How in the fuck does a bullpen shit the bed like that? How? HOW?!?! The Yankees knotted the ALCS at 2 games a piece after getting to the Astros bullpen. Hopefully they can right the ship and start hitting like they did against Boston, otherwise that 2-0 lead they had will turn into a nightmarish finish to their season.
Elsewhere, the Dodgers put a stranglehold on their series with the Cubs, taking a 3-0 lead and getting one step away from the World Series trip they’ve been desperate for in L.A. (The Anaheim series doesn’t count, sorry Angels fans). My guess is that they pull out the brooms tonight at Wrigley and send the defending champs out with a thud.
The NBA started their season last night and somebody from the Celtics got hurt and they lost to the socially-conscious LeBrons. Meanwhile, the Rockets brought their own pyrotechnics to Oakland and torched the Warriors (by 1 point). The Warriors are in last place in the Western Conference. The Maple Leafs continue to impress in hockey after blanking the Caps. Pens won. Preds won. Hurricanes won and Vegas (Strong!) beat Buffalo.
[We Interrupt this Broadcast — Brett L here — Sloopy had to deal with a car problem, so I’m providing links!}
And now… the links!
GA Supreme Court — full of Republican appointees — holds that the Georgia Constitution means what it says, and that compelled breathalyzers violate that.
It looks like the found the Mandalay Bay security guard. He was hiding in plain site on Ellen!
Hillary defends NFL kneelers, because anything he opposes, she supports.
White male privilege: Too much exercise will kill you!
At least you still have Lou Reed!
“There was metal bracket holding the door in place,” he said.
Dude was able to install a bracket to hold the door shut in a Vegas hotel and nobody bothered to check up on why while he was doing it?
*calls housekeeping to borrow extension cord for power drill*
*Edit Ferry helps Admins too!*
Fairy angst!
“compelled breathalyzers violate ” – in Romania breathalyzers are standard, There is no such thing as a field sobriety test or whatever. And police sometimes just stop random cars and do breathalyzers tests, and no one finds it weird in any way.
Stockholm Syndrome from the Iron Curtain Era?
Seriously, they should find it completely batty.
Iron Curtain era? Living there under an authoritarian regime goes way farther back than that.
How are they able to justify legally pulling over a driver who’s not otherwise breaking the law?
They don’t need to justify. It’s called a filter and they can just stop any car which passes by just to do a breathalyzer test. Usually they need to complete some bureaucratic paperwork to approve the filter for a certain location and a certain time interval, and sometimes the cops fuck this up and you can sue against it, but you can’t sue against the act of being randomly stooped but to say that you were no stopped in the approved time/place
So it is completely batty.
I’m sorry to hear that, Pie.
The standard view for the Ro citizen “if you done nothin’ wrong ain’t nothin’ to worry ’bout”
My point of view is “If I’m doing nothing wrong, I should be left alone by the authorities”.
That way lies anarchy. ANARCHY
I thought the standard Romanian response to being pulled over for a filter stop was
“I do not drink. Wine.”
+! Vlad Tepes reference
They justify it with FYTW just like they do almost everywhere else. Their fundamental view of the individual and society are the inverse of ours.
Do they not run DUI checkpoints in your state?
New York being a fascistic hellhole does not make the action acceptable.
No DUI checkpoints in Michigan. One of it’s few redeeming features 😉
From Wikipedia:
Although the U.S. Supreme Court has found sobriety checkpoints to be constitutionally permissible, ten states (Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming) have found that sobriety roadblocks violate their own state constitutions or have outlawed them.
Idaho does not sound that bad overall to me, except the climate
And all the white people.
It’s only about 80% of the population. It’s fine.
Further evidence that Colorado continues its slide into becoming California Lite.
I see Alaska isn’t on the list, but of course there are only like three highways and a few local roads.
First thing I saw in Wasilla was a place advertising interlocks above their business. Around here interlocks are those cast cement fake brick things.
Alaska does have a higher per capita rate of alcoholism than most other states, which gives the gubmint an excuse to crack down.
None in Minnesoda either. Our state supreme court ruled them unconstitutional.
I don’t know, ask the Maryland General Assembly. We get sobriety checkpoints in my town every holiday weekend and sometimes in the summer just because the weather’s nice. The only limits are that a.) they have to post the location in the local paper of record 24 hours beforehand, and b.) there has to be an alternate route available to bypass the checkpoint. So they’ll stick a little blip in the middle of The Capital and set up checkpoints on every major exit just before the highway ramps.
Also as part of the EU having any alcohol in your system and driving in a DUI
Is that why the French bicycle?
Thing is a lot of EU countries have some tolerable limit. In Romania it is basically 0, or let’s say the error margin of the device. If you get anything on the breathalyzer they suspend your license for 90 days, give you a fine and it is a misdemeanor, not on you criminal record. If you are past a 0.8 BAC you get it on your criminal record as well.
So you can’t even have a single glass of wine if you go out to dinner? Surprised the restaurants and liquor companies don’t lobby for something more reasonable.
Well you can sometimes bribe the cop so there is that
In some South American countries, the legal limit is zero or about $20 US and as much as you want.
They offset the stringent DUI laws by making gas so expensive very few people drive anywhere for leisure activities.
They’ve got it all figured out.
My experience in slovakia was that the local trains and buses stop in every town, gas is expensive, and few people have a Skoda
I don’t know about Slovakia, but the only Skoda I’ve driven had the steering wheel on the wrong side. I had to compensate by driving on the left hand side of the road and got lost for two hours. Luckily everyone else in Nottingham appeared to have the same problem.
I lol’d
To be fair Apparently Skoda is doing so well that VW is trying to slow its growth
If you are past a 0.8 BAC you get it on your criminal record as well.
Do they put a note in your obituary, or do they throw your corpse into jail?
0.08 whatever
Now you have me wondering – what is the actual killing mechanism in alcohol poisoning? What does it do that triggers the rest to fail?
The wood flavoring.
Alcohol is a neurotoxin. In high quantities it affects the parts of the brain that control the heart and the diaphragm. Severe alcohol poisoning will disrupt the autonomic nervous system and stop a person from being able to breathe or make their heart stop beating. Either will obviously lead to death. It also disrupts the ability to maintain body temperature and suppressed the gag reflex while irritating the stomach. Both of those effects have killed people through exposure or drowning on their own vomit, but whether those deaths are directly attributable to alcohol or whether the alcohol was simply a prerequisite is up to you.
Yeah, but in moderate quantities it makes you good-looking and strong enough to fight anyone.
It’s Romania. They put a stake in your corpse, bind it with chains made of silver, and decapitate you for good measure.
Renfield: I think they’re from the government.
Count Dracula: How do you know?
Renfield: They’re wearing shoes.
How trigger happy are your police? Do you have problems like we see here in the states with scared cops gunning down unarmed people during traffic stops?
79) I still get emails from TOS for some reason (drink!) with links to their latest articles. This article, about “direct primary care” doctors who’ve opted out of taking insurance altogether in the Obamacare era, is pretty good. It’s mostly about how flexible and convenient these doctors are because they can be patient-centered, rather than insurance-centered.
This almost throw-away line near the end of the article caught my eye: “Direct primary care physicians are able to charge less than traditional practices because the lack of coding and billing means they don’t need to hire support staff.”
Do you remember when one of the primary attractions of Obamacare was that it would lower costs by requiring all medical providers to use standardized coding and billing practices? How every leftist swore Obamacare would “bend the cost curve,” and if you asked them how, the first thing was always computerized record-keeping, bringing US medical care into the 21st century?
Lies! The complete opposite is true! Strangely, it turns out increasing bureaucracy does NOT bend the cost curve. The first thing doctors who opt out of the system do is ditch the coding and billing. Who could’ve guessed? Remember all the initiatives under Clinton in the 90s to “modernize” American medical practice with crap like this? I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out this was one of the main drivers of increased medical spending for the past 25 years.
Just filthy profit adds overhead. Bureaucracy does not.
Does anyone know of any Obamacare resources I can send to a European doctor friend interested in learning more?
I recognize there have been, like, a million articles on the subject since Day One but anything will help. I find Reason had some good stuff.
I got into an argument with a medical student who was quite proud of the fact that her school got new equipment every five years. When I asked why, she said something about how the equipment is required to be updated. When I inquired further, she said the equipmemt was fine but that dirty profit-mongers were making it happen. She then switched topics to the cost of medical school, at which point I brought up buying new equipment to replace perfectly good equipment is expensive, and wondered if I could buy used medical equipment and offer scans and stuff at discount prices instead of relying on government healthcare. Her response was a blank stare, followed by spluttering, and then a “but it won’t be the best care people deserve!” And then the conversation ceased. Apparently she’s still mad about it a year later cause she brings it up with the wife from time to time.
The same way I couldn’t sell our perfectly good four-year old baby crib on Craig’s List because it didn’t meet the most up-to-the minute standards and was probably a death trap.
Thank goodness my sons have affluent grandparents. I was going to get a crib from a buddy that was probably seven or eight years old and try to find an infant carrier/car seat that hadn’t been in a wreck. My mom was likely to pull something she whipped out her checkbook so fast. I will give her credit, she bought one of those cribs that can be grown into a double bed, and guaranteed the additional parts, so my kids will probably get laid for the first time in a bed whose head and foot boards are the remains of their cribs.
*not sure if creeped out by that*
My daughter sleeps on a bed that used to be her crib. I’m very creeped out by that. Considering drinking some bleach.
When it was time to graduate from the crib, my mom just bought a pair of adult-size twin beds for my brother and I.
I still have mine, and I did indeed lose my V-card in it.
My dad still sleeps in the bed my sister and I were born in. Mom opted for at-home births. I’m pretty sure it belonged to his parents back when.
You’re gonna have them put the beds in the back of the truck they’re driving at 16?*
*teenage Sloopy had a free flow waterbed from age 10-19 and wasn’t about to lose it in that thing.
Teenage Sloopy must have been very busy on weekend evenings, and is probably fortunate to not run into young men who look astonishingly like him. When I was in that age range, a waterbed was like the Diner’s Club Platinum Card for getting laid.
Well yeah. But trying to lose one’s virginity in something like that is like trying to learn to drive a car in a Bugatti. You’re gonna end up in traction.
That’s… odd.
“the remains of their cribs.”
So the crib dies and then is reincarnated as a bed?
Wait, your saying the crib can turn into the spot behind a dumpster in the alley at a 7-Eleven?
“The same way I couldn’t sell our perfectly good four-year old baby crib on Craig’s List because it didn’t meet the most up-to-the minute standards and was probably a death trap.”
Big Safety is the worst crony capitialist of them all.
Interesting. We have a crib we need to get rid of. Wasn’t planning on selling it, just giving it away. Hadn’t even occurred to me you couldn’t sell it. Is it still leagal to give it away?
“Legal.” Whatever, I kinda like the misspelling.
The government does all kinds of shit to keep healthcare expensive in our alleged “free market” healthcare system.
I work at a long-term care pharmacy (we mail out meds to nursing homes and assisted living facilities). If a resident discharges and the facility doesn’t tell us, we’ll mail out the meds anyway, but the facility is not allowed to return the meds to us, even if they’re unopened.
Our new ERP system has brought us into the 21st century and now requires even more people (rough guess 10%) to operate and maintain it.
This is my cousin’s field, and since she started her new job (in August) she managed to get 2% of the paperwork/ e work reduced by eliminating redundant fields, and received a promotion and a bonus for it. That’s how bad the system is currently.
Yes but the reports look fabulous!
We don’t get reports out of the system yet. We have paper stuck to the wall that we are tracking jobs on.
Think of the jobs!
You have a system for your erotic role play?
How else are you going to know who’s turn it is to be the naughty Draenai Oberstgruppenfuhrer?
Based on last night’s thread, I believe it’s called Witcher 3
Disclosure: I’ve never played Witcher 3.
Yes, because no private company would ever go paperless if not for the government forcing them to. See, these entrepreneurs are too bone-headed to think of something like that. They’re just not as smart as our wise bureaucrat experts!
George Soros Transfers $18 Billion to His Foundation, Creating an Instant Giant
The pioneer of hedge-fund investing has transferred the bulk of his wealth to Open Society Foundations
Your move Koch…
Shielding it from the Hungarian government?
Shielding it from the Swiss who want their (((gold))) back?
Shielding it from the Bank of England? Seriously, Tomorrow Never Dies, and the Plane Plot from Casino Royale are based on Soros.
*scurries out of room*
Unpossible! Have you tried looking under “Penumbras and Emanations”?
“Too much exercise can kill you – especially if you’re a white man: Study finds 7.5 hours a week of fitness DOUBLES your risk of heart disease”
*Chugs pre-workout, BCAAs, followed by two scoops of protein powder*
At least I’ll look good when my arteries collapse.
*You have been Blessed by the Edit Fairy!*
*look good.
BCAAs are worthless in this, or most contexts
Not according to articles on! Who don’t have any interest other than my health! There’s studies man, STUDIES.
An 86% increase in risk for white guys and 0% for black dudes? That’s rather…dramatic. The lights on my bullshit detector are flashing and the bells ringing.
I am trying to remember…what is the percentage of results that can be replicated from published studies?
In other studies it was found that Hillary Clinton has a 98% chance of winning the election.
They scienced the shit out of those studies… and they were done by scienticians no less!
I’ll show you the science paper!
Bro. Check out this science.
“I do think we need to ask ourselves if eating ass is out of control.”
Wait a minute! This isn’t printed on science paper. It’s ordinary pulp paper!
Pulp Science is my favorite Science! You can do so much more with it!
That looks more like an edit stripper. Maybe that’s what publishing needs.
You might be on to something – struggling newspapers could offer a pay channel to watch their “editors” work.
Idiocracy in action! “Adult” editorials
“White men who work out at least seven-and-a-half hours a week are nearly twice as likely to suffer from heart disease than those who do a moderate amount”
I read at one time that heart researchers wanted to see what the healthiest hearts would look like, so they searched out champion marathoners and ultra-marathoners for a study, only to find their hearts were in terrible shape–full of scar tissue.
This study from the link didn’t seem to differentiate between cardiovascular exercise and weight-bearing exercise. I wonder if that would make a difference. Or if doing a variety of activities, rather than just running on a treadmill.
I think anything in excessive amounts is absurd. I have a couple of friends who when anything they start go full throttle as if that’s proof they’re doing it right or committed.
I’m no expert, but my rule of thumbs is simple: Stay within the maximum heart-load (which I sometimes push and really shouldn’t) you can take and rest every other day. If you run 5-10k hard every day it’s not necessarily good and can do damage to your heart. It doesn’t take much to get the heart pumping; you can get a lot out of a simple walk. Which I hate. I notice marathon running is all the rage now. People who never played sports or exercised suddenly take it up. My wife’s friend decided she wants to complete a marathon even though she’s no athlete. I don’t get it.
Personally, after participating in over 30 years of sports, I’ve come to the (unscientific) conclusion that ‘no pain, no gain’ is a bit of a myth.
I ran the Marine Corps Marathon in 2000, and swore never again. I did not feel healthy running that distance. In my training, my feet and knees were always sore, and I was always nursing some low-level cold or ailment. As soon as the race was over and I went back to my normal, more moderate running regiment my health returned to normal.
I think it was Dave Barry who said that running doesn’t actually make you healthy. It just prepares you for what it feels like to be an old coot with aches and pains everywhere.
I had to run a fair bit when I was on active duty way back when, but I wasn’t generally gung ho about it. I did start running quite a bit more than usual in Iraq, though, due to the fact that the nature of our work schedules meant we had a fair amount of downtime (radar shop worked 24 on/24 off shifts). I was running 7 miles every other day, and feeling pretty good doing it. So one day I decided to double my usual run, which was a 7 mile loop around the perimeter of Al-Asad. I felt fine until about halfway through the second lap, 10 or so miles in, and then my body just started throwing a tantrum at me. By the time I finished, I felt like I was going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life….and this was just a bit more than a HALF marathon. Fuck that shit.
Chip, were/are you a 5951? I think that was the old MOS number for ATC Radar Tech.
I was a 5952 -navigational aids tech back in the day. Swinging with the Wing!
Close – 5953, the only true radar techs! TAOC radar types are mere “radar repairmen” who don’t work at the component level.
So another MACS guy – we really WERE the smartest units in the Corps, obviously! I was at MACS-4 Det A in Oki and MACS-1 Det C in Yuma.
Must be MOS dyslexia. Comm’s must have been 5951’s. I always got the orders mixed up.
I was either in NAS Millington or MATCS-18 (Det C) in Oki.
When I was going to school it was filled with Sgts & SSgts who were repairmen that were going to become techs and work at the component level.
I always tell people that the problem with our squadrons is that it was filled with really smart misfits. Had to have higher scores than OCS to get in.
Before law school I was in good enough shape that after running a half, I felt fine the next day. I wasn’t particularly fast, nor did I particularly like it, but it was something to do with my soon to be wife.
I tried a full marathon with the only training being the 3 or 4 half marathons I ran in the prior 2 months. (it seemed like a less stupid idea at the time) Really freaking bad idea. I didn’t feel the same for a month.
I’m noticing a theme between you and Chipwooder – both of you doubled their normal distances and things went bad. It’s like someone going “I can lift two hundred pounds, lets go to four hundred!” While the target value is within human ability, jumping straight there seems like a recipe for disaster.
That’s why my exercise regimen has stalled. I can’t double doing nothing, so I’m going nowhere.
I ran between 35-45 miles per week for years in my mid-30s. I may try to get back to that. Running 6-7 miles a day didn’t make me feel the worse for wear at all. I’m a decade older now so my mileage may vary.
The other school of thought, the opposite of “train to failure”, is “train to success”. Based on crap I read in books and the Internet (I’m being honest about sources here) most competitive power lifters and folks like that “train to success” or practice rather than “work out”, which is to say they do high-weight low-rep sets focusing primarily on perfecting form rather than just throwing heavy things around willy-nilly, and stop as soon as they’re not able to complete a rep with good form. The thinking is that in non-endurance training, what you’re trying to do is condition your nervous system to the movements required–building “muscle memory”–rather than just making your muscles bigger. You develop endurance by reducing the effort needed to perform a given activity rather than by just making your heart stronger, sort of like finding a short-cut as compared to putting a bigger engine in your car.
Training to failure is supposedly based in American sports and military training, where the goal isn’t just or even primarily to make you stronger or better at what you’re doing, but to push you to a point where you’re so exhausted you have to rely on technique and willpower to keep going. It carried over to weight training when the whole idea of microtears causing muscle growth became popular. After all, if a little soreness resulted in a little muscle growth, then a hell of a lot of soreness must result in massive gains, right?
From my own experience, pushing 40, nobody I know who exercises regularly, be it jogging, weight training, jujitsu, whatever, trains to failure. You can’t. Never mind that it’s just not going to work when you’ve got obligations like family and work to handle every day, it’s just not physically possible anymore. It’s way too easy to hurt yourself, and recovery is longer. You’ll make much more progress on the slow and steady than if you gas yourself every day for a week and then have to stop training entirely for a month because you blew a hamstring.
” I notice marathon running is all the rage now. People who never played sports or exercised suddenly take it up. My wife’s friend decided she wants to complete a marathon even though she’s no athlete. I don’t get it.”
It’s those cool “26.2” stickers you can put on the back of your car to show everybody what a badass you are.
Those random really short statement stickers naver made any sense to me.
I still read the “ADK” ones as “I Don’t Care” even though that doesn’t fit in the least and I should remember the Adirondack mountains.
My first thought when reading that: correlation =/= causation. How many of these people were fatties who started working out hardcore trying to shed some pounds?
My old man farmed most of his life. No regular exercise, no planned workouts, just taking care of stock and a big place in the country. He’s 94 and his doc tells him most 60 year old men would love to have his heart.
Seems to me that just an all – around variety of exertion is pretty good for the system, and farming sure as hell gets you that.
He’s 94 and his doc tells him most 60 year old men would love to have his heart.
Did he ask how much they’ll pay for it?
He did, but they weren’t willing to wait until he’s done with it. He declined.
Yes. I plan to pick up heavy things and walk around with them regularly for the rest of my life and maybe swing a sledgehammer or axe once in a while for good measure.
Don’t forget occasionally getting kicked, stomped or bitten by some large animal.
Colorado woman gets away unharmed after train rolls over her
“Lurvey said the woman had earphones in and didn’t hear the train approaching.”
Come on, come on! Feel it, feel it!
Good, good, good, good vibrations.
I think it is safe to rule out drugs or alcohol!
So got drunk, fell alseep in public, and a bunch of dudes rode train on her and she didn’t die?
So what is Ellen’s part in the shooting? And why was she involved? Something doesn’t smell right
She was the real shooter and offed the other guy before opening up on the crowd.
That’s just Ellen.
*slow clap*
Lesbians and their world domination plans. But what can you do
Convert them to pure heterosexuality, STEVE SMITH style.
Dressing as a clown for Halloween? These Florida cops say you’re risking your life
I don’t see where dressing as a clown is the dangerous part. Sounds like you need to dress as a clown so the murderous clowns will think you’re part of the gang.
I totally believe that kid…totally.
Same here. Totally sounds legit. A selfie stick is an aluminum, telescoping pole about half an inch in diameter weighing about a quarter of a pound, right? Two or three feet long? Yeah, you could fend off a grown man with that.
Scary clowns are back? Jebus. When you can distract the population with something as silly-ass as that it’s no wonder that a certain amount of contempt is directed at them. Of course Hillary can tell bald-faced transparent lies about selling her office and expect to get away with it.
Yeah, but judging by the description, that’s not what I’d call a healthy clown.
Although, how could he tell the real size with a rainbow wig on (Afro) and the cartoonishly-oversized clothes clowns wear?
This kid is completely full of shit.
5’9″; 230 pounds; “jumped”? Pick two.
We need selfie stick control legislation.
Oh god, the fake news of the clown moral panic again.
Transgender footballer blocked from playing in women’s league due to ‘physical disparity’
I mean I don’t want to judge, but looking at the picture reminds me of the words of the philosopher Austin Powers ”That’s a man, baby
But wait, I thought womyns were just as physically capable as men, and if you think you’re a woman you’re actually a woman?!
Is Caster Semenya switching sports?
Man, who thought Ladybugs would be so forward thinking?
I laughed out loud when I clicked.
Trump is destroying the work feminism has created
that at first looked like the onion
I thought the link did say the Onion and reading the excerpt did not dissuade me of that.
“This act helped empower women because it granted coverage for contraceptives, including birth control”
No woman could afford birth control before Obamacare. Condoms and the Pill were only available to the elite few.
Women are empowered by being given free shit at other people’s expense, like children.
Based on illegitimate birth rates of poor people, you might be on to something.
I mean, it has to be lack of access, not perverse incentives from government to have more babies out of wedlock, perpetuating a life of poverty for their offspring.
No Sloopy, it’s true – most women just can’t muster up the funds to buy a 50 cent rubber. That’s class privilege right there.
And it’s not like there’s some lifestyle decision they could make that would prevent pregnancy. It just happens out of nowhere through no fault of her own.
I thought it happened because she got hit by a bus?
Like Hillary, and Warren.
Aand SFed the link. Let’s try again.
Linkage still hosed.
Forget the link. It’s the edit fairy I’m interested in hosing.
That’s my favorite faerie. She reminds me of someone I used to know. I tried to reverse image search but couldn’t find anything.
She looks kind of like the young Jennifer Tilly, a less curvaceous version anyway.
Go on…
Mary Stack?
As I recall the famous feminist activist Sandra Fluke testified before congress that without 20 bucks worth of birth control supplied at someone else’s expense women would die in the street. Oh wait, she didn’t testify in front of congress. The democrats and the press put her on a phony set and made it look like she did. It was a deliberate deception, a farce just like that entire article.
I dont understand why people buy any of this shit. The democrats are running a con and some people just keep getting duped over and over again with the same gag.
A lot of the Democrats’ base is just that easily hoodwinked. A large number of them are very hapless people with no capacity for any level of self determination, so they rather unquestioningly appeal to authority and buy into these laughable stage shows. The Democrat establishment is well aware of this. It’s why Obama was able to bring a bunch of people wearing lab coats into a photo op to drum up support for Obamacare and have people take it seriously. Any casual observer would see that and immediately think that it’s embarrassingly condescending, but the Democrat base eats that shit up. “Look, a bunch of doctors unanimously support the new law! They’re wearing lab coats, so they have to be real and serious! You trust doctors, don’t you?”
Counting my co-pay and what the insurance paid out, my last visit to a doctor netted the office $27, and that has to pay for the support staff and overhead too. I pay more for my mechanic’s time. While it might make me accept his opinion on what’s wrong, it does not make me accept his opinion on government policy.
The first time I saw a doctor in fifteen years I went in to an internist because I needed to pick a GP and he was on my insurance. I had an issue with back pain from sitting like an idiot at a desk without moving for eight hours straight every weekday. I mean, I’m not a doctor, but that’s a pretty easy one, I’d think. So he orders a blood test, gives me six prescriptions, four of which were for over-the-counter drugs, two of the latter being for allergies(!?), and tells me to take warm showers and lose weight. Every time I’ve been back, blood test. Thumb tendonitis? Blood test.
Look, I don’t want to fuck with a man’s bread, and I can respect a good hustle, but pull the other one, pal.
I’m certain all the wives and mothers, they being the primary spenders in the household, appreciate what the ACA has done to their premiums and out-of-pocket expenses. I’m sure losing access to their physicians and pediatric doctors has gone over well. They appreciate it good and hard.
Good morning!
It’s pretty clear the dangers of not exercising enough are much greater given that the study has to contort itself into the tabloid treatment. Also it occurred to me that a child born today might never drive a car out of necessity. It will become a hobby. How strange.
Also I have a suddenly renewed interest in playing my clarinet. This will definitely win admiration of my neighbors as I practice in the wee hours.
woah – can I get a cis faerie over here?
How are they able to justify legally pulling over a driver who’s not otherwise breaking the law?
The Constitution is just a fucking piece of paper, so you can imagine how it works in eastern Europe.
‘Bigfoot’ reportedly sighted in Northern California, pictures go viral
Holy cow, not even the farm animals are safe from rape!
It’s funny how bigfoot sightings are always by people who desperately want to believe, just like white nationalist nazi alt-righter sightings.
I desperately want to believe someone could love me, but I’ve sighted no one of the sort.
Northern California? Right when I’m going to be heading up to Mammoth Lakes this weekend? What can I do to protect myself from a STEVE SMITH attack?
Axe body spray
Why would a paranormal expert be interested in bigfoot? I thought bigfoot was supposed to be just a simian creature, nothing supernatural about him.
Recently, he has announced plans to set back the Affordable Healthcare Act that was enforced during Obama’s presidency. This act helped empower women because it granted coverage for contraceptives, including birth control, despite religious affiliation.
Empowering women by forcing other people to pay their bills is what feminism really means.
It’s like a CEO woman who earns more than her ex-husband getting alimony payments.
*looks around work place*
Ah, why the Hell not…
*pour whisky into coffee mug*
Nothing says independent woman like being on welfare
It really is incredibly sexist. They’re basically saying women can’t accomplish things on their own without government welfare, affirmative action, etc.
Didn’t the law require coverage of birth control? Legally the insurance companies could always cover it tight?
Yeah but if men and old people aren’t forced to pay for policies that provide it for free then women might have to pay for it all themselves. And that’s sexist. Because reasons.
I called the Texas Attorney General and made threats.. (r/legaladvice)
This amused me
I like Ken White’s response.
So this “Me Too” thing…
Last night I was looking over my wife’s shoulder at pictures of nephews and saw that one of her friends — the one I absolutely can’t stand — went on a social media tirade last night about “Me Too.” I asked my wife what that was about, and she told me a harrowing tale of how this girl, in high school, was dating a guy who got upset about her spending time with other boys, so he pushed her into a locker and yelled at her. I was like, so did he hit her? No. Did he sexually assault her later? No. So she’s ME TOOing because this one time 20 years ago someone was mean to her? Yup.
This is why I can’t take this shit seriously. I want to take it seriously. I love and respect the women in my life, and if they were ever truly victimized I would want them to know that they can come to me. But this shit. This attention whoring. I can’t stand it.
HEY, wife’s friend! You’re making the world a worse place!
Me too
*wild applause*
Boss said I didn’t fill out the spreadsheet exactly like he wanted it yesterday. #metoo
One time in high school, this guy put dirt in my underwear and gave me a wedgie. #metoo
*seizes the power of victimhood for self*
My wife got flagrantly mad last night about this #metoo thing. Like I thought she was gonna kill the dog, she was so mad. I have a dislike for the modern mewling feminists, but for some reason her hatred for them is white hot and filled with fury.
Because her entire gender is being trashed by these control freaks.
They’re making women look weak as hell.
…and then demanding big daddy government step in and make women live how they should live.
When I was a freshman in high school (’02 – ’03) I remember a lot of girls talking about being raped in a way that is, well, not typical of how actual rape victims talk about it. It seemed to be a trend. I think a lot of this “everything is rape” BS actually began a long time ago, and the “MeToo” mob is just these girls all grown up.
Marc Faber: ‘Thank God white people populated America’
Well-known investor Marc Faber has claimed that the United States is rich only because it was settled by white people. In a newsletter for investors seen by the FT, the Swiss forecaster known as “Dr Doom” wrote: And thank God white people populated America, and not the blacks. Otherwise, the US would look like Zimbabwe, which it might look like one day anyway, but at least America enjoyed 200 years in the economic and political sun under a white majority. I am not a racist, but the reality – no matter how politically incorrect – needs to be spelled out.
Top notch use of I’m not racist but, I would say
thanks edit fairy … so what are you doing later on? Nice dress would look great on the floor. Fairy or angel? I am really bad at this harassment thing
These edit fairies keep getting bigger.
No, its just the comments are getting smaller
Today is an edit fairy day. These fairies are going to get me in trouble some day…
I’ll take dat edit faerie please.
I mean, thicc edit fairy is my main b, but I’m happy to make room for her, too.
Obviously if it was populated by diffrent people it would be the same country due to its magic dirt.
Well it’s magic enough to make people Americans by just spawning here, even if they have no blood relative citizens…
/end Jus soli
I guess that makes sense as a response to all the “fuck white men” rhetoric from the left, but people will understand as saying that racial makeup was causally relevant to this country’s success, as opposed to incidental. Just furthers collectivist tension and missing-of-the-point / superficial understanding of why societies succeed vs fail.
people will understand as saying that racial makeup was causally relevant to this country’s success, as opposed to incidental
I would say that the genetic/racial makeup is incidental, but the cultural makeup is essential. Unfortunately, that cultural base is from white countries, culture and skin color are transmitted via families, and so “white people” becomes an easy category error/shorthand term that sets off a whole (unnecessary?) round of obfuscation and backlash.
“”Thank God white people populated America’””
‘Which’ white people?
The history of white people is a history of some white people being less-white than others, and those white people splitting for somewhere else. If not shoved.
YA Novel About “Mob Mentalities” Punished After Online Backlash
Moriarty explained via email that she asked two Iranian immigrant friends to read an early draft and see if Sadaf seemed authentic to them, and whether the language and accent fit with their memories and experiences. A friend of Pakistani and American descent who is a practicing Muslim gave additional feedback. Moriarty asked a senior colleague at the University of Kansas, Giselle Anatol, who writes about Young Adult fiction and has been critical of racist narratives in literature, to read the book with a particular eye toward avoiding another narrative about a “white savior.” And after American Heart was purchased by Harper, the publisher provided several formal “sensitivity reads,” in which a member of a minority group is charged with spotting potentially problematic depictions in a manuscript.
So Uncivil, how up to date are you with your “sensitivity reads,” on the latest work?
One of my favorite characters is Hesphaestus Rickard III. I am particularly fond of his exchange with the Lesbian in the waiting room near the end of “Lucid Blue”. I wish I could write more scenes like that, but it wouldn’t advance the story too much.
Oh, and it probably triggers the crap out of people who regard that as a serious topic.
To be fair I would read you work but I am not sure it has been pirated and placed on convenient torrent trackers already, and it is against the Romanian code to pay money for books
This will work in Laura Moriarty’s favor. There are tons of new books, and YA is an especially crowded field. Tons of people are going to buy this book just because of the publicity.
I’ve Been Sexually Harassed For as Long as I Can Remember
I’m sorry, but you’ll have to be more specific. Did they start humping your leg?
They dozed off at dinner because she was SO INTERESTING.
“They tried and failed?”
“They tried and died.”
“wanted to get signed by a lit agent, I would go to drinks with male agents”
A lit agent? As in, a literary agent, representing your literary work?
Ha ha ha! I’m currently sending one of my works out to literary agents, and I know three authors in my writing group who have agents. Only one of them has ever actually met their agent–all the business is done by email or phone. Also, probably 85% of literary agents are female.
This woman has no idea how the field works, and these aren’t literary agents. These are dudes trying to get laid and realizing they’ve hooked a gullible one.
I couldn’t convince any to actually respond to my queries, let alone harass me.
What were you willing to do for a sweet publishing deal?
Write a book.
Throw in a back rub and a hand job at least.
I don’t think I can ask for that much from them.
Bake them a reach around cake.
You’re supposed to include a picture of an attractive young woman and make it sound like you’re easy.
No, I haven’t gotten any reponses either.
She may be using the term lit agent if she’s a screenwriter. There are literary agents who work predominantly in film.
As opposed to men who wouldn’t even get to dinner with the agent.
You and me both, sister.
SJWednesday: Once Again, It’s All Whitey’s Fault
In Africa for example there was not one single recorded instance of gender violence before colonialism introduced the concept. So in my view xer is not wrong
Whitey made them do it!
Native Indians NEVER fought. Ever.
They never over fished and over hunted. EVER.
They never tortured, culturally appropriated, or engaged in waste of any kind.
All virtue and no vice.
They learned that stuff from us. Whitey.
They were so noble and pure, some of their civlizations collapsed hundreds of years before Columbus arrived, just out of the mere anticipation of the white man coming along and ruining them!
On a positive note, no comments on the story. Maybe nobody read it?
They’ve outsourced their comment section to Glibs.
God help
Yes, this is why the rate of violent crime including rape is so much higher among white men than among black men….oh, wait….
Chelsea Clinton Verified account @ChelseaClinton
Some perspective: Not worried about my mom’s broken toe. I am worried about people in Puerto Rico not having clean water, food or power.
Is anyone worried about her mother’s broken hoof?
To be fair, I don’t think there was ever any love in that family.
Now that’s sterling silver level intellectualism right there.
and by “worried”, she means that she had a vague thought about Puerto Rico when the Rican doorman at the building where she lives in her $10M apartment ushered her into a limo yesterday morning.
I’m pretty sure her mother is actually an android.
If only the Clinton Foundation had gotten involved sooner there. Then they could have raked in some sweet corruption money from that tragedy.
Chelsea Clinton is the only woman alive who can make her mother seem spritely and adept by comparison. I dozed off halfway through her tweet. I’m dozing off now just trying to repl
she’s ME TOOing because this one time 20 years ago someone was mean to her? Yup.
Celebrities to audiences – Pick Trump or us.
Sounds easy.
Bye Hollywood. I’ve not missed you.
Please keep this up for a couple more years. I can’t imagine what derp awaits us during the next presidential election cycle. It will be orders of magnitude worse than it is now.
George Lopez is a grade A asshole, this is known.
And was always a shitty comedian anyway. Carlin was pretty damned liberal but I don’t care because he was hilarious.
We already did.
So a bunch of rapists and their enablers in an industry filled with people who either shuttled young women to amoral abusers or turned a blind eye to it want to be moral scolds to the rest of the country. It’s even more rich than actors who glorify violence in their films and live behind high walls with security details wanting to preach gun control to the plebs.
Big news at Rugters:
Rutgers University police say that a college-aged man came into a female student’s dorm room and fondled her chest and groin.
That sounds like most of my dates in college. Not sure how I dodged serious jail time.
Why doesn’t it say whether she invited him or not?
Did you ask the men to leave after they fondled your chest?
You had to act like you weren’t going to sleep with them and then sleep with them.
This is what is referred to as “Under-promise, and over-perform”. A key to long term customer satisfaction.
Uffda. Once again Minnesoda is on the cutting edge of jurisprudence.
Minnesota judge allows ‘necessity defense’ in pipeline case
I don’t even know where to begin on this one.
I would have though being a judge would take a bit of brains and some integrity and respect for the law. I stand corrected.
I wonder how much global warming is saved by the actions of these brave protesters? I would say at the very least 0.00001 degrees per century. At least.
They can present the evidence at trial, forestalling an appeal on the ruling, so when the Jury goes “You’re out of your flipping minds”, they can’t say they weren’t allowed to try.
American legal history is built on precedent, which perpetually builds on itself and is often self-contradictory. Being a good judge just requires knowing enough legal history to cherry pick laws and cases to justify virtually any ruling.
I own some Enbridge stock. They are hurting my family if they hurt that company.
I have some bad news for you Swiss.
Enbridge is going to get completely ass raped in Minnesoda in the next year or so. They’ve been trying to replace aging pipelines across northern Minnesoda and things were going pretty well but then Dakota Access protesting got trendy.
Now the environmentalists and the indians are fucking Enbridge in the courts. Because of a treaty that we signed with the indians in the 1850’s, they can sue any company that might mess with their hunting/fishing rights ANYWHERE (not only on reservations) in northern Minnesoda.
So we have the wonderful situation where Enbridge can’t build new safer, cleaner pipelines. Instead they have to use the old ones. It is like the environmentalists think that Enbridge would just throw up its hands and say “Well I guess we have to pack up and go home”.
Does the judge allow that defense just so that it can be presented and subsequently shot down by a jury.
Then, the judge when talking with his other judge buddies, can reminisce about that one time he allowed this “necessity defense” and they can all throw back their heads in laughter.
Or the judge is doing a terrible job.
Affirmative defenses have to be proved up….this will turn into a shitshow.
So I wouldn’t want to muscle in on Qs turf of linking to scantly clad female, but I somehow came across this twitter account and don’t know if I find it sexy or creepy. I mean the faces look totally strange compared to the bodies, kinda young and weird. Maybe it’s just an Asian thing but…
Lady Boys? /didn’t click on the link
Weeaboo bait
So it is an anime thing? I mean there were a couple that looked non weird doing a few scrolls …
Cisgengered, young asian women, most of them look Korean to me, but lots of kawaii and cosplay stuff.
All the rest of the weird fetish costume crap is forgiven because of this chick right here.
Really dumb girls try to reenact The Town.
Fackin’ amatyas!
“No funny money.”
The 1920s called… as did Rihanna’s legal team.
“Don’t press anything.”
At least when I worked as a teller, the alarm was triggered by pulling a wad of cash out of a certain cubby. There wasn’t anything to push.
Herself has a broken toe? Did she stub it while running through a minefield as snipers were shooting at her?
It was somewhere in the UK, so it was proably an IRA murderdrone attack.
Uranus Will Look Spectacular This Weekend
*giggles like a 12 yo*
I’m a little disappointed that none of our Montana Glibs seem to be ranked in the bareback standings.
Bareback star Miller hopes to start off new PRCA season in style at NILE
I’m guessing that those rules obeying normies insist that you have to ride a horse and not bareback your orphans?
SJWednesday: We Want It Both Ways Edition
Having a mental illness shouldn’t disqualify someone from a job. – I strongly disagree
They desperately want to be treated as mentally ill insofar as it affords them victimhood benefits, but when it becomes a liability in any fashion, the wailing begins.
“We live in a country where one in five women report experiencing rape or attempted rape”
Citation needed. Even the heavily-biased studies on college campuses find that one in five woman has been the victim of a *sexual assault* (NOT rape), using ridiculously broad definitions of sexual assault.
You can rape a woman with your eyes you know
This person just assumed that everyone goes to college.
Your mom goes to college.
As someone who deals with an anxiety disorder.. you don’t want me in AmeriCorps.
(p.s. Bar associations ask about your mental health history, yes. I spent a week in a hospital when I was a teenager because of a suicide attempt, and I’m on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds. I disclosed all of this to three different state bars, and didn’t have trouble with any one of them.)
You also can’t join the military(at least, you couldn’t in 2001, no idea about now), as I found out when I told my recruiter that I had been on antidepressants years earlier. He responded by saying “Do you want to join the Marine Corps or not? You do? Then I didn’t hear that shit, and keep that to yourself from now on.”
We ask, but don’t tell.
SJWednesday: #MeToo or How It’s Ok to Stereotype All (White) Men When You’re A Proggie Edition
I really want to go reply to the author with something similar regarding Trump’s travel ban.
The cognitive dissonance is astounding.
You forget the intersectionality pyramid. There are the oppressed, and the oppressors. It’s ok to discriminate against and paint with a broad brush oppressors (whites, men, heterosexuals, etc.) because by definition they are oppressing the most vulnerable and need to own up to their collective guilt. By contrast, anything that negatively impacts any oppressed* is by definition oppressive and should be resisted. So Trump’s travel ban is evil because it negatively affects brown people, while #yesALLmen is righteous because it’s speaking truth to power.
*Caveat: when an oppressed group that is higher on the intersectionality pyramid negatively impacts another oppressed group (Orlando shooting, black men are the white people of black people, etc), the group higher on the pyramid wins.
That attitude totally wont result in men also being distrustful of women, will it?
Thanks for finishing the links, Brett. The wife is fine but the whole front end of the car is smashed in pretty good. So now I get to deal with that today.
But as long as everyone is ok, that’s all that matters.
I’m glad everyone is ok. Good luck dealing with the insurance companies.
It’s covered. Insurance has been fine. They are scheduling the repair and my rental car. I’ll have it all sorted out in a half hour.
Insurance is only a pain when there are multiple cars. When someone drives a car into a concrete barricade in a ditch while trying to make a u turn on a completely open road with zero traffic, they’re not hard to deal with.
::bears it::
Hallelujah! Holy shit!
Where’s the Tylenol?
::Remembers saying “But as long as everyone is ok, that’s all that matters.” earlier::
It’s also somewhat easier when the car that decides to park in your wheel well is insured by the same company. Mine, at least, refunded the deductable when it turned out everyone was covered by them and there was no haggling with another company.
Don’t think they would do it for a one-car accident, so I’m not sure why it was so with a two-car.
Cross insureds. If you both have same carrier, they typically just waive deductibles.
Can you claim the sudden acceleration defense?
I thought you meant like multiple Kias or some such
Now you know why Texans love trucks with those chrome jaywalker guards.
Accident? Well as long as no one was hurt… Hope you had insurance. Or that the car was cheap
Glad Banjos is okay. Being down a car in the Houston area sucks.
Gotta have rental car coverage in this town for sure.
Yeah, glad everyone is okay.
Could this be an opportunity to build a hot rod?
Just hopin’ to find you a bright side here.
Glad Banjos wasn’t hurt. Good luck with the insurance stuff, Sloop.
Sorry, glad everyone is OK.
“McKayla Maroney reveals she was molested by US gymnastic team doctor for SEVEN YEARS – including days before she won a gold medal at the London Olympics”
#MeToo #Would
I believe that. Pedophiles are attracted to those professions like flies to shit because of the opportunities and afforded trust the parents give.
I assume the athletes get into the sport for the molestation opportunities.
Unfortunately, this very serious story is going to get drowned out by everyone else’s #MeToo-ing this week.
All this #MeToo-ing does is trivialize legitimate cases of rape and child sexual abuse.
I actually don’t know how some of these women have the gall to act as they are. Imagine if you were talking to a woman who had been raped and you attempted to link that to your experience of being asked for a date more than once by a slightly spectrummy or self-absorbed bloke. It’d be like comparing your experience of your child grazing its knee to someone else’s experience of their child dying; no decent person would do it.
But identity politics encourages idiots to link individual incidents to some (often broadly accurate) structuralist truth, so that traditional ideas about treating incidents based on their individual circumstances get thrown out of the window. It doesn’t matter whether something in the real world would be a matter for the police, or HR, or a pat on the back, or no sympathy at all. The narrative is that men are the oppressors and women are the oppressed; this narrative is paramount, despite being extrinsic to the actual event, or its participants.
It reminds me of the Bloody Code in terms of its indifference to that actual severity of what happened.
You shouldn’t admit that you would molest anyone, Count Potato.
Anyway… good on her for naming names. Granted, this guy is already in prison, but still. Throw away the key.
She’s 21 now.
I’ll be in my bunk
We may still have Lou Reed but we no longer have Gordon Downie of The Tragically Hip.
The Hip were a university campus sensation in Canada. I really liked their stuff.
Tragically RIP?
Its a fair cop.
Wait, wait, wait – Canada has universities?
I mean – who knew?
I think it’s obvious. You’d have to be college educated to be dumb enough to vote for Trudy II and party.
That’s sad. He was only 53. Life is a real unfair fucker sometimes.
RIP Gord.
Is this the best argument against New Jersey’s gun laws?–449794483.html
Y’all may have heard about Colin Kaepernick filing a lawsuit against the NFL for collusion, seeking $100 million, because no one has signed him. If the jury goes by a preponderance of the evidence, I’ve got some evidence they should consider.
Let’s go back to the pre-season, when the Baltimore Ravens found out that Joe Flacco, their quarterback, was dealing with a back injury. According to sources, the Ravens were looking for a serious backup for Flacco in case his back injury stopped him from playing. They were a hair’s breadth away from making an announcement to sign Kaepernick.
Ray Lewis sent out, I believe it was a tweet, cryptically telling Kaepernick to keep his mouth shut about his off field activities. It was apparently intended to warn Kaepernick not to say anything stupid that would ruin his chances of being signed by the Ravens. That’s when Kaepernick’s girlfriend happened.
Nessa Diab is Kaeperhick’s girlfriend, community activist, and a radio DJ in New York city. She took great offense at Ray Lewis telling her man to keep his mouth shut, and so she tweeted the following image of Ray Lewis and the owner of the Baltimore Ravens split against an image of Leonardo Di Caprio and Samuel L. Jackson from Django Unchained.×400.jpg
Just as general advice to anybody, when you want to work for somebody, and they’re in the last stages of deciding whether to hire you, publicly humiliating the guy you want to work for by comparing him to a vicious slave owner in a Tarantino movie isn’t a good way to get what you want.
Just speaking from personal experience, I know I don’t want my employees or their girlfriends denouncing me as a slave owner, and I think the NFL owners are probably even more sensitive to such accusations. Why would any NFL owner in their right mind sign Kaepernick after his girlfriend has publicly mocked one of them as a vicious slave owner who makes his slaves fight each other so he can bet on them and for his personal enjoyment?
No owner in the NFL wants to be the subject of Nessa Diab’s next struggle for justice–and the Ravens’ owner didn’t even have anything to do with this exchange. It was about something Ray Lewis, a retired player said!
It has been widely reported that the reason the Ravens didn’t sign Kaepernick is because of that tweet–not that such a story requires much in the way of persuasion. If I were on Kaepernick’s jury and I saw that tweet, I wouldn’t give Kaepernick a dime–no matter what the CBA says.
*Edit Faerie sez YOU DUN GOT HELP’D!*
I may have forgotten to close an italics tag there after “Django Unchained”
Is there an edit fairy in the house?
Careful about that it’s a bit of a gamble
Yeah, I was hoping for the Japanese girl in the . . . short skirt.
But, you know, you live and you learn.
I just googled “How to unsee”.
She’s SJW Yoko Ono!
Is she so fantastic in the sack that it’s worth a career as an NFL Quarterback?
That’s part of the power of being a woman–when a guy falls in love with you, it changes what they want.
I hear Kaepernick may be converting to Islam.
I’ve been there.
We’re talking biological imperative.
The way the Romans told the story, there was a wedding and all the gods and goddesses were invited–except Dischordia. Who wants discord at a wedding. The problem is that Dischordia is a witch with a capital “B” and she’s vindictive as hell. So she goes to the wedding anyway, and she throws a golden apple into the midst of the three goddesses: Juno, Athena, and Aphrodite. On the apple is written, “To the most beautiful”. A discussion ensues between them about which of them the apple is intended for–so they go to Zeus and ask, “Which of us is the most beautiful”.
Zeus being smart realizes that rather than answer that question and suffer the loser’s wrath, he’d rather saw his own head off–so he refuses to answer.
So the goddesses turn to Paris, and they tell him that if he answers the question, the winner will give him a great prize.
Juno is the goddess of family and nations, so he knows if he chooses her, she’ll make a great nation of him and his descendants.
Athena is the goddess of reason in war, among other things, so he knows if he chooses her, she’ll make of him a great conqueror.
Aphrodite is the goddess of love, and if he chooses her, she can make the woman he really wants fall in love with him.
Paris chooses Aphrodite, she grants his wish to make Helen of Troy fall in love with him, the other two are so offended, they rally the Greeks to destroy Troy, . . .
In all seriousness, I think there’s something primal there. What difference does it make if you’re a conqueror or the father of a great nation–if you know the woman you love and you can’t have her? I’d live my life a lot differently if it weren’t for women. I’d buy a shitload of land out in the middle of nowhere and build a cabin. The things about the middle of nowhere is that there aren’t many women there–because they don’t want to go there.
The stupidest things you ever do in your life make perfect sense if you do them for a woman.
If Colin Kaepernick is doing this all because of a woman, that makes more sense than any other explanation. If he destroyed his own career because of the reasons he says, then he’s an idiot. If he did it for a woman, . . .
Do you know why salmon swim a thousand miles and upstream?
Because that’s where the women are going.
It sure as hell isn’t the path of least resistance.
Ironically, if he was already Muslim, he would have slapped her face off for presuming to interfere with his business.
Not to mention the simple fact that he CHOSE to opt out of his 49ers contract. They didn’t release him. His unemployment is entirely his own doing.
Yeah, the thing to remember about ol’ Colin is he’s not that great a QB. That he has an idiot girlfriend who can’t keep her e-trap shut long enough for her boyfriend to get a job is a roadblock, for sure, but the reason his ass is in this fix to begin with is because he fizzled like most of the rest of his QB draft class. I mean, if I were a cynical man, I’d point out that he didn’t start his membership with the New Black Panther Movement until after he’d been riding the bench following some underwhelming performances under center. But that would imply that he isn’t a young man suffering for staying true to deeply-held principles, and God forbid I should suggest anything of the sort.
Yeah, its so weird. Its almost like she didn’t *want* to have to move to Baltimore, but that couldn’t be it….
The wife is fine but the whole front end of the car is smashed in pretty good.
Yikes. sounds a bit more serious than a dead battery. Glad Banjos is okay.
But as long as everyone is ok, that’s all that matters.
I’m one of the luckiest people alive. I managed to have my car in the shop (from some lady backing into me as I went by in a parking lot), was driving a (brand new at the time) Mazda 3 (like 1100 miles on this rental car), and hit a deer. Luckily, other than some airbag burns on my thumbs, and bruises from the seatbelt, I was fine, and I didn’t total my car!
It’s a national day of mourning in Canada. RIP Gord Downie. Come for the incisive, no holds barred libertarian philosophy, stay for the edit faeries.
*Bats eyelashes*
The rubber necking lady sitting next to me just got up and moved. It’s been a scrolling roller coaster ride today.
“Why Are Millennials Wary of Freedom?
If wariness of democracy and free speech does not represent a political position, what does it represent? What unites so many young Americans in these attitudes? I propose that the answer is fear — the ultimate enemy of freedom.
Parental culture in this country has become increasingly guarded and safety focused, as illustrated by the rise of “helicopter parenting.” The benefits of increased safety are many. But somewhere along the way, protecting children from needless harm became conflated with shielding them from stressors and uncertainties (such as having to solve everyday problems, like getting lost, on one’s own) that are critical for developing personal independence.
Researchers have linked helicopter parenting to college students’ having a lower degree of self-confidence. Relatedly, a study released last month found that today’s teenagers and young adults are less likely than those of past generations to engage in a range of activities that involve personal independence, such as working for pay, driving, dating and spending time with friends without adult supervision.
Colleges and universities have exacerbated the problem of dependence by promoting what is sometimes called a culture of victimhood. American college students (who are some of the safest and most privileged people on the planet) are to be protected from, and encouraged to be ever-vigilant about and even report, any behavior that could cause emotional distress. Feelings and experiences that were once considered part of everyday life, such as being offended by someone’s political views, are now more likely to be treated as detrimental to mental health.
Making the problem worse, victimhood culture is “contagious.” Studies have shown that when one group is accused of causing harm to others, members of the accused group become more inclined to feel that their group is being discriminated against.
There may be some benefits to an increased sensitivity to students’ psychological vulnerabilities. Young people today face unique stressors, such as the ease of harassment presented by social media. But instead of helping, a culture of victimhood worsens the underlying problem.”
Freedom is icky. Bad things can happen.
Young people today face unique stressors, such as the ease of harassment presented by social media.
Uh-huh. I grew up with newsgroups, chat rooms, instant messaging, and social networking, but oddly enough it didn’t crater my generation’s youth LFPR. Being “harassed” online had a much easier solution than being harassed in person. It seems to me like these “unique stressors” are actually just the same old stressors but assigned undue importance thanks to the same cultural changes identified by the article.
I always though Taliban hate us for our freedom (by us I mean you Americans off course, no one takes the trouble to hate Romanians. Except other EU countries. But they don’t count. ). Turns out Millennials hate us for our freedom.
Millennials are terrorists?
+1 Antifa
+1 BLM
I am fairly certain the HIG, JAM, AQ and Talib that kept shooting at me were Milennial aged guys…
*squints suspiciously*
I guess you could call them freedom fighters.
The difference between wolves and domesticated dogs . . .
Domesticated dogs are thought to have evolved on the periphery of human camps and settlements. The wolves that were the most docile could tolerate being near to humans, and were rewarded by scavenging whatever was left over after hunting trips, etc. Humans found them increasingly useful, too, as they would bark when enemies or other threats came near camp. The more docile wolves that started hanging out on the periphery of the camp were more likely to breed with each other. The interesting thing is that when you mate the most docile animals together, you get other changes in addition to a more docile temperament.
I’ve seen this demonstrated with minks. Minks are creatures with nasty dispositions, but they’re worth a ton of money. Hunting them in the wild is a pain in the ass, though, so why not domesticate them? Well, people have tried. The problem is that when you breed the most docile minks together, you get a huge change in coloration of the fur. They go from having fur that’s colored like wolves to having fur that’s colorization is like a beagle. Fur that looks like a beagle. Nobody’s willing to pay mink prices for fur that doens’t look like a mink. There are other changes, too–associated with maturity.
A domesticated dog is a dog that has been bred to never mature, and because they never mature, they never lose the desire to please their parents–the alpha male and alpha female. As an owner, you assume that role as a parent–and domesticated breeds never completely mature. That’s what makes them so docile. There are physical characteristics associated with domesticated dogs for that reason–and they’re the characteristics associated with wolf puppies. Their snouts never mature, and wolf puppies ears start out floppy. It’s only when they mature that their ears grow straight. The dog breeds that are more closely associated with wolves (German shepherds, Alaskan malamutes, etc., have pointy ears, but a beagle’s ears never point up. They stay puppies forever.
People who try to keep wolves as pets almost always fail after a few years–and they certainly can’t keep them in the house. That’s because wolves fully mature. After they mature, they lose the desire to constantly please their parents. They’re always challenging the alpha male and alpha female for leadership of the pack. They’ll shit where they want to, they’ll eat what they want to, and if you don’t want to physically fight them over it, then they’re the new leader of the house. They will not do what they’re told. They grow up.
We’re raising a generation of domesticated people who never mature. They never lose the desire to please their parents. If they were wolves, their coloration would change and their ears would droop. They’re domesticated people, and we’re sending them to college to breed with each other.
You seriously need to submit some of these to become full articles. Definitely worth the read!
No kidding, do it Ken, I always read your stuff even if I disagree
We’re raising a generation of domesticated people who never mature. – that’s why adulting classes are needed (and why the person who coined adulting should be shot)
Do you have a link to more information about the changes seen in domesticated mink?
Here’s a article with a lot of details about the observations made originally with foxes, like Naptown Bill said below. I’ll make some select quotes:
—-Scientific American
Sounds like a self-solving problem to me.
A domesticated dog is a dog that has been bred to never mature, and because they never mature, they never lose the desire to please their parents–the alpha male and alpha female.
Interesting. I would only point out that dogs still have their own alphas, and I see all the time dogs that have taken the alpha role in their “pack” with humans. Dogs will definitely accept a human as the alpha, but its far from hardwired that they will only accept a human as the alpha.
I suspect that, like most genetic behavioralist arguments, the best we can do is identify a different tendency or probability of behavior based on breeding.
Yeah, we’re talking about proclivities here, not absolutes.
However, a domesticated dog will ultimately yield alpha status to whomever loves and feeds him.
You can still find dogs with all sorts of behavioral problems–especially with remarkably passive people. These are the kind of people who ask their children what they want for dinner and whether they want to go to bed yet. Give them domesticated dogs, and their dogs will soon be running the house, too.
Also, when I’m talking about “maturity” there, I’m talking about wild dogs and their adulthood. Packs form for good reasons, but they’re fluid, too. The only ones in the pack who are allowed to breed are the alpha male and alpha female, and when the alpha male sees another dog trying to mount a female, there’s a fight.
If you’re passive to your dog, your dog will begin to think it’s the alpha dog. Assert yourself as the alpha dog, and they will yield. Alpha status isn’t the only status either. They keep track of where they are in the “pecking order”. It isn’t just who gets to eat first; it’s also the difference between who gets to eat third and who gets to eat fourth. When you’re training your dog, it’s a good idea to feed the dog last–you eat first. That’s how they know who’s in charge. When you introduce a new dog into a family that already has one, it’s important for the old dog to feel like it hasn’t lost its place in the pecking order. Feed the old dog before the new one. It’ll make things easier–even if you’re just talking about the new dog being #4 in the pecking order behind #3. When they’re aware of who’s above them and who’s below them, everything is alright. When they’re not sure, that’s when they start going after each other.
Wolves don’t necessarily accept their place in the pecking order as anything but temporary. Wolves will constantly fight you for alpha status and higher status, and will never accept your leadership permanently. Pack membership is fluid. If the other pack members are slighted enough and lose hope that they’ll ever be alpha or rise in the pecking order, they may go lone wolf or form their own pack.
Psychologically, a mature wolf doesn’t need you for anything.
Wolf puppies do need approval. They’ll do all sorts of things to gain the approval and avoid the disapproval of their parents and the other wolves in the pack. Once they get past three or four years old, they stop seeking the approval of their parents and start seriously challenging. They become increasingly assertive–and there’s no cohabiting with people for a mature wolf–because they’re independently minded. The pack may only stay together despite those tensions–maybe because they need to work together for food to capture game, etc. and they’re physically incapable of overcoming the alpha wolf.
The chance of your fully grown domesticated dog deciding he or she could do better without you are small. Treat a domesticated dog well, and they’re known for their loyalty–not for biting the hand that feeds them.
That’s what I was trying to say.
The Russians rather famously tried to domesticate foxes with some success. They found the same results as you mention above, including changes in coloration among the successfully domesticated variety, although the original red color still shows up. Also, they’re as cute as you might imagine, and if I had some space and four fewer pets I’d be inclined to get one.
The thing about pack structure, though, has been challenged lately. Not that there isn’t a social structure in wolf packs, but that it’s much, much more complex than just alpha > beta > etc., and changes over time, in responses to situational needs, all sorts of influences. There’s a hierarchy, but it’s much more fluid. More of a web than a chain. This is even more true with dogs.
I don’t have the sources handy, but I’ve ready a lot about dog behavior out of necessity, fostering large dogs who may or may not have been fought or used as bait dogs. While there’s definitely a large school that supports the pack idea, there’s also a large contingent that doesn’t. The competing idea is that dogs are social creatures, but they operate in a social environment that’s similar to humans. They know we aren’t dogs and they aren’t humans. A group of dogs in a family of humans, group meaning more than one, will develop its own soft hierarchy independent of their relationship to their owners. In other words, the dogs have their own system they work out among themselves that exists independently of whatever relationship they have with their owners. Anecdotally, I’ve seen this with my dogs.
That’s a lot of text to say this: I get what you’re saying, and I tend to agree with the larger point, but I don’t necessarily agree with your analogy and I’d be leery of using it to derive explanatory value.
The competing idea is that dogs are social creatures, but they operate in a social environment that’s similar to humans.
I think humans and dogs are both inherently pack animals. We both evolved as pursuit predators with territories, etc. Dogs could easily adapt to living with humans because the essential social framework of both species is similar.
A group of dogs in a family of humans, group meaning more than one, will develop its own soft hierarchy independent of their relationship to their owners.
Sounds a lot like:
Not that there isn’t a social structure in wolf packs, but that it’s much, much more complex than just alpha > beta > etc., and changes over time, in responses to situational needs, all sorts of influences. There’s a hierarchy, but it’s much more fluid. More of a web than a chain.
Totally anecdotal and subjective, of course, but my observation is that, regardless of the sub-structures, a human/dog pack has an alpha, and it is by no means clear that the alpha is always a human.
In my pet-based long-term sociological studies involving two cats and two dogs, I’ve noticed that while one member per pair will be dominant in virtually everything, the other will be dominant in food. So, my one cat whoops my other cat’s ass all the time, takes pride of place on the arm of the couch, stuff like that, but when the food comes out the other cat shoves him out of the way and he slinks off to the living room until fatty’s done. Same with my dogs; Carmen treats Jack like her little step-brother, but when dinner’s served, Jack just walks up to her bowl and she goes and sits in the living room until he’s left the kitchen entirely.
With the dogs and us, I’m the boss for sure, but it means different things to either dog. Carmen will follow my wife around constantly. Like she has to be on the same floor and within one room, or else she goes nuts trying to find her. But she is more protective of her than submissive. Like she’ll listen unless she thinks she has a better idea, and then she’ll just kind of do her thing, whereas with me she’ll just listen, unless I’m telling her to do something that violates Prime Directive #1: Cling to Momma. Jack listens to me and tends to hang out around me, but he looks to my wife to play with him and goes nuts when she gets home, whereas when I come in the door it’s like he’s insta-busted. It’s like he thinks I think he’s done something wrong and so he doesn’t want to attract too much attention. And again, he’s protective of my wife, and kind of listens if he’s okay with the idea anyway or if he thinks she’ll get mad.
Interestingly, my wife often goes up to bed before me, and Carmen will go upstairs and sleep on my side of the bed, on my pillow, until I come up. We’ve been trying to parse that for awhile now.
Carmen will go upstairs and sleep on my side of the bed,
I think I see the problem: you let your dogs on the furniture. The Dean Beasts are never allowed on any furniture. After their first few tries and my absolutely batshit disproportionately crazed reaction, they stop trying.
I have had, let’s see, six pit bulls. None of them have ever been allowed on the furniture.
+1 No dogs on the furniture.
I spend a lot of time on the floor.
TL;DR version: young people are weak-minded pussies.
“Extraordinary message from Gov. Jerry Brown, as he vetoes bill that sought to codify Obama-era TIX guidance. Stresses due process concerns.”
“Jerry Brown just became first major Democrat to stick up for rights of accused students in sexual assault trials”
To be sure Gov Brown is an idiot…./anti-Soave
Gov. Brown is a rapist /predicting some future news.
bill that sought to codify Obama-era TIX guidance
I’d be willing to bet that at least parts of that bill would be unconstitutional, anyway. While California could set up its own parallel version of Title IX, it can’t tell Title IX coordinators how to interpret a federal statute.
“The Campus Sex-Crime Tribunals Are Losing
How the courts are intervening to block some of the most unjust punishments of our time”
“In a move of breathtaking hypocrisy, conservative critics of higher education, who have in the past monitored and denounced so-called radical professors for exposing their students to subversive ideas such as feminism, gay rights, and racial equality, have suddenly recast themselves as stalwart defenders of free speech on campus. Campus conservatives and the Koch brothers mock universities for disinviting provocateurs like Milo Yiannopolous, but would never dream of insisting that, say, Liberty University invite Cecile Richards, the head of Planned Parenthood, to speak.
To be sure, conservatives have been provoked by organized acts of campus censorship such as occurred at Middlebury College last spring, when student protesters disrupted a lecture by conservative political scientist Charles Murray and assaulted him and a faculty member as they escaped the angry crowd. Faculty declarations like the one at Wellesley College that argued that the mere invitation of controversial speakers can cause students harm by creating a need to “invest time and energy in rebutting the speakers’ arguments” have elicited yet more conservative cris de coeur. The speaker whose campus visit inspired the Wellesley backlash was feminist cultural critic Laura Kipnis.”
In a move of breathtaking hypocrisy
Not really, no. The Koch brothers, for example, have never gone on any crusades against “feminism, gay rights, and racial equality” (seriously, who among mainstream conservatives or libertarians has argued against that last one since the 1960s?). It’s not “hypocrisy” for somebody to hold consistent positions even when some of the people you claim are in the same group as them hold different opinions.
Also, it’s funny how Marxism isn’t included in the list of topics that have been railed against, even though anyone paying attention would notice that it’s a consistent sticking point for “conservative critics of higher education”.
Other problems:
– The difference between public and private schools is ignored
– The difference between curricular and extracurricular is ignored
curricular and extracurricular activities*
Another problem: loaded terms such as “feminism,” “gay rights,” and “racial equality.” What do such terms entail in the author’s mind vis-a-vis the minds of libertarians and conservatives?
That was quite the”to be sure…”
To be sure the critics have a completely justified and valid point, but they are horrible people!!!
The author must be an understudy for Robby Soave
I’m hardly a fan of Liberty University, but I’m pretty sure they’ve had speakers to their left (not that it’s hard to find people on the left of the general atmosphere at LU) without mobs rioting and shouting speakers down.
Because Liberty University has never had a Democrat Candidate for the Presidency speak and be respectfully listened too, rather than shouted down and rioted against.
Help Edit Fairy! This is the correct link
Still Gilmore’d. One more try. Bernie Sanders
Ignoring the Kocktopus!!!1! scaremongering and disingenuity, there is an element of truth to the phenomenon. When a party or group is out of power politically and/or culturally, it tends to be pro-freedom right up until it gains that power.
“Top critic of Obama’s campus sex police, race-based school discipline joins Education Department ”
This sounds like a set-up for a porn video:
My school used to do stuff like this for the Special-Ed kids. Used to have “special lunches” for them, so we could mix with them and show them that they were like us, just a little different.
Progs need to stop treating black people like they’re retarded.
Neither rain nor snow nor dark of night will prevent me from posting scantly clad gurlz.
I am shocked SHOCKED that at such a time when we are trying to highlight the epidemic of sexual harassment you would post such a link. For shame
Also 19 would look cute without the goddamn nose ring
37 and 40 also not bad
“Sen. Orrin G. Hatch is an unlikely advocate for a medical marijuana bill.
An 83-year-old Utah Republican and member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Hatch says he is staunchly against recreational drug use. But as the opioid epidemic continues to ravage states across the country, the Senate’s president pro tempore sees an opportunity in advancing the use of cannabis for pain management.”
“14-Year Trend of Rising Opioid Deaths Reversed in Colorado After Marijuana Legalization”
So maybe something not terrible might come out of all this opioid crisis media hype.
Next time legalization comes up in AZ and my politically active colleagues start talking about opposing it again, I’m going to be running this up the flagpole. I was pissed when we joined the Big Pharma/LEO coalition against it last time. My partisan Dem colleagues are either shockingly naive or intentionally blind to the realities of politics – they are pissed that ObamaCare (written with Big Insurance at the table) has enriched Big Insurance. They are surprised when a pharma company that spent serious bucks to kill legalization in AZ announced a synthetic cannabis pharmaceutical shortly after the referendum lost. I want to just slap them sometimes.
This is a funny story, but it seems like the union side of the VA Democratic Party doesn’t like the LG nominee very much. What does it have to do with? The pipeline, which the unions are for:
Here were the fliers in question, courtesy of a die hard Bernie lover.
Greedy cooperations are ruining the environment.
The Academic Reason Why There Are So Few Conservatives in Academia
Th author argue is mostly bias and little self selection. Honestly, I do believe there is more then little self selection at work if you look at academia as a whole, especially in the postmodern studies crap, which shows both a much higher discrepancy and have multiplied alarmingly. I see few conservatives going into gender studies.
Gender studies could actually be quite useful. Too bad the left made it such a shit show.
Useful for what? I am actually curious
Stuff like Demore put in his memo. You know, actual academic endeavors and just cherry picking and word salads.
Between medicine psychology and maybe history anthropology there is no need for a different field, especially one explicitly invented as a postmodern sack of shit
That’s the point, isn’t it? They invented a field of grievance studies, named it “gender studies” and made the term worthless. Human male and female differences/similarities in behavior seems worth the time to study. Perhaps only as a part of psychology or history. Regardless, it’s pointless for the near future.
Wouldn’t that be sex studies?
*not just*
Speaking for myself, I would absolutely love to teach. But only after I sell my businesses and retire with millions in my 50s. Unlikely I’d be able to climb the academic ladder after getting in the game that late.
Though you could absolutely get a stint as an Adjunct.
At my school, the students sought out the Adjuncts who’d had time in their chosen industry, because A: they actually know what they were talking about and B: could actually teach worth a darn. Associate professors if no Adjuncts could be found. Absolutely avoid any course taught by a full professor, because they were utterly useless as instructors.
There likely is quite a bit of self-selection, but not for the reason the author thinks. It’s well known that academia leans very heavily to the left, and if you aren’t a hardcore prog your safest bet is to hide your own beliefs so you have a chance to advance up the ladder. And may Sarenrae have mercy on you if they find out where you actually stand.
Basically, there’s self-selection by conservatives away from academia like there was self-selection of blacks away from the Klan.
That’s easy: conservatives are stupid.
Obviously. Making money the old fashioned way when the professors know they can just have it taken from the conservatives at gunpoint and given to them in a bevy of grants and “student” aid.
Psychologically manipulative advertising and exploiting/enslaving the poor as workers!
Poor Lindy West- muzzled and oppressed by the patriarchy, and all she can do about it is whine through the megaphone of her New York Times column
It’s clear because the cultural malfunction that allows Allen to feel comfortable issuing that statement is the same malfunction that gave us Allen and Weinstein in the first place: the smothering, delusional, galactic entitlement of powerful men.
When Allen and other men warn of “a witch hunt atmosphere, a Salem atmosphere” what they mean is an atmosphere in which they’re expected to comport themselves with the care, consideration and fear of consequences that the rest of us call basic professionalism and respect for shared humanity. On some level, to some men — and you can call me a hysteric but I am done mincing words on this — there is no injustice quite so unnaturally, viscerally grotesque as a white man being fired.
Look at me! I’m being oppressed!
Come see the violence inherent in the system!
“call me a hysteric”
Ok. Done.
OH SHIT OH FUCK! She’s had it y’all! No more Mr Nice Lindy
People in power doing caddish, vulgar, and, sometimes, illegal shit they think they can get away with. It’s really not that complicated. But keep on sprinkling narrative around on a timeless issue to try to make it fresh.
BTW, there’s still nothing better as a Yankee fan than the tears of Yankee haters.
I suppose you have to fill that empty void where a soul should be with something…
The series is just tied. Don’t get too excited.
The Yankees have fans?
With all my pinstriped heart. Hell, I stuck by them through the Dallas Green-Bucky Dent-Stump Merrill years.
I became a Yankees fan during the Stump Merrill years – I’ve done my time.
That said, I won’t be super disappointed if the Astros win the WS. But I’ll be pissed if they beat the Yanks & lose to the Dodgers.
“Revenge porn, or image-based abuse, is the sharing of explicit images without consent. The online portal provides advice on getting the images removed, reporting the abuse to authorities and pursuing legal action. The country’s eSafety commissioner said 20% of Australians aged between 16 and 49 have experienced image-based abuse. Young women and indigenous Australians were more likely to be victims.”
Meh it is a particularly shitty thing to do
But 20%?
Wait, people are taking dirty pics of abbos and posting them online? Or are they taking pics of them in public and posting them online? Because they’re lot the same.
I’ve seen plenty ofI’ve heard stories about revenge porn online and I’ve neverseenheard anyone talk about seeing abbos on there.And speaking of our Aboriginal friends, here’s a classic song about them:
Oh thank god, I was afraid it was going to be Beds Are Burning
Would I do that to you? Would I?
Give me a little more credit for being a decent human being.
There are many better songs on that album.
Needz moar noble savages.
I forgot how funny and politically incorrect Kevin Bloody Wilson was.
I’m afraid I’m going down a rabbit hole on YouTube now. But at least it’ll take my mind off this car fiasco.
the sharing of explicit images without consent
Begging the question of who has the right to publish, or deny publishing of an image. If you gave a picture to somebody without any reservation of rights, the image should be theirs to do with as they will – your consent is no more needed than if I decide to regift one of the many blenders I got at my wedding.
Exactly. The picture is YOUR property; you can do what you want with it.
The other problem with the push to criminalize “revenge porn” is the possibility of false accusation. What would stop a woman from taking naked pictures of herself, posting them online, and then telling the cops that her ex-boyfriend put them there? It’s really not falsifiable at all since the guy could conceivably mask his IP with one of the various tools available.
Once again, the feminist/SJW left just wants a legal climate in which a man can be prosecuted on a woman’s say-so.
The Strangely Revealing Debate Over Viking Couture
An archeological discovery has raised questions about Muslims’ influence on Europe.
A researcher at a Swedish university says that Viking burial clothes bear the word “Allah”—and some people really want to believe her.
Annika Larsson, a textile researcher at Uppsala University who was putting together an exhibit on Viking couture, decided to examine the contents of a Viking woman’s boat grave that had been excavated decades ago in Gamla Uppsala, Sweden. Inspecting the woman’s silk burial clothes, Larsson noticed small geometric designs. She compared them to similar designs on a silk band found in a 10th-century Viking grave, this one in Birka, Sweden. It was then that she came to the conclusion that the designs were actually Arabic characters—and that they spelled out the name of God in mirror-image. In a press release, she described the find as “staggering,” and major media outlets (including The New York Times, The Guardian, and the BBC) reported the story last week.
But other experts are not sure the silk bears Arabic script at all, never mind the word “Allah.” They warn that people being credulous of Larsson’s claim may be guided less by solid evidence than by a political motivation: the desire to stick it to white supremacists.
Either it is a fluke as per the article, or Varangians fought in Byzantine Wars, took plunder home, news at 11.
Neither one is particularly “challenging” to known history, nor does it “raise questions”.
Yeah, wait a tic. Weren’t the Norse known for a pretty expansive raiding/trading network, ranging certainly to the Byzantine Empire, into the Med and even North Africa? I mean, it’s not terribly surprising they’d have stuff from other cultures, especially cultures that were themselves pretty big traders. Or is this supposed to be surprising because of SJ reasons?
“It was then that she came to the conclusion that the designs were actually Arabic characters—and that they spelled out the name of God in mirror-image.”
I just made breakfast for my wife and myself. To my shock and surprise I found that the image of Jesus’ face was burned into one of the pieces of toast. I am no longer an atheist.
“some people really want to believe her.”
No shit?
Do you want to tell her that mirrors were rare, small, and kinda shit until the industrial revolution introduced better glass-making techniques?
I’m not saying it’s aliens, but it’s aliens!
This whole #MeToo campaign seems pretty pointless without naming names so things can change. I suspect this has a great many women thinking “hmmm… have I ever been harassed or made to feel uncomfortable?” And then they dig back deep to find a story that could vaguely, almost, kinda be considered harassment and post it.
I bet that a lot of people using the hashtag don’t even have any trauma, they’re just digging deep to get in on the #LookAtMe movement. There are no doubt genuine stories out there about rape/sexual abuse being told with the #MeToo, but I would be able to post my own story too if some of the things I have been seeing pass the bar for harassment.
It’s the slow clap of virtue signaling.
<—- see my post above. It is literally a #lookatme movement. Pisses me off.
Wait, being a victim gives you some social standing? I’m a victim too!
Disembodied voices, slamming doors and eerie lights: Castle built on ancient burial ground tops list of the ‘spookiest’ heritage sites in England
• English Heritage staff were asked to choose the 10 spookiest castles, abbeys and historic houses in the land
• First place was Bolsover Castle, Derbyshire where employees heard screaming voices and slamming doors
“Derbyshire where employees heard screaming voices and slamming doors”
And those are just the couples on marriage retreats!
BDSM marriage retreat?
Though I had posted this photo above, I just had a thought about it that popped into my head. If the VA State GOP had removed a African-American candidate from the ballot for some odd coalition-building reason, what would the inevitable controversy look like? Northam and Herring would be the new Todd Akins if the media didn’t viciously protect their favorite party.
“When you don’t sell yourself out to cooperations and the Democrats drop canpaigning for you”
Say what now?
Any more questions why he’s a BernieBro?
Crazy talk!
A second reason Democrats should keep ties with Wall Street: Despite what the Democratic left says, America is a center-right, pro-capitalist nation. A January Gallup poll found that moderates and conservatives make up almost 70 percent of the country, while only 25 percent of voters identify as liberal. Even in May 2016, when Senator Sanders made redistribution a central part of his platform, Gallup found that only about 35 percent of Americans had a positive image of socialism, compared with 60 percent with a positive view of capitalism.
The Democrats need to partner with the financial community on these issues. Most important, the Democrats have simply had an ineffective, negative and coercive economic message. Advocacy of a $15 minimum wage and further banking regulation does not constitute a positive, proactive agenda.
The Democrats cannot be the party that supports only new, stifling regulations. Reducing regulation allows banks to employ capital and finance investment in our country’s future, making electric cars, renewable energy and internet connectivity across the globe a reality.
Fortunately, this guy will be branded a heretic and ridden out of town backwards on a donkey.
SFed the link
Grover Cleveland 2020!
Naw he’s just let us down.
One more time?
SFed, but that does explain why the Rs have so many governors in blue states right now. With all of the virtue signaling that the left does on social stupidity and identity politics to get urban votes, most people actually do care about their wallets.
Based on the top half of her face, would.
She looks like a young Darren McGavin.
The high school is the “Cougars”, what did they expect?
Translation: CPS threatened to take my kids away if she retained even partial custody of the children.
And the school mascot is the Cougars.
Wrongthink must be punished!
Have they shuttered that place yet?
Maybe we can extend Trump’s Wall around Cali and Evergreen College.
“moderates and conservatives make up almost 70 percent of the country”
But close to 80% of moderates vote Democrat.
Odd, I thought at least half of them didn’t vote.
S/B are registered Democrat
That’s true at the national level (because they’re super-queasy about irrelevant social positions), but often not downballot or in local/state races. It’s kind of weird, but when their wallets need to be protected, they’re willing to vote for Rs. Case in point, Washington State, where there is still no income tax.
You can also say, I would bet, that moderates and liberals make up almost 70% of the country.
You can never trust those filthy neutrals. Never know where they stand.
Since we’re making fun of the #MeToo campaign, I’ll just leave this here. Some pretty hilarious 4chan greentext.
SFW, unless laughing your ass off at work will get you in trouble:
Omg I’m almost in tears.
So I was shocked when the leaders of the University of Wisconsin System approved an anti-protest policy in early October that punishes any of the 182,000 students at the state’s 13 public colleges who disrupt campus speeches and presentations. A student can be suspended or expelled for engaging in violence “or other disorderly conduct,” but it’s unclear what constitutes such behavior. The argument behind the new policy is that students need to listen to all viewpoints and opinions. This rationale pretends that the anti-protest policy protects all discourse, but it excludes the views of the students who are protesting.
The move is part of efforts by the state’s Republican lawmakers to privilege conservative speech over liberal speech.
If we cannot shout down and silence people we do not want to listen to, we’re being subjected to thought control.
How does it privilege any particular viewpoint to simply say that students will not disrupt speakers?
The conservatives are in control of the institutions.
I almost wrote that with a straight face…
Conservatives control everything! Except for Hollywood, Academia, the Press, Silicon Valley and Wall Street. But other than that, total domination!
The move is part of efforts by the state’s Republican lawmakers to privilege conservative speech over liberal speech.
Have they started firing Marxist apologists on the faculty yet?
No? I don’t think so, then.
Here’s one from my neck of the woods, and it’s about as pathetic to read as watching someone bang rocks together to make fire:
Some choice snippets:
There’s a Pete’s Fresh Market which is an absolutely excellent grocery and at Cermak and Rockwell is much closer to them than any store in suburban Cicero. It’s impeccably clean, inexpensive and carries an absolutely mind boggling variety of produce from all over the world. Why the hell would someone go out of their way like that when this place is just a few blocks away?
Ah, I see.
Sounds like she has made a rational economic decision not to shop locally due to local taxes and regulations. This isn’t market failure, this is market success.
Actually, the decision might be driven to an indeterminate extent by demographic layout. West Lawndale’s population is about 99.8% black (a back-of-the-envelope estimate), while the store I mentioned is in Little Village which is about 99.8% Mexican (also a back-of-the-envelope estimate). I’m certain that it will come as a massive shock to all of our resident Glibs to learn that some people in Little Village – and I don’t know how to say this politely – aren’t exactly on the friendliest terms with the denizens of West Lawndale. Some observers might even go so far as to say they’re sometimes violently hostile.
“It’s impeccably clean, inexpensive and carries an absolutely mind boggling variety of produce from all over the world.”
Ah, I see. So the white people of grocery stores? Racist!
Maybe Pete’s doesn’t take food stamps.
Oh, but they do! I know this because I seem to get in line right behind someone trying to use them beyond their alloted monthly max every time I shop there.
Try this
Why Democrats Need Wall Street
This was evident to Democrats in the 1990s. From 1996 to 2000, for example, Democrats led the way on two key economic legislative victories. First, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 deregulated the communications and cable industries, increased growth and enhanced market competition. Second, the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 removed regulations placed on financial institutions by bureaucrats and expanded opportunities for Wall Street to engage in mergers and acquisitions, adding wealth to the retirement accounts and other investment portfolios of millions of middle-class Americans.
Wait, did the NYT just call for deregulation? Orphans, bring me my fainting couch and my tincture of opium!
More tinfoil hat time. TW: Infowars.
Three huge stories that the MSM has failed to cover:
-The Clinton/Obama/Uranium One story
-One of the journalists responsible for the “Panama Papers” was found assassinated by car bomb.
-The entire Vegas narrative is falling apart. The timeline is fucked up. The shooter’s home is broken into. The only witness fails to show up for 5 scheduled interviews, disappears for a few days, and then shows up on Ellen? WTF?
These are the three biggest stories of the past week, and the MSM is focusing on ZOMG DID YOU SEE WHAT DRUMPF SAID/TWEETED/DID???
One might even call them complicit in these cover-ups. And even if it is just garden variety incompetence, they can never again be trusted to cover things that actually matter. It reminds me of reading about Russians during the Soviet era saying they read Pravda so they could find out exactly what’s not going on.
The Uranium One story isn’t even a story. It’s straight up bribery.
I really doubt Russia was the only country giving the Clintons money in exchange for favorable treatment.
You’re right. The Clinton Foundation was a global slush fund. It’s not even hidden. I’ve heard it said that the law is a net that catches the small fish while letting the big fish go. It’s more a net that catches the medium sized fish that don’t have the connections. Nasty shit.
She straight-up sold the office with impunity. No one did anything because she isnt the only one with a charitable organization that’s totally not a money laundering operation for bribe money. It is probably the norm, not the exception.
Well, I could give you “the parchment barrier” argument to support my AnCap views, but I’ll stick with Public Choice Theory instead: Those in government are as susceptible to incentives as all humans are.
What amuses me is that the people who are claiming that Trump violated the Emoluments Clause (he didn’t) handwave away Hillary’s blatant violation of the clause. Two things:
(1) The Emoluments Clause applies to appointed “Officers” (like the Secretary of State), not elected “officials” (like the President).
(2) Emoluments are gifts, not compensation for goods or services. Trump owning hotels which rent rooms to foreign governments does not create an emolument. A foundation which provides benefits to the Secretary of State’s family accepting donations from foreign governments is an emolument.
You missed the scary clown. They’ve come back.
The Vegas thing is too bizarre for words. I’m convinced we will never get the truth.
I have no idea what’s going on with this absurd phone call with Niger widow BS, but I know that the press’ time could be better spent.
yup…. see my reply to your previous comment.
If he really called her a Niger, that’s right out of bounds.
*narrows gaze*
This one is even less believable than the scary clown attack.
*looks up Federica Williams
Oh, it is a scary clown attack.
Many psychedelics have huge potential value for treatment of various ailments (eg: psilocybin for OCD, MDMA for PTSD/Depression, Quaaludes for sexual dysfunction) but our benevolent betters at the DEA must protect us from ourselves.
but our benevolent betters at the DEA must protect
us from ourselvestheir excellent little fiefdom.FIFY
And the FDA has to keep prices up.
“After getting bids from more than a dozen factories with licenses to produce Schedule I drugs, Doblin selected Onyx, in Manchester, England. He paid $4,000 for that first kilogram in 1985; the second one will cost $400,000. (Future batches will be less expensive; much of the cost is in testing procedures, analytical measures validations and paperwork for the FDA.) A further $600,000 will be needed for encapsulation at Sharp Packaging in Philadelphia and for testing things like moisture content and particle size.”
“Fatal incidents at all-night raves caught the government’s attention, and in 1985, the Drug Enforcement Administration classified MDMA as a Schedule I drug.”
Raves in the U.S. in 1985??
Ecstasy parties. Yep. Ecstasy was legal for a few years and no one cared until it became popular. As I recall bars were selling it over the counter to their patrons.
Yes, that did happen, but they weren’t raves. And I don’t think anyone died.
Quaaludes for sexual dysfunction
+1 puddin’ pop
Excellent, Wonderful Trump:
Exactly. It’s just more bullshit from Democrats and their media lap dogs. And I’m sure that shit stain McCain is in the mix somewhere.
O’Care? Figures something so shitty came from Ireland.
And to be sure, no way is cronyism at work here and insurance company lobbyists have nothing to do with it.
But they’ve lost a fortune, which is why they’re withdrawing from many markets and attempting to consolidate. They went into this with the expectation to capture share from a captive market, though, so: dance with whom you brung, I guess.
A shit ton of proggies in Minnesoda are crossing their fingers in hopes that this deal goes through.
Why? Because it would restore a shit ton of subsidies that Minnesoda was about to lose because of other subsidies they were giving to insurance companies.
Short story: Minnesoda was about to get stomped on by big premium hikes (AGAIN). To prevent this, the legislature passed a reinsurance bill that subsidized insurance companies. The bill required a waiver from the Feds. Feds finally approved it, but then told the locals that it would cost them a bunch of other Federal subsidies. So in net, we didn’t really gain much (if anything) by our reinsurance plan. Which means voters are going to get hit with double digit increases (AGAIN).
This new bill will restore the old subsidies and allow the local pols to crow about how great Obamacare is.
“I am supportive of Lamar as a person & also of the process, but I can never support bailing out ins co’s who have made a fortune w/ O’Care,” Trump tweeted Wednesday morning, referencing Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn.
Just love this. My partisan Dem colleagues hate the insurance companies, which have made bank on OCare (just check their stock prices, which have doubled or more). They also hate Trump and any change to OCare. So they are now supporting subsidies to the insurance companies while simultaneously arguing that the insurance companies are making too much money.
If pressed, could they give you a reasonable definition of what qualifies as an insurable event? Or explain why auto and home and life insurance are competitive markets while health is so dysfunctional?
No, they couldn’t.
My ex wondered why I didn’t care about her mom’s opinion on health insurance. “But she’s a doctor.” That’s hardly qualifying, dear.
“I don’t care about my mechanic’s opinion on car insurance, either. Do you?”
So, if Bernie and his BernieBots are really about principles and not principals, then they would encourage him to vote against this proposal, right? He hates those evul KKKorpurashunz, correct?
“White male privilege: Too much exercise will kill you!”
This is just more of the same evidence that keeps popping up to support what I keep repeating. No matter what results you can get out of a study, I can get the opposite results. Today, the main factor in what will determine the result, is what result I want to get. IOW, bias.
LA sucks.
Denver, CO is among the cities on the list for an Amazon headquarters. It will allegedly employ 50K. Please, please, please go somewhere else.
Jonathan Haidt on globalism vs nationalism. Always enjoy his takes even when he may be off base.
i dislike the term ‘globalism’.
‘free trade’ is better.
otherwise, what are they talking about? security policy? the problem with the people who spout garble about ‘globalists’ is that they never have to specify what their own posture is in any given area. its their way of saying, “The other guy”… without saying who they are.
I’ve always hated the term “globalist” or “globalism” for the same reasons. Haidt actually does a good job explaining what he means by those terms. That’s why I shared it.
Let me give you the TL;DR version. People that are in general concentrated in the cities and universities see culture as something sacred and that people shouldn’t be forced to integrate when they come to the US (for example). They extend that thinking to dismiss the idea of “country”. The nationalist holds concepts such as the nation and culture in much, much higher regard and are disgusted by the cultural disintegration that is occurring. Not the silly rantings of Alex Jones.
I understand what you mean and i agree.
I’m very much in the former “city boy” category. I grew up with lots of non-assimilated persons. Huge swaths of them, really. There were entire communities/neighborhoods that were effectively like different countries and had entirely different rules. It was actual “multiculturalism”. You get enough people in one place, they make the rules.
that said, there was no official recognition of any of it. I remember in the 80s when someone tried to officialize “kwanzaa” and it became a national joke. there was no pretense that any group’s ‘culture’ mattered in the bigger scheme. everyone just dealt. There were some mild breakdowns of this*
what i see as the pernicious threat are the people who want to make ‘difference’ something which is endorsed/enforced by law/authority. Where you can’t have christmas displays because someone, somewhere is offended, or schools are obligated to pretend that Cherokee history is equally as important as the Enlightenment.
i see both sides, basically. but i think both sides are often retarded.
People that are in general concentrated in the cities and universities see culture as something sacred
Except our culture, apparently, which should change to accommodate imported cultures, etc. The usual double-standard, rooted in the usual self-hatred. If they really believed that all cultures were sacred, then they would have no objection to a culture which defended itself by requiring assimilation. But America is, in their mind, tainted by original sin, and in need of fundamental transformation.
I really wish I understood why businesses insist on updating perfectly adequate websites with less functional, user-unfriendly alternatives.
Because the hot marketing chick is blowing the CFO?
That’s the thing, the two I’m having to deal with are the company intranet, which previously was a punchy, minimalist thing that gave you what you needed and nothing else, and the college’s intranet, which worked well enough but now requires I dig for information I need that somehow is never accessible from any page where it might be useful.
I stopped reading Foreign Policy magazine because their website update was an unholy mess.
“Two Guns Per Person
A simple, constitutional proposal that protects both Americans’ lives and liberty.”
Sorry, restricting my liberty to own more than two guns is not protecting my liberty.
I have a three-gun counter proposal.
To ensure lives and liberty, every citizen must own at least one rifle, one shotgun and one handgun and practice at least three times a month. Failure to do so results in a penaltax to fund the military that will have to pick up their slack.
/The Obamacare Method
John Roberts in on standby to make your argument. Make sure to say it’s not a tax and that if you like your gun dealer you can keep your gun dealer.
So, how do I shoot more than 2 guns at a time? Is this person actually making the argument that if I only have 2 guns I can’t kill someone, but if I have 3 I can?
They envision people reinacting the lobby scene from the Matrix, and just dropping $1000 firearms when the magazines run out.
They’re grasping is what they’re doing. They just want something on gun control, they don’t care what it is, it’s just another step towards eliminating the 2nd amendment so they can move on quickly to the first.
I know, but why spoil a
goodlame joke?My counter proposal is: fuck off slaver, I can have as many guns as I want/can afford. Oh, and by the way, Molon Labe motherfucker.
Well, half-right anyway. It’s not even a little bit Constitutional, but it’s shit-simple alright.
“One abortion Per Person
A simple, constitutional proposal that protects both Women’s health and liberty.”
How do you have more than one abortion per child?
/deliberately missing the point.
So we can deduct the cost of two guns off our taxes each year? Or does the government just provide two guns to everyone? I would think the tax write off would be the simpler method.
I need my shotgun for bird hunting. That leaves me one more? I guess I will have to dump the .22 and learn to hunt squirrels with the 7mm magnum.
ha! find a good squirrel salsa recipe.
“Burning Man Made Me Identify as a Unicorn and Start a Sex Cult”
Do you have a newsletter I might subscribe to?
Q doesn’t want to have a sensible conversation about common sense gun control. Obviously racist.
…so drugs, inability to be honestly self-critical, and a predilection against self-discipline. Well, follow your bliss, weirdos.
“tolkein white guys“
“This Controversial Program Teaches Women to Spot ‘Pre-Rape’ Warning Signs
Charlene Senn, a professor at the University of Windsor in Canada, has been researching violence against women for decades. By the early 2000s, her work led her to realize a troubling fact: We still don’t know how to lower the rates of rape and sexual assault on college campuses.
In light of this realization, Senn developed an intervention that would enable women to defend themselves from attackers. “I wanted to do something that would make things better for women now, as they are tonight or on Saturday night, facing men that are attempting to sexually coerce or assault them,” Senn tells Broadly over the phone.
While it is often common to hear that the solution to the campus rape crisis is “teach men not to rape,” Senn says it’s not that easy—in the first place, how does one even do that? Right now, most high schools and colleges have in place anti-sexual assault programs that focus on raising awareness about the ubiquity of sexual violence, reiterating its harm, and challenging rape myths. In a 2014 review of these types of programs, the CDC found that this simply doesn’t work. In fact, there have been no awareness-raising programs that “have demonstrated lasting effects on risk factors or behavior,” the CDC writes.
Senn says that most of the young women who have gone through the program have expressed that they had never thought of what they actually wanted sexually. These young women tell her that they hadn’t thought to consider their comfort and discomfort with certain sexual activities outside the heat of the moment, when a partner suggests the acts to them. “I’m happy that the program gives that space for women to really reflect on their own desires,” she says.
Even though the method is supported by evidence, Senn’s approach has caused controversy. Some feminist detractors argued that this sort of approach merely redirects offending, rather than reducing it. “Rapes are perpetrated by a tiny percentage of men who know what they’re doing and who rape again and again—they’re just going to find another target,” Jaclyn Friedman, a prominent sex educator and activist, told The Guardian. “So just because these girls [who took the training] are less likely to be picked, it doesn’t mean there’s less rape on campus … This isn’t rape prevention, it’s rape protection.””
The solution to the “Campus Rape Crisis” is to be honest in the collection of data.
Once the faulty methodologies have been fixed, you’ll find that the rate plunges to lower than that of the surounding communities, making college campuses remarkably rape-free.
Problem solved.
The real problem with reporting allegations to police is that their numbers are actually verifiable. Campuses want a black box protected by privacy laws into which they can feed accusations and pull out the results they want: punish men, maximize numbers.
Minority report?
Even though the method is supported by evidence…
Citations, plz
It’s unseemly to tell people not to walk down dark alleys with cash bulging out of their pockets.
We still don’t know how to lower the rates of rape and sexual assault on college campuses.
Sure we do. Strict segregation of men from women. The men can’t control themselves (we are told), and the women can’t stand up for themselves (according to the feminists), so there really isn’t any other solution.
And really, why stop at college campuses? We need full societal gender segregation. It’s the only way to protect women.
This doesn’t like it will stop actual rape (e.g., the cultural enrichment that Swedish women get to experience), so much as it will stop regret stemming from being a sexual doormat* which sometimes gets rationalized as rape so someone else is to blame.
Sorry, was specifically talking about “Senn says that most of the young women who have gone through the program have expressed that they had never thought of what they actually wanted sexually. These young women tell her that they hadn’t thought to consider their comfort and discomfort with certain sexual activities outside the heat of the moment, when a partner suggests the acts to them.”
“So just because these girls [who took the training] are less likely to be picked, it doesn’t mean there’s less rape on campus … This isn’t rape prevention, it’s rape protection.”
So don’t learn to protect yourself from rape because it’s unfair to other women? I guess what she’s trying to day is, when it’s your turn, it’s your turn.
That’s exactly what I got out of her statements.