1/250000th of that fajita theft.

I love ZARDOZ. He and STEVE SMITH might be favorite parts of this site, although the edit faery is, uh, exciting at times as well. Great advice, oh floating head. Speaking of floating head, they’re finishing my fence today. I got my raft ready, just need to sell my wife on it. Also, I guess there’s something happening on FB that makes people explicitly write, “Me, too.” Which is also a good 2 word summary of the website.

Looks like the Middle East is going back to a round robin war format as Iraqi forces rolled into the area some call… Kurdistan. I have complex ideas about all of that, but I guess “no longer our business” is the position this libertarian would want a government of Libertopia to take.

Cork stadium topless after Ophelia blows through Ireland.

Florida woman, abducted by undocumented immigrants aliens, now running for Congress. Might improve the delegation.

Scientists discover recipe for gold and platinum: 1) Take 2 neutron stars…

Hurricane or Whisky, you decide!

$1.2M worth of fajitas? That’s a lotta meat! Don’ worry your pretty little head about it.


Have fun with this one.