled on the metadata for the website as “Dirk McShanksface” so you’re close on the money. Not that I’m close minded about other pronunciations.
Via funny libertarian:
Good lord IowaHawk better up his game with snark like that around.
Not while McCain is still alive.
They’re having a halloween decoration party in the breakroom right now. Anyone wanna guess how many of the females employees are in there goofing off?
All of them?
If they’re hot, we’ll need pics.
Winner winner. Some are hot, most are not. There’s one I think I would go to prison for.
I answered your Soviet defection question by the way. Short answer is that the current Russian government doesn’t prosecute for pre-1992 defections, but if they managed to piss off certain individuals in the KGB or party that are in the current government now there’s the possibility of them just flat out making up charges if they’re there for an extended period. If they defected to Canada it helps because we were framed as a middle power instead of the big mean Americans.
Unless they came over with a handful of classified documents and handed them to the CIA or anything else major (like in Viktor Belenko’s case, a goddamn MiG) they should be fine.
I doubt they’re that important. Thanks.
Well, I’ve never seen females pass up a chance to goof off at work, so… all of them?
Says the guy posting on Glibs from work.
*Pfffft* No one here works. Except for Rufus.
This is all going to end. They don’t want to do to the NFL what the baseball strike did to MLB.
Agreed. Goodell’s legs are already turning to jelly. The question is whether there will be a Civil War between the owners/commissioner and the Civil Rights LARPing players that could ultimately end up being even more damaging.
Once everybody kneels, won’t that just become a custom and everyone will forget the original virtue signaling purpose?
I know little of lesser rugby so i have no opinion. But hey the nba is starting so go Lakers
Go Lakers – back into the same place you’ve been for five years!
Nonsense i say 30 wins is possible this season depending on the breaks
FWIW, there was a time in the mid-90s I didn’t hate the Lakers all that much. (I grew up hating the Showtime Lakers) Those two years before Shaq came: Vlade, Ced Ceballos, Nick van Exel, Eddie Jones…they were fun and scrappy. Then they had to go and get the Big Galoot and I hated them again, and ever since.
OTOH, I was glad in one sense when Pau Gasol joined them. Yes, it made them deadly for a few years but at least people finally woke up to what an awesome player he was.
Eh in the 90s when american culture hit romania everyone had a bulls cap and i wanted a basketball cap anything but bulls and lakers was the first cap i found in a store that was not bulls so i became a lakers fan
*narrows gaze*
Eddie Jones, cedric Ceballos, Nicky Van Smack, and Vlady!
Good times. ??
This is the first good excuse i’ve ever heard for being a Lakers fan
Being a Lakers fan is like watching Lord of the Rings and rooting for the Nazgul
Is that wrong?
There are 9 rings that led to nazgul lakers have 16
even worse, then. you might as well be cheerleading the Nazis in the Warsaw Uprising.
you’d feel the way i feel if you ever saw Lakers fans in a sports bar in NY. its embarassing. they don’t know the rules, and they cheer @ free throws when they’re ahead by 20 points.
Great piece!
My anthem-protest-knowledge is limited to the NBA, which actually has had a rule for quite some time requiring fealty from its players.
Back in 1996 the NBA suspended Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf for not joining his teammates lined up for the national anthem. When he buckled and returned to the players line, he chose to stand slightly off-line with his head bowed in prayer. That game was in Chicago, and I recall thousands of fans (many who I’m sure had condemned Abdul-Rauf’s stance) paid attention to him rather than to the flag during the anthem. I’m convinced that Abdul-Rauf’s mistake, so to speak, was to tell people he was boycotting and why. Because during his time with the Chicago Bulls, Derrick Rose almost never joined his teammates in line for the anthem, but because he didn’t announce it (and nobody in the media asked) the league never disciplined him.
Anyway, I’m like trshmnstr in that I don’t know why the leagues have decided they need to play the anthem before their games. I watch quite a few games on League Pass and almost none of the broadcasts include the anthem–the channel always seems to be in the studio or at commercial during those times. However now that it’s ingrained in our culture the first league to drop it is probably going to suffer a big popularity hit despite the fact that only people attending games are exposed to the anthem now.
I don’t remember the national anthem ever being shown during broadcasts, unless it was the Super Bowl or a playoff game. This was purposely designed by sympathizers in the media to highlight Colin Kapernick and his refusal to stand. They foolishly believed that they could get NFL fans to ascribe to whatever social justice complaint de jour they wanted to pitch. And it failed miserably. Green Bay fans booed their own team. Those fat bastards from Wisconsin who have nothing to live for, but Green Bay football- BOOED Aaron Rodgers.
How the hell does the NFL not know who it’s fan base is?
“How the hell does the NFL not know who it’s fan base is?”
The same reason a fish doesn’t know what water is.
The pats did as well.
They didn’t always show the anthem, i think it had more to do with when the game before ended. If you have coverage of the warm up and intro, the anthem was on TV.
Ask Natalie Maines?
I tend to look at this through corporate lenses. We have one of the most profitable companies in the world with a whole bunch of employees who are actively damaging their brand. If I owned a store and some of the employees insisted on offending my customers, they would quickly become unemployed.
United went through the same thing when they beat up the Asian guy, Sig when their pistol discharged when dropped, lots of other examples of companies offending their customers and walking it back.
They’re entertainers. Nobody is making them play the role.
Personally, I have a gut reaction to flag-wavers that is not complimentary. It’s usually a substitution of symbols for principles. Read the Bill of Rights instead.
Read the Bill of Rights instead.
That is harder to put on a flag pole.
And while your stock boys might have on an apron with your store logo “Drake’s Tainted Meats” on it, you aren’t exactly employing them to be performers, cutting deals with broadcasters, and selling tickets to the public to put on a show.
I tend to look at this through corporate lenses.
Me, too. Indulging these protests was such an obviously, foreseeably, massively damaging thing for the NFL brand, that alone justifies telling the players to knock it the fuck off (and pound it into their skulls with fines and suspensions where necessary) that one is astonished at the idiocy of the NFL and team owners.
Forget the message. Who cares about the message? Doing this is costing the business millions of dollars.
I agree with Steyn – on Sunday two dozen kneeling Americans decided to rise to their feet for Britain’s national anthem. Because they understood that were they to remain kneeling they would be regarded by their London hosts as boorish graceless ignorant clods – which, in fact, they are, with respect to their own anthem.
Manners are white cis-shitlord privilege.
I think we should institute singing the anthem before Hollywood awards ceremonies.
Followed by Rosie O’Donnel and Donna Karan having sweaty lesbian sex on top of the flag shortly after having taken 10x the normal dose of Ex-Lax.
There’s something wrong with you Q.
Something?! I would say “a lot”!
Not clicking. You’ve officially made it into the HM zone with that last comment.
I’m listening to some idiot on NPR talk about how she sends her daughter to a substandard public school because that is more equitable. To use her resources to send her to the best school she can is unfair.
Yes. It’s utter bullshit.
Work to improve the situation for all kids, don’t sacrifice your own just to come down to the mean.
Bullshit? Or revealing?
Because I’d say that attitude is perfectly in alignment with what I see on a regular basis from Proggie quarters. (minus the “i’m sending my kids to a worse school on purpose” version of putting your money where your mouth is)
These people actually do see the world of Harrison Bergeron as something to aspire to – it isn’t even parody or allegory.
I think you autocorrected “abuse”.
This person, I assume, is not for vouchers?
BS. She can’t afford to move or to send them to private school, and this is how she rationalizes it.
I’m not sure it’s BS, I know people like this. She refuses to move out of her posh neighborhood in the city into an affordable suburb with better schools. It isn’t really an affordability thing, it’s that she places her own ego/lifestyle above her kids.
It’s true. The rich white liberal is a bizarre breed. But, rarely do they sacrifice their child’s education so to stay in the City. Usually they just actively work to keep poor kids out of their kid’s schools and build up these schools. Case in point would be the old Cabrini-Green area in Chicago. The few remaining black families are trapped in a sub par half empty school, while less than a mile away wealthier whites who have moved in enjoy a nice public school. All efforts to combine the two schools have been met with fierce resistance by our betters.
It’s rare, but not as rare as before. Rich white liberals are generally the ones who are adamant about not vaccinating their kids. Also, they tend to despise meritocracy and fully expect to purchase their children’s positions of employment.
In that case it’s still BS, because her stated reason for sending her kids to a substandard school (it’s more equitable) is just BS rationalization.
Maybe it’s BS, maybe its a true believer serious about checking their white privilege.
Either way, it’s moronic.
It’s her money, she can do with it what she wants.
Like sending her kids to the finest therapists.
Football players are entertainers. I don’t care about their political opinions any more than I do the idiots in Hollywood. Kneel, don’t kneel, whatever.
That said, there are people who do care, and a lot of them are NFL customers. It’s no coincidence that the NFL’s logo is modeled after the US flag. So, maybe it’s not super smart business to antagonize your best customers?
I tend to believe that American nationalism is significantly different from the nationalism of other countries. The nationalism of France, for instance, like most countries is intricately entwined with one’s ethnic background. American nationalism is more rooted in common cultural conceptions and that is why it is so easy for the US to boast a religiously and ethnically diverse population that lives in relative harmony.
American nationalism is not rooted in ‘blood and soil’, but instead in unifying symbols. One of those symbols is the American flag. It is a far better source of national cohesion than one rooted in someone’s place of birth or ethnic background.
I don’t say the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, because I feel no need to pledge allegiance to any institution. But, I see less problems with the National Anthem. If people want to kneel, fine. But, I don’t think people are wrong to be upset by that.
“American nationalism is not rooted in ‘blood and soil’, but instead in unifying symbols.”
So, it’s a superficial cohesion, even less cohesive than SEC football fans.
The national anthem is just a British beer-drinking song set to different lyrics. Francis Scott Key was the Weird Al Yankovic of his time.
That’s rather high praise for a lawyer like Key.
Do you have a problem with Weird Al Yankovic?
Also, a lot of famous songs are just new lyrics to old tunes. Such as ‘Glory, Glory, Alleluia’, which shares the same tune as ‘Solidarity Forever’, which shares the same tune as ‘John Brown’s Body’, which shares the same tune as a famous bar song, which shares the tune from an even older British drinking song
Yeah, apparently there were lots and lots of songs set to that tune at the time.
But we could always move to a true American original with that old standard, My Country Tis’ of Thee….
Oh, wait….
We will see how much the NFL loses. or maybe just less views will lead to less ad revenue. A bunch of kneelers have lost sponsorships, it should be an easy lesson for the next group of athletes.
Narcissitic martyrdom.
“Before this gets too long…”
For a second you want to think “maybe this will draw attention to an important issue”… then you realize that nobody is paying any attention to the real issues anymore, not even the people at the core of the protest.
This has been one of those “please, stay off my side” things from the start. I’ve gone on several epic rants (starting over at The Agitator) about how we are putting our police in the position to make a fatal mistake way, way too often. So I was all #BLM for years before the #BLM people jumped on the bandwagon at Ferguson. And we should have known right then where it would end up. Because they picked the wrong case for the wrong reasons.
But at least there was ostensibly a movement for reform that might help end the war on drugs, militarization of the police and generally get the ball moving on cleaning that cesspool up. Which, as several have pointed out above, lasted about 30 seconds before the professionally aggrieved showed up with their pre-made list of demands. It got really comical, really fast.
Except derailing an important moment where real reform could have been achieved with all of the race-baiting and discussion of reparations and guaranteed income and LGBTQAAI (WTF, how did that get in there??) and general communist manifesto stuff isn’t funny. Not even a little bit.
It will be another decade before this opportunity comes back around on the wheel of time – if ever. So nice job, turd-burglars.
Someone needs to document what really went on over the course of the Obama presidency as various groups tried desperately to gin up racial animus, finally succeeding with #BLM and then the “tear down the civil war monuments” movement. 50 years of putting things back together are getting washed away right before our eyes… and nobody gives a crap. This stuff was definitely think-tank originated and funded, it is just too persistent and too well organized to have been organic. Particularly the “spontaneous” decisions by Democrat politicians to remove confederate monuments and symbols all across the south in such a short period, with no discussion before hand and no pressure coming from anywhere to do so. There’s no way a bunch of politicians spontaneously decided to stir up a hornet’s nest and potentially piss off a good chunk of their constituency for no reason and with no reasonable prospect of personal political gain.
There is a large and well funded effort across a very large number of groups to press this agenda of destabilization. And I don’t think the Russians are behind it. But there might be another foreign source of money that is neck-deep in it…
Great piece. Im a couple days late but I hope you get the compliment.